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He was cruel and hot.

It was most dangerous to deal with such enemies -like enemies like this poisonous snake.

If he accidentally bite him, it’s over!

The second master of the latest list of Aixin Corolla, as a archer as a archer, to the second of the list of the list of the second list.

What kind of strength is?

It was the first to exclude it outside.

Although this is not to indicate that the demon king is afraid of him, it can only say that the devil agrees with his strength!

Just by this point, everyone wants to move him and weigh himself!

The Elf Garden of Aixin Caleicor is a mysterious place.

I heard that there are many beautiful women and more gold coins, which is simply heaven .



but there is no such thing as a big piece of meat.

Woolen cloth?

I heard that the elven garden was surrounded by a huge forest, and the heaven can be kept .






in the forest, fighting with these archers is no different from looking for death.

They have been planned for a long time, so the Elf Garden of Aixin Reno is not advisable.

The Magic Research Institute of the Eternal Magic Master is also very oily and water.

This guy sells magic equipment but has sent a lot of wealth, but the problem is that you and the city where Master N is stationed in the city is no different.

The private relationship between the magician and the soul -eater is very good.

From their close cooperation in the Shanglian, their interests are linked, and when the Magic Palace was dangerous, the Institute of Magic was also helpful and helped to help and help.

The personality of people like soul -eating is definitely grace and grievances!

The Institute of Magic is not advisable!

In fact, I do n’t need to take my magic palace at all.

If they have experienced the East Expedition, they know how terrible the magician Legion under the leadership of the eternal ancient magician.

The little Japanese that kills is rolling!

Let them be the siege for the siege alone, because the natural restrictions of the mage must not work, but if the city is guarding the city, it is how much to die, and the wall of the Magic Institute is second only to the Magic Palace, super strong!

In the end, there are only the killing halls that are not dead!

This old boy dares to climb out of the day when he is old (in fact, only in his 40s), and he still has no book sale.

It is rumored that this guy has been fishing a lot.

I think that a group of thieves can do what amazing events, and now they have to spit out by them.

China is not a saying “the murderer”.

When they do it for heaven, and the current forces can only be surrounded by the edge of the list, and their personal strength is not very strong. As long as the boss of the two guilds can get him at the same time! As for the alliance between him and Qingqing apple incense, outsiders may not know that the Qinglong in them happened to be the person who knew the roots. The two guys cooperated on the surface. , Qingqing Apple Xiang may also take a vote on the banner of rescue. Besides, even if they come to rescue, this guy will definitely not die. They only need to send a troops to drag the reinforcements. Victory will still be a victory. They belong to them! The most aggressive and powerful and powerful sessions in the new guild are reorganized and established ————– Qinglongtang, Suzakang, Baihu Hall, Xuanwutang! The boss of Qinglongtang is their leader. It is more mysterious and never showed up. He planned this “Tianxuan Plan”

that subverted the Central Plains forces in one hand. The Qinglong Hall under his men is all masters, and there are also the strongest in the four halls. When they recruit people, they are very simple. The combat effectiveness must be more than 20,000. They now think that the time has arrived. While clearing the apple incense and immortality, they have united all the guilds that are dissatisfied with them and give them a “surprise”

! The Magic Palace is lively and extraordinary, and it is too busy over there. On the surface, there is a quiet waves, but the dark current is surging. The dynamics of clearing and Qingqing apple incense just happened to be caught off guard while they were not ready! Time is set in the first challenge of the world! The endless and Qingqing apple incense must be participating in the war, making them lack of skills. Even if they rush back, hum, the mind must be affected! With no intention of mind, the victory is great! I, Xueer, and Qingqing apple incense. The guests who love the young Consultiles have begun to seat, waiting for this to be held. Illegal entry quietly to the Qingqing apple incense ears, “Big fish began to swim the water!”


Qingqing Apple nodded silently. “I do n’t know how many people are living, but it’ s even … "

A conspirator next to Qingqing apple incense was about to say that he was alert and quickly closed his mouth. Two people “laughed”

together, and the people next to them were inexplicable, but the whole body was cold. I don’t know what the two guys are here here, … I don’t know who is unlucky! ………… “Boss, there is a change!”

The cat fish ran quietly. “Oh? Does anyone want to stir us?”

This is not good news. “No, the guild named the four saints combined with a group of Wuhe people who wanted to get rid of the endless killer hall!”

“Oh? How is their strength? It’s not small!”

“The strength of the four saints is okay. Their boss is also the first figure, but this time the operation is not wonderful. It is obvious that the immortal and Qingqing apple incense is obviously known. Now there is no response .. … “.

" "

Oh, I know these two foxes and a poisonous snake. How could we know, they don’t know, they seem to want to come to pretend to be a pig to eat tigers!” "

Then we are …” "

Find a reliable member who leaked this news ‘unintentional’. After all, it is rare to have a little star fire. I don’t want him to be extinguished before he did not! If necessary, if necessary, if necessary, if necessary, if necessary, You can also help them quietly. " "

Boss, you are really dangerous!” "

The prize and the prize, do you still apply for the other way!" Opposite the table. Master of the Magic Palace —— Slid VS Uncle’s Mysterious Beautiful Girl —— Surgorous Cat Thieves of Killer Hall ——- Miao Shi Xiaoyou VS The Warriors of Xiaoyao Emperor City —— Infatuated Seeds The Warlock of the Fantasy Rose Group —— The warrior of the Qiuyu Moisturizing VS Business League —— a sword sealed throat The archer of the Elf Garden is Meimei —— Master of the Midsummer Fruit VS Institute of Magic ——- Element Messenger. What happened just now made me a little interesting. It’s always boring for such a few people. Hehe, finally came out of the guild with courage to challenge! … why did that participant look at me like this? Is there a gray on his face? Intersection Intersection … From that fierce look, it seems that it will not be secretly in love with me! … I don’t remember when to offend such a little beautiful! If I can’t afford it, I can’t hide, I turn! "

Husband, what do you think of this game?" I asked in the mood, the novice representative of the Magic Palace was chosen by her, a good mage, although the level is not high, but the combat awareness and experience are good. talent. "

What matches?" I was considering how to make Qingqing apple incense and unsatisfactory work. "

Husband, what else can there be, of course, it is our demon king’s spike game, wouldn’t you watch a beauty?" Baby looked at me suspiciously. Khan … It’s not that I am so embarrassed. You want to have a woman who doesn’t know each other to see the true you fiercely. It looks like a deep hatred and hate! "

Yes, husband, what do you think?" Cher also spoke. "

Do our sisters be by your side, can you still think of others?" Khan … even the shy clouds have always started to learn badly! "

Let’s see if our good husband avoids it!" Xiangzi is the most calm, and it is a word. Everyone looked at the battle venue of the quarterfinals. Sure enough, the melancholy kitten cat was staring at the soul -eating soul, and the anger was full of anger. … Seeing the eyes of the five women is also unhappy! "

Her husband honestly, do you have done something to the little girl?" "

Frankly not widen, but the resistance must be heavy, strict, quickly dealt with!" "

No, how can you be willing to start with such a beautiful little sister? Isn’t there a pedophile?" Baby looked at me slyly, "

You can guess right now, our baby is not the typical one of them!" "

Sister, where is the small!" Saying his breasts, … Baby, this little Nizi is getting more and more charming now, and it is incredible! “.

.. But the beauty, I am really injustice than Dou E. I have also seen this woman for the first time. I don’t know what she is called. Besides, I am with you all day. There is one supervision next to anytime, anywhere, I just think, there is no chance! " "

What do you think?!” The five daughters stared at me together. Khan .



, “Where, only adjectives, you are here, how can I be interested in watching her woman!”

“So good!”

Khan … how does it look like pets. “Since the husband’s affairs, the woman needs to think about it!”

“Woohoo, Xueer, you are really the best name, I don’t know what’s going on!”

“What a big girl can do it!”

Baby was not interested in it. “She is nothing, but if you see it, she doesn’t care about our strength and the power of the Magic Palace at all!”

“Yeah, I still feel that she has a hint of resentment in my eyes!”

Feiyun also felt a little strange, this beauty seemed to have seen it, … but it was really beautiful. “Oh, won’t be because we grabbed his idol —— Our husband.”

“… No, in that case, it won’t be this look and expression!”

“No matter those, the boat arrives at the bridge head naturally, who I am afraid of!”

^^ “Also, our husband is the devil who is not afraid of it!”

………… “Melancholy Little Cat”

, but looking at the six “dogs and women”

above, talking and smiling, humming, hum, waiting for her to flatten the other seven garbage to clean up them, they can make her uncomfortable person must learn a good lesson. Teaching, hum, her super genius invincible beautiful girl spent half a month to play this boring and low IQ game in order to give him anger! Intersection Intersection Even bullied the person who loves to protect yourself! Intersection Intersection That soul -eating is not very good, mentally handicapped man, with a few women with brainless breasts, … not big and brainless women, … it is also long and “make up "

, I know it is a vase at a glance! Fortunately, others do n’t know what she thinks, otherwise even if I do n’t laugh, I have to treat her as a problem. I do n’t want to want to sit on the world. People. Two super warlocks, an invincible demon warrior, adding an indestructible dragon warrior, … it is simply an invincible “iron block”.

“How about the beauty, I found the problem. I think she usually admits the wrong person. If it wasn’t for being challenged, it has nothing to do with us anyway!”

“Hum, it’s not so long?”

The baby was unhappy as soon as the girl looked at it! “Oh, who can compare to our baby, right, husband!”

“That’s it, our baby is rare in the sky, the ground is unparalleled!”

A few words made the baby hold up, … it is easy to accept good words. But seriously, the baby has a natural appeal, which can make the people around “Apple, do you think there is a chance to win here?”

“Oh, I don’t know this, the undead brother, in fact, the strength of the people present is similar, and the combat experience is similar. The key to the decisive victory is occupation and equipment!”

“That’s right, if the career is gramped, it is a very troublesome thing. I see the same equipment in terms of equipment. There is a way to support it behind it. Almost all of them are a second -level fairyware. Can’t play a big role. "

“Unbelievable brother, you have to be careful about this, I see that melancholy kitten and cat is not simple!”

“Hey, Brother Apple will not be tempted, do you want to try the taste of green Apple, it is very tired to make a barren beef!”

“Oh? Undead brother is very studied in this regard!”

“Where, I am a single man, but Brother Apple has someone who controls it. Beautiful people like Aquside are particularly pity!”

Qingqing apples smiled secretly, fork a bear, Lao Tzu’s woman, you dare to think about crooked thoughts, really looking for death, but now it is not the time to get him! “Oh, isn’t the soul eater the same, you think he is still one more than a few days, heavier quality and weight!”

“Huh, that mixed boy is enviable to die, and the little girls will not be cool by him. Five sisters, alas, play 6P together, cool to the root, this guy is not afraid of exhaustion!”

“Hey, if we are really tired, our brothers don’t mind and help him, but you still know the person’s personality, if you do it, you will be responsible!”

“Then you look at the eyes of the melancholy kitten, seem to be a unjust girl who has been thrown, do we want to help her?”

“This is nature, ‘helping to be happy is my waiting, so why not!”

Haha ~~~ The competition conference officially began. The people in the entire square were full, and the Eighth Gentinary Tournament was different, especially the current situation has become a competition for the seven major forces. Everyone cheered for their own power, the excitement in the stage, and the fighting spirit on the stage. After all, it is not easy to stand out from thousands of people. In order to win the championship, the runner -up is meaningless, because they are competing for the new king! The gaming center also opened. Master of the Magic Palace —— Slid VS Uncle’s Mysterious Beautiful Girl —— Melancholy Little Cat, The thieves of the killer hall ——- The warrior of Miao Shi Xiaoyao VS Emperor City —— Infatuated Seed, The warlock of the Fantasy Rose Group —— The warrior of the Qiuyu Moisturizing VS Championship —— a sword sealed throat, The archer of the Elf Garden is Meimei —— Master of the Midsummer Fruit VS Institute of Magic —— Element Messenger Everyone bets crazy. In fact, everyone does not pay special attention to the fighting above, but is a happy picture. It is vent. Some people support themselves, and some people who look at themselves. With the help of money, they can also participate in it, and they look more enjoyable! She and I have also made a few bets, and I gambled. … But why are they always the opposite of me? Intersection Intersection The first to start is the spike of the home battle and the depressed kitten who protruded from the other army. If the other party is a man, it may support the spike while falling back. Unfortunately, the other party is a girl and a beautiful girl. Although cold, the man I like to conquer this kind of woman. Although this Meimei can’t get on the stunning list, she is not far away. After all, the color list is just as harsh. Half of the scene supported spike, half of the people supported the beauties, and the top was not started. The following has begun, which is more lively than above! “Dear audiences, I am a commentator, Niu Tou. I am a commentator, a horse, and the two of us will explain the upcoming competition for everyone!”

…… These two people are not the “high mouth”

of our Magic Palace. They are the men of Baixiao Sheng. There is no way. As an important part of Yanhuang City, a giant in the media, I also have to give a few face to face. , … not to mention the advantage of this guy for me, it really makes me heart, but this is commercial secret, not exposed! “Niu Tou, who do you say can win!”

“Horse face, this question is too earthy, who can win? Of course, it can win, haha!”

“Let me introduce the comparison of power. Season 62 mage, 198 o’clock health, 1310 magic value. Melancholy kitten, 62 -level archers, 494 points of life. For the archer, the mage can generally take advantage of the master. "

“I agree with this point of view, but the real victory or failure depends on the scene, because after all, it is not an absolute career, and the equipment of the two is the same. Still the best, the equipment also takes up some advantage! "

“Okay, the game officially started!”

“Khan …, the beauty players are really amazing. When the spike players are preparing to show his gentleman’s gracefulness to give the three pioneers, the opponent’s bow and arrows have come. Bow and arrows were the first to launch an attack! "

This woman is too rude, why do you do not say hello!” “.

.. Wife, the referee said that the beginning was the beginning. Let’s start first!” "

Well? Okay, your rabbit dare to help other women speak in front of the old lady, and it is impossible for you to go to the house!” Saying a woman with a wolf tooth stick took off a male warrior, watching it to see The man around him was cold, and he was terrible! Harry Laia, three minutes silent! As soon as Xiao Meimei saw that the bow and arrow were not shot, she quickly added accurate to herself, and turned around her opponent. In fact, the bow and arrow just killed the second, and this powerful girl was the first time! Quickly open the magic shield, and it should be changed in unchanged. In fact, it is still a master of the mage. It is difficult for the archer’s arrow to break the shield! The lightning of the hand immediately put it over, the kitten and cat easily hid over, the high agility of the archer was not blown out! The preliminary tentative passed, and the two were not polite for a while they were full of bow and arrows and low -level magic. It was not that he did not want to release high -level magic, but that the high -level magic time was too long, but the beautiful bow and arrow were still on his shield. The attack is still not enough! Both of them look at each other carefully. When the strength is equivalent, it is very important to save potions. Although the mage’s magic value is high and recovered quickly, it must be paid attention to this aspect. ………… This silly mage seems to have a little doorway, but unfortunately, playing such low IQ games also requires mind!

After several rounds of tentative attacks, she measured the defense boundary and restart time difference of the magic shield.

Although there were only a few seconds, it was enough for her genius!

“Husband, the power is evenly matched, who can you win?”

“We are going to lose!”

“No, I think they are almost the same now, and the archer has been jumping around, and was hit by lightning several times. I think we will not lose!”

“Oh, baby, the key is not here. You see that the spike has now lost calmness. His attack rules are too chaotic, and the restraint and aurora movies have not worked. After watching a few senior magic, this is also the key to winning the previous few games, but the opponent did not give him the opportunity to release it. As soon as half came out, it was stunned by the other party’s broken magic arrow. There is no killing trick, and it is relatively easy to cope with it. It is like waiting for the opportunity. This will lose the spike. For the first time, the archer is so difficult to get in the current spike, and my heart has begun to be irritable! Now that his magic shield is about to disappear again, when he was about to re -open the shield, he suddenly found that the bow and arrow had come. There is no way to grit your teeth and support it! But the fact is just the opposite. This was a magic arrow, and he was moved. The melancholy kitten cat waited for this opportunity to wait for a long time. After his calculation, under the attack of her 5 arrows, the magic shield would definitely break, and it would take 5 seconds to re -open the shield, which is enough for her! The moment the fifth arrow shot, the freezing frozen arrow shot out. This was bought from that magic research institute. One 1,000 gold coins were cheap and practical! (Khan …, 1,000 gold coins are also called cheap!) If the archer who uses this frozen arrow is less than 70, the success rate is only 20 % to 60 %, and the success rate of more than 70 % is more than 70 %. Of course, the freezing is one second or even shorter. However, while shooting this arrow, immediately followed up in a row, and it was three arrows, and people approached quickly. There was another success, and it was a quick shot in front of the spike! Intersection Intersection Although unwilling, the unresponsive spike can only Game Over. The first beautiful girl melancholy kitten won! Unexpectedly, the Magic Palace was eliminated like this, and the spike was very depressed. Hey, this time I was shameful to the Magic Palace! "

Oh, spike, victory or defeat is a common thing, losing, just win back in the future. “Boss!”

The spike had a feeling of crying, and the soul -eating boss deliberately borrowed a fire magic book from the eternal ancient magician for this game. As a result, he did not release a complete magic in the key game. It’s really unwilling! Intersection Intersection “Boss, I am really unwilling. At that time, what happened to me, I always wanted to release a flame knife to solve the battle. "

Oh, in fact, you fell into the game she set up from the beginning. From the beginning of the first arrow, you anger you. You have been walking in the following game as far as her rhythm. In the game, there are some details in the game still to learn, and the level does not mean everything! " "

Yes, boss!” Joining the Demon Palace is because the worship of the demon king’s soul, once the most powerful magician. He heard a series of crazy records of the demon king from the Internet. With this idea, this desperately leveling is to catch up with his pace. His efforts have gained it, and finally there are today, but he still lost, but he felt that all this was worth it. He did not regret half a point. Yes, one failure could not represent anything. I must let him know. The person he appreciated was equipped with his eyes! The four semi -finals are different. Everyone is very enjoyable, but I did not expect that the losing was the side of the Magic Palace. But if you lose, Xiao Meimei is even more eye -catching! The melancholy kitten has no feelings about this victory, everything is in control! She didn’t even use the strength of three points! Hum, first clean up the old one, and Miss Ben barely made a slaughter warrior! Second War ~ Thieves of Killer Hall ——- Miao Shi Xiaoyou VS The Warrior of Xiaoyao Emperor City —— Infatuated Seeds "

Bull head, the last time we guessed the wrong, I didn’t expect the bow and arrow to win easily. Let me take a look at a love of this time. Miaoshong Xiaoxiao, level 63 thieves, 353 points of life, a second -level fairyware. Infatuated seeds, level 63 soldiers, 810 points of life, a second -level fairyware. " "

Horse noodles, if the level of small love is higher than the level or replace it with a general venue, it is not enough to touch the soldiers on the ring!” "

Do you think people are as stupid as you, is the strongest agility and speed of thieves look good!” "

Okay, start the game!” The seeds of infatuation rushed up all at once, trying to pull into the distance between the two of them, dragging the thieves to fight hard, the thief was not a fool. At the same time, he dodged at a faster speed and gave the soldiers a poison. Seeds from top green to bottom. Putting my skills and acceleration techniques, run around the soldiers, and use their own advantages to suppress each other. Although the ring is small, it is enough for the two people. The soldiers also quickly added strong skills to themselves, followed by the thieves, but soon he found that he could not send an effective attack due to the disadvantage of the speed. It is enough, the lethality of this fierce poison is also very good. At least he must make up the detoxification drug, but at this time, the thief will take the opportunity to use assassination plus suction. Essence This guy is ready to consume! "

Niu Tou, the situation of the soldiers is not good now!” "

Yeah, the soldiers must be patient with the thief, otherwise it will be dangerous!" "

But it’s not a fool, you see that he just wants to consume the other person!" "

Well, think about the way of infatuated seeds, otherwise it is better to admit defeat!" At this time, the infatuated seeds once again pushed the wonderful hand and the affection into the corner, and at the same time, several consecutive green poisonous infatuated seeds had to take a pocket to get detoxifying drugs again. Just take this opportunity. Intersection Intersection "

This idiot, such an obvious trap also drilled in it!" The endlessly scolded. "

Unbelievable brother, Guan Qi is not true gentleman!" I illegally entered the country and glared at it. However, the thieves on the field immediately took the attack and were ready to dodge. Unfortunately, it was too late. What was pulled out from the infatuated seed space was not a detoxification agent, but the magic scroll of the specialty of the Institute of Magic! Intersection Intersection An earth wall technique just seal the thief’s way, and then it is a trick to split Huashan, the wonderful hand of the split -hand is dizzy. This kind of dizziness can last about 2 seconds. —— Crazy attack, always split the wonderful hand to the OVER, and vomit a sullen breath in his heart! The second game of the soldiers of the Emperor City —— Infatuation Seed Wins "

Fork, a group of waste, tell them a hundred times, the greater the opportunity for the thieves, the greater the danger, no one is in your mind!" Non -dead is very dissatisfied with this battle that should have won. "

Oh, brother who is not dead, less impatient, even if you lose all the magic palaces, it is not a shame if you lose, isn’t it?" "

Ah, too, there is a copy of Brother Apple!" Haha ~~ The third game ~ the warlock of the fantasy rose group —— The warrior of the autumn rain and hazy VS business alliance —— a sword sealed throat Autumn rain is hazy, level 62 warlock, 345 points of life, a second -class fairyware, a small fan! Intersection Intersection One sword sealed throat, 63 -level warrior, 810 life value, a second -level fairyware. "

Bull head, am I dazzling, it is the top ten god soldiers!" "

Yeah, I didn’t expect it to be owned by a newcomer. A sword in this game was dangerous!" "

Yeah, we have never seen the power of such a soldier!" How did Xiaoyao Fan get in this autumn rain and we do n’t understand, but one thing is certain. A sword has to be finished with a sword. There is no suspense in the game. The hazy autumn rain as a warlock even launched a opposition with a sword, and the powerful Xiaoyao five -element thunder was bombarded. This is the best game everyone watched so far. As soon as Qiu Yu hazy came up, adding the immortality, the light of the defense, and the treatment of the treatment, so that the soldiers were killed alive. That soldier was not back. I did not expect that the five -element thunder under the Xiaoyao fan was so horrible, and level 63 was like this. What would be the scene if it was used by Feiyun? Intersection Intersection And Qingqing Apple’s face is even more ugly. "

This idiot, such a powerful attack power is still staring, even if you lose it, you will look good!" “Oh, Brother Apple, don’t be angry, but the other party is a soldier in his hands. Whoever thinks will have this power!”

In fact, he is very happy, everyone is just as fair. “Dizzy, I didn’t expect that the warlock was so good, I knew I chose the warlock!”

“Come on, do you have a fan fan? No thing, the warlock dares to fight hard with the warrior, isn’t that to find death!”

“I’m still dizzy now!”

“Woohoo, that fan is really good, how good it is!”

The relaxed autumn rain was so hazy that it was not too happy, smiled slightly, bowed towards the surroundings, and went down. …… The people from the fantasy rose group are different, gentle and generous! I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year, peace and smooth heart ^\ _ ^ Text 10041 new legends Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7426 The previous game caused the majority of male compatriots to lose face. There were two female compatriots in the three people who entered the semi -finals. Only one was a male compatriot, or because both sides of the battle were men! However, the fact is the fact. The following battle still has to continue. Everyone should prevent the hope behind it. The fourth battle “The archer of the Elf Garden Mi Mei —— The Master of the Summer Fruit VS Magic Institute —— Element Messenger”

“Niu Tou, I hope that this time our male compatriots can earn some breath, don’t lose anymore!”

“Ma Nian, you are a crow’s mouth, I think I will win this time, I have confidence!”

“What is the use of confidence? If I bet that you will be killed in three minutes, you will dare 1,000 gold coins!”

“Yes, if you bet on me, we will bet!”

Khan …, you are fierce! The archer of the Elf Garden is Meimei —— Summer Fruit, Level 62, 494 points of life. Master of Magic Research Institute, Element Messenger, Level 61, 194, health. “Niu Tou, the war situation is really unfavorable to us. The level is one level lower than others. You also see it in the first game. I am really worried!”

“What are you worried about horse noodles? I’m full of confidence. I pressed 1,000 gold coins on the bow and arrow Mei Mei. My food costs this month are all in it!”

“The problem is here, I put my food fee on the mage!”

“Husband, let’s gamble!”

The baby was excited, and the proposal was approved by everyone. I do n’t know yet. Obviously they think that the Elf Garden can win with me, and they naturally support their compatriots. I can only support male compatriots with less wins, but since my wives have spoken, I am talking, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, I am, me There is no way. “Okay, bet!”

“Gambling between us is naturally special. If you lose, you will accompany us to play all day tomorrow. Today, after the newcomer battle is over, we have to go out for a day to let everyone shop well, and then we will hold the real first master challenge of the Central Plains. Naturally, the good show will be placed in the back of the finale. It can also stimulate everyone’s time during this period. After all, we are businessmen, but they are not charity. "

Okay, what if you lose!” "

We won’t lose!" The five daughters were in unison. Khan … Since you are betting, you will definitely lose or win. How can it be won? And this is too bullying me! "

Because the fruit we chose will win, you must choose the element messenger, and he will lose ten or nine, so we will win!" "

No, you look at the subordinates of the eternal ancient magician so much, that’s not enough. Anyway, there is still one -tenth of the possibility of winning. In case, I say that I mean Wan Wan First, what do you do if you lose? " "

What do you think of husband?" Xueer looked at me with a pitiful face. "

That’s it, you say, it’s really stingy!" Baby muttered the cute little mouth, and looked like you were very stingy. "

We are all yours. If you want what you want, you can say it straight?" Xiangzi was still so direct! "

No, no, we can only be regarded as a person who is about to become him, right? Sister Feiyun! If you lose, let Sister Feiyun accompany you tonight, not in the world! “I said holding Feiyun’s enthusiasm, saying, saying, "

Okay, you all make fun of me!” For this kind of family joke, Feiyun still didn’t adapt, but Feiyun’s shameful look is really beautiful. What makes me even more exciting is the quietness in reality, which is a refined vulgarity, it is a refined vulgarity The fairy is my fairy! … … It is really five women, one and two -thirds, interests! "

So, if I win, how about you with me tonight, haha?" My own bet or I said it was better! "

Sisters to defeat this obscenity and indifferent devil!" After a bombardment, the gambling was doomed, and they had to accompany them and lost them to accompany me. … But the content was the same, they went out for a whole day! Of course, there are policies and countermeasures. Who am I scared! The melancholy kitten is still cold -eyed … What are the benefits of this man, so that so many beautiful women who see Youyou have abandoned the dignity of the woman. Unlike some women who admire vanity! Two of them, she knew, the princess of the financial industry, Feng Xue, money, joke, and was similar to waste paper. The other was her good friend Lu Xiaoxue, soldiers’ family, rights? Young school -level who can enter her house! She was surprised when she recognized the two. Is that man’s specialty in that area? Really shameful, they should not be the kind of slutty woman! That’s why, isn’t it this silly game? …… Anyway, she can’t understand with her super talented mind! The game on the field began, and the archer Mei Mei took the lead in launching an attack. First, it was a scope of scattering the range of the element messenger, and then the continuous shooting. Although the attack is fierce, it is too impatient. It is so easy to have a breath. The element messenger calmly turned on the magic shield, carried the scattering twice, avoided the continuous attack attack, threw a air knife, and then split with the lightning. After escaping the air knife, a thunderbolt lightning hit, and it was at 80 points of life. The scared Meimei quickly replenished the health. …… The element messenger is really a gentleman, so after letting her easily add it before attacking. Old, when the mage’s attack is all unfolded, the attacks of other occupations will be suppressed. The skill is good, but unfortunately it is completely suppressed. Whenever the mage needs to read the curse for a long time, the element messenger will send out a few magic scroll to fill this time difference, and there will be no chance to give the bow and arrow at all. … I forgot, the previous victory, the props of the Magic Research Institute played a great role. This instant magic is really good. Although it is a low -level magic, it is suitable for using it. It can play a big role. Although the summer fruit is trying to attack, she is still unable to interrupt the magic of the element messenger. She also realizes that it is not good. After all, the longer the spell, the more horrible the power! After a long spell, there is a cloud on the top of the summer fruit. … why is it so familiar. "

Oh, do you feel familiar!" The eternal ancient magician laughed, "

Is it my nine -day thunder?" "

Yes, it is his improved version. The power of the soul -elixir is great, but not everyone can master it, so I improved it. Suggestion! " The situation on the scene has changed, and the air clouds have continuously released the flash of "

Summer Fruit". Although the power is far from the nine -day thunder, it is more troublesome for a 62 -level archer. The aurora movie, constantly chasing and killing, finally bowed and arrows, and they still admitted to it … because the supply was too fast, the blood supplement had bottomed out! Instead of being killed by people’s image, it is better to refresh the defeat. Meimei looks at the element messenger’s eyes so hot, and it will not be known. The two walked down Bitai together, and it seemed that they became a contest! Hey, I won by betting on me, and the five women obviously have some ways of dissatisfaction with element messenger. "

You are too cunning, so many magic scrolls!" "

Oh, this is allowed by the conference!" "

Huh, this victory should give resolute criticism and blow!" “.

.. Isn’t this a broken way for Brother Magic!” … But really, the eternal ancient magician can make a fortune after this battle. The business of the magic props will definitely be very hot. It is simply a match for him. Until now, all the semi -finals have ended. The cold and mysterious in the semi -finals is also the most popular bow, arrow, melancholy kitten, and the brave soldiers of the Emperor City of the Emperor City, the super warlock of the fantasy rose group, holding the soldiers The beauty of Xiaoyao Fan —— Qiuyu is hazy, and it is also a player with a high call. The last one is the handsome master of the Institute of Magic-Element Messenger! The semi -finals are arranged like this: Melancholy kitten and cat vs infatuated seeds Autumn rain hazy vs element messenger For the hazy and element messenger in the autumn rain, the gaming center has issued the biggest odds, but there is no way.

Whoever calls others has a soldier, if it is not all the magic scrolls of the Institute of Magic, I think no one will think that the mage will think the mage Can win.

In the first semi -finals, the melancholy cat was infatuated with the seeds.

As soon as the kitten and cat opened, they did not take the soldiers in front of them, and the two began to attack.

The problem is that the melancholy kitten and cat are too.

As an archer, I threw dozens of magic scrolls in this game.

The infatuation seeds have no power to return.

A soldier was under the double blow of magic and bow and arrow.

The concept of melancholy kitten cat is victory.

As for the process, it does not matter.

Anyway, there is no violation of the rules, but the audience is addicted to it.

You think so many magic scrolls are smashed out.

Still on the scene, the audience just likes this feeling!

In the second game, autumn rain hazy to element messenger The Institute of Magic also made a big capital.

It was probably reminded by kittens and cats.

It was also prepared to use it.

Unfortunately, copying the moves may not have the same effect.

Moreover, the opponents are different.

There are a lot of moves.

Sure enough, with the various anti -magic moves of the warlock and the powerful attack power of Xiaoyao Fan, although the element messenger also prepared a large number of magic scrolls, unfortunately these low -level magic have no effect on the warlock, and the blood supplement of the element messenger will consume the supplement of the element messenger for a while, the supplement of the element messenger will consume the blood supplement of the element messenger.

Just alone, you can only admit defeat.

This unsatisfactory autumn rain won.

Unexpectedly, the two sides of the finals turned out to be beautiful and beautiful women.

One side was mysterious and unpredictable, and one side was powerful.

They were also beautiful women, one indifferent and proud, and the other was calm and gentle.

Who will win the final victory?

Intersection Intersection Please take out your sincere 10,000 gold coins on the beauty you believe, she will win more and more for you!




This is an advertisement at the gaming center.

Melancholy kitten cat vs autumn rain hazy Everyone is generally optimistic about Qiu Yu’s hazy.

After all, the power of the soldiers is seen by everyone.

Although the melancholy kitten and cats have won all the way, they always give people a sense of unreliable feeling and a little speculative suspicion.

But watching a beauty competition is the wish of every man, excitement, fragrant!

Xiaomao is also satisfied with the current situation.

From a business perspective, he can only attract the greatest interest of all audiences.

This is enough for him!

In addition, the gaming center also accepted the biggest gambling capital until the start of the game.

The number of people joined is similar to the sum of the previous, and the amount is relatively large!

However, I feel the melancholy kitten and cats do not look at the opponent everywhere.

Even if the other party has a Xiaoyao fan, it seems that her interests have not attracted her interests .



why is it always angry with me?


It seems that if she wins the championship, I seem to be a little troublesome.

The soldiers came to cover the water from the water.

I was not afraid of her, but how could I not give people a big bully, and the feeling of bullying women was the most headache!

It can be seen from her battle.

This girl is not as impulsive on the surface.

Since I dare to provoke me so much, I should have prepared.

Grade 62 archers, dizzy, I can’t think of it, I really can’t think of it, unless you are a computer host, don’t think about it!

“Ma Niu head, you see who can win the two Meimei!”

“I like autumn rain and beautiful!”

“Pig head, I ask you who can win, not to ask who you like, you have to wait until it is dark!”

“I am not a pig’s head, I am a bull head, and I will never guess anymore, my meal for a month is gone!”

“Since the pig’s head, no, the cow head has fallen, let me predict it. This time I pressed 10,000 gold coins on the melancholy and beautiful body. 10,000 times! "

% ¥ # ※! ※ (Unfortunately, the second love word of the horse has not been exported yet, because the nonsense was poked out by the shot and the gun was stunned. The game started! The first thing to appear was the hazy autumn rain, or it was gentle to salute all the audience. Everyone was surprised to find that this time she not only took the invincible Xiaoyao fan, but even put on the top warlock equipment “Taoism Nature”.

I do n’t know what methods they use to wear. It ’s really hard. Now the melancholy kitten cat is dangerous. … Why haven’t the melancholy kitten cat come up yet, don’t you want to abstain? Intersection Intersection give up? of course not! She came to win the championship, but although she was confident, she didn’t underestimate any opponents. What the broken fan was really not easy to deal with, and it would not be possible to change the equipment, so she needed time to change the equipment! Intersection Intersection Qiu Yu is also very satisfied with the current effect. The opponent’s timidity pushes herself to a new height. As long as it does not appear in a while, she is the newcomer of this world. In addition to getting rewards, she can also challenge Anyone among the top ten masters of the heavenly list! Although it is very strong now, she does not think she can win him, but she can discuss with her idol demon king’s soul -elimation, which is his wish. The attractiveness is too great! Just as she thought the overall situation had been set, there was a commotion in the crowd, and she automatically separated the road. …… This woman is really good at the public … but what is she wearing it! The melancholy kitten is wearing a strange green costume, but it is really beautiful, and a fresh life feeling with people! Aixin Jen Luo’s eyes were glory, and he had always been listless. Suddenly, he came up and stood up all of a sudden. He didn’t matter that he was surprised by us. He thought something happened! “Brother Jianro, what happened?”

My question has attracted everyone’s attention. Only illegal entry is laughing, … Is there a problem, is it related to him? “Nothing, but I didn’t expect this girl to be so powerful. The legendary life set was got from her. I can’t find this set of equipment for a long time!”

Seeing Aizhizhuluo seriously, we are all interested. “Can Brother Calenda solve us a mystery?”

Qingqing apple incense then said, as long as it is a good thing, he is interested! “Oh, life set, as the name implies, naturally can increase the value of life. I do n’t know the specific function, but it is definitely a special suit that can play the best function of the archer. It is the three strongest sets of the strongest set so far. In fact, the most powerful is their evolutionary function. I think this is deeper than me. Legend has it that only the most eligible potential can be obtained. Although the transformation function is canceled, this set of equipment is left. I did not expect that there were such people. "

It’s amazing. Why do you use that look at me? Even if she win the championship, it is not possible to challenge your strongest archer. … But that’s all, I don’t believe it myself. This mysterious girl obviously came to me. The problem is that I don’t know why so far. I never offend a woman! Although Qiu Yu hazy does not know what equipment on the other party is, the most basic common sense is there. This kind of equipment is definitely a special suit. All special sets have special functions and superb attributes, and their owners are also all of them. It’s not easy to be a generation! Although she has a fan fan in her hands and naturally, the other person’s eyes still make hesitate a little, because the other party did not put herself in her eyes at all, she was a little angry! The melancholy kitten did not take the opponent’s eyes, otherwise she would not expose her strength in advance, but her goal was not her, and she didn’t think she could stop her! The last game is of course different. Unfortunately, I am the referee of the last game, and the commentary. My arrival was welcomed by everyone, and the demon king shouted everywhere, so I couldn’t help but feel refreshed and fluttering. Of course, the nonsense nonsense still wants to say … I usually feel very abandoned, and now I am also very slippery. It seems that the environment is just right! The two beautiful and charming on the field happened to be in sharp contrast. One was full of frosty faces, one with a smile on the face, the other was giving the autumn wave secretly, and the other was cold like a knife, which was really like my ice and fire! However, I still have to say before the war, but I really want to thank, and I will be ugly. “The 62 -level beauty warlock on the left, the autumn rain is hazy, from the Dream Rose Troupe, the power of Xiaoyao Fan in his hands must be seen, the Taoism is naturally a set.”

“The mysterious archer on the left, melancholy cat, level 62, is the legendary life set!”

When I heard my words break her equipment, the kitten and cat were a little surprised. “Life suits are the suite that can have the potential of the most elf archers in the legend. It is extremely powerful, so the two parties are the same. This time the game will definitely be very exciting! What weapons do you use?”

The melancholy kitten did not dump me, but silently took out her weapon! This can be surprised by the audience! Everyone looks at Aizon Rolo together! Intersection Intersection Because she took the dream of the archer —— Phantom God Bow! Intersection Intersection That’s why everyone watched Aizon Ronaldo, and even Aizhizhuluo himself was startled, because he knew how easy it was, but it was not easy for the Phantom God Bow, but it appeared in a 62 -level small bow archer.

I have to say that it is a miracle, and it is still a person who has no origin!

Love Xinjin Luo naturally knows why everyone looks at him, and brighten his fantasy god bow out of the way, so everyone understands that this beautiful beautiful fantasy god bow really has its own fantasy god bow, and the legendary suit.

It’s another master of heaven!

The people below are boiling, and they talk about what the origin of this mysterious beauty is, amazing, it is just a miracle!

Of course, after waking up, everyone discovered a problem.

The winning noodles of the melancholy kitten and cats have accounted for 80 %.

No matter from that aspect, they have an advantage.

With her calmness in combat, there will be 90 %!

Obviously, the prize is gone now!

Intersection Intersection The melancholy kitten is a bit impatient to the noise below, isn’t it just a few equipment, what’s strange .



just she doesn’t know the status of these equipment in the eyes of others!

Finally, as a warlock, Qiu Yu hazy quickly added various physical defense Taoism.

The melancholy cat and cat also added agility to themselves, and everything was ready.

Both beauties stared at their opponents tightly, and the opponent’s attack was not good.

Still the melancholy kitten and cat first launched an attack!

We jumped at our shot, obediently, it was scattered!

Intersection Intersection Not ordinary scattering, .



it turned out to be a magic arrow!

Intersection Intersection This is impossible.

Even Qiang Ru Ai Nuoluo cannot shoot magic arrows with scattering!

Intersection Intersection The masters on the stands were taken aback.

While clearing the apple incense and the endless surprise, they would smile at the same time, “the trouble of eatering the soul comes!”

“What kind of underground forces can we cultivate such masters?”

“Well, it’s really worth noting”

Continuous magic arrows strike, let Qiu Yu hazy without backhand, the melancholy kitten said coldly to me, “You don’t think you are a dual profession!”

Dizzy, at first she did not rely on magic props, but relying on her own attributes-the real magic archer! Intersection Intersection The following audiences all found this strange phenomenon. After someone heard the magic archer, they immediately passed on to ten and ten passes. , Handheld the magical archer of the legendary Phantom God Bow! Intersection Intersection The news passes like wings to the Central Plains! Intersection Intersection The attack of the five -element thunder is still sharp, but the life set has grown various strange plant -type energy body to block the thunder. After falling on the body, there is not much attack power! And the power of the magic arrow under the Phantom God Bow, just thinking about it, it is also cowardly. Rockets, frozen arrows, and even lightning arrows have come out … In fact, she can have ended the battle. Is it a demonstration to me! Interesting Little Meimei! Although the autumn rain was completely full of strength, the attack was not effective, and the defense could not stop the phantom to wear the magic arrow. It could only retreat. The opponent obviously had a stronger killing trick. But in front of the idol, she couldn’t admit defeat, and she had to fight to the end, but her strength was strength, and sometimes their will is not absolute! Today is not her ~ Finally, at the moment of the dissipation of the defensive Taoist surgery, the opponent’s consecutive shot spike! Because the kitten and cat won the title of the new king in a shocking attitude, a Meimei of only 62 levels brought a legend! An incredible mysterious legend! Intersection A legendary demon archer who excites everyone! Intersection Intersection The climax has just begun! Text 10042 Cats and Cat vs vs soul (top) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5718 The mysterious beauty “Melancholy Little Cat”

has unexpectedly defeated the title of “Autumn Rain”

to capture the title of the newcomer king, life set, phantom god bow, demon bowman, just take out one of them to make a silent obscure Players became famous overnight, not to mention the three who appeared on a beauty at the same time? And it is a mysterious beauty. The most important thing is that she is only 62. While everyone is excited, she can’t help but doubt her. Although the demon king souls is powerful, his growth is obvious to everyone. One step is one step. One step has reached the current position, and it has also experienced hardships. But an ordinary archer, the accurate thing is how a demon archer reaches the current level? For a while, there were many discussions in the audience, and she was guessing her origin. Yes, no matter how strong, no matter how mysterious people have, everyone has the same history, but everyone doesn’t know it for the time being! Bai Xiaosheng on the stage has not been so excited for a long time. I did not expect that a “business show”

in the Magic Palace actually made so many news. Although the life set was strong, this is not a rare thing. After all, everyone’s talent and the talent and The luck is not the same. He does not believe he is killed. This girl gets to this extent alone. The appearance of the Phantom God Bow is a miracle. It turned out that the entire Central Plains only love Xinjin Luo. The origin of Shen Gong is also taboo, … in fact, no one has asked him. After all, these are the privacy of others. He has no obligation and it is not necessary to tell others. Besides It is a very normal thing, and no one feels strange. If there is a phantom god bow, it will make people feel abnormal! However, the appearance of the demon bower is that the entire Central Plains will be shocked. If the equipment is not good, the equipment can be developed slowly in the future. Good luck will one day fall to your head. You can also buy it. Practice it slowly, but the attributes of this itself cannot be changed. So far, everyone has seen the horror power of becoming the soul -elixir of becoming a demon warrior. In terms of defense, it is the dream of every player to become a dual profession, because this will mean that you will be in one step, and all the guilds will take great efforts to recruit you, equipment, money, beauty, and reputation overnight! Even if the level is almost almost, as long as the guild is contributed, the upgrade is very fast, especially after level 71, the gap is much smaller, the equipment is well equipped, and it is invincible in addition to your superb talent. … The problem is that this girl already has everything, equipment, and jokes. Only level 62 has reached the apex that all archers cannot reach. Almost! Beauty? Khan … it is even more unnecessary. She herself is itself; gold coins, from the perspective of the extent of the expensive magic scroll of expensive magic, money is definitely not a problem! The combat experience is also very rich. From the previous few games, it can be seen that it is definitely a super player! The rest is the level. With her current equipment, she can exert the power of more than 71 masters. It is not strange that the level of killing monsters is not rising. Now the only thing that needs is time! Intersection Intersection Of course, you also need a leveling environment! If a lonely woman is such a treasure, it is more dangerous. No matter how strong the individual is, it is impossible to resist the collective power. Besides, there are more conspiracy tricks! Many things do not have to be solved by force, such as making breakthroughs from emotional aspects, etc. … Be careful of sweet words and dark world! Of course, the devil’s soul -eating is an exception now, that is, aside from the forces of the guild, it should not be said that if a person walks on the street, no one dares to hit him. It’s! But from the perspective of her strong growth, there is no power behind it! It stands to reason that only the seven major party will have this strength, and the emerging trip will definitely not have this background! But who is it? From the perspective of the greedy face of Qingqing apple incense, it will not be them. If they are them, they will never be willing to put such a good thing on a new person, unless this woman is their woman, but it is obviously not that it is not not Intersection And they won’t wait to challenge the soul -elixir without waiting for her to reach level 71. With their controllers and strict guilds, people who “exceptions”

will not allow it! Aixin Corolla is not, otherwise he will not be surprised to see the Phantom God Bow and Life Set, and this person is one, the other is two, and will not play any tricks. From the perspective of strength, his possibility is the most likely. , But from personality, it is the most impossible, excluded. What is the source of this girl with the Demon Palace? Obviously there is hostility … … It would not be that the demon king won the physical and mental of others and then abandoned again. Chen Shimei in the new era? Intersection Intersection Unlikely, although it is a hot news, it is not advisable. This guy is his own god of wealth. He can’t break his reputation, and he doesn’t look like his love character! Five and six seem to be meaningless! This is just the eternal ancient magician and illegal entry. This two people are possible, but the relationship between the eternal ancient magician and the soul -eater is known. What is the special reason, the soul -eating must be known for itself, but now it is not that way! So only illegal entry!

The contradiction between illegal entry and soul -eater is not a day or two, especially when Feiyun gets the red leaf group into the Magic Palace.

I haven’t seen people in the past for a few days.

What about him?

Intersection Intersection .






Two people look a bit like it, is it?

Intersection Intersection Bai Xiaosheng has the bottom of his heart, .



Do not underestimate the insight of an old qualified journalist!

While everyone is surprised, they are waiting for the newcomer Wang to speak.

Everyone wants to know more about this magical beauty.

Of course From the perspective of it, the possibility of a boyfriend is not very likely.

People say that this kind of cold girl is the hottest inside.

Once the conquest is conquered, it will definitely be full of blessings to men.

How happy this is!

Intersection Intersection The men who have a little strength began to move again!

The melancholy kitten cat quietly looked at the turbulent crowd below, and suddenly a very strange feeling rose in her heart.

This feeling only appeared when she was born.

With vitality, not a cold dead thing.




Maybe it’s an illusion.

But after the last step, she couldn’t give up anything, and she had to try her strength!

“Thank you everyone, here I have a better proposal, I want to play with the devil-Mr. Soul Eater!”

I deliberately bite the two words of the demon king, and I looked at me with a rare smile. … It was a scheme that was about to succeed. It’s not good. Why do this little fox essence want to do it? As soon as I heard the wonderful show is about to be staged, the audience was very happy, loud support, sweat … I didn’t speak, they agreed to me! The dialogue between invincible heroes and mysterious beauties is interesting! “My bet is myself, plus all the equipment!”

The words are cold, but the content is as hot as magma, This is even more stones that stir up thousands of waves! Such an ambiguous bet, obediently, is obedient, and it is true and false. Beauty plus equipment, these equipment alone is worth billions of price, plus a exclusive little beauty! Crazy Mei Mei! Intersection Intersection The men felt that their blood was surging, and her whole body was congested. I couldn’t wait to rush up to kill me directly. Of course, the tribon would be them! She puts such a big capital herself, I am afraid that my bet is good, and it will definitely not be easy! “If you lose, just let me play with the Magic Palace for three days. Don’t worry about my funds and management of your funds, it is guaranteed not to move!”

I am dizzy. This girl is obviously to make trouble. If I am too excited, it shows that I am a wolf and bully, and I must give myself some restrictions in the battle, otherwise I will have some victory. No martial arts; even if you don’t agree, it will not work. People are challenging to the door. If they are timid, they will be lost! Anyway, just let me lose face! Just when I hesitated to answer, the savior came! “Little sister, don’t make trouble, how can you even fight, how can you be a opponent of the soul -elimation brother!”

Speaking is a helpless and embarrassing illegal entry! “Oh, Brother Soul Eater, don’t mind. She is used by her sister since childhood. Don’t care about her!”

Wow \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ The present noodles were immediately frying the pot, but I did not expect that the King of Xiaoyao was illegally entry again! Intersection Intersection It turns out that this horrible and beautiful sister is an illegal entry, Princess Xiaoyao, no wonder! Intersection Intersection Big news, it really came here, and the brother came out of breath. The demon king eater, the king of Xiaoyao illegally entered the country, the triangular love of the fairy Feiyun Feiyun is already well known. In fact, it is plain. There is no chance of illegal entry. His sister is obviously coming to find the fault this time! I want to get angry for my brother, but if I change to a person, maybe it is really successful, but unfortunately, the other party is the demon king soul, and there are eight or ninety of meat buns and dogs. Fold the soldiers! In fact, I do n’t have much contradictions and festivals with illegal entry. I appreciate his grievances. How do he treat me and see from the action. Although there is no forgetfulness for Feiyun, the public and private are still clearly. Although it can’t be a friend, it will not be an enemy! “Brother ~, I do n’t need to control my business, I’ m going to see how much the interests he is, let you be so 伏! "

The audience below is very happy and applauding. This kind of struggle is interesting … just as if the demon king is going to “account”

again. Feiyun on the stage was also shameful, obviously at least half of her because of her. At this time, she also understood why this beauty is so hostile to her! This radical personality is the opposite of her brother, but it is the same persistent and full of toughness! “His noisy, just dare to come out of your ability, go back with me!”

“No, today I must compare it, otherwise it will not be in vain for more than half a month. You know that I have no one to control the serious things!”

Khan … It’s so powerful for more than half a month, a horrible woman! Such savvy and exposed women are still better away from far away, not my favorite personality … Maybe it’s because of family problems, my way like a way, I suddenly saw a quiet and eternal ancient magic. Teacher, take care of your heart! Brother is sorry! Seeing the perseverance of the melancholy kitten, illegal entry is also a headache. Her sister has been affected by her family’s baby since she was a child. She lives a princess -like life. It was found that a little bit was a lot taller than his peers since he was a child. When he grew up, he became incredible. It became a miracle in the invention and business circles. , Beauty and wisdom coexist, she is naturally willful in her personality, and she has since her eyes higher than the top. She has never been better than others since she was a child. She has never been willing to lose. Once I accidentally told her about her experience in the world. I only wanted to find someone to talk about it, and venting up my distress. Who thought that she remembered it in her heart. More than half a month ago, she joined the game, and she was happy for a long time. A youthful beauty was either facing the laboratory or facing some numbers all day. It was too boring. , … But I ca n’t accept it. This little girl is really amazing. The natural dual occupation, that is, is the demon archer when it comes out, making him jealous for a long time! This is not to say that she is an archer and a magician. This is different from the situation of soul -eater. In fact, soul -elixir is actually having two professions at the same time. And she still has some differences. She is just a simple demon archer. She can’t put magic itself, but can shoot some bow and arrows with low -level magic, but this can already make everyone envy! The effect of physical attack and magic attack is not simply one plus one equal to two! At the same time, it is even more surprising that as the most eligible person, her reward is a SSS -level task, which is the life set! He took the power of nine cows and two tigers to complete this task, and then he started to level up. … Thinking about it, it would make people headache. A group of people took her and experienced her exclusive. It was strange that the upgrade was not fast. Later, she went to do the task by herself and disappeared for a while. I didn’t know what the task was. I actually made a phantom god bow. Get it, and since then she doesn’t need to have the level of leveling. She can find a monster leveling much taller than her. The experience rewards are really terrible. With the newcomer in the first month of the newly entered, there will be rewards. And even more incredible! It wasn’t until a few days ago that I had to fight for martial arts, and I found that things were wrong, but it was really amazing. Just the 62 -level combat effectiveness was so terrible. Weapons and equipment were on the one hand. And with her IQ, she quickly discovered a professional and disadvantage of career. She also played the data of the game. The existence time difference between the flaws between professional actions was accurately calculated! In fact, playing games in this way is to lose my own fun, but I have to admit that it is really powerful. I can’t win her without all. However, after flattening herself, she even proposed to challenge the soul -eating, which surprised the illegal entry, but this sister couldn’t listen to it, and couldn’t help but stop it until she proposed such an outrageous bet! … After all, my sister is for him! “Mr. Soul Eater, are you accepting it or refusing to ask!”

The melancholy kitten obviously does not want to continue entanglement for this problem! Illegal entry is also embarrassed to look at me! The following people shouted “accepting the challenge”

Everyone wants to watch a dragon fighting tiger! “Brother Soul Eater, the little girl said that, you just don’t just order it!”

“Yes, a man is broken!”

Qingqing apple incense and illegal entry and singing one after another is not to disturb me. “Oh, since the girl has such interest, how can I not be accompanied? But the bet is still changed! This is unfair!”

As soon as he heard the bet, there was still a touch of disdain in the eyes of the beauty!

Illegal entry is relatively satisfactory.

He does not want to let this must -have game affects his sister, and it is best to change this absurd bet!

Anyway, it was determined, and it was good to kill her, saving all day, I do n’t know the heights of the heights, and said what the man who can match her man in the world has not yet been born!

Qingqing apple incense and endlessness depends on how I am ugly.

If the bet is not good, it is me who is shameful!

“I don’t want your equipment, change it like this. My friend’s eternal ancient magician opened the Magic Research Institute. You know the magic scroll he invented. If you lose That’s it, help him make magic arrows! I want to be a demon archer in this regard as a demon archer. If I lose, the demon king lets you sit, how long do you want to play! "

Wow ~ The following audiences are more satisfied, because no one thinks I will lose. Although the strength of this illegal entry sister is really good, at least now it is not a threat to me! Of course, I hope that I lose my forefoot, and there are not a few people who turn the boat in the gutter! The forever ancient magician looked at me bitterly, obviously blame me to kick him such a difficult ball! Everyone wants to see me more, after all, I haven’t been so lively for a long time! “This is what you said, don’t say that I bully you when you lose!”


“How do you regret it?”

“No, I mean, you can rest assured I will not use real dragons!”

“Devil Demon King Demon King ~~~”

“Beauty and beautiful girl, come on ~~~”


, the melancholy cat still knows, Zhenlong is really threatened to her, horrible force attacks, and at the same time increase the speed and agility. For any archer, it is a nightmare. The defense of physical attacks is not as good as the defense against magic! This is good, but he blocked his back road, but it is no wonder he! Text 10042 Cats and Cat vs vs soul -eater (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5967 Under the high attention, our game has begun, and everyone is fully paid. Although Qingqing apple incense does not think that the melancholy kitten and cat will win, the strength of the soul -elixir should be okay! In the face of this opponent, cats are also very cautious. The shot is scattered magic arrows, and the arrows are frozen magic! I did n’t open the shield and did n’t use their fighting. Now try her attack power! Everyone saw that I didn’t move and thought I was stupid. The cat’s eyes were also a little excited. She was ready to be as a demon archer. I shot me! As I expected, I didn’t freeze me. I lost 60 magic values, and it was still too weak! Although the flash shot is not outstanding with attack, her biggest attack power is three times the current, 180 points, too little, or my defense is too high. As a senior mage, the magic defense itself is very high. In addition, the magic dodge of up to 50 % of the whole body, with her current level, can’t pose a threat to me. Don’t forget the luck of my killer as high as 9! Intersection Intersection Very natural, followed by the continuous shot at me, or the frozen magic arrow, it was 5 arrows at once! This cannot be carried hard, after all, I am not here. A flashy body is avoided, and the bow and arrow will not stop naturally. First of all, the explosion arrows. If you look at the fire above, you will know that it is not a good thing. … There is still a guidance arrow hidden in it. It is really insidious! Boom, a series of explosions sounded, countless small magic arrows shot at me, and formed a surround circle with the guidance arrow! If you change your person, you may suffer, but it is not me! Not only will I win, but I also have to win beautiful. The image is very important! ——Teleport! A flashing body jumped out of the siege! However, the cat must have expected this. I just came out. A green arrow entangled with the tree vine shot at me. Intuized me that this situation was not good. Teleport! The cat knows that I am moving in an instant, and I know that I can only use it twice in a row, so I waited a long time! Now she can launch her real killer! —— The crying blood of the elves! The life set was suddenly green, and a green elf flew out, around a golden arrow! I shot out when I appeared for the third time! OK, it’s a golden arrow that breaks defense, it’s really playing! Move the third instant! It was impossible to hide in the past, and suddenly moved to her. “Don’t you only move twice?”

Xiao Meimei asked a little in horror. On the surface, I was very calm and shuttled between the bow and arrows, but only I know how dangerous it is, not because of the attack power, but to let me unkempt. , … I would rather have a crime of illegal entry. “I have never said it!”

Suddenly, I saw a flash of golden light from her pupil, not good! be cheated! The bow and arrow just now turned out to be guided, she deliberately attracted my attention! Intersection Intersection When I think, I will open the shield instantly! This is an authentic shield! Intersection Intersection Even the golden arrows cannot break my shield, both of us are smiling ~ Ah, I suddenly found that my feet were restrained! It turned out to be the elf’s arrow, and the attack of the bow and arrow was directly blocked, but the magic above still entangled me, and the opportunity must not be lost! The magic bow is ready to shoot! … It seems that her skills are also in the end, hey, so much of her skills, she can’t play it now. The game is over, let’s look at me below. The Blood Eat Demon Sword gently strokes, and the phantom restraint disappears immediately ~ To deal with the relics of the life, my blood -stuffing magic sword happened to be a nemesis! The cat was surprised. I did not expect that the stunts caused by the life set were easily broken. Although they were surprised and did not understand, the cats quickly launched a continuous shot, all of which were elf arrows! She knows that people have not attacked once so far. She finally understood how much the gap between them was. When fighting with his brother before, he must have been putting water! Intersection Intersection I am angry when I think of it. But she is very confident in this strongest Shilian shot! I’m not ready to hide! To be honest, the future of the demon archer is really bright, but now she is too far away! In the face of huge strength gaps, any strategy is useless! Avatars ——- Blood Dragon and Dragon! Intersection Intersection The four blood dragons roared and greeted the bow and arrow. The attribute of blood stuffing quickly broke the life attributes of the bow and arrow and destroyed the golden arrow. This time I did not leave my hand, but did my best. The four dragons still roared to her. Although it was weakened a lot by the golden arrows, it was still not a 62 -level archer. While she avoided, my instant movement opened, moved to her in front of her, stuck her way, and the blood -stuffed magic sword was placed directly on her neck. The life set immediately began to resist. The energy fantasy defense was opened. A branch of green vine wanted to entangle the blood -eating magic sword. Unfortunately Sheng, stretch out a long blood red sword! Life green vine immediately withered, but instead excitedly called “straight call”

Halo, it turned out at this time. The blood -eating devil sword that was originally exposed began to deform, and the entire sword body became hazy. I saw a fluffy blood, from time to time, there were some strange air flows entangled on it, making a whine sound, and the spontaneous sword gas was emitted. 80 cm. The handle suddenly opened, and the whole hand was buckled at once, which was simply a perfect couplet weapon. This is the same effect as the dragon’s dragon in the battle state! Players are surprised. This is the first time they have seen the light of the soldiers. It is indeed a magic sword! The cat found a serious problem, and the blood -eating magic sword was put on her shoulder like this. A stream of blood -red air silk was wrapped around her. The degree is rapidly decreasing. If you go on like this, you will finish it without using it! (Special equipment will not disappear, but once the durability is lower than the boundary, it will lose effect) She wants to use her high agility and high speed to throw away, and at the same time, the magic scroll in her hands is scattered a lot, hoping to win some time. The masters on the stands began to smile bitterly, and the game entered the garbage time, but I did not expect that the soul -elimation ended, it was really boring. Illegal entry is helpless. Those magic scrolls have little effect on him behind the transformation. What can the soul -eater from the magician origin? Moreover, he still knows a few people who have a special talent of the demon soul! This is where he is helpless! What is the concept of the luck of 9! The cat is in a hurry now. She really didn’t expect that she was so hard to move, and the other party could still keep up easily. Where is the devil, it is simply a thief. The magic scroll smashed over, but this was one of her killers, but the other party’s body flashed, and there was no response. The magic inside had no effect on him. I am also funny myself.

This beautiful luck is really bad.

This kind of life set is exactly the deadly opponent of the Blood Eat Demon Sword.

The magic of the Blood Eat Demon Sword has been picked up.

She is about to move, she is not doing anything to send food.

After the light, the blood -stuffing sword, under her own grasp, can completely restrain her life set.

If it is replaced by Aixin Jue Luo, it may still be a bit resistant.

As for her, the whole is a waste.

Those low -level magic scrolls are actually just playing with children.

You see illegally entering their use, the truly good life -saving scroll, the eternal ancient magician is not willing to use it, not to mention selling!

Is my king’s set called in vain.

If this thing can’t resist, just add a beggar set!

After several hard work, Cat and Cat finally admitted his fate.

He did not expect that he thought that he had a strong attack and killer.

He had no effect on others.

According to rumors, he was probably not even used by 30 % of his strength.

The players below also see that the good show is over, and it has begun to make noise.

In fact, everyone is very satisfied.

No matter how strong it is, it is just a novice.

With this courage to challenge the demon king itself is a praise, no matter what is out of what is out of?


After all, the opponent is the demon king’s soul.

Although Xiao Lu’s skills have made everyone feel excited, what kind of spectacular scene will be the spectacular scene of watching the masters of the list!

Intersection Intersection Seeing the health of cats, there are dozens of points left.

I also took away the blood -stuffing magic sword.

After all, the winning or losing was determined.

I think she also understands that it is not that the cat does not want to replenish the health, but it is not at all at all.

Time and opportunity!

“I admit defeat, I am yours, you can do whatever you want!”

Halo … How dare I want it, I promised it in front, and they could unload me eight pieces! “Where, where, melancholy girl, don’t we say that as long as you join the Magic Institute, and the ancient magician is also helpful to your development. , Your strength is absolutely the title of the newcomer king, everyone said right! "

“Yes ~~~”

“Cat, I love you, just like a mouse to love you, we are willing to eat it!”

“Cats and cats, it’s good, you can fight for such a long time under the demon king, you are the first!”

“Cat, you are my idol!”

… … The melancholy kitten was a little moved. She faced experiments and boring numbers all day. She didn’t enjoy this feeling for a long time. Why was there a kind of urge to cry? No, you can’t cry here anymore! Cat, you must stick to it. “Oh, cat, you are already very strong, I just take advantage of the level, after all, there is a gap between 23 levels!”

I dare to say that in the near future, there will definitely be your position in the list of Heaven. At that time, maybe I will be willing to worship the wind! " My words were approved and supported by everyone, and the shouting of cats even surpassed me for a while. In fact, cats are a wayward little girl. A girl who is eager to care about others, so she will do this. Behind her proud, she also has her unbearable loneliness. After all, she is less than 20 years old. (I guess it myself, it should not be.) "

As for gambling, don’t mention it, if you treat me as a friend!” The cat sobbed a little, but she was very happy. She finally understood the brother who had always been proud and unconvinced. After her beloved woman was "

snatched”, she still admired that person so much. In fact, this person is "

making up”. This game seems to be very interesting. Her original plan, if you lose, do n’t play the equipment, but now she suddenly wants to continue playing! The newcomer king’s competition finally ended successfully, and made everyone more yearn for. The decisive battle between the real list of heavenly list is the real dragon fight! Of course, the appearance of cats still surprises everyone. Everyone believes that in the near future, a super -strong beauty archer will launch a new round of attack on the heavenly list, making the competition of the heavenly list more intense. Illegal entry is also very happy. Those who can make him like this sister are the first of the sky. Although it is only in the game, … I will not get into my brother -in -law, I illegally enter Suddenly I felt a little headache. In fact, I also have a headache, but now I finally solve it. Let the ancient magician get a headache. No, who should be happy! You see how generous I am, such a powerful newcomer has given him, and it is definitely a great contribution to the Institute of Magic. Seeing the current situation of Aixin Corolla is also silently nodded. At least, the soul -elixir did not disappoint him. Qingqing apple incense and endlessness are more dissatisfied. It made the soul eater a benefit in vain. Judging from the eyes of the attachment of Meimei, at least it would not be right with the Magic Palace! However, the two have no effort to consider this now. I just have new information, and the four saints have stopped suddenly. I really do n’t know what medicine to sell. … There is still the first time to start the Central Plains that will start. In the competition conference, they are hesitating to participate in the end. From today’s effect, if you do not participate, you will definitely let go of a great opportunity to improve your reputation! If you participate, it will be big if you ca n’t enter the top ten! Four Fairy also likes this little Mei Mei, but women know the women the most. From the eyes of others, there is no hope. Even the illegal entry, this brother, probably don’t want it, huh! But the forever ancient magician picked up a cheap. The forever is the worst of the ancient magician. Now he is worrying about how to deal with this little ancestor. Fortunately, his brain suddenly opened up, hey laughed, and the magicians next to the magicians trembled. What nervous, is it for that magic bow? ###### Today, I am really happy. She and I have dinner with them together. "

Sister Xueer, do you see her husband, is it so terrible to a little sister?” "

That’s right!” "

But my husband handled well today, it is worth rewarding!" "

Reward?" I came to the spirit as soon as I heard these two words. "

Hey, how do the beauties are ready to reward me?" Seeing my statue of a pig brother, the daughter laughed and scolded, Just when we were in trouble, the door suddenly opened, and cats came in. Khan … I didn’t go to the ancient magician, why come here? After the cat came in, it was very clever. First of all, I said to the girls "

Sister Good", and then a compliment, turning the five female fans, the baby likes it even more. After all, some people call his sister sweetly. It is still relatively rare … Besides, the two women are the same type, especially Xueer and the baby said that the three people immediately expanded their exchanges. Feiyun, Xiangzi, and mood also followed, there was a big momentum of seeing each other. Her origin, when I was illegally entered, I told me a bit, dizzy, 15 -year -old genius invented by her, it turned out to be her. I also heard that she rarely exposed to the media, except for ** Few people in **Few people can recognize, up to 300 IQs, sweat …, such people alone have headaches. "

Ahem, cat, don’t you go to the Institute of Magic, why are you coming here?" What kind of ghost is the ancient magician? I can’t help but interrupt their words. My words caused the dissatisfaction of the women, and the cat made a face. "

Brother Soul Eater, our boss said, let me be the full power of the Institute of Magic in the Magic Palace, and is responsible for the affairs of magic props in this regard, so please take care of it later!" Halo, forever ancient magician has you! The forever ancient magician is drinking small wine in a tavern, secretly, is it not allowed the people to light up only when the state official sets fire! One more glass, it’s really happy today! ###### After the newcomer King’s competition conference, there are more and more people rushing towards Yanhuang City. Of course, our business is getting better and better. Of course, the conditions are to visit the night market and rest on the first floor of the world. Everyone has not digested everything that happened today. From the auction to the selection of the soldiers, to the newcomer’s competition, the cat’s challenge to the demon king. Talking about it everywhere. Of course, everyone is more concerned about the real and hot "

World First Combat Conference", and the challenges from the West, whether he is still dead, the devil must be flattened. One ticket. sweat…… In a room on the first floor, Qingqing apples and endless! "

Brother Apple, what’s going on? Seeing that the big fish is hooked, how can you suddenly shrink back?" Qingqing apple fragrance is indifferent. I only said for a long time, "

There are eight or nine people in it, we are careful!" "

Then we are going to withdraw the defense now, but this is very expensive!" “.

.. No, wait, we need to observe and talk!” "

Do we participate in the competition conference or not?" I asked this little eye. "

Do we have a choice?" Qingqing Apple said disapprovingly that this guy always liked to pretend to be stupid. "

Oh, so, Brother Apple is ready to show his skills this time!" "

Each other!" "

But the soul -loving guy is not yet we can deal with it!" He was still hesitant. “Undead, this is your not. When did we say that we want to deal with him, as long as we kill illegal entry, the three wolves will be completed!”

“Oh, Brother Apple is really hidden, and his ambition is high, but he can’t be glanced at a small mood. This woman’s dragon knife, I think of it.”

“Don’t worry, who is not necessarily touched, maybe the two of us are still random!”

“Where will I be the opponent of Brother Apple!”


Ha ha…… Text 10043 masters Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 10914 I did not expect that the ancient magician, who has always been “honest”

, was so cunning. Putting such a scary girl back to my side, pitying my “sincerity”

, … this guy should fight Singles for a lifetime It’s! Before the first combination of the world, there was no activity, but it was not that large -scale collective activities were gone. The small -scale celebrations in a small area of ta tows in various places were mainly promoted by advertising. The emergence of the tavern is really popular. In addition to our imagination, a variety of fantasy styles, cheap prices, and convenient facilities create another fantastic style. The feeling of another world! Of course, our intelligence system has also begun to run. The useful information of the entire Central Plains is quickly sorted and summarized and then passed to the Magic Palace. Xiaomao is picked out of it. The name of the secret is a underground organization, which is called Beidou Seven Stars. After all, this kind of thing is more cautious. The person sent out is also the backbone of the Magic Palace. It is still directly responsible for Xiaomao and cat fish. Due to the large number of customers, Xiao Mao had to build a tavern in various places. Originally, Xiao Mao was afraid that it would not cost too much investment, so there was only one in a city, but the current situation is not enough. Three, a small town. At the same time, competition can be formed inside, so as to better develop. In fact, we have another killer, that is, waiting for the start of different spaces and transformation functions. At that time, it will definitely set off another climax. For a period of time, let everyone digest the information of yesterday. At the same time, it is also prepared for the world’s first combination of the military meeting. At the same time, the registration work has also begun. No level, no combat effectiveness, anyone can participate. The entire competition is divided into two parts, one of which is naturally the battle between players, and the other is the decisive battle of pets to see who is the strongest pet! There are also many players who register for their pets. Although some people are very low, they are lucky and have a strong pet, so I also hope that their pets can improve their fame. After all, their hearts are not as good as action. Different, our slogan is-focusing on participation. (Pets can also be bought and sold, and it is also very hot in the black market. Of course, if the pet is replaced by a master, loyalty will be reduced to 50 %, which will take a while to cultivate.) The editor -in -chief of Yan Huang Bao Bai Xiaosheng is not happy. Since the East Expedition, the sales of his newspapers have begun to decline directly. There is no way, there is no powerful news. However, yesterday’s series of things made the newspaper full, and sales began to rise straight. Of course, the front version of the headline was “God”

spent 1.1 billion to buy a full set of dragon king god power, and news that was about to challenge the demon king! International news has international influence, and the natural effect is also an international effect! The article has reported a large space for “God”.

Level 80 mysterious magician is one of the only three 80 characters that are now. The other two are India’s players and Egyptian players. A invitation was issued, one challenged, and the other was more hostile. The strength of the K.D.G Magic Union is also the top five, the three giants of the three giants, the death of the three giants, the Germans of the Three Giants, and the boss “God”

is also a German! At the same time, some of their records are indeed amazing, but these are only in Europe. The specific strength of the European guilds is just an unknown concept for Chinese players and cannot be compared. But the strong challenge is exciting. Bai Xiaosheng focused on the column. “God”

has two major purposes this time. One is to show Chinese players their strong financial resources. First make a challenge and set the time and place! This second point is cunning. First of all, the initiative lies in him, that is to say, after waiting for level 81, to prevent the soul -eater first to find his choice; the second place is set in China. If the title of the first player in the world, if you lose, you can also find a lot of reasons for yourself. What time, the place, the place, people, level, etc. In fact, I do n’t care about this. Victory is victorious. If you lose, you can lose. The reason for reasons is useless. Only absolute strength is the guarantee of everything. Otherwise, everything you get is just the empty pavilion, and it is fleeting! The second major news was the challenge of the cat to me. It reported a large report on the cat and gave her a loud nickname —— the elven monarch, with the level 62 level. The demon bowl is challenged by the demon king, although the demon defeated You Rong! She introduced her equipment life set in detail. Now one of the three strongest growing suits, Phantom God Bow, the second legendary weapon in the Central Plains. Of course, her talents —— The demon archer makes everyone envy. The reason why cats challenge me naturally and can be rendered greatly, but fortunately, Bai Xiaosheng promotes the “light”

side, and I can rest assured. My image in everyone’s mind has improved again. It reached a vertex. This has never appeared among the newcomers. For a while, it became an idol of N new people. These newcomers set up a cat club to express her support for her. Of course, many people are not very satisfied with the cats of cats to join the Magic Research Institute. They think that this is an buried talent. She should stand up to set up a special party for a new person. Khan … These businessmen are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. The cat himself was the wind on the ears and ignored it at all, just like a one who had just released from the cage. It was crazy. Unpleasant, witch like Lotus worships her as an elder sister, … I think the baby also has this momentum. Fortunately, I was stopped by me first, terrible, I don’t want her to enter our lives **\ \ \ *! The key is that even Xiao Mao admires her. This surprises me. Xiao Mao also complained about me. Such a talent has pushed out, and there is a tendency to let her join the Magic Palace. Fortunately, I use magic research. We were pushed by our family. Khan … this is the case without joining. If you really join, I’m afraid I will abdicate in advance! Since cats and cats began to endorse Magic Arrows, the sales of magic arrows have begun to increase lines straight, and they have a lot of profit sales. Of course, the price is a lot of discounts, especially the newcomers are even more popular. The ancient magician stealed his joy in the meeting, and made several cups for his wise decisions. It was so wonderful that he pushed the trouble to the soul -eater, but also profitable! The ranking of the top ten gods has also come out, and everyone has the goal of struggle, hoping that there are also their own soldiers. The whole process of the auction was a special version, and it was also good. Of course, the most important thing is the most lively “World First Combat Conference”

in the back (“The World”

here refers to the Central Plains. In fact The first combination of the military conference will be replaced by “world”.

Of course, that scale cannot be the same as the same, it must be hosted by the official.) … … After finishing the meeting, we went offline. Today, Jing and mood will be transferred to our school. I did not expect that Xueer’s parents were so high. Of course, their two tests were indeed qualified … The five women are taller than me. Is my mind so bad? I just walked into the campus and found that Jingjing had not yet arrived, and the news had spread. What super invincible and beautiful beauty and the like, even went straight to the beauty list. Naturally, it is not unknown, and although Jing Jing is obscure, Li Zi and Liangzi have seen it. They are even more described in the sky. The ground is unparalleled. I even stabbed it, otherwise I had to practice him well! Both the fan and Li Jianmin have signed up for the army, and they have passed smoothly. Li Jianmin’s family studies, and the examiners are clear, so even the test is exempted. In fact, those examiners may not be his opponent. Instead Human sentiment to the Li family. The fan was also defeated after the examiner supported a hundred tricks, but it was surprising enough. It was all seen that the fan was justified. Although it was a bit different from the school taught, the foundation was still the army. The war of war may not change in the later period. Genius, undoubtedly they think that they have discovered a genius! And the background of the fan is very good, and is the best candidate for special members. During this time, there were 6 classmates who were selected with them.

8 of them will enter the A -level training camp of special forces for training.

The recruitment of special forces ends in advance.

After Xue’er, we went to handle some of the remaining procedures together.

Fortunately, it was relatively simple, and it was over without waste.




It’s just that the eyes of those teachers who handled them were not It’s so good, how can I watch it messy?

Intersection It is an exaggerated thing to travel with five beauties.

Although such a beauty just takes out one to walk on the street is the focus.

The five styles are different.

It is still more and more people.

We can only rush into a hat shop and buy six hats under the inverse of the boss.

I didn’t want it, but the five women strongly asked me to follow my wife.

, So I have also been imposed.

In the end, the owner of the hat shop even misunderstood the money, only the money of the five hats.

I originally wanted to go back to send it.

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