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Chapter_17 The sword is required to be combined with the sword, the sword and the gods!

The movement of the sword is mainly to split, cut, collapse, slack, grid, washing, cutting, thorns, stirring, pressing, hanging, cloud, etc.

It is characterized by the rigidity and softness, freeness, sprinkler brisk, and beautiful, just like the “sword like flying phoenix”

described in the fist proverb, which can be known. The sword soldiers carried out the total “cleaning”

later. The overall strength is the strongest. The swords used by the stone figurines are not the kind of furnishings in the store now. The sword is wide and thick. It is conducive to chopping. Our three roads are involved. After fierce battle, we finally cleaned up Japanese players in the city. We do not eat or drink like stone figurines. First, we supplemented the medicine and then took it away. Anyway, it is left for Little Japan, but how we destroy it is not very thorough, which reminds me of their octopus snake. This buddy is powerful enough, that is it called damage. We can only be regarded as a small trick. Essence The entire stone figurine troops gradually returned to the city, and the Japanese troops did not follow up, and a strange blank period appeared on the battlefield. Now the losses of 100,000 stone figurines are also very heavy. According to incomplete estimates, it is almost halfway, but in Japan, there is a city in this area, and the dead people will definitely not be 50,000. We have made a lot of money. Although the current battle is not good for us, we have completed the task excessive, but Lao Qin seems to have a little bit unwilling. At this time, the “rabbit”

service department appeared again, and every time he came out, it was him. “The Chinese below listen, you are now completely surrounded by us. If you put down your weapons to surrender, we guarantee your life safety. Our people’s people are absolutely credible, but you must have to be as those stone devils. break!”

After speaking, “Don’t hesitate, don’t be deceived by soul -loving, I know you are coerced by him. Everyone who kills the soul eater, we also give a reward of 100 million gold coins, and give it to Great Japan. Country of Citizenship!”

Dry, this is ***What fart, the face grows on the buttocks. Nonsense with him is simply humiliating us, and Lao Qin, who has been sitting firmly in Diaoyutai, finally moved, and he thought he was within the scope of safety, so he didn’t take care of it, but unfortunately … This is the first time that I watched Lao Qin to cut people with a sword, and saw a sword light flying, and then the poor department hid, and became two “semi -hidden”

! “Pray”

you under the eighteen layers of hell. Lao Qin’s attack is undoubtedly the fuse of the war, and the two sides began to fight again, but this time it was concentrated in the collapse and air of the city wall, and the whole was messy. Fortunately, I still kept awake, so that the brothers insisted on forming formation, and never scattered. We are concentrated together like an awl. Where is the most arrogant Little Japan? We drill over, but we will never go deep. People will not be fooled by rabbits! After some fierce battles, the two sides lost heavy losses. The stone figurines were about 20,000 left. Little Japan did not know how much dying. We also had only more than 300 people. Essence “Haha, you stupid pigs, let you surrender, you do n’t surrender, you still dare to attack me. The first -level Tibetan did not know where to get out of the way. The dogs who are soothing do not bite people! It should be that the dog can’t change the shit! At this moment, the boss Qin once again showed his unparalleled boss’s style, and his whole body exudes a ghost -like gas, and he continued to spread. Each ghost drilled into a pile of unattractive stone corpses, and then the stone corpse crackled again. The group stood up again. Slowly, the stone figurines got up and returned to the team, and the little Japanese looked at this horrible and weird scene stupidly. It seems that there are tens of thousands of people this time! Going down like this, there is hope for killing Little Japan! The face of Japanese players began to change from red to white, turned red, pale, turning green, and finally became dead gray! It’s really wonderful, like Kaidangfang! Of course, we are happy here. The immortal legion. As long as the Qin boss is there, the stone figurines can continue to be resurrected, and the characters of Qin Boss can be killed. However, when the sky was unpredictable, when our laughter’s mouth had not closed, the wind of the sky surged, and a large vortex suddenly appeared. With a wind swept down, the stone figurines were sucked up. The gold people struggled hard, and Lao Qin seemed a little crumbling. Fork, the situation is great! At this time, Lao Qin took out the jade seal and quickly opened a small space of space, and then rushed in with his eighteen stone figurines. After leaving, the door of the space disappeared, and the jade seal fell back to my hand again. superior. After the wind was gone, a group of us looked at each other. After a while, nearly 80,000 stone figurines disappeared cleanly. Only the broken city walls also proved their traces. The surrounding little Japanese have been surrounded by us with a smile! Intersection Intersection They all say that in Hedong for ten years, ten years of Hexi, we have passed for a few minutes, and Feng Shui turns too fast. In fact, I should have thought of this. Lao Qin itself is a person that should not appear. We all pin their hope on him. It is an error in itself. If you say it, you ca n’t say it. Anyway, we are all hung up now, and it ’s worth it. Moreover, it’ s too early to be desperate now! Suddenly, there are so many stone figurines. The whole city is so empty. Because the front city wall is completely destroyed, the entire city wall is surrounded by Japanese players. Now, like the three -layer and three -layer sandwiches in the inside, we can clamp us. How can we highlight the siege of isolated? Intersection Intersection (Next chapter, please see the Dragon Demon Emperor —— The Soul Eater Great Big Big) The text is 100 or six without soaring Updated: 2007-5-19 15:00:00 Number of chapters: 5159 Our reliance, the great Qin boss, because the accident "

left” us, leaving us is a defective lone city and a pile of wolf -like Japanese, and the isolated us. The situation is very simple now. It is unlikely to escape. The four sides of the city are archer and magician. We have become a living target when they show up. Let us go easily. From the only gap —— the main entrance of the Blade City, … that is even more to die. Although the number of people now is not very clear, there are definitely hundreds of thousands of people. Drunk us. But the only way to die is also the way to live. The enemy can only rush in through the gate of the city, so we must fight with them at the door. Once they let them rush in, then we are dead. I did not expect that the last situation turned out to be like this. To be good, it was called Tiger Luo Pingchuan to be deceived by dogs. It was not nice to say. We are now the 鳖 我. We don’t want to have too much now, kill one of one, kill two to earn one, and make one pair if you kill three! I lead the soldiers, thieves, archers, and even magicians, blocked at the forefront, and the rest of the surgeons are now desperately playing defense and treatment. It is a while to stick to it for a while, we have no third way to go! Fortunately, our level and comprehensive strength are temporarily advantages, and the width of the city gate is limited, and the advantages of many people cannot be played, so we will hang up for a while. At this time, Little Japan’s attack suddenly stopped. Our old friend "

Yizang" appeared in time, followed by some strange people in the back. This kind of clothing is really strange, and it is a bit like an undead wizard. "

Chinese friends, as long as you surrender and kill the soul, our people who love peace and nation will not account for your rudeness and ignorance!" A response to him was a loud country scolding, and it was difficult to adjust the north. "

Consider it, give you 5 minutes, otherwise, hum!" Little Japan was stupid to discuss the time. Although they wanted to "

watch the show", we sorry for their "

good intentions"! I quickly contacted illegal entry and Qingqing apple fragrance. The forever ancient magician, their situation is not very wonderful. They have encountered the obstruction of N waves. Essence I quickly told them about my situation, so we set up a bold plan. We try to delay the time, and then they quickly advanced to us. Little Japan was definitely not expected. We will come back to the carbine. A heavy blow in Japan, by the way, rescued us, and a double carving! This solution is feasible. First of all, we are Chinese, and we will not give up our compatriots, but we will not save death! Second, this plan is practical and feasible. Under different other roads, a assault on Little Japan can definitely kill them by surprise. Although they have many people, they are not strong enough. We must not be trapped in our strength, otherwise I won’t take the main force to adventure for more than 300 people. The remaining problem is how to drag time.

After the calculation of Qingqing apple incense, they will take half an hour to rush here.

We must adhere to this half an hour and attract their attention at the same time.

Once we are It is meaningless to be completely eliminated.

How to delay time, this question is scratching my head.

If I carry it hard, I can’t guarantee that I can persist for half an hour.




Although the possibility of success is relatively small, I still have to try it, depending on how deep Little Japan’s hate for me!

My thoughts were opposed by brothers.

They thought that death would also die.

The glory of death, the dignity of death, could not let me be humiliated.

In fact, who is insulting who may be!

“Time is here, how do you decide, quack”

, and the Ministry of Serving said with a smile, in his eyes, now we can really become the fish on the cutting board, and let people slaughter, but killed us at once, but killed us at once. It’s so happy that he wants us to kill each other and destroy our dignity and will. “I am a man, so I challenge all of you, I am alone, you just do a few, I want to see what your so -called samurai spirit looks like!”

Unexpectedly, my proposal agreed in pain, and I thought I heard it wrong. However, I immediately understood that the mysterious figures in the follow -up department were set up on the open space between us. It was not a magic formation. It was strange. “Soul Eater, the samurai of our big Japanese empire is the most powerful in the world, so they need to defeat you to prove that they are the strongest. The man! Bigthe in the martial arts is in the array in front of you! "

Knowing that this battle is weird, but now I have no choice! As soon as I entered, I felt a little wrong, but what was exactly like a layer of window paper, it would be through, and before it was, it was a little worse. My opponent is a ninja, level 75, the name is Toyota, … it is a car brand name, it really will advertise, level 75, is definitely the top first -class figure, and from his sharpness Looking at it, it is a powerful opponent, but if you want to defeat me, you still dream, but from a hidden expression, it seems that he is very confident in him. As soon as he played, it was indeed a master, not just about his level, but the fire and proficiency of action, great! It seems that it is not possible to open the shield. After defeating him, there will definitely be someone, the insurance point is good! A chop of a sword to chop me, my shield! … Nothing to respond? Intersection Intersection Damn, I move instantly! Still not responding? Intersection Toyota’s knife has been cut heavily on my body, and then in the air, there is a serial killing technique. I quickly rolled over the ground. Although I looked embarrassed, I couldn’t care so much! Little Japanese laughed, and the messy words smashed over me. Fork, what’s the matter, the shield can’t be opened, and it can’t be used instantly! Toyota did not take the opportunity to attack, his eyes flickered. “You don’t need to be laborious. This is the lock magic array under the 500 senior yin and yang divisions. Except for some low -level magics that can be used, magic of three or higher can not be used. You are a respectable opponent, but in the face of national interests, we There is no choice, let’s take a move! "

Dizzy, Little Japan, you are too underestimated to treat me, treat me as a pure mage, hey, unfortunately I am a magic warrior! Brushing, a cross -stuffing sword of the blood cut out, startled with Toyota, who came on his face. “What’s going on, aren’t you a mage ???”

“Oh, sorry, I am another soldier at the same time!”

Unexpectedly, Toyota was not frightened after knowing this, but even more hot warfare flashed in his eyes. “So I can rest assured, let’s fight well!”

Divide! Four figures killed me, Halo, this illusion is useless for me to book 83. …… Why are all four true? I can’t tell me with my level, and I am dizzy! Impossible, the artifact is unique, illusory truth is in my hands! Intersection Intersection But time can’t tolerate me to react. I also separate, one in one, WHO is afraid of WHO! Sure enough, although I ca n’t separate which one is true, there is indeed only one is true. The other three are still phantoms, but I do n’t know why, I ca n’t distinguish it. I connected with the short soldiers. Relying on the advantages of the level and equipment, he cut him out, and the blood was immediately played. However, he was not surprised at all, and he didn’t need to reconcile the poison. Hey, the detoxification agent is useless, which is not toxic. Sure enough, seeing the value of life is still declining, in the eyes of Toyota, there was a flash of shake, and I did not take the opportunity to sneak attack. It’s not good to change, anyway, my task is to delay time. Toyota’s body has a low -level fighting gas. With this effort, the effect of bleeding has reduced a lot. Toyota squinted his eyes, stretched out his tongue and licked the knife. “Hey, the effect of ghosts is not as good as an artifact, and I did not expect that the king of the legendary magic stone ——- The blood-loving magic stone is also in your hands, interesting, interesting!”

After speaking, take a white thing from your pocket and stuff it into your mouth, Dizzy, it turned out to be a rice ball, and now there are still kung fu to eat this. The Japanese who watched the war beside him clamored, “Okay, Momotaro transformed into a rice ball, killed him, and killed him !!!”

With a cigarette of smoke and half -man and half monkey that reappeared, the body rose a bit, and the body exudes a trace of demon. It seems that the strength of the strength has increased a lot! “Hey, this is my demon monkey transformed, pick my fatal killing trick!”

As soon as the knife was inserted into the scabbard, I rushed towards me like this, … After it becomes a monkey, I have a decrease in IQ too stupid. Want to kill me? Looking at the posture of holding the handle, it is a bit like a nirvana that pulls the sword, which is a bit interesting! When I still have a distance, Toyota yelled: “Pull the knife!”

Suddenly a instant migration, no, it should be an instant acceleration, the muscles in the legs suddenly burst, and the force is throbbing. The speed is very fast, it should be special skills. This acceleration leap is in front of me. In an instant, the ninja knife scratched a beautiful arc towards me. With an accelerated impulse, and the instantaneous acceleration of the knife pulled out, it constituted a shocking sword drawing technique! Before the knife arrived, the weird knife gas had already been killed, and I was lucky to fight, and instantly set up the sword net, but the knife gas generated by his swordsmanship broke through my 83 -level fighting net. On my body, I was hit by the timely blocking. Is this the gap. I know that I rarely spend energy and time in martial arts, but it is not so different. This is my weakness. Due to the advantages of the level, I have always focused on magic, and I ignore the martial arts skills. Refining, a 75 -level ninja skill can break through my senior fighting defense. I have to say that it is a ironic. I still have no dysfunction in my Lord of the Rings, otherwise I want me half of my life. Little Japanese kept applauding, in their eyes, now I am like a poor worm struggling! Hey, my anger has come up. The monkey is transformed, interesting, a respectable opponent, it is not possible to do not need a stunt. If you do n’t let you see it, you do n’t know that you are the frog at the bottom of the well! “Hey, this is what you forced me. In order to show your respect, I will not use your artifact to let you see the dragon of our Chinese nation, my transformation!”

“Zhenlong !!!”

Remove the real dragon again, a shocking eight -claw gold dragon came out of the air. This time, it seemed even more amazing than the last time. They were dumbfounded, and they didn’t know that I had such a hand, and they were still worried about me. “Dragon, the boss still has such a hand, it’s cool, the boss is the boss, always surprise us!”

“This is the true strength of the boss, and the battle has just begun!”

, The fan said faintly, from beginning to end he has absolute confidence in me. People dragon together! The huge golden dragon was sent to the sky by me, as if I had encountered any obstacles but worn without any difficulty, took a circle and then drilled into my body. The secondary fusion effect is much better than the last time! Toyota was also shocked by the scene in front of me, and finally a panic that could not be concealed in her eyes. Everyone understood that the dragon in front of me was a creature in mythology. describe! The surrounding Yin and Yang division screamed, and fell to the ground half of the death. It seemed that their locks of the magic array broke Jin Long, and I was still seriously injured. The faces of the surrounding Japanese have changed, because they all understand how terrible I can use magic! Now I look at Toyota with the potential of a king who is high. This pressure is not more clear than standing in front of me! But it seems that he hasn’t given up. Toyota’s low voice sounds, “Regardless of success or failure, it is my honor to play against a strong man like you, take the last blow of me! —— Zero Dental Tromatography! Intersection Intersection Toyota’s whole person was turned into a wind sword like a wind and attacked me.

I want to Liwei.

Originally, I could use instantly to escape the attack and killed him from behind, but this was too unfair to a samurai, and I became all him!

—— Eight-claw Golden Dragon Shield!

Intersection Intersection A dragon -shaped air shield appears on the left arm, which is a shield that is completely consisting of dragons.

It can block the magic and physical attacks that can block absolute strength.

The strength is derived from the artifact itself!

Regardless of Japanese players, or Chinese players staring at the last blow, success or failure is here!

Boom \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, but Li Zi had cheered.

The faucet on my gas shield bit his knife tightly.

The dragon’s dragon claws kept absorbing the sword on the knife, and my blood -stuffed sword was standing around his neck.

I put away the air shield, took the sword that was open around his neck, and looked at him with a smile.

The surrounding Japanese players’ faces are iron green one by one, especially in the service department, which is like a wife gang raped by others.

“Why don’t you kill me?”

“You are a real warrior!”


“Counter a time when you have time!”

“Dangdang to visit!”

After speaking, I bowed, and a random scroll disappeared. The anger of the 1007 men in the text Updated: 2007-5-19 15:00:00 Number of chapters: 5048 Toyota’s admission has left other Japanese players without light, shame, and absolute shame. In their opinion, people in the Great Japanese Empire cannot be admitted, especially the other party is still Chinese, which is simply unforgivable shame! The locks of all the newly -promoted Yin and Yang Division were broken. Their “soap bubbles”

planned for a long time were cracked! “Baga Road, the cunning branch used the demon. Don’t be polite, kill them, kill them!”

In fact, we have been preparing for a long time ago. I believe that the Japanese may believe that a pig is better. After restoring the use of magic, I did not retreat, and I moved to the Tibetan Tibetan for two consecutive instantages. “Garbage, eat me a trick of thunderbolt to eat blood swords!”

With his speed, he did not want to escape my instantaneous attack. It is conceivable that the power of blood -bleeding with dragon gas can be imagined. He will get half of his life when he goes up. At the same time, a bunch of rice dumplings that replenished your life were stuffed into your mouth, but before he could add it, the nine -day thunder fire dropped and dropped him directly. He was the most depressed in the service. He didn’t understand why he was always unlucky, twice! Hanging twice a day, two levels, forks, you do n’t know how long you need to practice to replenish these two levels. What is more depressed is that he is no longer suitable for the second hand. At this moment, I hate in my heart, and I can probably eat me. The death of the Ministry of Service did not cause any riots. For those who have no strength, for the Japanese, it was a dog. The continuous negligence of the Tibetan Tibetan of the Ministry had caused him to lose the position of the leader. The second hid in the service department took over his position and commanded the battle. He is now clear. Only by destroying us can we get a little sullen. If there is any accident, they can really only cut their belly and commit himself! After killing the chattering service, I also quickly returned to the team to set up a fighting formation, and now I can only desperately died! When we fought on the front, we understood the principle of ants to bite more. Although the small Japanese level is not particularly high, the steady stream of attacks still make us tired of cope. Other Japanese people who can’t structure our Japanese began to attack the other three walls, so as to vent their dissatisfaction and anger, dizzy, this is your own city! The general cities are like this, and the front is the easiest to break, so the NPC guards are also positive, and there are no guards on the other three sides. Yes, I just want to attack and I ca n’t attack it. I waste my energy in vain, but there is no absolute thing. The current situation is exactly the opposite. The little Japanese are terrible. They naturally stared at these three walls, and countless attacks smashed. The city wall struggled under such horrible attacks. The ancients had “Yugong Yishan”.

This difficulty could be ignored than it. The city walls around the sides are also a bit crumbling. Once the other three sides collapse, even if there is only one place collapsed, we are really finished. We pinch on both sides, and we have no room for resistance. Brothers with a slightly lower level are from the ruins in the city, collecting medicines, and constantly sending them to the front brothers, because we basically have not stopped taking medicine. In this way, the number is still reduced. Of course, Little Japan’s losses are more heavy than us, but there are many people on the site of others. One dies and two, two and four. Where can we persist in Qingqing apple incense like this and they arrived, for fear that they can really only collect us corpse when they fall. The key is that our morale is gradually declining. The exhausted everyone has become more and more unprooped. Not only is it physical strength and mental stress, but death is a kind of liberation … “Brothers, persist, persist until the end, fork, Chinese, and the glory of death. Whoever dares to loosen is the breeding, Lao Tzu can’t spare him!”

I can’t care so much now, no matter what he is so rough! The darkness before dawn and the most suffocating on the eve of the storm, but we must persist, change the place, change the opponent, I may not be able to hold it. But here! Now! no! Intersection Never! Intersection Intersection After listening to me, the blood of men was stimulated, and death was not terrible. Instead, it was a kind of escape. Pushing responsibilities to others. The cowardice is revealed in front of the Japanese, and even the ancestors will climb out of the grave and scold us! Everyone’s vibration, coupled with the encouragement of my intermediate leadership, has improved our combat effectiveness, but I know that this is just back to light and back, and it won’t last long. Looking at the people around me, I also feel heartache, but there is no way. The only thing I can do now is to kill desperately. I have killed red eyes, Yuanqi Shield, Fighting Qi, Dragon Qi full, abandoning defense, and attacking! The four times the skeleton crosses, and I don’t know how many times I put it with the ice magic dance, and my physical strength has already exceeded the boundaries, but I can’t stop, unless I fall down! Everyone is crazy, and there is only one thought in their heads that is to kill! Crazy chop, crazy magic, crazy bow and arrow! I can see the fear in the eyes of Little Japan. The most people besieged me, but I am not afraid. My attack itself is a large -scale attack. Trilateral defense and artifact’s guardianship want to kill me, so wait for my drug consumption. Intersection When I encountered a combination attack that could not resist, I moved away instantly. You can endure me, slowly, the skills and moves have long flew out of the clouds. Attack with limbs, otherwise the bite can be killed a few. After a long time, I suddenly found that I was caught in the siege, that is, the two consecutive instant movements could not be separated from the surrounding circle. Another combination of magic was covered by me, and it was mixed with bows and arrows. The range was definitely exceeded my dodge ability. After this battle, Little Japan also understood my instantaneous dodge. I usually knew that there was no way, but now Just, there are enough people, and the power is great enough! I gritted my teeth and seemed to carry it hard, fork, this may be finished, and the ice sealing may not be able to support it for so long! Following behind the magic, the ninjas have already started jumping attacks, only to give me the last blow. When the combination of magic was about to hit me, a figure suddenly appeared in the air and hit the attack directly. Ninja behind naturally couldn’t let go of this opportunity. Countless ninja knives greeted them! It’s a plum, fork, it’s a plum, he don’t want to live! Intersection Intersection “Boss, brother is incompetent, take a step first, the rest depends on you!”

After speaking, Li Zi was made by a mess. Poor “big eyes”

want to save the owner, but it does not belong to the attack -type pet. I was cut to death by a ninja. I always felt how remarkable I was. In the end, I also had to be a well -known plum to save me. I am sad, I regret I am angry, I kill you, you My tears couldn’t help flowing. Brothers were not used to say. At the key time, he could come forward, what is called a distress. Usually Li Zi is always a cheerful person. He has never seen anyone with a red face with him. When there is him, he has a laugh. He always makes everyone happy through interest. Whoever thinks of his feelings, can’t people be too selfish, don’t he want others to make him happy, but he chose to make the surrounding joy. He is my brother! Li Zi, see me a revenge for you! “Little Japan, my ancestor!”

My will, my anger, was passed on to the artifact. Longan emitted a dazzling red light, and the inverse scales trembled. A huge golden dragon that surpassed the imagination was covered and covered me! With a dragon chant, the sky is shocking, the dragon’s inverse scales, the touch of the touch will die! Intersection Intersection Those who invade the king will be far away! “Destroyer’s”

Dragon Angry World "”

, the experience of losing the two levels of the user has emitted more than manpower, the super attack of the power of the dragon, and the effect is related to the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the experienced experience. Fork, let alone two levels, just lose all the light, Lao Tzu will kill you today! Super Longhua Nirvana —— Dragon Angry World! Intersection Intersection In an instant, my level dropped from 83 to 81, but I was not reluctant. Instead, I had a trace of excitement in my heart, because I knew that the more losses, the greater the attack power. “Come out, my anger !!!”

The dragon followed the direction of the blood -stuffing sword, and the teeth dancing the claws flying empty, and the huge figure shocked the world! The shocked Little Japan thought it was angry. Roar ~~~~~ Then the eight -claw Golden Dragon hit the most concentrated place in Little Japan. Boom Ronglong \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ A mushroom cloud rises like an atomic bomb explosion. It is really the end of the world. For a while, flying sand and stone, covering the sky, the whole earth is shaking, everything is in chaos. There is only a roar in the ears. The only thing that can feel can feel. It is your own heartbeat, so clear, so true! At this time, I fell straight to the ground as if I was collapsed, and it was fork. This is enough for a bachelor, and my physical strength is completely light. Unfortunately, this posture is not cool enough. I ca n’t move, and I ’m going to return mummy than mummy. I wanted to be here once. Unfortunately, I ca n’t do it now. I did n’t expect that I had such a day. There was a impulse to laugh in my heart. After a while, the living talents have returned to God, for a fork, is this caused by art? Intersection Intersection A huge hole appeared on the ground, with dozens of meters in the radius, as if it was attacked by meteorites in the sky. The surrounding Japan was swept away, and the scum was not left. It became a “zombie”

on the ground, and the city wall on the west of the tolerance city also collapsed completely. Hey, it seems that there are tens of thousands of thousands of thousands of people, which is more powerful than the hell fire of the octa. The power now is obviously frightening Little Japan. I haven’t returned to the ground for a while, but I saw me falling to the ground, and this group of guys slowly gathered again, but this time I was careful. stupid. Gan, Lao Tzu is all like this. He is still afraid of a bird, and the alive brothers surround me in the center. From their perseverance, knowing that if they want to kill me, they must step on their bodies! We have dozens of people left, illegally entering the country, why are you a few bastards? Now, it’s too late, hey, I can only smile bitterly, but this time the trip to Japan is finally enough. Lao Tzu later, Lao Tzu later. Come on, do not make a chicken flying dog jump, … it seems that you ca n’t come again, depressed! After confirming that we really did not have a threat, Little Japan finally launching a launch of us with a smile. I don’t know if we can stop it a few times. At this moment, the enemy seems to have riots. Qingqing apple incense finally felt, why is it so slow! When I got along, I found out that it was Xiangzi. Although I was blindfolded, I still recognized it, followed by about thousands of ninjas, and quickly approached me. I quickly stopped everyone’s attack, why did Xiangzi come, isn’t she not going online? Where do I know that Xiangzi has been paying attention to my safety. Seeing that I was in danger, I finally couldn’t help bringing people to save me. There were more than a thousand troops left, and my heart was touched. Everyone was stunned, holding me back and returned to the city. “Wife, why are you here?”

Xiangzi gave me a physical medicine heartache, so that I could move. The fatigue of the fork was excessive, and Xiangzi also understood that I didn’t want her to embarrass her. “Marry chicken with chicken, you are my husband, you are the biggest!”

“Isn’t your friend trouble?”

“They are ninjas. The obedience to the order is a heavenly duty, and they have been modified. No one can recognize it. This is the last time to help me. From then on, I have been separated from them!”

Looking at the gentle and resolute incense, I really don’t know what to say. With their strength, we can’t hang it for a while and a half. A few bottles of physical medicine can finally move. It is not a matter to keep Xiangzi holding it. Take a look at the ninja army, fork, and waiting for them to give them a bit. Maybe I saw me standing again, and Little Japan was scared and couldn’t act, maintaining a certain distance from us. We just confronted this way. For a while, no one was willing to break this deadlock. It always began to turmoil behind the enemy. A long dragon between the distance was killed by us. The courage was scared by me. The addition of this vital army made them tired of cope, and could not stop their footsteps at all. We also took the opportunity to launch an attack. The fighter was passing away. We must converge immediately. It is not good to wait for the little Japanese to return to God. After some hard work, we finally met, “Brother Soul Eater, to this day, to you, I really have nothing to say.”

Respect flashed in the eyes of illegal entry. Qingqing’s apple incense was still calm, and his mouth was talking about itchy, but his heart was still jealous. It is not the first time that the ancient magician and I have been delivered for the first time, and a look can know each other’s minds. The beauty of the beautiful woman’s eyes was clear, and her brows were passionate. My elder sisters, I was almost climbing off now! Aixin Jue Luo looked at me with a strange expression, and his face was red and white, … I didn’t offend him, did I see me? Sister Xue’s eyes is also very enthusiastic, obedient, will not have a blessing again, … Our current task is to leave the danger first! Text 108 Tokyo Massacre (Part 1) Updated: 2007-5-19 15:01:00 Number of chapters: 5090 Everyone concluded in one place and was rushed out with unparalleled attack power. This battle was still mainly soldiers, so the movement was relatively fast. After a hard battle, we successfully broke the encirclement circle. After more than ten hours of fighting, everyone is also tired. We move to a forest nearby to make the entire army adjustment, treatment of treatment, replacement of equipment for equipment, resting rest, and some of them are being with food. Enjoy the special picnic on the battlefield. After we broke through the siege, the ninjas brought by Xiangzi had disappeared with the back of the city’s scroll. No matter what reason, I would like to thank them very much. Although their attitude was not so good, the next time they met, they might be the enemy. Xiangzi carefully helped me sort it out, and then told me to pay attention to safety and offline. After all, she didn’t want to stay in this scene for a long time. I illegally enter the country, Qingqing apple fragrance, eternal ancient magician, endless end Dream chasing, ice fairy-cold Ruo frost, fire fairy-enthusiasm is like fire, and the representative of other guilds “Sunny Sun”

(level 72 soldiers, a war god helmet, ordinary anger chopping , God of War Boots, comprehensive combat effectiveness above 12,000), and the representative of “Lone Ranger”


(level 71, archer, a phantom bracelet, the best evil long bow), and some major cadres of each team. Everyone came together to discuss the next action. The incident has developed to this day. Everything prepared before is meaningless, but we have initially completed the task. In addition, my boss was even more miserable, and it was more than 2 levels. It was difficult to rise to level 83 and became level 81. It was strange to say. Every time I upgrade, I will not enjoy it after a few days. But this time is the most worthy time! Dream Fairy —— Dream Chasing Dream, Grade 71 Archer, Phantom Helmet, Phantom Bracelet, Breaking Evil Bow. Ice Fairy —— Leng Ruoshi, level 71 archer, phantom helmet, phantom necklace, breaking the long bow. Fire Fairy —— Passionate, 72-level surgeon, angel helmet, angel necklace, angel bracelets, weapons are “goddess forgiveness”.

Wind Fairy —— catkins follow the wind, level 71 magician, Dragon King helmet, dragon king ring, the best wise sector. In fact, the title of everyone gives them is not based on their personality, but based on their names, but more or less contact, such as our beautiful school sister Liu Sui Huang Yawen. In the game, she is the same as in reality. It was so elegant and classical, and calm down with her. Bing Xianzi is actually not very ice, but I don’t like to talk. Of course, I also know her with her, and I can only be regarded as the first impression. The Fire Fairy is actually a deputy. The figure is really called fire. Although my estimation of women’s age is not accurate, I also know that her situation is at least 25 years old. Because of this, the femininity of the femininity revealed from time to time is always impossible. The man present on the scene described her the most, and this woman was even more amazing to the young man. Instead of chasing dreams, it is the longest in contact.

After all, in the process of completing the SSS -level task, I have been born together and died together.

I feel very unique, and I feel very characteristic for a while.

Except for “sunny and scorching”

and “learning well”

, they have known each other, nothing to say. “Sunny Day”

is the boss of a medium -sized city, and looks like Zhang Fei, but it seems a bit restrained with us. Since it can be selected by other travel representatives, there must be him. The words must be right. “Study well”

performance is more casual, but it does not seem to be very concerned about participating in the meeting, mainly listening, the more silent people, the appearance is average, … mainly because there are too many people here The prestigious “sunny day”

is even more distinctive. But also, as long as our prince loves New Dealo, who dares to claim to be handsome, it is equivalent to hitting his own mouth. In fact, I think men grow up like this is also a kind of sadness. . “Let’s make a simple summary first. Let me talk about it first, the situation on my side.”

I took the lead in breaking the silence, after all, there must be a person to speak. “We Magic Palace, this time, attracts the enemy in the direction of the old plan. Although it is relatively successful, because of the existence of traitors, everyone has not achieved the predetermined effect. Everyone may also know that I have completed the SS -level task of the tomb of Qin Shihuang before. In fact, there is a hidden task in this to attack Japan, but this task is too "

absurd”. It was proposed, but fortunately, it was true. As a result, you also saw it. Although there are already more defense of the Blade City, we still broke the Blade City under the surround of nearly one million people, but later we came out of us. The unexpected accident, all the stone figurines of the stone figurines disappeared, and we were besieged. Everyone knows what happened later, so I wo n’t say much. "

In fact, the results of all of them add up are not as big as we make bait, but this is no wonder they. At least I did not blame them. Except for their rescue too slowly, of course, I will not say it at this time. The first element. “Keke, the results of the soul -eater this time are obvious to everyone. Due to the leakage of the plan, we have been continuously blocked by hundreds of thousands of people. Everyone’s combat power is quite complete, and there are several hundred people who have lost their losses. At least, the power is preserved for the latter attack. "

As the leader of this time, Qingqing Apple Xiang also talked a little bit about their situation. “Everyone, we are not here for a long time. The others will slowly say that there are many opportunities. Everyone still makes the next plan as soon as possible, and it is better to convey. Now there are less than 10 hours left. Well, there is still a fan! "

Dream chasing suddenly came in and said, she felt sharp as soon as she entered, and the direction of the meeting was somewhat partial. “This operation, Brother Soul Eater is the most successful now, and the losses are the greatest, and our so -called main force has not made any achievements at all. Our tactics are too conservative. Well, what’s the use of around, that is, we have no loss alone. If there is no results, everything is white, we are not here! "

The forever ancient magician is very polite to say that he is enough for the so -called “stable and stable”

of this road. How can there be no loss in war? It ’s not as good as Korean for half a day, so I lost adults. Speaking of the nice is called retaining strength, but it wasted for 14 hours. There were less than 10,000 small Japanese in total, and they were all “soft materials”

, parallel imports, and fled. At the time, I also worked too much, and the soldiers were expensive and became suspicious. If there were either ninja, they could not even receive their bodies. I really don’t know what I did for so long. As soon as the words of the ancient magician come out, everyone’s face is not very good -looking, especially the Qingqing apple incense and illegal entry. The two of them are the main leaders. This is actually pointing to their combat policy. It means Qingqing apple fragrance, which is still complacent. Illegal entry first sounds first, “This matter is that we are not in good consideration. After this matter is completed, it will give a soul -eater.”

The illegal entry is that this never finds a reason. Qingqing apple incense and endless look at each other, illegally expressed the statement that the Qingqing apple incense was pushed to Liangshan. If he did not move, it would be difficult to say this. After all, he was not doing well. He didn’t think so. Fortunately “Haha, let’s talk about this in the future. How the current first task is to get greater results, it is to give a proposal for Brother Soul Eater. After all, you are more familiar with here.”

This guy disappeared and turned the topic. I was about to speak, and I was silently loved the clan, and suddenly stood up and pulled the post. The proud cool brother rarely expressed his own opinions, as if he didn’t care about anything, but his sharp eyes made anyone dare not underestimate him, especially seeing his calm and cruel performance on the battlefield, even more It’s chilling. “Is the huge golden dragon and the huge explosion of the battlefield, is it the masterpiece of the soul -eater?”

Everyone is actually curious about this problem. They have seen this huge totem during the rescue, and the explosion of the sky later. After rushing in, it has witnessed the disappearance of tens of thousands of people, as well as the huge holes on the ground. Only things can cause such great power. I am afraid that everyone can believe it. This question Qingqing apple incense and endless time I wanted to ask, but the position is limited, and I have never dared to ask. After all, this is also a secret weapon of others. If you come to the city war in the future It’s right. I smiled bitterly, I couldn’t help thinking of Li Zi. When I went back, I must be blackmail by him, but on the contrary, my warmth rushed to my heart. “It was caused by my artifact. It only lost two levels of experience at a time, and then it consumed too much physical strength. I can use it once a day with my current physical strength.”

I talked about it lightly. Everyone heard two levels. Of course, I understand the meaning of this. There is no special opportunity. It is conceivable that the difficulties of raising these two levels are conceivable. If they arrived earlier, I don’t have to do so. After Aixin Jue Luo listened, there was no fluctuation on his face, but his eyes flickered. No one except him knows what he thinks, he is a mysterious person in itself. “The contribution of Brother Soul Eater is obvious to everyone. I hope that after the task is completed, please go to the little girl to sit in the snail. Our sisters are extremely honored.”

Dream Fairy’s Dream means that their sisters have invited. No, Yanfu is here. The envy in the eyes of the men around me is self -evident. There are no boyfriends in the four fairy now. I heard that the four of them have a hundred gardens. There are never men who have entered. Essence I can only say that I would like to thank, this blessing is not easy to enjoy, but I think Li Zi should like this opportunity. I already have calculations in my heart. The righteousness of words and rules, we decided to concentrate their strength into the hinterland of the enemy. The goal is to be located in the “Tokyo Temple”

in the super commercial city in central Japan. On the way, it is not a problem to go through several important military cities to attack with our strength. It is relatively heavy, so we decided to go to a long -distance attack. No matter what the interception of the way, the ultimate goal is it. As long as it breaks it, this task is completed. Some spies were found during the rest, but they were all killed by our hidden thieves, but our position will soon be exposed, and we must be transferred immediately. After about ten minutes, everyone was ready, we set off! To be honest, I am not very familiar with this road. When I used to get a wedding ring before, Xiangzi introduced us as a travel information. With the impression, I brought the way and killed it towards “Tokyo”.

“Tokyo Temple”

is the second largest commercial city in Japan. It is invested by the five largest banks in Japan according to the shares, each of which is one -fifth and is one of the new cities. The second position, but this is because of the short time. In the addition of the five major lines, no matter in any way, it is infinitely promising. The development potential is the most promising. It is only a matter of time to occupy the first place. There are one famous ninja group in both parties. We need to avoid them, and then solve the defense system of Tokyo Temple with lightning offensive. It was war or retreat, and we all failed. “Sunny Day”

with 500 people, attracting the attention of the ninja group on the left, anyway, it is delayed, it doesn’t matter where to attract them. “Learn well”

leads 500 people and attract the ninja group on the right. The two have led the team to attract each other’s attention. The Chinese army continued to advance forward. After their task is completed, there are three options.

One is to meet us.

This possibility is relatively small, so as not to attract the large troops, and the specific situation on our side is also good.

The second is that returning to China, anyway, the task is completed, and the small Japanese cannot take advantage of it.

The third is that if the conditions permit, after completing the bait task, you transfer it yourself and fight guerrillas.

Anyway, it is destroyed everywhere.

There is no specific goal.

They are more inclined to the third plan, after all, no one wants to give up easily.

The two teams accelerated, and we also started the emergency army.

Time is the key to the victory.

On the way, we encountered a few waves of obstacles, but they were all killed by the advance team.

The advance team is the “endless”

team, all of which are the elite killers he brought. It is the most suitable thing to do something silently, and the number of people will not be noticed. The more favorable we are, this is an expert. We came to the outskirts of “Tokyo”

in stunning, staring at everything in front of us, and couldn’t help but excite, so excited, so that we were doubtful. “What do you think, will it be a trap?”

The defense of Tokyo City in front of you is not very tight. To be precise, the combatants seem to be transferred out, and maybe they have not returned. Some players are even ordinary chatters or businessmen. The current “Tokyo Temple”

is like a familiar apple in our eyes! It can be seen from the hotness in everyone’s eyes. Everyone thinks that this is a good opportunity for thousands of years. At this time, the news came from the “Sunny Day”

and “Study”.

They caused a large number of Japanese troops to run towards the army in our urgent army. They asked us to act quickly, and they couldn’t lie for too long. Now or never! Kill, no matter who they are, all kill all the light, and now we can’t care about so much! Text 108 Tokyo Massacre (below) Updated: 2007-5-19 15:28:00 Number of chapters: 3736 The current “Tokyo Temple”

is like a familiar apple in our eyes! It can be seen from the hotness in everyone’s eyes. Everyone thinks that this is a good opportunity for thousands of years. At this time, the news came from the “Sunny Day”

and “Study”.

They caused a large number of Japanese troops to run towards the army in our urgent army. They asked us to act quickly, and they couldn’t lie for too long. Now or never! Kill, no matter who they are, all kill all the light, and now we can’t care about so much! With a order, the first is the forever ancient magician leading the superflief magic prepared by the magician, —— Hell Lightning Lightning (The local super powerful magic is mixed with the characteristics of summoning thunder, summoning meteorites, plus the chain lightning contains, and the strike surface is small, but the power is concentrated, and there is a fatal effect.) A super huge fireball, from the sky, continued to flashed with appalling arcs in four weeks, directly hitting the city gate, sending out a deafening explosion. The fastest thieves at the fastest speed have been quickly attacked in towards the city, not giving them the time to close the city gate. Under the cover of the magician and archers, the large troops quickly advanced to the city gate. As long as the city gate was closed, the city was abolished. Finally, under the desperate competition of thieves, we have taken the lead in the gate of the city with the highest level of the highest level of the highest level and joined the melee. They can’t stand the gate, so everything is over. Despair can instead arouse the morale of the enemy, and the fierce resistance has caused us a lot of trouble, and the battle continues. Their personal strength is too weak, and the number of people near the gate does not have an advantage. At the beginning, it was fierce at the beginning. In addition, the leader of the leader was killed by me. NPC guards are more troublesome, but under the key blow of the mage and archer, he has no time to take care of him at all. After persistence for a while, all the troops began to attack the city. Our suddenly appeared to be caught off guard, the rescue signal sent it out madly, and other cities sent them to reinforcements, but they did not understand that they just got out of the siege. " The defeat of the soldiers suddenly appeared in Tokyo, and a bad hunch has continued to spread in the hearts of the Japanese. At this time, more than 10,000 people around the two ninja legions around the two cities were in the "

Sunny Day” and "

Learning” and hiding, and they knew that they had been in the "

Tokyo Temple of Tokyo Temple to see the help signal. “There is a long distance, it takes time to come over, and”

Sunny Day “and”

Learning “can make them go like this easily. I kept entangled them along the way. If you fight, I run, you ignore it, I will harass, anyway, the level is higher than them. It is difficult to catch up with us. Because Little Japan ’s mind has long flew to Tokyo to Tokyo Instead, they were attacked by them and lost a lot of people. The "

Sunny Day” and "

Learning” to kill the addiction, like a small sickle, constantly harvesting "

wheat”. We are even more cool. Without the protection of the city walls, we rushed up and rushed into the city. I have to admit that my magic palace is not so lively from the business aspect. The people in the city looked at all of them blankly. It should be surrounded or has been destroyed. There are many Japanese girls in the city, but the game is protected in this regard and cannot be polite to women, but killing can still be killed. Although I personally do not agree with women, everyone’s opinions are slaughtered. Men and women, not to mention the worst of the Nanjing Massacre in the past is women. The war itself is cruel. There is no kindness at all. In particular, there are many people in Nanjing. Now the blood of the whole body is boiling. I have been waiting for a long time for a long time. Let them stop now. It is better to let them die. Although the revenge in reality is still far away, it is also a good substitute in front of the eyes. At least it can give the small Japanese economy a fierce blow. The rest of everything happened so naturally. The entire army was completely dispersed and turned into zero. According to the small group of the previous guilds, three or five in groups began to start the famous "

Tokyo Massacre” on the Internet. Intersection Intersection Intersection As a business center, there are too many people here. I can imagine their current situation. The city cannot be offline within a certain period of time, so the slaughter continues. The forever ancient magician seemed to be crazy, his eyes were red, and he brought his top ten masters to kill people. Hundreds of people have gone in the previous mildness. After seeing the depths of everyone, there is a history of unparalleled history. Now he has completely become a beast. Everything about. The four women can’t bear to see it. Women are still not suitable for war. I am illegally entering the country, Qingqing apple incense must be sober, each with some main force to clean up the people who guard the city, especially the Japanese players who use the back of the city scroll to defend the city. We are crazy. And keen, causing unnecessary losses. With our efforts, we quickly destroyed the four backgrounds and broke their entrance. Then stay at the door. We have taken over this city. The apple incense and the four fairy guard the city gate to remove some small -scale aid and "

retail investors" who have rushed to rush. Here we have been resistant. It seems that the rest of their combat power are concentrated here, and they are expected to delay. The rescue force is coming. At that time, it should be in the same way. Hehe, how can there be such a wonderful thing! Love Xinjiara’s bows and arrows issued an attack signal. A group of us rushed in. I was a godlon in the dragon. Little Japan’s stubborn resistance was disintegrated for a while, and the entire "

Tokyo" fell into our control. At this time, we re -changed into the archer, the big knife guard, closed the city gate, Relying on this city and Little Japan to get the remaining time, of course, people in the city still have to kill light, and all the items are destroyed. The killing is still ongoing, but my heart is very calm. All of this is fate. The illusory game actually reflects the heart of human beings. After all, China and Japan will have a destruction. Washing, only with their blood and meat can we comfort the spirit of the martyrs in heaven! Unconsciously, I also joined the killing. Everyone around me was crazy. Everyone’s eyes were a thought-kill! When the last Japanese fell down, the whole city was quiet, only the sound of wind and heavy panting, and everyone was stunned by their own crazy for a while. This is the hatred that the ancestors inherited in our bones. It has been suppressed for nearly a century, and now we have borrowed our body and will. At this time, the scout report was surrounded by the six large troops towards us. “Brothers, our tasks have been completed most of them. Now we use this city in Japan to make a final farewell battle with them. In the remaining 5 hours, we have to create a miracle. All The archer immediately went to the arrow tower, the mage was on the mage tower, and all the surgeons were everyone. In addition to fighting supplies, the soldiers destroyed all the damage in the city. Concentrated materials here, start action! "

My order, everyone seemed to come back as if the soul came back again. Now we just need to wait quietly for the arrival of Little Japan. With the “Tokyo”

perfect defense system, we can play with them well. Essence After a few minutes, all the reinforcements finally arrived, from the beginning of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and the number of people continued to increase. Still outside the circle, the remaining 6,000 people here are all here. We are also waiting here. At this time, the news of the “Sunny Day”

comes. The two of them have merged. All the troops now have basically rushed to the “Tokyo Temple”.

They took this opportunity to attack a large base of the ninja. Basically, they didn’t keep any resistance. Now they decided to continue to destroy and know that time is over. In the parliament, we unexpectedly discovered the super protection barrier system. After the city was broken, there were still more than 100 million gold coins in the parliament. It spent 50 million, bought two royal knives to guard, and a row of archers. Anyway, they did not give them the other. This super protection barrier system is really cool. It is a bit of the “miracle”

of our magic palace, which increases the physical defense and magic defense of the city. As a super city, it has a strong defense. It is a golden soup, and it is enough for them to take a while. After a brief silence, the Japanese first launched an attack. They also knew that there was not much time left, and they also learned that the news of our slaughtering city was the full attack, ground, sky, remote, processes, countless attacks, and countless attacks. The overwhelmingly smashed, but fortunately, they hurriedly did not bring the laid -up props. How amazing and terrible the attack of hundreds of thousands of magicians and hundreds of thousands of archers is the attack of hundreds of thousands of archers. The child is like a family. The roar of the magic bow and arrow hit the city wall, the ninja, the sound of the warrior knocking on the city wall, and the people’s shyness mixed. …… Little Japan’s technology is really good. Under such a powerful attack, the “Tokyo Temple”

can live well. I do n’t know if it is the unfortunateness of the Japanese or our luck! Obviously, the stir -fried green onion. In addition to the effect of air defense, this ghost defense system has a certain degree of rebound attack. I am not only afraid of it. If it is not our raid, once the gate is closed, we will be closed. It must not be hit. The defense of the entire city is strong, but the Japanese who really tasted it were made by the Japanese. “Firmness”

, the little Japanese that rushed up was usually destroyed by them one by one. It was really cool with the Japanese money to hit the Japanese! Do not live yourself! Main text is perfect Updated: 2007-5-19 15:28:00 Number of chapters: 4531 The perfect defense system of Tokyo Temple is fully played under the pressure of nearly one million people. However, the dead objects are dead. There is no fortress in the world. Fortunately, our task is just a little bit of time. To be honest, this super defense system seems to be more than my “eighteen bronze miracles”.

This task is provided by “Chrysanthemum Stream”

, one of the five ninja guilds. This defensive artifact offsets half of the investment of chrysanthemums. But after this war, the city is endless. I am afraid that this defensive system is about to be abolished. There can only be a round of attacks. Do not give us breathing time. The archers at the door have changed into a batch. The money is not brought about. The attack of short -range attacks is not a threat, but the long -range attack is more scary. It is all colorful magic. What they need to do is to launch the magic in our direction, but the characteristics of the super defense system are lower than a certain degree of attacks. It will be damaged at all, according to my estimation, it takes about 50 levels to respond. The key to the decisive victory between the two sides is time, yes, time! The mage and the archers hid in the tower and kept firing the most arrogant little Japan. We didn’t need to aim at all, and we could hit a large area if we still went out. The soldiers guarded on the city wall occasionally when they flew up occasionally. Under the powerful attack, the role of the super defense system was gone. A few bird men flew out. Our soldiers are waiting for work on the wall, and you cut you down when you come up. The cattle people who are above 71 are on top. The bird men who can fly up are at the top of 70. Most of them are more than 60 levels. Playing avatars is simply looking for death. The surgeons are constantly treating. In fact, they are the best. This large -scale battle, their attack power cannot help, but fast treatment is essential. The thieves kept transporting materials from the city from the city. It is indeed a super commercial city. There are many supplies. As long as the city walls live, it is no problem for a year and a half. At this time, I couldn’t help but notice the gates of the Temple of Tokyo. Although there was the protection of the super defensive system, its super long -lasting value was even surprised. I really don’t know what it was used. Under such a powerful attack The city walls are moaning painful. It doesn’t have much reaction, it is really abnormal. … If you can carry it back, haha, what do I think, but this door panel is really good. On the side of the service department, they and the heads of other guilds looked at the attack in front of them. “Juchuan Goro, what is your tattered system, how easy it is to see when you are in the city, but the pervert of the person in the hand of the branch is easy to use. Responsible for this! "

“Sanzang in the service department, you pay attention to it. This artifact is the same as anyone in the hands. The biggest responsibility this time should be borne by your congratulatory ninja. The leader of the temple is your person. The man was broken by the supporter. You said that as long as the city gate is closed, the person that the branch is several times more power. During the conference, explain to citizens across the country! "

“Don’t be noisy, no matter what, we still have to work together. Our defense has been defeated so far. Now, as long as the person’s side is supported, you can return to the city for free!”

“You said it is lightweight, and your”

door of sigh “is so easy to break, it is not worth 50 million, you see the walls shaking, it is okay, you say!”

… … “Report!”

explain! “Several adults, according to the spies, the two medium -sized cities ’launching’, ‘Heavenly Man’ was attacked by the main force of the man. This news listened to a few people, … what? Main force? "

Baga Road, where the main force comes, the main force is in the temple, and it has been besieged by our group, that is, it is difficult to fly with wings! Not the main force, it must be their disabled party!” "

Yes, the favorite of the people is the guerrilla warfare, the junk tactics such as the east and the west, we must know the break!” "

Eightya Road, a group of wastes, even several people can’t deal with, waste, all waste, should be cut!” Looking at a group of ninja in the anger, the ninja below can only consider themselves unlucky, residual, and there are so many people. Are you all here? They were caught off guard, and they were done by others without response. We have also received this good news. "

Study” they do well. They did not run rashly in large cities, but the two weak and middle -sized cities were drilled by them! Speaking of saying that there must be an explanation of the domestic situation. The Ministry of Services has all the masters of Japan, and this battle is also inevitable. The previous mistakes have greatly reduced his prestige in the country. Now it is a chance to regain prestige! The place where they landed was between the ancient city of Pangu and the East China Sea, and they also knew that they would meet the interception of our major troops. In this plain, it is really difficult to break through. Everyone said that the crow’s mouth and crow’s mouth, but I did not expect that I did it again. Little Japanese immediately took out the helmet of the ancient samurai to read the words. Then there were countless black smoke emerging inside, and one by one became an ancient skeleton warrior holding the warrior knife.

All the ninjas immediately separated and turned into 40,000.

The huge contrast made our defensive army stunned.

The level of pirates to come to China is very high, and the avatars are not so easy to know.

Under the night cover of the skeleton warrior, all the ninjas broke through in the direction of the East China Sea.

It seemed that they also knew that the defense of Pan Gu City must be tight.

The obstacles of the skeleton warrior have not pursued immediately.

In fact, we have been prepared for a long time.

After spending some time to eliminate these antiques, the attack of millions of people is not played.

Due to the number of people, the same level, the same level Masters we have more than Japanese!

) This group of skeleton warriors is also surprisingly tough.

A guy riding a flame horse is terrible.

Although it is not as horrible as the boss Qin, it is higher than the golden people.

We were deadlocked for a while, but we were destroyed under our strong attack, but the leading antique warrior ran away.

The door to this space was not blocked by ordinary manpower.

Everyone sorted out a little bit in the direction of the East China Sea.




In fact, the East China Sea has long been strategically.

If we want to go to the sea, there must be artificial fish cheeks.

We close all the cities near the sea.

These small towns do not have the value of being able to defend, that is, it is not much loss to be destroyed.

In this way, the artificial fish cheeks are stopped.

The recent NPC store, while the pirates landed, were spent a lot of money to buy all the artificial fish cheeks.

Of course, the money was produced by the Anti -Japanese Fund.

Artificial fish cheeks.

Little Japan does not have time to consume an hour here.

Unless they do n’t want to live, but in order to prevent them from bringing their own fish cheeks, the following defense is still very tight.

Several banks near the East China Sea will be withdrawn to the bottom of the sea.

The brothers guard the city.

The Ministry of Service did not intend to attack the East China Sea at all.

Of course, he knew that he wanted fish cheeks to go to the sea, but most of the people who came were in the main city inland.

There will be no sense of accomplishment.

They also came to a sharp turn near the East China Sea, facing .



, the Magic Palace progressed!

In fact, it should have been thought that there is a lot of calculations in the heart of the service department.

After dispatching a large number of masters, the strength must be greatly reduced.

According to reliable information, several big banks in the Central Plains will not have a good relationship with the Magic Palace.

This is the flaw.

The most important thing is that as long as the Magic Palace is laid, the most powerful guild in the Chinese will praise his English name in both domestic and international.

It is a perfect plan.

Poor guy, there are not many people who take it away, and it is not a master of grade.

The backbone of the real magic palace basically does not move Xiao Mao, mood, Xueer, Feiyun, desperate three wolves, big silly, little silly, little silly, little stupid The main force of the battle, cat fish, and zodiac signs are all alive.

They can’t play any great role with me to Japan, but the role of defending the city in China is great!

They are familiar with the advantages and weaknesses of the Magic Palace.

After several major guild battles, they have experience in defending the city.

As far as 10,000 people in Japan are concerned, the magic palace that wants to break through the 30,000 people is undoubtedly a dream of dreams!

However, the service department didn’t think so.

According to the scheduled plan, they bypassed the main force of the pursuit and destroyed the two small clubs.

When we were close to our city, we also got the news of the thieves, and immediately started the preparation of the city guarding.

Everyone was waiting for the battle.

I still have to listen to the “mother”

of Xueer, and have to succumb to the pressure of the baby. (Baby: I haven’t come out for a long time!) Finally, the Japanese arrived. Unfortunately, our gates have been closed. Why did they break the city with “miracles”

without siege equipment? Besides, we are alone, and our magic palace is not more than them. At the beginning of the siege war, the two sides were evenly matched. Little Japanese’s avatars did cause us great trouble. Their levels are indeed very high. Our archers and magicians can only be partially not accepted. The influence has caused our attacks, but with the city wall, they have not taken advantage of anything. When the battle entered the stalemate stage, the mood, desperately wolf, silly, and the war kept leading the magic group to launch a raid against the Little Japanese. … The most conspicuous in the entire team is to desperate three wolves and love. One riding a super dark wolf king, one riding a “dragon”

! …… I watched Little Japan. I realized the power of the Magic Regiment as soon as I was in contact. This time, 3,000 people were dispatched. After two rounds of sprints, more than a thousand people were destroyed. There were countless flying to Xiaozi. The injured would not be calculated. The surrounding reinforcements also began to advance here. The first to arrive was the Masters of the Institute of Magic. When they heard that we were attacked, they immediately sent the Elite Mage Group to rescue, but they just saw the assault of the magic group. Knowing that these little Japan could not threaten the Magic Palace, it was ambushing around, waiting for the arrival of other troops, and giving Little Japan a war battle! However, the service department was still a bit brain. A impact of the magic group immediately sobered a lot. The siege was hopeless. The other party had a chance to cause greater losses to them, but they gave up. When receiving the information of the ninja, they immediately ordered the transfer. If the whole army was overwhelmed, it would be great. The mage saw that Little Japanese wanted to escape, and countless magic immediately smashed it. The Japanese were very good, and they were not entangled with us. After throwing off dozens of corpses, they ran away. In the same way. Therefore, everyone turns into zero. All the troops are divided into a group of 50,000 people. The two groups march parallel and support each other at the same time to support each other. This scope expands and the effect is much better. The rest is the game of cat catching mice. Little Japanese fight guerrillas, but they were successfully attacked by two medium -sized cities, and there were a lot of losses. Fortunately, most of the non -combat players were not online. And the search for the troops has not stayed for too long. Our side also entered the end, and when we left 10 minutes, we started to set fire in the city, and then stopped all the attacks. Everyone concentrated and waited for time. The little Japanese, who finally lost the resistance, broke the super defense system piled up by the gold coins and the door panel that was more expensive than gold, but what we got was the last scene we wielded farewell to them and a waste city with burning fire! Bye, Japanese devils. (Happy National Day ^\ _ ^, everyone for the Chinese nation and the martyrs of the Anti -Japanese War!) Top 100 Glory Updated: 2007-5-19 15:29:00 Number of chapters: 5602 In China, Japan, and even Asia, and even the “world”

, the Battle of China and Japan, finally came to an end. The result is naturally self -evident. In World War I, the reputation rose another step. It is just tomorrow’s National Day, and major online game media have reported in detail about it, calling it a great gift to be dedicated to the motherland. In the seven days of National Day, the system decided to encourage the double experience. With the winning power of the east, it attracted the new round of level training of many players. The number of people on the line broke the record again. The “World News”

is known as the “Second World”

the first media. The front version of the headline in today’s newspaper reported this battle in a full space. The first edition, only one person introduced one person- — Dragon Demon Emperor Soning Soul Eater! This title still uses the title of Yan Huang Pao, which has the most naming right. Of course, the World Newspaper can dig this news. The benefits of the editor -in -chief of Yan Huang Pao will naturally not be less. No more. The entire laser page is my personal cool photo, the golden dragon is around, the magic sword refers to the sky, and the lining is the little Japanese with dull expression and fear. Even as the parties, I did not expect to be in this mirror. Fortunately My face has a slight side, otherwise I really don’t need to go out, but for those who have never seen me, it has increased mystery. Searching crazy about all information about me, human beings have infinite curiosity about mysterious things. “The first person of the second world network ——- Dragon Demon Son —— Soul Eater! "

My personal “jade photo”

, crazy circulation on the Internet, the high download volume is amazing, surpassing the Asian jade girl-Mingyue, I did not expect that I also had the potential of being a star. Later, there was a detailed introduction to the battle. There was no newspaper in the first -hand data, which was comparable to the official world newspaper. The first is to introduce how we have obtained the SSS -level task through the national borders through the hardships. It became a monk to learn the scriptures, and after 9981, it became a positive result. When I saw it, I thought it was not us, but I was writing a new version of the Journey to the West. The point is naturally in the Sino -Japanese War.

From our entered, to the last victory, we described it in detail, but this time is not exaggerated, although the sensational description is essential.

The focus of them is naturally my super big move —— The huge results of the dragon’s anger have destroyed more than 30,000 people.

The moment I was angry, I fascinated countless beauty, and it became a sexy and true man.

For synonym, some people even claimed that I was a member of China ’s special forces.

I was dizzy.

When did I become soldiers, my association is really rich.

Of course, the attack of the boss Qin must also be described.

They have great achievements to attack the tolerance city.

Without them, we will not have such a big result.

At the same time, the reason they disappear.

This SSS -level task is sometimes effective.

After more than time, Qin La Lianlian’s men’s men were all brushed away by the system.

Of course, I knew it.

Boss Qin was not brushed away.

The army also explained, but they were destroyed before the end of time.

Li Zi also made a limelight.

The reason for my outbreak, the heroic brothers, the sincere brothers, the real man, always a series of titles to his head.

He said that it was easy to know that Cheng Ming was so easy, and he was willing to die hundreds of times.

Seeing the school sister he chased, he dared to say that he was not manly, hum.

Khan ~~~~~ After statistics, the Chinese East Expedition died 4,290 and eliminated 48,4560 Japanese players.

Among them, the low -level civilian players of the Temple of Dongjing were killed 262380.

Small and medium -sized cities have been swept and have heavy economic losses.

Due to the large number, it is still statistical.

Japan’s westward plan was blocked, players died, 3,980, eliminated 5,9208 Chinese players, destroyed 6 small and medium -sized cities, and directly lost 800 million gold coins.

After this battle, the economic system in the “world”

in Japan was severely hit, but in order to maintain the enthusiasm of Japanese players, the board of directors of the “Second World”

was determined that the Japanese side was greatly integrated into funds. There is no limit on the amount, but one percent of all the exchange amount must be compensated as a war on the Chinese war. I personally think that this decision is completely correct. On the surface, this gives Japan the opportunity to come back in Dongshan, Japan, which is very unfair to players in other countries, but using games to consume a large amount of realistic funds from Japanese people, and at the same time involved other development of their development. Plan, and we can also get war compensation from it. It can be described as a stone number. I really don’t know who came up with such a sinister plan … but I like it! Even if Japan understands this, with their arrogance, with the self -care in terms of funds, it should not care. They must not be able to swallow this breath. They do not give them the opportunity to turn their books. When they are mad, they will do something that is not good for us. After all, the war factors in reality are not mature. Compared with the objective reports of the World Newspaper, the Yanhuang Pao of Yanhuang City is not so polite. This real victory this time is also the first time we have played in a certain field. I ca n’t find the reason for covering up, and the facts are so clearly in front of them. The first edition is my large “jade photo”.

Xueer who made them joked at me. Of course, I still have to find it. After the fierce war, men most need women to restore their hearts. Fear of fear, fear , Killing and other negative emotions. At this time, there are only men and women in the world, yin and yang, everything outside has nothing to do with us. At this time, I am with Xueer, baby, mood, Xiangzi four obedient wives to enjoy After passing the tranquility after passion, listening to them saying intimate love. This time I greeted them with Xiao Mao in advance, and no one should disturb the “conversation”

of our husband and wife. I was afraid of them, so I told them beforehand and promised N to be unequal. I am here. I am here. The boss is hard enough. Finally, these guys gave me some face and spared me, but they still had to drink together at night. Today, Yanhuang City has a celebration show overnight at night. One is the celebration of the National Day. On the festival, all Chinese festivals, the second is the comprehensive victory of the eastward and defense. As a hero, I will naturally be present, and my good wives can naturally not be less. But resolutely decided to join, and everyone agreed that, in fact, it is not the way to escape. No matter what kind of difficulties, we always face it. At least our magic palace has accepted her up and down. In fact, I worry about it. Although there is no report in the World Newspaper, the Yanhuang Pao focuses on the front and back of Xiangzi in the most dangerous time. As a result, Xiangzi was almost more popular than me. Meimei envy the classic foreign love between us, and the brothers envy my blessing, saying that I have glory for Chinese men. Such a good woman is the most suitable for us Chinese. To be honest, in the past ten years, the proportion of Chinese men to marry Chinese women and Japanese men is still 1:80. My “feat”

naturally gave us a Chinese man. (Absolutely real —— once I went to the airport to take my classmates home. When I came back, I took the airport line. A super beauty on the door was holding a cute three or four-year-old children. Typical, looking at a fluent Japanese at the age of 25, the opening is a fluent Japanese. At that time, I thought, I do n’t know which brother is so capable, and I can get such a beautiful Japanese girl. Unfortunately, after a while, the beauty answered a phone call, and the talk was the talk. The more fluent “local Chinese”

——– Where is the soil dialect? The short Japanese man, and then the two were intimate, and at the position next to me, the disgusting I changed my position quickly. Depressed! Intersection Intersection . Yanhuang Pao focuses on my British famous decision -making and invincible personal strength, instead of illegal entry. They are basically a script of apple incense. At the end of the real meaning of this proposal, everyone conducted an analysis of “carefully”

, “thoroughly”

, “comprehensive”

, and finally summarized was a beautiful hero. After I watched it, I couldn’t cry and laugh. I didn’t know that I thought that the sound of Bai Xiao was my little sister. Such an obvious personal worship! . The wives are naturally a coquettish, saying that I am attentive and the conscience of the world, saying that I used to recognize it before, after all, the facts are there, but now I am a big beauty like Feiyun. If you replace it early …, declare in advance, it is not my brother, there is no “strength”

, but that the emotion is a heavy responsibility, so that I dare not casually do as before. However, the report of the Yan Huang Pao turned out to be more popular than the world newspaper’s more detailed digital information. It seems that the reason why the street tabloids can survive, and the living and tastefulness is the extensive curiosity of human beings. Of course, Yan Huang Bao also has an exclusive information about me, which is to reveal the secret of my strength ——- Super Artifact —— Zhenlong! Super artifacts are not systematically stipulated. It is the name given by everyone based on the power of general artifacts. I heard that this artifact can also be in the top three in the world’s artifact rankings (this is the official information, including appearing, including appearing, including appearing And all the artifacts that have not appeared), but the disadvantages of this terrorist destruction skills are also obvious. With a two -level, no one dares to use it, but it should not be used, but it does not add this destruction skills. It is amazing, especially the potential is unlimited. After exclusive secrets, “Renlongheyi”

is the lowest -level artifact skill. Its great power deserves all “world fans”

expect! The Japan World News also reported a small space for this battle. For the loss, the Japanese could not afford the person, but the Japanese nationals have risen and desperately level them. Essence Failure always has a scapegoat. Although the westward march led by the Ministry of Services is not as expected, it is the only thing that can be called compared to the domestic defeat. The main belly of the host became a scapegoat. This guy was also a bachelor. At the Ninja Conference, the ninja faced by the ninja kept suicide, until zero, but this move greatly improved the morale of the nationality. Everyone also forgive him, so that he then sat down the leader’s position again, and the Japanese admired him even more. This was a later word. Japanese people can only call mistakes, and what failure is nonsense is the mother of success. The United States reported that the war was reported. For Japanese love dogs who did not listen to them, they warned the Japanese. Only by faithfully relying on the United States of America can we resist strong Chinese attacks and be able to stand on the earth. According to India, saying that China’s great victory, Japan has withdrawn from the historical stage.

Asian hegemon can only be produced between India and China.

Of course, it is indispensable to tout it, but some words are still annoying.

Compared with our weaknesses, they are obviously that the Asian boss should be them, and China will go to the Japanese in the morning and evening.

Damn India Aisan, after this period of time, is setting up a account with you.

Japan will not be able to come up for a while and a half.

The next thing will take you the surgery, I hate curry!

The Egyptian newspaper, the oldest nation on the planet, praise the glory of history is infinite.

Congratulations to the victory of Chinese players in the second civilization of the second civilization.

It is said that they have already appeared in a 79 -level senior player in China.

At the same time, he invited the player’s soul -eater, hoping that he could come to the same ancient Egyptian tour to be an ambassador for ancient culture.

For this invitation, to be honest, it has the older culture, mysterious pyramids, lion -sides, mummy, and so on.

I have extremely interesting interests.

However, everything is settled in the affairs, otherwise Xiaomao will say that I will squeeze the workers.

According to the German newspaper, the decisive battle of the Asian dominer ended with the victory of Chinese players, and Japan withdrew from the “World”

stage. The British newspaper, the Japanese ’s great intention made them pay a heavy price, and the player eater, the legendary character in this” world "

continued his glorious journey. The Russian News congratulated the allies’ victory. The Japanese were not self -measured and could only guide the past that the past each other. To be honest, I do n’t know if there is any fun in Russia, but the Russian beauty is very famous, but I think my wives will not let me look at the beauty boring. South Korea reports that Japan’s failure is inevitable. Asia is Asians of Asians, congratulations to the National Day of the People’s Republic of China and the victory of the east. South Korea, you can go to play when you have time, there are a lot of beauties, but there are nine fakes in ten … … I have an appetite. … … Shang League, Qingqing apple incense, never dying. “Fork, the old Tzu was born and died, and the benefits all made the soul -eating boy fishing alone!”

The newspaper fell heavily on the ground. After looking at Qingqing apple incense, I found that he had no response, and said angrily. “You said, there are still strange us to rescue in a timely manner. Hum, if it wasn’t for us to save him, how can he be so beautiful now, now it is good, and the sin is pushed to us. If you, maybe you can get greater results! "

“Unbelievable brother, calm, there is nothing big. People are now a national hero. After all, people’s contributions are placed on the face. What we have done? Besides, the Chinese just like to engage in personal worship. We are not suitable for conflict with him now. You also see the power of that trick. It is not what you and I can eat. ! "

Qingqing apple fragrance drank a bite of the best gold wine, leisurely, it seemed that everything happened like him. “Do we just let him make it like this and go on like this. In the future, we can only look at his face. You have not seen the idea of compromising the soft eggs illegally in the country!”

dissatisfied. “Slightly impatient, things are not so simple, let him be proud for a while, sooner or later we have to give a great gift.”

In Qingqing’s self -confidence words, he showed his plan. Suddenly, I was anxious and irritable just now, and suddenly sat back on the chair, took a small mouthful of wine, and said faintly,

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