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Chapter_21 Essence Everyone has not worked very much, but the satisfaction is still full, and everything is good, so we decided to go back to the little celebration!

After returning, the personality is not good, dumb, desperate, the zodiac signs are waiting for us in the hall of the club, and the cadres from the Magic Palace are also waiting for the true face of the Phoenix.

Xueyun didn’t avoid having people, and walked in the room curiously.

The two naughty essences of the heart and the baby naturally followed the way to touch Xueyun smoothly, with a bit of cold feathers.

I don’t seem to like men’s touch very much.

Of course, I am an exception.

Hey, no one can call me so much (strange)!

Although the war constingly makes everyone a little sad, everyone is a brother, knowing his temper, this guy is a lone wolf.

He, begging for benevolence, everyone can only bless him.

When he comes back again, maybe he has become a super master!

Dinner was invited by Xueer, celebrating Xueyun, the first floor of the world-seafood world!


invites, everyone is naturally not polite, … Why do these guys ordered the most expensive dishes each? Do n’t know that Xueer invited in name, is it actually me to pay? This is not slaughtered me! Desperate to murder the three wolves, “Don’t ask for the best, but the most expensive, … if you can take it out, it is even more ideal. I bought the wine next month.”

Shuang silly understands it more, “I just know that you pay the account, we can eat desperately. If it is a big sister, we are still embarrassed.”

Everyone nodded, there was a little bit, and the heroes saw the same taste. I really serve these guys, and the news supports you. Everyone is happy today, the task is completed, the level of training is also very cool, the appetite is natural, Xueer is also very happy, and she drinks a few glasses. The other women can not escape. The cuteness is more cute, charming and more charming, everyone watched the drool, huh. “Boss, when do you hold a wedding? Law belonging to law, and customs must always be obeyed. Underground secret weddings like you are not ruled, do you say it?”

Some time ago, we were slaughtered by us fiercely, and it seemed “hateful”

! “Yes, yes, 100 % in favor.”

………… In this way, Zhongkou Jinjin, we were forced to settle down the alliance under the city. When the things in the meeting were handled, they wanted to let me go bankrupt, Amen! After eating and drinking, it is natural to continue to level up. In fact, we are no longer a level of race. Those BT strong people, from morning to night, meals are eaten by the level. Accompanying, there is a food delivery, can the wine and vegetables be more abundant. Is it necessary to be self -sufficient? Of course, you have less troubles to bring a woman. After all, not all women want to feel so powerful. A group of us naturally find a more advanced leveling point. Everyone starts towards the ghost sea area. Wherever we go at night, it must be very exciting. The little monsters on the road have no intention of ignoring and waste time. (The temple of the water system, because the artifact disappears, it will be closed automatically after the last player leaves) After stepping into the ghost sea area, the ghost fire became more, and the green oil was drifting around. If there was only one person, it would be really scary. These ghost fires are toxic, and they will be close to the lives around them. It is useless to us. After all, there are so many senior warlocks, and they will disappear if they have a little purification. Our first goal was the ghost boat. This is the first line of defense in the ghost sea. Little ghost ships generally have been there. The treasures must not be left. We naturally have no interest in these tattered sailing boats. Everyone continues to walk in it. The sea monster level swimming in the sea has risen to about 70. It is very considerable. I haven’t intended to penetrate the depths of the ghost sea. Few people have been here in this area. According to the news of poor personality, no one has been there in the ghost ship here. Our goal tonight is them. Elf recommendation: “Soul Matrix”

, author: funny, fantasy, BL_ID = 5936 “The Troubled World of the Three Kingdoms”

, the author: Rigan Main text 10026 Ancient Ship Ying Updated: 2007-5-19 15:37:00 Number of chapters: 4569 Everyone cleaned the sea monster outside the ghost ship and entered the ghost ship. Each ship was 5 to 10 people. This time the beautiful women came with an unexpected decision … I threw me away, this was a terrible head, oh, I was abandoned. The original creator is naturally the little devil of heart. If I say what I am next to it, the monsters will be scared away by me. They want to experience the horror atmosphere of the ghost ship. Naturally, I cannot let me be next to it. Coupled with their favor, I have nothing to say. These are mixed women and grab my wife. It won’t work together. In order to “comfort me, I ran to my ear and said quietly, "

Brother -in -law, in fact, I am good for you, you think about it, the distance is beautiful, be careful of them all day with my sisters, and throw you up! Besides, you see that the ghost ship is so dim and weird, if you are I accidentally occupy the cheapness of our sisters, isn’t it jealous of my sisters, right? Khan …, your boss, you are reasonable. Seeing that I was doing a post, I rewarded me a fragrant kiss … …, this little Nizi really has her. In this way, the beauty of the hearts and the baby disappeared into a ghost ship, and they had to experience the stimulus. The remaining group of light is mixed in it, strange, in fact, it is not all light mixed, but I rarely see someone with a girlfriend out of leveling. It is really irresponsible. Gang rules, you must bring your girlfriend to level ^\ _ ^. “Boss, do they often kiss you like this?”

The character was almost dizzy. “…… Not very often, what’s wrong?”

“Boss, when did you get it down?”

“… How to ask this, there is no relationship between us!”

“Wow, the exit you also said this, such a big beauty is on the side, and it is different from you. If we have eaten it long ago, you already have four anyway. The beauty of the second color list, so beautiful and as gentle and unrefined as the sister -in -law, the key is to have opinions, so that illegal entry to catch shrimp, you said, if such a talented woman was snatched by others, Are you not sad? "

Looking at the endlessness of the personality, the words of the words and the words … Desperately nodded in a few desperately, “Boss, we have already dispatched the attacks of the handsome guy, the cool brother and the brother, and the result of all the brakes. So strong? "

“No, maybe she has a boyfriend in reality, but her boyfriend does not like to play online games.”

… it is also possible … To be honest, talking about the beauty around me can make my heart move now, and now there is only a flying cloud, but it has not been to the extent they said. Desperate three wolves to look at each other, shaking their heads helplessly, hey, it was really born in blessing. Regardless of whether there are many other people or fewer people, the zodiac signs are always twelve together. They chose a larger ghost ship. Double Stupid leads a few people to choose their goals. Five or six members of the Magic Palace should not be a problem with a group of ghost ships. Disposal and distribution in each group, this is also conducive to strengthening connection and communicating with feelings. In the end, the remaining me, desperately three wolves, poor personality, and two archers, both masters of the magic bow ball, a deputy head, a big captain, the deputy regiment is called “shooting the sun kiss the moon”.

, Level 74, the archer who is relatively beef, the captain is called “Mr. Ball”.

I heard that it is a brothers who love guns. There is no such thing in the world. …… The specific strength is unclear, but I now prefer bow arcades, so I stayed with them. Their equipment is also good. Although there are no top phantom sets, they are already good in the archers. There is no way to have less equipment for archers. The price is surprisingly expensive. The sun’s kiss moon still adds 2 accurate superb, very bullish. We chose the largest ghost ship in the middle.

Although this ghost ship was covered with moss and was covered with various aquatic plants, it was not terrible.

The whole is a sea mobile fortress.

As soon as he stepped on the boat, he was attacked immediately, and it was a sea monster living in the ghost ship.

In the past, I liked to bring mage and warriors, and rarely brought archers, especially such a separate leveling, so this time the two archers were still a little excited.

These sea monsters do not need us to do it.

Our archer elite has already been.

Start showing their power!

The sun kissing the moon uses a flame arrow.

It seems to be in the dim sea in the dim sea.

Intersection .



But the light attracted more monsters, we still flashed first.

When the door was opened, the ghost boat was dark.

After a while, we could adapt to it.

At this moment, my king’s suit began to light up, golden light, .



like the dark in the dark A bright lamp, this is not good, I am the target of a monster.

Use hidden techniques to hide things from other looks into a hazy state, which is much better.

(In fact, there are many players in the leveling level.

I don’t like others to visit casually and hide their attributes and equipment with hidden techniques.

If people want to peep, they must be higher than level 5 or more.

) Poor personality to start the torch, illuminate the road, “Well, the boss seems to have been walking shortly, you see that the body of the monster on the ground has not been brushed away!”

Sure enough, there are still a few dead corpses on the ground. This is one step than us, but since it comes, there is no reason to say anything. Maybe you can know a few friends. Who is so likely and likes to “travel”

here at night. We speed up the speed to see if we can catch up with them. This is the outer layer of the ghost ship only withered, the movement is slow, but the strength is infinite, that is, the attack power is less perverted. , Poisonous fog can also be sprayed in the mouth, a large -scale attack, 70. The archer opens the way to deal with these disgusting guys. It is best to use quick -shooting and penetrating arrows. The agility of these guys is low. You don’t need to worry about how to dodge, just give a strong blow. Looking at the team in front of them, the monsters along the way are basically solved. It seems that it should be a master, and the number will not be a lot. There is also a strange aroma in the air, which is very charming, but I have no research on perfume. I ca n’t tell what is specific. Xueer generally does not need this. Of course, when attending some banquets, they still have to use some faint. Desperate three wolf’s nose only reacts with wine, is the others … The sun kissing the moon and Mr. Ballist are very sensitive to the fragrance, “It seems, there is another beauty in front of us!”

The sun kissed the moon with a deep breath. “Why, do you smell the smell of perfume too?”

“Boss, this is not the smell of perfume, it is flower fragrance!”

“Oh? Flower, what is the flower?”

“Rose, it must be a rose!”

Mr. Raider said, “Boss, I have learned it for picking up girls, and distinguishing the aroma is one of them!”

Khan …, dedicated to learning this, great. “Boss, don’t look at the honesty of these two guys, but the leaders of our magic pose wolf group!”

The desperate three wolves exposed their essence. The two people still have a face, and they are still polite, “Where, where, the boss is our idol. We must continue to work hard, continue to learn, and strive to approach the realm of the boss!”

… I am this role model! “Rose, how can I hear so familiar?”

After desperately killing a dead corpse, he said. “Rose, by the way, the newcomer of the recent list, the third beauty of the beautiful list of the beautiful list, isn’t there any rose set? "

Very likely, I didn’t expect that it was a fate to meet the fairy in this” beautiful "

environment in this” beautiful "

environment.” "

Yes, yes, boss, this time to see our brothers’s means.” Mr. Bells also stood up with spirit, and he rushed up to show a trend. "

Don’t be proud of the two of you first, who knows whether the one in front is her, be careful to be stepped on to death by the dinosaur, how do you see that you do not have the strength of the Dragon Knight, even if you think about it, in a girl with a personality, you will like to be alone in the middle of the night alone. Come here? " I still cooled them first, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. "

Bell head, if you have a beautiful woman in the East China Sea, where would you bring her at night?" The sun kissed the moon and asked. "

Naturally, this is here. How good you are, beauty is in your arms, and the chance of dried firewood is 50 percentage points higher than visiting the night market!" "

Ah, say that, the front is the matching of men and women. This is not good. Our hurry, otherwise, no kid will have one, and there will be one less beautiful woman with a beautiful list." "

Yes, boss, you are our strong backup. Anyway, you are not there. If we do n’t work, you will show the strength of the beauty killer and give us eyes." Khan … I don’t think I have any tricks. Basically, until now, I am still passive. At least I have not taken the initiative to chase which woman, so I have the technology of picking up girls. It’s the dish. Of course, I said they didn’t believe it. I said that I was too humble. My name was Da Zhi Ruo Yu, I was very clumsy, hidden, and real people did not show it … I am embarrassed by what they said, it ’s a bit of a master of love, … I finally understood what the"

three -person tiger “,”

Zhongkou 铄 铄 被 " The mouth of the masses is terrible! Intersection Intersection There is no way, accelerate, we escaped the corpse attack and marching into the black black cabin. Sure enough, after chasing for a while, there was a bright light in front of it. It seemed like five or six people. We were stepping up a little bit. Our arrival also surprised them. Strange combinations, four men and one woman, I have met the first woman. I am definitely a character on the stunning list. Just right, the rosy skin is delicate and gorgeous in the light. The most beautiful is her legs. The absolute standard beautiful legs, good skin, slender legs, but not thin, the knee is not protruding, there is no bending behind, double no bending, double? The legs are absolutely seamless, and one point is long, and one point is short. It is definitely the most beautiful leg I have ever seen. The beauty is wearing a set of armor composed of petals, which sets all the places that should be displayed on the body, especially the interpretation of the beautiful legs. Such beauty is really rare. I can conclude that it must be fascinated. Only the top three beautiful women will give people such a shock. The sun kissing the moon and the ride also watched the confused. Fortunately, there are also beautiful women in our magic palace. All day to this super beauty like Xueer Feiyun, the resistance is much stronger. I can guarantee it. We are absolutely sober than others. Our gaze, my fascination was not unhappy, but gave us a charming smile. It deliberately stood up and breast enhancement. It turned out to be a color woman. However, the faces of the four men next to each other are not so good, but it seems that to maintain the grace in front of the beauties, one by one can only endure it. These four brothers seem to have not succeeded now. My intuition tells me that the woman in front of me is not easy to mess with. It should be the kind of woman who is fun to play with men. Seeing that every man’s eyes are hot, as if they are affectionate to you, but take a closer look. Hidden with disdain and weird. They did not expect that at this time, this kind of place will meet us. Although we don’t know our identity, but from our demeanor, I also know that it is not easy to mess with it in the middle of the night, so it’s pretty good polite. However, there is one I know in it, and he also knows me. The character of the wealth list "

Landlord" has seen it before the East Expedition. I have a rich single man, but he did not expect to meet him here. I can meet me here, we nodded slightly, and we don’t want to dismantle it. I don’t want to shake it. It is best to pretend to be confused. The fatal temptation of the essay 1007 charming women Updated: 2007-5-19 15:38:00 Number of chapters: 10071 In such a weird environment, it is still a fate when encountering such interesting people. Beauty fascination is mature, temptation and noble men who are present to show themselves in front of the beauty. The name of the witch is indeed deputy. In fact, the first feeling of men seeing her is to go to bed, or a desire to tear her possession. It is absolutely good to be a watery character. As for her reputation, it doesn’t seem to be so good, but everyone has different views on feelings, and it is not easy to say anything. Anyway, they are willing to fight and be willing to be suffocated. Recently, this witch put forward a new proposal that made a group of men crazy. Anyone who could defeat her could go to bed with her. Khan …, with my estimation, there are still a lot of "

men" who can win her. For example, I, desperately, illegally enter the country, love New Conso, clear apple fragrance. Unfortunately, there are two in front of her.

Although this news has caused a large group of people to crazy, it has not reached an indescribable level.

It is expected that the person who is the most hopeful hope of Hua Kui is a bit strong.

At this point, four people are consistent.

If you want to compete with her, you can get the four of them first, otherwise .



Although everyone wants to have a wish, but in the face of four masters, and the terrible forces behind them, they can only sigh.

Unfortunately, the five people above the shells are good and they are not afraid of their four forces.

Four are also very clear, so recently persuading this troublesome woman to dispel the idea of participating in the first military conference in the world, but the charming girl recently experienced artifacts —— Rose has long wanted to try her skills, and at the same time, she also wanted to want to try her skills.

Tell the world that she is the incarnation of beauty and talent.

She is not convinced that Xueer and Feiyun have been pressing on her head.

So many women are conquered by a man.

Men are just adjustable products.

Love is a glass of wine.

It is cool, and no man can conquer her!

Although the four men in front of them have good temperament, they should be small and successful from the rustic look, but they are too ordinary, and they are not interested.

If the five of us know what she thinks in her heart, I don’t know if it is time to jump off the building or jump into the sea, .



it seems that it is now in the sea.

The landlord first came out to make a self -introduction.

Everyone knows that it is better to say that it is good.

Some things are hidden, the better.

“Brothers are the original poster, these are my friends. I didn’t expect to meet like -minded friends here at this time.”

“This beauty is the fascination of Flying Flower Witch, I think you should guess it.”

The landlord is a well -known rich man in the second world, alas, a rich man. … but I seem to be rich now. “Oh, in the clown horns, a little archer.”

… Isn’t this a character on the four famous grass, it really is handsome! Why do handsome guys like to be archers? I think the reason why I am not handsome enough is probably my profession has been wrong … The clown horn likes the feeling of others seeing him very much, and humility can reflect his extraordinary extraordinary, not to mention that you still have enough pride. “Brother, Qingtian Bihai, soldiers.”

Master on the rank list. “In the bell, the macho, warrior, unknown little stroke.”

“Oh, it turned out that they were all celebrities. A few of our brothers met today. This is our boss’s bad personality, a special profession, the boss of the East China Sea Branch of the Magic Palace, I am his first player and the number one. . "

I stopped the desperate wolf who wanted to introduce myself, and said first. “This is desperately desperately wolf, presumably you know it.”

The four people who heard the desperate wolf have changed. The landlord saw that I didn’t have much shock. I knew that I had four beauties, and I had not eaten by Feiyun. In fact, the outside is the same, so I can’t pose a threat. The desperate three wolves are different. “This is the sun that shoots the sun and Mr. Rightfall. He is a master of the magic bow. We are also okay at night, and there is no beauty accompanied by each other, so we can only find some stimuli here. I did not expect to meet you.”

As soon as I said, the eyes of a group of people naturally turned to desperate three wolves and their poor personality. After all, the three were the leaders of the Magic Palace, one was a local snake, and they were all identity characters. I am just a little person. Little people are naturally not valued. I didn’t say my name, and they didn’t care. This was probably the most obvious contempt. Only the landlord silently shook his head and pretended to be confused. He would naturally not let it go. \ “Oh? Are you the fourth desperate wolf of the list of the list?”

The fascination was obviously interested in the desperate three wolves ranked above her. “No, it is desperately desperately. As for the fourth list of the heavenly list, the master of the world is like a cloud. Except for our boss’s soul -eating, it can ranks first in the world. Show. "

I did not expect that the Sanwolu guy would learn to speak like this at any time, and even a few words of bands, … Where do I know, in order to make the San Wolf and his leadership status now, Xiao Mao He specially gave a behavior and a ceremonial tutoring class, and it was a non -working time for Xiaomao. As for the tragic experience, the effect was still obvious. “Oh? Didn’t your boss die?”

The clown asked. This question is hard to answer, and no one is more qualified than me. “Come, come, the boss of the soul, not on the same ship as us, he and the beauties went to another ghost ship.”

My words seem a bit indecent, … because of my obsession and disdain and disdain. Hey, there is no need to do this, I don’t owe you, there is no at least modesty to people … but some men may like this kind of stabbing and proud woman to conquer this kind of woman and interest. We just said so, and the fascination was most interested in desperately. The four of us were relatively neglected. Several people in the clown horn were busy. Expressing yourself, hey, it’s really bitter, sometimes it is very pitiful, you can only support it in spiritual support —— Come on. Finally met the real owner of the ghost ship ——- Vampire! These vampires have no poetic and paintings. In their eyes, we are just a bunch of delicious food … of course, fascination can be more popular! People say that women, especially beautiful women, are more delicious. Vampire, a monster occupying a ghost boat, can become a vampire bat for attack, with strict levels. According to the level of the ghost ship, the highest level of vampires is also different. Hou, Bo, Zi, male, the bottom is the ordinary vampire who gets the first embrace. The higher the level of the vampire, the faster the speed, the stronger the attack power, and the fierce blood -sucking attributes. It can use dark magic above the count. As for the prince, he can only describe horror. I think we don’t have such a good luck. Now in the lobby of the cabin, a large group of low -level vampires surrounds us and keep changing between the human form and the bat shape. … Who said that vampires are noble creatures, how do I think of this guy too As if he crawled out of the garbage dump, the eyes were red, and the unpleasant cry in his mouth. Ordinary vampire ——— 70, Vampire Baron, level 75, Viscount, level 80, count 85, Marquis 90, Duke 92, as for the prince, this very old and very old guy is level 95 ~ Between level 99. The group of vampires in the hall are mixed with more than a dozen barons and several vaughters, and the counts. I think it is more appropriate to use “only”

to describe them, just like they often use “heads”

to describe people, but Seriously, above the baron, these vampires are more decent, and their looks are also very good. Although they exposed the big teeth outside, they destroy the overall view, but there is a kind of evil temptation. Earl spoke, “My people, the following is the food given to us by Satan, children, let’s go!”

Old abnormalities still have the opening remarks! Under the leadership of the Viscount and Baron, the vampire launched the first wave of attacks. It is more appropriate to deal with such agile high, fast speed, and full of messy, and we still choose position battles. Everyone occupies a corner of the lobby, and the archer began to scatter. Anyway, the number of bats is so large that it can be made in a few. The landlord is a thief. The poor personality is an assassin. They are useless to fight hard. They can only use their own flexibly to deal with the vampires who leak the net. Of course, they constantly poison them and make the vampires all green. After my observation of the clown, it is not an imaginary simple white face. There is really a hand in the accomplishment of the bow and arrow, but there is still no outstanding appearance. The Qingtian Bihai and the freezer are a good pair of good soldiers, which is similar to her silly strength. Desperate three wolves will also show a few hands. After all, not everyone can resist such women. “Sending”

naturally and clearing the current state of the owner, the appearance of the Dark Wolf King immediately attracted everyone’s attention. There is no way. The current “sending”

is too attractive, the perfect combination of strength and fierce, black and bright hair The magnificent image, coupled with the indispensable spirit, really has a bit of martyr’s statue. Naturally, the vampires also noticed the same kind of dark world, but the class of the Dark Wolf King is much more advanced than these low -level vampires. Dark flames can burn their scum. The pets of others are not “sent”

so conspicuous, and naturally they will not come out to make “green leaves”.

In this case, the soldiers did not choose much. The sword shock and the assassination were combined to use the old bat essence to deal with these old bats. The thieves and assassins are not useful to deal with the group war. The effect of their poison is considerable. At least the archer and soldiers are more relaxed and happy when they kill. As for me?

I now pretend to be a military division, as long as I do n’t do my brain, but I still pretend to be a mage, put some hell flames, meteors fire, chain lightning, etc.




It seems to be more powerful, but everyone’s The attention is not on me, and the beauty notice this problem.

But not everyone is like this.

The fascination is the first person to notice the right, because she is a mage herself, and she does not open the shield because of the protection of artifacts.

It’s a bit unknown, there are a lot of intentional gods, and the power of the chain lightning just now is too outrageous.

This person has a problem.

I have no choice but to notice that something is wrong, and hurriedly adjust my “state”.

Just now is just a miracle of “the highest play”.

After seeing the more amateur attack below Interested. The fascination is now very interested in this desperate three wolf. A man who is better controlled, and is at the core of the Magic Palace. With him, he can complete many things. Of course, after showing his unparalleled charm, he must also let him see his strength, and he is not a vase -type beauty. The fascination went directly to the departure line, walked towards the center of the vampire, and the vampire saw the “dessert”

out of it. For the first time, I felt the existence of God. The vampire immediately gave up our impact on the fascination. The fascination took out a delicate purple -red rose and dumped it gently. Then slowly turn. —— Wind Flower Snow Moon Rose Corridor! Intersection Intersection It is really gorgeous. The petals are shrouded in the whole body. The fascination of fragrance really has the taste of flower fairy. I have to say that it is a veritable style and snowy moon. The vampires did not have the appreciation of the cells. Immediately, a group of unless they rushed in. Ice roar, or chaotic blade dance, adds more power, and the poor vampires fell to the ground in a while. Naturally, we are always standing next to each other. The “sending”

devil roar suddenly gets the two baron at once. The explosion also killed several unlucky vampires around. The power of artifacts can never be underestimated! The vampires succeeded, while everyone’s attention was not here, I was aimed at the Earl of the Vampire who was ready to start, level 85, just like me, so it won’t be said that who bullies whom! I pulled out the Blood Sword, moved close to him in a row, and killed two vampires who blocked the road. The place where the corner was cited, it just blocked the sight of others, hehe, I have been holding it for a long time! Person —— Ice Demon Madrum dance. We swept away a few small bats that affected us “fair duel”

, and we started fighting. This guy was very cunning and played with me by speed. No wonder people say “Old Trocket”

! However, it is very good for my appetite. I ca n’t use “Zhenlong”

a little uncomfortable. Forget it, it is better not to attract the attention of fascination. To deal with this high -level dark monster, the light magic is naturally the best choice. I do n’t understand the high -level optical magic, but I still know the low -level Sword Sword that can cooperate with the samurai skills. The ultimate killing is so wonderful, so he can try the trick! Blood bleaching the Shengsheng Sword! The blood -red holy light sword qi split down, (except that the real dragon is not affected, any fighting magic will be fused when it encounters my blood, so the trick is red.) My momentary movement is just right. He followed his flight path, but the sword was chopped in the middle, and the vampire Earl, who was killed, began to risk black smoke immediately, and asked him to live! The skyrocketing blood bleaching is a strong assassination, sweat …, it pierced, the blood -stuffed sword is like a living, and the eyes are gradually like the Earl Earl’s eyes, and the counts release in the eyes of the count. Red light gradually turned into a dead body. Although the power of the blood stuffing just now, the power of the Shengsheng Sword was considered a considerable number of Earls of Vampire, but also killed a bunch of vampires, but it happened to be behind the wall and did not affect “them”.

After the vampire was killed by me, there was nothing wrong with anything, and the blood -stuffed sword was a bit slightly shocking. There was a trace of blood on the sword, and there was even a pulse sound. Phantom must be an illusion! I put away the blood -stuffing sword, took out a rod, and quietly returned. The battle over there continued. Several baron died there. The clown horn chose a baron, first a frozen arrow, good luck, and successfully sealed him. In this case, the most effective is the continuous shooting. Desperate Three Wolf also chose a baron, a continuous whirlwind dance, sweeping the block of the block, and then a beautiful impact, against the chaotic vampire baron, full of fierce anger, cut hard and chopped it. Go down, then a Xiangkong picked the baron to fly, and the most familiar multiple attacks in the air, killing the unlucky baron. Others also took advantage of the opportunity, and there were no different skills to fly, and finally the remaining vampires turned panic into bats. Suddenly I found something, … the experience here is good! Vampires are relatively simple, intermediate equipment and gold coins are a lot, we clean up more than 100. “Ah, by the way, I remember seeing a vampire that was here just now, why is it gone? Who did you see!”

The fascination suddenly asked, and the beauty was very tempting when thinking. … I do n’t know if it ’s unintentional or intentional. I always feel that the action of fascination is lure others to crimes. …. Maybe it’s already a wish. It ’s false, and men with self -control generally have their own standards. Under the standards, the will occupy the upper hand, and near the standard, it depends on the situation and state. It’s like an enthusiastic, just like the fascination has exceeded my standard, but I am limited to heartbeat rather than action. All normal men are both enjoyable and uncomfortable about this temptation. They are unhappy now, and this group of women are together … let’s pray for those poor vampires. Suddenly the shadow of another woman came in, … it turned out to be Feiyun. Feiyun’s temptation was much larger than me. It is moving to Feiyun. “Earl Vampire, right, why is it gone?”

The clown horn also said, but obviously obviously dissatisfied with the answer that this was not answering. Others shook their heads. I did not answer her obligation, especially such an attitude, but I do n’t care about it. I pretend that no one cares. “Maybe I didn’t pay attention to kill it just now!”

The desperate three wolves took the words. The situation of the three wolves was not good. It was originally a joke. Now it seems that he wants to play fire. The sun kissing the moon and Mr. Ball also felt that it was not right. The two of them were not a novice in love. Naturally, it was not easy for women to capture such a woman. If they accidentally planted themselves, they would be planted. Cub, … the moth fluttering the fire, it is too dangerous! But at this time we can’t say anything here. “Oh, let the big run away, it’s really angry, let’s go, let’s go, there will definitely be better.”

Walking in it is the residential area of the crew. Naturally, there will be no crew in it, and it may become the old nest of the vampire. The ambassadors of the flower are naturally fascinated, but the beauties do not appreciate it. They chose two people to match. They claimed that this was interesting. So many people, several bats were scared away. The next step is the competition for men. The two are alone, but they are good opportunities. The four of them are clearly obsessed. If you do n’t speak pure, pretending to be modest is useless to the end, it must not be a round. In the end, it is definitely impossible After a long time, there were still no candidates … in the end they even hit me. … Is this a piece of pie falling from the sky? But this pie is too big, it wo n’t be able to support it! But now my people are light, clown, blue and blue sea, and the freezing men are unclear. They think that I do n’t have “lethality”.

The landlord thinks that fascination is not a type I like, and I am so heart -minded, so rest assured. The two guys of the sun kissing the moon and the righth head shake their heads. As for why it shakes my head, I don’t know … Desperate three wolves and said quietly in my ear, “Boss, you have to keep this for me and be eaten by yourself!”

“Rest assured, I ca n’t eat this too spicy, but there is no idle person around her, and …”

“Okay, boss, except you, everyone else is not talking.”

… I do n’t have to wait for me to finish. Is this love at first sight? In fact, the charming girl and the macho are also good. I wish him good luck. I thought it was the same when I met I Xueer.

The first love men and women were the same stupid and crazy.

What else can I say?

The fascination is strange this time without opposition.

At the same time, the clown horn is a bit wrong, and they are also a bit happy.

This woman is too difficult to get it, but it is it that attracts them so persistently.

After a while, the slightly crowded corridor was only two of us.

“Let’s go, Master Devil, do you want a little girl to ask?”

“Oh, oh?”

“Oh, don’t you think that others are fools. They don’t know you in Qingtian Bihai, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t know you.”

Now that it has been dismantled, it is not interesting to disguise it. It is not interesting to dispel the disguise. The golden light of the king’s suit is irresistible, which has made me might a little. “Oh? Is it based on a few extraordinary chain lightning?”

“Oh, isn’t it enough? The easiest way, I do n’t know if the detection is detected. I ca n’t measure my level. Who else is there?”

… This is the same. This is not good when the level is high. As long as it attracts the attention of others, it will be exposed as soon as it is explored, but it seems not polite to detect others in person. … But looking at this charming woman is not like a person who follows the conventional, forget it. “Hehe, just make a kid, let’s go.”

\ “Oh? Soul Eater seemed to be afraid of talking to me, can I eat you?”

I’m not afraid that you will eat me. I’m afraid that you will not do it if you accidentally eat it. That is, you do n’t need to be responsible, and I ’m afraid that the impact is not good! …… It seems that people are not very good, hey, it ’s a daydream, men’ s common problems, when you are red, you will be big purple. 50 % off. “Where, Miss Fascination is so charming, gorgeous, I also want to enjoy it, but I think we still act quickly, otherwise they can’t keep up with them. It is not fun to desperate with me.”

“Giggle, okay, let’s talk while walking.”

Entering a large bedroom, the decoration inside is quite luxurious, and the level of vampires who live like it will not be very low. A dark room, … with a bed, a beautiful woman, a man with a bloody man … Huh, the two bats rushed towards us. Thank you, cute old bat! OK, a marquis, a duke, in the color! Beauty is the advantage. The Duke of level 92 is naturally mine, and the Marquis of Level 90 is given to her. You can’t care about such a strong player. The two of us opened the shield and opened up the wind and snowy moon rose array. With the old bat sperm sprint, we just hid in it and put magic. But I have the ability to deal with only “real dragons”

to deal with only vampires. It is a bit large and small. One turned over, the huge sword -shaped gas broke the air, and the blood -red real qi periphered was the blessing of the holy light. The unlucky vampire Duke was cut, but the 92 -level old guy was extraordinary that he could still live, turned into a bat, and flew up. Let you run like this, do I still use it? Suddenly a dark circle spread from the marquis’s body, and the entire house fell into a complete darkness —— The Dark World (Dark Magic, a large-scale dark enchantment, and the enemy trapped in this enchantment was dark. The ability to reduce capacity is greatly reduced, while the vampire of the dark nature will gain strength.) In accident, I received two blows. The huge impulsion hit me far and broke. Although the fascination was protected by artifacts, the complete darkness still made her groan. The woman was finally a woman. At this time, my king’s suit began to shine, and the halo of the circle gradually broke the darkness. The ugly face of the old vampire was exposed half a meter in front of me, and the two of us were scared. Almost … sweat! Play Yin. Avatar ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- is four times blood-bleeding. Cut you! The Duke of the Vampire had lost a loss. This time, when the situation was not good, he ran away when he sprinkled his wings. Unfortunately, he took a half -shot late and was valued at two swords. Move instantly —— Nine-day Thunder Fire Sword! The half -dead vampire Duke even escaped the thunder, fork, and wanted to bite me, but I was chopped by my blood magic sword, … After a sword hit, the magic sword extended in it and extended it in it. , Make a nourishing sound, the color of the blood -stuffed magic sword is becoming more and more weird. The face of the Duke of Vampire Duke is the same as the Earl in front. The unusually frightened disappeared, which was even worse and the bones were gone. My demon king may be implemented like this The fascination is also prestigious. It may be the image of the performance just now. Drinking, the whole wind and snowy moon rose arrays separated from the body and surrounded the poorly vampire marks. That miserable! \ “Miss Fan Love, it is indeed a master of heaven, amazing!”

\ “Where is the name of the Demon King? Solving a 92 -level BOSS does not need to use the”

True Dragon “.”

Speaking of a very natural gel, a casual posture, to make a beautiful figure, especially she quotes it with it. The proud long beautiful legs are undoubtedly revealed. Halo, this kind of monster can force me to come out of the killer. I am still the first master of Heaven Bang? Intersection … but don’t always seduce others. There are only two consequences of men’s impulse, one is to get a compensation, the wind and snow are, and the other is forced to faint by the system, but I think it is still more likely to be later. It is one of the ways that can get me instantly. This is one of them. But the love is so beautiful, it seems that I am very interested in me, \ “I heard that Sister Xueer and Sister Feiyun are in the Magic Palace. The younger sister wants to meet for a long time. Halo, seeing it is fake, it is not convinced. "

Call me soul to eat soul, Lord Demon is still carrying the boss’s brush point.” "

Oh, why do you always call Miss Family? Is the name of fascination so difficult to export?” … great, no soil. "

No problem, Xueer will be glad to know you.” I added a "

strange" in my heart. This woman is too "

amazing". The key is that she doesn’t seem to understand yet. As a woman, she is shown in savvy and does not need to be displayed everywhere. Passers -by people know. Inner show is the key. Intersection In this way, some men may use it, and it may not be easy to use other men … What would happen if Qingqing apple incense encountered her? Seeing that I am not hooked, there is nothing to say about my fascination. She is thinking in her heart. She knows that she has no advantage in her beauty. Shexer, Feiyun, are more beautiful than her. Although she is very confident, she has not reached the point of arrogance. But she firmly believes that there is a director, the ruler is short, Xueer, Feiyun, really Xiaoxue, the mood sisters, will definitely not find men like her, tenderness, gentleness, cuteness, beauty, seductive just just, are just all are just seductive. A kind of charm of a woman, and there is also a fatal to a man, and a natural man must be lustful. When I met, although it was a bit of a stroke, it may be God’s will. There are already a lot of people who are understanding and understanding. How can she not take a different way? The word sexy can only be used on her, Xueer, Feiyun, they can’t do it! Looking at the perfect figure that you are passionate, and being able to fully cooperate with men’s technology, you can definitely give men the greatest happiness. Do n’t worry about the soul -eater. Kicking away is really perfect. It’s too early now. She has time. Women who are too easy to get are boring. The virtuality is the temptation. Family flowers are not as good as wild flowers. Although there are many beauties in the Magic Palace, how can there be men who can resist such a stimulus stimulus? Besides, the heroine and director are her. A stunning beauty, a mixed demon king, and a period of evil, led to the extermination of a super guild that is expected to unify the Central Plains on the flourishing. Where do I think, in such a short period of time, I can think so much in the mind of the beauty next to me. What I think now is to leave this ghost place and converge with the desperate wolf, and shake off the hot potato. How stupid, I also know that if she shouldn’t happen with her, it must be me who regrets it, and they will not forgive me. Brother San Wolf, please be blessed by yourself, brother, I can only barely protect themselves now. Elf Recommendation: "

Flowing Flowing Fold" vs "

Three Kingdoms" Main text 10028 beautiful errors Updated: 2007-5-19 15:38:00 Number of chapters: 6243 Finally relying on my tenacious will and excessive patience to resist the witch’s wave of attacks, keep "

chastity", and finally successfully go to the 25,000 -centimeters of short symbolic and desperate three wolves. Successful teacher. This time I didn’t intend to hide my identity. Now if I am hiding, don’t play the name of the play afterwards. The original poster knew that there was nothing to say.

The freezing men were nothing.

They were polite, what to meet, well -known nonsense.

In fact, they are more concerned about the demon king encountered the witch.

Spark, we have one dry firewood, a fierce fire, a color man, a color woman, (I don’t know my reputation is so “bad”

) and no one is disturbed, … I don’t want to carry a black pot without head and mind, and the fascination on the side laughed slightly, as if it was confirming something. At this time, I couldn’t be excited, otherwise it would not be used, but it couldn’t wash it into the Yellow River. “Oh, unfortunately, although you hope to play with everyone for a while, Xueer just sent him to let me pass by, let me pass by, and leave with everyone, sit in the Magic Palace.”

This here. " It is a fool who does not flash. Seeing that I was angry, coupled with the call of "

wife", a few people immediately smiled with their brows. Talking about other women in front of the woman was undoubtedly a stance, and the polite words said again. Three wolfs naturally continue to stay here. Shoot the sun and kiss the moon and the roll head, and stay here to support him. After all, the four people have been in competition for so long. Trouble, how can a strong player like a desperate wolf suffer! Throwing away the trouble, I walked out of my own, ghost ship, and walked around for a while. I felt it was boring. I wanted to go to Xueer, and I felt that time was not appropriate. What do men participate. Now it really becomes an orphan, … In the evening, it is perverted to leveling monsters in such a horrible place. There are ghost fires and wandering monsters around. I like to get green, and I am a little uncomfortable to see … I suddenly realized that my stomach was a bit hungry, it must be the consumption just now! …… It ’s good to go back to two self -drinking. Back to the branch back to the scroll back, put the king’s suit and the blood -stuffed magic sword in the space bag, replace it with a set of ordinary warrior equipment, and came to the restaurant on the first floor. This time, I didn’t go. Yaza, but in the lobby of the bottom floor, there is no energy on the top. The people are so lively in the following people. When I went in, although the bottom floor was not overcrowded, it was rarely available. Everyone was mostly leveling back to the day. Several brothers enjoyed it together. Together. I chose a vacant position, and I had three men and two women next to it. "

Dear, don’t mind, the brothers are here?" One of the bold men, shouting roughly, "

You are polite, sitting casually, you can meet each other." I was not polite, let the waiter add a drink, sit down and join them. "

Brother, where are you, it seems that it is not a locals?" Da Han asked, Da Han asked, Da Han asked, "

Oh, my younger brother is from Yanhuang City, because a friend is here, so I got a message to level up." "

Oh, like us, this is my wife, we are all from Nuwa City, these three are also new friends." Said that one of the only two women said that one of the only two women said, "

My wife thinks that there is no place to level me in our city to pull me here. Unfortunately, it is really right. " When the girl next to him heard it, his brows were raised, "

What is the right one, this is the name of the big sister, the elder brother should be punished for three glasses of wine." When the big man heard it, he was happy with three cups. "

Lotus, you punish him to drink, but you will enjoy him, but it’s better. I didn’t see his excitement." Holy warrior, level 69, the name is "

Fairy in the Wine" Wife, warlock, level 65, the name is "

dream back to his hometown" Young Little Meimei, level 70, the name is "

Duowu Lotus" The archer on the left, the lotus of the lotus, level 71, the name is "

Mountain Waiden" The thief on the right, the lotus boyfriend, level 72, the name is "

stealing the thief" Their names are full of poetic and picturesque, my name is "

soul -eater", but unexpectedly caused their "

sympathy". "

Hey, brothers, you are really miserable, how can you say the name of the Demon King’s soul." The fairy in the wine forced me to kill the three glasses of wine, "

What about that, it is his business that is amazing. Besides, our soul -eating brother may not be able to become a slaughter warrior in the future!" … This big sister is British female, but I haven’t yet gained yet. To destroy your own meaning, you will not be in the future. "

Oh, this time I met so many friends, happy, come, everyone is doing three glasses!" Said that the wine in the wine raised the wine glass again. "

Brother, you spared me, I can’t do it!" The thief’s ability to steal was average, but he didn’t expect the amount of alcohol. The lotus on the side kicked him, and Jiao was so useless, "

It’s really useless, it’s not so alcohol, you see my brother and big brother." Then look at me again. I quickly waved my hand, I can’t afford this little peppers, "

Sister Lotus, I can’t do it anymore. “Am I bigger than you, no, drink!”

After a while, there are not many wines on the desktop. I quickly let the waiter put the most expensive high gold fruit wine. What could the waiter get the news, so I did not question the other, because the price of this wine is indeed a bit higher. Few people in the hall, especially I ordered 20 bottles like me. “Wow, we have encountered a big model today, okay, I also indulge, but my wife, you have to carry me back when you are drunk!”

The little thief looked at the lotus. “No problem, drag you back!”

“Ah, so miserable!”

Haha ~ ~ I was so addicted to drinking. I did n’t expect to have a cup after drinking to a certain degree. There are more wines, naturally there are more words “Brothers, don’t say, looking at the whole ‘world’, the best of the demon king’s soul is the best. The masters of their men are like Yun, and there are countless beautiful women around them. Koyama said enviously, “.

.. but it doesn’t seem to be so exaggerated. In general, I think I am still very low -key.” "

Haha, don’t say you, you are beautiful.” "

What’s wrong, brother, you also want to come to a Three Palace and Six Hospital, do you have that?" "

Girl, don’t underestimate your brother, think of that year …" "

Come on, I don’t know your ability to be capable, is it the romantic deed in kindergarten again?" Sai Guangong, the face of the hills of the mountains, is immediately red. I wonder if I drink too much? Intersection Intersection We almost sprayed the wine with a smile. The reason why it was "

almost" was too expensive, and it was a pity to waste. "

Little thief, you can be careful about me. If I find that your tail dares to stand up, you can see you go back!" Lotus looked at the thief with a fierce look. I understand why he chose the profession of thieves, flexible. "

You see, big sister -in -law, I didn’t do anything here, so I tightened me curse. There were more men and women outside!" Stealing the thief seemed to want to hold a left and right. "

Huh, why don’t you say that there are a combination of a woman outside." Khan … After all, there are very few, but the stealing thief dare not say that silence is the most correct choice at this time. "

Speaking, the soul -eater is also a big radish, so there are so many girlfriends." Lotus said with a small mouth, and then apologized to me, "

Harmony, I’m not talking about you!" When I became dizzy, when did I become a mixed again, I have to distinguish it and give me a loud name! "

The man of the man, that, what, what, the three wives and four concubines are … wrong." The immortal in the wine was not confused, and at the critical time, he changed his mouth and saved a small life, but the eyes of Dasao had a good vision. Rich, like sword gas. "

Ahem, let me tell you a joke." The mountains outside the mountain want to save the disadvantage of men here. "

In the past, there was a mouse or a mouse. Promise to the home, the mouse held a photo of the bat to show off to the companions. The companions shook their heads after watching it, and they said that the bat looks not good -looking. The mouse said angrily: People are also stewardess! " "

Okay, brother, dare to expose my bottom, see!" Our table was immediately made into a ball. In fact, every table in the hall was almost the same. In the end, I did n’t know how much I drank. It was confused anyway. Someone in the dimness helped me away. It ’s so fragrant. After a while, I felt that the whole body was warm and refreshing. The delicate little hand crawled around me, but it was good for Xue’er’s good wife. The struggle increased my desire. The slight crying sound did not wake me drunk, and it would be logical in a while. As soon as he woke up, the sky was already bright, Xueer, baby, Xiangzi and mood were chatting yesterday’s experience. My hand quietly touched Xueer’s jade foot, and the baby’s seductive legs. "

Hey, color husband, sneak attack in the morning!" "

Wake up and pretend to sleep, the sun is shining to the buttocks." “You, do n’t drink if you ca n’t drink it, look drunk. I heard that it’ s about 20 bottles. It ’s really not a while without watching you.”

“Wife, I am happy to meet a few friends, and they are fainted as soon as they are filled, haha.”

“By the way, I tell you, the Sanwolu began to fall in love!”

The smart man immediately shifted the topic at this time. Sure enough, the news immediately turned their attractiveness. “Wow, good news, with a girlfriend, San Wolf said that he would borrow me for a day.”

Baby clapped his hands happily. Khan … One day, “sending”

is to be cut off, and mourn for three minutes. “Oh? Who is the other person?”

Xueer asked curiously, and all the four women looked at me curiously. Then I explained the matter of last night with them. Of course, the teasing of my fascination with me is still omitted. “Husband, as far as you said, the prospects of the San Wolf are not ideal.”

After Said, Xueer nodded and Xiangzi nodded. “Is she really so beautiful?”

Baby cared about this. “Good baby, she is far worse than you!”

When I heard this, the baby smiled happily, … women sometimes spoke. “Let me talk to him. The man who is caught in a love trap is as crazy as a woman, it is probably useless.”

“By the way, my husband, I will thank Feiyun when you go, she came here yesterday, or she sent you the drunk man.”

Feiyun? last night? I can imagine my face now, and the big sweat on my head fell down, … Is it her, God, this thing is a big thing yesterday. What I said yesterday why “Xueer”

has been passive, it turns out … Cher looked at my face suddenly, and looked at me with concern, “It’s okay, it’s okay, I just thought that if the relationship of the three wolves was not smooth, if I was played, what to do, I would choose such a woman for first love, it would be too high!”

“Go to you, can a man pick a woman, can’t a woman pick a man, prejudice, I will have a choice!”

I didn’t expect the baby to be so avant -garde. “Wow, then you have not fell before you start!”

“People, … people were confused at the time.”

“what about now?”

“Now that the thief boat will not come down.”

Haha ~~~ My smile is still a bit reluctant. Last night, I was like a thorn, but I was still happy at the same time. After all, the beauty of the second color list was so perfect that it was false. Why didn’t you force me to faint me? Is it … I didn’t figure out, I was restless, I found an excuse, and slipped out. I found the person in charge of the branch and learned of Feiyun’s residence, but he looked so weird to see my eyes … … When I came to Feiyun’s house, I hesitated for a long time. I didn’t know if it was time to go. The stubbornness at the beginning didn’t know where to hide, it was not enough. It is not a disaster, or a disaster, but it has already happened anyway. Escape is not the way. Hardly, knocked on the door gently, without response, the door was not close, I pushed the door gently, walking in like a thief. When I came to the bedroom, I saw a beautiful beauty contemplative, and the beautiful face covered a layer of grievances, which made people feel heartache. Feiyun saw me, suddenly a sound, and his face flushed immediately, “why you.”

“This, that, I knocked on the door, but no one, I came in when I saw that the door was not closed.”

In fact, what I want most now is to run away immediately, but if I really go, I may regret it for a lifetime. For a while, the room suddenly fell into silence … I grit my teeth, how can this kind of thing let a woman speak, “Yesterday, yes, is it you?”

Feiyun’s blushing, although he didn’t speak, but this reaction represents everything! “Hey, it’s all I’m not good. Feiyun can be punished me. At that time, you just resisted, and the system would stop me and won’t hurt you like this.”

After hearing these words, Feiyun’s face was a little white and said lightly: “Do you come here to say these things?”

I don’t know what to say, don’t say what these? “It’s nothing here. Yesterday was just a misunderstanding. Please go out, I want to rest.”

Seeing that I turned around, Feiyun closed my eyes sadly, and the crystal tears flowed down from the beautiful eyelashes. “Bastard, bastard, really a big bastard.”

“Miss Feiyun, is the bastard you said is me?”

The sudden voice shocked Feiyun, and I opened my eyes, and I was standing by her bed. “you……”

Feiyun had no way to finish the rest, thinking that the fragrant lips had been occupied by the man in front of him, and his body fell into his control, but Feiyun felt that everything was out of place. I gently kissed the tears on Feiyun’s face, making the beauty suffer such a great grievance, it is really unforgivable. It seems that I am really a bastard … It’s just a happy bastard. “Huh, how can you come back?”

“Beauty is on the side, why am I willing to leave.”

Looking at my thief, Feiyun couldn’t help laughing. “Bad guy!”

“Oh, don’t it be a big beauty like a bad guy?”

The beauty is heavy, and I recognize it on the fire and the sea. Speaking of yesterday’s business, Feiyun was shameful, “You, you can’t drink so much. When I arrived here, fortunately someone told me that you were in the inside and seeing you and your friends were drunk. I had to help you back. Poor, wipe you sweat, who knows … "

“Hee hee, is it cheap by my big wolf?”

“Do you think people are willing to happen in that situation? Isn’t it afraid that you will be hurt? After the system is dizzy, the spirit will be hit as a punishment, and you have to go back 10 levels. Do you say I should remove it? You big wolf do the sky! "

“Are you willing to?”

“Stinky beauty.”

While enjoying this quiet sweetness, I was worried about how they told Xueer. “Think of Xueer.”

Feiyun asked softly, “kindness”

“Decly, Yanfu is so easy to enjoy, I really don’t know what happened, but I even got on you.”

In the words of the baby, it’s stupid. “Hum, otherwise, let me say to Sister Xueer.”

Feiyun’s little hand was in a circle on my chest. “No, let me go to the first, the man of the man dare to do it!”

I think you are going to say it is not chaotic, and how can you speak. “Flowing Flowers”

Author, snow areas, fantasy, BL_ID = 5192 “Three Kingdoms”

Author, Red Tiger, History, BL_ID = 11351 Text 10029 Updated: 2007-5-19 15:38:00 Number of chapters: 8306 Fei Yun and I returned to our residence and found the baby, mood, Xiangzi was sitting on the outside and watching us densely. The flying clouds immediately flushed. This beauty also likes to blush too much. I like to blush in front of me (we), … but it’s so cute, it is seductive itself. Now it is more like an apple waiting for picking, or it is picking again … “Sister Feiyun, we play cards, it’s really missing you, husband, Sister Xueer is waiting for you in it.”

… It’s broken. It should not be served by the tiger’s head. The neck is cold. Opening the door, Xueer turned his back to me, looked at the window, heard the sound of opening the door, and his body shook slightly, but did not turn around. It’s broken, his wife is angry, Xueer’s status in my heart has never been shaken. If I lose her, my world will collapse. “Xueer, don’t be angry, it’s bad to get angry, otherwise, you take me out of breath.”

Fluttering, Xueer’s laughter made me hang back in the air again. Fortunately, fortunately! Cher turned around, “You, the color wolf, the sister Feiyun still can’t escape your palm. In this way, do you still want to get a Three Palace and Six Court!”

Looking at Xueer’s redness, I naturally explained it quickly. “Heaven and earth conscience, wife, are all wine faults, … no, of course, I have the mistake, you punish me, otherwise, I’ll buy a rubbing board.”

“Oh, you, you will be poor, you want to give you some lessons, it seems that it is no longer effective now.”

I stepped in an arrow, took Xueer into my arms, kissed it, and knew that Xueer was panting, and I stopped. “Good Xueer, no matter how many in the future, you will always be a big wife, my favorite, haha.”

“Is there any later?”

“No, no, you know, not afraid of 10,000, just in case. You see this time, it is purely a calamity of alcohol. At that time, I thought it was yours, and I was still pondering, how can my good Xueer? Suddenly so bad with my cooperation. "

Ouch ~ “No serious, who cooperates with you, I don’t fight!”

But Xueer was still ashamed. “I really don’t know where you are good, letting big beauties like Feiyun posted it back. This time it cheaps you, sister Feiyun and us have also merged, and I can see it about your affection. I don’t pursue it. However, death can be exempted from the sin, and you are not allowed to touch us for a month. "

“Xueer, won’t be so cruel … if you can’t help what you can do.”

“Go to you, you can’t spit out ivory in the dog’s mouth, but if you dare to contam in a woman like a fascination, we will not forgive you!”

“Where, I can’t hide, haha.”

I got it here, and I didn’t know what was going on. Cher’s white and tender jade hand was circled on me, saying “Husband, how many do you want to marry? People will be jealous.”

It is called Bo Ai, and the unpleasant is called indiscriminate, but I think I and they are all Qizhi and Big, and I can’t give up any. “Xueer, you are my big wife. Without your permission, I dare not increase half of it.”

“Huh, you, you know that you push your responsibility to me, bullion my heart!”

“How dare, come, let me soothe my little vinegar jar.”

In a long time, I got Xueer. In fact, I think whether men or women, as long as you have the ability, strength, and sincere love, you can control others. My boundary is Xueer. She can’t accept it. I will definitely not accept it. Even if the reputation of the person who is on the back is the one who loves the person he loves. As for the punishment in the heart, the punishment is Causal cycle, … Fortunately, Xueer is more enlightened, and I have more self -control! (Skeleton Elf: Don’t blow it, the cows are extinct. If you have self -control, I am Jesus, and I still have a bachelor skeleton. You don’t know how much the proportion of men and women in the skeleton is. , Miserable!) When I was happy with Xueer, Feiyun dare not watch Xueer, “Someone in us was absent -minded and lost five games in a row!”

The baby said strangely, and the flying clouds were restless. “Sister Feiyun, come, come, we are now a sister in the alliance. This big radish essence must be dealt with well. We must formulate the family law, otherwise he will not fly to the sky!”

Xueer took Feiyun Heat -friendly. This proposal was unanimously approved by the parliament … … I didn’t even have the right to vote, and then I was driven out. The five women’s customs came to the door to discuss and formulate the “Family Law”.

Although my wives studied the countermeasures in it, my mood can only be described in the sun now, thinking of the previous ancestors Tang Bohu and Wei Xiaobao … It seems that I am still almost a little bit now, but I think I think mine. The quality should be better, haha. I did not expect that they met a new friend as soon as they went out. They were fairy in the wine. After a night of rest, they are now ready to be again. They are also very happy to see me. The fairy in the wine came to pat my shoulder, “Brothers can’t see it, you are really hidden. The beauty who helped you back last night is really beautiful!”

“Yeah, brothers, introduce the brothers, I think of the goddess of the Phoenix!”

The little thief said excitedly that to know such a beauty is a happy thing. “Have you ever seen the goddess of Phoenix?”

“Of course I saw it!”

Said the thief patted his chest proudly. “That’s how beautiful it is, if I can … oops!”

The stealing the thief was a little proud, praised another woman in front of his girlfriend, the most important thing was to expose some kind of yourself The purpose is not to find death. Lotus was not polite, and the bombardment started. We laughed and appreciated the free soap opera. “Lotus, you just spared him, he just said our voice.”

The mountains outside the mountain couldn’t bear to watch the brother -in -law destroyed, and helped. “Oh, is it? Husband, do you think so too?”

Dasao looked at the immortal in the wine and bloomed a beautiful smile. “I? Impossible, absolutely impossible, I scratched the boundaries with them, right, good wife.”

The rebellion of the immortal in the wine made the hills in the mountains and the mountains and noon. “Harmony, go through the level with us. I think you are fine. It’s better to do something with us.”

sweat…… “Lotus girl, can you not call me me, this nickname is not good.”

“What? Isn’t it good? What a loud name, I don’t charge you if I don’t charge you!”

Come, I recognized it, and if I discussed again, I would like to pay her. After looking at the passage of thousands of miles, I found that the desperate three wolf is not online, or it is to close the sound system … What is this guy doing? Xueer, Feiyun may have to talk about it for a while. Three women can sing for a long time. Five women must have a longer time. It is also a good choice to go shopping with them. “Okay, as long as everyone is not idle!”

“Cut, it’s friends, what we say, we set off!”

Jiu Zhongxian took the lead, we swim towards the deep sea mining area. Wearing ordinary warrior equipment, without so many vision, as if when I returned to the opening area, I was unknown leveling, enjoying the joy of each level, see the fairy in the wine now, and I am also very happy to live. Ah, leveling, fighting, drinking, having a wife, brother, and a happy little ***. Monster levels in deep -sea mining areas are relatively high, and the minerals produced are better. Therefore, there are more monsters to protect minerals, and the refresh rate is fast, which adds difficulty to the miners. Essence The monsters here are mainly level 70 stone fish monsters, and some of the sea monsters made by stone fish and human skeleton soldiers wandering everywhere. Of course But good things, the players who are leveling here encounters it, inevitably arguing, mainly because it can explode the secondary fairy ware, and it is not like other places. Hugging before, and the stone fish king here is relatively bachelor, and it has always been a Lone Ranger. This about 5 % of the chances have become the target of ordinary players. Therefore, it is a good thing for everyone. When we arrived here, the good site was gone, but there was still a place to accommodate the six of us, which was good luck. The monster is waiting for the monster. In order to make my own costumes more like a soldier, I specially found a best magic sword from the warehouse. …. In the wine, their equipment is a little bit of the middle reaches. In fact, when they reach their level, mixing such a set of equipment is bad. Get brand -name equipment sometimes relying on luck. Some people only hit a first -class fairy, and you can change the gun gun immediately. Then spend money, don’t mention the money leveling to make that money, work hard to fight zero, as a mercenary, etc., get compensation and equipment, and the mind is better. In the market, the selling point equipment, making the fragmented equipment into a set of selling, earning a difference. In fact, the profit of this kind of buy and selling is still possible. When the “unjust head”

comes to the door, the level of leveling will slow down. Especially for players who entered in the later period, the gaps left in the market are very small, the level does not dominate, and the development is relatively slow. Fortunately, the system gives certain rewards and discounts to enable them to persist. One of them is. In the first 10 days of the newcomer, during the level of leveling, the monster level is higher than the player, experience rewards, monsters are lower than players, and their experiences are not diminished. I am now a standard warrior dressing up. Naturally, the real sword and the real sword can not use the skills with too high levels, so I can only assassinate and assassinate. …… So slow! Fortunately, my attributes are great and the level is high enough, so wearing these garbage equipment, the effect of the reaction looks like a good warrior. There is a warlock in our group that is enough to take care of us. Don’t look at the lotus, but a good warrior, ranging with the fairy in the wine. It was his brother’s hills outside the mountain and stealing the thief, one was an archer and the other was a thief. The stealing thieves pushed the monsters with mighty techniques. Occasionally, there was a behind -the -line manner. The positive pain we practiced, in fact, I was happy in my heart, and the spirit of joy was cool. This level of leveling was really panic, which was too slow. Alas, it seems that there is something trouble to steal the thief. A few of us rushed over. It turned out that there was a dispute with the people near the closer. The reason was very simple. The monster also caused the past. The fighting that happened because of grabbing monsters was a commonplace. There were 6 people in the opponent, and the strength was similar. Obviously, if the strength of one party was too much, it was better to say that this kind of strength was quite likely. , The probability of fighting is the highest. “Boy, where are you mixed, do you understand the rules!”

The other person said to the thief to steal the thief, his tone was not good. Don’t look at the thieves that the thieves are afraid of the lotus, but the lotus is afraid to die, and this is not ambiguous. “How about, let alone see a few, just deliberately, crazy!”

“Okay, kid, you are looking for faults!”

“Sun Tzu, I just look for your stubble!”

After that, the stealing the thief was a bachelor, and immediately the poison and the assassination were stabbed. When you start strong, the idiot is always flattened and then started. It is also beautiful and the name is the first to be a gift. This was Jin Yuliang’s words that the little thief told us later. With his hands, it is impossible for the other party to ignore things, and we have also joined the melee … I have not felt like this for a long time. It seems that stealing the thief is really an old player. Coping a melee, reasonable, rely on speed, wear it in the crowd, give this poison, give the assassination, chase the other afterwards, chase the other who chased him behind him. Warrior teeth itching. It was a medium -level soldier who was dealing with me, and I would accompany him to play. This guy originally wanted to pick up cheap goods. I cut it for a while, not to mention that no one has used it to me for a long time. …… There is no lethality move. In fact, the soldier is depressed now. The garbage warrior in front of him is playing with him purely. Many opportunities can kill him, but you do n’t do it, and your eyes are definitely playing with the child. Intersection After finally hitting a few times, I suddenly found that the other party had a drop of blood. Drop your life, see the ghost! However, although I still have to fight, because the level is similar, everyone is basically compared to technology, cooperate with … There is still medicine consuming medicine, who’s medicine first, then he can only finish playing. The warrior of chasing a thief was very depressed, and it was level 72. However, it is also a problem to deal with such a smooth thief. The other party always harass him with his companions and does not play with himself. This will not work. As a result, he decided to cooperate with the soldiers who attacked me first: “Corner goods”

solved it, and first achieved the number of people. Anyway, I was a soldier and could not be as agile as a thief, nor could I treat it like a warlock. …… You have to say that their strategy is correct, but unfortunately I did n’t watch the yellow calendar today. Although the person who attacked me has added one, it is the same as it is not the same as me. The two groups of our two groups are playing here. Others have occupied our original sites and watched while leveling. . Miserable. We all played this, everyone hit the real fire, and we had to fight for you to die. I read it almost, “Friends, I don’t see, we are not good at fighting like this, you have been occupied by the site.”

“Go to you, kid, see you are not pleasing to the eye today, you want to destroy you, let you know how high the sky is, how thick the land is!”

… It seems that he sprinkled his anger on me. Since this is the case, I won’t play with you. A few miscellaneous fish also want to flutter, hey ~ When the two of them reached the front line, one impact and pushed a small train. Under their incredible expressions, then it was a blow. When the equipment was not very good, this trick was getting better. Anyway, I have no concerns about your health. Following the fiery sword, the most consistent technique of the soldiers is faster than the starting speed of the body, which can just solve one. The remaining one is better, and it is done according to the chapters, but I secretly moved him for a moment. When I turned out to be the two people, the archer opposite was assassinated by the stealing little thief. At first glance, the remaining two people were not good and flashed. “Happy, Zhenzhong’s happy pain!”

Said the stealing thief. “You, every time I get rid of trouble. Fortunately, there is a mixed today. I didn’t expect to be a master. I have time to pointers.”

Khan ~~, how dare I give pointers, if you don’t give me, I will burn Gao Xiang! “Boy, there are a kind of waiting here, see how grandpa can clean up you!”

The two guys ran to speak while running. “Rabbit, run slowly, come to kill a few.”

The stealing little thief refused to suffer. “Harmony, how much you lost today, otherwise we really spend a little effort to solve these guys. Don’t blame me like to cause trouble. Playing such violent games, rationalizing it. Besides, this kind of entanglement is unclear Talking about the fist of things, otherwise what is the level of leveling all day? "

Hey, if they dare to take care of you in the future, the brothers will help you out!” Dizzy, they all called smoothly. If I passed out my nickname in the future, they would be laughed at Xueer. As for solving a little man, it may be that no one has been murderer and grievances, and these two have long ignored. Now the two leveling points are not good. It seems that we have to play more, and it doesn’t matter if you are happy today. But seeing us over, the person standing in place suddenly dispersed again, and the guerrillas came nearby … … It seems not very right, how can there be so good words. I feel strange to steal the thief. It stands to reason that they eat this six of us with the number and level of them, and even the scene is left without saying a scene. Some are still nodded. Essence "

Lotus, look at how old I face, so many people scared away as soon as I appeared.” "

Blow you, be careful of the tax bureau to find you!” I took a closer look, dizzy, it turned out to be the person of the Magic Palace. Some people may recognize me. I know that my outfit does not want to expose my identity. Promotion and promotion of going back. In the wine, they don’t care about that set. Since someone makes the road, they will continue to practice naturally. This is good. The whole long area is wrapped by us. The members of the Magic Palace are even more powerful. Without guerrillas to fight, they took out the hoe and pretended to be a mine. Suddenly laughed, scared us, "

^Haha, the rumors are really true. The first buddy is a piece of silver mine, it is developed!” "

Please, please!” The others dug up desperately. The hills outside the mountain said, "

OK, it’s really a piece of pie in the sky, there are such things!" “.

.. Ask a question, is the secret silver mine valuable?” Suddenly found that the lotus looked at me like a idiot, or our Lotus Miss answered me the unknown little people. "

No, it’s a bit worse, it’s a bit worse. The price of a good silver -mined black market requires 10,000 gold coins. “Blasting, it’s not that I say you, you should be a bit economical, look at your garbage equipment, and when you will go back, the brothers will accompany you to the market to support it.”

The thief thieves patted the chest. … I thank that, but do n’t waste money. In the words of Xiao Mao, … it is not easy to make money. The stealing little thief who hadn’t woke up from the victory just now led to the sorrow and talked about the coolness just now. In fact, except me, everyone feels very cool. Here is a strange scene. Six people are leveling in such a large place, and a large circle of people surrounds a large circle of mining. If there are monsters running away, they will be led back for free. From time to time, there are still people. Holding the stones in his hand and yelling, and others were desperately digging! We were clean for a while, and a group of unsurprising politely rushed in, about 30 people, …… Qiu family! The leader was the warrior that I was killed just now. But before they rushed over, they were blocked by the people of the Magic Palace. The leader seemed to know who the people were in front of them. “The dull head is getting rich, and we will have never had a grievances with you in the world. This time it is not the trouble for you. We have solved the people over there. The ground is you, how about it?”

There are also drums in my heart. How could the consistent tough Magic Palace give them six rookies, but such a lot of people were squeezed here to mine, evil door. “Brother pheasant, just look at this, the brother stops you, otherwise don’t say that you are all as many people, … Hum, it’s not a brother who said madness, but there are only a few more injustices more than a few more injustices Dead ghost. "

“Friend, you say this a little too much. A few of us are not mud. A few of them are three heads and six arms. We have handed it in. If the medicine is not enough, they will do it. I almost dropped my level, you said, how can I swallow this tone! "

“I advise you to swallow well, otherwise it is not the trouble of dropping level!”

Gu Daoshan, looking at the big fortune, it seems that it is not alarmist, and there is something unspeakable. Suddenly, a figure flashed in his head. A soldier next to him seemed to think of some words quietly in his ear, and the face of Gu Dao Maoji was more ugly. Stretching out the index finger and the shape of a horn, questioning Da Fa fortune. “I didn’t say anything, you guess it yourself!”

Gu Daoshuang scared a cold sweat, “Okay, brother, this time, the brother wrote down, what happened in the future, despite the command, and forgot to merge over there, … we will leave!”

In Jiuzhong, they watched the gang of silly circle without heads and no brains, and they couldn’t understand them one by one. To be honest, when they saw them so many, they had planned to retreat again. After all, Shuangquan is hard to fight for four hands, good guys do n’t eat before they eat! But now it seems that it is not necessary.

“Send away”

with a lot of money, quickly returned to their place and dug. There were already several brothers who got rich. Why did n’t I encounter it yet, I said that they would be more popular, and they would be good. Thinking of his luck is much better than his brothers, it is a fertilizer to be promoted to the deputy general manager of the East China Sea Department in the first floor. But there was another riots in front, … did this guy kill back again, … it was really back, but it was not the killing, but followed behind the beauty. Xueer, Feiyun, baby, mood, Xiangzi five women are looking for husband. When the five daughters came to us, the stealing thief and the mountains of the mountains were already drooling, and the nirvana of the lotus lost its power. It was still more perseverance in the wine. Intersection “Wow, you are the goddess of Phoenix, I am your idol, not you are my idol, I am a stealing thief, you can call me a little thief, oops!”

It seems that the power of Lotus is good at this power, making the thief wake up from the dream, and quickly accompany the lotus. “Come here?”

Shanwai hills were still chic. Five women point to me together, “Find him!”

I shook my head and smiled hard, “Brothers, it seems that the level of leveling today is coming to an end, the ladies are spoiled, the younger brothers go!”

“Ah. You are really soul -eating ???”

Lotus opened his mouth in surprise. “Mass?”

Feiyun asked strangely, “Nothing, nothing, let’s go back and talk about it!”

one , “Flowing Flowers”

Author, snowy area, fantasy, BL_ID = 5192 “Three Kingdoms”

Author, Red Tiger, History, BL_ID = 11351 The text is painful and happy Updated: 2007-5-19 15:38:00 Number of chapters: 4746 Cher’s arrival made my identity completely exposed. I wanted to go back and accept criticism. As a result, the five women didn’t seem to mean this. “Hymind? Husband’s name is very characteristic, who is it?”

Baby asked naughtyly, this naughty ghost, knew that I was still eye -catching. … dizziness, I did n’t hear what I should not hear when I heard anything else! \ “Baby, no one here is called mixed, you must have heard it wrong!”

I resolutely denied this title, so it was still possible. Lotus looks like what else wants to say. Fortunately, I was pulled by the stealing little thief. I was in love enough, please ask you to rub me! \ “Are you really a soul -eater?”

The lotus turned around for a few laps, and then asked, the doubts on my face seemed to be a mixed. “I have said that I am a soul -eating, but you don’t believe it. Is it not like that?”

“I don’t look like you think, not handsome, not cool, it seems not very good, which is completely different from the legendary soul -eating!”

sweat…… “What should the real soul eater?”

“… In fact, I also listened to others. Soul Eater was a killing of countless killers. At the same time, there was a colorful demon that specializes in searching for beautiful women. A monster that can kill tens of thousands of people has to have a three or four meters high. , I am half -ton, the huge wolf stick in my hand, the clothes made of beast skin on the body, of course

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