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Chapter_32 A drink of illegal entry, a flames flying out, flying to illegal entry and sprinking a fire, disappearing.

The illegal entry quickly rushed out of the fire, and the dragon gun was stimulated, and it began to change.

The prototype was revealed, and a dragon pattern circled out.

The illegal entry yelled again, the fighting of the body was instantly started, and the fighting of the flames caused the flames.

The whole person was shrouded in the fire of the fire.

—— The Flame Dragon Cavaliers transformed!

Although there is no flame flying dragon, the power of illegal entry after the transformation is not known to have raised a grade!

Dashan felt a strong sense of oppression.

This feeling can only feel the boss of his eternal forever, and the devil’s soul can feel.

For the first time, he felt that he would lose!

The glory of losing is not tightly looking at him, but it can’t let anyone underestimate the magic palace and underestimate his boss.

Dasha is a simple person.

He knows when he can’t give up!

Men, you must persist!

He, Dasha, is for this day!

In front of it is the Dao Mountain Fire Sea!

Burning up again on Dasha!

In contrast, the gap between Dasha and illegal entry appears!

However, Dasha is more focused.

At this time, in addition to the opponent, there is no other, this is the highest level of the micro-the highest level —— Forget me!

In the eyes of illegal entry, there was a surprise.

In this case, the opponent’s fighting spirit not only did not disappear, but also made progress.

Although the fighting gas has not changed, it is a spiritual improvement!

The illegal entry randomly shot a shot, carrying a powerful flame fighting, the gun was not arrived, and the flames had been pressed!

Da silly entered the water quietly, still gently avoided this fierce shot, but the illegal attack attack was not finished.

The fiery dragon gun turned quickly, the flames really skyrocketed, and it was directly killed.

If you replace it a minute ago, this trick is definitely not available, which has exceeded his limits!

But now Dasha is different.

If you observe him carefully now, you will find that he seems to have entered a state of disappointment.

It is strange and mysterious!

It was also surprising that the performance of Dasha was illegally entered, but he was not idle under his hand.

He killed it with one trick.

There is no chance to counterattack, and the strong stupidity of the strong fighting cannot be approached at all!

And the current situation is very dangerous.

Illegal entry can hardly take a few tricks, but Dasha is dare not take a few tricks illegal entry!

Players can’t stand it anymore, it’s too exciting, fork, this is called the game.

I didn’t expect that the illegal entry of the fierce fire was still unable to do anything!

This is simply beyond everyone’s imagination.

In fact, it was amazing that it was already at the beginning to be able to fight with illegal entry.

It was amazing that it was not expected that the illegal entry that made full efforts has not yet taken advantage of it!

Stimulation, kill, kill, kill!

You come and go with a shot, and the audience below also enters a half -crazy state.

Three wolves and I couldn’t help but start to cheer.

I didn’t expect that Dasha could go further.

Xiao Shan is proud of his brother.

The two of them were just two ordinary soldiers who were high and low, and they were not very good for the construction of the Magic Palace, but they were so good.

, Feiyun, everyone who entered the Magic Palace respects them, but they know that their strength is not good, and it does not conform to the soul -loving to them.

Brother, when they were silly, they were ashamed, because they accepted too much, they gave too little!

No, although they do not have any talents, they are right, otherwise they will not be used as a real man!

The two of them are struggling to level.

In the eyes of outsiders, they become leveling mad.

In fact, who will like boring leveling.

They have their own beliefs, so they will not feel bitter.

One of them is a big silly brother, little silly brother!

However, it is not enough to level training.

They do not have talent to create new tricks, and they cannot get any great treasures, so they can only start from technology, hard work, and find people to find out personally.

Once again, they are also people and dignity.

People who do not care about themselves do not exist, but for their beliefs, they don’t care!

When others love, they say what, and finally, Dasha is the first to practice, and Xiao Stupu is very close!

Today, now, Xiao Shan is proud of his brother!

They can be like this with the master of the list of Heavenly Bang, their efforts are not in vain!

He also saw worship and respect in the eyes of all people.

He didn’t care.

It was not what they wanted.

As long as the brothers and sisters who were worthy of the brothers and sisters of the Magic Palace were enough!

Dasha and Xiao Sil are the kind of person who has no desire!

The situation on the field began to change, and Dasha seemed to gradually get used to the attack of illegal entry, and gradually began to increase the number of counterattacks!

There are even a few times to hit illegal entry directly, but the illegal entry of the flame is terrible, and the awareness of the illegal entry itself is very powerful, and it is basically impossible to hit the key, but the illegal entry cannot hurt Dasha!

Illegal entry suddenly stabbed a few shots, forcing the fool to retreat!

With a serious look, at this time he really regarded the person in front of him as an opponent with himself!

“Big Silly Brother, you are the first to force me into such a warrior. When you simply talk about heroes, I dare to say that the world is the first of you. I now regret why I have no choice of pet war. Your respect, I will use the killing tricks I specially prepared for the soul -eating! "

Illegal entry raised the Lie Dragon Gun and expressed their respect to Dasha. This is also everyone who knows illegal entry. The second time I see illegal entry admiration, I admire a person so much. In the illegal entry, we must use the trick to deal with the demon soul -elimation. The players are completely crazy. They keep cheering and keep cheer in order to vent their excitement! Xiao Shan feels that his eyes have begun to wet, and your heart is silent. Brother, your wish has finally been reached, illegal entry admits your strength. He treats you as a opponent like the boss! Cats look at Dasha. This person who is usually gifted and is a good -tempered person suddenly feels that he is so tall. She also heard a lot of silly deeds from other people, but never said They are amazing, as if they are just two of them who know the level of leveling! But today, her brother, her most admired brother, even regards him as his opponent. She knows that the meaning of these two words from her brother’s mouth is that the strength is the same as him or even higher than him than him. The name of the person! Why are the people in the Magic Palace so strange? Why do they have the bad guy that they have such strength? Why, I do n’t know, I do n’t know, but she feels very happy. Will it stay, for who is the silly? For brother? Or for yourself? It’s for that persistence! Cats also shouted. She was applauding the two people on the stage, no matter who wins and lose! What I do n’t die is that the brows are locked, and the powerfulness of Dasha is simply unexpected. Like him, for a while, it ’s really except for soul -eater, I am afraid that no one can cure it! … Don’t mess with old people in the future! Qingqing apple incense is now unintentional. He has completely merged himself, constantly changing his identity, and experienced the shocking attack and the unpredictable body! Aixin Corolla is also focused on. He first felt the threat. It was a threat except soul -eliminating. The two people on the field gave him. That was the real cling! Real contradictions! Qinglong watched the whole body of numbness, fork, how many perverts, … What kind of world is still not letting people mix! I illegally entered a roar, and for a moment, he was in a high place, and he went up high, and he came down to make his nirvana! …… Fire Fire Eighteen Strike! For a while, the sky was full of flames and fighting gas, but the gun was gone! Too fast, too strong! Dasha also used his full defense, escaped the shots and shots, and waved angrily, but the health was attacked by the fighting, but there was no way. grade! From the air to the ground, a serial eighteen shot, the gun is key, the gun will kill, as long as there is a shot in the front, it is basically finished! 15! 16! 17! Nearly players began to count the number of illegal entry guns, or the number of guns blocked by Dasha! There is also a shot, the last shot! A straight thorn, a end -of -the -ring eighteen gun! Dasha retreating, he is retreating, he knows that there is only the last step, and he will take the final step! Finally, the gun gas came into contact with him, but fortunately it was just contact! All the starts of cheering, a full eighteen shot, super horrible eighteen shots, Dasha was used to borrow it, it was so angry! The Demon Palace also started to cheer. Xueer was so happy that Xiao Sili was even more excited! At this moment, the voice of the two people suddenly sounded! “careful!”

“not good!”

The first sentence is me, the second is Qingqing apple fragrance! Just when everyone thought it was over, the flames of the spiral state on the gun turned out, and a huge fire dragon directly rushed to the silly!

The eighteen shots in front are all virtual tricks, for this last blow, this is the real fire dragon gun!

Intersection Intersection Of course, if you ca n’t even stop even the eighteen shots in front, you are naturally not qualified to see its true face!

This time, Dasha couldn’t escape!

Dashan fell down!

It’s not that he can’t do his best, it’s the opponent too strong!

Suddenly changing, players have no time to look back!

Until Dasha was knocked down, all talents were awake, this is the strength of illegal entry!

King Xiaoyao’s strength!

Each shot of the eighteen shots in front is continuous, and finally prepared for the fire dragon strike.

This is not an ordinary fire dragon, but the flames are real.

The lethality may be the same!

Besides, there was not much health at the time at the time, and it must be unable to prevent it!

The audience sounded warm applause, not only illegal entry for the winners, but also the same is true of the failure of the loser.

This wonderful game was dedicated by the two of them!

This is the real soul!

Text 100 sixty -seven three heads and six arms Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 8849 The profession of warriors is always so passionate, which is why countless players choose it.

Illegal entry and dumbfille interpret them a classic!

Dasha let everyone know him again, but he can be regarded as a master of heaven -level from his personal strength, but the gap between his illegal entry still exists.

In the entire battle, Dasha is actually in a state of suppression.

Illegal entry rarely transferred to defense, and the cope is relatively free.

This gap is not a little or two.

To be precise, Dasha could not give him that full of crisis, it can only be regarded as stimulating the will of his soldiers!

Therefore, you must not be illegally entered because of the wonderful performance of Dasha, not to mention that his flame dragon knight transformed into a real killer, but also the only person to know the fitting skills now!

Dasha was warmly welcomed by everyone.

Brothers and sisters knew that Dasha was very powerful, but to what extent, no one knew, today I finally showed their skills!

There is no species of the Magic Palace, and there are no weak soldiers!

“Dasha, you can show your face this time, you can invite you for a while!”

The three wolves were surrounded by Dasha, and it seemed that it would not be reluctant to eat it hard. … The second sister -in -law and Xiao Mao heard that there were free food, and the old eyes stared at the old circle, and the cat fish was not far behind! But this meal is small, I am afraid that the silly will have to radish and pickles until the end of the month. “Okay, although Dasha was defeated in this battle, it is worth rewarding. I will choose the cost, you choose the place yourself!”

As a boss, you have to take a shot! “Wow, eat the boss, then I have to eat more, and I have to pack it!”

“Yes, don’t ask for the best, but the most expensive, can’t eat, all go away!”

A group of guys who are usually honest, suddenly they have become more adulterer than traitors … … There was a momentum of eating me down. Good people are hard to do! “Quiet, quiet, everyone is still leisurely, the fine water flows!”

Xiao Mao shook his head and talked to me. “Come on, every time you eat the most, the most fierce!”

The second sister -in -law revealed his essence relentlessly. Xiaomao’s face was not blushing, and a family was not so good. fall! This is the great realm of the adulterer ——- water and fire are not invaded! However, I am really happy for Dasha, and I am not good at expressing it. I am not good at expressing it. All my intentions are in my heart and express it with action. We are invincible! Cats are naturally congratulated by my brother. Since we have cats, our relationship has improved a lot. In fact, there is no need to start a civil war, but sometimes it is inevitable. In the fourth game, the 76th warrior desperately three wolf VS 75 -level archers Harley Comet This can also be regarded as a very powerful game, the collision of the powerful figures, desperately desperately, the deputy head of the Magic Palace Magic Ridge, the Demon Wolf Knight, Comet Harley, and one of the most powerful bosses in the new guild , Tiger Bow Knight. The moment I saw Comet Harley, I suddenly had a bright understanding, the archers? Intersection Yes, why not develop a team of bow cavalry? Thinking of my blood here, I was boiling. The previous Mongolian Iron Rider was invincible, relying on the light bow cavalry, yes, it was him! However, the war horses have high requirements for your health. The health of the archer is about 60 % of the soldiers of the same level. In fact, a archer above level 70 can already ride a horse! Battle horses are different depending on the strength and the height of the demand health. In fact, we can grasp some war horses with low demand for life. Although the speed and durability can be worse, the archers and ordinary gun cavalry are different. Intersection The emergence of archers not only increases the range of archers, but also increases lethality and defense. It is not passive during siege, and it is mainly a variety of passengers! Whether it is a siege or a plain mountainous area, it can play a horrible combat effectiveness. … Can’t wait, the war horses must be collected quickly, otherwise it will not be promoted by others. After all For relatively few, the large -scale purchase of the Magic Palace will inevitably attract the attention of people! So you must buy as much as you can! Hey, remembering that the magic ride and the bow rider cooperated with the battle, the invincible scene could not help but be excited! Quickly screamed Xiao Mao, the second sister -in -law, cat fish, and two stupidly came over and told them about my thoughts, … Xiao Mao and Erzi were not polite to me on the spot, sweat! Cat fish and silly are also very excited, and the strength of the Magic Palace is finally making breakthroughs! “Boss, it’s the boss, it’s better to invite a meal tomorrow!”

Xiao Mao said excitedly, … This can also be praised …? “Okay, I treat, Xiaomao pays, how about everyone?”

Xiao Mao scared quickly, “Yes, when I didn’t say, I was a migrant family, but I couldn’t stand the blackmail of this guy!”

Several other people listened to Xiao Mao’s drums, and the frightened fat man sweated coldly. “Xiao Mao arranged the funds, and the second sister -in -law immediately started designing and started to create a light equipment for war horses. Cat fish and Shuang silly went to make this buy and sell well. Pay attention to confidentiality. In addition to searching for ourselves Purchase, the price is not slightly higher, because you edit it yourself, try not to surprise others! "

“Okay, let’s say that the first floor of the world is preparing to go to the horse meat meal, just need some tender pony!”

Xiao Mao said with a smile. Everyone thinks it is good, just follow this idea. Xiao Mao was busy with excitement, and the three wolves and Harley comets on the field also started. Comet Halley rode the king of the tiger (can ride a pet, there is no restriction on the owner) The fierce shot was launched against the desperate wolf riding, and the tiger king’s brave cooperation attacked, and the two natives also hit the hair and the three wolves. Fa Fa and San Wolf directly entered the battle state. Black fighting gas and black magic inflammation made them like a knight from hell. The speed of lightning allowed the tiger king with defense -based. Comet Harley is even more headache, and the advantage of riding the tiger’s archer’s speed is gone! Instead, the three wolves are even more scary, and the desperate three wolf feels at this time. At this time, the magic inflammation affects each other with his dark spirit and integration! Two suddenly turned into dust by the claws of the Dark Wolf King. As for the stabbing hair, it was also easy to escape. The bow and arrow of Halley’s bow and arrows were a problem. What harm to them constitutes a few times! Gradually, the speed began, a electric asthma was on the top of Harley, and the devil wolf roared! The three wolves also rose into the air, a force to split Huashan to press down! The personality of the Tiger King determines that it does not want to dodge, and the element balls are also sprayed with the three wolves in the mouth. Comet Harley launched a continuous shot in the air, and finally the frozen arrow! In addition to the attractive function of the Dark Fighting of the San Wolf, it is also excluded. Although it is not absolute, the 5 consecutive shots have led to one arrow, avoiding one arrow, and the dark fighting gas carried two arrows. Although the final frozen arrow hit, it has no effect! The dark fighting gas of the Sanwolves has a good anti -magic effect like the illegal flame fighting! The power of the dark elements that was issued was obvious than the soil elements of the king of the Tiger. The attack of the Tiger King was exploded, and the direction of the dark element was killed in the past. Comet Harley had known that the other party was not easy to mess with, but did not expect so much! He may have an advantage when he is for others, but he is not the same as the desperate three wolves. The position has just been adjusted. In particular, the Tiger King encounters horror creatures like the Dark Wolf King, and there is no room for play. The official is a higher level to die, and the sending itself is higher than the class of the Tiger King, and it is still the dark attribute of the attack. Poor, speed is even more advantageous, … The King of Tiger can only recognize the influence when encountering it! With the restraint of the king of the Tiger, Comet Harley could not play the speed and agility of the archer’s advantage, but he knew that if he was separated, he would be over, as long as he desperately chased him. The desperate wolf that blocked Comet Harley’s attack, and a fierce blow to the Comet of Harley, but it seemed that the direction was a bit too much. At the same time, the roaring bomb sent first hit the Tiger King. Although the Tiger King was blocked with the earth wall, he still couldn’t help but take a step back.

Harley’s comet also retreated.

The defense measures that had been done were also disrupted, and the attack on the three wolves fell at this time, just right!

After the blow, the three wolves launched a technical attack.

No matter how the Tiger King dodged, he couldn’t get rid of his hair.

Everyone saw it, and the predicament of Harley.

“This Harley’s head has a problem, so she plays such a silly game!”

People who are the most unsightly people who are the most unsatisfactory. In the first few games, this Harley Comet is incredible. It is really like a fierce tiger. Desperate three wolves became parallel imports. “Hehe, it’s a mistake. If you come to others, pets to pets may still be a little bit watched. Once you use people’s pet skills, it will be big. Playing with melee, he thought he loved New Coroluto! "

Qingqing apple incense is most looking down on such people who are not moving. Indeed, if the tiger king is sent, although you can’t win, the delay is still okay. The archer will never be so passive to the warrior! Seeing the game on the field, I also have alertness in my heart. Once a bow cavalry is established, you can be careful of the opponent’s cavalry … I dare not imagine that there will be any results if they are rushed in, so this tactic must think about it. , Especially to cooperate directly with each other, the greater the advantages, and the disadvantages are obvious. There are flaws and are not afraid. Sometimes the flaws are handled, and it is also a good trap! Sure enough, Comet on the field can only be struggling to dying now and cannot counterattack! In fact, there is no way. Whether it is desperately three wolves or illegal entry, it just restrains him. If you change to other people, the scene will definitely be different! … Who told him to be so lucky! … By the way, I can do it too. Now I always exclude myself out, it really feels like a high sense of people in the world! Desperate three wolves to win easily, advance into the quarterfinals! Although Comet Harley was a little disappointed, he couldn’t help it. He could only blame himself in luck. A total of three nemesis let him run into one, and I have to say that it was destroyed by him. There is no last game, and it is no wonder that I have just finished eating a big meal. I have no appetite when I see this kind of jam, but the climax is coming again! In the fifth game, level 76 warriors masked person vs76 warrior Qinglong Both sides are known for mystery! Masked people, the biggest dark horse in this competition, and the super -horrible strength conquered countless players, especially the Firefrade’s one is even more appreciated. , But in the eyes of others, the taste is different. Everyone wants to see his true face of Lushan! With strength, personality, and so mysterious people are definitely attractive! In fact, the San Wolf came back and told us that we will naturally keep confidential. There is his own plan to fight, and we should believe him. And he is also very happy to have such strength. I watched his game. I definitely have the strength to challenge Qingqing apple incense. As for the victory or defeat, it depends on the actual combat. They are all shocked, and they are not dead to Qingqing apple incense. This is definitely not just Apple’s strategy, but the strength must also surpass him! Qinglong, the strongest in the emerging forces, the boss of the four saints, the horror figure of the bone dragon, this is also the first time he appeared in front of the public. Formally approach to the Seven Congress! The game in front of Qinglong is also very easy to win. It is superb technology, with a tricky angle, and is very fierce. Generally speaking, when we come out, there are some places, everyone is automatically avoided. Although the effect is the same. Not good, but Qinglong has no such scruples. As long as the angle is appropriate, he does not matter which set! Qinglong is very clear about the strength of the masked people, but he knows the weakness of the masked people, that is, pets, he has to bet on whether it is correct! Masked people have no feelings about Qinglong. Anyway, knowing that this guy is not a good thing, he has heard of his notoriousness in Kunlun, and it is exactly free of evil to remove evil. Qingqing apple incense looked at the masked people below, the more incorrectly looked at it. Although he was not a fight from the signs, after several rounds of games, his intuition told him that the opponent kept fighting, although the body changed, although the body changed, although the body changed, although the body changed, although the body changed It’s a bit, but it is not allowed to be the image of evolution! Thinking of the killing of Apple incense here, I couldn’t help but frown even the endless endless side. I don’t know who provoked this evil star. Qingqing apple incense has been determined to teach him fiercely, let him know the gap between them, and see the expression of “concentration”

without trace not far away. Kill someone! The water fairy on the stands of the water fairy has no trace, and quietly looked at the masked person on the field, but she was absolutely unable to calm down. She knew that the person was definitely a fight. Although he was blindfolded, his body changed. But he couldn’t hide him. How do you say it? It is difficult to say clearly, but she chose the Qingqing apple incense in the end. Although she kept it up with the battle, She doesn’t know if she regrets it, she really doesn’t know, but she still does not want the two to fight, and she does not want to have the conflict between the Magic Palace and the Shang League. She knows her husband’s ambitions. One day, his wife, she supports him. So she returned to the Qingqing apple incense, and made the position without death. In fact, she looks too high to look at herself! People, never estimate themselves too high! Qinglong chose a pet war, and the masked people did not oppose it. The supporters of the masked people feel that they are unfair to the masked people. Everyone thinks that the masked people have no good pets, because Qinglong has summoned the bone dragon, and the masked people still have no movement. The bone dragon kept roaring, and the dead breath was constantly tumbling, and Long Wei kept spreading. At the same time, the blue dragon on the side also drank a loud loud, and the dead gray really gas was raised — — The undead is really angry! The special qi with a curse effect is not exposed at all in the previous game. This time he also knows the power of the other party. Yes, right? Intersection Intersection When the players saw Qinglong’s strange fighting, they all knew that this was not easy to fight. Qinglong’s guy also had the real ability! The war kept watching the Qinglong and his pet bone dragon in front of him. The dead qi was useless to his brave. Essence The unparalleled sticks in their hands are also excited, and death is the opponent of the strongest vitality of the brave! Now Qinglong looks extremely weird. The game started! Intersection Intersection The war is still not summoned! Intersection Intersection We are worried about seeing it. Why not summon? What about the iron -back bear? Intersection Intersection It ’s just that it’ s not to be involved for a while! Intersection Intersection Although we are worried, we also know that the war is not the kind of person who is big. He must have a victory or his own plans like this! Cats don’t understand why everyone is very concerned about the masked people. They absolutely know, and the kind of eyes are the same as they look at each other, so they must know. But this masked person seems to be powerful, so, let’s take a look, anyway, the green dragon is not pleasing to the eye anyway. The bone dragon is terrible! Cat hates these things. … Fortunately, it wasn’t her playback. Seeing that the other party had not summoned pets, Qinglong knew that he had hit the wall, and people who walked to their point would not be so grasped. But he is not afraid, who will not leave two tricks? Intersection Do it! Bone Long heard the command of the owner, roaring, —— Death ripple! The dark green ripples kept flowing towards the war. The death wave pattern had no effect on the Qinglong, but it was very comfortable, but he knew that the other party was not so easy. The anger in his hand was cut horizontally, followed by killing, and the bone dragon roared and rushed over! The war kept seeing the Qingqing apple incense, and also saw the non -trace. The Qingqing apple fragrance demonstrated the no trace in his arms. The no trace seemed to know something, but did not struggle and buried in the depths of the heart. The scars were touched. He thought he could have been forgotten. Now he knows that he is still wrong. He must fight with Qingqing apple incense before he can have all the grievances. Before that, the passenger died. Intersection Intersection Intersection Demon blocking magic, the Buddha blocks the Buddha! The war kept roaring up, and he didn’t look at the one in front of him at all. Qinglong looked at the scalp and a bear, and there was no deep hatred with him! The unparalleled sticks in my hand suddenly became thicker, the purple power rolled, the constant figure rose again, and the brave set was also cheerful. Just paused immediately. Total Annihilation! Intersection Intersection The seemingly powerful bone dragon was swept away by a stick. When the Qinglong saw that the situation was not good, he immediately hid him. Obviously, there is a great power, no wonder you don’t need pets. Qinglong knew that this time she was really going to meet, and she dared not keep it. She was furious and took out his real weapon. ——Death Scythe! A person’s tall god sickle appeared, holding it in his hand, Qinglong’s sudden whole body was full of strength, and he was not afraid of the masked person in front of him!

Qinglong made a strange laughter, and the god of death waved gently, turning around!

The bone dragon seems to be full of awe of the god of death!




and the stick that the masked man gave it, it still remembered.

“Gaga, although I don’t know who you are, it is also your honor to die under my dead god sickle! The dead god sickle suddenly accelerated, and a harsh whine continued to fight! As soon as the impact, the war kept a little faint, and the fighting was obviously shocked, the health was slowly decreased, and the motion was decreasing! Intersection Intersection What is this weird! When the lord saw the master’s exhibition, and the dog fought on the people, he kept sweeping towards the war again. Revenge must fly this human! The war kept knowing that the opponent’s rotation must be broken! With the purple flameless stick, he swept vigorously, and the tail of the bone dragon was almost interrupted, but the poor guy flew out again! Qinglong didn’t care about the waste that could not be used. It was a little faster under his hand, and suddenly he slashed a few knives, brushed, brushed! —— Dead God cracks! Similar to the mood like Tu Longbo’s true gas attack! The war kept ignoring. He knew that he had to attack. Although the sound of how much it hurt to his physical harm, it had a great impact on consciousness! Relying on the fighting and protecting the air! Qinglong sneered, and the huge sickle exuded the cold cold light, and the continuous empty air flew to the top of the war. Standard! Intersection Intersection Death sickle cut fiercely to the neck of the war! All the audience holds the breath to see how to cope with this kill! Intersection Intersection Unexpectedly, Qinglong was so fierce, and it was really strong! Qingqing apples sneer secretly. As soon as I saw the strange light in the eyes of no trace, the anger rushed up! The passive battle kept moving! "

Three heads and six arms!” (One of the special skills of the Warriors, the energy of energy has the same attack power, but it will disappear after a attack or defense, consumes a lot of magic values and a small amount of life) The battle in Ziyan turned into the eyes of the eyes again, and it flashed again. There was really two more heads and four arms, but at a glance, I knew it was energy and body! The battle kept holding the front empty cracks, holding a pair of arms to hold the dead god sickle against the Qinglong, and the other arms smashed towards the Qinglong! Booming Qinglong was smashed out, but the help of the touched cloak, suspended in the air! Although Qinglong suffered a loss, it was difficult to follow up! The war kept replenishing the health, support the stick without a stick, and drink a lot: "

long!” There was no stick to keep the war in the air at once. The war in the mid -air kept drinking, "

Urgent!” The no -stick brushing retracted back. As the war kept a heavy chopping down, it became bigger and bigger in the air again in the air! Boom! ~ Qinglong was beaten to the top of the protective cover, like a bat that broke his wings and fell down! This guy is smart, and began to quickly supplement himself in the air! When the bone dragon was not good, he rushed up and blocked the way, hoping to stop the war! The war kept coming out of the more advanced skills that surpassed the warrior, and the barbaric impact! Even the bone dragon hit his owner to hit the protective cover, and then there was a messy stub. Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom ~ … Poor bone dragon and Qinglong were killed by even hit! Before Lin Hang, Qinglong knew that he was a scapegoat for others! Intersection Fork is really unlucky. The other party is obviously crazy! Masked people win! If Qinglong knows that other players also feel so happy, they will probably be angry! Qinglong’s famous battle soup, but it is still a bit of harvest, that is, the owner is like a pet, and it is unusable! After the victory, the Wushuang stick hit the Wushuang and hit the ground with all his strength! Boom ~ Buliang was hit a big pit. At this time, the battle is really a purple flame war god! Only in this way can the anger in his heart be slightly reduced! In the eyes of players, this is a demonstration, a challenge, a challenge to other masters! It’s so cool, too personal! Intersection Intersection Who is the masked person, it has become the most concerned question now! Intersection Intersection Or who is his goal? Intersection Intersection The calm war constantly recovered the indifference. As soon as he closed his anger, his body was slightly reduced, but he forgot a little bit, which returned to a normal state! Others may not know, but Qingqing apple fragrance and no trace immediately shocked! Guessing, after truly confirming it, my heart was still very shocking! The war kept returning, and everything they would know at this conference! Qingqing apple incense feels very clearly that they will meet, and someone must fall in front of another person! Although he is very powerful now, Apple still wants him to fall under his feet again and lose to him again in front of everyone! He, the war is constantly, and he will never be stepped on his feet by himself! The fierce light of Apple’s eyes now has a strange fluctuation on his body! Seeing other people’s surprised eyes, he immediately converged, and the endless endlessness was also secretly shocked! No trace is messy, she has no idea! The war kept disappearing silently. He was waiting for the battle to get rid of his fate, and again, he was still a lonely wolf before. Come silently and silently, but it is passion and brave to others. While we are always happy for the war, we also feel his anger and sadness! Although Xueer, although they despise their feelings, they also know that the relationship is really unpredictable. As women, they don’t want to say anything, right or wrong, time will verify everything! The baby’s wish is very simple, that is, the battle constantly puts up the bad apple to make a bad apple! Sixth! Finally it’s my turn, my opponent is fascinated! Level 85 Demon Warrior Demon King Soul Eater VS75 Class Magic Magic Rose Witch Fascination Although it can’t be said that this game is the most exciting, it must be the most watched game! The demon king soul, the legendary figure in this world, the legend of the entire world, is finally coming to play! There are too many deeds about the devil. You can not know anything about the world, but if you don’t know who the demon king is, then you have not played the second world! You can ignore the absolute strength of him over the people, because strength cannot represent everything! You can ignore the power of the Palace Palace, because the power cannot conquer everything! You can ignore the hunting skills of countless beauties, because everyone’s view of love is different! But you can’t ignore the results of his eastward levy in Japan, because you are a Chinese! He is a national hero! The players in the audience do not know who to pay tribute to the soul -eating under the leadership, not for any other reasons, just for his eastward sign! The whole audience shouted is not something else, but "

Long live the Chinese nation!” This is the desire to suppress every bloody Chinese soul looking forward to a century! I have deeply entered the hearts of every Chinese! In reality, we did not see it, but in the second world, we did not just the virtual world, but to the Japanese economy, which caused a shock. This is the results of the war! We want to let Japan, the United States know the entire world that the awakened Chinese lion is invincible! The selfishness of the essay of the 68 Ancient Magician Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5776 Looking at the man in front of him, he felt confused for a while. The feeling was strange and unclear, but it was really confused. The legendary world is the first in the world. Today, she is going to try her qualifications. I never believe in rumors. Because of this, she has forgotten many happiness before, but since the moment the three wolves leave, she has also realized that she has also realized After the end of the time, the crowd was looking for thousands of Baidu, but the man was in the ***zone, everything was a dream before! The person who loves her has left, what about the person she loves? But now I am very relaxed, as if she had returned to her happy childhood again. The game in front of her was the most concerned about her. I tried a good trial to see if the man who worshiped before was the name! Looking at the soul -eater, peaceful smiles, and extraordinary temperament that are being accepted by the players. Why does a person have two completely opposite temperaments? The fascination can’t help but fall into deep thoughts, and the time is backflow. At that time, the fascination was also a happy mage, but the beautiful days were not good, because beauty could not be eaten as a meal, or she would not use her own advantages. Essence At that time, what she admired most was the devil’s soul -elimation. It was so cool and too handsome. Everyone had their own dreams. But she soon knew that the prince was not her … But she was not convinced.

She desperately level the treasure, but the effect was not very good.

She understood that the truth was very hard, and the effort could not be harvested!

She suddenly found that the men around me looked at her eyes.

She knew her beauty.

Gradually, she also learned to use her appearance.

Sometimes a smile of her smile can make the man upside down.

Of course, it is impossible to take advantage of yourself.

The fascination knows your value.

The best is to leave it to the last candidate.

There is a shadow.

I don’t know when she changed.

Although she got what she wanted, she also lost.

She no longer believes in feelings.

Whenever she dumped the man, she saw their sadness, and she had a kind of pleasure.

Later, she was numb.

There was no feeling.

Suddenly, it was good to create a tragedy!

A tragedy that shocked the Central Plains, destroyed his dream, but after he was close to him, he found that he was still the same as before, and he still couldn’t attract his attention.

Is it not beautiful?

There are a lot of pure routes in his wife.

Isn’t she still seductive?

Wife is better to be a concubine.

No, it’s her wrong herself!

She lost the most important thing, and that was feelings.

But everything is over, or everything has just begun.

Isn’t it good to start a period of life?

I woke her up for a while, and the game began.

The fascination is the same smile, the same seductive, but it is less charming and more elegant.

In fact, I feel more troublesome in my heart.

I ca n’t start with the girls, but I ca n’t lose it.

It seems that I have to learn from the school!

Moreover, there is a desperate wolf in the middle to see how he has a good relationship.

How can he leave him a little face?

Besides, this fascination seems to have changed.

Less, sweat.

But this fascination may not be easy to deal with!




I am the devil, who am I afraid of!

The competition has begun, and no pet battle with the choice of fascination.

For the first time, I was serious in front of everyone, and she was a little solemn in peace.

What to prove with your own strength is right or wrong or what?

This is not what I know, but it is a good thing to have such a serious opponent, and I feel like it has come up!

I am like a rose like her beautiful rose, this is the legendary artifact-Rose.

In the sprinkler, a piece of petals began to fly, ——- Beauty contains killing.

As a list of heavenly lists, you can naturally fight the strength of the soul, clear apple fragrance, never die, Qinglong, these people are naturally concerned, their greatest enemies, of course, they want to know more.

Love New Corporation and illegal entry are also close attention.

Everyone who has heard of the soul -eating is heard, but where is the greatness?

What they need is flaws!

Artifacts, ghosts, special equipment, soldiers, dual occupations?

That’s right, enough, if you have any, you can achieve an extraordinary person!

But he can’t do it.

He is the soul of the demon king.

The symbol of Chinese players must be more than that.

Where is the source of his power, where is his origin?

This is what they care about, can’t catch this, they will never be his opponent!

All on the surface are unreliable!

Wind and snowy moon array?

Nice name, unfortunately for me, too fragile.

The fascination of clothing began a magic attack!







Did she forget, what did I do before?

I didn’t turn on the shield, nor did I use it, so I walked straight towards the fascination!

As long as you adjust the speed of moving forward, you can easily escape the fascination attack.

I am so familiar with magic, the first mage of that year, .



I really miss it!

In fact, such an attack is really useless to me.

I have a kind of counterattack.

If you encounter Qingqing apples or endlessly, I will let them try one by one!

But to deal with women, I have to win beautiful!

The siege is down, and the attack is up!

Players see that I do n’t have defense, but I do n’t think I am arrogant, but cheer even more excited.

The demon king should be!

The fascination also knows that such a simple attack is useless to me, but she hasn’t made a real trick.

So far, my performance is only “normal”

! The gap between magic, the launching point, … In fact, for my defense and magic resistance, as well as the high magic dodge, almost the most likely play, magic is meaningless to me! In fact, behind my strong attack, my defense is the strongest! Love New Deal, illegally entering the country, Qingqing apple incense is not my strong attack power, but it is the horrible defense. So far, they can only improve their attack power and hope that they can break. Unfortunately, what they know on the surface has made them headache! The four fairy looked at my performance completely, and the school sister was quite proud. … Is it just because I am her student? Seeing that I walked forward, the attack in my hand did not stop, and all kinds of magic bombed, … it seemed like a firework. Suddenly, the rose in his hand, the wind and snowy moon rose array immediately broke away from the fascination, stunned in everyone, and shrouded in my direction! Khan … Everyone thought that this beautiful and horrible rose array was a passive defense formation. I didn’t expect it to be an active attack type? Intersection I was already very close, and the movement of the Rose Temple was surprisingly fast, but I didn’t intend to dodge. Try its attack power! With a shock, the blood -bleeding magic sword was instantly prestigious. The vitality shield! The rose petal was immediately encircled like a knife! There was a buckle. Rose array impacted my defense system quickly. … The attack power is still weaker. My 85 -level vitality shield is not so easy to break, not to mention the lattering blood and the king’s true qi! What’s more, my Lord of the Rings has not played a effect! … I have no chance to use my dragon fighting! The attack power of the Rose formation has begun to weaken, after all, the fascination is just level 75! This is why the masters of this level are eager to be a common opponent! Ha ~! With my voice, the whole body of the whole body has continued to shrink and shrinks, and the wind and snow moon rose array suddenly scattered! I was so surprised that her proud wind and snow moon rose was so fragile in my hands! This is made by artifacts. Is the gap between them really so big? Intersection Qingqing apple incense looks like a tight eyebrows. In terms of level, he is only one level higher than the fascination. It seems that it is really troublesome! Izhuan Rolo and illegal entry are still focused on. These are not what they consider. The formal competition begins. If she is so fascinating, she can’t get on the list! The more you dig, the stronger it is to them! Illegal entry does not have any worries because of their own killer! They are all observing, not only my move, but more importantly, calculate, the strength of my vitality shield, the strength of the fighting, and the details of the action! For masters, it is often these small places that determine the victory! I smiled slightly at my fascination, and her fascination was also smiling. She naturally knew that I had any tricks to make her have all the tricks, otherwise there would be no chance! With the magic magic rod, the whole body has a purple-red light, the rose suit and the artifact in their hands-Rose resonated, that is not a fighting, if she also comes out, … wouldn’t it be a one The magic martial arts warrior? Intersection It was a dreamy light, like a kind of energy, and all the light was injected into an artifact! The rose in my hand shakes the rose in my hand! brush! —— Rose whip! That’s right, it is the rose whip in the soldiers, which is also a feature of the artifact rose! …… The chain was placed on the rose whip! Interesting! Slap! ~ I swept over when the rose whip was super. The long weapon of whip is really difficult to prevent! With a whip, the magic of a strand of magic directly hit my vitality shield, … it broke? Intersection Intersection The chain on the rose whip was killed instantly, carrying it all! The rose whip has the effect of breaking the magic. Although the chain Lightning has no defense of the shield, it is a pity, avoid the past, invalid! It seems that I started to fight back! —— Ice Demon Madness Dance! The amazing amount of ice rings rushed towards the fascination. What others released can be low, but I let it go, but I dare not care about it! Instantly, the shield was opened, and the rose whip circled around, and the fascination circle was in the middle. Sure enough, most of the ice rings were blocked, but there were still fish that leaked the net rushed in. … she suddenly found that the opponent was gone! By the time she was alert, my blood -stuffed sword had been put on her white neck! The fascination feels really weak. He is like a chess piece in his hands. No matter how you jump, he can’t get rid of his control … … This feeling is really good! I didn’t think too much, .



so she should admit it, the magician really didn’t play with me .



unless it was an eternal ancient magician, .



I Suspecting whether he can set fire for a curse.

As for artifacts, there is no effect, .



I am full of artifacts on my whole body!

This was a wake -up, and suddenly showed a charming smile, “Brother Soul Eater, good skills, worthy of being the first in the world, fascinating!”

Players are naturally whistle, shouting. I was surprisingly blushing, and I was more enthusiastic when I saw the audience. I was sweating and flashing! The demon king wins! After returning, Dasha is naturally ridiculous for a while … … The three wolves are like this, probably knowing that there is nothing between us. However, the baby is not big, but the vinegar is the biggest … … I was indispensable for being “gently”

(baby’s own view). The ancient magician from the beginning to the end is very careful. The Fire Magic Book is hidden in his hands. He has to consider that if he encounters the battle of soul -eating, … he will definitely do his best Who is it for, is it a mood? Maybe for yourself! In any case he is eager to fight the soul! I never expected myself … I was so sought after. In the seventh battle, 76th warrior Qingqing apple incense vs63 -level archers melancholy kitten cat They chose to be a pet battle, the old -fashioned forces, Xuanwu to Mimi, Apple to cats. At the beginning, Mimi was as powerful as the owner. Mimi is rotating in the air, and the basalt of the water system and the wind is still good for the magic defense of the light. After all, it is the first pet of the defense, but the strange physical attack makes Mimi eat it! Cat’s magic attack did not work as before … because cats could not attack Apple at all, as if all the routes were guessed, it was a bit silly to see through, but it was absolutely different. Dasha is the blind spot of attacking after the opponent’s attack, and Apple is the opposite. At the moment of the attack, he has taken advantage of the empty door. I still haven’t bought it less … unfortunately, how can this kind of thing be useful for Qingqing apple incense! It seems that the ancient magician still didn’t give good things to the cat … but what do I think, those horrible scrolls are prepared for me! Men in love will inevitably be willful, and so is the forever ancient magician. He has no other requirements, but just wants to fight with me. This sudden idea turned out Cat, this is also his selfishness. How can people have no selfishness? In fact, it is normal. The ancient magician is also a man and a man! The cat who was forced to the corner couldn’t break out, … I was crying … … This time I scared the apple’s hands and was scared. It’s all falling! Intersection Intersection … In fact, Apple’s heart is that bitterness. This kind of game is the most difficult to do. If you lose it, you ca n’t win beautifully. He forced him to use all the things he should not use, and he was about to succeed. … The other party was crying, and the Qingqing apple fragrance also had weaknesses, that is, the most afraid of women crying. Unfortunately, his ability to coax people is not like his mind at all. The audience below laughed, and in the end, he illegally entered the country and gave him a siege. Apple’s sweat came out. However, it can predict the opponent’s action route … to what extent can you do in the peculiar ability, to what extent can you do? I really look forward to it! At that moment, the gaze of Qingqing apple incense was right. Outsiders could never realize the meaning of that moment. In fact, even we could not express it, but it was so clearly and clear! Hey, Apple, you can’t help it, in fact, I can’t help it! The failure of cats is also expected by everyone. As a novice, the future star, everyone can count on her. The seventh scene of Qingqing apple won! The eighth level 76 warrior mood VS75 -level magician liberal person Mood, the strongest female warrior, the beauty on the stunning list, the owner of the Dragon Dragon Bao Dao, the head of the magic group, and the wife of the demon king’s soul, each identity is a story! Freedom, if he was just the boss of an emerging guild before the competition, but the pet competition made him famous at once, because his pet-the guardian of the hell door, the same strength as the dark wolf king, the same strength Horror pets! Unfortunately, he is not a soldier but a mage, and the guardian guardian has just evolved, and has not had any impact on the owner! He naturally chooses pet war! I didn’t oppose my mood … … His wind elves are much more different from the guardian guards! But the free person is much worse than her. The most important thing is that the game is a contest of people, and pets are just helpers! Liberty attacked, the guardian guards were in the melee, and the mood was to let the wind elf fight with her. Under the awakened jasper’s dragon knife, even the hell guard guards could not resist. The continuous jasper cut the dragon killing, solved the guardian guards, turned around and killed the lonely free people, … … The dragon’s broken shield effect is definitely fascinating rose whip! … not to mention the strength of the opponent! There is also a gap in the masters, and one level is very different! The eighth mood won! As the only female player, he has advanced to the quarterfinals! Stone’s new book “Three Eyes Lishen Mantra”

began to upload, I hope everyone likes ^\ _ ^ Text 100 sixty -nine end -of -day trial Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7833 The eighth semi -finals are over. The top masters are all born. They are similar to the list of heavenly lists. Except for the mysterious masked people, the others are all masters of the list! Although I do n’t know who the masters are, it is definitely not a master of the list, but the current strength is obvious in the list, it may be the latest promotion, or the strength is hidden. However, the appearance of masked people add another taste to the competition, one suspense, a dark horse, and a dream! As the only female player, she entered the quarterfinals. Although her strength is obvious to all, the flaws are also obvious —— pets, they are fatal when they encounter a commonly matched master. There is a little red in the green cluster, and the female players also pin their hope on her mood, and expect her to fight for the majority of female compatriots! 1. Defending champion —— Demon King Soul Eater! One legend, a dream, invincible in the Central Plains, invincible world, above the peak, loneliness to defeat! 2. King Xiaoyao illegal entry The infatuated man, attached to the lunar, the gun fingers the sky, asking who the world is a hero! 3. The king who disappears —— I New Deal Luo Luo A king, a more perfect existence than an elf, pursue the distant and ethereal memories! 4. Fugui World —— Qingqing apple fragrance There is the heart of heaven and earth, there is Kong Ming’s plan, Xu Chuzhong, a generation of heroes, a magnificent in the Yuan Dynasty, and rich in the world! 5. King of Master —— Forever Ancient Magic Master The calm appearance contains the power of volcanic eruption, and constantly chasing the legendary magic. 6. Dragon Dragon Witch —— Mood Wisdom, power, beauty, and perfect woman, Oriental Athena is alive! 7. Devil Wolf Warfire will —– desperately three wolves If you do n’t make a sound, it ’s amazing, Feng Shui turns back, Jackie Chan last night! 8. Qitian Dasheng —— Maskedman I laughed at the sky from the horizontal stick and kept the liver and gallbladder. The hero of the former dynasty, Yellow Flowers yesterday, all went back, and the characters were still looking at the present! The World’s First Combat Conference —— The Fourth Fourth Fight! This is the elite in the elite, all players are looking forward to the decisive battle between the long -awaited masters! Yanhuangcheng can really be regarded as full of people. At this time, you must not be offline, because once the line is offline, the space you leave will be replenished immediately, and it will be more than twice more load. The real people are the unprecedented competition! Although the cities have set up live video, players still want to see it with their own eyes! It is not as good as the real live broadcast! The masters of the quarterfinals are unveiled. All the players are boiling. The eight people on the stage can say at least the half of the river in the Central Plains, the magnificent shore of the soul -eater, the illegal bravery, the depth of Apple, the elegance of the clan, and the chic. Masked mystery, the excitement of the three wolves, and the softness of the mood. Players are cheering, their supporters are cheering! Blood -eating magic sword, fierce fire dragon gun, hundreds of refined, phantom god bow, element’s stick, no stick, anger, jasper slaughter raised at the same time, all kinds of fighting magic rushed to the sky! Boiled! The first four battles of the world’s first military conference began! The first eternal ancient magician vs is in the mood! Intersection Intersection That’s right, when the signing was drawn, the ancient magician was really complicated and unclear, but now he represents not only himself, but also his brothers who support him.

His Magic Institute!

For the favorite person, he decided to show his strongest power, and he also knew that if not, he would not be her opponent at all!

Soul Eater is his brother, the person he sincerely admits, and the only person he thinks he is not as good as herself!

To support himself, for himself, and for .



he must do his best!

Who can be better than the strongest mage and the most sharp warrior?

Intersection Intersection The mood is more recognized by the eternal ancient magician.

It is good and powerful .



The most important thing is that he is the helper of his husband.

Her favor is the greatest from this!

Although the eyes of the forever ancient magician look a little strange, the mood does not feel.

Her heart does not belong to herself.

She has completely placed it on another person.

For one friend, she can do everything she can do.

Complete a wonderful game!

For her, he is nothing, the game itself is the most important!

Regardless of whether it is the Eight Eight or Four, even if it is the second in the world, there is only one that everyone remembers, that is, the first in the world!

The eternal peak, the existence of immortality, the end of countless people!

Only at this moment can you realize that kind of motion, standing at a high place, is a man, and will have a moving!

“Brother Apple, how do you see the victory?”

I don’t know what to chew in my mouth, but from the expression of Apple, it will not be a good thing. “What do you mean?”

Apple did not answer this time. “How do you say it, the mood is known, there must be no good pets. The guy of the ancient magician is also a yin man. Don’t look at it on the surface. I think my personal strength is better. Watch it! "

Qingqing apple incense shook his head and laughed, “Unbelievable brother, rest assured, you will not choose pets. Even if the ancient magician has it, this game is really interesting, but … hehe.”

Seeing Apple selling Guanzi, it is not a matter of naturally. The Apple could not twist, but said, “You didn’t pay attention, do you look at the eyes of the ancient magician? "

Do you mean?” Endlessly turned his eyes to the stands, … "

No, right?” Obviously it was invisible. Of course, he can’t see it. He only knows how he can play with a woman, and how can he know what feelings are. The apple is dark, but he has not continued this topic. Although the eternal ancient magician now expresses the whole body, he has done his best. But in the end, it will definitely put water at the moment … 80 % of Apple is grasped. This is probably a man, let alone the strength of the mood. Apple naturally likes to watch such a thing. They naturally cheer for the mood. Baby, cats, and cats are even more excited. Especially after the cats fail, they also pin their hope on the mood sister. Cut a meal to him. … Why not find me and illegal? Intersection For this game, my point of view is to do my best. After all, in this realm, the experience of fighting between masters is very important. This is different from the usual discussion. The occasion and atmosphere are all important factor! This is a good opportunity to understand the stunt! Love New Corporation and illegal entry are also very concerned about these two people. No matter which one wins, it will not be easy for them. At this level of decisive battles, it is really too exciting. They all saw from each other’s eyes The hot flame! The competition began, and the forever no -fighting warfare requested, and naturally agreed, the audience below could not wait! The Jade Dragon Sword also felt the owner’s will and the pressure of the opponent. After a while, he went directly to the state of combat, that is, the true face of the dragon! The handle of the Dragon Slaughter suddenly looked like the open dragon mouth wrapped the arms of the mood, and sent out the sword of Senhan. Live! The current mood has returned to her state of slaughtering! The forever ancient magician also felt the pressure and real pressure. He clearly knew what she took in her hand, and a king of his soldier! The ancient magician has opened the shield. This is the first time he has come up to open the shield since he participated in the competition, and added a shield to himself! None of them moved, a 76 -level warrior, a 76 -level mage, evenly matched! One has a jasper and a dragon, and the other has a powerful attacker. They do not have to doubt their attacks, there is no strongest, only stronger! The ancient magician did not move. He was waiting. Generally, the mage was shot first, but he was different, no matter who the opponent was, because he was an eternal ancient magician! The mood was moving, the straight line accelerated, without any tricks, the dragon knife in the hand skyrocketed, brushing, two knives, cross-cross —— Jasper slaughter dragon waves! Following Xiang Kong flew to the top, and the eternal ancient magician of the Huashan Dynasty pressed down! The forever ancient magician did not move. He had to use his body to experience the power of the dragon. Only in this way can he solve the threat of the dragon! Although there is the protection of magic shields, the murderousness from the face still makes the ancient magician shocking, and there is no fame! When ~! Under the surprise of the ancient magician, the magic shield was broken by the Dragon Bo to break the shield. Fortunately, even if the shield was rebounded, it offset most of the attacks of the second knife. . But at this time, my mood had been killed from the air! Unexpectedly, an eternal ancient magician was in trouble. Is this the end? Of course it won’t be the case, otherwise he is not worthy of being the king of the mage. The ancient magician smiled slightly, and the element of the element’s stick waved quickly, Suddenly the light in the field ~! Lighting! Intersection Intersection It was strengthening lighting. The sudden light that came suddenly made the mood lose its goal at once. It was not good to know that the situation was not good, the mood stopped, and the whole body of the body was burning, and the defense was fully defended! Although the eternal ancient magician closed his eyes, he had clearly knew the location of the mood. Meteor fire and rain came out. For a while, the huge fire and waves on the field appeared out of thin air. The sound of explosions was mixed. … This is also a meteor fire and rain? Intersection Intersection The same magic is different in the hands of the ancient magician, it’s cool! The ancient magician did not stop, chain lightning, summoning meteorites, countless so -called advanced magic, in the hands of the ancient magician, like low magic, swarming out! We frowned, … this guy is really polite! I do n’t know how to treat women at all … The ancient magician in the field was a bit crazy, and there was a hope in his heart. While he was crazy, he hoped that she could easily break through his attack and waved his unique dragon to him! Only this is him, the eternal ancient magician, the woman worthy of protecting, even if there is no chance in this life! All the players are stunned, … the eternal ancient magician is simply a magic machine, which is too perverted, … under the gentle appearance, it turned out to be so violent! Suddenly, the eternal ancient magician stopped the attack, the difference, escaped the mood of the dragon knife, flew into the air, and fell in the distance. It’s mood, … she didn’t get any damage. What was going on? Intersection Intersection No one saw the mood’s movement, and only felt that the mood would appear behind the ancient magician in such a way. If it wasn’t for the ancient magician’s early detection, … it was really dangerous! The player drank for a while, for the fierce attacks of the two, and also a wonderful defense! The intuition that the ancient magician will just rely on is still a little scared now … Is it? Intersection Qingqing apple incense and endless stare are widened, because they have not seen the movement of mood. Yes, it is definitely right. Although the mood changes the location of the whereabouts, the ancient magician does not care. There is no difference in the range of attack magic, and it is definitely shrouded in mood. And mood can escape unscathed, … there is only one possibility! Intersection Intersection ——Teleport! Intersection Intersection Hey, yes, it’s my momentary movement! … The wives and brothers can only learn the mood. There is no way. It ’s not that I do n’t make it, but the mood is limited to once, and the intermediate interval is relatively long, which means that it cannot be used continuously! But for soldiers, this small change can change the entire battle! The eternal magician naturally guessed what skills the other party used, it must be the moment of the secret of the soul -eating secret! …… It seems more interesting! I felt the scary of the mage for the second time, a mage who could fly! However, the mood of mood was even higher. I felt the owner’s heart. The sword of the jasper slaughter of the dragon knife stretched again and continued to swallow, like a sharp dragon teeth! The forever ancient magician also focused on, he knew that the real game began! The mood accelerated again, and a sudden move in the middle, pulled into the distance from the ancient magician, the jasper slashing the dragon immediately waved out! The magic of the Magic Master was easily split and hit directly.

As soon as the mage retreated, the mage’s attack power was not good.

There was no room for his play in melee, but the ancient magician’s omnipotent magic also made the omnipotent magic also let the omnipotent magic also let the omnipotent magic also let the omnipotent magic also allowed I feel a headache, but if this goes on, the ancient magician must not be insisted.

The Dragon Sword has trembled excitedly, and the horrible swordsman easily tear the magic shield of the ancient magician!




My vitality shield trembled when I encountered the Dragon Sword, let alone the magic shield!

The ancient magician did not use the flight again.

He knew that once it was used, the soldiers who waited for him were the soldiers of the soldiers, and the serial air strike could want his life!

Boom ~ Magic scroll!

A burst of flames per filled, the ancient magician had escaped the scope of the attack.

His heart is trembling.

There are many magic on the magic book of fire, but only one is absolutely fatal to deal with such masters.

He has always been eager to use this trick.

Now the opportunity is finally coming!

Elemental sticks emit a colorful and dazzling light.

Everyone was attracted by the Dragon Dragon, forgetting that the pole of the element is also a magic soldier, and the mage’s ultimate soldier!

Two fire elements appear on the ground, which is more advanced than the fire element, which can release the magic of fire, and this is released by the eternal ancient magician.

It will definitely not be so simple.

Two dark blue, the fierce fire elements wrapped around the lightning each other, a fire wall appeared between the two guys, surrounding the mood!

At the same time, the ancient magician also came up with a horrible fire book.

The magic book in the flame was extremely shocking.

If anyone can have the six -series magic book, then he is the supreme mage world, challenge the challenge, challenge the challenge, challenge the challenge, challenge the challenge The position of the king of the world!

I naturally know that the situation is not good, especially when she sees the eternal ancient magician’s excitement, she doesn’t want to lose to any man except her husband, never!

—— Jade Jade Slim Dragon Killing Easily split the firewall, and two knives solved the two elements of the fire that felt good about yourself, and killed it towards the ancient magician!

The ancient magician finally used the scroll.

It was his secret scroll.

In order to complete this magic, he had to win the time.

The fire magic book was also a masterpiece of flames.

Everyone looked at the ancient magician who was sweating, and didn’t know what magic could make him unable to separate.

Two scrolls that still go out, it costs his countless efforts.

The first rolled axis burst, and countless small fireballs sprinkled towards the mood.

Yes, it was a small fireball, but it was indeed a small blue fireball, which showed that it was compressed countless times .




The second scroll is the light of prayer to himself, the light is magic, and the unintentional masterpiece, at the same time, increases all the ability of the recipient and speed up his magic process!

The whole body of the mood is mad and long, with a good time, —— Jade Mad Dragon Kill!

Suddenly, the sword shadow was full, and countless small swords greeted up.

The collision between the sword and the magic caused a series of small explosions.

But they organized the path of mood, the ancient magician’s face began to smile, and the mood was bitter, and his killer!

While the ice dragon she was killed, the dragon knife seized the soul of the ice dragon, the power of the dragon!

This is the real purpose of the Dragon Turkey, that is the power of the dragon!

Jasper Fenglongbo!

Intersection Intersection The sword gas of the Dragon Sword began to turn white, and suddenly a blue and white sword gas was burst out.

It was so huge.

This was released in a way of breaking the sky.

The power of the dragon can never be underestimated, even the low -class ice dragon!

The release of Fenglongbo’s mood is also very weak.

With her current strength, she is not enough to control Fenglongbo, but the soul of Binglong still has deep jealousy for the Dragon Sword.

On human beings, a human mage!

The crazy ice dragon rushed to the eternal ancient magician.

—— A absolute zero-degree of the ice forbidden curse!

At this time, the mage was suddenly energetic, and the elements in his hands raised it high.

—— Doomsday trial!

We all stood up unknowingly.

I didn’t expect that the forever is so fierce that the ancient magician is so fierce that we have released the complete end of the day trial with the power of human beings!

Intersection Intersection That’s right, the white flame is definitely the full version, horrible!

The ancient magician who was finished was collapsed at once, and the whole person was crumbling!

Binglong Soul is also high, and he desperately reduce the temperature and accelerates to the ancient magician.

It wants to tear this annoying humans and make its most annoying high temperature!

However, the whole game made a burst of sound, and the sudden paleness became a kind of suffocating pale!

The white flame fell down, and Binglong struggled .



It was absolutely zero, and the grade was still lower, and it was drowned at once.

After all, it was just a soul!

But the doomsday trial was still paused!

The eternal ancient magician rely on the protective cover, watching his own works, with the help of the fire book of fire, adding magic scrolls, and small end -of -day trials made by element sticks!

This is his pride!

At this time, a dead end of the doomsday trial was keenly discovered, and it was definitely the weakest part of the doomsday trial.

It gathered the whole body and stood up for a few seconds, and then moved to the edge of the protective cover instantly!

In this short period of time, the health of the mood is less crazy, and the fighting spirit has no effect at all!

Is this the ultimate state of magic?

There is no degenerate doomsday trial?

Intersection Intersection The protective cover made a harsh sound, “The system red alert, attacking 105 % of the realm line, 105 % of the attack exceeding the realm, collapsed after three seconds, and collapsed after three seconds! "

With a bombardment, the fire cover finally couldn’t hold the pressure of the end of the day trial, and it burst! Countless white flames spread out. Fortunately, the protective cover offsets most of the power, otherwise … I don’t know how much casualties to cause! Both the ancient magician and the mood of the mood were exhausted, and the support of the protective cover was lost. The eternal ancient magician finally fell. … But he leaned backwards and fell outside the venue. Lost the power and fell forward! At this moment, she saw us and saw me. The Dragon Sword flashed, restored a little physical strength. Intersection Intersection The Dragon Dragon Witch’s mood won! There was a shallow smile on the corner of the ancient magician’s mouth, and he was really satisfied! Maybe this is the best result. How can end -day trials be flawed? Intersection …… Everyone watched. Is this the decisive battle of top masters? Sure enough, it is a hundred enemies! In the first game of the Fourth Fourth, I was in a difficult mood! Dragon, Binglong, is indeed the soul of Binglong. The original rumors are all real. This is the first dragon soul under the Dragon Sword! Can release the absolute zero horror guy! Although the ancient magician loses, everyone can see the power of the first mage again, and the most powerful attack on the start of the game now —— The Fire System Ban Mantra Ferry Trial! Intersection Intersection The second one can release the magician of the doomsday with the power of human beings! There is no victor or a loser in this game, a classic battle! Players began to cheer, whether it is the winner’s mood, or the forever ancient magician of the loser! The Dragon Dragon Dragon Witch’s name is actually! The king of the mage is well deserved! Of course, not everyone is satisfied, such as immortality, this guy is the most unsatisfactory to others, … especially the person he hates! “Fork, that stinky mage really has two sons, but unfortunately, if he meets me, he doesn’t even have a chance to put magic!”

Qingqing apple incense does not throw him. Although it is indeed a speed advantage as a thief, it is not so simple to win or lose. He does not believe that the ancient magician does not deal with the thief! Frequent trial, hey, I have to guard against it, thinking of that shocking attack, it is trembling. This is the state that the warrior can never achieve … “Brother Apple, I really have to be careful about this guy in the future. If he will launch such magic in large -scale combat, … others don’t have to play!”

I am still worried. Qingqing apple fragrant glanced at him. “Undead brother, he did not pull a person who could put this perverted trick. Even the eternal ancient magician had to rely on the power of the magic book of fire, …. .. But you said that even if this is not the way, it will not give him a chance, and the lethality will be too great! At that time, the ancient magician will give you the thirteen killer! "

Apple has never been a good loss to buy and sell. Smile a few times without saying a few times without talking. Khan …, the thirteenth killer is his elite, how can he shoot casually, not afraid of 10,000, in case, otherwise you will be too late! The girls were in my mood, and I was a public kiss in public, rewarding my baby wife, and everyone laughed for a while, and I was shyly hiding in my arms and refusing out. The mood also has such a gentle and shy side! The ancient magician in the distance saw a happy smile, as if he felt it, he was stupid. He also felt that he was stupid, but this was enough! Now that there are fewer and fewer people in infatuation, he will add a place. In order to correct the real love, even if he is just a crush, single love loves! Others don’t know, how can I be unclear if I have released the doomsday trial several times?

How can the end of the day trial be dead, unless it is artificial.

How can I not see his feelings about mood, but I know and believe in him more.

He is my brother.

Looking at a happy smile, I know she does not feel the slightest because she has all her all her all because she all her all her, because she all her all her, because all she has all her all her, because all she has all she feels, because all she has all she feels, because she all her all her feelings, because she has all her.

The attention was placed on me, and I didn’t care about the other eyes around me.

What else is I dissatisfied!

Master, sometimes it is too painful to be more painful, let’s let go when you let go.

There is no grasses in the end of the world, but your marriage has not yet arrived.

Yue Lao’s red line will bring to him sooner or later .



The new book “Three Eyes Gorgeous Love Mantra”

is officially uploaded. The fate of eighteen seventy fate Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 6612 The mood and eternal ancient magician kicked off the semi -finals in a fierce game. Players felt the shock of strength. The mood and the ancient magician were not known for their strength. Intersection That’s right, a game that has been waiting for a long time, a decisive battle of fate, who wins and who defeats it? The weight is only two of them, because they are not only for the competition, but more importantly, the hatred between the two men. They are here to be high and prove themselves! … under the witness of a woman! It is the beginning and the end. The rich world is clear apple incense vs Qitian Great Saint Masked! Intersection Intersection Qingqing apple incense and all the grievances that are constantly in war are right and wrong, and they can’t be clear in this battle! On the one hand, it is the famous master of heaven. On the one hand, it was a mixed Kunlun, and finally found the source of power, and once again mastered the battle of fate! When Qingqing apple incense was drawn to this sign, he also had a trace of excitement with his deepness. What is his destiny? Hey, he wants to worship the flag with war! The war kept thanks to the fate. He couldn’t wait. He knew that the later he, the smaller he and Apple. Qingqing apple incense can be defeated, but he must be defeated in his hands. Heaven seems to hear his prayer. He stood on his side for the first time! Players do not know such complicated content, but they know that a super soldier, a brave man with a thousand man, a passionate game is in front of you! Anyone can see that now Qingqing apple incense is not a masked opponent, but he does not think that his strength is just that, because he is Qingqing apple incense! A person who is more cunning and more hidden than not dead! But the masked person, this mysterious man who gives you more shocking, shows the strength of the best, especially a person sweeping the blue dragon and his ninth -level sacred beast, and left a courage to everyone. impression! The strength is so deep! This is a common match! We don’t know what kind of mood, but we know that the war is constantly happy, because of excessive excitement, his body is trembling! Because he is happy, we are also happy for him! This is the fighting, a lonely person, who has worked hard to raise duty. Today, he finally stood in this position. He can face Qingqing apple incense to recover his fairness! This is necessary to do as a man! Quickness! There is no trace of love, probably the only contradiction. What she does not want to see is still happening. According to it, she is not fighting. At that time, she was also a player who worshiped the hero. He kept being fascinated by him. Life was very passionate, but suddenly one day, she was tired of this kind of life, and the battle was too heavy to the brotherhood. It is very popular, but he has no power! At that time, the guilds of the heavenly list rose to divide the Central Plains, and the heroes were competing! She has persuaded the war, but he does not have to do so. In the war constant, he has been leveling. What she needed then! She is not a casual woman, but her heart is full of desire and passion. At this time, Qingqing apples appeared! His handsome, full of vigor, politeness, he is the first of the wealth list, the Qingqing apple incense in the rich world! Qingqing apple incense is not as usual of the rich people, and it is very bold. He has a battle constant, and there is no battle. I kept very close, but her eyes were still facing him, she saw more! If she didn’t care about it before, but at that time, she was at a turning point of thought. With the intuition of women, she knew that Qingqing apple incense really liked her, so she took a step! If her husband is a character of civil and military, Qingqing apple fragrant light is useless! But soon after, Qingqing apple incense proved her strength to her-the fourth list of heaven! Far more than the ninth that continues to fight! Moreover, he showed the prospect of constant brightness than the war, and she was finally tempted! So she and Qingqing apple incense shouldn’t happen. During that time, she did enjoy the sweetness of love and the feeling of being happy. The Qingqing apple incense is the same as the White Horse Prince in her heart! However, the paper couldn’t keep the fire. The war kept discovered, and his wife betrayed him! But the battle at that time was no longer the opponent of the apple incense! Moreover, she also helped Qingqing apple incense unknowingly. The battle kept never expected that she would take a shot! Intersection Intersection No trace now remember the eyes when the war kept coming away! At that moment, she began to doubt whether her decision was right or wrong! But the reality will not allow her to change anymore! Qingqing apple incense married her as expected, but her later life was not as beautiful as she imagined. She could never realize the kind of boldness of the war in Qingqing apple incense, and the pleasure of the world. Especially after the league, there were some things that she was disgusting when she listened. It was the players of Nuwa City who looked down on her. Although the power of Qingqing apple incense suppressed the gossip, she couldn’t hold the contempt of others. The woman who betrayed her husband damaged! In fact, she just wants to pursue what she wants. Now she gets it, but she lost more! Happiness and happiness! Qingqing apple incense is very good to her, but they are not fusion. There are more and more contradictions, and the differences are getting bigger and bigger, and even the later Cold War! Qingqing apple incense naturally blame the changes of no trace on the war! No trace knew, but she didn’t explain anything. She was really tired. She couldn’t regret this decision, because she chose it, and she could only blame herself! At this time, the battle has been joined by the Demon Palace. I heard that the scenery is infinitely good. He has restored his previous life. The demon king’s soul, the legendary man really has such a great charm, can it change everyone around him? Maybe it is exaggerated, but it is true. Everyone in the Magic Palace is successful, and they also enjoy life, not gloomy and stressful! The devil’s soul -piercing was infected with everyone around him with his unique charm. She knew that countless beautiful women surrendered to protect the beauty ranking above her. This kind of person who does not realize that this kind of man is born to be loved by women. As long as there is love between them, sometimes don’t care about others’ views, because people live for herself. This is also her. The reason why she is determined is the kind of weak appearance! She was also eager to see this amazing man, but just saw it … but she had lost her qualifications. She did not know if the battle kept hate her into bones. She finally decided to find a war and keep talking. Even if he was angry, it was a good ending. She came to Yanhuang City alone, and she felt it was necessary to talk about it. Finally, she waited for the opportunity. The two met. After a short time, the war kept asking her politely. She was really excited at the time, but then I realized that she was wrong! War kept polite and polite to her, because she was already a stranger, and the distance inside was obvious. He didn’t blame her because who he chose was her freedom. The war kept saying this. The heartless heart, suddenly cold, but who is the injustice? Although the war kept blame her, it didn’t say that this was over. He vowed to defeat the Qingqing apple incense and captured his wife’s hatred. Otherwise, it is difficult to accommodate! …… The war kept keeping her heart. At this time, the war kept mature a lot than before. It was more like a man who could rely on. He joined the Magic Palace for revenge? I still understand the importance of power. The war kept away, and she was very determined. Unfortunately, she could only see the back of the war. What about the tears of the war? How can she experience the hatred in the war! The death of love is to be extreme! It is difficult to cover the water. The war is constantly being such a man. Although he still loves her, the relationship will never be back, and there is no trace no trace. Another thing is that she is wrong.

The war kept changing.

He did not think of using the power of the Magic Palace.

His revenge was alone.

He would not fake the hands of others.

It is so simple, and the war is still the original battle!

Lin Hua thanked Chunhong, so hurried.

Helplessly coming from the cold rain late.

Rouge tears, stay drunk, when is it heavy?

Since the growth of life and hate water!

She thought she was very secretive, but how could this be concealed in Qingqing apple incense?

He wanted to find someone a few times to fight, but now our war is not stopped.

In any case, no matter who is afraid of the strength of the demon king, and the soul -elixir is the most shorter, but dare to do anything for his brothers, he still can’t touch the Magic Palace!

Otherwise, you will give the Magic Palace a chance to attack!

The only way left was to kill him in the formal competition, and sent him to the West again under the witness of everyone, so that he would never turn over!

But a bad premonition emerged again.

The fate of him and the love water seemed to be at the end.

The apple incense didn’t understand really didn’t understand.

Maybe it is a mistake itself.

I would rather bear the people in the world, and we must not let the people in the world be with me!

This is the Qingqing apple fragrance, a man of a self!

The things about the three of them have long been full of storms.

As the boss of the seven major guilds, naturally, they will not investigate the masked people.

They naturally know that they are naturally known.

Love Xinjiluo is not interested in such complicated things, and even more interested in women such as love and water, no matter men and women should be responsible for emotion, just like soul -eater, although he does not like polygamy, or a wife Du Fu, but as long as the relationship is, it doesn’t matter, but if you start to discard it, you like the new and hate the old, .



Aixin Jue Luo will definitely teach him severely, even if he is a soul eater, as for How to teach, I may not think about Aixin Jeno.

Beautiful man, hee hee, or .



Illegal entry is more sympathetic to fight.

The taste of crossing the sword is not good.

He is nothing with Feiyun, so this is the case, let alone the war?

Intersection However, the surface of Qingqing Apple is indeed better than the war, but from the faceless expression, it is not ideal.

If he is constantly war, he will not care, as long as his lover can return to him.

Heroes are short and children are in love.

Unfortunately, he is not a fight, and outsiders cannot truly understand the feeling of heartbreaking.

The forever ancient magician is a little envious.

After all, he still has a status in the heartless heart, but he is probably just a friend in the mood .






Woman without a trace is probably not worth it, it is probably not worth it Love.

The appearance is not the first in the ancient magician’s heart.

The four fairy is a little sympathetic.

This is the sadness of a woman, but it is not necessary to complain about others.

This is what she chose.

For women, a step is one step, which is a lifetime.

Fortunately, this is in the second world, and maybe she should start living again in reality.

If it is changed to them, they will not continue to stay here.

Qinglong is very interested in this woman.

The kind of beauty that I sees You, really wants people to break her, .



Unfortunately, the second world is too strict in this regard, otherwise you can follow Apple is here to play.

To be precise, the requirements in China are very strict.

Each country is different.

For example, in Japan, there are very few restrictions in this area.

Grade 76 warrior Qingqing Apple incense VS76 Warriors masked!

The second game of the quarterfinals started!

Decided immediately, —— bring a pet battle Seeing each other’s meet is extremely jealous.

The murderousness of the two people is constantly overflowing.

The players around them only think that it is a natural response of a strong collision.

But only the two of them knew that they couldn’t wait to tear each other.

Either you die or I live.

No matter whether it is Qingqing apple incense or war, there are no pets, and each other’s eyes are each other!

The fighting of the two people rose at the same time, and at the same time reached the peak, the battle was continuously purple, and the Qingqing apple fragrance also showed real strength.

The white crystal’s fighting gas exudes Sen’s cold gas.

It is not Bai Lian in his hand.

Bai Lian is not really nothing in front of the soldiers.

After all, the skill is too much different, and it is not enough!

But the sword in front of me is the soldier, the absolute soldier!

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 寒—–!

It’s not magic, but frozen qi, special fighting!

Qingqing apple incense is not retained.

If he does not come up with strength, he will not be a fighting opponent!

Interesting, it is the opposite of your own attributes.

I illegally entered the country and watched the ice sword of Qingqing apple incense.

It was very interested.

Roar ~~~ The fighting of the two people constantly rising, both have the idea of overwhelming each other.

The cold and swords of the apple incense continue to grow.

It is also constantly getting bigger.

There is endless pressure in the martial arts, there is a substantial!

The players below are crazy, and they keep killing and killing!

Different from the previous scene, the audience’s feeling has changed with the different atmosphere of competition, and the competition of Qingqing apple incense and masked people aroused everyone’s murderousness, a violent enthusiasm.

Two factions, obvious two factions!

This is the fate of the warrior.

One of the powerful soldiers and the other encounter will inevitably erase the spark, and they also add hatred between them.


In the crazy screams, the momentum of the two people also rose to the extreme, and they couldn’t overcome each other, and the two shot at the same time!


Qingqing apple’s fragrant face is full of fighting, but the battle is kept blunt, but it must be not much better!

—— Purple Qi is east!

Intersection Intersection —— Sword of the sky!

Intersection Intersection Countless sticks and shadows were remitted, and the purple gas continued to expand and compressed, and a thick sticks bombed in the past!

A huge sword gas greeted!

There is a big cut in the world, and the coldness attached to immediately let the temperature surrounding the temperature drop suddenly, adding more lethality!

Both were hit hard on the protective cover, and then fell heavily.

Everyone looks at each other, .



it is too fierce, without a fancy collision.

We even watched a headache.

These two guys are really crazy.

There are no skills.

This is so hard.

This is the same.

The eyes that are not dying are going out, .



is this clear apple fragrance?

Intersection Intersection  However, the two people on the court quickly got up, and the fighting gas on their bodies weakened the slightest, roaring and rushing towards each other!

Terrible speed, terrible combat effectiveness!

The two had been bombarded together.

For a while, the entire martial arts field, the sword was sticky, and the sound of the bang sounded!

Suddenly, the war kept yelling at the sky, the whole body shocked, and the body was long.

With the help of the soldiers reached the realm of high -level fighting!

Qingqing apple incense is naturally unwilling to show weakness.

With a long howling, the necklace on the body suddenly rushed to a golden light.

The Qingqing apple fragrance's head responded to a sanctuary!

------ The blessing necklace of ghosts!

All the skills of Qingqing apple incense are instantly improved, and the cold is showing signs of boiling!

Two people fight together again!

The tricks are all going!

The above fighting died, and the players in the audience also shouted crazy!

Crazy, fierce, crazy!

Qingqing apple incense and war have continued to enter the subconscious state.

The only goal is to kill the opponent!




In fact, Qingqing apple incense is a loss.

He seems to have forgotten his killer, give up his specialty to fight hard with his opponents, how to fight against opponents!

Warriors, how to call the Warriors, because of the crazy attack of close body!

There is no stick in the battle, a stick of sticks and a stick, and the purple gas continues to rise!

Although Qingqing apple fragrant Wanzai ice sword is powerful, it still cannot break through the fight!

The brave is the full attack of the offense!

The exquisite technology of Qingqing Apple could not be launched at all, and the stick without a stick pressed him hard, forcing him to fight hard!

Suddenly the battle kept showing three heads and six arms!

There was a bombardment of Qingqing apple incense and was swept out by a stick!

Naturally, the war will not let go of this opportunity!

A sweeping troops hit the past!

Xuanwu appeared out of thin air, just picking up a stick for the host!

A scream, the basalt, known as the king of defense, gave a stick like a gyro!

At this time, the battle of the whole body is constantly entangled, like God of War!

The shocking Qingqing apple incense seemed to be a bit sober, and quickly replenished the health!

The effect of the chase kept knowing that the effect of pursuit is gone, but this is also good.

He has enough time to repay the apple incense to him!

Intersection Intersection  The Qingqing apple fragrance that got up from the ground, smiled weirdly, then laughed at Yangtian!

None of the two people on the court did not speak, they didn't need language between them!

A crispy whistle of the apple incense, a white light in the left hand of the left hand, shining the half -dead basalt, the basalt suddenly changed, the smaller and smaller, .



it turned into a shield, the mouth was in the Qingqing apple incense On the left bowl!

A strange shield, which is officially engraved with Xuanwu patterns, is lifelike!

Pet weapon!

Intersection Intersection  The whole body of Qingqing apple incense raised up again, and the battle kept waiting for him!

Players are too addicted!

After fighting again, although the technology of Qingqing Apple incense cannot be combined, it is difficult to hit the apple without the battle.

Keep the war constant attack!

However, the fighting of the two people is too strong.

Although it can't be hit positively, it is not much better!

With the Xuanwu Shield Qingqing apple incense, it can already be evenly matched with the war!

From the madness just now to the calmness now, it is still the upper hand now!

But Qingqing apple incense will never stop here.

His top ten stunts' mysterious land killing has not yet come out!

What kind of treasure did he find?

And the ability of the Warriors to masked the person, what else does he have to kill?

What is his pet?

(Players who have no pets now do not exist)  The new stone book "Three Eyes"

has been uploaded, one to two chapters a day, and the speed guarantee. I hope everyone can vote to the new forces to support \^\ _ \^  Text Eighth Seventy -one helpless He Hua Luo goes  Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5537  The competition entered the stalemate stage. The Qingqing apple fragrance gradually played his delicate technique, and the masters' moves are still big, but the wind does not fall, and the Qingqing apple fragrance is faintly suppressed. , Xuanwu Shield always resisted the fierce attack ... ... but the state of Xuanwu Shield 
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