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Chapter_2 , I ca n’t carry my stupidity in a while, and the mood and dream dream immediately replaced them.

This guy has a 5000 health value, it is difficult to do!

After killing for a long time, the blood was finally more than half.

Suddenly the ghost king seemed to be Biao, and the attack speed and lethal were doubled.

The mood was obviously unstoppable, and the silly silly hadn’t recovered yet.

The ghost king had a power to force the soldiers and rushed towards the baby.

This scared me, and the shield rushed over without opening it.

It was too late.

With the baby’s level, it was not given a second, and the baby was frightened even forgot.

At this time, Feng Ming rushed to the ghost king, and the ghost king also knew powerful, and quickly resisted.

The level of Hongyun was still too low, and it was not possible for a while.

The flame was much weakened.

Now I only look at me.

I have a shield to make up the magic.

Come on, I do n’t believe you.

Only after I experienced it, I knew its horror, and my shield was broken two times.

I ran.

It’s a pity that the blood of this guy is too fast.

We can only retreat while fighting.

Unfortunately, we escaped into the deadline.

The situation is not good!

By the way, there is a trick, the end of the day, but my ability is not enough to put it at all and it is a large -scale magic.

what to do?

In my thinking, the war situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to us.

The ghost king can summon ghosts and surrounds us layer by layer.

Regardless of fighting, the magic disappears, the magic is really uncomfortable.

Yeah, why is there no movement?

Everyone couldn’t hold it anymore.

At this time, the cave was a little shaking, and a huge fireball smashed.

“Everyone is flashing !!”

At this time, he couldn’t care about the image. A group of people climbed in a roller. “Boom \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

The mountain shook the mountain, and after waiting for a while to calm. We checked each other. Although we were embarrassed, we didn’t hang it. Baby and Xueer were stained with a bit of gray by me, and my magic robe became a beggar again. “God, we posted it.”

Xiao Mao was so excited only by money. Looking up, wow, all the ground was equipped with equipment and gold coins. That end -day fireball sent the ghost king and its ghosts to renovate, and it was full of storms and comfortable. The rest is to clean the battlefield, and I cleaned it up: a good thing has a anger, a wise sector, and the mood of the equipment, they insisted not to, the anger to the Dasha, the wise sector gave me the snow that I gave me my snow. She is also a second -level fairyware now, and her wife must be dressed up. Other things also make us a little. 呓? I found a weird silver ring, which seemed to have a head -up, took it back to identify it. A group of people happily returned to the house. Text 3 ~ 4 Updated: 2006-8-6 16:08:00 Number of chapters: 15523 Chapter III Super Warcraft that shouldn’t appear Back in the city, Xue forgot to put away Hongyun. This says that you see the goddess of Phoenix, that Tao is really a beautiful bubbling … Hey, people are afraid of famous pigs and fear, celebrities’ troubles. Before the formation of the surrounding circle, he rushed out of snow and baby, and went to the old man of the chief appraiser. I do n’t know how I always feel that this ring has a fate with my wife. At first glance, the old man saw that we were happy immediately. It may be too lonely. See him with a ring. He glanced at him and popped out a few words “20 % off, 4000 gold coins.”

My first reaction at the time was to be him, which was too dark. We are such a good person, and we are obliged to talk to the poor elderly people and chat, and collect so much. Last time I received me 8000, but it was worth it. Some bargaining, finally sold for 3500. After paying the money, the old man put an appraisal on the ring. I saw the ring faintly appeared. After a while, the old man glanced at me: “Boy, your luck is also very good. This time, it is a ghost. Device. Although it is not as good as your last time, it is very rare. This is a "

stealth ring”. After bringing this ring with this ring, except a few special monsters, other monsters can not see it. You, of course, you have to not attack it. It is mainly used to bring the level of people with low levels and explore the road in dangerous places. I touched a beard and looked up and told my chest. "

Hey, don’t go, I haven’t finished it yet." What did the dead old man pretend, we picked up the ring and flashed, but too lazy to listen to you. "

Baby, take it with it, it will be safe in the future. I don’t have to worry about it." After speaking, I picked up her weak and bone hand and put it on gently. , Walking the rivers and lakes safety first, everyone is satisfied now. Everyone acted separately in the afternoon. Xiao Mao continued to study the chef, and Shuang Silk went to practice PK. The sisters of the family did not know. Xue and Baby and I first turned around in the city, and then decided where to go. There is an information desk in the center of Chengzheng, where the latest news and official dynamics are announced. There are really a lot of people today, go and see. The selection here is for the Chinese area of the entire game rather than a certain city (I am in Yanhuang City, and Nuwa City, Pangu City, Communist City, etc.). Essence Sky List: 1 Soul Eater —— Master’s combat power: 7800 2 illegal entry —— Warrior 4900 3 Mood —— Warrior 4860 4 Battle Continuous —— Warrior 4650 5 Liusha River Little Fish —— Warrior 4500 6 The return of the king ——- Warrior 4440 7 Love Xin Zhe Luo —— Archers 4000 8 Unexpicious —— Thief 3900 9 Cold Moon Remnant-Taoist 3800 10 Messengers-Thief 3790 Rich list: 1. Qingqing apple incense 2. The most poisonous in the world 3. I’m the most poisonous 4, I am a gold coin 5. Poor god 6. Endless 7. chef 8 . treasure bowl 9. Feeling 10. Landlord Beauty List: 1. Goddess of Phoenix —— Snow 2. Yundai Fairy —— Feiyun 3. Flying Flower Witch —— Fascination 4. Little Elf —— Xiaoxue 5. Shui Fairy —— Love water without trace 6. Dream Fairy —— Dream Chasing Dream 7. Five Fairy —— Sisters in the Heart Family 8. Ice Fairy —— Leng Ruoshi frost 9. Fire Fairy —— Passionate like fire 10. Wind Fairy —— catkins follow the wind Note: The combat power is the combat effectiveness of comprehensive measurement of the system under normal circumstances. It contains the strongest equipment of the player, level, hidden skills, and temporarily regardless of pet ability. Shenbing List: 1. War God’s compromise artifact 2.3 Stealing Ring Ghost 4.5.6 Blessing necklace ghosts 7. Tempting melody ghost ware 8. Treatment ring ghost 9. Magic Source Ghost 10. Super negative heavy space ghost ware Outstanding List: 1. Soul Eater 1040 2. Illegal entry 700 3. Mood 600 4. Qingqing apple incense 540 5. The world’s most poisonous 500 6. Liusha River Xiaoyu 440 7. Yundai Fairy 420 8. The world’s most poisonous 400 8. I am the most poisonous 400 8. Undead 400 (As for the specific introduction of the character, it will be carried out step by step according to the plot.) Just as we looked at it, I didn’t know what happened at the gate of the city. Several players ran back to the safe zone. A guy was still barely, occupying the cheapness of my Cher and Baby. As soon as I was asked, it turned out that it was robbed. There is a shortcut on the way to the Green Forest, which is to pass through the chaos. Recently, I do n’t know where to get out of a robber group, known as "

inch grass", occupying the chaos. Everyone who crosses the mountain requires 10 gold coins, otherwise they will be grasped and kills, inquiring with the thieves’ union replies that it is a new NPC, not a thieves composed of players. Now no one has such a big courage to dare to irritate. The most important thing is that the thieves that kill Shishan can add reputation, so that players who have not encountered a hidden task and cannot get a competition reward can also get prestige. Thieves are divided into three -class: Third -class mountain patrol, 20 levels, kill 20 prestige; second -class leader 50 levels, kill 1 1 reputation; first -level leader 60, kill one 10 reputation, two of them 70 level 70 , Killing 50 reputation, unknown family level, unknown the prestige of the killing, generally speaking, the system will have additional rewards. The number of robbers is between 5000 and 100,000. To deal with such a big robber group, it is not a single person or a single meeting to do. It requires the joint action of the Big Fair. However, it is impossible to look at the current situation, and it can only endure it. Suddenly, there was a mess in front of the city, and the robber group came to siege! The knife guard at the door was ignored, and several players were killed immediately, which was bullied to the door of the house! “Xueer, baby, we also go to”

this group of NPCs is too arrogant, and the fish must also be on the seat, so don’t blame us to be polite. There are not many people in the city now. Those who are particularly high are leveling. They can only stay in the stalemate stage of the city walls. In addition to the protection of the city walls. Basically, everyone was passing by thousands of miles, and let the brothers come back to defend the city. As more and more people returned, the thieves began to defeat. Everyone’s attack is getting better and tacit. The soldiers rushed before, behind the Taoist temple, the archer was on the city building, the mage entered the mage tower, and the thieves were interfered. When they were not soft at all, when the thieves were about to defeat, they rushed out a red scarf robbers to lead a group of little heads. The place where they went was chaotic. Our attack does not play much on him. The agility is too high. He and the leaders are rushing. The situation is a bit bad. Everyone summoned pets. It’s really troublesome. The people of our guild have also come together. “It’s not possible to go on like this. We will form a tapered array and make them leading.”

Everyone rushed towards the other side of the two houses. Here comes the highlight, which is not good for us, but our professional match is much better than them. Brothers kill! The agility of Er Dang’s family faced my high luck and couldn’t play any role. He was several times in my electricity. He screamed straight, but unfortunately I hid in it, and he couldn’t beat it. A thunder god, killing him 100 points, Hey, let you be arrogant, just want to be him, ah? Intersection Intersection He even ran away, which was too exaggerated. NPC would escape, but he ran this, the others, and quickly withdrew. In general At first I was caught off guard. I died a few unlucky guys (I did n’t burn incense when I went out). Later, I only suffered a little injury, and I had some prestige. The second time they were not so lucky. Their two were so scary, and my mystery could be imagined. The level is still high. The key is that the wisdom is too high and it will be tactically. The tricks were still there, which improved our alertness. After this battle, the title of the goddess of snow is even louder. Of course, I still make Xue careful. Although the red cloud class is high, the level is too low. , Far away from Phoenix, Xueer nodded obediently and leaned in my arms. This action was broken, and it was okay to make it at home. Xiaoxue’s movements are more intimate, and N version rumors appear immediately. The evil big magicians stabbing their goddess and elf. A fool who came to provoke them made them awake from madness. Then I remembered who I was. They also wanted heroes to save beauty, but they just dreamed, but they still did not suffer in language. I exaggerate 100 times, I think I am almost becoming a boss! This can break Xueer and the baby, and lean back and back with a smile. It was not until I was beaten by my little butt, and then I obediently hid behind me. The majesty of the man must be maintained, a woman! Unexpectedly, my nickname today also officially appeared —— The devil king soul-eating, um, yes, although I like it, but it is even more angry. Later, they also set up one Save the goddess association, I’m dizzy, man! After the robber incident, the sky was also dark, and the development of the guild was also put on the table. The saying goes to the time to advance with the times. Our guild will also develop and expand. It can be seen that the reason why these robbers are rampant is that there are many people. Our guilds are relatively streamlined now, and now everyone is almost the same, so it does not reflect the advantages. In the future, there must be many people to get the world. Of course, there must be a certain standard in terms of income. Essence The first goal is to develop the economy first. It is not unusual in the Internet to have no money. It is not unusual in the Internet. Now there are restaurants, blacksmith shops, identification centers, pharmacies that are open for players, which are more suitable for us. After all, it is Xiaomao’s ideal, and his own chef skills are also 10 levels. The guy probably because he loves gold coins too much, maybe he moved the system to let him learn financial management. When doing buying and selling with NPC, you can bargain. As long as we are recruiting a few chefs and some waiters, it takes 1,000 gold coins to open a hotel for the procedure of 1,000 gold coins. The cost of land cost is 10,000, and then it takes about 5,000 to hire architects to build, and the first investment is 16,000 gold coins. Now the guild vault is from only 5,000 gold coins. In the worry, the mood was solved in the end. They invested 20,000 gold coins, which was contributed to the guild. Must be repaid. Essence The recruitment activities were done by Xueer, and they went to be a bodyguard. Xiao Mao went through the formalities. I was considered a bad image, so I do n’t need to go. One of them was gone. In the empty hall, there was only my baby and Xiaoxue. From recognizing it, it seems that it is the first time to get along so purely. “Baby, what are we doing, can we level the level?”

“People don’t go, it’s rare to rest and rest.”

After speaking, I was going to sleep in my arms, really like a lazy cat. Looking at the red smiley face, I still picked her back to the bedroom. The baby’s room was as cute as herself. Looking at the beloved baby in her arms, she couldn’t help but kiss her, put her on the bed, just wanted to leave, and was pulled by Xiaoxue. “Brother, sleep with others, he is uncomfortable to sleep alone.”

She usually rests with Xueer. Don’t seduce me in my heart. In fact, my heart is hungry. After all, I have been a virgin for twenty years. In the end, I took the door with the supreme determination, but this ambiguous relationship was planted. On a beautiful new day, today’s restaurant opens, the name is the first floor of the world. Although it is a bit arrogant, Xiaomao said that this is stress and power. In the future, he will not practice very much. Of course, everyone’s decision is all support. This time, a total of 10 senior chefs, 50 general employees, and 4 NPC security guards. Now our scale is also the largest in Yanhuang City, of course, far from the target. On the first day of opening, we must all be present. Today, all 50 % off. In addition, 7 people on the beauty list came, attracting a large number of their supporters to consume. The scene is really lively and successful, but it also happened. Some confusion, fortunately, the guards are good, these fans are too crazy. After a few days of leveling time, we have to rush. We are now in group training. Group, Shuangsali and some new players, Xiao Mao will not take care of the shop. I haven’t seen the deer for a long time. I just looked at it and killed some robbers along the way. I was very hot last time. Now I settle my account after autumn, and I think the role of reputation must be more than now. When we came to the chaos, there was already a chaosbulfort on the chaos stone mountains. From time to time, we saw the little puppets in the mountain patrol. It’s about dinner, so I rushed over in a while, and made a few prestige. The green wild forest is still so beautiful. The green mountains and green water are full of vitality. Since the protection of the robbers of the chaos, the price of pet eggs has risen a lot. The Warcraft area of the layer is upgraded. The monsters here are full of 40 to 60. Baby has the protection of stealth rings and we don’t need to worry about it. Her current bow and arrow’s attack power is not small, and she is almost 40 level 40. It is also upgraded by the baby’s bunny. It has treatment and detection. It is a defensive pet. It is just right for the baby. Xueer’s Hongyun is also 15th. Fire light, obtaining skill hell fire, and absorbing the attack of the fire system, the low -level water system is also invalid. Only my eggs are still that look, heaven is jealous. There are not many people who come here. Most soldiers above level 50 like to go to the lizard holes. The mage is suitable for going to the magic pig hole, Taoist priests, archers, and thieves. Canyon, only my fetus like me always goes over -level, huh, there is no way to strengthen people, don’t laugh at my narcissism. There are also a lot of things here. I think it is mainly my lucky role. Now the talents I know are almost myself in the most powerful players, and they are so perverted. Hey, God helps me. After practicing the intermediate pet eggs for a long time, we can also sell a few of them.

We can sell a good price.

We only pick gold coins and potion, pet eggs, superb equipment, self -sufficient and self -sufficient.

During this period, Xiao Mao came from the news that the restaurant business was hot.

It seemed to be expanding.

The guild has already saved costs with free labor with the guild members.

The income is controlled by the mood.

The quality of the personnel should be fine.

After a period of time, we can buy our own station.

We can also meet.

The three of us are all leveling, like a honeymoon regardless of the outside affairs.

The cooperation of the three is getting more and more tacit.

When we are tired, we can rest with Xueer’s legs for a while.

While basking in the sun, I can also enjoy a little desire for hands and feet.

Of course, I have n’t dared to come to expose the love.

I went to the weird deer several times, but unfortunately I didn’t meet it.

On the last day of this day, I went to see it again.

We dare not cause trouble to go to the third floor.

Once, the baby ran to pick it when he saw a beautiful little flower.

As soon as he was a little far away from me, he was immediately attacked by the 7 -level killing bee.

When he ran back to me, it was okay.

really weird!

Do I and these monsters are relatives, eh, impossible, I am so handsome.

As a result, the two refused to leave me half a step.

It seemed that the stealth ring did not work for some high -level monsters.

Ah, it’s a deer, I hurried over, and the strange deer saw me, and immediately ran over and stunned on me.

It was also a bit affectionate.

It looked like it retained some of her mother’s memories.

As soon as I finished the trouble, the strange deer told me where I did n’t know where to go.

Girls are beautiful and cute, and naturally they are so happy that the strange deer licks the baby’s palm when it moves.

The itchy baby laughs, and I look jealous.

Slowing down, like I came to the strange deer’s hometown, it should be the depths of the three floors of the forest.

Maybe it is the center.

Do you want to invite us to dinner?

I don’t pay for it.

The center of the green trees and red flowers is a large lake, which is not shocked, .






It is simply dead, and it is incompatible with the surrounding vibrant environment.

It must not be killed by the player.

The player was killed by the system.

Don’t look at the guy here very cute, but the ability is terrible.

No one can hurt them.

Such super bulls are not good now.

Run over a few deer, and the detection of the world is all 8 -order fantasy beasts.

These little guys slowly walked to the lake and licked it with the tender red tongue.

One by one is so cute!


What happen to you guys?

Intersection The deer stared nervously at the lake one by one, and his body trembled because he was extremely nervous, but he couldn’t move.

I was wondering.

Suddenly, the lake was flushed, and the strange deer screamed a scream, and took a few steps back.

The other little deer also made a good fight.

It seems that there are any monsters in the lake.

Some fantasy beasts, such as unicorn, Pegasus, goat and vines, do not be confused by appearance.

These are also fantasy beasts above 7 or more.

Staring at the lake, things that make them nervous must be easily solved my life!

I was busy pulling Cher and Baby back, walking the rivers and lakes, safety first!

Sure enough, a huge waves were lifted, my God, a few little deer had disappeared into the waves, and even the scream was too late.

The water splits out, a super horrible monster appears!

One, two .



is a nine -headed snake, one of the ultimate bosses, and the system sets one of the superworms of thousands of enemies!

I did n’t look at the yellow calendar today.

How can I encounter such a perverted BOSS?

The battle area of Super Warcraft has begun.

I do n’t know how big the range is, but we must be in it.

The scroll of the back of the city cannot be used!

Nine -headed monsters, super Warcraft, a monster or NPC after entering 100 levels, in the second world belongs to the areas that players are unable to touch, each has a perverted combat power beyond imagination.

These monsters should be human players It can only be resisted to a certain degree.

I did not expect to appear here.

Of course, the crisis also brought a huge temptation.

It can explode any super superb equipment.

Super World of Warcraft is the most aggressive one.

Super God Beast is so easy to speak.

The question is how this boss appears here.

It is reasonable to have places like Kunlun.

It is running out with its ability, and the entire Chinese area can be flattened!

Each head of the nine heads has different attack capabilities.

There are high -level four -series magic.

They can even use banned spells, petrochemicals, fierce poison, confusion, drifting, blood baying, I am dizzy, how can such horrible things appear here, see how It looks like the source of the water here, and the creatures that swallow the drinking water have caused anger.

The snake was stimulated, and it was even more angry.

The usual food dared to resist it, and it was so painful that it immediately attacked fiercely.

This level of battle is not what our small people can enter.

Although the Red Cloud next to us is eager to try, we still try to stay away from the battlefield.

We can kill us by the terrible magic.

The dense forests are super -strong fantasy beasts.

Countless mixed attacks are killed by superworms with stormy.

Can’t break.

However, the chaotic attacks make the tyrannical superwater even more crazy.

The head of the four elements of wind, soil, fire, and water gives me a vivid lesson, a lesson for life, the extremely magical, the ultimate mixed magic —— Destroy the Storm.

The four series forbidden spells were launched at the same time in a strange way in the roar of the nine -headed monster.

The sky immediately darkened.

Endless spike -raining, the entire dark hell, the nine -head monster is even more embarrassing, even if such a horrible magic is released, there is no impact on him.

We also went back to the past.

After eating a big loss, they still went to succession.

As for us, we have been lifted out for a long time.

In order to protect Xueer and the baby, I almost hit myself.

Alas, if it was not far away, I was killed on the spot!

The strange deer was also spiked in this wave of attacks.

I saw it at the one before he left, and a string in my heart was touched.

Although it is not worth it for such a “friend”

to give his life, sometimes People will do such stupid things! kill! Although I do n’t know if it is useful, I do my best to put all the magic, and Xueer did his best to treat all the fantasy beasts. A few deer who played with her has now turned into Wuyou, and I feel her anger! At this time, one of the nine -headed monsters noticed that these extra bosses, and a huge fireball was killed by us. From the diameter, we were useless to escape. It. We desperately issued the final attack and waited for death. At this moment, Feiyun rushed up in the fireball, and was drowned in Xueer’s exclaim! The nine heads are full of disdain. This kind of bird can only stuff the teeth sewing. The bad Phoenix finally hangs, and it can also enjoy life. The pressure is too great, so it keeps keeping low -key, but now, hehe! Our excitement has not finished, and Hongyun, who was hit by the horror fireball, even made a cheerful tweet, and a small version of the phoenix gradually appeared in front of us! It is absorbing the magic of fire! Intersection Intersection Although I don’t know what its limits are, but now our only hope is on it. My half -life trial is also released, concentrating magic and physical strength. Even if we can’t move, we can’t make that superwater better! After accepting my doomsday fireball, Hongyun was a little bigger. The joy I could feel, it was the desire for power! The surrounding fantasy beasts also realized this. These guys are all sacred beasts. Naturally, countless fire magic immediately changed the goal, letting the Red Clouds come, obedient, scared, I quickly pulled Xueer and Baby. Running, … too scary, these guys do not say hello, they will mistake the revolutionary masses! At the same time, the nine -headed monster also realized that it was not good. The original bird gradually became the state of its dead enemy super god beast Phoenix. Nine heads were aligned with this side! There are no magic attacks in the fantasy beasts. The crazy attacks of the magic, flying horse, flying dragons and other swarms like ants, killing nine strange monsters, nine head monsters also aroused fierceness, one bite, flesh and blood, flesh and blood Flying. At this time, the fierce flame masterpiece, from red to blue, turned white, a crispy Fengming, Hongyun opened huge flame wings, and it was enlarged by more than five times. Open, the ultimate king of the fire-the super god beast Phoenix! Other fantasy beasts retreated, away from the battlefield.

In just a while, they were already dead and injured.

The nine -headed snake also knew that they had encountered the opposite.

Nine heads were aligned with red clouds.

The red cloud that transformed into a Phoenix looked down at the opponent from the air.

The pride of the king, all the “audience”

will feel that a winged wing and white rain falling falls. “The soft”

attack can only be retreated to the three houses. Nine heads rushed towards Hongyun from nine directions. As long as there is one head, the others will be embraced. As for the magic, for the Phoenix of the super god beast, even if the phoenix’s Phoenix is completely immune, even if the supernatural phoenix, even if the phoenix of the super god beast is completely immune. Even It is the water system, not the nine monsters of the orthodox water superwater. We watched this world -world battle stunned, obediently, is it really a game of playing, so cool! If you change it to humans to engage in this guy, we must have died and send food for our current attack power! Hongyun now obviously occupies the upper hand. It is the natural enemy of the snake. It is the same as a hundred heads. The only problem is that with the flame of the battle Red Cloud, it will gradually weaken, … After all, it is not an orthodox super god beast! However, the nine -headed monster is even worse, and the heads are getting less and less. They are all ripe by the doomsses of the Red Cloud! Its magic, poison and other attacks of Phoenix are completely immune, and physical attacks are not flexible enough … … will not fly! Hongyun also had several serious injuries and was accidentally bitten. After all, the two strong struggles could not be damaged. Alas, I couldn’t help complaining. Why don’t Hongyun’s mother do not make this buddy and then Nirvana! There was only one head left in the nine heads, and the red clouds were almost becoming a normal state. The last one dived to the nine heads and killed the past, a win -off! Boom ~~~ With a huge explosion, I saw that the sky was all kinds of treasure gold coins, as if it was raining. The situation was like a poor man suddenly arrived on Jinshan, which would stimulate death! Fortunately, we are not people who are greedy for these things. The three of us rushed to find Hongyun. Cher directly rushed over. Red Cloud was lying on the ground and dying. Cher hugged the red cloud and wanted to cry. I cried to death like this. “Cher quickly treats!”

At this time, Xueer hurriedly released the treatment, which relieved Hongyun, and we were relieved. The surrounding fantasy beast was cheerful, and the air was fluttered for a while before he slowly retreated. …… These buddies are not interesting enough, anyway, say hello to us! The rest is to clean the battlefield. Basically, we are picking up and throwing it. There are too many good things. I do n’t think I thought it is now everywhere! … And oh, we also divided into 100,000 experience value, obedient, the upgrade sound is really moving! Call for loot, this is one of the most ultimate BOSS, hehe, two ghosts-the super-negative heavy space bag, the source of magic. (The overloaded space bag can expand the original space ten times according to the player level; the source of magic power, the speed of supplementing magic is 5 to 10 times, and the capacity is equivalent to 50 times the best magic crystal. It is the sum of my magic rings). The super god soldiers slaughter the dragon knife, one element of the element, a set of dragon king’s power, and several other parts of other fairy wares, other countless items, all installed. I want to go back and open the store. I immediately replace the equipment. Look, it is really cool. I can clearly feel the power of this set of equipment. It seems that I can do it. Think about it, we decided to give it to the mood for Tu Longbao knife, and it can be counted as their human feelings. Tu Dragon Treasure Knife, the soldiers of the soldiers ultimately, and the indiscriminate treasure, but what I didn’t expect was the relationship between me and me. Kill it, our prestige has added 1000 points for each person, I now have 2100, Cher 1050, baby 1010, big harvest. Now we do n’t rush back. With the current equipment, we can level up on the third floor. Of course, it ’s not to kill these buddies. We still kill some of the seven or eight -level Warcraft on the edge of the third floor, but after practicing for a while, we have practiced for a while It ’s not very fast, I still return to the 2nd floor. Cher and the baby are responsible for leading the monsters, and Hongyun and I are responsible for killing. My latest skill meteor fire and rain are just using it. It’s almost one word, so it has been mixed for a long time, I rose to 75, Xueer 63, baby 51! Chapter 4 The Return of the Demon King My name is the second sister -in -law, my career is a warrior, and I am a senior appraiser. To be honest, I don’t like leveling, but I like treasures. I like it. I am an appreciation. , Name “Jianbao List”

, I am also a talented player, but I don’t like to fight and kill. My weighing is a kind of enlightenment and a hidden attribute, but I use it all in my identification technique Above, but the identification is very expensive, but I do n’t know how to appreciate my genius, so that I would like to go to the three floors of the green wild forest to see if I can pick a pet egg through the difficulty. You can say that I am an idiot, but I can’t help it! But God did not help it trapped on the second floor. When it was about to hang up, the savior appeared. I still can’t forget the touched scene, facing the sun, a demon -like mage, followed by two behind me, followed by two positions behind me. The goddess is an excellent beauty. They also hovering with a legendary phoenix on it. The surrounding Warcraft is easy to get the mage. They are the most key demon king in the limelight, but how can they see me again What about this low -level soldier. Life is always too helpless, I did not expect that the same is true in the virtual world! We saved a silly soldier on the way back, called the second sister -in -law. It was really a veritable guy. Only at the 20th level, we ran around at level 20, but people must not take a look. He is really a strong appraiser. What is missing in the meeting? When we invite him, this guy is excited to speak, dizzy, it seems that we should thank him for joining. It is really the second sister! It seems that during this time, the fame of the guns and the Rose Mercenary Corps is very loud. I can’t wait to go back to see it. We did not notify the pronunciation of thousands of miles in advance, and went directly to the restaurant to celebrate after returning! The first floor of the world is really good. It is already 6th floors. It is also the right name. Our return has unexpectedly caused a huge sensation. Dynamic, this top -level equipment may be difficult to get in the end, and I have it, which caused the suspicion of more than N people. The customer service was almost violent. In the end I can only blame me for luck! The main members of the guild have arrived in a while, but there are a few more faces. Of course, the first thing is to thank Xiaomao and the sisters of the mood during this time, but Xiaomao does not have a cold about this. Such as asking him to eat, haha, brother! During this time, they all rely on them to support the meeting, and thanked to send the Dragon Treasure Knife by the way. “Wow, boss, you go to grab the bank pull, this is the dragon. Hey, the top warrior weapon, I heard that it is also the most difficult chance of all the soldiers. "

Xiao Mao swayed his head and shaking his head. “This is too expensive. I can’t accept it.”

I was stunned in my mood. What does this stupid man give her such a valuable thing? In fact, I know that money is nothing to them, so they have to have this plan, and they do make too much for the guild. With our strength, it is not enough to do so big in a short time! Of course, I pretended to be angry and forced her to accept it, and then briefly talked about our experience. When it came to the nine -headed snake, it caused a curiosity. Unfortunately, the spectacular scene did not have the opportunity to see it, which made them envy for a long time. I have said the situation of the guild. Now there are more than 2,000 people, and the application for the meeting is currently in the application. Xiaomao also told the financial situation. We now have the mobile funds of 50W gold coins. Then I introduced the newcomer. Xiao Mao stared at Erzi’s eyes straight, but the second sister -in -law was watched by this fat man, but their cooperation began, and one of the strongest business portfolios in the second world! When I took out the equipment I got during this time, it caused another surprise. The rest of the time was helping to clean up the loot. I think that so many things to sell to the store are too lost. Everyone’s approval, in the future, the members of the guild will send them to their own equipment stores to sell them when they can’t use them. Regularly start a auction to sell good things. Get the appraisers in the guild to apply for an appraisal. Hey, some of them made again. If these things are naturally implemented, we are happy. “Report, the head of the group, the fighting at the door of the restaurant, because we are not in the building, we ask the guards and not to intervene. Please dispose of the head.”

A 40 -level thief came in hurriedly to report to the mood. “You are wrong, the head of the group is there, this is the real head of the group. What is going on to find him?”

The little thieves I saw were straight. I don’t know which side I was sacred. “Okay, just take a look at it, the sister -in -law and Xiaomao organized these equipment, got it, and picked a few good auctions to the official auction house first.”

When we are present, the single activity continues, two soldiers, one 55, one 56, the heating is good, the equipment is good, and the level is high. Now there are many people from 40 levels. There are fewer, there are fewer than 61 or more, about five or six in our city. The 46 -level person was the people of Pangu City, who went to our side to see tour, and naturally talked about women after drinking some wine. Can be solved by force. “Xue, they played for you, don’t condolence, haha”

, miserable, I was flattened by Xueer and the baby inadvertently. “Hey, the two of your two guys play, don’t hinder traffic here.”

I have to have a cool opening. Well, I am more satisfied. However, it seems that the other party has a little opinion. Seeing the magic robe dedicated to the magic guide on my body, my head is a bit sober. Looking at my hand, only the holy light of the legendary element stick is completely awake. There is a first -class fairy ware that can be shaken, and a set appears, they can’t accept it. “Are you the first master in the world, the demon king ——- the soul eater?”

Asked me, it was a soldier who maintained the status of Xueer, and I answered you in this point. “I dare not be the first in the world, the soul -eating is me.”

The onlookers bombarded the pan and exploded, “It’s a demon guide for a few days.”

“I said, how can the magic array between the city and the city be used, it turned out to be him.”

(Note: When there are more than 71 players, the passage between the city is opened) “That is, the world’s first master and the first beauty are in our city, this is the glory of our Yanhuang City”

Listening to the discussion below, I didn’t feel a little fluttering. In fact, men struggle for beauty and honor. No one can resist this. “Is the two settled in another place, or solve it with me?”

Level 56 warriors know that it is impossible, but I am not willing to leave like this, that’s too faceless, “Aren’t you equipped with a high level of level high, I don’t be afraid of you, come on”

“Well … how much is this??”

“Yes, I have personality, I like it, let you make three knives, I don’t have to open the shield”

“This is what you said, don’t blame me if you hang it, everyone has witnessed it”

“This is too negative. Level 56 soldiers can put level 3 fires twice and one shot.”

Passenger A was a little worried. “Yeah, don’t get a second, don’t open the shield, it’s too dangerous.”

Passers -by Ding took the road, “But if you explode, maybe I can still get a lot of money.”

\ ~ Thousands of knives mad \ ~, the name of the 56th soldier is not polite. He is still confident in his attack and kills. I didn’t care about it, I have read the spells of the Lord of the Rings, starts the source of magic, and prepares the strongest technique. , Compressing the flame hybrid lightning, although the scope of power cannot be compared with doomsday trials, but fortunately it is mixed magic and attack concentration, which consumes less magic. The power is still amazing. It takes time to gather magic as the doomsday judgment. Under the high attention, the fire finally saw me. Just the thunderous fire and the bombardment, just a moment, the guy had watched the black and white TV before this guy came over. This is lively, and there is a lot of exclaims around me. It seems that my Fans is also a lot. I also saved a lot of trouble after this war. No one should dare to challenge me. However, many players think that I cheat and ask the customer service center. The answer is absolutely impossible, but because personal information is confidential, I cannot disclose my tactics. However, in order to give you a reply, I told me that I had a artifact before it would be like this, and it was the first artifact of the second world in China, so that my secret is not a secret. The effect is that my supporters are more and more, and the relationship between I and Ice and I have been spread, pushing my prestige to the peak. Anyone in the city of Yanhuang City, if you don’t know the demon king’s soul, then You are playing in vain. But I did not expect that rumors became another scene after changing the ancient city of Panpan, and the trouble was still here. The ancients of the ancients became tigers, but it was true. However, there are a lot of people who see the scene that day. The people in Yanhuang City are naturally a hero who talks about the demon king, and it can change the taste when it comes to the ancient city of Pansu. As long as you let the fairy of Yundai fall in love with him, he will obediently fall in love with him, and says that he is invincible in the world. The rumors have retained a little bit. What is the name is unclear? This can stimulate the supporters of Feiyun in the ancient city of Panpan. A group of people are crazy, to eliminate this self -incomplete demon king, as if they are all slaughter warriors; the other is closer After talking about the scene at the time, I exaggerated my arrogance and disdain for the heroes of the ancient city of Pan. In addition, I also said that I accounted for two top ten, and the five fairy was already in the pocket. The parties themselves are still leisurely, sneezing, who is thinking of me, hoping to be a beauty. Since I have more Xueer and Baby in my life, my character has also changed a lot. From the point of view of Xiao Mao, I developed in a good direction. I used to be like a broken stone. I didn’t expect it to be a jade inside. It turned out to be Hetai, which made him boast about his eyesight. With my powerful group head, the affairs in the guild are well organized. In fact, I have not done anything. After a few days of finishing, there are still many good things to remove garbage equipment. So high, our own auction house has begun to open. In order to start the first shot, we decided to produce some blood and sell something good-a soul-eating staff, lucky 2 of the best wind chain, level 8 2 pet eggs. Of course, we also accept the commissioned auction of others and charge a 10%handling fee. Of course I want to attend. Hey, there are my special seats in the auction room, next to Xueer and Baby, in the back of the mood, Xiao Mao is naturally the host. The auction officially started. The things in front are more practical small products. They still sell a good price under everyone’s competition, but the real strong or rich people will naturally not care. In a more classic words, it is to summarize —— Don’t ask for the best, but the most expensive! There are also a few good things for other players. For example, a long bow of the elves with 10%of the ice magic attack with an accurate +3, which was shot 10,000 gold coins. Naturally, good things are left to the end. The auction of level 8 pet eggs is naturally the first wave. The starting price is 50W. Someone will open the price of 55W immediately, and then 56W. The archer is called a fatal blow. The other is a 50 -level soldier, called glittering, and twinkling 70W. The archer on the opposite side considers it for a long time and finally gave up. Everyone is unwilling to compete for the first fish. The competition is more intense, and the price has exceeded 100W. In the end, a guy called “I am a gold coin”

was taken away. I heard that it was a character on the rich list. From this moment he also entered the player’s field of vision. ; Fortunately 2’s best wind necklace is a good stuff leveling. Others are not as luck as me, but its attack attributes are a bit weaker, otherwise they can sell for sky -high prices. The auction caused a sensation. In addition to the two top weapons I got, the secondary fairyware was already the best. Most people were used by themselves. Xiaomao proposed that the longer the time, the more equipment, the price will naturally fall. Now selling can not only increase the popularity, but also get a lot of income. The soul -eating staff was taken away by “I am a gold coin”

at 110W. Haha, I did not expect that I became a millionaire overnight, comfortable! Latest Ranking: This rich list contains personal equipment Sky List: 1 Soul Eater —— Master 15000 2 illegal entry -Warrior 7000 3 Ruisha River Little Fish ——- Warrior 6500 4 Wars Continuous —— Warrior 6300 5 The return of the king ——- Warrior 6000 6 Mood -Warrior 5840 7 Love Xin Zhe Luo —— Archer 5600 8 Unexplicable —— Thieves 5500 9 Cold Moon Remnant-Taoist 5400 10 Messengers-5000 thieves 5000 Rich list: 1. Soul Eater 2. The most poisonous in the world 3. Qingqing apple incense 4, I am a gold coin 5. Poor god 6. Endless 7. chef 8. Volume Treasure 9. Feeling 10. Landlord The main change is that the soul -eating master ranked first in the rich list because of his equipment, and still occupied the list of the list.

It turned out that the mood in the third five fairy fell to the sixth because of the insufficient level.

The mood has just reached level 60 and it has not yet advanced.

If it was not the help of the Dragon Turquoise, it would be very dangerous, and it was likely that it would fall out of the list.

During this time, spending too much energy on the guild affairs.

Now the bank will be divided into two major departments.

One is the service department, mainly restaurants, shops, auction houses, appraisal centers, etc.

, the other is the battle department.

Master Church, Bow Hall, Warrior Hall, and Taoist Church.

This is mainly allocated to command in the future or siege, so as not to cause confusion.

Our trip is undergoing the resident application, and we should be able to approve it soon.

Looking forward to it, we must have our own old nest.

Text 5 ~ 7 Updated: 2006-8-6 16:08:00 Number of chapters: 13227 Chapter 5 Association trivial matters “People are in Qi, everyone discusses the junior in the guild.”

Xiao Mao spoke. “It is best to be close to the lizard hole.”

The speech of the speech represents the voices of most soldiers. It is indeed uncomfortable now. Lizard Cave is the best choice, but there are too many people. Even the Battle of the Bank. “I think we should focus on the future. When everyone has a high level, East and West Kunlun should be the most popular place, and it should be approached there.”

The words of Cher represent the wishes of high -level players. “Although the prospect of Kunlun is good, after all, it is not conducive to development. We must consider economic problems. It should be close to the green wild forest. The resources there are rich and produced. Opinions have always been linked to the economy. Everyone is happy to express my own opinions. Cough, I have to play at the key point. Seeing that I sell Guanzi, the two little hands have climbed up my arm "

gentle”. "

I think that it should be more suitable here.” After speaking, pointing to a place on the map, "

the sunset canyon in the north, the magic pork hole in the south, the lizard hole in the southwest, the green wild forest on the west, the chaos mountains are just in the middle of the middle. , Located in the center of Yanhuang City and East and West Kunlun, although it is a little farther away from East and West Kunlun, we can expand in that direction in the future. In addition, it is a good thing for Royal Studies. The request to increase naturally. After all, it is not suitable for everyone to rely on the contest and hidden incidents. Is it possible to become a fragrant? " "

Level is the most important thing. With the strength, you can pursue others, so you should still be aimed at leveling. The station should still be close to the level of leveling." I also said her opinion. Some of the following discussions have nothing to do, or my opinions are more moderate, and everyone has no objection. Finally, I will establish a new residence according to my opinion. The rest is busy. It also cost 100 gold coins to play our new resident in the city several times. The popularity is to start. 20 % off 2 days before the residence was built. There are more than 500 guilds in the city now, and these guilds have long wanted to expand, but insufficient strength and reputation and capital restrictions, and development slowly, but there are still a few prominent. The strength of the Zhaoshen Hall is still good, all of which are senior soldiers, and the other is the New Millennium Corps. Like us, we are the development of mixed arms. The relationship between the guild is average. There is no major conflict. Even if you have a step back, you are lazy. They are afraid of our strength. The strength in this world is always the most important. In order to enhance the cooperation among our members, we decided to organize some training regularly. The main members of the regiment must be present to cope with the emergencies. It is not strange to prepare, and it is necessary to reinforce urban defense for senior architects. The strong thieves in the session will form a reconnaissance team. Of course, the salary is paid. Of course, the main members of the protective guild are not violated. There are all the branches, pharmacies, weapons stores, jewelry shops, etc. in the first floor of the city. The guild naturally accepts people. Now there are nearly 5,000 people. Due to the new and complete function of practicing weapons, there are also two methods for upgrading weapons. One is to put weapons and jewelry together. If successful weapons will bring some attributes of jewelry, The success rate is related to the artisan level and the material level. Of course, the success rate is never 100 %; the second is the recent one that comes out recent -3, you can owe a gem and a mantra so that the weapons will completely add their attributes. Of course, the weapons are also born with inlaid grooves. For example, the stick of my element is with one. Hey, don’t blame me for luck. There are more disadvantages of the guild people, and there are often problems with mixed personnel. The supervisory team naturally came into being. The captain is in the mood. In principle, the affairs of the members of the meeting should be solved by themselves, but if it is due to the benefit of the guild or the other party’s guild. Invision, the guild naturally gives support. As for right or wrong, it is difficult to judge. Different positions, or speak with strength, unless it is obviously violated with morality. For example, the same group teams to play equipment and get it alone. One thing is clear. Anyone who harms the benefits will be expelled after discussion and consent, and those who are serious about the circumstances will be hunted. Everything is on the right track! Chapter 6 Progressive "

Boss, have you heard of ‘God changed’?" Xiao Mao said mysteriously. "

What is the stuff, willn’t it be the end of the world?" "

I read the announcement this afternoon, saying that it was a major change in the entire mainland, and it was the lead of human evolution. However, this time it was only suitable for a period of time. The most worried about the gold coins in the vault. I really doubt his blood. Everyone is preparing before heaven. Facing the horror of unknown things, people are a little abnormal. There are no one on the street. Some players even leave the game. They think this is the safest. I think this is the most the most. Stupid, the greater the opportunities contained in the crisis, and who says that heaven must be a bad thing. Maybe it is a piece of pie or a gold coin in the sky. I, Xueer, baby enjoyed the tranquility before the storm. The wind rises, and the wind will become bigger and larger after a while. The smaller trees have been rooted up and the sky has begun to change. It’s completely dark, the wind, thunder, lightning, and the darkness of the five fingers without reaching out, it really feels a bit of the end of the world. The effect of this change in the system is good. Cher and the baby pulled me obediently, quietly thinking of kittens, especially the baby, the thunder sounded, and the scary and petite body trembled for a while. Only by leaning tightly can I find a sense of security, but I always feel that What is missing? Yes, why did n’t it rain outside after so long? Strange, ah! Suddenly, the colorful light falling in the sky looks particularly weird against the night of the night. These lights directly fall on the roof on the roof, and there is a strange feeling on the body. Lost consciousness. Ouch, what slippery head, wake up and see, everyone has nothing to change. Only the messy outside the wind shows that the sky changes really exist, no matter, go to the city to see. When we arrived in the city, there are people here, ah, that seems to be a semi -elf person, wow, that is a werewolf, what’s the matter, is this the influence of heaven? The effect of heaven. It turns out that this time is made based on the characteristics of each player. I find that everyone’s roots-correspond to a race, so most people will change. Transformed, now the types of known are demon, angels, semi -elf clan, semi -orcs, dwarves, dragons, especially the number of orcs, and there are many race categories. It will change to the prototype. After the transformation, different races have different capabilities. Of course, it is not big, because this time it is only the foundation for the real changes in the future, so it doesn’t matter if there is no evolution. My transformation is the demons, and my perception of magic has increased a lot, and the physical strength has been strengthened. Although my appearance is right, it is by no means a handsome little white face, but the self -confidence of the strong man, the self -confidence of the strong, Contempt the momentum of the world, and with the unique temperament of the demons, it can also be fascinated; Xueer is an angelians, and she is more average in all aspects. After transformation, she is more dusty. It is suspected that the nine -day fairy is in the dust. When it is emotional, the human body will realize the moving style of Fanchen’s fairy. Baby is the fox family in the orcs.

It increases the degree of agility and has the beauty of puzzle.

The pure and charming combination is even more out of her transformation.

Fairy, new skills after transformation —— Charm can make the enemy addicted to their charm and produce a short-term loss.

This is fatal in battle.

Of course, the effect is to be associated with the level.

It, for example, is used on me, it is simply sending food.

For the first time the baby used to use me, I got it on the bed to the dawn, and I was bullied by me, but the little witch herself liked this very much As a result, hey I prefer, everything of them is exclusive.

The consequences of the occurrence of the world are to push the world to a new climax.

More players have joined this game.

I heard that the newcomers also have the list of newcomers.

There are rewards as fast as possible, and some people come in to chat with them.

Anyway, no matter what the reason, the second world has completely replaced other games now, and it feels like the second world.

The people in the hall are talking about the changes in the past few days.

The adaptability of human beings is the strongest.

Of course, the male compatriots who are present after the transformation of the baby and the baby.

In the future, these talents are awake, haha, you know you will be envious.

Shuang Silly is really a brother.

The two transformed into the bear mad warrior ——- a blood-stuffing technique, a tiger brave man —— Zhen Tian roar, the sisters of the heart are all the elves of the elves It is amazing beauty, especially the five similar beauty, and the wolfs they lead are wild.

Xiaomao’s transformation is the monkey of the orcs, and the second sister -in -law is a dwarf.

It is funny that the beard grew after the transformation, which is really funny.

After the transformation, the ability is not much enhanced.

There are a lot of funny things.

The second sister -in -law is typical, and he does not change him.

The feeling of a handsome guy into an uncle be a beard is really bad!

Everyone talked about the level of leveling, and it was to me when I turned around.

Everyone knows that I have exceeded 71, but they are not clear about how many levels.

Several closest people, others do not know, I feel that my level of leveling is relatively strange.

The main reason is that my talent is weighed.

Of course, this is not suitable for everyone.

In addition, there are more adventures, so it is now like this.

There are also lucky weapons, but it is generally one, and two can laugh secretly.

The problem is that the other attributes of lucky equipment are not necessarily good, and it is not necessarily paired.

It is really not suitable for actual combat PK.

Because PK is pursuing high destructive power, everyone likes to bring the strongest equipment.

It can be used when leveling.

If there are top -level equipment, like fairy wares, if you can add luck, it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high, and it is sky -high.

Fortunately, I always appear in equipment with relatively low levels.

How can I feel incredible by myself?

When everyone heard that I added 8 lucky itself, looking at my expression one by one seemed to be watching a monster.

Hoho, there are monsters and monsters.

When I heard that I was 75, I sighed one by one, and gave me all the good luck.

Looking at the proud look of my left and right hugs, I missed me.

After a meal, the name of the name of the name of the heavens was dizzy.

Recently, I got a SS -level task in the Xinghui.

I heard that it was difficult to make it.

Everyone decided to go to the tomb of Qin Shihuang to explore to see what treasures I can get.

There is also a lack of strong thieves, especially places where there are many organs such as the mausoleum.

The thieves are essential.

Everyone can only use the guild communication to solicit one, but the people who did not expect to come almost cried the hall.

There is no way to raise the requirements to level 50 or more.

After layer of screening, the remaining 6 people look very suitable.

For the sake of fairness, we decided to hold a simple competition.

Internal disputes are caused.

The judges are a few people here.

In the end, we chose a thief-cat fish.

He is a fat thief and transformed into a dragon.

Everyone chose him not because he was the strongest, but because he was the best.

When he fought with another thief, a assassination played well.

He just retracted the attack, but he was defeated.

Everyone always thought that such people were qualified to make our partners, so there was another cat fish in our team.

The fat man is obviously very talkative.

First of all, he expressed his admiration for the beauty who was doing, and then hurriedly expressed his worship before the handsome guy around him.

With a smile of laughter, it turned out that the fat man joined our mercenary group.

He said that he also nicknamed “Bao Lie”

, and listened to him. The heart is very interested in the fat man. From time to time, he teased him, making the fat man seeing her like a mouse when he saw a cat, and it would be miserable if he was caught. Convergence. Everything is ready. Everyone prepares their own elixir, repair the equipment, and go out. In the future, Cat Fish, the captain of the Eight General Master of the Demon King, began his own journey! Chapter 7 Qinhuang Secrets According to the map, the mausoleum is behind the sunset canyon. Everyone try to avoid the monsters as much as possible, save physical strength and elixir. There is no incomparable magic array on the ground where the grass is not born here. It should be the entrance of the tomb, but everyone has not seen a hole in the shadow. “Tired, why didn’t Xiao Mao buy this broken map that did not indicate the entrance, wouldn’t it be fake?”

Dashan had been dizzy, and this brainpower was not suitable for him. “Looking for it again, it should be here, maybe there are any agencies.”

The cat fish that was still touched and touched. “The cat fish is reasonable, everyone is looking for it, and see what is more peculiar.”

Cher also spoke, and everyone could only continue. “Wait, there is such a sentence on the map, the flame god opened the channel to hell …”

“Flame God, it should just need to be magic, but what is the goal?”

I felt that the key I couldn’t find the door was in my hand. This was really depressed. “Brother, the strangest here, why are you still looking around?”

Baby pointed at the magic array on the ground, said, Everyone looked at each other, yes, the most strange place was the magic array under their feet. It was really riding a donkey to find a donkey. “Everyone is scattered, I will let the hell fire be released.”

Everything is ready. Look at my flames, brush ~, a flame fell on the magic array, ah, no response, too shameful, then the super Hellfire, I put it on, I put it on, I put it on, I put it on, I put it. \ ~ \ ~. Huoo, I’m tired of me. At this time, the magic arranger was stimulated and started to glow, followed by a step. The place where the magic array was located showed a dark hole, and a step was led to the ground. After putting a lighting, everyone set off, the cat fish was in front, and the second stupidity was the second, and then Xueer. Among the two mages of Xinyue, the baby followed me naturally. After the mood was broken, the others were in response to both sides. There was a dead silence around. The only sound was to cooperate with the footsteps of footsteps. The baby grabbed my arm tightly. With the ups and downs, alas, sad. The catfish in front of it found that the end of the steps was a stone gate. At first glance, it was an antique -level thing. What should I do if there is no key? Simply, let’s open it, I will bombard it. Chain fireball, bombardment \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ full of dust, I am dizzy, anyway, the NPC also cleaned up. As a result, the magic is invalid, but the dust was cleared, but he was sorry Labor, since the magic is not good, it can only be cut hard. Of course, this kind of thing is that the man has done it, and the silly righteousness rushed forward, and then what we saw was the two people Ding Dangdang’s skills of the warrior played again and again. ,……no response. “Isn’t it?”

Shuangli looked at his knife stupidly. “I’ll try it!”

I felt the dragon out of the mood, and a murderous lame of Morihan came, and the hard Shimen was easily cut like tofu. Speechless … “God, what is this, so many stone men!”

Dasha was stunned. There are all kinds of arms, and there are eighteen weapons. There are even cavalry and cavalry, each of which is lifelike. “That is the eighth miracle of the world. These will not be alive?”

It is Xiao silly this crow’s mouth. At a glance, it is true that the guardian of the mausoleum ranges from 40 to 80. Do not trigger the agency or everyone must hang it back and quickly issue a warning. The group of people carefully avoided these terracotta warriors, and according to the map instructions, they had to pass two floors. After a while, a door appeared in the front. It was strange that this was not guilty of those ghosts in the hall. Be careful and be careful. Seeing the keyhole on the door, the cat fish took out a string of special tools for thieves from my arms, tinked for a long time, Zi Ga ~, the door opened, everyone couldn’t help but breathe, but it seemed to be too happy because of the dust, because of the dust, my The baby accidentally sneezed.

Just listening to the sound of a while, ah, obediently, all lived, flashing!

A group of people fled wildly, and after entering the cat fish, the door locked the door and delayed it for a while.

Then I noticed that the surroundings were brilliant, and all kinds of antiquities were piled up all over the ground.

Take a box, you can’t move other things, otherwise it will be buried in it alive.

It is too terrifying.

Such a perverted task is still less.

After the temptation all the way, I finally came to the third floor door.

If Xiao Mao was in, this guy would definitely be willing to go back with these treasures.

This time there was a guard in front of the door.

Two sledgehammer Qin figurines, two big swords and Qin figurines were all 60 -level stuff.

It seems that if you want to enter the door, you must pass them.

“The stone gate on the second floor can’t last long, I don’t wait for someone, everyone fights”

, I made a fighting order. Cat fish came forward to lead them to give away a few poisonous poison by the way, soldiers charge, Taoist prayers, archers shooting, mage used lightning, ***, really hard, these Qin figurines’ defense and magic imperial capital It is very high, the attack power is fierce, all of which are blood cows. After a long time, I do n’t see the response. Fortunately, the speed is slow and sensitive, but this also causes us to have great trouble, because the stone gate on the second floor is opened, and a group of Qin figurines are positive. Swallowed, cooperating with a mood to kill the last sledgehammer, we rushed towards the door of gold, strange that this door was not related. , Hey, the image of damage, there is a famous saying that “the head can break the hairstyle is not messy.”

When the Gate of the Qin War figurines saw us entered the door, we didn’t move in an instant. This kind of extremely quiet change was weird. At this time, we noticed that the small room was like a study. It should be an emperor. Although it is a Qin warrior, the whole body exudes the momentum of my only respect. There is a case table in front of me. There is a box on the stage. I have a look at the detection of detection, wow ~~, the ultimate old monster of level 100, obediently, is a metamorphosis of the first level of the Super Warcraft Super Beast. I just enjoyed the baptism of the nine monsters. This kind of thing is still lingering, it is best to flash people. “Brother Zhong, is the box we are looking for?”

Cher looked at me with a surprise look, so I didn’t know “Oh, it should be, but …”

“Everyone should still be careful, the more cautious to the end, the more you look at this Qin figurine in doubt. "

Boss, let me move the Qin figurines, and there is a problem that is stunned.” "

Wait, don’t you know what the character it is?" Cat fish stopped. "

Isn’t it a Qin figurine?" Xiao Tu obviously didn’t understand our caution "

How simple is it that his level can scare you to death. It is the ultimate boss of level 100. Tie us together is not enough to kill it." I stared at two silly circles in an angrily. "

No, why can’t we see it?" Obviously I didn’t expect it. "

Probably your level is not enough" At this moment, the Qin figurines above moved, everyone ran to the corner to set up a fighting formation. "

Everyone pay attention, I will restrain him, you will return to the city immediately with things, don’t care about me" As a result, everyone looked at me with contempt, … I really don’t give face, I died together if I want to die together, I can’t stand it! The Qin figurine may have just been lifted from the petrochemical state, and it is a bit uncomfortable. "

I waited for anyone to dare to break into the tomb of the widow." After speaking, I stared at me, "

This, we are your descendants of your future generations. Here we come here to complete the task to get the box on the table." The scalp I was seen was numb, and the relationship was pulled. "

Oh? Er and other sons and grandsons, haha, I am Qin Shihuang, and I told me the recent situation." It turned out that our ancestors were here, and it seemed that there was a turnaround. I honestly said the situation in the second world honestly. When he heard that there was a large number of territory outside Naihe Bridge, his eyes made a terrible light. "

Miao Ji, Miao Ji, since Ru Nai’s descendants, these twelve bronze people can naturally give them to Ru. This bronze man is made of melting of the soldiers in the world. In addition, the side of the jade seal, you can tell me when you are in crisis, you can send troops to help him, and remember to fight for the power of the kingdom of heaven. “After speaking, we will be shrouded in the big hand, and we will be shrouded in the big hand, so we will be shrouded in the big hand. Under the golden light. …… Why do everyone disappear? Only I am still there. This stone man won’t look at me, sweat, rather than dead! \ "

You don’t have to worry, they have returned to a safe place, I still have some things to talk to you alone. " Dizzy, even words have changed, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. "

Even though you have instructed, I will do my best to” talk about the great emperor of China. Essence \ "

I want to know the situation around me, you can talk about it! " No, this is too smart, is it still wanting to travel? However, I honestly talked about the general layout of the second world. The three largest districts in Asia, China and Japan, India, and the emperor stood up suddenly. ~ \ ~ \ ~, Obediently, there was a large hole next to me. The silly Qin figurines at the door became powder. Fortunately, the goal was not me. \ "

Stop, give you a year, I want to see the banner of my Daqin inserted through the whole world! " Then the jade seal in front of the stage floated in front of me, … will not be a contact number Let’s sweat. Listening to its tone is really similar, but it is wonderful to leave here as soon as possible! When we woke up, we were already on the edge of the sunset canyon, the boxes and jade seals around us, indicating that the experience just now is true. Everyone comes around and talks about this magical experience. \ "

How did my brother come out? Everyone was going to kill it back ", the baby hugged my arm indiscriminately. \ "

Nothing is, mainly because Qin Shihuang saw me too handsome, leaving me to communicate with me. " Looking at the look that everyone cares about, moved, I don’t want to tell them to avoid increasing their pressure. The system prompt at this time: "

Players complete the hidden SS -level task, each person is looking at 100, hereby reward" "

Player Soul Eater Triggering the ultimate task of the world, the reputation plus 1000, increase the skills \ -Orior leadership, hereby reward" Back in the group, this operation finally ended successfully, but how to use this box, first open it to see, there are twelve small copper people in the box. The bronze people flew around in all directions, and everyone looked at each other. What was going on. \ "

" Great, boss, the boss, the pie in the sky, twelve huge copper people appeared around our castle, and the system just prompted that our mercenary group got miracles -Twelve copper people were upgraded to be improved. For the A -level mercenary regiment, the number of people can increase to 5,000. During the wartime of the city, attack and defense Ai can be increased. \ "

Chong Xiao Mao, obviously thought that it was hit by the pie in the sky, and it was still twelve. Big pie. I was busy talking about what happened today. It was so surprised that Xiao Mao couldn’t get together for a long time. It takes a few days to be calm for a few days. Everyone is leveling leveling, doing business and doing business is very happy. Sometimes I have to level it myself, sometimes I take Xueer and baby leveling. Bad me, we have strong strength. In fact, they can have a long time since they are in the mood, but everyone has a deep relationship when everyone is together for a long time, and they are unwilling to leave. Since the last incident, the relationship between Xueer and I was established, but the baby was a little too close to me, but it was not useless no matter what I said, Xueer didn’t care, headache. \ “The boss is not good, come, come! "

I know it is Xiao Mao at the first hearing, every time I was so hurried, there was no good thing. I saw the lazy beauty behind me. Alas, you should change your problem, otherwise who dares to want you. \ “It’s okay, I just express my unique emotions about beautiful things, huh, don’t mind the two beautiful people.”

Xiao Mao does not care about what people see. Cher and Baby have long been used to the ridicule of others. The words that are considered to be my wife have been happy from shy to joy. \ “What happened, I think of me every time I happened, I think of me "

\ “This is the case. Someone kicked the field and appeared on the official road in front of the Demon Pig Cave, not far from us, occupying the road. Strangely, it only attacked the members of our guild. I suspected that it was our us. The Qiu family came to the door. A few members of our group were injured. Fortunately, it did not pursue it, which attracted a group of people to watch, which was a great blow to our prestige! \ "

" "

" \ "

Well, what kind of dragon is it? " Xueer heard that someone had a holy beast like him, and he was naturally curious. After all, such fantasy beasts can only be obtained. \ “Is a 3 -foot flying dragon, it seems that the level is very high "

, \ “It turned out that it was just a flying lizard, just find someone to solve it "

, the baby obviously expressed dissatisfaction with someone dare to find me. \ “Mainly, I think that since the other party has a pet like a dragon, although it is a flying dragon, it is also a level 8 fantasy beast. It is definitely not the most people. Of course, it is not comparable to Xueer’s Phoenix. It is likely to be a character on the list. At that time, we must prevent things like heads -up. \ "

Okay, let’s take a look, who dares to find me trouble " This is a must -have, and a lot of people who see lively. I put a detection technique, and I saw the 35th flying dragon. Well, to be honest, the owner is a soldier called illegal entry \ “.

Oh, do you seem to be the guy under me? We seem to have nothing to get over. Why is it here? But since I came to find something, I was not polite. I rushed to the dragon. The big fireball dart passed, and I saw that the silly bird was played by me, and the gray was beaten by my fireball. The prestige just now was gone. \ “Illegal entry, come out, I am the soul -eater. Since you actively provoke our mercenary group, let’s do something to make a face face to face. \ "

^Haha, you are the arrogant mage, today you have to solve it ", walking out of a warrior from the woods next to it, a second -level fairyware holding anger, but seeing my dragon king’s god power obviously obviously I stunned for a while. \ "

The fight is to be played, but we have to make it clear in advance. I think you should be the people in the ancient city of Pan, don’t have any misunderstandings ", I naturally don’t want to be a scapegoat. \ "

No misunderstanding is. In the ancient city of Panpan, you say that you think of my girlfriend. I don’t come to make a break. Others think I am afraid of you.” \ "

Oh? Who is your girlfriend, why don’t I know? " How can I calculate my debts on me. \ "

The second fairy of the beauty of the beautiful girl is flying!” \ "

When will the Fairy Fairy become your girlfriend, but you turn around like a flies all day.” The passers -by in Pangu City whispered. However, the people around them were clearly listened. It turned out to be a self -righteous guy, and wanted to get me to get the joy of beauty. \ "

Xueer, your baby comes out, some people are wronged, your husband does not come out to testify”, and pull out the two women who hid behind and watch the lively. My kiss good wife, do you say I need to pick wild flowers? \ "

The two looked at each other, and they called the Shengujun sweetly. It hurts. Watching the two peerless beauties obediently nestled next to me. One of them was still above Feiyun. It should be the goddess of the Phoenix, and the other is the favor of men. Come. But come here, the words are also exported, and the fight is also determined! I never escape about things that can’t be avoided. I can only say, COME On, Baby! \ “The friends around me, I duel with him, don’t hurt everyone "

A 65 -level warrior, an unpredictable invincible mage, has a good look, a group of people has snatched the favorable to watch, and some people opened the game on the spot. If you do n’t say the sinister, you caught the attack. The dragon that was just a meal was first rushed over. After illegal entry, I followed up. The impact of the 35 -level flying dragon is still considerable. The shield was rushed straight, a flashing body, putting it on the hell fire around him. The guerrilla tactics were more suitable for the mage, but this is a good opportunity to resist the fire ring. Flying flying dragons, the fierce fire of the cheap man also came over. Brushing was two knives, the shield was broken, and the shield was broken. It was another anti -fire ring. I played as soon as I was close, and the aurora movies were placed on the bounce. It was a fire that was furious, but I couldn’t get closer to me. This was over for a while, but I didn’t worry about it at all, strange! Looking at the reflection on my body, I fainted, there are eight or nine ghosts, and it is likely to be overweight and heavy space bags. It turned out that I wanted to consume it with me! \ “The warm -up is over like that, come and formal "

, after speaking, he was like a hedgehog, and he started to launch my stunt nine days thunder. It is not good to see me for so long. Chopping over, although the shield was broken, there was no harm, but the attack power was horrible. Under the rapid supplement of the source of magic, the time of accumulation was still extended. But it ’s time to send you on the road, all efforts -nine-day thunder! The thunder of the sky was fell on the top of the head, hitting the cheap man, this time it took him five times to get him, it really was a blood cow, but I didn’t really hang it up and left him. After all, I arrived at this. The level is not easy, and it is hindered to my big task. I glanced at the black confusion lying on the ground, \ “Brothers, women are not chased like this, so don’t say too much, think about it, say goodbye! "

Say complete the clothes and brothers with his wife and brothers back to the house. \ “Well, see the power of the devil again, it’s really more horrible than”

\ “Brother, you can’t think of finding him duel. You don’t know that he is at least 72 now, and he has the dragon king’s power, elemental stick. Fortunately, the most horrible thing is that he also has the legendary artifact \ War God’s compromise \ "

, Ghost " Magic Source \ "

, the same " overloaded space bag "

as you, no matter how strong you are, he hard to carry you hung up faster ", shook his head while talking Essence \ "

This friend is? " The cheap man is obviously grateful for his guidance. \ "

Oh, I am Xiaobai Sheng, a friend of the neighbor of Bai Xiaosheng’s nephew, determined to engage in the information industry of the rivers and lakes, hey, you can also call me Xinba Xiaosheng, today it is not small.” Halo, it turned out to be a reporter. There is no way, the second \ "

illegal entry " challenge the demon king \ "

soul -loving ", the news of the end of the continent is spread throughout the mainland, which has caused a huge sensation. Many people come to see the demon king’s style. , Raise a lot of popularity of soul -elixir, and more powerful organizations have sent thieves to reconnaissance. The mainland is a lot lively, and at the same time, a new round of level of leveling is a climax. During this period, there is always a strange feeling. It seems that there is something to look at me, but I do n’t know where the problem is, but I panicked for a long time, but I thought it was too strong to see me when I saw me. I want to monitor me. Later, I told Xueer and the baby. They also felt the same, and said that there were long time. Women are much more sensitive than men, which is strange. Peep madness, it is impossible for me to be monitored by my current level and know nothing. You can only let go of the problem. During this time, watching others all day and my own pets are really envious. My eggs still have no movement. Even if it is a baby’s rabbit, you can talk about the baby happy, and it will also protect the master. Xueer’s Hongyun is even more windy. There is no need to do it by himself. There is no need to say the prestige. Hey, I originally wanted to change the pet, but this egg has been with himself for so long. But it has also followed the experience, and the emotion can’t let go. Every time I stroke her gently, the egg shell always responds to me and send out a warmth. Oh, forget it, just prepare to put it back, and suddenly the eggs themselves yourself. Flying, no, it should be drifting from time to time. I yelled and called Xueer baby. The five sisters in the mood also came in when they heard shouts, watching this strange scene. "

It’s not about to hatch.” He said with his head crooked, looking at the eggs that fluttered. In the mood, they had to give me a pet egg, but I didn’t want it. Since I couldn’t use it to put it in me, it was also a waste, but I still gave it to the second sister. With the pet, he helped him upgrade to an expert -level appraiser. Now I am practicing the skills of the blacksmith. This guy is very talented in life skills, but he is not a chef, and Xiao Mao has intimidated for a long time. This is the beginning of the egg, and the light gradually softened. A light shrouded us together, but there was no special feeling on the body. I firmly believe that it will not hurt us. The light disappears. It’s about to come out, everyone stare at it. The audience watched me and Xueer. "

No, how can this be!” Everyone felt too incredible. It turned out to be a cute little girl. Of course, she was wearing clothes to protect minors. Everyone looked at me ambiguously. Khan, these guys must not think about it! The little girl straightened her body, stretched out a lazy waist, God, long, really a little Xueer and baby, the little girl was curious to move her arms, looking at everything around him.

When he saw me, his face showed a smile and directly.

Rush into my arms, “Dad, Dad”

even more scared me. When did I have a daughter? I don’t know myself. Looking at the doubts around me, I haven’t had time to explain it. My " The daughter "

Mom” ran to Cher, and the baby was there. This is all down. The five daughters looked at us at a loss and laughed. When the trouble was finished, we had to talk about it. The little girl was nestled in my arms since the conversation. After asking for a long time, she couldn’t ask why. The pet is definitely not. High -intelligent, no different from ordinary people, when is technology so developed. We gave her a name called love, and my little cousin was said to be out. She always looked like 112, letting her call my brother in front of others, and they were called Cher. They were sisters. Baby and heart are incredible to her, and there are finally people smaller than them. When introducing love to everyone, Xiao Mao stared straight at me, looked at Cher and Baby, and then looked at the love, trying to find out something. He never heard of what cousin I had. Actually, about my family Everything they know. However, love is very popular (nickname for love), and she has also become more and lively. From then on, there is another little witch in our team, and the baby, what the three people have formed, "

punish evil and promote goodness. In addition to violent and safe, the invincible beautiful girls group “, the group was a chicken flying dog jump, but when I was there, the baby and love were still afraid, and I had no jumping person alone. When we level up, we have a small tail. This is me who has attracted much attention, and I have attracted even more attention. Everyone is speculating that this little beauty has come from where the demon king has been abducted, but they dare not be the role of being a god. I said, I just needed a baby to protect her at the beginning. Later, Xueer first discovered a strange problem. Whether Warcraft or the fantasy beast will not attack love, which also makes us reassuring the leveling. She said that she didn’t know what was going on. Love can rest in my pet space. This is the same as pets, but since I saw me and my baby sleep together, I refused to go in. We sleep together, alas, miserable. Text 8 ~ 9 Updated: 2006-8-6 16:08:00 Number of chapters: 16270 Chapter 8 Can’t Low -key Life After such a long period of development, Yan Huang no longer wanted to start like that. Only the main city showed a little human atmosphere. Now many small towns have emerged, and some are like us. Going to the mercenary union to hire can be NPC mercenaries, but this price is more expensive and cannot be bargain. The other is to hire players, which can be hired by single person or a whole mercenary regiment. However, large mercenaries have their own towns. Generally, only small mercenaries will be hired. The main economic source, the mercenary is mainly to maintain the security in the city, and the defense of the town when the town is attacked. Any mallee act will be recorded in the case. In other words, don’t mix anymore. Today is a memorable day. The number of us happens to reach 5,000, and the station is officially upgraded into a city. This means that we will have a special arms Knights. Recruitment, we named the city from the new, the name of the city is -the Magic Palace. Demon King —— Soul Eater. Behind Demon —— Phoenix Goddess Xueer, Little Witch Xiaoxue. Little Princess Magic Palace —— Love Fate The Cavaliers are called the Magic Regiment. The head of the regiment is the mood. The four captains are the dreams of the heart. Month, 1,000 people; Taoist priests formed the magic priest team, the captain Xinluo, the unified rate of 800; the archer formed 1,000 magic archers team, the captain’s heart; 4400 people, others are temporarily not entered for preparation due to too low levels or other reasons. As the city continues to expand the army at any time, anyone who has the ability can be required to join the army at any time. All members of the former mercenary regiment will automatically obtain citizen qualifications. Usually citizens’ shopping and repair equipment will be 20 % off, soldiers are 40 % off, and the team is 50 % off. , Captain 40 % off and 50 % off. After the preparation is implemented, the city is announced. Immediately caused a great sensation, everyone felt the strength of the magic palace. Other forces in the Magic Palace began to feel uneasy, especially the founding army such as the great power palace, and a secret plan began to form. The matter came, today we received a war book, which was issued by a guild called the Magic Alliance. For an hour in the city owner, the city is different, but the party who loses the city can immediately organize a counterattack. The two sides will not have time limit until the light is spent. If the siege party fails, the system will be forced to deduct compensation. If the amount is not enough The league was abolished, the compensation was 80 % of the city losses). "

Everyone talks about their own thoughts. After all, this is the first attack that we have been received since the founding of the city. It seems that the scale is not small.” As the city owner, I naturally have an example. "

Boss should be that our recent development has caused jealousy of other guilds. This time it is likely to be a joint operation. We must be careful.” Xiaomao is most concerned about the gold coins in the vault. "

Husband, I heard that there have been many large -scale wars in other cities. Once the city is captured, everything here has become someone else.” Xueer loved our nest most. Second passion proof. "

Husband, we must be able to defeat these crab soldiers. My husband is the strongest.” Baby still believes in me as always. Cher’s beauty is unattainable. After that, I was even more ill, and the baby was different. Her beauty was confused, making her a mix of angels and devils, plus a tender but plump figure, and looked at the ghosts in the hall. It was straight eyes, and they couldn’t even fight in the mood. "

Keke, time is urgent, let’s talk about countermeasures now.” Wake up this group of wolves, there is no way every time, but I suffer. Xiaomao and mood made a summary speech, and then everyone was separated and organized people. All members of the Magic Palace must participate in the city, otherwise they would be expelled. Of course, except for special circumstances. The weather is really good today, but everyone has no mood to appreciate it, but I am not nervous, but I am a little excited. The magician has boarded the mage tower, the archer stands the arrow tower, the Taoist is assigned in the central government to support it, the samurai and the thieves guard The city wall, the mood leads the magic group to protect the main hall of the city, and is ready to give the other party a fatal blow. After a while, there are more and more people at the gate of the city. From the logo point of view, the new millennium mercenary regiment should be the new millennium. , Deliberately provoked the incident. Time is here, and the siege war officially begins. In the first millennium, the soldiers smashed the city walls in front of the soldiers. Their Taoist priest added a large -scale healing surgery in the back of the defense. The thief was responsible for attacking our mage and archer. Tianquan is a gorgeous four -series magic, dense bow and arrows, covering the sky to cover the sun. We have less damage to the city walls on our side, but there are too many other people to fight one after another. "

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