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Chapter_3 The brothers insisted that the garbage of the new millennium dared to attack our most powerful magic palace, for our dignity and homeland!

“Xiaomao stood on the top of Wangta and shouted loudly. There is no usual rape. Hey, I really pretend! Cher and Baby stood beside me left and right, and we were really excited for the first time. I watched the situation on the battlefield constantly changing, but the situation was not wonderful. More and more people in the other party. Some of the small soldiers who had already seen the eyes began to join the battle situation. It ’s not good to go on like this. Wait, the opponent’ s samurai thieves all rushed in front. The soldiers who had guarded them also pressed forward, and they took advantage of them. "

Baby, you’re going to call up, I have something.” "

Know, the Demon King" Baby gave a sweet smile and left quickly. After a while, I hurriedly arrived, "

Brother, when will we dispatch, I think the situation is a bit crisis now." I found that the situation was wrong. Seeing her blushing beauty, I was also a little lost. Finally, I was also hone by beautiful women all day. Now I do n’t think about this. "

Sister Xin, I see their defense weak, you take the opportunity to lead the magic group to spread them. Mage and archer " "

Okay, as long as the younger brother’s instructions, the sister can naturally obey, but you will think about how to reward me?" After speaking, I threw my eyes and gave it to me. Hey, I always like to seduce me. Seeing my embarrassing look, Xueer and Baby next to me also coaxed, I really don’t know what jealousy is. The joke is a joke, and the mood is not ambiguous when I do something. I saw the knights like the tigers who entered the flock and killed them wantonly. The opponent’s battle was dispersed. I stood on the tower and watched the blood boiling. I really wanted to go down to kill. Although this time the other party was not prepared, the Cavaliers would definitely become the most important kind of soldiers on the battlefield in the future. Who stipulated that the demon king could not do it in person and said what was lost. As soon as the purpose of the Cavaliers who discussed the good Cavaliers returned immediately, to prevent the other party from being besieged by the other party, it would be lost. When the opponent’s soldiers saw their mage dispersed, the pressure of the city’s walls was greatly reduced. Our magic group had returned to the house to let them throw them empty. Before entering the city, sweeping the enemies by the city was a great victory. Seeing our heroes return to the city, everyone hurried forward to welcome. The mood of just fighting a cool battle is naturally a sense of spirit. I ran to me like a child: "

Brother, sister performs well." The surroundings are all tide, and I have nothing to say. After this situation, I have changed greatly, but it has not been two minutes after the excitement. A large number of senior soldiers suddenly appeared at the gate of the city. Take a closer look. Those who are in the battle of God, they are also the main force of siege. I said that the new millennium with a little puppet will not be so bold. Now when everyone is tired, the opponent’s new strength occupies the upper hand, and they are all soldiers. Steaming You Yong also returned. It’s really ruthless. At this time, the opponent’s second hidden force also came out. It turned out to be the birdman legion with a flight ability. It can be seen that many people are a little flustered, calm, and must be calm. Once they are broken, they can only adhere to the Demon King Temple (the title of the main hall of the city). At this most dangerous time, the system has a tip: "

Player Soul Eater, now your city has reached a level 1 warning. Do you start artifact defense? " I have to have a choice of vision or not, that, of course, it is, just decided, sweat, "

God" appeared. Dingdang ~~, a crisp resonance sound, the twelve bronze people who used to be furnishings echoed the golden light, all the weapons in their hands raised, and a golden light rose up. It fell straight from the air, and an armed Qin war figurine appeared on both sides of the door. The attack of the orc warrior behind the transformed by Kankan was also the power of the remnant magician of the opponent. Attack power, but the city walls will not be transformed, start the second plan. This ranking is based on the strongest state after transformation. "

?" It represents no pet or is not measured, or is confidential content, or is not disclosed because I am prohibited. With personal biography. Heaven List: 1. Demon King Soul Eater -Mage combat power: 20000+? Intersection Intersection grade? Intersection Intersection Potential? Intersection Intersection Biography: Master Soul Eater, Demon, talented player, the first master of the Central Plains today, since his debut, a hundred battles, unknown personality. It is rumored to be irritable, cruel, extremely arrogant, not afraid of single and siege. Seckle on the spot, the strength is unpredictable. Weapon: The Staff of the Element, a set of Dragon King’s power, has 3 secret equipment? Intersection Intersection Pets are unknown, but the system has determined that it exists. The establishment of a city-level castle —— The Magic Palace has a total of 8678 members. It is the largest gang of Yanhuang City. Attack and subsequent large -scale monsters siege. The personal group champion of the first border competition conference, who had killed senior soldiers in public, and then easily defeated the second master of the original list of the original list —— illegal entry, completed the SS-level task of the system to obtain Qin Shihuang artifact —— twelve twelve Copper and Chuan Guo Jade Seal. The current girlfriend is the Phoenix Goddess Snow, and the little witch Xiaoxue, ranked first, fourth, and the other sisters of the five fairy -hearted family are also the main cadres of the Magic Palace. The relationship is unknown. Suggestion: Don’t mess with him. 2. Phoenix Goddess Snow —— Taoist combat power: 5500 + 9000 level 65 Potential: Five stars Biography: Snow, ordinary players, angels, the first beauty of the Central Plains, and the country. Rarely fighting with people, gentle and understanding, is the goddess of a man. Weapon: Goddess’s blessing, angel blessing necklace. Soon after his debut, he met the demon king’s soul and was captured by him. The level is very high, but the most important thing is that it has a level 9 Holy Beast-Firebird Red Cloud. After absorbing a certain amount of fire magic, Firebird can temporarily transform into a god beast phoenix. —– Phoenix Nirvana, I made a great achievement in the battle of the city. It is rumored that the clubs formed by its personal Fans are as high as hundreds of thousands in Yanhuang City, but the pressure of the demon king has so far no one dare to overcome the thunder pond. It is also one of the latest players. Suggestion: The Magic Warriors saved our goddesses in the fire and fire! Intersection Intersection (Doing force) 3. Illegal entry —— The warrior’s combat power 6000 + 7000 level 70 potential: four stars Biography: Xiaoyao King — illegal entry, talent player, angel family, the first master of Pan ancient city, proud personality, pursuing the fairy of the gimbal. Weapon: Need for anger, War God helmet. Pets —– Grade 8 Holy Beast Flying Dragon. Zeng challenged the demon king’s soul, and returned tragically, but it was also the only one who went back from the demon king. After returning to the ancient city, he was even more desperate to level equipment and wait for the opportunity to fight again next time. Among the players now, the level is third. Have ghosts-ultra-negative heavy space bags. Have a trip —— Xiaoyao Emperor City. Suggestion: From the perspective of the current strength, it is not the opponent of the devil at all, and revenge needs to work harder. 4. Qingqing apple fragrance ——- Warrior combat power 4500 + 8000 level 62 Potential: four stars Biography: rich world -Qingqing apple aroma, ordinary players, people, the first master of son -in -law, and the richest man in the Central Plains. Equipment: Angry, God of War necklaces, ghosts-blessing necklace. Pet: Level 9 Holy Beast — Xuanwu. Have a club-Shang League. At the beginning, he was committed to leveling, desperately leveling, and acquired good equipment at high prices. Features: from Shang Entering Wu. 5. Mood —— Warrior combat power 6200 + 6000 level 66 Potential: Four stars Biography: The mood of the five fairy, the talent player, the elves, the first general of the demon king, the head of the magic ride group. One of the top ten beauties. Pet: Level 8 Wind Elf King. Personality: Leadership, understanding. Equipment: The sword slaughter the dragon, which is the only one in the Central Plains today. It is sent by the demon king’s soul. It is triggered by the demon king to trigger the hidden task. It combined with the beast to kill the super god beast —— nine-headed snake income, which is a priceless thing. It is also the initial game of the game to know the devil’s soul -eating and become a friend. Participated in the city war and led the magic ride to make great achievements, which is one of the leaders of the Magic Palace. Suggestion: Why do you love a grass alone? 6. Undead-the thief’s combat power 6000 + 6000 level 66 Potential: Samsung Biography: Heavenly Kills —— Endless, ordinary players, wolfs of orcs. Action is ghost, pets ——- level 8 wind wolf king. Equipment: Undead and not return to force darts. The owner of the killer, accepting the commissioned killing, has not lost record so far, but the price is very high. Suggestion: The murderer kills it. Attachment: Person price: The price of killing once. All the characters on the major lists are the starting price of 20W gold coins, except for the list, each time, double.

The characters on the list of the heavenly list start at 50W, and temporarily do not accept the agent of the assassination of the demon king soul and female players.

The characters outside the list are negotiated according to the level and equipment.

Love Xin Zheluo —— Archer’s combat power 5500 + 5800 level 66 Potential: Four Stars Biography: The disappearing king ——- Love Xin Jue Luo, talented players, Wooden Elf clan.

A magical shooter.

Pets —– Grade 8 unicorn.

Equipment: Breaking evil long bow, phantom necklace.

There is a club ~ Elf Garden ~, it is said that it is a super handsome guy who has completed the A -level hidden task of the Sagittarius.

The specific situation is unknown.

Feiyun —— The tatters of the surgeon 6000 + 5000 level 62 Potential: Five stars Biography: Yuntai Fairy —— Feiyun, ordinary players, demons.

Women with distinctive personality and firm will.

Pet —– Grade 8 Pet Thunderbird.

The second-ranked beauty list, but I don’t care about this, triggering the hidden task, and the Taoist priest transferred to a special occupation —— 绝 绝, no boyfriend is now, but the pursuit is all over the Central Plains, the most powerful of which is the most powerful.

The competitors are illegally entry for King Xiaoyao.

According to me, I am very interested in the soul of the demon king.

His boyfriend needs to defeat the soul -elixir, which makes a large number of Fans desperately leveling to challenge the devil.

According to this newspaper, the challengers have not yet appeared after the illegal entry.

9 Wars Continuous —— Warrior’s combat power 6500 + 4000 level 64 Potential: Samsung Biography: Lonely God of War —— Fight, ordinary players, dragons.

An silent lonely hero is the only one among the characters on the list so far.

Pet: Iron Back Bear ——— Grade 7 Soil attributes.

Once a single shot broke into Dong Kunlun, but the feather returned, it was the only one that was able to live in Kunlun to survive.

Like constantly challenging the limits and difficulties.

Suggestions: Safety first, more powerful people.

Eternal Magic Master ——- Master’s combat power 6000 + 4000 level 63 Potential: Five Stars Biography: Eternal Magic, ordinary players, demons.

A weird mage who likes to study magic, likes to inquire about monuments, specially creates magic props, is also a senior alchemist, and has an experience with experience communication-the Institute of Magic.

The joining is all a mage, with super powerful attack power, equipment: the best soul-eater, ghosts-the source of magic.

Pet: Level 7 Firefox.

At the beginning, the person did not highlight and did not participate in the military conference.

Later, he appeared in the World Forest World War.

Jiangshan Jue List: 1.

The goddess of Phoenix —— Snow 2.

Yundai Fairy —— Feiyun 3.

Little Witch —— Little Snow 4.

Flying Flying Witch —— Fascinating 5.

Shui Fairy —— Love water without trace 6.

Dream Fairy —— Dream Chasing Dream 7.

Five Fairy —— Sisters in the Heart Family 8.

Ice Fairy —— Leng Ruoshi frost 9.

Fire Fairy —— Passionate like fire 10.

Wind Fairy —— catkins follow the wind In general, there is nothing much changed.

Due to personal requirements, the private relationship of the beauty on the list cannot be explained in detail, but the goddess of the Phoenix is the main name of the famous flower-snow, little witch ——- -A Xiaoxue, Narrine Fairy —— Love water without marks, and then the sisters of the five fairy hearts are unclear.

Fortune List: 1.

Qingqing apple incense 2.

I am a gold coin 3.

treasure bowl 4.

I’m the most poisonous 5.

Soul 6.

Endless 7.

Illegal immigration 8 .

I am a gold coin 9.

Feeling 10.

Landlord This wealth list does not include the value of equipment that cannot be approved and pets.

Outstanding List: 1.

Demon King Soul Eater 8600 2.

Snow 3500 3.

Qingqing apple incense 3000 4.

Feiyun 2800 5.

Undead 2600 6.

Illegal entry 2500 7.

Messenger 2450 8.

Mood 2100 9.

Ai Xin Zeng Luo 2000 10.

Xiaoxue 1800 Seven famous guilds: ranking in the rankings.

Magic Palace —— The Demon King Soul Eater Xiaoyao Emperor City ——- Xiaoyao King illegal Entry Business Alliance —— The rich world is clear apple incense Killer Hall ——- Sky Kills Endless Garden Garden —— The disappearing king loves the new Luo Luo Dream Rose Group —— Yuntai Fairy Feiyun Magic Research Institute —————— -The forever ancient magician Weapon List: 1.

The God of War of War 2.

Stealth ring ghost ware 4.

Blessing necklace ghosts 7.

Tempting melody ghost ware 8.

Treatment ring ghost 9.

Magic Source Ghost 10.

Super negative heavy space bag ghost ware Dangerous situations, the gate of the city has been crumbling.

The sudden attack of the War God Hall has caused us to fall into trouble.

We can only make the last move.

Performing the “Phoenix Action”.

I smiled with Xueer and everything was silent. Xinyue has brought all the fire magicians to set up a formation, Cher calls the Red Cloud, and understands the meaning of the owner. Hongyun flew to the Mage Fair. Players have lost their physical strength for a while), and the fireballs hit the Red Clouds, accompanied by a cheerful song —— Phoenix was born. Fabi, but it should be very effective to deal with these guys outside. The magicians were sitting on the ground and watching the legendary Phoenix rushing to the city. “The brothers rush, we have laid the magic palace, we talk about the rewards!”

The leader was the new millennium boss “New Millennium Lion”

and the boss of the God Hall “Little Ghost”.

At the beginning, the high -end fire flames with a very powerful power were instantly killed a mage and archer. They scared them and immediately disrupted. Joke, who wants to run with such a monster, it is strange that there is no one, and the red cloud is sees without anyone, so he will plunder towards the soldiers at the door. , I can’t afford the idea of resistance at all. The most important thing is that morale is very attacked. A guy who does not know how to die probably wants to touch his luck. Before you wait, you will be fanned by a wings. Still hanging on the tree. I remember that in the old world period, there was a literary man with a very bone qi and such a famous saying —— painting water dogs. , Cleaning the garbage like cutting vegetables, the new millennium mad lion does not know who was given in chaos. The little ghost has to give Yan Wang at home. , There are only potions and equipment on the ground around the entire city. At this time “The end of the siege war, the magic palace won, the failure of the magic alliance, the magic palace was upgraded, the compensation will be assigned to your account within 3 days, or the initiative of the magic alliance will be disbanded.”

This battle has truly launched the prestige of the goddess of Phoenix. Since she has followed me and has been under my protection, it is also the first time to show her strength in front of everyone. Tomorrow’s Yanhuang Pao and the world newspaper have read it. “Victory belongs to us, everyone celebrates, the whole city restaurant is free today.”

Of course, of course, I would like to thank the brothers for their hard work. “Everyone has worked hard. Xiao Mao is responsible for cleaning the battlefield. "

Buy” "

I can’t stand this guy, when I hear the golden coins. Everyone is going back to celebrate. “You have a crow’s mouth, what is anxious, slowly say”

boss, there are dense monsters around our city " What? Intersection We quickly boarded the observation tower. God, all the monsters were in the sight, and I watched it. "

Boss, if the city is broken by a monster, all of us will have experienced experience, and the city will be returned to the system." Xiao Mao always never forgets to spill cold water. "

Emergency, first -level alarm, large -scale monsters siege, everyone is about to return to their respective positions and prepare to face the face." The mood is counted, and now it can be more than 1,000 combat power, and most of them are disabled people. I am suffering. "

Boss, the north is the spider group of the sunset canyon, the magic pig of the magic pig hole in the south, the thieves of the chaos mountain on the west, and the lizard troops of the lizard cave in the southwest. What should I do now?" What should I do now? "

Hongyun has just used the Phoenix Nirvana, and it can’t be recovered for a while. I was about to take the lead in killing, and the love suddenly held me, jumped into my arms, and got into my ears. “Dad, don’t worry, it’s okay, good baby can solve them, but my dad wants to keep it secret, and you will accompany you tomorrow. At home, "

I was confused after talking, and I didn’t have a picture for a while. I quickly stopped them from going out and let them wait. This is undoubtedly a hard fight. There is a hint of hope that I will wait. The monster army is about to bring together. Everyone is holding a breath, and the heavy pressure comes. When has seen such a spectacular scene, it is really a little witch just now. Suddenly, the Spider -Legion rushed into the thieves as crazy, and the lizard got together with the devil.

The scene was really spectacular.

The level is higher than the thieves, but after all, the thieves are highly organized by human -shaped monsters.

Live in a half and a half.

The brothers are also tired.

Xiaomao’s logistics group quickly delivered wine and wine, and everyone sat on the wall to watch and eat.

This wonderful scene was not visible at any time.

“The system has bugs, it must be like this.”

Soldier A was like an old player. “Regardless of those, we can pick up some good things in a while, and you can send it now.”

Soldier B stared at the glittering treasures on the ground. I hope there can be something good in it. A wise decision. After about 1 hour, the thief group retreated first. Anyway, it is also human beings. Wisdom is a high point. Gradually other monsters have retreated one after another. After a while, the corpses are brushed, and the rest of the ground is a pile of coins, all kinds of equipment, in order to prevent the chaos from uniformly cleaning the battlefield by the logistics department. After this battle, the Demon Palace was established in the dominance of Yanhuang City. Finally relieved, ah, it seems that something is wrong, mom! System tip: “Congratulations to the soul, as the first player in the second world to exceed 81, will obtain a permission of freedom to come and go, and at the same time give”

death back to Sheng Dan “. At the same time, this news will notify the entire world, whether players need to hide their identity "

Of course, Mu Xiu will urge it in Linfeng. I am well -known enough. If this is known, I am really the same as the monster. Cher and the baby looked at me strangely. I quickly waved my hand, and I still don’t say it for the time being. I have upgraded to 82. What is going on? When I look at my experience column, God, a series of unsighting experiences, is the experience of monsters just added to me? Ah, by the way, it is love. This incident is related to this elf. “Where are you?”

I called her with a thousand miles, and the secret words of pets and masters were useless. “Dad, I’m here.”

Halo, how many times I said, don’t suddenly appear from behind each time, people scare people to scare people. Love looked at me with grievances. Forget it, forget it, I was afraid of you, it was my dad wrong. Don’t cry my young lady. After signing all kinds of unequal treaties, the baby daughter immediately gave me a bright smile, alas. , I was deceived again. It seems that the man was deceived by a woman. I was too naive before. “Love, did the monsters just do you hit by yourself?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong, they dare to bully Dad, and love to teach them. I also recently discovered that they listened to my order.”

“Don’t tell others about love, do you know, and don’t use this ability”

“Why, can’t you even say it?”

Love was puzzled by my decision. “Obedience, Dad will not lie to you, there is no need to even say that even moms can say.”

I just nodded in love, and I was likely that love was a smart person who began to have his own consciousness. Once someone else knew it, he would definitely be caught. To study or even destroy, human beings will not tolerate the existence of things that exceed their control scope. Looking at the lovely love, the feeling in my heart is really complicated. “It’s okay to go out to play, so it’s so lively, don’t forget to agree”

, run out again. A strange pet, no, my daughter, I am dizzy. In reality, I am still a virgin. Not only does my wife have it, but my daughter is ready, shaking my head. Take a look at the experience of the next level, 5000000,000, forget it, it is basically waiting for a few years without special treatment, and then I was pulled to the celebration meeting by Dasha. The only thing I remember was that I was drunk. “Outside the number, outside the city’s first large -scale siege and large -scale monster siege ended yesterday. The mysterious figures exceeded level 81. Come and see, Yanhuang Morning News, one copy of 5 silver coins, come and buy.”

“Did you hear it? Yesterday, the New Millennium and the Zha Shentang jointly attacked the Magic Palace with several small banks. As a result, they lost their losses. "

Come on, do you know who I am?” The listener was disdainful. "

Are you?” Passenger Jia didn’t know where this man was. "

I also participated in the battle yesterday, and it was one of the rare survivors. Originally, we were going in. Suddenly we flew out a god bird phoenix. A flame of our mage went home halfway, and then we went to us. Fuck, fortunately Lao Tzu is smart. When I saw the bird sprinkled with legs, I ran. Fortunately, I did n’t expect to meet a monster when I went back. Damn, I had to hang up. Fortunately, I turned into flying. The wing tribe is too scary. “Thinking of yesterday, he had to fight the deserter. "

Brother, do you want to know the details? Let’s come to Yanhuang Pao. A few guys were wiped out for a few newspapers in his hands. “Battle Daily: Yesterday, the new millennium United War Hall formed the Demon Alliance to attack the Magic Palace. At the beginning, the war situation was biased towards the Demon Alliance, but because of the first general of the demon king, the mood led the magic ride to make the Demon Alliance suffer heavy losses. Implementing the air strike plan in advance, but I did not expect that the Magic Palace had completed the SS -level adventure task and obtained the twelve bronze people of the artifact, making the air -China troops unable to perform. Although the sudden addition of the Zhenshen Hall caused some difficulties to the Magic Palace, the goddess of the Phoenix fascinated the prestige of the goddess of Phoenix. The outlet of the stunts Phoenix Nirvana completely shattered this offense. The goddess of the Phoenix goddess of this campaign was at the first merit. In the chaos, the new millennium mad lion was killed. Yes, everyone thought that at the end of the battle, the monsters around the Magic Palace launched a collective siege. Many members of the Escape Alliance were killed by monsters on the spot. The Magic Palace was in danger. The reason from Xiangxiang to the end is still in Xiangcha. The Magic Palace has achieved a comprehensive victory. State that people have not blame in the past, welcome people to join the Magic Palace —— Quoting from Xiaomao, the head of the Magic Palace. "

“A mysterious figure exceeds level 81, and the attention of the world together. All countries are investigating. There are gossip saying that it may be Asians. For details, please see the future column tracking reports.”

Note: Pets return to 0 in the battle to 0. So few people use pets during siege war. After this battle, the World Daily officially updated the major rankings. This ranking has attracted great attention. The king returns, etc., and adds the tragedy list, please wait. Chapter 9 “Brother, see the people of the Triumph Plaza at 8 am tomorrow morning, and I and my sister are waiting for you there. There is no way for girls to be late, and it is incredible for men to be late. "

Rest assured, I have always got up early, which is like you are a lazy pig. Every time the sun doesn’t look at the buttocks.” I laughed. "

Huh, people should be, do you know that lack of sleep affects beauty? Tomorrow is looking for you to settle accounts, sleep early, don’t be too long, not good for your body,” worship. "

“Well, you can rest earlier.”

Although the baby has a little taller temper, it is very good at the scale. This is also her cute place. In fact, it is a good girl who can think of it. No matter what kind of going online, tell the brothers, you can’t have the opposite sex and no humanity, Wave \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ “Husband, are you here, I’m Xueer”

, Xueer is perfect, and it is so beautiful from the video. I envy my blessing. “Good wife, why do you miss me in a while, come and kiss one.”

“You’re not serious. Tomorrow we will go to the Galaxy Unification College. The results of my baby have come down. The baby is worth the potential of up to 950. It is the champion of this session. Now it depends on you. "

I have some concerns in the discourse. “How are you, don’t worry about me, your husband must have no problem.”

Actually, there was no bottom in my heart. This kind of computers completely rely on computer testing, no one is sure. “People are only fifth, and they are relatively stupid.”

Xueer obviously expressed dissatisfaction with her performance. “No, this is stupid, your husband and I can be satisfied.”

In fact, I was just because I was okay because I had nothing to do, and there was no reason to pass the test, but now I am different. There are two people who care about me. I also know that my family situation is really average, but I do n’t blame my parents. People must rely on myself. “Husband, why not speak? Don’t worry, no matter what the result, I will always support you, Xueer will not leave you!”

I know Cher’s feelings for me, but the reality is not a game after all. The cruel facts will not worry about feelings. I must make some results. It is the responsibility of a man. “Xueer, it’s okay, an excellent talent like me, the unified college can accept me for the honor! Haha”

“Just know the smell, okay, don’t talk, you can rest early, 88”

“Xueer gave a sweet smile and closed the sky. Pack up the mood, it is the mule, the horse will know what is the use of worry tomorrow, and calm down to start the daily compulsory course —– inverted, there is an iron carrier in my bedroom, it is not used to hang clothes, but It is used to hang me. This homework has begun under the force of my father and mother since childhood. What do I have to practice? I have to get my disgusting life every time. What ancestor secrets are exhausted and very uncomfortable every time, but fortunately, the time of training is getting shorter and shorter. Since I am adults, I have rarely done it, but when I feel too much, I must do it. -Mom said. This damn clear heart made me soft on my body. Take a bath comfortably. It’s time to go online. "

Xiao Mao, is there?” "

Boss, I’m busy, I will say anything about it.” I am dizzy, what can he do, 80 % are the beautiful girl who is soaking that "

cat and cat”, alas "

What are you doing?” "

Ah, it’s the boss, I’m in the level, and the little silly is there. Now there are few people. We are crazy, why is there something?" "

Oh, you practice, it’s okay." These two guys knew the leveling all day, but the effect was obvious. They are now a master in the Magic Palace. "

Two sister -in -law, what are you doing?" "

Boss, I am mining. My miner level is almost full, but the old man of the NPC is really abnormal. I have to dig the gold mines for him, so let me be promoted, bitter!", It seems that he will also be there. Is boring. I just wanted to ask them in the mood. If you think about it, you still have to avoid suspicion. There are a lot of people who pursue them in the guild. Did n’t I go to do electric bulbs? Forget it. There is a cat fish left, "

cat fish, what are you doing?" "

Boss, I and the heads and I got a C -level task and dig the tomb. Do you want to come together?" This task is not fun, obscure, I have to go to see the results tomorrow, or not. "

Oh, play with me, I won’t go, I will get it in advance tomorrow." After turning around, I didn’t find something to do. The stomach is a little hungry. Open the refrigerator and empty, go to the supermarket to buy something. The current supermarket is not a machine salesperson. It used to be for a while, but later I did n’t know what the reason for all robots was sent to the garbage recycling station for processing. There is no sense of humanity. What should I do if I have not been accepted tomorrow, I am really upset, ah, I want to kill me. "

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m not interested, I just thought about things", a big boy, seemed to be 17,8, hey, as if I am not old. "

It’s okay, I have something wrong, oh, do you play the second world?" I looked at the virtual helmet in his hand. The big boy touched his head: "

Hey, this is a new helmet, ready to be taken in school, why do you also play? “Oh, I am also an old player, how many levels you are now?”

I should be a veteran, after all, it is 82. “I only played a week, and now I am a 26th Taoist priest, called Feng Piaopiao, Nuwa City”

, saying that the game is shining. “Oh, I practiced a mage, which was the city of Yanhuang City, called soul eater. When I had time to play, I left first, goodbye.”

It’s not too early to see the time. “Goodbye”

, ah, the soul -eating is so familiar, where did you hear it? “Feng Piao shook his head, forget it, wait for the online and ask. On a sunny day, it is a sign, riding on my "

Mercedes” brand automatic car, staggering to the subway station, fainting me, it seems that this old antique should be eliminated. "

Ah, Xueer, baby is there?" I thought I was early. "

Who is like you, lazy ghosts." Baby rare to get up once. Xueer raised his hair that was blown by the wind. "

Husband, let’s go, and there are many people who go late." Sitting in the latest BMW sports car in Xueer. This FT200 is made of space metal throughout the body, satellite -oriented system, built -in small smart computers. Of course, the configuration inside is also the best. Combined with flexible, I heard that 500 units were released in the world in the world, which was really cool; Xueer’s original name was Feng Xue. The Jinghua Group of her dad was one of the ten largest commercial groups in China. Female, in such an environment, she has a trace of habit of habits, and I have to say that my old man teaches the woman to have a square. Simply, the two of Xueer and the baby are World Friends. Fortunately, both of them are women, and they can only form a sister. If one man and one woman, I do n’t have any play, I have to continue a single love song. How to say, the first feeling given to me by the unified college is the perfect combination of modern and classical. The differences between modern buildings and classical buildings are not obtrusive, but have a historical sense, which makes people have to look up at it. The conclusion is —— so rich! Such a large project has to say horror. The government has really made a big capital, but the effect is also obvious. As one of the best universities in the world, countless people come here to take the exam every year, because once they graduate from here, You will directly enter the upper society. Why do you use the word of graduation here? It is very simple. This school is known for its ultra -low graduation rate. The school’s policy is that every graduate is an elite in the elite. Graduation requirements, then you have 2 choices, one is to go home; the other is to pay high tuition fees to continue reading, but the tuition fee will become higher and higher. The highest period is 3 years. Prove the road, but this proves that it can also be a very comfortable position. Come to the query desk, "

Please enter your ID number, thank you." 845236978541253253674 "

Please wait……. “Why is it so slow?”

Xueer couldn’t wait, but she was so angry that she was so cute, making the surrounding wolves full of eyes. Just now our arrival has caused a sensation. ) Add two stunning beauties and a super dazzling BMW. It is not eye -catching, and there seems to be someone in the crowd to know Cher and Baby. Is it an illusion? Anyway, Lao Tzu was admitted, it was a genius. I looked back at the two women: “Which one do you say?”

The two looked at each other, as if they saw something incredible, the baby said in surprise, “Husband is wrong, the level cannot be selected, but it is allocated by the performance. Essence "

Then what do you say that my grades should be divided?” "

Hmm … it should be B", the baby is a little hesitant. Based on their grades, they must be in the A class. Do you also enter the A class by using computer errors? Forget it, there is nothing great, the B -level is also good, WHO is afraid of WHO "

Then I choose B. Anyway, there are assessments every year. Those who have excellent grades can be raised. It’s okay!" I said resolutely, I can’t do this violation of principles. "

Husband, we support you, you can rest assured that we won’t let you make it alone." Xueer was very satisfied with my choice. Although I usually laughed unruly, I was very bone. I didn’t care about it. As soon as I started school, I got on the chart of Fengyun. After finishing the matter, it was unhappy by a group of people, especially with other meanings in my eyes. Where do I look like cow dung? Alas, men’s jealousy. No one noticed that the computer we stayed just now flickered, and there was a slight and satisfactory laughter. "

Husband, look at the basketball court over there, let’s play for a while." Baby just likes lively. Well, the young lady has a request, and I naturally meet you. Oh, there are really a lot of people. Our arrival has caused the crowd for a while, whistle, and the players on the field began to pay attention. There is a good level on the field. It looks like about 190 height. The body coordination is very good. The muscles full of explosive power tell it. I am very strong, long and sunny. The slam dunk caused a piece of applause, and the screams of a large number of Fans, a small MM happiness, heaven, is there such an exaggeration, isn’t it just a basket? Get up, even if others, don’t confuse my baby, it seems that I will show both hands. "

Is this brother who is interested in playing a few? We happen to be lacking." The sunshine muscular man came first, and said to me, but his eyes looked at my wife. Hum, the scholars are unbearable. I just want to play. If I do n’t leave some memorial for you. "

Okay, my husband goes up. Two beauties will give you cheerleading team," Baby is really confident in me. In case I can’t fight or play well, I will not lose adults on this occasion, muscular men, male men When I heard my husband’s two words, the face was obviously unnatural, but for a moment, it seemed that it was not a good thing, and the city was deep. “Husband, you have been with us for a day today. Don’t fight if you are too tired. Let’ s talk about it later. "

It is still sensible, that is, I left the steps for me and retain my face. Hey, kid, you’re done. “It’s okay, it’s not tired, I just feel itchy.”

Joke, if my dad would not allow me to participate in the competition, the Olympic champion could play a few fun. My physique was very special, especially in the stagnation. Sometimes I doubt whether I am a person, but in order not to test mice, it is better to be low -key. “Brother, I’ll add you here, how about it?”

I took a picture of the poor ghost covered by the muscular man just now. That guy wiped the sweat: “Okay, but you have to be careful, Ling Yang is not a good person, I won’t say more.”

When I went down, I glanced at the muscular man fiercely. Okay. “Where do you play?”

It seemed that the captain’s guy said, and it was also a strong guy like a cow, which was interesting. “Everywhere you go, let’s play 5 goals, and we have to accompany your girlfriend in a while.”

Brother Niu looked at my body, 185, um, your defender. start. I ca n’t play for a long time. I ’m so comfortable for a long time. The guys on the opposite side know that when I see my dribble posture, I know that I am also an expert. “Fence, go up, three points!”

, Hey, unfortunately late, brush, a hollow, about 1m. It feels good today. “Defense, defense”

The opponent’s defender brought the ball towards us. The strength of the muscular man was not small. Our bull head couldn’t hold him under the basket. I was sure that this ball must be passed on to him. In this case, hey. The muscular man received the ball, the upper body was tall, and the bull’s head took a half step. This was enough. “Urgent”

I suddenly appeared behind the muscular man and snatched the ball from his hands. The hands I wanted to celebrate half of the hands in the stands, so embarrassed to disappoint you. “Fast attack!”

Give you a heavy one, just take a jump without waiting for the free throw line. Look at my Tomahawk dunk. The center’s play will never look good. Boom, slap ~, there are only the sound of the ball left in the audience. Wow, okay, the buddy came again, I also have supporters, the baby and Xueer next to each other swollen. The muscular man was almost angry and scolded his teammates. “Stupid, you defend me for me and attack me.”

It seemed to forget who lost the ball just now. When people are anxious, they are easy to make mistakes. This is not the same. The old man came with a ball and hit someone. Niu Ge was cool and yelled fiercely. Yes, it was a refreshing man. I’m here again, the audience is urgent. I suddenly, when I saw that I rushed into the penalty area and gave up my brother to rush to me. Hehe, I was on the right again. I passed it, and my brother received my pass, smashed into the basket with all my best, and touched it! Intersection (Nice Boll! (Round: The boss goes in, and people are not letting people not allow. Is it necessary to be so ruthless? It is not easy for others to make a few small money. There are 80 old baskets on the top … .) It’s me again, break the ball, your movement is too slow, I passed it, and then ran down the basket quickly. Niu Ge’s consciousness was in place, and the ball also flew towards the basket. , Comfortable. The atmosphere of the audience reached the climax, the king of the ball, the king of the ball, this title was good, and I didn’t really miss it for a long time. foul! The muscular man was so angry that his little forward was hit by him, and it seemed that it would be impressed by deepening you. I picked up the ball and played directly at the basket. This time I did n’t avoid the muscular man. I gave you hard. I poured it directly into the basket. The muscle man also jumped up and wanted to cover me. Opportunity, unfortunately, you are farther than you. Boom ~, 人, even people with the ball, cool, I just like the feeling of this kind of monarch. The muscular man is also sentenced to a blocking foul without adding a penalty. competition is over! They told me with Niu Ge, pulled Xueer and the baby, and left a lot of people, leaving a lot of people to guess our identity. “Brother, I worshiped you so much. What secrets do you have, you can’t say it, and explain it honestly.”

Baby said with my clothes. “Yeah, my husband didn’t expect you to have such a hand, and people want to look at you”

Xueer also laughed. “Okay, you dare to doubt the strength of your husband, look for the fight”

, see my eighteen touch (this move after the late Ming and early Qing dynasties The master of Wulin has carried forward the vast number, what does the predecessor seem to be Wei Dabao, or Wei Xiaobao, the name is real) “Husband, I’m driving, be careful”

Text 10 ~ 15 Updated: 2006-8-6 16:08:00 Number of chapters: 34098 Chapter 10 Robbery? It’s still comfortable in the world. I haven’t been in the day, and I am a bit unaccustomed. I do n’t know what activities I have today. I do n’t want to level up for the time being. Bian is also very interesting. “Boss, let’s go to Crystal Mountain to find concentrates. Isn’t your rod of element missing a crystal stone? It is just that everyone also wants to see the scenery of Crystal Mountain.”

Not very good, but not a talented player. My boss is not competent. How can he be regarded as our brother. “Yes, boss, you don’t know that the heads I have dug all these days are dizzy. I do n’t know if my mining or mining has been dug. As a result, I did n’t find any secret gold ore. I heard that there are many good mining areas on the Crystal Mountain. You make a monster, I mining. "

The second sister -in -law fully agreed with this suggestion. “Okay, Dasha, you go to Qi Ren. Today’s group activities, let’s go to Crystal Mountain to play ore, and then how about the green wild forest?”

“Well, I thought you were just my wife all day, no matter the brother, I went, haha.”

Although it’s a joke, I still have to be ashamed, this time is a bit messy. “Dad, love also,”

, Looking at the little princess who is eager to try, I can say what else, Cher and Baby are incredible for her, and it can be regarded as a request. After a while, the sisters of the heart, Dasha, Xiao Sil, Xiao Mao and Erzi, cat fish are all here, set off! Crystal Mountain, under Dongkunlun, produces magic crystals of various departments, can be integrated with weapons. After successful, weapons can bring a certain proportion of crystal attributes, but the geographical location is relatively long here. , So the drug consumption is still full, but finally, we have encountered something crying and laughing as soon as we arrived at the ground. At that time, the situation was like this: “The people in front stand, cough, this road is my opening, this tree is planted. In short, we are robbers, leaving money and MM, and we will not die.”

Equipment is also fine, there are clothes with attacks, which are good. Hahaha, we ca n’t laugh, all the fatigue all the way, someone robbed us on our heads, interesting, “Buddy, seeing you smiled very well, leaving Dan Medicine, roll it "

, go to that stop, forced the momentum, the robbers take two steps back, “You dare to resist, the brothers come out, there are buying and selling,”

and the brush coming out of a person, but it is not the crowd of Wuhe. I was dizzy, and I still have organization. I heard that now I have the function of PK value. Multi -fighting is good. It is itchy. About 20 people jumped out of more than 20 people, there are still many, a few of them stared at our beauties straight, unclear these beauties will send them to West, “Boss, there are a lot of people, it seems that you can make a few meals of human meat buns.”

Xiao Mao is three sentences. “Yo, someone robbed me on my head. This is the first time. It is fresh. Are you going together or one by one.”

I came out from behind and looked at the little robbers in front of me. “Ah? This guy seems to be familiar?”

The robber Jia was strange that he couldn’t remember who it was. “Yes, you see a few beautiful bubbling chicks next to you must be the people on the stunning list!”

Robbery B was confident in his eyes. kindness? The beautiful list beauty, —— There are only 7 in our city, ——- 6 of them? Two people looked at each other, is it? Let’s look at the look of a senior mage (the weapons and equipment can be installed in a space bag when walking, and the success rate of detection is very low, unless there is a lucky value and level like me), the demon king soul! Suddenly, the robbers whispered for a while, and the highest level of the soldiers kept talking at us. Hee hee, you can explore it. “What to do, you can only measure a low -level soldier (second sister -in -law), a low -level archer (baby), a low -level thief (small hair), at least similar to me.”

The leader was very worried. “Hey, you ca n’t grab it, you are so uncomfortable to be a robbers!”

I have lost her patience to their Luo Yan, and we still have a lot of things to do. “Ahem, this, misunderstanding, just a joke just now, how can anyone be a robber, joke, hahaha”

, a group of silly circles around him also smirked, “Okay, let go of all your medicines, we can leave, we are robbers.”

I almost couldn’t help laughing, I couldn’t help laughing, and I couldn’t help laughing. This time, a few thieves were stupid. The robbers were robbed, black and black, and the robbers clamored, but they were stopped by the leading soldiers. It seemed very calm. “Oh? Yes. But you also have to show some strength.”

This sentence of the leader is very skillful, neither agrees nor deny, interesting. “You can pick one from us, except for the three of them (baby), you are casual, our three decisions, as long as you win today, how about it?”

“Okay, a word is fixed.”

This group of guys picked it up and looked at the momentum of Shuang silly. I dare to find them. Since I am a leading leader, it is naturally strong. It is better to choose to choose. Unfortunately ,, “You three you go together, I solve it once!”

I looked back at us. Everyone had no opinion. The real strength of the mood of the Dragon Slaughter was never seen. There are two people, a 56 -level thief, and a 55 -level mage plus a leader with a leading 60. Take out the sword from the space bag, brush, brush, a dazzling glory. After the restoration is calm, the colorful halo is still born on it. This is very similar to my element’s rod. It’s green, just like seeing beauties. start! First of all, the thieves rushed over first, and it was directly a poison. There was a assassination technique. Unfortunately, it was not successful. When ~~, the mood held the warrior’s attack but was still stepped back by lightning. You must kill the mage first. It’s hard, the tactics are correct, but unfortunately he forgot what he was in his hands-the dragon slaughter, the knife passed through the shield directly to kill, cool, the baby next to him, love and heart, heart and heart Rilling on the side, (Dragon Slaughter has a certain chance of breaking the shield function) is really an unlucky mage, but now the situation is not too easy, the other party’s thieves are still annoying, and the warriors are also good. I played a few rounds, but the mood was in the end after all, and it was almost consumed by two people in terms of physical strength. What should I do! At this time, I was in a hurry, but I didn’t expect that the two men would run around when they were shameless. This was not a way to consume it. What should I do? Intersection You must persist if you ca n’t retreat, and I will succeed. “The system prompts, player’s mood understands the secrets of the Dragon Tuchang —— Yan Kill Wave”

The thief is running, how can you take me, I run, I run, ah? Intersection Yan kill waves, what winter and winter, ah ~~~ Jade Emperor. The knife split out of the void seemed to extend, and the thief was solved directly. Finally, he was sobbing and stared at the poor stolen head. At this time, I said the most classic sentence-I surrendered! After a while, the robbers came to us, and it seemed that there were still some credit thieves. However, I still asked the reason strangely. There should be few people who have preferred this profession. “Who are you?”

“I have a soul!”

I still have some confidence in my own reputation When I heard my name, I brushed a few of my courageous faces. God, just now we have to rob the world’s first master. It is crazy. Hey, the production of the second world is really detailed. “Big, big, big brother, you, oh, no, are you really the devil’s soul?”

The little warrior who just stopped the road. “Why, is there anyone who dares to take my name?”

“No, no, the villain has the eyes that you don’t know about Taishan, you adults have a lot of money for us this time”

“Yes, yes, there are 80 mothers on the villain, the babies underneath, and the whole family depends on me.”

I am dizzy, and I change to the new one. If I say it is good, I will spare you. “Are you a full -time robber?”

Cher couldn’t help asking, as long as I was present, Xueer was dominated by me and rarely questioned. There are not many women in this era. Beauty, but this is not to say that she did not prefer a vase, but to respect men and do not like to make the limelight. “This, this … is this, we are the new millennium of the siege that day. After the failure, the new millennium disbanded, and we would dare to accept us without doing it. The level is PK, and the equipment and the strange PK can only gather together for sale. "

It is pitiful. It turned out to be like this, these people are not bad, but they are no wonder they are their Lord. “You go back. If you want at night, you can come to the meeting.”

As soon as the robbers heard it, they returned to the city with joy, and we also added the satisfaction of both the drug. Go up the mountain. The monster on the Crystal Mountain is a low -level Warcraft running from Kunlun, but it is still strong than other places. There is no BOSS -level monster here. List of Crystal Mountain Monsters: Big ear rat: Level 30, a small beast with a very fast attack speed, a group of groups of hobs living in the cave of the Crystal Mountain Wallet, using crystal ore as a food. Procfully big ears are the characteristics of ear mouse. Can stretch some low -level ore. Poison Moth: Level 35. The colorful poisonous moth is a mutant big moth. The vermilion wings have dark red marks, which mainly rely on blood absorption of blood. It is horrible that it will inject toxins that will paralyze people when attacking. If you do not detoxify in time, it is not small to detoxify. Poisonous moth blood is a rare medicinal material, while poisonous moth powder is a fatal poison and is the favorite of alchemists. Bird turtle: level 40, bird’s head, turtle body, snake tail, screaming like a wooden knocking, and strike the enemy with a hard and sharp bird’s beak. Bird turtle canal can be used to make jewelry. Bird turtle meat can be eaten and tastes delicious. Therefore, it is the favorite of restaurants in restaurants. Black worm: Grade 45, a large -haired hypertrophic worm, the sprayed venom is strongly corrosive. This ugly big bug is often a nightmare for girls. The characteristics of the skin’s corrosion make it an excellent material for making leather clothes, but no one is willing to pick up the skin. Vampire Bat: Level 45. The bats live in the dim cave of Crystal Mountain. A bat is not threatened, but a large group of bats becomes a terrible enemy. The consequence of being surrounded by bats in the gloomy cave is that there is a stall of white bones good at blood -sucking attacks, and can absorb the lives of others to supplement themselves. Bat teeth are the most valuable things on bats. They can be used to refine weapons. Half -horses: Grade 50, the monster of the person, has a tough body and powerful power, is good at spear, and moves rapidly. It is a dangerous creature for people. Fortunately Living in Crystal Mountain is likely to spate off -soldiers’ offensive equipment. Three -headed hell hound: Level 55, this is a sinister Warcraft. From the perspective of appearance, they are extremely similar to the dogs raised by the human race, but they have two heads, and they are very large, like calfs, and their attacks have a paralyzed effect. The hell dog will be uncomfortable by the beaten players through the cover of the night to attack the careless players. Hungry Ghost: Level 55, the legend is a monster turned from starvation. There is a horrible big mouth behind it, with a pair of long horns on his head, holding a wolf tooth stick, a bit like a narrow version of the ghost king. After they are full, they will not actively attack other creatures. Unfortunately, the hungry state of hungry ghosts most of the time is a monster of a single action. Magic green cow: Level 60. The huge rhinoceros is a mild animal, but when facing the human race, they will be extremely violent, often actively attack, and will emit a mad magic when they are mad, disturb the opponent’s mind. Green Bull horns can be used to refine weapons, and it is easy to explode the best tools. It is a kind of Warcraft that players prefer to kill. As a result, the green cattle was murdered, resulting in a group of magical green bulls that only found in the valley behind Crystal Mountain. Meadusa: Level 65, a snake monster with four wings and snake -faced snakes, scattered green poisonous fog attacks, and can release petrochemical magic. Four or five often act together, the speed is extremely fast, is the nemesis of the warrior and the mage, and often the best equipment of thieves. Chapter 11 Crystal Dragon Monsters on the Crystal Mountain have long -term consumption of plants rich in crystal mines, so the chief of the body is spar in the body. The higher the level of monster digestion, the higher the concentration. The better the attributes of the monster itself, the spar is also divided into grades. The best is purple. The others are red, orange, yellow, colorless, and colorless. of. “After this broken mountain, it must be developed well. Where is the road of people, obvious weight discrimination.”

This rugged path is a challenge to Xiaomao and cat fish, as a weight loss. Baby and love are highly cheerful, and they are curious about everything around them. They are jumping all the way, envy Xiaomao and cat fish. Secretly, if we have such a figure, the beautiful MM is not a big ticket. “Everyone is alert, there are a large number of unknown things in front.”

“It’s a poisonous moth, God, there are hundreds of people!”

Speaking is heart. “What do you think of, we don’t know if we thieves?”

Xiao Mao was obviously puzzled. “I am talented with a skill —— see the eyes of the perspective. I have only trained the first level recently. You can see it far.”

It’s cool. “These guys are not easy to deal with, everyone should be careful, the detoxification drugs are ready, there is a big stone in front of it to help us block the attack.”

The poisonous moths of the large group are gradually approaching, and the disgusting of the black pressure. The weakness of the moth is defense and magic weaknesses, especially the defense of the magic of the fire. It should be burned quickly with my highly magical hell wall. Huhhu \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, fill the fire around us, and the villain has made a nourishing sound as soon as the contact.

It ’s okay.

In the bombing, I have to regulate the authenticity quickly.

If they are disgusting to death, it will be big.

The two silly killing is also very happy.

The effect of the soldiers of the soldiers of the men’s half -moon scimitar is also good.

What I hate is that the magic royal is relatively low.

From time to time, it is paralyzed.

The purification effect of the Taoist priest is not very good.

Press, there is no Taoist priest who has no five -element Taoism.

Fortunately, the foot of the detoxification Dan belt, I took the time to come to a few meteor fires and rain.

The dodge rate is high), half an hour is cleaned up, and the world has finally returned to cleanliness and comfortable.

I heard that the artifact may be dug out of the moth-paralysis ring, the ultimate artifact of the samurai can cast petrochemical magic in the attack, which is definitely fatal in the battle.

The chance of the moth is one tenth and only rumors exist in this possibility.

If you believe in your luck, you may try it.

This is also one of the very few of the equipment that can threaten me.

Cleaning loot, only some poisonous moth blood is more valuable.

It is useless to explode some garbage spar.

The level of poison moth is too low and does not expect what good things it can give.

As for the paralysis ring, it is just a legend.

The chance of one of the one is no different from 0 for us, and continues to march on the mountain.

Now on the mountainside, we are from the mountains from the north.

We have taken a long way, especially Xiaomao and cat fish.

-Ane is a picnic, it is difficult to find such a place in the real world.

Xiaomao has to show his skills now.

In order to make sense, everyone decided not to use firewood without magic.

Fortunately, there are small shrubs here.

Of course, men are men.

The ladies are responsible for cleaning food.

Food, and gold fruit wine, this is our signature wine, brewed with the most delicious golden fruit (Golden Fruit, the most output of the least and most delicious fruit in Yanhuang City.

A bottle of gold coins).

Originally, I wanted to show the power of my fire magic, but when I burned 4 wind chickens, I gave up this unwise move in my anger’s eyes.

“Boss, your fireball is not as good as my flames, haha”

Xiao Mao cannot give up a rare opportunity. Hey, this kid fell down again, fortunately, we can settle accounts after autumn, hehe. Everyone is eating happily, is it? Why is the sky secretly, look up, God, a group of vampire bats, just now I didn’t pay attention to the reconnaissance. “Be careful, prepare for the battle.”

I looked up at this group of disgusting things. We are now surrounded by a good offensive and defensive formation in the middle. “Husband, these guys are ugly, it’s my bunny baby cute”

, the baby is always interested in the big cool and small cute monsters. East. “Wait, these blood -sucking bats only attacked mobile creatures, don’t move now, maybe they have passed for a while.”

It was the second sister -in -law. He really studied these strange things. Sure enough, after a while, these guys were dispersed without finding the goals. We were relieved. The monsters here are relatively fierce. I always like to be in groups. Trouble! “No, these guys messed up our picnic, and they must copy their old nests in a while, hum!”

I was holding my mouth with my heart, and I looked very angry. I saw it. Only the phoenix paw fell to the ground, “Heart heart, you won’t you want to avenge your phoenix claws, haha”

, everyone laughs for a while, shy heart brush back to the mood, “Sister, you see them bullying me”

, look at them, look at them, look at them. The girls look fiercely, ah? Just now it seems that they laughed the most fierce. No one can call us as a gentleman, but we can only compromise. In front of it is the territory of the magical green bull. Be careful, the magical blue cattle’s offensive and defensive speed is very average. In addition, the mad magic attack with a certain probability can only be described by “Xiaoqiang”.

ah? What should be in the eyes is a beautiful valley. The strange thing is that the quietness here is a bit strange. Usually, the cattle and cows who should come out for food for food are gone. Is they habit of lunch breaks now? Cat fish and Xiaomao went to investigate for a long time. The conclusion was that the monsters were not moving or hiding. Without weird, we can only continue to go up, the more quiet goes, the only kittens who are lost occasionally, which is enough for us to kill. What a big deal is going, we are about to reach the top of the mountain, wait, the wood on the left seems to be the voice of Sicisa, and look at it in the past. Ah \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, the wind is tight, and it is tight! Intersection Intersection A group of us rushed towards the top of the mountain, followed by a large number of dense monsters: magicized green cow, halfman horses, hungry ghosts, three -headed hell dogs, and a plate of Mu Dusha. , Either a meeting? Both people and hungry ghosts and hungry ghosts have nothing to do with each other. I have to say a miracle. “Stop!”

Xiao Mao shouted, they didn’t follow it, we looked back, the monster group walked around behind us, as if he was afraid of what he didn’t dare to move forward. “Junzi, is there a BOSS -level monster on the Crystal Mountain? Do you think they are obviously afraid of things on the mountain?”

He asked in doubt. “There is no theoretical”

, the second sister -in -law scratched his head, “What is theoretically, there is, there is, no just!”

The whistle was our serious beauty dream. “This is the case. There is no BOSS on the Crystal Mountain itself, but it is close to Kunlun, and the second world is completely independent. I think there will be a monster running from Kunlun. What about the analysis of the second sister -in -law shook her head and swaying. "

Well, no matter what monster it can make them so scared, it must not be simple, but when you come to Baoshan, how can you go back empty -handed, everyone go up and see!” Wow, the above is the amethyst mining area, which is a fairy tale world. Ah, Xiaomao Er Junzi, you two climb away for me. Do n’t say you know us, I am dizzy. The two guys were holding a crystal pillar madly. I didn’t stop it, and there was a trend of licking. There seems to be a door in the middle of the amethyst mine. This will not be a strange old nest. "

Two sister -in -law, you first mine here, Xueer, you are in a mood, you can help them take care of the baby and love here. I don’t know what is inside, but you can’t let everyone take risks. It is a spectacular place. There are huge amethyst and purity are much higher than the outside. We are like a villain who enters the giant country. (The amethyst itself is useless. Crystal is actually the crystal soul discovered by the amethyst ore, but the permethystine ore can be used as a accessories after being polished). The temptation of wealth to everyone is the same. Everyone is cool, and suddenly a loud noise breaks our dreams. “Who are you, dare to rush into the crystal dragon house, I want to eat you all!”

A huge voice with naive voices trembled. He has experienced such an experience, and it was scared. The monsters who could talk about it were the first time, and it was the dragon in the beast. BOSS -level monsters, if they can go back and go back to dismantle him alive, although they only smell their sounds, but from the perspective of the sound and its old nest, this guy’s body will definitely be considerable. It ’s not the first time I have encountered it. There is really a sense of honor and disgrace. It’ s called the general style, and the words say on the surface are very fierce and naive. Essence “We originally wanted to come here for a holiday, but after the investigation just now, well, the environment here is too bad, not delicious, no fun, this tattered place can’t stay.”

Stupid turned around. “Wait \ ~ wait, is there any fun outside, what’s delicious?”

This time the voice was not as scary as just now, hehe, hook, basically it can be determined that even the dragon must be a dragon, “Of course, the food you eat is called a variety of, Tremella bird’s nest, braised bear’s paw, and a tiger whip. , \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Oh yes, there are roast chicken wings "

“Chicken wings, I want to eat, you take me to eat, I don’t eat you anymore.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the crystal wall in front of me was shaking, and a large hole appeared. , I’m really backward. Eh? Why is there nothing? Where is the dragon? The three of us turned left and right like fools, but found nothing, wait, how can my pants wet, haha, one like puppy has been licking me, is this the legendary crystal dragon dragon The three of us looked at it for a while and laughed. They looked like a dog. They were too disappointed. The score was reduced by 99. The remaining point was that it could make a huge voice. As if looking through our thoughts, Xiaolong glanced at us three, “People are called Xiao Zi, but a beautiful dragon, now a week old, I like chicken wings, but my mother doesn’t let me go out. She said that it was all outside. Bad guys, is the bad guy delicious? "

Dragon who loves chicken wings, strange dragon moms, bad premonitions, bad people are not delicious, I haven’t eaten it, but we must be not delicious, no matter how it is temporarily safe. “Boss, she will take her out to play so cute. Staying here for a long time will be suffocated.”

Dasha couldn’t help but say that the poor little purple couldn’t help saying, “That is, people are good, and the throat just shouted is dumb. You have to compensate me.”

Xiao Zi was a good baby. In fact, I didn’t want to take her out. I’m afraid. Mother Long found it. We had to cover the whole army. Looking at this watery eyes, we recognized it, we go. “Wow, so cute puppy”

, whispered on a group of love -flooding beauties, holding Xiao Zi in his arms, but unfortunately this little guy is a mother and is only interested in chicken wings. “Boss, where are you picked up?”

Cat fish asked curiously, red light, and it looked not small. Not far away, the second sister -in -law kept digging there … With a scream, Xiao Zi looked very dissatisfied with the silly man in front of his eyes to compare her noble dragon as a poor puppy, and it was a dragon inflammation attack. Fortunately, the thief’s reaction would really become a braised cat. Fish. The woman around was a flattelling. In order to calm the cute anger, cat fish could only sacrifice. When I heard Xiao Zi speak and likes chicken wings the most, Xiao Mao couldn’t help but step forward, “Come and listen to it, my brother is the best chef can make a lot of chicken wings.”

In part, Xiao Zi’s eyes were staring, but the second half of the road, she immediately restored her watery look. Both eyes were covered with chicken wings, struggling to escape in the arms of their hearts. Xiao Mao said, saying: “Are you chicken wings?”

Hahaha, this little guy did not figure out what chicken wings were from the beginning. It was rare that she could fell in love with it. I laughed: “Xiao Zi, have you ever eaten chicken wings?”

“People are listening to my mother, they haven’t eaten themselves.”

Xiao Zi looked very wronged, but for the dragon, there was no difference between people and chickens. Finally, after discussion, the beauties and Xiao Mao went down the mountain to go back to the mountain to go back to walk back to walk back to walk back to walk back to the mountain. By the way, the dream of chicken wings in the small purple land will be rounded. Ah, oh ~, howling, the second sister -in -law came with a hungry wolf to rush to the amethyst mines in front of me. The chance of digging out high -level crystals is very high. “Boss, have you practiced mining, the chance of making a mining is very high.”

The second sister -in -law found that he dug the most of the five people, followed by me, which is much higher than the cat fish I have trained. “No way, who is the boss, I am a genius, hey, I don’t want to be low -key.”

Four people are in unison —– “Cut \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ "

“Dasha, don’t get your saliva on my head, and you will be distributed to you in a while.”

The second sister -in -law who squatted and stunned said to the side of Dasha, “When did I shed saliva?”

Dasha was said to be stunned, The cat fish on the side said, “Yes, but the light seems to be much darker, let’s drink saliva first.”

Ah \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~! What’s wrong, we look back, God, a huge dragon, a real dragon, a sharp teeth under the reflection of the crystal, and the reaction of everyone is-run! Intersection Usually watching cats and fish can’t move the fastest time when I walk, it really has the essence of thieves. The huge crystal dragon is a tail at the tail of the mouse. At a certain reimbursement, the brothers were flashing. We rushed madly, and the crystal dragon also chased us perseverance. A dragon inflammation almost burned my cool hair from the top of the head. “What’s the matter with the boss, don’t we take a few mines, and we haven’t stealed his wife. As for such desperately, no wonder others say that the dragon is a wealth.”

“My wife didn’t steal it, the daughter couldn’t say it,”

the cat fish said while running. “Don’t say, let’s go to a safe place first!”

Ouch! Halo, wrestling at this time, the second sister -in -law was tripped, and the crystal dragon rushed over. I rushed over, and one of the anti -fire rings bombed the second sister -in -law. At this time, Long Yan also hired from the head. “You can go, just 10 %, I live against it,”

, Dragon’s magic value to the end, the source of magic can not make up. “Boss, it seems to be killed by the super god beast and returned to level 0.”

It was the voice of cat fish It happened that I was hit by the crystal dragon’s tail. The blood was at the bottom. I heard the bad news before the hanging. I was dizzy. You might as well not say it, and then I lost my consciousness. Chapter 12 My Tips I took off the helmet depressed depressed. If I really want to start from 0, it will be too miserable. After practicing for so long, I have experienced so many joy and sorrow. I do n’t have any taste. I want to save the second sister -in -law. Forget it, let’s get the bottle beer refreshing first. Log in again, and the novice lady who hasn’t met for a long time has appeared again. Although she is beautiful, she lacks the spirituality of the real person. “Player soul, please choose whether to use the resurrection Dan.”

The novice lady was still like a sweet expression just now, and it was like an angel smile in my eyes. Yes, resurrected Dan, it seems to be called Rent Dan. Anyway, I have nothing to use now. “Congratulations, successful resurrection, please choose a new career.”

In my vision, the interface at the beginning, cool mage, brave soldiers, handsome archers, thieves thieves thieves, a Taoist priest dressed by a man, or a cool mage. After all, equipment can inherit inheritance. Well, the top equipment on the body does not need to be a storm, I choose a mage “Sorry, you can’t repeat your choice, please choose a new profession!”

No, I really want to start again, my best element’s stick, this time it can be big, there is no way to choose, the others are almost the same. A knight is also good. I chose a soldier, and it was called Little Stone. “Selected success, Master Soul Eatering with Warriors Little Stone Real Enthusiastic Convergence”

I can finally enter the game, 游戏? The surrounding situation is a bit wrong, it is novice village, but it seems that it is not from Yanhuang City. “Brother, which city is the scope of the city?”

I asked a soldier who was smashing towards the big tree not far away. The hard -working soldiers did not know, and answered in an anger: “Isn’t it literate, isn’t it written there?”

I looked at the direction of his fingers, and it was a big brand “Pangu City”

on the gate of the city. Essence I am dizzy, why is it on the site where the old opponent is illegally entered, so be careful not to expose the stuffing, otherwise it will be miserable (if you are killed in the battle, the resurrection point is in the birth city). “Are you practicing a new occupation of a logging worker?”

I asked carefully “Pig, when did you hear the occupation of a loggingman, what about the basic skills of the master in the future?”

Say goodbye to the master of the future, and I should also contact Da Silly them. Is it good to hang up like me? “Xiao Mao, my soul -eating, I now renamed Xiao Shi”

“Boss, where are you, everyone is here, you are coming back, the second sister -in -law is going to commit suicide.”

“He hasn’t died yet. Give me a ruthless K to him. He committed suicide. Lao Tzu is not in vain. Come here, I can’t go back in the novice village in Pangu City. Send me back to my hometown "

“Husband, don’t run around us.”

It was Cher and Baby. There is no way to go around now, but there are many novice villages now, but it is not lonely. Some little monsters are everywhere. , I really work hard. I cut a few knives to get it. I thought that a fart could collapse a large film that year. I do n’t know if I was too diligent or handsome. Pingchuan was deceived by frogs, I flashed. It’s really depressed. I hanging on the tree, watching a group of frogs under the tree who refused to leave. Fortunately, they won’t climb the trees, huh? What is the ring on my hand? Strangely, it seems that there is no novice equipment. Touch it, I subconsciously turn the ring, and the pop -up information “Is the player’s little stone be born with the player? "

Is it? I was happy in my heart, and I chose quickly. The swimming body was shrouded in a smoke around. I felt that the power was constantly returning to me. When you open the space bag, the equipment is all there, but the level has become level 81, level 82 and 81 are the same for me. Hey, frog brothers, we should be intimidated, and let out a ice roar at hand. Send the frog that had just bullied my frog to Xitian, leaving the largest frog king, and a roast frog, hehe, really cool. It seems that you have to study it well, what’s going on.

I gently rotated the ring, and the smoke appeared again.

The power disappeared and I became a small stone of level 0.

Looking at the ring with a few small characters, “reincarnation ring”

, it turned out to be so refreshing. You can appear as another identity, and the province is always watching it for free. “Boss, we are here.”

With the sound, a group of people with high levels rushed into the novice village. The one died. At first they were so brave when they saw the crystal dragon. They first discovered me in love. They jumped into my arms and cried and said, “Dad is bad, don’t want people.”

Fortunately, everyone was excited and did not pay attention to the wording of love. Cher and Baby also cried and rushed into my arms and grabbed the site, and the brothers around were excited. Obviously, the second sister -in -law was unhappy with my eyes. I walked over and patted his shoulder and said, “Don’t say that if you are a brother’s extra words, if you change it to me, you will do it. My mother -in -law’s mother -in -law. "

As soon as I finished speaking, the second sister -in -law was okay, but the beautiful women were angry. The mother tigers shouted that you dare to underestimate the red lady army. Hanging, the atmosphere is active, I am pitiful, sacrificing the ego becomes the whole. After talking about my current situation, when everyone heard that I can use two occupations at the same time, they were stunned one by one. Xiao Mao shook his head and said, “Now you say it is the young master of Longteng Company. This kind of thing can make you encounter, I completely served You. "

Baby said naturally:” I know that it’s okay, my husband is the best. "

Cher just held my hand tightly. Watching me at my focus on everything, for her, whether it is 0 or 82, I am still me. The cat fish nodded and said, “It should be regarded as two numbers at the same time, because if the master of the Tianda list is hung up, we will definitely notify the entire Central Plains, and we have not received the boss’s death information.”

The next thing is not very interesting. I was loved by the baby and love, and the three little witch was pulled and changed the game. Intersection (Xiaoqiang’s lines), go to catch a few ninjas in the future to make them play enough. I asked the second sister -in -law how you escaped, and they were quite strange about this. When the crystal dragon was about to kill Erzi, the love suddenly appeared. Under the buttocks, the whole body trembled, as if when I met the nemesis, I was kicked by love several feet, but ran away highly, and Xiao Zi left it into a pet of love. Now it has become the signboard of the first floor of our world. It is increasing every day. The only problem is that the chicken wings that consume the chicken wings that consume the weight completely at all, so that our imported chicken is going on. “Boss, what should you do now?”

Looking at the silence, Xiao Mao had already found what plan me was, and it was indeed my old partner. Looking at everyone, I said a preliminary plan: “I am going to take Pangu City as the first goal of expansion. Do you have a branch here on the first floor of Xiaomao?”

“Boss, now it is local protectionism. There are branches, but the size of the suppression is not large, and the development is slow.”

Xiaomao also felt a headache for his restaurant to quickly expand. We went back and talked slowly. I turned back to the mage’s soul, otherwise a small accident on the road had to let us run again. A group of people killed back. The newcomer said envy: “Is this the master of the legend? One day I can drag like this.”

Novice A said to B. “I said brother, what do you do with this group of people doing? "

Yeah, it’s not like the people in the ancient city of Panpan, and the teacher and the masses only come here to find a trumpet, strange, strange!” The novice Yi said while digging the vessels, and the food costs tonight were all inside. "

I know the reason !!!”, the mysterious man was born, but the first step of Guangming didn’t take a good first. He was stumped by the tree roots (sorry, and it was a bit excited for a long time). "

But don’t tell you” Mysterious people contempt at the newcomers around, "

If you want to know, buy.” "

Cut \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Brothers made this waste wood!” The mysterious brother was flattened by a group of novice, revealing a pig’s head —– Xiaobai Sheng. (You dare to fight the editor -in -chief plus the reporter to add diligence and miscellaneous workers, known as "

Bai Xiaosheng” Xiaobai Sheng, sooner or later, let you know the consequences of bullying media giants), ah … Chapter 13 Could the trouble come The sky is still as blue, the wind is still so soft, but my mood is not good. Although I had expected that the things between me and Xueer had a lot of resistance, I did not expect it to come so early. Today, I and Xueer. Baby I met in the "

Triumph Plaza” in the city. Everything was so smooth. I accompanied my girlfriend to go shopping. I was tired of being sweet in my heart. It was naughty to see those squinting eyes, and deliberately stunned on my body. The seductive chest continued to rub on my arm. Clicked me. flash! In order to avoid the bodyguard, the two said they wanted to go to the other party’s house. It was said that the freedom of love in the new era. In fact, the Chinese nation with a history of almost 6000 years cannot avoid the door to the door at any time. They are all smooth, in fact, I am too naive, how can the two of the two have such great power not to find our relationship. As soon as we were separated for 5 minutes, I was gently invited to a private room by several suits and leather shoes. There were two men and two women sitting in it. I don’t need to guess that it was Xueer’s elders and even parents. "

You are Wang Zhong, father Wang Jiang, mother is Ning Yingying, all of which are overseas Chinese in the United States. They returned to China 25 years ago and loved archeology and travel. Middle -aged men said that several of my social relationships. “You guys, you should know why we came to you, I just opened the door to see the mountain. What do you want to deal with the relationship with them?”

The middle -aged woman who spoke was the most losing time to take away her youth, but it was even more set off. When she matured and elegant, she accidentally revealed the majesty when she spoke. “We have also investigated you. In general, you are a good guy, but the boyfriend who wants to be my daughter is still far away. You can say that what portals we have, you need to know that the two of them have been used to raising, simple It is said that I have never eaten synthetic food, and the monthly pocket money is tens of thousands. You said you can raise them. "

“Don’t say that love can overcome everything, we want our daughter to live well, you have to understand the heart of your parents.”

“These are still second. Both of them have many pursuers, one of which is more competitive, one is the heir of the world, and the other is the son of the lieutenant. Do you think they will give up easily, sometimes jealousy, sometimes jealousy Men are terrible. "

Anyway, after a lot of “persuasion”

, it is nothing more than good gathered and retreating. It is impossible for them to say what I can say. It is impossible for me to leave Cher and Baby I will not be separated from Xueer. I am not afraid of the fear of the time. Finally, I heard that my competitors will arrive at the birthday party of the day after tomorrow. of. “Do you see the pressure he lived?”

The baby’s mother belongs to the good wife and mother, fearing that I can’t bear the blow. “Wife, if he wants to marry our daughter, this must be faced. Even this small difficulty and small pressure can’t stand, hum,”

, a majestic man is obviously more realistic. “Yeah, even if one, I even wanted to have a double carving, and my appetite was not small. I have my style of the year. Oh, my wife I was wrong.”

Xueer’s father was also at home and didn’t really look down on the poor egg. “I think things are not so simple. With the strength of our two, there are people who can’t find out the origin. I see a bit.”

Xueer’s mother found that things were not so simple with her keen observation. “Maybe, but I don’t think he is very clear. No matter how the day after tomorrow’s birthday banquet is the first test, go back and control your daughter. Don’t let them enter the game in the past two days, we will prepare it. Back home with groggy, it ’s hard to say that it’ s hard to say. Mom and mother, you know that his son is now in trouble! Bringing the helmet into the second world with a confused helmet, sitting in the main palace of the city, the love jumped into my arms: "

Why is my father worrying, why are you not there?” What to say, but it is strange that I can enter and exit the different spaces without the need for me to call. In the distress, I briefly said things, and I felt more happy in my heart. The world sentiment outside will not understand. "

Dad, as long as you and your mother love each other, everything else is a trivial matter, rest assured, there is a way to love.” It is strange to say a confident smile. I believe her from my heart. She is a character in the game. Yeah, I secretly laughed at when it became so weak. “Thank you for your good daughter, my dad will not give up, I will prove myself.”

Regardless of him, the boat is naturally straight to the bridge head. Besides, how can others know how to know, unlucky, and I think of my previous experience. “Dad, let me do something, you play it yourself.”

After kissing me, I disappeared. I was dizzy. I became a child. I am now a large level 81, and the trumpet is still 0. I feel a little perverted. Level 80 to 81 is a super sad threshold. I did not expect that I was lucky to surpass. Now I am lucky. I can’t think of someone who will be my opponent. Unless the other party has a strong adventure like me, the little stone has no mood for the time being. “I said my brother, what are you thinking, Xueer, why didn’t you come?”

It was in the mood. “Are your five sisters always shadow?”

“That is, our sisters are heart -linked.”

He pouted his mouth, and his face was proud, and everyone else smiled. “Are you ready for the birthday of the day after tomorrow, we are ready,”

Xinluo said. “Ah? Oh, it’s almost.”

It turned out that they knew too. “If you have any thoughts, you can find a way, unless you don’t treat us as a friend!”

I was very determined, and I could only say the situation. The five sisters came together for a while, and came over, “Rest assured, with us, we will never let you lose.”

Although I do n’t know the origin of the five sisters, I think it should not be simple, but as a man, I am depressed. I must show their two -handed town the day after tomorrow. The sisters are gone, and I don’t know what to do. A person stays there like a fool. The best way to vent the depression is naturally killing and killing. I rarely come from the magic pig hole. The level of leveling does not make much sense for me now. Today I came to slaughter. There are 7 layers of the magic pig hole. The level and quantity of each layer of pigs will greatly increase. I did not rush to the bottom with Xiao Yan, and the one who blocked me died. , Bing Roar played to the end, the lower level is a little lower, and the people on the road were easily spike. Later, the people on the road saw that I was far away, as if seeing ghosts. At this time By the 7th floor, although there are many strangeness in the 7th floor, there are many people. Most of them are a group of people hiding in the corner to occupy the position. The thieves go out to lead the monsters. There are 60 white pigs, which are three times that of ordinary devil pigs. Like a mobile hill, this guy’s skin can be used as rockets, the attack power is horrible, but the movement speed is average. Slowly being killed by the mage and the archer, many players rely on them to get rich. It’s finally a bit difficult for me. Looking at my meteor fire, I let it go, I let it go! This time it is a peace mode that I use. I don’t want to become a red apple. I can’t help me. I sit on the ground with my buttocks, but look up. The guys in the corner stared at me one by one. I didn’t like to be stared at by men, and there were still so many. I was more comfortable in my mood. I should go back and prepare. ah! I forgot to bring back to the scroll of the city. I won’t let me run back. Look at the surroundings. By the way, find someone to borrow one, and walk towards my recent combination. To speak, a group of guys brushed together and set up the battle formation, and they all started to transform. Why is it so unfriendly? Hush ~, “Please boss, don’t be scary, okay, I am cowardly, be careful of the liver and still flutter?”

Speaking is a thief’s more than 50 levels. “Hehe, sorry, but although I am not very handsome, but I haven’t been scary yet?”

“I also said, people thought you couldn’t be addicted to killing monsters? Scared me.”

A cute elf archer patted his small chest and pouted. I am dizzy, I am not a murderer, and a Taoist priest in it gave me a scroll back to the city, but it seems that he has only one. The equipment is given to you as thank you. " "

Really? It’s so good.” There were several heads in the pig just now, and the burst would not be too bad. Then goodbye, open the back of the city. "

Who is that person?” The people who just walked around began to gather here, "

Xiao Jing, you sent it, a lot of things returned to the city scroll.” "

Stupid, I know with my buttocks, who can have such a big conclusion except the demon king’s soul eater, and I don’t know.” "

It’s really amazing, I really don’t know how he practiced. You see the level of others, that equipment, I have a night dream.” "

I have such a husband like this, there is no need to worry about anything, Dorra wind,", the idiot girl Ding started to dream during the day. "

You save, one of the two girlfriends of others is the goddess Xue of the Phoenix and the other is the little witch Xiaoxue. It is the beautiful woman in the top 3 of the stunning list. You, I will accept it." Wake up the idiot girl Ding. Chapter 14 I’m going to the banquet immediately. The location is that I am Xiaoxue’s home. I looked at the mirror for a long time. Well, fortunately, it is like a person who has no money and no potential. Others are bad, … it seems nothing. Ah, at 7 o’clock, set off. I originally wanted to ride my old car, but think about it, I recruited TAXI and came to a villa in a protected area for more than half an hour. , Have to say that it costs huge sums of money. "

Please show your invitation", the bodyguard at the door stopped me. Although respectful in his mouth, his eyes were obviously disdain. Where is this wild boy? In fact, his performance is already good. At least I didn’t drive me out. I couldn’t have any brand -name clothing. I usually didn’t care about this. I could only wear each set of clothes every time I went home to see Grandpa *** I didn’t wear much, the whole is black, I can’t see what material is, there is a villain’s pattern on my mind. In fact, it is very complicated to look at it carefully. , My parents’ silver silk, parents said that each of their family members have a symbol of the family, which of our family’s clothing, and I always think that my hometown is too weird. Anyway, there is no good clothes, at least you can make special special. The door at the door saw that I took out a golden invitation, the face became fast, and the smile could be revealed from the bones. It’s really … Suddenly someone called me when I was about to enter the door, "

Brother, wait for us." It was the mood that they had been waiting for me outside. middle…… With the accompaniment of the five daughters, many people have come inside. Three or five in groups chatted. At first glance, I knew that they were giants in business and political circles. Lao Tzu was the poor. The children of the family, one by one, immediately attracted attention when we entered the door. The old side was okay. The younger sisters next to me saw that the sisters next to me changed their faces. After finishing, it became a public enemy. "

Sister, how do you come?" Xueer broke free from the admirable person and ran to us. "

How do you think of someone among us." Xin Meng opened Xueer’s joke. "

Huh, who miss him. Sister, let me introduce it." Say pulling us over there. "

These are good friends I know in the world." After speaking, he pointed to another pile of saying, "

They are all friends of Xiaoxue. After speaking, they will introduce them one by one. My two are also among them. Xing Army, the second son of General Xing Tianxia, and the second -year A of the Galaxy University of the Galaxy University, and such as about 185, it is also tall and handsome. The future heirs of the three major companies are about to be the first grade A and other students of the Galaxy University. Wearing a golden mirror, these are not ordinary sisters. The relationship is not achieved, because his admission is entirely by the main computer of the Alliance of the Earth, and the wolf’s saliva is about to flow out when introducing the sisters of Xinjia. The changes, the generous and decent manifestation, when I introduce me, the disdain of one by one

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