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chapter_23 I am a student representative in the admissions activities of the special forces in this special forces.

I am dedicated to mobilizing classmates to participate in the army consciously, for the country and the government.

I know that Wang Zhong is also a master, so on behalf of the school and the army you!

" Halo, I wanted to let me join the army! "

Senior, I’m sorry, I don’t have this plan yet, I hope to play better for the motherland and the people after completing my studies!" When I heard me refused, Xing Jun was naturally surprised. "

Wang Zhong, you need to know, this is the request of the government and the army, and I hope you think about it. Do you say you don’t want to play for the country?" Depend on. With a big hat, I pressed me. If it is for the Chinese nation, the Chinese people, I am the liver and brain, and I do n’t have to say anything. Hum, give you a victim. "

Oh? The government and the army serve the people. When will turn over as the master and order us to come, when did the National People’s Congress pass the bill, they can force the recruitment. Besides, I have said it I feel that I am not enough now. I still need to further study in school without wanting to be a brave man. How can I say that I do n’t play for the country? The most important thing is that you can pay attention to words, don’t raise your will to the government and the army, this is insult! And listening to the senior, the senior must be going to join the army. Here I congratulate me first. The senior Wu Yi is extraordinary and has been educated in the school for nearly two years. I also ask the senior to advice. " In my words, he was speechless, and finally said fiercely, "

I have another arrangement, but I still hope you can consider it well!" Dizzy, soft, hard, small, you are still far away! "

No effort, I am also arranged, we are very busy, so I won’t give it!" Xing Jun can only flash people. I think he knows his strength very well. It is equivalent to seeking death in front of me. I never feel soft to the enemy! For Jin, it is just a little more trouble for Jin. After all, the guy’s mind is different from the idiot in front of him. "

Husband, who is he?" Feiyun asked, she felt that the two of us were not contradictions for a while. In the future, Feiyun must be going to our school. Several people who pay special attention should naturally tell her. When I said that the big dog was scrapped, Feiyun smiled and said that I was really bad, that’s really cute! "

Jing Jing, I dare to bet, Xing Jun let me have a conspiracy to join the army now. Ten nine or nine is to use the family to die in the army. Even if I can’t pull me, at least I will separate me from you. They are so good about conspiracy, fainted, and treat others as fools! " "

Husband, you can’t be polite to deal with such people!" "

Rights and stunning women like you are always the focus of men like us! Speaking of which, I am not a good person, but it doesn’t matter, the bad guys are bad people, I also do it for your killing!" "

Husband is really a big bad guy!" Feiyunjiao said with a smile. "

Men are not bad, beautiful women don’t love!" "

Besides, how can people be so good, Sister Xueer is beautiful!" "

You, I didn’t see it, the guy just wanted to swallow you into your stomach and take it away!" Haha ~ ~ "

By the way, Jing Jing, I have always been strange, what about me in the end, it really makes me flattered!" Speaking of this, Feiyun’s face flashed with a trace of blush. "

Do you need a reason to love someone?" "

Love, there may not be a reason. But there is always a lead. Matchmaker still needs a red line in his hands. Don’t play sloppy eyes, quickly confess!" "

You, it’s too domineering, this is the secret in the hearts of others!" Speaking of Feiyun seemed to be in retrospect. "

Don’t remember, when it is just a pet function, you have a green forest in Yanhuang City?" "

Remember, during that time, Xueer and I liked to go to that place. The environment was good, and I could hit pet eggs!" "

Are you saving a little warrior there one day?" "

Yeah, it’s the second sister -in -law. Now this guy is terrible!" "

Actually, I went there that day. I heard that the chance of the green wild forest pet eggs is high, so I also touched luck. I met you at that time. You and Xueer’s love really touched me. The happiness and happiness on Xueer’s face, how much I want to have, how strong I am, is just a person. Later, you saved the little warrior again. I knew that you were the soul -eater, you I didn’t notice myself, how magnificent, how many men are! " I am a little embarrassed by Feiyun, but she seems to be caught in her own memories. She did not pay attention to her words. She would definitely not say such a explicit word. "

There was nothing at that time, but after returning, I left such a shadow in my heart. Later, someone said that I would go to you when I entered illegally. At that time, I was worried about it for a long time. After all, you have never seen me. And the illegal entry is so powerful. To be honest, the illegal entry is also good. It is also good for me. I hate him, but it is far from that kind of feeling, maybe it is the kind of electricity. The victory of greatness, I still have a long time to be happy, as if my boyfriend wins, but later I thought about what this is, you probably do n’t even know what I look like. And you already have a girlfriend, and it’s so beautiful. How can I have a chance? I decided to put my energy on the guild affairs, but your news always passes by one by one. Although the city is separated by one city, the reputation is still famous It is like Lei Guan’s ears and mentioning the soul -eating, everyone knows that it is a great man, the legend in the world, and later, with your achievements, your girlfriend continues to increase, one, two, three, four, and the beginning. In this way, I also have a chance. After all, I still believe in my strength, but there are more and more. I secretly hate that you are really a big radish, and this relationship is suppressed for a while. But when I was about to forget you and was about to start a relationship again, you suddenly appeared, and the depressed feelings suddenly burst out. It was so out of control. I have been familiar with it, I also know your feelings. I have forgiven you, and they are also very good at Xueer. People can yield you. I have no reason. Life is also so vibrant, but your abominable guy started to hide from me! “Speaking of me severely, … halo, still subconsciously, it seemed that she was really angry at that time. The pain of pain, dare not speak up, … miserable! "

I am a girl, what can I do, I can’t do it ashamed to find you. At least I can’t do it. Later, I heard you go to the East China Sea, but I couldn’t help but go. I didn’t expect you to drink it alone. Drunk, I also need to help others. You don’t know how ambiguous others were at that time, and at the same time as shy, they were a little happy. After all, they regarded me as your girlfriend. Later … "”

ah! " Speaking here, Feiyun suddenly woke up, Da Fa Jiao, … In fact, I used a little bit of energy. Her mental power and me were so tone, it was easy to get her into her own world. … I am too that, but how can I know her heart! Beauty is heavy! "

Okay, you are satisfied now, what you say!" "

Be quiet, come and kiss, calm your deep resentment!" We played for a while and found that it was almost time, and quickly contacted Cher. "

Xueer, where are you, I and Feiyun, let’s go now." "

Huh, husband, now think of us, if you don’t look at the face of Feiyun’s sister, you want you to look good!" "

Xiao Sheng is crime here, you have a large number of adults!" "

Okay, we will be poor. We are waiting for you in the restaurant under Broadway!" After getting the order, Feiyun and I immediately rushed to Broadway. At that time, Xueer found a seat that leaned against the window waiting for us. Several women were boring and chatted. Existence is a bit awkward for a day. When I came with Feiyun, they became happy, but when I saw Feiyun, I was stunned, and the baby was more direct. Pulling Feiyun and sitting side by side with Xueer, "

Well, it’s a peerless Shuangjiao … … people will sleep with Sister Xueyun tonight!" … this little color woman, grab my rice bowl! "

Sister Feiyun is really pity!" "

No wonder someone forgets us!" Xueer and Feiyun are really like sisters. The same beauty makes them feel a confidant. It is probably lonely to a certain extent! I couldn’t help thinking of the beautiful man who loved New Coreo, and felt that he was a little pitiful, or it was better to make a more popular like me, haha! The reason for the essay 10034 love (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 4980 The five women tied me side by side, and the people in the restaurant were envious. Of course, the man looked straight, and the woman could only be embarrassed. “Husband, let’s go to the concert of Sister Mingyue tonight?”

Xueer said, Khan …, also said my pain, Teacher Lin Yue didn’t know how to explain! If this deposit can be replaced with my kiss, unfortunately this is fantasy! “Xueer, I was still extorted by Teacher Lin today. I thought it was easy to get a ticket. I didn’t expect it to be rich. "

Who am I extorting today?” Why is this sound so familiar? ah. Lin Da Mei was next to me. Cher laughed. Halo, it turned out to be the bathroom, why is it so coincidental! "

Ah, teacher, why are you here too!" sweat…… "

Why can’t I be here, but you received the deposit, I came to get the ticket?" "

Ah, my husband, what deposit, do you pay the teacher, don’t return it to others!" "

That is, it is necessary to help the teacher’s work!" … … It’s over, it’s really a lot of money. "

Okay, forgive him, you see that he looks like sweaty, you have to change your clothes again!" Woohoo, Teacher Lin, you are so good, solve me in the fire and fire! "

Huh, go back, we are settling slowly!" "

Well, the ticket is here!" Xueer took out the ticket. "

Ah, how do you have a ticket, Hao Xueer is so amazing!" "

People dare not bow, but this sales are strictly controlled, one person, the only one who has privileges!" "

Is it Mingyue?" "

Guess right!" Halo, when will this little witch become so kind. "

One of the main cadres of our art club!" “.

.. I don’t seem to be a major cadre?” To be precise, I didn’t even count the miscellaneous workers, and there was very little to go there. It would be better for them not to find me. "

You, but there is self -knowledge. Of course, Sister Mingyue considers us. Just like Sister Feiyun also come, we want one more. Everyone watched it tonight!" The baby is the youngest and the most pet. Everyone can’t help anyone. Lin Damei also noticed Feiyun. Fortunately, it was a woman, and a mature woman. It recovered quickly, but it was even more ambiguous to see my eyes, … Dangerous signals! "

Okay, okay, let’s eat first, and we will go to the venue quickly, otherwise we can’t enter." As a special guest, our treatment is still high, at least we can enter the field in advance. Looking at the turbulent people not far away, there is a headache, When we passed, we heard their talks scared me. "

Brother, I lined up here for a week, and finally got it, worth it!" "

My girlfriend speaks, and if I can’t get a ticket, I will blow with me!" "

Ah, you are not very miserable, thank you alone!" "

So, I blow it directly with her. Women are not everywhere, but Mingyue’s concert is not listened to everyone!" "

That is, this is the second time, last time or a year ago, not me said, I was willing to hear the last year of life. After I heard it last time, it was really three days around the beam. I don’t know the meat of three months! " "

Yeah, this time because of the limits, those who used to be abuse songs really did not know how to listen." "

I also met an idiot yesterday to get money to buy my ticket, and I wanted to kill him on the spot. Isn’t this insulting my sincerity about idols!" … … … Listening to the crazy words of these guys, to be honest, her singing is good, but as for this, a concert is crazy to this point? The ticket is gone, and the crowd is still unwilling! … Maybe I have no music cells. After I raised my questions, I was "

despised" by all beautiful women except Feiyun. "

Oh my husband, you don’t know this?" Xiangzi asked in doubt, … even she knew, fortunately, Feiyun accompanied me, oh, I don’t believe it, there must be someone have no idea! "

Sister Mingyue’s concert is simply a must. There is a kind of charm and passion in it that the record cannot be copied. You think this new album is so hot. If it is a concert, it must be much better. I can’t wait to wait for it. Woolen cloth!" Halo, it turned out that this is the case, I am also interested! At the eyes of everyone, we ate this fragrant dinner. After eating, they led them to the door of the concert. My God, exaggerated, more than N people who have no votes are crowded there, one by one is crazy, and there is a posture of squatting here. "

It’s not good to see the situation. There are so many people outside, and there are no votes in half. “Yeah, who is so popular in Mingyue, but the venue is limited and has been opened to the maximum. Other fans have to grieve and listen outside. You did not see the sound on the outside. prepare!”

…… Thinking is really thoughtful, but a concert is so hot that it is unique! “There are a lot of foreigners, it seems that it has broken the restrictions of Chinese!”

“That is, Mingyue’s singing is regardless of nationality, otherwise how is it called a world -class singer!”

… I am also the “world -class”

devil, but these two “worlds”

are different. “By the way, the main”

Millennium Love Love “has three types of Chinese version, English version, and universal version. Mingyue also values this song. I don’t know who she is waiting?”

Say, “Yes, obviously, our Snow White is thinking about her Prince Baima. Today is her 18 -year -old birthday. Maybe there is shocking news to be announced!”

“If it was her boyfriend’s name miserable!”

Xiangzi sighed. “Why? Boyfriend, her age is almost the same!”

I asked in doubt. “Husband, we are not explaining the moon, but that the man is going to be unlucky. As long as you live on the earth, you must be careful to be separated by fans!”

“If there is a photo, if it is just an unknown name, the same name is miserable. Khan … Fortunately, this man is not me, it’s terrible. When I see the crazy level of fans outside the door, I don’t doubt the miserable end of the man, Harrilia! … There are teachers, don’t you look at me, OK, I will be shy! It’s strange. Every time I mention the Mingyue, I always look at me. I have nothing to do with that woman. It should be resolutely drawing the boundaries. You see it, listening to a concert is also stained with your light! We do well in the elegant seat, and several elegant seats around them are full of people, dizzy, and several big characters are also inside. Jin Zegang and Xing Jun are also inside. Several girls are full of beautiful, but they can’t compare with us. They didn’t expect to see us here. They were a little surprised. Smile for us, like an acquaintance, … The dogs who are 呲 teeth do not bite people, and people like Xing Jun can deal with it. The heritage is too deep, and there is a good work, and it is very good. Maybe even Xing Jun does not know. The think tanks, brothers, and martial arts and power are also masters he have always rely on. The mayor and his wife were also in one of the boxes, but from the perspective of the situation, there were still a few characters higher than his level, suit and military uniforms. My father -in -law is also in it. I was hesitating when I was going to pass. He smiled at me and then waved his hand. The baby pulled me, "

Husband, my dad makes you not need to pass, there are too many people!” Woohoo, my father -in -law is really considerate of me! A few people inside are obviously discussing me, and I am too lazy to listen. These big characters are nothing more than. Ask who is the child, what backgrounds, and where they are "

mixed", these old -fashioned sets. After a while, several of the main force of the art club also came, and the top ten beauties in our school have come together. … Just a man, I am a man with a thick skin and a bit. It’s even more jealous. The guys next to them are not good at seeing us here. … Another group of sister -in -law, trouble. There is no surprise to the beauty of the beautiful women. Chery is still so enthusiastic. The big brother is kept calling, and he wants to "

hand in hand". When you get angry, you are strange. The two are born to the opposite. When they meet, they will be noisy, and Cherry is also weird. The more the baby is, the more he wants to show his affection with me. Flash first ~ Zhuge Qing’er greeted me politely. Anyway, I also pointed out that her kung fu came. I haven’t seen it for a long time. Essence Sister Huang Ya Wenxue first greeted Xueer, and then turned to me to ask for guilty. "

My Devil, it’s not easy to see you, I look down on what our sisters are invited, not even a letter!" Khan … I forgot about it. “Where, where, my sister, this doesn’t just catch up with eleven. I’m afraid to disturb your leveling, double experience, but you can’t waste it. You must visit in the future and visit!”

Maybe they may see them, keep a few faces before letting me go temporarily. Really terrible, the gentle and tender sisters are so scary, and they are so scary … … women are still rare. However, the first “Demon King”

came out badly. Several beauties who did not know, such as Zhuge Qinger, Cherry, Chen Sulan, asked again, and the sisters said my scenery with the scenery. It has become the target of the criticism. “It turns out that you are the famous demon king soul. I am still so strange who is so powerful. I have also seen it in the World Forum in the United States, known as the world’s best master!”

Cherry worshiped again, but this little Nizi, how can I watch the baby … Feiyun is also welcomed by everyone. After all, I see that the kind of men and women are murdered! “Wang Zhong, anyway, I am also your president, you are also a member of the art club. You see you, the community activities have come a few times in total, I want to be lazy, wait for me tomorrow to find me. ! "

Our beauty president, Chen Sulan, the number one forces of the campus, immediately gave me a “knife”.

When the big hat pressed, I had no place to hide. No one dared to offend her at the Galaxy Academy. Zhuo Lin, obviously interested in me. To be precise, she always pretends to be interested in every man. This is similar to her fascination, but from her eyes, she can be seen. Without much interest, the depths of the eyes are a faint depression, and even Mingyue’s concert is not her goal. … But this is not worthy of my care. I am already miserable. I do n’t have any matter. This is good. I owe a debt that owed a buttock. Calculate my account with me … At this moment, the door was suddenly hit, it was Mingyue. Alas, I have to admit that this little girl is really pretty. It is incredible to wear a show, and the body should be convex. It is dazzling as the sun, that is, Zhuge Qinger, baby, mood, Xiangzi, Xuezi, who are beautiful, can not be embarrassed together, … unfortunately, this kind of victory, only me who has luck appreciates me. one. The girls were greeting for a while, but obviously, Mingyue ran out in a hurry. When I saw me, my eyes lighted up, and I couldn’t sit down. After all, they asked me to come. “I wish you a successful performance, thank you for your invitation!”

Mingyue nodded a response. After a while, she was overwhelmed by the girls. Mingyue was surprised to see Feiyun. After all, this kind of beauty of the same level was rare, and she also liked the temperament on Feiyun, and she wanted to be close at first sight. “Sisters, I’m going to prepare, let’s cheer me!”

Then hurried back. The audience outside also started to enter the market. I don’t know what the outside is. Anyway, the order inside is very good. Later, I learned that when the Mingyue started a concert, it seemed to cause a lot of people to be injured because of the uneasy order. After that, Mingyue publicly stated that if this happened, she stopped the concert, so although I was hot when I bought a ticket, you died and I lived, but when the last time I entered the door, the gentlemen and ladies could not. It can be thrown out if you dare not follow the order, and you can be thrown out without the guards. Everyone waited. The lantern flowers suddenly extinguished, and finally the stage was opened. It was a retro laser holographic image. It gathered classic buildings around the world, Egypt’s pyramids, Chinese Great Wall, Babylon in the air garden, the giant stone statue of the resurrected island, Maya culture, Asian culture, Asian culture The Terantis site gives people a feeling of time and space. A bright moon dressed in a flower fairy immediately aroused the sensation of the audience, and the atmosphere suddenly reached a climax. Seeing the men and women who were stimulant like a stimulant below, the curiosity in my heart was also seduced, hoping to start the concert. Fans have blessings such as “Happy Birthday of the Moon”

and other blessings. “Mingyue Mingyue, I love you!”

“Mingyue, you are our sun, you are our moon, Mingyue will last forever!”

Fans’ screams continue. Mingyue also used the usual naughty image, as an elegant gift like a princess to thank the fans for the blessing. … halo, it is stimulated before it starts, great! Intersection Intersection 1. “Three Kingdoms”

, authors: rebirth, history, BL_ID = 4717 2. “Dream Back to September Seven”

, author: psychic The text is 10035th Month (Part 1) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5847 The general concert was definitely not so hot when the opening of the concert. These people in front of them were so “impulsive”

that they would not be afraid to wait. God knows how to have such a big charm! I found that the people in the box around were also a bit crazy … … shoulds not, these people are either senior officials or super rich, and some even soldiers. Keeping calmness should be necessary! The situation in our box is not very good. Chen Sulan, Huang Yawen, and Zhuo Lin have obviously have different enthusiasm. Lin Yue is more enthusiastic. Xueer, baby, mood, incense is slightly better, but the mind is obviously attracted, and the situation is not right! The only thing we are not affected here are, I, Feiyun, … the other is Cherry, which has to make me skeptical. It seems that she is simple, is it a spiritual master? Intersection Intersection No, the United States is far behind this aspect! It seems that they have chased fiercely in recent years, … maybe I think about it! I can basically be sure now that Mingyue will inevitably have problems. It must be a master of spiritual power that can affect the spirit of the human spirit. Under the circumstances, psychological interference cannot affect her, and Feiyun obviously keeps his minds at everything outside me. This Cherry is more problematic. I can’t see how she resists, or the mental power does not work at all, but this is also the privacy of others. Some are the truth that there is a mountain outside the mountain. I shocked the “seeds”

hidden in Xue’er’s spiritual sea, and they immediately woke up and watched the performance concentrated. There was no kind of confusion just now, … it seems that there is nothing to do with the spiritual interference of the other party. Adverse reactions, … it seems that I can relax and relieve stress on the human body, but I am more likely! I think so, if there is really a problem, don’t wait for me to take the shot, someone will definitely come to the door! However, I am still curious. It can release such a large -scale spiritual implies that there is such a large range of effects, which is definitely a master. The most calm part of the box opposite is Jin Zegang. Although the surface is the same as others, a person who is hypnotized by mental will not peek at us from time to time. Endure! Generally speaking, the attack power of a spiritual power master is at least twice his mental defense. From this point of view, Jin Zanggang is a big event, and he always leaves a little smart. The impression of conspiracy! However, from the perspective of his confusion, he may not know the source of mental interference. It is strange that I can’t feel it with my spiritual power, but I intuitively tell me that there must be, and Feiyun’s natural sensitivity also confirms my thoughts. In curiosity, I decided to explore it, and what I can deal with all difficulties is the field and my field. Instantly pause, any material and energy in my field are hidden! Sure enough ~! It’s Mingyue, … I found two natural spiritual power geniuses within a day! Suddenly I felt a little small, … it turned out that genius was everywhere, sweat … However, unlike Feiyun, Mingyue’s mental power is obviously instructed, and the spiritual power radiates out of her centered. When she is singing, she keeps holding “ringing finger”

in her hand. In fact, it is a spiritual spirit. Impression, that is, this is “instruction”.

Those who design this way, I do n’t know that he is a genius or stupid material. This method is not powerful in actual combat, but if it is concentrated, it is quite scary. … I can only say that I can only say that I can only say that it is creative! In fact, I do n’t need this. Mingyue ’s singing is enough. With the appearance of the fans, I can dump all the boys and girls, the old lady, … of course, there are some middle -aged uncle. Xueer, Feiyun gradually incorporated into the atmosphere of the scene, cheerful rhythm, brisk dance steps, beautiful singing, crazy fans, are difficult catalysts.

Jin Zegang over there was also caught in a carnival .



The calm people in the audience are about me and me on the field!




In fact, I also want to experience the kind of fun and forgetfulness, everything I forget, hey, but no, my mental strength has been practiced, any attempt to interfere with me will automatically be used to be automatically quilled Raising, if it wasn’t for me to control or even counterattack, I didn’t want to mess up such a good performance because of me.

It is quite early, when my mental strength is successful, the swelling mental power has lost control.

If it wasn’t for my father and mother and the full help of the old ladies and old ladies, I am afraid that it is not a mental illness.

The consequences of cross -level, but because of this, I can see the mysteries in the field!

But what happened at the time, a whole month of tossing me more than a skeleton elves!

Mingyue finally sang the “thousands of love love”

of the finale, and the atmosphere below reached its peak. The lid of the entire venue was set off. What image, … but Spring Light, hey, I like it! Mingyue’s crisp and charming sound sounds, “Thank you for your support, thank you!”

“Today is my 18th birthday. I dedicate this song to the fans and who have always supported me … I am in my heart!”

Well, this “he”

doesn’t matter. The power is really like a bomb. It suddenly wakes up the fans who are obsessed with. … It’s too sensitive! Fortunately, before the commotion occurred, the music sounded, that is, this “thousands of years of love”.

With the singing, I even slowly fell into memories. This is something that has not been available for many years. Time is flowing backwards. Romeo and Juliet in the West, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in the east, loved by life and death. The first love story, what is love? Life and death! In the end, we came to a beautiful and ancient fairy mountain, a naughty and beautiful little fairy. Although she lost her mana, she got freedom and happiness. The mutation, accidentally dropped from the dangerous cliff, but a big brother who collected medicine rescued him. The two people had a love at first sight and spent the happiest time in their lives, but the fairy was not a mortal after all. In the end, I had to temporarily separate, but the little fairy vowed to marry him. Whether the time migration or space conversion, they always have a day of goodbye, but the fate is always tricky. After the young man already has his wife …! The singing stopped for a while, but the audience was still quiet, everyone was caught in memories. Some people were moved by the love in the singing. Some people triggered their feelings of the past. All negative emotions were vented. It will be better tomorrow. Mingyue’s eyes looked directly at me. Our eyes were connected. I was stupid and knew that she was the little girl of that year. She was expressing my mind to me through this song. Of course I did not abide by the promise of the year. …… I ca n’t blame me. At that time, I was also a little child. How could I know any feelings, but I just had a happy little sister who could play with me. As for what to marry me, I thought it was The meaning of sending me something, the time has long forgotten to go out of the clouds. No wonder people say that women are precocious, … it is early enough! … But this little Nizi is really tunious, haha, just kidding, I still have the feeling between men and women, that is, after experiencing this incident, I think she is more protected by me. His little sister, did not expect that he had such a “noble”

day? Intersection Khan! Finally, the fans were awake from the Yu Yun of the singing. The applause and cheers of Zhentian continued … … I dare to say that this group of people also consumes at least 5 liters of water when they go back. The voice of Mingyue made everyone a little bit quiet, “Thank you, I know everyone is concerned about my situation. Here I want to share with you a secret in my heart-I am a beloved person!”

Well, this is like a horse honeycomb. The entire venue seems to be exploded. Xueer is also very curious and surprised. Who is so powerful, even the little princess is fascinated. Since childhood, I have been higher than the top of the top … I want to flash people. Most of the fans’ shouts are, kill! I will never doubt that the moment Mingyue reports my name, this group of people will rush here, I will go to the bathroom first … “Husband, where do you want to go?”

Xueer asked, " This is good, all the beauties look at me, … oh, the plan to secretly flash people failed. "

This, I want to go to the bathroom, you continue!” "

No, it is about to announce that man, so the critical time is to bear it!" The daughters nodded, and even Jing Jing nodded. Helplessly, she could only sit down, otherwise it would be too obvious! "

Don’t be excited, although I like him, but he doesn’t necessarily like me. I am still a single love, that is, secret love!" Mingyue said with a smile that women in love are always the most beautiful. This time it is over. The fairy like Mingyue, there are still people who don’t like it. It’s incredible. That person must not be a man, a woman? Loose? robot? Let ’s start with the imagination of the sky, … even animals come out! Some fans have begun to know who the man is? God blessed, Sister Mingyue, don’t talk nonsense! I think they will not help you to pull the red line, there are eight or nine, no, it is 100 % to let me disappear directly from the earth, … it should be said to be disappeared from the universe (will chase directly Kill to the moon) "

Thank you for your concern, I don’t want to disturb his life, but I won’t give up, I think everyone will support me!" … Sweating, someone will support you to be surprised. You are still smart, otherwise I will definitely finish the egg. Others will never allow me to get your love, silly girl! Fans are divided into several camps. Some people support, some oppose, and the golden mean. Some people are orally, and some people rush up directly. The guards quickly stopped, … the concert couldn’t go on, but fortunately it was over! These are not ordinary guards, and their strength is good. It looks like a special police officer transferred from the military. wrong! Danger! The four -way shadow came out of the fans and rushed straight to Mingyue. Although Mingyue itself has a strong spiritual power, it is not used for fighting at all. Like ordinary girls, he looked at all this, but he was still firm There is no panic. A master came out from behind the scenes and directly greeted the two people in front of the scene, and the two stuns blocked two people. The momentary change made everyone too late to respond, and the military police immediately returned to the aid. However, unexpectedly, the two people outside the body were strangely distorted, and they had escaped their energy. The two people in front of them were also entangled with the masters who blocked them. Is a biochemical person! Intersection Intersection The situation is critical, the distance is too far, I can’t take care of too much. For the first time, I jumped with a short distance space. Although it was only one tenth of the second, the twisted feeling almost torn me. Unfortunately, it is uncomfortable now. There is no time, the absolute field is quickly opened, and the acupuncture points behind the transformation of the biochemical people have changed. I am too lazy to annoy them. The most direct way is to directly destroy them. Then hold the bright moon and put her in a safe place. Who knows whether these perverted biochemical people will release the virus after their death! …… Japanese products must be careful! After finishing it, I did n’t have the strength to jump with a space at a time. I could only go back at the fastest speed. I could only see a slide in the eyes of the master. As for the instrument, I could n’t capture it at all. After returning to my seat, I was sweaty, and the whole person was collapsed. Although there was only a short moment, my energy and true gas were consumed, … but finally it was completed. This bastard is so brave to this extent. Xueer, who is linked to me, naturally felt the abnormal moment of this moment, but in my eyes, there was no voice. Anyway, my wife was all tacit. some. The situation in the field of everyone suddenly reversed. The two guys outside just escaped their energy, and in the eyes of everyone, they were beaten. The guards immediately gathered, and the two and two were even more miserable to catch the opponent’s attack. Now it has become a collapse and was hit. No one noticed that Mingyue’s current position seemed to be worse than just now. The bodyguard was also counterattacked by the dying of the two guys, but it was only a little wound at the end of the crossbow. The small Japanese really made the capital. These four are not the same as the last two and a half of the finished products. I don’t know if I don’t know How much do they make such a monster! Mingyue quickly support the bodyguard, .



even the treatment of the bodyguard is so good ~!

The bodyguard took off the sunglasses, obediently, it turned out to be a big beauty -type beauty, .



it is similar to Mingyue.

It’s just that you look at a man’s dress, with short hair, and the corners of his mouth.

This kind of woman is not easy to mess with .






Kung Fu is also good!

Seeing the gangsters’s first, the chaos of the fans was a bit better, but the four gangsters were strange to make smoke, and they exploded for a while, and there was no bone left.

It was guessing that this kind of biochemical body must have some self -destructive devices, and the consequences must be considered before implementing this plan.

This kind of person fails to die.

In fact, they are not people.

If it weren’t for me, it would be a bit troublesome.

When we discussed in our box, the guards had gone back behind the scenes and the female darts.

“Mingyue’s cousin is so amazing, I will get four bad guys at once!”

Cherry said excitedly, “Yeah, it is the idol representative of our woman!”

Chen Da’s beauty who has always been calm is also praised! “Those bastards even dare to move even the cute people of Mingyue, it is damn, but the last phenomenon of their last phenomenon is strange?”

“I really don’t know who it is. So cruel!”

“Yeah yeah.”

Several other beauties looked at me with doubt, but I couldn’t find any flaws, and I couldn’t find any flaws. “Our Demon King will be sweaty when you see this scene!”

Needless to say, at this time, the stones falling in the well are naturally a big beauty of Huang Yawen, … I am really the unjust! Now when I think of it, I also feel a little scared. I was too impulsive just now. If the space jumps failed, it ’s all over. I’ m not enough. I ca n’t make Xueer sad. Now it ’s no bachelor. Stable, think about them more! However, good intentions are good reports. I did n’t expect to be successful because I felt too dangerous. I did n’t expect to be successful. With this experience, I will do it in the future. I feel excited! At this time Feiyun said to my ear quietly, “Husband, is it you just now?”

I looked at Feiyun in surprise. It was impossible. Even if the strong power was strong, it would not be possible to break through my field, and even if my movement was so fast, I couldn’t see the foundation of martial arts. ah! Seeing my doubts, Feiyun explained, “I always feel that the problem has happened just now. Although it is difficult to explain, it does seem to be a few seconds slower, and you must have left! You have the aroma on Mingyue! "

Khan …, this is a big flaw. It seems that if you want to do it, unless you do it, a little flawless action does not exist! “Rest assured, husband, people will keep secret for you!”

Khan … I didn’t expect Feiyun’s mental power to be sensitive to this level. Such subtle changes can be perceived, but it is only limited to one judgment. I said, how can my old and killer be so easy to be seen! But this also gives me alertness. What if I also encounter a master who can develop in the field? God will not just care for me! 1. “Ming”

, authors: alcohol, military, Bl_id = 5647 2. “Resurrection Battle in the Third Empire”

, author: single blade, military, BL_ID = 11543 The text is 10035th Month (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7259 “Orange Orange, you’re okay, scare your mother!”

A middle -aged beauty holding a check from the top to bottom, and was convinced that there was no problem before reassuring. “Xiaojing, thank you again this time!”

“Aunt, nothing, how much these little thieves come, how much I do, I even hit the bad idea on the orange’s head, it was just looking for!”

Although this little girl has tried to pretend to be elegant, … but still let the adults present headache! “Xiao Jing, you can’t be gentle. You don’t have a boyfriend so big, be careful not to marry in the future!”

“Grandma, don’t care about me, I don’t worry about 27, let’s take care of the orange orange first, people confessed today!”

“Yeah, orange, how to do it, don’t tell us such a big thing!”

Orange Orange’s mother was a little serious. “Mom ~~”

The easiest to deal with my mother, invincible trial hundreds of spoiled skills! “Yan Lao, let you laugh!”

Mingyue’s father said to an old man on the side, “Grandpa Yan won’t laugh at me, right?”

“Yes, yes, our little princess has a good person, a good thing! I don’t know which guy can get our oranges.”

The old man said with a smile. “Grandpa, you will make fun of others, don’t say it!”

“Master, how do I perform today, the four thieves let me fight the flowers!”

Speaking of this old man suddenly fell into thought, everyone felt something wrong, and everyone felt wrong. “Yan Lao, is there something wrong?”

The old man sighed, “… It’s hard to say, in the perspective of those four people, you can solve up to two at most, and the victory and defeat are only five or five, let alone solve the four people at once, but one Seeing me, I feel that the situation is wrong, I am going to take a shot! "

… … “Master, you said, why do you always sell Guanzi, you see if you do n’t help me, I will solve them!”

“No, there must be a problem. If you say this, I believe it even more, although I don’t know what happened in the middle, but I know that your strength is definitely empty, and the two people outside are hit. Impossible, and I faintly saw a figure flashed, as if in the direction of the box, strange! Is it my dazzling! "

“Master, do you look down on the prestige, how can you say that you can do everything in this world, do you have any action in this world?”

“Xiaojing tells you how many times, there are mountains outside the mountain, there are people outside, more people who are stronger than your master and me, but they generally don’t show up, and now it is not before. The development of capacity is beyond imagination, don’t take it lightly! "

“Huh, how can the kind of sneaky ability compare with our real gun and real knife!”

The old man shook his head helplessly. This little Nizi must have suffered a loss before he knew it was great! “There is another problem, they are definitely not humans, it is likely to be biochemical!”

“No, this is China, the forces of Little Japan have made progress!”

Orange Orange’s father said puzzledly, “Hum, there is no windy wall, it is always coming, the Japanese have the most suspicion, but recently received information, and a failed work of a biochemical person appeared in China, as if it was escaped from the laboratory, …. .. It turned out to be Chinese! "


“Who is so indifferent, and the world is so big, doing this kind of harm!”

“Hey, we are also investigating, so things are more complicated, no matter what, we will be careful in the future!”

Everyone nodded in favor! Mingyue’s big eyes blinked, “By the way, Grandpa, I don’t know what happened. I was stinging in the center of the stage. The old man patted his thighs, "

This is it. There must be a master who helps him from it. I feel strange. When did we make such a master here? Watching the old man rushing out, Mingyue nodded thoughtfully. ###### In the back room, Jin Zegang and Xing Jun. “Brother, you are too anxious. It is easy to be bad!”

Jin Zigang couldn’t help but blame Xing Jun, which was too dangerous. It’s dangerous. “What are you afraid of, there is no testimony of death, and someone is recognized and thought it was the Japanese. "

Hey, Xiao can’t bear to make a mess. The biochemical person is a trump card in our hands. It is not exposed to less than that. What did we use? “Hey, don’t be angry with my brother. This time I have been impulsive. I will not listen to you in the future. It is really a biochemical person who has been evolved. It’s not weak, the old -fashioned apprentice is so powerful? "

“… I dare not say this, maybe there are any secret tricks, or it is the help of high people. In short, we get a little lesson, that is, do not act lightly. Once you start, let them never turn over. ! "

“Look, will that master be Wang Zhong’s kid?”

“He, no, I keep paying attention to him, and this kid’s kung fu is not so scary. If you can do so many things in the blink of an eye from the box, and then sit in place without any matter. Become a fairy, haha! "

“This little boy is not very long, Yanfu is really not shallow, fork, and a little girl who is better than Xueer, and it is very pure. ah!”

“Well, I also saw it, let him be mad for a while, we don’t need to do it, just look at the fun!”

“You mean, Li Guoguang’s materials, cut, isn’t this looking for death!”

“Hey, we don’t know if we can’t find death, but I know that Wang Zhong’s kid is to be troublesome, but it is true, haha!”

“Haha, it’s still brothers, let’s go to find a few tender goods to relax!”

“I think you are going to eliminate the fire.”

“Haha, you still know me, I invite me, I heard that Shangri -La has a new good color color, wait for our brothers to open the bud!”

“By the way, Mingyue little baby said that he was intentional, wouldn’t it be our brother, if so, I didn’t smash my own rice bowl today, hey, I don’t mind enjoying the treasure of men with my brother.”

“Come on, I think it’ s a business propaganda. I do n’t believe that a man can resist her. Do n’t look at the girl ’s innocent appearance. hey-hey…… ###### We were just explained by the staff. As for what happened, we didn’t know, but in the presence of the mayor’s leadership, this happened, how could it be explained, just don’t give face! The fans cooperated very much, because they all wanted to find out the murderer. Without the police, they ate him and dared to move their goddess! However, today’s stimulus is large enough, but from the concert, it is better than the previous effect. It is a classic in the classics, and the ratings have reached a new high. The second shocking news is that Mingyue was interested in people, and the guy who was smashed by the pie and burned Gao Xiang in his life, he would have to love each other. If someone said so beforehand, it would be 100 % psychiatric. Add delusional disease, if you do n’t get it well, you have to be beaten up. But the fact is the fact, but after all, Mingyue did not say who that person was, so it seems that anyone is possible, and those who have a little chance to think they are themselves, and the enthusiasm of fans has risen several percentage points. The third is the sudden attack of the gangsters. Fans asked the government to find out the murderer immediately, otherwise they would smash the police station. Now the most headache is the director of the police station. He ordered the order. Within three days of this case, he would go home to hold his child. ………… After a while, the female bodyguard came in with Mingyue. Mingyue did not have the reaction after being frightened. Instead, she was a little happy. "

Let me introduce it to you, this is my cousin, everyone calls her sister Jing, the person who saved me just now is her.” Xiao Taimei, glanced at the room, saw my "

obstacle”, frowned, her face was disdainful, and she was good to the girls. Her strength was almost the same as Zhuge Qinger. If you have a power, you still have to be a little bit. It is indeed proud of his own ability. He has a good temper and does not show anything. Zhuge Qinger is cold and faint. Sumped out of the spark and communicated with his eyes for a long time. It seemed that he had to fight against each other. Zhuge Qinger was also a good madness, and naturally refused to let go of this opportunity. When they laughed, Mingyue came over quietly, "

How about my performance today?” "

Great!” "

What do you think of?” “.

.. What? Oh, think of it, a lot!” Pretending to be confused, my skills. "

Yueer, what are you doing there, come here soon.” As soon as the sister saw her sister talking to a silly man, she was angry. It ’s strange how the man was here. This box was not left for the good friends of the art club. ? (The family names are called orange names outside) "

I know it’s you, hum, don’t think I cheat, you can’t run out of my palm!” After speaking, he joined the discussion group of the women happily. …… Leave me alone drinking drinks, not walking, not to stay, … Fortunately, the drink here is very delicious, natural, and do not spend money to drink poor! The beauties discussed, I was here, I was frightened, and I won’t go wrong, and the little girl kept sweeping me around, like testing the goods, sweat, sweat, sweat, sweaty … … "

He is really your boyfriend?” Xiao Taimei could put two duck eggs in his mouth. She couldn’t think of the beautiful Tianzhisi girl like Xueer’s family. So a man, no talent, no color, not even qualified to eat soft rice. …… Is it so unbearable? Well on the street, I can also count on the middle and upper reaches. "

Husband, it’s great, but my sister doesn’t know!” Baby naturally stood up and gave me upset. This time, the little girl’s mouth is closed, otherwise the chin will fall. "

Both of you are his girlfriend? ??” Such an incredible thing happened. In her impression, excellent women, such as her, should have ten or twenty boyfriends. The excellent girls such as Xueer and Baby should choose any of the hundreds of outstanding men. As a result, two women’s servants appeared. It seemed that she was still sweet, incredible, and incredible. "

Wrong, it’s not the two of us, Sister Feiyun, sister -in -law, Sister Xiangzi!” "

You, you, are you all? ??" The end of the world is here, or this man is not human! Intersection Intersection This is Zhang Jing’s own thoughts. Seeing Feiyun’s nods happily, it is really a big two. "

Will you be forced to be bent at him?" Halo, really lost what she thought! However, of course, the beautiful women are full of shame, the reason for red is my one. The reason for Feiyunhong is waiting for me, but it is not the meaning of her guessed. However, Xiao Taimei thought she was about how high her IQ was, and she was going to find my troubles … Fortunately, she was pulled by Mingyue. "

Sister cousin, people are not like that, they don’t say yes, guessing at most, they are voluntary rather than forced!" Seeing them nodded, Xiao Taimei felt that her mind couldn’t keep up with the times. Is this popular today? Intersection Intersection "

What is good for him, appearance can only be considered popular, won’t be richer than Feng Xue’s family, and it will not be more right than Xiao Xue’s family. Khan …, I am polite, and when you arrive in your eyes, you have become a dwarf. What do you think too low? Besides, how can our feelings compare with money and power. The beautiful women laughed their waists. “You are wrong. He is handsome and handsome. You have to comment with Xueer, but when you talk about strength, I dare to say that he is right to you, only one trick!”

Zhuge Qing’er came up with such a word. Miss, you want to fight me, it is good, but this is not a trouble for me. “Speaking of power and money, he is definitely the first person in China!”

He spoke as my class teacher Lin Da Mei, … What did she mean? “Wang Zhong is the first master in the second world. You should have heard of the demon soul, you should always hear, don’t tell me you don’t play the second world?”

Huang Meiren also embarrassed me. …… Little Taimei watched the girls who gave me a grievance, “Don’t you like him, are you so anxious?”

The girls who played in a word were playing again. “Hey, buddy, how are we talking about?”

Regardless of Xueer, they told me like this. …… We don’t seem to talk about it, it seems that there is no common language. “Everyone said that you are very good, so let’s gamble, no need to say a trick, my master has no ability. If I win you, you will give me a few days to play the magic palace, how about it?”

“If you lose, you have to know that the Magic Palace converts into assets at least one billion!”

“This …, this way, if you win, how can I help you chase my cousin, how good my cousin is, how many blind men know, how about it, it is ideal, with my help, you have at least you have 50 % hope. "

When Mingyue heard her cousin bet her, she wrapped her ashamed. The intentional person noticed that Mingyue did not oppose it or even angry! Khan …, fierce enough, cousins can be used for transactions, … but I refuse! “Why?”

All the women stared at me and saw any appropriate excuses. Before I answered, my stomach yelled, and everyone laughed happily. This belly is really uncomfortable. It is not too late to finish when I finish talking. This is not to grab my voice. “Okay, let you go this time, we always have the opportunity, go, everyone goes to eat supper, please treat!”




In general, this Taimei is a straightforward person.

If you think of whatever you want, people are not bad.

Unfortunately, they only like her if they are abused.

After looking for a five -star hotel, we ate it happily and watched a concert.

No matter whether we sang or watched, we were tiring.

It was necessary to supplement energy.

So many beautiful women are testing, the clever is not talking, I just eat down and eat, I really want to eat poorly at once!

Although Xueer and Feiyun were talking while talking, they did not forget to add vegetables to me, and from time to time, I gave me a sweet smile, which made me feel coldly.

The little girl in Mingyue also made fun of me from time to time .






This is both heaven and hell.

If I choose to choose, I will .



Fight immediately!

Intersection Intersection Finally, I finished eating this meal, and I couldn’t move my way.

Everyone was tired, so I lived in the hotel.

One person, one person, .



the plan tonight is soaked in soup.

I fell asleep as soon as I went to bed \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ###### In the morning, Feiyun called me up, and Xueer gave this difficult task to her.

It was a comfortable thing to see such a big beauty in the morning.

Good weather, sunny, .



the most important thing is to stay away from that little girl.

Today is the first day after the holidays, and everyone has to return to school.

When you go back to school, Feiyun will go back and deal with things.

Her affairs have already notified my mother -in -law.

She said that everything is done, and a capable wife is good, saving my strength.

Xueer and I dare to return to school.

Mingyue and Xiaotai have gone, and she has returned to school, leaving only Xueer waiting for me.

There are advertisements on the campus.

Everyone also talks about it, but it is more about yesterday’s concerts.

It seems that the mastermind has been arrested!

Li Zi was issuing leaflets there, and when we saw us, we immediately greeted them.

“Boss, the big sister -in -law is good in the morning, the younger brother shows the latest morning newspaper, there is a big news on it!”

“Ah! Yesterday’s mastermind was caught!”

Baby pointed at the top title above. It turned out that someone went on surrendering last night, saying that it was a fans of Mingyue, who loved her too much, so I spent money to hire underworld to hijack the Mingyue. Now I feel sorry for Mingyue, so come to plead guilty! Halo is just farting. When will the underworld have biochemical people? … This is politics. I don’t think they can find out the real masterpiece, I don’t know who is so unlucky to do the dead ghost! … … There is nothing today. It is mainly for the recruitment of special forces. It will take tomorrow to officially sign up, and it will go through a series of tests. Of course, it is completely voluntary. Unfortunately, we just saw that our Xing University was chief, but this guy seemed to have nothing like nothing. With a smile on us, I am not a person who likes to do right and wrong, so I didn’t follow Xueer yesterday. Said to the baby, after all, their relationship was not bad before, and the family had a good deal at home, and I have no handle so far. He laughed, I laughed, who was afraid of whom, but you must not have brains on Xueer, otherwise, hum, I am not a soft -handed person! Originally, this guy wanted to come up with our politeness, but there were too many people who consulted. When we think of it, we have gone far away. Cher and Baby now have something to do with me. Although I do n’t know what I want, at least I know that I hate Xing Jin, so they also subconsciously alienate them. “By the way, she still wanted to ask me to go out some time ago, but I was playing the world at that time, but I didn’t care about him!”

“Ah, Jin Zegang also invited me, saying what to do with dinner, I said that something was in Tianxun said, he refused to say, I just ignored him.”

Xueer also said Essence …… These two asshole have already started, it seems that they have to give them some colors to see! Xiangzi naturally understands my thoughts. “Xueer, baby, I think Xing Jin is not easy. In the future, there is still such a thing to tell us, so I see that they are not much better than Daquanchun Saburo. better.”

“Xueer, baby, I don’t deliberately say their bad things, I don’t want to say some things!”

I told them in the morning, of course, there were some “deeds”

about them. “Husband, how can we not believe you? We will be careful. These two bastards even hit me and my baby’s head!”

“They hit you, but it wasn’t a day or two, but it was destroyed by my sudden big gray wolf. You should not fight the snakes first. On the surface, I still want to see what they want to play! "

You can play conspiracy, and we will also cloth trap! … In addition, there is a bad news. Daquan Chun Saburo climbed back again. Seeing his proud look, he seemed to cure his “disappointment”.

Seeing Xueer, they also have desires. They are beast -like desires. This is a troublesome guy, and the courage is not ordinary. … What is the purpose of him to come to China? It must not be a simple study abroad. He and Jin Zegang are a type of person. Power is in front of women, while Xing Jun is the kind of power and women. The result can only be failed! It seems that the brothers Li Dongtie will be staring at him! Finding the Li Dongtie brothers, the two are also talking about the special forces recruiting people. It turned out that their family decided to let Li Jianmin participate in the army, and the elder brother planned to be separated. For the peripheral forces, the military must have them! Tell Li Dongtie to them that we do not disturb the things between the two brothers. There are still a lot of things waiting for me. I’m really busy! 1. “Ming”

, authors: alcohol, military, Bl_id = 5647 2. “Resurrection Battle in the Third Empire”

, author: single blade, military, BL_ID = 11543 Text Hundred and Thirty -six Parade Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7522 After dealing with the school, I hurriedly went online. After all, today is a big event, and my boss is not too face. As soon as it was launched, the news of Xiaomao smashed it. No need to see it, it must be let me go quickly. When I found him, it was like a fat ant on a hot pot. “Boss, you are just showing up!”

A “leap”

rushed towards me, … but it looks like a meatball is playing on the ground, … if you can shoot If you come down, you are absolutely classic. I think the guy will definitely buy a big price! It stopped his excessive intimate movement, I don’t want to be taken advantage of him, … the most important thing is his terrible weight! “Xiao Mao, how are you preparing, how is it?”

As the leader of the Magic Palace, he always has to do something, otherwise he will be said to be unable to do business again, so he knows that he is picking up girls! “Boss, you can rest assured that I do something, and now I am lacking in Dongfeng. I think it should be a little bit of the Central Plains’ first combination. Because this is a good finale, today’s project is the establishment of the Shanglian, but Qingqing apple incense The daily flow of Yanhuang City has passed 10 million. This morning, the game was stuck, haha, this is the first time to open up! "

It is no wonder that Xiao Mao is happy. With so many people, his credit is indeed not small! “But the system has been adjusted, and it is not a problem to be doubled now. Didn’t you find that the space of our Yanhuang City was amplified?”

Dizzy, I came over without breath, how could I pay attention to this. “Boss, Qingqing apple fragrance, eternal ancient magician, love New Coroluto, illegal entry, the four fairy is all here, desperate three wolves, heart moon, hearthearts are entertaining them, you can pass!”

“Okay, wait for Xueer to come, let them come too!”

I walked towards the living in the living. Sure enough, the characters in the Central Plains were all coming. The arrangement of the seat is also very particular. In fact, it is also divided into the power of the power. Beauty priority, naturally no one earns them, so they sit the first, which is also convenient for everyone to appreciate. Two guys are an online grasshopper. I heard that the benefits of unsatisfactory the business alliances are not expected. Of course, he also has to do things for Qingqing apple. After all, businessmen are rich and wealthy. The use of unremarkable killer alliances is great, shopping malls are like battlefields! The forever ancient magician, and the four fairy are our allies.

This time, the establishment of the Shang Federation also has a share of half the owner.

Naturally, they are a group.

Help, .



but how can I thank me for becoming a big problem of headache?

It really doesn’t work only .



As the illegal entry of neutralists, Aixin Jue Luo is a group.

Two people are also a pity.

The second and third master of Heavenly List is also a character standing at the peak.

, A calm, an infatuation, a ruthlessness, the two people are very harmonious, but they rarely speak, but give people a wonderful feeling.

Intersection In addition to the seven conferences, there are many other masters.

In fact, although the Seven Congress Association is powerful, there are already several ways to catch up, breaking our monopoly.

, Killer Chunqiu and so on, the way of the warrior alliance of the heroes, the killer is the way of the thief alliance, of course, the other occupations are also collected, but the proportion is relatively low.

I will do one of them secretly and secretly, but because the interests are not directly conflict, they have not gently raised their incidents.

When they develop, no one is willing to act lightly to prevent others from picking up cheap.

The more famous power factions in various places are almost here.

Another group of striking is the individual businessman.

They are fully developing the economy and not participating in the game.

They are relatively old.

Find a partner you can cooperate.

The military guild needs money, and the business guild needs a bodyguard.

Naturally, the two sides naturally take a shot.

Judging from the smile on the face, the harvest is not shallow.







The beauty next to Qingqing apple incense is .




This beauty is obviously a grade with her fascination.

There is a faint smile on her face.

There are not many words.

There is a touching style in the bright eyes.

Is it a moving style?

This woman who keeps war is still thinking about.







It really is extraordinary!

The woman’s eyes were keen, and they realized that someone was observing her at once, and immediately at the door, since I found it, I would naturally look like just coming in.

“Thank you for your friends, the younger brother delayed for a while, and I hope forgive!”

As soon as I, of course, the audience has to be concentrated to me. Those who do not know each other must be polite. After all, the invitation to be invited by the Magic Palace is to acknowledge their strength and status. of. “Brother Soul Eater, it’s really a big deal. If you don’t make a sound, you will be amazing. I have to say that Qingqing apple incense is indeed a charming person. Knowing that the most affected thing in the Federation of Commercial Federation is his business alliance, but on the surface, it is not revealed at all. "

That is, if the younger brother can’t pick up the pot in the future, the soul -elixir will be able to help him.” The eternal ancient magician on the side came in, "

Haha, no one who can compare to the undead, but you do nothing!” "

Oh, where, where, serve the people, and serve the people!” This is a laughed that everyone laughed. This guy is very good at doing things. Every time he starts, it is 100 % grasped. For the upper -level figures of some heavyweight guilds, in fact, he can make him jealous. There are a few people who are so limited, but the anger still cannot mess with it! "

Brother Soul Eater, the younger brother also gave a small meeting ceremony while taking this opportunity.” He said a piece of paper from his pocket, "

It stands to say that we cannot leak the secrets of customers is our killer’s rules, but it is necessary to say this matter, even if it is bad rules, because after investigation, the entrusted person turned out to be Japanese! To be precise, it is for Japan for Japan. Traitor served by people. " "

Oh, I didn’t expect that I was worth so much money. If I didn’t spend money in the future, I could consider selling myself. “Yeah, due to level restrictions, international exchanges are very inconvenient. I heard that developers are also thinking about this problem, and they will soon give a result!”

Aiye Ronaldo gave us a useful information. “Oh? Is it accurate?”

Qingqing apple incense suddenly asked. “Accurate!”

Ai Xin Jue Luo has very little words, everyone knows that his personality doesn’t care. However, a few people have noticed a problem. Qingqing apple incense is one of them. The identity of love Xin Juero is not simple. The developer has made this decision. I only knew that it was a treasure that was treasured as a baby. I did not expect that Aixiansuo just said it casually, and it was not appropriate at all. It is worth paying attention. Xiaomao has heard this news recently, but the smile on the fat face has not decreased at all. It is essential for a successful merchant. In the face of me, I always have a bitter face, as if I have to pass on everything to me, sweat … “Boss, the big sister -in -law is here!”

“Everyone is not around, the hospitality is not available!”

While saying hello to people, Xiao Mao’s memory is good. It seems to be an old friend that everyone can say. , The real manager is naturally all kinds of please, more polite than me … ###### In fact, no one has persuaded Xiao Mao to stand on his own. With his power, he can definitely do a big career. Why should he be defeated? In the eyes of outsiders, especially the business leaders, I am at most a very famous signboard. All operations and activities are manipulated by Mao Mao. Xiaomao just smiled and shook his head with a smile, “The leaves are long and lush, the flowers bloom well, and the leaves will wither immediately after leaving the root.”

“The quotation of the commercial giant of the”

world “character in the world —— Money Mao”

This article focuses on the best combination of the entire world in the future. Behind the scenery of the devil’s soul -elixir, a person is silently paving all the way to him. It is the key to the Magic Palace. This is also the most headache for their opponents, a combination that is difficult to break. Especially at the moment of many changing moments in the future, Gaoming’s opponents always want to destroy their alliances from the inside, but there is no success. The assets are given to the previous process without wishes, which is also something else I don’t think about. ###### After a while, Xueer, mood, Feiyun, Xiangzi, baby came in, obviously after some careful dressing and earning my face. In this way, the beautiful women who have been in the top color list for the first time gathered, and many of them were just famous and did not meet. This time, it was the first time. Nirvana’s reborn Phoenix goddess snow, wearing the artifact “blessing of water god”

, a beautiful figure, and the appearance of the appearance, the artifact is brilliant, and it is even more beautiful and beautiful. … It seems that Xue’er’s good wife has also made a capital. Before, she always felt that the crown was too exaggerated, so she was not often brought. This time, she even put it on. It’s right. Yundai Fairy Feiyun, a simple warlock robe, has no extra decoration. If Cher is like a gentle and noble goddess, then Feiyun is a pure and quiet nun, which makes people feel pity and unbearable to disturb her tranquility. , But under this gentle appearance, no one dares to doubt the status of her first warlock, and her talents are all beautiful, especially the beautiful spirit, which makes people fascinating. Xueer Feiyun will only complement each other without conflicting. The types are different. I illegally entered the country to look at her eyes is still so attached. Seeing her different affection for me, the blind man also knew what happened between us. Besides, she now comes out with Xueer. Xinyue will come to the venue in advance. “Illegal brother, when you should let go, the man’s husband, when he breaks it!”

Ai Xinjin on the side saw the confused eyes of illegal entry and persuaded. “Love, the brother will not understand the feelings that you have not experienced it. I lost to the soul -loving brother. I have no complaints. Besides, this is her own choice. I hope she can be happy, but I can’t turn over for a while. Just laughed! "

Ai Xinjin Roche silently looked at illegal entry, and looked at me again, thinking about it. Feihua Witch is fascinated, a rose suit, pink and gorgeous costumes highlighting the stingy figure, a delicate rose flower in my hand, a faint aroma mixing the unique femininity, enough to attract men’s eyes, especially her popular enthusiastic enthusiasm The temperament of temperament is doubled. Almost everyone present wanted to communicate with her. This was exhausting the landlord. Of course, it was not good to desperate the three wolves. “One of the pro -soldiers, but there is still a lot of difficulties from the success of the revolution. I can hide now, but I don’t want to let Xueer.

Feiyun is unhappy.

Later, they got dead orders.

It is not impossible to increase beauty in the future.

They are not vinegar.

Xueer and Feiyun, otherwise don’t think about it.

Khan .



There are a few of them in this world.

Little Witch Xiaoxue, the most popular green leaf archer costume, beautiful face, lively and cute character, a different kind of beauty make her pay attention, after all, different ages are beautiful of different ages, and now they have such amazing The beauty of beauty is still back.

She is the youngest in the beauty of the beauty, and the development potential is naturally the largest.

I must envy her youth.

After marrying the water fairy, the water fairy is rarely showed up.

This time, I have maintained a low -key on the court, but the kind of young woman’s style, faint resentment, adds more people, but relatively speaking, because it is relatively low -key, because it is relatively low -key In addition to the previous “change”

, it rarely received attention. Let’s say that the apple incense is next to it, but this is probably what she desires. There will be a disappointment look. It is a pity that the war is not there. What can you do? When you see each other, you can see the troubles. At this time, the war kept running into Kunlun. With several experiences, and after the strength of strength, he is now mixed near Kunlun all day long. When the leveling, he went to the leveling area below Kunlun. After the task, I was going to explore. The daily life is very fulfilling. There are no troubles and enjoying the joy of the game. He also knows the news of the Grand Ceremony of the Magic Palace, but all of them have nothing to do with now because he has nothing to do now, because he has nothing to do now because he has nothing to do. Knowing that there is not one more, there are a lot of him, and he is not successful. He is also cruel this time! Now he has nothing to do, he has no other people’s luck and no talent, but he has a perseverance. He firmly believes that as long as you work hard, he will always gain a day! The other two are the beauty combination, a group of four fairy, and the five sisters of the heart of the family. The same attractiveness, especially except for the mood, is all famous flowers. Although it is the same, they naturally know how big the “pressure”

is with their sensitivity. The woman is definitely the best choice. It is both enthusiastic and not responsible. Therefore, the man’s first choosing his own goal from the four fairy and the sisters of the heart. Once successful is the two -person wealth, and it is also a symbol of identity. In particular, it is intended to break the start of the current pattern. Own. Of course, while the new forces have continued to rise, the advantages that the old forces have followed up have also developed greatly. Fortunately, there are too many players in China, so there will be no major conflict on members, but because of commercial resources, but because of commercial resources The fierce fighting in the face has already begun, so the Magic Palace must also make a look. Everyone has finished greeting, and time is almost the same. We came to the newly -built Commercial Federation Headquarters together. This super -large free trade zone occupied the size of a first -class city and adjacent to the Magic Palace. Along with the Magic Palace, the parade was carried out at the same time. This is proposed by the mood. You must show everyone the powerful combat effectiveness of the Magic Palace to better develop the Merchant Federation, especially for some ghost guides a warning. Recently, some emerging guides are very rampant. Probably the birth calfs are not afraid of tigers. Everything dares to do everything. The Magic Palace has been harassed several times, but I try to press it as much as possible. If we dare to be provocative, we must give the lightning -like devastating blow to effect! The grand parade began. The first thing that passed was the regular legion of our Demon Palace. This time, 20,000 people were dispatched, and the combat effectiveness was more than 15,000. Next is the main military regiment, with the combat effectiveness of more than 20,000! First of all, the review of the magic thief and the magic bow group. Each team is a thousand people. The head of the demon thief is the “cat fish”

level 74 thief. The head of the Magic Palace “Feixue Shoot Egret”

level 75, the first archer of our magic palace. The way of sneak marching adopted by the magic thief group appeared in a while, disappeared for a while, and added mystery. This spectacular scene of this group using submersible surgery was the first time. Under the leadership of the head of the team, the magic bow was led by the head of the regiment. Frozen arrows are like fireworks. Next is the warlock group led by Xueer and Feiyun, the beautiful woman, the leader is the unparalleled peerless Shuangjiao. Xueer put out Xueyun out and started the goddess’s blessing (the crown and belt turned out to be a set in a set The two pieces of us were surprised by us), a white light shot directly from Xueer’s head from the head of Xueer, and there was also a goddess of the goddess holding aquarius behind him (don’t underestimate this energy goddess, she is not just good -looking. ), With energy stimulation, Xueyun quickly becomes larger. If the real phoenix hovers in the air, if the substantive energy feathers emit the coldness of Sen, the warlocks drink, a super big gossip bundle spell appears, the sound effect effects Good. Cher also recently discovered that the goddess’s blessings have an impact on Xueyun. With the power of artifacts, Xueyun can maintain the state of Phoenix for a certain period of time. Of course, the power is far worse than the real Phoenix. The strength, but from the outside, is amazing enough, especially many people have seen the terrible destructive power after the transformation of the firebird flying clouds. The Qingqing apple incense also looked at each other. At that time, the scenes now remembered that they were still worried. The power of the super god beast was not the ability to resist humans! Next is the Magic Division. The Magic Division that has worked together by the Institute of Magic has added power. After all, I also started from the mage. The power of the mage in the guild is still huge. The mage launched magic together, a huge “magic palace”

appeared in the air. Next is the most noticeable magic group led by the mood and desperate wolf. The most powerful troops in the Magic Palace, two groups of ground troops and air forces, have a personal combat effectiveness of more than 25,000. Still they are the most picky, riding the crystal dragon (temporarily borrowed with love) to hold the fantasy weapon of the warrior —— The jasper slaughter of the dragon knife, it is simply the limelight. The dragon knife felt the excitement of the warrior’s fighting, and the sword of the sky responded to each other. Since “opening the light”

, the Dragon Sword is now becoming more and more sensitive, as if with life. The desperate three wolf riding “sending”

also patted the hair head in a timely manner, and immediately raised the sky with “send”

and “Little Zi”

at the same time. For a while, the cry of the top sanctuary of the three heads was full of the square, and the snow clouds under the blessing of the artifact were fulfilled to show the style of the king of the birds. The crystal dragon showed a state of fighting, even more fierce, and invincible. Black inflammation, the body has doubled the “hair”

, with the unique pride unique to the dark wolf tribe, looking down at the group. The majesty of the dragon, the momentum of the phoenix, and the nobleness of the dark royal family, make all the audience feast! Players who have no recovery can be a little troublesome. The pets are immediately scared by their momentum and dare not move or just snoring. No pets under the will of the owner will be reacted with instincts. Sending, Xiao Zi can all surpass the nine -level super pet, which is what they can resist. The five teams gathered together and shouted together —– Long live the Magic Palace! Long live the devil! (Halo, engage in personal worship, must be the ghost of this guy Xiaomao! Sure enough, this fat man’s eyes are dumped around and don’t show me here.) Naturally, I also have to express that at this time, it was the time to strengthen the prestige of the magic palace and my own prestige and dominance. A guild without absolute leadership was a scattered sand, which could not be a climate. Although it was not so exaggerated, it was still necessary! Qianlong Shengtian —— Shenglong! A real dragon air overlooking the world has risen, and the eight -claw gold dragon has no room for stretching body under the restraint of space. For a while, the audience was glittering. The dragon Xiao Xiao, even the three saints immediately climbed down honestly. This is the real king’s spirit. Under the stimulus of the artifact “real dragon”

, the king’s set also resonated. Dragon gas began to evolve! A magnificent eight -claw gold dragon gradually emerged on my king’s armor. So everyone’s eyes are stunned. Everyone has heard of the artifact Zhenlong. The super invincible baby, others say so amazing, but no one has seen it, this time it is really full of eyes. More than well -known! Especially when I saw a dragon shape on my body, I was even more surprised. The guys of the desperate three wolves followed coaxing. Qingqing apple incense, they have been preparing for their hearts, and they don’t care much, but they are inevitable to have such a great momentum to the Magic Palace. The bosses of the emerging forces, especially some of the guys who made the moods, were scared, and they couldn’t help touching their necks. Fortunately, they didn’t do it. It’s not that I blow, a little smaller guild, the magic group can easily flatten!

Now everyone is more believed that I have killed tens of thousands of small Japanese in Japan.

There is such an artifact to help.

But in any way, this performance has received the result of beyond imagination.

In fact, there are even greater benefits, but I have never thought of it now!

The momentum of the Magic Palace shocked everyone present!

The worship of human beings is inherent!

Intersection 1.

“Exotic Life”

, author: Northwest Wolf, History, BL_ID = 1770 2. “Sword Fairy -Sword of the Cultivation”

, author: civilians, Xianxia, BL_ID = 5441 The protocol of the text of the 10037 Four Fairy (Part 1) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 8324 The grand parade left a deep feeling for men. Ordinary people are excited, stimulus, worship, capable people, and people who are unwilling to have the above feeling. There is such a day. But in the same way, everyone is eager to be on them. In the subconscious, he has regarded him as himself! And women are different. As their wives, they are more happy than themselves than themselves. They are more excited than me. And other women’s eyes are full of worship, it may be temporary, but it is only a moment of excitement, but at least they have a impression in their hearts, the impression of my man. The beauties on the VIP seats are so hot to see my eyes, especially the fascination. Why is her daughter who has a high heart than the sky, so she hopes that her man is a top character, so she has been procrastinating to now, and finally was finally being delayed. She waited, the man in front of him was the most consistent with the standard! But the situation is obviously not as beautiful as imagined. Her most proud appearance, body, style, is not outstanding among her wife, and he is even avoiding herself. Is it to desperate the three wolves? Maybe! She firmly believes that as long as it is a man, there will be weaknesses, and according to the soul -elixir, beauty is the most obvious weakness! Although the appearance is not the most beautiful inside, there is definitely no one in the means of confusing men! She still has confidence in this point, and now she needs opportunities and time! After success, just find a way to squeeze other women! In fact, she is still too arrogant. In the aspect of confusing people, Xiangzi is an expert, but she only exerts her husband alone! No wonder you fight for me to fight for power. It is indeed a thing that allows people to give up everything. I did not expect that I had inadvertently opened a precedent. In the future, all the strong guides must have such a parade in major activities. Of course, of course If the scale is too small, it is shameful to take it out. Any activity holds such an event is to announce to others that I will occupy a place in the Central Plains. Of course, not everyone is like this. For example, I should also be counted as one. This kind of prestige feels the most good, but the status of them in my heart cannot be compared. Maybe I belong to the kind of love rivers and mountains and love. The “prodigal”

of the beauty. The grand parade has reached a climax before our activity starts. People will consume more fiercely when they are emotional and emotional. Xiao Mao has laughed at it! The first opening is naturally a long -established free trade market, which attracted merchants and players from all over the Central Plains. The goal is to become the business center of the Central Plains! This is also our main project. In addition to our Magic Palace, we also invested a lot of funds and equipment in it, the signature of the Institute of Magic, the magic prop, also moved the headquarters. The business is also being transferred here, and it is lively with the strength of our three. As for the other several meetings, we are still at the watching stage. Auction houses, appraisal centers, alchemy centers, and specialized service centers, as the market components are also well improved to meet the requirements of merchants and customers! Another most characteristic industry is the “gaming center”

, which has been established after special approval. Originally, Xiaomao had a lot of strength and it was still unsuccessful, because it was government -controlled in this regard. Individuals will be allowed. But when I knew that Xiaomao represented the Magic Palace, I found me. Halo, it turned out to be asking me. In order to balance my strength, under the pressure of Japan, I canceled my internationally reward. Although the SSS -level task was used as compensation, it was still under great pressure of public opinion pressure. , … The problem is that the SSS -level task is not given to me due to a series of reasons. At the same time, they are afraid that I will promote this. Estimated the loss, so I took one step back in both aspects. I am not pursuing this issue. They give us the special ownership of the gaming company, but the upper limit of the gaming is 100,000 gold coins, and the highest upper limit of the individual day is the same. As for how to cope with the application of other gaming, use the magic palace to drill the empty and establish it before the system is made, so the system cannot interfere, and it will be prohibited in the future. Prepare this business. …… I have no choice but to come to this step. I ca n’t get the SSS -level task now. I said how to drag it for so long, but this compensation is also good. According to Xiaomao estimation It’s still cost -effective, so we can only agree. Although other walks will be jealous, they can only accept this fact. In fact, the price I paid is not small, SSS -level tasks, lost clouds, and the name of listening to it for a long time is a good thing! Now the market’s top soldiers, ghosts, and artifacts are incredible, but there are many people who have rich people who buy it! But it’s weird. No one sells artifacts at the high price … It seems to be talking about myself, I am half my own! But I have considered it, which one is not good now, “Zhenlong”

? It’s just farting. I don’t have any of it, but if you think about this artifact now, only I can use it. The start of the real dragon needs to be amazing. The skills are used by soldiers … … This is not designed for me! Demon warrior, my health and magic value are according to the mage’s model, and the attributes are dual attribute growth. The weapons and equipment on the body are dual attributes. Only I can exert the power of “true dragon”.

It will be furnishings! The compromise of the God of War, this is not enough. The mage’s health is too small. Even if I am already 85, I only have 320 points of life. Although my defense and agility can high, these are not enough to ensure that I am attacking the attack. It can be intact, and even if there is the protection of the shield and fighting gas, it can only resist the attacks of two or three 75 masters. If it is a sneak attack, it is even more difficult to say, let alone a large -scale battle! This is why the mage has been unable to become the hegemist. It is too fragile, and no matter how strong the attack power is! And my magic value is as high as 2250 points. The compromise of the God of War suddenly made me a qualitative change. It can be said that without it, there is no me today. With its coordination, I am equivalent to 2570 points of life. In this way, I have the capital of hard work! So the Lord of the Rings is actually the most important! The truth in the illusion is the weapon I attacking, and it is also the key to winning less. At the same time, the phantom avatar is also a magic weapon for life. This naturally cannot be sold. The rest is the call of the banshee. Generally speaking, it is the least useful now, but it doesn’t matter if it is sold, but if it is sold, there is a problem. I don’t want to see someone cited A large group of monsters came to make trouble, … still the most at ease in me. Others will not be sold one by one. In fact, selling artifacts as killing chickens and getting eggs, drinking and quenching thirst is the same. Besides, I don’t lack money now, don’t consider this problem! The gaming center is definitely a highlight. Everyone in the hearts of luck, the competition is about to be held soon, and the more exciting one has issued odds. Until now, more than 500,000 people have been betting. We stipulate that the offline is 10 gold coins. Magic props buying and selling is another highlight. This time, we and the Institute of Magic have made this business bigger. The most popular is the magic scroll. Although we can only put some low -level magic, it is not for those who are not in the illegal profession. It is a gospel, a tiny gap in battle can determine victory or defeat! The finale is a tavern in the fantasy series! Sure enough, as soon as the opening of the business today, even the business of the first floor of the world was snatched for a while.

All places were full.

Xiao Mao was very satisfied with this situation.

The business, because the tavern is new after all, it will definitely affect the income of the first floor in the short term, but the crowd they targets are different.

The first floor is mainly in high -end business, and the taverns are mainly popular business.

After that, it will probably stabilize.

After all, some activities are not carried out in the tavern!

Qingqing apple incense and endless endless moves have been stunned by our series of actions.

The show they thought of showing shows and small tricks, but did not expect that the effect was so great.

Of course, whether everything is smooth, there are still some confusion in the free trade zone.

Some people deliberately find trouble.

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