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chapter_11 of!

" "

Oh, this is very tricky. You should tell illegal entry to prepare early?" "

Oh, this is natural, you will tell him so that we can show our sincerity, what do you say? Haha." "

In this case, we might as well not help him this time!" "

Wrong, go to go, so I said it would take more than an hour. At that time, I was afraid that the Emperor City was finished, and we didn’t need to go! We are well explained on both sides." "

But it is not good for us to let go of the soul -loving soul?" "

Oh, losing the city, it does not mean that people are dead. It is easy to keep the country and mountains and mountains. Some of the messy stalls have cleaned up. undesirable!" "

And we still give a soul -soul face, and I will talk well in the future!" Ha ha…… At 10 o’clock, the siege war officially started. The city wall of Xiaoyao Emperor City is full of people. The Cavaliers, rescue groups, and even supporting groups in the city are ready. A huge horn kicked off the battle. For a while, the whole sky was densely packed bow and arrows, and all kinds of magic overwhelming, people’s lying shouted, and war completely excavated human nature. It can now be different from the previous low -level magic. The combined large -scale combination magic of the Special Persimmon Magic Research Association is even more terrifying. The compound magic that cooperates with each other is often a few times the power of power. In this regard, the entire Central Plains can not be comparable to the Institute of Magic. From time to time, the screams came. All the masters opened the shield. If you look from the air, the ground is like a golden egg, but the flames of death emerge from the inside from time to time. The archers are not simple before Single ordinary bows and arrow attacks are now perverted. Bow arrows with poisonous gas, bows and arrows that can explode, bows and arrows with four series of magic, are all diverse. Only when you stand on the battlefield can you realize how small a person is. At this time, I will stop in the middle, and I will definitely be killed instantly! I am waiting for the opportunity now. When the first round of crazy attack is over, it is time for me to "

send a card". Text Chapter 71 Who is the hero (below) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:45:00 Number of chapters: 4590 The first wave of the opening attack is the most exciting. Both from the combat effectiveness and ideology are in a peak state. Blind attack, the attack on the side has no way, and now it is the most fierce attack. At this time, the siege cannot be hit. Besides, on the long -range troops, the side of the siege has an absolute advantage. How can you easily give up easily? Woolen cloth. Now the two are waiting for the opportunity to see who is "

bright" first. While fighting the anxiety of the two sides, there was a group of people on the hills not far away, which was holding a picnic. "

Wow, they are so lively!" The audience is the most popular, but the level is too low, and can only participate in the tour group. This time the cost has spent him a week’s savings. "

Yes, it’s more beautiful than fireworks, it’s spectacular!" "

Come, eat the chicken leg quickly." "

Well, you also come to bottle of golden fruit wine." "

Hey, the guy was yin by Bai Xiaosheng, saying that the drink was free, but only boiled water. All wine and juice were charged, and the price doubled, this greedy guy." "

There is no way. The stores and restaurants are closed now, there is no place to buy, and this guy wants to come out, this idea." "

This is the economy!" "

Brother, see, is the winning noodles over there?" "

Then use it, it can be the magic palace, when did the demon king fail to fail!" "

Yang Naiwu of the cabbage", after saying a fierce bite of the chicken leg, the brother of the Yanhuang City is obviously the soul -loving soul -eating Faithful supporters. "

Well, I think so too, come, do a drink! We will unify the world sooner or later!" "

Maozi every day" is also very agreed. 白 "

~, the wine glass of" Yang Naiwu of the cabbage "

was kicked out. The opponent is two soldiers, and at first glance, it is the people in Pan Gu. “You × ×, do you want to die! Do you know who is Lao Tzu?”

The two sides immediately became tense and the atmosphere was tense. “The little B, the soul -eater, dared to invade our ancient city, and also took away my goddess Miss Fei Yun. the teeth of. "

Day, what is your Miss Feiyun, go!” The man next to him kicked him aside, "

You two kids, dare to be arrogant and don’t want to live on the site of our ancient city. You think you are gone. “Yang Naiwu of the cabbage”

and “Maozi every day”

look at each other. Where is this singing? It is purely looking for faults. It is unbearable. Past past. A stone stirred up a thousand layers of waves. Originally, the two parties were not pleasing to the eye when watching each other. With a fuse, it was not a touch of the moment. The opposite battle was on the opposite side. There was also a small battle on the opposite side. Xiaobai Sheng, it is useless to stop. “It’s really out of trouble. I knew it was divided into two teams, oh, now the loss is great.”

………… The opposite siege war has reached the climax of the first stage. At this time, the castle car and large crossbow bows of the Magic Palace have also been transported. Although some damage is received, there are 5 a total of 5 stones and 50 large crossbow cars. Now that the mage has begun to rest, the magic is very fast, and for the subsequent plans, they must recover as soon as possible. The archers also became a team of teams, and at the same time began to supplement ammunition. The key is to cast a stone and large crossbow arcade to show the power. The huge stones were smashed on the wall. Under the firepower of the large crossbow car, the side of the Emperor Xiaoyao Emperor City was suffering heavy losses. At this time, the mercenary regiment hired by Xiaomao began to be tentatively assaulted. In fact, they were regarded as a human sweeper. The surroundings of the city were all traps. In the same way, the thieves immediately pushed to the front. At this time, the archers and magicians on the city wall all retreated to the second line. Suddenly, a crossbow car was launched. The shape of the large crossbow bow in the shape was small. But immediately it showed amazing power. This is the secret city guard weapon of Xiaoyao Huangcheng City —— Eighteen Crossbow, a row of toxic bows and arrows. Pour a large area, and the rest is not even rolling, but their tasks are mostly completed. Now it has become the confrontation of the semi -machine -based troops. See the time almost, I quickly sent a message to inform Xueer and Feiyun. “Hongyun, come out!”

Hearing Xueer’s call, Fire Bird Red Cloud appeared beside the position, and felt the killing of the battlefield. Red Cloud was also rejoicing, … Even it was a war madness. Everyone gave a large space, Feiyun finally showed the strength of her first surgeon. It was aimed at the red clouds in all directions, and the seventy-four-ninety fire symbols were played ——- large gathered fire array (this array This array (this array Can double the power of fire magic) “Okay, everyone starts!”

The good rest of the magicians began to cast their own fire magic. With the help of Gathering Magic, the utilization rate of magic has improved a lot. Red clouds are like taking a bath and cheerfully sorting out their feathers. The mage of the Institute of Magic is really professional enough. It is not as chaotic as our mage. Instead, the magic magic rod is held up at the same time. Gathering together, like a resonance, a small fireball is very spiritual. After a while, an amazing fireball is formed. The elders of the nine magic research institutes among the mage manipulate the fireball to move towards the Guster Formation. As soon as I entered, the flame began to roll immediately, obediently, the red is blue, this is the phenomenon of the flame upgrade. I remember when I saw the Red Cloud Mother’s Super God Phoenix, I saw the white flame, the ultimate flame. Seeing the fireball in the air, Hongyun rushed up with joy, hitting the fireball with one end, disappearing. Everyone on the battlefield watched this strange scene. The battle in the siege stopped, and even a group of people on the opposite hills stopped fighting, watching this rare wonderful scene. “OK, aren’t you eaten by a fireball?”

“Fart, how can the fire beasts afraid of fire!”

“Why isn’t it ???”

The illegal entry on the city wall and a group of cadres also watch the big fireballs in the air. At this time, the illegal entry is very contradictory. On the one hand, I want to see the legendary phoenix, and I also prepare preventive measures. Successful Nirvana, after all, the power of Phoenix does not know to what extent. “Not good, look at it, there is movement !!!”

The giant fireball in the air began to roll, and the magic array on the ground began to change. The flying cloud face began to sweat. “Sister Xueer, I can’t control it anymore. What should I do?”

Looking at Feiyun’s pain and persistence, Xueer couldn’t get his mind.

Since Hongyun entered the fireball, they have lost contact.

The only thing that can feel is that Hongyun is now in a strong thought, but she is Knowing that Hongyun’s miss is not it.

Every time he transformed, Hongyun’s intelligence also became strange.

You can feel that Hongyun now desires more energy, and the current situation has exceeded our control.

Cher bites the silver teeth and brushed it!

Also ninety -eighty -one style, wrap the original Flying Cloud’s gathering fire array.

This is the wind of summoning the tornado.

Is it the first time that Xueer used or the primary.

As soon as this wind array was formed, Feiyun had paralyzed the ground, and his whole body had been wet with sweat.

Cher quickly held her in her arms.

“Sister Xueer, the magic formation has been out of control!”

“Not good, my wind array is also out of control. What is going on?”

No matter what you summoned, it must be a terrible monster. We must suffer first. The wind was long, and the magic array turned into a pillar of fire, straight into the fireball on the sky, and the surrounding things began to surge like the magic array on the ground. “Everyone immediately withdraw it, hurry up !!!”

After hearing the order, coupled with the abnormal scene in front of you, all people immediately retreated backwards. As for the abandonment of all the stones, what are the use of these things. Seeing that we were withdrawn, the people on the city wall cheered immediately. The Yanhuang city watching the battle on the hill was stupid. What was going on. “Boss, do you want us to bring someone to him!”

The owner of the slaughter church saw the other party retreat and itching again. “Wait, the situation is not as simple as we imagine, first, etc., and their retreat is not confused.”

Now the situation is not clear and cannot be blindly attacked. In the corner not far from the battlefield, there are several famous figures standing, the Qingqing apple incense of the Shang League boss and the elite eighteen riding of his men, the killer of the killer and the “thirteen killers”

under his men. “The situation has changed a little, wind eighteen, you immediately notify our troops, enter the battle position in advance, and make all the preparations for all fighting!”

As soon as the Qingqing apple incense was completed, one of them disappeared immediately. “Oh? Brother Apple, did you change your mind?”

“Haha, there is a random response on the battlefield. I see that there is something wrong with the soul -eating side. Maybe the chance of that percent will belong to illegal entry. "

Haha, kill, let the brothers prepare, buy and sell!” "

Oh, wait for the situation to be clear, we decide the next plan." "

Brother Apple is really winning thousands of miles, the younger brother admires it!" ………… The surrounding wind and fire elements are constantly gathered down, and then as the pillar pours in, the color of the fireball is constantly turning blue, gradually the blue is white, and the magic array on the ground shakes. Boom! Intersection , Frying crushed, the fire pillar was also disconnected. The surrounding air is restored to normal, but it can be felt that the temperature is rising straight. But the fireball in the air is still rolling, but it has begun to become smaller, but the color becomes whiter. The more I am shocked, isn’t this similar to that of its mother’s Nirvana? How can this be? Is it a real Nirvana? What’s wrong, it has exceeded my understanding. Finally, the whole fireball became white, and it was dazzling white. Anyone could feel the temperature. With the sound of Phoenix-the real bathing phoenix was born. On the sides of the air like a large white egg -like fireball, two huge white flame wings slowly extended, and a shocking sound was about to hear all thousands of miles. Phoenix is resurrected! Intersection Intersection People who are leveling other places suddenly discover a strange phenomenon. Since a strange voice, all the monsters are lying on the ground, let you cut and kill, and the old players who find this phenomenon are ecstatic. This may be a rare BUG, which rushed towards the place where the boss brushed the boss, and found that the situation of the boss was similar, but he was afraid that he had a surrender. Get it back in one breath. Hidden place —— The element of fire elements, all kinds of fire elements are sparming, fire giants, fire demon, Fire Elf King is also dancing with their heads, celebrating their gods, their Lord’s Lord’s return. At this time, near Yanhuang City, a large number of foreign city personnel were gathered. The magic thief was not good at the situation and immediately returned to defense. In the city of Yanhuang, Xiao Mao was nervously preventing the magicians from arranging. On their heads, the Taoist priests are everyone. The city is full of busy logistics staff. We must take care of the city and the supplies of siege. The busy is dark. Xiao Mao’s heart is very clear that the only thing that can be done now is to get rid of time. The devil group who came back was not densely trap around the city, and he was waiting. Outside the city, a large number of people in the business alliance and the killer church are gathered. They are not the imagination of thousands of people, but the scale of tens of thousands of people. It seems that the apple incense is clear to everyone. Of course, not everyone is very nervous. Our little princess is chess with the cute little purple. Although Xiao Zi’s meal is increasing day by day, his figure is still so slim. "

Smelly, you are playing again, telling you a few times, don’t eat chess pieces, you always don’t listen!" Xiao Zi looked at the love tears, and her big eyes were full of grievances. "

Forget it, forget it, it will be pitiful, hey, why is it so noisy outside, you can’t make people quiet for a while!" "

Okay, you are a little lazy worm. brush! One person and one dragon disappeared, and the whole house seemed to have never been here. Text Chapter 72 of Phoenix inheritance Updated: 2007-5-19 14:45:00 This chapter number: 4679 The Red Cloud of becoming a Phoenix of the Phoenix did not attack without the difference in imagination, but gently stretched the hot feathers and looked down at the crowd below. Xueer and I looked at the red clouds in the air. Suddenly there was a feeling of parting. Xueer may also feel that the scene in front of me was very similar to the original Phoenix Nirvana, but it was not exactly the same. With death, the white flames are deadly, but now the flames on the red cloud are full of vitality. I suddenly have a clear understanding in my heart. It is no longer the former Red Cloud, but it has become a real flag of fire- —- Super God Beast Phoenix, although the current power has not yet reached its peak period, but it is no longer a fire bird red cloud that can live normally. After several excessive growth, it has exceeded the young age and directly entered the adulthood and directly entering the adulthood period. It’s right. But I can feel parting from its eyes, and Xueer also felt this feeling from its eyes. Tears couldn’t help flowing. Their connection was completely broken. Just now the system had heard news. Players’ snowy bird red clouds have grown into super god beasts, and the contract relationship is automatically lifted. Thinking back to the happy life with Red Clouds before, Xueer was even more sad, silly red clouds, smart red clouds, cute red clouds, heroes saving beauty, and the invincible red clouds on the battlefield, but all this has become the past. Become a memory. The Red Cloud in the air seemed to feel Xueer’s sadness, and the repeated tweets suddenly turned to rush to Xiaoyao Huangcheng City. It seemed that it had not forgotten the master’s final task. At a glance on the illegal entry on the head of the city, Phoenix flew towards them, and it was suddenly stunned. Next to the claims, the lords who called the courageous and invincible slaughter at this time were red like pork liver. Still reacting first illegally entering the country, and roaring hard, “What are you doing, fast, magic, prepare for the water system of ice, hurry up!”

awesome. The order was conveyed, and the talents in the city seemed to restore consciousness. The super god beasts they saw were not with them, and some of them had begun to escape. On the other side, the Qingqing apple incense and heavenly killer are endless, and the face is ugly. “It’s over, if the soul -eating has the help of this kind of god beast, let alone the Emperor City of Emperor Yao, the entire Central Plains can not resist!”

They didn’t know that Hongyun at this time was the last task. “what should we do?”

“Hurry up and let all the troops stand still and prepare to retreat at any time. Qingqing’s apple fragrance is very uncomfortable. He relies on a lot of financial and mental hardships to mix until today, and the other party can be able to storm the unknown small stuff with luck. He refuses to accept it! Hate Cangjie! Intersection As Hongyun approached, the heat waves hit. "

Magic Division, Water Dragon Bo!” With an order of illegal entry, all the magicians started to act. At this time, even if illegal entry was counted, it was not expected that the situation in front of him had already exceeded the scope of imagination. Most mage gathered in water magic, and some mage gathered wind magic, with the help of a large number of juniors, formed a huge dragon to welcome the Phoenix. Although this kind of water dragon has no effect in ordinary battles, it can be regarded as there is no way to deal with the fire of fire. The water dragon in the air collided with Hongyun without any explosion.

You can only hear the sound of the nourishing sound.

Seeing the fog in the sky, the entire water dragon disappeared in a while, but the Red Cloud seemed to have eaten supplements.

lock up.

If this water is dealing with the pseudo -body of the Phoenix, it still works, but now facing the real Phoenix, this water flow can only promote the fire, and it is probably like this on the fire.

“Illegal entry”

gritted his teeth fiercely. At this time, he had felt the advent of failure, but he couldn’t give up. He couldn’t. Death may be a good liberation of a warrior. “Archer, shoot!”

The archer, which has been ready to go, immediately shot the bow and arrows that occurred, and it was even more violent than the first defense. At this time, the danger instead inspired people’s fierceness. The bow and arrows in the air have no effect on Phoenix. The wings of Hongyun, Huh ~~~~~ The white flame rushed over, and the large bow and arrow immediately turned into gas. The archer who had no time to avoid the blockbuster was spiked when passing through the city wall. Hongyun constantly accumulated his own strength, ready to send the last blow, completely destroying the obstacles in front of you, and a series of memories flooded. This was the memory of its mother. The inheritance of the Phoenix began. What, what should not be done, the human war is not something that super god beast should be intervened. Its mission in the world has been completed, and it is time to go home. Now that it is destined to be parting, it may not be better if you do n’t have to report it. Feiyun converged the energy on his body. Although it seemed so hot, the flame energy was no longer dispersed, and the temperature of the air returned to normal. Turned to fly towards the hometown in the distance, but when he went over Xueer, he still fell a drop of crystal tears —— the rare “Phoenix Tears”

that was rare for thousands of years. As if there is a sense, Xueer caught this drop of spar that fell in the air, so warm, so gentle, containing the previous happy memory, the real super god beast should not have this kind of personal feelings It is the most peak, so it can only choose to abandon, this is destiny. Looking at the shadow of Hongyun Yuan, he gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared. Xueer held the crystal stone in his hand tightly, crying in my arms. My heart is also uncomfortable, but only sadness and joy are the real life. The people of Xiaoyao Emperor City began to cheer. The battle of the battle was turning, and Phoenix turned around. Anyone could see that this was not temporary, but forever. However, they were not happy for a long time. The front walls collapsed. After the high temperature just now, its durability was almost left. The group of guys on the top of their heads jumped and jumped. It also had to “strike”.

Now without the help of the city wall, you can only confront it. As soon as I looked at the situation in front of me, I pressed the pain of parting, and issued a series of orders. The news of Xiao Mao had just received it. Not far from the Magic Palace, more and more people had gathered in the situation, and the situation was urgent. The archers of the two sides, the magician consumes almost the same, the final battle is the victory between our Cavaliers. Magic group preparation! This time I led the team in myself, next to my mood, the war kept fighting, desperately three wolves, dual -silly, the zodiac and other senior soldiers. In addition to the unicorn ride on the unicorn silver horse, desperately riding the wolf wolf, the big wolf “Fa Fa”

, the black helmet and black armor of the other people, riding a black Jianma. The illegal entry across the opposite side also took his Golden Cavaliers out of the city. The leader rode the dragon, and he took the best of his hands in his hands. It aroused the blood of every man, no one was timid, the only desire was to fight! Intersection Intersection The people on both sides are opposite, and they all see the battle in the eyes of the other party. On the sun, the golden light shines under the sun, and the other side is the black light that makes the soul attract. Looking forward illegally! Deep, deep, deeply stare! There, a person holding a blood -red sword stood in thousands of soldiers and was watching him. Even the red sword body on the blood -stuffing sword on his hand was exuding an increasingly strong light, mixed with the endless black figure behind him, such as the demon from hell. At that moment, in the eyes of the two of them, the whole world had only each other. I raised the bloody sword in my hand and roared “For honor!”

For honor ~~~~~~~~~ kill! Banglong, the knights on both sides began to start. The entire land was shaking. It looked like a golden light and a black light from a distance, but the obvious black light area was much larger. It’s about to approach, dividing the body-four souls appear. I am not a simple knight, I am the magic martial arts knight. Rehabilitation —— Super blood dragon kill waves! Intersection Intersection A blood -red dragon first rushed over. I don’t expect how much killing it can cause. What we want is to encourage our morale. At this time, the leadership technique also plays a role, and the morale of the entire army has skyrocketed. “Illegal entry, so much fierce!”

“Yeah, we should also prepare.”

Report ~~ “What is eighteen?”

………… After listening to the report of the eighteen, Qingqing apple incense and heavenly killer were immediately shocked, and a group of people disappeared after a while. The leveling point of love and Xiaozi went to the surrounding level. The two troops surrounding the Magic Palace thought that the other party would definitely not dare to go out of the city. At this time, the love is riding a small mountain -sized little purple (the battle status of Xiao Zi, everyone finally knows where so many chicken wings go every day!), Cheerfully blowing “big conch”

, followed by dense monsters, There are all, although the level is not very high, but it is sufficient to be confused, and these monsters are attracted by artifacts. Although chaotic, there is no melee. When these people see the monster group, they are not far from them. They caught a melee without waiting for the reaction. The monsters have a small purple way, and the potential of the Cavaliers who have not come. It was scattered. At this time, the love suddenly stopped blowing the conch, and then the real melee began. Monsters, monsters, monsters, monsters, and killing monsters. At a glance on the troops on the city wall, happy, “Buddy, it seems that we should set today as the fasting day. The monsters will help so much. I will accompany my wife at home today!”

“It is reasonable, these buddies are really time!”

“Poor, that is our little princess and Xiao Zi. Didn’t you see that Xiao Zi went there, no one can stop it. The big conch in the hand of Princess Love is an artifact brought back from the East China Sea. It is specifically used to attract monsters. of.”

It turned out that the two talents next to them suddenly realized. Xiao Mao’s seeing the situation is strong to us. When the monsters can’t hold on, let the cat fish lead the thieves to take the initiative to give a fatal blow in the case of the enemy’s exhaustion, and some mage cover with it. As a result, under such a double -layer blow, the army on both sides began to defeat. … … The other side of the battlefield is even more intense. The collision between the Cavaliers and the Cavaliers is definitely terrifying. When I am in an illegal entry “, I flew into the air. It seems that his flying dragon has also been upgraded. Anyway I am absolutely assured, and we have an absolute advantage in strength. The two of us spent a trick with sword gas, and took three steps in each. I have the advantage in the level. He is the advantage of skill level proficiency, but he is not my opponent. Today, he is destined to fail, and now no one has saved them! The Knights below also gradually showed a gap, and failure was just a matter of time. Although illegal entry in all aspects has not improved, my progress has been greater. "

Illegal entry, if there are no new tricks, I am not polite!” "

Soul Eater, don’t be proud, let you see my trick!" Summon —— Fire fire light. A flame villain appeared on the shoulder of illegal entry, with a strange flame hat, which was very strange. From the signs, this was not a pet. "

Fight!" The villain turned into a group of flames and wrapped up the illegal entry to the country. The flames kept swallowing. "

Oh, this is my killer ——- Flame Dragon Knight! Come on ~" Such strength is a bit playful. I have no avatars or magic martial arts. It is rare to encounter a master. I just exercise. The unicorn of the side dishes is constantly flashing the arc, and the flying dragon’s mouth is constantly swallowing the flame. The real battle has just begun. At this moment, a system message made the entire battlefield quiet. "

System Announcement, the Japanese Player Server Services has completed the SSS -level hidden task and obtained the boundary permit. He chose China. After a week, he can lead 10,000 people into the Chinese border. Everyone was stunned by the news. Little Japan, which was scraped and scratched, dared to invade the Central Plains. Illegal entry and I also look at each other. In the face of national interests, everything of individuals must be put aside. We drink at the same time to stop our own troops. In fact, everyone has stopped attacking. “What about this today?”

“Okay, first solve the Japanese!”

“Maybe we have to join forces!”

… … Text Chapter 73 Peak Tournament Updated: 2007-5-19 14:46:00 Number of chapters: 4637 All the vigorous battles stopped because of this news, all stopped.

No, it should be said that the actions of everyone who heard the announcement at that time stopped!

what should we do?

Sitting, negative defense?

No, absolutely not!

It is a shame to let the Japanese on our land!

We want to attack and take the initiative to attack.

Although the situation is very unfavorable to us, we still have a week.

This time can do a lot of things.

Of course There is no reason for the task!

The entire Central Plains was launched, and the money to pay for money, strong contribution, and no matter how good they are, they must hold their personal field.

All major martial arts will send all members and start searching.

Our only clue is that this is a SSS -level task about crossing the border.

The SSS -level task was extremely rare.

It is even more difficult to find the tasks we need within 2 days.

We must prepare both hands.

The Demon King soul -eating issued an invitation, and the main members of the major guilds gathered the first floor of Yanhuangcheng world to discuss a proper solution.

For a while, the wind rose, and Yundan was in Yanhuang City!

At this time, everyone’s personal grievances have to be let go.

At this time, the people who make trouble are not going to live with the entire Central Plains!

With the prestige accumulated in time, coupled with the only person who can cross the national borders, the large and small guilds must give the Magic Palace a little face, and only the Magic Palace.

Only the demon king soul has this prestige.

Essence Everyone was basically all that night, although in the largest conference room on the top floor of the first floor of the world, people were still full.

Each guild was limited to two people to enter.

Other main members are scattered in other conference rooms.

The main characters of the main seven major guilds are all complete.

A conspirator “blooming”

, “Endless”

of Killer Hall and the number one killer “ghost shadow”

, the elves garden —— The disappearing king “love Xin Zeng Luo”

and a beautiful archer beautiful “beautiful”


, Dream Fairy of the Fantasy Rose Troupe —— “Dream Chasing”

and Fire Fairy —— “Passion Like Fire”

, Magic Research Institute —– “Eternal Magic Master”

And “confused is also handsome.”

Several super rich on the wealth list have also come, “I am a gold coin”

, “cornucopia”

, “greedy for money is not good”

, “landlord”

, some of them are the rich people in reality directly cash to gold coins, and some are formed by business formed by business. , But their levels are not very high. Like Xiaomao, they are pure “world merchants”.

Although this is the beginning of Qingqing apple incense, it has improved quickly in terms of leveling. Merchant. There are also many people with relatively small gangs. Of course, at least 5,000 members have more than 10,000 people. Everyone comes from the south of the world, and it is rare to gather together. Naturally, there are a lot of words. Hu Bingba was in a sense of turmoil, and all of them were so proud. Of course, how to clean up Little Japan is still the main topic. “Oh, please be quiet.”

Looking at the following slowly, the host Xiao Mao was full of style. Originally, I wanted to let my mood come with me, but Xiaomao was put into fact, reason, layer certification, and gradually analyzed. Summarize summary and convince me. “I think everyone is very clear today, and we have more people, and the time is urgent. Here I do n’t have to leave the problem here. The only topic today is how to complete the task of crossing the SSS level through the national border. As soon as the problem that cannot be completed, let’s talk about it later. "

“Okay. Let’s show it first. In addition to mobilizing nearly 30,000 members to continue searching for chase, we are also preparing to let all the subordinates buy all unbelled tasks within the scope of the scope of their subordinates, and provide 100,000 gold coins as the event funds!”

Qingqing apple incense was the first to speak. The wealth was thick and the shot was different. It was the best opportunity to show the strength of his guild. I illegally entered the second one. Although he lost his loss not long ago, there was no big problem for him, but although he had a little money, it was probably enough for himself. “We are happy with the imperial city of the imperial city. Search for nearly 30,000 members. I am going to bring 5,000 elites to explore Dongkunlun’s mission dense cave. The brave can receive a top -level task, from S -level to SSS level. Of course, as for the specifics, it depends on luck, but Kunlun is in the crisis step by step. Know what it is). The following people began to discuss whispering, "

illegal entry” is considered a bloody. If these 5,000 people go in, half of them can come back alive, but this move has won everyone’s admiration, although the financial resources of Qingqing apple incense investment It is amazing, but after all, there is no loss for him, and illegally entering the country, but it is really a capital, and the elite power of a guild can represent the strength of the guild. This is indeed praised. The words "

illegal entry” immediately aroused the favor of everyone. On the contrary, the strong sponsorship of "

Qingqing Apple Fragrance" was not so conspicuous, but he himself had no dissatisfaction, and the city’s city was too deep. To be honest, I prefer the personality of illegal entry. Generally speaking, it is still more righteous. Of course, it is not surprising that men do for women. The immortal of the killer church was overwhelmed by the momentum of his alliance, and naturally he had to stand up to help. "

Our killer church dispatched all the killer to find out the news, provided 5 million funds, and anyone who discovered the task and completed the task can pick up his task for free, and complete it at all costs!" Since the last thing he did, he had not been destroyed as the party they imagined, or both defeated, and the alliance of the two was even more stable. Naturally, illegal entry would not be polite to them. Although the reward of the killer hall aroused everyone’s resentment, thinking about people eating this bowl of rice. Besides, who has no enemies, it is enough to think about it carefully. The small beauty of the elf garden, the crisp sound sounds in the hall. Only the disappearing king "

love Xin Jue Luo" in the seven major party is the matching of men and women, but most of the people present are very outstanding in appearance and temperament. Characters, the mystery of soul -eater, the bravery of illegal entry, the atmosphere of the apple incense, the cold and cold, the mildness of the eternal ancient magician, but compared with the love of the love, it immediately worsened a level. This guy The long one is indeed handsome, and it is not the kind of little white face. Although it has the beauty of the elves, it is perfectly combined with the roughness of the man, and the elegant temperament is really a teacher -level killer. The Fire Fairy of the Fantasy Rose Troupe has paid attention to him from time to time, and he is very interested. The people below the people are jealous, and even I am a little jealous. Fortunately, it is not a city with me. He grabbed the limelight. "

Our Elf Garden offers 5 million gold coins, with a displacement of 20,000 people, and given one of the missionary prizes —— Fengshen cloak!" This beauty is also the kind of mixed version that is mature in youth, just like a mature peach, which makes people look like picking, and it looks like a new way. It was a lot worse. "

Wow, Fengshen cloak, this is a good thing!" "

Yeah, the cloaks sold in the store now have no attributes, and it is good to have a superb. I heard that this wind god cloak added 2 speeds and 10 % attack back!" "

× × if you can get it! This thing is just a word, it is a word, absolutely pulling the wind!" "

Come on, don’t look at your bear -like, match it? It’s just a handsome guy like me! Here, give me a little Meimei." A small mirror, combing the head that is about to bald. Spit ~~~~~ Seeing the dream fairy of the Dream Rose Troupe stood up, let’s quietly below. Everyone wants to know what the beauty can provide "

accidental rewards". "

Our Dream Rose Group offers 5 million gold coins, 15,000 sisters, and those who complete the task can date any of our four sisters." The following is an appreciation of it. It is not more exciting for men than this, because the top ten beautiful women are expected to exist for most people. "

Miss Chasing Dream, is it anyone else!" "

Yes, everyone can!" "

What if many people are done?" In case of collective tasks, I don’t know how to allocate. "

Oh, then you have to choose one representative, after all, there is only one lucky child!" "

Does it mean that you can choose a girlfriend after completing the task?" The brother of the speech was called the bow to raise the date to become a girlfriend at once. Pass. “This gentleman, please note that we are talking about dating once. As for whether you can be a girlfriend, it depends on that person’s ability. Anyway Someone will be jealous! "

The answer was that Fire Fairy was enthusiastic, and his beautiful figure was really tempting. Such a straightforward answer still makes everyone more satisfactory. After all, if you have a chance, you can do it. The entire meeting reached a climax, and the charm of women at any time must not be peek! The forever ancient magician is not tight or slow, the sexy and pure sound sounds, “Our Institute of Magic, provides 5 million funds and 20,000 dispatched personnel, and rewards 5 mysterious magic scrolls to the completion of the task!”

It is one of the major achievements of the Institute of Magic. The price of this scroll in the black market is amazing, and there are priceless markets.) Although the forever is easy to say, everyone knows that these five magic scrolls are definitely not simple, one represents a amulet. The six of the seven major guilds have been finished, and now it is the Magic Palace of the Zhuang. Everyone has been holding a breath. Who has heard of the name of the demon king? Since the second world, the entire Central Plains has been concentrated. Essence I stood up leisurely and looked around the entire hall, and found that everyone was watching me. These people put them on their own sites. In this effect, Meng Fairy and Fire Fairy are also beautiful. Beauty is always interested in successful men. “We provide 20 million gold coins and 30,000 people under the Magic Palace. It will lead my wife Xueer and the mood to scan 5,000 elites to scan major tasks dense points. I will use this time to watch the Japanese scenery and save them free It’s okay. For those who complete the task, the Magic Palace provides a diamond -level VIP card, which can be selected in the magic arsenal. Okay ~~~~~ "

In the end, it is the demon king, the shot is extraordinary!” "

The Goddess of Phoenix and the Dragon Dragon Dragon Witch personally led the team to be observed!” "

I heard that the 5,000 people selected this time are masters of the masters. The combat effectiveness is all more than 8,000 people!" "

His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, obedient, so fierce!" "

I heard that this diamond -level VIP card in the black market is tens of millions!" "

Little Japan has something to do now, just happen to be upside down!" ………… The people below are noisy, and it seems that everyone is very satisfied with our performance. 20 million is a little bit of Xiaomao Jing, but it is not my price. This guy’s secret guarantee is a good thing for one arrow and double carving. "

Everyone has worked so hard. We retail, and we do n’t give ugliness if there is not much manpower. I and the cornucopia. The greedy wealth is not good. The speech was “I am a gold coin”.

It seems that there is a secret connection between the four people. It is impossible to do not rely on union. After all, the two defeats of vicious competition will be hurt. The big merchant’s shot is really amazing, a total of 50 million! The following guilds also expressed their determination and actions. For a while, the entire venue was full of people. One by one, the waiters took the plate and accepted all the books of everyone. The guys are paralyzed, but it is better to lose weight. Every time I read it, I will follow the applause. Although we are not so exaggerated, everyone will do their best according to their own situation. … This meeting was successful. After the meeting, the guests on the first floor of the world were full and lively. Text Seventy -four Big Snakes (Part 1) Update Time: 2007-5-19 14:46:00 Number of chapters: 3119 At the end of the rally, everyone didn’t stay too much, and they returned to their own city one after another. Now there are busy figures everywhere. However, for a while, our magic palace is also very busy. Now we can finally breathe a slight breath. The rest is to complete our own tasks. Who can find this task and complete the reputation and prestige of our own city. It is a great improvement. “Xiao Mao, collect all the task scrolls of the subordinates auction, one can not miss one. Now the low -level members in the meeting now have all the other to go out to find out and collect tasks!”

“No problem, go to do it right away, is it the treatment of everyone during the period of time?”

“Well, you should look at these things yourself. Anyway, it is clear that the rewards and punishments are clear. There is no unnecessary dispute caused by the task scroll, it doesn’t matter if anyone finds it!”

“Understand, you can rest assured!”

“Two sister -in -law, you summon all the appraisers you can use. We must not only detect the tasks above the S -class, but also the low -level tasks cannot be let go. All the tasks must be checked. At the same time You arranged the manpower to complete the low -level task immediately, and find Xiao Mao in high -level tasks, and let him find someone to do it. If you can’t solve it, please contact me immediately. Completing a low -level task will cause another hidden task. Once it is inside, it is too late to cry at that time. "

Okay, I’ll do it right away.” … … I have arranged all the tasks. There are only me in the meeting room, Xueer, mood, baby, I don’t want to let Xiangzi participate. And she couldn’t let go of her side. "

Sister, when I go to Japan, the things in the meeting will be given to you. If there is anything, I will tell me thousands of miles. If I am in danger, I can also send you to my side! No matter what, safety first! “I have tasted the feeling of death once, not a good experience. "

Well, my husband is assured, you don’t believe your sister’s strength.” "

If you find any difficult tasks, let’s talk about it after I come back, don’t rush to act, anyway, I will come back to supply every other time." "

Okay, you have to be careful, let me sort it first!" "

Baby, it’s more dangerous during this time. Don’t run around everywhere. With love, Xiao Zi played with them, and help me watch her by the way, don’t let her trouble everywhere." "

Followed, my husband, I went to find love, you comforted it, Sister Xue!" Looking at the baby’s well -behaved look, I was moved for a while. I embraced Xueer gently, although I didn’t want to start so sad, but I still couldn’t be happy. To be honest, not only did it take time to get along for a long time, but the Red Cloud is also our fixed love. Cher’s nickname is called the goddess of the Phoenix. Now Hongyun is gone, and some names are not true. Although I know she does not care about this, I have seen the latest rankings, and Xueer, who lost his pet, suddenly fell out of the list. "

Good wife, don’t be sad, do you see my cautious liver is almost broken?" Speaking of holding Xueer’s hand, although I felt numb myself, I recognized it for Xueer, and touched my heart. Then keep going down … "

Ah, … stinky husband, no serious, at this time, he was teasing people." Although he was already an old husband and wife, Xueer was relatively shy about bold movements. "

You are so unhappy, I do n’t know how uncomfortable my heart is. Life is like this, dividing and combining, this is inevitable. Besides, there is no separation, how can I get together!" "

Husband, we will never be separated! If you dare to abandon me, you guess what will happen to me." Xueer’s face was determined. I know that Xueer was stimulated by this matter. She usually handled things. Emotional is vulnerable. "

The big gray wolf will never give up the little white rabbit. You are mine in your life, the next life is still mine, and you will always be mine! The assumptions you say will never be established!" "

Go to you, I will be poor. What if I will be a man in my next life!" After listening to me, Xueer was still happy, and a woman was born to listen to sweet words. "

Then I became a woman, we are still a pair." I deliberately said with the female voice, and Xueer’s body was cold. "

Hum, what’s good about being a man, people still have to be a woman to protect you!" Looking at Xueer’s red face, especially the kind of moving people who usually didn’t, my lust suddenly rose, kissing Xueer’s ear beads, "

Wife, I can’t help it, you are seduced by you, no wonder me, I want to make you in the Fa -rectification!" "

This is the living room, don’t …" Cher’s slight resistance provoked my greater desire, because this is the conference room. Although I close it, some people will disturb at any time, and I feel so exciting. ………… The first collection of Yunyu, the moisturizing Xueer, like the goddess who was falling into the dust, my hand immediately started his "

mission", Xueer glanced at me charmingly, "

You, you know that it is bad, someone knocked on the door and scared me!" "

Oh, the reaction of your body was fierce at that time, ten times more sensitive than usual!" Xueer buried his head in my arms, and his little tongue licked my chest naughty, and I was itchy and comfortable. “Should Xueer go to Japan with me?”

Cher’s little hand is in my arms, “Husband, go busy, I’m fine, I have to help the mood sister’s busyness. When this time is finished, can you take me to find Hongyun, maybe she returned to her hometown?”

“No problem, I miss her too, maybe Hongyun will find you a little red cloud at that time?”

I was really happy to see Cher. “Go to you, it’s all bad things!”

“Oh? Don’t you like it?”


Xueer’s voice was smaller than mosquitoes, but I still listened clearly. ######### After the rest, I have been armed to embark on Japan’s land. This time, I am more careful. With the lessons of the last few times, I think their preparation should be more stringent, especially after the news of their invasion will definitely. Find a way to prevent my “destruction king”.

However, I think this group of guys will not ambush into Mount Fuji in Mount Fuji, and those “bosses”

in the mountains will not be polite to them. When it was at the foot of the mountain, I suddenly felt something wrong. It was too quiet here. If it was ambush, it was the best place. I decided to observe first … ah? The dead tree in front of me seemed to move a bit, and the big stone on the other side shook it. Is it my dazzling? I subconsciously used the detection technique, obediently, ***, it is really a ninja. This group of guys are really patient! I swept around, it seemed like about sixty or seventy people, about 65 or more characters, there are two 71 levels. Generally, it is really difficult for individuals to find them. Unfortunately, in my advanced detection technique Below, no illusion does not work. High level is this benefit. Practice yourself! But this is not a way to wait. I don’t have time to consume them with them. Such a little person is not my opponent. I was going to kill them by surprise. Suddenly the scene in front of me jumped. The ninja dressed as a dead tree has a very tall and tall tree behind. I seemed to see it yawn just now, and the branches trembled for a while, as if stretched out, but it proved that I was not seen just now that I didn’t see it. Phantom. A large blood basin suddenly appeared on the main trunk. This mutation scared me, tree demon, and not ordinary tree monsters! However, the unlucky egg below did not realize the coming of danger. The original soft branches suddenly changed like reinforced bars, and slowly gathered around the guy below. \ ###### Millennium tree monster ——- 80, the physical defense is extremely strong, good at dealing with group fighting, amazing attack power, and anesthesia attack in the tentacles. The liquid secreted by the tentacles is used as a good detoxification agent. However, due to the difficulty of collecting, I haven’t heard of who has collected it. The most dangerous thing is that in the dense cluster of the tree, there are about 10 human facial suction cup spiders. Human face suction latter spider ———- 75, parasitic next to the millennium tree monster, a head like a pig, a often poisonous thorns in the mouth, can spray poison needles, and will not be connected. Very terrible. \ ###### Text Seventy -four Big Snakes (Part 2) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:46:00 Number of chapters: 4880 The first discovery of the “fake stones”

not far away was dangerous, and she couldn’t care about disguise. A high -child jumped up and yelled. The “fake tree trunk”

also realized that it was not good. The tentacle -like branches immediately wrapped him tightly, and the surrounding ninjas climbed out, and the target of the tree demon began to attack. At the same time, the face -to -face suction latter spider under the tree had quickly climbed out, and one by one. As soon as the ninja was inserted, the work of the family turned into a data flow. His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, disgusting. Taking this opportunity, you will flash people first. You can play slowly. This old monster and its little monsters are enough to play with them, but there are really abnormal things in the mountains of Little Japan. Feeling, you want to shive. I have no clear goal here, but I want to see the unlucky city I was destroyed by me subconsciously. From a distance, why isn’t it dark? Isn’t this city be destroyed? I rubbed my eyes, and they built it again. This group of guys are not afraid of repeating the same mistakes? Bold enough, probably depends on The closer to the city, the more careful. I quickly put a set of ninja uniforms outside and be careful of the thousands of years. When I look at it, obediently, it’s really lively. It is 100 times more lively than my last time. The city is probably twice as big as before, and the facilities and defense are much stronger than before, especially the construction of the main entrance. Like a fighting fortress, I use the translation function to see the city card in the air —— Do not fall in the emperor! × × a bear, a big breath, is really arrogant, playing with me, see who played who played, the better than Lao Tzu, the better you destroy, the more quickly I destroy it. The more fulfilling, the more fulfilling, you can’t get up when you can’t get up. The ninjas in the city are also busy, and it seems that they are preparing for a weekly battle. I did not expect that it became their transit station, just right! I quietly quit the city, I was not stupid enough to rush in to duel with so many people. When I came to the foot of Mount Fuji, summoned the side dishes first. Why did this guy run faster than me? Let it put me to the air, first opened a shield, and then took the “big conch”

from the space bag. Oh oh ~~~~~ “Small dishes”

fluttered with me, I blow a circle, and I didn’t respond yet. I thought it would not be easy to use this thing to go abroad. Suddenly, Mount Fuji “Chicken Flying Dog Jump”

, the whole mountain began to blast the whole mountain. stand up. The black spots began to approach me. The first one was the nine -headed bird monster. Suddenly I saw a half -mountain waist shaking, and the surrounding monsters seemed to have encountered something scared, and they trembled. It is reasonable to say that these guys are the masters of the mountain as the king. I have something to be unbelievable, I will set a look at it, Obviously, it ’s a big snake that the Japanese worship is the worship of the eight forks. This monster is different from the nine head monsters. It seems that the neck is much longer, and the head is probably bigger, and it is not clear. ah? Why is it gone in a blink of an eye? I don’t have time to think about it. Anyway, these things are not what I can mess with, flash first. Following a hurry playing, these monsters seemed to have a reliance, and they immediately excited, chasing after me. “Small dishes, run away, otherwise even the scum will not be left!”

This time the monster group was obviously much more than the last time, and the more perseverance than the last time, the more the better. When I walked halfway, I met the reconnaissance team. When I saw the “accomplice”

behind me, the leader immediately murmured. One of them ran to the city immediately. But the rest rushed to me, ah? Are they going to death? Although it is less, I think the “brothers”

in the back will not mind “appetizing vegetables”

first. Out of my expectation, these guys did not launch an attack on me, but instead were a dart against the monster group, and then escaped in other directions. … It seems that I want to lead the monster back. It is really a sacrifice, but I’m afraid I’m going to be disappointed. With the loud conch sound, the monsters who leave the team immediately “honestly”

return to the team. If It’s not that they still hold a few ninjas in their mouths, I want to look more cute. I ran desperately in front of them, and they chased desperately behind. Although several waves of people wanted to quote the monsters, unfortunately, under the appeal of the artifact, all of them ended with failure. After a while, the city is not in front of the city. There are all mage and archer on the walls, and there are a row of high -end big knife guards at the door. There are dozens of them. Little Japan is really rich, and it is a matter of money, but the more the investment is, the greater the loss. Anyway, I don’t have any effort. I haven’t been close to the city yet, and what I welcome me is the overwhelming arrow rain. Although I was very careful, I was hit several times. The side dishes immediately increased the height and flew towards the air. “Little”

shot for a while, killed it, and the two sides began the war immediately! When people and people are fighting, there are spectacles of people and people, people and weirds, and some people and weirds are tragic. I watched in the air and I was a little bit unbearable. Hey, who taught them not to receive lessons? These monsters can be killed with the NPC guards regardless of the three seven twenty -one, and they are obviously prepared for the Little Japan in the city. With so many NPCs and countless archers and magicians on the city, The monsters also suffered, especially the solid city walls. Except for flying and climbing, all the others were blocked outside. , But the attacks of these guys are too scary. The explosion on the ground continued, and the monsters lost heavy losses, but the side of the city was not so good.

The monster’s air forces have opened a gap.

In order to protect the mage and archers, a group of ninjas rushed up, but the hand -to -hand fight was bad.


Once there was a gap in the entire system, there was a chain reaction immediately.

First, the NPC guards under the city lost the firepower cover above.

In addition, the Taoists did not have time to treat them, and they started to fall one by one.

Heterogeneous cattle monsters, six -headed hell hunt, double -sided demon, mountain demon, giants in the food, Dark Demon Knights, etc.

, who are energetic and impact, start to smash the city wall crazy, and do not know the city wall What did it use, it was really solid, and it was done for a long time before being opened.

I was not idle in the air.

I ran for me, and I ran.

Anyway, I made an idea that I did n’t do it with them.

It ’s boring.

They would naturally change my goal.

Anyway, I’ m full of potion in space bags.

If you drop me, there is no play!

There are a few bosses in it extremely fierce, and they are not inferior to the guardian guards.

Like one of the dark horror knights, the strength is really the word “horror”

, fight against the big knife, you knife, I cut, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, beat, fight It ’s unhappy. A super -large half -skull zombie king next to him was a little impatient. The silent roar was aimed at the head of the big knife guard. The Cavaliers made a mess. It seemed that there was a syncope function in the offense of this guy. I don’t want to be knocked by it, or keep the distance. Don’t they say that the distance is beautiful, haha! Halo, this damn nine -headed demon bird, always follows me, can’t throw away. Everyone is a little angry. This guy can’t help but teach it with me. Don’t think I am soft. persimmon. The monsters below have rushed into the city, and the ninjas in the city have already set up a formation. The archers and magicians are preferably prepared in the back. In the middle, soldiers and Taoist priests, archers and ninjas are responsible for the air, soldiers and soldiers and soldiers. The magician is responsible for the ground, but the battlefield is well -organized, but it is useless, and the difference is very different. Just when I thought I was going to start a vigorous battle, the monsters suddenly fled without returning, ah? Well, why is it abolished halfway? This is not their consistent style! The nine -headed bird who was about to fight with me also screamed and ran around. What happened? Now that Little Japanese has lost a little NPC guard, there is no damage to their own strength! Just when I was so embarrassed, the monsters were running away, and I remembered that it was blowing the conch. Unfortunately, the monster did not lead, but it caused a lot of people and stared fiercely by tens of thousands of people. I don’t want to try it anymore! I ca n’t escape, and I surrounded me for ten laps. At this time, the whole city was so quiet. I know that as long as someone ordered it, I had to play immediately. On the day, I was like a man who died. —– Long live the Chinese nation! Boom, bombardment, Ah, how is the city shaking? Is my nervous dazzling? Suddenly a large seam was cracked on the ground, stabbing, and drilling eight large snake heads. Isn’t this the “fork snake”

worshiped by Little Japan? Looking at it at a close range, it is really shocking. This feeling only has the shocking power when the mother who sees Hongyun. At that time, a kind of momentum of me, the damn “fork fork small snake head”

wants to suppress Lao Tzu, the door is all the door No, I’m not your grandson! The eight snake heads are all over the black flame -like scales from the top. Each head has this black meat crown. When the giant mouth opens, it shows a huge black glowing. The teeth are not stuffed in the mouth, and the dark and dark eyes beads seem to absorb all the souls of all creatures. At this time, I saw it clearly. There was really no body. There was a black -like flame under the long neck. It was the color of hell and was definitely a monster. Some ninjas couldn’t help but began to kneel, and then knelt down one by one, like a Domino card, the enthusiastic worship of Japan made them lose their sense. Are you so exaggerated? My intuition tells me, danger! Intersection Intersection The eight split -headed heads of the eight -meal snake fluttered for a while. Everything it encountered was immediately shattered, and then it turned into black. It could not be left in the gray, and it seemed that it was not interested in the subject below. I blame me without leaving, no, the disaster is here. The eight silly heads of the eight -meal snake screamed with harsh heads, and the black black flames were sprayed in Snakekou. OK, this is the dark end of the dark end of the white extremely flame! Flash first! Intersection Intersection Boom \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ There were countless black fireballs from the eight -meal snake immediately shrouded the whole city. Everyone was covered in it. I fled half of it and was rolled in. Hey, I still did n’t run out. Tens of thousands of people are buried enough. I didn’t know anything for a while … When I woke up, it was already at the resurrection point of Yanhuangcheng. As soon as I went online, hundreds of news rushed over, obediently, scared me! All Xueer, baby and mood, we are husband and wife. As soon as I hang, they were immediately notified. “Your husband’s soul eater, was killed by the super god beast —— The eight-meal snake was killed! Please grief”

This scared them, but so many messages for a while, they really served them. I quickly replied to report peace. Fortunately, there was a treaty for protection, and there was no loss, so I would return to the city for free. When I received the news, they didn’t worry about it. I quickly sent them to me. The three of them appeared, and whether it was under the hall audience, it immediately rushed to my arms. Note, pointing for pointers, probably I have become a ghost and a careless person. “Isn’t that the devil’s soul?”

“Yeah, the three fascinated people who have never been killed are his three wives!”

“It’s Xueer, baby, mood!”

“Hey, what else can be said to be a man, if I can die one day, it is worth it!”

“Hush \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

“Your kid doesn’t want to live, and don’t look at where it is. In Yanhuang City, he dares to disrespect the devil’s wife, be careful to be heard by their pension teams, and you have to go off the skin!”

“… cut, old, old, old, I am afraid that they are not heroes, I am also a 66 -level strong man!”

“Come on, just you, people are more than 70 or above to enter the pension team. It is not special skills that can go in at level 70, or they are equipped with good equipment. You are not enough for others to sew!”

… … I have no time to reason these boring people, but now I am busy, coaxing this coax, and finally the smile that they coaxed. “My wives are gone, I will take you to see a big scene. Your husband, I have eliminated tens of thousands of people this time, so amazing!”

“You, you will blow it up, didn’t he hung back?”

Xueer pulled my ears and said “Ah, good wife, I’m giving up as a country, there is no loss anyway, that is, no experience or equipment!”

When we reach the so -called “Sunless Imperial City”

, there is a ghost shadow here. The entire scorched soil is not even the root hair. I originally wanted to make a wealthy than the dead. ,sharp! Thinking of the “octopus big snake”

, there is a big drum in my heart, but I will flash early. I will come again in the future. This trouble is enough for these Japanese people. I don’t know how to scold me on the forum. Let me bribing their ancestors to destroy them! Haha \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ The effect of Chapter 75 Update Time: 2007-5-19 14:46:00 Number of chapters: 4726 Sure enough, as I expected, from last night, to this morning, the players of both China and Japan have already spent a drool war on the forum. Yesterday’s matter was really a big blow to the Japanese! Shortly after it was built, the “Sun Never Falling the Imperial City”

as a strategic base was caused by the time when they worshiped, and they were caused by the destroyer they worshiped. Expressing “surprise”

, claiming that we are friendly neighbors and should help each other. They also said that they did a task a while ago, ready to organize to go to the Chinese “team travel”

, contributing to the economy of China What a great “international feelings”

, and I ——- soul-eater, war traffickers, three or five times to insult their great national feelings, and the new city that invested more than 1 billion was destroyed. … Do you need so many ninjas and weapons to travel? However, we are not vegetarian. The brothers praised my bravery, but I didn’t need to be so exaggerated. I blushed myself, although my skin was already thick. Now the soul -eating soul on the Internet has become a national hero. The official webpage of “Second World”

was objectively reported at the time: Players came to Mount Fuji and found that Japanese players were preparing for a large scale.

In order to give their country a strategic time, they used artifacts—– “The Call of Banshee”

to lead countless monsters to the Mount Fuji. “Never Falling the Imperial City”

, although Japanese players have been fully prepared for a long time, because of the attractiveness of artifacts, Japanese players try to lead the monster’s method of failure, and finally began a cruel city war. This battle participated in this battle. There are more than 40,000 players, 25 big knife guards at level 90, 80 NPC archers at 70 levels. All monsters are Warcraft above level 70 or more monsters. Success, and after magic reinforcement, players fought, but Warcraft still broke through the player’s defense, but when he was about to happen, the Warcraft suddenly retreated, but the result was even more tragic. -Batomi snake, born in the sky, and the horrible destruction skills —— to destroy the flame hell. As a result, all the players present were killed. The whole turns into scorched soil and became the cursed land. (Cursed land: The entire land contains black magic-curse, which affects the minds of all creatures that enter). The player did not escape the catastrophe, but he once shouted the image of “Long live the Chinese nation”

has become the most popular picture transmitted online. The blood -stinking blood -stuffed sword is stopped in the air. Below is thousands of Japanese players who are waiting for. That’s really handsome, so handsome, I heard that it is fascinated by countless beauty. I don’t have to go on the street, otherwise I don’t need to go on the street) According to the survey, the super World of Warcraft eight gaps were attracted by the calligraphy of the artifact —— the banshee, wake up from the depths of Mount Fuji and rush down Mount Fuji. Because the player’s soul is protected by the rules, there is no loss of experience and equipment, and the direct losses of the Japanese side are as high as billions, and the indirect losses are countless. Given that the Japanese side proposed a strong protest and asked for the cancellation of the special reward of soul -eating, if they were doing this, they would play all of them, and no one can stand the two heads for three days! Our official board of directors after careful discussion, this protection treaty is indeed a bit improper, and will give overseas players a very fatal blow. Therefore, it is decided to cancel the reward of players’ soul-eliminating experience and equipment in foreign countries, and will be artifacts. —- The calling function of the banshee is low, limited to the monsters that attract level 90. However, in order to make up for its losses, it was decided to give the SSS-level task scroll for the finding artifact-“Lost Clouds”.

However, it requires high magic values as the basis, otherwise it is no wonder that it is no wonder to fall to death.). Sure enough, I found that there was an additional task scroll in my space bag. Although the artifact was very tempting, the first task of the present is not this. After that, I have time to complete it. Is it a lot of good artifacts? “Dajian”

is so cool, just listening to this name is to know it is a good thing. I don’t feel much about the official treatment. Anyway, it is enough. Be careful in the future. Even I feel that this trick is too perverted, and the hero is lonely. For this decision, players in most countries are very supportive. After all, no one knows who the next time is, and the Japanese players are very satisfied. They will make me go next time because I am hanging up It will become 80 at a time, losing the ability to cross national borders, so we must be extremely careful. Of course, our Chinese players have expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, but everyone knows that my ability is the same as BUG. No matter which country, I can’t stand my toss, but some artifact tasks can be regarded as a step as a compensation. … … “Outside, outside the number, let’s take a look at the latest Yanhuang Pao, the demon king’s soul, and the 40,000 people in Japan, destroying a first -class metropolis! One gold coin”

“Outside, outside the number, the world newspaper, the demon king’s soul -elimation ability is too strong, the official adjustment! Two gold coins.”

In any case, this time has aroused extensive controversy. Everyone has a topic when we have leveling, and Yanhuangcheng is lively. Everyone watched the first edition of the newspaper. “Boss, boss, come and see!”

It’s Xiao Mao, every time I am so urgent to disturb the “us”

good thing. When Xueer saw that there were outsiders coming, they immediately sat back to their own place. Only the baby, regardless of that set, the fever and husband’s heat were not naturally righteous. Is it? . “Xiao Mao, what’s going on!”

Seeing my fierce look, I knew that I had broken my good deeds. It was not time to come. In fact, he was also strange that he was so declining. He was always like this. “Hey, boss, you see, you see, it’s too handsome!”

Xiao Mao quickly danced the newspaper in his hand. The front page of Yanhuang Pao and the World News is a “cool photo”

of a person, which is the section that I pull out with a sword. There are six characters on the top of the Chinese nation! “Boss, it’s cool. At that time, you can be really calm, and you have the mood to put this kind of Pose. Is it expected that there will be such a comeback? The younger brother really admires the five bodies!”

“Fart, what kind of business mind, it was called true feelings, but I didn’t expect to be announced by the official!”

At that time, I thought it was settled, but I didn’t expect Feng to turn around. “Anyway, your popularity is like a rocket, and it rises quickly. Today, there are constantly requesting to join us, and some small banks will be required to be merged, and the level is considerable. Yanhuang City is really a Tibetan dragon and crocodile, there are really many masters of level 70! "

“Someone joins is a good thing, but you should also pay attention to investigating the background. Don’t accept anyone! Masters in our city will definitely not be less.”

I don’t want to break the atmosphere of the Magic Palace. “Yeah, many people are Lone Ranger and like unrestrained, so don’t underestimate these people, there are people outside people!”

Because of often performing tasks, dealing with some disputes, and really encountered many masters. Now I know that, in addition to me, the highest level has reached 73. It is fast, but the experience of each level in the future may be the sum of the previous, terrible terrible, to be honest, I look at the back hanging behind. I have a little worried about N zero experience bar, but others must be more worried than me. “Heart, how is the task collected?”

When I heard my nickname, my face was still a red, and we were so intimate that the mood was not too much. “There is no particularly difficult task, desperate three wolves and war constantly taking people to complete. When they finish, we are going to a few task points, but I think the proposal of illegal entry is good. The easiest to receive SSS Task! The other task points are slightly worse. "

For this view, after seeing the monster of Mount Fuji, I have a new understanding of human strength. I think the monsters in Kunlun are not lower than Mount Fuji, and there must be Super God Beasts and Super Warcraft. Well, let alone 5,000 people, that is, 50,000 people, and it is not as good as going in. Instead, it is better to scattered. There are more than 10 people in a group, so the goal is still a little bit. “This incident must be discussed from a long time. Although I haven’t been to, but in our current level, it is not suitable. A group of people rushed in at the same time. When they came back, we went in in batches.”

“Boss, is it like this? Let’s first send a large number of senior thieves, go into groups to explore the road, first find the position of the mission cave before acting, so as to reduce losses!”

“Yes, this is the best, tell everyone to be careful, there is no better than other places, don’t go if the level is too low! By the way, it’s best Experience, maybe you still know the way. "

Especially the desperate three wolves have been hanging in it three times, which is also a veteran. “Boss, we are here too!”

Just sent Xiao Mao, Li Zi, Liangzi, Fan, three of them rushed in. “Boss, you have been pulling the wind these days, and you don’t call your younger brother, so let’s follow it!”

“Come on, you are busy picking up girls all day. "

No, no, Li Zi fought steadily this time, tricked a little Mei Mei, I heard that it is progressing well now!” Liangzi on the side had already received the words. "

Then you, let alone a bachelor!” "

Oh, boss, Liangzi looks at a third -year school sister, but people are also masters of martial arts. Liangzi is flattened. The school sister speaks. Li Zi pointed out the “below”

, causing everyone to laugh for a while. “Oh, yes, Liangzi is working hard, just hope!”

“Fanzi, how is the recent progress?”

“Oh, a little harvested, this is not, they were stretched out of their hearts. I heard that the boss had a lot of limelight during this time. Many people on campus knew that soul -eating is the people of our school. Everyone is busy. Dig in him! "

As soon as I heard this, I looked at Li Zi at first glance. “Boss, not me, but now I have changed the evil to correct, the boss wants to do the talent, and the boss opposes that he will not be able to do it.”

“Husband is okay, they don’t know if it’s you anyway!”

Cher knew that I was afraid of trouble, and she was also troubled by trouble. Of course, it was much better now, because I had more shields. “Okay, Li Zi, you haven’t played for a long time, go to Xiao Mao, he is not enough!”

“Okay, let’s go first!”

………… “A Zhong, have you never been to the school of my sister? Why not come to me now!”

“Okay, let’s play together, go shopping by the way, and call Sister Xiangzi!”

The baby on the side clapped his hands and applauded. It’s low. “That is, I wanted to see the famous film and television Central College. I heard that there are handsome guys and beauty concentration camps. We also go to see a few sets of clothes. Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, they have a lot of clothes, and they say that there are no clothes to wear? "

This, can I not buy clothes?” "

No!” The three women rejected me with a bite, three -to -one, opposed to invalid, and I was not there. In case of no eyes, I wanted to take advantage, I was not a big loss. After the line, we first returned to our secret base. Xiangzi looked at the book quietly in the room, and the room was not dyed. When I came in, I immediately rushed up, embraced her full body, and comforted her. During this time, she was alone alone. Boring enough, women in love are to accompany, it is really difficult for her. Xueer and Baby arrived for a while. The three women talked immediately and waited for a while. The mood was also there. The three women and one play, the four were a large stage. What is just lying on the bed comfortably, the sound wants to hypnotize it, and I will confuse it without knowing it. It seems that Xueer is helping me massage in the dream. I don’t remember it comfortably. I don’t know how long it has been, my nose itchy, opened my eyes, it turned out to be the little naughty of the baby. "

Husband, you have been sleeping for an hour, we should go!” "

Oh? Is it so long, so comfortable, I dreamed of four fairies!” "

Is the four fairies still massaging you?" Xiangzi asked naughtyly. "

Ah, how do you know!" Giggle, the four women laughed into a ball, or the baby said intermittently, "

Husband, we were tired for a long time, you fell well, what fairies did you give all the credit!" Baby jumped with a cute little mouth. But I was occupied by me, and the anger disappeared. "

The fairy I dream of is you, my baby, good wife!" Five people are so noisy … Text Chapter 76 physical strength Update Time: 2007-5-19 14:46:00 Number of chapters: 5703 With such a noisy, I was not sleepy anymore. I was about to set off. I found that the four women looked at me. Is there any "

mark" on my face? "

Don’t you say you are going to set off, why are you still there?" "

Husband, we want to change clothes, how do we change here?" I was gols, but what is this, the old husband and wife, women are troublesome. "

That’s it, go out, don’t peek!" When they said, I was energetic. I sat on the chair next to me and couldn’t say that I couldn’t go out. This rare opportunity to say that you can’t give up anything. When I saw it, I used the nirvana, and I couldn’t help it. Except for the baby, all of them blushed, but I didn’t see it. Why should I be shy, but I like this feeling. Then the beauty began to choose clothes. Of course, the most exciting thing was the process of changing clothes. When a piece of clothes fell from them, I was stunned. Looking at it, it is simply a miracle. It is really very moved in her heart. Some girls look good in clothes. In fact, they look very good. For example, there are many meat on the waist, or the proportion is not coordinated. Fake "

ingredients and so on. But I was perfectly attracted by the perfectly in front of me. The baby inside was the most petite, but I also gave me the most unique feelings. This little Nizi was not afraid of ashamed at all. They also slowly let go, it is my blessing. They are like models, changing clothes in a set, of course, I see the whole process. The four women later started to ask my opinion. At this time, I was fainted by my fascinated. They don’t care about me, in fact, their hearts are happy, and what is more important than being liked by their boyfriend. (Little Stone 00: Yes? Wang Zhong: What? What ??? Little Stone 00: Husband! Wang Zhong: You !!!, Hey, I’m not afraid, if you dare to change people, you don’t need to be 俺 Shoot! As a result, it was unexpected, just like impermanence of life, a large group of people competed for this position, sweat …) Finally, the four -dressing beauty appeared in front of me, “alright!”


I haven’t read enough, it’s over, ah, it’s been half an hour, but I think it’s only 5 minutes. “Leave, some time will be seen in the future.”

Unexpectedly, the shy Xueer suddenly came such a sentence, which caused us to turn all his eyes to her. “Wow, Xueer, you have to remember, if you are fighting, you need to execute the law!”

“Huh, who cares about you, sisters, we set off!”

………… Now it is driving my car. The car is the face of a man. How can it be good for them? Besides, I do n’t have no money now. I spent 12 million to buy this limited -edition full -featured “Galaxy”.

(Domestic brands) are my favorite silver and white super modern colors, super cool models, perfect configuration, and the automatic system inside is more complete. Anyway, there are many functions. Hairstyle, each is a global positioning. This is the special service of the Galaxy. Because of the government background of the Galaxy, it is very concerned. Of course, if you don’t like it, you can also cancel this service. Drive to the Central College of Film and Television, obediently, so big facade. To be honest, although the Central College of Film and Television is top -level in the film and television art world, the comprehensive strength is definitely not as strong as our college, but people are more money, especially those star who became famous. They just like to come back to stroll around. In fact, they are showing, but empty -handed showing will be scolded, so they have to donate points more or less. It’s right. The Academy of Art is not the same. It can be seen from the car stopped at the door. It is all luxurious. There are many beautiful handsome guys coming and going. Of course, there are some old men. Several of those who have long hair are sorry for the audience. Ten or nine are painting department, and this department does not look at the appearance. Our arrival is still so much attention, especially in this kind of place, the wind of comparison is prevailing. Once we come, the people around you are frequently notes, but most of the eyes are around my wives and my car transfer to my car. In fact, I am not bad, just here I am also a middle level. I am good, and the mistake is wrong. A person monopolizes four super -class beauties. Fortunately, my car still competed for me, otherwise someone would come up to pick the field soon. “I said why Nangong always didn’t make a boyfriend. It turned out to be wrapped!”

A student on the roadside said fiercely, but he couldn’t wait for him to be the one who had bags. “That is, there is a great look, but there is something great, but it is really good luck. It’ s still a little handsome guy, that galaxy is cool, I do n’t know which master is! "

Unwilling, why don’t you have such a person to cover her, and don’t look at the thick fat powder on her face who dares to! “You two of your idiots, don’t be dying, what’s nonsense!”

A third -year senior prevented them from continuing to complain. “The Nangong Shijia is rich and powerful. When do you need his own heirs to do such a thing, be careful to be heard by the people of the family, and you can wait for the rebirth!”

The two people looked like soil and ran away. Beauty like moods in such a school, if there is no background, it is very large by pressure and intimidation in all aspects, which is why so many beautiful girls have fallen. “A Zhong, this is our tennis court, yes!”

The tennis court in front of me is five times larger than the venue of the tennis club in our college. Woohoo, it is really unfair. The skirts of the beautiful women inside are really short. Basically, everything can be seen when exercising. The four women next to them have found that what I see is not the stadium at all, and they are all coquettish. The beautiful and moving people are lost for a while. I suddenly remembered a question, “Heart, won’t you wear such clothes before, play tennis in such a place?”

Looking at my jealousy, they all laughed in the mood, and I made my headlessness. Is there any funny of this, can’t a man jealous? “Rest assured, that is, our sisters are not so open. Do you say that I need to attract men like this!”

This is also good. The real beauty is good, so it has fallen. “When we want to play, we went to the indoor women’s tennis club, so you don’t have to worry. Moreover, this movement is really not challenging for our warriors.”

“Ah? You still have indoor and outdoor, hey, Xueer, those guys in our college are about to cry!”

“This is Wudao District, and some martial arts associations in our college are here.”

I said at a large group of associations. “Wow, there are really everything, Shaolin, Wudang has come out. I wonder the guys in Shaolin Temple can’t shave their heads?”

“A little shaved, there are some real Shaolin disciples in it, but most of them are disciples, haha, do you want to look at the bald head?”

“Forget it, what’s the good -looking bald head? I think it’ s better to look good in our boudoir! "

The place of martial arts was all right and wrong. I took this group of beauties in. No one was in trouble. Do not believe. “Okay, then everyone will go to my snail house for a while.”

I was living with her four sisters. Their sisters were also five golden flowers of the Central College of Film and Television (they are cousins). I noticed that I didn’t see the four of Xinluo for several days. I suddenly found that there seemed to be only one bedroom. When I saw Xueer’s doubts as me, I was in a red face. “We have been sleeping together and practicing together since childhood. When we grow up, it will not be distinguished when it becomes a habit.”

The mood is still a little embarrassed. After all, it is such a big person. However, in my mind, there was a first picture of a five -sisters. …… What does it mean to divide. “Sister in the mood, Sister Xinluo, who hasn’t seen them for a long time, and don’t come to play with me?”

Baby less heart is less than half of the fun. I also say that noise and trouble are doubled. “They are conducting each monthly family assessment, and they are not progressing, so they are being fined, but they are almost fast.”

“Ah, can the retreat improve the martial arts, then I have to close it, and how can people practice without any progress!”

The baby showed the new continent. “Oh, good baby, not anyone can retreat. Your temperament is more alive and not suitable for martial arts, but the power is good.”

When the other three women listened, I looked at me like watching a monster, “Husband, can you learn the power?”

Xiangzi itself is a power person. She understands this kind of thing very well. She can only rely on her own awakening. She has never heard of it and she can learn it, otherwise it will not be flooded. “Oh, it’s not a simple study, which is related to my own ability. I don’t know how to happen recently. Xiangzi and mood have the foundation. The general masters are not your opponents, but I rest assured that Xue’er and Baby I rest assured No. "

“Husband, there is a protection around you, the baby is not afraid of anything!”

The baby in the four women worships me most. Probably I am omnipotent in her eyes. She is also her. “There is nothing to do with me, and naturally there will be anything. There are only a few of my strength in this world, and it is scattered all over the world, but I am afraid that I am not there.”

“Husband, it’s okay, we have a bodyguard.

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