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Chapter_20 Strong, but there is no flaw.

For example, his “true dragon”

, the attack power is strong, but it is nothing to think about it. Fighting and small -scale battles exclude this trick to kill. The others are easy to handle. It is more troublesome to move instantly, but there are also shortcomings. The key to making the soul-eating life is the artifact-the compromise of the God of War. This thing is too difficult to do it. It has to be a way to get rid of it. It was too much to slaughter, and Qingqing apples had a scent of brain. Our arrival attracts a large number of brothers who want to improve the “food”

turtle faction. The most is shrimp soldiers, holding a fork as long as the body in our hands, wearing red armor on our body, and two long shrimp. Drinking, Douda’s eyes motionless. Shrimp Bing ————– Grade 50 Demon, the lowest sea monster in the dragon palace waters, physical attacks, can only drop a small amount of gold coins and low equipment, but one thing that makes it becomes very popular, that is, shrimp The chance of soldiers can explode “shrimp essence”

, a condiment, the first -floor of the seafood, the purchase price of the first floor of the world is, each 500 gold coins. It is basically difficult to see the shrimp soldiers in the waters outside. I did not expect that there were pieces of shrimp soldiers here, but the two groups of people who came here did not need to go to the 500 gold coin to pay for the strength. There is no need to do anything. Everyone fights for each other. Whatever they want to kill. Whether they are archers, mages, or warlocks, they are the best players of single soldiers as the top master of the Magic Palace. Take the warlock, don’t think that the warlock’s attack power is low, and look at them. In fact, the warlock is the most invincible person, especially the senior warlock, the warlock is not dead, but the energy consumes dead people. Attacks can cause a lot of consumption to the enemy. Once you annoyed them, it is miserable to play with you for a long time. Of course, such a bit of rogue habit, but who can care about this? The most afraid of the warlock is the powerful warrior, the frequency of high attack and high attack is fatal. The shrimp monsters with a blessing time here seem to have forgotten that they are just a small monster 50, and even launched an attack on the humans in front of them. This is lively. Voice. A group of people in the Qingqing apple incense is even more difficult. The sullen air just now sprinkled on these unlucky shrimp soldiers. Observing these shrimp storms carefully, you can pick up one immediately, and 500 gold coins are enough for him to rub well. The crab will appear with the shrimp soldiers. Each five shrimp soldiers will be accompanied by a crab general. A pair of shiny clamps of the crab generals are their weapons. From time to time, a clicked sound was made. Crab generals, level 55, physical attacks, occasionally level high points, water arrows can be sprayed in the mouth, the horizontal movement speed is fast, but it cannot be moved upright, so the movement of exercise is easy to grasp. Things such as fish forks, fishing rods are all daily necessities. It is also a kind of enjoyment with beauty seaside. I heard that fishing enthusiasts also formed a fishing association, but because they are all living players, they cannot attract enough attention in the second world, but there are many rich people in these people. The pole, so those senior players never minded the “little”

who helped them, and at the same time leaned a little leveling cost. I ca n’t tell the southeast and northwest on the bottom of the sea. I think few people can divide it. Of course Crab generals. Good luck! There was a superb fish rod, or one temptation, at least to buy tens of thousands. \ “Boss, it seems that the rumors are true!”

The bad personality is “happy”

, looking at me in color. \ “What, you look at me like this, be careful I flatten you!”

\ “Boss, don’t you know, you are rumored to be a lucky star? You see you today, the first crab will violently a superb fish rod, this thing is at least 10,000, haha, small hair, small hair, small hair, small hair, small hair, small hair Ah! "

Say, stuffed the fish pole into the space bag, his eyes were narrowed into a line. \ “Boss, I have a hunch. No, it should be said to be the sixth feeling of a man. I am going to be developed today. It seems that the artifact or beauty in the distance is waiting for me. Ah, praise the boss, praise God, haha.”

Halo, the sixth sense of a man? Just as unreliable as the rooster’s eggs! Someone believes in this kind of virtuous things. I have high luck and improve the luck in all aspects. I have never heard that this thing can affect others. At this moment, there was confusion at the same time in front of us, and the “main force”

of these chats rushed forward. Obediently a bear fork, a big crab. The ancestors of the crab came out. It was 3 meters tall and 5 meters long. The steel -like pliers were as big as one person. Later, followed by a group of crabs. Be careful, by this crab king, the two pliers and one arrow will be given. The Qingqing apple incense is not much better. The sudden attack made us caught off guard. It seemed to be a rock just now. It felt suitable for the foothold, and suddenly it became a perverted crab, … If it can be steamed, it can be steamed It’s cool, it must be a crab yellow full of shell. Golden Crab King, level 80, super more than the sea monster. It is said that the crab with dragons will be evolved. The physical attack is doubled. After finding the wrong object, although the sudden attack hung up a archer, once we had alert, this guy was out of luck. Desperate three wolves today, the seafood eats coolly, and the wine drinks better, so he is very upset about the discharge wine of this big crab. The “rushing up, the golden crab king, the other side of the Qingqing apple incense also shot himself, probably wanting to restore the face that I just lost. This time, we want to shake us. Xuanwu was very disdainful to the guy who wanted to be harder than the shell in front of him. Leveling is boring, so everyone is looking for fun as much as possible during level training, such as constantly chatting, and competitions. In the face of the same monsters, the figures of the apple incense and desperate three wolves at the same time have the results of the same monsters. If you think about it, you will be excited. This is also an indirect test. The famous Wolf is not famous because of him, but because "

sending” is the fact that he has to admit, but he does not think it is a bad thing, because many people are famous by pets to become famous for their pets. Of course, he desperately leveling also wants to prove that in addition to pets, he is also a master of heavenly list, but the characteristic attack of the desperate wolf still has no progress. It is essential, but his main attack is still traditional skills. Of course, the more skilled combination can also produce great power. Behind the transformation of "

sending”, black magic inflammation is constantly rushing throughout the body, and the blood redness of the eyes becomes the same. There is no way to go. The attack -type pet is always the most popular. There is no doubt that people’s killing intentions are fully vented. There is no doubt that the Dark Magic Wolf King can perfectly achieve this. The lack of arms and legs. I also nodded sharply. The three wolves still have a great potential. If I can get a cooperative killing trick with "

sending", the power will be very impressive. Essence The Xuanwu of Qingqing apple incense is defensive, but he has fully excavated the potential, and he can play the same effect when attacking. His brain is to himself, and he is not only on himself, everyone around him, whether friends or enemies, are his "

materials". Although it was started by a businessman, it was seen that he had worked a lot in martial arts. This unlucky crab king obviously could not satisfy his taste. Compared with the bravery of the desperate wolf, he was more calm. The killing tricks must not be used. This guy is too incubation. It is better to let the opponent look at him. From the current situation, although the list of the three wolves is higher than him. become. He obviously did not treat the desperate three wolves as the opponent of the same level. The real goal should be only two and a half people, one is me, the other is illegal entry, and half a person is to love SEV. I don’t even talk about the sensitivity and attack power of Aixin Corolla, even I am very afraid of it, but everyone thinks that he is a reserved prince and will not care about the struggle of us, so he can only count half an opponent. The crab king on both sides can be regarded as the iron plate. The human strength in front of them is stronger than them. The brothers on both sides clean up the shrimp soldiers and crab will cheer the people who will give themselves. Suddenly something happened to make everyone’s teeth. The crab king on both sides did something that no one could think of —— run away? Intersection Intersection Monsters will also escape.

What is going on with?

How can the ducks in the mouth fly?

The Qingqing apple incense responded the fastest.

When he waved his hands, Xuanwu rotated on the ground, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

When he reached the peak, he suddenly started.






It can imagine the terrible consequences of being hit by such a huge “flying disk”.

Although desperate San Wolf had no time to move, this super nine -level holy favorite, the shell does not allow this kind of thing to happen. The black inflammation rose, accompanied by the long howl, a huge entangled black lightning on the black lightning, Hell flame ball chased towards the far -reaching crab king. —— The demon wolf roar! The poor crab king screamed too late, and was destroyed by the fried ash. Seeing the unexpected results, the “cool”

licking the tongue. …… It’s amazing! In any case, there are all the two aspects, which is a tie. We did not stop, the more deeper inward, the longer the corals, the color of the rocks deepened, the types of monsters began to become a lot, and the danger gradually hid beside us. Killing. In addition to the front attack, the sea monster here is more of a sneak attack. The fish monster and the turtle phase are the main force of positive attacks. It is not clear what the fish monsters are. With double swords, level 60, it looks like you can practice a few tricks; Turtle phases, I can see clearly, it is definitely a turtle school, level 65, carrying a thick turtle shell, a small prime minister on the glans, and two copper hammers in my hand. It is still fierce, and this level can be low and other equipment. Of course, sometimes there will be some small products with submarine attributes. It is a good gift for novices. It is cheap! A guy with a glans turtle brain, holding a hammer quietly climbing on the rock behind me. When I came over, I suddenly came to a double hammer. This time I was not so good. It ’s just that I have n’t been used to the shield without encountering BOSS. The fork, not with some colors, the defense of this guy’s shell is surprisingly hard, kill! —— Blood-eating dragon and killing waves. The effect of “Zhenlong”

is stronger, so “a little bit”

is so eye -catching every time, so I usually do n’t use it very much. At least, if there are many people now, there is no need to use it. The fish monsters and turtles have added a little difficulty to us, and also made us start to invest. The main force of sneak attackers makes clams essence, water mother, electric eel, and three often combined together. Clade, level 65, disguised himself as a rock. When the player approaches, he suddenly launch an attack and clamp a certain part of the player’s body. According to the position of the pinch, the power is different. When the clam is together, there is no attack power, but the defense is very strong. Those who have a slightly weaker attack will have to lose a lot. It is OK when it is destroyed by the shell. At the same time, clam essence is a very popular sea monster. There is no way. Who calls it to produce pearls? If you are lucky, you can also encounter Ye Mingzhu. The main acquisition of pearls is the Four Fairy’s Dream Rose Troupe. It is mainly for the business of women’s groups. Because women’s money is the best profit, they can buy pearls as decorations and increase charm pearl powder. In fact, even if there is no special use. The beauties are also very happy to have these beautiful round and shiny things. This is the same as the dragon. Whether it is the East or the West, the reason for the “dinosaurs”

is not only “lethal”.

Qingqing apple incense also wants to enter this market, and the result is a defeat. It is still a woman who is a woman’s business. Watermaker, level 70, paralysis attack, the lethality of itself is very small, but it is troublesome to make people paralyzed. The paralysis time is 1 -3 seconds. In the battle, this short few seconds can change the entire battle. It is said that jellyfish can explode the powerless artifacts, but no one has such luck so far. Electric eel, level 70, electric shock, and the main attacker of the attack. Only the power of the electric shock in the sea was not weakened but was strengthened. In conjunction with the attack of clams and jellyfish, if a player was first clamped by clam essence and paralyzed by jellyfish, There are a few more electric eels around, so the rest of his left is to pray God. It seems that we are the first wave of guests that break this virgin sea area, so the welcome sea monsters are also much surprising. We have more than 500 people on both sides, but the number of monsters is a bit dwarfed. Although the levels of these guys, although the levels of these guys are Not very outstanding, but the clever cooperation started to make us suffer, especially our drought ducks, in the sea, the response became slow, and both parties were small. , Can only reduce the range as much as possible, and it will get better for a period of time. “Boss, it’s really troublesome here. Looking at these monsters, it can make us trouble.”

Big silver chopped a clam. “Dasha, mainly because you are not residents of the sea. After a long time, you feel it.”

He has a bad personality and flexibly escape the attack of clams and jellyfish. The insight in the battle is very keen. I dare not care about it now. Although I firmly believe that this is a monster that can not cause fatal damage here, but I am also afraid of having to lose face. It ’s better to be careful. Under the defense of vitality shields and fighting gas, the paralysis effect of jellyfish is much worse. My earth skeleton cross is fully played here. The burst of blood red crosses is really spectacular. The people of the Demon Palace are used to my tricks, because basically my moves, … sound effects and images have always been spectacular. Seeing too much, the resistance is naturally stronger than the average person. And the brothers of the Magic Palace session are relatively small. Seeing that the boss is so “mighty”

, it feels like itself, as herself, morale, and the trust of the guild, you can also blow your own vision in the future. Although Qingqing apple incense is clearly seen, it cannot prohibit his subordinates from not paying attention to the gimmick of soul -eating. He always thinks that the real killing should not be so fancy, but the facts always do against him. Soul’s movement power is very good. “Wow, this guy is still a person, the move is so perverted.”

“Cut, what do you know? People inside the Magic Palace call their boss in private, which means that the boss is as powerful and gorgeous as BOSS.”

“I am dizzy, we are doing it against him, this, I’m a bit cold.”

“What are you afraid of, getting him about it, and we don’t need to take the lead.”

“I heard that the treatment of the Magic Palace is first -class?”

“Yeah, yes, good, good, you see, the three wolfs were just the disappointed drunk. You see what the concept of others is now, dare to scream from us, this world has changed.”

“Don’t say, just desperately the guy, I have seen him before. When I came to our city once, I almost flattened him once. "

Come on you, count your life, otherwise a finger will let you die a few times.” "

Hey, a few of you, a little ambition, anyway, it is still a master. The prince will have a kind of Xiang Ning. I don’t believe that his life will have been so good. What kind of mixing the world is refreshing. “A mage said seriously, saying it seriously, Cut ~~~~, unfortunately everyone does not seem to have a daydream like him. What I did not expect was that this mage really made some achievements later, making people look impressive. This is a later story. After half an hour of sweeping, the monsters were finally eliminated by us. Of course, everyone’s experience also increased a lot. We are very close to the palace, and now we have seen the big characters on the top of the palace hall-the elements of water elements! It turns out that this is the purpose of the artifact of the water system. The purpose of Qingqing apple is here! Skull recommendation: "

Exotic Life”, author: Northwest Wolf, History, BL_ID = 1770 "

Sword Fairy -Sword Repair", author: civilians, Xianxia, BL_ID = 5441 Main text 10022 depressed apples (below) Updated: 2007-5-19 15:34:00 Number of chapters: 4055 We are very close to the palace, and now we have seen the big characters on the top of the palace hall-the elements of water elements! It turns out that this is the purpose of the artifact of the water system. The purpose of Qingqing apple is here! The monsters at the guard door naturally have another grade, three simple types, and the sea patrol the sea, the generals of the sea, the mermaid. Sea Tanyasha, level 75, generals of the sea patrol, level 80, monster guarding the door of the temple, good at physical attacks and middle -level water magic attacks, the lethality is quite impressive.

Some brothers who are not good at bringing are more difficult to cope.

The danger inside must be even greater, but now it is not close to them to return them.

For safety reasons, they try to keep in the team and rear.

Of course, if they are willing to go back, they are willing to go back.

We will not oppose it, it is not worth hanging once.

The mermaid hidden in the coral group, level 80, ultrasonic attack, since it is a “beauty”

fish, naturally beautiful enough, with green seagrass on the head, with Shanghai blue hair, and the white neck is beautiful on the beautiful circle of beautiful circles. Pink pearls, white jade -like skin with beautiful faces, and a group of color wolf drooling. If you go to measure sea plane now, you will find that it has risen a few millimeters. , Xueer, the baby is left and right, the baby’s little hand is only a few centimeters away from my arm, and I can only keep the eyes of pure appreciation. As soon as the mermaid discovered that we were not fast, they began a beautiful singing voice. As the singing voice, although I don’t know which planet song it is, the melody is really good. At the same time, the ripples visible to the naked eye attacked us. The attack is unsatisfactory. Several fascinated guys Lima suffered losses. This can not be resentful. Fortunately, the number is relatively small. Essence There are also some female players over the Qingqing apple incense, more than us, and they are responsible for dealing with mermaids. Qingqing Apple incense is dealing with Haitai Yasha and generals. Once the beauties are out of the crowd, they start to attract attention. The contrast is unavoidable. Although the mermaid is beautiful, I think it may be to distinguish the real players. When you look up at close range, you have a more appetite. After all, you are not my ethnic group, but you can look at it from a distance. Xiangzi and mood were the first, Xiangzi waved his hands quickly, and countless ninja darts shot towards the mermaid. The mermaid’s sound wave attack had a certain defense function. Some darts were destroyed before they arrived. All the throws were hit, and then it was discovered that the fine and beautiful scales on the fish tail were also good weapons to attack defense. Xueer’s snowball is not abnormal in the water, and enjoy this feeling very much. By the way, it is also a pet of water attributes. After a while, it takes a big mouth to suck one by one. “Floating”

passed, a mermaid was rolled in, and when he walked out, he couldn’t distinguish the southeast and northwest. Snowball sprayed all kinds of magic cheerfully … but it was a bit messy, it seemed to put something to put something, so that the power was not very good. The mood of the dragon knife showed the power again. Under the reflection of the seawater, the jasper slaughter emitted a green light. The blue jade slaughtering wave was indestructible. The mermaid’s tail was hard and could not stop its attack. The movement of the mood is not as brave as the general soldier, but in a flexible and impatient killing, a bit of love of the bench, calmness, the rich body with the beauty of the young woman, absolutely a lot of stunning. Cher’s beauty is intoxicated. When you didn’t find it, she was silently affected you. At least I forgot that there was a mermaid. Xiangzi is also very noticeable. A tight ninja pretends to the graceful figure, and the special identity adds a sense of mystery. At the same time, it also adds a distinctive temptation. As a man, my feelings are The deepest. Baby is more lively, there is a protection of stealth rings. The baby runs around, the bow and arrow in your hand are flying out, drilling in the monster pile, and the rabbit on the head of the head to treat her from time to time. After all, there are always mistakes. The temptation of the baby is definitely inconceivable. The 17 -year -old girl’s rainy season has changed a lot. The purity of the girl, the delicate and rosy skin of the baby, and the strange maturity of the baby. Become a seductive witch, and the extraordinary beauty makes her charm even higher. The similarity of the five sisters in the mood together made you “audiences”

dizzy. Because of too much focus, a dear was almost a hammer to the jerk. The mermaid’s limelight disappeared immediately, and all of them were transferred to the beauty of the Magic Palace. “Boss, the limelight of Dasao is more than you.”

The desperate three wolves told me, “That’s it, Xiaolu and I are the witness of the boss love!”

He said with a smile, … At the beginning, I still used the two of them as their opponents. “A few of you should consider. He Xinyue has no boyfriend yet, and you have to get the moon at the water tower, but don’t blame me that I don’t tell you. Love Xinju Luo will fascinate our hearts!”

\ “Wow, the opponent is him, but we can’t fight, that’s the boss, the fat and the water does not flow out of the outsiders!”

\ “Do you get it, don’t add chaos to me, be careful of Xueer, they will not let me go to bed!”

\ “Boss, this is not possible. I heard that there are 26 girlfriends, and the most boyfriends are 58. Your road is still very long!”

Khan … I can’t! \ “Cut, our boss does not seek quantity in the middle, and don’t scatter it if you are scarce!”

\ ""

The boss has a lot of encounter now. It is necessary to consider whether it is comprehensive or focusing on offensive. “Cat fish began to count,”

the top beauty in the world, flying clouds, chasing dreams, and the remaining four beauty we left. According to reliable news, our absolute idol Mingyue is also within the scope of the boss. What else is Zhuge Qing’er, anyway, there are many … Oh, the boss wants to kill people, we want to kill the mouth. It is better to die, oh, three wolfs, silly, personality will save me. " The four guys are even more fierce. They all pretended not to see. They came to watch the mountains and watched the tiger. \ "

Old cats, you can recognize it. Several of us are in your heart, but we are not enough." The personality on the side was not good to find a dying Haiye Yasha, pretending to cut it. With an example, the three wolves will draw scoops according to the gourd. After playing, I remembered the war. By the way, what kind of water fairy seemed to have never appeared, what did you look like? I am a little curious! Qingqing Apple incense is strange. I don’t know what the idea is. I have never exposed his wife in the colorful list. … This experience contest seems to be the most. The opportunity to get pet upgrades can be given to the war. His iron back bear is too weak! I don’t worry about fighting him to fight with Qingqing apple incense! Both the battle on both sides are almost resolved. We all appreciate the beautiful heroic posture, which is also a proper rest. The door to the gathering point of water is in front of us. What we want is inside. The strength of Qingqing apple incense is not increased. I am not afraid, but I have to consider for my brothers. There is nothing to say now. The masterless thing is to take up first, and calculate the other party while touching the luck! For example, playing playing cards. If you can’t see who Kaizi in this card after playing for a while, then this Kaizi must be you. "

The gathering point of the entire water element is made of firm ice, crystal clear, and beautiful. But the impactful cold inside gave us a lot of impact, reminding me of the scene in the Raton of the Ice and Snow Kingdom, … and the unparalleled Princess Laronon, hehe. Everyone’s health is slowly declining, especially the mage with weak defense is particularly serious. Warlocks have begun to enhance defense and water -based magic resistance. The primary guards of the palace are all simple water elements, pure physical attacks, 70 levels, the number is amazing, forced us, a group of people can only play position battles in order to preserve the strength. , Can form a small team. In this way, these water elements have become our “beauty meals”.

The level 75 is right for most people. It is possible to have experience rewards. If you are high, it will be too high. If you are low, you will lose the reward. We are also happy to practice here for a while. Anyway, this time we made a lot of money. Qingqing apple incense is a little bit angry. Tolerance, this is the only idea in his mind. , Will be drilled by others, this will never happen that he has clear apple incense! At this moment, there was a swaying in the palace, and dozens of huge figures appeared —— is an ice giant, a 76-level ice giant, a powerful physical attack, except for the banned water magic. From time to time, the huge ice cubes are condensed, and then they are thrown into our dense place. Fork, horrible long -range soldiers! “Three wolves, it won’t work like this, our impact!”

The appearance of these ice giants added to me is not a little or two, we must solve it as soon as possible! Qingqing apple incense has begun to act, I, mood, desperate three wolves, silly, zodiac signs, and 15th -level soldiers who came together together, assault together.

These ice giants, Qingqing apple incense is also uncomfortable!

I attract their attention from the air, the chain of the side dishes, my nine -headed fire snake, hell fire, enough to attract them, after all, water and fire are not allowed!


is still the first, the fireball in the mouth is broken from time to time, and the dark flames just restrain the monster of the water system. The advantage of the battle immediately fell to us again. Don’t look at these ice giants. It is not very good. Some people block the ice element, and the rest of the people solve the ice giant. As soon as the water element is hung, it becomes a pool of water, and the ice giant becomes a bunch of broken ice cubes, … some hinder traffic! But good things are always not long. When our victory is victory, the aid of the Ice Giant comes —— water elves, level 80, water system magic attack, good at all water systems outside the curse, they are easy to relax, they are easy , Small wings fan, the ice giants climbed up on the ground, the number of water elements also increased, and we were blocked again. There is no way, we can only change the goal. Unconsciously, we have merged with people who have the fragrance of Qingqing apple. Although it can’t be talked about, it finally reduces the area of the enemy, which increases our power. Always bigger than slap! “Boss, what should I do, you go up to kill those nasty element wizards, when will you summon, when will it be finished!”

The mage and archers began to target the water elves. Unfortunately, this little guy was flexible and difficult to cause damage to them. The characteristics of water were their super fast recovery and did not give them a fatal blow. It will be intact in a while. There are flying pets in the team immediately raid the opportunity. Unfortunately, Ice Demon Dance has no effect on them. There is no way. I immediately flew into the air and started chasing these abominable elf to deal with their blood dragons and kills waves. It is useless, no hair can be touched. Text 10023 BT Elf (Part 1) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5685 Our offensive was temporarily blocked. Under the leadership of the water elves, Ice giants and water elements began to fight against us. Judging from the current form, it is impossible to pursue zero casualties. It is necessary to fight back immediately. The later, the more disadvantages to us, the class of the water elves is not high. It is even more difficult for us to clean up when their boss comes out. The water system does not work, and the power of fire magic can not be exerted. The soil magic is suitable for attacking too little. Only the Qi Magic is still together, but it ’s just that I am not very useful. People dragon together! Intersection Intersection After transforming, two consecutive moments moved to a water elf, ignoring the attack of the ice giant, a “dragon teeth”

solved it to send two swords and rose to level 85. However, it was unwise actions to expose my hole card in front of the apple incense. Of course, I left a little back. The zodiac signs rely on their close cooperation to firmly block the elements of attacking us. Others split their heads to block the ice giants and water elves. Looking at everyone so busy, I suddenly love Xinjin Luo’s mind. If he should be so good, it is really better to deal with these messy ghosts that are all over the sky. Hands, this is that I ignore it. Each occupation has its own strengths. It is comparable to the real development, but the soldiers are relatively easy to practice. The Magic Palace is famous for warriors and mages, archers, thieves, and warlocks. Since Feiyun joined, the strength of the warlock has improved. There are not a few high -level archers, but it is obviously not dominated by dominance. There are too few members who have super ability. I have to support signature characters in their careers. The warrior was in a mood, desperately. There are no characters since I quit. The warlocks include Feiyun and Xueer. In terms of thieves, although cat fish are handles, the masters are still far from the list. Spending less energy in this profession, fortunately, it is not too late now! The more you should pay attention to the talent, the more you pay attention to the talent … … the strength of Qingqing apple incense will never be the only thing in front of you. If you think carefully, you will find that the most powerful men who have the most powerful apple incense have no appearance at all. Even if they appear, they will not be in front of their opponents. It seems those guys are desperately leveling. The “Fat -away”

demon wolf roar and play these water elves is also full of useful, … One step is a step, now you can “track and guide”

for a short distance, great! Relatively speaking, the performance of the side dishes is not very good at this time. This guy is dressed up all day long. Do you want to take the little white face route? This is not good! “Boss, do you think of Qingqing apple incense?”

The cat fish on the side reminded me, dizzy, Qingqing apple incense is slowly approaching the magic door with a few people. “Quick, three wolves, mood, Xueer brought a few people to me, cat fish and war kept taking people to keep here, you take care of your baby, everyone is careful, it is not easy to cope here.”

“Boss, give it to me here!”

Cat fish is also very careful, I rest assured! Qingqing apple incense saw us rushing to here, and quickly took out a magic scroll from his arms, posted a space on the door, and the door slowly opened with a bombardment. Qingqing apple incense rushed in a flash. The people around me rushed inside, but it seemed like an invisible door was blocked, and the people with insufficient combat effectiveness were bounced out. Seeing that the door was close, we also accelerated their footsteps, obediently, just right! Qingqing apple incense looked at us with eight people, and looked at us with a smile. I followed the three wolves, silly, Xueer, mood. “I didn’t expect Brother Soul Eater to be more keen than mice, admire it!”

“Award, prize, is far worse than someone’s mouse.”

Haha, after speaking, the two people laughed together. Cher secretly pulled me and said quietly, “Husband, when did you become so false.”

“Good wife, what do I meet, this is called progress, hehe.”

“He, always reasonable, Xueer ignores him.”

I felt a wink in my mood. Don’t say that the mood is getting more and more open now, and I learned to tease me to tease me. The place where we are in it is an ice -made promenade, but it is not as cold as it is. The crystal wall is fluorescent. We are dizzy, and we have to leave this ghost place quickly. After a while, we found that we were besieged. At the end, there was a crystal door engraved with magic pattern, locked! I looked at Qingqing apple incense, and he shook his head. It seemed that it was not as false, and the way back was blocked. “What’s going on, how can there be such a task, is it the test of the test to resist hunger, who is the last starvation, a rewarding artifact?”

“Go to you, you are so strange that you are so strange. If that’s it, you must have no hope!”

sweat…… Qingqing Apple Xiang is also talking about something. There is no way. Now it can only be consumed. It ’s okay to chat with everyone. Anyway, Apple does n’t go, we will never go first. “Fork, what’s the matter, I fight!”

The desperate wolf facing the crystal door was a fierce knife. Dang Dang, a crisp sound, … even a scratch, the ones can be shown in the mirror. ……but…… At this time, the magic door made a faint white light, and a small elf in the magic array on the door even stretched the waist, gently fanned the wings, and then walked down the door in the eyes of the public. You waited for a long time, the younger brother fell asleep, haha. " Dizzy, sleeping over, not funny at all. We waited here for so long and frozen for so long. "

See you so handsome and extraordinary strength, you should come to get the water artifact, very good, come with me." Come with me. "

Where is it from? Intersection Intersection Seeing what we was hesitant, the elf’s eyes flickered, “Oh, don’t doubt everyone. Although I am a guardian artifact, I am a life that loves freedom. I don’t want to stay on this damn door for a lifetime. But it’s a leader, oh, blue sky, ah, blue water, ah, grass, I’m here! "

Spit ~~~ This “cute”


is really rare! Some people are naturally not better. The elves in front may have a multi -motion, or they have been closed for too long. They are constantly playing with tricks in the air. …… I always think that this hall is a bit strange and dangerous, but where is the crisis, I can’t find it. This feeling is too bad. I have a dangerous gesture. Everyone is prepared. Obviously, it was found that there was something wrong. This elf said a lot of nonsense, but I wanted to divert the attention. This carved insect skill was played in front of his apple incense, and it was 10,000 years ago! Let the brothers be prepared for fighting, and stare at the elves in front of them. It ’s too sensitive to be safe all the way.

Maybe we are too sensitive.

The front is exported.

The artifact is in front.

Everyone is a little excited.

The temptation of an unknown artifact is no less than the beautiful list.

Just as we relaxed, the elf fanned the beautiful little wings, a elegant turn, and disappeared!

Intersection Intersection When it appeared, it had reached the door, and gently pulled the armrest on the side of the door.

A huge ice cubes were fell into the top of our head.

His face was flushed.

“Giggle, how fun, the people from the distance from the distance are about to see the artifact, are you excited, oh, don’t say, I know, you see, your blush is like an apple, and your heart must be very excited. This is not good. Excessive excitement will have a tachype. This is not good news for your fragile heart! "

Seeing all we are fooled, the little guy was so excited that we even had a whistle in our mouths. We were all green. It was really green. This giant ice cubes are not simple, can measure our strength, worsen it by ourselves, and now I can speak much to speak, of course, one of them: “Whatever you want, just say it, otherwise don’t blame us if it’s not polite!”

“You’re welcome, haha, it’s great, can you be polite? I really want to see it, but you see, I said, I am a elf who eager to be free, that is, I am very kind, Let me explain it for you. This is the gate of eternal betrayal. This giant ice on your head will accurately measure the critical point of your physical strength and adjust it to a proper weight. As long as you have one person, you will not try your best, and you will take one person. Others flattened, you see, how cruel the reality is, there is only one artifact, and you have so many people, it is really difficult to handle. Our darling of our gods does not allow them to kill each other After such a way, look at the door to the hall of artifacts. Glory and wealth are in front of you. Give up your companions. The artifact is yours. Don’t hesitate. Seeing that we have no response, the elf is not very satisfied with the performance of ourselves, and I don’t know if it is not satisfied with our performance. "

Wow, what a touching friendship, but you do n’t feel, your legs are gradually softened, and your hands are sour? Even if you support it like this and exhaust your physical strength, it will definitely be overwhelmed by the whole army. It’s a pity, so busy live for so long, oh, it’s a pity. " This abominable guy constantly changes his frustration, disappointment, and jealous expression. … Although no one believes in its ghost words, it is really heavy. Some people are about to do, and the pressure of giant ice has increased significantly. "

Boy, don’t work hard, you are far away from playing this!” "

That’s when I go out, it’s time to bake you!” "

Just the meat, it still cooks soup!” Hahaha ~ The elf is not angry, "

Oh, you human beings are not a famous poet said so, life is valuable, love price is higher, if it is free, both can be thrown! How correctly, it is simply the truth of the truth " This abnormal elf’s chattering is the closest person who wants to shake us. Unfortunately, the closest people who come here are the closest people and the Qingqing apple incense. It is definitely impossible to betray it, but we can’t let everyone go like this. Back pain. "

Brother Apple, I can separate four people. Three shadows should be able to temporarily resist the weight of a person. You go to the armrest on the door!" I talked to him with a thousand miles, and I must be careful of the damage of the elves. Qingqing apple looked at me in a hurry. Obviously, I didn’t expect that I believed him so much. Actually, I couldn’t help it. If I let the mood go, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not follow. If you do n’t believe it, you have to believe it. If you dare to play Yin, you can only go back to find him to settle accounts. I do n’t think he dares to. "

Brother Soul Eater, let’s go, your instant movement is faster. I let Xuanwu come out to replace your position, it should be okay." I can see from his eyes that this is not a polite. I do n’t treat others from time to time. I do n’t have time to think about it. I nodded. The moment it leaned, I quickly moved away from the scope of the Bingbing, and rushed towards the handrail. This change was surprised by the BT elf, and immediately understood what was going on. "

Okay, you destroy the rules of the game, cunning humans!" It is not slow in my hand. Countless ice arrows are mixed with Ice Dragons to rush to me. As long as I hinder me for a while, they have to finish the egg. When I bite, I suffered two ice dragons, a few ice arrows, moved to the armrests in two moments, and worked hard! Intersection Intersection … … In just one second pause, I think it’s like a year. If it is not easy to use, it’s over, my wife is still inside! Hush ~~ Good guy, finally got it, everyone was so tired, watching the Bingbing slowly rising, sitting on the ground with a lot of images, Xueer and her mood were also fragrant, unable to breathe. With a little rest, everyone took out my physical potion to add. I quickly helped my wives. Xueer and mood fell into my arms all at once. The woman’s physical strength was not as good as a man. Once in the hall, it was so intimate that Xueer and mood were a little shy, but she was really powerless. She could only bury her face in my arms. The beauty was holding it. Dizzy, happy, I naturally won’t let Yanfu slip away! "

Boss, how long do you have to hold, isn’t this made us look good?" The desperate three wolves recovered their strength and started to take us to open. "

That’s it, that is, how close you are, we are still three bachelor, haha." … … When we have the strength, I found that the abominable BT elf didn’t know where to go. Damn, I really want to peel it and play with us from beginning to end! We finally entered the temple of water that stored artifacts. The scene we saw almost did not get angry. The BT elf is sitting on a big shaved ice. ,, "

Yeah, what’s wrong with you, one by one, like taking guns, so pitiful, angry and easy to get older, although you are all ugly, but if you become ugly, it will pollute the environment. Wow Wu, wow, The planer ice here is really good. " "

Bunny, where is the artifact, and we will spare you to die." A soldier next to Qingqing apple incense asked, "

What is the rabbit cub, is it delicious? Haven’t heard of? Artifact? I think about it, artifact, I know, you see." Say, the BT elf flew up, thinking about the spells we do n’t understand in our mouths The elements in the space began to fluctuate, and a wind swept through, and four huge ice sculpture monsters appeared on the ground. "

Please allow me to give you a lady. I introduced it, these brothers, they are the shadow created by I used the fourth series of holy beasts with a ban. Body, hey, look at your luck. " "

The first one, the flame lion, level 85, longer than attack, second, the bear of the earth, level 85, more than defense; the third, the wolf of the wind, level 85, longer than the speed; Pets, Fantasy Water Eagle, level 85, longer than treatment; Ula, beautiful, I don’t think you can wait, let’s start! " The ice sculpture shouted several times, and launched an attack at us. The BT Elf sat back to the old place and ate the shaved ice. The flame lion burned Bingyan to launch the first attack. The sharp claws carried a burst of sword -like cold, killing us on our side, and the dream water eagle cooperated in the air to launch an attack; Apple incense rushed over. The wolf of the wind disappeared from the same place, and then sent it first to the Apple. Although this flame lion is a counterfeit goods, it will not be much less powerful after the qi replaces the flame, but it has changed from hot to cold. It should be regarded as an ice inflammation lion. I prefer this kind of straight and straight collision, … I don’t like to be hit, I am in my mood, and Xueer has to deal with the nasty bird in the air. Shuangshu went up with the Bingyan lion and hit a hit. This is the consistent method for their testimony to test the opponent. They do not show mercy, and they will die. In terms of strength, the Bingyan lion has advantages.

Two steps back in double silly.

The Bingyan lion only stepped back.

The two people smiled each other.

They were very interested in this opponent.

They immediately launched an attack.

The practice of the exercise is extremely familiar.

The Bingyan Lion’s two -claw dance dances is raw, and the paws are frozen magic, which causes the silly action to be slow.

, This guy can only drink with “send”

to drink. If you take a bite, I can know the smell of the two silly two guys, but the six relatives do not recognize it. It is just that he can rest. Desperate three wolves is not a fighting madness, but the “sending”

is a bit uncomfortable. A few junior guys dare to dare to shine in front of him. Essence Text 10023 BT Elf (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 4060 The Bingyan Lion is not very cool, open mouth-the lion growls, it has long seen it “send”

to pay back for the first time, bounce bombs, broken, but the power of remnants still allows the residual power to make the residual power still let the residual power still allow Bingyan lion was embarrassed. The Dream Eagle started attacking us in the air, and “missiles”

in the air, sprinkled them one by one, I quickly summoned the side dishes, flew to the air to chase it, and called the snowball out of the fat guy, rolled Ah rolling, floating, flying into the air and also joined the pursuit. The mood summoned the wind elves. Under the blessing of the wind magic, chased the ground on the ground, and the jasper slaughter of the dragon waves scared to mess around. run. The same is that Ice magic is not harmful to them, but I open a big mouth to bite it … … This trick is directly! The thief was obviously broken by the “intimate move”

of the snowball. Dingdang, the BT elf was almost strangled by the ice, “Haha, okay, good, good, creative, so big!”

…… This guy is so happy. Do n’t you know that these things are turn after being hung up, or is it invincible? It is very likely that it is likely to be the king of the water system, otherwise it is impossible to release the water cursing mantra as you want. The fantastic and silly bird with half -winged wings is reduced. I will still be able to rob the fire while the fire is robbed. A nine -day thunder sword cut it down and wait for a cool knife to give it two. Four sections of the knife! Halo, not even hairy! “Ah, don’t be angry, this guy is a bit poor, there is no way, you know, now the economy is not downturn, I have to save costs.”

I said a large mouthful of planing ice. The Shuang silly side is almost over. After all, the thief bird without healing is also grinding it. Anyway, Shuangshu just adds blood to it. You come and me. Unfortunately, if you are not lucky, what is it? There is no violence, it seems that it is cheap and clear the apple fragrant. At the end of our side, they were almost over there. The bear of the earth could only become a bear. In fact, the real bear of the real earth should be very powerful, but the real power of the bear of the earth is that it is based on it. On the earth, the pure and brave earth magic, the silly shadow in front of me, is just the shape of the picture. The wolf of the Breeze was strange, and was made by a bow archer next to Qingqing apple incense. … Although there is no time to look at it, it can kill such a high -speed monster. Luo, when there are such masters, the list of the heavenly list is too detailed. It seems that it is necessary to have a list of various occupations. The weak differences cannot determine the victory and defeat. The most important problem is that the bears of the earth are nothing. Qingqing apple incense’s face was also angry. “Oh ah ah, everyone, everyone, don’t be angry, I’m not good at me. You see me, you know, I have been staying in the door for too long, this memory is naturally worse, alas, this is right, this is right host!”

“The God of Fairy, I praise you, come out, the guardian beast-Migias!”

A mighty ice sculpture in the center of the main hall began to shake, … no, this time it is really! Our group of people gathered subconsciously. The guy in front of us is definitely our strong enemy. Intersection Intersection Intersection Binglong seems to wake up from the eternal sleep. A long howling of the sky, the wings fired twice, and the huge wind immediately retreated to the back of us. Life is worthless. I was smashed a big pit. …… Activities and bones and demonstrations! “Boss, we have a basket, this is really a dragon, even such a hard wall is like smashing tofu.”

I have been secretly calculating now. This time I had dropped to level 84 once, or used a “Dragon Angry World”

to drop two -level experience to change a artifact. This kind of strength is very dangerous. …… I hate downgrade! Intersection Intersection “Well, let me introduce it to you this time.”

BT Elf stood on the dragon head and took a few lightly. This low dragon enjoyed this kind of touching, looking down at us, the eyes were still the same way, the eyes were still the same way, the eyes were still the same as that still the same way Dedicated, what Migias was gasping, and from time to time in his mouth, the temperature of the entire room was constantly declining. Xueer began to set off the primary fire and resist the severe cold. “First of all, do you introduce yourself and correct a problem. I am not the kind of elves with simple brains in your mouth and unacceptable limbs. You go the wrong way. It is handsome, handsome, handsome, and the goddess of the goddess Faciate. Thank you for coming to play with me, but since you are here, don’t want to go out. This is my baby —— Ice Dragon Mi Gias, don’t underestimate it. It is rude. Although the real dragon clan of level 98 is out of reach, it is invincible in this world. What do you think? "

(Super God, Super Warcraft And all the NPCs that have achieved this strength are all classified as levels of 100. The 99 -level monsters also have an insurmountable gap with them in terms of strength.)) Listening to the introduction of this BT+ZL fairy, we want to vomit. “Boss, I won’t eat before I know. The seafood at noon came out, and I had to make a person who went back to make up for a meal.”

“Yes, it’s okay to make up, just wait for yourself to pay for it.”

“Xueer, heart, this guy is not cute?”

“Oh, husband, obviously a little fairy that is poor and unwilling, don’t make fun of others.”

Xueer’s words were so sharp and rare. “Xueer, you raised it too much. This little guy obviously had too much love and was too disappointed to himself. … It looks like this BT fairy is really angry, but this ice dragon will not care about these. "

Brother Soul Eater, the situation is not wonderful. The guy in front of you obviously exceeds our strength range. If you do n’t cooperate well, everyone will lie here!” "

Yes, today’s afternoon asked a fairy to give us a lesson. If you just go back like this, we really see Jiang Dong’s father!” "

Everyone line up, ready to meet!" "

Okay, okay, the fighting spirit is very strong, so it is interesting, Migias, go up to kill them, hey, how can you see me using the vulgar word of ‘"’? Leave the two beauties and make beautiful ice sculptures to make beauty and time be with it. What a wonderful thing! "

After speaking, a elegant turned around, appeared on the planing ice pile, and continued to eat and drink. Migias roared and launched an attack at us. What is stitting his feet, the earth will shake, and now he finally understands. Ice Dragon Migias is mainly magic with physical attacks. Wings can create wind magic, close to the taste of vacuum, and instantly imprison our actions. However, the frozen air currents close to the high -level magic can be sprayed in the mouth! Don’t look at this guy’s big head, 5 meters tall, but the action is indeed very flexible. The hard ice dragon armor can block most of the attacks. Force, how can you not be depressed? Fortunately, we are all elites in the elite. Broken defense is not a problem. It is the most important thing to launch an attack while avoiding the attack. We find that we can only fight single soldiers. So everyone occupies a strong terrain and cooperates with each other. The first wave of attacking was the side dishes, Qingqing apple fragrance and basalt, desperately three wolves and “sending hair”

, and mysterious archer “Haitian front line”

The archer with close attack ability cannot be smaller! This time, everyone has made a full effort. There are not many opportunities. The first time it should be the time of its greatest idea. For a moment, the magic arrows of the five arrows were shot towards the wings of the dragon. The wings were seal first, and the golden light looked at it. At first glance, I knew that it was the kind of high -end arrow that I had used to break the defense. Person —— Four times the blood dragon kills waves!

Four full -handed blood dragons fluttered with their teeth and dancing claws, and the basalt on the ground was exaggerated to the dragon tail, and tightly put it on the ground with strong limbs.

Desperate three wolves and Qingqing apple incense, the lead leader attacked over, and the furious wolf’s anger and Qingqing apple incense were full of strong fighting.


does not have a close -up attack like in the past, but a wolf howling. The hell black flames of the whole body have continued to rise, and it has reached a critical state. —— The demon wolf roar three consecutive strikes! Intersection Intersection Three black lightning fireballs hit the ice dragon one by one. The side dishes finally opened up this time, learning “sending”

, wings constantly fanning, golden light began to flash on the mountain, electric flames on the unicorn, and a circle of circles, forming a huge electric ball. The huge electric ball trembled to the ice dragon Migias, suddenly accelerating halfway, a rush! His noble wings were shot into the bow and arrow, and it was angry! Migias was trying to fly these small bugs with a tail, and suddenly found that the tail could not move. This made it very angry that the noble dragon tribe was very angry. On the wall, I suffered such a moment, and it seemed that it couldn’t get up for a while. However, the time for winning is enough. Qingqing apple incense and desperate three wolves escaped the attack of the dragon’s claws. They directly hit the dragon head. They were happy for three seconds and were shown in a hurry to fly like a fly, … … If it wasn’t for the attack, these two soldiers could be “home”

in the two levels. My blood -stuffing dragon and killing waves arrived at the same time. The electric ball of the side dish has also arrived, and it becomes a huge explosion! The airflow in the distance suddenly lifted us! Fork, don’t want you half of your life now! Our BT fairy looked at this scene in surprise, and the shaved ice sent directly towards the nose … I really hope it will not breathe up in one breath. Harry Laia! When we were satisfied with this masterpiece, a huge figure suddenly appeared, one claw, a moment of energy cutting and small dishes. Although the two of them were avoiding as much as possible, they were still hit, and the speed was too fast! Two screams, the side dishes and hair fell to the ground. Xueer and the warlock on Qingqing apple incense were treated in a hurry. It’s broken, why did I forget myself. Binglong sprayed a big mouthful of dragons, and it seemed that I was about to freeze me into a popsicle, … I still come by myself. Ice! Intersection Intersection Then a man with a glittering shield was frozen in the ice. In the ice, the egg was wrapped in the egg. When I was dismissed, the remaining cold air also pose a threat. It moves instantly and flashs first! Ice Dragon Migias widened its longan. Looking at this incredible scene, its lined brain was a little smaller compared to its volume, and it was a bit unable to turn. BT Fairy saw that its pet made great power for a moment, and jumped happily again. However, Binglong is not at all without any damage, and his body is scarred, but it has not been to hurt his bones! It’s not good! Skull Recommendation: “Soul Matrix”

, author: funny, fantasy, BL_ID = 5936 “The Troubled World of the Three Kingdoms”

, the author: Rigan Text 10024 Bao Sword Slaying Dragon Dragon Updated: 2007-5-19 15:37:00 Number of chapters: 4812 The strength of Binglong Migias is really as strong as we think. Originally, I took a stable attack and foamed the blisters. The main force I just participated in the attack just now is now climbing to the ground to rest. BT Fairy and Binglong Migias are so proud that when they are proud, a healthy figure rises in the air and is mood! Intersection Intersection Cher has added all the defense and attack techniques to her. I originally wanted to launch an attack with us, but I was delayed by the unexpected explosion. While this guy was still dreaming, the dragon knife of the mood attacked it. Essence Ice Dragon Migias is the real dragon after all, but it is not those low lizard dragons or crawler dragons. After being died once, be careful, see another small bugs who want to sneak it. The dragon tail quickly swept away. When the mood failed to see the sneak attack, the jade teeth bite, and the whole body of the body was used to reach, and the sword of the dragon knife extended again. —— Jade Jade Slim Dragon Kill! Intersection Intersection The indestructible dragon tail was easily cut off like a tofu, and I looked at this incredible scene in my mood. Others saw it stupid. Not only are we even Binglong ourselves dumbfounded, but we did not respond for a while. Its lined brain really couldn’t think of something that can be easily cut off the indestructible tail. Maybe it should be “once”

indestructible. Is the tail, really the legendary knife …, a horror legend that passed down from the elders of the Dragon family, so that all the noble dragons have to lower the weapons of their skulls- Intersection The dragon knife that absorbs the dragon blood shows the true face as if the bone is reborn. Without the incubation of the mood, there is even a long -sized blue knife mangle freely, like the blood of the dragon, from time to time The sound of Zizi, although it is a low -class dragon tribe, is enough to wake up its glory. Although Qingqing’s apple incense was lying on the ground, watching the Dragon Sword dullly, he always thought that you would be mine one day in his heart! At this time, we noticed that the handle of the Dragon Sword was gone, but integrated with the hands of the mood. The fine dragon teeth guarded the wrist. In protecting, occasionally a crispy tweet, this is the state of fighting the Dragon Sword, —— the world’s first soldier! At this time, the Dragon Sword has an absolute defense function when killing the dragon! Really indestructible! The Long tribe was proud, but for the stronger race than them, they were obedient. How could Binglong unable to get rid of the fear of the inner inner internal internal internally, and the dragon knife that had disappeared for a long time appeared again! Our BT Fairy Fiat, greedily looked at the mood and the knife in her hand, and said to himself, “What a beautiful and pleasant, although they are human, the British Fairy Prince has no racial discrimination. You and your knife should belong to me and protect me!”

“Migias, hurry up, kill them, freeze them all!”

Under the urging of a secret contract, although Migias did not dare to approach the Dragon Sword, she was not afraid of its owner. Smart ice dragons suddenly found that the owner of “it”

did not want to “it”.


, but the person who master it has changed. If it can destroy the hidden dangers of this dragon tribe, it will become the hero of the dragon family! With the help of fairy, Migias began to launch its ultimate magic-absolute zero! He wants to freeze them all! The air conditioner was sprayed from the large mouth in the dragon’s mouth, and the dragon -winged began to fan the flow to accelerate the flow of air -conditioning. The speed of life is reduced, and everyone can only desperately supplement the potion! It’s not possible to go on like this, I flash! Although under the protection of the Dragon Sword, the mood also lost the ability to attack. After all, the knife is the original knife, and the mood is not the previous dragon hero. knife. I move with my mood in a row and start a positive attack. “Wife, see you!”

In the mood of restoring activities, Lima attacked towards the leader! Jasper cut the dragon! Intersection Intersection The Dragon Dragon Sword was also excited to sing, and Ice Dragon Migias was immediately wrapped in his head with his wings, but it still overestimated itself. What about it? Intersection Intersection With a tender, Binglong was one or two halves! Even the scream was not sent out, and the separated body fluttered on the ground twice. Water system artifact —— Water god belt! A white belt dropped from the air. I was happy in my heart, and I was obedient to the east, and I waited for it! Suddenly a figure quickly snatched and put it in his own space bag. It is Qingqing apple incense. This guy is still lying on the ground just now and does not live. Now he is flexible like a fox! Intersection Intersection “Oh, Brother Soul Eater, I do n’t thank you, the younger brother is not polite, we will have a period later!”

Speaking of the light that shined back to the scroll of the city, ran away! At first sight, the boss succeeded and followed Lima. The whole hall is left with six of us, and there is a dazed fairy. Halo, he was picked up by Qingqing apple incense white, hey, hey, all blame yourself slowly! system hint: “Player’s mood, the first player to kill the dragon, reward one Binglong battle armor, experience value 200000”

Jin Guang flashed, and the mood was put on a crystal ice dragon battle armor, which was more heroic, moving abnormal, and at the same time, the mood finally waited for level 75. Although everyone was dissatisfied with Qingqing Apple incense, it was not easy to say. Who asked people to have eye diseases and hands? Besides, this place was found first. .



Is this a difference between good and bad people, first find shortcomings from yourself.

Fairy Fiat has lost interest in these “barbarians”

in front of him. Before they noticed themselves, let’s slip! His ~, what is the neck, cool. Wow, a sharp sword! Intersection Intersection “How? Where do we love Prince Fiat?”

I have been holding it for a long time. What kind of ghost prince is this guy? “Hey, nothing … I want to go to the toilet, you know, there are three emergencies!”

“Really? See if they will let you go?”

At a glance, BT Fairy looked at it one by one. …… Woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooo Khan, I cried. The current BT Fairy sits on the ground and crying, and we are stunned by me. If it resists, we can kill it, so that we can’t get off. But it ’s so light to spare it! I pretended to have such a big and most vicious expression, let it know that this person in front of me is the master who kills people without blinking! “Boy, when I cried, I chopped your ears, chopped it all by crying, and added a leg!”

As soon as I heard this, Fiat immediately stopped crying and looked at me with eyes, that was more injured than the injured rabbit! “Look, you have caused so much trouble with us, but the artifact is taken away by our opponent. Do you say that the goddess will let this unfair thing happen here!”

I was looking at the mood, and I felt like it leaned like it. This guy was stunned for a while, exploring his head, The little hand began to flip in my little pocket, and finally withdrew a head, or I helped it dragged it out. “Hey, this is the real water-based artifact —— the instructions of the ice and snow goddess, the younger brother is willing to dedicate to you to show my sincerity!”

I handed the artifact to the mood, but I felt Xueer. Cher wanted to quit, and pulled her aside. “Hey, is it that brother is enough? Remember to call us if you have a good sale in the future!”

Stay for wealth and stay, since it is so direct, it is not embarrassing! “By the way, what was the one that Binglong Migiaz was just now!”

“… It’s also a imitation product. I do it, it looks similar, but the effect is much worse, I just play casually.”

I didn’t know what to say. Xueer was still happy. Anyway, they were all their own. Whoever took it was different! “So, Mr. Fiat, we will be on the future!”

We also used back to the scroll of the city. Fairy Fiat looked at the empty hall and frustrated, “It’s really boring, it’s right, it’s right, dealing with humans will definitely suffer, go home!”

A lightly turned around and slowly disappeared into the air, here are like no one has been here! ######### A few of us returned to the old nest with bad personalities, and quickly asked about the situation of them. They were relieved when they heard the artifacts, but now they are familiar with the terrain and passing. The monster in the temple is very experienced, so for the time being Go back and level it there. There should be no problems with the Zodiac with the Zodiac, and the people of the Magic Palace themselves are here to level up. There is no need to find another way. However, the baby and Xiangzi were still back. After a while, the two were so obsessive. They faced them in front of the three wolves, and the baby was not polite to occupy my chest. “There is no way, people now dumped us and asked us to be self -reliant. What do you say?”

What do you say? " "

Boss, we are not as BT as you, and gambling can be upgraded. We can practice little by little, take it up, and prepare to continue leveling." "

By the way, Dasao, what’s the use of that artifact, try let’s take a look!" "

Yes, yes, see that fairy is so abnormal, it must be a good color!" Desperate three wolves and dual -silly appearance, in fact, I also want to see it. The formal women’s belt with the waist of Xueer … … What kind of goddess is really a young woman, this thing is that men can do it, hey, it is really unfair. "

Three wolves, did you find that this waist band is a bit weird?" When you hear weird, you also look at me and see me, There is nothing strange, everyone looks at me. "

Haha, I can imagine the frustration of Qingqing apple incense now. Didn’t you find that this artifact is women’s style? How can Qingqing apple incense be worn? Haha!" Everyone laughed immediately when everyone heard it. "

Really, I haven’t noticed it yet, the poor Apple, God blessed him!" "

Husband, is your great power again this time? Let me tell me and Sister Xiangzi." … Baby likes to listen to the story. "

Wrong, this time it is not my prestige, but that your sister is in the mood to make a big females, and the sword is cut off the ice dragon. The scene is spectacular." "

Sister Xueer happened to be water, fire attributes, and snowballs are also water attributes. With this artifact, it will definitely be on the list." As soon as the artifact was launched, a beautiful elf (probably a small fairy, anyway, it was almost the same) flying out, flying around Xueer, and after a while, Xueer was like a layer of water -made tulle. The ball also turned to the laziness style, widened the pair of small eyes, staring at the little fairy in the air, … then, when the fairy flew towards it, swallowed it. We are stunned, but it really eats everything! After eating, I didn’t want to before, but opened my mouth and started to vomit. The layer of cold silk wrapped its round body, and after a while, a large round cocoon was formed. OK, this time it is really about to evolve! Everyone looked at it like this. There was no way. I asked the San Wolf and Shuang Silly to level them. Anyway, I want to find a place here with their strength. There is no problem. The snowball "

deforms", as to what it turns, … still to be referenced, my mind still involuntarily appeared an image of a fat angel with wings. Cleanned. "

I think snowball will definitely become more cute!" "

Don’t, baby, you are cute, won’t become fatter, Harry La, God blessed." "

Husband, when did you believe in God? Why don’t we know, huh." "

Where, he must have dreamed at night, dreaming that God wants to introduce him to beauty angels, so it is so fast to convert." sweat…… "

Actually, I tell you a secret, I believe in Lao Tzu, Tao Ke, very Tao, … haha, sorry, forgot to forget." Cut \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Xueer dared to take the lead in contempting her husband, no, my family method was serving! Seeing that I approached them, they made birds and beasts one by one, how can I let these flower fairy run away! Cher was caught by me. Struggling and resistance was useless. In the end, I had to yield obediently. When I was enjoying the "

prisoner of war", the big cocoon on the side began to click! We quickly moved their attention to it, what can we look like? The enthusiasm of Xueer, 10025 in the text Updated: 2007-5-19 15:37:00 Number of chapters: 7948 There are only five people in the room, mood, baby, Xiangzi, Xueer, everyone watched this huge cocoon, or it is a ice egg, do not stretch a superhuman monster, I am timid … Elastic Click, click … In our anxious waiting, the egg shell of the top shell finally fell off, … Guru, a shadow flew out, and rolled his head in the air, dizzy. Khan … Why is it still snowball and there is nothing to change? To put it accurately, it’s still thinner. Is it going to lose weight this time? Intersection Intersection The snowball was happy in the air, and then smirked silently at the egg shell, so she was so thick home, it was also good to have such a cute pet. At this moment, something that we unexpected happened, and another snowball drilled out of the egg shell and dizzy. Two exactly the same snowballs are rotating in the air, and the two guys are happy together. … It turned out to be copied! "

Sister Xueer, the snowball is so powerful, it will be regenerated if you are full. If so, there are ten or twenty of them, and the whole world is definitely invincible!" Baby watched the snowball enviously, she was the most Like the fat "

animal", such as her rabbit was raised as spherical by her. Cher took the team in front, followed a pair of fat guys, hissing ~~ Still, it’s so stupid! Fortunately, she didn’t plan to make me like that, otherwise I could only jump the Mariana Trench, and I had to jump from Mount Everest! Two cute snowballs fly around Xueer, but the expression is a bit strange, with a kind of parting expression in the laughter. Xueer is familiar with this expression. When she saw this, she had a headache. She used to have a headache. Having said that this is her last pet. She will not change it. Cher is the most affectionate person. Once she accepts it, she never wants to change! However, the two snowballs are reluctant to Xueer, even we can see that it is wrong, .



what’s going on, is it necessary to “return”

, but their strength is not strong enough to affect Is the earth running? Intersection Intersection Jealousy is definitely jealous! Just when we were confused, a image suddenly rose from the egg shell —— it was the beautiful Princess Latch! Intersection Intersection It’s been a long time, it seems a bit beautiful, beauty! The beautiful princess smiled, “It’s time for me to realize the promise now, Rui’s rustic.”

The two snowballs flew over, one by one, began to spray a white misty thing on the top of the egg shell, and a white light was blended in it in the hands of Princess Lredon. The feeling is beating. Fortunately, we have also seen a big scene. Xueer and I are still the parties. Could it be …, Xueer’s heart is a little excited! We look forward to our hearts, it’s like a beautiful dream, we don’t want to wake up. As the light group is getting bigger and bigger, the two snowballs are getting smaller and smaller, and finally they disappear completely. Instead, it is a light group formed by a huge cold mang. Under the blessing of Princess Ratchon, the steady stream of vitality and water system magic poured into the new light group, and slowly began to appear in shape, increasingly like … Phoenix? Intersection Intersection Cher was excited to hide in my arms, closed her eyes, and what happened in my dreams. Now she wants to reproduce and finally take shape! A white phoenix with a white cold mango appeared in front of us. Although we felt cool, we were not aggressive. “This is the Phoenix God Beast-Bingyu, Fire Phoenix Ice Blade is born with each other. After speaking, I disappeared before we said a few words of gratitude, … I don’t give "

face”, … In fact, I just want to look at a few more beautiful women. Cher looked at the Bingyu who had looked at each other in front of him, and was a little excited. Bingyu seemed to know that the beauty in front of him was his master, and he affected it affectionately, and Han Mang disappeared, revealing a feather of Bai Shengxue. With the help of Princess Ratchon, although the original memory was not restored, the familiarity was completely reserved, but it changed from the original fire to the ice. The same white. "

Sister Xueer, give Bingyu a name!" "

Yes, you see it has the color of red clouds, and the others are very similar!" "

You look at her eyes, it is exactly the same as Hongyun, … it seems that there is also a cute snowball." "

It’s called Xueyun!" Xueer still started a memorable name "

Okay, the goddess of Phoenix returns, this is a big news that shocked the Central Plains, it is worth celebrating!" In fact, since the Red Cloud "

Nirvana", Xueer has half of interest in this game, because he can accompany me, only insist on playing. Of course, many friends can’t give up, but every time I come up, I still have a little sadness when I come up It is impossible to see the love of things. After a long time, this feeling faded, and the enthusiasm for the game has disappeared. Now she can finally rejuvenate enthusiasm. In the Magic Palace in the distance, in a beautiful small house, Princess Ratchon appeared? Intersection Intersection …… In a blink of an eye, it became love again, "

Hey, Xiao Zi, it’s really troublesome to pretend to be ghost, it’s not fun at all. Next time you go for me, let’s continue playing chess, … Okay, you, secret cheating, ah, you, you, you, you Eat my shaved ice too, no, I must teach you this time! " Xiao Zi is still the innocent and wronged look of the thousands of years, but now it has lost its lethality. Then there was a flying dragon jumping … ###### Everything is so perfect, everyone can’t wait to go out to try it, and the level of leveling is high! Grade 75, Xueer 74, Baby 68, Xiangzi 73. As soon as we went out, we found that there were people outside the house, most of which were members of our guild, and of course foreign tourists. It may be that it was unusual in our house, but I was afraid of disturbing us. Because they are clearly knowing who is inside! Intersection Intersection Seeing us coming out, it suddenly became lively. "

Wow, it’s the demon king." "

I said, how is the East China Sea lively in the past few days. It turns out that the two giants of Soul Eater and Qingqing Apple Fragrance are here." "

Wow, this is a rare big man, why did they come?" "

You don’t know this, absolutely confidential, my cousin’s cousin’s elder brother is the person around Qingqing apple incense!" "

Don’t sell Guanzi, I invite you to choose the place tonight." "

Hey, it is an artifact, the legendary water artifact." "

So many beautiful women, my eyes are almost spent!" "

What do you think of that?" At this time, everyone noticed the Bingyu behind Xueer. Bingyu was not uncomfortable with this kind of attention, but enjoyed it. This is the same as Hongyun. A brilliant and cheerful tweet from Xueyun’s mouth, this is to celebrate the rebirth of this world. "

God, the Phoenix, the goddess of Phoenix is born again!" "

It seems that it is the ice of the Phoenix. You didn’t look at her white feathers all over the body, I really want to touch it!" "

Come on, I think you want to touch her master!" "

This is what you said, I said nothing." "

You ~" Looking at the chattering below, we blocked our way to go … … Some things can not be solved with force. There is no way I can only spend some tongue, explain it, in short, one thing can be determined — — The goddess of Phoenix will re-go out of the rivers and lakes! Satisfied with the curiosity players, we also knew that we had passed, and then spread out, showing off like their brothers and friends. The news of the goddess of Phoenix immediately spread to the entire Central Plains like a long wings. Yanhuang City, the editor -in -chief of Yanhuang Pao, our editor -in -chief Xiaobai Sheng is furious, "

You, you, and you, what do you eat? Tell you to stare at the soul -eating and his wives, you see, so important news, I even know!" Speaking, a snap, a newspaper was still on the table, the front page headline ——- Phoenix goddess snow returned! Intersection Intersection "

East China Sea News" "

Damn the news of the East China Sea, dare to find food on my territory, I am angry with me!" "

Editor -in -chief, they are now in the East China Sea." A reporter said carefully, saying it carefully "

Bastard, as long as the soul -eater, they are still the people of Yanhuang City, all of which are our territory. “You, you, and you, give me to the East China Sea right away. If you can’t get any good news back, the bonus this month is gone, so you just wait for the Northwest Wind!”

The three guys flickered! “Hey, why do I have a few power? I reassured!”

Xiao Bai Sheng shook his head sighing. Business alliance Qingqing apple incense is worrying, although he really wants to use this “ghostware”

(after returning, he found that the power only reaches the level of the ghost), but if the woman’s things are worn out, they will not be blame if they are not laughing to death. It must be the front page of the major newspapers. Hey, I was put on one again, and the luck was too bad, but it was not completely useless. At least it can win the beauty of the beauty, but it is not his wife Shui Xianzi, but the recent limelight, but the recent limelight. Zhengjian’s Witch —— Impatient! The soul -loving is now holding around, and there is a bunch of beauties waiting for him to pick him up. The resources on his own side are relatively scarce. Beauty is not without. The beauty of the beautiful list has now excluded snow, Xiaoxue, Feiyun, and then it was my turn. Among the top beauties, he has nothing to do with soul -eater, and recently the new list of the sky. The second, if she can do her, the reputation of herself and the Shang League has greatly improved, and the power of this woman is not small, hey, but I heard that there are a lot of idiots around her, and they are all " The problem "

character, this is very troublesome. The water fairy has no trace. Since the marriage with Qingqing apple incense, I suddenly discovered that it is not as glory as imagined before marriage. She is so happy that she seems to have lost something, but she can’t say. In short Miss the previous time, think of someone … But time will not flow back, and things will not end there, causality cycle, everything has its own fixed number. After a while, the news of the goddess of Phoenix came to the table of Qingqing apple incense. The power of the Magic Palace was strengthened again, and the competition of the heavenly list was even more intense. The desperate level of levels kept getting the news. Everyone is very happy that the power of the Magic Palace has enhanced. The key is that in their feelings, the hostess of the Magic Palace should be like this. The strength of the list level, gentleness, and understanding, can be steel to turn into soft fingers. They are also very happy to practice with everyone. They also like Hongyun the most, especially the hearts, and they are shouting to go back to see it now. The war suddenly popped up in his heart, which was so irresistible. He felt that after joining the Magic Palace, he was not him. Although he did not regret the decision and knew so many brothers, he couldn’t go on like this. He was a person who thought of it.

He told the Zodiac of the Zodiac and went on the road alone.

Originally, the zodiac signs wanted to accompany him, but the war kept agreeing that he was a lone wolf!

He didn’t want to say goodbye, because he would come back, and when he had the strength he wanted, he turned off thousands of miles and set foot on his journey.

Although the distant figure is lonely, with anger and light, no one can predict the wheels of fate.

Non -dead is now worried.

There is a order in front of him, which can make him worry about simply.

This time the assassination list was issued by a buyer who refused to disclose, but after his investigation, this person was a new person at all.

It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to pay such a sky -high price, and the motivation is not right.


Intersection Soul Eater ———- 50 million gold coins Snow ———- 30 million gold coins Xiaoxue ——– 15 million gold coins Xiangzi ———- 50 million gold coins Mood ———- 5 million gold coins This single sale cannot be connected.

Don’t think about the soul.

The 30 million snow can be connected.

Xiaoxue is the weakest.

The problem is that she rarely acts alone, incense, Japanese women are worth so much money, and they are in a mood.

Instead, this strongest strength is worth only 5 million.

This is a bit strange.

He hates Japanese women so much, and has deep hatred with soul eater.

He has enough funds.


Intersection It is likely that as long as you spend money to take care of a Chinese, you can do it.

Little Japan is still not dead!

Forget it, after thinking about it for a long time, it is better to mix the water.

Of course, there are free human feelings.

She and I received the news for the first time.

Although they were a little wrong, I could understand his mood, respect his decision, and immediately inform Xiaomao.

Help, there are any difficulties to the headquarters immediately.

We play “ammunition”

in the city and start family leveling. Xueer was very active along the way. Everyone said that the level of leveling was really comfortable. The flavor of the sea was more unique. We didn’t come a few times. “Xueyun”

is like a fish in the sea, the attack power increases, and the wings shake all kinds of water magic like the water that opens the gate. These low -level monsters on the road are not enough to see, and we are dazzling .. …. I doubt whether it can also use the ice -prohibitant spell, and the water system is OK. I am considering strategic value, hehe. Although the people in the East China Sea do not want to be as crowded as we are, there are many people. At least there are many busy players on the road. Essence We came to a level of level of the sea canyon. At this time, fortunately, the yellow and yellow are not connected. There are still empty spaces. We also joined the leveling team. The level of the sea monster here shakes at level 60 to 70, which is relatively low, but it doesn’t matter. Today everyone is happy and doesn’t care about this experience. The Xueyun of the heart is showing the power, the limelight, and the mood is skilled in her Dragon Treasure knife, … Eye, the baby is even more happy, she can’t help each time she goes. I can play happily this time. Xiangzi does not matter. Leveling is also a kind of life. It is very adaptable to the Chinese environment. After all, people around them care about her. Cher is “big sister”.

Of course, she is responsible for taking care of our family. Treatment and defense are all her business. To be honest, there is really no challenge here, but it is also that few people are as adventure like me. When others are leveling, the places to find are similar to their own levels, and generally there will be no super strong bosses. Looking back, it is probably when I first started. I was basically running around. Fortunately, the fate is great, and it looks like this. In this way, the leveling is step by step, and there will be no danger. We are chatting while practicing. Of course, we can also summarize the experience and try new tricks and the like. The mood was in a carefully experienced the feeling of the Dragon Sword, and the new dragon knife was even more sharp. We were watching it, and the power increased a lot, but when the dragon was not killed Playing the attributes of 100 % defense, too BT’s knife. However, after the baptism of the dragon blood, despite the low -level dragon, the Dragon Sword will automatically pop up the half meters long knife as soon as it is used. I don’t know if it is still so easy to use when it is a super god beast or a superwoman. We have tried not to attract attention, hide all our attributes, and find corners when leveling, but there is no way, no matter where we go there, it is like a lamp in darkness, surrounded by eyes. There are more and more people, but you can’t say that people are looking at you, but just say that they are leveling here, the name is beautiful —– to rest! Under the command of Xueer, Xueyun slowly familiar with her magic and attack mode. After all, she was just born, and pets are not infinitely physical. It is necessary to match it appropriately. The baby is actually very accurate within a certain range. In terms of, —— I am in one meter in one meter! Sagittarius within one meter … God will also dizzy. I am also a satisfactory leveling. I did not use the magic martial arts with a strong sound effect, and I did n’t use the “real dragon”.

When used, it ’s needless to attract a large group of people to watch. It’ s not enough for me to kill. So under weighing, I still cut a knife and sword, … it seems to return to the primitive society. The effect of killing the Blood Sword to kill this monster is obvious. I do n’t need any elixir at all. The smell of magic and the power of the dragon knife is the fatal blow. The gap between the paragraphs cannot be compared when dealing with the Dragon tribe, but I think that the power of the blood -stuffed magic sword should not be the case. It may be like the previous dragon. It has not yet been “open”.

We have been practicing very comfortably. I haven’t been so happy for a long time. After playing for a while, I found the information in the meeting. The original “poor personality”

they have gone back, and they are anxious to see the Phoenix. Go back

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