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Chapter_12 Is it all over?

" "

This is the case, but the prevention is not ignited. Besides, your bodyguards are just furnishings, and it has no effect on the real master. It is better to ask someone to ask for yourself. When I wait for some time, my plan can be implemented." "

Husband, can we have power at that time?" Baby asked crooked heads. "

Well, all the four of you will have power, and if you are lucky, the level of Xiangzi will also increase the level." "

Really?" A surprise light was released in the eyes of the four women. For these arrogant women these days, there are few things that are not available, and the ability is really the most mysterious of them. "

When did your great husband lie to you!" After speaking, the shape of the sun god Apollo, unfortunately my muscles are worse, … and Apollo is a white person. … This kind of juice is so delicious. "

Okay, it’s enough to rest. I don’t see that there is nothing to visit in the school. It is better to start our shopping plan." The mood caused three cheers, and a scream of screaming. Essence There is a large shopping mall near the mood school. When we walked out of the school gate, there were many people around us, and some people sighed from time to time. I asked a onlooker, a little handsome guy, and saw the four beauties next to me, and looked at it for a while. "

Sister Nangong, I am your admirer, please sign me!" Quickly took out a beautiful notebook. Dizzy, I originally wanted to ask what happened. As a result, I was so troubled that the influence of my mood was greater than I thought. There must be nothing that I did not explain, and I went back to the question. "

That’s it. I just wanted to steal the car just now. As a result, half of the stolen was fainted by electricity. The car was automatically anti -theft, and the police arrived after a while, and immediately took him away. We all guessed. The car of the big man, otherwise, at the speed of the police, the car will not be able to come. " "

Oh, this kind of -grade cars have this function?" The young handsome guy looked at me like a guy in the countryside, "

This is not a matter of price. Except for special personnel, it is useless to spend hundreds of millions. It is not allowed to have such a dangerous anti -theft device. Unless there is a franchise, you don’t see the five -star mark on the car. , That’s it. " Dizzy, I thought it was a good -looking decoration. Is it a ghost that my family is doing. Hey, the more afraid of the trouble, the more trouble. "

I heard that it was an ordinary man and the four stunning beauties. I heard that there is one of the school flowers of our school." The little handsome guy said to himself, Dizzy, am I so "

ordinary"! ah! The little handsome guy seemed to understand something, and he pointed at us with excitement. We have separated the crowd and drove away quickly. ………… Fashion Plaza, I have come to this kind of place for the first time. This is one of the most popular clothing areas. You can see it if you do n’t buy it, and the service attitude here is really first -rate. In addition The handsome men and women will go here to visit, so they also attracted a large number of people with impure purposes. No, we just took a few steps, and we came here several scouts. At the beginning, I also explained. When a man dared to come over, I was directly a "

spiritual impact" to scare him away and save trouble, causing Xueer to be strange for a while. How can these people approach, just like seeing ghosts, and run away without returning. The same power, Xiangzi naturally knew that it was a good thing I did. He explained to Cher, and naturally aroused a laughter, which even attracted their interest in learning abilities. We are looking at them one by one. Try one by one. After a while, the bags in my hand began to increase. The number of any of them was very scary. Besides, the four people added up. The most horrible, even more powerful than her three sisters, it is really the waves of the Yangtze River, but the happiest is those businesses. They slaughtered the "

Kaizi" in their eyes fiercely. To increase, let them forget the best for money, haha. Unconsciously, I came to the underwear area. The dazzling bras, underwear, I was dazzling, and finally I could only look down at the ground. "

Husband, what are you looking for, is the wallet dropped?" Baby asked naughty, "

This, do you see, am I going out?" "

What are you afraid of, here is not a man who is accompanied by a man, followed honestly." Xiangzi "

bold" is big. But also, other men are not only normal, but not normal. When your friend turns around and sweeps us quickly, I am afraid of it, and it takes to look back! They all entered the locker room. I am a bodyguard outside, preventing the colored wolves from pretending to go wrong and taking the opportunity to take advantage. "

Husband, come!" It was Xueer’s voice, is it … I rushed in as soon as I flashed. "

Husband, my belt buckle is caught!" Xueer didn’t notice the current spring light. I didn’t expect her to be alone. It is inevitable to help her solve it gently. Of course, it is inevitable to take advantage of it. In order not to be thick, the other three women’s rooms naturally have to "

visit". As a result, it will be good for a few minutes. We took it for nearly half an hour. Strangely, they seemed to wait for me intentionally. When I went in, it happened that they changed it, hey \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~. … … When they finished buying, I am about to lie down. Don’t look at the bags that I hang on all over, there are still on the car. I had to buy it for me, and I wouldn’t do it. "

Some of my clothes are, buy it next time!" Seeing me a crumbling look, the four young ladies let me let me go. But after returning home, the four women helped me massage me a good way to thank me for gratitude. Finally, I also made me comfortable and enjoyed the feeling of heaven. value! … but their physical strength is really good! Text Chapter 77 The abandoned Elf Forest Updated: 2007-5-19 14:47:00 Number of chapters: 4549 Although the entire Central Plains is busy searching and the completion rate of the task has reached a record high, there is no trace of the slightest spider traces so far, and the situation is very unfavorable to us. "

Our Magic Palace is completed in two days, 1280 B -level tasks, 520 A -level tasks, 56 S -class tasks, 3 SS -level tasks, 3 serial tasks, but the levels are quite low. There is no level task. “Xiao Mao made a simple introduction. Although everyone worked very hard these days, it was not a lot of gains. , SSS -level tasks are very rare. "

Boss, we can’t receive this SSS -level task at all from the general task point. Generally, the highest level of random task is to the S -level. As for the SS -level, and the SSS level, such as SSS levels can be encountered and unavailable The task, in just a short time, is really similar to the pie in the sky. " According to Xiaomao’s opinions, we seem to transfer the strategic direction in advance, so that it is a waste of time. "

Yeah, I have identified all the unknown scrolls at the auction, but I have not found SSS -level tasks. Now there are fake task scrolls on the market. I really want to be crazy!” The second sister -in -law is quite angry about this. It is really unreasonable to rob the robbery at this time. Once found, it must be beaten to zero. The most ridiculous thing is that in order to become famous, there are some people who claim to have obtained the SSS mission that cross the border. When the leaders of the forces found him one after another, they found that it was a scam. Donoring him and the joint wanted by the guild, the tiger could not do it anymore, and he could only be a mouse that everyone shouted. "

Okay, let’s not say anything angry. Talk about how to arrange the plan below!" I don’t know if this time is busy, what’s wrong, the words of the second sister -in -law are several times more than before Deep girlfriend. "

If you go on this way, you really have to go to Kunlun’s mission cave like illegal entry." The war kept saying helplessly, it seemed that his impression of Kunlun was not good. "

Cat fish, how about your scout detection?" "

We sent more than 200 thieves above level 68 to enter Kunlun reconnaissance. There is no news so far, but there is no casualties!" Seeing everyone’s confusion, cat fish explained a little embarrassed, "

The order I gave them was to return to the city immediately when there was danger, so it was not large to go deep into the area. “learn!”

Everyone didn’t say anything. After all, safety is the first. I have a deep understanding of this desperate three wolves. It fell back to level 71 from level 73. He had a heart that he didn’t even play. Report! The door was rushed in a 70 -level thief. It seemed that the captain of the demon thief was the captain of the demon. “Say something!”

This “old”

thief seems to be a little excited, “found SSS -level task scrolls!”


Everyone stood up happily, cat fish quickly took over the task scroll, “Where did you find this?”

“It was a small captain near the NPC farm. I thought it was a normal task. I didn’t expect it to be SSS level!”

“Very good, upgrade him by level. If he is lucky, he will wait to promotion to make a fortune!”

………… “Really shit, this can make him encounter, why can’t such a good thing turn to me?”

Li Zi looked like I was very injured. “If you can even be smashed by such pie, it is really difficult to accommodate!”

Liangzi had to never forget to pour cold water at all times, and we already have resistance to the noise of this live treasure. “Two sister -in -law, what kind of task do you see, what is the reward?”

Er Jie has taken the scroll, looked left and right, and also put several senior identification techniques. “Boss, there is no specific reward in it, but it is just a rescue task. It is said that the NPC5 farm in the west of the city was attacked by the spym in the abandoned elves in the nearby elves, asking us to remove them?”

After the second sister -in -law said, everyone froze, cleared Slime? And SSS -level tasks. “Haha, Slime, I like it, this task is given to me, and they guarantee that they are rolling in their farts!”

Li Zi came to pick up immediately when he heard that he was cheap. ###### Slime, one of the weakest Warcrafts of Level 5 ——- 10, a bit like liquid land organism like a seafood, has a certain degree of deformation ability, low-level camouflage, such as becoming branches, leaves and the like It is not to attack, but to avoid hunting, the effect is not very good. Do not physical attacks and magic attacks, only short -distance venom attacks (reducing the green poison of health), and extremely toxicity, have no effect on players with a level of 30 or more. Although it is Warcraft, the personality is still docile. I do n’t know how to attack humans and make a living by plants. To talk about attacking the NPC farm, it is simply a night. If I remember correctly, the No. 5 farm is exactly the place where gold fruit is rich in fruit. Even we have to from there. Buy, for the monopoly NPC, there are two 80 -level big knife guards at the door. Not to mention Slime, the ancestor of Slime came out, and it was not enough to cut it. destroy. King Slime, level 15, each Slime group has only one king, generally purple, ordinary slime is green, in fact, you can violently violent bronze swords, characterized by fast movement speed, toxicity ""

" Relatively "

strong, good at deformation, occasionally a few perverts, a little simple magic, in general, is a oppressed herbivore. Some low -level Slims have no ability to spray venom. They are often caught by players and are trained to play with children. (There are many husbands and wives to play games together, but there is no time to take care of children. It is a good choice to spend some money to buy a non -toxic and docile slime.) Therefore, there is still a popular killing Slime, which has become the best way to get rich by novices. It is miserable to be caught. After cruel “processing”

, it may be sold to other players. A flat -looking appearance is often stepped on, beaten, sitting, and thrown. It basically meets the various violence requirements of children. It will also become a variety of shapes. After the popularity of pets, their lives are even more sad, and sometimes they even become pets for pets. ———— Editor from “The Tragic Slime Family of the Second World”

research Haha, everyone laughed for a while, Baby smiled the happiest, because she liked to play Slime the most, her bow and arrow range was far away from the poor little slime, and it was difficult for these slow mobile guys to avoid her bow and arrows. “Those Slime is not simple!”

The whole hall was quiet and quiet, all looked at my arms, talking about love, it may be that I did n’t play with her in the past few days. The little girl was angry, and I did n’t speak in my arms. Suddenly, I just said such a sentence. I was frightened, but suddenly didn’t say anything, I just buried my head in my arms and refused to come out. In addition to the continuous battle, desperate three wolves, Feiyun and other newcomers, unclear “powerful”

, others know more or less, knowing that she speaks \ “weight "

It is not easy, then there may be problems. Besides, SSS -level tasks. “Boss, almost missed, the above reminder is a dangerous team task!”

The center of the scroll is a skeleton mark, prompting the danger of the task. (Skeleton Elf: Hey, it’s the label of my younger brother!) OK, it is still a team task, that is, the mission that requires the mercenary group or the guild to take over the task of the city is generally more difficult than the single -person task, and it is not done by a person. “Okay, let’s not sit here and chat here. The tasks will not be done by themselves. Everyone, the three wolves, the battle brother, the two silly plums, the good son, the fan, let’s see what is going on first, Xiao Mao, the second sister -in -law, the second sister -in -law, the second sister -in -law, , Cat Fish waited for the news in the meeting. "

Of course, Xueer, mood, babies and they were going. “People have to go!”

Love suddenly came to play together, and I had to play together. I couldn’t take her. If I didn’t take her, may She alone, this little witch is sometimes savvy like a monster, sometimes silly like a baby, but she is very scary. Now everyone is a naughty little girl, and no one has doubted her origin. “Okay, let’s go together!”

Looking at her happy look, everything is worth it. With so many masters, there should be no problem. Our group of us might kill the direction of the newcomer village. Yes, it is the newcomer village. The NPC farm No. 5 is next to the newcomer village, and the NPCs often hire novice to work. It’s all mixed up to work for the computer, but there is no way. It is more hard except Xiao Meimei. The big bank will not accept it. It is not enough at all. There are too many “flowers and flowers”.

It takes doz tens of gold coins to eat high -end meals. It ’s really black, … it seems to be the” black "

of our magic palace. Shop. Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Working for the shop and restaurant for players, although the income is high, but the requirements are high, and sometimes they are still angry, so everyone prefers the NPC farm. Although the salary is low, it is relatively light and free, and the NPC will not scold you to be lazy. If you do n’t have a face, of course you have to do it, otherwise you will deduct your salary. Sometimes you eat a few fruits produced in a few gardens. The most important thing is that you do n’t need to care about the eyes of others. Basically, new people like to go there. NPC farm has a total of 1 ——- 10, from breeding, mining, crops, fruits, and textiles. Most of the raw materials in the entire city are derived from there. The most popular. As soon as I arrived at the door, a burst of fruits came to the face. It was really seductive. A beautiful little girl came over, “What do you have?”

It looks like NPCs, Li Zi and Liangzi have started to tasting. “70 points!”

“No, I think of 75 points to compare the customer’s point of view!”

“No, it’s 80 points!”

“It’s still 85 points, you see here, it’s fine there!”

These two guys really don’t forget the old industry where I really do, and I have a fierce kick before I know convergence. The little girl blushed for a while, haha, players are not NPCs. “Little sister, we are here to pick up the task!”

I showed her the SSS -level task scroll. “Oh! Please follow me.”

When I arrived in the farm, I found the old man who was like the village chief, and the old man looked at it as if it was not qualified to be qualified. Finally, he doubted that “How many people are you really want to pick up this task?”

“Old man, we are the elite master of the Magic Palace. If we can’t do it, no one will do it!”

Li Zi said without blushing. … In fact, he seems to be a great master. “Oh, thank you, this problem has bothered us for a long time. If you finish, I will give you an unexpected gift on behalf of the village. Going west here is the abandoned elf forest, I hope you can be successful! "

However, I saw that I was already fruitful, one by one, seductive gold fruit, grapes, lychee, pineapple, a lot of good things, and the love refused to leave, I had to eat here. “Lao, my cousin’s cousin here is here, and when we come back, we settle for me. This is 10,000 gold coins. "

No, no, eat casually, eat casually, should!” Seeing that he was determined, and love should be like this, I didn’t say much, and told her to honestly not cause trouble, and we marched towards the abandoned elf forest. The abandoned elf forest is a hidden place. It must be entered by the consent of the NPC of the farm. There were also people who had been in the newbies before. "

The task, but it is said that the range is still very large, and the ruined elf temple ruins are quite beautiful with the beautiful forest. It probably opens this task to make full use of resources. Text Chapter 78 Wolverine Updated: 2007-5-19 14:47:00 Number of chapters: 4384 Elves, having a handsome appearance.

This is their commonality.

It is said that they are divided into two major species.

One is the element elf composed of elements.

Force, the small body has infinite magic power.

I like flowers and trees and all creatures close to nature.

They all appear in the form of women.

They will not actively attack any creatures.

Level 6 or above.

Another kind of elves, similar to humans, commonly known as large elves, generally lived in dense forests, also known as wooden elves, with sharp ears, slender body, elegant temperament, beautiful appearance, natural super superb, super superb, super superb, super superb, super supernatural appearance Archers, their leader is the ultimate phantom archer in the legend.

It is hostile to humans.

The opposite of element elves is not good at magic.

At most, some auxiliary magic will be used.

The former elf can be seen in the depths of the Green Forest, but the existence of the large elves is a secret.

It is said that it was used to be a gathering area of the elves.

End with the victory of human beings, but with the help of element elf, the elves disappeared, and the artifacts have disappeared.

From then on, they have been abandoned.

For some reason, they have evolved, and due to the rapid development of the number, they have begun to attack nearby villages.

Although the two elves have no blood relationship, because they are close to nature, they often live together, and the power formed by any race cannot be underestimated, but there is a large elves.

, Hostile to all life, being cast aside by the elf race.

The elemental elves king is divided into the four -series elves king, as well as the rare light elf king, and the Diablo king, the 9th grade sacred beast, and the wise race in the holy beast.

, All the magic that belongs to the department, there is a small crown on the top of the head, which is twice as big as the ordinary elemental elves.

———— Editor from “The Elf of the Second World”

" As soon as we entered the abandoned elf forest, we saw a piece of green strawberry garden, surrounded by simple fences. The strawberries inside were reddish, one by one, exuding seductive taste, sour, and sour. Sweet, oops, saliva flows out. These guys are fierce. They eat their own and think of others. It seems that their IQ is not low. Next to the strawberry garden is a clear stream, which flows from the mountains and can be irrigated. The former elf forest did not lose its vitality after losing the elves, and it was so vibrant, but it was too silent inside, and it made people feel murderous. "

Boss, the environment here is really good. Why not take some strawberries first?” Li Zi stared at the strawberry eyes and began to become red. However, the buddies around them are almost the same. Although the baby does not say, the desire in my eyes explains everything, … In fact, I also want to eat it. "

OK, but time can’t take too long!” "

Oh, too, the brothers!" It was Liangzi who took the lead in rushing up. Li Zi saw that the boy dared to grab his limelight and immediately rushed up. When the two were still fighting for a forefront, we had already started eating. It’s right. "

Wow, it’s so sweet!" After eating a sweet and sour strawberry, Feiyun’s face seemed to have a layer of red, which was seductive. She was different from Xueer. The flowers have the master, and Feiyun is famous for the sake of flowers, which makes the a little strong in the meeting look more like a bee with nectar, buzzing. In fact, strawberries are not a rare thing, but all we can see are finished products, one by one in the fruit plate, or strawberry sauce or fruit juice, losing the active strawberry, and growing in front of our eyes Compared with the strawberries in the ground, they have a little seduction, and they are very enjoyable to eat. The beauties are relatively quiet. They are picking one and eating one. One set, seeing good, first take advantage, the hand is full, the mouth is full, there are two stuffing in the throat, probably men like to eat in the bowl, looking at the pot, Li Zi and Liangzi It was too hot, and there was a large area of invisible. I had to fight for one. Hey, let me talk about it first. Eat the same, and everyone’s space bags were packed a lot. We started to do business, but strangely, we have made a long time here. In terms of strength, it should not be too low in IQ. Do you just look at our strawberry gardens? In such a big Mori, in order to save time, everyone decided to move. The wives refused to separate from me, and Feiyun refused to stay alone with a group of men. It can be seen) So the group is like this. The first group: I, Xueer, baby, mood, flying cloud, fighting. The second group: desperate three wolves, big silly, little silly, plum, Liangzi, fan. Originally, I wanted to divide into four groups, but the danger was too great, and it was divided into two groups. No matter where the situation was found, contact the snake immediately. Our side entered the left and after entering the forest, we found that it was still so quiet, not as if there were creatures. I kept opening the way in front of the war. The sword can only be used to look at the tree vine, and it has weakened the red light. I do n’t know how long I have gone, we found a very, very serious problem-we lost our way, I ca n’t fly to the sky to find the way, but the eyes are all forests that cannot be seen, and it looks like it looks, and it looks like It’s almost the same, dizzy, I knew I bought a compass. Just when we were worried, the surrounding tree vine moved quietly. I didn’t pay attention to it in the air. The treetops were getting longer, and slowly approaching us. Fortunately The crisis, rushing into the air, escaped the attack, but almost fell me down. "

Be careful!" Everyone avoided the attack of the tree and vine. The mood and war kept guarding both sides. Feiyun and Cher quickly set up a primary wind and fire array. Although there was no attack power, the attack on this wooden monster was not better. Seeing that the two of them were defending, the war kept summoning his iron -back bear "

Big Bear", rushing out, and a mood also summoned her small elves, raised the dragon to sweep from the other side. Only attacking them can work hard. Those who cut off will be reborn immediately. The thunderbirds of Feiyun are the first time to show their faces, golden feathers, and tall bodies are really prestigious handsome birds! As soon as the Thunderbird shot, it was a lightning, and then rushed to a tree monster. After a while, a large open space was cleared. Strangely, there was no sign of the monster when the monster died. , Quickly slipped away, and disappeared as soon as I entered the woods. I fell from the air. As soon as I looked at the situation on the ground, I found that something was wrong. At a glance, these were ordinary trees. "

Be careful, all of them are Slime, those branches, leaves, and even the whole tree are their mimic state!" As soon as I finished speaking, the surrounding scenery immediately changed. The original branches and leaves disappeared. A big tree seemed to melt, paralyzed into a soft ball, and replaced them with liquid Slim wearing a small green hat. First, the ball shape, then some become the shape of the adult, some becomes a bow and arrow, and the "

person" next to the "

person" immediately grabs the "

bow and arrow" Countless Slime troops appeared for a while! All the things you can see have basically become slime. Whizzing! Intersection Intersection Numerous poisoned arrows were shot when we were shot, hitting the "

Fire Fire Array", bingling, and some of them wearing it, and was kept by the war and blocked. "

Husband, we can’t support it for a long time!" "

The situation is urgent, Brother War, you and the ‘big bear’, Xueer, you are in the middle, everyone takes care of each other, I will take the lead, everyone must not be scattered, rush out together!" At this time, the wind and fire array has begun to shake! Open the shield, clone! At the moment of scattered, watch my super nirvana —— Four times the ice magic dance! Countless ice rings were killed forward, and they just hit a passage. As soon as the countless poisoned arrows were shot beyond us, my shield was constantly hitting, and it was scattered in a while. I can rush forward, and we are very embarrassed. I quickly put a few nine -headed fire snakes. It may be a natural guest, which attracted their attacks. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we rushed forward without looking back. , Poison Arrow, a physical attack, has no effect on magic. It should be able to drag for a while. Unfortunately, my thoughts did not stay long. I only heard a loud noise. The nine -headed fire snake disappeared. Magic! Sure enough, countless first -class ice arrows, air blades, stone balls smashed towards us. Although they were all first -class magic, there were 3 levels of power, and the ants were bite to death! Fortunately, the head of the iron back bear and the thunderbird is large enough, coupled with the constant protection of the war, Xueer, Feiyun’s constant treatment, plus defense, finally came over, but unfortunately these Slime troops did not intend to let us go.

Always followed our butt, the crackling bow and arrow, the magic was smashed in a while.

Fortunately, in the forest, if it was changed to the open space, we would have been beaten as a sieve!

Due to the distance between the distance, the two mood and war can only be blocked, relying on my half -hanging mage.

Although the scene is chaotic, the attack of these guys is still very organized.

After the bow and arrow shot, the strawberry was thrown out.







A bit reacted.

Immediately, a few guys gave up the attack and went to grab the strawberries on the ground.

We looked at each other and the opportunity came.

Fewer and fewer come up!

When we ran to the edge of the woods, the last Slime was lying on the remaining strawberries, and the whole body was excited.

Thunderbird and iron -back bear’s hair has fallen a lot.

After a while, I will probably buy clothes and wear it.

Our embarrassed, happy, this guy ran the fastest at the time, and when we saw our anger, we became honest.

At this time, the “lucky over”

Slime realized his situation and looked at us blankly. hey-hey! “Brother, there is only one of you!”

We surrounded it fiercely, not so embarrassed! As if I understood me, this unlucky guy looked around, suddenly swallowed strawberries, and wanted to be a deadly ghost, and then lying pitifully, like a turtle that turned over, a small pair of little pairs Looking at us watery eyes, that means, you can do it, it is best to show mercy. × × a bear, at this time, pretend to be pitiful, innocent, innocent, even Xueer and them are not moving! “Everyone goes!”

◎ # ¥ ◎ % (◎ ※ 3 For a while, this unlucky guy was dying immediately. When he was beaten, he also became a pointed ones. We wanted us to be overcast. You are still human. After the lesson, we finally took a breath, and finally threw it into the space bag by the war. When we have time to study, such perverted, anti -fighting and strong smart slime Price! At this time, we have the mood to look at the scenery in front of us. It is not the edge of the forest at all, but it is likely to be the center of the forest. There is a huge temple in front of it, which is so majestic. It is incompatible with the forest show. The door is two blurred stone statues. I do n’t know what Warcraft is. The magic array is like sealing. “This does not seem to be the temple of the elves. The elves will not use the World of Warcraft to defend the temple!”

Xueer said, looking at the temple, “Well, and the elf of the son of the forest, the elf will not build such a glorious temple of golden walls. They worship the god of nature!”

Feiyun approved. “Then do we go in and see!”

Baby looked at the temple in front of him, looking like a curious baby. Chapter 79: Updated: 2007-5-19 14:48:00 Number of chapters: 2841 For a while, everyone was tired enough, and the physical consumption was very fast. Now I just take a break and wait for them to meet me. When I sent a message to them, these “poor”

guys were also lost. When I was worried, my savior sent a “God”

—— the coordinates of the Temple (500, 500 ), Hurry up and meet. Of course, do not forget to let them be careful of Slime’s army. Eating the same loss is not what we do. In order to make them vigilant, repeated declarations are not jokes, desperate three wolves, big silly, small stupid, fans are all all all of them It’s a serious person, what I say is, but Li Zi and Liangzi are really reassuring. If they are not solemn, these two guys don’t know what they will make trouble, and finally tell them the life-saving stunt- — Throw strawberries! I have seen the door of the temple. I have a strong magic atmosphere, and it is a weird magic array. There is no special way that it cannot be opened at all. It may be another hidden task. From the signs, it should also be S -class or above. It looks, but if we do n’t have a clue, the door cannot be opened. I think there is an adventure task in ten or nine or nine. Now our own things are headaches, and we do n’t want to go out of the festival. Senior surgeon and thieves came to see. For about half an hour, the forest opposite was shaking for a while, which surprised us. It was really bitten by snakes. I was afraid of grass ropes for ten years. I just prepared to fight back. OK, they look similar to the savage, especially the plums. Only a pants are complete. The whole body is a hole, and the broken cloth strips. It seems that these perverted Slim can’t even eat such a powerful nine -level Warcraft. The fan’s blood bat “Little Feixia”

is not good. These Slime has no blood to suck at all. It is not a little disadvantaged for it who is used to this advantage. The entire bat is a spiritual look. The worst is the “baby”

of the Nasako’s food man. It is big, slow, and stupid. The entire attack target is good at skin and high health. In this way, there were only half of the shot, lying on the ground miserable. “Baby”


still scared the daughter jump, but fortunately, Liangzi explained quickly, because the mood of the mood was pulled out. “Dearly mercy, this is-my very ugly, but a very gentle baby, this time we can come back, but it has made great achievements!”

Li Zi was tired of sitting on the ground, and the spring was leaked. At this time, he couldn’t care about the image. Feiyun quickly turned his head, and others sat down and rest. Li Zi himself is very relaxed. You see that you have taken advantage of my cheap, and the virgin body is not so easy to see … “Oh, how about, these Slime tastes good?”

The war kept laughing and asked, everyone was also a mile of illness, we were not better than them. “Ahem, let alone mention it, if it wasn’t for you to remind you in advance, don’t want to come back in advance, but unfortunately my strawberry!”

Liangzi was still worried about the hunting just now. This group of guys are not big, and they are really fierce to attack. “Boss, what’s going on, and how their strength is so strong, I think all of them are above level 50!”

Da Sin encountered such a dull thing for the first time. “That is, not only that, but also sneak attacks. All of them are like real. Bows, arrows, magic, poison, no shortage, just a few therapists will be together.”

Xiao Tu is also so tired that he is only breathing. With his character, the real knife and real gun are his favorite. The most annoying thing is this kind of work chased by people. “How are they so organized? It’s not easy to destroy them. At least it is not enough to rely on our 12 people. I think I must go back to bring people over!”

Desperate three wolves leaning on his “big hair”

, drinking his own little wine, and enjoying the tranquility after running. Fork, he will enjoy it and learn it in the future. If Hongyun is fine, it is better to deal with these semi -liquid things like this sacred beast, but unfortunately … hey, it will be sad to remember. (Xueer’s new pet will definitely make everyone satisfied ^\ _ ^) “By the way, I forgot to tell you an important news!”

Li Zi’s giant eyes ""

Eye of the sky “seemed to see something. Seeing everyone stared at him, then slowly said, saying one by one "

—— We were surrounded!” Pour \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ # ¥ ◎ % ◎ … I do n’t say such an important thing early, and sell it, this is not to find Bian, even Feiyun kicked him secretly … but if he knows If you do, you should be very happy, after all, the beauty of the beauty is not common. "

Don’t worry, I want to be surrounded by them when we come in. The reason why they are not attacked are likely to be related to the place where we are. The slime just now became honest. In fact, I think it may be a ban in them here! “Cher carefully analyzed, Everyone nodded, and with their strength, there was no cover here. If you attack, we must finish the egg. "

Oh? Do you grab one, take it out and see?” The desperate three wolves immediately came to the spirit, and it was rare to study these monsters that made them suffer. The war kept turning in the space bag, pushing the slime out, and still on the ground. The guy went on the ground for a while, motionless like a big cake. Obviously Longli East, fried green onions, pretend to be dead! When we are all idiots! I stepped down fiercely … Sure enough, as soon as my feet were lifted, before I stepped on it, this guy dripped and climbed aside.

He was more flexible than the rabbit.

A pair of small eyes looked at me, a look like you bullying the weak.

Simmed, Slime’s variant, level 55, good at camouflage and deformation, venom, bow and arrows, magic attacks, low defense, especially afraid of fire magic, have high wisdom in joint attacks, The temptation of food, especially those who love fruits, usually live together hundreds of gatherings and be invincible in the forest.

“This stinky guy, isn’t it slime?”

“Summed, strange things, but so cute!”

“Yeah, husband, this will be adopted for us!”

Khan …, such a big person, what’s not good to play, play it? Intersection “What do we do now, it is not a way to consume this way, it is war, it is back, everyone say something!”

“The current situation is a dead end, is it back? This is not possible. You can’t use it back to the city scroll at all!”

… Everyone was silent for a while. “You can only let Xiao Mao come to rescue, you can’t wait!”

I quickly passed the sound to find Xiao Mao. This guy was drinking coffee with cat fish leisurely. “Xiao Mao, immediately convened a horse, and the Magic Riding Tuan came to 2,000 people. Other magicians and archers also got more, about 5,000!”

“Boss, why do so many people do, do you have to rob?”

“Grab your head, we are almost robbed, and now we are surrounded by a group of Smrete, I can’t get out!”

“Summed? What BOSS, haven’t you heard of it, there is a group, so powerful? Can you trap the boss who is more monster than a monster?”

With our strength, Xiao Mao really couldn’t think of something to put on something to take care of it. We are besieged. … Dare to compare me with the monster, this stink boy must deduct his salary when he goes back! There is no way, you can only waste his tongue and explain to him again, and then simply formulate a plan, everything is performed according to the plan! … … Chapter 79 of Chapter 79 Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 3404 I watched the side dishes in the air. Shortly after, the Lin Zi appeared in the fire. In fact, it could not be distinguished from the southeast and northwest. The first step was to start. According to their reaction to the nine -headed fire snake, these guys are extremely disgusted with fire. This is basically the commonality of forest creatures, especially their semi -liquid guys. Therefore, let Xiao Mao attract these guys to the past, and Fighting in the forest is extremely unfavorable to us. Sure enough, the Smretes, who were close to the light of the fire for a while, began to evacuate. A hollow appeared in the surrounding circle. Although the next to it continued to be surrounded, it was much weaker than the beginning. We first made several tentative attacks on the opposite direction to attract their attention. Time is almost the same, we start to set off! In the middle of the non -warrior career, I was in the front of the mood. After the divination is the same, after the three wolves were broken, Feiyun, Xueer, and Liangzi kept using Taoist to help us add physical defense and magic defense. A five-element reduction of immortality-increased offensive and defensive magic in a short time, speed, and agile. Five Elements Downsa Submissions —— One of the Five Elements Taoism. Only people with five attributes can be placed. Using the five elements of each other to stimulate the ability of the recipient, the maintenance time is with the level of the surgeon’s level. The degree of skills of skills is related to a large -scale spell. As the level improves, the range will become larger and larger. It is very effective to apply on the battlefield, but it requires a certain time of preparation. Feiyun’s Five Elements Fairy Substitute is also primary. This kind of Taoism is extremely difficult to practice and consumes great consumption. Generally, ordinary Taoist tunnels need only one symbol, but the five elements of the fairy surgery are 10. If you add it, add “Taishang Laojun is in a hurry as an order.”

(Do Mao Shan priests accept women? Okay, rush! Intersection Intersection If it wasn’t for the number of them, and the combat was very “human”

, this thing was not our opponent at all. Once we break through, we are not entangled, rushing towards the place where there are just now. When the edge of the forest, we found that our archer and mage are shooting with them. This group of guys are really cunning. And they didn’t come out, and our knights couldn’t play a role. I didn’t hear that the Cavaliers could charge in the forest. Seeing that we rushed out, cat fish quickly increased firepower suppression. We quickly hid behind a large stone and gasped violently. “Boss, these guys are really abnormal. We are all arranged according to the plan so that it is not good for us to fight!”

It is not cost -effective to hang one of them. Fortunately, we can replenish them with blood. There are too many quantities. “Okay, don’t urge, my life is almost gone.”

But that said that, I still quickly took out the “Call of the Banshee”

blowing up, and when I heard the sound, the guys in the forest began to make a commotion. Get up, but there was a reaction of resistance. This was not good. I flew into the air with “small dishes”

and blowing up. On the face, there was a cold arrow. I was shocked. I was sweating cold. Generally, the monsters heard the conch sound. The first reaction was not to attack but followed by it. There was no chaos in the formation, and finally we could face face to face. The front is the row of green … “Shield”

, which turned into its own defense work. The green archers who hid behind were green human -like archers. The shape of the object is probably their original shape, right? Five colorful, … is it that those magical Smred, as if there is still a golden and unique Summed in it, there is a golden crown on the head, obediently, even the level system comes out of the level system. It’s right. King Smrete, the 80 -level super -intelligent control -type Warcraft, pure gold, the individual is 5 times larger, no deformation ability, slow action, … the speed is “as high as”

1 meter? Intersection There is no physical attack and magic attack. The main ability is leadership of the spiritual control, and the hidden ability is unknown. I said that the effect of conch is not good, it turned out to be a stuff. Starting! The defense of the green shield in front is surprisingly good, the damage of the bow and arrow is not great, but the damage of the fire magic is still considerable. The timing is almost the same. The archer and the magician moved to both sides while attacking, and gradually came out of a passage, revealing the long -prepared magic group. With a horn sound, the Cavaliers began to impact! The Smretes also realized that the situation was not good. Although I wanted to withdraw the forest, I was desperately blowing in the air. Hey, his throat was almost sturdy, but he dragged them desperately. These guys couldn’t escape, and they began to fight hard. The first row of knights had fallen. The × × Small. However, the latter knights have rushed to the front, and the fragile “shield”

had no resistance. It suddenly rushed in, the archer and the mage were threatened by the near behind. fall. Our thieves followed the Cavaliers and began to clean the Smretes who were scattered. The mage and archers in the back also started to follow up. Once the Satalog was formed, these guys were not threatened. Let us kill me wanton! At this time, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield. The remaining Smretes gave up the attack, but rushed towards the golden Smrete, and the King of Smrete was slowly swallowing. There is no response, but the closer Summed “jumped”

on it, as if falling into the water, and it disappeared like that. It is getting fatter and fatter, and everyone looked at the strange scenery in front of them. The bad premonition in my heart is as much as the “fat man”

body, which becomes heavier and heavier. “Everyone retreat quickly and keep a distance with this guy!”

It seems to be preparing to kill! Intersection Intersection When the Magic Group heard the command, the response was the fastest, and the battlefield quickly evacuated. Other archers, the mage followed up, the most agile thieves, because curiosity was the heaviest, but fell behind the team (probably choose a thief. Players of this profession are more curious than others.) Now King Smrete has been like a small soil hill, and his body has shrank, and gradually began to intensify, and it exudes the colorful four -series magic light. It looks like a big bomb! Intersection Intersection bomb? Intersection Intersection Not good, to explode! “Everyone, flash, it’s going to explode!”

After shouting, I suddenly found that I was still stunned above it. I hurriedly poked hard on the buttocks of the side dish, screamed in the pain of the side dish, rushed into the air, and then a giant bombarded. Lock, I couldn’t see anything, and my poor side dishes were also lifted. For a moment I received the side dishes in the pet space, and I didn’t know where to be blown. When I woke up, I found that I was hung on the branches again, so dangerous!

I couldn’t help wiping the cold sweat on my head.

As a result, the branches were broken, and the branches were broken.

I also followed a “free fall and planted onion.”

Wow, many little stars! Ouch, it hurts, but it is good to know the pain, at least alive. Lay down to the outside of the forest to see, His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, a big hole, everything around it is cleaned up, except for the fastest way to go, there is no loss, more or less, more or less There were some damage. At this time, the mage looked at the response. The first reaction was that it was more comfortable to open the shield. The others were embarrassed and the thieves were more lost. Except for the current “posture”

indecent view, due to the health value, the health value was due to the health value. It is worse than other occupations than other occupations, and the “big bomb”

is close, and there are not a few hanging. This bastard must be dragged to us, but this trick is ruthless enough. “System Tips: The Magic Palace completes the SSS -level task, the city is upgraded to a second -level metropolis, and the tax is reduced by 2 %. Please find the village chief of the No. 5 farm. "

Packing up the battlefield, the other members went back to the meeting first. Of course, the post -war processing was not easy, and they went back to rest together. Xiao Mao and I found the old village head. The old village chief saw that I could “live”

and was surprised, but immediately became a “kind”

smiley face. “Brave adventurers, congratulations to your task, you will get the following rewards: Give 20 % of the farm shares of the Magic Palace, pay for each month. This is a choice. The second choice is that I can provide you with a task scroll you want to know now! "

Wow, cool, I was about to answer, Xiao Mao stepped back the words in my mouth —— pain! He asked for a price, and we sat on the ground and repaid. Xiaomao’s face immediately showed a “sincere”

smile than him, “Benefit and handsome village chief, you see, do you work, we have to choose the second choice, but the damage of our Magic Palace is too heavy this time, thousands of people injured, and there are hundreds of deaths. The indirect loss is even more unclear, is it easy for us? Everyone has a wife and children to raise … … The wrinkled old face may be handsome three hundred years ago, and I said that I was erected. After Xiaomao exaggerated the situation ten times, and the tears of the tears, the old village chief also showed sympathy. When the time was mature, Xiaomao immediately put forward our requirements. "

We don’t ask for any excessive things. It is always possible to purchase 20 % off in the farm?” The old man heard Xiao Mao’s request for a while, and his eyes flickered constantly, until Xiao Mao stuffed a heavy bag in his hand, and immediately smiled with his eyebrows. "

Oh, no problem, this is the reward that the brave people deserve, huh, this is the SSS -level task scroll you are looking for everywhere!” Chapter 80 is ready to go Updated: 2007-5-19 14:48:00 Number of chapters: 4479 Magic Palace Hall: All the main characters are all in Qi. A group of people stare at the big conference table like evil wolves. There is only a lonely task scroll on it. This is the SSS -level task scroll of the entire Central Plains Tiandi. "

Er Jie!” With my order, the second sister -in -law took the scroll danced with a dignity in my hand. Flashing and flashing, finally disappeared —— expert-level appraisal. The second sister -in -law opened it a little excitedly, kindness? Intersection Intersection At this time, the expression of Erzi is that we are strange how strange, and the eyes are like a frog, which is still ugly. … There is a tooth decay! "

Gezi, what’s the place to sell, say!" The first was the first one who couldn’t help it. He roared down. Everyone was in a hurry. It took such a lot of effort, and it would be successful. Messy! "

Boss, look at it yourself, I just can, and I don’t know this wordless book!" Erzi looked at the blank scroll with a frustration. I took the scroll over and looked at it. It was really clean. "

Two sister -in -law, is your appraisal okay? Isn’t it the magic of spells?" The cat fish asked, the reason for the reason first, this is right at all, although he also believed in the second sister -in -law. "

What, you dare to doubt my career level, I’m desperate to you!" For the second sister -in -law, nothing can be more important than the chief appraiser’s reputation. "

Puzi, Shao An is not impatient, cat fish is not targeted at you, he is right, and identify it again. If it is not our problem, there are only two possibilities, one is the scroll itself Someone shade us! “For the next two, we will take corresponding measures, hum! Er Jie was exhaled and came over to pick up the scroll, but the moment he got the scroll, his expression immediately became serious. He also knew that everyone was more anxious. For this scroll, we would lose the loss. It has been passed out, and with our estimation, the news is probably spread throughout the Central Plains. If this incident is not done, it is not a big joke, we can’t afford this person! The scroll of the identification array is unfortunately a few laps without response. This is the performance of the scroll that has been successfully identified. Everyone stared at each other, and no one knew what was going on. "

Ahem, I have an opinion!” Dasal stood up. brush! Everyone’s eyes shot at him immediately, scared the doll, and quickly waved his hand and said, "

I just gave an opinion, the best, don’t say it, don’t say it!" "

Okay, okay, when is it, say something," say it. "

“That is, you can think of your mind better than us!”

“Brother, the younger brother supports you!”

“…, do you say that this thing is the same as the secret code, you need to bake or flood it? I have recently watched the war movie of the old life. The secret documents above are like this.”

…… Everyone was silent for a while, and I haven’t heard of such troublesome things, but if you think about it carefully, the dead horse is used as a live horse doctor, and you have to try it. “Junzi, you have the most right to speak. Can this scroll be soaked in water? Fire?”

The consequences can be considered, otherwise it will be burned into a pile of gray. “I know this, the scrolls above the S -class are all fire prevention and water.”

“Then what are you waiting for, come here for a water basin!”

After a while, a member brought a water basin in. We immersed the scroll in the water for a long time. … No response, burning, … still not responded, not the fire was not enough, but I put it directly. A hell fire, this guy really does not invade water and fire. “The old man of that fork’s NPC dared to play us, the brothers copied the family, we destroyed him!”

The desperate three wolves can really desperately, and immediately react. Since it is not before, the old man is the most suspicious, the old man is the largest, Is it because of his reason, he must know the cat’s tiredness inside. “Quiet, calm, this news is blocked first. Don’t talk nonsense, Xiao Mao, the second sister -in -law, you two go with me, the others are waiting here, don’t act lightly!”

There is a line that we hope that we must also grasp it. Besides, it is useless to make noise. We must do everything possible to solve it. When the three of us found the old NPC village chief, this guy was basking in the sun there, lying on the lounge chair, trembling and uncomfortable, but our side was burning with eyebrows. But there are people who want people, no way, I can bear it! “Oh, the head of the old village, is you resting?”

The old man didn’t lift his head, his eyes narrowed, and glanced at me, “Oh, it’s you, why are you here again?”

As soon as Erzi heard this, the fire went straight to his head, and his hair was upright-super flame Earth. Pull up the old village chief and stuff the task scroll, “You see, what’s going on, how can my expert -level appraisal identified white paper!”

A fierce look, if you don’t give me a satisfactory reply, I, I will desperately with you. … when the second sister -in -law started to have such a personality. The old man quickly expanded the task scroll, his face changed greatly. Seeing that he was not fake, seeing the blank task scroll, the old man immediately slammed his chest, “It’s broken, it’s broken, it’s bad now!”

I couldn’t help it anymore. If something happened, what was broken, the crow’s mouth. “Village chief, just say anything, when is it.”

The old man saw that our face was not good, and hesitated, hesitated, “This task scroll is hidden, and the pharmaceutical can be applied. This, the potion is the saliva of the Simlet that is destroyed by you!”

The old village chief thought we had destroyed all the Slimtt, and because this was a SSS -level task, it was not duplicate, so it would not be resurrected once those Slimt disappeared, so we hand in our hands. The scroll does not become a waste, so that we will not let him easily! … hahaha, that’s it, scared us. The old man watched the three of us smirking, thinking that we were mad, and scared a few steps back. “Okay, okay, rest assured, we are lucky, just grab one, because cute and take it back to study it!”

The old man also relieved, and touched the sweat on his head, and it was all okay. We were too lazy to get the information, and immediately returned to the house. Our last hope was all the greedy Slimt in the desperate San Wolf space bag. God blessed, and there was no surprise. ………… The hall is not the same as walking. It is very lively. A group of people gathered at the conference table, and I don’t know what to do. It turned out that the Simlet was performing, and this guy was not afraid of people. It will become a small tree in a while, become a person, or become a leaf. Occasionally, they also come to dance. When I saw us back, I sat back. The little guy lost the audience, and immediately lost his spirit, and when he saw me, he was a little scared. Dizzy, I was so fierce, it was a handsome and handsome me. A kind of insult. Desperate three wolves just prepared to take this guy away and stopped by me. I gave it to the scroll. The little guy seemed to see his beloved, and his eyes immediately became red, and immediately “wrapped”

it, and a drop of green water droplets flowed down. … like crying, strange Simlet! After a while, it reluctantly spit the scroll “spit out”

, and then spit it against it. The scroll immediately reacted, exuding dark green light, and it was like completing the task. People around the meeting. \ <th system prompt >: The unbelievable man and the descendants of the Phoenix, through the horror canyon of the beast, and the “Three Tu River”

occupied by countless undeads. When the legendary sun rises, kill the fire crow and save the tree of the world. What kind of perverted task is this, but what does this mean? I have never heard of any horror canyon, the river of Sanzha, the dangerous underground maze, and even the ice and snow kingdom that the soul is still to be still, and I have never heard of any fire crow and the tree of the world? You can write magic novels such complicated. Such a big difficulty, just listening to it is terrible, who knows what changes are going. And is the brave and descendant of the devil and the descendants of the Phoenix inside, … how do you have a fairy tales! ah? Why do you look at me and Xueer, do we have flowers on our faces? “Congratulations to Boss, He Xixi, the opportunity to develop again!”

Xiaomao on the side had begun to applaud. Follow the guys around me and make up the noise, “The unbelievable man holding the magic sword, except for the boss, who dares to blow himself, I cut him!”

Da silly raised the giant ax in his hand. “That is, at least our brother’s level, a bear!”

The iron rod in the little silly hand was not easy to mess with. “The descendant of Phoenix, except for the sister Xueer, the goddess of Phoenix, who can match this title, has the gorgeous and beautiful beauty of Phoenix!”

Said Xueer in the mood. “That is, Sister Xueer must be the descendants of Phoenix, she still has the tears of Phoenix!”

Baby liked “Phoenix Tears”

for a long time, but she knew that this was the only memorial left by Hongyun to Sister Xueer, although she spoke Xueer would endure love, but she was sensible, never mentioned, and even covered her love. Everyone has discussed and expressed their opinions. Basically, “responsibility”

was pushed to me and Xueer. “Everyone is quiet. Regardless of whether these two people and I and Xueer, the better this task is that the more people participating, the better, after all, this is a matter of the whole nation! "

“Boss, it doesn’t seem to work. According to the display scroll, after the scroll is completed for an hour, the scroll will open a magic teleportation array. Only those who meet the requirements can go in, and it will last ten minutes!”

The reminder of the second sister -in -law reminds We also broke our conjecture. The words of the second sister -in -law have aggravated our pressure. This is probably the different space that has been promoted in the system. I do n’t know how to send us there, and I do n’t know what abnormal monsters will appear. “By the way. It is mentioned in the River of Sanju. Do we prepare some artificial fish cheeks?”

The personality is not easy to remind him. Born in the sea, he is more sensitive to water. Yes, why didn’t you think of this? I’m not afraid of 10,000, just in case, quickly let the personality go to buy some of the best artificial fish cheeks, the river of Sanzheng, it seems to be the place where the soul extradies in the legend, while leading to hell, it leads to hell. , And on the one hand to Bliss Pure Land. “Xiao Mao, immediately passed the sound of all the guilds of all thousands of miles, let them arrive as soon as possible, and immediately conduct a notice from the entire Central Plains, publish the content of the task Sentences are saved, otherwise they will be misleading, but those who are above 70 or higher can participate in men and women, no matter how they meet, men and women can participate. Not allowed! "

“No problem, I’ll do it right away!”

Xiao Mao, who got the task, disappeared immediately. “Okay, everyone is ready to call the people who want to participate in the Magic Palace. The level is insufficient. Those who have more than 100,000 combat power are also possible. After a while, the entire Central Plains spread throughout the news. Everyone was running to tell each other. Although I knew the time was urgent, I did n’t want to participate in such an important thing. People are also very difficult, but you ca n’t go, look at it. Everyone quickly concentrated Xiang Yanhuang City. I hope to see this wonderful scene, not only the hope of crossing the border, but also the first passage to open a different space. Hope people are ready to go. Entering Yanhuang City, all members of the Magic Palace began to operate, and they were qualified to be attracted aside. Now everything is available, only Dongfeng! Text Chapter 81 Terror Canyon (Part 1) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:49:00 Number of chapters: 4474 The square of Yanhuang City is now full of people. Everyone wants to come together to make fun and see this rare wonders, but the merchant takes this opportunity to send a severe stroke. There is a small table on the high platform in the center of the square, lying quietly on the scroll of that kind of attention, everyone is waiting for time, there is nothing to quarrel, and more than 20 people in our Magic Palace are in front. Anyway, it is anyway. I will find that there are still some discovery, but people who watch the lively people take this opportunity. "

Wow, the front is the demon king’s soul eater? This kid is not good, one head, one nose and one mouth, not handsome yet!” Vomiting \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ "

I said this brother, which zoo did you run out of the zoo, what do you do if you scare the children, do you not take a lot of urine, don’t you see the real handsome guy here?” The guy shouted. "

Hey, when I saw the goddess of the Phoenix, I felt that she was beautiful and beautiful. When I saw the fairy of the Yuntai Fairy Feiyun, I felt that she was the real flower. When they were together Peerless Shuangjiao, beautiful, really beautiful! " "

I still think the goddess of Phoenix is more beautiful!” "

No, it’s still beautiful!" "

Boy, are you unable to live with me, fork a bear, not accepting a single strip for a while!" "

Fork, who is afraid of whom, now you can!" When the two were rolled together, they were "

drowned" by the crowd who was poured in for a while. "

Hey, two silly forks, who is better for others, the demon king soul will naturally taste themselves, what kind of heart do you two!" "

I prefer the type of Cher, how great you see that kind of conquest!" "

Wow, that’s the nine -level Warcraft, the Diablo wolf king, so dark and bright hair, it’s really cool, love it!" "

Come on, you, be careful to tear you for a while, do you know? People were just a low-waiting Warcraft. Later, they suddenly evolved to this point. If you are lucky, your pig can also become —— -Linko invincible super cool, spring light brilliant pig eight precepts! " Illegal entry, they ranked behind. I heard that their trip to Kunlun did not start, but like us, they first sent thieves to go in to reconnaissance, but I heard that the loss was heavy, so that the plan had to be postponed. Otherwise, I see that the whole army is overwhelming, and it will be reduced to a second popular meeting. The Qingqing apple incense and heavenly killers are not dead. They are a group. Everyone knows that it is not the time to be civil strife now, so I will not prohibit them from coming. The forever ancient magician is naturally with me. They are also elites. All the 10 major magicians under their men will come together. Everyone hopes that they will gain something in this battle. The disappearing king —— Love Xin Zeng Luo brought more than a dozen beautiful beauty. This guy is really amazing enough, and it can be cope. Several beauties should be very picky, but In today’s scene, it is impossible to appear. After all, most of the top ten beauties have come. In the reflection of the moon, there are relatively few people who pay attention to the stars. The power is almost all. Fantasy Rose Group ——- Dream, fire, ice, wind, four fairy, only the dream fairy came by himself.

I heard that others were just not online.

I thought I could see the school sister.

For girls, we naturally want to be “priority”

, but we must adhere to “equality between men and women”.

We can’t help it. Anyway, it is not that we do not have a gentleman. There are also some raw faces, all masters who do not show landscapes. At this moment, the scroll suddenly emitted strong light, which attracted everyone’s attention ~~~ A time and space door of two people appeared, and the door to the other world had been opened. The crowd below was surging. I and I was in a mood and looked at each other. We are also a little excited, and the success or failure is here! Without hindrance, for a moment, our figure disappeared, and the people below were relieved. Then they desperately died. Feiyun went in smoothly. The number of people who booked after a while will pass the level smoothly. It seems that the prophecy is not specifically referring to some people. Taking advantage of the time, the second group of people outside the outside has also begun to influx. Under the maintenance of members of the Magic Palace, although the scene is a bit confusing, but fortunately there is no problem. In the last time, the door door is closed. Other people now only bless those who go in! When we wake up, there is a huge and narrow canyon in front of us. It is far from forgetting the side. The entire canyon is shrouded in a layer of death. Black and dark red gravel is everywhere. The gust of gusts came out of the canyon, showing a strong dead breath. We counted the number of people who came in. There were 86 people in total. Faced with unknown challenges, we must unite. The journey in front of us was still bumpy. The horror canyon —— The must be the only way to the “Sanjin River”.

On both sides are towering stone walls, there is only one path in the middle, but it is not as narrow as imagined. Occupy the road of earth, split this mountain charm that blocks the human world and the undead, the magic world, but later the human collection of all the mage completely blocked the world to the different space with the help The plan to pay the east, of course, human beings also have heavy losses. In order to win the time for the magicians, countless knights, archers, thieves, and sacrifices in the campaign to block the undead army and the demon army. The shocking world, unparalleled super space magic, but also exhausted all the vitality. In the end, the whole army was almost overwhelmed. Only a few elves could escape with the help of the elves —– later generations called “the battle on the sunset”.

Essence Because of the curse, the entire terrorist canyon can only use the magic of less than level 4, but the dark magic combat power doubles, and all of them have reached advanced. However, there are very few mages in this regard. The mage is very dangerous, at this time other people are responsible for protecting them. Shadow Demon King ——— 90, pure dark black energy body, after the campaign of the setting sun, the demon king himself died of exhaustion, but his soul absorbed the shadow of the dark energy and death of the residual. Low physical attacks and magic attacks below the third level are invalid. Only fighting gas and magic above level 4 can cause fatal damage. Mounts —— Ghost Dragon (During the campaign of the setting sun, the death of the Devil’s will and energy after death was constantly eroded by the creatures between the undead and the demons. Level 80, Dark Dragon Attack, and powerful physical attacks). The demon king itself is unknown. Items: Shadow Demon King can stretch all occupational and level equipment outside the artifact. It is mainly weapons, and there is a high chance that it has dark magic. It is one of the most chances of ghosts. Essence Ghost Dragon, produced a variety of best equipment, keels (good things for smelting equipment, are the favorite of alchemists.) A large amount of magic potion, magic crystal, gold coin. ######### General Mo Riding ——— 85, the whole body is shrouded in black armor, only a pair of blood-red eyes, and there are dark magic-intimidation, (reducing the morale of the other party); More than a dozen magic rockers appeared at the same time, good at sprinting and killing, dark magic-swallow, (can constantly absorb the opponent’s health and magic value during the fighting process), and the horrible five-level passive passive Magic —— Lone bet (abandon all defense power at the moment of attack, and greatly increase the attack power, which can reach 5 times the general attack when the highest time, can kill all non-warrior occupations). Mounts —– Diablo, but this unicorn can only reach the point of 7 Warcraft because of the invasion of dark energy, but the power is still very amazing, especially the indispensable lightning attack. In the “Campaign of the Sun”

, the human coalition forces caused horrible damage. Items: It is the monster that is second only to the demon king. It focuses on the production of various warriors’ best equipment. It is mainly helmets and necklaces. ######## The magic servant ——– 80, accompanied by the appearance of the demon king, is good at physical attack, attached to the demon king, the demon king will disappear in itself, usually 5 —– 10, there will be nothing, no things will be revealed. And it will explode at the time of death and is one of the most popular monsters. ###### Magic sacrifice ——— 80, the whole person is shrouded in the black mage robe, no face, an empty dark energy in his head, good at all kinds of auxiliary dark magic, and various horrible attack magic, magic attacks, magic attacks The terrible force is amazing, but the physical defense is extremely weak, which can resurrect the monster that is lower than it and should be eliminated early. Items: The equipment of the magician is focused on the equipment, mainly bracelets, rings, and a lot of money. ##### Magic Rider-Level 60, accompanied by General Magic, is good at physical attacks, not magic, strong defense, poor agility, and slow response. Mount —– Diablo horses. Level 50 is a kind of war horse in the demon world. It is extremely irritable and good at hell flames. Items —— Generally producing medium-level equipment, the production rate of high-grade equipment is extremely low, but it is not impossible. #### Demon: 45 ———————————————————————————————– low-level magic soldiers have the ability to evolve. There is a small black unicorn on the head. You can use various weapons. Occasionally, low -level magic is used. Items —— Various low-level equipment, the production rate of medium and high-level equipment is extremely low, but it is not impossible. ### All kinds of zombies ——- Human knights, archers, magicians, thieves, and the deadly walking deadly by the dark energy after death, and the combat effectiveness is less than half of the original. The level is between 30 ——- 60. Items: Various equipment, and you can find various unexpected equipment from the corpse. ## Shadow armor ——– 40, due to the unlimited puppets generated by dark energy, the source is unknown. Only simple physical attacks, the defense is also weak. # # Although everyone has never known each other, some are even enemies, but at this time they must be united. As soon as they step into the terror gorge, they are attacked by shadow armor. Although these low -level monsters are large, they threatened us at all. No, it is to give us medicinal water and experience, because the road ahead is still long, so we have to pay attention to the sufficient and supplies of the elixir. Although everyone is together, they are still divided into several small groups in their own people. They are more tacitly cooperated, but the number of these guys has a lot of amazing sources. Although there are no estimates in other aspects, the physical strength is limited. We cannot stay overly, and we don’t have time to consume them with these garbage. After continuous rushing, we broke the defense of the shadow armor and entered the interior of the horror canyon. The dense fog here is worsened. There are all kinds of corpses everywhere on the ground. It may be because of dark magic, which is eroded to varying degrees, but it is not rotten. They all climbed up one by one. The disgusting appearance made several girls almost vomited disgustingly, and some quickly adjusted the image of the system. Then I did n’t know where to appear from a group of devils, holding a variety of weapons in my hand, and rushed towards us. Relatively speaking, our number can be ignored. To the enemy on one side. We form a fan -shaped formation. This is a character with more than 10,000 combat effectiveness. Although these guys are better than the garbage in front, they are just making us change. There is no fatal harm. Although the identity of human beings has been lost, some previous lives have left some previous lives. The response is slower, but each attack always hurts us. I gave the three wolves a wolf. He immediately summoned “Dafa”

, supplemented my empty position, big hair, as if it was stimulated. For the sake of its site, the surrounding dark elements surged for a while, as if finding a vent, and gathered desperately towards it, and the surrounding monsters seemed to be stimulated a little chaotic. It seems that the situation has changed, and my plan to rush out and kill it.

Text Chapter 81 Terror Canyon (below) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:49:00 Number of chapters: 4454 Countless dark elements flood to the Diablo wolf king, so that even we can feel the heavy elemental power.

This sense of oppression allows everyone to give up the place one after another, and the monsters also seem to encounter the star.

The cowardice keeps going backwards, but there seems to be a kind of power to force them to move forward.

The guys that can only be turned around in place.

I don’t know what to do.


has no time to ignore these things. The concentration of the dark elements here is much higher than the world outside. As a dark king, it enjoys this kind of atmosphere. Unpleasant comfort. The “sending”

in front of you is a bit like the red cloud after absorbing the flame. However, there are too few outside world, so it suppress its power. ………… Is it the descendant of Super World of Warcraft? Intersection Intersection Like me, the people around me were surprised to watch “desperate three wolves”

and “sending hair”

, especially “Qingqing apple incense”

and “immortal”

, the eyes were almost red, no one expected to be unknown. Little dites have such a powerful pet, and they are such high soldiers in themselves. In the case of losing Hongyun, the “sending”

of the three wolves is definitely the most powerful in pets! (In fact, there are at least two more powerful than “sending”

, everyone knows, hehe) Desperate three wolves looked at the changing “hair”

, and they were also very emotional. Originally, they were deceived, strange and bullying, and now they turned into noble, brave, and enviable Dark Wolf. King —– The king of the dark department, the feeling is familiar and a little strange, it is completely different from the puppy who had snuggled in his arms and snatched alcohol, … He probably wanted him to “send it”.

Now “sending”

is undergoing a second evolution, sufficient magic elements, which provides him with sufficient energy. At this time, it can no longer see the dark and bright hair, and the black flame is burned around. The body has doubled, and the momentum of the world in the world is constantly emitting. Our players don’t feel much, but pets are different. The first thing that is the heavenly killer —— the endless 8-level wind wolf king, the same member of the wolf tribe, is the most sensitive to the same level, especially the dark system with other elements, but At this time, it has completely surrendered, and the gap of strength has made it the idea of resisting resistance at all. Lying obediently on the ground, the tail is tightly pinched, like a loyal courtier, the endless face says how ugly, there is any way to see how unsightly, How ugly, it was angry and called back. The disappearing king ——- The 8th-level light-level light-level unicorns of love New Jue Luo have the most sensitivity to Diablo. It is naturally opposing, but the difference in strength is too different. The strong dark energy allows it It is very uncomfortable, and the surrounding dark elements are constantly suppressing its power, making him subconsciously want to stay away from this place, but the dignity of the bright god beasts struggle, seeing its painful appearance, there is no way, love new, love new Jeon Luo can only recall it of pet space. As the “small dish”

of the nine -level sacred beast at the same time, and the basalt of the clear apple fragrance, of course, it feels like the threat of the other party. It can be seen that the dark king in front of him. The small vegetables are just fluttering its beautiful wings. It does not show a lot of fear. It may be the reason for playing together during this time, but it suddenly did a surprise. “A fork is a bear, the sunspot is going to be more than the level!”

The strange name that is so nutritious! Khan … Vegetables are very nutritious.) That is the dream of every girl’s heart, so it is summoned from it and has always received much attention, but except for what we are familiar with People, others do not know that it can speak, even if it is a nine -level fantasy beast, he has not heard that he can speak. At most, he is closer to the owner. “Is my ears wrong? Is it really that horse is talking?”

“It seems, right, the people and pets in the magic palace are weird, different from ordinary people, one more powerful than one!”

… … I have told it to not talk nonsense in front of strangers, saving trouble, but now it has been said, it doesn’t matter, not to mention it seems to know what to know! “Small dishes, what’s going on, send it, when will this go!”

Small dishes shake the head, “It’s not clear, it should be almost the same. This time the dark energy is more and pure. It is really a tonic for it. It seems that it will surpass the nine levels!”

The “handsome”

horse’s face shows rare envy. Finally, the dark atmosphere was “retracted”

, and the sunspot was probably the name given by the side dish itself. It was rushed into the demon pile with a chubby black inflammation. It turned into ashes, and the bow and arrow and magic hit it without response, and some were even absorbed directly, just like no one. A group of us watched it stunned in the monster pile. I do n’t know what to do, so we do n’t need to take it! … I have a closer look at it. It seems that when every monster is burned to death, there is a black gas that has been absorbed by its unicorn. Is it not enough for its energy? Intersection Intersection Just when we were pondering, the monsters around him were almost cleaned up, as if he was full, and he lost interest in the remaining little crickets. Black silk like a black silk in the unicorn, … like a big cocoon! Just as we looked at it, the side dishes suddenly spoke, which scared us, scared and scared people, and the horse was scared and scared to death! “Three wolves quickly take the sunspot back, it needs a quiet place to evolve!”

His desperately listened, and quickly collected it back, but the performance of the sending and the side dish was shocked! “Brother, is this the two most powerful pets in your magic palace?”

“I dare not say anything else, but the worst is definitely not them, and even far away! But this is the secret of our Magic Palace, I can’t talk nonsense!”

“His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, so amazing!”

The brothers who asked the question immediately envious, such a good pet is what everyone wants. Setting here, especially the amazing performance of sending, everyone has saved a lot of strength and continued! ………… We continue to deepen. This is probably the middle of the terrorist canyon. The level of monsters suddenly gets a level, and our progress has begun to decrease. This can not be rushed in as before. Such a loss is too great, so the first level is like this. It can be imagined how difficult it is! Here are the 60 -level magic knights everywhere. The 80 -level magic sacrifice has occasionally mixed with a few magic rides. Although the canyon is not narrow, so many people are still dissatisfied. Later, everyone’s stall -style promotion, and can help each other, we still have the majority of soldiers, but the bows and arrows of love are terrible and amazing. We are swords and knives to see blood. … Is the emerald bow and arrow in his hand that is the ultimate god soldier of the legendary archer —– Phantom god bow. I am afraid that the power is only available to the phantom god bow. He did not stay behind his hand, but rushed in front of a unicorn. In front of his fast continuous shooting, no monster could rush to follow, and his bow and arrows still penetrated. Bows and arrows can only shoot a monster in great strength. Maybe this is the power of the Phantom God Bow! Occasionally, a few magic rides rushed over with the thick skin, and were also done by the unicorn. After being called back, it appeared again. Just send it to death, … the crazy pet is also very scary, forcing the rabbit to kick the eagle, let alone a unicorn! Another more picky is the basalt of Qingqing apple incense. It should be regarded as the highest defense 9th -level sacred beast. It does not need defense at all. The whole body is shrouded in thick shells. It is not very large, and its physical killing power is still very good, but its strength must not know this! For the magic sacrifice, the soldiers are most annoying.

These guys always hide in the distance and cast all kinds of magic, which causes us to have great trouble.

Low -level magic is not very playable for the Diablo’s double power.

At this time, the archer’s role is the greatest.

Later, love Xin Jue Luo led his archer Mei Mei to sacrifice the magic.

As long as these guys show their heads, Immediately, a bow and arrow shot towards them.

Taoism is not greatly affected here, but Taoism and the combat effectiveness of the surgeon are not very high, so it is more healing with us, increasing the resistance of dark magic and physical defense!

But that’s it.

Our casualties still happened.

A magician accidentally broke through the line of Defense, the magic rider, a lonely bet, and blame him in bad luck.

It happened that General Moqi had a double attack.

After this, everyone is more careful.

After all, once death, I do n’t know how much experience is lost.

What other damage is, it is not very clear.

More importantly, it has come here and no one wants to return empty -handed.

Intersection Seeing a few magic sacrifices hiding in the magic, the magic knight in front of the magic world began to be mad.

We were so angry that we could not attack them!

“Small dishes!”

When I heard my call, the side dishes were also excited. Seeing everyone killing so fast, it couldn’t bear it for a long time, just let them see my new nirvana! I flew into the air in the air and performed a person in the body. This was I accidentally discovered that when we established a close thinking, we used artifacts to be available, and even the side dishes were followed! Intersection Intersection I raised the blood -stuffed magic sword, and the surrounding elements fluctuated for a while. It seemed that the bloody sword had a certain manipulation effect on the dark elements, but at this time I had no time to think about it! At the same time, the four bodies scratched a huge blood -red blood and half -monthly sword. At this moment, I added my own magic with the side dishes at the same time, summoning the thunder and super chain lightning (all of the four -level magic, but the power has already been power has already been power. Over 4 levels) I saw four half -moon swords entangled with lightning blood and killed the monsters. Super Demon Martial Arts Skills ——- Destroyed and Destroyer Flash Sword Sword! Intersection Intersection The first wave of the Demon Cavaliers who came into contact with the sword of the sword was two sections on the spot, but there was no end to the end. It seems to attract the dark elements. Under its fusion It became a giant sword gas with a length of 20 meters. At this time, the magic attached to it also began to play a role. The chain of the side dishes produced a mixed effect with my thunder. Boom Rondon \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ A series of explosions … Everyone was stunned by everything in front of me. Seeing me one by one is no different from looking at a monster, oh, the power seems a bit exaggerated. In fact, I was a little surprised by myself. I did not expect that the blood -stuffing magic sword can still attract dark elements, and I didn’t expect that the dark elements even mixed the sword qi and two magic, and the effect was so good. (Skeleton Elf: Nonsense, the combat power close to 65,000 is vegetarian, … but the next time I treat the skeleton soldiers, the attitude is better, anyway, it is also my men!) … I feel so handsome myself! Intersection Intersection I cleared a large open space in front of me. There were only a few disabled soldiers in front of me who were still struggling there, but they were all fried and lacked their arms and less legs. After this, we are much easier to kill, and this group of guys are so good. Everyone has supplied it well. As for the equipment, as long as it is not too good, or it can be used by ourselves, basically don’t need it. Otherwise, there is no medicine to hang, but you can’t blame others, the good things must be at the end! … everyone can see my eyes normally! I have a hunch that the “San Tu River”

is not far ahead, but there is always a feeling of shocking my heart. Is there any horrible monster waiting for us? Text Chapter 82 Real Terror Updated: 2007-5-19 14:49:00 Number of chapters: 5626 Due to the excellent performance of “sending”

and me, our speed has accelerated a lot. Of course, the power of “the masses”

is also essential. From the team, everyone who can come can have their own excellence, but it is just that they can do their best, but it is just a great job, but it is just that they can do their best. In this kind of place, the strength of the mage and thieves cannot be played at all. The mage can only cast some harassing magic, and the thieves are responsible for protecting them.

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