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Chapter_14 You are doing Dong, everyone who is present is going to eat all the books today!

" The forever ancient magician said with a smile, saying, saying, I naturally agree with it, … amazing, a word to dispel all the dissatisfaction of everyone, and I also give me the opportunity to win the fantasy rose group. It is really a double carving! After waiting for a while, no one came, we decided to sort out the formation. Now the number of people has decreased so much. We do n’t adjust it well. In terms of Magic Palace: Soul Eater (Demon Knight), Snow (Merchant), Mood (Warrior), Feiyun (Merchant), Desperate Wolf (Warrior), Fighting (Warrior), poor personality (Assassin), Dasha (Warrior), Little Stupid (Warrior), Cat Fish (Thieves) Institute of Magic Research: Eternal Magician, and the Top Ten Magic Maggrans of the Institute, 11 magicians; Fantasy Rose Group: Dream Fairy Chasing Dream (Archer), Wild Chrysanthemum (Master), Crying Cat (Master), Starlight (Archer) (archer) 1 magic knight, 1 assassin, 2 archers, 1 thieves, 4 surgeons, 5 soldiers, 11 magicians, a total of 25 people. The task is well -assigned, the personality is not good and the catfish is responsible for the future survey. I followed the mood and I followed the archer, the surgeon, the eternal ancient magician behind the team. On both sides, we should try to keep the current formation as much as possible in action to cope with emergencies. The arrangement is proper, and the more I start to move in, the more the light is, the darker the light system. Walking and walking, we came to a bottom of the sea, and the steles were incomplete. Some of the bones turned out. … A ghost bone shark was stinging a thigh stick, sharp teeth grinding Squeaks with bones. Our arrival disturbed its meals, bit the bones, and rushed towards us. How could eating meat stronger than bones? We also swept down some graves in the middle, drilled out of the ghosts from the inside, followed by the ghost Bone Shark rushed towards us. Fork, this guy is still willing to be willing to your bones, but in a blink of an eye, you help it. The fastest of the ghost bone shark is greeted with my mood, cutting a nourishing sound on the bones, this guy’s bones are really hard, … I don’t know what brand of "

calcium tablets to eat “Grow up. But the main attack is not us. The eternal magic magicians on the way are too enjoyable, and now it is their turn to work. The forever ancient magician waved magic wands, and the top ten masters applied magic together. Their cooperation really did not say. Om \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ A piece of arc, arc, second -level gas magic, broken lightning, unique magic of the Institute of Magic, wide range, killing superposition function, very horrible) to the ghost behind, then eleven At the same time, people put a ordinary thunderbolt lightning, … a huge electrical column has no one left in the bone of this poor ghost bone shark on the spot, great! This superimposed lightning is difficult to master. As long as the difference is the slightest, the effect is completely different. The eternal ancient magician is really well -known! The arc reached a nourishing sound on the ghost, but the level of the arc is still too low, and it could not give it fatal damage, but attracted more ghosts to gather here. Thunder and lightning! (Mixed magic of chain lightning and summoning low -level thunder) Every time a linter is hit, a ghost will follow a thunder, obedient, cool enough! I, mood, desperately wolf, the battle is constantly, the personality is not good, the cat fish rushes in front, and the muddy water touches the "

ghost”. Seeing which one is still giving it a happy breath, hey, early as early as possible. Da Shan and Xiao Sil are responsible for alertness without emergency situations, maybe a ghost bone shark out of the seam of the cave. Don’t say that two bone sharks rushed out from behind the tombstone, the masters of the bone sharks rushed over, big silly, little silly one person, chasing their dreams of ice -sealing arrows, (Lianzhu ice arrows, high -end magic arrows At most one time, you can jointly send six arrows, and have the effect of frozen, which can reduce the speed and agile of the opponent). The power of Xueer’s attacking fire runes is not small. The mage also fell the muzzle to make the two ghost bone sharks, and it was comfortable to take risks with the powerful mage! This underwater cemetery was really tattered by us. We continued to start, but we had no time to entangle with these boring guys. After the scope of the underwater cemetery, the terrain began to be unstable, and there were too many stones. Everyone could only use less skilled suspension techniques, or the personality was not good. about there. This guy was the first, led the way in front, and played a few movements from time to time, and the beautiful women laughed for a while. Why is there a large shadow in front of the floating … not good! Obviously, a large group of ghost bone sharks swims in front, just to block our way. Everyone stared at them one by one, hey, it must be the "

tail" left by the guy in front. They lived happily and caused such a large ancestor to solve it. "

A few of us came over and killed for a clean, saving these guys annoyed!" The eternal ancient magician proposed that "

No, the sensitivity of the ghost bone shark is extremely high. It is difficult to attract one by one. If you are not careful, this big film will come over, and we will finish it!" The character was not good immediately. "

What can I do, otherwise, I’m going to lead, you’re taking the opportunity to go!" Cat fish wants to be bait, "

No, at their speed, I am afraid that you will be torn and shattered if you don’t lead to too far!" "

What should we do, we can’t consume this way!" "

Otherwise, we have to fight with them, and no one will win and who will lose!" "

It’s not who to win who to win, winning is definitely winning, the problem is that the loss is big!" I did not expect to encounter a serious "

leftover problem" before I left. Text Chapter 88 "

Baish" professional household Updated: 2007-5-19 14:52:00 Number of chapters: 4585 "

Boss, when I was exploring the road just now, I found that there was a gap not far from the roadside. Although it was a bit wide, it might be a good position for us. “Personal character”

suddenly remembered a “new continent”.

“Okay, let’s take a look together. Our goal is to solve these ‘shark fins without damage!”

A group of us came to a messy stone pile on the left side of the path with “poor character”.

There were two channels between two large large stones. The top seemed to cover half a lid, blocking the attack above. It is really good to use it. The fortress that is naturally prepared for us is really suitable! “Personality is not good, you are really a genius, you have noticed this kind of place, it is worth rewarding!”

I never hesitated my own praise. Everyone also followed the tide, while the beauties were wink, which was much clever than our thousands of words. … I didn’t expect everyone to have such potential, haha! “Personal personality”

I squeeze a cold sweat, … I just thought here, in case of a large number, this place is right. The mage and archer, the thief, the assassin inside, the surgeons were in the middle, the soldiers left a vacant position for me, I went to attract the meatless “shark fin”.

Although the speed of the soldiers is not as good as the assassin, thieves, who calls me the highest level and has artifact protection, adding my BOSS-level escape skills —— instant movement, this glorious and great task Naturally, I gave it to me. I played the fearless spirit of Chairman Mao, who was great leader, rushed straight into the ghost bone shark group, and sent a crusher of the earth skeleton. I rushed, it was really exciting! I flash first \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Then there was a scene of “bone fish fin”

in the river of San Tu, … I always like to bite my ass, I flashed! (Equipment is attacked and destroyed, the durability will be reduced and can be repaired, but the lasting time will be reduced; if it is too destroyed, such as being torn, or being bombed I can only change the new one. But because my king’s suit is unique, it is not replaced, so it is not bad.) I touched my butt while running, and secretly granted it, hey, if it wasn’t for the king’s suit, I would have lost the adult. The demon king ran naked. If you lose your mind, there will be a few quickly, and you almost bitten me. I shouted while running, “Everyone is ready, the”

shark fins’ are here! “The roar in the running was so cool, huh. (It is recommended that when you are in a depressed mood, find a place where no one is screaming, it is absolutely happy!) Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, it turned out to have this habit. I stood in my own position, Xueer, Feiyun’s various defensive techniques, Hulai added it, but it was really comfortable. “Bone Fascinists”

found so many delicious, shaking their heads and tailing, thinking that I was finally fasting, and all day of bones, they were almost fading out of a bird. Can’t let go, … you can still keep the winter. The mage has begun to launch a long -planned attack. The large -scale meteor fire and rain are put in the bone shark pile. It has a little small doomsday trial. Due to the narrow space, the bone shark fins cannot use their group advantages. We, two people deal with a bone shark, they are still more handy, we do not kill them. Anyway, our task is to block the intersection. It is also good to hold three unlucky ghost bone sharks. Can only struggle in the sea of fire. …… It seems something I missed. not good! I haven’t had time to remind you that countless bone spurs shot to us. I quickly opened the shield. Try to desperate the three wolves, they also transported a faint fighting gas, and they were irrigated in their mouths. Too fierce. (The warrior’s real strong defense can only be used at level 81) Only if I am more than enough, everyone else is busy, especially if we hide here, we can’t dodge at all. If we look good, there will be disadvantages. This is the truth. Although the attack power of mood is powerful enough, the defense is not as good as others. She has no fighting and guarding her body. She quickly stepped forward and blocked her in front of her. If you let your wife hang in front of yourself, you don’t need to mix it. Finally, the bone arrows were finished, and a “shark fin”

became an ugly bald head. Our mage again became prestigious, and a huge fireball exploded in the center of them. “Brothers!”

The current situation can be fighting for a single soldier. I chop, I poke, and the blood dragon and the dragon kill waves! In the mood, they rushed behind me for a while, fell one ground with shark fin, and forever, the ancient magician, wearing the shield, teased the bone sharks to play, everyone’s skills are very good. Picking these guys have one hand. Dreams chasing with us from time to time to make up for a fatal arrow. After half an hour of battle, this group of merry finies was finally destroyed by us. The ground is full of super eliminations. We just take a good supply and throw some of them with half or less doses. Anyway, I can’t use blood supplement. The source of the source is good, and the body is bringing some, it is really fast! The future is difficult, as long as it is not a brand -name and super superb, it will be abandoned. All the medicines are installed. Feiyun is the coolest. Just when we organized equipment and prepared to set off, a huge bone shark suddenly came out of the gap between the random stones, and the head was a string of super bone spurs, … it was still anesthesia! The little silly head was the brunt. When he was picking up the equipment, he suddenly attacked the attack, and he hadn’t had time to react. When the reaction came, he had been paralyzed, and the ghost bone shark had launched a blow to him. There is no chance to make up for your health at all, and others are too late to rescue. Ghost Bone Shark King! Intersection Intersection Damn, there will be sneak attacks, and when we are at the lowest, we should have thought about it, so how can a large group of ghost bone sharks be led by the bone shark king! We were embraced, magic, fighting, bow and arrow, fire symbols, smashed together, and smashed this damn guy. This is not considered. Yeah. Wow, … I stepped out of a war god necklace, and it was a blessing. The price of the God of War necklace was amazing. Pick up the necklace up. “Okay, go back and give it a silly silly. This guy can die beautifully. If you can get one once, you can hang it a few times and value it, haha!”

Pour \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ In fact, it is difficult to make money in the second world. Either as a businessman or a good luck like me, everything can be played, otherwise it is accumulated by the level of leveling. Don’t think! This is why the previous desperate wolf and war kept being so down. “Boss, do you say where can a group of people go now?”

Desperate three wolves asked “Oh, don’t worry, if this task is so easy to complete, we don’t need to work hard. I dare to say that it will be met for a long time!”

“By the way, I remembered something!”

The cat fish screamed suddenly. Everyone looked at him one by one and see what amazing words he had! “Boss, do you remember that the task scroll is said, a warrior and the descendants of the phoenix. So there should be only two people who can complete the task in the end?”

“Oh? Soul Eater, is there such a saying?”

Dreams asked, because we did not add this sentence when we announced. “Well, there is indeed such a sentence, but everyone may be a warrior. I am afraid that because this sentence causes some unnecessary troubles, it is removed, and everyone is qualified to enter the different space. This is the best proof of the proof. ! "

“Brother Soul Eater, there is a stomach, if this matter is replaced with Qingqing apple fragrance or endlessly, he will definitely not make the task open.”

The eternal ancient magician nodded and praised. “Oh, so polite, how can this be? This task is not for someone. If it is for personal, I will be very stingy, haha.”

“Actually, they go first, although they can cause us some troubles, but they can be regarded as a way for us. In the end, no one knows!”

Everyone continues. “Don’t you have any selfishness, always think so thoughtful?”

Feiyun asked quietly, I gave her a ambiguous smile, “Yes, why not, is this, can you take risks with a big beauty like you!”

Feiyun was ashamed for a while, and immediately speeded up. Hehe, she was also a very shy person. I thought that no one was paying attention to it. I just turned my head, and the dream chasing not far away glared at me. I don’t need to guess that I said that I was talking about me. Dizzy, are you blame me and I have not been playing with you? But you can’t blame me. In front of such a good quality, Xueer, who is all showing inside and outside, is not tempted, it is definitely not a man. And Feiyun is obviously interested in me. To be honest, I also have a strange feeling for her. I ca n’t say anything about everything, or it may be the reason for looking for myself deep in my heart. Forget it, I do n’t want to, headache. We lost another person in this battle, and be careful later, especially unnecessary losses like this. After getting out of the chaotic stone pile occupied by the ghost bone shark, we continued to move forward, the road changed flat, and the light was a little better. Is it almost ending, and the light spots in the distance gradually became clear. There are more small houses on the roadside. To be precise, it should be a more exquisite tomb. This can be different from the previous burial post. Not only is it not chaotic, but the cleaning well is organized, one with one. Suddenly one of the tombs was suddenly divided into two halves, and then a ghost death floated from it, turned left and right, and saw that there was no situation, and then the cemetery was closed again. We were stunned. … Is it just a whistle just now? “Dizzy, what’s the matter, these guys are more and more organized and disciplined.”

“What to do, I don’t know how the power of these ghosts and gods is, we are still careful to avoid turning the boat in the gap!”

“Well, wait for it to come out, lead it to try it, after all, it is a metamorphosis monster at level 86.”

“Boss, do you say we will encounter Huang Quan, I always feel a bad premonition!”

The silly stupid said. “Hey!”

“Three wolves do you knock on me?”

“You crow’s mouth, what Huang Quan, we must not be able to encounter it. The shadow devil in front almost asked for our little life. Why do you still want to see Huangquan that is more powerful!”

“Not pulling, I think the bosses here are very rich, and there are a lot of inventory in the belly. The key is generous. You see, we now hit a ghostly ——— super-negative heavy space bag, one of them, one, one, one, one, one, one One -class fairy ware, war god necklace, if you think about it before! "

Dasha was a stars, and he was dreaming again. Everyone sighed in a fate, really couldn’t help him, and asked for money and not life. Of course, the strange thing is left to … me? Intersection Intersection Why is it me again, Ula. “I protest, why is it me again, can I cut it to death? Unfair!”

“Hey, boss, you forgot it again, the ability of the ability, you see the health of my thieves, explore the road, and make a scouts. It is important to be in case of this type of task. Still a trivial matter, delaying everyone, that is a big deal, do you say yes? "

The fat man said with a smile, saying better than singing, fork, the flesh on his face almost squeezed his eyes. “Yeah, boss, you are as powerful as bosses. Don’t say anything else, if you want you, you are the super god beast, Super Warcraft or army!”

“Persevered character”

also helps the cavity, “Halo, how can you compare me and the monster, do you still have humanity!”

However, the people around me were very agreed with “cat fish”

and “poor character”.

Cher and mood could only shrugged helplessly, giving me an encouragement look. Hey, just go, the boss is enough to do this.

Text Chapter 89 Magic Well Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 4413 After leaving this group of “ruthless”

guys, I squatted behind a large stone pier, quietly holding the grave in front of me, but you came out, not a beauty, what kind of shyness! When I was complaining, I finally felt my “sincerity”

and saw a ghost death when I saw it. I stood up sharply, and it was a lightning! The ghost death just shook, and his body shone, like a light bulb. … Why didn’t you respond? Isn’t this guy a “insulator”

? By the way, the ghost death has a certain absorption effect on the low -level magic. It turned out to be a conductor. However, my harassment still attracted the attention of the old man. It took me a cool glance. The exquisite dead god sickle in my hand made a circle and made a sound of ghost crying. Although it was not big, I still listened clearly. Then four ghosts appeared next to the ghost death, and rushed towards me. I led these five brothers to my destination. Everyone had been waiting impatient. When I saw that I attracted death, they stepped forward. The mage and the archer solved the four ghosts. The ghost death smashed for a while. When attacked, the ghost’s eyes were red, and the red light burst out. The big sickle in his hand waved, brushed, and quickly scratched a oblique cross, —— The Death Sickle Cross. Why is it a bit like me? But it looks so cool, I like it. It’s a pity that they are desperate to appreciate this. The strength of the ghost death in front of them is unexpected. If they are single -headed, they do n’t necessarily do it if they do n’t take healing medicines. . We are more medicine. Feiyun watched their annoyance, and threw a simple enhancement technique at hand. The desperate three wolves were more comfortable to cope with them. In the end, the poor death fell down. As if you are talking about you! Unfortunately, no one cares. “Boss, the strength of this guy is really not simple. I can’t imagine what would happen if I was surrounded by a monster of 100 and 80!”

“Dasha, don’t you still want to see Huang Quan, I don’t think it’s not even as good as your own men?”

The war kept ridiculous, Das stupidly touched his head and smirked his head. “Not so exaggerated. According to my observation, the tombstone in front is more than 20, not all of them live in death.”

“What should we do, do we rush over at one breath, or lead to killing?”

Cat Fish Eye looked at me. “You are waiting here, I will lead a few, and I will rush after killing it. This is a bit fold!”

I was fate. Instead of waiting for them to speak, it was better to be a little conscious. The power of the masses was great. “Boss, it’s really named!”

“That is, you don’t look at who the boss is!”

“The boss is the bright lamp in my heart, guiding my lost lamb.”

“Boss, go with you, let’s take care of it.”

…… Farewell to make friends! Dream Fairy chased dreams and watched a group of people touting ashamed, and couldn’t help but to the flying clouds next to him. “Are you all in your magic palace?”

“Oh, probably this is a way for men to express friendship …”

Xueer said it was a bit far -fetched, and she had nothing to say about the performance of these guys. In fact, they know them very well. Don’t look at the hippie smiley face on the surface. This is the method of adjusting the atmosphere. Seriously, these people are serious than anyone else. This is the real brother. ###### There was no mood to say something, and I was thinking about how to quote five or six of them at once. It was troublesome and more troublesome. But this big stone pier is really good, … it is a bit blocking the road at the intersection, but it is just suitable for me. ah? Why does the stone seem to be moving, is it my illusion. thump! His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, it hurts! I looked back at my head, ah! Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection It turns out that the place where I stand is a big stone tomb! This guy will not be the king of ghost death. I still really luck, and retract the words just now! I did not tolerate my reaction, the huge sickle, with a blood -red knife, had cut it around my neck. I flash —— instant movement! Fork, want to cut “wheat”

! The Ghost Dead King saw me suddenly disappeared and was taken aback. I probably did not expect that I would have a BOSS -level stunt. But I just settled, this guy ’s death god sickle cross has been killed, which is different from its younger brother. The big red × as high as me, opened the gas cover to block its attack, fork Well, the tiger does not make a prestige, you are a sick cat! This is your site, you will not do it with you, quote the first! When I saw this guy, I wanted to run and followed. “Brothers, be careful, come here big !!!”

Don’t say that I didn’t warn you, don’t blame me after suffering a dark loss. The King of Ghost Dead, was surrounded at first glance. The black gold sickle glowed out of red light and began to make circles and dizzy, … Every time I saw this action, there was no good thing. The ghost is dead, takes 8 blue ghosts, 8 white ghosts, forks, and we want to meet. We don’t have much advantage in the number of us. “Brothers, I have given you it, I will solve this big ones!”

My proposal was unanimously approved by everyone’s “action”

… Pulling out the blood sword to welcomes the blood sword, as soon as my blood -eating magic sword came out, the movements of the crickets seemed to have paused, the red light in the eyes of the ghost King Dead King was even worse, and even the blade of the dead god sickle became blood. Red. It seems that the bloody sword likes the blood sword seems to have an impact on them. Regardless of that set, let’s talk about it! : “Move instantly”

  • “Earth Skull Cross”

! when! A crisp sound, the huge death sickle blocked my attack, but how can it be so simple, this is the magic skill, the powerful blood -stuffing and magic power, through the blood of the ghost dead king, the bombardment of the bombardment of the bombardment of the bombardment of the bombardment A big blood red crime, a ghost death could not avoid it, was devoured half of the things on the spot, and the things were stunned. OK, is my blood stuffing with it? Intersection good phenomenon! The King of Ghost Dead was flying out on the spot by me. This guy turned several laps on the ground before standing up, and his cool outfit has become a beggar dress. Unexpectedly, my brothers fell into a hard battle. The remaining three dead gods hit the ghosts horizontally. The white ghost can absorb the value of life. The blue ghost can absorb the magic value. It is troublesome to deal with it. This group of guys also came up with the audience, and a group of monsters chased the mage to run. For the sake of the three wolves, how they seduced them was not hooking, and the eternal ancient magician was tired of his life. I turned my head and seemed to see the ghost King of Death sneer. How could this guy feel the feeling of laughing at me, ah, eyes! Blood -eating dragon and killing waves! My dragon kills is good and looks good, that is, it is slower. It is very useful for low -intelligent guys, but the guy in front of me is obviously not a “mentally retarded”.

After escape my attack, the sickle began to wave again. Brush, brush, brush! Still old trick, no! This time is not a sickle cut, but a string! Fork, I want to be overcast again. Now the world has changed, and these guys are so smart. Blocking two waves, my shield couldn’t hold it anymore. I didn’t pretend to be a man. This is my life principle. Flash first! Turn around it, accumulate magic, and give it a fresh taste. —— Nine-day Thunder Fire Sword! I reached the top of it for two consecutive instantages, carrying the strongest magic of my single soldiers, and cutting down the blood -stuffing sword qi. Boss, I can’t avoid my instantaneous attack at all. Boom \ ~ \ ~ The fork is too close, and I have broken the collapse, and my ears are buzzing, like countless bees and my ears. The disadvantage of this trick is that the noise is too high, and it seems that it needs to be improved. However, you should be “satisfied”

now! The King of Death and Ghost is really broken. Not only is the coat, but the whole body, there are several pieces, and one arm has been fried, but it is really true. Lie down and lie down. Standing up and pulling, not GCH party members. The little boss here likes dying to struggle, and so on! sucker Punch? Intersection Intersection “Be careful, this guy is going to explode!”

Now everyone is extremely sensitive to words such as “careful”

, “explosion”.

I haven’t finished saying it, and a group of people have run away. Dizzy, I flashed too. \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ———– Death ripple. The green ripple of green ripples radiated us. As soon as I touched my tuning mask, I made a nourishing sound. After a while, my gas hood was broken. Fortunately, there was a layer of blood -stuffing the blood, ah? , … It seems that it has an absorption effect on the ripple, because after all, it is a mage background, and it is used to like to use Yuanqi Shield, and its defense effect is really good, but I did not expect that the blood bleaching can just restrain this guy. Hey, I should think of it from the beginning, so stupid. Since I am not afraid of his attack, I still run, turn around and rush towards it.

Gently lay down the guy and lie down.

The ghost death king hung up, and a few ghosts remained immediately.

The eternal ancient magicians who have been suffocated for a long time are killed fiercely.

It is really “cruel”

… It turns out that the honesty people get angry. Everyone ran fast this time, so there was no damage … I doubted that they were ready for a long time, otherwise how can they react so fast? However, this guy is very generous. In addition to a few good mage equipment, a ghost stone, blood -red, a bit like the eyes of death, although I don’t know what use, it must be a good thing. First Let’s talk about it, finally I get a good thing. What you look at, the eyes are useless, this is mine, mine! The mage equipment is still given to the eternal ancient magician. This little Li still doesn’t care, not to mention that the mage is always behind, and there are good equipment to divide them. “Okay, since these ghost deaths are afraid of my blood -eating magic sword, then we will rush directly, hey.”

I proudly raised the blood -stuffed magic sword like sucking blood. A group of us rushed straight to the dead god cemetery in front, but this time it was very quiet, and one of the deaths did not see it. Is the boss hung up, and Xiao Yan didn’t dare to come out? We were still waiting there for a while. After all, my blood -stuffed magic sword’s attack was fatal to them, and the level of these guys was not low. Maybe it could be stunned. However, there is no movement at all, and we have no time to continue to consume, and everyone can only continue on the road. Finally, the light in front of him entered, and it seemed to be a huge hole from a distance, hey, the destination is coming. etc! The catfish in front wave everyone to stop moving, as if I found something. After a while, the cat fish came over, … I was ready to say that it should be a running tour, really like a fat cat head fish, haha. “Boss, the situation is not good, there is a big guy in front, it may be ‘Huangquan’!”

… How can you meet such a “good”

luck. “Let’s take a look, everyone lightly, don’t wake it up!”

A group of us secretly approached it. Good, so spectacular. It turned out to be a two -sided monster, one -sided green -faced teeth, and the eyes were really like gongs. One was black, one red, and the other side was mighty and solemn. The environment here is incompatible. There are also a few unicorns with a chain fork next to it. They wander around and hold a huge brush in their hands. … have been retired, and it is scary. By the way, the chain is used for locks, take a fork, sweat … Everyone looked at each other. This guy was always walking around the entrance. “Antique, your magician is ready to fight, and then our soldiers go up again. Boom! ~ The long -standing super lightning column, hit Huangquan! Alas! Intersection Intersection A scream. But the next thing made us stupid, —— Huang Quan was killed in seconds! Intersection Intersection The little ghost next to it immediately fled without a trace, and it turned out to be a fake. …… It’s so poor, I have a little bit of potion. There is no decent equipment. The water is big! Text Chapter 90 Updated: 2007-5-19 14:52:00 Number of chapters: 4595 After solving the parallel import "

Huangquan”, everyone has some unwillingness in their hearts. The real "

Huangquan” still has not appeared. I don’t know if it was made by the buddy in front. At least we have seen it. At the entrance to the underground maze. The entrance seems to be protected by the enchantment. The water of the Sanjin River has not been poured in. I took the lead in entering the entrance and followed everyone. The light in the cave was very dark. Fortunately, there were enough mage here. Lighting is easy. Inside is the lava structure. In the entire cave, there is only our footsteps and water droplets. Just after walking, the cave entrance in front of the door became two. No one can judge how to go, and the left and right holes are the same. "

Boss, what should I do, here is known as the underground maze, there must be a lot of forks behind?” Cat fish asked, as a thief, he could not judge which one was the real channel. "

What should you do?” This kind of thing is better to make a decision together! "

Let’s divide it into two teams, so there is always a team that is correct.” Desperate three wolves agreed with the group action. We cannot waste time here. "

It’s not good, although the team can improve the success rate, but if we encounter such a bifurcation again, it will become a single -soldier action in the end. Choose a way to go, safety first, safety first! “The cat fish said. "

Everyone said what to do, we use democratic voting.” "

Let’s make a compromised proposal. Our group still has to be divided. After all, it is only a waste of time, but for the sake of safety, after the grouping here, we will encounter the fork again. Looking at the situation, it is divided into at most. After all, there is hope for life. What do you say? “Feiyun’s idea was unanimously approved by everyone. "

Just say it according to Feiyun. If you have any situation, please contact them in time.” How to divide is another question, we are now 24 people, each group of 12 people. Xueer and I are naturally in a group. Feiyun silently leaned towards us, with a little blush on his face, but also shows that her position is also a group with us. The strength we must divide is equivalent, at least the career cooperates. In this case, the uneven number of people is unprecedented. The final grouping is like this. In the first group, the hole on the left march. I, Xueer, mood, Feiyun, Dasha, bad personality, the starlight and 5 mage. In the second group, the cave entrance to the right, eternal ancient magician, 5 mages, cat fish, desperately three wolves, fighting, chasing dreams, wild chrysanthemums, crying cats. In this way, everyone’s strength is also relatively average, and the number of people is also equal. The key is that a professional cooperation is relatively proper. (Of course, except for my strength, this … it is more difficult to divide) Everyone goes on the road after saying goodbye. After entering the entrance of the left, the road became narrower. Everyone walked carefully. … It was really not a way to walk, hey, I touched their heads. Fortunately, we came out in a while, but the scenery in front of us was surprised. … This time, it is four holes, fork, what exactly do you do, we look at each other, it seems that we can’t divide it, and we can’t divide the four groups anyway. Let’s find a touch of luck. I do n’t know how subconsciously I still like the left, and everyone has nothing to oppose. Then we continue to leave, but this time the cave is not as narrow as just now. In the dark, don’t have a style. Suddenly the wall next to it shaking a pointed head. ###### Cave pangolin, level 65, cyan. Good at playing holes, covered with thick scales, excellent defense, highly toxic, nirvana —— wear heart drill. A monster with a docile personality generally does not actively attack humans. The skin can be used to make armor. The paws can refine poison. The meat is also a delicious bait to complete some fishing tasks. It can be said that it is a treasure. And the level is not very high, but the actions are ghosts, and they are rarely displayed on the ground. Equipment: Various medium -level equipment, a small amount of gold coins and potions. In addition, there is a monster that looks like it is. To be verified, it is the opposite of the cave through the mountain armor. It is extremely fierce, fierce, and inherit the characteristics of mice. He likes group activities and causes great trouble to adventurers underground. ###### This cute little monster in front of me is a cave through the pangolin. When we see that we are not afraid, they are curious to us. The small eyes of Shui Lingling stare at us, so cute. Unfortunately, Dasha is not very interested in these. He and two of the two evil scenery are pondering such deliciousness, whether it is made into a barbecue or a steaming is more original. Dasha gently stroked its abdomen, the little guy pant comfortably, his eyes narrowed, but Da Shan’s words were startled. "

Personality, don’t look at this little guy, but there are a lot of meat, we can bake half of it, half steamed!" "

If it is barbecue, we are the best, and it is presented to the fire!" The mage of the Institute of Magic also had a research on barbecue. Afterwards, I asked "

the forever ancient magician". He looked at me in doubt. You thought we were studying attacking magic all day. "

Poor. faint. “You of you who are not caring, don’t bully it.”

Then, Feiyun grabbed it from Dasha. … In fact, I prefer to barbecue, but when I see the beautiful eyes of the beauties, I can only swallow the saliva into my stomach. The four beautiful women touched the mountain armor, and the comfortable guy’s tail was tilted. (The stars are also women, of course, it is not the kind of stunning, but it is a powerful archer, level 70, and the equipment is good.) Feiyun took out a piece of pastry and handed it to the small pangolin. The little guy turned around at the pastry, stretched out his little tongue and licked it. so cute. After eating, I looked up at me, and then dragged Feiyun’s trouser legs again. The small paw pointed at the front, … is it going to bring us a way? Intersection Intersection Shouldn’t such low -level monsters be so high? I took a closer look at the detection: Mutant cave pangolin king ———– 90, long-term swallowing the best underground concentrates, the change of the change is one in ten thousand, and has high defense power for magic and qi. It is docile, but it is extremely fierce, especially when it is attacked, it is even more scary, it will transform, and the attack mode is unknown. It is a overlord in the cave. Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Fortunately, I didn’t do it just now, otherwise … I tell you the situation that everyone is also scared, especially the stupid and bad personality. I pinch a cold sweat. In the future, don’t be greedy, not everything can be eaten. Feiyun glanced at us proudly, … It’s not that I want to eat, think about not committing crime. The pangolin is in front of the road. We follow the back. Don’t look at the little guy’s head, the four calves are not on, it is very fast to walk. After more than ten minutes, there are several forks on the road. “Xiaojia”

did not hesitate at all. When you see a hole, you can enter, and then Feiyun holds it. Unless there is a fork, let it come down to recognize the road, and many delicious ones enter this guy’s belly like this. , … I didn’t expect to eat so many things in such a small belly, it was a bit like Xiao Zi. Finally, we came to a bright square. How can we describe it? To be precise, it should be an underground village, and dwarves with bearded. Some are digging something, and strangely, the sun doesn’t know it was shot from there. It is impossible to have the sun at all. The highest ones of the dwarves went to my waist, but the long one was quite stout, and I was not surprised to our arrival. Instead, I was more polite to “Little Jia”

and sent some food from time to time. A statue is a way to know the way, rushing towards a small house like a treasure cover. The excitement makes people feel its desire. …… We can’t get in that house. But for a while, an old man with a white bearded came out. The little Jia followed, and a big wine barrel was dragged on the tail. It turned out to be a wine ghost. The master of this guy was also very unique. He lifted the lid, jumped directly into the barrel, drank it, and flowed out the battle of the war. “Hello, guests in the distance, I am the king of the underground model —— Lajergus, you are brought by the guardian beast ——– Lamato Ali, we will treat you well. of!”

“Old man, where is this?”

Xueer asked. As soon as he heard this, the old white beard’s eyes stared immediately, and the hair was erected. “What do you say, the old man ??? I am only 400 years old, I am upright !!! How can you be old, it must be that you have read it wrong!”

If it wasn’t for Xueer as such a beautiful girl, this old monster may have posted it long ago Biao. Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, 400 -year -old old monster! “Mr. Lajegus, we want to go to the ice and snow kingdom, we don’t know how to go?”

It was about the matter, although we also wanted to rest here. “Oh? Oh, you want to go to that place, but that is the snow monster that even the soul wants to be frozen. There are all kinds of snow monsters everywhere, which is extremely dangerous!”

“Mr. Lajegus, we have a task to complete, but it can’t be retreated anymore!”

The old monster thought for a while, “There is indeed an entrance to the ice and snow kingdom in our tribe, but it is not time to discuss it with the elders. You can eat something to rest.”

“Oh, by the way, Mr. Latigus, some of our friends may be in the labyrinth of the ground. Can you send someone to find them back?”

“no problem!”

“Ritz, Az, Silk, you go to bring friends who are lost in the distance!”

Three dwarves who looked like triggered twins listened to it, … This old monster’s voice is really big. ah! “By the way, Mr. Latargus, I still have a question, do you have a dwarf?”

It seemed that the old monster was very satisfied with me as Mr. Latricus. “No, no, we are a noble underground molder, different from those dwarves who can only work hard. Our underground molder is a natural magician!”

After speaking, I went out. I looked at it with a detection, … I couldn’t inspect it, master! Intersection Intersection We ca n’t get in the house. We came to a few underground models, found a few chairs and a large table for us, and also put on a large cup of wheat wine. Sleeping in the barrel, weird guy. Fortunately, these underground models, although they are short and their buttocks are not small, we are also regarded as lounge chairs. ah! Good wine, although the degree is not high, the taste is really mellow! Even Xueer and mood drank a bit. The environment in front has always been very gloomy, and I can finally rest comfortably. Several underground models who entertain our underground are very shy. They looked at them a few times, and they blushed like their beard. At this time, we have a careful look at the scenery of the ground … ###### Ordinary floor-bottom modeler ————————————————————————————————————— andging-thes of the images of dwarfs, but not as black beards like dwarves, but fiery red beard It is a senior mage, just like dwarfs are natural craftsmen. They love wine. This is the same as dwarfs. She has a bad temper like a dwarf. Some mountain caves. Lajegus —— The king of the underground model, the strongest magician in the tribe, level, unknown strength, likes to praise people to his honor history, hate others that he is old. Elderly underground models-the oldest old man in the underground molder, the level is unknown and unknown. It is certain that they are all very powerful magicians. The major matters of the underground model are decided by the Presbyterian Association! The underground molder also trained a lot of cave pangolins as his pet or helper, such as can be used for cultivated land. ###### Text Chapter 91 Gap Updated: 2007-5-19 14:53:00 Number of chapters: 4289 Drink the mellow wine from the underground mold and eat special fruit underground fruit. We leisurely observed this beautiful underground village. It ’s like, but it’ s too short, and the ears of the valley are large and many. The breath of harvest. There are large forests on both sides of the village, one is fruit forest, and the other is ordinary woods. The fruit forest can provide them with fresh and delicious fruits. The woods provide them with wood and some small beasts. A clear underground river passes from the middle of the village passing through the village passes through the village pass through Occasionally there are some fish in it. It is a good proposal for grilled fish, but the fence is added around the farmland. It looks like a strange light on it. It should be magical. The thief, from time to time, there are several pangolins patrolling … the police world is very high. Looking at their leisurely look, is there something they are afraid of in this underground field? Perhaps, after all, no creature is absolutely invincible, either before he is born, or he has perished. I have reserved opinions on the level of the underground molder. Most of them are short hemispherical huts. It is probably the same as the elders in the center. Compared with the dwarves, it is worse In the distance, although the dwarves are short, they have high requirements for their architecture, which is taller and spacious than human architecture. Their temple is even more amazing. Essence In this regard, the underground model who entertains our underground is dismissive. He thinks that the house is comfortable as long as you live. It is not necessary to be so exaggerated. Only those fools of the dwarves will do that difficulty. … The proud national feelings are just like dwarfs. While we are comfortable to enjoy life, several other groups of people are living in “deep water”.

Let’s take a look at Qingqing apple incense. Qingqing apple incense is still very dissatisfied with the existence of soul -eater, because he snatched his glory and light that he should have been in his own glory, so that the beautiful women ignored the existence of him like him.

, A word when applying the Three Kingdoms-Bi Shengyu, He Shengliang.

(Actually, he feels good by himself) Heavenly killing people are endless, strong, smart, and ambitious, but after all, they are a unsatisfactory person, and the means of making money can not be recognized by the public.

And his “respect”

really makes people dare to compliment, this can not be compared with his arrogance; The “illegal entry”

has good strength and means, and it looks considered to be on the table. Unfortunately, doing things are too particular about principles. The women in their own city are so troublesome, and the guy who killed the soul -elixir gave it to the guy who killed the soul. The benefits are harvested, but okay, so their hatred is formed. While they are in trouble, they can also secretly develop forces. It is also a weakness of illegal entry into the country. It is not possible to enter the country illegally, and it is impulsive to do things. From the first blind challenge, the soul can be seen. Although it has been improved now, it is difficult to change the nature of Jiangshan. , But I heard that there is a good think tank, but it is not worried. Those who do big things must rely on themselves. “Forever Magic Master”

is good, also very mindful, and has a good image. Unfortunately, he lacks the most important thing, that is the ambition. When you come out, there is no guild that rely on a career to become a king. At best, it is the bandit of the mountain. However, this kind of person is indeed the best alliance. It is reassuring, and the result will make that damn soul -eating. It is really addicted. You have to think of a way to split them. The disappearing king “loves New Conso”

, calm and mindful, and personal strength is good. Unfortunately A little proud, the disadvantages are obvious. Generally, it is a quirk to grow up like this. In addition, it is mixed in a woman’s pile all day. I ca n’t think of Xiaobai’s face. I do n’t know if such a big guild is composed of faces. As for the fantasy rose group formed by the four fairy, it cannot be a climate. It is difficult for women to think about it. According to their own observations, these women are not the kind of ambition. Throughout the day, thinking about the one that rides on the man’s head all day long kind. Their best ending is to find a satisfactory boyfriend. Whoever can get this power can be soaring, it would be even more terrible if it was obtained by the people of the six major guides. This is very confident about this clear apple incense, but the love new Conso Rolo, who is jealous of men, and the soul of God who are jealous, and the soul of God, and feel that they are not so outstanding. Love loves. Xinjin Luo is okay. Generally, the beauty who is a bit “connotative”

will not like his small white face, but this soul -eating is very abominable. Posted, fork, you are angry. In order to grab a woman with a fifth list of stunning lists ——- Aquside’s love without traces, he has exhausted his strength, and the woman was not clear before the war. Unpredictable, in the end, he offended a group of people. Originally, he wanted to recruit fighting, but when he chose, he chose a woman, so that a group of senior soldiers rely on the soul -eater. When it comes to the soul -eating, the heart is angry. On the surface, the seven major banks will not be comparable. In fact, everyone knows that the magic palace is the largest meeting of the Central Plains. His clear apple incense is a successful merchant, that is, he did not change the impression of others on the list. He spent a lot of effort to the Shang League. Soon after, I invested a lot of funds to redeem the game currency today. Today, the vulnerability system has been supplemented, and the game currency can be exchanged infinitely. However, in turn, Restrictions, this rule is also limited to a few talents! But God is so unfair, what the soul -eating is something, he secretly checked that this guy has not injected funds at all, but now his funds are not inferior to himself. At the beginning The favor of top beauties, that’s two! Intersection Intersection This kind of woman is proudly like a swan. How can he not be able to do other women? He always doesn’t understand. Well, even if Xue and Xiaoxue are sisters, they don’t care about everything in the game, but then the five sisters of the heart of the heart of the family family are The elder sister’s mood and embrace gave him a great blow. Originally, he also set up a thorough plan to prepare to use the jealousy of the woman and differentiate the mood, so that the Magic Palace was real, but … … … Later, the fairy Feitai Fairy Feiyun took the initiative to join the Magic Palace at the first meeting, and his performance was very ambiguous, making him completely lose confidence. He never discouraged. A woman is an extremely important standard for measuring a man’s high strength, and it is also what he cares about. In fact, this soul -eater is also his own high strength and good luck. Who can think that the system can give him such a perverted talent attribute. Even so, the later experience is too perverted. The best weapon is like eating. With such luck, pheasant can become a phoenix. The most important thing is that there is a group of masters around him, helping him selflessly, and he did have a lot of effort to solicit several powerful men. Xiao Mao, this damn fat man, why did he not eat to die. Since he established the first floor of the world, his market share has begun to decrease. Later, he has the phenomenon of him. Three -point face, very ghost in business, fork, soul -eating also believes that he really believes in the business, and cursed the two of them! He can notice that the low -level little person like Erjuzi has never expected that this little man is so talented in life skills. The appraisal and alchemy world is the top characters. Desperate three wolves, such poor ghosts have now become an extraordinary character. After following the soul -eater, the stinky stink has become Baoyu. The eldest was deceived by a small trip. Later, I heard that the boss who was unlucky was chased for a week and was killed from level 68 to 0. … He has been thinking about these for a long time. From the time of the dream -chasing proposal, he was thinking, and he had to be divided with him. Otherwise, he would always be suppressed and seeing the appearance of the little girls in the dream. Once this creature is interested in a man, she is not far from being conquered. So consider from all aspects, it is better to be separated. So when the soul -loving soul is the line, he has clear that he wants to choose the first time, and immediately in favor of his point of view. Although the silence of dreaming makes him a little disappointed, the illegal entry and the approval of love Xinjin Luo also let find to find the finding Back to hope. But their journey was not smooth. They encountered a raid of the bone shark. Fortunately, they had no casualties in preparation, and left the “tail”

to the soul -eater. Everyone was not abnormal. The soul is not over the festival, and there will be no friendship. Later, he carefully avoided the ghost death territory. Everything went smoothly, but when everyone thought of the victory, Huang Quan appeared. With a group of amazing water ghosts, he did not kill Huang Quan for a long time, but he hung 8 people on this side, and finally had to flee. Finally, they entered the underground maze. They finally decided to part ways in the fork. I don’t know how illegally entry and love Shiji Luo. I also encountered a king of rats. Although they got some equipment, they hung up with two people. It was a headache that they lost their way and could not turn it out. No one knows how big this underground maze is …. … Just when they were unprepared, a underground model suddenly appeared, saying that there was a friend named Soul Eater for him to bring them the way. At this time, the feeling was really full of five flavors. Hey, “hero”

is short! How can I think of this at this time … … There is a problem with the aesthetic viewpoint of the underground model. Illegal entry and Aixin Jue Luo are better luck. Due to the existence of several ladies, their progress is relatively slow. Probably those mice all go to Qingqing apple incense. There are several waves of attacks. Under the horrible insight and horrible attack power, there is no power to return, but when the underground models find them, they are still grateful. After all, … the place of this Yin Sen is really not dumb, For a long time, it must be depressed. The forever ancient magician and the desperate three wolves, they are more lucky to chase their luck.

They are pierced by two caves, and they are attacked by a group of disciples and grandsons.

Also hung up, hey, who is in the forefront, and the health of the thieves is not much.

While he discovered the danger, the primitive residents of these underground also discovered him, so he went gloriously.

Fortunately The warning, otherwise the loss was greater.

When the local models found them, the guy was happy to die, and desperately decided to separate from me on the spot.

Khan .



, I would rather say this is a beauty!

When these poor guys arrived, we were full and prepared to eat.

The aesthetic view of the first beauty of the underground mold is okay.

The first handsome guy loves to be glad to be wicked.

That kind of beauty can’t even stand men.

In order to not like men in the future, I still see my Cher and mood better.

It is really difficult for men to grow like this.

The arrival of so many foreigners is lively.

From time to time, the ground mold figures look at animals and look at us.

Fortunately, we are also high -profile characters, nor do we care about it.

Huge difference.

Text Chapter 92 “Supreme God”

(all) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:53:00 Number of chapters: 5722 Everyone started talking about their respective experiences after rest. Now it is a step back to the end of the task. Everyone is naturally happy that it is a thing worth celebrating. When we are talking about Zheng Huan, the underground modeler King —— La Dorigs came in with eight old men … … It should be the old man, but it is not clear about their age division. We are already the old man. It may be underage in them. “Everyone in the distance, under the call of God, you have come to the tribe of the hard -working and brave underground model, welcome you!”

Latarigz made the opening of the game that everyone blushed, and the eight veterans were face. Sitting on the chair in the backlessly, seeing the elders came. At first, the ground mold of the underground mold with hippie smiling, and it seemed that these old men’s status in their minds was very high. “Your request, our elders have been discussed carefully. Our underground molder is the most helpful, but we also have our own difficulties. You must know that opening a door to open a space requires very huge magic, but we can perform exhibitions. Only I and eight elders who came out of this magic. After completing the door of the space, we will lose magic for a period of time. This is very unfavorable to the danger we are about to face, so I think friends in the distance will be in the distance. Meet our two small requirements: —, for the security of the tribe, please help us guard the village together and repel the invasion of foreign enemies at night, so that our elders can save the necessary magic. Second, our elder requires a suitable gift to dedicate to our great god. He bless us for his tribal style, or he allows us to live in peace. It is that he allows us to enjoy this beautiful life. Everyone praises him together. Bar. Speaking of the old man in front of him began to read words, the appearance of several old men also became solemnly, … but the underworld models seemed a little dull, and it seemed that God had not influenced them enough. It ’s okay to ask for their requests. After all, asking someone to do things, how can there be no paid, there is no lunch for nothing in the world, and the help they have given us a lot, it may not be much for them, but for us Said that without their way, we will always be in the underground maze, and I also start to believe in God. For the first requirement, we have no problem, and it will be dark immediately to help them keep the "

city”, which is the best for us. The second requirement is relatively problematic. We don’t have any gifts here … Who is going to adventure and prepare to give gifts at all times? Everyone looked at each other one by one. Regarding this kind of brain -consuming thing, desperately desperately had a headache when he heard it, took out a bottle of golden fruit wine, and poured it up. Ah, it’s so cool! There was a burst of wine, and the desperate San Wolf liked this kind of Xue’er’s big wine that was so bad, about 60 degrees, so the wine taste was very strong. The people who smelled a little taste showed a strong desire in their eyes. Although the elders were hard to endure and pretended to be indifferent, their old nose still betrayed them. correct! What are the gifts for the underground molders than wine? I think their most high gods should also like it. After all, what kind of gods are there, what kind of people are there. The pure wheat wine they brew, although the taste is pure, but insufficient. Looking at their physique, this height of gold fruit wine should have an appetite for them! I quickly stopped the desperate wolf to continue drinking, "

Three wolves, how many bottles are there for your golden fruit wine?" Desperate to look at me in doubt, thinking that I would borrow wine to dispel sorrow, "

More, I know that this time it is a long -distance trip, and now there are 10 bottles left!" "

Okay, give me 10 bottles, let you drink for a month for free when you go back!" “.

.. Boss, you won’t think of it!” Dizzy, my wives are next to me, how dare I drink alcohol! This single -cell guy, the person next to me knows what’s going on from my mouth. In fact, Qingqing apple incense has long thought, but the desperate three wolves are not their own, the opening is a bit too much, hey, I did not expect to be around me, but I did not expect to be around me. I didn’t expect to be around me. It is also good to bring a wine ghost. I quickly put the 10 -equal golden fruit wine in front of the elders. Although the elders were serious, the sperm in the eyes leaked their thoughts. "

Elders, this is the best and most expensive wine in the outside world. We took out all the wines to dedicate to the most high god to show our sincerity! As for guarding the village, that is what we should do, we must help you repel the enemy! " Speaking of opening one bottle, the aroma of the aroma floated out. The nose of several old men twitched, and the tip of the nose became red, and they were shining one by one, but they woke up for a while, and quickly sat down. "

Ahem, the Supreme God will bless you, he will like your offer!" After this incident was resolved, the underground models began to be busy, and it seemed not the first time. The underground models have no slightest surprise and anxiety, such as cope with the routine business. We pulled over a underground molder and inquire about the situation. When the valley was mature at the end of the month, there would be some cave mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mouse and mice and mice and mice and mouse and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice and mice. Their "

behind -the -scenes black hands" came to grab food, but they had great protection of elders and would defeat the enemy every time. Haven’t he heard of Goblin? It should be the Earth. A kind of geeential person, a kind of residents in the ground, is short, but the opposite of the underground molder. They are very thin. Of course, this does not mean that their strength is weak. These guys are given the gift of earth gods to walk freely in the soil, and some can even walk through the rocks. They are good at attacking and assassination. food. There are magic enchantments around the underground molder tribe to prevent their sneak attacks. The night is coming, although I do n’t know why there is no sun here, and … of course, this illusory world does not require reason. The existence of these creatures is the biggest problem in itself. Finally, with the fluctuations of the magic array and the warning sound of the cave pangolin, the war between the aliens opened. The strength is slightly better, and once again proves the superiority of the hybrid varieties, When the cave was defeated, the underground models were not anxious. At this time, it seemed to be a "

little armor" who woke up. Xiaojia made a strange sound. The pangolin of the cave suddenly made a sudden force like a stimulant, and it was evenly matched with the cave puppet mouse. Xiaojia also rushed out with several of their leaders. When A was unable to follow the heart, the little Jia turned, and the shape began to grow. The long thorns began to grow on the back, and the head also grew unicorn. The tail body became larger and covered with thick scales. There are also stabs on it, … the whole small version of the ancient iron back sword dragon! As soon as the tail was swept away, a few cave mice didn’t know where to fly. Several leading caves also started to transform.

Although they were not as horrible as small armor, they were also shocked by people.

When they were happy, they drilled out of the ground on the ground.

Small heads, and then launched an attack on the enchantment.

People underground models began to chant strange spells.

Climbed out of the ground, naked, only wearing a tattered trousers underneath.

It looks several times worse than African refugees.

In the hand, the dark dagger rushed in, and the underground models that had been ready for a long time rushed up.

The young underground molder was also a natural warrior.

Of course The ability is getting more and more.

Like the level of the elder, although it has gained powerful magic, it also lost the warrior’s physique.

Earthquake people are obviously more than these bold underground models and ghosts.

If it was not for the help of the underground molder, it would have been killed by these dirty land.

The talent walking in the soil allowed them to calmly escape a fatal blow, and then drilled out of the other side.

“Friends in the distance, it depends on you now, the war situation is not good for us!”

“Elders, rest assured, let us give us, everyone started!”

Feiyun Xueer led the surgeons to start a large -scale Taoism. Because the other party did not have magic defense, at the same time, they set up a formation of imprisonment of soil. Although it is only primary, it is still useful to deal with these places. One of the elite people wanted to get into the ground again, but it found that it had drilled for a long time before drilling in a jumping leg, and the hammer with a fire blessing was smashed fiercely. After going out, they vent their anger fiercely, … These exquisite people have a image of owed, and they just vent their dissatisfaction, “poor character”

, ""

“They met their peers, and naturally they had to learn about it. The most powerful thing is "

Love New Coroluto”. This super handsome guy is still so cool. He calmly shuttles between the enemy and me, the arrows are worn, and the horror penetration of the phantom god bow is not hiding because of some guys hiding. It is lost in the soil. This guy should go to Hollywood to play the elves prince to ensure that it can be red for the sky. … The first beauty of the underground model seemed to see him even more. Handsome than me! Our mages have not shot yet, and the god of victory has stood on our side. Such a small -scale battle is nothing to us. "

Friends in the distance, things are not as simple as you think, the real battle has just begun!" Mr. Wang Ligs, the underground model, reminded us a little and forgotten us. Sure enough, the crow’s mouth was said, and suddenly a native people suddenly got out of the ground, and the huge natives killed us. Summon the Turkish Giant, level 68, pure earth element, physical attack, have excellent defense of magic, huge body shape, is a good arms of charge. The summoning wizard is not dead, and it can be resurrected infinitely. Of course, the resurrection speed is related to the strength of the wizard. The goblin people started to attack with the cooperation of the summoning Turkish giant, and they were desperate for a while they were in a hurry. "

Friends, see, this is the wizard of the Earthmen. They don’t know where the summoning magic learned. They are very suitable to them. They can summon a large number of soil elements. We must defeat their wizards to get the final victory!" One of the oldest elders reminded. "

Brothers, you can let our pets come out to relax!" I stayed in the river of Sanju for a long time, and I forgot my good comrades. With the summoning, everyone summoned their pets one after another, and they were the most desperate. This kind of sensitive king of Diablo was very dissatisfied with these goblins who lived on the dark bottom. The whole body rushed into the ground pile with a roar, and a burst of flames in his mouth sprayed a burst of flames. Now the strength of the hair is much stronger, just like the red clouds of Xueer before, the basalt of the apple incense is also good. The agility, like a fly, keeps chasing the elite people. As for those clumsy native giants, they are not even opponents. Aixin Corolla did not summon his unicorns, or a leisurely look, and kept shuttle between the Turkish giants, jumping on their heads all at once, and then a calm blow, … … How is this guy’s movement more agile than monkeys? I really don’t know if his talent is "

monkey", haha, joking. Although it is not as calm as I love New Dealo, her bow and arrows are not vegetarian. A bald head was shot as soon as one tip was exposed. The illegal entry finally came up with some real skills. His flame war magic is still cool. The whole body rushed into the monster pile with a flame -like fighting gas, and turned to find a big native giant to fight. He probably liked this power very much. Shocking, occasionally a goblin person who has not opened his eyes attacked him, and immediately became a fireball. … It looks like it is not a fighting, or a flame magic taste, and the combat effectiveness has increased a lot. Magic Warrior? But it doesn’t seem to be like it, is it an artifact? Intersection Intersection The mood of the jasper slaughter is still so sharp, and there is a strong sword of the knife, and the vertical and horizontal. The forever ancient magician led the mage to start to make a babon, countless fireballs, meteor fires, chain lightning, and ice roar shot in the past, and the ground ghosts and wolfs were crying. Obviously our strength surprised the elders. … It seems that I am watching alone. The elders next to me see my eyes a bit, dizzy, I am not unable to force, hey, I finally found it, magic fluctuations, damn the wizards, the damn wizards, It was hiding on the top of the cave, half of the body was still in the stone, and it seemed to be ready to escape. Come out! The golden and brilliant side dishes appeared. Naturally, it attracted the praise of several old men. God’s mounts. This is their name for the side dishes. I rode the side dishes and slowly approached the wizards in the air. Person —— Instantly move, close-up ice magic mad dance! Intersection Intersection Wow, the ice ring with his head and face smashed, and these wizards looked at the attacks close at hand. I don’t believe it can’t be a sieve! As the wizards retreated, the Turkish giants disappeared, and the remaining elite people immediately slipped away. Their walking dog cave mouse seemed to see what the owners left, and they left here. Yes, a poor guy might be beaten and killed on the rock one by one. Harry Laia, praised the Gao God. The latter things are relatively simple. The underground model is naturally going to open a bonfire party. We are not interested in this. Besides, we are not the elves. Essence After we were very "

euphemistic", they declined their kindness, and Ligus and the elders opened the door to time and space to go to the ice world. After we disappeared, Lajegs and the elders did not have imagined collapse, but became more energetic. Each person took a bottle of golden fruit wine and toasting happily. "

Lajayus, you are really cunning, it is indeed our king. The door of time and space only needs your magic to make the key to open it!" "

Dear elders, you see, so that we save more troubles, not only achieved a rare victory, but also the legendary wine, praise their gods!" "

Hey, I didn’t expect the" Hundred Days Tour "

that I accidentally picked up, the" Hundred Days of Tour "

, all of which were real, eh, humans are so deceiving." "

Hey, poor foreigners, they don’t even know that the underworld of our underground is an atheist!" "

Humans always think so!" "

What do their God call?" "

Who knows, so many people are more than our tribal population!" "

By the way, Lajegs, and a bottle of wine, where did you hide, hand over!" "

Yes, I forget it, don’t you want to swallow it alone?" "

The elders have only one bottle that is not good!" "

One person, one small cup, everyone divides, we have time!" "

That is, I will get a cup right away." "

Wait, there is a measuring device, we must be absolutely fair!" … … At this time, we were "

rotating" in the door of time and space. I don’t know what I think after hearing this … Updated: 2007-5-19 14:54:00 Number of chapters: 4890 Flutter and flutter ~~ "

Damn old man, why the exit of the door of time and space is in the air, and I fell to me!" Unfortunately, I haven’t complained yet, and a few "

hidden weapons" have once again smashed me into the snow pile. "

Oh, it seems to be soft below!" Xueer touched it subconsciously. “Ah, husband, you’re okay!”

Xueer and mood quickly pulled me up and gave the beauty to the beauty of meat. Everyone’s situation was almost the same. Fortunately, there were thick white snow below Otherwise, you will fall to death. “His \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, it’s so cold!”

Xueer and mood couldn’t help but squeeze into my arms. Halo, this is too cold, … the world outside is the spring of the four seasons, and suddenly the cold becomes a bit cold. Everyone has begun to lower the authenticity. After all, this frozen taste is not easy to feel uncomfortable Essence “Wait, everyone pays attention to their own health, it seems to be reduced!”

Suddenly shouted in a bad personality, the sensitivity of the thief made him feel bad. Sure enough, there are fewer lives, and some people are even two or three points, and a cold wind is sometimes 5 o’clock. “Not good, the temperature is too low, it is also lethal for us, we have to quickly find a way, otherwise it will be frozen!”

“Don’t lower it, it is true, and return to normal level, otherwise, you will really hang it unknowingly!”

“Everyone looks at it, there seems to be a village in front!”

A group of us finally found hope, and immediately rushed to the past. Unfortunately, we haven’t forgotten that this is snow, and then a series of fluttering sounds. The handsome guy turned into a ice brother, the beauty became a snow girl, and everyone laughed happily. The forever ancient magician suddenly opened the shield and scared everyone, thinking that he found any monster. The forever ancient magician laughed. “Brothers find a new thing, opening the shield can resist the cold!”

As soon as the mage opened the shield, there were a few more egg men on the snow, … but everyone could not open the shield. Cher suddenly added a few defensive techniques to herself, and then revealed a bright smile to let everyone lose my mind. “It’s much better!”

The artists began to launch a fire symbol, and it really felt better. It turns out that this low -temperature cold wind is also an attack. Desperate three wolves, took out the last half of his surviving golden fruit wine and poured a fierce sip before he reluctantly put it up. “I heard that the second world is preparing to upgrade once, and it will open many mysterious different spaces. Unlike the past, a large number of NPC characters will appear in it, which will be intelligent, so that the entire game will increase the entire game more variable variables. And greater realism, higher fantasy, … I think our task is likely to be a test. "

The analysis of Qingqing apple incense has been approved by everyone. I really look forward to the real space. The hotness of the online forum has been discussed. Unfortunately, these key characters are busy. How can we see it? Our group has finally come to a small village at the foot of the mountain after “long journey”

… In fact, this should be a large village, which is not as desolate and silent as we imagine, but lively and extraordinary. All kinds of “people”

bustling, elf clan, dwarfs, humans, orcs, etc. There are even giants. The entire market here, the arrival of our group has not attracted much attention. After all, we are not very outstanding. The real elves are really handsome, especially the snow elves, men handsome, women’s bright, of course, we have a more beautiful handsome guy who is more like the elves here loves New Dealo, more beautiful beauty Xueer, Feiyun, mood, mood, mood Essence The dwarfs are wearing exquisite armor one by one, engraved with a variety of patterns on it, holding the same sledgehammer or ax as the height of them. It looks similar to Uncle Tom. Don’t look at the image of the dwarf. Pay attention to more serious than the elves, of course, there are slight differences in aesthetic views. Orcs are not those low -level monsters and orcs. They are not ugly. On the contrary, they have abnormal charm. It is rough beauty, bodybuilding muscles, hearty smiles, huge tomahawks, in the opposite of the elves. This cold weather gives a lot of shock, it seems that their cold resistance is high. Giant, about 3 ——– 5 meters high, stupid, holding huge wolf tooth sticks, I think no one likes to be smashed by it. As for humans, sweat … is human -like, We first found a clothing store, but we did not buy clothes, because the clothes inside were all general equipment, and there was no cold function. Finally, under the tip of our 10 gold coins, the owner of the clothing store told us how to protect the cold. It turns out that the pharmacy has sold cold Dan. A elixir can protect the cold for 2 hours. … Early! A group of us poured into a pharmacy, and each of them bought a bottle of Royal Han Dan, … the fork is so expensive, 1,000 gold coins per bottle. After eating cold -stretched Dan, there was no feeling of shuddering in the cold wind. We found the most spiritual tavern and found out the final news. As long as you pass here, you can find the “Tree of the World”.

The tavern is lively, and a group of people are noisy. There are a few of the mercenaries. I used the detection and obediently, so I could see it. One of the orc warriors, Dulus ——– 48, orc warriors; weapons, ax of the mountain; occupation, mercenary. Everyone also discovered this, and everyone was a little excited. It was really interesting. At this time a human mercenary came over, “Beautiful lady, can we invite you to have a drink, I am the leader of the Luxu Mercenary Corps.”

… This is also a NPC character, … There is a comma on his head, which should be the mark of the NPC. (The NPC characters inside are all certain activity criteria, which are more strict than our players. For example, respect for girls, women’s NPC protection measures are the same as players, and they generally appear in special scenes. Of course Enhance the authenticity, the above scene appears. Note: Test) This mercenary head is looking for Feiyun who is facing him. It is obviously very admired by the beauty of Feiyun, and of course there is no other intention. Essence Feiyun obviously had no interest in him, and he didn’t dump him. The corner of his eyes glanced at me. Unfortunately, at this time I was dealing with Xueer and mood. superior. “Go and go, don’t bother us!”

One sentence illegal entry has attracted the attention of the entire tavern. There are not many arrogant people who dare to be so arrogant in the tavern. Here a sentence can cause war. The mercenary head was very angry with the provocative move, and he pointed at illegal entry and shouted angrily. “I want to go out with you, it’s a man’s standing out.”

As soon as he heard this, he immediately stood out illegally, and he was looking for someone to practice. ###### Luke, human warrior, level 68, excellent equipment, handheld half -moon scimitar, about 3,000 combat power, head of the D -class Luke Mercenary Corps. The NPC mercenary regiment has a total of four levels, A, B, C, D, and the strength is reduced at one time. ###### When I heard that someone was dueling, the tavern was immediately lively. Everyone was annotated. The dealer was the owner of the tavern and a chubby old man. However, here is a small gambling, at least 10 gold coins, up to 100 gold coins. We all over 100 gold coins per person on illegal entry, but the people in the tavern are not optimistic about illegal entry. It is still full of confidence. To be honest, there is one of my souls that can win illegally. I was not polite to him illegally, and he used his strength to come up. The whole body exudes “Flame Fighting”

(temporarily called this, what is the specific stuff, and then explain it later.) At first glance, the illegal entry, the exciting guys in the tavern immediately dumbfounded. This is the legendary exotic strength that can only be generated by level 81. As soon as Luke looked at the performance of illegal entry, the momentum disappeared immediately, and there was a big gap in strength. In this way, there was no even more interesting. It really defeated Luke, but this guy fell down. Really, at first glance, the situation was not good, and immediately condemned the defeat, and our expenses, he packed, as a crime, humans, after all, bringing life first. The owner of the tavern also became enthusiastic, and added a seat next to us to talk to us. We also wanted to know some news from his mouth. This is also our main purpose, but Luke also took the opportunity to sit over. This guy just now just now The performance has won the favor of everyone, so I didn’t say anything. “Seeing everyone, they are all heroes. I do n’t know which mercenary group is, I have never seen it?”

The owner of the tavern asked, “Oh, we are not a mercenary group, but we are just a group of adventurers.”

Qingqing apple fragrant interface, this guy’s mind is still better, since he answered, I was too lazy to be silent. “Ah, I think the strength of you is not easy. The strength of the brother Taiwan who just fought with me just now is the master of the mercenary world, and it is also a master of the top. The deputy head of the regiment! "

Luke looked at us unbelievable, and such a strong person was just some adventure groups that were not even up enough. However, there are so many people who are similar to illegal entry. It seems that these mercenaries should not be smaller. ###### The adventure group is a small group that is temporarily formed to complete a simple task. This group basically takes some small tasks that some mercenaries are too lazy to take over, or tasks with low profits and high risks. The level is very low. Of course, this is the rules of the alien world. ###### “Take the liberty to ask, is this soldier’s strongest person here?”

Looking at the tavern owner’s desire to speak, there may be any more difficult tasks, and we are afraid that our strength is not enough, and it is not easy to speak. “No, the strongest person here is him, and everyone else is almost the same.”

Illegal entry pointed at me. Say this from his mouth, and everyone has nothing to say. My strength is well -known, and the strongest person in controversial. Luo, the five people in the mood should be between Bo Zhong, followed by the endless endless, eternal ancient magician, Feiyun, and the battle constantly, the rest of the people are a level. Of course, this is also included in the pet. Seeing that everyone did not object to illegal entry, the tavern owner and Luke both looked at me in surprise. They thought I was one of the ordinary members. Not practical, but I have never seen their knowledge, and it is not obvious in the addition of my career. There are two more beautiful women, so I treat me as my son. This is not blame for them to be unique after all. After all, I am unique Soul Eater. “Oh, so, we just combine it temporarily to complete a difficult task.”

“Oh my god, a group of such horrible people gather together to complete a task. It will not be a dragon. I have never heard of a dragon here!”

Luke kept drawing the cross on his body, a bit a bit, a bit a bit, a bit a bit, a bit a bit, it is a bit. Looking at us incredible. “Who is this?”

“Soul Eater, the one who competed with you just now is illegal entry. Let me introduce yourself.”

… … After everyone introduced each other for a while, we simply said our names and careers. “Mr. Soul Eater, it seems that your career is both a mage and a warrior, and this set of equipment on your body has never been seen. How perfect it would be if this attribute was added to a profession. "

Mr. Luke, you are wrong. The demon king soul is the magic martial arts knight and the world’s first master. This king’s suit is not suitable for him!” Such a sentence suddenly emerged, and he would come up with such a sentence, and he took such a sentence, and he also burst out such a sentence, and he also burst out such a sentence. The first two words bites very much. I do n’t know what his motivation is. The surface is praise me, but saying this kind of thing in such a place is just to find trouble for himself. Sure enough, when I heard this, the people in the tavern were "

excited”, especially those orcs and dwarfs, as if they were naturally sensitive to this title. When I heard "

the first in the world”, I forgot to have a few bowls of water. It’s right. "

Which hairy boy dares to call the world first! Lao Tzu stepped on you, stupid humans." He spoke a tall orc, and there were four in the back, with a fierce look. It’s a pity that this is a world of strength, and looks useless. I didn’t wait for me to speak, and the mood next to me brushed two jasper slaughtering waves. The orcs quickly used the ax to block it. Unfortunately, how can this rude weapon king of the single weapon be blocked? The poor orc was immediately hit out, smashed two tables, and passed out. "

Wow, isn’t this the legendary dragon knife?" "

Yeah, you see, the dragon gas comes out!" "

Cool, but why is the soldier in the hands of a woman!" "

Come on, do you want to grab, you don’t look at the strength of others." "

How come, I’m not those orcs without brain, it’s stupid!" The remaining four ormia’s popularity was about to smoke, yelled, the whole body showed red light, the muscles skyrocketed, and the giant ax rushed over. Text Chapter 94 Sneak Attack Updated: 2007-5-19 14:54:00 Number of chapters: 5415 The remaining four orc warriors, anger brought out the blood bleaching technique, instantly increased their combat effectiveness, waving a giant ax madly, killing me, … why is it me? I have always been honest until now. I didn’t want to cause trouble, but I would n’t work if I was troubled to find it, and these mercenaries worshiped the strong. Only the strong people are easy to use here, so I decided to give them a small lesson. Suddenly the avatar, pull out the blood-stuffing sword, ——- blood dragon and kill waves! It is best to deal with such a shocking trick to deal with this stupid guy. Of course, I did not launch towards them, but I was slightly biased. These four orcs saw four horror blood dragons appearing out of thin air. Rush down, and it was scared for a while. The blood dragon and the dragon and the waves were cleaned out of a huge open space like the autumn wind swept the leaves. He was excited and looked at the big hole behind him. … The mercenary looked at this horrible scene stupidly, fork, the wall of this tavern was protected by magic enchantment. It was originally to prevent others from being destroyed. It was so fierce that I didn’t expect to be finished all at once, and it seemed to have four figures. Is it an illusion, but it was obviously four large holes. The tavern owner twitched on the fat face, watching his favorite tavern was beaten, and his heart was that pain, but a group of people in front of him were obviously not good. Compensation! I have read it clearly about the expression of the tavern owner. I am not a person who is not reasonable. The compensation is compensated, but it happens to "

threaten" him. "

Boss, do I want to inquire?" "

Wherever you know, you must say, you must say!" "

Do you know how to get from here?

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