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Chapter_13 Fortunately, we have enough people.

The more you think about it, the more you are afraid.

If only me and Xueer come here, then there must be no return.

Even if you can reach your destination, it may be a year later.

This is not a joke on the earth.

“Everyone trims a little bit, there may be greater danger in the front.”

Unconsciously, everyone regarded me as a temporary leader. This is even illegal to enter the country. The apple fragrance and endlessness of the apple and endlessly have to be convinced, and they feel that there is something wrong with the experience and intuition of the strong. Theoretically, it is almost the deepest part of the terrorist canyon, but it is abnormal and the dark atmosphere is very thin. If the thing in front of it, the terroric canyon is also inconsistent! When you rest, everyone is still familiar with people. When they talk about the previous experience, there are wine and vegetables who will enjoy. Do n’t have a flavor in this kind of place! At this time, the dream fairy chasing dreams suddenly stood up, as if there was something to say to everyone, there is something to do with beauty, everyone naturally listens to it, not to mention that it is still a master of famous flowers, it is more attractive. Not bad. Although Xueer and the mood are outstanding, they have already been famous. The eyes of the two have never left half a moment from me. Fortunately, my current identity and strength are also worthy of them, otherwise I don’t know what to make trouble. It’s a matter of things. Although others are not reconciled, they are “reluctant”

to recognize, and I have “collected so many beautiful women, and I should not grab a woman in front of my wife, so those right Those who have thought about dreams are much less hostile to me. Instead, the king who disappears is most hostile. This guy is too handsome. He probably also has some kind of "

preferred” man’s favorite. Besides, he brought such a large group of beauties to survive, can he not make people jealous. Secondly, Qingqing apples are fragrant. He and her wife and the constant things have been passed out, and this person is indeed very graceful on the surface. It has always been a smiley face, and has money and momentum, which can attract women very much. "

Everyone is quiet, the little girl has a proposal, I do not know if it is not to mention it?" The dream chase said, that appearance is really tempting. "

Say something if there is anything in the dream fairy, everyone is listening seriously!" "

That’s the dream fairy, even though!" "

Dream Fairy, I support you anyway!" ………… There was a whistle below, hey, this is how men! However, in this way, the atmosphere was more active. Everyone laughed happily. Everyone has always been nervous to the horror canyon. Instead, she was embarrassed to chase dreams, but she also experienced a big scene and returned to normal. When Qingqing Apple Xiang waited for everyone to say it, stood up and said, "

Do you want to find a leader for us?" Hearing that he guessed his thoughts, he couldn’t hide the praise in his eyes, and the others were jealous. I do n’t know what to do now, and I ’m disdainful of these. I took his men and stayed quietly on the side, but occasionally looking at Feiyun, there was still a gentleness in my eyes. Unfortunately , Flowing water! There is a bleakness that helplessly. The forever ancient magician is still a Winwenr elegant. He sees that women only have appreciation, and there is no desire at all. It is probably not as attracted as a magic, just like Xiao Mao is a gold coin … but if you are not interested in women so much, , Is it … His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ So cold! "

Brother Apple, guessing good, our situation is not very optimistic, it seems that the danger behind will be greater. In order to unify action and reduce casualties, we still choose a leader is better!" The dream nodded to recognize. In fact, it is obvious that the leaders who are qualified to be the leader are limited to the leaders of the seventh conference. "

I support Miss Chasing Miss Found!" "

Yes, I also support Miss Dream Chase!" "

I support Qingqing apple incense, he is the most powerful!" But as soon as this guy’s words exported, it immediately caused dissatisfaction. Women can exaggerate. Men are best low -key, especially when the masters are collected, I am like this. No one dares to refute himself. "

I support soul -eater, whether in that aspect or he is the most powerful!" "

That is, that is, the demon king soul is the most suitable, and this task is still found!" "

Yes, I agree with the soul eater!" "

I don’t accept it except soul -eater!" When he heard the increase in people who support me, Xueer and her face showed a sweet smile on their faces. The glory of her husband was their own glory! Even Feiyun has a smile on his face … Probably because of the same guild, the three top beauties laughed, and the country was leaning. "

These dozens of people are more than enough, and the dream chasing of women is a bit intoxicated. Although she is very unconvinced and the momentum she has worked hard suddenly disappears, but when she sees them happy, her heart is suspended. There is no “desire”.

… What are you thinking about? Even the love that is always cold and hot to women is a little moved, and the beautiful people around him are jealous. Looking at Feiyun’s happiness, illegal entry is the most complicated. He suddenly stood up, Everyone looked at him dumbly. Everyone knows that the grievances between illegal entry and soul -eating are really not able to finish speaking in a while and a half. From the earliest challenges to almost the city of almost destroying the city and “win love”

I don’t know what he intends to do? “I choose the soul!”

… This sentence shocked everyone, and no one expected that even I didn’t expect that he would support me and dizzy. In fact, illegal entry is a person with a clear grievance. Otherwise, Feiyun is in his own city. You have to use despicable means, and you will not be dragged to the magic palace. He must pay back this human affection! “I also agree with soul -eating!”

At this time, the eternal ancient magician also stood out. As an alliance, he naturally stood on my side. Since my integration is completed, he has become the first magician of the Central Plains. There are already three supporting souls in the seven major banks. “I have no opinion!”

Ai Xin Jue Luo said tightly, as soon as his words exit, the result was actually settled. Qingqing apple incense and endless look at the general trend, and naturally will not be opposed to everyone. To be honest, I don’t care very much about this, but let me listen to the command of others, then I can’t accept it. It is probably a long time in the Magic Palace, and I feel a bit unique! In fact, there is nothing to do with the leader, but the people outside the seven major will re -arranged according to the occupation to form a few small groups. In case of any accidents, everyone should take care of each other. ##### Our group continued to move forward. Just a few steps, the scenery in front of us suddenly changed, as if it had entered an empty space, and the range was not large! “Not good, we are besieged, and there are invisible enchantments around!”

Suddenly, the sensitivity of the thieves made him feel danger first. “Be careful, this is the enchantment composed of dark elements, it is likely to be a ghost of the shadow demon king!”

Feiyun reminded that as an all -round surgeon, no one compared with her. “Hahaha, stupid humans, even rushed into the field of my big devil, today you have to be a sacrifice!”

Just when I was suspicious, a vague figure appeared in front of me. The shadow gradually condenses ——- Shadow Demon King and its mount ghost dragon! Intersection Intersection Ghost Dragon screamed harshly, a huge tail dumped, and a pair of blood -red eyes stared fiercely at us, but it looked like watching food. If the real dragon tribe has this qualification, but a fall of the degenerate dragon who loses the soul is reduced to the door of the people, dare to be so arrogant, it is just looking for death, cleaning it for a while! “Mage are careful, there is no element other than dark elements in this dark end of the enchantment!”

The forever ancient magician has found that the situation is very bad! “Feiyun, hurry up!”

Under the leadership of Feiyun, the surgeons formed a five -element reincarnation defense array. The mage and the artists were all staying inside. The five elements were not affected by the power of element. There is no professional profession in the sunset battle, haha. The shadow demon king waved the strange weapon in his hand, a black gas appeared, landed, and turned into a disgusting demon waiter. After several times, dozens of demon waiters appeared in front of us. These 80 -level guys appeared. It’s not easy to mess with. Waving again, all the demon servants rushed over, and one by one with a dark paint with black paint, one -on -one we were not very upper than the upper hand. This group of guys are too agile, so many of our attacks have ended. The soldiers and archers basically have their own battle, while thieves are constantly entangled with them so that the speed of these monsters can be reduced. Throughout, but we still ignore a little bit, explosion! Illegally entering the country to seize the opportunity, three serial skills in a row, immediately cut a guy to death.

At the same time, love Xin Zeng Luo’s invincible heart arrows also set up two, but before you are happy, the demon waiter who is about to fall immediately exploded immediately.

Get up, the people around were blown up immediately, and the magic servant next to him seemed to be stained with gunpowder, and it also exploded, a series of explosions!

When the explosion stops, the demon waiter is gone, but we have been killed at least 20 people.

What is even more scary is that the Shadow Demon King has no intention of shot at all.

The weapon in our hands waved again, and it was a row of demon waiters!

Intersection Intersection Forkyard is a bear head, and if you continue to do this, you must not overwhelm it!

“Everyone listen, the thieves are responsible for leaving them, don’t give them a fatal blow, others will fully deal with the Shadow Demon King!”

When you hear me, everyone immediately acts. “Three wolves, get out of the hair, quickly!”

The Dark Wolf King, as soon as he came out, immediately attracted everyone’s attention. The current hair is a little larger than the beginning, but his expression has changed, and there is a dark “king”

on his forehead. Seeing the demon waiter, he yelled, and he rushed up, rushing up, a demon waiter immediately greeted him. Black lightning also released-dark electric shock. Unexpectedly, the demon waiter was the most hung up, but there was no explosion. In this way, the thieves led the demon waiters one by one to “send”

to “eat”

, and several of our major masters were to siege the demon king and its ghost dragon! I kept war, Illegal entry, clear apple fragrance, four people connected with the magic king short soldiers. The guy still took the weapon in his hand and then disappeared. Intersection Intersection The weapons thrown out kept flying like a dart dart. The battle kept quickly, the dart was hit, and it was hit by itself. It was so strong! The darts in the air were caught by the sudden appearance of the demon king! Then I threw it out again, but this time it was not one, but the overwhelming piece! Intersection Intersection We have no time to hide at all. I saw that the value of life was quickly reduced. I quickly opened the shield, and the battle kept fighting for fighting! This guy is too abnormal. As soon as he appeared, he threw back the darts and forks. There were dark magic hidden in it. In the mood, the dual -silly side is easier. Although the dragon’s dragon’s dragon and physical attacks are considerable, they have no fatal damage to us, especially the dragon knife for the mood. The damage is double, coupled with the horror arrows that love Xin Zeng Luo, it is impossible to prevent it! This guy fluttered for a while before he fell, but there was still a archer who was accidentally scanned by his tail, and he was hit by a dark dart that was blocked by it! This time, there is a “strange”

of the Dark Shadow Demon King, but we still have no way to take it, and the intentional noisy Fei Yun’s direction of the five elements will be released. It’s! Cuisine! I quickly called out the side dishes. I wanted to protect it to protect the mage. I didn’t expect it to come out, and its golden horns began to emit a circle of golden light, and then the golden badge was also made on the wings. In the world, the shadow demon king who has no shadow finally shows the original shape! —— Advanced Optical Magic —— Holy Wheel! (The Holy Wheel —— Passive Magic can eliminate any obstacles and illusions, eliminate curses, and restore spirit and physical strength.) It turns out that the guy of the side dish has such a hand, go back and reward it a big chicken butt! Brothers! First, the archer shot in a while, and it hid over in a transient, but when it appeared again, it was a phantom assassination that was waiting for the end of the end. The demon king did it for a while, while taking this opportunity, not far away, I immediately moved to it immediately, and rescued the endless time in time! You can’t use magic skills here, but my sword qi is not vegetarian! Just when I wrapped it, the god arrows of Aijin Luo had shot silently … … I think he has a high potential of being a killer! Cher also uses the style of the five elements in the five elements ——- to bundle the magic and binding immortal array to delay the shadow demon king. For a while, but this is enough. (Binding magic and immortal array, is the method of the secret of the Taoyuan mission reward) Qingqing apple incense, desperately three wolves, love Xin Jue Luo, what are the characters of the dumbs? At first glance, the opportunity came, and immediately surrounded and attacked the nirvana. A series of attacking shadow demon kings are too late to respond. Seeing that this guy is about to be done, the fork is gone, but it appears not far away. It’s not right! “Be careful, explode !!!”

Fortunately, it is more disgusting than the explosion. This guy blew herself into countless pure dark elements. The entire enchantment also had a loud noise and disappeared! When we return to peace, we are stunned by everything in front of us! Intersection Intersection ##### Five elements Xiangxiang Xiangku Note: The relationship between the five elements refers to: Jin Neng can raw water, water can raw wood, wood can raw fire, fire can produce soil, and soil can produce gold. The relationship between the five elements refers to: Jin Neng Kimu, Mu Neng to soil, soil can gram water, water can gram fire, and fire can gram gold. Although the surgeon is the evolutionary occupation of Taoist priests, it is still mainly defensive, but the use of five elements will also have the role of attack. For example, monsters that actively attack the five elements will be automatically attacked by the five elements Golden attacks make the enemy dizzy Wooden attacks make the enemy poisoning Water system attacks frozen enemies Fire attack makes the enemy blind Earth system attack petrochemical enemies Of course, the effect of passive effects is not comparable to the effect of direct attacks. Chapter 83 The Legend of the Legend of “Three Tu River”

Updated: 2007-5-19 14:49:00 Number of chapters: 4601 As soon as the Shadow Demon King hangs, the dark enchantment that rely on its magic power has also disappeared, and what you see in front of him is the real scenery. At a glance, the endless rolling river water, the pale yellow river water kept turning up and down, and occasionally a few painful people’s faces floated, adding a bit weird! …… So disgusting! Not far from the shore, there is a cemetery that cannot be seen at a glance. From time to time, some “people”

will be climbed out of the inside. When, the dam will collapse by itself, and then repeat continuously. ……how so? Intersection Intersection Everyone looks at each other. Why is it similar to hell? What are these things like this “person”

? “It seems that this is the river of Sanjiao. Let’s count the number and items first, and the personality is not good. After the inventory, the result was not very optimistic. We lost 25 people in the Shadow Demon King in the First World War. Now there are 60 people left. Although the rest are the masters of the masters, they will face the danger in danger. And if we go down at this speed, we have to be injured without the need for destinations. It is glad that the devil unexpectedly burst out a ghostly ———- ultra-negative heavy space bag, which happened to fall on the feet of Feiyun. In principle, they are teams, but they generally do not have the situation of robbing equipment. After all, these people have their heads and faces, and they are rich in their homes, but the value of the ghosts is one of the few. It is also saved to quarrel, … luck is good, is the devil? That should also be better than Xueer, unless it has a virgin plot! Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~. There are snow, mood, Feiyun, desperate wolf, fighting, bad character, dumb, small silly, cat fish, plus ten people, we also hang 3 people. The forever ancient magician and his ten strongest masters … … The life is so big, and there is no one! It is also that they have been hiding behind since the start of the war, but they should work later. Nine people including illegal entry and his men’s "

Zhuge Liang’s fan”, he lost a lot. Qingqing Apple incense and his "

Eighteen Ride", but now there are only nine people left … … it is miserable. There are only 6 "

thirteen killers" with his elite "

thirteen killers". There is no way. The thief’s life is relatively fragile. There are 7 people who disappear the king Aixin Cassia and his beautiful and beautiful people. Meng Xianzi and her hand are the least, and now there are 4 people left. There are four more "

retail investors", … they can survive in this case, it is not easy. If there is no danger, our Taoists will pay attention to help them treat them, but in the crisis The juncture is not enough. I have been attacked at the same time with others. Cher and the mood naturally help me first. To save it, it must be saved first. This is also no way. “Husband, who are those people, how do they always repeat the work of building the dam, how painful it is!”

Xueer saw that they looked a little pitiful and couldn’t help asking. Fortunately, the baby was not here. Otherwise, she asked clearly in the past. “Good, these are all NPC characters, about the three painted rivers!”

—— “The answer is right, plus it!”

A sudden sound surprised a group of us. This weird environment suddenly had an additional one who could speak “human beings”

, … It was scary to be scary! Intersection On the side of the Sanjin River, a boat suddenly appeared with a boatman wearing a felt hat. … It should be NPC. “Hello everyone, welcome to the sir and beautiful women to visit the Sanjin River leading to Hell. I am the only boatman here. Everyone calls me the boatman!”

His felt hat was very low, and we couldn’t see clearly. His face, but since this is the case, naturally has the truth, we can only suppress curiosity. He should be the only NPC of the Sanjin River, but we are not going to hell. The place we are going to be underground maze! “Ship husband, the destination we are going to go is not hell, but an underground maze. Besides, can you carry a few people so small?”

Dasha is acute. The guy does not charge. “Oh, I know, you are going to go there, but we will still have a chance to meet again in the future. After a few major spaces, there will be a lot of different spaces at the same time. At that time, take care of my business!”

“Oh, must be, the boatman is not just a profit here!”

“Haha, make a fortune together, make a fortune together!”

“Okay, let’s get on the boat!”

The boatman enthusiastically received us on the boat. It should have been crowded on the boat, and after going up, I found that it was extremely spacious. I couldn’t help asking. “Boatman, why didn’t we feel the slightest?”

“Oh, this boat itself is an infinite space, but it is small or small, let alone dozens of people, just thousands of people are also easy to install, otherwise how can I be an extravagant of the soul! And it can also resist from Sanjiang from Sanjiang. The attack in the river, the ordinary soul you know is no attack power, it is the favorite of the guys in the water. "

Everyone who said something. “Who are the people on the shore, why are you always building a dam?”

A beautiful bow archer next to Aixin Jue Luo asked, “Oh, little girl, they are all the souls of life in previous lives. They have neither doing great evil nor a great contribution. Such people are not qualified to go to heaven or to hell. Stop labor repeats the pain until they repay the resources consumed by their previous life. "

It seems that the boatman still cares about the beauty. “The boatman, I heard you just said, will it be open here?”

The killer asked, and asked, he asked, and asked, he asked, and asked, he asked, and asked, he asked, and asked, he asked, and asked, he asked, and asked, he asked, and asked. The boatman glanced at him, and said, he said, and said, “Yes, this is the entrance of ‘hell’ in the new map, but it will be closed after using it once where you go. This time I can be a quick way to make money. In fact, my task is mainly because my task is mainly to make my task. Players bring to hell channels, and some players who meet special conditions are sent to the legendary Jingli Pure Land. To be honest, I don’t know where the Pure Land of Pure Land is. One side of the "

Sanjin River” may be protected by the enchantment. No one knows what it looks like, there is another paradise there. "

Seeing the look of yearning, you know it must be a good place. “Is hell divided into eighteen floors?”

A person in the thirteen killer asked. Isn’t this guy counting a few layers? “Oh, you will know this in the future, it is useless now!”

The boatman refused to disclose more news, but we already didn’t understand it. “Ship husband, why do you have a face from time to time in the water, and I always think the water is strange?”

I asked illegally, in fact, he felt that this boatman was also weird. It must be unable to see, but there is no problem with people now, and it is not easy to speak. “Oh, of course, this is not a common water. This is the ocean of the soul. Those faces are ghost, you will know in a while!”

After speaking, I looked at the watch, “Oh, time is, the cost of the task pre -saved can only be sent here, and you can see you again!”

After speaking, I looked up and revealed the true face! Ah \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, it turned out to be a skull face! Intersection Intersection Before we spoke, brushed, we disappeared, and then the ship began to disappear. Otherwise, this level is the same. “Everyone quickly brought the fish cheeks, it seems that we are going to swim the river of San Tu!”

I quickly ordered everyone to prepare artificial fish gills. This is really thanks to the reminder of “poor personality”

, saying that combat in the water is in the water in the water in the water in the water in the water in the water Experience, no one here is comparable to him! Finally, the boat disappeared, wow, we all fell into the river. There are no restrictions on magic and martial arts in the river of San Tu. In fact, we are not ready to prepare fish cheeks. There is no unsatisfactory feeling in it. It ’s like the fish, and the movement is so chic. Slowly everyone adapts to the activity in the water. The first thing that attracts us is that a glittering fish bone arrow should be a guidance of our road signs. Looking at the direction in this direction, there is a light spot flashed and attracting us. Since there is direction, there is a direction. That’s how to do it. … but it’s just that these skeleton fish look good! All kinds of low -level ghosts float around in front of us. It may feel our strength and do not launch an attack on us, but it is not these small things when we are in front of us. The River of Sanpu is prohibited from calling non -aquarium pets, so we can only fight single soldiers here, and this water itself has the effect of delaying treatment. Main monster list: Huangquan ——– 91. The rulers in the “Sanjin River”

, the ultimate BOSS, unknown, unknown ability, do not eat pure physical attacks, the magic resistance of each department is as high as 40 %, … Generally speaking Essence Legend has it that Huang Quanzheng was the judge of hell, but somehow was degraded for any reason. He was thrown into the river of Three Tu, and his resentment did not disperse. He became a monster that devoured the soul through the magical power of the previous life. “Excerpt from”

Second World “—– The ultimate boss of hell column —— Huangquan”

Equipment: It produces all kinds of professions with 1 % chance to explode artifacts. #### Shadow Huangquan ——– 80, fake BOSS, although the appearance and ability are the same, but the power is completely different. After death, it can be resurrected, but every resurrection is halved! It produces various equipment, but the chance is much lower than that of “Huangquan”

, so it is often not storm, and the chance of producing artifacts is one -ten -million. ##### Ghost Death ——– 86. The black robe is tight and honest. Except for both eyes, the entire face is nothing, and there are no legs. You can move in any of the “Sanjin River”.

It is a magic attack, which is extremely fast, and summons ghosts. Nirvana ——- The Cross Cross of the Dead, the legendary rare “Ghost Dead King”

is also good at the horrible large-scale dead magic-death ripple. The attack contains the effect of absorbing magic. Equipment: The equipment of various occupations and parts of various occupations focuses on the mage. Sometimes some weird small ornaments will be revealed. Specialty-ghost stone. The known function is to improve the success rate of smelting and prevent explosion! But extremely rare. ###### Ghost Bone Shark ——- 71-81 level Bone Shark, hunting the soul of the soul or falling water in the river of Sanju, physical attack, extremely fierce, huge body, and bone spurs in the body. When necessary, it can be launched as a hidden weapon. Occupation has great lethality, but at the same time, magic defense is extremely low. The ghost bone shark king rarely appears. It is an ordinary ghost bone shark that has been evolved through special variations. Generally, it is because of the absorption of strong souls. It has a certain intelligence. The combat power is doubled than the ordinary ghost bone shark. Equipment: The equipment of warriors, archers, and thieves is mainly, mainly ornaments, and a large amount of potions and gold coins. It should be the best “supply brigade”

of the adventurer. ######## Ghost ——- 71-75 level There are two sources. One is originally existed in the “Three Tu River”

, and some were summoned by the ghost death god. Avoid 20 %, no entity. Equipment: only produced mage equipment, gold coins and a small amount of magic agent. ##### Lone Soul Wild Ghost-around 50 It is the face of people who often see on the water, including resentment, and some people who fall into the water, mainly from the sinners of the dam of the dam on the shore.

Once they fall into Sanjin River, they will not be overwhelmed forever, and they are also other high -end ghost foods.

Equipment: None, only a small amount of medicament and silver coins.

In addition to the above, there are some weaker monsters that cannot pose a threat to adventurers.

Chapter 84 from Japan’s Love Rival (Part 1) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:50:00 Number of chapters: 3854 “Xueer, there is a ghost behind you, it’s touching your hair!”


A scared Xueer turned back quickly, but looking back, there was no ghost shadow behind. “The stinky husband dares to scare me, the mood sister, we clean him together!”

Say the perfect woman kills me, I flash. The girls are born with some fear and disgust about these rushing things, just like fear of snakes, there is no way, they can only lower their authenticity, otherwise this heart can’t stand it. Under the “cleaning”

of men’s efforts, the surrounding swimming wild ghosts were cleaned up. The disappearing king loved New Dealo is the most pitiful. There are only two hands, and the scene is comparable … pity, not to mention he seems to be not very interested in this kind of blessing, is he another bite? Intersection Fortunately, there are only two on my side, one in one hand, the most perfect, that is, there are more treasures that can also be in the middle, (Skeleton Elf: What if it is in Daxiangzi? Soul Eater: Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~) Feiyun’s response was strange and blushed, but I still found that she glanced at me secretly. Hey, the most difficult to suffer from the beauty. Do I really have such a big charm, but it is not a bad thing anyway. This is a great blessing. “Oh, my fatigue is, what should I do !!!”

A shocking voice in the wave of Qingqing apple incense, yes, why didn’t we consider this problem? (Reality and time to the game are 1: 2), insisting that it is not hung up now, if it is because of fatigue, if you are fatigue, if you are fatigue, if you are fatigue, It’s a pity! “Everyone, quiet, I think everyone’s fatigue is almost the same, and there are several levels of our tasks. According to the task, we should still be here, otherwise it is This task cannot be completed either! "

Everyone talked about it, but before the conclusion, no one was willing to go off the line first. After all, staying with one more hope for a while. “I, try first, if you can go up, everyone will go offline, otherwise everyone can only persist!”

Anyway, my fatigue is also very high. If it is not possible, after a while, it must be finished. Besides, the opinions are mentioned, and how can I take the lead. Xueer and mood did not stop me, but they were determined to be with me. There was no way. They had to agree to them. They were desperate to be together. They were stopped by me. We must not leave “seeds”.

… … Take off the helmet and take a deep breath. Just at 11 o’clock in the morning, the illusory world is charming, but taking off the helmet, there is always a feeling of dreaming. Reality is cruel. unstoppable. After throwing your head, entering the game immediately, the surrounding scenery gradually became clearer, and it was invincible when you first entered. It takes a few seconds to adapt to the environment. …… Finally relieved, still in place, Xueer, the mood just came up! Seeing the three of us came up, everyone was relieved. “When are you going to go online? Finally, you can get together. Xueer and I have to learn the knowledge in the afternoon, and there are physical exercise lessons in the afternoon … It has been a long time. Although the school has not emphasized that it must arrive, I have never been to No. In this way, I can only go online at night, and our Magic Palace is naturally consistent! The forever ancient magician naturally stood with me. In the end we set two times, one was 1 o’clock in the afternoon, and the other was 8 o’clock in the evening. Those who want to go with me can only be at night! After the greetings, everyone was offline. As soon as the line, the message on Tianxun continued. It turned out that Xueer had to accompany me for lunch. … In fact, I accompanied them. On the way to our school, I, Xueer, I, Xueer, Baby, just go to Xiangzi. Except for me time, I can only stay alone at other times. It is difficult to make her. Hey, I will reward her well. I, Xueer, and the baby went to Xiangzi’s empty -handed hall together. I didn’t see it for a while. The baby was extremely entangled with me. If it wasn’t for the large court, it would have been hung on me long ago … I like it. The two of them were holding me one by one. Now our relationship is also accustomed to it. Although jealous and jealous, they are not as shocked as before. Although I don’t know what big person I am, the warning of the Li family still plays a role in the warning. It ’s better for me to do more things. You do n’t bother me. "

Brother Zhong, I heard that you are a master of ancient martial arts in the college now, and say that you simply look down on the martial arts teacher of the school, so be too lazy to go to class?” Baby said angrily, what kind of person we are together all day, she is very clear, so she is very angry. … To be honest, I am not very interested in those "

simple” things. It is purely a waste of time for me, but I have never looked down on anyone. Power does not mean future strength. Someone must see that I am not pleasing to the eye. It seems that this rumor is so wide that it should be careless, because the relationship between Xueer and the baby, and even Xiangzi, I will definitely not be less, but how to calculate, Xing Jun and Jin Zegang should be the most important thing. These two guys are the most suspicious, but it is best not to anger me. It does not mean that it does not mean that it does not mean that it is scared! Seeing that I didn’t speak, I thought I was angry, and the baby quickly tightly tightened my arms, "

Brother Zhong, don’t be angry, let this kind of villain tell them!” "

Yeah, husband, you are not afraid of shadow oblique, rumors will not be able to attack sooner or later, … I am afraid that it will be bad to pass the teacher’s ears. People in the army attach great importance to honor. You have to prepare. “Cher’s consideration is more detailed, but I am not afraid at all. Give me a kiss, … it seems that I take advantage, "

You two can rest assured that with my strength, there are not many things that can hurt me, at least I don’t know!” Both of them have seen my magical martial arts, and they can rest assured. ###### The president’s room we went directly, I was stunned when I opened the door, and Xueer and the baby were surprised! Intersection Intersection Because there are two people in the president’s room, a super handsome guy is sitting next to Xiangzi. Judging from the happy expression of the two and intimate actions, it should not be a general "

familiar”. When we came in, the two of them talked in Japanese, and the eyes of the Japanese were so gentle. The naked love, the fools saw it, and the incense was not very taboo. But for a person who already has a boyfriend, it is relatively excessive. The baby’s face immediately became ugly. Although Xueer was calm, her hand suddenly exerted it, showing her dissatisfaction, … my arm, but I didn’t have anything. Before the matter was clear, don’t want to figure it out, don’t want to figure it out, don’t want to figure it out, do n’t want to figure it out. In the hurry, the conclusion. Seeing the three of us came in, Xiangzi’s face was also difficult to look. It was like a child who made a mistake, and suddenly discovered by an adult. This expression made me tighter, is it … This Japanese saw the light in the eyes of Xueer and Baby, and then looked at me again. There was a trace of disdain in the eyes, but immediately put on a smile that made people dumped and asked in fluent standard Chinese words. "

Sakura, these are …" The tone seemed to be a stranger. Sakura, none of us knows the enthusiastic title, the babies who were angry were leaving on the spot, and Xiangzi was anxious at a glance, and quickly came over, but the baby came forward and the incense was a little embarrassed. "

This is the president of our karate Society, Daquanchun Saburo, just returned from Japan." Oh, I heard that Xiangzi is just an agent president. Hum, all the names to come, but the demeanor still has to have, I nodded, "

This is Mr. Wang Zhong, and his girlfriend Feng Xue and Lu Xiaoxue!" When I heard the introduction of Xiangzi, Daquan Chun Saburo flashed in his eyes, and it seemed to be surprised to how I won the beauty. There was also a kind of insidious insidious in it, which made me have to be vigilant. The guy is a bit familiar, where did you see it? It is reasonable that I shouldn’t know him! But since others call me Mr. Wang Zhong, I am embarrassed to stay here with my face. "

Sister Oda Kazuko, since you have a guest, we will not disturb!" "

Cher, baby, let’s go!" If a woman changes her heart, just like the water splashed out, she will never be able to collect it. Xiangzi’s face was immediately pale, but he wanted to keep up but didn’t move. "

Huh!" Baby glanced hard. The situation is obvious.

If Xiangzi does not follow up, then we are finished.

Even if there is any hidden feelings in it, it will be an irreplaceable shadow in the future!

Daquanchun Saburo was exposed on his face, and his heart secretly, where the wild boy came from, dare to grab a woman with the uncle.

Rotten goods, hey, those two women are also good, you have to have a chance to taste it!

I deliberately walked very slowly, and Xueer also understood that I felt in my heart.

I didn’t say anything.

I can see that Xiangzi has any distress, but in this case, I still have to conceal it, so there is nothing to say.

It’s right.

Looking at the door of one step away, I suddenly felt so far away.

I am a “small belly chicken intestine”

person. Once I betrayed me, I could not recover. I don’t believe in anything. The reason is also an excuse. When there is no dilemma, at this time, it depends on the emotional weight. The moment I walked out, I sighed in my heart, and we still had no fate. “やめ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

(No) Xiangzi rushed over and hugged me tightly from behind. In fact, I have to make a choice sooner or later. Xiangzi finally chose me. I am very happy. If it cannot be achieved and the consequences are unimaginable, this is why I “forced”

her. As for difficulties, there is no solution in the world, and there are not many things that we can’t solve by our “family”

! “Brother Dog, sorry, we have a little housework to talk, and we are lost!”

Don’t throw him, little, dare to grab my woman, you regret it! The idea of “yin poison”

has been formed! Hearing the word “Dog”

, this guy’s expression is interesting now. You think about how interesting the stagnation of a conversion from extreme excitement. Cool! Chapter 84 from Japan’s Love Rival (Part 2) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:50:00 Number of chapters: 2616 I deliberately walked very slowly, and Xueer also understood that I felt in my heart. I didn’t say anything. I can see that Xiangzi has any distress, but in this case, I still have to conceal it, so there is nothing to say. It’s right. Looking at the door of one step away, I suddenly felt so far away. I am a “small belly chicken intestine”

person. Once I betrayed me, I could not recover. I don’t believe in anything. The reason is also an excuse. When there is no dilemma, at this time, it depends on the emotional weight. The moment I walked out, I sighed in my heart, and we still had no fate. “やめ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

(No) Xiangzi rushed over and hugged me tightly from behind. In fact, I have to make a choice sooner or later. Xiangzi finally chose me. I am very happy. If it cannot be achieved and the consequences are unimaginable, this is why I “forced”

her. As for difficulties, there is no solution in the world, and there are not many things that we can’t solve by our “family”

! “Brother Dog, sorry, we have a little housework to talk, and we are lost!”

Don’t throw him, little, dare to grab my woman, you regret it! The idea of “yin poison”

has been formed! Hearing the word “Dog”

, this guy’s expression is interesting now. You think about how interesting the stagnation of a conversion from extreme excitement. Cool! Along the way, Xiangzi lowered his head and followed me obediently, inseparable, and pulled my placket with one hand. The poor look was really heartbroken. Both and Xueer are a little unbearable, especially the baby. When she is angry, she is the most angry. She is the fastest when she gets angry. The baby is too pure … … Let me be defiled by this big wolf, haha. After all, Xiangzi has made the right choice. For so long, they have also understood the people of Kazuko. There must be any unspeakable hidden. I also understand that now I do n’t have to give birth to her at all, but I give her a little small one punish! I don’t even believe my husband’s strength, go back and spank! When we arrived at the gate of the school, we were waiting for us there. A group of boring men around us from time to time, and the mood was annoying! “Beauty, you are a student of the theater. I am a three -year student in the Galaxy. Is there this honor to take you to the Galaxy Academy?”

A guy of “Wen Qinbin”

is attentive. I was trying to say that I repeated a few hundred times, and sent the “Flies”

in front of me, and we just arrived. “No, she has me!”

“Which is mixed”

just going back and scolding and seeing a few beauties around me, as if realizing something, I stiffly swallowed the “egg”

to “swallowed”

and walked away. , Look unwilling. Seeing that it was us, my mood became happy immediately, and finally got rid of the sea of bitterness. Standing here was uncomfortable by others, and from time to time, there were some men who thought they were very handsome to disturb. The eyes swallowed, if it wasn’t for the bad impact, it would have been beaten! During the theater, a guy wanted to take advantage of her, but he was beaten into a first -level disability. It seemed that the part was below. I heard that the person was still a taekwondo master, garbage, and the profound Chinese martial arts did not learn. But no one dares to provoke their sisters. Seeing Xiangzi’s pitiful look, I was a little strange, “Brother Zhong, what’s wrong, what’s going on?”

“It’s a bit, it seems that our lunch is going to be delayed!”

We made a box in the nearby elite building. After the service lady finished the drink and desserts, I explained that she did not tell me not to disturb us! The service lady, seeing me a little ambiguous, curiosity, envy, surprise, people’s expressions are really rich, … probably regarded me as a rich Kaizi. Xiangzi seems to be an aggrieved little daughter -in -law, sitting aside obediently, and I feel confused, and I can see something. “Sister Xiangzi, what’s going on, what is the fake and serious stinky boy doing that color!”

The baby has been holding all the way, I haven’t talked yet, she has asked with a breath! “What’s the matter with Xiangzi, don’t hold it alone, say it, everyone finds a way together!”

Xueer on the side was telling the thing just now. “Hey, I came to China to hide in China …”

Xiangzi told us the reason for the matter. Daquan Chun Saburo’s father is now one of the main leaders of Japan’s power of power, and he is also the leader of the Japanese Radible Youth Society. However, this plan requires a lot of funds, and it can only be carried out underground. All of them went on the “Ronghe Both Co., Ltd.”

of Xiangzi’s father. For those, but his extreme opposition to this kind of approach to turn the Yamato nation into a semi -human and half -beast, but it is better to collect the elites of various countries, learn from the strengths of other countries, and develop high mechanical technology. The two parties are here. There are differences. … It seems that it is not a good bird, hey, it seems that you can’t say this kind of father -in -law. There is no way. This is the issue of national standpoint and cannot be integrated. I didn’t expect this boy to catch up in China, and he was close to Xiangzi, because his father’s strength was really terrifying, and at the same time radical left, although the opinions were right, Xiangzi’s father explained that he could not make trouble with him. In some time ago, this guy returned to Japan to deal with some affairs. As soon as I came back today, I found Xiangzi. Xiangzi couldn’t only deal with it. It happened that we had encountered it. Tough attitude, knowing that if I let me get out of that door, then everything we have finished, so I followed the consequences. “Xiangzi, this will not cause any difficulties for your father?”

Asked in the mood, it was difficult to do with the family. “Hey, my father’s power is not small, there should be no problems. These are politics, not what I should participate. I said that since I decided to marry Zhong Brother, then everything else can consider that I can consider "

Different positions, this incident just helps Xiangzi a choice, Looking at Xiangzi’s firm expression, I knew that her heart had a lot of pain. I held Xiangzi in her arms, “Don’t be virtuous with him in the future. I look upset. I tell me what I have!”

Everything has me! " Xiangzi nodded obediently, "

Also, Sister Xiangzi, you are still better to leave the Karate Society. The Japanese who always feel that the Japanese people are very dangerous!” Xueer, who has never spoken. "

Xueer said it is good, that life will definitely not stop there, we are still careful!" "

Everything is the master of her husband!" With the incense relaxation a lot. The matter is open, everyone’s mood is also good, so I feel hungry.

My stomach gurgled, and immediately caused the beautiful women’s “laughter”

, … the call is time, a smile, a smile, a smile, a smile. Jie Qianxian. Text Chapter 85 Updated: 2007-5-19 14:50:00 Number of chapters: 5694 “Well, the pastry here is not bad, just a little sweet!”

Baby nodded while eating, what was delicious, it must be hungry, such as “nobles”

who were born without suffering, when they were hungry, they were hungry. Only then will it feel delicious, probably because of the particularity of the family, it can be better in this regard. However, I think this is not a disadvantage. At least they do not have the temper of a young lady who do not have a wayward arrogance. Maybe more accurately, it has never appeared in front of me. As for the high enjoyment of life, it should be. After all, parents have the ability to have the ability , Always let yourself find hard. “Xiangzi, I think the Japanese are also available, and have the power and power, and capable, why didn’t he get you this ‘month’?”

Live in the incense. “Xueer will laugh!”

Xiangzi seemed to think of some unpleasant memories, “Hey, Daquanchun Saburo used to be the first handsome guy at school, the first -class character, the Prince Baima in the mind of the girl, because of the family relationship, I know his true face. This guy is simply not a human. It ’s not as good as the female student who was played with him. I remember very clearly. There was a first -year flower named Jingzi. After he was played enough, he asked his men to gang to death. Later, the body was discovered. It was cut all, and the whole body was insulted. The case was very fierce at the time, but in the end, the strength of his family was still small and small. He also has a girlfriend called Shinada, and the surface is good. In fact, it is the common game of him and the abnormal father. This kind of person, I just die, I will not like him. "

“This bastard, the best beast, it’s time to kill!”

Baby said fiercely, her soldier’s family, her ears, also contaminated with some iron -blooded style, even more disgusted with this … but but … but Seeing the real killing scene, she may not feel like it is now. “This guy is definitely not a sister -in -law, but the elite in the family. It is very deep. The leader of the youth society is not so good. His father’s strength is only one aspect. I think my husband can see this! "

Four women ask me to verify. “Yes, a master. In pure martial arts, it is better than the previous Li Dongtie, which is similar to Zhuge Qinger, but now it is not their opponent.”

“By the way, I also heard that he had participated in biochemical trials in person. There were hundreds of elites who participated in them together, and only a few people survived in the end. He was one of them. Be careful! "

Xiangzi added, it seemed that she was still attentive to what the boy did in Japan. “So he should have a little killer. We have to let this biochemical technology bring, and we must do it carefully in the future.”

“But after he came to China, he showed a gentle and elegant look everywhere. It seems that there is no excessive thing to do it now, maybe it is for me, but today he will make trouble with him. Will he treat the school? What about other girls? "

Xiangzi looked at us a little worried. With this beast -like personality, I have been holding so long, and now the task cannot be completed. Maybe I will start arbitrarily. If he uses the best force, I will find a chance to charge him, afraid that this guy will rely on the appearance of the appearance of the guy’s appearance. And money, let some people be deceived, the women on our side are willing to post it, so there is no way! … In fact, like Xiangzi, this kind of thing has enough headaches. I said my concerns, and everyone was in contemplation. “Husband, I, I have an idea.”

Xueer said vomiting, seeing that we looked at him strangely, his face was red, so seductive. I pulled her into my arms and kissed me. You little fairy dare to seduce me, and the girls who made it were panting. In the end, the door was locked, and the four women squeezed to me. “Observe, just say something good, what shyness is your own!”

“… husband, can you abolish him, that’s that!”

“Which one?”

Knowing what it was, I still couldn’t help teasing her, “That’s that, that pull.”

After speaking, he got into my arms and refused to come out. We laughed. Cher’s little fist was chaotic on me and gave me a white eyes. “Hum, you know bullying people!”

“Husband, Xueer’s proposal is good, but this is difficult to do. Daquan’s identity in China is the nephew of the ambassador to China in my country. … It is protected and has diplomacy. Disputes are not good for us! "

“Oh, who said I want to conflict with him?”

I looked at Xiangzi with a smile. At this time, Xiangzi was lying on my leg like a cute pet, stroking her dark hair, the kind of softness The kind of intoxicated expression makes people feel pity when they look at it. This kind of Bai Yishun to men is not available in Chinese women, and families like Xiangzi probably have instilling this idea from an early age. “Husband, since the last test was successful, his kung fu was even more terrible, and the sneak attack was dangerous?”

Xiangzi looked at me worriedly. “Yeah, Xiangzi is good, husband, this matter must be cared for!”

I was a little worried about me, I was also worried about me, I was also worried about me. “It’s not okay, let’s go together!”

To be honest, although I have never seen the mood, but I also guess that she was almost inseparable. She was more than Zhuge Qinger, but how could I make my baby wife not as good as anyone. Looking at the relationship between the four women’s face, it seems more important than herself, and her heart is full of warmth. “Don’t worry, I want to kill him, he doesn’t even know how to die, you are waiting to watch the show!”

At this time, the evil spirit of my eyes didn’t even feel it. “Brother Zhong, don’t kill him for the time being. I have talked about Grandpa and Dad about the current situation. It seems that it is now in a delicate balance. Although everyone is ready to go, no one wants to be the initiator, probably probably, probably probably, probably probably. This is why the big dog’s guy is so honest in China! "

Baby said with a small face. This makes sense. You cannot disrupt the national arrangements because of personal grievances. With the level of Grandpa, what you say is the secret of the country. “Yes, the baby is reasonable, and I do it. I will definitely make him unknowingly worse than the eunuch, haha!”

The daughter was coquettish, blaming me in such a unpleasant word. Dizzy, the “eunuch”

is already officially civilized. Do you use it, “impotence”

, “no”

, “can’t stand up”

… Hylati is joking, it is best to do this today, saving a lot of dreams. “By the way, don’t you play the”

World “?”

I always feel a little familiar. “Play, it is the semi -Tibetan service, the leader of the largest ninja group in Japan, but you are doing miserable by your husband. I heard that the boss’s seat is almost robbed, haha”

It turned out to be the old opponent, I said why it is so familiar, interesting! After completing the task of crossing national borders, it is still inevitable to “disturb”

him again, hehe! ###### It’s almost a little bit, and some of us have to learn from knowledge. The computer room is in the mood without a student ID. It is okay today in the afternoon. We came to accompany me in the afternoon. We can only wait for us in the library first. When we finished it, we were in a boring look at the novel. There was a circle of wolves in the surroundings, pretending to read a book, but his eyes had always been placed in the book and aiming from time to time. Seeing us coming out, I stood up happily, and this hour was really enough for her. This group of lovers knew that the beauty’s expression was no longer a show. When the man was seen again, he suddenly stunned. As soon as we left, we began to discuss. “Fork, why is it him again? How do you think of this boy? I do n’t want to be rich and powerful when I look at his dress. Why attract so many beautiful women!”

“who is he?”

“Halo, are you a person in our school? None of the re-elected boss of Fengyun List did not know. "

Why is it zero?” "

Stupid, it means the woman he sees, the hope of others is zero!” "

This guy is not good?” "

You know a fart. People are called deep hidden. I heard that a martial arts is unpredictable. Even the Li family brothers worshiped him as the boss!” "

How about that, it’s just a martial arts, there is no money and no momentum, I think he can support these big beauties!” "

You are wrong. These four beauties are more money, great power, beauty to support him!” "

That’s even more strange. Is this the world changed? When did this proud beauty start to like the ugly duckling, fork, I want to go for plastic surgery!” Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ "

I think this Wang Zhong’s background is not simple!" "

No, I have never heard of what big or senior cadres in his family!" "

Is it impossible to be the ancient martial arts family?" “Halo, if it is, I know it long ago. I do n’t know the origin of Zhuge Fairy. Besides, there is nothing to hide!”

………… When we arrived at the Sports Museum, many people have already arrived, and those who are familiar with them have already been practiced … but most of them are some beginners. People feel angry, this is a good phenomenon. Xueer and the baby were envious of the sidelines. Unfortunately, they have no sense of breath now, plus my words, they gave up. “Don’t worry, don’t I say, martial arts are not suitable for you, but there is no ability to say that it is not suitable for you. This time is busy, as long as you have time, you will do your business!”

Hearing this, the two talents laughed, but their mood and Xiangzi still had a hint of doubts. They understood that the power was actually the same as martial arts and needed constant exercise. I really couldn’t think of what I had. It is complicated and needs to be prepared well, and they will naturally know. Brother Li’s brothers are fighting on the court. Li Jianmin is still so sharp and actively attacked. Li Dongtie is not slow and easy to resolve, but that is just a superficial phenomenon. Li Jianmin’s progress is even greater, although it is not as good as his elder brother. It seems that it is good to communicate with the fan, and it is a good material for outsourcing. Zhuge Qinger is instructing some girls. Since I lost a yang for her last time, she is not as cold as before. At least she has more concerned about the people around. To guide others, let alone some students who have just played the foundation. “Husband, we want to find Sister Zhuge, you can pass it together!”

Baby said with my hand. By the way, I almost forgot, Zhuge Qinger was still half of their master … Although there were no achievements. However, I do n’t pass. A man drill into a woman’s pile. It ’s not good. Although it’ s only the difference between small piles and a lot of piles. As soon as the beauty leaves, others will pay much less attention to me. (Skeleton Elf: How much is it? Wang Zhong: … One is gone!) In the corner of the martial arts, the fan is dealing with the attack of Li Zi and Liangzi, but it is more than enough. It seems that during this time, he has a lot of gains. Probably to exercise the two kids of Li Zi and Liangzi, the fan is defended, but this happens to test his strength, and the cooperation of Li Zi and Liangzi is really good. It seems that these two guys have worked hard, some places in some places It’s really good. Unfortunately, their anger is too weak, that is, it is nothing to hit the fan, but compared to other beginners, it is already good. The weirdness of Li Zi and the calmness of Liangzi are good. Seeing me, the three guys immediately stopped and ran over, “Oh, boss, you are a rare guest, why do you have to give pointers our brother today!”

Li Zi wiped the sweat on his head and said. Don’t say that after practicing effort, Li Zi’s personality has changed a little, not as good as before. “Yeah, boss, how do you see what we have practiced!”

The fan was still enthusiastic, but in my eyes, I still hope me. “You two, do you know what it means to be too late, it is good to improve, but the two of you pay attention to the move. Although the move is very important, these require the qi. Too boring? "

The two guys nodded sharply and looked like the words! fainted. “Fanzi, you are doing well, but you are just the opposite of them. It is too lacking in the pursuit of qi and the movement. If you encounter the same strength as you, even if it is weaker than you, it is likely to fail. There are hard -working hard work for defense. You have to know that the defense can never defeat the opponent! "

“You take a good look at the two brothers of Li Dongtie and Li Jianmin. You can learn from it. Of course, don’t imitate it completely. Hey, the old men at home taught me all day. I didn’t expect that there was a day I educated others. … This feels so cool! After listening to what I said, the three of them looked at the Li family on the field. In fact, everyone is paying attention to the two of them, and even Zhuge Qinger, but Xueer is entangled with her enough. She might know her in her mood. Of course, the brothers of the Li family did not want to show any bottom in the big court. The warm body of the two was over, but in the eyes of others, it was a war. When the two were in the field, Cherry quickly went up to hand with a towel, … this American girl is really patient. I don’t know that their brothers like her. The two felt my existence in a while, and immediately walked towards me. … dizzy, I had to stay in the corner secretly, rare cleanliness, hey! Sure enough, the act of the Li family’s brothers immediately attracted everyone’s attention. "

Boss, when did you come?” Li Jianmin was an acute, a boss, bluffing the people next to him. Why is it so like an underworld, but I am a good people. "

Brother, why are you free to take care of our brother today?” "

Hey, can’t the two of you save the previous name, do you see now?” The people around me looked at me like animals. "

Brother Zhong, I have to give pointers Cherry!" Cherry came over enthusiastically. Although Mandarin was good, the tone still had American flavor, and his plump body was more seductive after exercise. … when are we so familiar? Intersection Intersection Li Jianmin did not respond to her at all. Li Dongtie was a bit interesting to her, but he didn’t seem to like this type very much. If he changed it to others, he would have bite the birds. At this moment, a person came in at the door. It was our instructor in front of us, followed by Xing Jun, Jin Zegang, big dog! Intersection Intersection He came, and he seemed to be fun, and still wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to find me. The instructor in front of you has a long body and a little thin. Although the muscles are not very prominent, you can see the explosive power of the containing person, just like a steel bar, although Xing Jin’s two people touted, there are no major changes on the surface, there are no major changes on the surface There is no joy, no annoyance. It is a master. If you can come to our school as a instructor, he must not be vegetarian. At least it will not be a single cell. Although he is hidden, I still find that he is secretly observing "

big dogs"! Will it be a national agent? Text Chapter 86 should take a shot when the shot Updated: 2007-5-19 14:51:00 Number of chapters: 4612 The arrival of the instructor and his party is naturally attracted everyone’s attention. The colleges and colleges scattered around are concentrated to prepare for formal classes. From the excited expressions, the instructor is very popular, and Li Dongtie comes because he can come because he can come. I learned something, but I think the strength of the instructor is between Li Dongtie, that is, Bo Zhong, but I do n’t know if it is a power. "

East Rail, our instructor’s strength is similar to you, but he has a kind of murderousness!" "

Brother, I tried it on the court, and the degree of breath was almost the same, but I could stick to a hundred tricks under his hands, and he obviously did not kill the killer!" Li Dongtie is also very depressed. As the leader of the younger generation, it is just a big festival than him, but the instructor is obviously similar to him. Why is there so much difference in actual combat? Is it possible to move? "

East Railway is not a problem in the move. The effort of each ancient martial arts family has been practiced. You are not the opponent of the instructor now. The strong murderous spirit, although he tried to conceal it, this is not learned, but it can only be generated by countless killings. It will affect the opponent’s mind in actual combat, and the purpose of ancient martial arts is not to kill but save people. As a soldier, the instructor learns the simplest and practical killing. Now you are naturally not his opponent, but in the near future, he must not be your match. " "

Brother, can you hit the instructor?" Cherry on the side asked tilted his head and asked …… Don’t rely so that it is so close, although the enthusiasm of the United States is popular, but this is China! … If you really think about it, it is best when there is no one, hehe. (Actually because the wives are next to it!) Regarding her, I did not answer directly. When I smiled, the misfortune came out of the mouth. I couldn’t do it. I was not reconciled. Cher’s eyes floated around from time to time, and they couldn’t help but see Cherry’s intimate move. The baby pulls Zhuge Qing’er together, so that the most beautiful women in the audience have concentrated to us, causing the people around them to envy. The baby is "

fierce", just pulling me over, but Cherry is a personality with her, just sticking to me, and also demonstrated a very pretty and seductive chest, posted it on my arm, … … it’s cool! Oops, baby, you are light, not big, jealous is not small. Li Zi and Liangzi live a live treasure “please”.

“Dasun, no see a while is even more beautiful and amazing. The younger brother who watched was dizzy, suspected to be a fairy!”

When he saw the beauty, Li Zi was resurrected again, and he began to tout. “That’s it, it is simply the fairy in the sky, but let the boss pick it alone, hey!”

Liangzi sighed heavily. Zhuge Qing’er heard the words of Li Zi and Liangzi, and had a fever on her face. Although it was not said that she was also among the five women, it was inevitable that Gua Tian Lixia meant. Cher looked at her deeply, looked at me again, and looked at me with a numb scalp. I had nothing to do with my wife. “Okay, the two of you, wait for the opportunity, my sister will introduce you to a few beautiful women than us!”

Baby does not let go of any opportunity to be an eldest sister. Woman, when I was young, I wanted to be a sister, and I wanted to be a sister when I was in my big. “Li Zi, don’t you hear, do you want to introduce to us better beauties, why are you not excited, this is not your style!”

Liangzi looked at Li Zi in doubt. “You pig, move your mind, when a woman tells you that another woman is much better than her, don’t believe it, because if that woman is really better than her, She will never say it! Besides, how can it be better than our grandmother, we know that it is Mingyue. Do you think Xiaoxue Dasao can introduce her to us? "

After speaking, you dumped a very idiot’s eyes to Liangzi. Liangzi was dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and he couldn’t say anything. Xing Jun and Jin Zegang couldn’t hide the jealousy in his eyes. The big dog on the side looked at the scene in front of him interested. The secret in my heart, a few × the goods are waiting for it, and wait for Lao Tzu to complete the task to clean up a few of you. That American girl is really a good material for personal slaves. It is rare or virgin, good! On the surface, there is a personality, who knows who thinks in my heart. “… What is Xueer’s surname?”

Brushing, everyone looked at me like a monster, dizzy, did you just do n’t know the name of the instructor. It ’s so exaggerated. Besides, I have never taken a class, and of course I will not know. “Boss, really convinced you, you are in a high place, never observe the people below. Instructor Zhang is second only to your characters. I heard that his military temperament is very popular with girls. . The little Japanese behind it is called Daquan Chun Saburo, ranking third, and I heard that the nephew of the ambassador to China is also the children of the world. It is rich and handsome. There are a lot of girls, which is cheaper, but he seems to be not interested in it, saying that he is just one person! "

Li Zi said to look at Xiangzi, and then did not continue. Second, no one dares to recognize first. How can such a good opportunity not perform? “Oh, instructor Zhang, you know.”

In fact, there is a strange phenomenon since it has been very early. Chinese men emphasize “anti -Japanese”

every day, (of course, there are also defeats) Chinese girls are thinking about “marrying day”

(and not a small number) every day. How can this? Did they never care about national feelings and international situations? “Everyone is quiet. This afternoon is a practical exercise. Everyone can find their teammates first. Several people can also be a group.”

The instructor said to sweep the entire training ground after he said, and when he saw me, he paused subconsciously. We don’t need to divide here, we must be together. “Today, there is another friend from Japan, Daquanchun Saburo. He has been admired for Chinese martial arts for a long time. The "

big dog” bowed at the audience with a smile, and she was handsome. A group of ignorant women screamed, and the big dog was also very satisfied with this effect. "

Now we need a brave warrior, who is everyone?” The instructor’s words, everyone finally realized that the big dog is true, the front is not polite, fork. Li Jianmin was an acute. When he heard this, Han Mang flashed up and was stopped by me. At this time, in the class of Xing Jun, when he went up alone, their master would naturally not make it easy. With their minds, they would not act lightly without 100 %. It seems that they have not reached any agreements, but they can’t take it lightly. The two people on the court have started to do it. Although Xing Jun’s men are good, a bit of anger, and the starting aspects are ruthless, but they are a few grades from the big dog. The guy turned around, and Xing Jun’s face became ugly. Instructor Zhang’s face was as quiet as water, and he didn’t see the slightest change. The big dog was almost watched and played, and then kicked the challenger down, and then apologized for the posture, and couldn’t get it. It’s just that they have the dream of their chivalrous girl every day. However, the general dog is not daring to go up. Li Jianmin looked at me, and a strong sense of war in his eyes, but others did not know that I was very clear. Now Li Jianmin is not his opponent. Or Zhuge Qing’er went up, especially when this guy still kept his hands. … But the actual combat is the best way to improve. Seeing me nodded, Li Jianmin immediately jumped up. Li Dongtie and Zhuge Qing’er were silent, and they were obviously not optimistic about Li Jianmin. Li Dongtie knew to understand the level of his brother. Although it has improved quickly recently, it is almost better than that pirate. Tempeance and tempering. "

East Railway, you also pay attention to it, the most powerful kung fu on the leg is on the leg.” "

What!" Just now the big dog has always been with his hands, and the kung fu on his hand is really hard. I didn’t expect the killer to be on the leg. Zhuge Qing’er was very interested in seeing such an opponent. If the big dog knows that so many people are so interesting to him and don’t know what it feels in his heart. As the instructor began, the two moved quickly. Li Jianmin came up with full strength, and the whole body exudes a light red atmosphere. The energy on his hands increased. It was his master’s light wave fist. It was good. The progress was bigger than I thought. The breath of breath immediately became serious, knowing that he had encountered the enemy, his body was tight, and his whole body also exudes the real blue and true gas. drink! As soon as the two came up, they spent a hard fight and took three steps each. On the surface, the attack power had lost. In fact, Jianmin had lost. Two people, you come and go, fight, for a while, the whole is more powerful than the martial arts, and some of the students who have no foundation are relatively high. I gently hold Xueer and the baby’s hand. past. Cher and Baby felt uncomfortable, and suddenly the whole body was warm. Not only was there no unwillingness, but the competition on the field is getting faster and faster. Let’s show the reward, … Fortunately, everyone pays attention to the competition. The thin people looked at the fast offensive and defensive conversion on the field and dizzy. The instructor became more and more surprised. Probably did not expect that Li Jianmin had improved again, or he was surprised by the big dog’s kung fu. Li Jianmin on the field has used madness, the combat power has continued to improve, and even the color of the true gas has begun to deepen. Drive your opponent. When the big dog saw Li Jianmin crazy, his face changed, and the hidden strength was finished. The blue light of the whole body immediately strengthened, and the skin was shining with a strange silver, jumped into the air, and the whole body was transported to your feet. It turned into a rotating blue air sword and shot to Li Jianmin. … No, this seems to be the secret -to -human swordsmanship of the ancient martial arts, I can’t remember it for a while, and at this time the big dog’s quiet feet change, only my skill can be seen. come out. His feet were fused together, turning into an awl -like object, and exuding a bright metallic luster. I instinctively felt bad. Half of life! The instructor also found that it was not good, and it was too late to stop, and in this case, his strength was not enough to stop. The impression is that your major general has this strength, but … At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the field, and one hand blocked Li Jianmin’s madness and violent strike. All Li Jianmin felt that all the forces of him were like mud cattle entering the sea, without a trace, and then he flew out somehow. This guy does not leave a little bit of power. This kind of non -retained attack is the warrior. Fortunately, today I am here, otherwise Jianmin is miserable. The big dog was shocked for my sudden appearance. At this time, it was too late to accept the recruitment, and he didn’t intend to collect the recruitment at all. Instead, he added two % to take advantage of this opportunity to take me to death. Because of his sudden acceleration, I was too late to resolve the use of thousands of flows to Li Jianmin, and I can only use my stunt —— Power Space Fields (super -human -level abilities, create a strange space with strong abilities.

Everything here is still, like another level of a world, as the protagonist now The maximum skill is 5 seconds).

It is also possible to use other tricks, but in that case, this kid is inevitable, but now it is not when he dies, it seems to be a moment when outsiders are stopped.

The power cannot feel the great power of this great god.

As a big dog of the recipient, I just feel that I do n’t know for a moment.

All the skills seem to be absorbed by a large sponge.

The whole body is not controlled by himself, and then fell out.

At the moment of the moment, ordering his “Jianli, Qi Hai, Four Man, Guan Yuan, Zhongji, Qi Chong”

six major points. From then on, don’t think about being a man, and every time you transport it Extremely, all the skills will suddenly disappear, hehe, it’s overcast enough! The changes in this moment stunned the audience! Everyone feels that there is a flower, and there is one more person in the field, and Li Jianmin, who should have been the protagonist, and the “big dog”

have been lying on both sides. The eighth Chapter 87 Battle the “Three Tu River”

(above) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:52:00 Number of chapters: 3646 (Now I apologize to the female compatriots here. In fact, if you think about it carefully, there are men in Harbin. No matter whether men and women, some people have forgotten or indifferent to the past. Even if they are not bad, they must have a warning mentality. Of course, they can’t be killed in a stick. There are good people and bad guys in anyone who admits to the fault of World War II. But history will explain everything. I do n’t want to mention that the normal military competition in the business is inevitable as the two major powers in Asia. We must work hard on this, but it is absolutely unbearable to collectively recruit prostitutes. This is deliberate. , Pre -conspiracy to an insult to a country, a nation, we cannot forget because of the past, and time can not be diluted. Sometimes she is also a chance to change to qualitative changes. One day we want Clear. . The more I don’t want to go out, the more the big heads are. Because Li Jianmin and Daquanchun Saburo are coma, we can only go to self -study. The instructor took the two to the infirmary, and told everyone Don’t worry, but when you leave, you can look at me that you must be troubled to find the door in the future. To be honest, I don’t like dealing with the official. Their rules and restrictions are too much. Now everyone looks at me in doubt, and there is a little scared in worship. Zhuge’s love, Li Dongtie, Xiangzi, and the mood looked at me one by one. The two defeats are all hurt, and such powerful strength has caused them a great shock. It seems that we have to re -consider dealing with my strategy. “Boss, I am really true this time. I wonder if you are human. When you see the figure, you will appear in the field, and then the two people fly out. What is this trick? ah?”

Li Zi’s two small eyes rose straight, using three “really”

to emphasize his excitement. “Brother Wang, didn’t it seem to be martial arts just now?”

Except for me, Zhuge Qing’er’s skill is the deepest, but she still can’t see my movement. The instinct of the martial arts in the realm told her that it was absolutely abnormal for a few seconds just now, but she couldn’t imagine it, and could not imagine that there was any ability to control the space and time, although there were only a few seconds, Martial arts are absolutely impossible to do, so that only the power can reach this effect. Although she has a slight research on the power, everything in front of her is not explained. A few seconds can already do a lot for a master. “Oh, it’s just a little obstacle!”

Pretending to be stupid, pretending to be my own bank, how can you take me, the more mysterious effects, the better, I don’t want a guy who keeps life, I do n’t want to stay at all , Really invincible people have not been born yet. “Brother, so amazing.”

When talking about Cherry, he wanted to give me an American -style enthusiastic hug, but I was pulled by the baby, and she could only throw it out. What about cheap? Then the two little women started to stare at the game. faint…… After watching it, everyone started to do their own. I saw that there was nothing to do. Let ’s go back. The taste of staying here was not good. It just made the baby, and Cherry, two of the two enemies. With Zhuge Qing’er, Li Dongtie, Li Zi, they said goodbye, and the five of us went back. Now it is only more than three o’clock. We return to our love nest and gather at 8 o’clock. There are still less than five hours. It should be okay to give them a preliminary renovation. “Husband, what do we do?”

Xueer asked me on the road. “Sister Xueer, I know!”

Baby inserted in and said “Oh, really?”

Xueer looked strange. “My husband must have wanted to go home ’to bully”

us! “Baby said confidently, her words came out, causing the remaining three beautiful women for a while. Wife, be careful, I’m driving! "

Honestly, do you plan so much?” Xueer said gently with my ears, "

Half, half, mainly let you have power, and physical contact is inevitable!" "

Really, my husband is too handsome!" For a while, the incense kissed continued, and I almost hit the ditch. ###### "

Wife, for a while, no matter what happened, don’t disturb the rest. You come first, you have the foundation of power, it should be easier!" "

Husband, what should I do?" Xiangzi asked me strangely. In fact, this spiritual connection requires the most suitable time when the person who needs the physical strength and energy is the most suitable. One is to let them run "

a thousand laps". It is not very suitable. The other is when the physical energy is exhausted after the extreme orgasm of the gender. This method is good in all aspects. Of course, there must be two prerequisites: husband and wife, the man’s strength is far better than the man’s strength than the man and wife, the strength of the man is far better than the man’s strength than the man and wife. Woman (Skeleton Elf: For the need for the plot, let you make "

once" Xiaoqiang!) Although we are not the first time we have the same bed together, today’s situation is a bit different. After all, there are three people next to it to watch "

carefully". This is another reason to let Xiangzi come first. In this regard, in this regard, She was more open, and it would take a lot of money to replace Xueer. That’s it, Xueer was still ashamed like a red apple. ※ … Slowly, from the shyness of the incense, gradually cooperated with it … … Finally, at the moment of reaching the last climax, my mental strength completely controlled her brain. The situation at this time is very dangerous. Xiangzi’s body is temporarily controlled by some of my spiritual control, and her own spiritual power retreats to the second line and is in a dormant state, as if she was asleep. At this time, she resisted a little resistance. Both of us are finished, but the strong love and dependence I feel from Xiangzi’s mind. My approach is actually using their strong spiritual power to plant the next "

seeds" in their spiritual world. As for what the seeds can grow up, it depends on them. At least the spiritual power will increase greatly. After planting the "

seeds", the most uninstalled, and the sensitivity to the outside world will be much greater, and the defense of some pure consciousness and power attacks will be greatly strengthened, such as hypnosis, ecstasy, charm. "

Seed", our spirit is contacted, as long as I think, you can feel some of them, so that once there is any danger, I will arrive as soon as possible. Of course Make a mental connection with me. The incense was finished, and she fell asleep immediately, and she couldn’t care about sweating and love liquid. Then she was in the mood, Xueer, baby, took a long time, set them one by one, and I bowed myself. Intersection No matter how powerful I am, I ca n’t eat such a lot of consumption, but when I replenish it, I will also improve it. After the success was achieved, the five of us fell asleep so confused. Knowing at 7 o’clock in the evening, the five talents woke up one after another. The wives saw their own image, and they grabbed their clothes one by one. As a result, Xueer took Xiangzi’s top, and he took the baby’s small pants, Xiangzi and Baby Smiling with a sip. I was still more direct. I used abilities to hang all the four wives in the air, so they took them to the bathroom, and then took a fragrant bath. After busy for a long time, the four were neatly dressed and then started serving me. Watching the four women hurriedly helped me wear clothes and sorted her hair.

Even a hair had to be sorted out.

The kind of carefulness made me think that this body was no longer on the world, and finally I realized why the ancients had “Just envy the immortal”

! “Husband, somehow, I seem to have another soul in my heart, very warm and warm?”

Baby asked, I kissed the cute baby “That’s the mental power I stayed in your body. With it as a seed, you can also become a master of power. Of course, this is not a one -way. First, we will take the foundation. When I wait at the same time My grandma helps you! "

“Ah, husband, you didn’t talk just now. Why did I hear you talking to us?”

Xueer was surprised. This magical thing happened to them. Only Xiangzi understands more or less, but she just gently massages me on her shoulders, and she will serve her husband. “Oh, through our spiritual connection, I can master your position. Once any danger appears, I will receive it as soon as possible so that you can rest assured your safety, although I give the”

big dog “ruthlessly Feeling my words, it is just a trivial matter. When your mental strength is growing to a certain extent, it can also be related to each other. Of course, the distance is related to the skill! "

For people, I would definitely let him finish his life, but if the other party is not human, it is not necessarily. “Wow, this is great, the five of us will not become a person!”

The baby jumped happily. “It’s not cheap this bad guy, and we are firmly borne by us!”

Said his face gently. “Yeah, who told us to give him everyone and heart, see him proud!”

“Oh, it’s at 7:30, it’s about to go online soon!”

, I almost forgot to “task”

for a long time. “Yeah, but everyone’s stomach is hungry!”

I murdered her mouth, and it was rare to see her such a cute side. There is no way, fortunately, there is still some food here, but they are all fast food, make up! After everyone solved the problem of life, Xiangzi went online to watch the novel, and the baby went to find love and Xiao Zi to play. In my mood, Xueer was a journey of continuing to continue our “Three Tu River”.

Text Chapter 87 Battle the River of Sanjin ‘(below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 2561 enter the game…… … What is the soft thing in my hand, pick it up, wow, a swimming soul without half a head, the fork scares me a big jump, the ghost is scary, scared to death! I smashed it for a while, and it was gone on the other side of it. When we were online, most of the people in the Magic Palace had already arrived. The eternal ancient magician and his mage were also there. What I did not expect is that the dream fairy chasing dreams is also there. A group of our people, chasing the poor wanderers and running around. Seeing that we are here, the three wolves are desperately greeted, “Boss, really have you, you are unwilling to go online at less than time, you ca n’t get rid of it if you are entangled!”

After speaking, he looked at the mood and Xueer, and made the two women flatter him fiercely. “Beauty is accompanied by each other, and my soul -eating brother is naturally happy!”

The dream chasing said, listening from the tone, there is, but more jealousy, it is always the center. I realized the feeling of “weight loss”.

Feiyun looked at me and stopped talking. I smiled back. She immediately smiled and opened. Women were really unpredictable. Sometimes the diamond ring and the sports car could not make the beautiful lady laugh. Just look. “Brother Soul Eater, I finally came, but we have been waiting for you for a long time, it’s time to punish. After the end, the first floor of the world,

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