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Chapter_31 Screaming, .



just called Dad, .



No one cares about it, Xiao Zi also jumped around!




Cat is also cheering.

She seems to forget that I am her enemy?

Intersection Intersection Seeing my eyes is also very enthusiastic, if the flames are normal, .



she seems to be very excited.

The white skin is excited and blushing, and the towering breasts can not hold up.

Dead, .



but now no one seems to be appreciated.

The four fairy belongs to the semi -exciting person.

After all, the identity is different.

In fact, the four sisters have discussed it in private.

In fact, the entire Central Plains deserves only the demon king as the demon.

There are too many wives, and each is no worse than them, and even better than them.

Besides, they are still women, and the opposite type of fascination, even if it is interesting, can not be too revealed.

The style is still a little bit exciting.

The catkins know more about me.

They know that in reality are also a super mysterious character.

The mysterious, to the woman who moves the heart, the lethality is unlimited.

Of course, there are some calm people.

Illegal entry, clearing the apple fragrance, and naturally will not cheer for me.

If there is one day, the earth should turn around.

Qinglong is full of jealousy.

The person who is eager to above be himself!

The bosses of other guides are also envious, of course, the movements will not be so crazy.




How can I wait for so long, and the opponent does not appear?

Intersection Intersection At this time, everyone felt a little less, and began to find my opponent everywhere.




The result was thrown up, .



it was a 76 -level thief, the name was flying a little pig.

But the first action he was thrown was running down .



Khan, what’s going on.

“Let’s open, let me go, let me go down, don’t stop the road, I said earlier, I surrendered, let it open!”

As a result, the person below was to stop him from letting him go. “You surrendered, what do we see, no, no surrender!”

“That is, the thieves of level 76, what are you afraid of, go!”

“Who, who said, you are not afraid of you, I don’t seem to be destroyed, I can’t kill it!”

Feitian Xiaozhu said squeezing down, but how could he resist the power of living in the masses! The little pig who was pushed back gave me a cute smile, “Hey, Mr. Demon King, etc., a little problem, isn’t the conference allowing abstain? "

Dizzy, no, this is OK, level 76 thieves! As a result, the host gave this question to everyone, … the result is that abstains are not allowed. Feitian little pig is a little dizzy. What kind of world is this? There is still no human rights. When he saw the moment he saw it, … suddenly a little dizzy, among 255 people, the headcolor actually made him among him. It ’s … I knew it should have escaped immediately, but it seemed that the troubles and the disaster came. … Who is the person who thrown him just now, fork, you must go back to be fiercely, … It seems that he was thrown up by countless hands, forget it, I still recognize it! Seeing that the other party had war, I also became serious. After all, the thieves of level 76 are not so fun. This is the second public appearance after the blood -stuffing sword opened, but the last time it did not exert its strength at all, it was over. I hope this time it will be better. I pulled out the blood -stuffing sword, and I was lucky to fight the high -level blood dragon. The whole person glowed with the blood red in the blood red, and the blood -stuffing magic sword in my hand immediately showed a more exciting state of fighting. The image of the entire demon king appeared! (This is specially required by Xiaomao. It is impossible to say that men do n’t pretend to be cool this year. Under the intimidation, I can only promise him! In fact, how exaggerated the game is!) The opposite Flying Pig also used all the skills of the thief to show his short blades. At first glance, I was about to launch an attack. All players stared nervously to see how my first trick was amazing. At this moment, Feitian Little Pig squeezed “Wait”

Following everyone’s stunning, with a short blade filled with sucking and paralyzed poison, he quickly gave himself a death blow, … fork, so good luck, he succeeded! The little pig, the words when lying down are, “The greatness of life, the glory of death, I am here !!!”

The audience fell half, and there was no place to fall! Khan, I have been in vain for so long, you are ruthless! … … The flying little pig, who has run out of the resurrection point, walks on the way home happily, … First hid for a while, after all, “I offended”

so many people at once, or be careful. I want me to be a target, let you see the excitement, hum, the pigs are not so stupid, can’t afford to avoid it! Hey, it really doesn’t matter if you do less people! Drinking a small wine, humming a small tone, the little pig is very happy, … whoever plays so many people at once will be very happy. My first war was over, dizziness. They are very happy, but their husbands are powerful, and their reputation can scare people. Baby and they are already celebrating. … dizzy, I didn’t do it. What are the good celebrations? However, people are like this. This is even more sounded. The demon king scared the 76 -level thieves and so on. Such news has always passed fast. “Fork, what kind of people are really this year, it is better to commit suicide without suicide, and it is uncomfortable to add a momentum to the boy of the soul eater!”

He also knows his power, and the surrender will be made in advance. “Oh, the name of the soul -elixir can be scary, and the undead brother is not bad. Maybe your opponent will scare away!”

Qingqing apple fragrance held a few words, but it made it clear that it was more realistic. I have n’t been so faint for a long time for illegal entry. The guy almost knocked him down just now, and suicide was so proud of the scenery. This is the one. Love Caleo and Eternal Magician are straightforward. It is rare to make the two of them turn like this …. They originally thought that this guy was going to be desperate. I did not expect ….. ., Fierce! Text 10062 Gongxian Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5631 The first battle of the devil should be successful. Poor opponents are forced by players who are eager to see the demon king. Glory, I am here! “It became the fun talk of some players before and after meals. The fame of Flying Pig was spread throughout the Central Plains, and was later the originator of the suicide. Maybe he is not the first person to commit suicide, but no one will be more classic than his suicide in the future. As a parties, the little pig of Flying, recalling the scene of the scene was very proud, saying that it was the most beautiful thing in life, and suddenly there were so many people. In fact, he participated in the first military conference in the world to test his strength. I have discussed with a strong man, but I never thought about it. Later, I heard that the opponent was the demon king’s soul, and I knew that there was nothing to learn about. Anyway, I lost it. The apprentice even ignored his opposition, and he still came up, and he did not allow abstains. He was so reasonable, and he had to use it. He could only use killer. Thinking of the silly when those people fainted, the pigs just ate the sweetness of honey and made the stimulant as happy. "

The originator of suicide from the Second World —— The Flying Little Pig” ###### Although I did not see the demon king, the effect of being able to commit suicide by another opponent was even more amazing, and no one would doubt the strength of the devil’s soul -elimation! There are only three masters who can challenge soul -eating in their minds. Illegal entry, love Shopeno, mood, other people have to almost, unless they suddenly make something hidden. The 29th round, the endless appearance, this old boy probably can’t wait. If you think the popularity is low, then it is very wrong. A large number of supporters, each existence has the inevitability of its existence. 76 -level thief is not dead without VS75 warlock medical soldiers Medical soldiers naturally know what the opponents in front of them are eating, and they are also knowing what the first level means to deal with thieves. As soon as they come on, they use fairy gas to release them. Really, staring nervously at the endless endlessness. It is not a hero who is not dead. There is a popular face. It is definitely the kind of forgetfulness, but it is getting better for a killer. The killer hall is running step by step. Of course It has been from behind the scenes to the stage, and after having enough strength, I don’t care about this. Now he can be regarded as a master -level figure. Naturally, he cannot sneak attack. When the other party is ready, he will move endlessly. One acceleration suddenly disappears! ——sneak! (When attacking the opponent, it will be in shape. It will consume magic and a certain life during action. Medical soldiers naturally knew each other’s stunts, and immediately paid attention to the movement, especially their own side and behind .



suddenly appeared from the front and endlessly.

It’s around!

First of all, a fierce poison, followed by paralysis, followed by simple assassination.

When the first failure was invalid, the medical soldiers also launched a counterattack.

Anyway, all the defense has been added.

If you play with the thief, sooner or later To death, offense is the only choice!

The five -element thunder bombed in the endlessness, and did not dodge or dodge.

He continued to attack.

The Five Elements Lei did not hit.

Under the fifth fast assassination, the medical soldier fell down and was fatal!

Winning endlessly!







Players know that there will be a winning victory for eighty -nine or nine, but I think this is too ordinary.

If you encounter the same level, or a person who is taller than him, isn’t it over?

Intersection The endless victory did not get a lot of applause, and even his supporter was just a rare applause.




Six assassinations were successful, luck is really good!

(The fatal rate of high -level assassination is 5 %) There is nothing to say without death.

It is still a gentle uncle, as if it is a poor and harmless animal, .



don’t be harmless if he is harmless!

“Undead brother, you are still so insidious!”

Qingqing apple has a delicate sip of Jinglong Tea, Non -dead is just a smile, a man should look like. The master of the heavenly list is naturally not blowing. The habit of killer is just the more exposed, the greater the chance of failure. In the 30th game, our hot and moving fire fairy enthusiastically came on the field! The performance of the beauty is naturally popular, especially the single woman. The name of the four fairy is like thunderous ears. Since the “oath”

of the four women co -served, it is even more famous. On the fairy -like day, if you marry four stunning beauty, you can be happy, not to mention that there are such big dowry such as the Dream Rose Troupe. Intersection Although the reality is cruel, the miracle makes up for this. As long as the man wants to be the person who is hit by the pie, the peony flower dies, and the ghost is also romantic! There are not a few people who cheer for Fire Fairy. The four fairy is the most refreshing personality of the Fire Fairy, and it is not too disgusted with men. As long as you look at you, it is easy to communicate. N -masters have made this breakthrough … Although there is no progress yet, everyone believes that those who have aspirations have become! Moreover, the Fire Fairy has a body that is not fascinated. The beauty of the same level looks much simpler than the fascination. If the fascination is a master of fascinating people, the Fire Fairy is a natural instinct. The same goes are the same, … how to say relatively simple fire fairy is easier to start! The most important thing is, … Looking at the five major diamonds on the side of the fascination, ordinary men have retired, and they must consider a bit of power, and the most important thing is that the fascination itself is too difficult! Can’t say that, she posted it to someone, and someone dare not want it … Fire fairy is dressed in a standard warlock, and the white warlock’s suit cannot cover her crazy figure. This kind of holy and sexy combination makes all men crazy! The situation under the field is naturally one side. The players are crazy to cheer the fire fairy. The enthusiasm is naturally very happy. The white face is flushed with blushing, and her hearty smile really makes all players like spring breeze. “Fork, these little lady’s skin can eat by her face and figure!”

He said with a lot of enthusiasm on the field, “Hey, I don’t know if I am also enthusiastic on the bed. I really want to. Try it! "

“Then you can try it!”

Qingqing apple incense teased, “Hey, if I have your age and appearance, in the morning, Brother Apple, to be honest, your appearance is really good, but this kind of woman stays around for a long time, too depressed, I think you are the most you best. It’s so tender to find a few girls! "

As soon as I heard this, Qingqing apple incense stared fiercely, and she was furious. After thinking about it, I thought about it, and I laughed. “This kind of thing is talking about it later, I have no energy now!”

Smilelessly, this apple fragrance is enough. It seems very strong. Even his wife is not flat. If you give it to him, hum! However, they are in conflict. He watched the younger guy who was smaller than himself, but he was more insidious, and he was afraid of his heart! Fire fairy’s enthusiastic opponent is a masked person, and the name is also hidden. However, for this kind of hidden guy, players generally take two methods. If they are not fairy, maybe everyone will have a good opinion of him. After all, it is the only mysterious person in the conference. Sometimes playing with it. Playing gimmicks is also very noticeable. But unfortunately, his opponent is the Fire Fairy of Volkswagen’s beloved. In this way, there has been an anti -effect. Everyone has a more disgusted behavior of this hidden head. 76 -level warlock Fire Fairy Passion is like Huo VS76 Warriors masked man After the host announced the basic situation of the two parties, everyone suddenly discovered that the other party turned out to be a special professional. The Warriors seemed to have evolved from the warrior. The competition started, and the enthusiasm came up with the fans when the fire came up! Well, the audience suddenly exploded. The first time the fantasy rose group’s novice Meimei used the Xiaoyao Fan was a fire fairy’s Xiaoyao Fan. Intersection Such a horrible weapon is so terrible in a novice. The power in the hands of a 76 -level senior artist is even more known! After seeing Xiaoyao Fan, the other party only suffered slightly, and immediately returned to normal. As soon as the soldiers appeared on the weapon spectrum, everyone was more enthusiastic, and the folding fan fairy in their hands was even more impressive, but everyone had no response when I saw this masked person. It’s normal to have been seen before, but in a while he will experience it with his own body! The masked people went out of the camouflage (masked), which immediately caused the audience to shock! It’s really real people! Obviously, my king’s suit is almost compared with the fancy aspects. My king’s suit is glittering, and his body equipment is purple golden. Although the luster is not as good as mine, there is no kind of one. The strange feeling seems to contain infinite power! All players present are shocked. In the second world, in general, the beauty of equipment also represents its strength! This purple golden armor is really cool. If mine is the king’s spirit, then he is the spirit of the brave general! It is a kind of war that has nothing to do with invincible! “Fork, what is the stuff, it looks valuable!”

Looking at this masked person like a gold coin. Suddenly turned his head to Qingqing Apple incense, “Brother Apple, who do you think he is, will it be the dead guy?”

Qingqing apple incense also watched the masked people on the field. The intuition of the soldiers made him feel the power. The other party was a difficult role. Unexpectedly, the competition conference really led to a high person! “No, it should not be. His body shape is larger than the war, yes, it is still stronger! And if the war is constantly, he has such equipment to come to me to calculate!”

“Also, I don’t think it’ s like. I heard that the war constantly picking up trash in Kunlun! But I really ca n’t think of what kind of soldiers can reach this extent. Is it really an outdoor expert? "

“Maybe there are only two cases of masses. One is not to be famous, for fear of bringing trouble for yourself, and the other is acquaintances. I am afraid of being recognized by someone. I see the former. It’s as utilitarian as us! "

“Haha, Brother Apple has always been so humble!”

… … “Husband, who are you looking at this person?”

They were also very curious. When did such an unknown master, what we knew had a special profession was the assassin-character Not good, … but the personality is bad, and now he has not found his special professional set! To be honest, my heart also suspected that he was constantly war, but the body was not like it, and there was no need to be like this. If it is just an ordinary player, this talent is worth excavating. Of course, it is necessary to investigate his line in advance. After all, the current magic palace is lacking from a brother, not just relying on strength. The competition has begun, and the Fire Fairy also sees the difference between the other party, especially what does special occupation plus a special set mean! The soldiers on the opposite side also took out their own weapons —— a stick! Khan … why do you look more like a golden hoop? Intersection Intersection God, wrong, Jade Emperor, do you drink too much? Intersection After the masked man’s golden hoop in his hand, the power was doubled, which was even more indestructible! Seeing this special weapon, the Fire Fairy had to be more cautious.

She now feels a little worried.

Fortunately, there is a fan fan in her hand, otherwise she may only admit defeat!

With the powerful attack power of Xiaoyao Fan, the warlock’s own strong defense, the Fire Fairy is still very sure!

With the fire, the super five -element thunder has already killed the masked facing opposite.

Although the masked people showed their hands, everyone still supports our beauties to hang this barbarian!







Holding a stick to fight a beautiful woman, think about it and make people feel heartache!

Thinking of the comrades below the comrades, they are even more laborious .



Of course, there are so abnormal people who like to watch the beautiful women, but they dare not call out, otherwise they will be flattened by others!

The masked person’s whole body has a purple golden fighting gas, and the stick in his hand rotes in the air.

He didn’t keep his hand!

The five -element thunder broke through the defense of the stick, but it was blocked by the fighting gas.




obediently, this kind of power is probably compared with my senior fighting gas.

It seems that it is not much worse than the illegal flame fighting!

The assault masked man smashed it with a ruthless heavily, and the purple stick was directly pressed towards the enthusiasm.

I had to retreat quickly, and the pressure came to make her understand that this was not what she could resist, but she could only retreat!

However, the obvious masters of people are much faster than her.

She is closely pressing, a stick and a stick.

At first, it was used to suppress the Fire Fairy’s counterattack with a great power.

Exquisite stick techniques, piercing the space of the left and right dodge of Fire Fairy, can only keep back and back!

At the same time, I also counterattacked.

Super Five Elements Layin still bombed towards the masked people.




The enthusiasm feels that the other person is merciless, otherwise it can attack themselves many times.

She is very clear that her defense is definitely unstoppable, her power is great, and the fastest five -element thunder has not harmed the other party.

At the time, the opponent’s stick was actually .




It’s not the extension of the fighting, but the stick!

Intersection Intersection Still hitting my own way, what weapon can this be explicit?

Intersection Intersection The players below also watched their mouths one by one.

A good bear, if it wasn’t for the other party, I really thought it was “monkey essence”

! Intersection Intersection If you are slightly clever, you can see it. At this speed, the Fire Fairy cannot release the power of great power at all, and the five -element thunder is obviously not harmful, but the other party is obviously merciless. Attacking directly, but hitting the empty door everywhere, forcing the fire fairy back! …… finally Fire Fairy finally pushed down the protective cover! The purple golden fighting gas on the masked people suddenly rose, and there were signs of flames. This is the most typical feature of the high -level fighting spirit. I really looked at the heroes in the world before, it was really exciting! The masked population is holy and sinking: “Big Dingjiangshan!”

The golden hoop in his hand suddenly thickened, a purple gas rolled up, and the bombardment towards the Fire Fairy … Killing next to the fire, hitting it directly on the protective cover! “System warning, 15 % of the attack exceeds the alarm line, and the attack exceeds 15 %”

The Fire Fairy leaned on the protective cover helplessly, feeling the vibration in it, and the expression was a bit stupid, very loving, the breasts were constantly undulating, her face was flushed, and she was always popular. Now if she is a good baby, she is the same as a good baby. It’s really seductive! At this time, the masked person’s low and hoarse voice remembered, “I don’t hit a woman, you are not my opponent!”

The enthusiastic face is even more popular, and the mosquito -like sound in the mouth, “I admit defeat.”

Masked people wins. After winning, the masked man put away the golden hoop stick and dispersed the fighting gas. He didn’t look at the fire fairy. He turned around and walked. The players under the stage automatically divided into a way. This mysterious person in front of him has won his respect with strength and action! Although he can’t see his expression, it can be seen from his eyes, there is only persistence and strong inside! The pawn of the essay 10063 love Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5402 When everyone thought that the first lap of the preliminary round entered the end, the sudden appearance of the masked people added a variable to the subsequent game. I am afraid that the opponent’s mercy will be lying on the ground for a long time. From this game, you can see that the opponent is a big man who is deep, but also pity the big man. The low and hoarse sound is fascinated by a lot of beauty. Such a strong and such personalized person, who doesn’t like it. , Girls like this deep man! … The most important thing is the other party’s pair of “electric eyes”

, which is so lonely and deep like the sea. As soon as Xiao Meimei saw it, it was too charming and contagious! And overwhelming the fire fairy with a strong power, but not hurting her, it also increased the taste of a powerful man, which allows women to rely on women and men he conquered! The masked person himself ignored this. He gradually disappeared into the player’s field of vision as if nothing happened, and everything that happened later seemed to have nothing to do with him. His back is so tall and lonely, he feels like this! The girls found the excitement of the new idol, but the men were different. They found a new strong, so strong that they could shake the characters in the heavenly list! The more intense competition, the more excited they are! Although he can’t say how he is better than the demon king, he absolutely reached and close to illegal entry. He loves New Corolla’s realm, and it depends on their game. Thinking of so many masters, everyone can’t help but be surging! Masters have their own names, and the title is naturally sent by all players. … I claim to be an idiot, just like my nickname has always been the demon king. The title of Mo Tianzi was not accepted by everyone. The devil is recognized. Simply represents his strength and status, don’t be so complicated! The fancy nickname gives people a real feeling! What are the Mai of Demon King in this year? There are more devils in the troubled times. If you accounted for a mountain, you can be called the king, but you can’t get on the table. There is only one demon king. Other people with a little strength will consciously avoid this title and find out that it meets himself in line with himself. The title! Get rid of the guidelines of each strength faction when you get rid of the shadow of the demon king! The nickname of the masked person is —– Qi Tian Dasheng! Like the legendary courage, although he will not have seventy -two changes, and it is not a monkey essence, his bravery and loneliness, and the extremely powerful strength is owned by Qi Tian Dasheng! A fearless brave! Especially the “golden hoop stick”

in the hand is even more popular! If this golden hoop is selected by the soldiers, it can definitely be on the list, and may even enter the top three, but not all people seek their names and benefits! If a masked person is not, what is he for, and why is he participating in the first military conference in this world? Intersection Fire Fairy has been a little dissatisfied since the defeat. If he releases some complicated Taoism earlier, the situation may be better. Who would think that the other party would be so fierce. Now it is definitely not possible. You can only find the opportunity to teach the tibetan -tail guy after the competition conference is over! …… It turned out to be so ugly! The feeling in her heart is very strange. The man feels like the feeling of soul eater. She is so excited. How much she wants to fight with the soul -eating, unfortunately, she was wrong! Qinglong’s game is also more popular. After all, it is the strongest emerging party. Although his ghost dragon was defeated, he also left a deep impression on everyone. This time, the owner came out. Intersection The appearance of Qinglong is relatively mighty. At first glance, it is like a lunar husband, but paying attention to observing his eyes will find the mystery! At first glance, people who give people a smart feeling, everyone is guarded, naturally cannot become atmospheric, and it is reduced to a position like conspirators. Qinglong also gives players a satisfactory answer, superb technology, strong strength, and obvious efforts, leaving room for imagination! The opponent is too weak to play … … This makes everyone look forward to the collision between these masters. The first round was over. The only thing that was unexpected was that the Fire Fairy, who had a fan fan, lost her enthusiasm. She failed to create another hero. Now someone has produced a real identity of a masked person with 1,000 gold coins! It’s time for dinner, and everyone takes the opportunity to rest. Regardless of losing or losing, everyone can fight back on the wine table! However, life is not so wishful. At least for desperate San Wolf, because Qinglong sent people to invite fascination to have dinner together. In fact, this is also the problem. Qinglong’s reputation is not good.

For the decision of fascination, everyone is also very headache.

At least the three wolves are headaches.

Go still or not.

What is all for this?

Intersection Intersection The three wolves suddenly looked at the still fascinating feelings.

A strange feeling rushed to my heart, and suddenly it seemed to wake up from the falling falling sleep.

Seduces, but it is a kind of understanding.

The other party seems to have nothing to do with himself.

It is pure appreciation.

The feeling of shocking at first seeing her is just like when it comes.

Recalling the experience of so many days, it is like a next life!

What have you done, ignore brothers and friends, and turn around such a woman all day.

She is beautiful, but what’s the use of beauty?

This kind of woman is not what she wants.

Think about what the previous actions must have added a lot of trouble to the brothers, but everyone has never said anything.

Maybe many people may not be used to the style of fascination, but no one said to him.

Is such a woman really worth paying like this?

Love is mutual, not endless choice, nor is it buying and selling.

It is really important, but feelings are the key to maintaining a long -term!

The desperate three wolves suddenly became spiritual and resurrected!

It became the three wolves that had been bold and enthusiastic before, and were not so careful and lost their soul.

Seeing the changes in the desperate wolf, the fascinating eyes were bright, but there was a bad feeling in my heart.

“Three wolves, do you go with me tonight?”

The fascination smiled, and said to the San Wolf, which attracted a few other jealous eyes. If it was a minute ago, the San Wolf might agree happily. Now everything seems to have nothing to do with themselves. Women can have a certain amount of coquettishness, but they cannot endure endlessly. Other men may endure , But that’s not him, not to desperate the wolf, what he wants is not that love! “I’m sorry, Miss Fascination, there is still a little thing in the meeting, and I am lost. I am really happy to be with you during this time. The three wolves will always remember!”

I took a deep look Woman, although she did not treat herself for a while, but the feeling, enthusiasm and soul lost, and the feeling of first love, he would always remember, buried in his heart, a profound and beautiful memory. After the San Wolf turned around and left, everything was so far. From then on, they were just friends. The three wolves were a man and a man who took it up! But is it really like this? Intersection The three wolves did not return to the Magic Palace, nor did he go to the first floor of the world. He just wanted to find a place that was unknown and drunk quickly! Come and say goodbye to his failed first love! I don’t want others to disturb, this evening belongs to myself! Sorrow borrowing wine is even more worried! Hui Jian chopped love, how many people can have this Hui sword? But he knew that there was no choice but to fall, this relationship is gone! The fascination would ignore the secret joy of the other four people, and looked at the desperate three wolves in the distance, and suddenly felt that I should also consider it seriously. She doesn’t like to desperately desperately. She just likes him. He said to be his brother. This excuse is too vulgar, just a trustworthy friend, but the three wolves left gave her a lot. She knows that a true love has been lost and the person who loves her has left. Where is the person she loves? She needs a quiet place to think about things, and some things she never thought about before and did not want to think. As for Qinglong, … a person waited anxiously in the box, waiting … I, Xueer, Feiyun, Baby, Xiangzi, mood, and love, enjoying a warm and joyful family dinner, a few people are happy! Watching Xueer teased joyfully, I was really very touching. I was willing to pay all the efforts to maintain their happy smile at this moment! Some people may think that I am really lucky. It can be said that they are unblocked all the way, and there are all beautiful women and status, but what they see is the result. Who thinks of my efforts! The Magic Palace did not appear out of thin air, and Xue’er did not have to follow me! The good starting point is different, but from the moment the human beings are born, life has not been equal. No matter you belong to that category, one point is yes. Only by paying can there be harvest! Otherwise, you will have the qualifications of Jinshan Yinshan! Others say that I rely on luck, and I do n’t care, I do n’t care, mine is mine, no matter how he came, some people ca n’t say the best! Wrong, the big mistake is special, the favorite person is beside me, I can do anything for them! Maybe the devil may be a magic, there is magic! I didn’t find it before, … but I like it, how many colds and summer heats, how happy and revenge, how about being a devil! ###### The Sanwolu found a small hotel, not the belonging to the Magic Palace. It was an unknown hotel. The facilities were very poor. In the past, he often came to this kind of place, but it seems that it has not been here for a long time. Maybe It is a strange thing to appear here, but now, now it is best for him! Now it is the peak time, but most of the foreigners have a little capital, they will not come here, and the general players will come. Although their lives are relatively bland, they also enjoy their happiness. The game It’s a game for them! No one recognized him, just like he gradually forgot his past, … life is like this. Suddenly he saw an unexpected person who should not appear here and the most appeared here! —— The war is non-stop! The war stopped without stopping the glass, watching the desperate wolf, and there was not much surprise. He pointed to the seat opposite, and the three wolves sat down silently! Needless to say, masked people must be him! “Brother Three Wolf, you must be happy in life, come, do a bowl!”

“Oh, there are fewer cups of confidants, and three bowls are drunk first!”

The desperate three wolves drank quickly, and a kind of pleasure rushed up! Who said that men do not cry, but when they are not sad! No one said two people, you, a bowl, a bowl of me, a bowl of my bowl, and a bowl of you … The war kept away, and the three wolves did not stay. He knew his suffering. What was the most powerful weapon in the world? The answer may be hundreds of thousands, but love is the most powerful in their hearts. Resistance! The infatuated man is the most bitter! The war kept gone, but he was still there, there were still few wines, and there were many wines. ###### The war kept away, he didn’t say goodbye, it was brother, and he would understand him. Just like when he saw the desperate wolf here, he understood that he didn’t need too much words, and he understood. In just half a month of struggle, he got it. The most desperate thing after that incident —— Power, you can chase the power of the peak, the warrior evolutionary occupation —— Warrior, get the warrior, get Wars are kept worse than anyone! He does not need praise from others, nor does he need anyone’s approval, including, without trace, he participated in this conference, yes, to be up with Qingqing apple fragrance, but it is not for revenge, nor is it directed to direction No trace proves what, not to mention mystery, and petitioning. He just has to prove to himself that he is constantly fighting! Win, or defeat, these are his own things, and you don’t need other people to insert. This is why he masked. But when he left, he didn’t say anything to the desperate wolf, because he knew he would understand himself! Maybe everyone’s life is destined, he is only suitable for loneliness. Maybe, when, your own destiny will change ………… This is an ordinary night, but it is unusual to some people … ###### The next few rounds of fighting was even more thrilling. The climax was over. Among the 128 people, 16 super masters stood out! Those who can hit here can be said to be a master of masters. It is impossible to have a few skills of the housekeeper! No. 1 seed player demon king soul! No. 2 seed player illegal entry! No. 3 seed player Aixin Jue Luo! The other 13 people are the rich world-Qingqing apple fragrance; Heavenly Kills —— Never die; Dragon Slaying Witch —— Mood; The King of Master —— Forever Ancient Magic Master; Double Kill of the Magic Palace —— Dasha; The Qinglong of the Four Holy Beasts; Eternal Comet —— Comet Harley; Qitian Dasheng —— Maskedman; Rose Witch —— Impatisness; Elf County Lord —— Melancholy Little Cat; Blood Drops —— Blood Shadow; The devil war will be desperate for three wolves; Unconscious Girls’ No Party —— Liberty. This is the elite of the Central Plains, the focus of the people’s attention. Everyone is a hero with one side. With a stomach, one party will shake and shake. There is no luck here, only strength! Everyone has the strength close to the tip of the pyramid, but only one in the world can only have one!

One of them, here, today, Standing at the Peak of the Central Plains, looking down at the world!

There is no first, Wuwu is not second!

The world’s first, this seductive title is the ultimate goal pursued by countless players.

Now sixteen people are very close.

You only need “four steps”

to reach the top! Whether you are a demon king, hero, hero, killer, mysterious man, hooligan, beauty, dazzling girl, girl, there is only one opponent who defeats you here, you are the winner! The sword refers to the long sky, ask the world who is a hero! The players in the Central Plains began to flood to Yanhuang City, Pangu City, Nuwa City, Communist City, Zhu Rongcheng, Taihao City, Shaohao City, etc. Players are all the same bloody! Regardless of whether you open a shop or level, you will all work in your hands, because this is a rare event, how fierce and spectacular the top master of the Central Plains! It is different from pet competitions. It does not agree with the unevenness of the peripherals and preliminary competitions, and it is also different from the small -scale competition. It is the real first military conference in the world! Everyone is cheering for the heroes in their hearts, applauding! The competition table of the competition conference is all realized in real time. You can negotiate between the two parties or can draw or decide whether to bring a pet! (For friends who support the public version, thank you and sorry. At the latest next month, the public version can be lifted at a faster speed ^\ _ ^) The text is absolutely shocking Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 8656 The eight -semi -finals of the world’s first competition in the world of pride began! The first game: Level 77 archer Aixin Deolo VS76 thief is endless! Intersection Intersection Players did not expect that the first game was so exciting. The two legendary list of the list of heavenly lists has never been on the list, and the boss of the seven major guilds. Today is their first fight! This is a rare grand occasion! No one can retain strength, because a hint of hidden at this time will lead to a defeat! It is also the second decisive battle between the masters of the list. The first game is the challenge of illegal entry to soul -eating. Today, everyone can be full of eyes. The master in your mind will present you a wonderful game! Although I New Corolla, although it cannot be called the world’s first master, the title of the first beautiful man in the world is well -deserved. It is definitely the perfect typical example of the oriental beautiful men. Of course, this is a competition. I can’t enter the peripheral race. He is well -known as his appearance, and his strength, the first archer in the Central Plains, the mysterious elf garden, the source of unknown understanding, everything has created the most legendary character outside the soul of the demon! —— The king who disappears loves New Decision Non -dead, all the idols of all villains and killers, and the nature of the triad’s nature to do this is definitely unique. It is said that all in the killer hall are the blood -stuffing people who do not blink. There is only one-strength! And his endless death is the boss who led these killers, and the killer is endless! The players began to be crazy, divided into three clear groups of people, who supported Aijue Luo, supported endlessly, and neutrality. Like us, we watched the game from a pure appreciation perspective. At this time, the cat fish rushed over, “Boss, it’s not good. After the troops of the four saints came out, they immediately shrink back again, … now all of them towards the elf garden’s hair!”


Suddenly unexpected news made me stunned, … it was broken, all of which were all sets, killer halls, business alliances, and four saints were originally together. Human sight? Intersection Intersection “Cat fish, is the news reliable?”

“Boss, I watched it myself. At the beginning, I was strange. There were too few people in the four saints, and the movement was slow. At first, I thought they were to hide their whereabouts or dragged the city. In this case, there is a situation that goes out. This is absolutely not what, and the people in the Championship have no signs of rescue! "


This is definitely the masterpiece of the apple incense. I know that in my site, the news must be concealed, so I deliberately came to hit the west and borrow my hands to paralyze and love New Ronaldo! Now that I New Coroluta’s game is about to start. If you can only disperse his attention, you can not solve the problem. I am afraid that it will take advantage of the immortality. You are really ruthless! “Cat and fish, immediately dispatched the two teams of the magic group plus the air station team, quickly intercepted their follow -up chase, and conveyed messages to the elf garden!”

The enemy of the enemy is our friend, hum, the joint operation of the three guilds, so big handwriting, it seems that I want to eat the elf garden in one breath. Unfortunately The adverse effects are inestimable, otherwise you can give him a surround Wei to save Zhao, … Qingqing apples, really you! “Boss, don’t we go directly to rescue them?”

“No, this is already our limit. After all, the relationship between the Elf Garden and us is not an alliance. We intercept some attack troops, which is the limits in the current situation, and the magic palace must leave sufficient strain power. Besides, if that’s so simple If it is broken, the elf garden is not qualified as the seven major guilds! "

“By the way, there is another point, quickly reveal this news to the ancient magician, illegal entry and wind fairy, you need to say more!”

My intuition tells me that their results will be miserable, there is no reason, it is that clear! Watching cat fish leaving quickly, I temporarily let go of my heart, apples, apples, let you work together, but unfortunately some things you can’t guess, such as people’s hearts! I have 10 % of my grasp. The eternal ancient magician will take the shot. 80 % of the illegal entry will be shot. As for the four fairy, there are 50 %. My charm and the charm of Ishiro are added to 50 %! In this way, it is enough for Apple to receive them, and in order to hide people’s eyes, the Shanglian and Killer Church must only send elites, and the number will not be too much! If you think about it, you can also rest assured that I have loved Aizono. If there is no accident, my biggest opponent is him, illegal entry and that masked person! It is definitely good to understand the strength of the opponent. Although I don’t think it can win, it should not be a problem to force the full strength of Aijue Luo! ……………….. “Brother Apple, good plan, really want to see the soul -eating frowning look!”

Qinglong said with a smile. “Where, still have our sincere cooperation!”

Although Qingqing Apple incense has no good feeling for the arrogant guy in front of him, it is better to use such silly talents! “To be honest, when Brother Apple and the undead brother found the younger brother, it was really startled. I thought the two strong men saw me not pleasing to the eye!”

Although the politeness, Qinglong’s expression is obviously arrogant. Look at it. It is very happy to get the recognition of two heavyweights. “In fact, the seven major banks will have been for so long, and it is time to change people. Love Shijeno is too out of the masses and does not ask for progress. Sooner or later, following this law, I and the undead brother just let it realize it early. "

Qingqing apples sneered secretly, but found that a free cannon fodder was not used, and it became. The killer church, the business alliance, and the four saints were added. To the great benefit, it was defeated, and the silly fork was lost. Thirteen killers took a group of elites of the killer group. The Eighteen riders and some masters of the Cavaliers were mixed in the siege team of the four saints, but they explained that they were cheap and they could not do it! “Oh, Brother Apple, it is for our three lines to unite, it is not enough to worry about the Magic Palace!”

Qinglong is obviously very optimistic about this triangle alliance! “If you do n’t talk about it in front of the real person, there is selfishness with the immortality. It is also for our own interests to make Brother Qinglong develop. The threat of the magic palace is too great. We must unite!”

To say “truth”

is better than a hundred false words! After listening to this, Qinglong immediately became happy, “Brother Apple is real enough, the brothers have nothing to say!”

Qinglong is not a fool. Naturally, I know that Qingqing apple incense also wants to come out to face the Magic Palace directly, but such a good opportunity and plan, who will listen to it. He has been waiting for this opportunity. Such a good time, so it can only be regarded as using each other. I did not expect that the Qingqing apple incense was so direct. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you have not suffered any loss. After all, you must be united. Isn’t it better to push yourself now! And people say that their purpose is so clear, and it is not interesting to carry themselves! “Oh, Brother Qinglong, since everything goes well, then I go out first. After all, it is the first game of immortality. I don’t have a good appearance.”

“Yes, it is thoughtful for Brother Apple, hey, but to be honest, the undead brother, I’m afraid there are so many!”

“Love Xinjin Luo wants to win, it is not so easy!”

After speaking, Qingqing apples went out. As soon as Qinglong thought of being a member of the new seven major guilds, he couldn’t help excitement. This apple was really ruthless. It turned out to be such a fine point. Choosing such a good time, such a tortuous plan, fortunately yourself yourself yourself It ’s not his enemy, otherwise I do n’t know how to die. It seems that only he has this ability and ambition to fight soul -eater. … When they defeat the two, it’ s time to get up. His principles are absolutely not stained with the Magic Palace, so he did not hesitate when choosing Aixin Jen Luo, even if he would not touch the dream rose group with a bit affected by the Magic Palace, Mu Xiu Yu Linfeng would destroy it. It is still understandable, not to mention the time and space he needs to develop now! Qingqing apple incense is not as great as he is. He has formulated a perfect plan, but it is in the heavens and the rest of the world. I sighed and thought of no trace. Hey, a woman was really troublesome, she kept turning up for her, and she never regretted it, but she couldn’t forget that man. Become his wife, you should not think about her man! Who is the apple incense in Qingqing, so he has to prove that he is the strongest with the facts. Even if it is soul -eater, he has the ability to kick away! What does the battle stop! Hey, these troubles are thinking about it later. Although Non -Dead and Aixin Coroluta ’s battle for his own plans, it is miserable to immortality. He is not optimistic about immortality. Although he also knows that immortality must be hidden a few hands, but I am afraid that Aixin Corolla is not The fuel -saving lamp, this cold man, is as unpredible as the soul -eater, but I am afraid he didn’t expect to break his head this time! When the game is over, it is definitely late when the message reaction is received, and the time is just right! … Although his hunch tells him a bit wrong, he can’t think of it before thinking about it. It is certain that the soul -eating can send people to help. But there is still a bit that he has always made him uncomfortable, that is, why no one has always attacked the Elf Garden? Why is this that makes him feel uneasy! What is hidden behind Aixin Jue Luo? … Maybe he thinks too much! There are so many accidents! When Qingqing apple incense returned to his own position, Aixin Corolla and the endless endless start will start. Love Xinjiluo gives the right of choosing pets to endlessly. He knew that Ai Xinluo’s unicorns were limited to him, but his pet, hehe! Players can’t wait. If it wasn’t for the supporter, it was the guy of Bai Xiaosheng, and he would have smashed him down. Jing Lu was not useful. This is not time to delay time! Love New Corolla and watch each other, looking for each other’s flaws, they are all gone. Love Xinjiluo suddenly trembled, and the two started at the same time! Terror, too horrible! Aixin Corolla and Endless Sports with unimaginable high -speed sports. In the previous games, their speed was only half played! The most archer’s love New Dealo is even more amazing, and it has opened melee with the endless end of the thief! Intersection Intersection Bows and arrows are all launching more than one meter away from the end of the end, but they can hide from the end. At the same time, the temptation of death is also the key to the New Corridor. Aixin Corolla is basically a dodge with a short blade! After a few lightning confrontation between the two, the points were allocated! …… Seeing all the players present are fascinated, masters, only the word “master”

with such talents! Intersection Intersection The archer who can melee, a fierce thief like a soldier! The same horrible speed and exercise! Too exciting! Electric light -like confrontation seems to be very chic, and it is impossible to send it. Everyone knows that the end of the end of the fantasy god bow at such a close distance is also clear about the consequences of being seduced by death! The players below were quiet. At this time, the shocking cheers broke out. Everyone began to cheer for the people they supported. The atmosphere of the audience was all driven! This is just the beginning, just test each other! After a brief confrontation, I felt the power of Aixin Jue Luo, and Aixin Jue Luo learned about the terrible agility! Let’s start below! “Husband, do you see if they moved?”

I looked at the two people on the field in surprise, the three wolves around, and the dignity of the dignity! It seems that they can be on the list of the list. It is really good! “Love Xinjiluo only used five points, and I am afraid that I have used seven points.”

The San Wolf and Dasha are more in favor, but it can only show that it is personal strength. The other party has not used pets so far? Intersection “Look, they are going to move real!”

… … “Brother Cubo, everyone can’t wait for us to move really!”

Only at this time can we only be serious at this time! “As you wish!”

He also took out his full strength and released his own strength on the top of the thieves. He added agile surgery to himself, and he opened his full speed. Although you could not use sneaky, but mention your speed to the limit, the effect is the same. of! During the high -speed operation, the poison was put out. Ai Xin Jue Luo escaped twice. In the third time, it was finally released successfully. There was no way. The endless speed was too fast! But Aixin Jue Luo knew that this was just the beginning, dare not use the detoxification agent, and quietly felt the next step in the endless step! I know that the effect of poisoning will not last long on such archers, and he cannot support such a high speed for a long time! Suddenly endlessly accelerated! Intersection Intersection In the exclaiming of the players, it is about to be faded into a line! Non-dead Aixin Jen Luo launched an attack, super nirvana —— fatal double kill! Suddenly divided into two people, it is a entity, it is definitely a physical entity. It used a dead blow to Aixin Jane Luo! If you are not in the top thieves with death, the consequences are really unimaginable! But two people? Intersection Intersection All audiences are covered, is it an illusion? Intersection Intersection Impossible, there are still people in addition to the demon king’s soul eater! Intersection Intersection Everyone was shocked. In the face of the immortality of the sudden avatar, love SNV is also a meal. For the masters, this time is enough! True NSCC to the left! Stabbing ~ Blood flying! It’s a pity not to die! I didn’t expect the other party to abandon the car to Baobao Shuai directly! His pet shadow’s attack power is only half of his attack power, and the success rate of the fatal shock is only about 10 %. It is not enough to deal with Aixin Jue Luo! But Aixin Coroluta was also severely damaged. After all, there was still a stunned poison on his body! At this time, I realized that the two endless dying are all entities, but one of them must be pets, special abilities! Naturally, I know that the machine is indispensable and must be chased. Although I love Xinju, Luo Fei retreats quickly, but I never die with his pet “shadow”

to approach quickly, … it is still highly intelligent! Taking advantage of the gap between a half position, Aixin Jue Luo could not find possible, and quickly scattered to prevent the immortal and alternatives, but knowing that it is impossible to play a role at this time! The shadow was blocked a bit, but it didn’t affect the fast approach! Aixin Corolla immediately realized that this is the endless entity! In this dangerous situation, Aixin Jue Luo laughed! Intersection Intersection That’s right, it’s a smile! Seeing him endlessly, he was about to hit him, and his heart began to be secretly happy. As long as he was hit by him, Ai Shijeno was over even if he had the ability to go! But love Xin Jue Luo suddenly disappeared! Intersection Intersection No, to be precise, something suddenly appears between them! Dragon, a green dragon! Intersection Intersection Roar ~~~~ The super dragon breath sprayed towards the endless end, and at the same time, the dragon tail also swept away! Intersection Intersection While shocking, he turned over and accelerated his back. He knew that the power of the ninth -level superior beast was absolutely close to the last master of the list! Intersection Intersection At the same time as he died, his shadow was also surprisingly avoided the attack, and disappeared in place! Intersection Intersection Seeing the endless retreat, Aixin Corolla did not chase, and the green dragon beside him sprayed gas, staring at it! Players can’t keep up with the rhythm. First, they are human -shaped smart pets, and then a green dragon appears. What are this? It’s so amazing! Intersection Intersection Even Qingqing apple incense was the first pet to see the endless pet. It really was a good helper for assassination. I did not expect that Aixin Conso was even more scary, and it turned out a green dragon! Intersection Intersection Can it be compared with the strength of Crystal Dragon, is it? Intersection Intersection The ominous hunch in the fragrance of apple incense is getting clearer! We also looked at the performance of the two in shock, really wonderful! During the preliminary competition, it was like changing personal, high level, and the previous game was like pediatrics!

This is the strength of the list!

Qinglong saw that he was shocked.

He knew that he was really better than them!

These people are more abnormal than one.

Seeing the disapproval of apple incense, it is certain that he also has a backhand.

The killer left by such a person must be horrible!

The fun of watching the players, regardless of that set, shouted even the sky, and shouted with a throat.

Such wonderful, I can’t do my best to be sorry for themselves!

Intersection Intersection But the two in the field were not affected at all.

There is no great response to the appearance of the green dragon.

Hey smiled, “Brother Cubo, it really is hidden. The holy beasts such as Green Dragon can be overwhelmed and admired. Let’s be a little worse in combat effectiveness. "

“Oh, that’s not dead brother!”

Aixin Conso was still not shocked! “Ah, by the way, I suddenly remembered a thing, and I got the news before the game. I heard that the four saints seemed to be moving towards the Elf Garden. Maybe I wanted to visit the Elf Garden.”

, … even the tactics in my heart are used! However, Ai Xinjun didn’t panic at all, but laughed again. To be honest, his smile was so charming. It was the most scary of men and women! He even died a little moving, but he knew the terrible of the other party. He was stunned and rare … But I have never heard of what a strong man in the Elf Garden! “Non -dead brother, you want to know how this green dragon came from?”

“Is it?”

“Exactly, the guards of the Elf Forest-the descendants of the Green Dragon!”

It’s broken. This is the moment of panic, but the people who have storms are stabilized quickly, because now panic is useless, and he believes that with the cautiousness of Apple, when you see the green dragon, he will be able to see the green dragon. Guess the eight or nine! Sure enough, the Qingqing apple incense under the field saw the green dragon. The first thing was to recover the Eighteen riders and the thirteenth killer! His prestance is fulfilled! Hope to be too late! When I saw the appearance of the green dragon, I also reassured, and I had a bottom in my heart, and I guess it according to the reaction of Aixin Jue Luo and the endless response! The expressions of desperately three wolves and Dasha are even more dignified. I did not expect that the flaws of the endless endlessness were their strongest places, and they could hide it now! The mood and the danger are dangerous, and they are not good for them to support strong pets! Cats were even more dazed, at least the pride of proudly put away a lot. She had easily entered the top 16, and felt that the so -called masters were just the same. I found that their luck is really good. These two people can easily win her no matter which one! The fascination was also surprised to watch the two people in the field. After thinking overnight, she was still bright, but it was obviously different from before, but the specific change was not to say. The five men behind her are gone! Four Fairy only participated in the competition this time, and the other three of the other three were withdrawn. What I did not expect was that the Fire Fairy lost, but they thought it was not wrong. After all, the other party was too strong. With the endless performance, I realized that they were indeed arrogant before, and it was not enough to have enough strength without going to heaven! After receiving the news of the soul -eating, the four fairy discussed the help. Although the Consultile was cold after all, people are really good, and they can also sell a face for soul -loving! The forever ancient magician watching the game in the field is also very excited. The common point of the master. It seems that this game has been observed. He can finally show the senior magic on the magic book of fire! As for the Elf Garden of rescue, the news that he received the Palace immediately immediately led the two of the top ten masters to rescue! Illegal entry to see the performance of the two people on the field, and I can’t wait to kill a game. As for the rescue Elf Garden, he did not move. Although he talked with Aixin Calenda, Xiaoyao Huang City was not alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was not alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was not alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone, but he was alone. It is the brothers’ Xiaoyao Huang City. He must consider more comprehensive. Now the Emperor City of Xiaoyao needs to rest. After going through so many illegal entry is not the original illegal entry! Just when everyone thinks that Aixin Jue Luo and endlessly enter the deadlocked battle! An surprising thing appeared again, it was endless, yes, as a thief, as a thief, there was a faint spirit that only soldiers had soldiers. On a thief! Intersection Intersection The endless endless attack on Aixin Janesa was launched again. It was more scary than the last time. This time his pet shadow attracted the green dragon away. Although the green dragon’s attack power was strong, it was technical and technical and. Intelligent is still comparable to shadows, so the two guys will also be distributed for a while! Now it has become one -to -one! Nothing to love for love! This faint fighting makes the endless supporters more crazy, win, and will definitely win. Such strength should never be ranked tenth in the list of heaven! Intersection Intersection Even so, Aixin Corolla was not surprised. The Phantom God Bow in his hand moved quickly. At this degree, even if he was him, he couldn’t be bold enough to play with melee! The amazing consecutive shot quickly walked towards the endlessness, and the cats below knew what was the mountain outside the mountain. The speed of the archery of Xinjin Luo was at least twice that of her! However, the effect of such bow and arrows is not very effective in endlessly, it can only hinder him for a while, and the endlessness has pulled their distance closer! Intersection In this case, even Aixin Jue Luo cannot launch a stronger killer, the thief has a natural advantage in the archer! At this moment, a situation that made everyone shocked the chin reappeared again, and Aixin Jue Luo disappeared! Intersection Intersection That’s right, disappear in place! Intersection Intersection This is impossible. It is absolutely impossible. The immortality that lost its goal in an instant finally lost calmness. It was incredible! There are only two people in the audience. I really think that I and I enter the country, because only the two of us are higher than the level of New Dealo, but the two of us are already speechless! Because Aixin Jue Luo did not disappear, but instead showed the housekeeping of high-level thieves-sneak! Intersection Intersection Dizzy, what kind of world is this? Is love for New Dealo a dual occupation? Intersection Intersection If this is really the case, his extraordinary action and agility can be explained! Intersection Intersection … last time, the deadly arrow must be a fatal blow to the thief! Intersection Intersection It seems that the trouble of illegal entry is here! Aixin Cassia suddenly appeared in the end of the endless end, and the crazy blasting phantom swarmed out of the heart, even if it was unsatisfactory, it was too late to react! Intersection Intersection Five arrows in a row! Intersection Intersection Five consecutive times in a row! The super horrible five -arrow, never died, escaped two arrows and blocked one arrow, but still died under the last two arrows! Shock! Hanging thieves, archers with thieves skills! The disappearing king loves New Dealo! All the audiences are crazy and have to be crazy. What a shocking game! Shadow stand -in, green dragon! Two super perverted pets! A game even played two people with dual careers! Intersection Intersection Even if it is not a complete dual occupation, at least it is like a melancholy kitten and cat. It is a half -and -half occupation. It is already a peak character. I did not expect them to go to the next level! A new decision to Ron Sheng for granted! Unexpectedly, although you defeat You Rong! If it wasn’t for the new Corolla, I am afraid that the remaining 14 people would defeat him very little! The first battle of the first battle of the world’s first battle, the king who died in the first battles of the first battle, loved New Consultile! Master of Violence of 100 Sixty -five in the Text Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 6512 What is a master, I New Dealo and the endless World War I told all the players, the meaning of the masters, and the blushing of some people who boasted how high they were all day, and the real master would not blow himself as a master. Intersection Although it is so powerful, he still can’t escape the fate of failure. His first road to the world has reached the end! Because he meets a stronger new Coreo, a person who is capable of challenging soul -eater! How about winning, what about defeat, Aixin Corolla still shows a praise. Although the road that is not dying with him is different from him, but no matter what, his strength is still respectable, that is, Aixin Jen Luo himself also himself. Unexpectedly, one of the endless efforts was forced, but this game was the best one since entering the world! At their level, if you put aside the foreign factors, the victory or defeat is still second. The key is to have a hearty game! Just as other players guessed, Aixin Corolla is indeed a dual occupation, but it is a bit different from the demon king soul and melancholy kitten. Soul Eater is the most perfect dual profession, attribute sharing, basic skills sharing, you can use the mage skills to use the skills of the mage , You can also use warrior skills to use perfect magic skills! Of course, his integration process is also the most complicated. This is not the problem of one plus one equal to two. The power after integration is definitely greater than two! The melancholy cat cat can only be said to be a archer who can add simple magic to the bow and arrow.

In fact, it has reached the point of high -end archers in advance.


And she is all talented, and it is too easy to come!

And Aixin Corolla itself is also one of the dual occupations, but it is the incomplete dual occupation, just like the players guessed, he can use some thieves skills, and even his own attributes have been affected, but It is not that kind of completely fusion.

Most of the attributes of the thieves cannot be inherited, or there are many unchanged use of thieves skills.

For example, he cannot use poisoning, let alone the fusion of archers and thieves skills!

It may be because the two professions of thieves and archers are not completely complementary.

This is not much obstacle, and some skills of thieves, such as stealth and his killer, are really practical.

He lost his life, but his status and image are even higher, because the strength he shows is far beyond the strength of the end of the heavenly list.

At least he is the middle and upper reaches!

Moreover, his horrible pets also made all people chill, and I am afraid that this is not just that.

“Undead, good means!”

The words of Qingqing apple incense are very sincere. He naturally knows when you should be sincere when you should be paste. He was not too surprised. After all, the other person’s strength was there. Undead is a very real person. Those names are fake, and only their own strength is true, so failure is not a blow to him! Because he believes that no one dares to underestimate him! How can a person who is a big thing cares about this small wind and waves! “Brother Apple, you should invite me!”


Qingqing apple incense naturally knew what he meant. He explained the strength of Aijue Luo for himself, especially something that should be noted! “How is it, how much is it?”

I never underestimated the man in front of him. In fact, the strength he showed now has exceeded the current Qingqing apple incense, but knowing how the character of Qingqing apple incense can be exposed, how can it be exposed All of them, there are only more hidden things than himself, not less than himself, not to mention that he has an artifact magic mirror! Intersection Intersection “I don’t know the five -five -five number. I can only see the division when the game! By the way, now others are rumored that you are a dual occupation!”

“Then thank Brother Apple’s generosity. How can they guess? If it wasn’t for the help of this ghost of this similar artifact, I am afraid I am not qualified to play with this level!”

“Where, the immortal brother also pays the price!”

Qingqing apple incense naturally knew that he had no loss. “Ghostly Inspection —— Fighting Ring, allowing users to release all the primary buckets of the soldiers, increase physical defense and magic defense, and physical attack power, and cannot be upgraded. "

This ghost is discovered by Qingqing apple incense through the magic mirror, but it is not useful for Qingqing apple incense, and the effect of being an endlessness of being a thief is great. Let go of such a good opportunity! “By the way, what about Apple, how about the situation, shouldn’t the Elf Garden really guard the beast?”

For this problem, it is not loud on the surface, but it is very worried. ah! Intersection Intersection As for the explanation, it is not necessary. If Apple can’t guess, he will not be clear Apple! “Although the green dragon appeared, I sent an order, but it was a little too late. Because the defensive surface of the elves garden was weak, plus Suzaku, Baihu, Xuanwu three -headed pig, the transition was blind, it was advanced, and people were too fast. Introduced the territory of the super god beast. As a result, in addition to the thirteenth killer and my eighteen riding escape, the entire army was overwhelmed, and the men of Qinglong were also a Suzaku, white tiger, and a few masters who escaped! "

Qingqing apple incense is also very helpless. Breaking his head, you can’t think of this layer. It is already good to save these elites, otherwise he will vomit blood! Who would have thought that I had always been cold and only pretending to be cool, and New Dealo was so insidious! “Well, don’t you send thieves to reconnaissance first when you get in the hair, a group of garbage! Yes, that white tiger, this girl will pretend to be cool, fart, is pants.”

Undead, but hate, even if there are super god beasts, can’t you get rid of it? Intersection Intersection The big road walked half of the sky, and the ghost knew that this group of unparalleled people rushed inside! Fire and fire, but I have never seen a super god beast. “Brother Apple, do they have so many masters, did they not fight the green dragon?”

“Huh, after encountering the green dragon, Bai Hu was the first to escape. As soon as the boss ran, the army was chaotic. Who would think of counterattack, otherwise this is true!”

God beast, but he also estimates that so many masters, if you are really careful and stable, where will you eat this kind of dumb loss! “It seems that the green dragon loves the new Coreo is also a new life. I don’t know what means to use this guy to let the super god beast give him eggs. It is certain that he is not dead. This is where he is not as good as Qingqing apple. "

This is still good. I heard that the follow -up troops of the four saints were beaten by a group of masked people. According to the reconnaissance, it may be a joint operation of the magic palace, the magic research institute, the fantasy rose group, and the periphery of the elf garden garden. ! " Qingqing apple incense poured a pot of cold water again, but it is now adapted to the end. Anyway, their plan is endless, and this dumb is settled! Qinglong is definitely even more uncomfortable, after all, he has lost his blood this time! “.

.. Apple, do you think we are!” He did not die to make a movement around his neck. Don’t do it, give him a downhole! "

No, Brother Non -Dead, I ca n’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. We are still useful for Qinglong’s card. Not only can we not lose it, but I also have to pull him. The soul -eating soul has a lot of idiots this time. Can the Qinglong who comes hard? We are going to give him the fire! " Hey ~~~~ In the box, the four saints arrived for the first time. The Qinglong looked iron -blue. The white tiger’s face was not good -looking. No one was talking, and the atmosphere was very dignified. After a while, Qinglong’s face gradually let go, "

Forget it, eat a long and one wisdom. Through this incident, we also realized that our shortcomings are too arrogant during this time, after all, our roots are not strong!” Seeing the boss loose, the others were relieved, but this time the loss was a lot! "

Boss, do we just spare them like this, and the Magic Palace is too deceiving!” Bai Hu said hate, after all, it would not be so miserable if they weren’t for their spare time! "

Wrong, we are wrong this time, but fortunately, with the personality of love, we have lost a lot of damage, and he has no damage. It must be too lazy to care about it, so don’t care about these things! The most important thing now is to strengthen the guards of the headquarters. At the same time, the rumors are said that this action is challenged by the endlessness! " "

Boss, someone will attack us?” Suzaku is a bit strange. Since I love Shinjo Luo, no one else will care about it? "

We are to prevent endlessly and Qingqing apple fragrance, and at the same time, there are Harley and free people. These two guys probably want to kick us down!” By the way, there are still the fascinating little girls who put his pigeons … but now it is not suitable for dried Ge, but he will not let her easily … and I have never seen it at night This fairy is a bit beautiful. Thinking of a woman, Qinglong seems to be more comfortable! The other three naturally knew what kind of figures of Qingqing apples and immortality, and the hearts of preventing people must not be available! When this group of people worry, our side is more happy. The brothers have not been so loose for a long time, and this battle is smooth. The opponents of the opponents have begun to chaos a little. Love Xinjiluo still expressed his gratitude to us, … but it is not particularly enthusiastic. Everyone knows the personality of his person, it is cold and hot, not good at expressing it, but it is absolutely reliable! The second game that has noticed! Grade 76 Master’s Eternal Magic Master VS76 Level 76 Thieves Blood Shadow An eternal ancient magician, the legendary mage, and the magic book of the fired fire, what kind of strength, everyone wants to see the real marrow of its magic. In the boss of the Seven Congress, only the eternal ancient magician is the most approachable, and his elegant image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The impression to women is to be soft and contains strength. Blood drops and blood shadows, the fame on the rivers and lakes is not small.

It should be said to be a big name, because he is also a killer, but he is indeed out of the endless killer.

And the price is relatively low, all of which do not matter, because there are indeed many people eating this bowl of rice, but he has never been recorded in the task.

No matter how many times he fails, he will continue to complete the task.

The person who stares just eats and restlessly, and it is not allowed to get out of where he suddenly comes out!

Although there are more enemies, it is always the side of the reason, so he can still be free to the present without power protection, but the most important thing is his own strength!

What will happen to the slowest speed and the strongest occupation and the fastest attack on the thieves.

What will happen?

The eternal ancient magician in the fame has an absolute advantage, most of the players support him!

However, Blood Shadow did not care about these.

This is the quality of a senior killer.

If you ca n’t even calm down, I do n’t know how many times I died.

Now I ca n’t stand here!

The forever ancient magician gave the choice opportunity to the blood shadow.

Blood shadow knew the other party’s strength, and naturally he would not be polite.

He chose no pet battle and killed him.


As soon as I came up, the blood shadow immediately added agile and mentioned speed.

Only this can effectively avoid the role of the mage of the mage, paralysis, and blood -sucking surgery.

This is the right way to deal with senior mage!

It is a pity that the stealing of the thieves was useless to sneak in the forever, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome!

Blood shadow began to surround the eternal ancient magician movement.

Although the speed is not as perverted as immortal, the route is strange.

It is very irregular.

It seems that there is a certain rhythm and route, and it is gradually approaching the mage.

The eternal ancient magician will naturally not care about it.

He opened the shield and looked at the blood shadow movement quietly, making it quietly, and then to the first place.

Putting magic during high -speed exercise of thieves is a waste.

The blood shadow was attacked, the poison was applied, and the forever was covered with the forever ancient magician.

The ancient magician did not retreat because he knew that the mage wanted to avoid poisoning, and it was protected by shields.

Can’t play, .



unless the shield is broken!

The bloody shadow was not moved at the time of seeing the ancient magician, and he was excited.

The dagger stabbed silently.

The assassination of the shield was the best!







The eternal ancient magician hasn’t moved yet!


Sure enough, the mage’s shield began to shake, and it would be broken up to three or four times.

After all, he took a trick without avoiding it.

Unfortunately, the blood shadow was not happy to play, and the fire shone in front of him.

After playing, although he retreated, he was still bounced!

The forever ancient magician has also moved, laser movie!

Step and stab!

Two times in a row, I almost asked for the little life of blood, but fortunately he ran fast!

—— Aegis!

This is the evolutionary version of the fire shield, the high -level spells recorded in the magic book of Fire!

After a second of the attack, I will counterattack, but the blood shadow in it has a dark loss!

The forever ancient magician still smiled and looked at the opponent who was busy with his hands, and did not take the opportunity to die.

Blood shadow is more careful, knowing that the other party is thinking about his own ability, otherwise there will be no chance to show without exhibition!

Suddenly the blood shadow on the field slowed down, and suddenly accelerated when he turned to the eternal ancient magician, rushing towards him directly!

Yang’s hand is two scrolls out!

Halo is the scroll of the restraint of flames and wind!

(Blasting flames, large fireballs exploded in the air, the attack power is average, but the attack range is large, which is characterized by sound and image effect!

) Play this in front of the Magic Master forever .






is it the Banmen ax?

Intersection Intersection The forever ancient magician is also a bit wrong.

Such attacks have no effect on him as a mage!

Intersection Intersection But the surprising scene appeared!

The scroll was not going towards the forever, but the front of him!

As soon as the explosion of the explosion was maintained, a huge flame screen was formed in front of the ancient magician!

The whole of the eternal ancient magician’s attention!

At the same time, the blood shadow has issued the second wave, the third wave, and the fourth wave of the scrolls of the fourth wave suddenly sealed the eternal ancient magician’s sight!




I did not expect that the scroll can be used like this!

Intersection Intersection The players below are eye -opening.

Don’t underestimate this trick.

The slight grasp is slightly worse, the effect is completely different, and only the speed of the thief can be released so perfect!

Taking advantage of the chaos, the blood shadow also knew that the time was mature.

From the beginning to the present, the ancient magician’s shield has hit a blow.

The time has passed for so long.

It must be broken in a few times!

Blood shadow rushed into the fog, a fast assassination, dare not stay for a long time, and immediately turned around.

One turned around again, the shield of the ancient magician was broken!

Intersection Intersection There is no way to look good, the ancient magician cannot make the right judgment at all, .



and the other party is a fast -moving thief!

Blood shadow is secretly happy, below is a fatal blow!

Intersection Intersection Yun Jin rushed in, no matter what the fire shield or the ice shield, the mage without the shield was the turtle that had no cover, just fight hard, you must not give him the time to open the shield!







Blood Shadow did not encounter anything and rushed out again.

Take a look at the left and look at it .



Why is the person disappearing?

Intersection Intersection The brain of the blood shadow was a bit difficult to use.

I looked around carefully, dizzy, and people were gone!

Intersection Intersection At this time, the players under the court began to laugh, looking up, sweat, the forever ancient magician turned out to be in the air, fork, it turned out to be the legendary flying technique!







It stands to reason that his level cannot be learned!

This is also my doubtful place, like when he was in the Ralandon of the ice country, he revealed such a hand!

The forever ancient magician smiled down.

This flying technique consumes magic value.

Although it is cool, it cannot be hung on it!




After all, he has no magic value and abnormal recovery power as high as the soul.

The ancient magician also appreciated the thieves in front of you, and he could use scrolls like this, good, creative!

As soon as the element’s stick waved, the two fire elements came out, and rushed towards the blood shadow.

Of course, the blood shadow knew that the two guys could not be encountered together, and the acceleration rushed to one of them.

, Then I packed another one, as long as they know their weaknesses, it is not threatening at all!

The forever ancient magician did not think that these two fire elements could do, but he had enough time to learn!

Suddenly, a fire circle appeared around the blood shadow, surrounded him, and the thief’s intuition told him that it was definitely not a good thing, but it was better to flash first!

But as soon as he was about to come out, the ancient magician, a laser movie forced him over, knew that he couldn’t go out and immediately retreated!

But when it was about to retreat, the fire, thorns, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, and being attacked in the entire fire circle.

After being attacked, the speed also began to decrease!

A hollow appeared in the air, a string of huge fireballs bombarded, and the entire ground of the hit was booming!

Five, five consecutive horror attacks cover the entire fire circle Improved version of meteorite hell!

After a series of attacks, a unkempt guy climbed out.




but the situation is not now.

The damage caused by the attack just now is not small.

The forever ancient magician is also very happy.

I did not expect that he could still stand up.

It happened that he could test a few more magic!

The spell in the mouth kept reading, and a book that was engraved with strange symbols and patterns with flames came to the hands of the ancient magician!

—— Fire Magic Book!

Blood shadow can naturally feel the eyes of the ancient magician forever, .



the relationship is to treat yourself as an experimental equipment!







Good guys don’t eat in front of their eyes, the blood shadow yelled, “I admit defeat!”

As soon as the ancient magician heard it, he hurriedly crooked the staff beside him, and a super fire dragon stumped into a protective cover! Boom ~ Poor blood shadows can only climb down. The heart was secretly shouting. On the surface, the mage was very gentle, fork, and how violence in the bones! People can’t look like! Forever ancient magician win! Text Hundred Sixty -six Battle Soul Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7629 The forever ancient magician won easily. There was no way. Who let the blood shadow encounter a mage who can fly, and his magical abnormal pervert, his tricks could not be opened. However, because of this incident, the “bad”

habit of the eternal ancient magician has begun to spread. In fact, the temper of the ancient magician is very good, usually gentle, and very graceful. I won’t be angry, … the problem is that you must not compete with him and “study”

magic, otherwise it will be miserable! When the ancient magician treats this problem, it is really endless!

There are many people who started to find him, .



now one is basically invisible, and every time he has been died as he died.

Because the magic level of the test is higher, of course, the other party is even worse!

The release of magic is no problem, but if you deal with different occupations, as well as details such as angle and timing, you must cooperate with people .



and the eternal ancient magician of the ancient magician, even their The boss is almost abused, .



basically when I heard that this eleven people are studying magic, those who are familiar with the inside will definitely not be disturbed, otherwise they will not care about it after entering.

What are you doing, just practice a few tricks first!

Can they test with their own tricks, but what about other occupations?

Some time ago, they also recruited the sparring, but no one dared to go after a day.

Listening to the insider said, it was simply destroyed, and in the end, it would rather ask them to do it!

The real master naturally does not do this kind of thing, so when the ancient magician is in the game, try to practice more than a few hands, .



But others are not fools, knowing that it is a fool.

Also embarrassed!

The ancient magician is also the kind of person who is strong and stronger!

The winning of the forever is also expected by everyone.

When everyone sympathizes with blood shadows, it is a bit regrettable.




Fire magic book just came out, and it was over yet.

It was unhappy.

The real cluster is even more important to the top 8.

There are really no vegetarian masters.

There are gaps in other masters.

The system judgment is more accurate to some extent.

Looking at the regrets of the ancient magician, the players around them were a bit “cold”.

This kind of lunatic is still rare. The following game is the highlight! King Xiaoyao illegal entry VS Magic Palace Double Killing Stupid Is it more illegal, the flame dragon gun is stronger, or is it more stupid? All players wait and see, such a game is the most exciting. The popularity of this game is naturally higher than the previous game. 80 % of the people are inclined to enter the country. After all, level 78 levels are second in the world. Especially with artifact flames and super god soldiers After the dragon gun, it was even more horrible, and the gap between equipment and grade was bigger! Don’t say that fairness and unfairness, there is no fairness, illegal entry, there are current equipment, people have worked hard, and the level and equipment itself is a very important part of the game! It is also a stalemate to hit this level. At the same time, the fame and fame is his stunt-entering the micro situation. In general, it is to see through the attack. s attack! When a person attacks alone, it is also the most flawed. Generally, the more violent the attack, the more the same. After the dodge, the other party’s empty gear is exposed. Of course, not everyone can seize this opportunity. Because, after avoiding the attack, these flaws disappeared again, and the dumbness of Dasha was that when the other party was attacked, he was already in a safe range and began to fight back. The opponent who often played had no power to fight back! And this technology is the most morale. No matter who you see your own tricks, you will always have a sense of weakness! This is why the other 20 % of the players dare to bet on him. It is also timeless to not hit the opponent in a strong attack! “Three wolves, heart, how much is the victory of Dasha?”

When I heard me ask this question, the others were also interested. The forever ancient magician was also next to it. Although it was not a soldier, he was always concerned about the strong of the strong, especially for Dasha. I like it even more … … He wants to try to see through his attack! Khan … For three minutes for Dasha, seeing the gentle face of the ancient magician seeing excitement, everyone has a little scalp, … but they are the same person, Dasha It ’s not necessarily happy, we must not participate. One couldn’t stop, and the other couldn’t stop, thinking that they were dizzy, … it seemed to see who was starved to death first. “I think there are 50 %. After all, it is not easy to break the stupidity!”

The three wolves were still confident in Da Silly. If it wasn’t for his dark fighting, he would definitely not be a fool’s opponent. The key is whether the flames of illegal entry can break into the micro! A little bit of mood, a little hesitant, “I think Dasha is very dangerous.”

“Oh? How to say?”

Seeing my smile, I kicked me the ball in my mood. “Dasha is very powerful, but there is also a limit to entering the micro itself, that is, the limit of attack! If the power of the attack exceeds the limits of the micro, it is very dangerous!”

It is also very agreed to say that the three wolves are thoughtful, because my great power magic skills are uncomfortable. I am afraid that the equally powerful illegal entry will not be worse, and the chance of winning is too low. … There is another thing, the Sanwolu seems to be divided into fascination? Intersection Although he did not say, he returned to the three wolves. Although he inadvertently confused, the whole person was mentally! Everyone avoided it. In fact, the situation of the San Wolf is guessing. After all, women such as fascination are not suitable for him. The illegal entry and the silly game began. The decisive battle without pets required illegal entry, he knows that if he uses the Flame Dragon Cavaliers, Dasha is definitely not an opponent! Dasha is naturally not polite. The fighting of the two is not to fight for the fame, but the real to compete itself! The two are not strangers, and pay attention to each other, and they see each other’s excitement! Illegal entry is to test their own strength with Dasha. If you ca n’t break Dasha, you will not be qualified to fight against the soul, while Dasalian uses illegal entry to test his strength. Powerful attacks, their strength has risen again! The two stood quietly on the court, and Dasha was furious, his expression was solemn, and he entered the country with a fiery dragon gun illegally, and his face was calm, but his eyes stared at Dasha tightly. … The players below also hold their breath, watching two people nervously, and the air does not seem to flow. The illegal scapula was lifted gently, and the anger in the hand on the opposite side also lifted up. Suddenly, the fighting of the two people rushed at the same time, drank it, and started! The illegal entry dragon gun bounced, and the trend attacked the past. Da Silly’s anger chopped from the bottom to top, and the tip of the gun was suddenly pulled out, but the illegal entry relying on the strong fighting anger, the poisonous dragon was leaning, the poisonous dragon was biased. Continue to attack like this. One inch is one -inch, especially in the hands of illegal entry, which is even more powerful. However, it seems that Dasha does not feel it. Naturally, the sideways, like the willow leaves of the wind, flashed easily, the anger in his hand cut along the dragon gun, and after near, he was short and dangerous! I was surprised illegal entry. I didn’t expect that it was so easy to be attacked into the hinterland, which was interesting! Suddenly turn around, sweep the end of the gun, a spin, take the silly! —— Back to the carbine! Even so, the fire dragon gun can still hit Dasha before hitting him in anger, and then get it first! In such a dangerous situation, Dasha was used to make it again, and the knife was slightly closed, and his body was stuck in a dragon gun, changed a direction, and took the illegal belly! bump! The anger hitting the illegal entry, the silly after the close, began a serial strike of his hand, the sword was added to the basic sword, a sword and a sword, and the illegal entry of the three swords was broken. In the melee, illegal entry, the Lielong Gun, could not fight back at all! Dasha did not fluctuate in the slightest, continued to attack perfectly, and a basic swordsmanship stabbed to the back of the right chest. At this moment, the illegal entry was a weird smile, moved to the right, and the anger was just looking at the central government. The life value of illegal entry was less mad, and the greater the middle loss was. The players below the below were a little bit, but the masters nodded in the same way. This is the best way. Otherwise, let Da Shan continue this way, but it ’s not dead! It is a pity that Dashan is also a pity. Although the damage was greater, the illegal entry and then attack were not tipped behind, but a retreat. The illegal entry suddenly rotated the dragon gun in the hand, and the fighting was also launched, which completely blocked Dasha’s positive attack. The brush stabbed a shot from countless gun shadows and took the silly. Although the angle is tricky, the speed is fast, and the strength is sufficient, but the pair of fools are not threatened. After gently, the dragon gun cannot be constructed. The telescopic gun is in front of you! The two people were as if they hadn’t moved, but the position just turned upside down! I saw each other’s eyes. The players below have not had time to close yet. This is a sword and sword. In the past, everyone only saw the great power movement of illegal entry, thinking that his technical aspects were poor, but now they know that they are wrong. The strength of the main body, the illegal entry technology and the judgment of illegal entry technology are first -class! Of course, it is even more admirable to Dasha.

This kind of realistic realm is simply a “sanctuary”.

Once you come into contact with this realm, you will suddenly span countless levels. As if illegal entry, they are forced to be trapped in defense. This is unprecedented news. It is really amazing! In the past, if someone said that if a soldier could fight the passive defense of an illegal entry, others would think that the person’s head needs to see a doctor, but he did not expect the facts to appear in front of him! The popularity of Dasha was raised a lot at once. It can be said that this game allowed everyone to re -know the Double Kill of the Magic Palace. These two unknown magic palace veterans. Those who underestimated them before, now they know that they are dissatisfied when they are, half a bottle! … Fortunately, there is no rash challenge! Dasha’s worshipers immediately added a lot, but he was the representative of the technical fighter, the top figure! “Oh, big brother, admire, the brothers are not polite!”

I nodded in excitement illegally. He knew that if you didn’t need to work hard, the victory and the doll was five or five, and it was definitely not half an hour for half an hour. Can be done! Dasha nodded silently, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit. He knew that the contest just now was just the test of illegal entry to him. Try his qualifications. Obviously, he has won the respect of illegal entry. Respect between soldiers! Dasha also realized the charm of illegal entry. His enthusiasm and persistence attracted countless masters to give up, so that there is now the Emperor City of Xiaoyao! The audience also knows that the real good show has begun, and they are also invested in it. They are desperately shouting and cheering. Everyone starts to be hot. Yes, only the fighting fight between soldiers and soldiers can inspire this passion and spark! After hearing the shouts of the players, the soldiers on their bodies began to boil, but the more excited about the masters, the more calm!

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