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Chapter_10 In the world, although it has not been practiced, it is a hundred pulse, and it will definitely be more effective in the future!

" "

Okay, don’t say if you praise, how can you see my problem solved!" "

In fact, this is very simple. In the current situation, the only thing that needs is to improve the success rate as soon as possible. As long as a certain success rate is reached, the rest is easy to handle. Weapon, I have a good gossip furnace here, the success rate is as high as 15 %, the rest will depend on luck! " Halo, although my luck has always been very good, I still have to worry about all the old books. "

Is there no other way to increase success rates?" "

kindness…… The method is not without, but it is relatively rare. I heard that some strange ore will be stunned on the advanced BOSS. These ore itself has strange functions. It can not only make the equipment with strange attributes, but also Will increase the success rate to a certain extent. … is true or false, no one has tried it, but according to my research, there should be no problem. " The strange ore feels familiar, as if I have seen it. Wait, ore! "

Do you think of this?" I took it out of my pocket. The red stone I got in Japan last time wanted to throw it away. … I was happy to forget when I got married. "

Experimental endless" immediately took over, studied it with the second sister -in -law, and even took out a magnifying glass to observe carefully. … Is it so exaggerated? Alas, the two looked at each other. "

Boss, where do you get this baby, it is definitely the baby of the soldiers!" Er Jie looked at me with envy, but after following me, it was a bit resistant to me. Anyway, it was possible to happen on me anyway. The experiment is endless, but it is incredible. Seeing that he was holding the hand, it seemed like any baby, and touched it to the past. "

Halo, there is no end, can this thing be used?" "

Can be used, can be used, this is one of the top ore, one of the top ore, which can increase the weapon 100 % blood -bleaching attack. “So, can it improve the success rate?”

“Based on my estimation, it should be no problem to increase a 10 % rare ore like this!”

“Well, I buy some materials now!”

First of all, I want to buy a gossip furnace. It is not good, as long as it can be used, it is used to level it. There are also many types of gossip furnaces, From the texture point of view, The most common one of the bronze gossip furnaces does not have an additional success rate, and the firepower has a slow time, and the violence is relatively weak. If it is used by someone like me, it will definitely be tattered a few times. The silver gossip furnace, a better price fair, increases the success rate of 5 %, is more affordable, generally does not explode, and the weapons made of refined have a certain chance of bringing silver light. The price of this kind of stove is relatively expensive, and the success rate increases only to 8 %. It is the love of rich alchemists. The weapons made of refined have a certain chance of bringing golden light. Zijin Gossip furnace. The best in the furnace, the price should be calculated based on the actual situation, like the 10 % of the two -larvae, and the 20 % of the experiments endless, all of which are purple gold gossip furnaces. The attributes of this gossip furnace are immediately. It’s 20 %. From the perspective, Directly from the system, the store can be bought, or some monsters will be stunned. The other is that the player’s refined stove cannot be refined, but it can increase some auxiliary attributes, such as increasing wind power, or speeding up refining speed. In the end, I chose a silver gossip furnace, just use it. There is nothing special about the fire gourd. Some of the weapons are in my warehouse, and there is no need for good equipment when I practice. I thanked the chairman, and I went back to the house with the second sister -in -law. When I went back, the new villa was built. For safety reasons, a solid laboratory was built behind the villa, and a defensive magic enchantment was made. From then on listening to the small house in the small house, people who like black balls from time to time ran out of it, occasionally two. I do n’t know if it ’s hitting evil. Basically, there are 5 tests in 10 trials. I have changed several stoves, but the success rate is surprisingly high. It may be because my 9 is lucky. In order to quickly upgrade, I bought the kind of refined speed, and the refined equipment is also relatively low. Coupled with the help of the skill necklace, it quickly reached the realm of senior alchemists. Excited … Go back to take a bath, call your wives over, and prepare to witness a historic moment! Xueer, baby, and Xiangzi are on the side, outsiders and two sister -in -law, the experiments are endless. As for the equipment of the warrior, I have weighted it for a long time. In fact, the most suitable weapon is the jasper to slaughter the dragon. You can buy it with anger, but always feel worse, the king’s stick. 15 % of the Zijin gossip furnace, as well as the blood -stuffing magic mine, and the super invincible and cool protagonist, all of which are the top, the anger is relatively down, the effect is not good. Since I want to gamble, I have to bet on the village. I throw the village in the village. The attribute of the village’s attack is better than that of anger. The addition of hidden attributes is absolutely cool. See God together, I heard that this thing is also unique. Everything is ready. Everyone watched the flames in the furnace. Obviously, there is something that is connected in it. Now the rest can only wait. … … A red light in the stove, “It’s not good to explode again!”

A shouting of the second sister -in -law, the people in the room began to retreat quickly. Why use the word “and”

, this is not to hit me. … Why not fry it? “Otherwise, the second sister -in -law, go in and see?”

Er Jie quickly waved his hand, shook his head, threw his buttocks, “Don’t go!”

The second sister -in -law now has explosive phobia. When he heard the sound, he was suspicious. I doubt whether he can continue to do the professor of the alchemist. Didn’t he be blown a few times? (Skeleton Elf: How many times? Soul Eater: Not many, it is only one hundred and eighty times. Poch …) sweat…… In the critical time, the boss has to go out of his own. I was careful about approaching the house, and the probe saw it, ah,? The fire is extinguished, is it okay? “Everyone is coming, it’s okay, the fire is destroyed!”

Just finished, Boom \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ The connection of the enchantment was blew up. What’s even worse, the purple gossip furnace, which is known as “King Kong is not bad,”

is broken! Why? Because there is still a piece on my ass! The smoke is scattered, Ah \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ There is a blood-red sword in the ruins —— my ultimate weapon ——- Blood Eater Sword! (Although the name is a bit duplicated as the legend, I think this is more appropriate!) This sword gives people a sense of oppression. The translucent sword body in the red exudes endless evil spirits. The golden handle is wrapped around the colorful magic circle. The magician can easily feel the powerful magic contained in it. To cooperate, it is a peerless sword I slowly pulled up this long sword from the ruins, and the sense of power of the instant was spreading throughout the body. The king suit on my body seemed to make a resonance, exuding a dazzling golden light. The blood -stuffing magic sword in his hand is also like being strong. He participated in a red light from the golden light, and there was endless murderousness! I can’t help but how long the sky is, this is the peerless weapon I created by myself! The devil is resurrected ~~~ The attributes of the blood -stuffed magic sword: Attack power 20—– 50, speed + 2,20 % chance of intimidation magic, double attack of 10 % chance, warrior skills plus 1,10 % chance to break the defense. Magic value 15 ——– 35, accurate +5, all mage skills plus 1, increase magic automatic recovery 10 %, magic dodge + 10 % Special skills —— Blood-eliminating, drawing the health of the attacker, one-half transformed to itself. Soul -eater, extraction of the magic value of the attacker, one -half transformed to itself. This function is ineffective for the monsters of the undead, and the blood and soul -eater function itself also has its own success rate, up to 50 %. Text Chapter 68 of Warcraft Abyss (Part 1) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:43:00 Number of chapters: 5794 The weapon has been trained, although the price is not low. Xiao Mao gave me a list, Environmental noise pollution fee of 10,000 gold coins; The compensation fee of the best purple gold furnace is 500,000 gold coins, and the spiritual soothing fee is 10,000 gold coins; The mental loss of the second sister -in -law is 10,000 gold coins, plus a week’s holiday; Relatively speaking, my wives were more tolerant of me, but just asked to accompany them to go shopping for a whole day. As a result of the end of the event, when I returned home, the four stunning beauties seduced you in front of you, but there was no strength, miserable!

(This reminds me of a classic advertising word: women’s requirements for men are like men’s requirements for suits —– stiff!

^\ _ ^) Fortunately, my wives finally found out that they began to massage me.

Wow, this conversion from hell to heaven was just cool.

The tender little hands touched on the body, and they were comfortable to die.

The mood and Xiangzi skills were the best, and it was obviously instructions by the master.

Almost, but that special feeling can be made up.

As for the baby, this is more scary.

In terms of sentence terms, there is no angle and no strength.

In the end, I have to hold her in my arms.


As soon as the baby is more emotional, a strange body fragrance will be exuded on your body.

I think it may have aphrodisiac effect.

Although it smells very refreshing, after smelling the aroma, I finally can’t help fighting with the four women.

The killing of the killing was dark, and in the end, he almost bowed, but it was worth it.







Although I got up late the next day, I swept away fatigue and full of energy.

I just try my new career, new weapons, and new equipment!

Our leveling location is selected in the most horrible World of Warcraft abyss of the Green Leaf Forest.

The levels of the monsters there are very abnormal.

I also rarely go.

No, you can’t show your power.

My original skills can still be used, but the effects are completely different, and a few new skills appear, and the effect is really horrible.

At the beginning, it was to go to the sunset canyon to kill the spider —— to be close to the “home”.

Met the chopped seven -clawed diamond spiders, one force to split Huashan, the other swept, and even the blood -stuffing attack was not available and used, and the poor spider was reborn. What is even more amazing is that things are not over, because I am a magic knight! With spiders as the center, bombardment, two blood -red light -column exploded, the shape of the cross spread. Anyone who was hit by the hit immediately struggled to turn into a skeleton. Staring at me one by one, this is one of my new skills —— Earth Skeleton Cross. Kill it if you kill, why do you make a skeleton? This is not to make my “notorious”

far away, it really becomes a veritable demon king, and even the magic is bloody. However, this has no blood nourishing effect on me, and the reaction of blood bleeding must be connected by the magic sword. This trick is really cool, it is also good for fighting, haha. “Wow, who is this, it’s a pervert!”

The audience was scared. “Good obedient, that is, the demon king is not so scary, it is simply the Blood Demon King!”

The audience watched the spider skeleton in one place. This skeleton was more horrible than the skeleton. “You guys, whispered, he is the devil’s soul!”

A few people around asked immediately, “Really false, how do you know? "

No, isn’t Soul Eater a magician?” "

That is, this person is obviously a warrior, plus magician!" "

^Haha, aren’t you behind? Let me tell you, if you ask others, it may not work, but my brother happens to be the chairman of the Alchemist Union ——— the experiment is endless. …… " "

Yes, we don’t know your brother, so don’t blow it for him, then say!" "

A few days ago, the demon king soul with the number one appraiser and the alchemist, the second sister-in-law, to find my brother, in order to create the magic sword in his hand-the blood-stuffed magic sword! You don’t know, my brother who fans of the magic sword still can’t tell the attributes of the super perverted, the super perverted attributes, you also saw it, you also saw it, I heard that the Demon King has completed a SSS -level task and transferred to the only Demon Knight. Now the power is several times more power than before. Seeing that the equipment on the body is the full-time equipment of the Demon Knight —— The king’s suit. The attribute scares to death. The effect of cooperating, you also see that the bones are gone! " "

Day, it’s really a person who is more popular!" "

It’s cool, it’s really handsome! Soul Eater, Soul Eater, I love you!" This is the reaction of the little Mei Mei, and the pursuit of strong pursuit! Cher summons Feiyun, the mood of the jasper slaughter, the reincarnation ninja knife of the incense, and the ultra -perverted golden bow of the baby (the short bow without distance) All are eye -catching characters. We rushed directly into the spider nest point. Now it is my horse first. This feeling is much better than the mage. No matter how strong the mage is, it is also hiding behind. kill! Blood -eating dragon and killing waves! After a straight line attack, after hitting the first target, it was cited with its essence and blood, and released the fire dragon with a mixed blood -stuffing attribute. It was really happy to clear any obstacles in front! The entire roar of the red dragon was killed towards the spiders in the passage. Basically, the low level of the level did not respond. Essence As a result, under their strong suppression, I couldn’t use the skills of magic martial arts, I could only cut hard, oh, what’s the reason, it was too unfair! The beauty is great, but there is not much killing. There are too many people. You can’t only move the position. The green wild forest is a good choice. Entering the Green Forest, the surrounding Warcraft seemed to be an attraction when he received the magic sword and began to take the initiative to attack us. It was dizzy. Could it be that there is a strange function here. Even some Warcraft hit half of the shot and killed the gun. Send food! Woo, what kind of world is this, but the order of his wife still has to listen. Don’t smoke, don’t drink, listen to his wife, and go with the party! There were a few people who had been robbed of their own weirds and wanted to make "

some moves". They were immediately honest, and they performed more well than rabbits. I don’t mind killing a few people, and the red name is meaningless to me. If you want to kill, kill! Experience value brushes, … For me, it is already Jiu Niu and a hair, and sometimes I am too lazy to see it. We can continue to upgrade here, and there are only babies left, but she is also at level 56 now, and it is not so fast. Besides, it is not much better than me. Of course, it is better than her alone. With our protection, who can hurt her! Wait, I take back the words just now. The poor baby was shot by the arrow in the air when he fell down, and was shot by his own arrow. It was probably the only one in the "

world". It’s giggling. We have asked the baby why don’t you practice carefully. The baby’s answer is very classic. Why do you have to be regular, game, only this is fun, and you do n’t go to the usual way! We met "

mirror" on the way to World of Warcraft! A combination that is exactly the opposite of us, a woman and her four husbands, and four men are obediently surrounded by this so -called "

beauty", ^… probably love radish and greens. As soon as I saw us, The number one husband immediately sang, "

Men are really suffering, no one can complain!" Husband No. 2 is connected, "

Men are really helpless, afraid they can’t hold on!" Husband 3, "

Men really love to cry, and can only hide in the toilet and weep!" Husband No. 4, "

Men are really hard, busy for love all day!" chorus: "

The body should be strong, brave, humorous, and cooking! If you have money, you must be free, carefully, plus romantic candlelight! Men are really hard and have no happiness in their lives! " Papa \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ "

These stinky men, hurry up and kill me. Today, I ca n’t raise my level to see how I clean up you. I dare to seduce the woman in front of me. Ichy the skin. I’ m going to the room for three days. ah!" Snapped! OK, so skilled whip skills, maybe SM experts! "

What’s wrong, husband, do you like this tone?" His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, cold sweat. "

Stinky wife dare to scare me, don’t run!" Who said that men are not happy! The most monster in "

Warcraft abyss" is the abyss swallow. It looks like it enlarge the super big cockroach, fly, toxic attack, to be high, defense, and high, level 50 to 60. "

So disgusting, my husband’s monsters will be given to you!" Women’s common problems hate reptiles and insects, snakes and cockroaches are "

outstanding representatives" among them. See my first ——– Earth Skeleton Cross The quantity is really amazing. It may be because of long nausea. Few people have been leveling here. The most occasionally played equipment. As a result, there are a large number of abyss devouters that have accumulated here! Secondly ——- Blood Dragon and Dragon Killing Wave, I have no goal to let go of it in all directions, anyway, it is an enemy anyway! Occasionally, a few leaks of the net guys rushed to me, and they brushed two knives. Look at my third place —— Summon nine-headed fire snake.

Disclaimer, this is pure magic.

To deal with a large number of monsters, you still have to rely on the skills of the mage!

Summoning the nine -headed fire snake is the summoning magic based on the transformation of the end of the day trial and the image of the nine snakes, and intelligently attack the monsters around me.

A head of fire snakes emerged from the monster pile, and the flames were sprayed around the surroundings.

At the same time, they also attracted attacks and reducing our pressure.

After getting used to it, my wives began to make babies, and it would be regretful to underestimate women!

After Hongyun was summoned, he saw that a fire snake was extremely excited and killed.

The venom did not work at this kind of fire.

The mood and Xiangzi were the first, and I couldn’t wait to destroy these abominable cockroaches monsters immediately, and gradually became more lively.

However, they still keep a distance with us very consciously, probably scared by our attack, indeed many of my magic are fighting without differences.

Fortunately, I am good at me.

Those who have long been red can’t be red.

When we were killing, we suddenly heard the crowd on the back of the crowd, and made a scream from time to time.

What happened?

The crowd was dispersed, and I found out that obediently, a big cockroach, not the ordinary hell swallower just now, black and black.

This is all blue and black.

It seems to be toxic on the shell.

The toxicity of the spray of toxicity is amazing, and the role of the detoxification agent is slow.

What pervert is there, it may be that the killing is too cool, and the ancestors of others are out.

At a glance, I used the detection, the abyss swallowed the king, level 80, characteristic: toxic terror, high physical attack power, high anti -magic, super fast, because the body is too large, it will not fly.

I just killed a monster.

Suddenly my king’s suit sent a golden light and dizzy, and it was upgraded.

I opened the attribute bar and took a look-increased by 20 % of the anti-toxicity.

Attracted by my golden light, the old cockroach king rushed towards us.

In fact, those players have just started to lead us.

Rush over to die!

Pick up my blood dragon and kill waves!

Hongyun was very smart and chased behind my Red Dragon.

I immediately put a few nine -headed fire snakes on the road to help it.

My blood dragon and the waves turned the old cockroach and flipped a follower.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the damage was not very bad.

The red cloud rushing up was also a flame attack.

Although it turned it straight, the health value dropped a little bit.

The attack of the nine -headed snake has not played much, and the bastard actually fights the fire!

But this guy’s venom still has some effect on Feiyun.

Hongyun looks a little dizzy.

Cher didn’t want her baby to be injured.

She quickly called back and cast poison.

I was in my mood, and the three of the Xiangzi looked at it and immediately killed it in three directions.

I was in the middle, and my mood was divided into both sides.


Ice Demon Dance.

A string of ice ring with blood -stuffing attributes is overwhelmed, and you do n’t eat the fire, do n’t believe you do n’t eat ice!

Can’t kill you, and can’t scare you.

The mood of the Jasper Tu Longbo scratched a deadly half -moon sword and cut it.

Xiangzi’s dart is naturally the ninja, and it is a big deal.

The three of us did not arrive, and the momentum had been overlapped, and faced with a full range of attacks on this guy, there was no room for playing speed.

But this guy gave us an accident!

When everyone thought that the guy would be beaten with a while, its six iron claws, fast ground, buried themselves in the ground before attacking.

Huh, still the cockroaches that can only hit holes!

Unfortunately, we have killed it in front of you, my heavy cut plus lightning strikes —— Tianlitian sword, heavily cut on its back shell, making a shocking sound.

Then there is the mood of the Tu Longbao knife.

It cut into it like cutting tofu, and Xiangzi took a string of phantoms, brushed brushes, and nine knives were killed in a rim!

Slap, bombard!

This time, I dug my grave for myself, and a lot of equipment and gold coins broke out.

Our series of attacks surprised the “audience”

around, and there may be a few guys who were still looking forward to we dropped something for them. Stink cockroaches are really a poor ghost. Except for more than 10,000 gold coins, other equipment are garbage, at least in our eyes. Picking a few pieces can still be worth a few money. The boss was made, and some of the remaining cockroaches suddenly seemed to have long brains. They retreated, dizzy, came quickly, and went fast, and there was only the storm just on the ground. Cher made a rune in the past —– purification, and the corpse on the ground disappeared. The remaining equipment and gold coins were left. Of course, the rest of the hard work was that I did it. And the blue equipment that needs to be identified, all of them are abandoned. If Xiao Mao sees it, it will definitely be scolded again, haha. Essence In fact, this place just now is only the periphery of Warcraft abyss. The real danger is still inside. This is not inferior to the ultimate boss that is not inferior to Kunlun-the abyss demon king. This attack is extremely powerful. And the emergence of this boss is always accompanied by a large number of puppets, not a little 喽, but a 70 -level abyss follower. It is said that the brave of the demon king was collected by the demon king. There are three in total, one archer, a mage, a thief, and other monsters in the abyss. The Demon King does not want some bosses to appear in a fixed range in a fixed range, but wandering everywhere in the inner layer of the abyss. Hand. Can you meet our luck? Please support it! Text Chapter 68 The Abyss of Warcraft (Middle) (middle) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:43:00 Number of chapters: 4718 Entering the middle level of “Warcraft abyss”

, there are fewer people. After all, ordinary players come here to come here to send death, but really, there are really many people with high levels. The heavenly list is the comprehensive strength. In this regard, equipment and pets have played a great role. Some players leveling is very fierce, but I don’t like to play equipment or luck. There are no special opportunities. What special skills are achieved. Although the level is full, the comprehensive strength is very weak unless there is a qualitative flying. For example, the gap between the attributes between 65——–0 is not large, and there will be no difference in skills, but 70 and 71 are different. Not only are there a large difference in attributes The most important thing is that there are flying over the skill. The 71 -level soldiers will have sword gas, double the lethality. Of course, the equipment should not be too bad, otherwise it will not be effective. I do n’t know. At first glance, the people here, I think basically it is level 65 or even, even a few 70 levels, a level 71. Once the entire strength is upgraded to level 71, there is a step up to the entire strength. … The equipment of this brother Taiwan is too bad. I think the original battle is much better than him. The 71 -level level -level man is called “Three Wolfs”.

It looks very strong and mighty, and it is not easy to practice this point as a warrior, but the whole body is better than the “store set”.

Dizzy, how can this kind of equipment exert strength? Like him, you can get some equipment, how can you fall into this point. The desperate three wolves are playing with a abyss demon bear. I am this problem. I feel itchy when I see talents. I can add it in a short time. The level is the most total. Yes, the 71 -level warrior’s absolute meat shield and the main force of siege, and showed his attitude towards the game. I have used detection and testing. I have no guilds in the desperate wolf, and the guy is leveling in the corner alone, no team, no cooperation to develop! I said the idea that I felt good, and I was a material that could be developed! Cher did not care much about the affairs of the guild. Anyway, they listened to my arrangements. “This brother, we need a high -level warrior, willing to join us and team together?”

Desperate three wolves, sweeping the valuables of the magic bear storm, looking back at us, showing a surprising look in the eyes, the beauty of Xueer, and the equipment on our body, especially the Tu Tu in the hands of the mood, Dragon, I was keenly found that his body trembled. Why. The temptation of Dragon Dragon to each warrior is not less than the temptation of a beauty. He does not like beautiful soldiers, but the soldiers who do not like the Dragon Slaughter have not been born! Even I have the Blood Sword, and sometimes I still envy my wife’s jasper. Unfortunately, I can’t play the effect, otherwise we can borrow it. What do our husband and wife divide each other. “This, can you use me to see it?”

Desperate three wolves pointed to the dragon, a little embarrassed. As soon as I knew it, I borrowed such precious things from others, but he couldn’t help it. I gave the mood a color, and I felt very happy to give him the dragon. Desperate, the wolf was excited and then the jasper slaughtered the dragon, gently stroking the delicate pattern on the Dragon Dragon’s knife, feeling the cold on the knife, the kind of focus on stroking Xueer, haha. “Ah, the best dragon, you are really bold, dare to practice such things, hey, rich people are different, it’s really exaggerated!”

Turning his head to the mood, “Is there a name for this best dragon?”

“Jasper slaughter dragon!”

The Dragon Dragon in his hand is in the dark, even if you are in the dimly dark place like the abyss of Warcraft, you can feel its edge, and there is it in your hands, as if the world is in control, this is the blade of the king. “The name of Jasper Tu Dragon!”

Brush! Fast two knives, wow, the rocks next to it burst. Knife! The remote attack that level 71 soldiers only have. The mood is to use the help of the Dragon Sword to increase the sword. Once the warrior has such a long -range attack, the power of single soldiers is even more amazing, but the mood can only be a first -class sword gas. If you want to upgrade, you have to practice to level 71 first. Desperate three wolves to return the dragon to the mood, the nostalgia in my eyes is like a … little daughter -in -law, this expression appears on a five -big and three rough man, the effect is even more obvious, but I can understand, but I can understand, but I can understand. Dragon Dragon is an out of reach for him, and now his dream is awake. Sober restoration, desperately three wolves, a punch, “This should be Brother Soul Eater?”

“Oh, I am a soul -eating. These four are my wife, Xueer, baby, mood, incense.”

“Phoenix Goddess, Little Witch, Dragon Dragon Witch, the name of the East Witch, has been admired for a long time!”

“It’s all the love of friends, how about, do the Three Wolf team form a team with us?”

“With the strength of your team, you don’t need to form someone anymore!”

“Oh, we want to make a friend of the Three Wolf, don’t blame me, make the potential, and use the level of the Three Wolf Brother, how can we equip it so bad?”

Desperate three wolves, he heard me a hint of embarrassment, and sighed helplessly, “I don’t have any hobbies, I just like leveling, I don’t like to play equipment, and I don’t have any business minds. There are no good things in the general place. The best equipment and some small brands are sold. Quick, I have a few sips of wine. The good wine on your first floor is really expensive. I can just form a balance now. What do you dare to think about it? "

Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ “I haven’t had the equipment. I have broken the Kunlun three times and wants to touch my luck. As a result, I hung up three times, lost two levels. I also dropped the only two more valuable equipment. "

Dizzy, three times Kunlun! Intersection Intersection This is okay, and the war is constantly fierce. If you have dropped level 2, if you change it to others, you may be angry with suicide. “Oh, is the three wolf brothers joining the Magic Palace?”

After hearing my invitation, I desperately stunned the wolf, “This, is there any discount?”

“Oh, the members of the guild buy medicine in our own pharmacies, with different degrees of discounts, ranging from 20 % to 50 % off, and in participating in the auction of our organization, all our own auction products do not charge any fees, and There are also equipment transit stations inside the guild. You can exchange freely, and if you can become the positions of more than the captain of the four elite groups, there are wages and holidays! "

“Ah, true or false, last time I joined a Sirius, and was cheated by a piece of equipment. I dizzy, it turned out to be bitten by a snake, and I was afraid of grass ropes for ten years! "

Can I deceive people?” "

This is the same, haha! Okay, I join! What will happen in the future, although instructions.” "

Well, just join the magic ride first. When you go back, you can get a set of equipment at the head of Xiaomao as the meeting.” "

Then I will thank you first!” The procedures for entering the meeting are very simple. The boss of the Magic Palace is here. As long as the order is issued, the other party agrees. In this way, our strength has increased again. The main monsters in the middle layer of Warcraft abyss are abyss demon bear, steel needle magic pig, and abyss monster butterfly. They are all high -level Warcraft, but few groups are dispatched. In fact, the Abyss of Warcraft is also a large mining area. Unfortunately, no one dares to come here to mine, and there is no life to dig. It is too cool to practice my magic skills, the level is too low, the skills are not moving at all, the level is too high, it is not cost -effective, kill one for a long time, the skill point is long, and it is also lost. We allocated it and desperately desperately wolf to lead the monsters. I came to destroy it. If there is a small boss, let the mood solve it. I can’t use my big conch here. Who knows what pervert can be attracted. I am still young. I am still young. Also enjoy life. Even so, you ca n’t be careless. Everyone summoned the pets, Feiyun, Wind Elf Mimi, side dishes, and babies of babies. As for Xiangzi’s abnormal catwoman, otherwise, the side dishes were scared away. Desperate three wolves also summoned a level 4 Iron Claw Wolf. Now it has been trained to level 63. The level is terrible enough. Unfortunately, it is inadequate and weak. He also wants to change it. Later And the level is so high, I really can’t bear it, wait for the way back and find a way to change him. Desperate three wolves ran towards me with a lot of monsters, there are everything in it, and there are a few small bosses. The small boss is attracted by the fire symbol of Xueer with temptation. Come here, watching the bloody swords of the bloody sword is tempting them. Come on brothers! kill! I leaned against a stone wall and opened a good shield. The whole person’s golden light was like a fairy. It was handsome. Unfortunately, the aesthetics of these Warcraft are different from us and will not appreciate it. This is the first time after the integration. Shield, I almost forgot to have such a defensive tactic (my own defense is still based on the mage, so the fighter than the level 81 is still thinner)) Ice Demon Dance, Summon Fire Snake, Earth Skeleton Cross Sword, Boom Ronglong \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ After all the three moves, the magic value was almost bottomed out. The guy who rushed through my triple kill began melee with me. The full -month scimitar of pure fighting, killing the addicted head, directly to a comprehensive attack of 360 degrees of turns. The sword gas of the arc continued to kill, and the magic value of the sword gas consumption was relatively small. … is the dizziness of turning. After the "

baptism" of the first three moves, most of the "

disabled beasts" rushed over, and the desperate three wolves on the side took his big dog named "

Fat" to hold a lot of attacks. Feiyun is single -headed of an abyss monster butterfly king. This black -painted abnormal butterfly is mainly a poisonous fog mixed with a poisonous needle attack. Unfortunately, I encountered Feiyun’s nemesis. This kind of fire is no effect, and the poison needles can cause some trouble. It is more troublesome to replace it with small dishes, and the flame of Feiyun is exactly its weakness. This is the overall situation. Baby rides the side dishes and shoots the poor king of the demon bear in the air. Why is it pitiful? This bear will not fly in great strength. If the skin is thick, the pebi is constantly being raised. The baby is even more comfortable. It was a random shot, and the poor bear can only hide everywhere. It is okay not to hide. When he hid just hitting the arrow, it caused the baby for a while, and he was so happy. The mood and Xiangzi combined a steel needle magic pig king. It is the boss head here. The attack power is very high. The thick skin can be used as a tire, especially the steel needle on the back can be launched. The speed is fast. Probably the pork evolution rather than the home pig’s lethality is also amazing, that is, the mood does not dare to resist. Fortunately, Xiangzi responded to the guy who did not know which one to fight, and the stealth of Xiangzi was indeed in this case. It is very useful, but her darts can’t play any effect. It hurts a little bit of blood. Ninja’s attack power is still not as fierce as soldiers. Originally, this devil can still play for a while. Unfortunately, the two sides of the two sides have resolved the battle. There is nothing to do with this time. It was almost the same at first glance, and I also came to a big end. Divided into the body, the four souls appeared, and the desperate wolf on the side was frightened, rubbing his eyes hard, and "

sending" ran to the owner to hide. Four times-Ice Demon Dance! Intersection Intersection There are countless Ice Mang from the four figures. I saw that the sky was all small ice magic ring. With the screams of Warcraft, I sat on the ground with a lot of energy. Disappearing. "

Wow, my husband is cool, I will often show it to others in the future!" The baby jumped directly from the side dish to me, and it was a violent impact. "

My good baby, you want my life, the bones have been bumped." "

Brother Soul Eater, I have finally seen a big scene, it’s really not a matter of people!" After speaking, he shook his head. Dizzy, what is not a matter of people, am I not human? "

Fujun, your movement combined with the avatar ring is really horrible, it is just a slaughter!" "

Haha, your husband is a genius, but the disadvantages of this trick are also obvious. The right physical and magical support requirements are too high. My level is barely supported, but it is really happy! The combination of soldiers and mage is really the best career, and it is worth two times that it is difficult to task! “Brother Three Wolf, take a break for a while, I have the golden fruit wine you like here!”

As soon as I heard wine, I desperately had a spirit immediately. When I opened a bottle, I took a deep breath, and then a sip of her mouth, and finally gurgling a big bite. I drool when I saw it. “Ha \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Pain!”

“You see that I have frightened my”

sending ‘just now, and still holding the tail now? " Haha ~~ Text Chapter 68 The Abyss of Warcraft (below) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:43:00 Number of chapters: 5114 "

Brother Soul Eater, how this dragon slaughter was violent, let’s do it again when you have time!" Looking at the desperate look of the wolf look forward to, we still can’t help laughing, "

Brother San Wolf, don’t mind. The incident is relatively complicated. It has been revealed that this dragon monster is not the same as small, at least our previous ways are different!" Seeing desperately three wolves, I told him the experience at the time. "

I think the strength of the nine heads is not an opponent. It is a super World of Warcraft. The power of countless fantasy beasts, including many nine -level fantasy beasts, turned the red cloud into a super god beast. Hanging, you can imagine its power. And at that time, it was very suspected of mission. If there was no help of those fantasy beasts, it was no different from sending death! " "

Hey, it’s a pity not to see such a spectacular scene. You should take pictures." Photograph? that time? Inverted ~ "

That thing is a bit like the" Eight Misid Snakes’ in our country, and also called the "

Eight Big Snake". This nine monsters are one more head than it. I think it is almost the same. "

Specialty" in my hometown. "

Sister Xiangzi, have you ever seen the octopus snake?" "

This is not, but it is officially introduced, is it the function of destroying the world?" "

Huh, I will blow, I don’t believe it!" Xiangzi does not refute. "

Sister, eight -fork snake, no right, one head less than nine heads, eight heads, eight heads should have only seven forks. Why is it called Babu?" Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, "

This seems to have been called that, so the reason is not known." "

But……" "

Okay, good baby, how can there be so many, but, come, have enough rest, we also started on the road!" "

Oh, Brother Soul Eater is that men have to admire your ability!" Of course I know what he said, and I am a little fluttering. Entering the deepest layer of Warcraft abyss, this is where the devil lives, a desolate everywhere, and there are ghosts from time to time, the wind and wind are spit, and there will be a variety of skeletons on the ground. Of course A must -have. The "

sending" of the San Wolf is obviously not adapted to the environment here. I see that its legs are a little soft, the class is too low, and it cannot blame it. The desperate three wolfs obviously noticed, a little embarrassed, "

Hey, I have been following me for a long time. Actually, I wanted to change one long ago, but it has been with me for so long. People are emotional. Besides, my current level does not need so Strong pets, when you are idle, it can accompany me to drink and listen to me. When you are busy, you can level up with me, and I don’t expect it to be a big climate. Speaking of its origin is still very good, I played it on the third floor magic cave. I haven’t heard that there are also fantasy eggs there. Later, I learned that it was a rare Warcraft egg. Unfortunately, only 4 are 4. The level of level is poor. But what I think of hair is not like a Warcraft, how can there be a bit of the fierce strength of Warcraft. The abyss is more horrible. We haven’t been here before. The abyss banshee, abyss poison flies, abyss bull head monsters, which are also mixed with some monsters in the outer layer, but the strength is much stronger than the outer layer. It is common, this time I dare not kill as much as just now. Now it is two or three, which is easy to kill like this. It may be the monsters that Master Demon likes to quiet here. We have never seen it. The abyss banshee, the attack power may not have high magic bears, but its attack method makes you invincible, attack, immediately escape, wait for you to pay attention, and the flight speed is fast enough. Magic kill it, and he was afraid of leading the monsters next to it. Who knew what abnormal Warcraft was hidden inside. The abyss poison flies, non -BOSS Warcraft, the fastest speed, with weak magic in the attack, and can break the defense of Taoist priests. The most disgusting thing is that when its life value is less than 20 o’clock, it will Self -violentness, average lethality, but always scary and half -dead. The abyss bull head monster, more average of Warcraft in all aspects, holding a large long -handle giant ax, colorful pattern on the body, but a bright color in black paint Warcraft. It is uncomfortable to be cut by it. Our group of people just walked here and slowly advanced, so that we could not pose a threat to us, and desperately watched the wolf watching their bulging space bags. Well. “It’s a rare trip, I don’t know if I can meet the Abyss Devil?”

“I think this kind of monster is still rare, today’s gains are not small!”

Desperate San Wolf is very satisfied with today’s results. “Okay, let’s start killing back!”

The Chinese are just unable to think about it. There is an old saying that is not called “Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived?”

Although I don’t know what monster Cao Cao is. A black mist raised, and then a mighty demon king appeared, really spectacular, three heads, with a cool black helmet, but how to dress up is more ugly than one, holding a giant crossbow, magic magic, green The giant ax, followed by its three summoners, the abyss archer, the abyss magician, the abyss thief, and a large group of small crickets, the momentum is really terrifying. “Gaga, bold human beings, dare to break into my territory, let you come back today!”

Dizzy, there is still the opening white, and so unspoken. The magic ax in his hand waved, the little below flocked up, and the three magic generals led one gang and killed us. “Be careful, this guy can be instantaneously moved, keep distance!”

If you want to kill me, it is impossible to feel and desperate, but Xueer and Xiangzi are not necessarily. Baby is even more dangerous, probably a matter of ax. First, let the side dishes put it in the air. The second transient of the demon king appeared in front of me, and now there is no need to have any opening remarks. This guy has a smart BOSS, the most horrible, and cannot give it a chance to turn over. Four people directly, Reception! Skull cross sword in all directions! (The level of leveling just now, my earth cross skull sword is the first to rise to the second level) My secondary movement is not worse than it. While it is a meal, I will release their nirvana. Four figures appear on the head of the devil instantly. Boolong \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, It is not the four blood -red crosses in the imagination, but that the blood -red light ball is covered with the whole cover of the abyss demon king. boom! Intersection Intersection With the blood of the devil as an introduction, a blood -red ring exploded, and the surrounding Warcraft, the slightly weaker strength was killed! The arrogant demon king just now is like running out of the garbage dump. We move at the same time. I ran back because the magic value needs to be recovered. Don’t let it chop it. Without the magic value, the life value is not enough. What I didn’t expect is, … it also runs back? Intersection Intersection The monsters who can escape are too scary. At least the intelligence is in a step, and there is a burst of black lightning on the body. day! It is placing the treatment and the rate of recovery is amazing. This rabbit is too dark, so it was difficult to sneak attack! When I was dealing with it, the battle over there was also very fierce. Because my super nirvana just now ———— and all-the-way earth skeleton cross swords have swept away a lot of garbage and reduced them to a lot of pressure. And the three summoning war will also be killed, but … these guys are also the same as their heads, and they will also treat magic, although the effect is almost. Xueer and Feiyun are on the thief. Although the thieves are fast, the attack power is too weak. When encountering Xue’er like a nemesis, she is not afraid of weak attack power, and toxins have no effect on her. Feiyun burned it behind his buttocks. From time to time, Xueer put a slow -moving fire symbol, or he directly attacked it with a fire symbol, and the guy hit him around. Xiangzi is hunting the poor summoning mage. It seems that stealth technique still works very much on it. Anyway, she is faster than the mage. When she is close, she is cut with a knife. In the first place, the poor mage took care of it, if it wasn’t for the help of the shield, it would be finished early. Baby rides a side dish in the air and summons the archers of the monster, and shoots there. We do n’t have any hope for her accurate. All the side dishes are fighting full. The demon would have been shooting the baby. Let it shoot, occasionally a few shots, the rabbit “Dudu”

in his arms will be placed on the treatment soon. Later, the archer also learned to be clever —— Shooter shoots the horse first! One strange and one horse is consumed, but our three -to -one is the upper hand. The mood and desperately were responsible for cleaning up the surrounding mobs.

The “sending”

of the San Wolf seems to be very uncomfortable to hide behind the owner. “Brother San Wolf, here you are, I will help him in the past!”

Looking at the overall situation from time to time, seeing my situation is a bit bad. “No problem, these little mesters gave it to me.”

I was miserable here. The damn demon king ate a loss once and never approached me. It moved instantly. I want to catch up with it. The black magic, the cracking crossbow, the horrible thing is that the giant ax wields it, and it also has a burst of poisonous gas. It is difficult to get close. “Husband, I’ll help you!”

At first glance, the situation was better. I continuously enlarge the range of magic, the accuracy of magic is relatively high, and the mood of the mood is not easy to mess with. With the help of the wind elves, the speed and bouncing power of the mood have increased several times. But a fatal blow cannot be given. I hid me and could not hide the attack, but its attack was also terrifying. In this way, we were still fighting the two losses. We can continue to replenish the health value. This guy can keep treating It is also limited, especially before it consumes so much, but this guy is endless. Xueer also ended the battle and began to siege the abyss. Although there were many people, its instant movement made us unable to form a encirclement, otherwise it would send it to Xitian to accept the domestication of the Buddha. This guy is not ordinary cunning. He can’t hold three heads, two responsible for harassment, and the rest are enough for us to suffer! The abyss demon king suddenly rushed towards the three wolves, and the San Wolf just cut the place where it was cut, haha, miserable! Broken, ominous premonition, how could this boss do not kill! Sure enough, I also look like a crow’s mouth, and when I said, I was in the middle. The abyss devil rotates quickly, a huge black dragon killed in the “desperate three wolves”.

Such a close distance is too late to dodge at all, and the health of the three wolves has not recovered. It is a big loss to lose the first level. At this moment, the “hair”

who had been hiding behind the master may feel the danger of the owner. Suddenly, he jumped out and hit the Black Dragon. Taking advantage of this block, the three wolves picked up a life. “Send”

by the black dragon to the stone wall in the distance, a loud noise was made. Desperate three wolves immediately fired. “Although it is useless, it is useless, but it has been dying with its newborn. It can be regarded as the only friend. When the pets die, it becomes 0. It is a four -class Warcraft, how can you not get angry! But anger returns to anger, the strength is placed there, we are too late to help him. When it is about to be finished, a dark shadow appears, and the mouth is a black light. Obediently, highlight a small black dragon! The demon king was taken back a few steps back. It turned out to be "

send” The Warcraft in front of me is very different from the hair just now. It is four or five times larger than the body. The sharp teeth, sometimes the dark magic atmosphere of the body, exudes the momentum of the king. fear! Evolution —— Diablo wolf king! Intersection Intersection OK, I have seen this kind of pets that have evolved in the section of the Vietnamese. "

It was a scary trembling, and the two big ears made the head tightly. With the help of “big hair”

, the abyss demon king is much miserable. It may be because of the same dark nature, the attack on the big hair, although it cannot cause fatal injuries, but slow down the faster cure of the demon king. It’s better, while the gap was successfully attacked. It takes it to be ill while it is ill! Everyone was coaxing, and the crackling attack smashed into it without heads, and the scene was spectacular. As a sound exploded and screamed, the old demon finally hung up! Each of us also unexpectedly divided 500 reputation, and the storm was not bad. There were awareness of anger, and it was the best of the darkness of the dark attribute to add 10 % of the corrosion function. There are some other famous brands, small superb, and a lot of gold coins. They were furious to desperate the three wolves. The others belonged to us. Under our persistence, he received 10,000 gold coins. At this time, the “hair”

restored the usual docile, of course, it was just an expression. Its body shape is really daunting. Suddenly, the desperate wolf came, licked like a big dog. Desperately hugged it happily, just scared him just now. I didn’t expect Feng to turn around. … Oh, our guild has another more master of heaven. Text Chapter 69 of the Soldiers Mind Updated: 2007-5-19 14:44:00 Number of chapters: 4755 This is the main hall of the city of Pangu, the city’s main hall in the city of Xiaoyao, and the illegal entry of King Xiaoyao is sitting above. Now he looks heavy and stare at the brothers below. “Everyone has any suggestions, just say it!”

For a while, it is really tricky to see this matter. In the end, the master of the slaughter hall (yesterday merged into Xiaoyao Huangcheng) first occupied, “Although the strength of the Magic Palace is strong, we are not necessarily worse than him. We grabbed the site and grabbed our heads. Boss, I think we caught him off guard according to the original plan! "

The lord of the purgatory church “refused to accept the single man”

also stands up and supports, “Qianglong didn’t overwhelm the snake, this kid even dared to get teeth in the tiger’s mouth. If we didn’t respond, it was not a flattelling, no, we are not those small fish and shrimp in the sea!”

“But there is a saying called —— not the Raptors without the river!”

Da Luotian’s church owner “Zhuge Liang’s fan”

said tepidly. “Fanzi, you have a soft egg and the momentum will destroy his prestige. He is still a soul or three heads and six arms. "

Disobedient to a man” immediately stood up and stood up immediately. "

Zhuge Liang’s fan” is dismissive of this, and he does not throw him. He is always too lazy to argue with such people who are brainless and selfless. Seeing "

Zhuge Liang’s fan" contempt for him, the anger was even more vigorous, and the hair on the top of his head was almost erected. "

What is noisy, we are solving the problem, not inner! ‘Silent Cloud’, you will tell the information collected, the province ’s guy Hu Gu guesses! " The Lord of the Intelligence "

silently stood up slowly. As a 69 -level thief, he did have a crazy capital, and he was proficient in tracking and assassination. His real bank in reality. “Cough, according to the information collected by our intelligence staff, I divided into two parts: First of all, it is the strength of the elite, that is, the top cadre strength of the upper level of the Magic Palace. Although the current list is basically correct, there are still errors, and it will be eye -catching after three days. In addition, there are many unstable factors. There are many masters in the world. There are many masters in the world. The heroes come out. I think our intelligence is the latest and most accurate! The first master of the Magic Palace is naturally the demon king’s soul-elixir. It is also recognized as the first master of the world, level 81, the latest transfer of magic martial arts knights, super synthetic weapons —— The blood-eating magic sword, which is by the king. The rod and the demon sword village are combined with the combination of blood-stuffing stones; the king’s suit, the only evolutionary equipment of the magic martial arts knight, the horrible attributes, the dual attributes of the warrior and the mage; the two artifacts ————- -In the compromise of God of War and the truth of the illusion, I think everyone will explain it in detail. Two ghosts —— ultra-negative heavy space bags and magic sources. These are all superficial things. According to us Reliable intelligence, as a talented player, the attributes are lucky. I heard that it is now as high as 9! Intersection Intersection "


“Really false, lucky 9?”

“Do you play with a fart, it’s nearly 100 %!”

A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the following discussions were suddenly discussed. “No matter what, listen to Yun to continue to say!”

I illegally entered the country and stopped loudly. “Oh, I have been following this time. I saw the new magic skills in person yesterday. Presumably everyone knows what the abyss demon king was killed. I just witnessed the painful scene of level 90 BOSS. The most horrible killing skills I have ever seen ———————————————————————————————————————————————– andptocated! "

Silent Cloud” tells the scenes he saw that day. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is always better than light enemy. "

The man” has been stunned for a long time, and he has no temper at all! "

Halo, there is an instant skill that moves, and there is no drama to surround him!" "

How about that, we are not single -headed, it’s the city war!" "

Silent Cloud", no matter how the following discussions, “I personally think that the second one of the magic palace should be —— mood, level 70, warrior, the only soldier who has the dragon knife in the entire Central Plains, is good at jasper and dragon waves, and also the head of the magic group. It is also a large family strength of one of the two main cadres of the Magic Palace. Each of the sisters of the hearts of the family is very strong, and they also have four sisters unmarried. We do not rule out the addition of unexpected factors. The third is the goddess of Phoenix —— Snow, the most horrible place is her pet nine-level sacred beast-Fire Bird Red Cloud, it will take a short time after absorbing a lot of fire. Upgrading into a Phoenix, the level of strength is related to the amount of magic that knows the magic, which can bring unexpected changes to the war situation. This has appeared in the previous siege war, which is quite difficult to deal with. Relative to this, its own strength is not a big threat. The fourth is Yundai Fairy Feiyun. I don’t need to say more about this. Everyone must have seen her Taoism. In fact, "

silent clouds” do not want to say more, saving the moldy head of illegal entry. The fifth is the desperate wolf. This name is relatively unfamiliar. When is such a master, everyone looks at each other and does not seem to know it. "

The desperate three wolves also joined the Magic Palace yesterday. Before that, it was still a person worth mentioning except for the level, but the matter of yesterday made him directly advance to the master of heaven. Desperate three wolves, level 71 soldiers, was forgotten because of too bad equipment and pets, but now joining the Magic Palace, I think there should be a set of secondary fairy wares. The most important thing is the previous level 4 level 4 Pet wolf ——–, after the World War I yesterday, suddenly evolved into a 9th-level sacred beast —– The Dark Wolf King, which greatly increased its strength. The sixth is the war in the sky list, and it is also a senior warrior, which greatly increases the strength of the magic group of the Magic Palace, and extends the power of the Magic Palace to the son -in -law city. Qingqing apple incense has the hatred of wives, and the soul -eating has previously conflicted with members of the Shang League. Although the incident is low -key, the seeds of contradictions have been buried. It’s a great help! No matter how strong the Magic Palace is, it is difficult to support the attack of the two major super guilds. The question is how we are consistent with Qingqing apple incense! Another main cadre of the Magic Palace is the general manager Xiao Mao. The first floor of the world he opened. It is also very important. If you can’t keep up with logistics, you don’t need to fight this battle. In my estimation, the time of wartime reserves of the Magic Palace is at least twice as we. The grasp is not great. The second big aspect is the overall perspective: There are a total of 32,000 members of the Magic Palace, 26,000 real combat members, and five parts of the core combat power. The main guardian of the city ——– 3,000 people, the five major occupations are mixed, mainly to protect the main government of the city. The levels are mostly between level 55 and 65. Although the level is not very high, the defensive hall is really enough. Magic Qun ——– 5,000 people, the head of the Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon, the mood, can be described as one of the best combat groups in the entire Central Plains. No one can be enemy. Since the number of Cavaliers determines the prestige of the city and the scale of the city, no one can exceed 3,000 people in other trips. This has to be said that it is our fatal injury. Others are the magic division group, thief group, archer group, and Taoist group, with a total of more than 10,000 people, and the rest are logistics staff. This is the basic situation of the Magic Palace, for your reference only! In contrast, we have a total of nearly 30,000 members, and 25,000 real combatants. Except for the Cavaliers only 2,500, others are similar, but these are surface numbers. The personal quality of members, the degree of training of the army, and tactical issues can only be tested by actual combat. The report is over! " … … After the "

silent cloud" finished, the whole hall was quiet for a while, and everyone knew that from all aspects I do n’t have the advantage of myself, and I ’m less than 50 % of the grasp of less than 50 % before they start. Such campaigns must lose. The passion at the beginning was gone by this strength. Looking at the cadres below, they were dying and wealthy, and the illegal entry of the city owner could not be the case. Puff Illegal entry and applauding vigorously. "

Okay, first of all, our intelligence work is very good. Knowing and knowing can be worthy of a hundred battles, it is worth rewarding. Although our strength does not dominate, the battle is not a single -header, depending on all aspects of factors, otherwise it is not either. There will be so many examples with less wins, and no matter how strong, there will be his weaknesses. As long as we seize its key, victory will belong to us! " "

The city owner is good, the soldiers are planning, and the attackers are attacked! In my opinion, this time we want to give a fatal blow to the Magic Palace, we must unite the Clear Apple Fragrance. With its human and financial support, we have at least 80 % of them! " "

Zhuge Liang’s fan" took out his own plan in time. If this situation, no one responds to the city owner, this battle does not need to fight. "

Yes, the fan’s proposal is very good. Only in this way can we be greater. Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. The Magic Palace is so picky. There are a lot of enemies. This power is gathered, hum, Tian Wang Lao Tzu also has to let the way! " The head of the Cavaliers "

Hami Yunlong" is also fully supported. "

Yes, we have to combine the strength of each face. Regardless of the strength of the guild, as long as it is over the festival with the Magic Palace, we must draw all our strength, but we must pay attention to the confidentiality work. Regarding those wall grass, ignore it for the time being, these guys are in a short time. In this way, everyone is separated from the fan, and it will be handed over to the business alliance. As long as the apple incense agrees, it doesn’t matter if we still feel that our strength is not enough, you can encourage him to hire the Killer Hall Anyway, he has money anyway. Ninety percent of the three major banks will have a joint effort! " Hahaha ~~~~~ At this time, the son -in -law city, the headquarters of the business alliance. The first is Qingqing apple incense, next to his beautiful wife Shui Fairy ——- love water without trace, the wedding of the two people is also a sensation. The people with a face and faces of the crown came. That day was the most painful day of the war, but since then he has also been relieved from the vortex of feelings. As for what he wants to understand, only he knows. "

After the reward just now, everyone also understands the strength of the Magic Palace slightly. We are businessmen. Of course, we are expensive, but I do n’t want to mention the entanglement in it. Judging from our information, there are a fierce battle between the Magic Palace and the Xiaoyao Emperor City, and they are also old problems, but the incident of the Red Leaf Group has intensified the contradictions, although the illegal entry has converged to convergence. However, Jiangshan is easy to change the nature. He must not be able to breathe, but he must also understand that there is not a small gap between the strength between the Emperor City and the Magic Palace. It is likely to join us. Intersection " "

Qianyan", the vice chairman of the Shang League, speak the first speech, "

Our business alliance started with business. Although the economic strength is strong, the combat effectiveness is weaker than the Magic Palace and the Emperor of the Emperor Xiaoyao. Recently, due to the Japanese trip, the popularity has risen. The strength is surging. We must consider it carefully about the war of fighting with the Magic Palace! " Although there is no clear answer, it is still not very optimistic about the war. "

Yes, the soul -eater is recently an idol of the new generation. Once the war starts, we have to consider foreign changes. After all, we are all property." Once the war fails, the consequences may be bankruptcy. After all, people who are very satisfied with the current situation still account for the majority. "

But now the power of the Magic Palace is aggressive. If we blindly defend, it will be too late to regret it at that time!" "

Yes, the result of the defense is only failed, and the opportunity is really rare now, and at most we spend some money to hire the killing of the killer hall. In this way, hey, we must be grasped, and we can wait for people who enter illegally to enter the country to ask for asking for asking for illegal entry. We, then we knocked on a fiercely, huh! " "

This idea is good, but you have to act carefully. Now the situation is not clear, let’s take a look!" Qingqing apple made a summary calmly. There was no clues from his calm face. The daffodils on the side just looked at him affectionately, and everything else had nothing to do with her. At this time, the entire Central Plains was in the wind, and the major gangs were keenly aware of what … Shan Yu wants to come to the wind! Chapter 70 of the Text Turbing Updated: 2007-5-19 14:45:00 Number of chapters: 3745 The melodious music legendary from the hall of the Magic Palace attracted the surrounding stops and listened. In the guest room of the lobby, the mood was concentrating on playing the Guqin.

A series of wonderful notes slipped out of the fingertips like Baiyu’s fingertips.

Xueer and Feiyun danced with moving music.

Both of them were costumes.

The dancing posture is elegant like a fairy, and a beautiful face with a gentle smile.

Everyone present is a sense of intoxication regardless of men and women.

What a song of Chunjiang Flower Moon Night!


“OK \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

For a while, the whistle kept a whistle, and the two women smiled at each other and walked back to the seat. This was the tacit understanding in the dance. The sound of the piano is even better, and even those who do not understand music are happy. “Sister Sister’s piano has reached a considerable realm. , Xu. "

, Light, loose, crispy, and slippery “belongs to the aesthetic aspect, it is the beauty of music and the smooth pursuit of melody. Gao, Jie, Clear, Virtual, Young, Qi, Gu, Ancient, and Dan "

belong to artistic expression, and it is the concept of style, artistic conception, charm, and temperament.” Several basic aspects of performance skills, my sister has performed extremely. "

Cher did not hesitate to praise the sound of the piano. “I think Run, round, firm, macro, fine, and slippery aspects are also in place. My sister is really hidden!”

Feiyun added. “Oh, how can you have the wonderful dancing posture of the two of you, you see a few of them who are not awake now!”

We are naturally hidden. Today, the rare beauty of the beauties is in a good mood and shows us a hand. In the future, I want to appreciate it. One time, hehe. Today, the main members of the Magic Palace received a notification basically. Everyone heard the sound of the wind more or less. At the beginning of the whole conference room, I was silent. Power is really horrible, coupled with their wonderful performance, the momentum of present is completely stimulated. “Okay, quiet, now enter the topic!”

“Below Xiaomao introduces us today’s topic, which is also a major event that is related to the life and death of the Magic Palace!”

Xiao Mao, which I ordered, was quite his big belly, “Hey, let’s not say nonsense. Recently, the entire Central Plains is brewing a huge change. The most noticeable of which is the battle between us and the Emperor Xiaoyao Emperor City. Joint attack! "

This news is a little bit bottomed out, so there is no surprise performance. One by one listening to Xiao Mao continued, because things must not be so simple. “Although the strength of these two guilds is very strong, and the strength of the union is even more amazing, it is still difficult to defeat us. The killer of the hall is not contacted. Once the three of them reached an agreement, we really got into a crisis! "

This time, it was fried. There was a sudden discussion below. I did not expect that the situation was more serious than imagined. Although the price of the killer hall was quite high, the economic strength of the Shang League would probably not care about this money. “Quietly, listen to Xiao Mao to continue!”

“We have to make the worst plans, so we combine the strength of the three of them! The first is the strength of the master. The illegal entry and Qingqing apple incense are similar to the introduction on the list, but as far as I expected, they have improved during this time, and the combat power may increase by 1000 ——————————– -In 2000, the killer is endless. This person is the most mysterious. It is quite slow to investigate his progress, but what we can determine is that he is likely to be more terrible than the two people above. , I only know that one skill is camouflage! Intersection Intersection This is different from stealth, It is not only aimed at monsters, but also also effective for our players! It is said that it can be disguised as similar to the surrounding environment to assassinate, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Compared with people with high levels of their own level, it has no effect, and it has no effect on the 9 -level sacred beast. It will disappear, reorganize, conservative estimation takes 5 minutes. This is why he has never dared to assassinate the boss and the big sister. They have about 2—- 5 people who are close to the strength of the heavenly list. In this regard, the three parties add up, we also have advantages! From a overall point of view, the Cavaliers who decide the role, we have 5,000 people, the Xiaoyao Emperor City and the Shang League have 4,500 people. In this regard, I think our strength is better than them. It has 2,000 elite thieves who are good at assassination and disruption, which is very unfavorable to us! In addition to the magic group, we are at least 20,000 other combat power, including the main force of various places, but the other party has 30,000 people, which makes us double and half. The advantage of the number is enough to make up. The above is our disadvantages. One of the good news is that we have formally formed an alliance with the Magic Research Institute, the forever, but for the sake of confidentiality, this matter is limited to high-level knowledge, and they can be caught off guard at that time. The eternal magician is willing to dispatch 6,500 magicians to help the battle. As for whether to rescue Wei Zhao, or to cooperate with us or other plans, we decided that after this matter, we would pay 50 million gold coins. My report is over. "

“Okay, Xiao Mao has already told the general situation. Everyone’s suggestions, although I have said!”

Although I have an idea in my heart, it is widely beneficial and fully promoted democracy. Maybe everyone has a better way. “I add a little bit. According to our survey, they are likely to launch an attack on the day of our establishment of the supermarket 5 days later, and we ca n’t be surprised!”

Catfish supplement is very important, time is the key to decisive victory. “Boss, our strength is not much worse than them now. The soldiers will stop. Besides, our guardian city is very cheap, especially in our city defense and artifact guardianship. Dasha is still so happy. "

That is, who is afraid of whom, I think our strength is good, not to be afraid of them!” Xiao Shan learned that there was strong foreign aid, and he was full of confidence. "

Well, to be honest, I think it is worth the help of 50 million to ask the Institute of Magic. At least the price is still available. It is amazing to participate in a battle consumption. What you get is very limited. " After a long time of careful measurement, Xiao Mao felt that it was a cost -effective business. I frowned, "

But relying on external forces, there is still a certain variable, we need to combine some strength!” … Everyone expresses their opinions, but it doesn’t seem to have reached the topic. "

Ahem. I said a few words! I just heard everyone’s opinions, but I have a problem, but I have a question. Why do you think that we must guard the city? The old saying goes well. Let’s start with a strong one first, and then start to suffer. Is it not enough for our strength to give them a “surprise”

? " Suddenly, there was a silence in the hall, right, why did the defense blindly, compared to any of their strength, the absolute advantage is that the direction of the problem is wrong. The boss is the boss. Xiao Mao’s response is the fastest, and the horse is used to shoot. "

Ah, yes, why didn’t I think of it, You are really our boss forever, you are like a fire in that winter, and the flames of the bear burned my heart nest. You are like the bright lighthouse in the sea, guiding me to break the waves and wear waves; You are like a crow flying that day, I am like a hairy dog on the ground, Oh, wrong, you are like swan flying that day, I am like a toad chasing on the ground. The younger brother vowed here to follow the boss forever, go to soup, and live and death. " There was a piece of vomiting in the audience … Only the fat man was complacent, but the fartted patted. Fortunately, we already have a certain resistance, otherwise he will play his daily quotations on the battlefield. This power is also the top thousands of people, but it is just an attack. "

Yes, in this way, you can pass the losses completely. Wonderful, how can I not expect so simple!” Dashan kept touching his head. "

That’s it!” Xiao silly liked to shake his head constantly. "

Stop, I am dizzy!” The desperate wolf really couldn’t help this pair of live treasures. Now the magic group is much more lively, like a silly, desperate wolf, the battle is constantly, the zodiac brothers, the zodiac brothers, the idle is nothing but the PK, whoever loses will ask a bottle of golden fruit wine. At the beginning they drew me together, but after several enjoyable games, I took the initiative to pull them. No one was willing to play with me. ah? "

Who do you think the goal is the most suitable? This battle must be determined quickly. Now the Shang League is actually in the watching stage, but I think it will not be too long. No matter what, I decide to act tomorrow! The soldiers are expensive! " For this issue, everyone is not very easy to decide, after all, it is related to the private grievances of Feiyun and the war.

“Xiaoyao Emperor City, after all, he initiated this incident, and as long as he resolved him, the riding faction of Shang alliance may give up. After all, the interests of the businessman are there. In the future, we can break them down. The threat is solved by the way! "

Cher’s proposal is still in line with the voices of most people, and she rarely speaks. Once the speech is generally very decisive. Hearing this proposal, there was no change in the triumphant’s face, and it seemed that he came out of the shadow of love. For the rest of the time, everyone discussed in detail in the steps of specific actions! Looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow, this will be a battle that shocks the entire Central Plains. Text Chapter 71 Who is Heroes (Part 1) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:45:00 Number of chapters: 4732 According to the plan, we are going to launch an offense at 10 am, issued a notice at 9 o’clock, and now at 8 o’clock. Although the time is too close, people are not so uniform, but after the preparation of the night of night It is still not a problem. We already have a great advantage, and in the notice of the guild, the severity of the situation has been emphasized very clearly. Fortunately, the eternal ancient magician is at the eight o’clock. Turning more than 4,000 people, but this is enough. Today’s battle is to hit him with a thunderbolt, and it is cost -effective to have no intention of mind. During the siege, the role of the mage is very large. In addition, our original mage group is enough for them to end. It is best to end in one hour. This is how we have enough time to deal with some emergencies. Time is the key to the victory of this battle. Therefore, our army must be angry. Before the reinforcement comes, take him down, and to prevent the other party from surrounding Wei to save Zhao. Although it is more difficult, it is relatively large. After their three -party plan, let them follow our steps. Moreover, there are a few cards in my hand! \ “Husband, all the magic groups are all together, no one is absent, how do you arrange?”

Although the war is imminent, the mood is still a pair of breasts. It looks like her confidence is more than my confidence. It really is a hero. \ “This time, you will lead the team in person, plus the battle, fighting hard, the three wolfs, dual -silly, the zodiac, and cadres above 68 or above, assault in the front, be sure to win!”

\ “You can rest assured, you can’t believe your sister’s strength!”

I gave me a kiss gently, and then went out to organize. I touched the place where I was kissed, and my heart was warm. My task is to lead more than 200 brothers with flying pets as commando. Our air team is a key role in the key role. When the war situation is in the stalemate stage, we are the key to breaking the deadlock. This “Flying Eagle”

plan Since the end of the new thousand years of siege war, we have been conducted. The air forces.) Coupled with the pets that originally had flight functions, like my “side dishes”

, ordinary Yinfei horse, etc., formed this special forces, this is the A. (There are some problems and controversy in the transformation function, so it is temporarily canceled, and it will be recovered when it is perfect) Hosted by the second sister -in -law, a large number of alchemists and carpenter helped manufacture stone -casting cars and large crossbow bows, which is my second A. It does not require high levels to operate them. It is very powerful to play a greater role in the city wall. Of course, there are problems with inconvenience of moving, but there are long arrangements in this regard. We arranged like this. At the beginning of the war, the archers and magicians were mainly attacked. Our archers and thousands of people supported by “Forever Ancient Magician”

were used to attack. When I arrived, I took the Magic Regiment to protect our long -range troops, meet the enemy of the city, and the main force of the city when the city was broken. All resurrected enemies were eliminated. If there are other travels, they will take this opportunity to attack the Magic Palace, they can go back to the city immediately, which is the worst plan. The main guardian of the city is still used for guarding the city, so do not move, launch other forces that can mobilize materials to transport materials, and the follow -up troops of the Institute of Magic Research, the reinforcements of friendly guilds, the mercenaries we hire and other branches are all transferred. In the city, the Magic Palace must ensure safety, otherwise my hometown will make a loss. Regarding this problem, I have a card in my hand, which can basically ensure the safety of the Magic Palace. Even if the enemy is strong, it will be fine, but it is not necessary or not, because it is a “king”.

Of course, there is a A in my hand, a. A. A. At this time, Xiaoyao Emperor City, “What? The Magic Palace will declare war against us!”

The illegal entry table is clearly clear in my heart. The crisis is in front of it. Because the main intelligence personnel have launched it to the Shanglian and Killer Hall, when he gets an exact information, he issued a preview from the Palace of the Demon Palace. There are fifteen minutes in time. This is too great, which is a fatal error. There are still 1 hour and 14 minutes. You ca n’t wait any longer. When the machine is made up, the illegal entry will immediately use the function to release a first -level order. All online players of Xiaoyao Emperor City will immediately return to defend the city and face the Magic Palace! Immediately contacted the NPC mercenaries in the city and hired 50 super archers. Although the effect is not great, it is better than nothing! There are only thousands of people in the city now, and most people have just went out to level up. Several major leveling points in Pangu City were chaotic immediately. Many people rushed back to defend the city. The city was even more chaotic. This is not a small little trick, but a top -level guild war. Most businesses in the city have stopped business, the gates are caught fire, and the pond fish are burned. Only the systems that are opened in the system are still open. People who come back and forth are messy. Essence At this time, the thief group had arrived at the destination first, and the people who placed the Huangyao imperial city were encircled. The person who had just returned to the city was caught off guard. I did not expect that this group of people would not be afraid of red names. At 9 o’clock, the siege book was issued, and it was released three times in the entire Yanhuang City and Pangu Ancient City. Everyone in these two cities know that a large -scale battle is about to begin. In what era, where, people who like to watch the lively and not afraid of death always exist, and there are not a few. No, a group of people who are under the “Battlefield Journalist Group”

brand have already opened the front line. Editor-in-chief of the organization of Xiaobi Sheng, in this hour, people in Yanhuang City and Pan Gu City can participate, with a registration fee of 100 gold coins, providing drinks and food to ensure safety. Now Xiaobai Sheng is also a well -known person, and generally no one will mess with him. Although his level is not high, his writing is very powerful. Essence This hour is also the key. Which party is good, which party will win. Illegally entered the country and heard someone in the city sniper returned to the city, and immediately sent his own guards to respond. I only sent a thief to be like harassing. It is best to disrupt them! I don’t think that it can really stop them from returning to the city, and the purpose of deeper layers is to cause a false phase, as if they have to organize them to return to the city, so that the transportation of our siege tools will reduce some pressure. At this time, Zhuge Liang’s fan rushed into the hall with excitement. “Boss, good news!”

This is what I like to listen to the most illegal entry now, “What news, say!”

“The Qingqing apple incense and the killer hall have been talked about. Although the time is a little rapid, they will try to mobilize the strength. As long as we keep and the living power of dragging the Magic Palace, they can attack the Magic Palace, let the soul eater, and the two ends are finished. Whether he is back or war, we can pinch him. "

“Oh? How did they prepare?”

“Killer Hall, dispatched at least 5,000 senior thieves, but it took about two hours, and the pre -forces can reach it for more than an hour!”

“The 8000 mixing corps of the Shang League, including their Cavaliers, also arrived in more than an hour, and other people arrived within two hours!”

good! Two hours were like attacking Xiaoyao Huangcheng City. He dreamed of his soul. Hey, when the reinforcements arrived, huh! “But …”

Zhuge Liang’s fan hesitated a little, “Say, when is it all, it’s still vomiting!”

“According to the Research Institute of Relief Intelligence, the Institute of Magic has been mobilized by nearly 5,000 senior magicians to reach the Magic Palace!”

“What, the guy of the forever magician dared to do against us, hum, after today, he will be cleaned up in the future!”

“In this way, my defenders’ strength is still too thin. Do you let Qingqing apple incense send some people?”

Zhuge Liang’s fan was still a little worried, and the situation was not good for them. \ “Forget it, do you think they are really willing, these two guys are sinister than one, and we have no problem to keep our own city! If you can’t even do this, you will be defeated and recognize it.”

\ “How did they plan after the war?”

\ “200 million commissions were paid by Qingqing apple incense, but 80 % of the post -war profits!”

The cold mang flashed in the eyes of illegal entry, \ “Hum, 80 %, solve the soul -eating, and then calculate the account with you!”

There are no forever friends or eternal enemies in politics. ……………….. At this time, there were two people, one master, and one guest in Qingqing’s Jingxin Pavilion. “Brother Killer, what about this unique iron Guanyin?”

A person sitting on the opposite side of a popular face gives people the first feeling is ordinary, the second feeling is still ordinary, and ordinary people will forget it once. Probably this is also the condition of becoming a top killer. It is very picky, you can be recognized at a glance, what kind of killer is it? Go to be a star. “Well \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, yes, but at this time, Brother Apple still has time with my leisurely tea, which is really calm. I wonder how grasp of this battle?”

“What do you say?”

Qingqing apple incense asked, asking, “Oh, 50 %!”

The killer is not optimistic about illegal entry. It is not much to grasp whether the two of them can break through the Magic Palace. After all, the eternal ancient magician is not vegetarian. In addition, it is difficult to break through the magic palace. The soul -eating left behind, and the two of them did not do their best at all. “I think there is only one percent!”

“Oh? Isn’t this a battle that can’t win? Why is Apple so negative!”

“Haha, it’s not my negative. Our businessmen always have to consider more comprehensive. On the surface, we still have a chance, but I dare to be illegally entered and persist for an hour. Especially good at group attacks, morale on the battlefield is very important. The defeat of soldiers is not a simple digital issue. Their newly created stone car is not vegetarian. Coupled with amazing magicians, hehe, once it breaks into break This game is basically over, and the key is not here. I am sure that there must be a Phoenix Nirvana card in his hand! "

“You mean, the flames of the Phoenix Goddess Snow?”

“Yes, what is the power of the Phoenix created by the 10,000 magician? Once the city is broken, do you think someone blocks the magic group led by mood? And I also know that soul -eating has been training the flight forces, and then it will surprise illegal entry.

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