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Chapter_29 I have never seen pets that can be mining) In fact, it is also good to have someone to be a companion.

At least when mining, it is not monotonous.

Although the mirror is not useful, it is also very comfortable to accompany him aside, not lonely.

Don’t underestimate mining.

The garbage ore can be sold directly to the NPC store.

Generally, the ore can be sold to some alchemists, and occasionally you can dig out some good mines, or some weird things, sell it to the auction house, or It ’s going to sell it by yourself.

Although it is hard but the income is okay, the general players are unwilling to do this kind of work.

Yes, they are also part -time.

It is to deal with Warcraft, so that there is a fixed income every month.

Although not many, it is much better than ordinary jobs.

Some of the remaining expenses can be maintained in the world.

Once a group of bitches found his head and found him, he couldn’t afford to cause trouble, but the other person seemed to get a strong new pet.

He had to compete with the fat man’s mirror to show his prestige.

There are always such a group of bullying garbage in this world.

There was no way, but it was still beaten.

The result was naturally unexpected.

When the mirror was beaten, it was “flying”

everywhere, but it was not injured. The other party “eat”

, and has no resistance. They scared them immediately, and the pets were so miserable, let alone players. Seeing the smile of Mirror’s eyes, the fat man knew that he had picked up the treasure, but he didn’t expect that he was not the ordinary baby, but the baby who made him step by step! Grandly recommendation, “Dream Back to September 7”

, “Online Game Fighting”

author of another masterpiece: “Magic Frenzy”

Text 10055 Zhuo Lin Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 9569 Life is so unpredictable. Under the strong invitation of Xiaomao, the little fat man “bland”

also joined the Magic Palace to help Xiaomao manages the business of the guild together. Xiaomao has the savvy of Xiaomao. Sometimes it needs to be like “bland”.

Such an honest person has come forward. Since the origin of the mirror is spread, his “honest”

image has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and the advertising effect is naturally self -evident. At least give people a real feeling of goods. Give full play to everyone’s potential, … until it is squeezed. It is also an opportunity for the little fat man himself. From then on, he will say goodbye to his hard mining career, and no one dares to underestimate him. No one is born with a low bone of mining. However, the environment and life are forced. After all, ordinary people are mostly, good luck and strength can be owned by everyone, but he is different now, and his kindness has also been rewarded. Who said that kindness is not good. This incident set off the reputation of the little fat man. The fat man himself was very sorry, thinking that it was unnecessary. The most happy thing was Xiao Mao. Originally, he planned to find someone to dress up as a mirror. In order to achieve a shocking advertising effect, I did not expect that there were people, and the effect was much better. After all, this adventurer was still the first figure in the Communist City. The pet competition and the newcomer challenge have achieved two people, one is the little fat man “flat”

, and the other is our elven master melancholy kitten. The melancholy kitten is now the full authority of the Institute of Magic in the Demon Palace Division, especially the business of hosting the magic arrow. Of course, it is not for her to do this all day. In fact, there are already many people in this regard. It is to issue some orders. The eternal ancient magician is really bold! But I like it! —— Any employment is not doubt, no suspect! What kind of characters will the first competition of the world’s first competition? The war keeps seeing it really can’t come back. I don’t know how to be a bit fortunate and regrettable. People are so contradictory! Still, the gentleman’s revenge is not too late for ten years! I have already started the peripheral game this morning. There are too many people to sign up. I do n’t know if I can finish the day. I will explain things to Xiao Mao, cat fish, three wolves, and silly. We will offline. Xiaomao will find me with Tianxun. (Like the master of heaven, the boss of the major guilds, the combat effectiveness of more than 25,000, all free of charge) Three wolves have been a little excited during this time. Since I got a fragrant kiss of love, I have been in a state of excitement. … This is not good, keep calm and calm. The problem is that the woman is improper. He seems to be picking up a treasure. When he comes up, the men and women are in a large gap. The three wolves are too passive. … I ca n’t say that, I ’m away from the spicy girl like love, let alone the three wolves! However, it seems that during this time, the guy of the guild is unreasonable, and he has to support the beam of Xiao Mao and cat fish. Fortunately, the lotus and stealing the thief are also a good man in management. Xiangzi is not interested in the daytime class, and has a lot of preferential treatment as international students. In addition, the big dog comes back, let alone want him to annoy him, so stay here as the “spokesperson”

in management. I was in my school to come to our school, but I was reluctant to separate from the sisters, so I still stayed in Beiying. She was unhappy to develop in the entertainment industry. I didn’t feel much about those courses. Leveling is also the supervisor of the Magic Palace. No way, who can tell her to find me like a husband … There are more inhabitants in the mood of Xiangzi and the mood. I can rest assured that if something goes wrong, they can solve any problems. Some things represent me, and the province’s Xiao Mao always comes to annoy me. Xinyue did not see the figure all day. I heard that they were crazy leveling. They had to make up all the levels that had been pulled up before. Khan was really crazy, but they could bring up the climax of the level of the magic palace. Xiao Zi also followed. Some of them were assured that I could get Xiaozi BOSS. Even if there were, it was not a place where they were leveling. Besides, there was a super invincible BOSS in love. However, love is still very obedient, not to show his unique abilities in front of others, although they all say that “the world”

has no big loopholes so far … What else is more loopholes than love? Woolen cloth? Intersection People have feelings. After living with love for so long, they and I have regarded her as their little sister. Sometimes they really feel a little father. Of course, I do n’t care about her ability. Then It is hypocritical, but emotion is definitely the main factor, so I don’t want her to use, no matter who she is, or where she comes from, we don’t care! ###### I, Xueer, Jingjing, Baby, four people hurriedly played the game and rushed to listen to Lin Damen’s public class. Usually, we usually study in the virtual classroom of the library electrical classroom. The time expansion is large, and the effect can not be replaced by language and pictures. For example, when introducing the earth, the entire earth turns under your feet. Living, how to use it still, and not with this kind of virtual teaching, the classroom does not need it. In the strong technology, it is impossible to completely replace people. There is a kind of knowledge. … The most critical problem is that not all schools can be equipped with this kind of facility, which involves many problems, including security. Every teacher at the Galaxy College has two brushes. Regularly open public classes. Of course, whether the students come to listen to it are voluntary, do they want to see the charm of the teacher? Charm. There is no doubt that Lin Yue Da Mei is the most popular in it. Although the courses that old people are talking about are things, they are unpredictable, but in addition to some books, there are people who can understand and listen? When we rushed to the classroom, we were already full. Fortunately, the classroom was large, and there were several seats in the end. Unfortunately, I couldn’t observe Lin Damei up close. The latest school flower list appeared together. Immediately, the sight of all men seemed to be attracted by magnets, especially Jing Jing appeared in front of the public for the first time. Until I found a corner behind, the scene was still quiet, and there were a few screams from time to time. Some of them just twisted their necks just now. Intersection Some were pinched by their girlfriends. Lin Damei seemed to have a set of men to men. Girls have also seized one -third of the powerful positions in the front row, but most of them were the brave male compatriots and died. Lin Damei is also a well -known feminist, so she has not yet got married. Although the young hands of her you have chased her has become the “Great Wall”

, the more people she knows, the smaller the idea of marriage, but this is the less the idea of marriage, but the less the idea of getting married, but the smaller the idea of getting married, the smaller the idea of getting married, but the smaller the idea of getting married, but the smaller the idea of getting married, but the less the idea of getting married, the smaller the marriage. It does not hinder the pursuit of attacks. I heard that many underground forces have been coveted for a long time.

I do n’t know how she protects herself.

The identity of a teacher is obviously not enough.

It is likely to be a balance formed by her suitor.

There is no way, I don’t want the other party to do it, I can only come to it.




still explosive bags.

If you replace it with ordinary men, it must be finished.

No, the class hasn’t been opened, the person hasn’t appeared yet, the person who sent the flowers hasn’t stopped yet .







Every girl is eager to be so attractive.

Of course, Lin Damen’s knowledge of this is also imparted, but it is not just in front of our boys.

Look at the three beauties around you, Khan, .



I should be a man .



Xueer Jingjing Baby was sitting in the inside, but I was a man, and Wanfu Mo Ka!

Their charm is too great.

If this is not like this, they will definitely sit down.




The most feared thing is that they are not familiar with Xing Jin.

It is the most troublesome to tear the face, or it is not easy to tear the face.

I can do it like this, hey, if other men are willing, I can sit next to me.

I don’t mind.

If it is not honest, it is even more “interesting”.

Anyway, I feel boring in class … There is an old saying in China, saying that Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, weird, I just thought about it, these two guys came, and naturally someone took advantage of them, and it was still the front row. Later, Daquan Chun Saburo also came, and naturally someone took advantage of the position. Although the majority of the Japanese hated the Japanese, there were still a few indifferent attitudes, and this big dog was very psychological offensive. Many “good things”

have left everyone a good impression. The aliens among the Japanese can also be said to be like a bad person. In fact, the problem of China and Japan is no longer right, or the problem is wrong. Weak meat and strong food have been so. Since ancient times, when people have strong strength, they want to occupy our rich land. Today, I have a strong power. What is right, right, wrong, good, bad, strength determines everything! What is the purpose of the big dog now? It can be said to be for Xiangzi. Now I am afraid it ’s another thing. It’ s a troublesome guy. Can’t you die back to Japan, I ca n’t see it! This boy’s eyes were very proud, but on the surface, he was respectful. … It was really difficult to pull down his face. Don’t let me step on your little tail! Xing Jin immediately noticed this inconspicuous corner of our side, … maybe it was originally inconspicuous, and now it has attracted much attention. Those who are close to us may be embarrassed. The far away from us is a bold look, … There are so many people falling out of the ground for a while, … and why are they all falling in our direction? Intersection Xing Jun might think of it, but was pulled by Jin Zegang, nodded from a distance. Xueer and Baby are so lazy to be lazy to be lazy, but the two women have practiced. There are not many quiet scenes to this warm scene. Before she was in an orphanage, she learned themselves together. Brothers and sisters will not be like this. Although they are beautiful, they feel like a fairy. When I came here, the fairy fell, and the desire of mortals was very scary. Fortunately, there are “protection”

on the side of Xueer and the baby. … The men here are not worse than adult men in the society, and they are all the wolves of estrus. Otherwise, there will not be so many people who come to listen to the class of our beauty teachers! Seeing that we came over when we saw us with a smile, do we say what to say with him? Intersection Intersection “Brother Soul Eater, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

Daquan Chun Saburo may want to shake hands. I quickly put all my hands in my pocket, … there will be viruses, biochemical viruses, horrible! When I saw that I didn’t mean to shake hands, I accepted it naturally, and it was still a smile on my face. “Where, thank you for your gift the day before yesterday, I must have a thick newspaper!”

“Misunderstanding is misunderstanding. It is not convenient to speak here. We do n’t say falsely. These things will naturally give a soul -eater.”

After speaking politely, we bow and flash people. Hum, this guy is reality. The people in the front row naturally hear it. In fact, I am not a secret about my soul -eater. Many people know, but there are too many shocking things that happened on me. The identity is probably nothing, but I am very low -key at school. Trouble, … After all, I went, and he was afraid that he could only abdicate. Under weighing, he may be happy. As for the Magic Palace, it is true that the income of the Palace is full of strength, but it cannot be said that it is entirely the case. After all, human feelings are also considered, but these things do not need to do it. The benefit of the family went. As for the big dog, I want to see what the tricks he can play. If the last sneak attack was not strange to him, the fork, I know that I am the most in the Japanese, except for the incense. Want to pretend to be confused. It was just that he didn’t expect 10 biochemical people to do me! It seems that the Japanese strategy has really changed my strategy, and it is also determined that I have killed the ten biochemical people. Do you think I can be their walking dog? Really, hey, I don’t know what to say! Why don’t they always understand “it”

and “he”

are not the same? Intersection In the classroom, only a small “pause”

appeared when our three waves came. Other times, it was always full of people. … Everyone was just like it just released from prison, like There are countless words to say. At this time, two people rushed in at the door, … I quarreled at the door, dizzy, this is too perverted. When you look at it, it turns out that there are two guys in Li Zi and Liangzi. The two blocked each other at the door. Liangzi complained about Li Zi’s late late. Li Zi said that Liangzi shouldn’t stare at the ass’s ass to see the buttocks of others for so long, but he spit on the front. …………. The key is that you have lost the opportunity to occupy a strong terrain now. It ’s really shameful for our bedroom. After the fan is gone, the two guys are even worse. What about their girlfriends? Intersection Intersection During the quarrel, the two people still searched sharply in the audience, hoping to have a fish that missed the net … … Now that there is no sewing … Lin Damei has a The habit is never going to the back row. In the end, Li Zi was keenly observing. Why did so many people look back from time to time? A idea suddenly flashed in his mind! Sure enough, it was the big sister …, of course, there are boss. Two people rushed over immediately. Of course, those who arrived first could sit next to me, … That is to say, they can enjoy the big sister -in -law nearly 1 meter! Both of them took out the strength of breastfeeding, … really can’t stand them. They also looked at the live treasure helplessly. Jing Jing didn’t contact them in reality, but it was good to the two of them. Of course, it is not for their current image. The surface is unreliable, but the heart! The quiet ability allows her to directly feel the nature of a person. Just like when the big dog came over, Jing Jing could not restrain a hostile, but the big dog was really bachelor, but he didn’t look at them! Although Xueer can not be so sharp now, they can also be a little strange. Senior biochemical people such as big dogs are not ordinary power people. As for martial arts, they are even more different. The fields are different. The speed of plums can be faster, the first to seize the powerful position. “Give the boss, please settle!”

The baby on the side suddenly got the socket: “Little plum, flat!”

This time, we can make us a bad person. Li Zi is full of bitter water, … I degenerate into an old lady. “Hey, Li Zi, what about your two half?”

“The two of us are the master who loves to learn. The two of them went to listen to the monk Jing of the old professor. As for us, on the holiday, we came to our great teacher Lin, a beautiful class!”

“I look at it.”

“Hey, the name of the boss!”

“Nonsense, the boss is naturally named, and you can say it.”

Seeing words was snatched by Li Zi, Liangzi was not willing to show weakness. “You two guys can pick up girls all day, and you don’t see you practice, let alone you level, what are you busy all day?”

“Hey, boss, it’s really hard to say it. The two of our two are really real people. I thought it was like we love to play like us. Later, I found that it turned out to be the elite of the culture of governing the country and the country. Forced improvement of cultural literacy and ideological and moral quality, you see, Liangzi and I have lost at least 10 pounds! "

Dizzy, if you fall ten pounds, you will be gone … “Boss, you are still fierce, you can let the big sister accompany you to see the beauty!”

Liangzi worshiped with his face. Khan, I don’t have this plan, but Jing Jing is going to listen.

I just do with it.

After all, it is the first day when I come to school.

It is also a memorial.

As for Lin Damei’s class, it is generally the same.

Anyway, I am anyway.

There is no interest.

Xueer glared at Liangzi fiercely, but this guy was beautiful and dizzy, and Xueer, who was angry, couldn’t help taking these two pieces of sugar.

People who look back more, seeing Li Zi and Liangzi’s famous cowhide can be so happy to tell us, it is really unbalanced.




Isn’t it lucky?

I can divide them in a bedroom with beautiful killers, .



They basically live with a group of beauties now.

In fact, the rumors that I do n’t know are even more powerful.

It is said that I am a giant, the illegitimate children of senior officials, and the like, buying villas outside, raising all these beauties, known as no daughter every night .



The big buddies move their brains, and they can’t go to Xueer and baby if they want to raise them, .



but Jing Jing, hey, I’m fixed!

Intersection Intersection There was nothing to hide in the color wolf.

Men are the same, but some are capable, and some are unable to look.

Under the hope of all people, our Lin Damen finally came.

Seeing the flowers full of podiums, there was no slightest surprise.




Instead, she was very satisfied with the number of today.

She probably had the habit of classing in the flowers.

, Human Peach Blossom Corresponding Red.

Everyone saw the heroine on the court and immediately applauded and welcomed.




Today, Lin Damen’s wearing is surprisingly spicy.

The first few guys in front of them are straight.

The upper body is black and transparent sleeveless tights.

Below is a white skirt.

She fully showed her extremely proud figure, and the mature atmosphere scraped the audience like a gust of wind.







It has been scraped us, and Li Zi and Liangzi are very powerful.

This charming state has no effect on me.

I see more than this lethal.

Usually, a gentle ice and snow Xueer and Jingjing put on this attitude to put on this attitude.

The kill type, unfortunately, can only be appreciated by me, but this also greatly exercises my willpower, and the resistance to this type of temptation is much stronger.

When the beauty teacher swept us, he gave a bright smile.

Of course, I still have to observe a few major characters.

Xing Jin two people naturally salvate our Lin Damei.

As for what teacher or student, it can only increase their sexual interests.

The teacher got loved on the bed, and it was a feat in their ***.

Li Dongtie is also there, .



this guy is also admired by the teacher in the middle position.

The pursuit of beauty is the same, but some people are really admired, some people are Want to play, one more beautiful plaything.




As for the old monster of Daquanchura Saburo, it is a serious manner, and he has no interest in Lin Damei.




Is his “illness”

not cured yet? Intersection Intersection Or is this guy installed? But he paid attention to Xing Jin so, Li Dongtie was not a good thing. The beauty teacher began to give lectures. This time, it is about the development history of virtual technology. It seems that this technology was first developed by Japan and the United States. Later, China has emerged. Now virtual technology can be said to have been applied to life. Many military industries. … After listening for a while, Jingjing also lost interest. The three women quietly talked about their hearts, but I listened to the voice of the beautiful girl for a while, … the old fault, I used to be a cultural class before I just want to be drowsy … Dad said that this is caused by the fine gene of martial arts genius. What civil and martial arts are different from shit. My mother said that she returned for two hundred years. To laid off the ground stalls. Khan … Is it so miserable? Intersection Intersection Although Li Zi and Liangzi were sitting behind, they were still very positive. On the way, the big dog watched me several times, fork, and I was not a beautiful woman to see, and I was unhappy when I was sleeping. Quietly set up a mental barrier to separate Xueer’s voice. The whispering of the wives is the same as the hypnotic song, and I can enjoy it by myself. I do n’t know when I was awakened by Xueer … … The morning was over, sweat, so fast, I knew it would be better to level up. Under the cluster of the three women, we left the classroom. Li Zi and Liangzi were like two small tails. They had to follow us and say that they missed me. Khan, I do n’t know the two of you, I ’m at noon. Originally, I thought that Daquan Chun Saburo could come to entangle us, … I didn’t expect this partner to be a beautiful woman, but it turned out to be Zhuo Lin! Intersection Intersection Seeing this, Li Zi and Liangzi were full of indignation. “Boss, I don’t know where this Zhumei is not right. I even watched this Little Japan. The thieves who walked these days were near him. Fan. "

This guy’s image is all scolded, but it is also a person who has a hate with Li Zi and Little Japan. It is a pity that Zhuo Lin is a beautiful woman. It would be a pity that it would be a faint one who was eaten by the big dog. Maybe it was her faint point. The sadness was moved. Anyway, I saw that the big dog was not pleasing to the eye. The last time I did not lose him, I dared to come to China, so I have to give me a gift! After thinking about it, I also showed a devil -like smile. “Wow, boss, you laughed so laughed!”

Liangzi said exaggerated, “Moreover, it is more sensual, but also cunning, insidious, poisonous …”

Xueer, Jing Jing, the waist that the baby had laughed at all bent, and the passersby scrambled to watch the beauty laughter. With these two guys, you don’t have to worry about the cold field; Hey, sometimes it is impossible to be a person. I never think that I am a good person. Everything I do is for myself and the people around me, and my own nation! Of course, my girlfriend still had to pick up. The two guys were finished with me, and their brains were awake. I remembered that the other half of their two was going to end. Hurried to pick up … This kind of life is really bitter, it is still good for our love. In the afternoon, it is physical training. Since practicing mental strength, Cher and Baby are not interested in this. Fortunately, they are well -practiced, gymnastic and the like. As for those kung fu, they are afraid of practicing muscles. In fact, this is nothing. The spiritual practice is the inner. Otherwise, the mood and I should be a super muscle man. This is also a place that Westerners are always unable to understand. How can the thin body burst such a huge power! However, according to the opinions of the old men, Westerners also have their strengths, and some nations are more mysterious than China. For example, Egypt, I always want to see how other civilizations are suffering. The semi -hanging Japanese, and Americans relying on technology, are not interesting. This is also the most unwilling place for these two original powers. After the global powerful lethal weapons are blocked by the “future”

, the rest is money, and the technology aspect is slightly ahead. This still has to have to have to have. It is recognized, but the new forces are not far away! But I think there is a war, and I will not be directly unfolded between the two major powers. It is likely to choose an appropriate battlefield, such as …… However, Jing Jing is very interested in this. The coach does not need to be someone else. I am enough, the field is the same, just use the gym of the art club. It is spacious and the facilities are good. Drink, hee hee. The most important thing is that she can avoid Jingjing’s embarrassment. With so many people staring at her, she must not play again. It is really a baby. When we arrived, there were not many people in the gym. We arrived on the fitness room on the second floor. Baby and my counterfeit fitness coach can naturally come in. Hey, there is no one alone. I changed to the fitness of Xueer, baby, Jingjing, really fascinated. No wonder they were not allowed to enter when they were in fitness. There were really few men to bear it. Jing Jing was a bit unaccustomed, Xueer and Baby pulled her in front of me. “Husband, taste it, how about this body, I didn’t expect Jing Jing’s sister to wear me.”

“Why do you look at others like this?”

Jing Jing came up with such a sentence under the eyes of our three. Haha, really a pure girl, but now the best. Cher and Baby taught Jing Jing to make aerobics. I watched it and enjoyed a rare beauty in this people. After practicing for a while, the three felt boring … I started a personal dance competition, and I couldn’t see that the three had a brush. … But why did you pull me to dance? Except for a classical communication dance, I couldn’t do anything else. After that, I suggest that I and Jing Jing have been practiced for a while. Xueer and Baby raised their hands and feet with their feet. It was unexpected that Jing Jing was also very interested. Beauty was willing, then I was okay! Jing Jing is naturally the main attack. I am defensive. I have a good job and feet. I have a taste of Taekwondo. I have no mercy to me. The weak woman on the surface really has two hands.

But when I gently grasped her delicate jade foot, Jing Jing immediately flushed in my arms, “Ah, Sister Jingjing, I lost to this big bad guy so soon!”

“Well, even people lose, miserable.”

“Oh, Jingjing, you still have good training, but you do n’t have hard work. Many of them are hard -working places.”

“…… People are afraid of practicing the skin.”

Jing Jing was broken by the key to breaking through a word. It seems that no matter which girl is his own appearance, it is still the most concerned. “Xueer and Baby are suitable for strengthening the exercise of mental strength. As for Jing Jing, I dare not decide now … I need to talk about it for a while.”

Seeing the strange expression of the three women, “In fact, this is the best, the potential of Jing Jing’s spirit is the best I have ever seen. I can only guide it now. As for the end, we will lie back to lie together and lie back to lie together. Home. "

For the first time, I heard that I took the initiative to bring them home. They were very surprised. Don’t understand what is worthy of being like this? Women are not the same as men. After getting love, they want to carefully understand everything about their lover. The family is naturally an important part of them. I rarely mention it in this regard. Now I take them the initiative to take them back. Naturally To let the family recognize their identity, even if Xueer is not vulgar, they are not vulgar. However, they are also happy for Jing Jing. I have also seen a part of my true skills. I can get my praise. Jing Jing will definitely be equally powerful, especially after seeing those “monsters”

, they also have more. After a maturity, this world seems to have really changed. In fact, the world has changed, but many people can’t understand the world at all. When your strength reaches a certain degree, you will see many things you didn’t believe before. Sometimes you hear it in person, and what you see with your own eyes may not be true. Just the suitable for Zheng Huan, some people are close, two, one man and one woman, and the people have the keys. It turned out to be Zhuo Lin and Daquanchuan! Intersection Intersection The tofu of the fifty -six beauty of the text Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7756 Both of us were taken aback and left the crowd, and the nature of the big dog was a bit out. Although Zhuo Lin was next to it, Seedy’s eyes still ate tofu on Xueer. I blocked his attention ahead, “Oh, it’s coincidental, Brother Big Dog is here too!”

\ “Zhuo Lin, shouldn’t you not know, it is not allowed to come in here?”

I stared at Zhuo Lin, this beautiful “girl”

, Zhuo Lin smiled with a face, gently holding the big dog, saying, “Love, don’t be so serious, do you blame us to disturb your good things, then we will change a place.”

After speaking, I threw my eyes, and my breasts were stiff, almost stunned. Dizzy, I can transfer the topic very much, … I am not a cadre of an art club, and I ca n’t turn around in these things. … Besides, I am not a person who complies with discipline. ah. \ “Oh, Brother Soul Eater, the younger brother said, for the previous misunderstanding, the younger brother will definitely give a satisfactory brother a satisfactory reply!”

sweat…… I heard Zhuo Lin’s eyes flashing, but the smile on her face still did not change. \ “The four continues, we will not disturb.”

Speaking of the door, two people, … one person and one strange farther away. \ “This Zhuo Lin is really shameful. I usually think that she is just a little avant -garde. I didn’t expect even a monster to like it!”

Baby was angry when she saw such a person. \ “This Zhuo Lin is a bit wrong, is it Brother Zhong?”

Jing Jing looked at me a little puzzled. \ “Jing Jing, how is it possible, you see her face full of charming, charming eyes, I can’t wait to take off immediately, it’s not a good woman!”

After that, Xueer realized that she was too explicit. , Flushed, the quietness next to it was even more unbearable. The baby is the most natural. The criterion in this little Nizi’s heart is too strong. It seems that it is too deeply influenced by the soldiers’ family! \ “Jing Jing said a bit, I think there is a problem!”

\ “Yeah, although she compared that, that is the slutty, but her spiritual aspect did not fluctuate at all, it was a bit reaction when he heard the big dog saying Zhong Brother’s affairs. I think this girl may also be different. Those who can. "

Looking at me after speaking. “It’s strange to say this. She deliberately pretended to be a cigarette look. Who did it show it? Oh, by the way, forget you, she is still a virgin!”

I accidentally appeared such a sentence, but it caused a disaster. Xueer and they took me a “poison”

, saying that I didn’t learn well, how could I know this kind of thing, and finally punished the confession. There is no way, I have recruited. In fact, this kind of women’s surgery is recorded in many Taoist ancient books. I do n’t know how these Taoist priests do not take goodbye to remove demon. I did n’t expect to remember it, but I did n’t expect to remember it, and I did n’t expect it to be used. But it is still full. “Look at her like this now, in fact, if you look closely at her eyebrows, the skin is not unique after sex, and you can see the eyebrows from walking. It is useless to listen. "

In fact, many methods cannot be said to them, otherwise I have to flatten me again. “Then she intentionally created such a reputation is purposeful?”

“She will not be a special staff of the country?”

Baby laughed, but she heard the people mentioned such people. “Maybe, I always feel that her behavior is a bit weird. If it is a person with such a personality, someone has already collected her as a ban, but so far, I haven’t heard of which forces can move. Simple, as for whether it is a power, I think it is likely, but it is not a master. If it is really a agent, it is no different from the meat buns! "

I sighed, “Husband, do you want to eat this meat bun?”

Xueer looked at me with a smile. Khan … Don’t be jealous. “Actually, I think she is still pitiful, as if there is always a sorrow that can’t be opened, or there is a feeling of giving up.”

Jing Jing frowned. “Okay, my good wives, you don’t have to worry about it. I will make a little thief tonight to say hello to our big dog classmates. By the way, repay the benefit he gave us last time. To my baby, you must teach him! "

There is nothing to talk about with the Japanese. This guy always placed a time bomb here. It makes me feel uneasy. Let ’s clean up him. This is a hundred. As for international issues, let those who are in politics deal with it. Isn’t it good at Taijiquan? As for whether the big dog jumps down, or a car accident, or AIDS, or the bird flu, they just pull them. They played enough to accompany Xueer, and we returned to their nest. They were still in the world in the mood and Xiangzi. They also followed them. Whether they were leveling or to see the fun, they had something to do. It’s my turn! There is no need to be masked. Except for those who can cheat, one who should not deceive can not be cheated. Change a black clothes and go on the road. … I dizzy, where did the two guys go? So far, I don’t know the spiritual marks I left! I squatted on the roof alone and looked at the night sky. There was only a round of bright moon hanging in the air. … I do n’t know if the future will feel lonely? Khan … where I thought, I started searching for spiritual power, fork, this pig, where did I go? I ca n’t accompany my wife at home with such a good night! found it! I speed up the goal to follow the past! For a fork, people chasing cars are upset, tired of me. Finally, this extended Lincoln drove into a villa in a suburbs. Why is it so gloomy here? Little beauty, you seem to thank me tonight, otherwise you really want over! The whole here is a plane building. Although the facilities are good, it is not particularly luxurious. … such a low -key, it looks a bit doorway. The big dog respectfully asked Zhuo Lin to get out of the car. Now Zhuo Lin is wearing a pale purple long skirt and fully holds her seductive figure. That’s it! The big dog is now looking at his prey unscrupulously, but he knows that such interesting prey is not common. You must play well. It’s been a long time since I came to China today. In order not to shock the snake, he followed the rules all day. He also depends on the comfort women brought by those domestic. Hey, … beautiful little agent! Poor Zhuo Lin thought she had concealed very well. In fact, no matter whether she was or not, it didn’t matter. Anyway, the delicious dog was fixed. Taking advantage of this time, I quickly inspected the villa around the villa, and the alert was still very tight, .



but it was all ordinary bodyguards, clear Japanese, fork!

I didn’t find any suspicious places, but if it was so easy, he would not live now!

Sliding in quietly, obediently, there are really a lot of monitors in it .



unfortunately, it won’t be difficult.

Now Zhuo Lin and Daquanchuan Saburo are in the living room, enjoying Japanese national music and bright red grape wine.

I was hanging outside the window, hey, this treatment is really different!

“Miss Zhuo Lin, we have to do three cups for acquaintance!”

The big dog’s smile, don’t want to go out here, don’t look at this house, hey, all the electronic signals will be blocked by it Well, what news wants to pass out is white waste. “Mr. Dog, how can you do it with three cups? I think you have to drink thirty cups!”

Zhuo Lin raised his white neck sexy, and the breasts were raised, and the thin waist was gently swapped. The state where it is not done yet to be the pursuit of some veterans of the flowers, like a big dog, a woman does not know how much it is, Zhuo Lin is good, it is just a tuning product for him. Several stimulation, a ruthless life in his own enemy, but on the surface, you have to install a smile, and present your precious virginity and wonderful body. , But he still wants to play more for a while. “Suga, should, 30 cups in thirty cups!”

This guy is very refreshing, pouring the wine like drinking water, … was a waste! As Zhuo Lin exposed her sexy, she kept pouring the wine, her fingers inadvertently, and she stained it gently in the wine. The color on the nails seemed to fall off something. The big dog narrowed this eyes and looked at all this, but didn’t care. When I drank this cup, I stopped suddenly. “Miss Zhuo Lin, in order to celebrate our acquaintance, you should drink this cup to taste for me!”

Talking about reaching out to hold Zhuo Lin’s waist, but she was hiding from her without revealing it, and laughed. “Yo, Saburo, isn’t it? Do Japanese men have shifted the topic like this? Thirty glasses of wine were only drunk half of the wine?!”

Zhuo Lin was calm on the surface, but she was already terrible in her heart, but she didn’t feel the big dog. Just drink it, let him take advantage of the cheap eyes, … Otherwise, she will be more fierce! Dead is not terrible. Sometimes, life is better than death! The big dog sneered secretly. The little girl in front of her eyes was really good. It was a rare good color. Although I did n’t know what the “material”

was added to him, it would definitely not be a good thing. The resistance is very strong, but he has always been cautious. He will not risk casually. The person who takes himself is an idiot. He will try to find someone casually! “Oh, the people of the great god of the God of God have always been counting!”

Said to put down the wine glass, picked up the bottle and murmured directly, … a large bottle disappeared like this. Hey, this alcohol has no effect on the biochemical person, … Poison also failed, Zhuo Xiaomei, it seems that you are lucky today, and you come to save you! “Beauty, let’s dance and dance!”

Talking a wine, pretending to be Zhuo Lin; both of them knew that the other party was fake and continued to play this game. This time Zhuo Lin did not dodge, but held the big dog’s neck, but pulled the distance from the body, and Zhuo Lin didn’t want to make the dead ghost in front of her. “Hey, baby, let’s dance two of us!”

Speaking, I want to pull Zhuo Lin to himself, the game is almost the same, you have to eat “snacks”

! Zhuo Lin didn’t care too much at this time, his fingers fiercely on the big dog’s neck! …… Didn’t you cut it? Intersection Intersection Of course, she knew how much her strength was, but now she can’t tolerate her as much as she has, and she has a fierce scoring again. Then she found that she didn’t know when she had a thick layer of thick scales on the neck of the big dog. The big dog smiled at the beauty who kept struggling in front of him, “Hey, the branch is really a pig, but uses a beauty to me, chick, you pretend to be a lascivious, but you are closer to me, what do you want to do, what do you want to do? , Don’t want to go out here today, wait for me to play enough, reward the brothers, and finally brainwash, alas, it’s perfect! "

Zhuo Lin also reflected on the usual charm, “Hum, big dog, the news of my come here has been sent out, I can’t get out, you have to finish!”

“Hahaha, do you think the radio waves are so good, do you see what this is?”

“Electronic interference!”

Zhuo Lin’s face changed greatly, but now he has to rely on herself, and the foreign aid that originally expected was gone! “How about, my little beauty, let me know what is the joy of the world tonight, hey, my favorite is the virgin, alas, especially the best like you!”

“Oh, right, go to death!”

Zhuo Linjiao drank and launched an attack towards the big dog … … even pulled out a poisonous needle from his hair, … probably he could hide things there. “Oh, do Chinese special agents take you? Haha, won’t be afraid of others to discover, but not practicing qi, hehe, the people’s kung fu should be used like this!”

A smirk hitting a fist on the wrist of Zhuo Mei, the poisonous needle could not help but fell to the ground at once, “Hey, little beauty, you can’t escape my palm, it’ s useless Hey, I hope you can add some fun to me! "

Talking step by step towards Zhuo Lin. At this time, the poison needles on the ground suddenly flew up the temples towards the big dog, and it was a primary power! The poisonous needles flying over, the big dog didn’t look at it, and sandwiched gently with his fingers, “Oh, more interesting, or a primary power, that’s even more interesting!”

The furniture in the room began to smash the big dog in a mess, but the power of this thing can smash a mouse, which is useless to such a monster. Zhuo Xiaomei finally showed fear, her eyes closed, and her fingers scratched fiercely to herself! Khan …, this agent is also a positive card? Suicide with eyes closed, how can there be success! Zhuo Lin’s hand that she wanted to commit suicide had been caught, her chin was pinched, and she smashed all the things in the air was cleaned by the big dog! …… The play is almost watched, and the outside is still cold. What I should know is almost the same. It is my turn to show my hands. The bombardment exploded the window. The big dog immediately knew it was not good. He didn’t find the other party with his skills, so he was ready to call someone. Alas, really, everyone fell asleep, don’t bother others. As soon as I entered the “window”

, my field has passed, and time is still! It is really troublesome to deal with this rabbit and to prevent suicide. I don’t know where the halo of the biochemical people can only stun him fiercely. “Zhumei, good evening!”

Seeing my arrival, Zhuo Lin’s face was surprised, this surprising and joyful expression, extraordinarily enchanting. “You killed him ???”

Halo, what happened to this group of people’s brains, just saved her, but the relationship was this beast. If you like her so much, then I can save much. Seeing my dissatisfaction, Zhuo Lin was a little panicked, “No, I don’t mean that, he can’t die yet. We haven’t found the purpose of his come to China!”

“I don’t care about this, anyway, I want to deal with this guy anyway!”

I want to step on his head, Zhuo Lin suddenly rushed to me, … the whole full body leaned on me, especially after the fight just now, now Zhuo Lin’s dew is exposed. It’s almost the same. “No, you can’t kill him!”

The beauty is pregnant. If you are seductive, you can’t afford the response. Zhuo Lin’s face flushed, but he still didn’t let me go. Khan …, you are cruel! “Okay, let me go first, I won’t kill him first!”

After getting my guarantee, Zhuo Lin suddenly kissed me, and then jumped off with a smile, Dizzy, women’s thinking is really difficult to ponder. I was still in a hurry to find death, but now it is too late! “Some things are telling you for a while, but this bastard really can’t kill now. I have to figure out the purpose of his coming to China. It must not be a woman or your soul -eating status!”

… Zhuo Mei still knows a lot, but her figure is more spicy than incense, if it passes … it must be terrible! Zhuo Lin’s appearance can definitely be ranked in the top five, but her reputation is not good, so that she can only bend the tenth, … What am I thinking about, this time is a bit abnormal! “What do you want to do? Hurry up, although the people outside will not rush in, but it is not a good thing after a long time, I don’t have the time to consume it here!”

Zhuo Lin smiled and took out a small bottle with a thumb -sized bottle from behind his hair. … Khan, there is something else in the back, and the hair grows. “Can you let him drink it?”

Seeing the big dog, Zhuo Lin also had a headache. “Don’t you want to ask what to ask with this thing?”

“Yeah, this is a good thing we developed. Drink it for him, and ask what to say what to say!”

It seems that Zhuo Lin’s role in this product is still full of conviction. “Forget it, is it the KT series 103!”

“You, how do you know, I don’t want to know, but unfortunately I know that this kind of thing is useless to the master. I think you know this, it will only make people a neuropathy, and to the biochemical people The effect is worse, I don’t want to wake him up and cause commotion. "

Forget it, good people do it, and let me know what he is doing. Concentrate the mental strength directly to inspect his recent memory! In Zhuo Lin’s opinion, my eyes suddenly released a light red light. This is unexpected. I am a master martial arts. It is still a master of power, and in the field of hypnosis, it is only hearing the memories of others in the legend. I did not expect that it was true. Who are men? With terrible martial arts and abilities, and mysterious background, even the above explains that do not inspect everything about him, why is this! Girl Huaichun, such a man can attract a woman like her at first, not to mention that he is still her life -saving benefactor. If it wasn’t for her, her consequences can be imagined. The perverts of the Japanese are famous. No matter how strong your will, you can’t escape the end of the beauty. Should their life -saving benefactor be promised? At this time, I also recovered the mental strength. “The main purpose of his coming to China is to supervise and assist the implementation of the Pursuit A plan, and there is the trouble of looking for me and Xiangzi. As for the content of the plan, I cannot inspect. His brain cannot be inspected. The master was prohibited by the master, and the result of forcibly breakthrough was just death. We could not get useful news. Now I can do him! "

I am still confident in my strength. “Just as you, in fact, it is best to make him an idiot, so that it is good for you, to me, and the country is not good to speak after all.”

Khan …, fork, it seems that he is cured below. Little Japan’s current technology is really good. I don’t believe it can be cured by making him an idiot! hey-hey………… It is not easy to stay here for a long time, … No way, since it is here, I ca n’t leave her here … but it ’s a kind of torment to hold such a big beauty at night. The beauty does not have “consciousness”

, and always rubs her seductive place from time to time. Hey, if it wasn’t for her real situation, I would really treat her as a lascivious woman. Unfortunately, the other party was not, and I had to be a good person. Good people are always hard to do this year! “I said, beauty, don’t you seduce me, but here is the scarce smoke, just you and me, lonely men and widows, dry firewood, I am not a good person, be careful I will eat you!”

I try to make a look like as much as possible, … in fact, I do n’t need to install it, just react instinctively! But this is even more troublesome, “Oh, right, then you have eaten me, anyway, my life is also given by you, I will be your person in the future, what do you want to do!”

After speaking, sticking to me tightly, a vice vice of picked by Renjun, obedient, you are ruthless, “Farewell, I don’t want to do it with the government. I am a good citizen who abide by the law and patriotism! If they collect their ace agents, wouldn’t it be a country’s loss.”

“Are you blame me too sensuality, in fact, I”

“Hush, Needless to say, I know.”

“Then you think I am not beautiful. Speaking of appearance and style, although it is not as good as your peerless Shuangjiao, but it is not under her woman!”

Zhuo Lin still has confidence in herself, especially for serving men. Moreover, she was also wronged. For the first time, she arranged such difficult tasks, and she had to ugly themselves to pretend to be a sensual woman. Sherself, herself herself It’s helpless, but all the suffering is over! “Don’t worry about the country, Linde voluntarily played for the country. Now I have completed the task and liberated. From then on, I can enjoy life. … In fact, if it is not your help, Lin Children just sacrifice themselves and can get anything. Isn’t it all happy now? "

Hey, in fact, there are some things that there is no way. Life is so helpless. In contrast, Zhuo Lin is much better, and probably the people above have no hope. As for being happy, … it seems that you are happy. “…, Zhuo Lin, can you come down?”

“No, so far, how do you let a weak woman go back!”

Then I hugged me tightly, … Khan, fortunately, they are not there, otherwise they will definitely cut me with a knife and go back to the top ten torture of Manqing! Such a good man, missed it without grasping. Even Feng Xue, Lu Xiaoxue, and the amazing Jing Jing can serve him together. What else do you have to care about? Besides, life is still saved by others to save others What about it. With his own appearance and qualifications, you must find a good man, but you can never get rid of the shadow of the man in front of him. What is hateful is that the rumored Playboy will become Liu Xiahui! Hey, I still can’t help it. The reaction below, the beauty in her arms is naturally clear, of course, I am also very happy. I learned that I have not lost their charm. Suddenly I kissed me, dizzy, and dared to eat my tofu repeatedly … … I can’t bear it, … I have to endure it again, there is no way, I think of Xueer waiting for me. Have to hold back. Sometimes men’s “chastity”

is more difficult to keep! However, what I did not expect was that this kind of me, in Zhuo Lin’s eyes, is even more “tall”.

Women themselves are also very contradictory. I hope that the other party can accept himself and fear that the other party will not cherish himself, but in this environment, this situation is in this environment. Under the end, how can such a responsible man not let her be impressive! Tonight is just the beginning of a good life … Text 10077 master style Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 8932 She returned Zhuo Lin back to the school and was “forced”

to make a date in the future before she let me go. There is no way, otherwise she will propagate my deeds. I don’t see it. , I found that Xueer was waiting for me, … it was really warm. Seeing that I came back, the beautiful women smiled … … But the next thing is to interrogate … because there is a lipstick on the face, although it is very light, how can I hide the fire eyes and golden eyes What about them? Under the pressure, I can only confess, but I resolutely declare that I did nothing, and everything was her initiative. “Unexpectedly, Sister Zhuo Lin can do such a big thing at a young age, so amazing!”

Baby also vaguely knew the unusual and sacrifice of these people at home, and now she is the first poor Zhuo Lin. “Otherwise, my husband, you can take her too. Now she has completed the task, and there is no need to sacrifice herself!”

Baby pulled me and said good words for Zhuo Lin. “Yeah, no wonder I feel so strange when I see her!”

Jing Jing also looked like Zhuo Lin had a good impression, after all, there were not many such women. Sacrifice for the country is not so easy to speak. Sometimes death is not terrible. Doing something that violates your soul is true pain and suffering. Xueer, mood, although Xiangzi is not as sensitive as Baby and Jingjing, but there is not much restraint on me. “Don’t worry about the conclusion first. She may just be impulsive tonight. After all, I can help her a lot. When calm down, maybe it feels different. I am really satisfied with you. Do not deny that beautiful women like her are very tempting to me, but desire and feelings are two different things. "

Things have experienced more. Although I am still young, I have to be cautious about feelings. Of course Still the same interest. “Hee hee, husband, when did you learn to be humble!”

But it can be seen that everyone’s decision is still happy. After all, one more person, just divide my care and love for them. “By the way, after completing this task, their organization really does not interfere with her life? "

I asked in doubt, “Under normal circumstances, this is the case. After all, no one has the right to want others to sacrifice his life, let alone listening to Zhuo Lin’s tone.”

Everyone does not want foreign forces to harass our lives. “Some things are more complicated, but when the soldiers come to the husband, the water is covered, so we don’t have to worry!”

People do n’t commit me, I do n’t offend people. If someone deliberately finds faults or wants to calculate us, I ’m ten times a hundred times the time. “By the way, how do you deal with big dogs?”

“Hey, this time I focused on his head and underneath the radical surgery. As for how the Japanese dealt with him, it was their own business!”

“Isn’t Zhuo Lin going back to tell you too?”

“No, I told her this, and the damage to the big dog’s nerve is similar to the effect of a special agent for agents, but I am more deeper.”

“What about the Japanese chasing plan, will it be a snake?”

Xueer suddenly thought of this. Although the big dog was gone, the person who implemented the plan was still there. “I did not think about this, but there was no way at that time, otherwise Zhuo Lin could not escape the miserable end, and we would be even more dangerous, and it meant to deal with him. Their arrangements. "

“Quoting the snake out of the hole?”

“Maybe, so shocked them, can only reveal the flaws in panic!”

“Hey, let’s not worry about it. The strength of the country is truly unpredictable. If it is reduced to us, then China is also playing. Some things are not as simple as we think. Politics is a super complicated complexity. Learn! "

“Hum, my husband is not pretending, as if you know it!”

Khan … leave some face. “Husband, wasn’t it sad just now?”

Xiangzi asked charmingly, “Surprising, what is sad?”

“Sisters, should we comfort my husband?”

The daughter was shameful, still the most interesting! In this way, the “fire”

that just did not press down came up, a hungry tiger poured the food and pressed the incense. This fairy, first eaten you! A beautiful night! ###### When we enter the world, the peripheral race is almost the same, and there are many more remote cities left. They are also leveling back to level. The class is really desperate! “Xinyue, you are very diligent during this time!”

We were also infected when they saw the happy Xinyue. “That’s it, otherwise it is not strange to be driven out of your brother -in -law!”

“That is, there is still the fat man Xiao Mao who wrapped us all day to make a spokesperson, annoyed!”

“Besides, if it wasn’t for some time ago, hum, it won’t be much worse than you!”

If you can, I praise you! …… These beauties always like to find “trouble”

with me, and I still keep silent. “Boss, you are right, how can you just say that Sister Heart Sister, I also work hard!”

The cat and cat raised the phantom god bow in his hands horror! Khan … I am not your boss, let the forever ancient magician hear that he wants to be anxious to me, but she is familiar with the entire magic palace, especially those little witch with these headaches, lotus lotus, lotus flowers, lotus flowers This is going to her … … can only be described by one horror! “That is, your brother -in -law, you can’t be eccentric either. Cats can make interests, and you have to practice at the level. You must be careful in your world’s first master!”

“That is, cats want to win glory for our women!”

“That is, knock down your brother -in -law!”

“Long live a woman!”

……, you spared me. I only said such a criticism after saying a word. Where would I dare to speak in the future? They would not help. “Okay, you are all diligent.”

“No, the three wolves are stupid, they are still leveling. They must fight in seconds. I hope they can show their hands in the first military conference in the world!”

The cat admired, … I have never said that I can compare with silly! It is worthy of the two “silly”

words! “That is, they are aimed at you, you are lucky, leveling is like drinking white water!”

“I don’t think so, the silly silly is the real leveling. The three wolves want to accompany the fox essence.”

He said disdainfully that he was sellenging everywhere, but made these little witch uncomfortable. … Isn’t it jealous? ~ But I dare not say it, and sometimes the demon king has to pretend to be honest. Love is naturally comfortable to occupy his own seat, “Dad, why do you have the taste of Sister Xueer on your body? They also have your taste on them, strange?”

Love was a question mark full of face. A few of us were embarrassed, and the others were laughing, but the lotus was a little strange why everyone laughed so happily. Everyone saw the lotus’s face puzzled, and the smile was even more powerful. We can’t help but be handsome! I really don’t know how the lotus used to live! Hehe, Tongyan is Wujie, Tongyan has no taboos! “What about the situation of competing today?”

I quickly diverted the topic, and this problem could not be investigated. After a while, Xiaomao and cat fish dared to come over. Sure enough, the first thing was to give me a meal first. The two were the same. It was nothing more than that, I enjoyed the blessing, and they were tired. “How is it, is there any strong man?”

“Generally speaking, the boss of the guild and most of the combat effectiveness of more than 25,000 have applied and directly enter the preliminary round, but there are still a few masters in the qualifiers, some are because they want to accumulate experience, some want to produce the limelight, some are some of them, some are I didn’t have time to apply. "

This aspect is a catfish director, he is more clear. “By the way, people watched a good show. The two mage played at the end and could only melt me. That’s funny!”

Lotus was still so happy. “Xiao Mao, how about the specific situation, after all, this is the first time such a large -scale game, and there must be a lot of problems.”

“Yeah, but now everything is okay. There is no big chaos with our strong force of our magic palace. After all, we have said clearly in the request of competition.”

“But boss, don’t you really wait for them to challenge you, but participate directly?”

“Why are you afraid I will lose? Haha.”

Everyone laughed for a while. At least, there was no one who could threaten me. Those who had the ability to kill me. The first thing to break is my magic rings! King of Defense! Now the power of the known power is that my own “Zhenlong”

has this strength, but unfortunately I won’t think so much. “Okay, then I am ready. After a while, the game is almost over.”

After a while, Xueer went to level together. The horrible red powder legion, Xueer, Feiyun, baby, mood, Xiangzi, Xinyue, heart do, heart, heart, cat, lotus. It’s so lively, but the love is not going. She has to accompany me to watch the game. Khan, I will accompany her. A group of groups happened to meet the second sister -in -law who broke in. When the second sister -in -law saw so many beautiful, he also had to level up. As a result, there were countless white eyes. … The 28th soldiers, sweat, have not moved yet, they go to the level of leveling, just find a monster enough to suffer. “Boss, wow, boss, they don’t want me!”

“Come, so, just say anything, you are all broken by Xiao Mao, when you see me, the movement is the same.”

“Where, I am far worse than Mao Brother, you see him so fat, and I am so handsome and handsome. Besides, Mao Ge’s habit is a digital brick, … I can only do it now Gold coin. "

Dizzy, you are fierce! “Look at your eyebrows, the business of appraisal and metallurgy should be very good. What is it for me to find me?”

“Hey, this is the case, the boss, you also know. At that time, when I was impulsive, I told the refining process of the blood -stuffing magic sword. Others heard that you are also a master of alchemy. , … What about these trivial things, you can’t annoy the boss. You also know that the sister -in -law will not annoy the boss for a little money. The key is to take the boss in person, this is not easy to handle! "

Khan … is not the same. In fact, my alchemy level is very poor, otherwise it will not be N times. The high rate of success is high, and the highest success rate can be played. … But now I still have a lingering heart to the refinery heart. Intersection “Gunzi, you won’t want me to step on the house again.”

“Hee hee, no, some are relatively difficult or relatively large customers, I still hope that the boss can make a shot.”

“Dizzy, don’t you should make the advertisement out?”

“Boss, it’s a genius, no, it is a genius among genius, you guess it all at once!”

Er Zizi laughed with a full face, … Why didn’t he find his essence when he saved him? ah. “But the boss is relieved, I said, the boss can only take the shot once every week, so every time it is bidding, who has the highest handling fee, just go, no appointment, hehe!”

… Your kid is cruel enough, and now there is a real biography of Xiaomao! It ’s already the case, what else can I say, just do it, it should be contributed to your own guild! I changed from an amateur alchemist to a mysterious unpredictable super alchemist in the ethnic lady’s mouth. Strange, there are people who believe it. After meeting the requirements of the second sister -in -law, this guy ran away, … Only me and I and I was in love at once, it was a bit clean. “Love, are you happy recently?”

Sometimes the love is surprisingly good, sometimes the naughty is naughty, it is really a small elf. “Well, so many people are playing with love, of course, happy, but Dad always does not accompany others, this is not good!”

Speaking of pouting again, It’s not that I don’t want to accompany you, who are you, I don’t know … Although I also doubt the origin of love and magical skills, she does not say that I will not ask for it.

After all, our relationship is not ordinary.

If she wants to say, she will tell me the first time.

Sometimes it is rare.

“Okay, dad is to play with you, let’s go to watch the game together.”

… I blushed a little. Intersection Intersection Intersection How is this going? Intersection Intersection I suddenly found out how to raise millions of experience value? Since I rose to 85, I have not been leveling. What is going on? Seeing the bouncing love, … did she also level up these days? Intersection Isn’t it the first time that this seems to be the first time! To be precise, love is my “pet”.

Although this pet is more special, if she levels, the experience is naturally me. Pets with pets to level … if you say it, it will definitely cause an uproar. The peripheral game has entered the final stage, but there are many audiences. After all, each contestant has their own small groups, so people who cheer cheer are definitely not as small as they are. The pair of pair on the martial arts we saw has entered the end, and the soldier was chasing the mage’s running. There was no hope of this mage. Hey, I am also a mage for quite a few years. The mage’s attack is second to none, but even if it has a magic shield, the mage of the shield is still very fragile. Every time the shield is opened, there is a intermittent. And a bad luck, the result is death, and other occupations have no such problem. Of course, technology and level are also on one aspect. Each occupation has its own advantages and disadvantages! But the mage is really troublesome to fight. In the end, the mage was still the warrior who was caught up, … maybe the potion may be gone, and the weight is not dominant. However, another one is the opposite of the martial arts. A mage is having a fighter with a warrior. Of course, he is considered a good time. The interest of this mage even hangs the soldiers. I have love everywhere, and I naturally use camouflage. There is a set of public outfits outside. I add a little girl and not attract much attention. In fact, there are no acquaintances here. Even if it is recognized, it doesn’t matter. Although the game is crazy, it is finally good. After all, the prince will have a kind of Ning Ning. … Thinking about the encounter of Mingyue, I was afraid. Of course, there are people who recognize it, but most of them have a bit of awe, worship, and jealousy. There is also a point of pointing pointers, but it does not matter, it is used to it. After watching for a while, love lost interest in these games. After all, there are too few masters, and if the strength is different, it will not be able to play any level, and the game will not be wonderful. What Love has seen in the Magic Palace says that the top masters of the Magic Palace, and elites in all aspects, are also placed in the entire Central Plains. The real excitement must be at least from the preliminary round! “Dad, let’s go to mom and sister to play, these people are boring!”

The words of love immediately got the dissatisfaction of some people. After all, they could participate in. Those who dared to participate in the competition were a little confident. They were immediately lost their face by a little girl. “Little girl, can’t talk nonsense? These people are all masters who can participate in the first military conference in the world!”

Said Uncle Bow. Fortunately, the little sister is cute, … I don’t seem to be a bad guy, otherwise they will teach us long ago! “Love, don’t talk nonsense. Although the people above are not very strong, everyone has their own characteristics!”

I said it is right, isn’t it very strong, but also has its own strengths. But in the other’s ears, it became “you are all ordinary”

, like a naked challenge. It seems that I have been away from ordinary players for a long time, … I am affectionate at this time again. “This uncle, they are very boring, you see, it is so laborious, there is no little purple pain in my family!”

Khan …, a few can be as happy as Xiao Zi! The uncle’s face was immediately flushed, probably early as Xiao Zi as A cat and dog. “First of all, I am not an uncle, at most, a big brother! Second, children can’t say big words!”

Looking up, when facing me, the expression was not so gentle. “You, I want to challenge you!”

I fainted … This can also be challenged. This world is really changing, and there is no reason to challenge. “Okay, okay, someone is going to challenge Dad, it’s great!”

When I heard it, I was so happy. “Dad, come back, I will go to Cher, Feiyun’s mother reports the results of the war!”

Cher, Feiyun, how is the name so familiar? Seems to have heard of it. Forget it, why do you think so much! Middle -aged “Big Brother”

, drink a batch, report the name, “White Lotus Teacher, Shennong City, the plane gang Lord, a 71 -level bow archer, please advise!”

Drilling, where to get out of a plane, but the words are quite formal, it seems that the master who often finds people is often found! Many people around them have been attracted, and this kind of wild fighting is also very popular. This piece is all from the remote urban area. No wonder I don’t know much about us. Some people may doubt my identity. The eyes are flashing in the eyes, but the same thing is not the same. Bar. However, the inspector came for a while. It was good, still full of efficiency. For the general private fighting, they would not care, so they did not stop it. They just watched and prevented riots. Two 74 -level soldiers. One of them suddenly recognized me at a closer look, and the person next to it rushed over, and as soon as I was about to speak, I was blocked by me. “Hehe, it’s okay, just misunderstand, there is no matter you, go and see other places.”

The two responded respectfully, and then disappeared quickly. Bai Lian naturally knew that the two of them just above were on their own strength, and they were so respectful to the people in front of them. … It seems that today they are kicked to the iron plate, and the other party is likely to be an important figure in the Magic Palace. People who were suspicious of doubt were even more excited, which proved that their conjecture was correct. The Magic Palace Inspection Team was composed of the elite of the Magic Palace. The main person in charge, the others are unreasonable and arrogant, but they do have this strength. Put it in other cities, you can be the boss of a small club. Naturally, there are only two respectable people that can make them respectful. One is their captain Tu Long Witch’s mood. Obviously the other party is a man! The other is self -evident! The legendary demon king soul! Intersection Intersection The first master in the world, the spirit of the hundreds of wars! Intersection Intersection That’s right, for other cities, especially the goddess, co -workers, Taihao, Shao Hao and other cities, they can really only be described as legend! Bai Lian’s coach can be seen evenly, and many people talk about it again, … it is obviously ready to see his jokes! Khan, he is also difficult to ride a tiger now! At this time, you do n’t need to mix in the future, that is, the Dao Mountain Fire Sea will also have to break through, not to mention that he is still confident in his strength! “This brother, it doesn’t seem to be appropriate here. We will disturb everyone. In this way, I am really not interested in such opponents, and the fighting causes a lot of trouble. Wow! ~ ~ Everyone who knows and does not know about it suddenly, attracting more than N people to watch for a while. Although some people do not know what happened, they all know that they are single -headed, and it seems to be different from usual. If you know a little, you will be promoted immediately. Intersection Intersection "

Really false, there are really such people who are so terrible ??” "

That is, if you stand still, I don’t think the soul of the devil does not dare to be so crazy!” "

That’s right, you can’t blame others!” "

Joke, the 71 -level archer ten arrows? Don’t you dodge?” "

Is the other party a mage?” "

It does not seem!” "

Dizzy, even the mage’s words are even more unsuccessful. What shields within 5 arrows are broken. “How did it happen?”

“It seems that a man’s little sister seems to say that the people who have been competing above are too boring, the level is too bad, and the other helper, after listening to it, seeing that man is not very concerned, so you have to do it. Single! "

“Dizzy, if you are a child, you can also be serious!”

“Maybe people do have the ability!”

“Yeah, the Demon Palace is located, but the bosses from all over the world have heard that they have come here, and you can throw a stone about a boss!”

“Halo, there are more bosses this year, and there are more than a dozen people who are so powerful!”

“Yeah, but maybe that guy may have the ability to praise this Haikou!”

Khan .



Where do I think so much, in fact, this guy is only 71, and the equipment is not very good.

With my luck, he can shoot half of me.

The defense power and his attack power could not be harmful to me.




Sometimes Cher said that I am a bit like a boss .



“Okay, this is voluntary, hang, don’t blame me!”

The head of Bai Lian still felt that he had taken advantage of the big cheaper and had to remind him. I dizzy, my original intention is that I don’t want to cause trouble … but now this is like this, this person is really, it looks very refreshing, why is it so wordless, and the love on the side is not a little bit. Patiently, she likes to watch the lively, but she doesn’t like to be watched! Seeing that everyone was a little anxious, Bai Lian ’s teachman would not lose his appetite. He focused on it. If he could n’t hang the other party, he would be shameful! The other party should not be a mage. If it is a mage, it is not afraid of it. The best choice now is to shoot. There is no gap. It does not mean that people’s resistance does not mean not to replenish blood, or they should still stop it! Bai Lian’s head of teachings sang, picking up! … The first one turned out to be a magic arrow, which is quite savvy. I didn’t put any spells on my body. Following it was a continuous shooting, three groups, each group of three arrows, \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Continuous attacks hit me. Although it is a camouflage, the role of the equipment has not been reduced, blocking the arrow, avoiding four arrows, and the remaining five arrows hit! Dizzy, less than 500 points. It’s okay here, but the people around you are shocked to fall! Intersection Intersection The audience is silent ~ There was such a thing. On the ten arrows, the health of the other party did not appear, and basically there was basically no backward, horrible, who was it? Intersection Intersection I have no effort to do this, and I have finished shooting, it ’s the flash! Sick a smile, hold love, separate the crowd, and disappear quickly! Bai Lian looked at the arrow in his hand dumbly, and suddenly gave himself a palm. Snapped! His ~~, it hurts! “Fork, see the ghost!”

“Who is that person, it’s almost abnormal!”

“The first feeling he gave me was like a super boss.”

“Too perverted, it is impossible for the thieves to completely avoid the ten arrows!”

“Is it the killman who is killed?”

“Come on, if the killer, this guy was lying on the ground long ago, and it was the heavenly killer who could avoid 6 arrows and burned the incense! And, the other party was obviously a five -arrow!”

“What’s the matter, why don’t you feel hurt? And basically didn’t lean back, only the level and defense power would be a lot higher!”

People familiar with the matter know that it’s time to show their hands now! “Brothers, the people just now are the devil’s soul!”

Wow ~~~~ “Halo, it turned out to be him, no wonder!”

“Shuang, this is the strength of the world’s first master. I said, who has such great courage!”

“Fork is known today, what is the real master!”

“That is, in his eyes, the those who won the martial arts were really worth mentioning!”

“This buddy is really big, so arrogant with the soul, you can still leave a life, alas, I don’t know what to do!”

I was dizzy, but it turned out to be the demon king’s soul. It was him who challenged him just now. … Bai Lian ’s head of the Bai Lian himself was stupid. No wonder the little girl just now should be the little princess of the demon palace, …. .. That little purple should be Crystal Dragon, … don’t say the two above, but a few more are stepped on! Khan …, pick up a life today! Thanks to God for blessing, you must burn incense for a hundred days. Pick up the bow and arrow, and disappear quickly! After a while, the demon king soul appeared outside the contest and magically took over the arrow of the archer in the ground level, and the injuries had changed the entire venue. After adding branches and leaves, I was described as a knife and gun! " The love of the fifty -eight ancient magician of the text (above) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 11901 I hid back to the old nest with love, there was no way, I played chess with love, … the result is naturally conceivable, the killed piece of armor does not leave, in the words of love, me The level of chess can only be regarded as a baby level. ^I don’t leave me a little face at all, and I do n’t let me regret it … When she played chess with her, she had to let me a car, a gun, and still defeated me. Fortunately, Xueer returned to rescue me in the water and fire in time. … I really do n’t know how Xiao Zi usually tolerates it. Probably dragon ’s thinking is different from people’ s thinking. \ "

Boss, I heard that you have revealed another hand outside! " \ "

" It’s hard to connect the ten arrows! "

\ “Huh, when I was right to me, I was not generous, let me shoot ten arrows!”

The cat is naturally dissatisfied, … it, let you shoot ten arrows It’s! \ “No, I have to make up for ten arrows!”

The cat pondered for a while and felt unwilling. The lotus next to it was her dead party, and her heart was in favor of her hand. \ “Okay, let’s take a break, ready, the preliminary round is about to begin, many people have the game!”

Still Xueer came forward to suppress the witch, … oh, Xueer, you, you, you, you That’s great. Cher is definitely a big sister among them. Her words are naturally better than me. Cats and cats that are ready to go can only pursue and be helpless! However, when they heard the game, they became excited, especially the cats. They used to play with newcomers. This time they were all hands, and the fighting was surprisingly happy! The cat’s opponent is relatively miserable. The level is a lot higher than others. If it is beaten by a girl, it is too faceless. Of course, the real strong hand is not afraid of her. I want to try the taste of this little pepper, … for example, I do n’t die. As for what the taste he wants to try, only he knows it. There are a total of 256 people who enter the preliminary round, and eight large -scale Big Wrangles are carried out at the same time. The competition is limited to 30 minutes. If the time is over, the two sides have not split the victory, and the system will be judged based on the killing and defensive comprehensive judgment. I also decided to play from the preliminary round. Everyone is equal. If you think that you are “different from others, that is, when you gradually lose yourself, people can only make a better way to make themselves on the same plane. Judgment has achieved greater results. Several games are definitely good for improving the Palace of the Magic Palace and my own prestige. Mystery is needed, but when you should show your hands, you will show your hands. From Xiao Mao, I got a "

interesting” news. The basalt in the holy beasts went back and replaced by the boss Qinglong appeared. To participate in the competition conference, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, three people disappeared, and everything was observed according to the intelligence department. Everything was observed. Develop in the direction we expect. During this time, I also felt strange. It seemed to have been very excited. The desire and fighting for strongness gradually increased. Is my "

bottleneck” began to loosen? Intersection Intersection We came to the competition venue together. Basically, everyone came to divide the area in the city. Waiting for some strong boss, the treatment is much better. Don’t say that it is unfair, reality is like this. Human beings can never be equal, and strength is the standard of distinction, otherwise it is even more meaningful to struggle. This is also the driving force for humans to advance to the present. At the beginning of man, sex is evil! The first round of the game has begun, and now it is different from the situation in the preliminary round. The people who come are masters of the masters. It, but there are too many strong people here, there is nothing to show off before. Most people come with the idea of being famous in the World War I. "

Name” is something that everyone cannot refuse. It is what everyone is desperate for being worshiped. This is also the "

root” that online games have developed to the present. In the first round of the game, the most striking is the melancholy kitten. The legendary second dual -professional player, the devil archer, challenged the demon king soul as a 62 -level level! Although it was defeated, no one dared to underestimate her. It was also one of the 256 masters. The lowest level and one of the strongest development potential were indeed the strongest. Knowing the identity of the demon king and daring to dare to be so darkened, there are only two people so far —— to be precisely brothers and sisters. As a close relationship with Xiaoyao Emperor City, the Magic Palace, and magic, she has a deep background, and her strength is also highly hoped by all players. However, when dealing with ordinary novices, the difference in strength is too disparate, there is no level, and the gap between the magic king is too large, and it can’t show it. Now it is a good opportunity! In the seventh Bibi, the 63 -level demon archer in Pangu City "

Melancholy Cat” VS Shennong City’s 74 warlock "

Aquarius Mountain Light” The ahead of the melancholy kitten cat won the opponent with a violent attack, and the light of the Aquarius Mountain as a warlock was definitely a defensive counterattack. This is also a game between a small spear and a shield. The gaming center is still more optimistic about the melancholy kitten and cat as the demon archer, and issued 1 loss and 2 odds.

Melancholy kitten, 506 points of life.

The light of Aquarius Mountain, 442 points of life.

(Except for “basic points”

, warriors, archers, thieves, warlocks, and mages of warriors are 5: 3: 2: 2: 1; The proportion of magic value is 1: 4: 4: 5: 10) The competition started the Magic Palace, the Institute of Magic, the Fans of Xiaoyao Emperor City, and the cats of cats, and the cats of cats were cheering for cats, especially novices had reached the degree of enthusiasm. In their eyes, they participated in the world’s first combination. It is to give them glory. If you can win a few games fiercely, it will be more ideal if you are angry. After all, except for the novices who have been cultivated, other novice life is miserable, and the economic conditions are good. Good ones can only work part -time work for other guilds, and then desperately level them. Compared with, this is still good. After all, not every novice can do this. People who maintain a level of leveling and have no background are easily bullied by the “world”

hooligan. So they hope that cats can fight with great victory, so that everyone knows that novices are not easy to mess with! In comparison, the light of Aquarius Mountain from Shennong City is a bit worse, but there are also a lot of people. As one of the remote cities, Shennong City also hopes to let everyone know that they can know that they are not in the city of Shennong City. Small! The light of Aquarius Mountain is a person in the “Twelve Palace of the Zodiac”

, the Twelve Palace of the Zodiac, and is also a character in Shennong City. In addition to fighting for a good result, they also want to fight with the Zodiac of the Zodiac of the Magic Palace this time. Speed! See who is the strongest multiplayer group in Central Plains! … but I just met the melancholy kitten who had recently met the “ingenuity of the limelight”

… … If you choose, he would rather fight with the soul -eater. After all, he lost. When Meimei played against each other, it would only say that the level was too much. It was not interesting. As for the loss, he didn’t think about it. He didn’t think that this little Meimei was really legendary! There is something great in the magic archer, so I will have some magic attacks, which is not a problem for the warlock! The problem is to win beautiful! … Is the question so easy? Intersection Intersection The game started! Although the light of Aquarius, although he does not value his opponent much, but his long -term habits, he will not be too great. He puts an anti -magic shield and defense light. Cat’s favorite opponent is to defend as soon as she comes up, she can rest assured to attack! … There is another fool in front of you. “Reception!”

With a cowardly, cats launched an attack! Broken arrow! It is absolutely unique to shoot the broken magic arrow in the form of a continuous shooting. Only this one, this trick makes the love of the love on the stands of love, there is no way to be congenital. Can’t be casual, because all arrows with magic must be one by one, … In this way, don’t avoid the chance of avoiding it, and the power of scattering is relatively small, but basically it is basically basically. It is difficult to hide, especially the magic arrow, not to see the killing. All mage and warlocks must pay attention to your nemesis, although it is still growing! Sure enough, the light of a little dull Aquarius Mountain is colorful! The consciousness of cats is absolutely absolutely. It is considered that the other party will inevitably be planned, and it is not conservative. After all, the other party’s level is there! The crying blood of the elves! The tracking magic arrows, the light of the mighty water bottle mountain immediately hit the arrow, and the tree vine immediately traveled him, but the level of the mountains of the mountain could break free in a few seconds. Specked the ice arrow! A series of frozen arrows shot out, fluttering and fluttering! The arrow hit, the light of the water bottle, the light of the water bottle was immediately frozen again. At this time, he could not avoid and replenish blood at all. Seeing the master on the stands shook his head straight. The supporters of Cats saw their idols so powerful, and naturally they shouted, and the voices of several other areas were suppressed! However, the supporters of the light of Aquarius are not very cool! “This idiot, such a great idea, still playing with a fart, knowing that the other party is the demon archer, dare to be so tight, this is not to find death!”

“That is, even the devil has to be taken seriously, he pretended to be big, it was really shameful for us Shennong City!”

“Oh, the Twelfth Palace of the Zodiac still wants to fight with the zodiac, the first game is shame!”

“Dizzy, who are you guys who help? In the bad, it is also the people of our Shennong City!”

A archer drank, and then cheer for the light of the Aquarius. Individuals also responded. Just now, I was just complaining and continued to refuel the light of the mountain. “Oh, in fact, no matter what, Aquarius is not a cat’s opponent!”

Qingqing apple flavors had a sip of incense tea. “Yeah, but if it wasn’t for it, I didn’t recognize my strength, and I would not be so passive! Hehe, Shennong City lost the defeat in the first battle of the city.”

“These remote small cities seem to be excited during this time, resisting to several big cities!”

“Just them, no play, it’s too weak!”

“Really? But the tea in Shennong City is really good …”

After talking about Qingqing Apple incense, I continued to watch the game, and it seemed that nothing happened. “Boss, it looks like, the strength of the cats and cats has to enter again!”

I illegally entered the country is also very satisfied. “Yes, others may not have a great effect, but for her archer, the effect is great, and the use of magic arrows is more familiar than before.”

The game is changing rapidly. Just as the light of the water bottle is dodge by a round of continuous shooting, a “crying blood of the elves”

has reached the body. Elf arrows. He can only grit his teeth, but unfortunately he doesn’t need to stand up … because he has hung up! Melancholy kitten win with an absolute advantage! The cat fans started to cheer, and they opened the door. This is good. Even if they lose later, it is enough. A 74 -level master was beaten by a 63 -level power to return. It is definitely the first time to open up the world! The warlock’s defense specialties did not play at all. The archer’s broken magic arrows are usually not so effective. Unfortunately, the people who meet are different. Handle. However, the fighting cats below should also be careful. After all, these people must be much higher. If you really pay attention to her, it will be strenuous if you really pay attention to her. Cats returned triumphantly. Everyone naturally welcomed it, and Xiaomao even immediately brought comfort products. … These guys, she should go to the forever of the ancient magician. People smile, and I do have a white -eyed one by one, … I just grabbed the illegal dream lover. This little devil has a love brother in the eight or nine, … but I dare not say, otherwise it must be miserable. Cat enjoys Xiaomao’s tribute, blowing a big blow, and Xueer and Feiyun who made them also wanted to show their hands. After all, they were the two strongest warlocks in the Central Plains. However, although they have such a desire, they don’t blame me to not let them participate … Hey, it is no problem to deal with these low hands. When they enter the finals, they encounter Qingqing apple incense. But it’s upset! … not to mention illegal entry, why embarrassed the two sides. In the second round of the game, my good wife was in the mood! For a while, the masters of the audience all concentrated to the fifth match-the legendary dragon lady, the mood of beauty and strength coexisted, the eldest sister of the five golden flowers, the head of the magic group, Captain of the Magic Palace Inspection Team, the only player in the world with a sword, and the mood of the world. The naughty ghosts such as cats, lotus, and hearts rushed down to cheer for her. Of course, the brothers who blocked the road along the way were miserable, but no one would care about these cute little sisters, but was stepped on A few of them are so happy. Is it a kind of happiness when it is stepped on by a beauty? Intersection As the actual leader of the Magic Palace’s strongest troops, the mood has been recognized by everyone, not only in terms of strength, beauty, gentle and water -like personality, and her firm and unpretentious and selfless. Everyone who knows admires! For those masters of the magic group and the inspection team, it is definitely an incredible task for her to control such a degree. It can be said that there is no mood, and the Magic Palace will not have today’s strength. It is really a gift to have such a woman. Everyone knows that if you want to disintegrate the Palace, the two people who must deal with them must be Xiao Mao and mood! They can’t deal with it, they are not qualified to challenge me at all! I didn’t expect that she was so “loved”

so much, basically the audience was cheering for her, especially the masters of the Magic Palace came! The opponent is a 75-level warrior from Pan Gu City. It is reasonable to say that he is the same as the level. It is not without the power of World War I. Unfortunately, everyone can see-he is nervous! The sound of cheering in the audience was a great pressure for him, and the name of the Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon is familiar. Although he is usually at his own risk, he does not know how he has no idea at all. The mood also showed a weapon, raised it high, responding to the supporters, and Tu Longbao knife exuded the momentum of me!

The illegal entry on the stands shakes his head, but if you think about it, the difference is too different.

No soldier can be compared with the mood on the equipment!

The moment I saw Tu Longbao knife, the warrior’s blood suddenly boiled, that was the legendary Tu Longbao knife.

The soldier knew that he would use his body to experience the artifact that could kill the ice dragon.

He himself, he is a warrior, a real warrior, for soldiers, rather than dying, he could not shrink, and he could die under the Dragon Sword.

This is also a glorious.

Suddenly, he realized that his waist was straight, and he drank.

Although he was drowned by the shocking sky, he knew that his own heart was alive, and he had to fight all his best.

Several masters of watching the competition showed their appreciation with an appreciation!

Without fighting, the loses will be lost first!

Otherwise, there would be no look at this game.

I also felt the changes in the opponent, and smiled very pleased.

This was the game, so that she would not stain her jasper dragon knife!

The 75th warrior “Mood”

VS75 Warrior “goes to Dajiang East”

, the health is 1050 points, and the gaming center has issued a odds of 1 8 to 8! Despite this, most of them are still crushing on their idols, and the gaming center is also a headache. If anyone dares to say that the scope of Yanhuang City will say that the mood will lose. The inspection team

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