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Chapter_16 The hidden reporter touched a sweat, a great woman, killing people like cutting vegetables, .



but it is so beautiful, that kind of strong, adds more desire to conquer men.

Wait, new artifact, super artifact?

Intersection Intersection Husband and wife compete!

Intersection Intersection OK, I am developed now, this is the front page headline, I’m going to be red!

Fork, the editor -in -chief, this time, how can you also have blood this time!

The little reporter Jia, hiding under the big stone, has begun to look forward to a beautiful future.

He accidentally hit the stone, and the little stars flying!

Text Chapter 99 Longwei (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 3331 The three beautiful referees were counted in the back, and I was in the front and I was in front of me.

The robbers were many.

Do n’t be afraid of killing.

We start from the second floor of the chaos.

Come on.

The five of us rushed into the second floor of the cottage all the way.

Cher did not give us Taoism, because Taoism was also related to the level of surgery, and I would not take advantage of this.

Since the avatars are magic, it is also prohibited.

The Lord of the Rings is specially approved.

It is not allowed to use the mage’s moves, including the vitality shield, dizziness, which is really thorough, but my real fighting level at 83 Fighting is much stronger.


With the order of the baby, we killed it on the left and right sides.

The robbers of the Stone Mountain were dumbfounded.

I don’t know which thieves that were not open to make such two troubles!

Intersection Intersection From the perspective of attack power, we are almost the same.

The mood of the dragon sword is extremely sharp.

My blood -stuffed demon sword is also endless, especially to deal with these robbers.

I am even more blood.

Intersection Probably I was used to the kind of magical skills of the bombardment.

It was a bit troublesome to solve it simply with fighting.

“Husband, you want to cheer. Sister in the mood now kills 3 more than you!”

The baby on the side shouted, … Is it so happy? No, I’m going to make a biao. … How to, this is a problem. How do you use this 4.5 million? How do you use it? There are not much skills in the skill column. Isn’t it deceived? Intersection Intersection I subconsciously touched a belt. When I pressed the Dragon Ball, I suddenly thought about it, will there be an organ here? For a while, the brushed Dragon Ball released a circle of golden light, and the longan also blinked like a living. Suddenly a piece of eight -clawed golden dragon drilled out of the belt, from small to bigger. The whole of me was wrapped around me. The dragon head hung on my chest, and a strong king’s gas exuded. Suddenly such an amazing scene, people will stay, especially this faucet is so close to me, as real! OK, what’s the matter? Even my parties are a little dumbfounded. The dragon is not static. I saw it moved slowly around me. The golden scales seemed to be breathing, and I couldn’t help touch it with my hands, … I touched it. Just illusions? Decoration? At this time, I noticed that there is already a new column in the skill column. The first line below, there is a primary skill ——- people dragon together! I couldn’t help it, the Phantom Dragon suddenly made a huge roar, and my body flew into the air, and then rushed straight down to me. I didn’t have time to react. The feeling of words appears from the bottom of my heart. In an instant I found my speed, attack, defense, strength, agility, accurate, and even physical value, and my magic value was rapidly decreasing. When everything was stable, my magic value was all all the values of my magic. When I was at the bottom, my magic recovery was very fast, and it doubled a long time ago. In addition, the source of magic is just enough. Wow, this trick is too consuming. (If the magic value required to perform a skill is greater than the magic value of itself and the magic recovery speed, then this skill is actually waste, you can use it after upgrading!) At this time, I was still intoxicated in the feeling of strength, and I didn’t pay attention to Xueer’s strange eyes at all. In their eyes, the golden light was suddenly glittering on my body. There was an extra living eight -claw gold dragon, and then the dragon flying for nine days, but suddenly turned and rushed towards me, scared them, and finally watched me who lived the entire golden dragon alive. Give “Eat”

! Now I have a golden dragon in my body, with a dragon scale formed with energy, and a shadow of a dragon flying in the back. … It’s cool! Intersection Intersection Reporter Jia, hiding and witnessing this scene, this boy is already stunned, wow, what is this thing, it is almost handsome. I did not expect not only to catch big fish, but also a dragon fish. After counting the money, thinking of his own scenery, the editor -in -chief who has always been “prestige”

, whispered in front of him! Demon King, Eight -clawing Golden Dragon, what kind of combination can it be a myth? … What is good? What is the topic? Dragon? The symbol of the ancient emperor, the emperor is better! Jinlong Tianzi? Not good, bad, the big name of the devil has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts! Demon Dragon Emperor? Not good, bad, it sounds reminiscent of the “big belly lizard”

in the West, no! Dragon Demon Emperor? Intersection Intersection That’s it, the Dragon Demon Emperor! … haha, I am going to develop too! Intersection Intersection At this time, how can I do this, the whole body feels so wonderful. I used to see the illegally entry of the Flame Dragon Cavaliers transformed into it. It looks so cool. I didn’t expect that he was cool. Hey, his flame god lamp may be the same type of artifact as my “True Dragon”

, but my power is much stronger. I have begun to associate with my descendants of 10,000 dragons and kill the spectacular scene of Japan! In other words, in fact, from the transformation of me, to everyone’s time, that is, for a while, the robbers around me are trembling. I seem to be like 3 days without eating, and the knife is not stable. It looks! “Heart, how is it, is it more than?”

Now I have absolute confidence to win her. I was wrinkled with Qiong Nose, and shouted, They do n’t know how powerful I am, so I test this new artifact! We started at the same time. This time, my half -moon machete is completely different at the beginning. Although with the help of blood -stuffing attributes, the guy of murderous guys is more effective, but there is always no mage skills quickly, and it is necessary to chop one by one. Now I use a half -moon scimitar at a time. The blade is a golden faucet with blood red eyes. There is still a red blood bleeding in the mouth. With dragon howl! The robbers in my hanging fell down immediately. I was startled by this power myself, and the robber who was cut by the dragon head was the worst, and it was directly violent! The strong feeling was really excited. I suddenly rushed into the robber pile, brought up a dragon shadow, a happy massacre. At this time, I didn’t pay attention, and my mood had stopped. They all stared at me and only saw in their eyes. The man who was shrouded in the golden dragon hit directly in the robber pile, and the horrible lethality. At this time, the sword gas of the half -moon machete is more than doubled than the ordinary sword gas. It is much more horrible. Now 83 soldiers’ skills have been fully stimulated by the power of dragons! Intersection Intersection After a while, a robber around me was gone, and it seemed to have just started. How could they run away? This is not bad at all than the lethality of large magic, handsome! “Hey, heart, why are you killing faster than me?”

I looked up and looked at the thieves there. “Husband, you are too powerful, the robbers in the mood are also killed by you, and the rest are scared away!”

Baby had already rushed towards me. “Husband, don’t you find it, the robber just rarely resisted just now, waiting for you like a pillar!”

Halo, I was so excited just now, I didn’t pay attention. After a while, the dragon gas disappeared, and the skill point immediately dropped again. It was so happy. The power of blood -rejuvenating qi was cool. The next time it was to be head -to -team with the soldiers, you would not have to use the magic skills to “bully”

them, saved them, saved them, and saved them, saved them, saved them, saved them, saved them, and saved them, saved them, saved them, and saved them. Through the three wolves, they always say that I am playing, hey, what to do this time! I can already imagine the expression of their surrender. After the power test, we also “sorry”

continued to disturb others. After reading a few sounds of Amitabha, we returned to the city together. After we walked for a while, a person’s head was drilled from the stone pile, and the probe explored the brain, and found that there was no one. Suddenly gave ourselves a slap, followed by a scream, and then listened to the crazy laughter. Run towards the main city. … why don’t you need to return to the scroll? Oops, the figure in the distance didn’t know what was tripped, and it was planted. \ ###### When the “world”

came down, the four women had come down. Everyone sat in a circle, chatting. Taking this opportunity, I just detect their power progress.

I entered my own spiritual world.

There are four -colored flames of four colors.

Among them, the largest group should make the incense.

Strong, surprising me is that the energy of Xueer and the baby is only a little less energy than incense.

As a new evolution, they are really incredible.

Relatively speaking, the energy of the mood is the normal elementary level.




I don’t have partiality.

Everyone’s transformation is the same.

I didn’t expect Cher and Baby to be really talented.


A water cup was “divided into five horses”

in the air, sweat … “I said what are you doing for four young ladies, do you seem to offend you?”

“Husband, we are experimenting with whose ability to move it is stronger. I didn’t expect that the quality of this cup was too poor, and it was broken. It must be fake and inferior products!”

Cher laughed. I bought it in the Bliss Mall … It seems that it is Xueer’s dad, my father -in -law, although I want to laugh, I hold back. Seeing that I was uncomfortable, Xueer asked me what happened. “Oh, Sister Xue, this time we bought it in your mall last time!”

Haha ~~~, I can’t help but laugh. Text 100 Chapter “East Expedition”

Updated: 2007-5-19 14:57:00 Number of chapters: 4341 Now the entire Central Plains players are busy, some are preparing to go to Japan to fight, and some are preparing for the defensive plan at home. After all, there will be 10,000 people in Little Japan to rush to us. If we lose ourselves, it is just a defeat, so our defense must be done well. Xiao Mao has found the border guard with the token. We decided to act on the same day as the Japanese. After all, we have a large number of us. In the case of their 10,000 top masters, our actions will be more convenient! The good thing is that the border guard did not have any trouble with us. Originally, he thought he would not let us do it with the Japanese on the same day, but they were not entangled with this issue. Later, I learned that the original cancellation of my privilege last time He has been strongly complained by Chinese online games, saying that what you have given, how can you say that you can recover, the power of the artifact is adjusted, but they can’t control it, but the rewards that have been given to players can be recovered, especially in some external forces. Under the intervention, this is unfair to “I”.

I heard that things are fierce. Although the official surface has not given a clear reply, it seems that there is any benefit in the back. It is one of them, otherwise it will be announced for a week according to regulations. In order to compensate me, they should take the time for two days and make the Japanese ate a lot. The Japanese side seems to understand this moderate way, and it has not played with the problem, so that things will be carried out smoothly. So many people’s actions are not children’s plays. Like South Korea, I ate a lot. I knew some terrain and couldn’t get on this. Our falling point was Mount Fuji. This is a more troublesome question. In order, there are so many people, those monsters are not vegetarian, and they will not let us go. Although I can go in front of them, but after all, I am limited, and now the power of the big conch is very weak. I can’t Adventure, there are many monsters that move slowly or unable to move, which will cause us a lot of losses, and whether the other party can let me go away from the monster. Strict prevention, it seems that I can only use my killer! …… If their fall is in Kunlun, how beautiful it is! The 10,000 people we have selected for simple training are first offered to the whole. This kind of training is rough, because if we gather all together, although the strength is relatively strong, the goal must be large, so we decided to divide into two teams. As a team of palace alone, the main role is bait, because my fame is the most loud, which will attract the attention of the Japanese and attract their main defensive forces. Leaders into the enemy! Of course, this proposal is required by the initiative, so that it can be used with my killer, which can be described as a double carving! The Qingqing apple incense and the endless dying are strong in favor. After all, they can get rid of my pressure. They can play more freely. Others are reserved. Stop, I know he was weakened by the strength and prestige of the Magic Palace. The four fairy looked at me curiously, and my beautiful school sister recognized me. Although I was surprised, this was also an instant. It’s a matter, but her eyes fell on my body from time to time. When she heard my proposal, she was shocked, but there was no objection but looked at me deeply, making the other three women still also the other three women also What do you think of us, but this is the last word. Of course, some people think that I want to come out again, but it doesn’t matter, this decides to be good for everyone. The general plan for offense is ready. This is relatively simple. After all, hitting rivers and mountains is easy to suffer from rivers and mountains. I lead 500 people and go straight to Japan’s closest city to Fuji. Entry and Qingqing apple incense, they marched around the West of the West in the West, and then killed a carbine halfway. A small number of thieves can attract attention. Of course, the plan is only planned. The key is to randomly respond on the spot! The rest is how to perfectly block the enemy. The pirates come here in a place between the East China Sea and Pangu City. There are also some benefits), the terrain is relatively flat, and it is really difficult to prevent, but this is still the second. This time we mobilize the army there to wait. As long as someone appears, we will attack. Once the attack is completed, they will retreat. However, the rescue cities use up to one -third of the troops to prevent the enemy from hitting the west. But what I am most worried about is that Japan has the same killers as us, just like my Qin Shihuang mission. They have such positive attacks, and they must rely on the personality of small Japanese. The work is too weird. I can only mention it at the conference, hoping to attract attention. I have explained Xiao Mao in the Magic Palace. Moreover, there should be no problem with affection and Xiao Zi. Maintaining the status quo! This time, they did not go to Japan with me, because our tasks are different as long as bait and destruction, and some powerful characters need to be sits in the city. Essence All war reserve funds are used all. The war is actually smashing money. There is no money to be finished. All funds are scattered. Although everyone is very energetic to hit small in Japan, it is impossible to send it to death without money. Another notable is that low -level players should not be online, or in the safe zone, with the Japanese character, they do not care about this, we must reduce tasteless losses. After busy all day, everyone began to relax and rest, and welcomes tomorrow’s war. In fact, most people can’t sleep excitedly. Of course, there are exceptions. I am a typical one. There are also more scenes, it does not feel much about tomorrow’s battle, and there is always a feeling of winning vouchers. I do n’t know if I am confident or I am at my own hospitality … “That’s it for today’s meeting. Everyone goes back to prepare and take a good rest. The next time you may be transferred for 24 hours, it is enough!”

“Okay, boss, then we are gone!”

After so busy for so long, Xiao Mao, desperate wolf, fighting constantly, they are also tired of their poor personality, “poor character”

is the person in charge of the East China Sea. be prepared! ###### I spent a little time consolidating the mental power to Cher and Baby. The rest is mainly to exercise myself. The natural path is my home biography. In fact, it is not a home biography. It is not very popular. Occasionally, several power people have been considered as “demon”

and have been wiped out, but in the past few hundred years, with the development of single soldiers’ combat power, this aspect has finally been paid attention to. It is also the loss of foreigners. Both the official and the folks pay attention, and our family is a more “enlightened”

antique. In summary, I was the first “test product”.

Fortunately, I succeeded. As for the tragic process, I don’t want to repeat it, because it is not acceptable. In the words of my dad, the bitterness of eating is a person who eats the people, … At that time, I would do this. In the eyes of a child, the “person”

is not as good as a lollipop! Later, I asked my dad, since the bitterness of eating is the master of people, why don’t he eat this bitter? Dad’s answer is very simple. If you do n’t eat this suffering, you can become a superior! Halo … playing me However, with these, I can now have Xueer and protect them.

Young people look at feelings, but there is no strength.

I don’t think we can go together now.

This is a very realistic thing.

There is no test of time and space in the world!

Looking at Xueer’s happy smile when they fall asleep, I think everything is worth it!

A total of 10,000 people and one person, standing on the border —— beside the bridge, everyone is waiting strictly.

Although there are so many people, but everyone does not have to say it as before, we must keep calm because we must keep calm because This time is not a play, but a national war.

Although it is not a real war, once we lose, we can imagine that the Japanese face, we must not lose!

As for me, I can cross the border, not among the 10,000 people, one more!

On the other hand, there are about millions of players gathered between Pangu City and the East China Sea.

As long as the Japanese appear, they immediately give them a fatal blow.

If it is not limited, there are more people who come.

Didn’t Chairman Mao say that people are more powerful!

Everything is available, only owe Dongfeng!

When we were ready, the old site of Japan’s sun was not settled in the Imperial City, where the 10,000 Japanese ninja stood quietly and listened to the leader’s training!

“The warriors of the noble Yamato nation, the despicable and cunning branch, here, here, destroying our city with conspiracy, but our unrefined Yamato nation will not yield. Long live, Long live the emperor, long live the Japanese Empire! "

The ninja head service semi -hid is inciting morale. The Ministry of Serving Banzang is Daquanchuan Saburo, and he has obtained some plans about our East Expedition from some of the Chinese people who do not know shame in China. For him Very good. It is too stressful, and it seems that the failure of the coming in has a great impact on himself, but it will probably be better when the matter is over. Hey, then, he has fantasized a few virgins under his body. Scenario … By the way, there is also the Chinese swing girl named Zhuo Lin, hehe, others may not know that he is a new human (actually a biochemical person, they call themselves new humans, and expect to replace the present one day to replace the present now. The low -level ethnic groups) are very sensitive to this. That coquettish woman is definitely a virgin, but from her figure, expression, and all aspects, the same mature woman will be deceived by the veterans of the general flower, but he will not will not be Because he relies on the sense of smell, a taste of virgin secreted and often enjoying sex activities is absolutely different. Hey, the next goal is her, eight sub -roads, come to China for so long, even a school flower level. The chick can’t get it too much and lose the face of the Japanese royal family. Although it is important at that time, it is for Xiangzi’s little show, but it doesn’t matter now. Hum, the woman I value it, one can’t run! Thinking of the two women calling “やみ で”

under themselves, the big dog couldn’t stop excitement, but it was limited to the heart. It was still not excited and depressed! ◎ # ¥! ###### Both sides are waiting for the forum on both sides, and the online forums have not been idle. The drool war has begun for a long time. … Basically, it can be counted as actual broadcast. With several reporters, the latest news is passed at any time. This time the Japanese tone is to reproduce the military power of the Grand Japanese Army. What Chinese people say that there are many hormones or more people. They are one of the top ten Chinese people. They are not afraid of people. The characteristics of more, that is, winning the winner, which means how powerful they are. In case they lose, it is also because of the problem of few people, but it is really cunning! There are many people, there are many cities, the place is large, and the defense is 100 times more difficult than their projectile island. What Americans are walking dogs and the like, which has become the pain in the hearts of the Japanese. Although their strength in all aspects is at a world -class level, the relationship with the United States has no essential change. The problem that is working hard, although it has achieved a lot of results, but dare not offend the Americans too much. After all, one more friend is better than an enemy, and it will not risk as the Japanese personality. The body of the text is 101. Updated: 2007-5-19 14:59:00 Number of chapters: 4478 The time passed in a minute and one second, and our hearts were mentioned little by little, and the historic moment was in front of us. Everyone was holding a breath. The guard of Naiheqiao looked at the sun in the sky, “Well, the hour is here, you can go on the road!”

… How can this listen to this “familiar”

? Ominous…… As soon as the words fell, the two NPC guards turned to the suspension bridge, and the golden sword on his hand waved fiercely, and the two dazzling golden light rushed into endless nothing. Just listening to the split sound of the stabbing, a door like a fairyland opened, which was so bright and spacious, but the end was just from the dark piece to a bright piece. … I actually hate this space “lift”

, and I will lose weight every time I go in! Two NPCs looked at us solemnly, … dizzy, can’t these two buddies be easy to make a tense atmosphere. According to the original plan, the 501 people in our Magic Palace took the lead. Other people deliberately slowly took a shot, hoping to make a time difference and let me complete the bait plan. A group of us appeared on Mount Fuji. The arrival of so many people naturally disturbed some irritable brothers. I think the Japanese are fierce, courageous, and dare not ambush here. Double silly, lead everyone to rush first, try to ignore the monsters that attack, and the technicians have some slow and furious fire symbols, although it is impossible to truly achieve a completely slow and confusing effect, but our purpose is to get rid of their entanglement of their entanglement Instead of desperately with them. Seeing that everyone had a distance of about 50 meters, I summoned the “side dish”

and flew into the air, making the Japanese most trembling conch sound sounded again. Over, now I finally bring the taste of the “Volunteer Army”.

I heard that the most popular dishes in Japan are eight -eating conch, and they can only vent their depression by relying on this. When I heard my conch, the monsters began to move closer to me. Unfortunately, the scale this time was not comparable to before, and the effect was not very good, but this was enough. A long tail was dragged behind my butt, chased by the two stupid them. Sure enough, before the foot of the mountain, Little Japan’s ninja had already killed, the hidden archer, the magician also started to launch an attack. Unfortunately, the number of people was too small and could not be threatened. The place we choose is relatively remote, and there are so many small Japan. It seems that they have also made great efforts, but he has his Zhang Liangji, and I have my wall ladder! As soon as they approached them, we immediately connected the short soldiers, and the ninjas on both sides immediately sent a signal. People in other places began to surround us. It seems that my bait effect is still obvious. So narcissistic, sweat! As soon as we started the battle, I stopped playing. There was no distinction between these monsters. Whoever saw it, some of them had suffered a loss of ninja. The enemies saw each other. The sneaky guy rushed up and bite. Watching the time is almost the same, we are not entangled, and run desperately in a gap. The guys in the back are desperately chasing. In addition to some small Japanese players in place, some of them have chased them. , But without the guidance of an artifact, give up in a while. This time, the 500 people from our Demon Palace are not all standard according to the level and strength, but the speed. All players who can accelerate the pets who have human flying function pets are not as low as that they are too low, all of them are here. In addition, some people with super -level strength have formed our current mixed team. Little Japan’s pursuit team seems to be a long worm. I can’t see it at a glance. … It’s spectacular, the effect is better than I think, and it is developed according to the original plan. Seeing that the chasing troops approached, everyone summoned pets and started to get rid of the speed of chasing. Little Japan could only eat our butt smoke. Our founding great man, Mao Mao, summarized the guerrilla war in the war: The enemy went to me to retreat, the enemy stopped me, the enemy was exhausted, and the enemy retreated to chase! Intersection Intersection Sixteen words have the essence of guerrilla warfare. Our suddenly accelerated, and the Japanese were caught off guard, and we could only look at the eight giga roads that we went far. But it does not mean that it does not mean that it is not chased. This makes them determine that our goal is tolerance city, and it is no wonder that they have to misjudge, because I probably mean the same meaning as the devil in their minds. Killing me is more meaningful than killing one thousand invaders. It is important to come. While increasing the chase, the personnel in the city were notified to face it and prepare to give us a two -sided pinch.

The reinforcements in other cities were copied from the other two directions to prevent us from “escaping”

again. Not to mention that Little Japan’s abacus is really good. While we are approaching the city of Ninja, illegal entry and Qingqing apple incense are also good, because the successful completion of our bait work, they also successfully broke through the line of defense, solved several monsters and unwanted monsters and unwillingness. After some small Japanese soldiers, they went away without being damaged. According to the original plan, they advanced like a high -level leveling area on the west side of Fuji Shanxi. The Japanese side also discovered this large troops, but they still couldn’t touch his final attack goals, and it was not so easy to mobilize a large -scale mobilization. The internal views were divided into different two factions. With the Ministry of Services, the Ministry of Services, the Ministry of Server, the Ministry of Server, and the Ministry of Server, the uniforms headed by the Ministry of Server, and advocated that the troops that should be besieged all the time to surround my face. As long as I destroy me, I will win the victory of this battle. Extremely strike, and their own morale will rise. Another faction headed by Yichigo Iichiro holds objections. They believe that only a small number of troops led by the soul -eating soul based on the obvious intelligence, and most of the main force is another unit. Considering the overall interests of the Greater Japanese nation, they believe that they should still use the main force to encircle Qingqing apple incense and illegally enter their main force. Because the big head of the service department is not there, the opinion of Yichiro Yichiro occupies the upper hand, and the final goal is still set to 9,500 people who siege Qingqing apple incense and illegal entry. The troops eliminated a small hand of enemies that belonged to the soul, and at the same time mobilized the troops in other cities to cooperate. While they started, we were also moving. According to the original plan, we should shot a shot in the place near tolerated Blade City, but according to the reconnaissance of the thief, part of the pursuit of our Little Japan has turned around. It seems that they have decided to eat both ends. Since we are under pressure here To reduce, I can implement my “Qin Shihuang Revival Plan”

, but in order to prevent the retreat in just in case, in case Qin Boss is drunk or emperor’s temper, I will grow up Essence Finally approaching the city, through the big -eyed reconnaissance of Li Zi, the city wall is already full of Japanese dogs. The subsequent troops were in a hurry, but they siege in the fan type. After all, we only had 496 people. I let everyone stop in place, set up the combat mode, and take out the national jade seal from the space bag! On the word “Tian”

with the four characters “Sky”

, press it fiercely! This was taught by Boss Qin. … everyone is watching me, … Why haven’t you responded yet? After a minute, everyone’s face was a little ugly. I sighed, and there was no way. I was ready to start guerrillas. At this moment, Yu Xi in my hand suddenly broke free of my mastery, flew into the sky, and suddenly, the golden light was flourishing, and the sudden strong light shook us with unpreparedness. In the case, there was a burst of bangs in your ears. Boom ~ Boom ~ When everyone wakes up, they are stupid, and they are so obedient. There is a super large circular space door in the air. Below the door of the space is our great “Boss Qin”

, oh the boss in my heart, I praise you! The boss facing the sky with both hands, supporting the door of the huge space, the golden dragon cloak fluttered in the wind, and the qi of the overlord rushed into the world. When he called the king, he was still in the monkey era. There are countless dark stone figurines in the space of the space. There are roll -up vehicles, horses, long guns, with swords, crowded but not chaotic, the sound of the stone’s body friction, and their stiffness and their stiffness. Emoticon, hissing \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, is prestigious enough. These stone figurines returned to the team at a very fast speed, arranged formation, and formed their own teams. Our group of us had to give them a place. In the end, these reinforcements became the main force. We became the main force. We became the main force. We became the main force. Observatory. Boss Qin’s expression was cold, and there was a hint of sneer and disdain on the diamond -clear face. … Boss, don’t be lighter. After all, this is not your era. I pray that the NPC has set a stronger settings for its army program! When we were in our troops, the surrounding little Japanese had surrounded us, but they were stunned by all the things in front of them. When did they see ancient soldiers and horses! The last thing was eighteen super huge and mighty golden men. He held the essence of Chinese ancient martial arts weapons in his hand. Alas, swords, crickets, shields, guns, whip, guns, bows, halberds, cables, white beating, listed in the front of the team. This is the eighth miracle of the world-the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang! Intersection Intersection OK, in addition to the unpredictable strength of the Qin boss, these eighteen super golden people are perverted above 90 or higher. The level of stone figurines ranges from level 60 to 85. Watch it! A group of us have been secretly running in the corner of the battlefield. The boss Qin pulled out the long sword around his waist. This was the first to see him using his sword, and his fist was invincible. A golden sword gas rushed straight into the sky, and the entire terracotta warriors began to move. Those who have not experienced the ancient battlefield could not experience the feeling of bloody boiling, and the well -organized by the boss Qin is quite different from the bangs of Mount Fuji. War is a cruel art! The classic siege war started. The stone figurines who have not been moved for thousands of years have begun to outbreak their strength, showing the shocking art of war in ancient China. The golden man holding the shield first handsome, rushed to the city wall, set up the shield array not far from the city wall, and the small Japan on the city wall finally understood. This is not a movie! It’s not a joke! The following army is the devil for them, and they come to their lives! Numerous magic and bow and arrows shot down, and at the same time, countless distress messages spread out, and the surrounding cities came to rescue. This kind of formation was not a small fight, but this is a decisive battle! Shield is an ancient defensive weapon that everyone is familiar with. As early as the Shang Dynasty had shields, Zhou Dun was more complete. “Zhou Li · Si Bing”

had five shields in the Ming Week. The soldiers can use their hands to shield the enemy’s weapons, especially the attack of the bow and arrow. For example, “Han Feizi”

said: “Zhao Jian is around the street, the rhinocet is late, standing in the place of Yagis.”

It shows that the shield is strong, not afraid of bow gangsters, and closer. Because these magic defense and physical defense of using themselves are very good, the protection of Shim Shield immediately blocked the attack! Under the defense of the shield soldiers, the crossbow soldiers, and the archers, under the leadership of the two golden people, hid behind the shield soldiers, began a remote attack, suppressed the archer and magician on the wall. Numerous stone arrows shot up. Special stone crossbowers, the attacking power and attack distance are horrible, and they have a fight with the large crossbow carts made by our Magic Palace. … I have considered how to get a few of the “boss”

back to the door after this time I finished playing this time. With our relationship, it should not be a problem. During the Warring States Period, there were four crossbow: crossbow, crossbow, crossbow, and large crossbow. The crossbow and crossbow are lighter, and the launch speed is fast, and it is mostly used for attack and defense city bases. Tang crossbow and large crossbow are strong crossbow. Although the range is long, the launch speed is slow. It is mostly used for car and field. There are all four kinds of crossbow here. I originally wanted to have no more powerful serial crossbow. Careful thinking, the serial crossbow was a masterpiece of Zhuge’s boss. At that time, he probably didn’t know where the local government was waiting to be reborn … Elastic Text 1002 Qin Emperor Terracotta Warriors Updated: 2007-5-19 14:59:00 Number of chapters: 4534 The fierce fighting exceeds our imagination. The most pioneers are the troops guarding the city and the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Qin Shihuang. The long -range troops of the two sides first started a blood battle. … Perhaps it is not exactly a bloody battle. To be precise, it is the battle of blood and stones, huh. At this time, the peripheral Japanese army surrounded by us has gradually advanced. From the beginning of shock to the current calm, they have also had a certain resistance to the “foreign bodies”

in front of them, but from the speed of their marching, It’s not very anxious, because their strength is not enough to “eat”

all of us. It seems that they are waiting for the reinforcement, and then eat all of us! Little Japanese’s “calculator”

is fine. At the door of the Blade City, there were two rows of NPC archers on the wall of the city wall. Two knife guards around the golden belt appeared at the door. Signs, at least it is impossible to use these crossbow soldiers and archers to break the city. Little Japan always costs capital when building its own “turtle shell”.

There are a lot of votes in small Japanese, but I think about half of the money flowing into the hands of the Chinese, and my heart is much better. I suddenly doubted the true purpose of Longteng Company. Is it really just a game? Is that simple … Lao Qin, still floating in the air, prestigious.

When the NPC archer appeared, there was no response, but when he saw the Japanese army that continued to flow in all directions, his brows frowned slightly, and it seemed that it was more worried.




It’s probably impossible to break through now.

My task has been successfully completed.

The rest depends on how much the apple fragrance and illegal entry can gain.

Although I don’t like Qingqing Apple incense, I still agree with his talents.

“Boss, seemingly a large number of small Japanese towards us, and the strength looks stronger!”

Through his “big eye monster”

, he saw the incomplete situation now. Although we have completed the temptation task now and created such a miracle, no one wants to hang up. Isn’t it better to witness such a miracle alive! How wonderful it is to accept the embrace of the beauty when the triumph is, this is the ultimate goal of the plum. I am also worried about this. This time, the Magic Palace was all the elites of the fast -responding troops. If the whole army was covered, it would be a blow to my power. It was not a good thing for future hegemony careers! “Everyone gathered, ready to face at any time. Let’s take a look at the battle first! At this time, the boss Qin also moved. It seems that he was going to take down the city head in front of him. When he was in the six kingdoms, there were countless cities, and he was unwilling to stop the road in front of him! The boss made a series of instructions, but we don’t understand this language, probably the ancient Chinese in the Warring States Period. The ax of the stone figurine team, the soldiers, the sacrifice, the shovel, the shovel, the hammer, and the siege! The rumbling stone warriors rushed to the city wall, and the strength of the NPC archers in close -up operations was reduced a lot, but because of the distance between the distance, the guards who had not been powerful have begun to exert their power. The average stone warriors are one of the two knives, and some even two sections of one knife have become a piece of gravel. There is a small Japanese on the wall that looks like a head. "

Big Ya Road, Zha Na, taste your homemade guardian, haha!” This guy laughed on the head of the city. On the day, I was preparing to fly up to kill him. Two golden people holding giant bows and crossbow brushed two arrows. This silly B went to see his devil Emperor. "

Xiaobi, mad, find death, kill and kill!” Liangzi kept supporting. But it ’s just two guards with knives. There is nothing great, but immediately I understand my mistake clearly! Seeing that the siege troops were blocked, Lao Qin waved his hand, four hand -held ax, soldiers, soldiers, and shovels. (One of the golden men holds one hand, the other holds the shovel) The golden man holding a long -handled ax and a double hammer welcomed the knife guards on the left. The two big knife guards killed the surrounding stone warriors and soldiers. , I dare not provoke them with my strength of level 83! "

Release Name? Releaseer": "

Ax, Fu also, Fu, start. The main usage of the ax is: splitting, chopping, chopping, wiping, smashing, 搂, interception, etc. The dancing looks rough and strong, which can show the mighty and majestic posture of the mountain. With the golden man nearly 5 meters, the glittering steel -like skin, the deadly expression, the cold look, and the height of the height ax, went to that stop, made a “Zhang Fei roar”

… … The courage is smaller, so you don’t need to fight this battle. There are many types of hammer in the shape of ancient times, such as vertebrae, Laos and Bone. In the famous “Stealing Faculty and Save Zhao”

story, Wei Guo’s son Xinlingjun has no advice, stole the tiger, and ordered the general to send troops to help Zhao. Forty pounds of iron cone kill. After forty -seven years, when Qin Shihuang toured to Brangsha, Zhang Liang made Hero Shi Huai’s weighed large iron cone ambush on the road, attempting to stab, and misunderstood the auxiliary car. However, Lao Qin is still relatively enlightened in this regard. No one has banned this weapon because someone assassinated him because of the big iron cone. The golden man holding a double hammer is shorter, but it looks more strong. The two golden people have such a clip, and the knife guards are gone. No wonder, bringing a knife guards to raise a knife, enough for them to be enough for them It’s just height, but the strength is very height and weight. It is as strong as the two of them with more than 90 levels. They are still so easy to cope with the knife guards, but they want to kill these two super gold people for a while. question. Two hammers are on the top of the knife guard’s head to pressure Taishan. At the same time, the giant ax golden man on the side is also a lumbar ax. The knife guards even hold the double hammer with a blade, blocking the ax’s front of the ax with an inverted sheath. blade! Although I couldn’t resist the pressure, I took three steps, but the expression was still so calm, and there was no loss in life. I took a sip of air -conditioning. What kind of perverted knife guard, fork, I have never seen so powerful! I took a look at the detection. Blocking the attack, bringing the knife guard for a month and a half of the knife and the sword to force the two golden people, fork, even the player’s unique knife gas will be used. It is really opposite. Fortunately In addition, the ax has given full play to the ax split, cutting, chopping, wiping, smashing, hugging, interception, … such a fancy trick is really hard for it, but just two like this, just two of them are two. The scars on the golden people are still increasing. Take the soldiers, the other two golden people of the puppet, and the shovel have paid the golden man on the right. The strength of the two golden people is obvious than that of the hammer and the ax. It is equivalent to a fanfare. , Is a kind of ax, but it is bigger than the ax. It is prevalent during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. However, because it is too bulky, it is gradually eliminated by the sword. However, if it has enough strength, it is extremely terrible weapon. The obvious power is much greater than the power of the ax. Every time he stabs, the guardian of the knife will have a meal, and it seems that it is quite laborious to cope. 朳, shovel (镋钯, 铲, dang, crescent shovel, horse fork) strange soldiers, the rake head appears late, Qi Jiguang’s “Training Period”

also said: “This device’s handle is eight feet long, this device’s handle is eight feet long. The most convenient in the right time, can be poked, and the weapon is also. The suicide starts. "

It seems that this thing to kill the pirates is still history. No wonder it is so easy to use. In actual combat, each two hands are equipped with thirty rockets. When the enemy is far away, the two shares can be used as a launcher; when the enemy is approaching, you can stab the opponent. Route equipment. It can be called the most favorable weapon in war. Although our golden man was not equipped with a rocket, he couldn’t help but shovel his left hand and right -handed shovel. If he had to move with a knife guard, he would have been done by them for a long time. (The nine -toothed rakes used by our pig Bajie are also one of them. This kind of weapon building is more casual. The key is to depend on the wishes of users) As long as the golden man locks the weapon with the knife guard, the shovel of the other hand follows. This golden man is the strongest among the Jin people who have played. Lost the blocking of the knife guards, the little Japanese on the wall also lost their calmness, the archers on the city wall, the magician continued to attack, the Taoist priests were desperately treated, but under the suppression of the archers and the crossbow soldiers, Their role is not great. Countless ninjas and soldiers have begun to rush down. With the archer’s attack, if you are single -headed, I think the 65th soldiers can pick two ordinary stone figurines. Unfortunately, this is on the battlefield. There is no room for rotation, all of which are violent close -up. However, the offensive and defensive parties entered the persistence stage for a while. Now it depends on which party can get the card first, or wait for one party to defeat first. The Japanese on the periphery finally formed a large surround, and they began to launch an offense. The dense people couldn’t see the side at a glance. Fork, do you think it is a temple fair? Lao Qin was very experienced. The lineup was immediately shrinking, so that they could not play a lot of advantages. Even we were in the shield soldiers, enough buddies, I thought he forgot us! The masters in the Japanese who came this time are the one, two, three, four Tibetan, and their men, but their goal is me, watching it quietly, they do not want to waste the combat effectiveness on these stone figurines Essence Most of the other powerful and powerful are followed by Yi Heichiro to hunt up the Qingqing apple incense, illegally entering the country, and eternal ancient magicians, so although there are many people now, the strength is not terrible. Most of them are from level 40 to level 60, or even level 40. This has to be taken. Little Japan is really enthusiastic. This nation is terrible as our enemy and must be eliminated. Halo, this seems to be the matter of those leaders of the country. It is not possible to say that young people are better than us. At least young people like big dogs can enter the leadership, although he can It is also necessary to rely on relationships, but his ruthlessness, and the kind of radicals are exactly what our country needs, and our princes are thinking about eating, drinking and gambling all day, and jealous. As soon as the Japanese launched the attack, the first attack was the gunmen, the spear soldier, and the attacking soldiers and the whipping.

Under the leadership of the Golden Man, the gunmen and the spear soldiers resisted the Japanese on the periphery.

Occasionally, there are people who do not want to rush inside.

Under the attack of the whip and soldiers, they can only destroy Huang Quan.

However, their archers and magicians are too far away from the stone warriors that have caused a lot of harm to the stone figurines, but the magic and arrows have little harm to these golden people, but they did not rush out with their advantage.

Help them, otherwise it is not a way to go on this way.

We have lost one now, but there is one less, and the other party can still come.

“The flight squadron is prepared, and the magician on the left came here, and others were on the place!”

From my lead, everyone found the pets and entered the state of battle. Our suddenly hit the leisurely “showing the magic artists who showed”

their magical art. The unlucky mage shrouded in the blood -stuffing ball was spiked on the spot, and the huge blood -stuffed magic ring burst! Intersection Intersection The screams continued for a while. If it is usually spectacular, but this is the battlefield, the effect will be very limited. At most, it will cause a small commotion and will be drowned immediately. The air forces in the back have issued their own attacks, magic, bow and arrows, physical attacks, and for a while, they made them a small loss. “Baga Ma Road is the soul -eater, that devil !!!”

“Kill him, kill him !!!”

“Kill the soul -eater, the bounty is 100 million !!!”

“Kill \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

First of all, a few people, slowly dozens of hundreds, and a large number of people came here towards me. It was like I raped their wives and did their daughters. They also owed them a debt. Only the ruthlessness. “100 million is mine!”

“Baga, rolling one side, my 100 million!”

… … Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, it turned out to be 100 million, overestimated these little devils, but I am so valuable. If I have no money in the future, I have to consider selling it, haha. What is the eighth miracle? Updated: 2007-5-19 14:58:00 Number of chapters: 5102 Under the huge reward of 100 million gold coins, Little Japanese rushed in my direction like estrus. … Although this metaphor is more disgusting, it is just right to describe them. After cleaning up the surrounding masters, led the brothers to retreat quickly. This group of garbage without brains also wanted to hang me and be a dream of his spring and autumn. I rode the “small dish”

to quickly withdraw the shield array. When I left, the “side dish”

returned to the most powerful guy, a “full”

chain of lightning, which made the brother shut up happily. “Boss, the situation is not good, these little Japanese are too interested in you!”

The plum -in -law saw that I came back and started to play. “That is, I didn’t expect the boss to be so welcomed here!”

Liangzi smiled badly. “Well, if you lack money in the future, … you can consider pulling the boss out to buy it!”

The lovely fans who have always been honest suddenly have a strange thing, and everyone is stunned, and then there is a laugh, a tense atmosphere Sweeping. Li Zi kicked a fan, “Okay, fan, learn quickly, so fast, it’s blue!”

“That is, so deeply, we caught both of our limelight!”

Liangzi laughed. After the fan showed one hand, he continued to observe the battlefield. He was a reassuring person. My appearance made Little Japan a lot of excitement. Although the attack just now solved the threat of a long -range soldier, the swarming attack of Little Japan still put a lot of pressure on the gunmen and spearrs in front. With the help of the whipping, the danger is stabilized. This group of small Japan is really a guy who wants money. The four golden people are amazing. The gunpowder of the Golden Golden Man is really handsome, especially with the handle of the carbine, it is two at once, but unfortunately there is no fighting, otherwise it will be even cooler. Little Japan launched an attack from all directions. Ninjas that attacked from above were often pumped by a whip. The golden people holding whip were ruthless. They often pumped people with a whip. , Four splits disappeared. The cable is more “gentle”

, a volume in the air, and then it is smashed out as if it is still garbage, but under the pressure of the small Japanese sea tactics, the formation is gradually shrinking. As soon as Lao Qin waved, the fork rushed up, causing the formation to stabilize the formation and expanded. In addition to the little Japanese in my direction, the little Japanese in other directions have calmed down and started to let go and start to put it on. Slowly attacked. The origin of the fork was very early. Among the sites in Banpo Village, Shaanxi more than 6,000 years ago, the original bone fish fork was found to use it to pick up fish. However, the hunters living next to the forest, in order to hunt large beasts such as fierce tigers and flower leopards, need to maintain a safe distance, so use three long forks, which are generally called “tiger forks”.

“The fork was later sent into a weapon with a lot of types, which can be roughly divided by length, or fork -shares; all of them were not main weapons in the past. I dare not comment on the specific power, but I must be one of the most enjoyable (the other is the hammer, the tyrannosaurus), you want a fork for a fierce fork, small and small Japan, and then so fiercely twisted How happy, how beautiful it is, it is really a fork! Intersection Intersection The reason why they were so brave just now must be a lot of people and want to pick up cheap. I did not expect to kick on the stone. The inferiority of the Japanese nation began to show. Start secretly withdrawing. Japan is such a famous nation. When encountering a strong, we will change to slavery than slaves, and to dedicate their motherland and women happily. Although we Chinese will inevitably make a few defeats, (there are all birds in the forest. , Long Sheng Jiuzi, different.) But the more difficult it is, the more people are, the more they are, so the Chinese will never be a slave to the country, because we have "

soul”! And Japan is different. Their foundation is too thin, just like their land is a small island, they can only wander, so they desperately want to oppress as much as his people and countries, but when they meet a strong country like the United States A dog with a shaking tail, but this kind of dog is not obedient and can bite the owner at any time. The best result is to clean up them from the earth. ……………….. We were relieved in this regard. The pressure outside was too great. We were hundreds of people, and it was okay to make a destruction, but it was difficult to control the overall situation. Now we can use it basically, and the rest is to siege the city. The city is not broken. We must be consumed sooner or later. At this moment, Little Japan in this direction will break through the line of defense. Everyone smiled at each other and was ready to rescue. … Where is this singing? Intersection Intersection Let them rush in, is the boss’s mind confused? Intersection Intersection … But I really want to find him. For thousands of years, I have probably become air. At this time, the strongest field weapon in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, which had not moved, appeared! The rows of tanks rushed towards the little Japan in the gap. For a while, the flesh flew, and the scene was really spectacular. Human resources are really limited. Look at the level of these stone figurines is not very high, but it is amazing to cooperate with the lethality. War is different from the small tricks of war and individuals. It is a profound science. Japanese players who were caught off guard were hit a beautiful counterattack by the chariot. They originally thought that these cars were transport vehicles for transport stone figurines, but they couldn’t blame them. Know there is floating there! After several rushing, the little Japanese flames here were immediately suppressed, and the deaths and injuries were heavy, but people are the benefits. They can be keenly discovered by the other person’s weaknesses. Although Little Japan can not be regarded as a person, the ability in this regard is still the ability of this area. Yes, they found that the stone figurines of the driving chariot did not have weapons because they wanted to pull the reins. When they found this, they immediately became excited, and they rushed over and wanted to pick up a cheap, especially the ninja. The bounce was compared with the monkey and immediately jumped into the car from the air. However, they immediately understood how powerful they were wrong. The stone figurines on the car were just the strongest strength of the strongest strength! Intersection Intersection White beating is a fighting fight with bare hands, and there are generally two ways of white beating: one is "

boxing”, which requires clear eyes and dodge. "

Quickly, all in the technique, you can remember the day and the moon. “Qi Jiguang’s”

New Book of Ji Effect “is clearly said:”

The boxing method seems to have no pre -war skills, but the movement of the movement is used to diligence. Boxing, stick, knife, gun, fork, fork, 钯, sword, halberd, bow, bow, hook, sickle, sickle, cards and the like, can be moved by boxing first. The boxing is also the source of martial arts. " These all show that as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, they were fighting and fighting with Sheng Sheng, but I think it is difficult for ordinary people to kill them. The nose is swollen. Little Japan always says what the first Judo national art is, hey, we are too lazy to care about it.

Lao Qin’s burning books were not known how much the secrets of martial arts had burned.

It is rumored that the boss Qin himself is a master.

In order to prevent the talent that threatened him, he was only clear about the real situation.

These stone figurines of driving are the most elite soldiers.

Everyone is a master of martial arts.

Of course, they are the most practical killing fists on the battlefield.

They pay attention to the fatal blow.

“Wow, that is not Xuanming God Palm, Bone Candy, Yin Yang Five Elements Palm, 36 Hands Captive Points, Guangmingquan, Kong Mingquan, Yiyang Finger, King Kong Liuyang hand, photographic merit, beauty boxing. …..! "

The Li Zi began to start again. This kind of melee aroused his interest, but if our players were melee, they would be finished. Without the help of weapons, the power could not even play. However, another result of Wufeng’s prevalence is that the martial arts novels are popular again. The underworld is all under the bed, but the yellow one is the majority. This kid is the master named Huang Yi. What kind of one is the top master at once. Although the hidden factions are somewhat unique, but to put it bluntly, I don’t know what Yiyang finger, the finger finger, the finger magical power is specific, but it is just a point of time. It seems that there is only our family’s meeting, and it is not so exaggerated. Li Zi said, while stretching his arms and legs, he couldn’t see the old boy as old as the old man, and secretly stretched his legs. " As soon as Little Japan couldn’t see the benefits, he immediately retreated. It seemed that he wanted to seduce the chariot. Dizzy, playing tactics, we are your ancestors! The chariot was killed for a while and returned to the battlefield immediately, but it still lost a lot. Although it did not hurt the enemy for one thousand, it was so miserable that the loss of self -injury was inevitable. We have to save our strength! After successfully blocking Little Japan’s combined offensive, the siege also made progress. A guardian guard finally couldn’t stand it. When he was locking the knife, he moved in an instant. In the middle of the cut, the shovel also smashed up. When the knife guards were poor, the golden man holding the crossbow pumped the cold, that is, three arrows, the arrow hit, and the knife guard finally fell unwillingly. Seeing the knife guard fell, the little Japanese on the wall couldn’t believe his eyes. It is much easier to leave the remaining four dozen. It is useless to bring the knife guards. It is useless to move in an instant. The scope of the activity is too narrow. It’s like a watermelon smashed a watermelon in Midsummer. Without the involvement of the knife guard, the four golden people rushed to the NPC archer crazy, and the attack on the strong archer was also limited. I don’t know if Little Japan’s head is wrong, and he organized a pair of ninja dare team to assassinate Qin Boss. It’s really dizzy. Others don’t know, but I clearly understand the hidden of the boss clearly. At the beginning, I was called the old abnormal pervert of the thousands of people, and I forgot the names. Anyway, I was killed by Lao Qin. I do n’t know how good the Japanese ninja shouted, and there were about thousands of people. A group of soldiers next to them made meat shields and defended the ninja to rush in. The accidental attack made them squeeze in. Although it was wise, it was not wise. But in this case, there are still such a big courage to be praised. After all, with their most important task, they are adhere to the city, drag us, and consume us. After all, they can be resurrected. As soon as you hang it, it becomes a gravel, but it cannot be fought, and they can continue to replenish the value of life by players, and it is not good for us. In this case, the sudden attack really gave us a "

surprise surprise " However, under the protection of the shield soldiers, there are not many people who can rush in. The attack of the shield soldiers is also full of interesting, simple, but very practical, crashing with shields! The level of the level is bumped off, and the low level is hit, which will be injured more or less, but their attack power is still too weak, and the gap is hard. Their role is originally defensive. One step is already good, Lao Qin does not seem to be prepared to damage too much shield soldiers. The ninjas saw the line of defense, and excitedly rushed forward, and in the remaining stone figurines, the golden man led the stone figurines of his men to meet. Single sticks (large poles), two -headed stick (eyebrow sticks), twisting sticks (big sweeps), three -fold sticks, hook sticks, wolf tooth sticks, Tianmen sticks, stuffy sticks, stick sticks. … But this is a stone stick. I think it is more lethal than the wooden stick. The stone is made (Little Stone 00: It is not made by it, it is made of big stones). "

The Book of Songs” said: "

Bo is also holding the puppet, for the front drive of the king." It is the heroic warrior, holding the long stubborn, and fighting the enemy on the battlefield. At this time, the cricket has become a bronze or iron round head on a long stick. In order to strengthen the lethality, there are three to six mastoid or spurs on the round head. "

Spring and Autumn Left Biography" records: Qin Mu’s handsome military attacked the Jin Dynasty, and Jin Huigong’s right used to make a blow on Mu Gong. It can be seen that the power is amazing! "

殳" is also known as "

或" or "

stick". In the Warring States Period’s military law "

Liu Tao", a "

Fang Shoujian Railway", which was referred to as the twelve pounds, was the cricket of the square iron head. Zhongshan National General Wuqiu "

," Dai Iron Armor, Fuck Iron Staff "

, impacted Zhao Jun and was invincible. They are all such weapons. In the pits of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the Emperor Qin Shihuang, there were 31 types of copper pupae; it seemed that this kind of back ancient weapon was loved by the boss. The ancient weapons were primitive and most instinctual choices. , … If you can sell a few pieces in reality, you should be able to make a fortune … I don’t know if it is selling national cultural relics. The golden man holding the golden man blocked the way of Little Japan. The two sides were fighting. The stone figurines were still awkward. The golden people were more powerful. Although there was no fighting, the dance dance was quite powerful. A few masters around 70 were entangled by it. The painful dog is the alert of our Mr. Lu Da. How can we give up such a good opportunity in front of us! “Brothers, everyone has rest for a while and kill these little Japan together!”

We launch an attack at the same time in the short and neutral and the ground, and turn to find a slippery ninja trouble. This group of guys bully the stone figurines to move slowly. How can we ignore things! With our supplement, the speed advantage of the ninja cannot be played. The tiger is not prestigious, you are a Japanese cat. There were four ninjas in the head, and even played with me, dizzy, play the avatar, I am your ancestor, you are even worse to play with false appearances, probably the phantom of the super god beast and the high -end boss. I distinguish me. No. You divide it, I am also divided. Seeing that I was divided into four, four killing forks, just right, four times the blood dragon and killing waves! The four blood dragons roared and rushed over, and the four “little guys”

were swallowed before they had time to respond. … It seemed that I got this blood -loving stone from Japan, haha, you have no blessing to use it, you have no blessing to use it, you have no blessing to use it, you have no blessing to use it, you have no blessing to use it. It is also good to enjoy its power and effect. Main text 1004 war situation Updated: 2007-5-19 14:59:00 Number of chapters: 4554 The Japanese guardian player came with an unexpected raid, broke through the defense of the shield soldiers, and added fire with the soldiers. A group of us went to help to make up for the shortcomings of the lack of motorcycles of the stone warriors. My four times the blood dragon and killing waves instantly killed these four silly fork ninjas. The low level plus the career limit, the health is not high enough. Playing the avatar in front of me is simply dying. This ninja faces my attack. The method is to avoid. With their agility and speed, they can hide the slower blood dragon and kill waves. Unfortunately, they want to stop it and attack me. This will not be able to resent God to give them a chance. Seeing my signature movement, the little Japan who rushed in immediately screamed excitedly, “Baga, don’t care about the old stone man, kill the devil first, kill him!”

“Kill a gang, 100 million is in front of him, the warriors of the Great Japanese Empire rush, kill him!”

“Killing this robber, he snatched our village and illusory truth, we have to give him a price!”

Kill ah … Dizzy, this is the case again. This time with the involvement of the soldiers and brothers, I will play with you. I ca n’t come out in front of the troops. There are more than a dozen kittens. Speaking! The eight ninjas are empty, and I may know that my level is much higher than them. I dare not play tricks this time. Eight directions have blocked my angle. With magic bonus. Just when they were stable, I thought they couldn’t do it, and when they were seriously injured, I suddenly disappeared! At the moment they attacked, they had prepared for a long time, used immediately, and they surrounded them instantly. Hey, eat me a trick —— Four times the ice magic mad dance! A piece of crushed flower ice ring smashed out.

The guy resisted subconsciously and went to Marx to regret it.

The scattered ice ring also “accidentally hurt”

several Japanese soldiers. I’m playing with you, —— Jiu head fire snake! The fire snake whistled out of the ground, and a flame sprayed out. It ’s been a long time since I’ m the most magical magic. I really miss it. Use the fire of hell to clean the soul of your sin! After chasing my ninja behind, I was too lazy to entangle with them, killing a few more arrogant, and kept playing with nine -headed snakes on the battlefield. These little Japanese are really rude. These nine -headed fire snakes are better than them. There is one more head of the octopus snake. Why don’t you worship the ancestor of his ancestors? Haha! The fan is very sharp. As a thief, he is a ghost, and he can’t see such a thick person who will like this kind of attack method, but this is good. If you practice hard, you will be good. Light power masters can avoid passively beating, and the fan himself chose this profession based on this reason. The fan’s blood bat “Little Feixia”

was so happy. The little bat flew around everywhere. Take a bite here and take a break. Little Japan seems to be afraid of being bitten by it. The level of level is not so exaggerated, probably afraid of what infectious diseases will be brought. … By the way, let “Little Feixia”

brush his teeth and disinfect it. Who knows what strange diseases are in Little Japan’s body? After all, they are becoming more and more obscene. They have become famous in the world now. The country of desire, even the United States has begun to rectify in recent years. The name is true to their heads. They are complacent and the inevitable result of development. It is a country with bad sex. How do you say such a country is safe? Of course, on the surface, they are all like people. Xiangzi said that some of her classmates have begun to indulge early, but maybe her father did not force her to improve her utilization value. What kind of world … Elastic Li Ziping is usually hesitate, but in fact, his strength is not bad at all, because he understands that it is a bit of ability to give up. With the help of the giant eyes “the eyes of the sky”

, he can basically reach the arrow’s heart, but the strength and posture can Far away from Aixin Corolla, that guy is too chic and free, it is simply a mysterious prince. However, this guy is also a bit a little bit. He likes to shoot Little Japan’s buttocks and a “part”

on the front. He knows that it is fake, or it is scared to the little Japan. Liangzi cooperates with his scary “baby”

everywhere, and the stick of the people of the people is not uncomfortable. This time, the people who are in the east are not the strongest, but the fastest and most agile, so there is no need to touch the little Japanese. Most of others are the empty figurines to prevent small Japanese from picking up baskets. After our obstruction, the raid little Japanese understood that their tasks were impossible to complete, and I started to retreat. …… What we should, come and go if you want to come. The fish is not eye -catching, but they can’t let them escape like this. The shield soldiers are partially separated, and the remaining groups of people are circled like a pig. We slaughtered arbitrarily in it. The small Japanese on the city are so indifferent. No. ###### The Qingqing apple incense and illegal entry broke through the siege easily, and they did not receive any resistance. After traveling to the west under the Mount Fuji, they turned around immediately, around a circle, towards the northwest corner, towards the northwest corner A city killed. But an unexpected thing happened —— I was ambushed! Intersection Intersection It is impossible for the Japanese to come up with our plans with their dog brains. There must be traitors. We are too great! However, due to the sudden changes in my side (the appearance of Lao Qin and his antique legions), they have no time to mobilize enough troops, and we also involve most of the troops, which is also unfortunate. In the end of two aspects, the war immediately broke out, illegally entered the country, the apple fragrance, loved New Deal, and the forever ancient magician. There are really a few, mostly (most of them have just reached 70 or 71). I do n’t know if you do n’t see it. At first glance, there are really a lot of levels of leveling. It won’t be as miserable as “desperately”

poverty. Usually they do not care about the war of war and the war of several major forces. They are intoxicated in the happiness of upgrading and playing treasure. Dangerous or something, like a person in the world, generally does not provoke them, but playing Little Japan is a matter of blame for every Chinese. They are still very clear. Fortunately, before the war, it has been prepared to cope with the emergency situation, and especially strengthened the cooperation between several major guilds. The Qingqing apple incense and illegal entry led their respective soldiers to the left and right wings. The eternal ancient magician made his best to the elite of the Institute of Magic. His anger’s gritter teeth, it seems that he must have a deep hatred with Little Japan. All the magicians settled at the fastest speed. Under his leadership, the latest research of the latest research at the most speed-Doomsday trial, (I also have a proposal for this magic. The mage also places popular fire and rain at the same time, and a certain number of fireballs and wind magic are mixed in the middle. At the same time, the capable magicians are adding a few magics to summon a thunder or meteorite. Cooperate, each mage must be placed in the specified position in order to achieve the expected results, because the meteor fire and rain at the same time cannot be superimposed.) Under the perfect command of the eternal ancient magician, this beautiful magic gave Little Japan an unexpected blow. While they were chaotic, the soldiers who entered illegally and the apple incense were also like a tiger in the mountains like sheep. The group generally killed. Although we have fewer people, the quality is too high. The first -class master of China is not slaughtered by the first -class master of Japan. (The top masters have come to China with half -hiding in China) The most interesting thing is that they are not simply a single soldier attack. They are mixed with his killers in the warrior of the Qingqing apple incense, cooperating with the warrior to fight, and the thief’s better agility and speed than the ninja, cooperate with the soldiers The taller and stronger lethality than the ninja is more handy to kill. And Aixin Corolla’s overthrow of the large -scale war, the archer’s passive position, leading his elite archers and illegal entry into a group. The flexible archers also showed full power in the melee, cool. It may be because they are too handsome and beautiful. Tong red, the bow and arrow in your hand did not shoot out like a shadow. The elegant pace was worn in the crowd like a dance, and the agility was higher than the high -level thieves, especially after the blessing of the wind magic, it became a serial circulation and no shadow. Wearing arrows! The illegal entry of the flame dragon knight is cool. He rides a flying dragon with a flame all over his body, carrying his beloved best anger behind him, holding a special dragon gun in his hand, and an attack with a fire bonus. Especially the upgrade a while ago has improved his strength. Nirvana —— The dragon gun roar up, with the spiral guns of the flame, giving the little Japan a great deterrent and pressure, and a self-reluctant to attack from the air. Become a monkey without a skin, illegally entering him to kill him. His courage and the elegance of love and the elegance of love set off in sharp contrast to each other, making Japanese players forget but fear. The full attack of the Qingqing apple incense and illegal entry is different. He is steady and stable. With Xuanwu’s super defense and terrorist attacks, he is very vulnerable. Japanese players who are in his hands are miserable. Cassane is so happy that the sound of the body of Xuanwu’s huge claws is really chilling, and Xuanwu is now in ice. This is really as powerful as a tiger, and the lethality is even more amazing. At the expense, it is a ghost. If you follow him, he will flash, and then go around to put “Poison”.

Killing him, but in his words, I am a thief, a killer, and a knife behind the murderers. Why should I take more strength? …… It ’s so dedicated … The coordination of Qingqing apple incense and endlessness is just the opposite of illegal entry and Aixin Jue Luo. The whole combination of ruthlessness, but it is better to deal with Little Japan. Other hybrid players protect the mage. Because they act alone, they barely compile them in the four groups of the special offensive, but the effect is not good. Therefore, their main characters are to protect the mage. The defense array is settled to reduce the damage of the enemy’s remote attack on the mage. The beauty of the Fantasy Rose Troupe is a free force.

When the pressure is relatively stressful, go to rescue and which side.

Although the pre -war, the Japanese players will be obscene, but it is really coming to the scene.

Little Japan’s pollution words The dirty language still makes them extremely atmosphere, but this is also good, the combat effectiveness of the outbreak is also amazing!

The first oil poem describes a woman like this Green bamboo snake mouth, Hornet tail on the needle, Both of them are particularly good, The most poisonous woman’s heart!

Although most of them are girls, the potential of women still has the potential.

Initiative, it is really comparable to the mother and tiger, but the strength to go to them is very strong.


The mage who put the doomsday trial, because of the differences in levels and abilities, the magic value cannot reach the same level at the same time, so it is a free attack within a certain period of time.

In the Japanese pile, you can smash it without aiming, then it is a cool word.

The eternal ancient magician did not use any tricks to magic, but used the simplest hell fire, kept playing, his magic value was the highest, the flames were strong, and the long -lasting time could assist the soldiers of the soldiers.

The most important thing is his launch time, probably only one -third of others, absolutely fast magic.

In this battle, the operators also played a role in their important role.

The treatment was second, mainly the large -scale magic defense array, which effectively resisted the Japanese magician’s blow and effectively protected our mage.

Otherwise The loss is relatively large.

Break through while fighting, after a while, the siege circle was broken.

Under the cover of the players of mixed arms, the main force retreated quickly.

After all, our goal is not just to kill them.

We are not cost -effective!

(Everyone thinks that you can smash me with a ticket, you can also hit me with a ticket, the stone is waiting to pick it up ^\ _ ^) The text is 1005 and the great sadness and joy Updated: 2007-5-19 15:00:00 Number of chapters: 6421 Illegal entry, Qingqing apple fragrance, forever ancient magicians they were blocked by the enemy, but the news of the smooth evacuation, I received it quickly.

Yes, I can’t help but think of Daquan Pure Saburo.

This guy comes to China at this critical time.

It will not be that simple.

This is related to him.

As for who leakes the news, there is no time now.

I will go back and check them.

Fortunately, the enemy mislaid our strength.

They have broken through illegally, but they are not even clear about themselves.

I talked about our current situation.

But then again, our current situation is not wonderful.

We can only try to involve the power of the enemy as much as possible.

The rest depends on them.

The enemy’s raid was completely destroyed by us.

Other stone figurines also began to step up the siege.

The stone figurines were also suffering heavy losses, but now they can’t pay so much.

The news of attacking the Blade City was also stolen by them.

Otherwise, under such a violent attack, the general city wall should have collapsed.

Now this guy can still live in it, and there are many people in the city.

Generally, the people in the city are terrible.

Generally There are 40,000 people with combat effectiveness in the city, which is already the top city, like my magic palace.

The fork, the killing of this is still a steady stream, there are fewer and fewer stone figurines on our side, but more and more people are.

The boss Qin looked at the sky, and when he waved his sword, the golden man led the stone warriors and rushed to the city wall, attacking violently.

I like Lao Qin the most now.

I heard that the leaders like to wave their hands, and the screams “The comrades have worked hard.”

If I had all the strength to the top, the war was not as simple as the game. Factors, continuously increased their pressure on the other party. Alas, iron whip, hexagonal, iron is “short -length in size, and uses manpower.”

Alas, the whip is a short weapon. Because the two shapes are similar, they have compared them with each other. The whip shape is like a bamboo root knuckle, and the shape is tetraonal. The whip with the past as a miscellaneous soldier, because it is not as wide as knives and swords in short weapons. In addition to the double whip and two crickets, it is mostly combined with other weapons operations, especially for the long soldiers. The joining of the soldiers was immediately crumbling, and the pressure of the city’s troops increased sharply. At this moment, there was a black spot in the air not far away. I quickly asked Li Zi to observe that God blessed it was that I was wrong. “Boss, it’s not good for the air force. There are thousands of people who look like. There are too few archers and mage here, and there are more than 300 that can fly. Li Zi hurriedly said that this is a big problem. The taste of passive beating is uncomfortable. Is it so good? Intersection Intersection When Black Shadow was near, I also saw it clearly. The leader was the old acquaintance. Yes, it was really a glimpse of them, so I spent so much time to mobilize so many birds. There are so many people here, stone figurines and crossbowmen, and the archers have not consumed several times, and there is no land against the air forces. This is troublesome. Now there is no other way except for us to fight hard. If we break through, let’s not say whether we can succeed. The stones of Lao Qin are finished. However, Lao Qin obviously noticed the "

birdman” in the air, but he didn’t see it, he didn’t care at all, and he couldn’t help it. Intersection Intersection I heard that the older the older vision should be! Time does not wait for people. In a blink of an eye, the Japanese birds have come to us over us, and the attack is approaching. "

Zha Na, we met again, this time I see where you go!" The leader shouted in the world’s universal language. Obviously, he wanted to see our despair expression and dying struggle! "

Brothers, who did it out of him, never say a word of bounty!" "

100 million gold coins allow you to fulfill countless dreams. All beautiful women and status are available. The only thing that needs to be killed is to kill, that is, the man in front of you!" Kill a puppet \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ On the face is the overwhelming ninja dart, as dense like rain, and the ninja followed behind. For a while, we couldn’t avoid such a dense attack. The shield soldiers who had not moved suddenly gathered, and it would become a giant shield barrier, blocking most of the darts, and then doing a surprise! They even went out of the guy who had dinner! Intersection Intersection I saw the "

Flying Shield" smashed towards the ninja in the air! Intersection Intersection Obviously, the rangal east, fried green onions, cool, the boss is the boss, and there is such a hand. Founding a flying shield, happy! However, the attack was not over. Just when Little Japanese Crying Dad screamed to avoid the flying shield, each of them was holding a short … Flying knife! Yes, it is a domestic flying knife, not a fancy ninja dart. How can this guy’s lethality is much stronger than those Japanese darts that are flying around. The little Japanese who had escaped the flying shield had not had time to praise their flexibility and luck. The flying knife had shot on the face, and the sounds continued, one by one, like a duck with a broken wing, and fell down, ….. Speaking of my landing posture is much more handsome than them, although they are often hung on the trees. There are only a few high -level and cunning guys who have a high -level and cunning guy like one of the two Tibetan Tibetan Tibetan and Sizang Sizang. This group of guys are the most loud, but they are hiding at the end when they act! The halberd’s men immediately took its men to "

clean up" the garbage on the ground. The halberd is the soldier of the ga and the spear. The front of the handle is stabbed with the enemy, with a horizontal blade next to it, and the hook pecking the enemy. The excavation of the Zhou Dynasty Euphorbia indicates that it has been widely used in the Zhou Dynasty. The "

spines" contained in the ancient books are "

halberds". "

Zuo Zhuan? The eleventh year of Hidden Gong": "

Uncle Xing Kao leaving, the son pulls the spines to chase it." Du Yu Note: "

Ending, the halberd also." The halberd is one of the five soldiers in the Warring States Period. It can be seen that the halberd was a common weapon at the time. In 1974, a large number of weapons were unearthed in the pit in the pit of Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum of Lintong, Shaanxi, including Qin Gong, 镞, spear, Ge, 钺, Wu Gou, etc. It was 2,200 years ago. The three weapons of Ge, spear, and halberd have long wooden handles of about three meters. The lower end is equipped with copper pupa. The practice of halberds is different from the knife and guns. The halberd generally does not make flowers. It is the main move to chop, thorn, pierce, film, exploration, hanging, and hacking. However, although the halberd soldiers were powerful, they couldn’t play at all, because the guys who fell from the air were either died or half -dead, or they had to be disabled. They just used to speed up the process of speeding up them. After a while, the halberd soldiers and the stone figurines were cleaned up, and the peripherals were made up. The consumption of the gunmen and the spear soldiers was too large, and the addition of the halberds was just appropriate. At this time, the power of the leader of the golden man appeared. Its attack was not beautiful but practical. In fact, the little Japan, who is a little bit brain, dare not fight against these golden people at all, all of them are "

monsters" above level 90 or above. With their level, it is simply a stones! This kind of strange soldiers use the good power, but it is not good to use it.

Instead, it has been taken.

Most of them are useless.

Seeing that the situation is not good, I do n’t know if they are hiding them or not, and they just fled like this .



I really take them, the level is as tall as them, and the courage is even smaller than them.


Finally, under the fierce attack of the stone figurines, the wall of the ninja city finally collapsed.

After such a long blow, it finally fell!

In fact, it should fall early, how tired it is so hard .



The original attack of the original attack is now all adjusted back.

In fact, there are not much left.

They together with the gunmen, blocking Japanese players from the periphery, have been hidden until the final sword soldiers and sword soldiers finally shot.


The main weapon of the knife, the overlord in the weapon, the war in the cold weapon era.

To the knife, to also, to cut it to what he hit.

At the end of it, it was said to be the poisonous profit of the bee thorns.

Its original is called ring, shaped like a ring.

Its room said, cutting, steep.

Its shape is steep, and the knife is also wrapped.

The decoration of the room is 琫, 琫, holding the beam.

The decorations of the bottom are said to be 埤, 埤, humble, in the next words.

The short knife said, and when it was shot, it was also shot next to it; " The knife is one of the earliest weapons in my country. The primitive people used it to cut, cut, scratch, scrape, or cut animal skin. Yin Shang’s copper knife was born from the primitive stone knife, and a large -scale war knife appeared. The long -headed sword used by the Zhou Dynasty was not only used in the Han Dynasty, but also passed to Japan and North Korea. From the primitive period to today, the knives from military to life are omnipresent, and the history of Chinese knives has a profound history. The ninja knife that is now formed in Japan is actually a two -handed knife passed from China. In the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese knife style was mostly imitated, and the long -handed knife with a handle with both hands could be cut or damaged the opponent’s long soldier handle. Qi Jiguang’s "

New Book of Ji Effect": "

Long knife, the self -made committed China began to have it. No, two more bruises. " We have to admire the Japanese improvement ability. They are short and have limited strength. When the knives are in their hands, they will continue to improve the development of the city. , And then surpass each other, it is a terrible nation. With such an opponent, we should definitely pay attention to, know and know each other, and fight all the fight! The knife type is cut, while the double knife pays attention to the two hands uniform, the knife is clear, the step is flexible, and the steps are coordinated to show the attitude of "

leaf hidden flowers, double butterfly flying". The stone figurines are all single -knives, which gives full play to the domineering of the knife. In fact, it is not life to use on the battlefield. The stone figurines do not know that they are afraid, but Japanese players are people. The devil in front of him had stunned from deep to horror. Without fighting, the boldness is cold, and it will lose. The stone figurine did not care about that set, and the five people rushed into a group of five people. To be honest, it was always a bit somewhat in the case of female ninjas. Unfortunately, these stone figurines did not know how to pity the incense and cherish the jade. Next, the beauties fell like this. "

Li Zi, what’s so sighing, do you like Japanese women?" Aside, Ryoko asked. "

What do you know, if you can catch a few backs, how cool it should be. I heard that Japanese women can serve men the most. The boss knows the best!" Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, in this case, the mind still thought about it, really convince him! After the disconnection, there was a boss of Qin. We rushed in behind the sword soldiers. The swords soldiers were killing. We first destroyed the teleportation station. Some people kept reinforcement in and solved the next step. We have a lot of time. Behind us is the sword soldier! Sword, king of weapons! The sword is a type of short soldier. It was born with a spear -shaped assassin and a short dagger. Before the origin of Yin Shang, the shape was extremely short and only had short stems without tube tube. The ancients used this sword to insert their waist, which can be cut and pierced to resist bandit and beasts. In the Zhou Dynasty, especially in the Spring and Autumn Period, it has become the main short weapon, and scholars must have a reserve. Even Feng Yan and Han Xin of the early Han Dynasty were still carrying them with their poverty -stricken food. The famous ones are dry generals, Mo Xie, Longquan, Tai A, Chunjun, Zhanlu, Fish Salmon, Giant, etc. The most beloved sword in my dad is Longquan. I heard that it was used in countless relationships and spent a lot of "

repair fee". I bought it from the Forbidden City. Dad never let me touch it. ghost.

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