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Chapter_28 This head in the middle is the key!

—— Dark World!

The appearance is to jump the wall in a hurry!

Although the scope is not particularly large, it is enough in the enchantment, and the other party is the undead.

It will not be magical magic pages and magic, and water magic will not be difficult.

Bone Dragon looked at the other party with interest, until it covered it.

In the dark, the hell dog launched an attack!

Seeing the Dark World, it was a bit excited, and there was a taste that couldn’t wait to compete.




But I’m afraid there is no hope, the difference is too disparate!

The only thing that can be seen in the darkness is the twisted red eyes of the bone dragon, which may be attacked.

The bone dragon shouted for a while, and there was a tumbling in the field.

Fortunately, the magic of hell dogs is not very long -lasting, but the scene in front of us is still scared us.

A bone on the bone dragon was bitten by the hell dog.

It seems that it is a dark loss!

Obviously it is too much, but the difference is just one level.

If you accidentally turn over the perineum, the toss of the hell dog is endless.

The bone dragon was angry, and it did not expect that this little thing could hurt it.

The bone dragon roared and released the large-scale killing magic of the undead-death ripples, the green ripples were so powerful that it was visible to the naked eye.

Skeleton soldier!

(Skeleton Elf: My younger brother appeared again ^\ _ ^) The five skeleton soldiers chopped the all -armed hell dog.

Under the pressure of death ripples, the hell dogs were suppressed and miserable!

Seeing that the skeleton soldiers were chopped, the two small heads next to them were finally awake at the critical time, and struggled to send Yan Ya and ice arrows, and got these fragile skeletons!

Seeing the defeat in front of him, he would dare to dare to dare to struggle, and the bone dragon began a stronger attack-the soul impact!

Hell dogs were immediately crumbling under the impact of the soul, and this super attack is now under great pressure.

Now, it has reached the limit!

In fact, it can be done now.

After all, it is facing a dragon.

Monsters with nine -level superiority.

Failure has long been identified.

But at this moment, the hell dog made a thing that shocked everyone.

The big head in the middle was miserable.

Bite the small head on the left, and ate it, and then in the eyes of the public eyes.

Bite the right side to eat, and the fierce eyes shocked the audience.




It is rare to be so cruel to yourself!

Intersection Intersection The bone dragon also stopped attacking strangely .






Its empty linoleum can’t turn this bend, .



Is the other person wanting to make his own?

Intersection Intersection After eating his head, the hell dog crackled on his body, and his whole body began to be black, .



obediently, can you evolve?

Intersection Intersection In any case, the hell dog disappeared in his own black group, and from time to time, he made a few miserable trembling, proved his existence, .



wouldn’t he hang another one?

Xiao Mao on the stands is already sweating.

These pets are really strange.

They are not evolved early, and they are not evolved late.




If you hang it again, wouldn’t it have to lose money again.

Poor gold coin .



Xiaomao didn’t know if he should pray for gold coins, or to pray for this perverted dog with his head as a supplement.

In fact, there are reasons.

High -level pets have certain evolution, but it is difficult to encounter quite a considerable opponent in normal operations, and the owner is usually auxiliary operations.

It is the possibility of erasing evolution, but the pet competition is completely instinctively combat, especially under high -level pressure, the possibility of fierce pet evolution is greatly increased, .



of course, it is only increased.





But this three -headed hell dog, no, now it should be a unique hell dog, and it is really cattle fork.

I have evolved once, and I have to desperately .



It’s much worse!

The owner “Liberty”

next to the field also sweats. The more the number of evolution, the greater the possibility of failure, not to mention that its hell dog is just eighth -order! If he can choose, it would rather not evolve. Finally, the shadow disappeared. What appeared was a super horrible hell dog, which was the same sense of oppression, even more weird. There was a feeling of gloom. From the image point of view, it can be said to be a dog, a wolf, a head, a head, a head It is particularly long, but the body looks like a lion’s body, her head is half a circle, and the body is wrapped around a little ghost fire. There is hell black inflammation on his body, and it looks like a breath of death! This is the legendary horror monster that can only be promoted at a very small chance of hell dog-the guardian of Hell Gate! Intersection Intersection Legend has it that the first review that all souls that enter hell must go through is it! Countless delicious souls are its Chinese American meals. It may be that the soul shock of the bone dragon suddenly stimulate its memory. This evolution is unique. If this hell dog evolves, other hell dogs will lose the opportunity to have the opportunity Intersection It is Pluto’s door! Another horrible legend was born! “Sending”

alert hair is erected, and the same sex scolds, not to mention that they are still half similar! The same horrible strength has attracted the attention of all the ninth -order sacred beasts present. This is a different kind of tyrannical atmosphere. The favorite calf steak constantly roar. If the bones on the field have brains, it is probably regretted, and the other party has completely suppressed its death, which is a place that is darker in hell! Although it is still shorter than the bone dragon, no one dares to underestimate it now. Bone Dragon was very dissatisfied with the current situation and launched a soul attack again, but the guardian guardian in the center enjoys this feeling very much, and there are signs of absorption! Intersection Intersection The audience was shocked. There are all birds in the forest. There are such BT pets, and the owner “Liberty”

is even more happy to jump. This is the case. The transformation of hell dogs can definitely be comparable to the more evolved evolution of the issued! The breath of the king sent is different. It is a pure evil atmosphere, unparalleled evil! The bones cannot tolerate their incompetence. The harsh roar rushed towards the “guardian”

, magic is not good, and it still has an advantage in strength! The huge dragon tail screamed over, and the power of strength was to tear the space. If the nine -order pet was hit, it would not be able to bear it. The guardians on the ground disappeared a phantom. When it appeared, it had reached the top of the bone dragon, burning the giant claws with purple soul flames in the black, and suddenly swept away the half head of the bone dragon! Intersection Intersection So fast speed, so terrifying destructive power! Intersection Intersection The current situation is completely reversed. After the bone dragon was done, the screams came down, and a rollover, the hell guards did not intend to end like this, and did not want to give the opponent a chance to counterattack. Sprayed out, permeated the dark magic dragon from hell, and the “Dark Dragon”

, which shouted the claws of the teeth and dancing the claws, directly fried the bone dragon that was still dying into a residue! …… Everyone watched this scene and stayed again. The unexpected results one after another. The bone dragon who thought it could at least reach the finals was killed in the top 8. Cerberus! The sixth game of the hell goalkeeper won! The news that the bone dragon was eliminated throughout the field, of course, it was indispensable to render the winning hell gatekeeper. … But the other party did have this ability! The hell gatekeeper who returned to the battle status also restored the cuteness of ordinary pets, and the body shape became smaller. Liberty was so happy that he decided to invite friends in the party to celebrate, the first floor of the place in the place! Xiaomao is also happy. Not only does it not need to lose money, but also a lot of money. The more people invite, the better! Qingqing apple incense and endless endlessness. Qinglong hasn’t appeared yet. I thought I relying on pets to give myself a head out. I did not expect that it would be a blow to him, which was definitely a blow to him! An enemy of an enemy is his friend! A very simple truth. “Oh, three wolves, the opponent came, and the game later became even more exciting!”

The fascinating face said with a charming face, and said to the desperate wolf, The desperate wolf and the attention of the hair are naturally on the hell guard guardian. This guy is definitely the opponent on the battlefield. The strength is quite powerful! In fact, the strength of the skull dragon is overly estimated. It should be regarded as the mid -level strength of the ninth order. Bit, as for the mirror, … still to be observed! The sixth game can be called weird! The standard of the hundred and fifty kings of the text (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 4732 The more I look at, the more he feels heavier.

These guys have not been played with the current strength of the side dishes.

Is it easy for the Demon King’s signature pet?

Intersection Intersection Xiaomao has the same worry as me.

Everyone can lose.

Xueer is OK, Feiyun can, three wolves can, but I can’t, my pet can’t, my image is invincible in the heart of players, my pet is used as a pet as a pet, my pet is used as a pet as a pet.

My pet is used as a pet.

Some of me is naturally the same.

If the side dishes lose, my undefeated image will be flawed.

Although it is a bit harsh, the fact is that the king in the heart of the player must be perfect!

The problem is that I can come to the field for the side dish, but now I can only watch the side dishes myself.

Everything is lucky.

After all, this is not a matter of manpower.

“Dad, why are you worried, is it a side dish?”

Love asked lazily in my arms, … such a wonderful game can doze off, really convinced her. “Hehe, no.”

“Dad lying, you know at a glance, rest assured, the side dishes are very powerful, and there are no pets who can beat him, including Xiao Zi!”

After talking about my little hands gently stroking on my chest, … it is really comfortable, since the love is so saying, what else can I worry about? I renamed him “Big dish”

for winning the championship! ………… The seventh game began, the ninth -stage Flame Flying Dragon King vs eighth -order lightning snake 1 compensation 2 After the previous few games, the gaming center is also cautious, especially this kind of pet that wins at speeds. Lightning snakes are like coming. Although the speed of Flame Flying Dragon is not slow, this game is still full of suspense. The attack mode of the Lightning Snake is very simple. The layer of lightning of the whole body is ejected around, and the lightning attack plus a physical attack and poison! The flame flying dragon king keenly observed the opponent’s every move, and the roaring fire pillar swept over. This was a continuous fire pillar. The lightning snake that folded in the air was forced to lose room and was finally hit. Immediately after the continuous blow, the steady stream of fire rushed down, all the time burned to the poor lightning snake, and then a dive grasped the Lightning Snake, a fierce tear —– OVER! …… This is too fast, the Fire Flying Dragon King won! The seventh game set the fastest winning record of the top 8. The flame flying dragon king is like a real dragon -like super dragon fire, which has a deep impression on everyone. Any magic is generally launched, that is, it is broken, so it leaves room for other opponents, and the Flame Flying Dragon King It can continue to spray the dragon fire continuously, which is only a high -level red dragon. Although there is a lack of Longwei, the flame of the Flame Flying Dragon King, the powerful physical attack, and the ability to fly are still very difficult. This battle also earns face for all nine -level holy beasts. It is not that the eighth -order pet can be so arrogant. There is still an absolute gap in strength! Illegal entry is also very satisfied with this result. When you come up, you will do your best and do not give your opponents the opportunity. This is also the characteristics of pets from 8th to nine -level pets. Charity of enemies is their only choice! The eighth -order Lightning Snake did not stage a good show. Like its name, it failed at the speed of lightning! The reputation of illegal entry in the minds of the player is still good. It can be seen from the crowds that support him, and most of them are beautiful! However, other players with the ninth -order sacred beast do not care about the Flame Flying Dragon King. I also feel the same. I may play better when cavalry operations. The next is the last battle of the Eighth Finals, and it is also a good finale. Who will win the ninth order to the nine levels? Bingyu has an air advantage, and Xuanwu has a level advantage. Because Bingyu evolved from snowball not long ago, the snowball also appeared in less than half a month. Level, in this regard, Xuanwu occupies an advantage! The same master is the master of the list of heavenly lists. No one lost the momentum of the two -order pets on the stage, but the biggest problem is that for the ice crickets that can attack high -altitude attacks, how to take a situation of attacking the unfavorable situation, everyone will wait and see! Intersection Intersection However, seeing clearly clearing the bust of the apple, Xuanwu will definitely attack the air. Otherwise, he has already admitted defeat and will not let his pets go to shame. As soon as I came up, Bingyu flew into the air, because the attack power and defense power of the Xuanwu on the ground were really superb. In the previous game, many opponents’ attacks did not work at all, and it often often did It is to tear the opponent directly, fierce! Bingyu Xueyun first launched an attack. Numerous ice magic came like a raining basalt to kill, just like a super bomber. Xuanwu does not dodge. With a thick shell, all the magic is carried. Under such a large area of blows, hiding is also a waste of physical strength! No matter which set Xueyun is, it is better. It starts without different magic attacks, ice arrows, ice knives, ice roar, ice ring, and ice dragons. Xuanwu is a bachelor, but it is not moving, … but it can be grinded to kill it like this! Xuanwu’s physical strength and health are slowly decreasing. This is the second round. In the coming round, there is no need to play in this game. But I feel wrong, very wrong … … By the way, I seem to have seen the Xuanwu’s rotating flying tray attack before! Intersection Intersection No wonder Qingqing apple fragrant sitting steadily on Diaoyutai! Sure enough, after the third round of Xueyun, it also needed to breathe. At this moment, Xuanwu rotated quickly, and the surroundings of the shell grew four sharp sawtooths. Huang Xiao hit the Bingyu, … danger! If this is hit, you have to go to half a life! In such a crisis, Xueyun was still the most direct straightforward landing, and escaped the Xuanwu’s rotation attack, but … Xuanwu turned back again. The fastest speed has a ice shield! Essence Boom ~ Xueyun was hit by heavily. As soon as Xuanwu landed, he turned a few laps, and immediately rushed towards Xueyun. Xueer was frightened this time. If Xueyun’s level was at a high point, there was a gap with Xuanwu in physical attacks. If the distance could not be opened, it would be basically over! It may be to feel the owner’s will. Xueyun suddenly flew up. The difference was too dangerous. The ice in the air was still shaking! Xuanwu naturally would not give up so easily, accelerated the rotation again, and flew up. Xueyun immediately launched a piece of ice dragon to smash the Xuanwu down. But I was a little crumbling, and the blow to it just now! The Xuanwu of the Binglong Ice Dragon was a little angry. For the bird in the air, it was enough. It was a bit of Feng Shui in itself. It has great attraction, … Once it is rolled in, what is greeted is the blow to the dead side! Intersection Intersection However, Xuanwu Sheng won the strength of physical strength. Xueyun struggled to send a burst of sorrow, and it was another magic attack. Unfortunately, it was all destroyed or blew by the tornado. At this time, Xueyun suddenly stopped attacking. She was still in the air, and the strange tweets began, and a strange white gas continued to spread out! Not good, it is a ban on spell! Intersection Intersection The ultimate magic of the water system —– absolute zero! Intersection Intersection Halo, this large -scale absolute killing magic is too reluctant to have the Bingyu without the help of external forces, and it won’t be long! (General attacks are frequent and only consume the physical strength of pets. If you use a move that exceeds the class and lasts too much, it will lead to general death.) But now this situation can only be used, who can’t support it first, who finish the egg first! The absolute zero -degree of superior cold kept attacking the basalt, and the entire tornado was frozen for a while, while Xuanwu himself lay quietly on the ground, and the health was constantly decreased. … The question is that now Xueyun’s own health is also decreasing. Who can persist? Intersection Intersection The current situation is more powerful for the Xueyun of the attacker. The Qingqing apple incense on the side couldn’t sit still. I drank it. The basalt in the field felt the anger and unwillingness of the owner, and it turned again. A weird pattern on the shell flashed golden light, a small one small, a small one small, a small one small, a small one, a small one, a small one, a small one. The defense array appeared, … it was capable of reaching the increasing cold! Intersection Now it is Xueyun’s turn to support it anymore, but it still continues to release the cold to complete the absolute zero degree, … hey, the magic is still not enough! In the end, Xueyun, who had exhausted magic, fell down, and Xueer had hid in my arms and shed tears. Also grow once. As soon as Xueyun fell, the cold air lost control and immediately dissipated, and Xuanwu also stopped rotating and retracted the golden light.

This is the heirloom of the king of defense —– Xuanwu golden masks.

The system shows that Bingyu loses vitality, and Xuanwu won!

The host will announce the results after seeing it!







At this time, the mutation appeared.

Xueyun, which should have disappeared, suddenly raised the cold cold waves on her body, followed by another .



Flame waves!

Can water and fire be compatible?

Intersection Intersection Water, fire and air waves are constantly tumbling, and from time to time, the phantoms of phoenix will appear.

The two breaths of cold and hotness are coexisting with the basalt facing not far away!

Phoenix Nirvana?

Intersection Intersection How can dual attributes appear?

Intersection Intersection Cher was also watching Xueyun in the field in tears, .



At this time, Xueer was so seductive.

While others were not paying attention, she secretly kissed her red lips, and Xueer immediately covered her face.

Ashamed, I squeezed me fiercely.

Hey, it’s still easy to use this killer, Xueer’s sadness was swept away!

There was a variant on the field, and the basalt motion permeated by the audience was not allowed.

It began to recover all the remittances on Xueyun.

The new Xueyun is half the burning flame, half of the boiling ice flames, and the shape has not changed, but the feathers have been completely replaced by the ice flames, and a white crystal is owed to the top of the head!

Intersection Intersection Walking towards Xuanwu, not flying, but walking!

Intersection Intersection Is it necessary to challenge from the ground?

Intersection Intersection Feeling the strength of the opponent, Xuanwu immediately launched an attack.

He had to give a fatal blow to the arrogant opponent.

Snow cloud wings danced fiercely.

-Binghuo Shuanglong Kill!

As soon as Xuanwu was not good, he immediately showed his own housekeeping magic weapon —— Xuanwu golden mask.

As a result, it was directly beaten under the protective cover by Shuanglong, followed by the head of Binglong and Huolong, which was a huge explosion!

Xuanwu was immediately blown up, .



as for what golden mask or silver hood, I didn’t know where to explode!

Horror-Mixed Magic!

Intersection Intersection The forever ancient magician has stood excitedly, this is the field he can’t touch now-hybrid magic!

Xue Yun began a newborn Fengming, a different kind of joy, is it the symbiosis with Hongyun?

Intersection Intersection The flame ice inflammation wings swept to both sides, and the ice waves and fire wave rolled out.

There was a great momentum of “the world in the world, but I respect it alone”

! The poor basalt was bombed by the mixed magic. Xue Yun’s arrogant Feng Ming caused a series of strong men to resonate, hair, little purple, hell gate guards, all of which appeared in the battle status and deterred the audience … Another resonance turned out to be Although the fat “ball”

, although it had no mouth, it even played happily there to show his existence and shocked the Mimi on his head and dizzy. It’s very simple. The nine -level pets come out. Their own division is the most reasonable. Under pressure, you can only keep alert, and you can’t meet the challenges at all. Flying Dragon King, Bone Dragon, Mimi, Jinfeng … My side dishes are also a bit hanging! As for the pets below the ninth order, they have been unable to lie on the ground and snoring. This is the mutual complexion between the kings. The demonstration is the field of them that they cannot reach! But the result of the game was unexpectedly the basalt won. If it wasn’t for the pet contest was organized by the Magic Palace, all the judges would be flattened! It was learned that before the rebirth of Phoenix, the original ice was indeed failed, and this was confirmed by the system. As for the later Binghuo Phoenix, it can only be said that luck is too bad. Although this result is a bit regrettable, we can still accept it. In fact, when Xueyun fell, the game was over, but everyone forgot to see the mutation. Anyway, Xueyun also showed his own strength. No one dared to underestimate it. The evaluation of Xuanwu was just good luck. This is enough. Xueer is the happiest person in the audience. The victory and defeat are second. The current Xueyun is like the symbiosis of Bingyu and Hongyun. It is really surprising to her! Another happy person is Xiao Mao. This guy focuses on the eyes, and the snow clouds are hairy. I don’t know what bad idea is! Main text 100 fifty -one strong collision Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 6455 Although the results of the game are unsatisfactory, especially the heroic posture of Binghuo Phoenix, everyone is looking forward to the latter game. Now it is the quarterfinals. There is no soft hand that can enter the quarterfinals. Battle! The semi -finals schedule: 1 . Nine -order Golden Wing Dapeng King vs Nine -order non -attribute mirror; 2 . Nine -order Crystal Dragon VS Nine -order Four Sacred Beast Xuanwu; 3 . Nine -order Dark Demon Wolf King vs Nine -order Hell Gate Guardians; 4 . Ninth -order unicorn silver pill vs Nine -order Flame Flying Dragon King; In the middle is the rest time, everyone is breathing, … it is too nervous. Anyway, there were four and a half seats in the Magic Palace in the quarterfinals. Seeing the mirror and Mimi are familiar with it. In addition, Xiao Mao cherished the little fat man. “Husband, who do you think can finally win the championship?”

Cher asked. The six women immediately surrounded me. Of course, the throne in her arms was love. This little bad guy was crazy for a while. When she was tired, she climbed in my arms and didze. “It’s hard to say. If according to the current strength, Xueer’s Xueyun is the most powerful, but there is no good luck. Now the most powerful is Xiao Zi. I think compared to it, Xiao Zi is better than the hair. Fa He’s hell guardian is a little stronger, but there is a variable in it that is mirror. … It is too difficult to measure its strength. The more terrible it is. "

Isn’t that Jinfeng and the side dish?” Baby was occupied by love, and there was no way to lie in Xueer’s arms. This naughty essence. "

The strength of Jinfeng should be in the ninth level. As for the side dishes, it may be in the ninth level. If it is fancy, this guy can probably rank first." The small dish was obviously dissatisfied with my "

contempt" about it, and anger was going to launch a long -term debate, but I was scared by the love in my arms and did not dare to speak. … It is a big sin to wake up! Maybe you will be sent out to pull the car! "

Brother Apple, it’s really lucky. After eliminating the Binghuo Phoenix, the champion should have great hope!" Said slowly and slowly. "

Hey, I didn’t say a smile, not I’m discouraged. After watching a few guys inside, Xuanwu’s strength is probably in the middle of the ninth level, and it is still far away. Can you pass the crystal dragon?" "

Hey, I didn’t expect it to be a talent in Jiangshan. A pet competition actually led to so many horrible guys. I don’t know what the world’s largest would look like. Now I think it is a bit itchy!" "

Oh, I will know it at that time. I also look forward to it. It seems that the blood that has been cooled for a long time will start to boil!" Qingqing apple incense is also rare, … It seems that any real warrior is still yearning for fierce fighting, and only on the fight can it reflect value! Illegal entry and Aixinjeoro are excited about so many masters of pet competitions. Those who have these pets will have opportunities to play against each other in the later competition conference. Generally, players can’t even deal with these pets! The first game of the semi -finals starts: Nine -level Golden Wing Dapeng King vs Nine -order non -attribute mirror 蛊 1 compensation 0.5 The same level of opponents will feel pressure when they come on. As soon as the golden wind comes up, it flew directly to the air. After a crackling wind lightning, it turned into a state of battle. It keenly felt the opponent’s pressure. Pets are appreciated with the most direct fighting feeling, not looking at the appearance. As for the mirror, it is still an old way. Seeing that Jin Feng flew into the air, he was too lazy to jump, staring straight at the golden wind in the air. From that cute eyes, it is envy that the other party can fly at high altitude. I don’t want it to play it constantly, … the problem is that the bouncing is not good! I don’t know if the wind magic is effective for its attack? The two tornado killed the mirror. For it, it is definitely a good target. You don’t have to worry about it, because it will not have that speed. Sure enough, the two tornado turned around for two laps and disappeared. The mirror was still a pitiful king of Golden Wing Dapeng in the air. When Jinfeng saw the tornado invalid, he began to bomb the Razer who was his own! Absolutely can be called a horrible Razlen bomber! The two heads attacked at the same time, and started a series of Razer attacks towards the mirror. The thunder and lightning between the field was spectacular, … but all Razer came into contact with the mirror. Inside, neither sounded. …… It turned up the mirror. Jinfeng is also embarrassed by such an opponent. What can I do? Intersection Intersection Such densely bombarded the bombing of Razer, probably could not bear Xiaozi .






This fat man even ate it all, and he was not afraid of indigestion!

Intersection Intersection At this moment, the mirror seemed to be a breath, his eyes closed, his body flashed, and he was booming!

All Razer was bounced out, and the golden wind in the air attacked the past.

Although Jin Feng found out and quickly withdrew, he still did not hide, and he picked up his Razer, and was directly bombarded.

The mirror was still the same, and the layers of translucent silk threads appeared on the golden wind on the ground.

The more entangled the golden breeze, the tighter it was, and the health was reduced.

The unwilling golden wind bombed in the mirror, .



still did not respond, but the Razer who was reflected back hung himself!

In the first game of the Fourth Fourth, the ninth -order sacred beast mirror was won!




Now I have begun to think that the mirror can win the championship.

Indeed, it shows the championship statue, and even the full blow of the ninth -order sacred beast can be absorbed and even rebounded.

Especially the later “Ecstasy Silk”

, with Rou Kegang, is even more difficult to deal with, not to mention the ability to absorb magic! Intersection Intersection Where is its flaws? Intersection Intersection Anyway, Mirror entered the next round after a meal, and it was a headache for this kind of pet! “Sister Feiyun, there is no way, such a monster, no one can’t beat it, it is just invincible.”

Feiyun was also very depressed. I did not expect that such a horrible bombing did not work for it, and it was unsatisfactory for others to attack simply. I really don’t know what monster is! “Brother Apple, this meat bomb is really hard to solve, do you see the flaws?”

“…, it seems that magic is no hope, I don’t know the effect of physical attacks. Look at it, no pets who never eat any attacks, otherwise what else will others mix!”

“Sister Chasing Dream, this meatball is so cute!”

“Yeah, the cuteness is still second. The key is that it is too powerful, so the violent attack did not respond, it was terrible, but where is its flaws, this special skill pet must have its restrictions!”

“If we are at the guild!”

“Then I want my sister to use beauty skills, the little fat man must be hooked!”

“Ah, sister, make fun of me, see my nirvana itching skills!”

… … “Where is the weakness of Mirror, Brother Cassia?”

“In fact, if you think about it carefully, although the mirror is powerful, there are many shortcomings. First of all, the movement of the whole, the entire cute meatball, is really troublesome in actual combat, and I find a problem. Basically, it is all first first. The temptation to attack the other party first, and then absorb the energy of others to fight back, does it say, it must absorb energy before each battle? "

Love New Dean Luo talked, he felt that the disadvantage of this pet in actual combat was still very big! But even so, it is still invincible, and it can only be regarded as a small disadvantage, not a flaw. “Is it possible for you to see if physical attacks. The pets in front of them are used to using magic attacks. Since they are no attributes, it seems that they have resistance to the six -series magic. What about physical attacks?”

“It should be, if even physical attacks are invalid, we will go around when we see it in the future!”

Illegal entry is also silently nodded. If that’s the case, the magic palace is not as good as tiger! … … At the beginning of the second game, the ninth -stage crystal dragon vs ninth -order four -level beasts and Xuanwu 1 compensation 3 Both sides are considered to be the strongest attack, one is the strongest attack, and the other is the strongest defense. It can be said to be a conflict! Although the victory on the court is a bit lucky, the strength of Xuanwu is still obvious to all! The competition started, and both sides regarded each other as rival. Xuanwu took the lead in the Xuanwu Golden Shield, and his body also stretched out his teeth and was ready to go! Crystal Dragon Xiaozi also felt the extraordinary opponent, and turned into! With a dragon Xiao Xiao, Xiao Zi also entered a state of battle. The huge Longwei spread the audience … But the players below have learned to be good. Qiang is more fierce than the top eight. This kind of transformation must be available in the venue. It is always placed outside. The pets suffer, and the owner’s face is also light! The collision of this strength is useless, and the strength and speed are the key! Xiao Zi is accelerating, and Xuanwu is also rotating crazy, mentioning his strength and speed to the peak! Intersection Intersection launch! Intersection Intersection boom! ~~~ Xiao Zi was hit and flew out, and Xuanwu was even more uncomfortable. She seemed to be thrown out of a flying tray and fell to the ground with a dozen front sky fans, but it was just the image of the image. Blind, Xiao Zi is basically hard! This time, Xiao Zi was angry, and he rushed to Xuanwu madly. At first glance, Xuanwu was not good at it, and he was too late to kill with a whirlwind. He could only do a complete defense! Xiao Zi’s moves are very simple. First of all, the claws, followed by a heavy tail, … I seem to hear something broken, and it will not be displayed with crystal dragon. Unfortunately, Xuanwu happened to be this type. A fierce encountering a more fierce one, the result must be miserable. When Xuanwu was still falling, Xiao Zi came with a super invincible head hammer attack! Boom ~ This is a complete OVER, kill three consecutive strikes! Such a horrible attack power will be destroyed by the strong “shield”

… unfortunately! In the second game, Crystal Dragon won! Attack is the best defense! In fact, this is also what everyone guessed. Everyone has seen the attack power of Crystal Dragon. The strength of Xuanwu is similar to the power of the Tiger King! Xiao Zi won, and the baby was also happy, especially after teaching the unlucky basalt. The third game began, the ninth -level dark wolf king VS nine -order hell gate guards 1 compensation 1.2 The same attributes, the same powerful, the same horrible attack power, who can be better? Intersection Intersection This game is the most concerned in the semi -finals! Intersection Intersection The shock of this power and speed is really exciting! The Dark Wolf King and Helln Guardian came on the field. The two sides did not take a big shot as everyone thought, but began to look at it! … Isn’t it pleasing to each other? With the beginning of the game, everyone sent the momentum on the scene a little wrong. Although the two sides were still, a heavy momentum had begun, and the black hell firefire on the body began to rise, and they were mixed with crackling. Lightning sound, and the other side, the guardian guardian, the dark purple flames on his body continued to rise, countless white soul gas entangled in it, making a scream. boom! Intersection Intersection The flames of the two sides have been transformed into a state of combat at the same time. Although there are differences, due to the rising relationship between the same root relationship, the whole is two monsters from different spaces. Although it has not been officially played, everyone who has seen it is very nervous. The desperate three wolves on the stands were also a little nervous for the first time, and the fascination on the side also paid attention. Everyone watched this weird atmosphere. Suddenly, both sides started! Intersection Intersection Without any fancy, it is the most direct hard touch. What the audience can see is a black flame and a dark flame hitting around. On the directly body, the rippling magic has reached its peak. At this time, I do n’t know who the pet is, a magic eagle hit into the game (I ca n’t come out inside, I can come out outside). After the magic eagle goes in, I struggled for a while in the air and fell down .. .. ….Bye! Khan … it is simply hell. The entire venue is full of dark atmosphere, dark lightning, hell dead spirit, Diablo king and hell guard guardian’s attacks are still so fierce, lightning -like fighting! Suddenly the figure flew, and the guardians of the hell door looked at each other, one south and north! Together with the sky together, the flames on the body are tumbling again. The dark energy sent to form a huge demon wolf, while the guardian of the hell door is a huge door of trial. Essence —— The demon wolf roar! Intersection Intersection —— Hell Judgment! Intersection Intersection A huge black energy ball, a weird purple energy ball! After a harsh friction, it followed the huge explosion, and the whole martial arts was shaking! After everything is calm, … all the guardians of the hell door climbed on the ground and gasped, staring at each other dissatisfied with each other! Who can stand up at this time is the victor! The audience began to cheer, some shouted the wolf and wolf, some shouted guards! The people in our Magic Palace naturally refuel, baby, lotus, cats, cats, and naturally shouted by the image of ladylike ladies. I dizzy, you shouted to break your throat, and you can’t hear it! Okay, it was launched, … at the same time, the guardians on the opposite side also moved! Okay, okay, come on, the front legs are already up, the hind legs, persist! Following two flutters, the two guys fell down again! Khan …, one has not been able to get up, what can I do! The judges started to calculate, … Finally, the guardians of the hell gate won! Intersection Intersection The audience was uproar, shouting to let the judge give a statement, otherwise he would abolish him!

Baby they are naturally dissatisfied, and they are shouting unfairly!

However, the host immediately announced the data.

After the system calculation, the magic value and physical strength of the two sides were all in the end.

In terms of health, the guardian guardian of hell gate was 3 points more than the Diablo wolf king!

Khan .



, only three points, God, you give me a knife.

Desperate three wolves were depressed, and the hair was depressed, .



how could it be three points worse.

According to the introduction of the professionals, it is because the posture of falling to the ground when the last blow was sent.

Although it is cool, it also caused the culprit of three additional damage.

But it is definitely a correct pouring pose!

No way, there are three more points.

In this case, no one can do!

In the third game, the guardian guardian of hell wins!

This result is really helpless, we have nothing to say, just three points worse, .



It is still too exaggerated because of posture problems, but it is normal for them to win and lose, and their strength is quite like!

Desperate, in one breath, a bottle of golden fruit wine was filled with one breath, which was depressed.




But the fascination next to him gave him a fragrant kiss in public .






The audience stayed, and desperately died of the three wolves.

Only the parties were leisurely.

Desperate three wolves, all the annoyances of the wolf disappeared immediately, without a trace, flying to the blessing!

Of course, there are naturally a lot of jealousy, especially the four major diamonds, but there is no special performance .



Isn’t it that they have enjoyed this treatment?

Intersection Intersection At this time, the last game of the four sessions started: Ninth -order unicorn silver flying horse vs Nine -order flame Flying Dragon King 1 loss 2 This can also be said to be a disguise of the top master of the list of heaven.

From the former Xiaoyao King’s illegal entry to challenge the demon king’s soul, the soul ended with a tragic defeat.

Today, their pets fought again.

Intersection The same empty killer, a lightning master, a flame master, is quite powerful!

The two sides launched an attack.

The unicorn is a huge super chain lightning, and the Flame Flying Dragon King naturally is the pillar of the best.

In terms of flexibility, the unicorn is the wind, but the Flame Flying Dragon King also has more force claw attacks!

Most of the chain Lightning hit the opponent, the fire pillar will also hit the unicorn shot!

Intersection Intersection Suddenly, the small vegetables combined the wings, and a huge golden -wing -like shield appeared .



Isn’t this the equipment it installed on the wings?

Can be used for defense!

Intersection Intersection The fire pillar was reflected.

Intersection Intersection Small dishes are definitely cunning pets.

How can I let go of such a good opportunity, unicorn, a super huge Lightning grid covering the Flame Flying Dragon King, followed by a series of lightning balls!

The barrier of the grid allowed the Flame Flying Dragon King to enjoy a meal of electricity meals, followed by the armor on the wings, and the two milky white energy directly shot the unicorn of the side dish.

The unicorn immediately stirred a fist -sized light ball, making a surprise that made everyone.

Laser launcher like a laser launcher.

—— A full fist-rough electric bar, penetrate the flame flying dragon king directly!

Intersection Intersection Consortium Silver Pegasus won!

Intersection Intersection The biggest cheering is naturally the beautiful people of the audience.

Their favorite pets naturally have to be cheered.




The Flame Flying Dragon King is miserable, it is poor (for women) I completely played the opposite role, was flattened, and I had to be violated by noise, miserable!

The most pleased, with sweet words, you can break a group of beautiful people, .



It really can’t see, it is so rich that it attracts Xiao Meimei, .



three Wolf may also learn from it ~ The nine -order sacred beast with equipment is the first time to see it, and the power is so impressive.

The gorgeous pets with gorgeous equipment are really perfect!

I have forgotten the equipment I posted.

I didn’t expect it to be able to use it except for beauty .






But even if this semi -finals are added, it is still very suspended!

My confidence does not come from the equipment of the side dishes, but from love!

Now the semi -finals are over.

Entering the semi -finals are the “Ball”

of the Non -attribute god beast mirror, the unicorn silver horse “small dish”

, the crystal dragon little purple, the hell door guards! The semi -final schedule: No attribute god beast mirror “ball ball”

vs crystal dragon small purple; Unicorn Silver Pegasus “Small Crealed”

VS Hell Gate Guardian; The true king of pets is about to produce! Intersection Intersection Main text 100 Fifty -two accidents Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 6611 After fierce fighting, the real strength is strong, and the mountains come out. Whether it is luck or rely on strength, it is also a very difficult thing to say to this point, which is worthy of their pride. The last king of pets is determined in the four pets in front of them. Who is it? Intersection Intersection As a editor -in -chief of Yanhuang Pao, Bai Xiaosheng naturally couldn’t give up this opportunity. Taking advantage of the rest time in the middle, he launched a large number of reporters to interview. Of course, the owner of some heavyweights and pets certainly himself. The first is an interview with the audience. After a series of summary, the most optimistic of senior players is the Crystal Dragon Xiaozi, thinking that the chance of winning the championship is as high as 80 %. 80 % of the audience supports their favorite, unicorn silver rays. They think so for a reason. The advantage defeated the guardian of the hell gate, and the crystal dragon’s chance of the ground attack on the ground is great! Of course, the guardian of Mirror and Helln also has certain supporters, but it is relatively different, but the game depends on strength rather than supporters. Bai Xiaosheng first interviewed our Magic Palace. The uniform caliber of Cher believes that Xiao Zi’s winning face is large. When I asked me, I was also thinking about how to answer. Everyone stared at me. …. I am too, but sometimes the environment is limited, I have to gamble, although there is not much winning. In the face of Bai Xiaosheng, I was quiet. It can be said that the feeling of being a bamboo, the victory is looking at, and everyone can feel it, —— unicorn silver flying horse, my mount champion. Bai Xiaosheng naturally wants to ask me the source of confidence, because the side dishes can be regarded as the weakest among the semi -finals! My answer is naturally a mysterious smile. Let them guess themselves. Some things say too much. … Love, your dad has a big capital, but the cowhide is blowing out, I hope you are right. But love now has no time to ignore this, and is enjoying the tribute from Xiaomao! The small vegetable itself is also a good -looking, and is still enjoying the joy of victory just now and the beauty of the beauty … but its equipment is really cool, plus this, even if it does not reach the nine -level superior position on the top of the ninth level The strength is almost the same! The answer of the desperate wolf is also Xiaozi. As a warrior, he naturally has the advantage of power in battle. Whether it is magical or physical attack, it is for a purpose, high attack! The attack power of the crystal dragon of the most fierce ground dragon can be said to be unparalleled! The endless answer is the guardian of the hell gate. This kind of horror creature with both magic martial arts is the most appetite! Qingqing apple incense is tepid and highlights two words ——- Mirror! Naturally, Baixiao Sheng is also indispensable, letting Qingqing apple incense explain that Apple will pretend to be more likely than me, shake his head, “Buddha said, do not say,”

Khan … when did he believe in Buddhism, then I would believe in Islam, … Fortunately, I can still marry four wives! The view of illegal entry is the same as soldiers-Crystal Dragon! They are all people who worship the power, and the crystal dragon, which is not magical, can be said to be their idols! The point of love for New Deoro is the same as Qingqing apple fragrance —— Mirror! … I did not expect that the supporters of this little fat man were not simple characters! The four fairy is divided into two factions. Dream Fairy and Feng Fairy support my side dishes. Bing Fairy and Fire Fairy support mirror. … Their reason is simple, the side dishes are handsome, and the mirror is too cute! … This reason is enough for women. The answer to the owner of the hell gatekeeper is also surprising that people are amazing, and they are optimistic about my side dishes! The reason is also very simple. This buddy also looked at me too much. You have to make me a face for me. They have forced the two of us to Liangshan! As for the master of the mirror, the fat man is bland, and the answer is unknown. Later, he was forced by Bai Xiaosheng. It was also a side dish. When asked the reason, the fat man was very direct. of! The owner of the bone dragon is not there, but Xuanwu is qualified enough. The answer is —– Crystal Dragon. Comet Harley is to recommend my side dishes, but I think he is not because of strength, but for me. Basically, the soldiers are more inclined to crystal dragon. Meimei tends to unicorn silver pills.

Some marginalists are optimistic about the mirror, probably the mysterious and unpredictable ability to give them too much.

The situation is different.

Sometimes the fame is also very effective, but in the game, the fame is gone!

It’s a mule or a horse, pull it out!

The first semi -finals started!

Non -attribute god beast mirror “ball ball”

vs crystal dragon little purple 1 loss 0.5 The ball was hugged by the fat man … It may be because it was too strenuous. The two fat people looked funny together. After rolling on the arena, the ball was seen clearly the crystal dragon opposite, and Xiao Zi also looked at the opponent strangely. Although I felt a potential threat, I didn’t know where it was! Almost the audience is paying attention. Is the physical attack? Surprisingly, Mirror was the first to launch an attack, a heavy bounce, hitting Xiaozi, … this time it was really accurate, but the consequences may be miserable. This bomb is too slow, and the air gear is all exposed. The competition is not to play basketball to pay attention to the stagnation. The longer the time you stagnate, the longer the reaction of others, the more calm the attack is, let alone the crystal facing the crystal. Dragon! Entering the current game Xiaozi is also cautious. Although this time has not been transformed, the attack power will not be much less. The heavy tail is definitely like a golf. The mirror was immediately like a golf. Alas! clang! Flutter! After several reflexes, I finally made a few laps on the ground before lying on the ground, … the head facing down. The audience was uproar, and the eggs were finished. Just when everyone thinks that this game enters the garbage time, Mirror has turned his head to himself, as if it’s okay, and bounced towards Xiaozi again. And this time it is more accurate than last time … but the speed is slower, a bit like a balloon. Boom ~ It was another super rebound. Under the dazzling everyone, the poor mirror really became a super rebound. Unexpectedly, the mirror is still without any damage! At this time, everyone understood that the physical attack was still invalid for the mirror! This time, the audience was full of trouble. Such horrible and invincible pets turned out to be picked up. I didn’t know which idiot threw it away. Now it should be hanged immediately! Is it the invincible pet? Instantly, the championship support rate of Mirror has risen to 90 %. Did the two guys guessed what did they have, or what they knew? Or is you lucky like me? After several non -useful attacks in a row, Xiao Zi was also a little angry. This kind of repeated useless attack, the other party is not laughing at it! Just then, everyone found out that the mirror was round again, not good! Sure enough, after the belly was round, Mirror began its killer again ——- Ecstasy! Now that everyone is rarely guessed, whether it is physical attack and magic attack, it can absorb. The reason why it is always beaten first is to accumulate energy. When the belly is round, it is time to counterattack! This kind of pet is really too difficult to entangle. Sure enough, Xiao Zi’s dragon grab, dragon tail, dragon mouth all used, … it is useless, these silk threads are not working! After a while, I was entangled, and a stream of energy was slowly pulled away! The little fat man over there was gradually purple. … Isn’t the Crystal Dragon? Intersection Intersection Xiao Zi felt that her strength was gradually weakening. For a while, the dragon was angry, her strength suddenly broke out, and she entered a state of fighting. The huge dragon Wei suddenly corroded all the ecstasy silk on her body. The mirror was also blinked with a shocked eyes. I didn’t expect Long Weida to destroy its ecstasy silk. Xiao Zi has never been so somewhat, that fire, this time it is even more powerful than before, with purple light in the whole body. Essence The only killing of the soul -selling soul is not close to Xiao Zi, and it was blocked by the huge Longwei. Mirror also showed an anxious look for the first time, and the rushing group turned! The little purple behind the transformation, the big strikes approaching the mirror, each step was shaking than the martial arts, the poor mirror was even worse, and the stations were unstable. The bombardment stepped on the mirror. Fortunately, the fat man fell down, but was bombarded by the followed dragon tail, swept away directly, and finally folded in the air and finally landed. …… I’m dying! It seems that the attack power of Crystal Dragon’s battle state has exceeded its tolerance! The mirror of the dragon strike is already in danger. Come on, the Over! Xiaozi continued to walk towards the mirror not far away, ready to destroy this opponent who made it angry in one fell swoop, … and then enjoy a calf steak! Thinking of the calf steak, it was much better, and the mirror dying on the ground stepped on. Flutter! Boom ~ All the people who were shocked in the following situation opened their mouths, and Xiao Zi stepped on the mirror puppet. … However, the violence became countless small mirror puppets, and immediately rolled the audience. Then they piled up all the small purple, and a large mouth was cracked from the middle, and large mouths absorbed its energy, and the small mirror immediately rose and drumped. The excessive small mirror of the eat constantly exploded, and the physical strength and health value of Xiao Zi also decreased straight, and gradually retracted the normal form. … After a while, Xiao Zi had fallen, and his life was exhausted. There are only two mirrors on the ground, only the size of the fist. Two small mirrors were caught, one by one, one by one, and the other, synthesized a larger, still smiling. sweat…… No attribute mirror miraculous victory! Intersection Intersection Crystal Dragon Xiaozi was eliminated! Intersection Intersection It was amazing that the big news was more amazing than the elimination of the bone dragon. The most powerful contestants in the original champion were eliminated, and the eliminated was a mirror that looked at it! Intersection Intersection What perverted combat method is unreasonable! Intersection Intersection Everyone can’t believe their eyes. It’s terrible. What else can stop it? Intersection Intersection For a while, many people have great curiosity about the origin of Mirror. Until now, except for the inconvenience of moving, the other party needs to attack first. In addition to these two disadvantages, it is just invincible! Such a powerful pet cannot be an unknown generation! Our side was also stunned, and the cabbage was dumbfounded, and the person in his heart was done. The baby even wiped his eyes … … I stabbed me and heard my screams, so I knew that I was not dreaming! Khan … this method is good! At this time, Xiao Mao was excited to use its extreme speed to electrize, “Boss, found it, found it!”

Halo, what I found, called so happy! “Boss, I found the origin of the mirror!”

The flesh on Xiao Maole’s face shaking. “Oh, let’s talk about it.”

The five women also paid attention to it immediately, what happened to this strange pet! The people next to them also raised their ears, listening to the first news! Xiao Mao is also satisfied with everyone’s attitude, and said proudly, “Mirror, special pet, can absorb any magic attack and physical attack, without limbs, slow movement, passive attacks, that is, the power of absorbing the opponent’s attack, generally in the third to fifth, mainly in the West secret, but they The load of energy is limited. If the energy they can load is severely damaged, and even death will be severely damaged. As for the way of splitting the body, I have never heard of it. … and the problem is that the problem is I do n’t know how to appear in the Central Plains that it turned out to be a ninth -order freak. The capacity of the ninth order is naturally not the same as ordinary! It seems that it will produce a better effect when it is planted in the Central Plains. Of course, its biggest weakness is not that! "

It was only the key to this when it came here. Everyone’s appetite was mentioned! Seeing everyone’s angry eyes, this guy dared not sell Guanzi. “Its biggest advantage is also its biggest weakness. They claim to be a pet killer in foreign countries. The reason is that its absorption ability is only useful for pets!”

Dizzy, a word breaks the sky, … It is useful for pets, and the effect will be greatly limited! “The magic absorption of the magician is only 50 %, the absorption of physical attacks is only 30 %, and it cannot use the absorption effect on the player, but for pets, the ninth -order mirror can be regarded as the world. Invincible, so there is the title of pet killer! And as a foreign country, the highest now seems to be a 7 -order mirror. The energy absorption of pets on the 8th order is a problem, and the number is very scarce. It is not very attention from the player, and the action of this guy is too unchanged! "

Khan .



Isn’t this, can our ball play the invincible of pets, can even the energy of the crystal dragon barely digestion .



I really can’t think of any other pets can It’s stronger!

Fortunately, for players, like a sandbar bag, there is no attack at all, otherwise it will really not be mixed!




The problem is that this pet competition may have to win the championship.

I really don’t know where to get out of it.

Nine -order, hey, if it is lower, it will not be a problem.

The news was immediately spread like a gust of gust-the nickname of pet killer was officially established!

The second semi -finals started: Unicorn Silver Pegasus “small dish”

VS hell door guardian 1 compensation 1.2 The gaming center opened this odds, or because of my prestige, I think that pets must have a killer … … Yes, I am afraid that the small vegetables do not know. On the court, the same pressure is that the two parties enter the state at the same time, and the side dishes quickly flew to the air and the hell gatekeeper opened the distance, bombarding at high altitude! First of all, the chain Lightning forms a chain Lightning grid, and the guardian guardian of the hell door is over. The guardian guardian of hell is naturally not vegetarian. Speed, shuttles between the grid, because the density of the grid is too high, it is inevitable that the side dishes in the air are not so comfortable. Earth -to -air mobile fortress. The power of the chain lightning was almost compared to the dark dragon wave. After avoiding a round of lightning, the hell door guards were avoided, and immediately seized the opportunity to start counterattack. The dark dragon waves that were shot in the air one after another, and the side dishes were also hiding in Tibet in the east. After a while, they were forced into the corner. Immediately the best skills, the wings were closed, the strange equipment on the wings flashed, a feather -like light shield blocked the shield from the shield After the other party’s continuous dark dragon waves, but in the fourth time, it still broke through the defense and hit the side dish! Almost smashed down! The agility of the side dishes in the air is naturally not as good as the hell gate guards on the ground. The side dishes are also impatient, the wings are closer, and the equipment on the wings echoes the arc of the unicorn, and a fist -sized light ball appears again! Electric light beam appears again. This is the unique trick of instantaneous attacks. The guardian guardian of hell seems to be unable to hide, and he knows that the side dishes are going to work with it. Immediately accumulating strength, a electro -light column and a dark dragon wave are paired! Following the constant explosion of attack contact! …… These two guys are addicted, so after a while, the two are finished together! But in a short period of interruption, the guardian guardian flashed out, and immediately used its killer, and hit all the best-hell trial! This time is a huge black cross! There is also a horrible electric cross on the side dish! Pets will also be tit -for -tat, … I still do n’t learn the side dishes, as long as it is powerful, what’s the shape of what is! The golden light on the equipment has also disappeared, … it seems that it is not a steady stream! The hardcores were planted from the air, and the hell gate guards on the other side were not much better … but the side dish would fall to death, and a cunning smile appeared in the eyes of the guardian guardian of the hell door. meaning. Fortunately, the side dishes got my true biography, and never gave up until the end. He opened his wings in the air, a gliding suicide attack, and hit the guardian of the hell door. The guardian guardian was stunned and was killed by the unicorn of the side dish! Halo, although it is a bit lost, but finally won. Half-finals —— Unicorn Silver Horse win! Enter the finals without attributes, nine -order mirror and ninth -tier one -tier silver ramma! Everyone has a clear understanding of Mirror’s strength. It can be said that pets are invincible, but in actual combat, especially in large -scale wars, it is not so easy to use, but there are no pets that are perfectly beautiful. It is already very unhappy to do this. As for the small dish, it is really good to break into the finals. … I did not expect that the equipment of the decoration was really a bit of a effect, supplemented the weakness of the lack of attack power! … but the end of the game is hanging! Final final Mirror VS Unicorn Silver Pegasus 1 Lemon 10 … The fork, the gaming center really doesn’t give it face. This is not the loser, but I don’t even have the bottom of myself, let alone others, and the performance of the mirror is the performance of the mirror. Obvious! In fact, it is basically that the 99 % of the audience has been determined that the mirror has won. Everyone is just waiting for a result! The baby can’t help but ask, “How about small dishes, is there any confidence to get that fat man?”

The side dishes are still the same and highly high, … there seems to be no problem at all. “No problem, rest assured, look at me, I want to avenge Xiao Zi, electric it into a barbecue skewers, and give Xiaozi wine. "

Khan … Who do you learn? “Then do you think of the strategy to deal with it?”


If you are dizzy, the answer is really simply, you tell me to send death! The baby is angry, and Xue’er Feiyun is also incompetent. Main text 1003 Angry King Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 6658 After a full day of fierce competition, the pet competition finally entered the finals, and the two sides of the championship were quite invincible. First of all, the pet of the devil’s soul -eater adheres to the host’s invincibility. The unicorn silver pony also has an uninterest. It has a gorgeous appearance, sharp attack, incomparable air ability, and love. Pride! Legend has it from the mysterious pet from the West. The mirror has this opposite territory. Because the first owner could not know the hero with the hero, he was abandoned. Now it stands up again and defeats the magical gorgeous Lighting Elf King, the air King of Golden Wing Dapeng, the bomber, has an infinite and noble dragon-Crystal Dragon, and the finals are coming to the final, and we will stand on the peak of the pet industry. expression! The magical absorption ability of the mirror is worthy of the reputation of the pet killer. According to the latest information, the mirror is also scarce in the West, and the highest level is only 7, but in our land, it appears. Level nine! This game will determine whether one can continue to be unbeaten, and whether the other can become a real pet killer! Players have also set off a climax of bets to support the king of pets in their minds! The side dishes are also screaming, “pressing me to hold HOHO, pressing me Hoho.”

As a result, Xiao Zi had a white eyes, and the girls didn’t have much confidence in it. After all, the strength was there, but the baby smiled and comforted the side dishes. “Good food, your sister will win a thousand gold coins!”

The celebration of the side dish has not been finished, and she was immediately smashed back. “You lose 10,000 gold coins, giggle.”

Baby laughed, and the noodle dish’s face was pulled longer! In fact, the gaming center is not optimistic about small dishes. Players in the field see their performance with their own eyes. Relatively speaking, each opponent of Mirror is stronger than it, but it can still win easily. The gaming center is betting. “Brother Apple, the soul -eating is good at this time, so I said so full of words, see how he played, hehe.”

With a fiercely dying, a top big cigar was pumped, and a ball of smoke began to diffuse around. Qingqing’s apple fragrant frowned. It seemed that he was very disgusted with smoke. It was a fine character who became fine. Naturally, he would not be able to see it. “Unbelievable brother, I’m afraid you guess wrong, I think this unicorn is winning!”

The expression of Qingqing apple incense is a bit strange, as if he is convinced himself. It was a bit surprised to hear this judgment. At that time, it was also it who judged that Mirror could defeat the crystal dragon. “… Brother Apple, the strength of the mirror now is obviously superb. The energy of the side dishes plus the weird equipment at best is the class of the hell gatekeeper. The ecstasy that cannot resist the mirror is still unknown! "

Qingqing apple incense was silent for a while, sighed, “I don’t know what’s going on, as long as I think of the game, my intuition tells me that it must be a side dish, but I can’t convince myself!”

The sixth sense of a man? Intersection Intersection It may be the warrior’s fighting hunch. However, this feeling is never dead, but he doesn’t believe it. He believes that his eyes see are the most authentic. So I did not die, and I made 10,000 gold coins on the mirror, and made some cigarette money. Qingqing apple incense was pressed 10,000 gold coins on the side dish. He wanted to prove one thing, a thing that had troubled him for a long time. Maybe he was not an ordinary player, but a talented player who developed acquired. The apple here can’t help but be a little excited. Love Xinjiluo doesn’t like gaming, he has no interest in this … No one will think he is short of money. He did not make any expressions for the victory and defeat of this game. At first, he thought the mirror I would win, but he hesitated when he was really in the ground. Since the things that cannot be decided, why do you have to decide?

Anyway, the game is about to start!




have personality, cold to the end!

The illegal entry does not comment on the victory and defeat of this game.

He also feels that Mirror will not win so simple, but he can’t think of the reason that he cannot win.

When a person standing in their status cannot make a decision, the best is silence.

Silence is gold!

The eternal ancient magician as an allies answered more cunning, “Why is the demon king’s soul called invincible?”

Beauty has a good opinion of both pets, one cute, and a gorgeous humor, no matter who wins, it is the same for them. The game is about to start. Now the statistical results of the gaming center are that the support rate of mirror and unicorn is basically the same. Most players who support unicorns are the first sentence that rushes in. Invincible “! There are sweaty heads. This group of people really is really. If this kind of thing is blindly worshiped, it must be unlucky, but I did not expect that the popularity of soul -elimation is really not ordinary. The game began, and the love also woke up. The babies, heart, lotus, cats, cats cheers. … but I don’t know who they are cheering. Unicorn Silver Pegasus vs mirror 飞 Ask who is a hero! The small dish naturally knows the weakness of the mirror. The only way now is to support it by its own energy, which is the only way it can think of. In order to save energy, the side dishes did not fly, and the mirror had no ability to dodge anyway. As soon as the wings are combined with the electric light beam attack! The light ball above the head is already twice as big as before, and the small face of the side dish is flushed. On the other side, the mirror is old, … it has no other choice. Wave! ~ The dazzling electric column hit the mirror rolling on the ground without suspense! A strong contrast formed on both sides. The side dishes are usual, with a serious look and concentration. The mirror ball ball is the same, and as soon as he is attacked, he starts to squint and enjoy it! … The problem appeared immediately, and the attack of the side dish has not stopped. It is a decision, either it is exhausted or the mirror is killed! The expression of the mirror has also changed. When the energy is excessive, it must be attacked, and the other party does not stop intending at all, so that it cannot make ecstasy at all! Intersection Intersection And after being stepped on the violent change last time, it did not understand it by itself, that is, there is a certain success rate, which may not be able to complete the division every time. If the split failure is OVER! Now the mirror is also anxious. Unfortunately, its body shape determines that it cannot avoid the powerful attack of the side dishes. The side dishes also discover the situation of the opponent, and the attack has stepped up! Intersection Intersection There is a great feeling of being at the same time! Mirror’s belly is getting round! … Mirror’s belly seems to have a small crack? Intersection Intersection Is it dazzling? Intersection Intersection no! Intersection Intersection Yes, a huge mouth! The mirror’s mouth appeared, and the attack of the side dish was immediately caught by its big mouth! Intersection Intersection …… I feel a bit eating the ice column! The side dishes also found that the situation was not good. A little hesitant, there was a hint of air in the attack. "

Ha ~~” A super huge electric light pillar shot out and went straight to the side dishes. Boom ~~~ Although the defense is timely, the power of the attack is much greater than the original. The defense was defeated and the corner of the protective cover fell! … Fortunately, it’s a little bit, otherwise you can send the dishes to Xitian! The situation is reversed instantly, and the strange mirror shocked all the audience again! Different from the last time, this time, there was a big mouth of a rocket launcher! The mirror was obviously very excited about his novelty mouth. He closed up and down from time to time, grinning and laughing, his eyes narrowed a crescent, and the image was definitely cute. After a few times on the ground, from time to time, the ecstasy of all pets trembling and chilling! Several joy and a few sorrows, losers can always only help the winners. No matter how beautiful you used to, the only players in the audience are only the new nobles of the pet-mirror! The side dishes are struggling in the corner. The health value, magic value, and physical strength are basically almost the end. The glory of the past was just overwhelming, and the fat man in front of him would replace everything! There was a surprise mirror in each battle, and the player’s mind had reached a peak. As a master, I can naturally feel the current mood of the side dishes. As the most intelligent pet, the side dishes basically have human emotions, dignity and glory, and it has been just now! And now everything has changed. I silently looked at everything around me. Except for Xueer, they looked at all this silently, and the baby even shed tears. Others were so cheerful. Even if others are close people, there is no such experience. Although it is an ordinary game, I know that if you lose, the blow to the side dishes is unimaginable, but the reality is reality, and the strength is too great. "

Brother Apple, I am good, I am a piece of small dish, haha, you can smoke a good cigar!” Qingqing Apple Xiang silently glanced at the endless endless endless, saying faintly: "

Undead brother, the battle is not the final result, don’t conclude prematurely.” "

^Haha, I think Brother Apple has worked, the facts are in front of me, even if the stupid horse stands up, it is just an ugly, the soul -eating is shameful this time.” After speaking, I ignored the inhalation cigar in the apple incense and mouth, … it seems that he is so excited. "

Brother Cubo, a bit miserable!” "

Yeah, if it wasn’t for the final, it was okay, so everything was paved with everyone before!” "

The reality is, and the same is true in the game. Otherwise, foreign players will not come to challenge the soul. If you defeat him, you will be on his shoulders. “Hey, a bit on the shoulder of the giant.”

“Don’t look at the prestige of the Demon Palace, saying that he is the same as the sky pavilion, because it is too high. Once the soul eater falls, the whole house is almost the same.”

“Hey, the first step from the side dish, myths will gradually be broken.”

“As soon as the news was rendered by the media, it would be spread to every corner of the world immediately!”

“Is there any way, this is also the sorrow of the peak character. Whether it is Napoleon or Hitler, the failure of these people is dead enough.”

The forever ancient magician also watched the small dishes struggling in the venue … … Brother Soul Eater, your first test came. Before you really compare the test, everyone just feels that small dishes are not as good as mirror, but it will not affect the soul -eating, and it will not affect the Magic Palace! But now it is different. In the first sentence when people elapse, the pet of the devil’s soul -elimation must fail and fail! They are one. People who are hostile to the Demon Palace will treat this as an opportunity. An opportunity for a demon king to fall will make Little Japan fail to eat N more bitter vegetables, and the Japanese will definitely oil on fire. There are so few people who send charcoal in the fire, but there are so many stones in the well! The side dish was desperately climbed up, and Mirror also stopped his celebration. It may be that you have been envious of others to have his mouth for a long time. Seeing that your opponent has occupied it, his mouth is a small lightning. …… It’s Razer! Intersection Intersection The side dish was bombarded again, and he fell down on the protective cover. The audience below was a little enthusiastic, and yelled and continued. What they needed for them was a stronger and more worthy of their worship. The loser could only hide into the corner. The side dishes are completely out of power, and even the power of standing up and pulling is gone. He didn’t work hard, but it couldn’t, it had felt his life disappeared. It is not reconciled, it is angry, but weak, the rest is the sorrow of despair. Finally, I looked at me with several feelings, maybe the last glance! Seeing that kind of eyes, the anger in my heart rose straight. I had a kind of murder in my heart. I was happy with the side dishes. I swept through my mind. When people were lost, they could find the importance of the other party. I couldn’t hold it, and their murderous, Xueer naturally felt that even the players around him also noticed that the nearby Qingqing apple aroma, immortal, eternal ancient magician, desperately three wolves, fascination, four fairy, etc. Wait for me. I know that my face is definitely ugly, but I can’t help it. I, the demon king soul, why has it been insulted! Standing up and pulling, roaring, “Stand up!”

Forgot, love is in my arms. When I fell, love was pressed on my belt. Boom ~~ The mighty eight -claw gold dragon appeared, and the dragon of the world was tightly wrapped around me. The players around me were bounced away and chaotic. Feeling my anger, Jinlong roared deafening, catering to my anger! All the ninth -level sacred beasts staying outside … Climbing on the ground, head arched, claws holding their heads, surrendering to the Wang Wei of Jinlong! All the eyes of the audience immediately concentrated in me! Intersection Intersection There are surprises, jealousy, envy, resentment, worship … I, fearless!

The mirror in the field was frightened by the eight -clap golden dragon, and the dying side dish suddenly emitted the dazzling golden light throughout the body.

The golden light penetrated the protective cover, and the players around were dazzling.

For a while, Long Yin came out of the game, yes, Long Yin!

Intersection Intersection Jin Guang dispersed, a four -claw white dragon came out of the side of the side dish, roaring to cater to our anger!

And the body of the small cabbage gradually disappeared, and the new Bailong swims in the air and enjoy the new life.

—— Four-claw Bailong!

Intersection Intersection The audience was immediately lively.

The pets of the devil turned into.

The dragon was not the winged big belly lizards in the West, the Chinese dragon, our great ancestor, the dignity and glory of 6,000 years!

Intersection Intersection A new Bailong!

For a moment, my roar, Jinlong and Bai Long’s Long Yin gave the audience a permanent impression of eternal life.

The whole game is chaotic, and it is not an exaggeration to make a sense of enthusiasm!

The forever ancient magician nodded and smiled, Liu Dark Hua Ming!

Intersection Intersection It seems that the day of the demon king has grown up, and his eyes are right.

The jaw that was not frightened couldn’t close, and it was still laughing just now.

This sudden change made him look strangely static.

Qingqing apple looked at all this quietly, and his calm face was like deep pools.

No one knew what he was thinking now.

Illegal entry and Aizonedo knew each other with a bitter smile.

The road to challenge the devil is even more difficult, and the only flaw is indestructible!

Four fairy, worshiping and joyful to look at our eyes.

The side dishes after changing again, is it still a side dish?

It looks at my eyes with different warmth and the same arrogance.

That is the king’s spirit!

Everyone can see now, and it is bound to exceed the ninth level!

Intersection Intersection The second time of the ninth -level pet!

Intersection Intersection After a panic on the ground, the big mouth began to spray the Ray snake constantly.

Intersection Intersection All Razer flew around Bailong and immediately didn’t move.

Suddenly Bai Guang flashed, and he turned around and jumped up and down the mirror on the ground.




It was impossible to absorb!

Intersection Intersection The white dragon in the air looked at the big panting mirror on the ground.

Now they are not a level of creature at all.

A rabbit is fierce, and it is just a better meal in the eyes of the lion.

The winner is the king, and the loser is the king, the foreigns are unchanged!

The mirror shot a few laps on the ground, and made his own good show-ecstasy.

There were countless white dragons in the long mouth of the ecstasy of ecstasy, and the white light flashed away, as if nothing happened.

The mirror is still unwilling.

On the surface, it has an extraordinary origin, and it is unwilling.

Big mouth began to inhale big mouth!














The six -series magic element around me was concentrated in exceeding it!

Intersection Intersection The element is too concentrated, and the player can also see the color of the magic element, and the colorful light balls are sucked into the big mouth of the mirror!

Dizzy, after evolution, it still has the ability to directly absorb elements!

Intersection Intersection Isn’t it wanting to put a super huge six -series magic?

Intersection Intersection Dizzy, the entire pet station will fly.

The stomach has risen to the extreme mirror, and the final killer has been sprayed, which is equivalent to the mixed magic of banning spells!

—— Six-series element trial!

Intersection A huge semi -transparent light ball wrapped around the white dragon in the air.

The eyes of the audience will protrude, the strongest six -series magic VS Bailong!

Bai Long in the air has a great interest in the beautiful ball in front of him.

In a circle, he surrounded it and fiddled with his paws from time to time.




sweat, it’s not exploding!

Intersection Intersection The mirror on the ground is completely dumbfounded.

Now it is just like the side dishes just now.

It can’t move, and the stomach is stunned.




The mouth is still there, but it becomes a sewing .



Elastic After playing twice, Bai Long took the six -series magic ball .



I ate it.

Can this kind of thing also digest?

Intersection Intersection The dragon turned on a white light, and the white dragon beaten with satisfaction!







Aimed at the mirror dragon mouth on the ground, and shot a white light!

There was a warlock -like warrior on the ground, but the dragon in the middle replaced the gossip map of the magic array!

The mirror was instantly lost to the action in it, and the health value of the magic value immediately bottomed out.


The king of pets was born ——- Bailong!

After the Bailong in the air destroyed the opponent, he sent a few crispy dragon in the direction of me and nodded.

Then the dragon tail touched the ground, shrunk, and the image of the unicorn silver horse appeared again!

Intersection Intersection Ryoma, real Ryoma!

Intersection Intersection The side dish stood at the stand of the stations, but the only praise and honor came from the face.

The screams of the girls quickly opened the roofs!

Bai Longma’s call sounded throughout the audience .



Although the side dishes did not understand what happened, .



it seemed to win, and it was the win.

Naturally optimistic it joined the cheers immediately.

Khan .



, this guy is happy, just now almost brought me to death.

However, Bai Long, hey, only the real Bailong, temporarily upgraded in an emergency.

Suddenly, it broke through the true limitations of the ninth order, which is a bit like Hongyun, but Hongyun is completely promoted, so it must leave, and the side dishes can only “turn the dragon”

when they encounter the greatest danger. Devil + Dragon = Invincible! Text Hundred Fifty -Four Mirrors Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5504 The pet competition ended successfully, and the excitement of the game exceeded the imagination of the player. Originally thought it was the battle between a few pets. I did not expect so many masters to emerge, which was really unexpected! In the end, the unicorn silver-rails were promoted to the gods in the legend of the Nine-order legend —— Bailong, defeating the powerful competitors in one fell swoop-pet killer mirror mirror to win the championship. The prestige of the devil continues to climb to a new height! Yan Huang Pao reported this grand pet competition at the fastest speed of the world. Following closely, the World News also made every effort to report the classic competition process of the pet competition. … Why are their covers me? The pet competition has to be linked to others, miserable! Both the Yan Huang Dao and the World Daily issued a detailed introduction. A big picture on the first page … is the scene of my anger, the eight -claw gold dragon, and the players who are bounced around the chaos are the most powerful contrasts. Immediately after one, the echo of the two dragons, the air pressure! The title is —— The Demon King was angry, Bai Longsheng! Entering the final, in the face of the challenge of pet killer mirror mirror, the invincible ninth -order unicorn silver pills have fallen into trouble. This is an unprecedented predicament. Like the demon king, its pets have the same pride, but the mirror is strange in the mirror magpies strange Under the ability, even the crystal dragon fell down, not to mention that in the final, Mirror showed more amazing strength again. At this moment, the devil’s soul was furious. The ninth -order sacred beast felt the anger and unwillingness of the owner. He began the first evolution of the ninth -level sacred beast. The most admired totem, the legendary Shenlong family! The next game became Bailong’s personal performance. Although the mirror made the horrible six -series hybrid magic, in the face of the God’s Bailong, he still had no power to fight back, and then defeated. Bai Long’s strength is standing on the peak of all pets, and is the strongest pet. (Reported by Yanhuang Pao, the editor -in -chief of Xiaobai Sheng, who is known as Bai Xiaosheng: The cowhide is blown out, not to mention it is not too exaggerated.) For him, everything about the magic palace is related to the soul -eating chickens that can only get golden eggs. He is fat to raise, and he has a lot of gold coins. Although the sales volume of Yanhuang Pao is large, the main people are still the players of Yanhuangcheng. Now the players in Yanhuang City are already the first of the big city. Relatively speaking, players in other cities still prefer the world newspaper. Of course, some cities that have a good relationship with the Magic Palace are also the main sale of Yanhuang Pao. The World Daily is a more fair analysis of the strength of the powerful pets and listed different rankings. To be precise, in actual combat, the true strength of pets. The first place is the unicorn of the demon king’s soul-eater. It can be in this position not only because it can become a god beast that surpasses the ninth-level sacred beast —— Four-claw white dragon (God beast, god beast, It is one level worse than the super god beast and Super Warcraft), and the wisdom of almost players in all pets, as well as in actual combat, has an air advantage and manpower. The battle against Japan has been reflected, and sometimes running is more important than strong attack power! Of course, Bai Long after the promotion is really envious of all players. This kind of pet that transcends manpower is unimaginable. This is the only pet that can exist in the world after surpassing the ninth order so far. The second place is not unexpectedly mirror, but the ice -fire phoenix of the goddess of Phoenix.

The power of the super Phoenix descendants with two attributes is unimaginable.

Faced with its enemy trembling, the mixed magic of Binghuo was invincible.

The third place is the mirror.

This legendary pet killer.

According to the analysis of the world newspaper, if it is not the last horrible six -series mixed magic, it can not be in this position.

It became a fatal injury, and it was unimaginable on the battlefield.

Under the impact of the cavalry, this absorption ability has no room to play at all.

The fourth place is Crystal Dragon.

As the only one in the high dragon, they will not fly.

They have abandoned the flying ability and they have obtained unparalleled powerful physics and magic defense and horrible lethality.

All players must worry.

The fifth place is the guardian of the hell gate and the Dark Wolf King.

They are basically equivalent to the same.

Although in the pet competition, the hell gatekeeper won with a weak advantage, but there will be no big differences, and there are two.

Although the king of the dark department has different images, they have the same attention.

Especially the guardian guards, such pets should have a high chance of appearing in Egypt.

However, they did not expect to appear in China.

They had to make Egyptian players a great sadness.

The sixth place is King Dapeng, the superior air ability, and the horrible Razer, like a fighter, and the double -headed attack during the battle state, the strength is even more amazing.

The seventh place is basalt, as one of the four saints, the basalt, the development potential is amazing, and the powerful attack and defense will not say that if the magic can be merged in the future, the strength will inevitably rise.

The eighth place is the king of Bone Dragon and the Lighting Elf.

Although Bone Dragon has powerful undead magic and unsorbed physical attacks, under its strong appearance, the defense of physical attacks and magic attacks is weak, especially for light Magic is even more fragile.

The situation of the light of the light is similar.

Although it has powerful magic, it is not suitable for single soldiers.

The fragile physical defense is its weakness.

The ninth place is the Flame Flying Dragon King.

When he is single -headed, he shows a relatively balanced offensive and defensive ability and low -altitude flight ability.

At the same time, it can also carry people.

Five good helpers!

The tenth soil attribute Tiger King has good strength and can be carried by man.

It is also a combat type of people.

Unfortunately, when the war comes out, he encounters the overlord crystal dragon on the ground.

It can only be said that poor luck.

At the same time, the World News also pointed out secretly that among the existing pets of Chinese players, there are still the same -level nine -level sacred beasts, which are amazing, but they will not be announced for the time being without the consent of the owner.




Who is the “hidden character”

, is it pressed the betting in the last world of the world? Intersection Intersection However, I think they have given up a good opportunity for pets to advance. It is difficult to have such atmosphere. Such scenes, so many pets provide them with opportunities again! I already know one of them. I New Decision must have a backhand. Maybe what is waiting for? Is the timing not yet? Another person is more suspicious, that is, endlessly. This old guy, the city is too deep, I do n’t believe his pet is less than nine -order. There may be some doubts in the past. No! The World News reported in the world, and began to discuss the player’s soul -eater. First of all, the most urgent impatient is Japan. This time, they praised the soul -loving soul. At the same time, everything was misunderstanding before, and Invite the soul to visit Japan again and receive the highest etiquette. Khan … What are you paying attention to Little Japan, do they stand and speak without lumbar pain? Is it a Hongmen Banquet, or do you want to find some actresses gold coins to buy me? Intersection Intersection It seems that Little Japan wants to adopt the possibility of the following, they always think that money is universal, … even if a woman is, do you hold the money, and then they are in the yin. In reality, I am angry at me, maybe it is supported by the Japanese left! The sneak attack was unsuccessful, and I found that I was relatively high in the utilization value in that aspect, and I wanted to come again … I just don’t know what the price they opened, and it was a good idea to blackmail them! Of course, the Japanese’s remarks have aroused the dissatisfaction of Chinese players. Many people strongly suggest that I am less than a lesson to Little Japan, and it is still the four islands of Japan …, big buddies, I am a human, I am a human, I am a human, I am a human, I am a man, I am a human, I am a human, Not a monster. I heard that the Japanese side is also actively preparing for the “Emperor Cup”

pet competition. It is ready to be short -term with us. At the same time, India has this meaning. There are only them in Asia, and welcomes the soul to come to teach and advice at any time. For the provocation of the Indians, I haven’t had time to ignore it yet. Now there are too many things in the Magic Palace, but since people talk about it, I don’t give it. The style, through the Yan Huang Bao, I have issued my response. Now I do n’t have the time to work. When I have time, when I have time, I will go to them to find some fun to add some souvenirs to my girlfriend. The European response was very calm. While praising us, I exaggerated my strength. I was embarrassed to say, but I knew they boasted that I was to pave the way for “God”.

It shows that my strength is too strong, I win, and even fame and fortune, even the interest with the interest came back. Of course, they are not really interested in the appearance of Bailong. In their opinion, the long worm dragon in China is far less powerful than their dragons. They are only used as their own words. The guild already has the meaning of acquisition. Of course, all this can only be decided after God reaches level 81. I don’t care about that set, when he loves what to die, and then the deposit is collected first, and the goods are in my hands. I want to regret it. In Egypt, as another powerful and mysterious ancient world country, first of all, some of the guests’ words of pet competitions. At the same time, they want to see the power of the legendary Chinese dragon, but they are more interested in the hell gatekeeper. The referee in ancient Egyptian mythology! With them, this dark judge is a wolf head. Everyone must call him a sin to decide the fate. One section of the balance is a feather, and the other end is the heart of the person being judged. , Can’t live, can’t die, forever pain, can no longer enter reincarnation. For this kind of beast that should appear in Egypt, Egyptian players have shown great interest. Egyptian players on the Internet have issued countless interrogations. Of course, because the relationship is good, Chinese players have patiently answered them one by one. The highest level players in Egypt are also 80, and they are also brewing to visit China. Of course, this is more friendly. It is inevitable to discuss, but the momentum is completely different and the friendly atmosphere is stronger. Players in other countries have expressed some views, but they are mostly targeted at me. Some boring words. There is no limit. Needless to say, it is definitely the world war. The whole problem can be chaotic, but the current problem is that most players are asking for opening, especially some senior players. Of course, there are not a few who propose objections. Most of them are not yet ready. Under two aspects of pressure, the official must also consider its own income. Although the war is good, the world war is not wonderful, or it is still now still. It’s not time, when the economy develops to the peak, when the profit begins to concentrate in the hands of a few people, that is, when it is re -reshuffled, it is not enough, but the player’s requirements must be ignored. According to some gossip, it is intended Open a city -sized area, set up rich resources, various resources, players in the world can enter at will, and start power and competition in it. Of course A lot of gifts and profits are used as bait. Of course, everything must be spoken by strength, and some restrictions and punishments here must be reduced. If this idea is realized, it will become a criminal capital, the winner is king, and the resources that are continuous and higher than that of ordinary cities will be the focus of the player that cannot resist and compete. Of course That kind is even more for you to die. The contest that was originally arranged to be held tonight was postponed. This also blame us without experience. For the first time, we held such a big game to leak the time to celebrate and relax. Naturally, there is no way to do it tonight. The game is postponed to tomorrow. Players who watched the pet competition for so long need to digest it for a while. Those who have achieved good results naturally want to call friends and friends to eat a meal. Others can also level up and relax. Or go to the market to see if there are cheap goods to pick up. Even more powerful, I ran near the green wild forest that night to wait for picking pets. Khan …, terror is now no one lost in the weak pet. However, even more bizarre is that in the Communist City, a player suddenly mad after watching the game, killed the guardian guarding the city with a knife, and then cut it after being wonderful.


Later, the familiar person said that this brother was the legendary first tragedy of the year-the original owner of the mirror, the former adventure master, it took a week After the legendary treasure, I finally found that the treasure turned out to be a silly pet.

Of course, he was hopeful.

After all, the pets of such difficult tasks must be extraordinary, and the pets are not available.

Naturally, he would not give up easily, but then he was disappointed.

This pet has no limbs, no mouth, only a pair of eyes, and even the movement is super difficult.

There is no fighting power at all.

Except for being killed, even the counterattack would not be.

The anger in my heart was thrown away in anger.

Of course, the contractual relationship was exposed.

It is nothing to do with Warcraft.

Zhan Shan is a good man.

If it is a fantasy beast, it will be miserable, and it will die within a day.

The little fat man who has been relying on the mining days ended the work for a day, and returned home.

He was going to make a few pounds of shochu to comfort himself.

He saw a person’s lonely mirror on the way, bruised all over, and his face was poor.

Mirror, after seeing the little fat man seemed to see his loved ones, he suddenly played over.

The little fat man immediately moved his heart, and suddenly thought that he had no pet to keep it.

, A pet to buy pets, and pets have to spend money.

Anyway, the life of his miners is also very good.

Although it is hard, there is no disturbance.


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