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Chapter_22 The two horns above are essential.

If it is not possible, one is also possible.

The muscles on the body should be able to jump, there is a sound!

" Dizzy, fortunately, not as handsome as she said, so cool, God blessed! \ "

Lotus, seeing people can’t look at the appearance, Brother Soul Eater is inner beauty!" The hills outside the mountain stopped the lotus from talking about the lotus, and now it is no longer talking about people, and after a while, they probably went to alien. \ … \ … but did you say that it was not implemented! When Xueer heard it, they laughed in their mood, "

This little sister, he is so useless, what do you do if you see us who have been captured by him!" "

Ah, you, five of you are his wife ???" Lotus looked crumbling at the end of the world. Absolute turmoil, this is not the relationship between our husband and wife. After the lotus, we looked at the six of us from top to bottom. Suddenly, there was a word that made me hold the most. "

You are so good, the perfect combination, the ancients do not bully me!" But the following sentence made me fall into hell again, "

No wonder people often say that flowers are always inserted on cow dung!" Haha ~, Xue’er leaned back and back, I didn’t know if I should be angry, anyway, there is nothing to say now. "

Oh, sister Lotus, it seems that you have a set of identification men. I will introduce the experience earlier and give us not to deceive this big bad guy!" Feiyun Jiao said with a smile, of course, it gave me a stunned and dumbfounded Hi eyes. "

That’s how you look at my eyes!" Said to pull the stealing thief out, and then started her "

husband’s theory", facing the sneak -hearted little thief. I can imagine how miserable the little thief is, and such a wife’s second half of her life is an explanation! I, the mountains outside the mountain, the fairy in the wine immediately flashed far away, so as not to be burned. It happened to see that Da Fa’s "

work" on the side is indeed very organized and disciplined. The most important thing is that you should do what time and what should be done. From the beginning, I silently helped me out of the place without revealing my identity. Now, I organize people to maintain the order of this side. …… There are too many people who look at beautiful women. "

Brother Soul Eater, you can hide us so bitter!" The mountains and mountains are bitter, no wonder you can be so rich. No wonder there are beautiful women who are sent to each other. No wonder there will be so many people. Everything is right. "

Oh, don’t blame me for two brothers, you don’t know, if you don’t disguise, it is troublesome to go wherever you go, I don’t want to affect our friendship because of the identity of the demon king." "

Understand the trouble of celebrities!" Jiu Zhongxian made a little emotion. "

I said, I found that I found a lot less experience when I just level. It turned out to be divided by you. “No problem, must!”

…… The happiness we talked about here, after a while, the stealing little thief who lost use of value was also kicked out. Lotus was talking about his way of man. It is useless, it ’s not that material. Besides, I’ m not a stealing thief. If you go on a few tricks, they have to be convinced. Essence The stealing little thief seemed to be removed from the water … … I forgot that we are now in the sea. “Stealing, what’s wrong, you don’t have to excite this way when you see so many beautiful women who worship at once. You see you, like a soup chicken!”

“Little thief, see you are usually mighty, why do you have no temper when you meet the lotus!”

“Hey, don’t mention it, I don’t know which muscles are wrong. Looking at her, I am now on the field, and I have also been on the thief. A few tricks, I don’t ask for any three wives and four concubines. As long as I remove the problem of the wife’s strict manner, I will thank it! "

“Farewell, don’t say you, the one of your family is a wizard. I met your family who was dumb to eat Huang Lian. If I instigate her husband to find flowers and ask Liu, my second half of my life will explain. "

Then in the second half of my life, wouldn’t it be explained?” The little thief looked at us poorly, the three of us nodded to see, and said in unison: "

Guess right!” Flutter ~ \ "

Hey, Brother Xiaoshan, stealing your heart is so miserable, you have to take a certain responsibility!" In the wine, the immortal began to find the final reason. "

No, what’s the matter with me, everything is the fault of lotus!" "

She is your sister. Growing into the point of" virtuous "

now, you have an unswerving responsibility, everyone said right?" "

right!" "

No, you don’t know, although I am two years older than the lotus, she has bully me since she was a child, let alone teach her. She won’t teach me someday, I wonder if God is working!" Thinking of the tragic world of childhood, the hills flowed down the tears of "

sadness". Khan … such a cow fork, it turned out to be like this since childhood. The hills in the mountains secretly said, stealing my heart, don’t blame the brothers of my brother. Only by marrying her can I have freedom and my own youth. For my old man, you sacrifice it. "

By the way, what about your girlfriend?" I asked curiously. It was brushed, the face of the hillwood was half -dark, and after a while, he sighed. "

Hey, it’s hard to say a word!" "

Is it …" "

Guess, you don’t know that every time I take the girl home, I basically scares away by her. Speaking here, the color suddenly improved again, and the shoulders of the stealing thief said hotly, “Brother, you are really my blessing. I did not expect that my sister still had people. No, no, the crow’s mouth, it should be your blessing that you can marry my smart sister!”

Khan … The seven women over there were also finished talking and walked towards us. “Husband, Sister Lotus, and my hometown sister, give us a way to deal with you, you can listen to us in the future!”

Baby said happily. I don’t know her thoughts, and I threatened me to go shopping with her. “My husband will be obedient in the future.”

Xueer said gently in my ear, Feiyun is still a little shy. After all, we have determined the relationship. Xiangzi has always did not express opinions. The docile of Japanese women was vividly played on her. The mood is a traditional woman, and it is probably related to the education of the family. Although she is excellent, the concept of a male and female in the ancient family, although there are certain improvements, such as women can also be taught by family secrets, but There are still no changes in some views. Although it is a modern woman, since I followed me, she has performed similar to Xiangzi. Many things Cher discussed with her first. I pulled Feiyun, after all, I just took advantage of others. No, it should be my wife, the biggest cheap, and I haven’t comforted it yet. “Yuner, what did you learn?”

Feiyun was struggling slightly without moving. With probably the sound of only the two of us could hear, ""

Lotus sister said something strange, I didn’t hear anything. “Saying his face red again. The men next to the men were watching the chin. As for the saliva, I did it! Cher and Feiyun standing together like a pair of sisters. Of course, it does not mean that they grow, but they are all so beautiful. , It’s a bit worse with her, it can be regarded as a peerless Shuangjiao. "

Sister, you are so beautiful!” Lotus looked at Cher with envy. "

Where, sister, you are also beautiful!" "

People are not beautiful. You can see how you look at you." "

Hey, I am afraid I can’t hold someone’s heart!" Xueer gave me a cold! "

It’s really a big carrot, sister, you must unite to deal with him in the future." "

Lotus, I have already said it N times. Don’t teach me to confuse, you want to call, and you have to find a place where no one is. “Where I said, I would like to listen!”

The lotus accompanied him with a ghostly face, not to shake me. I now agree with the mountains outside the mountain, and I am good at marrying. If such a woman is around all day, it is better to die. Of course, some people are still happy. “Sister Lotus, my hometown sister, today’s sister acquaintance is worth celebrating. Go, let’s celebrate it.”

Lady Xueer spoke, I naturally couldn’t oppose it. This level couldn’t practice … It seems that I have to spend a lot. The third floor of the first floor of the world was all included. The exquisite refreshment drinks were full of tables. The women talked very much. The four men could only listen to a table next to them, but good, quiet. We said, the lotus came over with the tea cup, … why did I have lotus phobia towards me? “Brother Soul Eater, I had offended more before, Lotus was commented here!”

Said, I scared me to stop, and I was attentive. I had to be careful. “Boss, I have become a member of the Glory Demon Crossing Group now, please take care of it in the future!”

Flutter \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ It’s over, there is some fun.

Under the eyes of the lotus, they asked for the meeting in the mountains, and finally there were a few who helped me carry it.


After the trouble was finished, sent them away, there was only our family in the room.

“Okay, a few of you are very prestigious today. I almost asked my husband to be eaten by that witch. I was too late to hide. You poured it and asked her to come in. "

Good husband, don’t be angry, this is not good for your body.” Five women came over, massaging massage, and her legs stunned their legs, … hey, my wife is good. "

Didn’t you learn a lot of Royal Fu’s skills? Why not tell me about it?" It was strange to see the beauty. "

Huh, those moves are useless to you!" "

Oh? Listen!" As soon as the words came out, the five women’s face flushed, … it seems that the ghost elf of the lotus must not teach good things, but fortunately my good wife loves me. "

Did you make the family law all the morning?" Flutter ~ "

It is useless to formulate it. If you can follow it!" Cher was painful and happy on my thigh. "

This is the same, what kind of family law, you have to give in a few tricks, you have to yield." My color immediately aroused the anger, and my body was hit with many places. Spring war began in the room for a while! "

Husband, it’s daytime!" I pulled all the doors and windows and curtains up at a lightning speed, and the room suddenly darkened. "

Hey, now it’s dusk. According to today’s performance, everyone has to accept punishment. The charges are against the will of the husband." "

Come on, mix!" Just as I was about to fluttering the food, the baby suddenly appeared in the mouth of the baby. … halo, destroying the atmosphere, you need to focus on punishment! Text Hundred and Thirty -one Lone Army in -depth Updated: 2007-5-19 15:39:00 Number of chapters: 4580 The next time is more comfortable. The beauty is ashamed as a fairy day. Although the devil of the lotus has a little trouble to me, there is a little trouble for me, but there are policies and countermeasures. The excess type, I asked Xiaomao to arrange a job for her. As a result, … I scared me, and Xiao Mao saw the lotus shouting talents at first sight. It’s all about to go, saying that he is missing people! Xiaomao looked at the lotus from the eyes of a businessman. It was found that as long as he had a little pointing, the lotus would immediately become a business master, and the observation of the stealing thief is also good, especially the ghosts and the spirit. Perseverance and class. Hush \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, this world is finally clean! Without the trick of this little devil, my strange wives recovered the obedience again. We wandered around the leveling, and it was really happy. This is also our honeymoon period. I have to mention our desperate brother here here. I haven’t seen him for a day. When I shoot the sun and kiss the moon and the roll head, I scared me when I came back, … they actually took the scourge. Bring it to the meeting, and the landlord naturally followed. Now this romantic woman can jump the chicken flying dogs in the meeting. They still have a certain respect to the people in Xueer and Feiyun at the same time. One is because of their identity, and the other is Xueer. The brothers in the meeting are very good. Some people need to help them find them, because it is more troublesome to find the head of the Mao Da more than this. Lost, Xiaomao, who made me, often poured me bitter water. Of course, there are really difficulties. I do n’t care about it. I want to touch the fish in muddy water. Hey, although Xiaomao’s eyes are small, this insight is very powerful. Really need agents to -level characters And the fascination is not the same. At the same time, there is an incomparable coquettish and temptation. Of course, Xueer only exerts it to me. Although it is not as familiar as the fascination, the effect is much better than her. True love is still shy, which man can’t stand it. But this is the case. In addition to a few more "

rational", her room has now surrounded a lot of Fans all day long. There are those in our meeting and other guilds. Let’s take a look at this. The third beauty of the stunning list. The fascination is always very interesting to each man, especially the person she thinks it is very useful, and the three wolves are now one of the five groups. At night, I talked about it. The words still make you feel relieved a lot. "

Boss, I know, you want to say that this kind of woman is not suitable for me, but I really like her, and if you like one person, you have to tolerate everything, and you don’t really know her What about people? For her, I am willing to try. If she refuses me, I will walk away silently, and I will not be sad, because I have paid it, worked hard, and we would have no fate! " I watched the desperate wolf, knowing that he was serious, no matter how wise and great you were, no matter how great you were, once you fell into love, you only walked along this road, even if it was a wayless path …. … Desperate Three Wolf belongs to the most noble love. His feelings for fascination have reached your happiness. I am happy, not necessarily the point of possession … I hope that I can understand that I can only wish him good luck. It’s right. To be honest, I am not as noble as him. I will definitely get the woman I really love, no matter what means! Good flowers can be folded! In this way, I put the long vacation of desperately wolf let him get fascinated, shoot the sun and kiss the moon and the ride as his supporters, … I think these two guys are drunk. Bar, but fascination really has this charm! Cher and they ate a little vinegar for the arrival of the fascination. Although they did not mess with me, the woman was born keenly, I told them that this woman came for her husband. Thanks to my fascination, because her arrival was the beauty who was very gentle to me, let me enjoy the blessing. Of course, this is a price. I have to hide the fascination, and I was justified. So we organize to explore the ghost waters. This time, it is not just a simple way to play on the ghost ship. This time we are preparing to penetrate into the enemy! There is no large -scale action, because this is the place that is second only to Kunlun. We must be cautious, but we cannot joke with the life of the brothers! Naturally, the zodiac brothers who lived their lives. After these days of struggle, they have reached level 74 and are sprinting to 75. These twelve live treasures are really amazing. The last hand, but also, there are twelve such powerful soldiers, and it is impossible not to attract attention. I and five beautiful wives are naturally leading. I didn’t want to take the baby to go … but I couldn’t bear to put her at home. The words of the baby made me suddenly. "

Husband, people are almost 70 levels. Besides, there are also the protection of Dudu and side dishes. The stealth ring is not so easy to fail. And I don’t need to charge!" If you think about it, the baby is actually very powerful now, probably I always want to protect her, and it has become a habit. However, the baby still gave me a fragrant kiss very gentle. From her eyes, the full love of love, the baby matured! The most taboo to deal with this kind of danger is to fight as soldiers, so the arms must be complete. We will also explore the situation this time. If the appropriate, we will organize large -scale guild activities. Chance. They are enough to have the zodiac signs. The level must be above 73 or more. 5 warlocks, 5 archers, 5 thieves, 10 magicians, a total of 43 people, can also be regarded as small -scale action. Xinyue and they went to level level. Recently, they have found that their levels are too low. The strong beauty who wants to be strong immediately bites and desperately levels, … I think no one will follow them Strong site. Our group immediately attracted the attention of the adventurer. This group of people belonged to the kind of master who had to be equipped. It was generally composed of thieves. The favorite was to pick up cheap. A string, maybe they know who they are with, so they dare not hang behind, but the huge interests drive them to follow them carefully. After passing the ghost ship, I suddenly remembered the strange changes of the blood -stuffing magic sword, but now it seems to be "

normal" again, just like the restraint of the Dragon Sword on the Dragon, my blood -stuffing sword is also very restrained by the dark creature. In particular, when dealing with ordinary creatures, it does not contain special effects. When the adventurers saw that we had passed through the area of the ghost ship, we knew that we had to go deep into the hinterland. This kind of difficulty still scared some people, but some of them were high and experienced. Essence I do n’t think of it, after all, I have no right to interfere with their actions, but if I want to bother us, I am polite, and the heart of the enemy is cruel to myself. This kind of thing is not a small number.

Holding sheep in hand, touching the fish in muddy water is pretty good.

Some of them watching the players are besieged, and deliberately led a large number of strange monsters to kill people, waiting to pick up the equipment, so we have to prevent it!

It is indispensable for harmful people, and the heart of preventing people must not be absent!

After breaking a thief, pay attention to their actions at the same time to prevent problems before they occur.

The first brother who greeted us gave us a horse.

Let us know that no one can come by the ghost sea area.

Level 90 Giant One Piece!

The body with a height of 5 meters weighs two or three tons.

Dozens of tentacles as thick as our bodies are highly toxic and can release black fog with paralysis, powerful physical attacks, no fighting corners of fighting, with the top of the head with with the head of the head, with the head with the head with the head of the head.

High -voltage electric shock, absolute war fortress, can be said to be at sea.

The two black eyes stared at us.

If you think it is slowly moving slowly, it is wrong.

The guy moves quickly like a rabbit on the land.

But there are not many people and monsters that can make it use this trick.

Seeing the boss’s block, there were fewer people looking at.

But good, clean, but a ninety -level perverted octopus.

We immediately dispersed, and the key to selecting the position was to keep the road.

To put it bluntly, it is to run quickly!

The thieves first rushed up and gave the thief boss a meeting ceremony —— The pure magic palace card was poisonous!

In After the poison is finished, the task of attacking such monster thieves has been completed now, and the health is too little and dangerous.

The thieves were scattered around, blocking some harassing little monsters, clearing roadblocks and some underwater traps.

I didn’t want to fall into the ditch to death at the ditch.

Essence Essence Essence Essence The soldiers are shields.

Naturally, we will not be stupid enough to rush up to fight hard, otherwise, what should the mage and archer do it!

I asked 10 mage to see their attack power.

Of course, my half -hanging mage can’t be idle.

We still choose raid magic on the bottom of the sea, especially to deal with this tonnage.

The One Piece was attacked by a poisonous attack immediately, and the huge tentacles were attacked by the huge tentacles.

The mage first made a collective — a ground thorns attack, and the archer blocked the One Piece with the archer, at least let it down.

As soon as the zodiac signs arrived, they immediately trapped it.

The warlocks protected the soldiers.

The disadvantage of this magic is that it takes time.

If it was not for the soldiers to block it, and when the volcano was formed, the root hair was gone.

The rumbling volcanic offensive is still fierce, and the mages are at the same time, the effect is different, but .




Generally speaking, the head of the monster should be the most vulnerable place, so the volcanic spray mouth is facing its bald head.

As a result, it didn’t even hurt the skin, but the tentacle that was affected was a bit reaction.

“Be careful, we must first kill all the tentacles to attack the head. This is a monster sealed!”

The seal -type monster is the most troublesome, that is, when attacking it, it must be followed by certain steps, otherwise there is no effect. The giant queen in front of him must first kill its tentacles … but this guy’s tentacles are too difficult. The zodiac signs, relying on the skillfulness, do not know where to fly, archers and mage can only use chain lightning and water dragon waves to strike. Damn, the effects of water magic and electrical magic are not good. I knew that I should bring more archers. Shooting the sun kiss Moon wolf knows that picking girls …… The zodiac signs couldn’t cope in the final analysis. I also made up for the mood. The two strongest warlocks of Xueer and Feiyun were in cooperation to block the One Piece, so as not to let it run, …. .. It has become a sisters even more tacit understanding, haha. Baby is naturally the captain and team member of the cheerleading team, and cheers with the two Dudu, not to mention that Dudu seems to be very suitable for the environment in the sea, and he kept spitting a series of bubbles. A fan, cute. We are restrained by the archers and magicians by the archers and magicians, and thieves and incenses can be resolved by the archers and magicians. Safety first! One Piece, obviously he was very dissatisfied with the current battle. He waved more violently. Suddenly a black mist sprayed out, and a large area around him fell into darkness. I only hit the body tentacles and hit it out, dangerous. “Everyone immediately withdrew, leave here !!!”

I moved in an instant and rushed towards about about it. Avatar —————————————————————————————- Cher and Feiyun, with the cooperation of the other five warlocks, release the super warlock skills —— Tianlin purification! With a small glow, with the bright sprinkles of the fine nectar, the black mist of One Piece was immediately penetrated and slowly spread out. sweat…… The scene in front of me made me cry and laugh, obediently, a little roller east, fried green onions! Only I was entangled by the tentacles of the queen, and others fled to a safe area long ago. Woohoo, it’s really not sure … It seems that the reactiveness of others is faster than me! … The key is why everyone doesn’t worry at all, and occasionally, even if it is compassionate, it is launched to the One Piece. … I am so scary. Elves recommend “Ming”

and “Resurrection Battle in the Third Empire”

Text 10032 new date Updated: 2007-5-19 15:39:00 Number of chapters: 6833 At the time, the situation was like this. The giant octopus monsters tightly binded my poor “gray guy”.

Life was in danger. It was the warriors and beautiful princesses around me. I am waiting for beautiful women to save heroes …. … … But after 2 seconds, I decided to change this unwise idea. When they came over, I could only pick up a few arms and legs back. Shenglong —— Renlong combined! Suddenly, it broke away from the bondage of One Piece, and instantly moved the first flash. Essence Essence Hey, every time you use “True Dragon”

are so handsome, I can’t imagine that it can be compared with it, and there are even two artifacts that have to be exceeded. “Wife, you are too cruel, how can you see death and not save!”

I have a big bit of water to my wife … Fortunately, I am agile and the police, otherwise it is not jealousy, wouldn’t it be the supper of the octopus. “Husband, you are so well -known, unparalleled in the world, how can a small octopus be your opponent?”

Xueer blinked, said, “That is, this little octopus is our dishes tonight!”

This is the words of mood. “Husband, I saved you. Tianlin purified it. We put it..”

Feiyun’s face flushed, but the corner of his mouth was a cunning smile, so he was assimilated by them so soon … “Husband, you won’t expect me to go.”

Xiangzi was a charming little woman. Although the ninja had less blood, it was always stronger than the thief. It’s the best baby, “Brother Zhong, I rushed just now, but I was tripped over halfway by Dudu’s ears.”

The Dudu in the arms of the baby heard the owner saying it, and immediately threw up his ears, as if inviting merit. Khan … Fortunately, you didn’t go, and went to add vegetables! Little octopus? It shouldn’t be my eyes. There is a problem with my eyes. I want to find a buddy bigger than the buddy in front of me. … enough for us to eat the grilled octopus for half a year. The One Piece had just ate it, and it was obviously very unhappy. He waved his paws quickly and moved towards us quickly. It was so anxious that we couldn’t wait to solve us all. Hey, why even the monster is so impatient now. After adjustment, the zodiac signs immediately rushed up and surrounded it again. The warlocks began to form out. The mage and the archer gave a certain blow. This time, the warlocks also paid attention to the use of purification to prevent the old octopus from re -application. Cher also joined the battle. Look at me. A sword containing dragon fighting! Intersection Intersection Brush ~ The two swords of the positive sword asked for two legs (tentacles), and the results of the others immediately appeared. The One Piece wanted to put the black mist again. Unfortunately, the effect this time was not as good as the last time. With the help of the warlock, black The fog dissipated before it was completely shrouded. After a while, all the tentacles of One Piece were gone, leaving only one lonely bald … Two dark eyes turned so, and fled back. … Just let it run away, wouldn’t it be busy! I quickly moved it and intercepted it. Now this guy really becomes the commander of the “Light Ring”

, watching my “dragon teeth”

, (everyone has played arcade games ——- double dragons, just follow the inside, just follow it inside Dalong Xiaolong looks a bit like a nirvana.) Sure enough, it is effective to attack its bald again. This kind of hunter that has no resistance, everyone likes it, and level 90! Even the baby came up and got together, … it really was a hundred orrted within one meter, great! Finally, our eyes are at a little lower at its health, … it should be a decrease of one by one. Boom ~, violent! Let ’s work together to pay attention to the first first, and of course, we ca n’t grab the situation, or the average distribution.

First, there is a person to manage the important equipment, and then go back to allocate.

Of course, some small things are unnecessary.

Teaming with me has always been occupied first, at least until now, I haven’t encountered a rush.

It is unnecessary to be brothers and sisters.

Of course, people who have a big harvesting are how much it means.

After all, it is everyone’s credit.


This is not the biggest harvest this time is a wise staff.

It is not bad.

Now the chances of violent goods are getting lower and lower.

The price of equipment is soaring.

The demand for class equipment has increased significantly.

In all transactions, weapons transactions are the hottest.

Qingqing apple incense has made a lot of money from here.

Now we have to divide a cup!

Sweeping the equipment and the equipment that needs to be appraised.

When we search for the gold coins, we will continue to start!

Our heads were gone, and the adventurers behind suddenly poured out to see if there was a fish that missed the net.

Some adventurers are also called garbage kings.

Don’t underestimate the industry in picking up the “garbage”.

Now there are such unions that depend on this survival player to communicate experience. The most important thing about this industry is eye power. It depends on the right, to the right, and grasp the opportunity! Of course, luck is still very important. As long as you miss a second -level fairyware, they will post it. Good luck can even pick up ghosts … We walked all the way, and the more we felt strange, how do you get less and less monster? Since killing the 90 -level One Piece just now, some sea monsters encountered in the back are level 80, and the number is not a lot. Woolen cloth. After walking for a while, we came to a vortex of the bottom of the sea. It was so spectacular. The countless vortex blocked the entire sea area. Obviously, it was necessary to cross the vortex to reach. Vortex, a spatial converter with lethality on the bottom of the sea, can then transfer the players who enter to a certain place in the sea area, and during the transfer process, players will be attacked by great health. For senior mage and warriors It is still indifferent, but for thieves, archers, warlocks are more dangerous, and the level is slightly lower. And the lethality of each whirlpool is different. It is not a familiar person. It is really dangerous. Our adventure plans come here and die. It seems that you have to go back to discuss it again. Essence After everyone had to identify, today’s Baobao event ended, and it was almost time to go back. We also had to go back to prepare for the No. 7 ceremony. Everyone returned to the city collectively and issued a notice of recruitment. After a while, they have been back. They have come back. A few days ago, we had already said the business of the business union, and the East China Sea was also prepared. I am fascinated, and they are desperately coming. Of course, they are indispensable for the landlord. Looking at the three wolves, it seems that the progress is smooth … but the strength of the landlord has not been done yet. I think I think three. The wolf is still not happy and premature. The other four people seem to be seen by the attitude towards fascination now. … She has to follow. Although she opposes it, she has no appropriate reason. She can only give up. Besides, her arrival will definitely add a bit of color to our conference. Back at the meeting, desperately desperately used the wolf as the landlord. Naturally, I would like to take the guests to sightseeing. I did n’t have the time to take care of them. As soon as I returned, Xiaomao took his think tank and started reporting the work. …… For a full 2 hours, it was a hell -like life. I would rather face the boss, and I didn’t want to suffer. In the past, I also helped me deal with Xueer and the mood. Now there is another free force, hehe. This is called making full use of resources. My wife is the most assured. Don’t say that the lotus and stealing the thieves are terrible now. If you haven’t seen it in a few days, you get the importance of Xiaomao. I know that Xiao Mao is the person. If you have no ability, you can’t make a profit. It is also indifferent. From this point of view, their business intelligence is still high, but working with Xiaomao … … I can’t imagine that they can bear it. It seems that it still looks like it, … Probably the same type of people. Everything is smooth now, and only some of the ending work is left. The taverns in various places are almost built. This overhead is not small. I hope to make a lot of money. It has increased Feiyun. It is not easy to feed beauties. It is even more difficult to feed a beautiful beauty. It is not twice as simple as supporting two. … I am here five … If you I used to sell it before. I and my baby, Xiangzi is idle, but I can walk around casually. It really doesn’t expect it. I feel like a fire. Wherever I go. If this matter was seen by Xiao Mao, he had to make good use of it, and the principle of using all resources reasonably was his principle … the result really made me guess right. Xiaomao really reached some agreement with the fascination. Of course, this is a price, but it is only me sold. In the words of Xiaomao, it is worthwhile to sacrifice the hue to exchange for huge economic benefits. In favor of his feet, he is not expected to post it when necessary. Although the fascination was surrounded by a large group of Fans, under the protection of the three wolves and the landlords, they were safe and sound. The champions and the list are all here, how can she be so enthusiastic about her. In fact, she underestimated her charm. This kind of charming woman can most recruit bees and butterflies. In addition, Xueer and Feiyun are famous people, and they are naturally reduced. It’s not the same. The same beauty is also mature and charming, and men will become like a man. “May I ask Miss Fascination, what kind of man do you like?”

What he said was a strong man who encouraged his perfect muscles while talking, and the appearance of this guy was really good. He thought that such women should like more robust men. The fascination did not give him a smile that made him fainted because of his sorrow. “My boyfriend does not need to be too handsome, but you must be manly, if you are a man who stands up!”

“But if that person already has a girlfriend, don’t you mind?”

A handsome and arrogant young man looks like a person who thinks he is very good for women. “No, this shows that he is attractive. How can the men I see without a woman like it? If I have been one step late, I will fight. If possible, I will not care about other women around him of!”

This kind of remarks gave a dose of stimulant to the following fans. Such a cool woman and such “understanding”

is simply a man’s baby. “So, Miss Fascination, do you have someone you like now?”

One of the reporters who looked like a reporter asked, this strong reporter is the ace reporter of the editor -in -chief of our Yanhuang reported by the editor -in -chief of the Bailong University. I do n’t know if you still remember the reporter Jia who saw the true dragon, it was him, now he wants Fortune. It seems that he believes that the soul is his blessing, and this does not catch the lace news again. His problem was desperately desperately wolf, landlord, clown horns, blue sky and sea, and the freezer of the freezer was also nervous. In fact, they wanted to ask, but they were afraid of asking themselves. There was no room for rotation. One empty. I was in a silent for a while, and suddenly a gorgeous smile was blooming like a blooming flower, “Yes, I have!”

As soon as I heard, everyone stretched out his neck and held a breath. “The demon king eater!”

The following is as if it was fried. “Why is it him again!”

“That’s how I grow handsome!”

“Is it a idiot now!”

“It’s over, there is no hope, the end of the world!”

… I have ready to run. Fortunately, the words of fascination followed the words that they were pulled back to heaven from hell. “Just kidding, but I worship the devil. I like a man with successful career and attractive man. Cher and Sister Feiyun like men. How can it be not attractive to me? I am! "

Khan …, this woman is very cunning, and now Zizi turned the gun head to me. “Miss Fascination came to the Demon Palace for the Demon King?”

Reporter Jia continued to ask. Each problem was deducted by the theme, but there was no scandal, and he had to make a point. “Oh, just on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also preparing to participate in the establishment of the first military conference and the establishment of the Shanglian. I hope to take this opportunity to meet the elites in various fields. Maybe I will meet him in my mind!”

The words of fascination immediately caused a sensational effect. The ability of the Chinese to add leaves and leaves has been great since ancient times. When this says it to the third person’s ears, it becomes. Whether you are on the martial arts or the elites in the mall. Yan Huang Bao also reported on this.

Although it was not so direct, it can be scrutinized from words, and probably fascinated himself.

He did not expect that it would become like this.

After asking these words, the enthusiasm of the Fans did not diminish, and prepared questions such as hobbies, life and so on.

Although she was surrounded by the crowd, she still saw us, and the cunning glory immediately flashed in her eyes!

It’s so cold \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ I immediately brought the baby and Xiangzi to the man, and it was not allowed to be with this witch!

After escaping back, Xueer also finished it.

The baby told them just what happened, and immediately aroused the jealousy of the girls.

“I can’t see it, Brother Zhong, you are still so attractive, so there are such stunners chasing!”

“Honestly, is there any enthusiasm?”

“Frank from width, resistance!”

sweat…… “Everyone, how can I have it? You see if I see her like a mouse, she can’t hide, how can I dare to provoke her, how can I believe it? Use me to help her improve her popularity! "

“But okay, the appeal of the beauty is endless, just let her advertise for our grand event.”

“That is, I think our careful -eyed husband will not let us show up, right?”

I said charmingly. “He, don’t look at the preparation of preparation, in fact, the whole masculinity!”


“totally agree!”

Khan … how to evolve into my batch conference, you must move the topic immediately! “Everyone, for the happiness of our three wolf brothers, give me a suggestion!”

Brother Three Wolf, there is no way, the brother can only lead the topic to you. This time the beauties did not leave me, and immediately began to discuss. “Three wolves are really not dominant now. In fact, my fascination is very satisfied with the four people around them. I haven’t decided yet. In fact, it should be difficult to choose. A woman can not control four such strong men at all, so she only only Can wait! "

Feiyun said that the head was the Tao, and suddenly found that everyone was watching her, and immediately flushed her face. “Sister Feiyun, you can’t see it, you really have a hand.”

Baby made everyone amused. I held the shame Feiyun in my arms, and the newcomers were always “bullied”.

“Look, someone is heartbroken!”

Xiangzi also laughed at us. “The situation of the Three Wolf is really bad. It can be seen that fascination is the kind of ambitious woman, and his existing competitors are very strong. Needless to say, you may encounter stronger on the conference! "

Xueer ordered the key. “No, it seems that the original poster is full of money, a rich man, the others don’t seem to be very good? Oh, what are the four famous grass that the clown horns, the other two are not special, the three wolves Still have your own advantages! "

I think the three wolves are very good. The master of heaven will definitely be a good husband. “Husband, don’t peek to a small, at least the blue sky is the person, the tenth rank of the rank, the seventh charm man list!”

Say. “Charm man?”

Why never heard of it, … To be honest, I don’t like reading newspapers very much. “Congratulations to my husband, although the four famous grass list returned on the charts, this time he reached the top of the list on the charm men’s list! The first place is our soul -eater! The second is illegal entry. Although the pursuit of one of us failed, the reputation of infatuation made his reputation rise, and there were many beautiful women. Third love Caleo, super handsome guy, and no bad habit, but often let women feel embarrassed, and there is no girlfriend who has no business yet. Fourth, Qingqing apple incense is very good in business and hegemony. It is gentle and elegant, and likes to make friends. The charm of mature men is very lethal to girls. Fifth, the eternal ancient magician, gentle, stable, successful career, mysterious magic, are where he is attractive. Sixth, it is our three wolf brothers, but it is funny to say that the biggest reason for the three wolves is to send out. Most girls come from it. I don’t know if the three wolves should be happy or sad Essence The seventh is the blue sky, and my own guild is also very powerful. Eighth, the killer Spring and Autumn, the ninth, day by day, the tenth, the big man, the latter three in the latter is similar to the situation in the Qingtian Bihai. All the three wolves are still very dangerous. "

“Isn’t there any freezing man?”

Even the baby came up to be interested. All women shake their heads, “This person has no great reputation, but this shows that he is more powerful. You think, otherwise how could he be kicked for so long in the four groups!”

Listen to this, the prospect of the Three Wolf is worrying. … I don’t want to do so much. This eleven leveling life should be over. One day left, tomorrow we must go out to play and enjoy it. In the words of the baby, the level of leveling is really hard. , … In fact, she is the most worrying, the whole travel. I have reached the level 85, and I have completed the task over, Xueer, Feiyun, and the harvest of mood is not small. Xiangzi has also been upgraded. There is no need to continue to practice. We also have to buy SUVs. I can’t pull five people in my car, and this is the first time Feiyun met with us in reality. It is a bit excited, maybe more excited … Until now we do n’t know the specific situation of Feiyun. She did n’t say specifically, I did n’t ask, I would tell me when I wanted to say it. As for Xueer, I don’t know if I did n’t say it. At least she was about We are glad that we have to date outside. In fact, who can separate reality from the game, after all, it is too real. Tomorrow is worth looking forward to … Skull recommendation: 1. “Ming”

, authors: wine disciples, military, military, 2. “The Battle of Resurrection in the Third Empire”

, author: single blade, military, military, military, military, military, The text is 10033 “Encounter”

(Part 1) Updated: 2007-5-19 15:39:00 Number of chapters: 6993 Today is the last day of the National Day, we decided to relax well … but it ’s really a headache to bring so many beautiful women on the street. It is an essential project every time shopping. This is also my hardest time. , It is a double blow of physical and mental aspects, especially the pride at the beginning. … But there is no way. Xueer has a rare opportunity to buy it once. I have to give my life to match the gentleman. This is also the obligation of my boyfriend. The girls did not know what tricks to play, saying that they wanted to dress up, make up, and kicked me out early in the morning, let me wait in school, what to prepare, … that too Don’t drive me out … There are more people on the campus, especially from other places. Basically, they have rushed back. The morning campus is also vibrant, and people who are trained in the morning are busy on the playground. I looked at the steps on the side quietly, … Our beauty teacher Lin Yue was also in it. For so long in school, everyone knows that she is well -known. It is to treat her as a friend rather than a teacher, and people are so beautiful. The mature Fengyun turns the souls of these green radish heads. Not only are men even women even women, at least Xueer, baby is two of them, the two of them are two of them Basically, when she issued a public class, she was always full, grabbing a position like desperately, sometimes a position with a “good sight”

in front of them can be fired to a thousand yuan. How much is determined, sweat. Mei is beautiful, but I always feel that there is another taste in her smile. I can’t guess what it means. After all, I am far away from social experience, and she is still a master. Why is it hidden? Is it that the national agents are specifically used to protect these “elites”

, and the arrangement is really thoughtful? However, in general, she is still a good teacher. Maybe it is the shadow left by the new activity of the art club. I always maintain a little bit of unreasonable to her, although she is so charming. The mature beauty leads the team in front, and a bunch of men in the back follows, while running at the elegant and plump buttocks of Lin Damei while running, the fine sweat is even more sensual. Later, the girls couldn’t see it anymore. How could the teacher be bullied by them? Several girls surrounded the teacher, so as not to suffer from the “perverted wolf”

in their eyes. It seems that the teachers are also very popular in the girls. , … If they are replaced with other women, they have already scolded the sacrifice … because the scam is not them. Sometimes men and women are the same, after all, they are people. It is a pity that their effects are not good. In this way, boys have more choices. Not only can they expand the scope of ornamental, but they can also compare. This high point, that thin point, this big point, that small point, saying, saying, saying, saying, saying, saying, saying, saying, saying, saying. It ’s happy, and there are constant joining of life, and some even have no time to change their heads. Khan … The lethality of beautiful women is really powerful. If Xueer, Feiyun, baby, mood, Xiangzi, five of them are exercising here in the morning, … it will cause commotion. I have n’t seen our big star Miss Mingyue in the long time, .



I forgot her for a while, and I heard that Zhang Xin recorded a while ago.

The highest sales record she kept herself, and the record this time is very significant, very important and special.

There is a “thousand -year -old love”

in it. Crazy, and guessing from the content, it may involve the personal feelings of Mingyue, which is even more sensitive topic, but the media only got such news from the inside of the record company. The mystery will be announced on the same day, and the fans and the media will be treated. … It seems to be tonight? Intersection Does Xueer want to watch her concert? Although I still like to listen to her songs, I don’t feel much about this little girl. It is purely an arrogant and arrogant girl. I don’t like my appetite. I like the same baby. It’s different. I still want to thank my good father -in -law to cultivate her so well. Mingyue is naive and mixed in the entertainment industry. The most of them have their own family forces to protect them. , But seeing too much, there will always be a contrast in personality. On the stage, she is still a little different from her in the real. However, I do n’t have much contact with others. Maybe I ’m wrong or not, but I ca n’t say this view, otherwise I will be torn off by her countless fans … The morning exercise is almost over, and the beauty of the Lin Da suddenly walked towards me. … others thought it was a blessing. I don’t think so. Beauty generally does not pay for money, especially such a mature beauty. ….. I still like to be pure, this is too exciting, and I always like to see the embarrassment of men. Unfortunately, how can Lin Da’s eyes make me succeed? My footsteps have not yet opened, and people have been called. “Wang Zhong, how can you leave when you see the teacher without saying hello?”

Lin Yue’s close visual impact is even stronger. As soon as the exercise is finished, the tender skin is reddish, and the thin sweat beads add more charming. It must be intentional. With her strength, the heartbeat will not be added at all, but I still have a response. The most important thing is that Lin Damei still goes to see … I heard that many peerless masters can control the following in ancient times. Unfortunately, I checked the ancient books in my family, and I did not find this trick. Instead, there were n methods to solve the current dilemma, but afterwards, N × N methods needed to go Rescue is not necessarily easy to use. For Xueer’s happiness, I don’t have that great perseverance. “Sit, don’t be tired from standing?”

This sentence has solved the siege for me, “Teacher, I haven’t seen you just now, otherwise how do I dare, no, how can I want to leave?”

Since you play this trick with me, you don’t take advantage of it, it doesn’t take up! “Slide, dare to eat the teacher’s tofu.”

“Ah, when did I have eaten your tofu? Is the”

Yonghe King ‘at the school gate, “you opened it?”

Pretending to be a nirvana, I am a man, you are a woman, you are afraid you will not be able to do it. “Give, my mouth is smooth, no wonder I can cheat so many beautiful and charming, and countless handsome guys have to go to plastic surgery and honestly, is it!”

“Where, how can they compare with the teacher? You can give me a horse power as soon as you see it. I am still uncomfortable now!”

Khan … What do they have to do with me. But to be honest, in a year or two, Xueer will definitely become more beautiful. “Do you need a teacher to help you?”

Khan … You are still cruel, but this is the public. Once it is implemented, this is to seduce the teacher’s “big crime”

and will be divided by her fans. She always looks like a pure and beautiful teacher, and it has become so powerful in front of me. “Teacher, I do n’t know what to do with me, I must bow myself after the student!”

Although the brothers around, although they didn’t care, in fact, their eyes were looking here. This was not a man who hit the tree. Seeing the key places, the heat of the vision rose several percentage points. “This is what you said?”

Lin Yue’s face was full of strategies. Khan …, unknowingly fooled. “Although the teacher ordered, for such a beautiful teacher, students must go all out!”

Going all out, it was a level than bowing. How could Lin Damei not noticed the subtle changes in my language? “How do you want to regret it, you may become a look at it when you talk about it. Dizzy, just a little thing, said earlier, I am nervous, in my impression, this kind of concert is at most expensive, anyway, there is still a few money in my hand now, so I am full of mouth accepted. Seeing that I agreed, Lin Damei’s smile was even more brilliant. Why do you look more like a fox? … It seems that it is not good to describe the teacher in this way, but I really can’t find a more appropriate word. Essence "

This … Teacher, I will solve you such a big problem, should you express it? For example, …” "

Oh? Really, I still have to pay for the teacher, but also, this is so difficult to do, let me reward you!” After saying, I kissed on my face and walked away with a smile, and a large voyeur man fell on the ground. "

Don’t forget, I will find you in the evening!” Khan … I just just talk about it, I was unwilling to be blackmail like this. I didn’t expect …, seeing a group of wolf -like eyes around me, I flashed first! … … Back to the dormitory, I was still thinking about it. For so many days, they lived together with Xue’er to live together. They were so happy that they did n’t know what to mess with. Someone has already come, go in, haha, it is a fan. Naturally, a warm hug when you meet "

Boss!” "

Brother, not bad, go back in just six days, there is progress again!” The origin of the family biography is extraordinary. With a little bit, there will be rapid progress, and there will be a mix in the future! "

Haha, thank the boss more, originally my father was going to come in person, but I knew that the boss didn’t like this set. What would I use in the future? The perseverance of the fan is that he is not a joke. The thick Shandong people are reported to the springs of the water! At this time, the polite words were looking down on him, and I patted his shoulders fiercely. “Did the two guys in Li Zi and Liangzi not come yet? It is impossible?”

It is impossible for the two of them to stay at home for so long. There are no beauties and parents. How can they stay! “Boss, you guess right, the two of them came yesterday, but let me look at the house and run away, saying that they are going to queue up to buy a Mingyue concert ticket!”

Do you need such a ticket to buy a ticket? “What do you mean, they are still in line now?”

Seeing my face puzzled, the fan is also very strange, “Yeah, they have been in line from yesterday morning, and I went to give them meals, but they were not very scary with their situation. By the end of this afternoon, I hope they can buy it. "

Da Khan … I was right, I said how could I buy me to buy it, it turned out to be so troublesome … Why don’t she use the privilege of the teacher? I think how can I not face the teacher. I want to stubbornly, the problem is that people who can’t find the moon at all now! But why find me, can I get it? Just kidding, it seems that the witch teacher was extorted today. Why did you agree to be so refreshing at the time? Intersection Intersection And people even pay “deposit”

! The end of the deception of the teacher was miserable. The fan looked at my face changing and thought what happened. It seems that my hurry to find a way. At this time, the news came from Tianxun, and it was Xueer. “Why haven’t you come yet? Did you change your clothes for so long?”

“Husband, our sisters suddenly have something to do. It seems that you can’t go. You can pick up the sister Feiyun yourself, but you must rush to Broadway at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.”

“What is so mysterious?”

“Don’t tell you, you will know at that time, it is a good thing anyway, and give you a chance to get along with the beauty alone, is it good?”

We will be a electric bulb in the province. " "

Okay, you can play well, but don’t be too crazy, remember to call me immediately!” "

Dear one, met in the afternoon!” Know the beauty. Ah, it’s almost time, I’m going to pick up Feiyun. The location is our school gate, and there is no more conspicuous building than our school. In the distance, a rich beauty, a simple white sleeveless dress, giving people a sense of elegant feeling.

The white jade arm exposed outside can simply suck people’s eyes.

I have seen so many beauties, and I have seen this effect in Xueer and Mingyue.

I definitely have a fight with Xueer, and even feel beyond.

It attracted countless eyes along the way.

The beauty is obviously not very suitable, and her face is a little reddish, but still maintains her own feelings.

This style of beauty is now rare.

People look.

Being beautiful with Xueer, it is amazing!

The most rare thing is that there is no jewelry on the whole body.

A ordinary snow -white skirt has the finishing touch on her.

Naturally, it is beautiful.

Dazzling, deep in the sea.

The red skin of Bai Li is wished to eat her.







I also want to know such beautiful women.

In this short 50 meters, the people who went up to talk to the line had to line up.

No handsome guy, star scout, did not know where to get out of it, really convince them.

There are too few beautiful women who give people fresh sunshine .



It is obviously difficult for beautiful women to be enthusiastic, and they are not good at dealing with it.

They are more powerful.

They do not dump such people at all.

Open, I am busy, so I get it all!




It seems that I have to save the beauty heroes, and I have to be a master like me in the key point!

I suddenly separated the crowd, “How come you come, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

I pretended to be annoyed, The beauty is very “cooperative”

, her face is slightly red, … but they love blushing like Feiyun, “Sorry, traffic jam.”

Then gently hold my arm, “What are you doing around us and flash!”

After seeing me appearing, all the people were gone, and the rest was still entangled. At first glance, I knew that it was not a good person. I had no effort with them. The rare beauty cooperated with them, and the good people did it! “Lady, don’t worry about it, I talk to the beauty, what are your mouths!”

“Brothers, help me ask him!”

A few fighters quickly came around, and a group of small bruises were too lazy to do it. Now Xi Wu becomes a wind, and there are more people who have learned a few hands, and they think that the world’s three -legged cats think that the world is invincible. It is actually uncomfortable to not fight with full -force, and it is more troublesome to get them. This is more troublesome. …… Beauty is a tender drink, but the weakness just now, fighting with the little conflict, … Although there is no true energy, it is clean and clear. The foundation seems to have a little orthodox Tai Chi taste. To be honest, I don’t like Tai Chi, four or two pounds, how easy it is, but in terms of martial arts, when the ability is to a certain degree, strength and speed are everything. You can’t even see the shadow, what to dial. The move is only useful for surface martial arts scholars who have not entered the realm, and the true qi cannot be too much. Do n’t practice boxing, you will be empty in the end! But speaking, Tai Chi will indeed be extraordinary in terms of exerting strength, but it is no longer in the past. It is no longer the past. pass. However, before the popularity of the whole people, everything must be stepped forward. At all, ordinary people have mastered the lethality. People who suddenly gain strength are most likely to cause turmoil. Therefore, the people must gradually adapt. superior. However, the beauty is really amazing. Several harassment may have learned a scales and half claws from the school, and half of the bottle want to get it out. As a result, the beauty of the beautiful women is still soft, but the beauty is still soft and the start is too light. I naturally do n’t mind. I do n’t mind Driving her secretly. After the battle, the beauty is not tired, without the support of anger, it is definitely tired to deal with so many people. I hurriedly held her, and she held me away, but the whole body leaned over, … the gorgeous blessing fell in the sky, a fragrance came. It is definitely not a perfume. From the perspective of her body without any jewelry, it is definitely a naturalist, but this kind of faint fragrance is the legendary woman incense? Intersection Intersection Under my gaze, the beauty turned red again, but didn’t mind, and found a more comfortable position from me, and it was more intimate in the eyes of outsiders. It was broken, Feiyun should be here. If she saw it, I would definitely be finished with Cher. After the “safe zone”

, I quickly opened the beauty and opened a certain distance. “Miss, it’s okay now, I should leave too!”

The beautiful woman looked at me, and then laughed loudly, and smiled so much that she couldn’t breathe. … Is it so funny? Even if you don’t thank me … but the beauty laughed, it is even more beautiful! “I’m sorry, I’m going to pick up my girlfriend and lose your companion!”

“Master Demon, who do you want to find?”

The beauty said with a smile, watching me enthusiastically, “…… Are you Feiyun?”

I was stunned for a while, not like it, it was very similar to it, but it was more beautiful than in the game. It is also the gorgeous dress in the game, suddenly it turns so pure, and the appearance has changed. I didn’t even recognize it. I said that this is too easy to come. “Absolutely increased! "

You, it’s a fool, you can’t even recognize your girlfriend!” I gently stopped Jiao Yan’s Feiyun and laughed, "

In the world, your appearance must be reduced by 10 %, and the contrast in reality is greater. I am most doubtful but dare not sure, you pretend to be confused, … it should be punished!” "

You’re bad, he pushed all the responsibility on others! “Haha, I didn’t expect to have a super beautiful woman inadvertently!”

“It’s not serious, right, what about Sister Xueer?”

Although this is what I said, but Feiyun is still very happy to hear my sincere praise, after all, nothing can make her more amazing than to make her heart more proud. “They, throw us, there are only two of us before 4 pm today!”

“Ah, is there anything important?”

“I don’t know, they were going to come, but I drove me out and change clothes inside. ! "

In fact, Feiyun also wanted to get along alone with me. After all, it was his first official date. The atmosphere was naturally different. He secretly thanked Xueer in his heart. Recommend “Ming”

and “The battle of resurrection in the Third Empire”

The text is 10033 “Encounter”

(below) Updated: 2007-5-19 15:40:00 Number of chapters: 4781 …… Xueer is not successful. Today they are indeed “something happens”

, of course, this is one of the reasons. What an important thing is that they can give them a chance to resist them to let me go shopping with them? I am also very curious! Although I am very close to me, it is in the “world”

, but the performance in reality is much better than me. At least it can naturally enter the role. … It may be because Feiyun is more beautiful than I think, and it always gives me a fresh nature of nature, so I am a bit restrained. “What’s wrong, husband, why are you so honest today?”

Feiyun’s familiarity awakened me. Of course, I couldn’t face her face in front of the beautiful women, so I told her the morning. Of course, the fragrant deposit is naturally not mentioned. At the beginning, but after seeing Feiyun, Lin Damen’s temptation seemed to disappear without a trace. Her beautiful feet can scatter the sexy beauty. We talked while walking. Fortunately, the campus was also big. I slowly introduced her to our school. At the same time, I also knew many of her things. The original name of Feiyun was Chen Jingjing. Big, now she is the assistant of the old dean, so she gave up the opportunity to study. Speaking of these flying clouds, although it is nothing but regrets, after all, it is the place to raise her, but I still feel that she is a little sad. In fact, she can see from her name. Baiyun, but she had to give up. Originally, she wanted to use the “Second World”

to add a sum of funds to the orphanage, but the effect was not very good. Her business mind was indeed limited. , But after joining the Magic Palace, we strode regularly. “Jingjing, isn’t the government applied money, why do you still need to find a way yourself?”

“You don’t understand, it’s hard to say a word!”

Everyone is always just a superficial phenomenon. As long as there are rich people, there will be poor people, and everything is relative. She is my woman now.

I naturally want her to help her fulfill her wish.

This incident is given to Xiao Mao.

I think he will do it, and then adjust Jingjing to our school.

The extortion also recognized.

When I said that, Feiyun still couldn’t believe it.

She always thought that I could only be a slightly rich person.

In fact, Xueer did not like to talk about his family affairs, but he did not deliberately avoid her.

Five She is the worst economic conditions in the woman, and it is not comparable to that, but it makes me like her more, because our previous time is very similar (at least I don’t know that I am a rich person, and I have money to play recently.

After the game, I made myself, and it was precisely Xiao Mao’s earnings) .






I want to thank her for that old dean to raise a snow lotus -like girl like Feiyun.

When many large pretends are there, many of them are the beauty of Feiyun.

They want to collect her as a private pet, and some even have a sky -high price.

Essence Of course, force coercion is also indispensable, so she just practiced such a “good”

skill, but she did not dare to make a big boldness due to the pressure of public opinion. On the day, if I let me see them one by one to click them one by one! Feiyun was resolutely opposed. She didn’t want to bother me, but how could I make her the master, she was the grace given to me by heaven, what kind of things outside the body! The beautiful campus made Feiyun seem to have restored the happy and happy time before. Sometimes the young daughter was so exciting. I don’t know how much pressure she contained in the laughter. The beauty of Feiyun made the wolves of our school open their horizons. I couldn’t wait to see the scenes that she and Xueer appeared side by side, because I am now I am not able to distinguish who she and Xueer are more beautiful. Feiyun is here, and the ranking of the top ten beauties on campus will change again. Unconsciously, I brought Feiyun to the boys ‘dormitory … … It is difficult for boys to enter the girl’s dormitory, and it is easier to enter a boys’ dormitory. … I think the fan should have finished the dormitory! Looking at the door is the plum. As soon as this guy saw Feiyun, he died immediately, and the water was indescribable. Perhaps the door was too long, and Liangzi ran out, but the situation of Feiyun was only a little better than Li Zi. The fan was still relatively stable, but he was dumb. It was still more experienced in Li Zi. After seeing me, I woke up immediately. After all, the image in front of the beauty was very important. A gentleman, invited us in, and accurately invited Feiyun in. “Beauty, where do you come from? By the way, I will introduce myself, I am a reporter, Reporter Li, If handsome is a sin, wouldn’t I sin; if charming is a kind of mistake, I would be wrong again; if I was smart, I would not have thousands of knives; If you marry me everything, you will be liberated! "

“Haha, Li Zi, take a closer look at who she is?”

“…, ah, she, she is …”

“Haha, guess, the fairy of the Yundai ——- Feiyun is also!”

Seeing the weirdness we said, Feiyun couldn’t help laughing. “Ah, it’s really hard to imagine that the beauty can still be more beautiful. It is really difficult to divide with Dasao!”

“Yeah, yeah, hundreds of times more beautiful than in the game!”

The praise of Li Zi and Liangzi began the endless offensive! “Miss Feiyun, do you have a boyfriend? You have a good choice in front of you!”

Li Zi patted the chicken breast, Li Zi, patted the chicken breast, Liangzi kicked him aside, “Miss Feiyun ignores him, you see that he has a girlfriend, I am still a single man, I am most suitable!”

“Don’t blow it, just now Xiaohong Xiaohong’s call for heating!”

Of course, Li Zi would not let go of the opportunity to fight the enemy. “That is my female friend!”

This small problem is naturally hard to fall, but I did not expect that both of them took it to the horse. “I’m afraid it’s a female ~ sexual friend!”

Li Ziliang didn’t take a move. Can’t let them go, otherwise all the elegant and indecent came out. “Come here, introduce a few brothers you!”

Feiyun walked over a happy face, holding my hand, stunned in Li Zi and Liangzi, and said, “Three good, I am Chen Jingjing, the world is also called Feiyun, Wang Zhong’s girlfriend!”

Flutter ~~ “Nothing!”

(Li) “No human!”

(Good) “I’m so handsome!”

(Lee) “I’m not bad!”

(Good) “I’m gentle!”

(Li) “I’m considerate!”

(Good) “But why don’t you have no beauty love!”

(Followed) … … “Boss, do you honestly explain, do you use any illegal means!”

“Miss Feiyun, don’t be afraid, for you, we do not hesitate to destroy relatives!”

In the end, the fan couldn’t help blocking the two of their mouths! “Boss, still you!”

If the fan is still really! “Boss, you can snatch beautiful women such a large -scale, and sooner or later he will be angry!”

“That’s how many bachelors in the world!”

Khan …, these two guys are just unparalleled. Under the power of my shadow, I finally returned to normal. “Husband, do you usually do this?”

“These two guys are itchy, and every time I want to help them loosen their bones to be comfortable!”

“By the way, aren’t the two of you going to line up? Why did you come back so soon, did you buy the ticket?”

It is even more sad when I hear this, “Boss, we lined up the team one day and one night, and there was no hope!”

“It’s really abnormal, someone started to prepare a week ago, let’s live!”

“No way, we must have no plays, so we come back and wait for the trial!”


I asked, who will judge them? “Boss, you don’t know yet, it is Xiao Hong and Li Xin, one is the little red of Liangzi, the other is the Xinxin of Li Zi, haha!”

“Okay, the two kids, I said why I didn’t see it for a few days. It turned out that the girl had gone, and I didn’t confess when I came back. "

Boss, don’t embarrass us. The queen issued an order to buy a ticket for the new album concert in Mingyue, … I still consider how to explain it!” Khan …, we are really difficult to brothers, and it ’s unlucky to go. I’ m still because of irrelevant teachers …, but in the words of Li Zi, this is called self -contributed. Come. Talking, the two of the two of them are also here. It is good and beautiful. At least, walking on the street can make some men jealous. No wonder the two guys care about it so! After the introduction, everyone knew it. In fact, although they had not seen each other, they were well -known to me. After all, I am also a famous and stunning killer in the Galaxy Academy. I do n’t move the ordinary beauty. Seeing Feiyun, they once strengthened this view, and it was difficult to find so many beautiful women for me! Feiyun’s natural temperament is even more attractive, whether men and women can easily feel good about her … … If she and Xueer are raised 10 % in the world, … it will definitely cause riots of. Everyone was here at noon, and it was time to add belly. Who is invited? Of course it was me. With Liangzi, the boss gave the earth a lack of a stunning girl and a stunning young woman, and naturally celebrated it … but it seems to be a bit early, and the name will be true tomorrow. hey-hey! Looking at my eyes, Feiyun naturally knew what it meant, and immediately flushed with a small face, let everyone see it, it is a killer, … You must eat it as soon as possible, there is a lot of night dreams! The school cafeteria is naturally not good. Yipinlou is looking for an elegant seat. Who told me to be a small model now! It’s been a long time, plus the beauty is here, everyone eats very happy, especially Li Zi and Liangzi are like a meal, there is a big momentum, … my tickets are like one by one. The Red Army soldiers disappeared into the charge. The two guys bulletin private revenge and went back to clean them up! After drinking a glass of wine, the fan seemed to make up my mind, "

Boss, I decided to join the army!” "

Participate in the army? Fan, wouldn’t you be stupid?” "

That’s how long did you read?" "

That’s it. Tomorrow will come to our school to recruit people. It is a special force. I think the boss understands!" … I understand the idea of the fan. The master in the army is like Yun. He wants to develop his own martial arts from the grassroots level. If he is in the school in school What I want is not the opportunity to get power, but the cultivation of martial arts. It should be a good choice to participate in the special forces directly, and there are systematic training and higher martial arts. If the talent is enough, it will also be guided. "

Okay, the man of the man, when you break it! Come, everyone respects a cup!" "

Fanzi, do you really want to go?" Fan nodded! "

Can’t you leave?" "

Who will clean the dormitory in the future!" Pour \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ I see! "

Don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t have to have me for the special forces, but I can go if I want to go!" The words of the fan are always so beautiful. However, with his current strength, in addition to a few people with a relationship, he must be the top name, and like Li Dongtie, Zhuge Qinger will generally not go.

As a symbol of the family of the family The middle -level cadres are relatively important to complete their studies.

After all, family martial arts are enough for them to learn, and I don’t believe they do not have their own secret forces.

Several families have set up rules for a long time and cannot conflict with the government, so everyone has restrained each other, no one wants to make head birds, and now relying on the lead in this area, we will continue to penetrate into the government.

It is a way to survive in this world, otherwise you will be annexed, and your things will be snatched by others!

“No matter what, the fan is fighting for his goals and ideals, we should bless him!”

“Fanzi, I firmly believe that you will succeed!”

Li Zi said the truth. “Mix well in the army, how can our brothers go in, how can we be a big soldier, we must mix out personal!”

After everyone scattered, the fan went back to prepare his own information. Li Zi and Liangzi naturally accompanied their girlfriends. I accompany Feiyun, enjoy the two -person world, walking on the road of campus … “By the way, Jing Jing, how do you usually go out? "

People usually do n’t go out, that is, go out and go out with the dean and the sisters. Of course, you have to spend some installation, not for you, you also say people!” …… Happiness is almost dizzy. The reason for the essay 10034 love (above) Updated: 2007-5-19 15:40:00 Number of chapters: 7283 Hundred steps after a meal, live to ninety -nine! The current technology is still dreaming, but the average one hundred years of age is still not a problem, especially the longer life expectancy of some heterogeneity, the longer the time of life, the more afraid of death, the greater the desire. Longer, get more beauty and power, money is thought about these people every day, but the entire world is in a temporary balance. Whoever breaks first means a pioneer and a head bird. It’s you who are unlucky! The longer the living person, the more stable, the more stable, that is, it is not possible, and the loss that cannot be allowed. Western countries are becoming more and more powerful in the East. These humans that have not evolved completely. The more you can’t keep up with the development of the times, but the glory of the century makes them not allowed this situation. While fighting in the internal fighting, the relationship between the extension of the oriental is the most obvious fuse. The new World War starts from here, and no one will be surprised. At the same time, India is extremely dissatisfied with China’s status in Asia. It also has a broad territory, many people, and brilliant history. If you are dissatisfied, you are going to change, but they have not been arrogant to think that they can deal with the Chinese nation alone, so united with Japan has become a good choice. Although they do what. The rich, beautiful women, and labor are all they desire. We who do have the richest and wider land in Asia, have always been the meat of the aliens. It has never stopped for thousands of years, especially now, this desire has reached a peak. I have already started to hang points. But history will not be reproduced! Feiyun and I took a walk slowly in the college. I would definitely live more than 999 with beautiful women. I originally wanted to accompany her to go shopping to buy things, but Feiyun did not want to go, … it is rare, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no The beauty who likes to visit is really unique. In the words of Feiyun, shopping is too annoying to be seen like animals, and there are always people who are disturbed. In fact, when they were shopping in the dark, there are always bodyguards hidden in the dark. Zhangyan’s guy cleaned up, Feiyun was so good to be so good, and he usually had time to arrange a lot of time. You must take a good rest if you have free time, and do something you like. Over time, you have developed a habit. Of course, this is not to say that she doesn’t love beauty, but she is too lazy to spend time on it. Today, this dress also took a long time to choose. Moving … Qingxiu is a kind of beauty, and the dress is another kind of beauty. She and Xueer are both the kind of beautiful women, which are ever -changing, and the gesture of beauty is so tempting … I suddenly have a kind of impulse to make her make her He Xueer performed a fashion show. What the models are, they are fake! We chose a good position by the lawn and enjoyed the sunlight in the afternoon quietly. We are naturally eye -catching, but in the school, we are not the same as outside. People who know what to do. Perspective. People just look at it, and we can’t help it … I haven’t been reasonable to the point. What I often say in a word of color wolf is, "

See you because you are beautiful, otherwise the ghosts are lazy! " However, Feiyun still hates this kind of scene, and it is comfortable to be secretly seen. Simple, I naturally have a good way. After a while, I became Feiyun hiding in my arms and whispering, … haha, now you can see anything! We sat quietly and felt the heartbeat of each other. I didn’t know what was going on. When I first started to be with Xueer, I always had a little pressure. That impression was still in my heart, and when I was with Feiyun, my heart was calm, and our actions were very good and their hobbies were very similar. Perhaps it is similar to our experience of growing up. She is because of society. I have to do something that I do n’t want to do because of family and parents. Relatively speaking She may have a beautiful childhood. And my childhood, I do n’t know. I really do n’t know. It ’s a childhood if I was forced to practice all day. I have never complained about my parents because they are my father and mother, and they are also for When I was young, they told me that the interior of a large family was not harmonious, especially after integrating into the society, so I must have strength to surpass the strength of everyone, otherwise it is more difficult to survive in a family like us. Can’t protect you forever! "

People must rely on themselves!" Eyes, until now, like in front of me. It was after my "

Da Cheng", I chose to leave. I am not like my father. He because he had no ambitions. He longed for a peaceful and quiet life. There is no wave in the family, as if I know that I will go back one day, but I know that the blood is thicker than water. I can’t really leave, just like my father, although I have made countless efforts. I don’t know when I should take responsibility, but now I just want to grasp this time that belongs to myself. I can know Xueer and they have treated me very well. Only they are safe and happy. I don’t matter how I do it. My life is wonderful because of them. … … Fei Yun and I enjoyed it quietly. Both of them were trapped and memories. The previous time flashed quickly in my mind … The heart has a spirit, and we open our eyes and look at each other in the same way. It is a kind of heart connection. I can clearly feel the fluctuation of her spiritual fluctuations. We can see the shock in each other’s eyes! Intersection Intersection Intersection There is a spirit! Intersection Intersection Is there such a thing? Intersection There are such situations in the history of the power world. Occasionally, ordinary people can also be generated. The probability is equal to 0. In fact, this must have a strong mental power to complete. I can feel it spontaneously after exercise. ….. And Feiyun’s mental power has been easily felt! This has to shock me. Everyone in my family says that I am a rare genius in martial arts in martial arts, and it is absolutely impossible to estimate in power. After all, I even realize the fields and space. And Feiyun was surprised. I don’t feel what she would look like after being trained by the system. There are many natural powers in this world, such as turning on fire, air -to -air moving objects, and the like. These are actually very average. It is the most terrible to use power in other aspects, but they chose the deepest irresponsible time and fate, I don’t know how much courage it takes. In the face of strong people, it is also small in front of fate. The weakness of human beings is too pitiful. This is what I understand after I exposed to the field. I used to feel that I was invincible for a while. In the field, it is just to use your own mental strength and time and space to reach a certain agreement to guide your own world. At the same time, you also need extremely physical strength. The two conditions are indispensable. Once the limit is surpassed, it will be within an instant. The smoke disappeared. The great prophecy is to use its own unparalleled spiritual power to forcibly squeeze into the ocean of destiny, drift inside, and explore countless unknown.

In fact, it is like a paddle -free lone boat.

Well, you will have a correct direction, and sometimes you can only get the opposite result.

As a result, it is dominated by fate, and it will be destroyed by a small pool.

For the whole sea, it does not happen to the whole sea.

The reason why the big prophet can make the most accurate and most accurate prophecy before dying is that when people are dying, the flesh is on the verge of collapse.

In a strong state, with this trace of strength, the boat can look farther as a big wave head, and then the death is dead.

But the most depends on the farther, but the result is only relatively accurate than before.

It can overthrow the previous errors, but it is not guaranteed that it is correct now.

This is the case that Feiyun must not be completely determined, but at least it shows that she has a physique of learning abilities!

Even if she is such a physique, I will not let her detect the unknown destiny.

As long as humans do what she should do, they will always come!

After my training, I will definitely become a master of power.

In the future, I am not next to it.

She adds Xiangzi and I can protect myself.

I also have many powerful helpers.

When we were sweet, we came to an uninvited guest ——- Xing Jun.

I did n’t see it during this time.

I almost forgot them all, and the guy of the big dog.

I do n’t know how to go back to cure him.

I want to laugh when I think of it.

“Wang Zhong, I haven’t seen you for a long time, don’t bother you.”

Xing Jun looked like a smile, … of course, it was disturbed, and nothing would be attentive! Seeing someone coming, Feiyun was embarrassed to stay in my arms again, … this damn guy, don’t come early or late, just come now! Xing Jun was actually looking for me. I heard that I came over with a fairy -like woman in the lawn. I heard that the long and Xueer had a fight. He was just a joke. Knowing what, he has seen a lot of beauty, but like Xueer, but if you can’t pick it up, how can it be said that it will appear, and let the bastard get it. These are the second, or the plan is carried out, wait … all the beauties are not all of them! … I didn’t expect me to be so embarrassed in his heart, and had been mixed with the thieves in the next three. However, the moment Xing Jun was shocked when he saw Feiyun, it was absolutely shocked. This kind of beautiful woman is really rare in the current world. From his perspective, they are better than Xueer. It is not to say that looks, but in terms of appearance, Xueer is equivalent to the beauty in front of her, but in terms of temperament, this kind of impossible temperament is that Feiyun occupies the upper hand! It is definitely a beautiful woman with a super potential, it is simply a man’s baby! But as far as their intimacy was concerned, the fork was first stepped first! After a short time, Xing Jun remembered the purpose of this trip and immediately returned to normal. Feiyun has no goodwill at the man in front of him. Generally, men appreciate and worship him. Some men with abilities will be naked and naked. A fierce taste, Feiyun has this ability since childhood, and can feel everything around! “Senior, I don’t know what to do with me? You also see that I am really busy now!”

At first glance, I knew that I came to find myself. There was no need to be polite to him, thinking that I was a dish! Although Xing Jun was angry, he also knew what he was doing. “Hehe, it’s like this

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