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Chapter_26 But the word of the baby dispelled my thoughts.

It should be that the old man Bai watched it for so long.

Our first stop is the clothing city.

This time, it is not a simple shopping, but a goal.

Woohoo, it is rare, it turned out to have the goal!

We are lacking in a couple suit now.

This proposal is too big, and I can’t oppose it.

I can only follow them in the vast sea of clothes.

Although Xueer brought a hat, the seductive and full body and the unique atmosphere of the beauty still attracted a large number of wolves that wanted to see the true face of Lushan, so I was more tired.

Even if you look honestly, some of them want to take advantage, but my eyes are clear, and I must give them a little punishment.

Of course, it is just a small punishment, such as the pain of reaching out, the pain of my feet with my feet pain Those who want to extend below a lot of people, I am naturally not polite.


come up for that … why do they respond so much, hey, it looks like they look like It’s miserable. They are very happy. In fact, it is impossible for them to take advantage of their current situation. It is obviously that it is obviously looking for something for me. Occasionally, when the beautiful women looked up and showed their true appearance, they smiled sweetly at me. The “masses”

who were fortunate to see immediately fell into a state of dementia, and the “beauties”

beside them were flying vinegar. … There is no way to get a little bit worse than that. As for how much this is, you must experience it slowly! At first glance, Jing Jing knew that it was rarely shopping, so basically the four women turned around her … … I was jealous, why not treat me like this. This is indeed the case. Jing Jing is the kind of natural me. The type of men and women’s killing makes men want to possess protection at a glance, but they are afraid to destroy her quiet and natural beauty. Of course, those vulgar generations are exceptions. It is difficult for a woman to see her jealousy, because she knows her beautiful threat, but she can clearly feel that it is harmless. This is a strange contrast. From the mental perspective, I think she is closest to me. Although we get along the shortest time, basically one eye knows what the other person wants to do. After the establishment of a spiritual contact with Xueer, I have this tacit understanding. Nothing happened, … In fact, I am also very contradictory, and I thought it was terrible, but I also know, once the beauty will change in the direction of her beauty, it is not only looking forward to Worried, this natural beauty has indulged me. So I’m hesitating! But I don’t know if I can persist today, if there is no special reason. … but is there a couple outfit of six people? This is really a big problem! It is not appropriate to visit a family, and it is still inappropriate to visit a family. Suddenly someone held me, sweat … it turned out to be Mingyue! Intersection Intersection Why did she dare to come here, and she was not afraid of those excited fans to eat her, and silently checked three bodyguards within 10 meters around. “Brother Zhong, you are here too, coincidentally, what about Sister Xueer?”

The little witch took a big magic mirror and a small blue hat on her head. It’s hard to recognize her. “Mingyue, you are there, Xueer is picked in it, I can’t stand it anymore, so wait outside the door!”


Mingyue didn’t answer me, his face was unhappy, and the three bodyguards seemed to be aware of something, and immediately stared at me all the time, and I thought it was my baby who bullied them. “I said, Miss, what’s wrong, you are unhappy, I am miserable. The eyes that your three friends are looking at now are like looking at rabbits. "

“Huh, how do you call people Mingyue, this is the name of others, you want to call me orange, or orange! Let you run that day, today you want to compensate me!”

After speaking, I held me, and the whole body was posted. Flutter ~, the three bodyguards poured two, the other was in a state of disappointment! Khan …, the difference between now is too big, and it ’s rare for such serious girls! Don’t post so close! This bad guy, usually a color wolf, why is it unhappy about me? Is it that I am not charming enough or I think I am too young. Mingyue can’t help but look at my chest, … isn’t it small? Intersection Where can I know what this little witch turned in her mind, and if she knew it, she had to be scared to death. Mingyue couldn’t care about my opposition, pulled me in, and the faint aroma went straight into my nose. The delicate body kept rubbing me, hey, I endure it! Cher could not rub the sand in their eyes. At first glance, a woman turned to me affectionately, and immediately put down the clothes in their hands and rushed over. Baby pulled us out angrily, “Okay, my husband dares to go out of the wall when he doesn’t see it in a while, it’s bold!”

Other women are also waiting for my explanation. I have n’t come yet, saying that Feiyun felt, “Are you Mingyue?”

“Hush ~, whispered, Sister Feiyun, how do you know!”

Mingyue looked at Feiyun curiously. Although they had only seen it once, they were still very impressed with each other. “Oh, the strange aroma on you, very special!”

“Sister, you are so amazing, you also come out of such a slight aroma, idols!”

“It turned out to be Yueer, how did you meet Brother Zhong!”

“I saw a dull melon outside at the door of the women’s clothing store. When I approached, it turned out to be Zhong Brother, so I pulled him in. What are you buying?”

“We are buying couples, but unfortunately we have no suitable visit to a few!”

Xueer was also annoyed. Who told us to be a six -person couple! “Yueer, are you here to go shopping too?”

“Yeah, I was stuffed all day long, stealing it out, oh, I didn’t expect someone to follow.”

“By the way, I know that there is a good shop. I will take you to see, maybe you will like it.”

In this way, we were pulled to the other, fork, who built this fashion street, so long, I was almost dizzy, it was really a torment. Finally, after the N -wave color wolf and the so -called star scouts, we came to that clothing store and went in to see it. There are really couples we want. The same style and color. I have no choice, white, Xueer chose white, Feiyun selected light blue, the baby is red, the mood is green, the incense is pink, … Mingyue also chose a goose yellow of. Khan …, when we buy a couple’s outfit, she also follows the fun. This is not to hurt me. Sure enough, the girls have some problems with my eyes, but it is not too obvious in front of the bright moon, but it is not too obvious, but The meaning is very clear, I want me to look good at night! It’s me who paid the bill, but just seeing a salesperson who made a big business made me miserable! “Sir, you are good, your six girlfriends can be a star!”

Khan … There are only 5 elders here, and one I can’t afford to mess with one! Naturally, the five women do not oppose it, but they are still a bit shy when they are said, especially Feiyun, and immediately flies, and the female salesperson is glad. This beauty is still well treasured, haha. … Why is Mingyue also the same manner, maybe the baby does not care about this detail, and Xueer, Feiyun, Xiangzi and the mood are not so coquettish, dizzy, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood, childhood The debt, such a fragrant debt is too late … Anyway, the clothes are finally bought. This time it is time to rest. The problem is that the beauties have to put on it now, sweat, we go out like this, but in fact, why do we have to follow the moon? Wearing, now the paparazzi teams are everywhere. Once you are discovered, my peaceful life is over, and she also talks about a beloved man, God, I will be eaten by crazy fans. … In fact, I am not afraid of those bird fans. The problem is that although Mingyue is beautiful and meals, but we are strange. I do n’t have that kind of feeling. I ’m strange. , Tonight to prove it. Finally put on the couple’s outfit, don’t say that we are really like a youth group together … Of course, others want to remove me. We just want to leave. The manager suddenly stops me and wants to take pictures. It is said that we are asking us to be a spokesperson, and I will give 10 % off in the store in the future. This buddy’s eyesight is good, but unfortunately, don’t count us, asking Mingyue to make a few stores spent to buy a few stores. After we declined it gentlemanly, the disappointment of the owner made us feel soft, but the heart could be soft, and the action was not possible. Our bright seems to make the people on the street bright. Such a cool combination is really rare. I originally thought that the hard life in the morning was over. I didn’t expect them to go, saying that it was the most important part! It’s important to be dizzy, what’s more important, is it … I was guessed by me, it really is the strongest super invincible underwear shop! My most headache is this kind of shop. Now it’s not because of shyness, but so many coquettish gradients in it really make this innocent boy unable to eat it! Obviously, it can be made ***still so exposed, it really can’t stand it! In order to avoid being regarded as obscenity, I can only close my eyes for a while and look out the window for a while.

Fortunately, there are many people who are connected to me, which makes me more comfortable.

Later It’s much better, haha.

“Sister Xiangzi, you are so big, you must use D!”

All the women looked at her with envy eyes, especially the baby and Mingyue, and they were even more bold to touch! This is not challenging my exclusive rights. Xiangzi is not shy at all, but it is no wonder that it is probably more ugly in Japan. However, this kind of opening in intercourse is also good, and it feels different. “Sister Xiangzi, my husband secretly feeds you!”

Baby said envy. “Baby’s is not small, it is almost the same as C. You are still young. It will definitely be bigger in the future. Besides, maybe your husband may like small and exquisite!”

“Actually C is very suitable, you see Xueer’s most suitable!”

“Yeah, Sister Xueer’s shape is the cutest!”

“My sister’s right is straight, my husband must have loved it!”

“Actually, we have everything here, it’s all cheaper!”

…… Suddenly found that Mingyue was still next to it, and the five daughters looked at her together. “You continue, when I don’t exist!”

“Yueer, do you and my husband met before? I think you seem to be very familiar!”

Xueer still couldn’t help asking, “That’s it, but people don’t recognize me now.”

Mingyue deliberately pretended to be abandoned and poor, and everyone laughed for a while. “Ah, Sister Feiyun, why don’t you take off!”

Mingyue was very smart to transfer the topic, and Xueer was not easy to ask … I am miserable, there is still a historical background! Cher shifted their goals to Feiyun again, and Feiyun was very embarrassed, even a woman was a little bit. “Don’t you watch me like this, OK?”

Feiyun couldn’t eat such eyes. “Sister Feiyun is shy, come, let the baby take it off.”

Wow ~~ Feiyun is the same as Xueer, that is, a little bit of C, … (the perfect description of one thousand words) The girls in the girls are rich in mood, and the others are perfect and slim. There are more points in one point, and one point is reduced. Especially Xueer and baby, the snow -white skin is not stained, and there is no scar on her body, it is simply perfect artwork! Wow, so fragrant! “Feiyun has it, and Mingyue has it, but although the aroma is different, there is a feeling of intoxication!”

I found myself. “Yeah, it is body fragrance. I heard that this kind of constitution can only appear in hundreds of thousands of women, you are really lucky!”

Xiangzi said envious. “Fortunately, it’s not them, it should be the man who gets them!”

The daughters nodded together. Hehe ~ I waited for the anxiety outside. The six women would not go to the sewer of the locker room. It was almost an hour. Is it so troublesome to use simple things like bra and underwear? Intersection Intersection The less the fabric, the more difficult it is! Sneeper \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Who is thinking of me … … must be a beauty! “Hey, friends, you can see enough, how about letting my girlfriend sit for?”

The voice of a crisp man thought in my ear. Looking up at a handsome man, next to him is a sexy beauty, yes, the figure is very coordinated, the long is too long, and the pretending is not very strong. Dizzy, others misunderstood the thighs ~~~ “Where, please sit down!”

I was a little embarrassed. “^Haha, my brother, I think you are also a fellow, just joking, why are you waiting for your girlfriend?”

“Yeah, I haven’t come out for an hour. Why are your girlfriend still waiting?”

“Brother, your girlfriend is really amazing, sympathize with you, my girlfriend Hua Hua, and there is no one!”

It was quite proud to say. Seeing my surprised look, the brother laughed, and “How are you surprised? In fact, nothing is not just two girlfriends. A capable man can find a few girlfriends, and a capable woman can also find a few men. It is normal!”

Speaking of a while, the other woman who was quite good also came out, dizzy, or a pair of sisters, amazing! The two sisters naturally talk about their gains a little, and rest by the way! “How about, my two girlfriends are okay. It is the sister of our company. I chased them for two years before they got them!”

This buddy also started to talk about his picky experience without listening. Anyway, I am boring, and someone is good at speaking. Cher, what types they are choosing, worrying about the choice, “Sister Xueer, will these be too revealing!”

Feiyun said shamefully that she had never used transparency, and there was that kind of T -shaped, which was almost the same as. “Oh, today is your big day. If you need it, we can buy a few more sets. We like what he likes, but men are the same. I still hope that the woman can be invested in the bed, so the temptation type is worn at home. When this conservative style goes out, it saves others cheap. "

“Still Sister Xiangzi has research.”

Mingyue’s choice is relatively small, that is, you can’t wear it sexy, but you still buy it. After 20,000 miles -like choices, six women finally decided to buy them all! Khan … I bought it all before I knew it, so troublesome this is not to toss me! In front of him, the sister’s sister flower was already a little impatient, and he had to stop talking. “Friends, we are late to meet each other, alas, look at your appearance, it is still a student. This is my brother and my business card. Anyway, it is also a small manager. Otherwise, the mother tiger became angry, and I would be miserable! "

At this moment, Xueer came out too. “Oh, just right, my girlfriend came out too.”

The handsome guy suddenly turned into a pig, and he kept thinking in his mouth, beauty, beauty! “Husband, let you wait for a long time, let’s go to dinner.”

“Hehe, don’t you worry?”

“Wait, you will compensate you well, don’t be angry.”

“What he was born to be, you are not all for him!”

Still Mingyue’s embarrassment for Xue’er, and put a note. “Brother, buddy, she, they are all your girlfriends ????”

The handsome guy couldn’t help rubbing his eyes, seeing the immortal today, … There is another one who is so familiar with it. Woolen cloth? Intersection Intersection “Hehe, sorry, we are talking about it in the future, the wives are hungry!”

After saying goodbye to him, he was gone out by the beauties. The wives naturally had a soft language to me, making my stomach breathless. As soon as I went out, Mingyue remembered to bring her big magic mirror, and we also brought a hat … … Anyway, the sun is dazzling! There is still a dull handsome guy in the room, and two angry younger sisters, the handsome handsome guy, and finally wake up. The first sentence of the opening is “I finally know what is a master today, the real person is not revealed, the younger brother is convinced ! "

“Ouch, Huahua, don’t work so hard, I just feel emotional …”


The two sisters thought it was too heavy! “What’s wrong, my husband, did you hurt?”

“No, no, I just think there is a girl in it just now, but who can’t remember who is?”

“Yes, you said that, I also remember, I am very familiar, a bit like a star ~”

“Is it Mingyue ???”

“No, if you want her, how can you face a man with a group of women! But just now those women are really the best, I really don’t know what the man is doing, how can you pack so much!”

My sister’s face did not look at the face. possible. “Is it true that you really believe in those hype, it is impossible. If Mingyue confessed to a man, that man would definitely leave when that man had a wife! I don’t believe that a man can resist it!”

The sister said disdain. “No, I won’t!”

The handsome guy was unyielding. “Oh, really?”

“Absolutely, I swear to the sky!”

“Come on, men swear the most unreliable, especially vowed to the sky!”

“That’s the soul that anyone who saw it, and it was nonsense as soon as he was awake!”

sweat…… “If Mingyue likes me, I will do a transsexual surgery right away!”

My sister long said. Flutter ~ After shopping, I naturally eat it. Naturally, I am used to eating delicious six women. Naturally, I have to give me a problem. feature? What else has never eaten! In the end, we got out of the bustling neighborhood and came to an ordinary store-the shallot dipping sauce. “You eat this today?”

Six women nodded together and nodded hard. Forget it, it didn’t matter to save me money. Anyway, I didn’t care anyway. There are no boxes here. Although the store is not good, it is really clean and the environment is good. In order not to attract attention, we still found a corner, and the hat was not picking. It was strange. In fact, isn’t it just shallots dipped in sauce?

It’s so delicious, dizzy, it seems that sometimes it is used to enjoy it, and it takes a bit of anti -Pu Gui.

The six women also ignored the image.

In fact, they were so tired for so long.

When I was full, the beauties still didn’t let me go, I was going to skate in the afternoon!

To be honest, I really haven’t played this thing.

They are masters, and Feiyun has never played.

There are only two of us here.

We entered the city’s largest skating rink.

There were already a lot of people in it.

Everyone was very happy to play.

When I saw us, the business lady immediately called in a panic.

After a while, the manager hurried down.

“Miss, why do you have a interesting visit, do you need me to clear the field so that you and your friends are happy?”

The business manager told Xueer respectfully. I dizzy, it turned out to be the industry of Xueer’s house … I should not have to spend money. “Manager Yang, don’t have to worry, we just play casually.”

“What are the requests of that lady, please be instructed at any time.”

After talking, I glanced at me secretly and retreated. “Wow, Sister Xueer is still prestigious.”

“Sister Xiangzi, you also make fun of me, okay, let’s change it.”

The manager naturally arranges the best dress room for us. The beautiful women who changed their clothes found a relatively few ice rinks and started a trick performance. In a group of Cher and Baby, the two were veterans at first glance. The movements were very beautiful. With the beauty of beauty, they immediately won everyone’s favor. I kept applause for a while, and I was a little envious. The mood and Xiangzi also have a foundation, and they play very vigorously. The rest of me and Feiyun, Mingyue three novices are worried. “How do we practice one by one!”

Xueer proposed “Oh, I’m afraid someone wants to show up in front of her husband. Sisters, since Xueer is the most powerful, then we will give her the stupid bird!”

After that, the others pulled Mingyue and Feiyun away, and the stupid bird must be me! “Sir, can you dance with you?”

Xueer stretched out her tender hands, and the cold air in the room showed a layer of blush on her pretty face, which was cute and moving. “Very honored!”

I promised to be very simple, but for this thing, I really didn’t work, and I was too lazy to use gas or abilities to interfere with it, and then I lost fun. Sure enough, my real level is just the opposite of my refreshing answer. It is terrible. Even Feiyun and Mingyue on the side can be drawn alone. Although the posture is not good, I must rely on Xueer now. Let go, I can’t take a few steps, I have a few steps to go to the sky, miserable ~~~ Baby took Feiyun, Xiangzi took the moon, and the mood, the five people turned around us. Of course, the laughter was indispensable, and there were a lot of “personal attacks”.

I almost couldn’t help but use the power, but when I was about to show my hand, I was looking for troubled people. “Beautiful lady, I admire it very much about your moving dancing posture. Do you have this honor to dance with you?”

Six men surrounded us, and it seemed to want to have to one! The starting point of Chinese website Welcome to read the reading. The latest, fastest, and hotter serialization works are at the original starting point! The blood of the desire of 10044 in the text (above) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 4754 Why can’t I let me relax at any time? We just played the stirring of the stroll. I don’t know if they should be happy or worried about the temptation of Cher, but the mood is very uncomfortable and uncomfortable! The six boys lined up in a column, and they played a few tricks from time to time. They hummed the unknown minor, shook their heads from time to time, put on a cool look, my eyes rolled, and my wife ate my wife. Tofu, fortunately, you can wear a lot, otherwise you can lose money. However, the girls are more annoyed now than me, and it is rare to see the spectacular scene of “ugly”.

When I am preparing to fall into the underground stone, I am disturbed by a few young boys who do not know life. This is just a manifestation of your lover. Naturally, you must show your best side. If you do n’t like the people who do n’t like your heart, you are slowly changing. Since childhood, he is superior. Xiangzi, mood, Mingyue is of course not polite to some so -called people. The old lady still has the temper, but after encountering me, it seems to be forgotten in the corner. “Didn’t you see that we are busy?”

Xueer’s eyes dumped the handsome guy who thought he was very chic, and quickly pulled me up, carefully sorted me clothes, deliberately very affectionate, … great, isn’t this provocative to these mess! “Did you hear Sister Xueer said, the children played, the green head and yellow brain!”

The baby said politely, … dizzy, the younger the more he likes to pretend to be an adult. The other five people immediately wanted to get angry, but the man who spoke first was stopped, and he still smiled and said, “Several beauties, your brother seems to be a bit dull to play with girls, especially for a few beautiful women who seem to be like a fairy, it is too disappointed like him, and we have no other meaning. You see this one. Friends are really suitable for practicing on the railings on the side first, so that the beauty of beauty is really a sin. It is better to show him a demonstration together! "

“You’re wrong, it’s a few of us with him, not him to accompany us!”

Xiangzi said a few words. “Our boss’s sister -in -law is this deputy general manager, lady, play with the boss, you can count you for free today!”

A little downtown Feng Chengdao next to him, treating me as Kaizi, and not looking at Cher, do not look at Xueer, do not look at Xueer What they do, have no eyesight. With a leading head, he nodded coolly. Xueer’s frown is even tighter now, “Oh? Is it true?”

A few of them thought the beauty was moving, and he nodded quickly, “Yes, Manager Guo, haha, how to play together.”

“What I want to say is that only one word is —— Roll! Don’t let me see you, otherwise, whether it is a pot or a pot, I want him to leave!”

“Yo, don’t you want to be so rampant, you see if you have damaged the image of the lady!”

Several guys looked very experienced. They were tangled and tangled. “Do you think my technology is not good, come here to help?”

I blocked their claws and asked, A few guys forgot to forget me such a big living person for a while, “Yes, why can’t you show your hands?”

Six people laughed wildly, Xueer was angry at a glance, and they were angry at a glance. “Don’t be angry with your wives, what are me in your anxiety!”

I said, Xueer was immediately honest, a beautiful look, knowing that I was going to make a lot, and naturally I liked me to show my skills. Seeing a few stuns, I did not expect that this six stunning beauty is really my girlfriend. It seems that the relationship is still deep, and it is so obedient, as if discovering the new continent, looking at me up and down. “Oh, buddy, I can’t see it, there are really two hands, how about making a friend, let your girls accompany the buddy to play, what will happen to the brothers in the future?”

“Oh, I’m more than just two hands. Let’s bet on it. You choose to compare the best technology with me. If you win, there is no problem. If you lose, you have to crawl out.”

“Okay, you have a kind of kid, don’t cry, haha!”

A few kids were in hand, and the beauty felt in her arms. “Bang Mao, you go on, give this buddy with both hands! Divide your soup tonight”

“No problem boss, the boy stared at!”

Speaking of Xiaomong Mao’s kid began to perform, … “Belly Mao”

, why is it called Belly Mao? He obviously has hair and dizzy. Seeing that someone wants to challenge, everyone has given up the place to see the excitement, especially one side is the hunter hunter with the ice rink, but the other side is six thousand and beautiful and beautiful, … Why is I always forgotten people? Intersection Intersection Intersection Sure enough, the strength is good, smooth pace, the air turns 360 degrees, adding a few small tricks, all do well, it looks like it has been practiced, I want to soak on the ice rink, no two sons can not work. Sliding and taking a few downside movements, but still provoked a group of people with a population whistle, and turned around. It seemed that it was going to make an ending action. Good guy wants to be a front sky fossil, or you still practice family! The moment his movement completed the landing, the smile and victory posture were set up. It seemed that he was also very satisfied, but I was worse, gently under his feet. This buddy’s feet were biased into a four -legged foot, which was worse than me just now, and suddenly fell out. This time, the audience laughed and lost the adult! … Don’t blame my heart “ruthless”

, treat anyone or hostile people, can not be merciless, let alone want to hit my wife’s attention … … I am so patient like this It is best to kill them directly according to my heart, but you can’t move the killer because of a few words. After all, Xueer is so beautiful. They naturally knew that it was my hands and feet, but they were still very happy. “I don’t know, what is this trick?”

Baby said innocently. “This trick is called 360 -degree brain on the ground, haha!”

The answer was the crisp sound of Mingyue, which is really wonderful. When I think of that wonderful singing, it is formed from this seductive red lips. There is a kind of motion in my heart. Essence A few mixed face, I don’t understand how the elastic bare hair has always gone away. Although angry, there is no way. “Let’s look at you below, I hope to let our brother open the horizon!”

“You won’t you crawl over, even the person who stands unstable? Haha ~”


I let go of the handrail and scratched a cloud -like action. The kind of natural players are a little higher than professional players, as if floating in the air! … In fact, it is almost the same. My feet are just sticking lightly with the ground, and occasionally borrowing power. If I slide directly on the ground, I still have some unnatural. Although I haven’t slipped it much, I have seen a lot of views. There is still a ballet impression in my head. Anyway, I can do everything. He turns 360 degrees, so I will have a three consecutive consecutive consecutive turn 720 degrees. It should always be better than him. Put your legs as a fashion mode, and then turn over 360 degrees, follow the front sky, a dive back to the middle, turn in place, and I still know the turn of the gyroscope. I am now too. It’s a big gyroscope, … I don’t know a few laps. Anyway, I am absolutely almost the same. … Why is there no sound? Is my posture too layman, sweat …! The audience around him had been stunned, and the people from other ice rinks also crowded over to watch, “Wow, is a professional master, the action is too cool!”

“Three consecutive consecutive turns 720 degrees, obedient, professional players are not so physical!”

“Such people should participate in professional competitions, it’s cool, packaging can definitely win the championship!”

“Bang Mao is going to eat it!”

“Not necessarily, the gangsters, on the surface, a serious book, out of the door, but it is not necessarily. He dare not make trouble here to be afraid of smashing the rice bowl!”

“Hum, he is not a good thing. I heard that he has connect with the underworld. The old man was still playing with a little girl some time ago, and he was not afraid of death on a woman’s belly!”

“People are dying from peony flowers, and they are romantic as ghosts!”

“Also, we can only think about it.”

She Xueer had hugged me down, and the kiss immediately contributed to “Husband is great!”

Of course, the moon is not there, after all, there is no relationship, at most, it will be “hug”

, and it will reach her limit. The fashion is very enthusiastic, but it is still very seminated. Dizzy, I cheated. A few guys saw that they wanted to move rough, maybe what they thought of, led the leader, and the angry flashed people … … These people are too credit to talk about credit, but they did not crawl out! We played for a while, the manager just came over, “Miss, I heard that there was a master in our field, where is it, do we network him to our under us!”

“Oh, don’t care about this, right, I heard that there is a manager Guo here?”

When the manager looked at the lady’s face was not good, he knew that there was no good thing, and he thought it was right. It must be the young lady, hey, this time you can let the bastard leave. “Yes, there is a general manager Guo.”

“Did he have any nephews often play here?”

“Yes Yes.”

“That’s right, you go back and tell him, let the rolls cover.”

Seeing that the manager was a little hesitant, Xueer was a little unhappy, “Why are there any problems?”

“No, no, no problem, … just, this surname is a bit related to the Green Snake Gang. I’m afraid he will make trouble! In fact, he becomes an deputy manager, and we are also under pressure from the underworld. Work like this. "

“Huh, a bunch of little bruises, what waves can you start, you tell him, and said that Lu Xiaoxue said, if I dare to let me see in this area, I will wait for any green snake or dead snake, they will wait Just a big guy! "

Baby is not polite at all. As the daughter of the major figure of the military, those who are colonels have nodded to salute when they saw her. Class can be destroyed! And there is no precedent, but at that time, it was not what the baby took the initiative, but the predecessor of a green snake gang, because offending the baby, causing the old man to be angry. When he patted the table, that night, an underworld organization disappeared. It is declared to the outside world that the clearance of the special forces of the underworld is also part of the military practical training. At that time, it was a lot of people. Only a few people knew the inside story. In fact, where outsiders know that they offended this little ancestor. After all, the development of an underworld forces is inseparable from the government, but the military can only be ordered by the military, but what they need! Later, a green snake gang was up in place. The manager obviously knew these things, and immediately nodded his head. I thought secretly, obediently, what kind of wind is blowing today, why are you unable to mess with a big person? Look at the expression and demeanor of other women, you know that you do n’t talk about ordinary people, and that man can make his eyes high. The young lady and Miss Lu of Yu Ding must be a more powerful character. People can’t look like! I don’t know which son is ~! But all this regardless of his business, thinking about it here, he couldn’t help wipe a cold sweat. … but also good, the surname Guo is too good ÷ East -west, relying on his underworld forces not to take him in his eyes and disturb the company’s business. Go away! Without the annoying flies, we can also play in pain, but I found that the three bodyguards who protected Mingyue were separated from six. Essence “Brother Zhong, don’t be stupid, come and play with us!”

“Yeah, baby wants to wrestle with someone!”

“Okay, Sister Feiyun, you know bullying me, see if I don’t itch you, don’t run!”

“Okay, I’m here too!”

However, people just ca n’t be excited. No, I am happy to forget how many or two water I have, and I stepped down the bright first foot! awful…… Happy Xue’er, they kept happy, okay, it can make them happy, I am worth it, but my performance has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts. Others only think that we are playing with spear guns. From the general manager who just now, the general manager’s From the perspective of performance, they also know that we are not affordable, so no one dares to bother us! For a while, we forgot all the troubles and fun, and the beauties had to fall from time to time. With me, naturally, they could not get a little bit of injury, and it was like a cotton pad to the ground. I looked at me affectionately, and I let go. It doesn’t matter. The always comes will always come. If you don’t grasp it, you may regret it when you lose it. I now say that it is not that feeling for Mingyue, but if you think about it if she is lying in other men’s arms now, can I still be so calm? Naturally. I let go of my heart with them. Mingyue keenly noticed my changes, and I was naturally glad not to hide her intentionally, but the journey between the two of us was still far away! Some things are not simple to love each other, but if it really develops that day, I think I will overcome all difficulties. Today, now, let us play happily! Everyone else looked at us envy. Our small environment is like a paradise in dreams for ordinary people, but I did not expect to see it in reality. … … The starting point of Chinese website Welcome to read the reading. The latest, fastest, and hotter serialization works are at the original starting point! The blood of the desire of 10044 in the text (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5908 “Brother Zhong, I’m so happy today!”

“That’s it, that’s not so happy for a long time. You don’t know. It is really boring to be a star. If it wasn’t for those fans, I wouldn’t do it, right?”

Baby and Mingyue accompanied me left and right, and the charming appearance is really moving. Men, women, women, yin and yang sucking power is the most difficult to stop. After playing all day, we are tired. We are going to send the Mingyue back first, and then, hey, naturally back to our love nest, quack! Send Mingyue to the ground, and we also returned to the house. “Sister Yueer, nostalgia for someone of us!”

“Yeah, what is the charm, to fascinate our idols like this?”

“It’ s still pretending to be confused. I have known each other for a long time, and I still put us in the drum. "

“This is not good, you need to serve the family!”

“Use a stick or a whip, or a pliers tonight, or you can do it!”

Khan … you don’t need to make anything, I can’t do everything. When I walked, I talked slightly when I was a child. When I said that when I was marrying someone as her to send me, the tears of the five women laughed came out. … Bullying my fragile and pure heart! Wait, the situation is a bit bad! A group of people surrounded us from the other end of the street.

The leading leader was the six guys who had just been taught.

They were all nose and swollen, and followed by a group of sons holding a machete.

Embroidered a snake, and some of them were tattooed with disgusting worms.

But I should pay attention to it, not to say that these garbage, but “people”

hidden in the dark. “Alas, these little ladies, the daughter of a big boss, and what is Lu Xiaoxue, I don’t know what to do, it seems to scare the boss.”

“Hey, fork, tied them, let her Lao Tzu take the ransom, and a few little mother dare to annoy, alas, this night, we must be good!”

More than a dozen men also laughed. In the evening, there are really very few people in this direction. Someone is someone who knows that it is a triad revenge, and the ones are not available from a distance! “Boss, it seems that there is one less girl!”

“Counting her luck, first clean up these a few, and wait for them to try the power of my uncle in bed, and I will follow it. Maybe I can still be the son -in -law of the Feng family! Five women are already angry, but Xueer, baby has no actual combat experience, it is impossible, "

Xiangzi, mood, Feiyun, you three of you protecting Cher, baby, be careful of people upstairs!” The strength of Xiangzi and the mood is the enemy in the dark. Feiyun can deal with ordinary people now, and the spiritual power of Cher and Baby can only resist mental attacks, and active attacks are almost almost. They also know that although the atmosphere, they can only play cheerleaders! In fact, I am already angry, you do n’t go in heaven, you do n’t have to go in hell, your door breaks in. It ’s not that I do n’t give you a chance. There is only one word to deal with such people-kill! Intersection Intersection "

Yo, Xiaobai’s face wants heroes to save beauty, I …” He did not let him finish the following, and played directly to violent his head! The scattered blood and brain paste made this group of garbage sober, and immediately waved the machete towards me! Except for evil, keep one more person more troubles! Mercy merciless? Hum, I haven’t learned this trick to deal with the enemy. Every punch and every foot goes out, there will be one person lay down, and there will be a few people left in a while. Then I know that I am afraid, yelling the devil, the knife in my hand, the knife in my hand, the knife in my hand Running backwards. One acceleration, three killed three, the last one of the last deputy manager Guo Da, oh, wrong, you should add a "

front” word. "

Big, big brother, forgiveness, the villain has his eyes and does not know Taishan …” "

Rest assured, I won’t kill you!” I was too lazy to have such a garbage, and smashed all his bones with one palm, and immediately softened to the ground like a snake. "

I didn’t kill you, but if you can’t hold it yourself, there is no way!” Don’t look at them after speaking! Kill one more, one less garbage! I am also rare to make a clean Daofu. After all, everyone has their own lifestyle, but if you invade me, there is no way. We are weak and strong. If I am weaker than you today, we will be worse! "

Above, have you seen enough!” 10 people in black appear in front of us, and Xiangzi and mood are more dignified. The people who come are masters! "

It is the biochemical force of the Toyama group!” Xiangzi said warning to the warning "

You are the soul eater?” "

You are the traitor Oda Xiangzi!" The only eye that the leader was exposed outside, staring straight at us. Khan …, won’t, it comes to me, and even "

soul -eater" came out. The Japanese were really unforgettable to me. In order to lose in the game, I found China. …… Interesting! "

Yes, the Ming people don’t say secret, although the right people are right!" "

Baga! Kill!" Ten people determined the goal and immediately rushed up. The eight people surrounded me, and the remaining two rushed towards Xiangzi. "

court death!" The eight bright ninja knives were split at me. Under the reflection of the street lights, there was a green light. My fork and the poison were still poisonous. I hate it! At this time, I ca n’t tolerate me to retain my strength. The battle is changing rapidly. I am not afraid, but after hurting Xueer, I will die! "

You are looking for death, no wonder me!" The moment the knife was close to me, the strength of the whole body suddenly broke out. Generally, the 60 % force was enough, the golden light flashed, and the knife was immediately bounced. Good! Aiming at the dead hole, he kicked eight wastes in an instant, and the inner gas directly penetrated into the confidant. The fragrant and mood over there was equivalent to the mood. They cheered and dizzy. These women were really brave and not far away. The remaining two guys were not good at seeing the situation, and they left their mood and incense, retreated quickly, retreated to eight people, and injected something at the fastest speed. … The eight dead guys shook Stranging up again, forgot, these biochemical people have disorderly transforming their bodies. The simplest thing is to destroy them directly! Said Xueer and retreat, and intuitively told me what bad tricks they would use! Sure enough, the ten guys shouted for a while, and my muscles began to tumb. How nauseous it would be, how nausea was it, and I saw it N times, and it was more nauseous than once. These scum are really. Use this kind of uninhabited and not ghost, but this time is not the same as those who attacked Mingyue last time. Those who are like a biochemical person who has not completed the evolution. These seem to be more powerful. It turns into a hard shell, like a layer of armor! This time, even people are gone, it is really not human … "

Well, soul -eater, you forced us. This catalyst is not the finished product. It can only live for one month, but I will make you dead. Those girls, we will make them cool To death, kill! " Dizzy, I really do n’t know that the height is thick and the earth has become a ghost. Why is n’t the brain clever yet? Give Xueer a comfortable look, greeted up, a group of people fighting for a group, the cooperation of these guys is still very powerful, after training, but I still used to deal with me. One -scale and half -claws, half -hanging use, and holding Dangbao, really convinced these people. A flash of body, stepped into the empty door in advance, the biochemical man, his face was incredible, but he didn’t have to be sad in a while, because his head was gone, and other "

people" rushed towards me even more crazy. The side effects are too great, their brains are not easy to use, and they are still a little bit mixed. This is not enough to look at it. This ghost can live for a month. I think it is enough tonight. The silly fork was also deceived, and the attack power and speed increased, but the attack was too messy. I also killed her temperament. The old man asked me before, what martial arts and abilities used to do. The kind old man who had always been kind that day was very serious, and his eyes began to shine. ; Protect yourself, or a palm; for the glory of the family, it is more fierce. At this time, I suddenly opened up, ***Everything is shit. All of Lao Tzu learns all to kill people! Intersection Intersection That’s right, it’s killing! Intersection Intersection After getting this answer, the old man restored "

normal" again, patting my shoulder with a smile, yes, the most direct and simple purpose is to kill! When I torn the last biochemical person, I calmed down. Hey, when I saw the blood, it was inevitable that there would be some crazy, and there was one head left on the ground. "

Soul Eater, we won’t let you go, the organization will send more powerful people, and suddenly a piece of things shot out of the sky. However, if you want to brush the flower gun from my eyelids, look too much about Grandpa me. As soon as the spiritual power is exhibited, I pull the eyeballs in the air in the air, wipe it, pinch violence! “Why, I want to pass the news, haha!”

“I didn’t expect you to be a power. I planned it. I wouldn’t just do this ~”

I was flattened by me, and I was cool when I was died. Founder you can’t see it, so don’t worry about it! Seeing the battle, Xueer quickly surrounded him, and looked at me a little bit. “Beauty, this is not long, let’s go!”

Scan on the ground, erase the traces, and save the trouble … but the surrounding buildings are still damaged, … I think the police will always find a reason for themselves, this I don’t need to bother. Back at home, the five women took the fine light of me to check me carefully. Naturally, I had to check them carefully. Jing Jing gave me the first time. Guidance, the Jing Jing didn’t dare to open his eyes from beginning to end. After the killing, there are always some negative effects in my heart. After all, you are still people, not a killing machine. Through the love of men and women, you can declare them out. Otherwise, you do n’t know what it will look like! This first time may be a bit fierce for Jing Jing, but I really can’t bear it. If I were not born in such a family, I would probably just live a lifelong life, but my destiny is really really this thing. It’s too unpredictable, but I still want to thank it to let me and the beloved people be together, and give me the strength of them to protect them. People should be killed. After the climax, we enjoyed this warm calm, and it was scared to say that it was stimulated.

When I came back, I found that it was okay.

He also caught it back, and he ate her in the eyes of the public.

Among them, .



not for outsider ^\ _ \ _ ^ “Jing Jing, wasn’t it too fierce just now?”

I touched Jing Jing’s skin like satin, and asked with a small voice. Jing Jing’s shyness did not dare to look up, it was more conservative, the first time it was so open enough for her. “You, just think of it now, Jing Jing doesn’t want us, you bad guy!”

“Oh, Xueer, you have to be merciless, you will rely on it in the second half of your life!”

The girls laughed and scolded, but they were all tired, otherwise they would definitely not have a “poison”.

“Husband, is that a biochemical person in Japan, is it disgusting?”

Baby now thinks that there is still a lot of heart, and just now, don’t cater to it, scare the baby. Hey, even the ugly ugliness, running out of scary is their wrong! “How can such people enter our land, it’s terrible, what is the government doing!”

“Oh, in fact, you are not a strange thing. Following me in the future, it will still happen, even more scary, are you afraid?”

Nothing all the girls spoke, but leaned tightly, at this time, it was silent. “These biochemical people are all serious Japanese businessmen, and there are no effective tools to be inspected. In fact, just like Japan has agents in China. We also have such masters in Japan Whose handle is just a handle, even if it is grasped, the entire group of people in this group of monsters will not be recognized internationally. When you are old, you ca n’t help but do it. They may think that 10 people have shot the vouchers. It ’s up to the accident afterwards. Hehe, I did n’t expect to meet me, counting them!”

“Brother Zhong, you are so amazing, it’s really scared to me!”

Baby is still lingering now, those horrible things really make people have nightmares. “Oh, is my killing method a bit cruel?”

I refer to the mix of the front, and the back is no longer a human. “Hmm ~, husband, you are protecting me, killing good, these scum!”

Baby is not afraid of people. “Husband, in fact, if you do n’t kill them, we are miserable. Nothing is unwilling. These people usually do n’t know how many people have hurt!”

“… In fact, to be honest, I can’t bear to see that kind of scene,”

Jing Jing said slowly, the four women looked at her. Jing Jing leaned into my arms, “But I hate these dregs, husband, let’s let go, sisters support you!”

As the ancient martial arts family, the mood naturally understands. In fact, I am not the first time I have killed. I have killed a lot before. The real martial arts must be experienced in the process of killing. I am reluctant to think about that kind of life. In fact, even if you have never been killed, you have seen at least a lot … She doesn’t matter! “Some time ago, the special forces came to our school to recruit soldiers. I did not go, but this does not mean that we are far away from the battlefield, Daquanchun Saburo, and the incident caused by the identity of the soul, and a series of issues of our family. We I will not be too far away from the battlefield, but I promise to protect you all my life! "

The beauties were very tired and thoughtful, and slowly fell asleep, but I had no drowsiness. Once you have the ability to exceed ordinary people, you must assume the responsibility beyond ordinary people. Now the Japanese are getting more and more courageous, and the blood blade activities are also very frequent. However, these things have their own considerations, and the blood blade is not so attractive, and you can never underestimate the strength of the country. Unexpectedly, my performance in the world actually had such a great impact on Japan. It seems that this game is really not simple. Then I really have such good luck? Intersection Intersection I don’t know, I really don’t know! It stands to reason that the main server is “the future”

on the moon. It was not manipulated by China and the United States. At that time, it was the representatives of all countries in the world. The only one -line program was to protect human beings! The others are all independent and evolved. Of course, the update of some accessories is still helped by human beings. Smart robots do not use it on a large scale. The reason is that everyone knows what everyone is. However, at most this game, she used her a little bit of idleness. She was probably too lazy to control it, but now it is certain that it is certain. The Japanese have suffered a lot of losses, and the foreign exchange is lost. Sometimes I also feel that my personal is small. Even if my personal strength is strong, it is also in a chessboard arranged by others. I must comply with certain rules, because my ability may be superior to others, but essentially in nature I am not a simple pawn. I have the opportunity to be a chess person. Everything depends on my own decision. For Xueer’s happiness, I sometimes change my point of view. After all It’s a rebellious thing! If I want to be calm, I must be alone if I want to avoid it all the time, or find an ordinary girl, hiding in where no one knows us. Even so, they may find me, but they are different. Can a child give up her parents? Such a large group cannot understand some of the secrets of the country at all, and the baby is even more so, and the mood is the same. Like me, there are their own family responsibilities. The companion of the orphanage does not care, only Xiangzi abandon everything for me. In fact, it is for her that I must also create a world of own! I foresee that the game in the second world is not simple, not just a game, but now the situation is probably calculated by the developer, and it gradually loses the control of it. The second world! Different two spaces will be my stage! The starting point of Chinese website Welcome to read the reading. The latest, fastest, and hotter serialization works are at the original starting point! Text 10045 Gold Wing King Dapeng King Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 8472 “Second World”

, as an online game, may be said to be a more popular online game. It has been received today. The number of people registered in the game now has about one -third of the total population of the earth. Of course, professional players and merchants account for half, and some are purely purely graded to be graded in order to enjoy life or entertain. These people will also inject funds, but they are mainly used for tourism enjoyment. People have also practiced some pure life skills, such as fishing, just for personal interests, but countries have noticed that more and more people have shifted their amateur life to the “Second World”.

Now the officials of various countries have gradually begun to start. Co -developers manage the game because it is not just a game now, but is developing in the direction of the second world. The virtual world mentioned by human beings a long time ago is gradually becoming a reality. More reasonable, seizing network resources, countries have strengthened management, but because the developers of China and the United States jointly promoted the operation part of the “Future”

management due to the two publicity points of “absolute fairness”

and “the strongest console”.

Instead, governments from various countries do not change the game in qualitatively, that is, they are blocked by their ambitions that they want to make personal gain or control the network! The change of “Future”

is a thing prohibited by the Alliance Law, and it is also to prevent some powers from conspiring personal selfishness, but governments of various countries quickly realize another problem. Now a lot of funds in China have flowed into the Internet, and even in the Internet, even in the network, and even in the Internet A cycle is formed, a cycle that is not controlled by them. Especially from the Sino -Japanese War, many countries have even more discovered that changes in the game can affect the changes in funds in the entire country. Although the financial market has fluctuated in the financial market in Japan, this also wakes up in other countries! Although the governments of various countries have no explicit encouragement, they have made some hands and feet secretly to let the people who play this game open the door for convenience. Take the Chinese government for example. It is not that the government cannot be excessively preached. After all, the work in reality is more worthy of promoting, otherwise it will be sent to me a medal, but it is also given a revelation for everyone. In reality The opponent, if the other party couldn’t hold it first and launched an attack, then the waiting for it would be a big counterattack. After all, the responsibility that caused the world war was not to play. Berring, we just destroy their other countries and we can’t say anything! Because this Chinese government has secretly notified Long Teng Company’s “task”

that owed me “very, very, very, very”

talented, and the government spoke. As a Chinese, the company is naturally happy, but they also discovered a problem, but they also found a problem. These changes were all taken over by “future”

… … This is the way to develop according to the procedure, but it seems a little earlier. There is no way. It can only be said that there is a problem. Give me. A very serious problem is in front of it, that is, the current “second world”

is like a planet for development. Everything is new. As long as the system is followed, the power of the power is the emperor inside! Although the governments of various countries see this, they are not surprised or immediately banned that all players are people in reality. As long as they are still alive, they must eat and live. People flew into the sky. … But the problem is that not all people who play the second world are ordinary people! After eating a loss, the Japanese side immediately became alertly alert to mobilize all players to level training. It also expected to revenge snow hatred. At the same time, he wanted to use the game to take advantage of his strong economic forces to entrust China! Although the status of the United States in reality is already overwhelming, the thin camel is larger than the horse! They did not admit defeat. On the Internet, they also called the king. Europe, as the top community in the world now, naturally realized this. In fact, some official online masters have entered the game and carried out activities. …… Everything is doing it in an orderly manner, but for ordinary people, they still just enjoy the happiness of online games. I did not expect that the future of not far away is “the second battlefield”

! ###### Get up early in the morning, the five women are still sleeping, and I move. In addition to the baby, I am lazy, and the lazy beauty first wakes up is another beauty. The baby is curled up like a cute rabbit in me. In my arms, I might feel uncomfortable just now, and immediately leaned in it, … I wouldn’t just treat me as “dudu”.

Xiangzi got up immediately, groomed and prepared everything for us. Cher quickly got up to help. In fact, the beauty still compared with each other. She waited for her husband to see who was the most thoughtful, but Xueer still had to learn from Xiangzi. Get up, frown, and then blushing. “Jing Jing, don’t worry, let this bad boy wait for you, I don’t know how to pity the fragrant jade!”

After talking about Xueer, they were undoubtedly exposed regardless of their beautiful figure. In this way, they walked in front of me. From time to time, they threw a few winks. Obviously, it was “bowed”

yesterday. My brother was really angry. … but we have no time to toss, the miserable is me! But at this time I found a major problem. They were all wearing very, very special underwear, which was sexy! Cher is wearing a fully transparent tulle. The exquisite figure is undoubtedly exposed. Xiangzi is a sexy top -shaped underwear. . I really want to take a bite! The mood is a little more conservative, wearing a little bit, but you may not be willing to, half -showing your breasts, more attractive than light. Feiyun is a cute red bellyband, but the design of this bellyband is really amazing. I do n’t say that the place that should be covered is not covered. I can’t help but compare with her with Xueer. It is really difficult to divide and it can only be different beauty and different temperament. Although two people don’t want to, the beauty of the same level will cause an illusion, as if they are sisters! Suddenly I am a little grateful to the designer of the second world. There is a choice that reduces my appearance by 10 %. Otherwise, if it is raised by 10 %, Feiyun will probably be snatched away. It is really lucky! Seeing my straight appearance, the four daughters laughed, “Husband, you are too dull, we have put so many POSE before noticing!”

“That is, there is no shop after this village!”

“It seems that the effect is really good, my husband is strong again, giggle!”

… a group of small fairy, counting you! The changes below me awakened the obedient baby. When they saw Xueer, they had already got up, leaving only the two of us, and complained about me. Why not wake her up early and serve her husband! Khan … I don’t wait for you, but it’s good, but the spirit is good, reward the handsome guy to kiss one! Baby is more innocent and can’t think too much. Just do it, jump up all at once, obediently, but the spring light is fully exposed, … the baby has the habit of sleeping naked. As for the special underwear bought yesterday where it goes. This habit is good! … It’s just so exciting in the morning, a little dizzy, congestion. “Oh, my husband has left nosebleeds!”

……………….. The peripheral game of the “World First Combat Conference in the World”

is about to begin tonight. Once we go online in the morning, we are obedient to the east. It’s not rest! As soon as we returned to the hall, Xiao Mao and the second sister -in -law rushed in. “Boss, good news, good news, the first combination of the world’s first military conference has not been opened, the number of people in our city has doubled, the income of the Shanglian is too fierce, and some other guilds in the city follow us. It seems that Xiao Mao seems to be fat, and blame this guy to connect his fat and thin with the gold coins in the vault. It is strong enough! "

Boss, we have a lot of people who have been identified by the refiners, and you are exhausted. You send me a hand to me!” "

Gezi, this is your wrong pull, I am with the lack of hands, you are together!” "

Brother Mao, this is not good, let’s not work here, I have been busy all day long, you see, you are fat, I am thin, this means that I am busy than you!" … Xiao Mao also ate it. There is no way, who told his fat and thinness that has nothing to do with this! "

Two, don’t quarrel, you are missing, right? I go to Xiaomao to see the door in the morning, and go to the second sister -in -law to fight iron in the afternoon, so you are satisfied!" "

Boss, this is not the case. If you go to the door for me, it is good, but I can’t afford this salary!" "

That is, the boss’s luck, but a good hand of the refiner, if the price is appropriate, I can consider it!" Khan … really served the two of them, even I calculated. "

Yes, you can draw some people from the Warlock Legion. Do not move others, but you must strengthen the patrol. Anyone who wants to rob the fire and touch the fish in muddy water must be severely punished and special effects! “Boss, don’t say, there are really a lot of people who are not afraid of death. In the past two days, there was a guild named”

A family ’to send people to make trouble three times. We killed 13 people, probably because it was far from us. It was the guy of the Communist City, but it was still sent to destroy it. It really was a lot less. “Well, very good, of course, to distinguish personal behavior and guild behavior, that is, the guild behavior. As long as it is found early, give them a warning, keep killing, first courtesy and then soldiers. After all, our magic palace is also a signboard. , Can’t carry the bad reputation with strong bullying! "

“By the way, how about the four guys of the four saints are now, willn’t it be a stun?”

Although I revealed that the message was given to them, I didn’t want them to shrink back, it should be played, otherwise it would be time to fight, otherwise it was not, isn’t it? I didn’t get any benefits. “Boss, hey, the latest intelligence, the four saints are just playing with Qingqing apple incense and immortality. With my estimation, they will definitely settle the plan. And they have learned that the news of Qingqing apple incense and endless leading leaders to the eighteen riding, the thirteenth killer participates, the machine must not be lost, and it will not come again, they will not let go! "

“Yes, in fact, both sides know this news, but they are pretending to be confused. “.

.. Do you say that you will unite the Qingqing apple incense to take the initiative to attack?” The cat fish came in and said. This question was asked to ask everyone. If they took the initiative to attack, the four saints would be miserable, and we could not help them. I pondered for a while, and suddenly there was a bright enlightenment. Xiao Mao, the second sister -in -law, cat fish looked at me. "

First of all, in order to maintain their forces, Xinxing will naturally have a close alliance. Active attacks may not echo, but if they are attacked, they still know the reason of the cold lips! So they will not take this danger, they will not take this danger, they will not take this danger. And just to attack, the best time has been missed, and with the personality of Qingqing apple fragrance, he won’t play without a confident battle, so let’s wait for the show! Cat fish, have all the people on our side arranged? " "

Haha, the boss is relieved, all found a reliable old member, let alone worry about strength, which line can compare with our magic palace, hide the dragon and criminal!” "

You guy, you can boast yourself!” Haha ~ ~ Everyone except me has to participate in the contest, that is, the preliminaries, and the mood will participate, and Xueer and Feiyun should not participate.

After all, the warlock is still in a state of defense in the martial arts field.

Even if the game I feel uncomfortable, I am more assured with the attack power of mood.

Besides, pets and masters are performed separately.

Only when the finals can be used in the finals, it is not suitable for Xueer and Feiyun.

It was originally arranged for me to make the champion of the challenge.

I think this is not fair, and if I participate in myself, it is good for improving the reputation of the Magic Palace and exercising the skills to deal with various occupations.

After yesterday’s incident, Feiyun still changed a lot.

Seeing my eyes focused, the tenderness and affection inside could melt even people.

In fact, there is a change in a change.

She, after her beautiful last night, her whole is like changing a person.

It is an unspeakable glory, giving me a feeling of glory.

The flying cloud was beautiful enough.

Feng Yun gradually revealed, and the flowing light, Lian Xueer, couldn’t help ridicule her.

The baby also asked me jealous, do you use any special skin care products for Sister Feiyun?

Regarding my proposal, Cher and Feiyun still agreed.

Cher didn’t care about this kind of thing.





It is really the most traditional Chinese woman, Xiu Xiuzhong, .



The old dean, I am too admired by you, and my wife will send it to you in the future!

Pure vases without connotation do not make a real man’s heart, and Feiyun is definitely not.

Smart women always hide themselves and set off their men, but they will play their role in key places.

It is not often said that there is a good woman behind a successful man, which refers to this kind of woman.

Large like a woman who shows the desire of the lotus, the woman who is too strong in people, their men can have a good temper.

I think most men can’t resist it!

During this time, it is more lively than the martial arts.

It is different from the newcomer king, especially when it is related to themselves.

In addition to some unknown masters, everyone is recognized, and most of the players who are more concerned about.

The war kept coming to participate in this competition, but I didn’t expect him to give up.

It has been a long time since he has seen him.

I really missed him.

I heard that he was mixed on the side of Kunlun.

It is rare to give up to give up this time with Qingqing apple incense in front of everyone!

To be honest, it is really hard to see through Qingqing apple incense, but someone suddenly tells me that he now has the second strength of the list, and I will never doubt that if you can use one word to describe him, that is ——stable!

No matter in any way, the war is worse than him.

Even if it is a fighting experience, you can play at most.

Now I do n’t agree with them.

It is best to think about this, indicating that he is daring to be in his salary.

When he appears again in front of us, we can wait and see!

No one has more reason to directly challenge Qingqing apple fragrance.

If he can succeed, it is good news to himself, and to the Magic Palace, and it is a fatal blow to Qingqing apple fragrance!

But when can this desire depends on the battle, I don’t stop myself.

I want the opportunity to fight!

The magic palace played, soul -eating, mood, desperately three wolves, silly, zodiac signs, cat fish, shooting the sun kiss moon, etc.

, magic bow group, magic division group, magic thief group, magic group, no problem, no problem In terms of, the head of the regiment and deputy regiment must participate!

Other brigades can decide independently.

Anyone who has achieved good results in the game has rewards according to the level!

As for the Warlock Corps, we do not specify that after all, the warlock does not have special opportunities, and the attack power is relatively limited, and it is really ugly.

Of course, we can’t help but be voluntary.

Essence However, the two gangsters can’t go up.

I don’t want to watch Xueer and Feiyun being bullied.

Although there are two artifacts in Xueer now, they are mainly defensive, or that I have not found an attack so far.

Sexual functions must be cooperated with “Xueyun”

to give full play to their power. However, the previous game is separated from people, and the final finals are free choice. As for Feiyun, as the first warlock, the five -element attack power is very powerful, but yesterday was too crazy, and she was still inconvenient to move, and she did not participate in it. She did not need it. Xiangzi was also a highlight. After all, there were only a few people who had seen the real ninja, let alone a beauty ninja. If she participated, she would definitely attract most of her eyes, but I did not take my wife as the habit of watching, so this proposal was directly. Xiaomao has been with me for so long, and I still know my temper. There is nothing to be ridiculous! The mood is an exception. She is holding the dragon, and her strength is absolutely superb, especially without pets. No matter who encounters her, it is difficult to get benefits. With my estimation, the person who eliminates the pets can be better than those who can win her. I can’t find it! And the head of the strongest magic group in the Central Plains ——– The goddess of Dragon Tu can not be timid. Although I do n’t like someone to “fight”

my wife, I do n’t oppose my wife “fight”

others. , … To be precise, this is also a kind of enjoyment, haha. As for the baby, my God, you still spare me, I am afraid that the referee can shoot her to death. Institute of Magic Research, the eternal ancient magician plus the top ten masters of his men, the elites are exhausted, and the others are freely registered to get a good reward. This is the same as the Magic Palace. The melancholy cat must also participate, saying that it is necessary to see what the real master is, and to test what you can be in. … With her strength, if there is no accident, there is still no problem in the finals … As for the latter, basically the master who encounters the list of heaven will be determined, the equipment is good, consciousness, consciousness At high, there is no level of everything, otherwise anyone else can level up, just go to equipment! The business alliance, Qingqing apple incense, all the eighteen riders of his men participated, and other members of the group signed up freely. Fantasy rose group, all four fairy participated, and the “twelve golden crickets”

under men. The sisters said in front of N many people, looking at my face, … elder sister, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you Just look at my face, and don’t say it, that is, you want to say that we can also find a place where no one is said. You will misunderstand in front of so many people! The other three fairy turned out to be the same words, and the hostile eyes were much more. … Anyway, I have a lot of debt and not overwhelming. In fact, dreaming of dreams is planned. Since they have sent out the “misunderstanding”

oath, they have not been quiet. The estrus men came to find them one by one, and they were all very powerful. Some of them were usually good. Besides, people just express their love, and they can’t beat them out. Finally, after discussion, I still have to “trouble”

me. I deliberately said something ambiguous in public, and suddenly shifted the attention of grass. Of course, there were many unpleasant people, and they could only deal with them. … The twelve golden magpies are very cool to our zodiac signs. The endless death of the killer church, and the thirteen killers under men, also played. As for others, many people in the killer hall are secret. In the end, the only one is not dead, and some of them are even a guild. Occasionally, the leader also does some zero work, part -time as a killer, of course, all have personal purposes! Xiaoyao Emperor City, illegal entry, and masters of each hall participated. His members are like madness as illegal entry. Naturally, he will not give up this opportunity. Elf Garden, Aixin Corolla did not want to participate, but I was ticked by me. If he did not participate, it would be boring. How much nami was so beautiful, but he came to him. As for the internal members of the Elf Garden, they are also voluntary principles. The new faction (the new school is the collective name of the emerging forces) also come out a lot. If you can defeat the old master’s reputation and the reputation of the guild, it is a good publicity. Four Saint Beasts —— Suzaku and Xuanwu took a group of masters to participate. Comet Harley —— The boss “Comet Harley”

and the master in the meeting. No party-the boss “Liberty”.

And the master in the meeting. Greater China —— The “56 World”

and 56 masters in the meeting. … … In addition, there are some well -known people, the Flying Flower Witch’s fascination, and his four guards, clown horns, Qingtian Bihai, landlord, frozen -point macho, the masters of the rank list, the killer Spring and autumn, the day of the charming man, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, The big who is the big who thinks that there are two brushes here. The initial plan was to separate men and women, but this solution is not feasible. First of all, the current female players are not weak. Secondly, if they are divided into two parts of men and women, it is boring. After all, men and women are not tired. It has been dead to this day. The schedule of the conference is being arranged. The formal competition will start in the evening. The pet competition is held in the afternoon. Take advantage of this space, we happen to get my prize, the level of leveling awards during the eleventh period —— Pet upgrade, we gave this opportunity to Feiyun.

His 8th-level Thunderbird is still too weak As a warlock, a strong pet, this opportunity will naturally give her!

When I came to the pet shop, the NPC owner nodded immediately and invited us in.

After verifying my identity, he gave me a chance to upgrade.

Under the offensive of my thousand gold coins, the fat man immediately smiled and revealed that the internal news was given to us.

Although it is a system reward of pet upgrades, it is meaningless to upgrade for pets that have no potential or have reached level nine, and will not produce great results.

Khan .



, I know that the system will not make a loss of money.

The side dishes are already 9th.

Could it be that it can also turn “small dishes”

into “big dishes”

! Feiyun hasn’t resigned now. A few days ago, I still resigned for my decision. It seems that a woman is definitely two different things before and after I have physical contact with you. Now as my wife, she can accept this decision with peace of mind. Of course, Jing Jing absolutely believes in her charm. I don’t need to say to her a vowing mountain alliance. Such a woman is a man and will firmly hold her. And money is still for the beauty. Put the Thunderbird into a large transparent cover, and immediately shot into colorful light, and it was tapped inside. Anyway, we couldn’t see anything. The pet shop owner stood aside with a smile, looking at the heat, … how did it look like cooking. In the end, the colorful mist was getting more and more powerful, and the boss’s face became more and more ugly. Just listening to the bang, the entire pet upgrader was violent! Colorful mist seeing the wind and turning the wind, the smoke is scattered, … obedient, what is the stuff! The Thunderbird is gone, and it is replaced by a golden -winged Dapeng! Intersection Intersection The shape is twice as big as the Thunderbird, and the color becomes more golden and shiny. The feathers have the original crushed feathers into the current blockbuster Yu Yu. The momentum of a king has naturally disappeared, everything! The pet shop owner got up from the ground, helped his eyes, squinted and saw, “Haha, congratulations, congratulations, level nine-Golden Wing Dapeng King, full wind attributes, inheriting the thunderbolt’s thunderbolt attributes to the next level, powerful Store, the price is easy to say! "

Khan …, doing business has come up, your vision is too bad, it looks like he is going to retire! Feiyun is also happy. Although the former Thunderbird was powerful, simple lightning attacks could not play a big attack effect. Now it is completely different from King Dapeng. Just look like. The person who should be the most thanks should naturally be me, … why is Feiyun kissed the mood, sweat … I gently hugged Fei Yun, and naturally knew that I gave her the opportunity to give her. If Feiyun’s wind elves upgraded to the elven king, I could go to the next level. In my mood, I pushed me and pushed me. Although the relationship has reached this level, Meimei is still shy. Don’t say, in this case, the beautiful woman ashamed a fragrant kiss, which is really different, so good! Seeing a intoxicated look, the girls who made the girl laughed again. “Husband, do you want us each to give you one!”

… I really thought, but I was unhappy about the owner of the NPC pet shop next to me. The intimate scene between our husband and wife did not know how to avoid it. It would not be a business! Although it was frightened, it was finally a good result. Text 10046 Pet Battle Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 8583 The emergence of Golden Wing Dapeng really made everyone happy, when we walked out of the pet shop quickly! …… Boss, why don’t you catch me? “Sorry, this gentleman, because of the explosion just now, caused the loss to our pet shop, you must bear it!”

Speaking, the fat boss of the pet shop does not know where to take out a small abacus, and immediately count it. “The explosion just damaged the pet upgrader, plus damage to the interior of my house, my personal mental loss, and the cost of misunderstanding, etc., a total of 15,120 gold coins, and give you one. For discounts, 15,000 gold coins are fine. "

The pet shop owner looks at me with sincerity, but why are the gold coins in the eyes? Fork, why the fat people who do business are so powerful, see the sewing pins! I even hit my head on my head, oh, no way, I couldn’t attack these NPC characters, and recognized that Feiyun would just be happy anyway. Hum, but I remember, if you can attack the NPC sooner or later, you will destroy you first! When he left, he glanced at him fiercely, and the frightened fat man immediately ran back. … Is it so terrible like me as a innocent person? Intersection Intersection Our group came to the venue of the pet competition, and now the battleometer has come out. The Magic Palace is naturally elite, the crystal dragon is small purple, the dark wolf king is released, the unicorn silver pony dishes, the snowy and snowy clouds, the gold -winged large King Peng, the five -level nine -level sacred beasts appeared together! The competition has not yet begun. The pets participating in the competition are still following the owner. The battle of “sending”

has attracted the fascination. “Three wolves, do you have confidence to win the championship?”

It seems that their relationship is progressing fast, and the desperate wolf is naturally happy about the arrival of fascination. After all, it is to cheer for him. “If you are lucky, you will not be a problem, you will be miserable when you are afraid of encountering Xiaozi halfway!”

Now “sending”

the only thing that is not sure is Xiao Zi, the powerful dragon people are always so scary! … The dragon knife of the mood is fearless. I don’t know where to go. She just likes to be lively. When I see a lot of people, I run around. Fortunately, there is a lotus flower to accompany her, otherwise I really don’t worry … I’m not afraid that others will bully her. And she bully others. Xiao Zi was sitting there in a daze alone … It was often like this during this time. The side dishes flew for a while and jumped for a while. Seeing the fascination, they were stunned for a moment, but the people who were familiar with the Magic Palace were familiar. “Sister Xueer, the side dish is so amazing, won’t be the same as his master, it’s all flowers?”

I still don’t forget to tease me, throwing a wink, but talking to Xueer. Baby is relatively straight. If you do n’t like it, you do n’t like it. When you see the fascination with the “thief eyebrows and the eyes”

, you will be angry. He immediately goes to accompany Xiao Zi, and at the same time take care of the side dishes. Now the side dishes are basically her special riding. I rarely use it. In addition, I have been lazy, and I never pay attention to cultivating the connection between pets and owners, but I think such a beast does not need this. (Note: Pet competition is held in a special pet training ground, where pet deaths here will not be affected by other) As for Xueer, Feiyun, mood, Xiangzi is two different things. They understand my heart, and naturally knows the fascinating character. This kind of flying vinegar will still not eat randomly. Besides, my husband can attract beauty. The vision is correct! “He, it’s also a smooth mouth, a woman, especially a beauty like sister love sister, be careful!”

“That’s it, you see, as soon as he is fascinated by his sister, his eyes are always secretly scanned here. You can see how powerful the sister is!”

“His mouth is not spent, sister -in -law should know!”

Khan … when did I peek, I just glanced at a few eyes. “Wow, Sister Feiyun seems to be much more beautiful than before, what’s going on!”

The fascination naturally saw Feiyun’s unique gorgeous light. She naturally understands what this means. Feiyun didn’t want her to be so bold and open. In front of so many men’s interviews, the shameful appearance immediately made the man full of people spitting. Xueer immediately hugged Feiyun, “Oh, our Feiyun sister is thin skin.”

“It looks like our masterpiece again.”

I was fascinated and looked at me deeply, The more powerful, the more outrageous, but don’t say that Feiyun’s changes are really great, and the people who are almost familiar are looking at her strangely. She walks with Xueer and suddenly compares other beauties. The first and second power of the list is not a simple superposition! … But I ca n’t let my feelings take me as a topic like this and continue, and the face of several other men has begun to change. “Oh, why do you have come to participate in the pet competition? It seems that you have never seen your pet?”

“This is not, I am a cheerleading team, but I do n’t have such a powerful husband. I can get so many nine -level holy beasts, so I wo n’t be ugly. .. This big bird is so prestigious, who is it? "

“Oh, this is King Dapeng, who has only been upgraded to Feiyun, a pet with a level 9 full -style attribute.”

“Wow, it’s really prestigious!”

I wanted to touch it, but people ignored her. However, “sending”

is a good understanding of the owner’s mind, and I don’t know if it is secretly obsessed with the favor, but it is very affectionate to her. “Woohoo, it’s better to send it.”

Speaking of the smooth black hair, the hair was comfortable and straight, and his head was also stubborn. Out. The three wolves felt unfair. His master’s treatment was not as high as pets. After a while, the apple fragrance was clear, endless, forever ancient magician, love new decisite, and they all came together. The beauties came together to form a *** Fairy’s love water came, and Qingqing’s face was not good -looking, and from time to time, it seemed that there seemed to be something wrong. … but also, since the water fairy marry him, it has basically disappeared from the world, and rarely has her news. Today, it seems that the love water is indeed very happy. There is a feeling of rejuvenating youth. It is indeed the fifth beauty list, full of charm! Xinyue, heart Luo, heart dream, heart heart, … lotus and melancholy kittens, there are also, behind the mouth, the love in his hand, holding in his hand. No matter how many people are, when I see me, I rushed directly, and I quickly hugged the little ancestor … Sometimes there was a taste of a father, … but … but This is too exaggerated, I am only 20, it must be dizzy. Love bite hard on my face, and then said angrily, “Huh, stinky father, bad dad, every time you come, you do n’t see the figure, and you will not play with others.”

Hearing this title, you can almost scare the teeth from the people present. Others even turn around and I Xueer. We really want to find a hole in it, and then there is a violence. laugh. “Brother Soul Eater, I really admire, I didn’t expect to lead us a big step in this area!”

Qingqing apple incense joked. “Yeah, pull my distance is even greater, I am still a bachelor!”

The eternal ancient magician interfaced, and the forever said, saying that the forever interfaced, “Brother, the two of us are connected to their lives. It seems that we have learned the art from soul -eater, otherwise we will really hit a bachelor for a lifetime.”

Illegal entry and Aixin Jue Luo smiled, and the two of them never said much. However, I said thoughtfully, “Hey, the worst is me. You can see that I am the greatest and the ugliest. You see illegal instrumental talents and pride. Not to mention Luo, when his people can discharge from Yanhuang City to the Elf Garden! "

The poor and pitiful people laughed like everyone who provoked it for a while, and the beautiful women also laughed like a hundred flowers … Of course, there are also damaged atmosphere, such as lotus flowers, even more exaggerated than us Fortunately, she already has a family member, otherwise … … In fact, no one is taking it seriously. They all think they are joking, and the naughty of love is also famous. Besides, I also know such a period of time with Cher. … I didn’t have that preparation in my heart. Love was hanging on me. I really couldn’t help it. Xiao Zi came to see the love, and immediately came over to ask for An An. I wanted to keep up with the side dishes. It looks like. “Xiao Zi has a game today, and love must be seen too!”

It seems that she is lazy today, and there is no way, no one can tell me to make the little princess angry! Fascinated, forever, the ancient magician did not participate, because some pets were not fighting alone, but it was extremely sharp to cooperate with the master’s skills. For example, Li Zi’s big eyes, you let it fight alone. Mark couldn’t fight, but the combat of the archer can have an extraordinary effect. The fascinating pet has not yet been revealed, it seems that it is ready to keep it! Qingqing apple incense is not just to look at their pets, but to observe the strength of other pets. In the battle, especially desperately “hair”

, desperate three wolves can be on the list, except for their own strength, their own strength In addition, the most important thing is the full -attack “hair”.

The strength of the pets will be greatly better than others, otherwise he will not turn him. The purpose of Qingqing apple incense is not limited to this. Observe good pets. As long as it is worth it, it costs a large price to buy it! “Love, Xiao Zi can definitely win the championship!”

I said with a smile to the affectionate love in my arms, this little Nizi was very entangled when I saw me, maybe we really have a fate. “Dad, I don’t want to watch Xiaozi. Her game is boring, either stepping on others, or eating others. It’s not good, I come to see my little green!”

Khan …, eaten, this is not enough. I warned it that when I ate their pets, I had to pay. The Magic Palace will be eaten by it! … By the way, what is Xiaolu? “Love, where is Xiao Lu, why have I never seen it?”

“that’s it!”

Speaking of a group of green things from your pocket, throw it out, Slim! Intersection Intersection This buddy walked around the ground for two times before what he would pass. Seeing so many people looked at it, he immediately turned into an umbrella … … I was dizzy, and she was shameful to themselves. However, this guy seems to have been moisturizing recently, and his body has a big circle. It is reasonable to say that this wild Warcraft is difficult to make pets, … but what is also in the hands of love, Fang also’s also Can become round! When Love looked at this guy pretending to be stupid, he jumped down and jumped down, “Little Green changed a look.”

As soon as Xiaolu saw the elder sister’s head appeared, she immediately looked charming and started her magic, which made everyone wonder. Don’t underestimate its combat effectiveness, but we fled in the first place. Now I think it ’s a bit like a next world, and now it’ s better to kill them to kill them. Beauty is also happy to chat together, but it is also powerful. This group of beauties are together. It is really a kind of attention, and the lethality is no less lethal than the army. Seeing the staff is almost the same, everyone started to enter the field, and it was about to start after a while. The men we are talking about together are naturally some weapons and equipment, the list of heaven, hegemony, masters, and other things. Naturally, it is also a topic they care about. “Sister Xueer is the most blessed. Look at how intimate the soul eater, and you can get a nine -level phoenix, it’s so beautiful!”

Fire Fairy said envy, She loves Xueyun to the extreme, and she is more straightforward. “Sister Shui, you haven’t come out for a long time!”

The fascination seemed to have a little friendship with the love water. “Yeah, huh, a bit busy, only this time came out of time.”

“Not the Apple brother Jinwu Zangjiao, giggle”

Inside it is the most active lotus and melancholy kitten cat … Cats don’t know if it was transmitted to the lotus and heart, or it used to be too long. Now it is terrible to be crazy. As the most popular demon archer recently, Naturally, it has attracted much attention! “Cat and cat, your equipment is almost beautiful, and some of the sisters who are fascinating!”

Laughing, “This is a life set with the king’s king’s king suit, rose set, the two of them are really good.”

Lotus is envious, and the beautiful women in it are so powerful, but the lotus flowers are indeed unnatural. And with everyone, everyone is very enthusiastic, everyone’s own advantages and beauty. The key is to be confident, otherwise it will be true, and confidence is also a kind of beauty. “By the way, cat, do you also participate in pet competitions?”

Asked in the mood, “Yeah, my Mimi is going, you see!”

Speaking of a beautiful little elf flying out, flying around everyone, there were various postures in the air, enjoying the sunlight. Then fell briskly on the cat’s shoulder, “Well, this is Mimi. When I went to the elves secret, this little naughty had to follow me. Just that I had no pet, so I took this stray elf!”

Hearing that he was called a stray elf, Mimi was very dissatisfied with the fan and wings to protest. The charming body was circled in the air, and suddenly his body became more than doubled, and he was generally bigger as human children! So the beauties were stunned, and even the ahead of us were surprised by inadvertently seeing it, … what is this, the cat is too secret. Everyone was gathered, and the cats were very proud. It seemed that they still made them admire. “What is the secret of the elves, why have we never heard of it?”

As soon as this remark came out, the men and women present were watching the melancholy kitten and cat. Who was present? Although we didn’t hear what we said earlier, it must be with this —————-level 9-level elves of the Guangming Department. King related! Intersection Intersection Intersection “Elf secrets, … what do you say, it is a very fun place, there are green trees and lakes everywhere. My green bow and arrow and Mimi are obtained from there, that is except the elves, a figure, a figure. nor. Speaking of which, the audience’s eyes are almost staring at the eyes of the cow.

The apple fragrance is clear, and the forever is the ancient magician and the poster they later followed.

Long Lidong, there are such good places, Phantom God Bow, and the Elf King of Bright Department.

What is the concept?

“There are a lot of elves like Mimi, and they are all very enthusiastic. She is the most naughty, I have to follow me, but thank her, without her, I can’t get a green bow, oh oh That is what you said, the phantom god bow. At this time, even Aixin Jen Luo also showed rare attention. What he lacked now is a elven king! Only the elven king can be transformed and bigger. Of course, the strength that follows has also risen. The gift is a bit. "

Cat, where is the secret of the elves!” Asked with a smile, this sentence actually had been in his heart for a long time. Of course, there was only illegal entry or slow in the audience. He must know the inside story. All are elves, and the elves can be seen everywhere, … it must be a different space! Intersection Intersection "

I don’t know, I haven’t found my space

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