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Chapter_18 “So, Brother Apple already has a measure!”

“Haha, how can I conceal it!”

“I hope to give him a fierce blow, it is best to let him never turn over.”

“Can’t eat hot tofu, take it slowly.”

“Soul Eater seems to have no hatred with his brothers, and people have returned your necklace to you. Generally speaking, it is gratitude to you.”

As soon as the endless complexion changed, the topic was shifted immediately “Oh, the wine produced on the first floor is really good!”

“^Haha, let’s do a glass!”

Qingqing apple incense naturally won’t be stupid enough to entangle on this issue, making full use of every chess piece in his hand is his principle. At this time, the curtain was slightly shaking, and a sloppy figure flashed away. Text Hundred Eleven Feelings Updated: 2007-5-19 15:29:00 Number of chapters: 4597 The celebration banquet at night is really lively. All members of the Magic Palace have arrived. As the boss, I still have to come to a few words of inspiring people. I never expected that I had such a day, and at the beginning, I was still preparing a speech that Xiao Mao was prepared. Xiao Mao said that all the “leaders”

were like this. When things were coming, I didn’t know how to be inspired. “Brothers and sisters, the Demon Palace has been established to the present, and has experienced a lot of ups and downs, but we still stand up and flourish. Here, I will not be ridiculous. By the way, there is no magic palace today! Let’s drink and celebrate! "

The next hospitality can not be described in language. After so long, everyone can finally take a good rest and enjoy it. Normally friends, brothers, and lovers take this opportunity to talk about it. At this time, men even more. The show of pride, women are more charming and touching, everything is so beautiful, all of which originated from our victory! Intersection Intersection I was hardly poured by my brothers, and I couldn’t tell the southeast and northwest in the end. It was really confused! In the end, Xueer was in love with me, and the guy who had fallen under the well was willing to let me go, wow, bullying me. In their words, it is always bad to fight, and let them win once. I dizzy, but I recognized it, no matter how strong, I couldn’t hold more people, not to mention that my alcohol was clear, a cup fell! Wake up alcohol, I, Xueer, mood, baby, fragrant, love, stroll in Yanyan City together. Now there are lights everywhere, although pedestrians who come and go are not far from the point where they should shoulders, they are not far away. The atmosphere infected everyone. Due to too much personnel, novice villages and lower levels of leveling points in the nearby level, such as Ban Beast Mountain have been “requisitioned”

, all monsters are cleaned up, replaced with various festive utensils, and duty staff still adhere to their posts. It is dangerous to deal with some emergencies and clear the newly brushed monsters, otherwise those who only have a number of you are in danger. The poor monsters couldn’t even go back. The celebration of the whole country has held unique celebration programs. Of course, the center of joy is naturally our Magic Palace. The opening ceremony is my signal with my “Shenglong”.

A mighty dragon rises to the sky, and the shocking dragon yin has revealed that countless human beings cannot express, dragons. , A dragon’s heir! The entire large -scale celebration began. All foods are free, provided by war funds, you can enjoy it. Love likes this lively atmosphere, a person jumps at the forefront, and the joyful look is even jealous. People, I hope to grow up when they are young, because they feel that they can get more. When they grow up, they think of the bits and pieces in life and feel that they were the happiest and carefree when they were young. There is a book called Siege, which has a wonderful description of love. “The people inside want to go out, and the people outside want to come in.”

In fact, life is the same. People will never know what they want. At the same time, it will be lost. Cherish the one in front of you is the most correct! “Husband, it’s really lively.”

Baby also likes lively people. He has a pair of live treasures with love. The whole magic palace is not afraid of them. “Yeah, so many days of hard work is worth it.”

I can imagine that we are celebrating, and the opposite tragic situation in Japan. “Huh, people don’t see such interesting things, you don’t let people go!”

“Baby, my husband is afraid that you will be bullied, and we are very dangerous when we go.”

… Woohoo still feels good. “People know, deliberately anger him, who knows if he wants to secretly go to what four fairy!”

I dizzy, the conscience of the heavens and the earth, I didn’t think about it. I forgot it if you didn’t mention it. “Who knows, people say that the family is not as good as wild flowers, what do you say, husband?”

Xueer glanced at me charmingly. Getting rid of the young girl’s greenness, adding the charm of mature women, is simply the incarnation of the goddess. I was dizzy, and Xueer came to make fun. Now it is an ambush on three sides, and there is a gap in Xiangzi. The only way to live, I flash! “You have to learn more with Xiangzi. You see how trust me. My wife is a peerless beauty. You have to be confident, how can wild flowers be on!”

“Husband, I am a strongist. Sister Xue explained that my task is to look at you, but don’t blame us to explain in advance!”

You look like a big wolf. Khan … The original “gap”

is a trap, so dangerous! We tried to hide the traces along the way. I didn’t dare to wear a king’s suit at all. I just found an inconspicuous mage suit. They were also Xueer, but their beauty was unstoppable. We were recognized. Can’t run, now it’s when everyone is the most enthusiastic. I can imagine the treatment I suffered. We were “surrounded”.

After being pulled and lively for a while, I was let go. It was amazing. It was also very hard to become famous. If it wasn’t for Xueer, they were next to them. It was scared that I wanted to run away with the scroll, which was more horrible than BOSS. Probably this enthusiasm has to be maintained for a while, I am careful. As soon as we got rid of everyone, we ran away immediately, and we couldn’t stand the enthusiasm. We walked to the edge of Yanhuang City. There were fewer people here. Most of them were walking here. We are also one of them. Remarks. One man, more women, one woman and more male, but we are not close to our group. Although it cannot take the mainstream, it is absolutely very common. , The whole lady army. However, it is unique as us like us. It may usually attract the attention of men and women, but at this time, it is the most beautiful in the eyes of the lover. If you think about it, the light is dark, but you do n’t have five fingers in your hands. The environment is beautiful. It ’s really a good place to talk about love. Suddenly, it seems that you have never accompanied your wife to disperse your heart. I used to be busy, or busy, … it was my negligence. The noise in the distance is in sharp contrast to the quiet formation here. I feel that everything is so beautiful, and the hazy moonlight adds emotional … ###### It is a wonderful day in the morning. Today is National Day. The celebration is still continuing. It is precisely that it has just reached the climax, but the campus is still relatively quiet. Most of them go home. Dad, my mother, the travel is not returning, I don’t want to make a light bulb to disturb their two -person world. In fact, I can’t find them if I want to find them … Go home? Forget it, it seems that a group of old men look like a group of old men, it will reduce life! Xueer, baby, they have to accompany me, but I was rushed back by me. Since I followed me, they basically did not touch my family. If you are on vacation, you should accompany your parents. grown ups. Now I finally have a personal capital. Buy some grades of gifts. Although I know they do n’t care about this, it is my mind anyway. The baby’s parents are so good to me, and I just treat me as my son -in -law, but they always think that I will choose one from Xueer and the baby … this is more difficult to do, let alone two more than two more than two more than two. Personally. Xueer’s parents are more “open”.

I haven’t asked our affairs at all, but I will treat I want to treat Cher well, otherwise they will not let go. Cher’s position in my heart is definitely the highest, and I will not let anyone hurt her. For my family history, I now understand that although the old man is more taboo, it is more or less exposed. They don’t want me to be confused by foreign objects, so I have been hiding from me. Actually, I really don’t treat these things. I care about it, but in order to add some chips in front of their parents, I have to fake fakes. Adults are always more realistic. Love with the ability to match and sufficient family background, they have nothing to worry about.

Of course, one thing is that I am afraid that I am too much.

All of me is beautiful.

Xueer’s mother told Xueer.

If you really love me, you must bear it, but if you feel too tired, it is better to break early, saving will be more harmful in the future.

Speaking of which, I can be scared enough, mother -in -law, mother -in -law, why don’t you teach some three and four virtues, miserable, I asked Cher nervously how to answer, Xueer was silent for a while, leaned in my arms, there was no no in my arms, no, no, no Women like their lover, just like no man likes his wife Hong apricot out of the wall.

It may be owed you in the previous life.

I do n’t know what to say, I can only hug her tightly.

At that time, I said, who would catch up with me, people blocked the killing, and the Buddha blocked the Buddha.

Seeing my face, Xueer laughed, saying that people were captured by your inadvertent domineering and countless mysteries.

This life is yours.

When I was excited, I silently said that in this life, the next life is still!

The baby is very satisfied with the current life.

She likes everyone’s life together, and feels so happy.

Jealousy is an unknown thing for her.

I hope she will never understand.

I didn’t go there in the mood.

She said that there was a rule in the family.

When appropriate, she would arrange it.

The power transformation, the strength of the mood has risen, and go back to make the sisters envy to death.

Seeing that I looked at my face, I knew that I didn’t think about good things.

I brought me a “掐”

of a warning world. The situation in my mood was relatively special. In the case, she dare not say the same family in her ten or nine. I still have confidence in this. If I ca n’t protect my own woman, do n’t be a man. I will solve this problem at the right time. As for Xiangzi, there seems to be no problem for the time being. His father heard her about her, and she had cut off her father -daughter relationship. Of course, it was considered from political factors. He couldn’t now, and threw away everything related to Xiangzi. Xiangzi also has no feelings for this cold family. It seems that the death of Xiangzi’s mother is also related to her father. Don’t mention sad things. Leaving it is a relief for Xiangzi. When talking about this, Xiangzi was lying in my arms charmingly, and that look told me that everything she had given me. Among my four women, Xiangzi gave me the most. I can only use more with more Come and love her. During the eleventh period, I gave Xueer, baby, and they had long leave. During this period, only Xiangzi matched me, double experience, I can use it well, already 79 levels. If you do n’t work hard, you will be overtaken sooner or later. It happens to have a time to get along with Xiangzi. There is something that is worthy of happiness. Mr. “Dog”

, who is unlucky, returned to China. I don’t know if it is because of a bad defeat or going back to treat his impotence that will never be treated well. In short I always shake in China, I have to pay attention to him, even the beauty, man … Two Dong Iron Brothers have also come to visit me. In October, their brothers had to go back to their lives. I originally wanted me to go back with them. I said that I would like to thank my family, but I still declined. It is that kind of occasion, which is relatively uncomfortable. Of course, I ca n’t say that. I ’m busy pushing away with my girlfriend. They also know that I am a blessing, Li Jianmin is a bachelor, and Li Dongtie’ s female friends are many. Li Zi, Liangzi, fan, also have to go home, especially fans. After this period of time, they have greatly improved. Going back can make the family happy. Of course, we will inevitably extort a bit of Shandong specialty. Originally, I wanted Li Zi to go to the four fairy dating with me, and our sisters were also inside. It should not be blame, but strange, Li Zi did not agree, and we touched his head. Burned, if he did not let him go before, he had to be desperate, but now he is good, and give up the initiative. Where is this? It was still Ryoko revealed the “inside story”.

“You don’t know. Since Li Zi has blocked a blow for the boss, people are now synonymous with real men. They all say that marrying such a man must be happy in his life. Beautiful, ugly, everything, Li Zi is now a celebrity. "

I said, but I ca n’t see it for their own experience. I can only see that the four fairy can only look at it. It ’s better to go with the beautiful people who worship them. It seems that I want to have a single knife to go to the meeting, I hope it is not the Hongmen Banquet ~~~ Text Hundred Twelve Twelve, you chase me Updated: 2007-5-19 15:29:00 Number of chapters: 3310 During the National Day, experience doubles. At the same time, the system gives rewards for players who have risen most experienced in these seven days-pet upgrades of pets are not experience levels, but class 8 can be upgraded to level nine holy pets. This reward is a gospel for senior players who have entered the bottleneck stage. It can be imagined that the hierarchy during this time, coupled with the excitement brought by the East Expedition, needs to be vent. Essence Since the invitation of the four fairy was relatively vague, did not say the specific time, and this time was busy, so I could drag it, maybe they just talk about it, saying that the woman’s idea has changed faster, saying that There will be variables. The long -awaited business alliance we planned to be held during the 11th period, but now it seems that it is not good. Everyone is busy leveling, and the interest in other things will be greatly reduced. Sometimes the unfavorable conditions can also be favorable. It depends on how we use it. After discussion, we are ready to put the “Shanglian”

establishment time on October 8th and take the opportunity to make a series of publicity activities. The establishment of the Shanglian officially integrates the business activities of the entire Yanhuang City. Our Demon Palace and Magic Research Institute, appraisalist union, alchemyist union, guilds outside the Magic Palace, and some friendly urban guilds, together On the first floor of the world, there are special stores, the best retail stores, super -large free trade zones, consulting service centers, appraisal centers, smelting centers, auction houses, and new gaming centers. Of course, the public security committee that maintains order is essential Less. In order to set up early establishment of “Shanglian”

, some activities and discounts were launched on the day of the establishment of the establishment. The most noticeable is naturally the world’s first challenge and the list of god soldiers. The first challenge in the world, adopting the elimination system, can participate in all players with a combat effectiveness of 10,000. Because the strength of the soul -elixir is obvious to all, they will directly participate in the finals. As the challenger, the champion of the challenger will receive 1 million gold coins and The opportunity to challenge the demon king’s soul, second, third, the third is divided into 500,000 gold coins and 200,000 gold coins. In fact, the money is second. It can only be regarded as a lottery. Before they really play against each other, no one thinks that they are worse than others, that is, it is not the first in the world. It is also good to get a second and third. There is no first, Wu Wu is the second, and the reputation is always the hottest! What a glorious thing in the world is the first in the world, how glorious this is, it can make all players crazy. As for the challenge, no one is arrogant. In fact, sometimes everyone talks about the masters’s I have excluded me outside, as if I am a master -level figure. I do n’t need to participate in such a small thing for fame and fortune. Of course, not all think so, at least illegal entry, clear apple fragrance, love Shiner, desperate three wolves and others still have the strength to fight with me, and they are looking for a way to defeat me, especially illegal entry, especially illegal entry. It is already 76th, and I am only level 5 before me. If it wasn’t for the appearance of “True Dragon”

, he squeezed his “Fire God Lantern”

steadily, which can really cause me some trouble. (Latest level list, 1 level of 1 soul -eater; 2 illegal entry 76; 3 Love Senior Ruoluo level 75; 4 Qingqing apple incense 74th level; 5 flying cloud level 74; 6 eternal ancient magician level 74; 7 pigs 74; 7 pigs Three Prince 74; 8 killer Spring and Autumn 74th level; 9 clown horns 74; 10 Qingtianbi Sea 74. See how much experience is the same) The God Bing Ranking is another well -known opportunity. In addition to the use of God soldiers, the biggest role is to show off. This is the common sense of human beings. You can also improve your name in the refinery industry. My blood-stuffed sword, and the mood of the jasper to play the dragon, should also be able to get a ranking. Now all the five major professions have the top soldiers, and they are generally between 2—– 5 In addition to the soldiers, the Dragon Knife is still the only independent seedling in the hands of the mood. In addition, the newcomer king challenge is held. All players who joined in September can participate, the championship prize 500,000 gold coins, giving novices a stage played. At the same time, there are many discounts during this period, such as free identification, 20 % off the auction fees in the auction area, and a large number of boutique equipment for cheap sale, including many Japanese equipment. At the same time, a strange treasures are held, and everyone will have the opportunity to see the style of the artifact! The righteousness of words and rules, naturally Xiaomao went to Zhang Luo.

Of course, my task was leveling.

Xiaomao was very “dissatisfied”

about my recent progress. Recently, the voices of illegal entry are very high. After all, he is the person who has the most powerful challenge to me, and it is 76. Everyone also hopes that the competition of the world’s first master is a bit suspense. … No, if you do n’t work hard, you will be surpassed. I can already imagine the illegal entry of seven days. Level! Level! Intersection Level again! Intersection Intersection … Where is the question? Xiangzi and I decided to turn around everywhere, and at the same time, it was also a tour with Kaizi. … Chinese and Japanese are different. Chinese monsters are naturally different from Japanese monsters. The green wild forest we went first, the scenery there is the best, but as soon as we go, we are dumbfounded, obediently, so many people, I find that every brush point is waiting for n individuals, a monster showed up with a monster showed up. Immediately drowning in the ocean of attack, I really don’t know where so many people came out. We continue to move towards the high -level leveling area inside, and there may be fewer people in it. Unfortunately, the facts prove that I am wrong. When we rush into the boss’s brush point, we find that the brush points are all high -level players around the brush point. Squatting there, just then a BOSS brushed out, a group of people rushed over crazy, and under the blow of the wind and rain, the poor boss went like this. fear! Xiangzi and I watched this situation in a dumbfound. There was no way. I could only change the place. I don’t want to report the headlines of the newspaper headline tomorrow. Essence We walked around and found a cruel fact, that is, where the situation is the same, all are full of people, and even low -level leveling points are people. sweat…… We Chinese just like to make fun, and I have nowhere to go to Xiangzi. “Dad, how did you come back?”

The love who was playing chess with Xiao Zi, recently loved, but he did not dare to eat chess pieces in the tuning of Xiaozi. … Maybe there are any good levels of love. “Love, do you know where there are fresh and fun places, it is best to be the kind of no one?”

“No one is fun?”

Love thought about it crooked her neck, that appearance was cute, really a strange baby. “Stinky little purple, you secretly eat chess pieces, punish you for 3 days, don’t eat!”

Xiao Zi’s eyes flickered innocent, and he looked at me tears, and the purple scales on his body shook. faint. ah! Love was frightened with a slap. “I know a strange place, dad, I’ll take you!”

After speaking, I took me and Xiangzi, and there was a door of space in front of us, and we got in. ###### What a beauty! In front of our eyes is a beautiful fairy mountain, shrouded in smoke, there are colorful light on the top of the mountain, all kinds of strange flowers and strange plants, and fighting. … The key is that no one is, it is a great leveling point. “Dad, I’m going back, you play slowly, Xiao Zi is too disobedient, and even if you have an old problem, I have to teach it well!”

After speaking, jumping disappeared … Strange daughter. Xiangzi and I smiled and started a journey of Xianshan. The foot of the mountain is dominated by the flower demon, all of which are beautiful and unusual, but the big mouth in the heart of the flower destroys the romantic atmosphere. Flower demon, level 50, good at attacking gas and poisonous needles, not to move. If you remove the big mouth and sharp teeth, you can consider making a few pots at the door. It ’s really sending vegetables. People and dragons are united. Without magic, it is really happy to use martial arts. It looks really tender. When I look at the experience, I ca n’t be obedient. The experience of level 50 monsters is four times that of usual. This is developed! Baby daughter, love you, why don’t you say such a good place! Xiangzi was also surprised, four times experience, too exaggerated! In this time, there should be no problem with the upgrade during this time, and the monsters here are surprisingly good, the environment is also good, there is really a misty mood, I like it! Looking at Xiangzi’s red face, it is really beautiful. I look at me with a lot of heart, … No one here, is it …, hehehe. Ouch. For a fork, while I was in my mind, I was “fork”

by the flower demon next to me. The abominable big mouth seemed to be ridiculed my spring dream. If you do n’t hit a place, I kill, kill, kill! Look at my spicy hand to urge flowers! Text Hundred Thirteen Love New Dealo Updated: 2007-5-19 15:29:00 Number of chapters: 5693 “Husband, why did you look at me just now?”

Xiangzi asked naughtyly. When only the two of us were, she seemed to be more lively, and there were much more words. Astonishing. “What, what color is it? Monad wolves, where, where, I went to catch him.”

I pretended to be shocked. “Far in the sky, near you!”

“No, your husband, I have a pair of upright and selfless electric eyes!”

Xiangzi smiled and didn’t answer, but his eyes clearly told me that the owner didn’t believe it. Hum, dare not believe the sacrament of this adult, look at the move! I rushed to Xiangzi fiercely, and Xiangzi was like a frightened little rabbit, and suddenly avoided the clumsy big gray wolf. The two of us were happy, and the bushes in front shaking. murderous look! Intersection Intersection I was shocked with Xiangzi. Is it because the boss came out? No, this is the foot of the mountain! Finally, a jerky figure was turned out of the woods, and one after another, approaching us, and a cold wind, I quickly moved away, shocked a cold sweat, obedient, what monster was so scary, what kind of monster was so scary, “Monster”

is in front of us in an instant, … flexible like a squirrel. Halo is love for new decisions! Intersection Intersection He seemed to be surprised to see us, obviously treating us as a monster, or I said first, “Brother Cubo, fortunately, fortunately, I did not expect to meet my old friends here!”

“Where, where is the elder brother who is galloping, and there is beauty. Just now, it’ s a younger brother reckless. He shot a arrow without seeing it. As if everything is mastering. … The guy of Gu Fang, the attitude of apology should be better! "

For the first time, please take care of it!” Xiangzi is also shocked by the handsomeness of the person in front of him. If you add a pair of white wings, it is probably almost the same as the angel … but it seems that he is a bit arrogant. Essence "

Hello, huh.” Izhuan Rolo is still a little bit of the beauty of Xiangzi, but I didn’t pay much attention, but turned to ask me. "

I thought I only knew Wushan, but I didn’t expect my brother to know!” Wushan, probably this mountain, right, "

Oh, I have come for the first time, and the specific situation is not clear." "

This is called Wushan, which is a different space. It will appear one to seven days a month. After appearing once, it will disappear. The position will move immediately. During this time, the level of leveling experience will double here. It is a practice. It is a practice. The preferential place at the level, but every time the entrance is an S -class task, I just come for the second time. " It turns out, no wonder. "

The monsters here are more tender, the physical defense is weak, it is very comfortable to kill, and more experience. It is definitely a level of leveling, that is, the task of this entry is not easy to find!" What can I say, do I say that I have an omnipotent virtual daughter, naturally follow the wind, "

Yeah, there are so many scary people now. People who go to chat are more leveling. This is really paradise. Unfortunately, we have a limited time here." "

Oh, Brother Soul Eater, it is good to be able to come. We are already very lucky. How about, do we group?" Ah, he even proposed a team, but it surprised me, but it didn’t matter. Although it broke our two -person world, it was better to understand this mysterious character, not to mention that he had been here once, anyway, it can be considered a guide. Essence The three of us team started to level up. … As for understanding what is the super bow archer, there are 8 flower monsters next to us. I have n’t started with Xiangzi. Several flower demon mouth didn’t open, let alone the opening remarks, just hung back again. I watched and Xiangzi stunned. Although the mage’s large -scale magic is also amazing, but without such accuracy, the soldiers need not say that Xiangzi’s ninja dart is far away. That is, the tiger people are still together. There is no accurate head. With his help, he has a lot of help, and the three people team experience more. I am more embarrassing and the level is cheap. Deep inward, the flower demon gradually became less, and the shrubs began to become more.

Suddenly the two mesh -shaped things fell from the air.

It was given to me that time, and this was what I discovered.

When Long was in the air, he could destroy anything that blocked him.

The other was shot by the arrow of Xinjun Luo in the air, and then exploded.

It was too agile.

Aixin Jue Luo looked at the dragon on my body dullly.

The eyes seemed to look at the lover.

Note that it was not to look at me, but to look at the dragon, and I seemed to be air.

“Is this the harmony of Renlong?”

“Oh, tips, which can improve the capabilities of the warrior.”

“Have you heard of the top ten stunt in the Central Plains?”

“Top ten stunts? Haven’t heard of it?”

There are armed weapons, I have never heard of there is still exclusive skills, but now there are more self -made skills. It is possible to add some hidden skills. “The original hearing it!”

“The top three are the signature skills of Brother Soul Eater, 1. Dragon Angry the world during the East Expedition. This horrible suicide skills and its power make anyone chill. You think about how the deterrence of a person with a small nuclear bomb at any time to others. 2. The dream skills of all killers instantly, whether the attack or defense is perfect, although the movement distance is not long, it is enough to save their lives. 3. The skill of the man dragon combined with the artifact, from an artifact —— Zhenlong, summon the beast attached to the artifact to fit the owner. The power is related to the level of the beast and the level of the owner. There is no more advanced creature than the eight -claw gold dragon, and the potential and evolution of such artifacts are amazing. 4. The skills of the extended artifacts of the Fire Dragon Cavaliers are derived from the artifact —— the fire god lamp. The owner’s illegal entry is just enhanced the level of the flying dragon, making its strength rise, and the flame attack and fire shield defense of the whole body. amazing. 5. Jasper Turlus Dragon Bo super attack skills, with the most sharp lethality, originated from the sword slaughter dragon, the owner’s mood, the fantasy skills of the samurai. 6. Blasting Phantom’s heart arrow originated from the god soldiers’ phantom god bow. The owner loves Senior Reno. It has explosive arrows with anti -defense function. The lethality and speed are amazing. All angles. 7. The mantra of the fire is derived from the dense object —— The fire is magic book. Card techniques, there are more horrible skills in it require higher levels and enlightenment requirements. 8. Xuankong kills secrets, the owner Qingqing apple fragrance, the attribute is confidential. 9. The fatal blow originated from the ultimate soldier of the thief-the temptation of death, the owner, never die, to sacrifice the defense to instantly increase the attack, and with the dark magic of the dark The fatal effect, and the opposite of the general nirvana sound, is the opposite of the sound of nirvana. This trick except for amazing power, and quietly, it is an excellent skill of assassination. 10. Fenghua Xueyue Rose Formation originated from the magic-Rose, the owner is fascinated, and uses the circular offensive and defensive formation composed of rose petals under the magic cloth. Any attack in the formation will be attacked by the petals. At this time Under the blessing of artifacts, it is as horrible and gorgeous as a flying knife! "

How is it, what do you think?” Looking at Aixin Reno’s face, I was a little bit embarrassed, I felt? Nothing to feel? … but how to expose the stunts like this, there is no perfect move. Once someone else knows clearly, it will be hit by the weak point. Confidential, dizzy. Forget it, fortunately, my skills are not afraid of others, and it is not so easy for me. "

What is that rose, it seems that I have never heard of it?" "

I also knew it. I heard that it was obtained by the fascination of the color list. It was a set. What was called a rose suit? It was red and dazzling. —– Rose, it is said that it is a crystal rose flower. sweat…… But I think that fancy wind flower and snowy moon rose array is enough to prevent his abnormal attack power, hoping that it is not a spicy man. At this time, there were a few vines attacked by us, and there were still two types of earth and air. This guy was more annoying. When he was in action, he was silent, and he liked to engage in raids. Tengmao, level 55, can sneak into the ground attack, or hang it on a tree, attack from the air, and want to move the chaotic pile that can move. After living in the prey, it will be enjoyed by the beach, it looks … very disgusting. Although these vines are not very popular, the experience is still considerable, and we have received them “in trouble”.

We played monsters while walking, and the crisp sound of Xiangzi added some vitality and popularity to this pure forest, and I carefully carefully and “beautiful”

men who love Shinjin Rolo. Like watching, such perfect people are really rare. …… Being obediently, what’s wrong with me, it would be miserable by him! Intersection Intersection Although Aixin Corolla on the side kept shooting a fatal bow and arrow, it seemed to find that I was observing him, and my face turned red. I was dumb, and I forgot to say it. Aixin Corolla seemed to have found an awkward atmosphere, coughing, and awakened our two speculators who were intoxicated by “beauty”.

In order to cover up, I quickly regarded the bald zombies that had just crawled out of the ground as a target. I could have easily solved it so that I used the “Manchu Ten Ten Torture”

, and the bald zombie was hung up. And look at me with grievances. The zombies here are probably believed in Buddhism. Not only do you keep clean, shiny bald heads, but also wearing red crickets, it is a new one. I haven’t taken a bath year. This kind of zombie level 60 can spray corpse, in fact, it is green poison, the claws are special, physical attacks are fierce, and the speed is fast. Each time I hit a hole in the ground, there are seven or eight at a time. We practice. The jungle is the paradise of the archer. Although I have never been to his elf garden, you can guess that it is a beautiful place like himself. I am more direct. The attack of these monsters will not have any effect on me, and my dragon gas has an additional effect on the attack of undead creatures, and the zombies are more afraid. I kill, kill, kill! Looking at the experience value on the experience strip, it is really “cool”

in my heart. Xiangzi kills very strongly. Although it is not as calm as the new Renozi, it is as elegant as an elf, but it is not comparable to the new Decord Ronaldo, that is, the beautiful figure of the beautiful woman! The perfect body is revealed from all angles in the process of killing monsters. How can he be unhappy when you think that he is a man with this beauty? … Although I was cheap by Aixin Jue Luo, the man’s husband, we don’t care about this. Strangely, why didn’t he take his beauty today? “Brother Cubo, why are you alone today? What about your red powder legion?”

As soon as my words came out, Aixin Jue Luo responded lightly, “They all have their own things, and I have said it many times. They have nothing to do with me. If Brother Soul Eater likes, I can introduce you.”

forget it…… However, you can consider introducing the single brothers in the meeting to help everyone solve the marriage of marriage. It is also a great achievement! In fact, I think that as long as there is a “wife”

, these guys will converge and save my troubles all day, hehe. Ah ~ Aixin Cubo screamed suddenly at a sharp scream, and this guy jumped away from the tree with a high unimaginable human beings. Snake demon! Intersection Intersection Level 70, good at ice magic, poisonous gas, physical attack, fast speed, more than 3 meters long, thick bowl mouth, seven inch places still have flesh wings, and the mouth keeps making fine sounds. People are numb. While Aixin Jue Luo retired, he quickly shot three arrows! Halo, it was shot, and a arrow was even more outrageous. It turned out to be shot in the air. Is it so terrible? Although Xiangzi is a woman, there is no response to this kind of crawler. She rushed up with the ninja knife. The 71 -level ninja chopped it around. Seeing me looked at him strangely, Aixin Corolla was a little embarrassed. “Oh, I don’t know what, I am naturally disgusted with this smooth and cold creature. Every time I see it, I dizzy and angry!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, people like Brother Cubo, who likes beautiful creatures should be, the snake, I look at the scalp.”

The snake demon on the road is solved by me and Xiangzi. My dragon fighting and me is also very cool. Originally, the ordinary Xiangkong kill. After adding the increase of the dragon gas, it really feels like a dragon in nine days, let alone the power. It’s right. I met a snake demon king, but it added a little trouble to us.

My dragon gas was born to restrain this snake, but this snake demon king is still very good.

The snake dealt with it and burned it for a long time before solving the damn guy.

There are 20,000 experience, which is really considerable.

In addition, the potion and equipment that has been violent is enough.

It is enough to pick the magic equipment slightly.

We will continue to the road.

Some things are not in my eyes, and I also think that good things are getting more and more difficult now.

It is probably that everyone has a higher level.

Decent monsters can reveal unexpected good things.

It is really happy to be smashed by the pie falling from the sky!

Then we found that the road in front of us was not stunned, a super huge cobweb seal the entire intersection!

“Brother Cubo, do you have this when you came last time?”

“After I met the snake demon last time, I returned, and I practiced for a while.”

Halo, have personality ~! This clue is so thick, almost the same as our arm. At this time, a super horror spider monster appeared at the end of the clues. This time it was called incense, and it jumped behind me all at once. “Wife, when is the courage to be so small!”

Seeing me seemed to laugh. Xiangzi hammered a few times, “Huh, people are afraid of insects, spiders, and crickets that are afraid of legs. "

We don’t look up, this guy won’t come out, Brother Cassia’s arrow hooks it?” Ai New Coreo took a look and shook his head. "

Don’t enter the tiger’s hole, you can get a tiger. I tried to embark on the clues, … but there is an automatic balance, don’t worry about falling. Looking at me, love Cassia and Xiangzi also followed. The old spider in front of me didn’t know what kind of. Text Hundred Fourteen Mother Yasha Updated: 2007-5-19 15:30:00 Number of chapters: 4808 Slims are white like cream, and it also exudes a strange aroma, which causes our appetite to greatly increase. Probably this spider has the effect of conditioning appetite. I don’t know if the old spider monster inside has the same feeling. As soon as the three of us went up, the giant spider immediately stared at the giant eyes like a small lantern. “Brother Soul Eater, it’s a bit bad, you can’t jump on the spider web, you see!”

When I tried it, it would be one -third of the usual height of the usual one -third of my trial, … … it is equal to no jump. It’s still a small trap. “Husband, you find no, when we go straight, the speed is very slow, but when we run horizontally, it is not affected.”

“That’s right, maybe this network is similar to the characteristics of the real cobweb, everyone is careful!”

Start up first, and then start to suffer. Love Xinjie Luo’s bows and arrows, my blood dragon kills waves, and Kaizi’s ninja darts all smashed. This old spider looked stupid. After being attacked, she was flexible like a fox, and quickly avoided the bow and arrow and my blood dragon and killing waves, avoiding it, spitting, and a net shield in front of himself. The ninja darts were all sticky. Blocking the attack, the guy ate these clues again. Halo, really don’t hygiene! Watching the pair of black shiny pliers on its mouth is really “cold”

The old spider moved towards Xiangzi quickly. It seemed that it also felt that Xiangzi was the weakest part of us. I wanted to break them all … Most of the ninja attacks are inseparable from jumping, so it is really unfavorable to be bound by a cobweb. Xiangzi immediately made a wise decision to retreat. It was a ninja dart toward it, and then approached like me. This is its territory. We slow down, it accelerates, watching the thick and awkward long hair and black legs move quickly on the clues. It is really uncomfortable. Ai Xinjiluo on the side has begun to attack continuously, —— consecutive shooting. One group was 5 arrows, and three sets were placed in a row, and the finished fonts shot towards the old spider. However, my hometown was not vegetarian. A few net -shaped clues were covered in the bow and arrows in the mouth, and it really covered the bow and arrow. Just when I thought this wave of attacks failed again, a bow and arrow rushed out of the three groups of arrows, and ran towards the old spider at a faster speed. The mother wears her arrow! The old spider did not hide, maybe he was still proud of his masterpiece. The first arrow with frozen magic, although the old monster was not frozen, it also paused for a few seconds, followed by the other two blasting arrows. Boom Ronald ~~ The unlucky old monster was bombed two followers, the image was lost, and the big pliers were blown halfway. The teeth dancing the claws up, and the squeak of the unpleasant sound in his mouth. …… Nothing is good, Sure enough, many small spiders climbed out of the end of the clue, and looked at us one by one. Probably the old monster originally planned to eat alone, but found that the food in front of me seemed to be less likely to swallow, so I could only endure love. This group of spiders is very annoying. All of them are very fast. They will not spit to spit poison needles. The paws are also poisonous, and they have to prevent old age. I quickly moved Xiangzi for a few instantly to avoid the attack, and released two clusters of nine -headed fire snake. Hey, I was right now. These little spiders seemed to be afraid of fire. Squeaking for a while, it became our experience. Don’t look at these small things, all of them are 60 monsters. The old spider looks like 85 levels, which is really an old abnormal. Under the cover of the nine -headed fire snake, Aixin Jeno’s wearing arrows began to spread, and the arrow shot on the spider’s body caused a series of explosions. It felt like it was bursting bamboo, and it was energy. … The flames fell to the clues and burned. This was unexpected. After a while, we got rid of the trouble of the clues, leave! When it is slow, it becomes grilled suckling pig! When it was ill, I wanted to die, I summoned the small dishes to fly to the sky, and gave it a fatal blow ——- Nine-day thunder! For a while, the old spider was finally frying the shell, leaving only one leg is still trembling, and it exudes a flavor of “knowing”.

After cleaning up the battlefield, we got a second -level fairyware, which was considered a small fortress. It was relatively smooth without the old harassment. The spiders around me were climbed out of the nest by us. Although it looked scary, the rising experience can offset everything. We have few people. Although the attack power is relatively strong, one group has not been killed, and the other batch of batch of batch It was brushed out. Fortunately, the old boss did not appear again, and the three of us were killing. How ugly these spiders are, we even start to discuss which legs are thicker and which one is long. I am not an archer. I do n’t know how many bows and arrows he can bring. Anyway, there are countless bow and arrows shot by Shinjo, especially some magic arrows. The guy of the teacher really said that he did not show it, and he silently made the business in the hands of the boss of another big trip. It was really amazing! Xiangzi’s ninja dart is the same, as if it is still endless. Fortunately, there are a lot of inventory in her warehouse, otherwise it will be more troublesome to return to Japan for a few days. I do n’t worry about this magic knight. Some of the medicines are that they ca n’t use it. The number of monsters here is enough, the level is more suitable, and the experience is more ugly except for the ugliness. We chatted while fighting. Izhuan Luo also summoned his unicorn to fight together. Xiangzi also summoned the fire elf (her cat was too coquettish, I opened it, changed one to change one Grade 7 Fire Elves) “Brother Cubo, why don’t you get the nine -level sacred beast?”

I found Aixin Coronosteen’s face … Looking at me that, I realized that I had said something wrong, … my pet is level nine, and then I will inevitably be mistaken for … … “Brother Soul Eater, I do n’t know how to be hungry, do you know how rare you are?”

“… This, I don’t know …”

Khan, Aixin Jue Luo even used such vulgar words, unlike his consistent elegant style. “There are 6 nine -level sacred beasts now, and you have 4 magic palaces. The first is the Crystal Dragon —— Xiao Zi, the owner is the princess of the Magic Palace, a strange girl who has played all day and never levels; Dark Wolf King —— Send, the owner desperately three wolves, a good luck-like leveling crazy, loves wine; Unicorn Silver Pegasus —— Small dishes, your pet, ranked third, known as the most gorgeous and most intelligent pet, is unanimously loved by all women; The Xuanwu of the Four Holy Beasts, the owner of the apple incense, the king of defense. The Flame Flying Dragon King, the owner entered illegally, with the help of the power of artifacts, the successful combat effectiveness has greatly enhanced. Snowball —— Unknown ingredients, I only know that it is water-based attributes, and it is still in the young age, but the strength is already very good. Of course, it is far worse than the Phoenix. Is it difficult for you to make a holy beast -level pet? "

Hehe, I can only smirk over, dizzy, I really didn’t pay attention, it was so difficult to get a holy beast.

After killing it for a while, we decided to look in.

The level of these spiders is still lower, and it is not interesting to kill and go like this.

We got on the road again, and suddenly found that the surrounding scenery was a bit .



humane, accurately speaking, a bit humanized, obviously there were a few more paths, and it was simply handled.

Is there anyone here?

Intersection Intersection And still a long -lasting resident?

Intersection Intersection As soon as we were in, our eyes suddenly opened up, but the scenery of our eyes was shocked.

There are even soil nests, wooden sheds, and savages, holding all kinds of stone tools, watching me fiercely, and slowly surround us.

“Obediently, the rumbling east, flash, these strong people are all about 80 monsters. We will return to the woods first.”

Chimpanzee monsters, human monsters, have a certain wisdom of group fighting. The ability is related to the amount of beast skin around the body. The more animal skin, the higher the wisdom, and the higher the level. Grade 75 to 85, holding various stone tools, extremely fast speed, infinite strength, high physical attack power, and very high physical defense, fear of magic. “Brother Cubo, be careful, try to use magic arrows, this group of guys look hard!”

“Husband, these male oranges are so fierce, all of them are fierce.”

“Why are they all glory?”

“Dizzy, look at it yourself, all the chest muscles are so strong, how could it be a maternal orangutan!”

… also, but if it is a female orangutan, the pectoral muscle is probably more developed! Another point, why do they only chase Aixin Jue Luo and Xiangzi, there is no orangutan to me? Intersection Intersection Disclosure, absolute discrimination, I want to protest! I put a nine -headed fire snake on the way to Xiangzi and Aixin Reno, and suddenly the fire snake drilled out, spraying the fire, obviously made these dreamy orangutans awake a lot, and began to pay attention to this. Insurance. One of them raised the stone ax and yelled, and a few orangutan wiped me in the autumn. Four times the avatar —— Ice Demon Madrum Dance! A piece of ice ring covers all these orangutan inside, with the attack of the fire snake, they screamed straight, and the new Coronostel has no good opinion of these ugliness, but the agility of these guys is too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high too high It can be accelerated with the power of the tree, and my attack gave him time. Countless bows and arrows with magic lights are scattered. It seems that our handsome guys are really angry. I want to add it too! Four times the skeleton cross cut! I see the highest medium -level orangutan, quietly moved over, and then the avatar killed from four directions. The poor guy had time to raise the big stick in his hand and was hit by me. The whole body is shrouded in the blood -stuffing ball, and after sucking the vitality, it bursts! The four huge blood -red energy columns exploded, and the surrounding orangutans flew around and jumped around. Love Xinjiluo has taken the opportunity to make great power. If it wasn’t for the fur of this group of orangutans, the effect would be better. Xiangzi’s strength is relatively weak. It is good to deal with two or three orangutans, and the killing is relatively slow. We used the woods to disperse their attacks, slowly killing, and the starting nature of killing. I did not have so many shields, and they were directly fighting. Anyway, the space bag was all wasted without the need for elixir. It is not easy for them to kill me with my defense. I cut it! At this time, he jumped off 5 guys from the tree and cooperated with the ground attack, stupid! —— Shenglong! The dragon’s dragon immediately made these poor orangutan chicken flying eggs, and the golden dragon with Zhang Ya dancing claws scared them. This is this effect. Taking this opportunity to solve a few more, now the situation is much better. We can slowly enjoy the happiness of upgrading, except for the dissatisfaction with the poverty of these orangutans. Don’t pay attention to my experience, ——- Ah! It’s cool, you can get this level today! Long live ~ Harriluya! Although I lost the level last time, the experience of 81 82 has left most of it. The experience here is so topped, how can it be unhappy! “Brother Cubo, he is working hard, it will be upgraded soon, haha!”

“Oh? Congratulations!”

“Ah, my husband is going to upgrade again. Be careful this time, don’t drop it again, illegally entering the country is now 76. In these seven days, people should be no problem at the level!”

It seems that I have been caught in the 81 -level trap, always playing the ball … No, if you are careful, I have to improve steadily, and I am too fierce that I illegally enter this guy. When the last orangutan fell unwilling, I finally upgraded. The upgrade sound of “Ding Ling”

is so wonderful. …… I really want to come to a string of ding zero! After cleaning up the battlefield, Aixin Caleic Luo added a bow and arrow. Although the quality of the bow and arrows is poor, it can only be used together. Xiangzi can only bring more potions. Here you can not be a dart. We returned to the “village”

, let’s call it first, and found that a orangutan was gone, the account was very simple, and there was nothing in it. Is this the end? Just as we were about to leave, the woods not far away were booming. … finally saw a mother orangutan! One is twice the super horror mother orangutan with a height of general gorber orangutan. There is a huge wild boar behind him. It looks like it is lunch with its “male”

pets. Different ordinary orangutans are covered with animal skin, this mother orangutan, … the name is “Mother Yasha”

, it is really a image. I wear iron armor on my body and a huge popular hammer in my hand! … but why did it stay in the water? Master a hundred fifteen kills Updated: 2007-5-19 15:30:00 Number of chapters: 5670 After seeing us, the “Yasha Sister”

we was alone, threw out the wild boar behind us, smashed a tent, and then turned the meteor hammer in our hands approaching us. Staring on Aizon Luo. It’s “cold”

, obviously feels that our love Xin Jue Luo Little handsome guy trembles. Go straight to the ugly face of Yasha. Yasha sister waved up the meteor hammer calmly, smashing all the bow and arrow, and occasionally a few explosions could not splash dust. I think this helps to cover its respect. But how to say it is also an old boss, it is not good to make Aixinjeori’s bars alone, I also quickly attacked, and the blood dragon and the dragon and the waves! Yashamei was not so polite to me. The meteor hammer shouted at me, and even shocked the blood dragon and killing waves, … it was fierce! Obviously, the sister of Yasha was very dissatisfied with my disturbances, so that I decided to solve the two light bulbs first, and rushed towards us, and the meteor hammer dance. A hammer of a hammer was smashed towards me, dizzy, so far away from me, I couldn’t build it! Just when I was confused, the sledgehammer suddenly opened, and two small hammers popped up at me. A female bear, there is really an organ! I quickly moved away. I thought I was stable in Shiman and Nine. How could I know that the two small hammers collided in the air, and one of them changed to accelerate my ass. I have n’t come yet and the response will be in the lottery! After the explosion, I was blown up … I was dizzy, the little hammer was still a bomb, and it was really not small. I jumped down from the shaking treetops, and I had no image, looking at the proud maternal orangutan in front of me! I’m angry! Intersection Intersection I hated the tree most, and I was bombed on the treetops in the four eyes. If it wasn’t for the agile response, it would not be big to have a lot of onion. I have felt that I Xinjin Luo Ren couldn’t help looking. Yashamei, the long ugly is not your fault, but it is not good to run out! I am! The four figures were killed at the same time, four beaten one by one, see how you do it! Ice Demon Dance! The wow ice ring smashed her head and smashed her face. Yasha was taken aback. A hammer did not knock me to death, and there were three more … if you smashed it, it would take three more,. …. Such a complicated elementary school arithmetic is a great challenge for its orangutan head. Besides, people say that their chests have no brain. It is not ordinary, and can only be described by horror. Behind the ice magic ring, the four figures are prepared for the nine -day thunder sword at the same time. The effect of serial attack is the best! Mother Yasha is not panicked at all. This is very similar to the Aijelo, when it is a calm and calm look. The Ice Ring was absorbed by the meteor hammer with black light or it was absorbed, not good! It is Dark Magic. I did not expect that the barbarians also knew the dark magic that our players did not master. However, my attack was also there, and the corner of Yashamei’s big mouth sneered, and it looked extraordinarily somewhat, and the meteor hammer directly smashed at my body. Fork, fight, while hitting me, it will be hit by my three avatars. WHO is afraid of WHO. I give up the attack and open the shield to pick it up! With a bang followed three thunders, both of us flew out. Haha, cool! … I didn’t hang it on the tree this time, but rolled directly to the tree! Yashamei looks like she is, and her face is even darker, .



but how does it seem to be hurt?

Intersection Intersection I got three bottles of medicine by myself.

It was just like the people who were okay.

They got up and trembled.

The dust on my body fell to the ground, exposing a black armor.


—— Seal the curse!

Intersection Intersection I listened to Xueer that the top Taoism mentioned by her warlock’s promotion book can be directly used, or it can be seal on the armor weapon, but the top warlock can be completed, and it is more complicated.

The success rate is very very good.

Low, I didn’t expect to see it here.

Although it seems that it can’t be 100 % anti -magic, the effect is also good.

Fortunately, the attack of blood can still cause some damage.

It’s right.

Interesting, soft weapon, encounter such an opponent for the first time!


With Long Wei, I killed the past, fighting a group, and loved Shinseo with a bow and arrow to help from time to time. A thick skin! “Not good, it’s refreshing.”

The incense of the watch was not good, … I dare not imagine that a mother orangutan chased our scene with a group of horror gangmers. Intersection Under the column of Renlongheyi, there is finally a new skill ——- Longya! I yelled at the sky, and the dragon’s air suddenly skyrocketed, and a dragon -shaped totem appeared on my body. Dragon teeth! My whole person turned into a golden light, and the front end was blood -red teeth! In a moment, the mother -in -law’s defense circle was hit, and the blood -eating magic sword carried a huge true gas to hit it throughout it, followed by a moment to move below it. Long Xiang! At the moment of its landing, with the dragon’s three consecutive strikes, it hit it into the air heavily. Killer —— Shenglong! The dragon’s dragon gave the air -struggling mother Yasha a fatal blow with an unstoppable momentum! Boom ~~~ Oncel ~, I finally got it! “Wife. Is my shape very handsome !!!”

… Why look at me like this? Intersection Intersection Mom ~, Mother Yasha was standing behind me with a meteor hammer, I quickly jumped away, … why do this guy still keep that posture … … I have to come out to be scary. Forgive. Critical! Under the burning of my hell fire, this guy finally turned into a red powder skull reincarnation. God blessed. When I came out next time, I changed my image. Of course, the good things on my body were left. A sage scepter, a war god bracelet, an unspecked magic book, and some unbelled best, a lot of potions and gold coins, good, good, in the current depression market, there can The performance is good. After solving the mother Yasha, we did not get the time for breathing. The new batch of orangutans had been brushed out. We can only return to the forest back to the back of the battle. With the last experience, this time it is much easier. It ca n’t be caught by it, this is human-a race with amazing learning capabilities, dominating the entire earth with incomparable learning and fex. Even a wider space, the only thing we need is time, if we do not perish in the civil war. (Some people ask what the most terrible weapon is. I want to say that it is a gurgling power. The current technology and number of human beings still cannot eliminate several hate population, such as mice, fertility is the key.) After killing this group, we squatted here and introduced the batch of orangutans. In the end, we loved Shinhe’s bow and arrows with light. We were also tired and just returned to the house. Back in the meeting, there was a feeling of returning to the world. Looking at the rushing to return to the level, or the brothers who are preparing to start, they are in a good mood. Xiao Mao, the two sister -in -law are busy, and the large -scale Shanglian establishment conference will naturally not be relaxed, … so no one cares about me, stupid, desperate three wolves, and the battle of the twelve. It was going to level up. Several madmen said that they had to use double opportunities to rush to me and reduce the gap between the level. … It’s really motivated. I just do n’t know if there are people everywhere now. Where do they practice, do n’t they go to Kunlun? Intersection In fact, I was rare and weird. The senior cadres of the Dangtang Magic Regiment could not find the leveling point. It was a joke. Some players had already taken the level of leveling. Of course, our scope was bigger. Naturally, I dare not grab the site. The weak meat and strong food in the game are normal. I have encountered a few robbery. Besides, I am embarrassed to do this to this extent. In the words of Xiaomao, I am the signboard-the head can be broken, and the hairstyle cannot be messy! Now the desperate three wolves they are leveling leveling. To be honest, my brothers are very powerful. There is no feeling that everyone feels good under the big tree. Everyone’s aggressive heart is very strong. This time they desperately wolf they are more scary, and they are ready to eat and drink. They use the private room at the six -layer brush point of the lizard cave. In terms of elixir, there are naturally brothers to supply them in the meeting. Lai is not coming out! In order to compete for leveling points, there are thousands of achievements in large and small battles. There are thousands of achievements. There is no way. This is the problem of more monks and less flesh, but the game, this is also one of the charm points. This is more flavorful. However, you want to desperate the three wolves, where do they occupy, unless they want to live, they will take the initiative to provoke … Don’t say that the forest is big, there are all birds, there are such unwilling dare to lose. This is still desperately three wolves and they came back to tell me. Several people smiled their waists. The family members had dizzy and dizzy. A siege, probably about 60. One of them is very arrogant to let the desperate three wolfs let them give places, otherwise they will not be polite. Don’t blame them to bully how much! Desperate three wolves to send it to that, dozens of brothers immediately understood who the characters in front of them, the master of the heavenly list, the magic palace, they could not afford it, and the blood color on the face dropped sharply. Essence Then Dasha had a whistle, whipped, from the nearby leveling point hundreds of people, surrounded a few fools, and several guys were pale on the spot. I asked them how they solved it, and desperately shook my head with a smile and shook their heads and solved it? Several guys flew before entering the PK state, and we did not embarrass them. The five guys were grateful to the Wudi Land to go offline directly. It seems that we did not dare to go online for a while. … I asked him what he felt at the time, and desperately thought about the three wolves for a while, and three words jumped out —— a man! Dizzy, I am still playing deep, but it must be very cool. After playing with Xiangzi in the meeting for a while, we went offline. This little witch was too “terrible”.

The evening campus is extraordinarily different during the eleventh period. There are many pairs on the road, kiss me, no one, the single Han on the road, from time to time, a spark of anger and jealousy. Even if someone is still in the level of leveling competitions of the Second World, the Internet is definitely a super invincible tool to resist loneliness, which can make people forget many troubles in reality. Xiangzi returns to the dormitory to change clothes. Women change clothes will always be so slow, especially women with many clothes, such as Xiangzi, I stand boring under the street lights, watching men like me pick up the beauty one by one. … lonely. His ~. What sound, I seem to hear a weak call for help. There is a small wood not far from the right side of the girl’s dormitory. There are a lot of wild crickets in us, but it is forbidden by our lovely principal. Essence I slowly sneaked my mental power, and she found an unusual energy in the forest, with problems! Intersection Intersection I rushed quickly, and told Xiangzi with Tianxun while walking, so as not to be anxious. As soon as I got my destination, the scene in front of me almost bombed me! A girl in our school, the clothes were torn, and a half -human and half -beast guy was fluttering on her. The nauseous muscles shake like countless earthworms. Big, the breasts have been eaten in half, Shen Nianyi exhibited, and found that there were two masters nearby. I ca n’t consider the situation. I flew up and kicked the beasts who had just turned around, but the girl was no longer possible, and the internal organs had been completely destroyed through the lower body. But listen from her weak voice, … it turned out to be a Japanese student … … My anger suddenly disappeared, but this kind of half -human and half -beast guy is always a scourge. Who knows when the crisis is to the people around us. One word —— kill! The two guys on the tree seemed to be able to detect the strength of the raw soldiers without signs of hands. It seems that this beast is enough to solve me. The biochemical soldiers hit the two trees and finally got up without any damage. Both eyes walked towards me with green light. It has improved again, I do not know how many lives this group used to test.

Biochemical soldiers roared for a while, the muscles on the body per creep, the muscles rolled, and squeaked another layer.

Two bone blades grew on the elbows, which accelerated to me.


Hum, the power of pure flesh is good, but the fight with me is far away!

Just when I was preparing to kick the violence, the Japanese woman who suddenly died suddenly suddenly “lived”

, and “live”

than ordinary people. The knife was cut towards the damage below me. Damn, biochemical, everything is for my trap! The whole body was shocking, and the girls entangled my “legs”

immediately was broken, screamed and fell out, and instantly grabbed two bone knives empty -handed. The biochemical people looked at the scene in front of him incredible. His bone knife could cut the steel, and he was caught by a human empty hand. … The strength was greater than him. I did n’t have the time to study him, toward the guy ’s lower body is the fierce feet. Japan’ s abnormalities are more. I could come out of the body, but I didn’t expect the defense outside to be unexpectedly tough. It seemed that it would take a lot of effort to deal with these guys from the front. The biochemical people shouted and flew out again, struggling to struggle on the ground, and I didn’t have a trace of compassion in my heart. It was absolutely impossible to deal with this scourge. It is better to end the battle as early as possible. Papa ~ “Great, Chinese ancient martial arts are really profound!”

The two people on the tree knew that their whereabouts were revealed under my gaze, and they jumped down. kindness? It turned out to be a Indian monk’s robe and Indians. The curry flavor was pungent, and the weird Chinese was extremely unpleasant. Another Japanese ninja was dressed? Intersection Intersection Isn’t India and Japan unsuccessful? It seems that it is not as simple as it is on the surface. The strength of China has reached a certain agreement on these two state secrets. I said that there are more people who have come to study in China recently. India has always advocated its technical content, saying that only Japan can be as short as that in Asia. This time, “shamelessly ask”

there is a problem. “Da Zuo Shao …!”

Kara, the head of the biochemical person who asked for help was shattered by the head of the biochemical man on the ground. The Indian Ashi next to India quickly took out a small bottle and poured the potion on the two biochemical people. With the pungent smoke, the two guys would be It turned into Wu. At this time, I felt that someone had entered the woods, and the two guys in front of me did not want to expose them. I was afraid of hurting others. The two guys were not simple. The two sides had their own scruples. This battle could not be played. “Oh, Wang Jun, this time you have a big life, but things will not end like this, you’re careful!”

“You have to say!”

Main text Hundred Six Six Blood Blades Updated: 2007-5-19 15:30:00 Number of chapters: 6988 Xiangzi and a few girls arrived first, but when they came, they could see only the empty woods and the broken scene. We have evacuated, and I don’t want to make trouble for ourselves. After getting around the front of the girl’s dormitory, I told Xiangzi, and at the same time let her not say it. After a while, several instructors in the school came. Several people looked at the scene and frowned. One of them sniffed together. “Major, there is the taste of digestion and biochemical people in the corpse water. It seems that someone has just fought with the biochemical people here, and it even won.”

“This school’s hidden dragon and crouching tiger is normal, but these biochemical people are too arrogant. They dare to do so bolder on the territory of China!”

“Are we …”

“No, this is not our task. After a while, the blood blade will definitely send someone, let’s go.”

Several people disappeared one after another. After a while, the police came and blocked the scene, and began to inquire about the students. A group of people were busy investigating the scene and sampling. The alertness of the first -level police found that the situation had exceeded their ability to be exceeded, and quickly reported to the superiors, barely dealing with things that exceeded their ability, not a smart person’s move. Soon, Hummer off -road vehicles hanging with special forces drove into the school and stopped in front of the girl’s dormitory. The three soldiers wearing special military uniforms were quite handsome, and their figures were a bit tall, but their lips were just lips and lips Downside, although on the surface, the face was cold, but his eyes were light, and from time to time, he wiped out where you shouldn’t see. If you change it to the average person, as a special person, in this case, there is such a “Yaxing”

, which really makes me worry that Xiangzi and I are mixed in the crowd and watched them deal with the scene. The two who looked pretty good and sharp with him were sharp. When it was swept to me, Xiangzi and I quickly pretended to talk to each other to avoid them. One of them was a profound power. We didn’t want to attract attention. Seeing that they arrived, the first -level police prisoner reported immediately to a salute and let them make progress. All police officers withdrew to the peripherals. The temper of these people was more strange. He didn’t want to offend these people. “Captain, I just inspected. A total of 5 people have appeared in the center of the incident, 4 men and one woman, one of them and a woman is a biochemical person and has been killed. There is obvious composition of the corpse water here. It seems that it looks like It is the evidence of destruction afterwards. "

One of them said to the leader. “Look at the scene, after a fierce fight, but the time is not long, it should be within a few tricks, ending the battle, it is rare to kill the masters of the two biochemical people instantly!”

“Oh? Why do you say that, isn’t there two people?”

The captain glanced at the special forces who spoke. “Captain, two of them have not had severe exercise from the footprints, so I judged that they should temporarily stop because they were afraid of causing attention. Among the ten or nine of them, there is an Indian Ahsan, and there is a taste that has just been intertwined. There is only one woman at the scene, and it is a biochemical person. I am afraid there is a problem in it. "

“Interesting, we can solve the masters of the two biochemical people in a short time. When we find the principal, check the school students first, and our blood blade will add a master.”

“Captain, this is not good. Galaxy Academy is one of the places that must not be used by privileges. We are so direct … is it a bit difficult to explain?”

“Ahi, you just think too much, are the power as you are ashamed as you? I naturally have me on it. Besides, we are also protecting students’ safety!”


“Go two, I go around.”

At this time, the news came from Tianxun that it was private information. Special Forces members of Tianxun are specially manufactured, divided into two types: inside and outside. “Cousin, I’m Xing Jun, are you in our school now?”

“Oh? Is there a copy of Xiajun?”

“How can I, but I know some information, why do my captain want to know?”

“You guys will sell Guanzi, just say any requirements, it’s gone at it!”

“How are there, but your cousin, I have tried the taste of military flowers, and with the strength of my cousin, it should not be a problem to get a cousin for my brother?”

“You little -colored ghost, I try as much as possible. There are so many tender water in the school who can’t fill up you. Take this opportunity to get a few virgins.”

The two laughed at the conversation for a while. Of course, Xiangzi and I naturally became the target of hunting, especially Xiangzi or a Japanese, a Japanese who can have power, and dad is a leader of radicals. ###### On a building not far from the school, Xing Jun and Jin Zegang were holding the telescope watching everything just happened. “It is rigid, and it really doesn’t expect what you expected. This group of little Japan is really done.”

“Haha, a woman was robbed, she was humiliated by sherself, and the personality of the big dog must not be reported.”

Jin Gang’s delicate taste of the wine on the side, facing the sun, the wine in the cup is more bright red. “I just didn’t expect that Wang Zhong had two sons, and both biochemicals couldn’t figure out him, but since he has provoked two big strengths, it will be good to see.”



Xing Jun didn’t know where he was wrong. “They are still safe in school. Do you not pay attention to those instructors? From my lip reading, if it is right, one of the instructors is the colonel, and the Japanese will not know this. I miss them. I won’t be able to shock the snake easily, but it ’s hard to say if it is replaced outside the school, hehe!”

“Then you quote Wang Zhong to my brother, I think he can’t deal with Wang Zhong.”

“Haha, this is exactly that I introduced him. The biggest weakness of your cousin is that the color is lustful and self -contained. Although there are two sons, I don’t know what it means to be hidden. What will happen after Japanese women? He will take a shot. Wang Zhong will naturally not give up. If he is not as good, he can’t swallow it, and he will naturally lead to the military’s power. At that time, the two will have ten or nine or nine or nine. With all the time, have you been dissatisfied with your arrogant cousin long ago? If he finished his egg, your family can only concentrate on cultivating you. Isn’t this a good plan for a stone? "

“Then Li Dongtie, they …”

“Although I don’t know what happened between them, I think these two brothers are smart people, and will not make the whole family aggressive for an outsider. As long as Wang Zhong finishes the egg, Feng Xue and Lu Xiaoxue are not our! "

“Don’t mention, I was angry when you mentioned the two cheap goods. We spent such a lot of energy, pretending to be a gentleman, pretending to be innocent, but in the end, Wang Zhong’s boy was cheaper. Now it is to lose his wife and fold the soldiers. How can you have a good idea? I can’t swallow this tone! "

“Those two women are no longer finished, but the strength behind it can still be used. It is also good to train as a beautiful dog. Little Japan is not good. There are many ways to abuse women. It is worth learning.”

“Don’t think about good things first, the eight characters have not been skimmed!”

Xing Jun obviously didn’t have the habit of making a white day dream. This matter was not handled well, and both of them had to bury them in. “How do you say that we have a relationship with Feng Xue?”

“It should be a friend, although because Wang Zhong is a bit contradictory, but it hasn’t been to tear his face, do you mean?”

“Not that simple, we must not let Wang Zhong know about this. We must create a situation. Wang Zhong is not there, and then Feng Xue and Lu Xiaoxue are asked alone. The rest is easy to handle. It’s okay, anyway, the two of them have no power to bind chickens. The key is how to deal with it afterwards. One is not good, but it is the same! "

“Women are not so different. As long as we are desperately admitting their mistakes, let’s deal with it, what do you say that they will happen, anyway, things have happened, betrayal is yes, haha!”

Haha \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ######## Zhao Feng is very cool today. I heard that the beauty in the Galaxy Unification College has been a cloud. Today, I really read it. Under the reflection of the moonlight, it adds a charming posture. Unfortunately, it is just a better time for the holiday, otherwise it may be better. The beauties on the way are really eye -catching to him to deal with this kind of little girl. The lethality of his mature soldiers is fatal. This is why he joined the army. When he thinks that he can enjoy innocent beauty tonight, I couldn’t help but excite. As for the rules of the old stubborn people, he did not eat that set, but he would fight with a monster with his life, and it should be the adjustment of some beautiful women. Of course, the business is also necessary. The things that are explained on the top must be done well. Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong, mysterious character, hum, unknown small strokes, but Japanese girls, I heard that it is a school flower -level. Women’s relationship, interesting, I do n’t know how to use it, even if the old man knows what a Japanese radical woman is like to me, let alone the kind of separation from the relationship. Zhao Feng said with my name while walking, and it hurts me several sneezing … … Today, I commit a villain. Xiangzi and I were about to have a candlelight dinner and then came to a passional night. Suddenly a soldier stopped our way, the bad captain that I just saw. The bad captain looked at me carefully. Of course, Xiangzi couldn’t miss it. “Two are Wang Zhong and Oda Xiangzi?”

“Exactly, I don’t know how expensive the Captain Caili stopped us?”

“Oh, you must know the things in the small woods just now. We suspect that there have been murders in it. No, it should have happened. It is understood that you are the first person to arrive at the scene. Please go back to the investigation with me for investigation. ,Thanks!”

“Can’t you say here?”

“This involves some secrets. I heard that Wang Wang is also a master of ancient martial arts. This should be understood.”

“Of course, to safeguard national interests is the obligation of every citizen. I still understand. Let’s go.”

This guy said that he is a grand. Essence The location is the special trial room of the nearby Public Security Bureau. I and Xiangzi and I were separated. I already feel a bit wrong. We are at most a witnesses. Witness is not considered. But the current treatment is like treating major criminal suspects. I asked me was a special player of those two blood blades. “Wang Zhong, according to our survey, there are traces of you on the scene, and you are also a master of ancient martial arts. I hope you can tell us everything that happened. This is a major event related to the country and nation. I hope you can cooperate with it . "

Agent who had a sensitive nose on the left asked. It seems that I still care about it. I did n’t pay attention to dealing with traces. I did n’t have enough experience. Anyway, it ’s not a big deal. I still told them that it was better, and at least I woke up. I later put it in detail about the situation at the time, especially when the Indians and Japanese who escaped were likely to cause us harm. After I finished speaking, the two guys looked at each other, almost as expected, but from my words, this was obviously premeditated, and the boldness of this group of people was too big, so she was so bold. “Wang Zhong, what you said, we will investigate carefully. As for these things, it is best to say that the existence of the power of the power is already public. Occasionally, foreigners will order, it is normal. What about people, but illegal crimes are another matter. "

“Know, can I leave now?”

The two people’s faces were revealed, and finally the power on the right, gritted their teeth, “This is natural, you are a victim, thank you for your cooperation.”

What I want to say, I didn’t say anything in the end. “Then my girlfriend, she doesn’t know about this, should I go with me?”

“I’m sorry, Xiangzi, because of the a little involved in this case, can not let it go for the time being.”

oh? Intersection Intersection wrong! The spiritual seeds I planted in Xiangzi fluctuated! My eyes were suddenly prosperous, and the mental strength hidden in the brain of Xiangzi began to mobilize. It was found that Xiangzi was in a state of coma gradually. The captain just now was undressed and laughed at Xiangzi. Say something in unclear. Zhao Feng is a person who does not like to be rough to women. He thinks that that will destroy the atmosphere of sex. The drink is a secret sleeping pill for blood blade, which is very effective for the warriors and the power. However, Xiangzi’s strength was still unexpected. Donglai talked for a long time, and the effect was only on the spot. When I saw this scene, I did n’t delay. It ’s all right. I quickly came out of the police station, spared a circle, turned back quickly, wake up the incense while walking, and let her pretend to be unconscious. It is not in the division of the Chinese, this time you want you to die without all the body. Xiangzi slowly set off her best gravity field. When Zhao Feng was approaching her, the gravity field suddenly released, kicking down and kicking his key, but each member of the blood blade was a master of the battle. Even if Zhao Feng is in the colorful color, he understands that his ability is the key to life. In this case, he still avoided the key to him, kicked the ribs, and made a scream. This interrogation room is soundproof, and no one will hear the noise inside. (Of course, God may hear it, but he is busy with his cards and it is useless.) Although I ate a blow, Zhao Feng, who had slowed down, immediately fought with Xiangzi. Although I didn’t understand why the chain was dropped at this time, the situation was not allowed to think about it. Although the strength of Xiangzi was better than He almost did not work in actual combat experience, but he still needed to spend a lot of effort to capture. “Japanese chick, I think you still give up resistance, my brother will let you appreciate the benefits of Chinese men.”

This guy was unsatisfactory in his mouth, and it was unambiguous under his hand. At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a figure flashed. Zhao Feng only felt that his body suddenly seemed to break the line and got the kite. He lost control and had to fall to the ground. At first glance, Xiangzi saw me, and immediately fell to the ground with sweat. Although it was awakened with spirit, the medicine had not disappeared, so it was really difficult for her to barely work hard. “Husband, he, he gave me medicine!”

Xiangzi looked at the Chinese who had just been seriously righteous in front of him. “Good -obedient fragrance, don’t be angry, there are all the defeats. There are so many Chinese people, and there will be more defeats, but there are more good people in our good people, I will give you angry!”

“Ah, Comrade my respect, how did you do, why do you lie on the ground!”

I looked at him jokingly, “Wang Zhong, she is a Japanese spy. The Japanese sent to our power. Don’t be confused by her. You are Chinese, and you must consider national interests!”

If you do it, you will take the country to suppress people. It ’s really shameful to go to the house. People who are really the country and the people will never rely on how the country is, and how the people will cover their own lust. “Oh? Really, I thought a person’s colorful hair, do you want to be illegal?”

“How can it, never!”

“Oh, it turned out to take off my clothes because it was too hot.”

Zhao Feng couldn’t hide it, and gritted his teeth. “I just look at this Japanese girl. How about, you put me well, otherwise you are the enemy of the whole blood blade. Don’t think you are very good. You hurt me, hum, think about the consequences of the enemy country! "

I dizzy and treat myself as the spokesperson of the motherland. It is really shameless. However, the villain has to guard against it.

This group of guys are not defeated.

I am a patriotic youth and cannot be destroyed by her.

“Husband, forget it.”

Xiangzi didn’t want me to embarrass me, but if that’s it, I would not be a man. I fainted him with one foot and heavily under him. Hey, this is my second sterilization surgery. Next time I mess with me and find a chance to secretly kill him. My hand was shot like his head! Drink, “Zhao Feng!”

Simple hypnosis, but the surgeon is higher than the recipient’s mental strength, otherwise it will be back, which is not a fun. “I just tried Xiangzi.”

“I just tried Xiangzi.”

“She is just an ordinary international student who can order martial arts.”

“She is just an ordinary international student who can order martial arts.”

“I found that there was no problem, I put her and was ready to go back to report.”

“I found that there was no problem, I put her and was ready to go back to report.”

“This may be the activity of Japanese left and Indians.”

“This may be the activity of Japanese left and Indians.”

“Full of loyalty for the country.”

“Full of loyalty for the country.”

After 5 minutes, you will wake up. Packing up the room a little, I took Xiangzi to leave this right and wrong, who knows who will come for a while. Can you hide them? If you are provoking me, I will be polite. I vaguely feel that this is not so simple. Someone may be bad behind it to remind Xueer. Back to our nest with Xiangzi and gave her a bit of tea for her. Fortunately, this sleeping pill has no side effects, otherwise it will be troublesome. After a while, Xiangzi was restored on his face. After eating something, her mood slowly calmed down. This kind of thing was not rare before, and I heard it, but this time it happened to herself. “Xiangzi, follow me, you have suffered.”

I really have too much negative. “Without a husband, I’m very happy, really.”

Xiangzi buried his head in my arms, and whispered in his mouth. “People have no hope of the future. When they meet you, Xiangzi has confidence to face the future. Although it is a bit twists and turns now, it is nothing. Xiangzi is not afraid.”

“Husband, roughly possess me, I want to forget everything that is unpleasant.”

Beauty has demands, how can I not bow! ## adult plot, children are not easy to ## (^\ _ ^, don’t throw stones) With the naked incense, I realized the tranquility after the climax, and I have to say that in this regard, the incense is the best in cooperation with me and can master every reaction of me. We are simply a natural pair. “Husband, you didn’t ask Xueer’s situation, I always feel that this is not easy.”

“I asked just now, and told them to be careful. I see that they will come over without waiting for the holidays. It’s okay. If there is a problem, I will respond.”

“Husband ~”

“What’s wrong.”

Xiangzi’s white shellfish bite red lips gently, “Is it here once?”

“You little girl, who is afraid of WHO, see me amazing

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