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Chapter_33 It’s not so good!

The cold effect of Qingqing apple incense is not good, and the masked person’s purple fighting gas firmly suppresss this attack.

Indeed, from the perspective of the aggressiveness of the fighting spirit, the fighting spirit is to fight the three wolves and mood, and the apple fragrance must be strong.

I really don’t know what he has experienced to develop to the present!

But no matter how hard the war is, it is difficult to be caught like a slippery loach as a slippery loach.

Occasionally, the breakthrough is also blocked by the Xuanwu Shield and cannot be given a fatal blow.

The war kept roaring again!

A white shadow flashed out of thin air!

It’s a tiger!

White tiger!

Tigers with huge wings!

The Four Holy Beasts —— White Tiger!

The white tiger appeared immediately, and a tiger scream immediately, like venting the depression in its heart, or the desire for fighting, the huge wings kept fanning, and the whole body was shrouded in light balls!

Roar ~ A offensive holy light, sweeping the Qingqing apple fragrance!

Boom ~!

Qingqing Apple Xiang barely blocked the unpopular sticks.

It was unpredictable to have a sudden blow.

You could only welcome the Xuanwu Shield!

The body was hit again!

Xuanwu Shield, after being attacked, was restored at once!

Xuanwu lying on the ground stared at the white tiger in front of him.

At the same time, the four holy beasts, the same breath, the same strength, the same dignity, did not allow it to show weakness!


Seeing the appearance of Baihu, Qingqing apple flavor flashed a surprise, and a strange feeling was surging in my heart.

This is probably life!

Heaven let one of them fall down and give them the same opportunity!

Even pets are the same level.

But the failed person is definitely not him, Qingqing apple fragrance!

Baihu and Xuanwu, met in different places, scolded each other at the same level, were jealous, and felt their master’s deep hatred.

They also tear each other!

Xuanwu was rotated in place, a whirlwind appeared, and the huge mysterious pattern behind it also started waves of golden light!

The white tiger’s body was made, and a pair of snow -white wings fired rhythmically, and gradually accelerated.

The surrounding light elements poured in madly.

The two guys have been fighting for a group, fierce in the same eyes!

All your pets have used all their strengths, and naturally they cannot be slacked as the master.

Qingqing apple incense feels depressed, yes, he is too depressed, patient, and constantly patience.

When is the end?

Intersection Xuanwu was injured just now.

Compared with the intact white tiger, it is naturally disadvantaged.

Although the level is higher, I am afraid it is not much worse!

Qingqing apple incense laughed again, he didn’t need to wait!

His hand was gradually put on the belt, and he couldn’t help it!

At this time, everyone noticed that his belt was not an ordinary belt, but the legendary artifact!

The light unique to artifacts!

Thor belt!

Thor’s life!

With the roar of Qingqing apple incense, the thunder beads on the belt, the light shot, a roar!

There are countless thunder and lightning directly in the sky, and directly split on Qingqing apple incense.

Qingqing apple incense feels that his strength is constantly increasing.

This feeling is so wonderful, it is power, beyond the limit!

To defeat the power of the enemy and reach the power of the peak!

The roar is over.

At this time, the fragrance of the Qingqing apple is like a thunder.

There are countless lightning wrapped around the fighting gas.

One by one, the thunder ball contains it, making people shudder!

The Wanzai Bing Sword in his hand waved his hand, a electric light like Razer, directly split on the war, and took two steps back!

Following an explosion, the battle again kept taking a step back.

Horror attack power!

The Qingqing apple incense, who was forced to all the strength, had to play the battle opposite the opposite side, so that he knew that he would never defeat himself, that is, he was eaten by him!

When you see the thunder belt of Qingqing apple incense illegally, you know that it is one level higher than his own fire god lamp.

Unfortunately, you can’t cooperate with weapons, otherwise the effect will be better!

Our side is a great shock to see .



how did he get such a high -level artifact, and the war is constantly dangerous!

Intersection Intersection I know the power of artifacts.

The combat effectiveness of the players with summoning artifacts is super human.

This is never comparable to the attack artifacts such as roses!

A variant of a variant of a variant can fight back, so terrifying power!

The retired war kept feeling the strength of the other party, and saw the contempt in the other person’s eyes.

The contempt of the strong on the weak, and the war kept laughing.

His smile was a anger!

The shout of a brave man kept changing, and his body gradually grew the hair of the orcs.

The orc transformed?

Intersection Intersection The transformation that has been canceled has appeared again!

Intersection Intersection That’s right, the war after the beast is constantly taller and mighty, and it is imposing!

At the same time, a burst of inspiring music remembered, and the ring in the war kept glowing, which was sent out from there!

It’s the praise of God of War!

Comprehensively improve the attributes of all attacks such as the morale, speed, and combat effectiveness of the brave!

The two are at the same level again, this is their last battle!

They know that there is not much time left for them, and the extra tricks are not needed, because they all want the other party to die!

The beast king who was held by the God of War, the Thor of the artifact You Zuo.

Two crazy people rushed together again, smashing hard!

Every time you have to crush each other!

On the other side, Xuanwu and White Tiger are also defeated!

The entire martial arts is trembling, and every blow made all players crazy.

After a blow, the two were shocked again, and they rolled into the corner!

Still are evenly matched!

Two people struggled up, their fighting spirit continued, but their physical strength was on the verge of collapse.

All the power of Qingqing apple incense began to concentrate.

All the thunder balls and lightning brought together on his 10,000 -shot ice sword.

The powerful power made the soldiers trembling!

There is no such thing as a stick.

All the powerful power is exhausted.

Even after this blow, he can’t stand up and pull it.

His power is not enough to maintain his orc transformation.

Watching the two people who were crazy on the battlefield, I felt that I was about to go crazy.

Thunder anger!

second to none!

“Don’t ~~~~~!”

With a desolate shout with no trace, the two men on the field also came to the last moment, and they shot all their best! But at the moment when I heard the sound, the fighting hand was still paused, and Qingqing apple incense was a little fierce. boom! ~ The war kept disappearing in the air, spike! Qingqing apple incense disappeared at the moment when landing, spike! But the difference in this moment determines the victory of Qingqing apple incense! The battle died 2 seconds earlier than Qingqing apple incense. it’s all over! Seeing this scene without marks, and the continuous smile, because the no trace finally looked at him! After all the players witnessed this moment, the person familiar with the matter immediately understood the identity of the masked person! Once the Dugu God of God, now Qitian Dasheng ——- The battle is constantly! After this battle, the fifth love water was not marked, and he exited the second world, and no one had seen her again! Who wins and who is negative? Maybe this is the best ending! Qingqing Apple has won, but lost. The war kept losing, and it should not be lost, but the love water has completely left them. What is the significance? At this time, I kept knowing that she still wanted her to regret it! Regret her choice! However, everything comes to an end, and people still have to live. The sky did not fall. The war is constantly ending all of this, starting a new life, he, the war, the future is bright! However, he and Qingqing apple incense were consumed in his life! (But the entanglement of the continuous battle with the love water has not ended in reality. What will happen after the encounters in reality? Spark, it is still like a passerby, maybe it is just a dream) In the second game of the first military conference in the world, Qingqing apple incense wins! I looked at that moment quietly, and the killing was filled. This is the difference between human nature. The apple fragrance is clear. I have endured the limit. You can pray. Don’t commit it in my hands! I want you to remember forever, what is magical! Intersection Intersection While all the players talked about, the third semi -finals began, and temporarily pulled back to the players’ attention! Class 77 archer Aixin Jue Luo VS76 soldiers desperately three wolves! Is it love Xin Jue Luo’s bows and arrows, or is it desperate for the courage to fight the soldiers? Judging from the overall census of the player, I believe that Aixin Jue Luo won 80 %. However, the strength that Aixin Corridor showed when she was endless was really remembered by everyone. It is not that we do not support the desperate wolf, but in terms of strength, they are still a level. It is difficult to win the three wolves! But only if everything is compared. The horrible love for the new decision is not what soldiers such as the San Wolf can cope with … … the speed is too fast! However, the San Wolf cleverly uses the speed of the sending to suppress Aixin Corolla. However, under the harassment of the green dragon, it is impossible to complete the effective blow to Aevant New Reno. To be precise, he cannot catch him at all! Aixin Corolla is still a fast bow and arrow blow. Sometimes it is close, sometimes far away, the initiative of the game is in his hands, and the rhythm is also based on his arrangement. The dark fighting of the three wolves is strong, but it cannot be played at all.

Under the crackdown of the Phantom God Bow, the desperate three wolves still fail.

He still has a distance from Aixin Corolla.

Desperate three wolves themselves are also a bachelor, .



this guy is very happy, saying that he can be satisfied here, and he has hand in hand with the most beautiful man.

Da Khan .



Falling ~!

Everyone pulled three feet away from the desperate wolf, and we didn’t know you.

There is no doubt that the last game of the semi -semi -finals was launched between the demon king’s soul -eater and the illegal entry of King Xiaoyao.

Is this a early decisive battle?

Illegal entry is not interested in ranking, and defeating soul -eater is his goal.

This is the most watched game so far.

The second challenge of illegal entry and soul -eating is illegal.

Still continue his legend!

Many people regard this game as the first battle in the world, and the winners have basically won the world’s first place!

This is probably my real shot at this conference.

The opponents in the front are too weak.

I hope I will not disappoint me in illegal entry.

Level 85 Martial Arts Warrior Soul Eater VS78 Warrior illegal entry!

The real -looking expectations, the last illegal entry can be said to be reckless, and the defeat is very miserable.

This time, he came with confidence and didn’t know what kind of surprise he would bring to everyone.

Illegal entry is also the only person in the Central Plains who can attract the interest of the soul!

The Flame Dragon Knight is about to burn!

For the first time, Xueer watched the competition.

Although the opponents were strong, they had absolute confidence in their husbands, but believed that they believed it, and cared about it!

The baby was also excited, looking at the game a little nervously, but in the arms of Xueer, he was like a cute baby.

Love is as optimistic as ever, and with heart, lotus, they cheer for me!




Of course, there is also one who adds the oil, melancholy kitten, after all, it is his brother illegally, but his brother .



even if it is not her brother, he will not cheer me.


Er Nu paid for the first time and bought a position with his main employees to watch the game .



but this month’s bonus was gone.

Xiaomao’s watching the two people on the field silently calculated the increasing gold coins, and it was that cool in her heart!

We deliberately interrupted this game for a while.

Xiao Mao Mei was called to let everyone rest .



I think I took the opportunity to sell more wines.

The fat man has always been so happy, but when you see his stomach trembling, he is really laughing, .



He is happy.

After the completion of the Qingqing apple incense, the mood was not good.

Winning, no one acknowledged it.

He did not expect that the war kept progressing to such a point, but no matter what, he finally won The marks disappeared, and the marriage relationship between them had been in contact.

The relationship between contact with the marriage must be both parties, and even a single side must be through a certain procedure.

There is only one possibility that she has left the second world completely and left him.




This day, it may not be surprising.

Qingqing Apple has changed his attention to the game.

No matter how he defeated the battle, he entered the semi -finals.

As long as he took two more steps, he could realize his dream!

Looking at the continuous changes of Qingqing apple incense expression, it is normal to return to normal, knowing that Apple finally has a decision.

“Oh, Brother Apple, I don’t know how much strength of this guy can lead to illegal entry, paving the way for Apple Brother!”

“Flame Dragon Cavaliers, the perfect cooperation, although his flame god lamp is lower than my thunder, but his advantage is that the artifact, the god soldiers, the pet trinity, It’s not simply doubling, I see the soul -eater, and I am also good at this bone. "

“Don’t say, think about it carefully, I really don’t know where the soul -eating is great, or it is amazing everywhere.”

“Yes, this is the place where the soul -elixir is powerful, making people never grasp his reality and depth. Whenever you think you think you see his limit, it is actually a level.”

“Hey, then you need to see who is the person who is, whether you love SEV or illegal entry, are one of the best gunners. It’s much small! "

There was a way of worrying about illegal entry. He still has a little hope for Qingqing Apple incense, if Apple is still a bit of it! Qingqing Apple nodded silently … he didn’t know, I have decided to “eat”

Apple! “Actually, no matter who they win, as long as the contradiction is getting deeper and deeper!”

Qingqing apple incense and dying sinister laughed. How can they understand what does not know each other! Love Xinjin Luo basically knows the first person to compete with him, either I am illegally entry, but he affirmed me in his heart! The four fairy stood unexpectedly on my side, … After all, they are one of the few people who have seen me. Although the trip to the other space is not long, their strengths are still a bit in their hearts. The forever ancient magician is nowhere to be light, and he is very comfortable to watch our game. Ordinary players support me naturally, but many players in Pangu City still support illegal entry. Although illegal entry failed, it fails once, which does not mean that it will never work! Some people think that there is a great exaggeration to my strength. Even if I have a horrible skill, it must not be used. If I drop two levels for a game, … I am It must be that the more and more. The rest they think are almost the same. Whoever does the deer is better than knowing it. Yeah, what exactly, just know it! (The new stone book “Three Eyes Gorgeous Love Mantra”

guarantees the update speed. Text Eighteen 72 days in the world Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 6818 If you count the heroes in the Central Plains, the two people in front of you must be the first, second, and the second, but the first can only have one, and the real strong will never pursue the second! For most players, it is unable to understand this gap. Of course, the world’s first is the loneliness, but the world is second and the third is also good. It’s right. That’s because their current goals and dreams are entering the list. Once they have the strength of the heavenly list, they will not satisfy their original status. At the level and one level, when they are close to the world, they will Will pursue real invincibility. He is naturally not polite, because he knows the horror of the people in front of him and the power of non -human beings. Although he has also reached this realm, his opponent has entered for a long time. In the face of him, illegal entry has never had the confidence of winning, so it must be fully made. For the Flame Dragon Cavaliers, the flame flying dragon cannot be missing … Although he knows that the white dragon of the soul -loquat is even more horrible, Intersection In fact, even if illegal entry does not propose pet war, I will choose, not for small dishes, but that there is no illegal entry in a complete state, it is really not attractive to me, especially after his killer has been used once. Naturally, illegal entry does not think that I need to rely on the power of pets. Of course, he will not think that I am arrogant. As a person of the same class, he can experience the kind of loneliness. Sometimes, he thinks he thinks he thinks he thinks he thinks he thinks he thinks he thinks he thinks him Fortunately, because he has the goal, this enrich his life, but what about the soul eater? Perhaps the attractiveness of the Central Plains is not very attractive to him. The master in the world is like a cloud, and there are people outside the mountains. We cannot sit in the well and see the sky. We think that it is the heavenly dynasty, and we must use strength to explain everything. Thinking of illegal entry here, I can’t help but be excited. It is a good proposal to challenge the world’s masters. Where to fall, where to get up! In the last game of the Fourth Fourth, King Xiaoyao illegally entered VS Devil’s Soul Eater and started! Illegally in the country pulled out his flame dragon gun and raised it high. This was a salute of a warrior like his respectful opponent. I responded to my blood -stuffed sword, my most respectable opponent! Roar ~~~~ The illegal entry is not retained. Sensing the opponent’s war, my blood was burning. Haha, blood bleaching! The players below saw the game and quickly entered the state. For a while, the audience was cheering, and everyone’s hands were trembling, nervous, excited, and excited! This is the real strong collision they look forward to for a long time, representing the highest level of corner fights in the Central Plains! Can’t enter the competition field. Players who watch the game in the open air are also crowded, and the atmosphere is not much worse than in the field. If you go to Pangu City at this time and find that all the leveling points are empty, so everyone is crowded in the city. Watch the game, for their king, illegally enter! Countless people expect the devil’s soul to continue his myth of invincibility, and there are countless people, hoping that there will be a hero who will be born in the sky to break this myth and achieve another myth! The candidate of this hero, illegal entry is undoubtedly the most promising!

You, if you are a real world player, then you can now, you must let go of everything else, watch, and pay attention to it.

The core of the iceberg is hot!


The illegal entry was shot, the dragon gun, the dragon gun full of infinite flames.

The tip of the gun is trembling.

This is a sign of the real gas reaching the apex, but the flame outside the gun gas is still.

What does this opposite scene represent!

The fighting gas in the full heyday definitely exceeded the level of illegal entry and the Da Sidam battle.

Is it hidden?

Or is it stimulated again?

Intersection boom!

~ The tip of the gun came out, and a dozen shots were sent out for a moment, the flame gun shadow!

Dasha was sitting below to see the illegal entry tip trembled.

It was not right.

Yes, this is the technology that the highest -level soldiers can be sent.

It is even more difficult to do this as a long weapon!

The reason why he knew this, because there was one person, it was possible, he thought it was just the ordinary one who appeared in his countless miracles, but now he knows that illegal entry is also possible.

Praise and reward him in the micro -realm!

That person is his boss —— The Demon King Soul Eater!

Although the speed of the flame gun is fast, it is not a fatal threat to me.

Whether it is an air sword or a air gun, although it is impossible to judge his attack direction, the distance is still constant!

After a few shots, I can detect his “safety distance”

, that is, the limit of each shot! The extended flames cannot break my blood and fighting qi! In fact, giving up the air sword is what I have only recently realized. The air sword is also one of the tricks. Pay attention to the strong fighting gas. Intersection After experiencing the violent fire dragon gun of illegal entry, I also had to express something that the two instantaneous moves were moved to the back of the illegal entry, and a simple sword was split! That’s right, the easiest trick in the basic sword skills —— split! However, under the destruction of blood bleeding, the strength and speed have reached a new state. The blood -red sword gas is fierce to tear the air, making a nourishing sound! Illegal entry was not good at the moment when I disappeared. When I noticed that the moment I appeared, the fire dragon gun went to the moment, without thinking, no hesitation, instinctively turned back to the carbine! Back to the carbine! When ~~~ I do n’t move in place, and I illegally entry and be repelled with three steps! While retreating, a blood dragon came out! —— Blood Dragon and Dragon and Kill the Wave! The illegal immigration expression was serious, frowning, the fire dragon gun in his hand, point out quickly, the blood dragon scattered it before arriving, but you can’t restrain the five steps in a row! In the illegal entry, the flame dragon gun fingers to the ground, staring at me tightly! My blood -stuffed sword was easily carried on my shoulders, facing a smile! Illegal, your power has improved a lot, but unfortunately, my progress is greater! The audience was quiet, and then the shocking shouting broke out, and the demon king moved the world! With such a powerful strength of illegal entry, I was easily withdrawn eight steps by my sword! This is the strength of the devil’s soul! The world’s first! Devil, Devil, Devil! Yan Huangcheng’s players and my supporters shouted unwillingly, and their voice was hoarse with impulse. They worshiped power! Famous can only represent the past. Now, you must come up with convincing skills! The strong is respect, and the king is defeated! The illegal entry is shocking, and the unstoppable shock. Why do the men in front of me always take one step than themselves. When they reach the realm of the earthquake, they think he can challenge him because he knows that the man is divided into a woman, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild, the guild At the time of other things, he was desperately practicing, waiting for the best time to challenge! However, now he knows that he is wrong, and it is very wrong. When he is complacent, he has entered the realm of bigness! Illegal entry, suddenly the enthusiastic excitement in his heart, Mo Ming’s excitement, and such an opponent, he will never be lonely, but he must now take out a bit of the lead, otherwise it will not be worthy of being the man’s opponent in front of him. Intersection Roar! The second time to destroy the fire god lamp, yes, for the second time, a elves flew out again in the god lamp, and it was an elf risky blue flame! This is the second transformation of the flame god lamp! Deep blue! Illegal entry to endure pain, and transformed in the second time. His current level is suffering, and he is still barely, but no, he is not qualified to be a soul -eating opponent at all! Illegal entry and long howling, pain, is also a kind of excitement. Outbreak, illegal entry! The color of the illegal entry of the flames gradually becomes blue! Looking at the illegal entry of transformation, the feeling of confidante in my heart is still a kind of happiness! The illegal entry exuding the blue flame looks taller, more pure, and his eyes become deeper. Now he also feels power! The Lie Dragon Gun pierced again! speed! Five consecutive shots are like a shot! strength! The surrounding air is driven, forming a small whirlwind! The strong blue flame shows everyone’s extremely lethality to everyone! At this time, the fiery fire is already comparable to my blood bleaching! “Firefire Laogurajura Modes —— 燎”


! " Boom! Intersection Intersection Our body is like disappearing, and only the blue gun shadow and the corresponding blood red sword shadow on the martial arts, and the powerful collision sound! At this moment, we fought 1008 shots! A super huge blood -colored sword shadow stiffly smashed the countless attacks of illegal entry. Broken a sword! Boom ~ The illegal entry was split again. In order to reduce the damage, in the air, there was a tumbling in the air and a dragon gun! A fierce look up and praised loudly. "

Happy, happy !!!” I’m still indifferent, I illegally take out your full strength and let me see it! I realized that the illegal entry of the gap again finally understood that 80 % of them could not be compared with me less than 50 %! But because of this that he was more excited, he wanted to know how much the gap between us was! He has to force my full strength. For his dignity, he must do this! Players can only use fierce shouts to create the best decisive atmosphere for us. Their shouts can stimulate a warrior, the soul of a bloody warrior, and the source of power deep in the soul! The eyes of Qingqing Apple and the endless eyes can’t be closed, … Two perverts! Qingqing apple incense originally felt that he turned into a thunder god, he had reached the power level of the soul -eating, and now he thinks that the whole body is cold sweat! The illegal entry that transformed into dark blue definitely exceeds his thunder, deep blue, and perverted artifacts, and there are still a layer! While the apple incense cursed, I also woke up for myself … … Illegal entry, the abnormal leveling madness, even use artifacts across the level, and is not afraid of death! … The guy of Soul Eater is a pervert that is not human. Such attacks can be as easy as drinking tea! And now the soul-eater is definitely not used for 50 % of the strength, God, and the top artifact-Zhenlong! Is this a rival of 10,000 people? Intersection Intersection Qingqing Apple Xiang felt that his head was gradually getting bigger, and there was a tendency to explode! He has never had a small glimpse of the strength of the soul -eater, and has played countless simulation battles. Every time he feels that when he finds the other party, he finds that the other party is making him fun. Unbearable! Originally, he thought that his timing had come, and now he knows that the Long March of Wanli has just begun, and this grandson still has to continue to install it! It is an idiot that is not as not as people who are not convinced. He, Qingqing apple incense is definitely not! I do n’t know if it ’s scared or eye -catching. This old boy thinks he has hidden a lot of strength. Now I know that no one is doing everything. Some people are not, because no one can force him to do his best! Soul -eater is no doubt, it is the soul eater! This awesome man, looked at the Qingqing apple fragrance next to him, and felt that the whole body was shaking. If the two people cooperated, how would it be? Intersection Intersection But they may cooperate as small as the sea fishing! One mountain is difficult to accommodate the two tigers! Undead, I think of the scene of the East Expedition first, how heroic and tragic the soul -eater is facing hundreds of thousands of Japanese players. Killing thousands of people, until it fell, countless little Japanese was shocked, dare not approach! Heaven and the world, respect me alone! hero! Real hero! King! Invincible king! Although he didn’t want to admit it, the Chinese soul deep in his soul told him that the man in front of you could not defeat! Love Xinjiluo’s heart is beating violently, an unstoppable jump, yes, this is the power, fast, there are two steps, he can also fulfill a wish! The eyes of the four fairy are full of worship, and the soul -elixir is such a person.

Everyone who is close to him is affected by him unknowingly.

It is a magical charm!

Why can’t such men belong to them!

Intersection Intersection The eyes of the forever are deeper, as if entering another time and space, or deep in their own heart, .



maybe only such a character is worthy of her.

Sometimes life is wonderful.

Unconsciously, the smile appears on the face of the eternal ancient magician!

Qinglong watched the two perverts in the game, and the coffee in his hand stretched to the nose and didn’t notice it.




It was also good to hold his tail to be a human.

At that moment, Qinglong thought so!

Ah ~~~, so hot .



Seeing that I faced such a strong attack, I still cope with freely, free and free, prestigious, Xueer, Feiyun, baby’s hearts have been filled with happiness and sweetness.

What is more important than their husbands?

Intersection For desperate wolves, they only have excitement and fighting spirit in their hearts.

Following such people, they will go!

The Demon Palace is their home, and the demon king is their eternal brother!

In the near future, we must insert the banner of the Magic Palace in every corner of the world.

To let people understand, you can not know what your surname is, but you must know the demon king’s soul!

Cats don’t understand, really don’t understand, because her heart is messy, she doesn’t know who to cheer for.

She doesn’t understand why her brother suffers a loss, but her face is a excited smile!




Maybe men are so unreasonable!

“Brother Soul Eater, the younger brother below, the eighteen guns specially prepared, please tasting the soul -loving brother!”

The illegal entry dragon gun, rotating casually, rolling out a few guns, holding a gun! I know that the good show has begun, let me try your eighteen strikes, and the last fire dragon! In the illegal entry, the dragon gun in his hand began to rotate quickly, and the blue flame on his body kept tumbling! The illegal entry is shouting, no, no, it will be stronger and stronger! The flames on the body rose unexpectedly, and the illegal bones also made a crackling sound. Roar! ~ ~ Firefire Lahara Overlord Gun! Intersection Intersection Boom ~~ A shot! Go and go back, the first shot! The first shot that can suck people’s souls! slow! The naked eye tells you that it is very slow, but the soul tells you that it is extremely fast, it is power, and heavy power is squeezing everything around. At this time, the two people have no me and no him! boom! ~ Fast extreme-slow! Slow! At this time, it was not discovered that the movement even became slow, a bit of a sense of gravity space. When ~~~ A hard gear, the whole game is shaking! Two shots, three shots … One shot is heavier than one shot, one shot is slower than one shot, and it feels bad 16 shots. 17 shots 18 shots! Intersection Intersection The last shot is finished, it is time to get the dragon! I flash! Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection At this time, I discovered that the moment the 18 shots were completed, the field of vacuum in the field of vacuum, unable to move around me! Instant movement is not available! Intersection Intersection Roar ~~~ The Pentium Blue Flame Dragon attacked me! Intersection Intersection This is a completely different effect when fighting with Dasha. If he encountered the fire of the eighteen strikes of the flying dragon, then this fiery fire was the hegemony, which is … the dinosaur step! Monthrus shield! Intersection Intersection I have felt the pressure, and it looks like it is still a little bit good! Boom ~~~ The flame dragon rushed up, and the illegal entry on the ground didn’t stop there. Although he was sweating, he shook from the soul, and the Lie Dragon was shaking! Another flame dragon! All players held their breath, and the scene in front of them had sucked all of them! The players watching outside the field are also silent, and their eyes are larger than the bulbs, lest they miss any details! …… A poor novice, not paying attention to the sluggish Slime, who has been lost next to him, is constantly spraying water, a bite, two, and when he reacts, it has been hung up, ….. He missed that wonderful scene! Since then, the newcomer village has a Slime killer, and he vowed to kill the world! The illegal entry of the second dragon has been crumbling, but he couldn’t, because he knew that it was not enough, not enough, his teeth bite tightly, and shouted silently! The eyes of illegal entry have been closed, kill! Third, the blue fire dragon appeared again, and the tightness in the air was killed in the air! At this time, the flames on the illegal entry disappear! The dragon gun reluctantly supports him, and the one -sided agent did not take it out! When the first blue flame dragon that mixed with illegal entry 78 fighting gas hit me, my shield and blood stuffing were broken! At this time, Article 3 and 3 have followed up! … If you hit all your life, even if you are forever, I will be killed! … Even if I am lucky as high as 9, I dare not take this danger! If you enter the country illegally, you are qualified enough. In the air, I can already move in an instant, but I did not do so, and I did n’t disperse his full attack, which was disrespectful to such an opponent! True Dragon! I was angry in the air, and the audience shook the audience! You can finally get me seriously in illegal entry! Roar ~~~~ The golden light on my body was flourishing, and the eight -claw gold dragon hovered. The indestructible dragon gas suddenly split the illegal fire dragon in the blink of an eye! When Qianlong rises to heaven, it is perfect-invincible state! I deliberately strengthened the aggressiveness, and the protective cover was broken like tofu, and even the warning was too late! I used the dragon to fight, and hung quietly in the air! The whole body is shrouded in the sky, if the dragon gods come down! The Blood Sword in my hand points to illegal entry! Slowly draw a circle! —— Phantom Sword Qianlong Kill! No difference, covered killing tricks! Countless dragon fighting from the circle, killing like a thunderous killing on the ground, a feeling of bombardment! (Long Dou Qi, from the fighting and magic, but there is no special attack type that is inevitable, but the power depends on these two aspects!) Although it is a large -scale attack, a single -point attack is still so scary, because this is me, the soul -eating killing trick! Boom ~~~ Please support the stone’s “Three Eyes”

Mantra “^\ _ ^ Text Eighth, seventy -three, but I am alone Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5462 There is only one focus of attention! That is the soul -eater in the suspended air! The momentum of the devil is coming to the world! This is the demon king’s soul, and the horror attack of King Xiaoyao’s illegal entry is going to be successful, but the light writing is diluted, and the gray smoke is extinguished! Miracle, at that moment, it was so close to another myth. Unfortunately, this step is a thousand miles away! The illegal entry of Sanlong kills the hearts of countless players who eager for miracles, but in an instant, disappearing without a trace! The person in front of you is the demon king’s soul! Such a big ups and downs made countless people start up, and it also made countless players more excited. Dragon god-like soul-eater, turning hands is the horrible unfinished coverage of the kill ——- The fantasy sword Qianlong kills! The devil finally got serious! All players who support illegal entry are sweating in their hearts. Is this the end? Intersection Intersection Is the demon king really so unattainable? Intersection Intersection No, illegal entry did not give up! Intersection Intersection The moment Qianlong Kill covered him, the flame flying dragon appeared, and the owner who could not be saved in the end! When Xue’er Feiyun, when they saw me dangerous, they covered their mouth nervously, and the baby closed his eyes and dared not look at it. Although his mood and Xiangzi had a firm look, his hands were holding tightly, all of which were held tightly. It’s sweat … When I succeeded in getting rid of the attack, the baby jumped up immediately, and the hearts of their hearts also celebrated! Of course, not everyone is nervous, desperate, big stupid, small silly, cat fish, they all do not change their face, because I am shocked in the more horrible kills than this. Woolen cloth! They have confidence to me, … Is it a blind worship? Intersection Another thing that is not responding is Xiao Mao. From beginning to end, the fat man is the most calm person on the field except and illegal entry. Xiao Mao is not the previous Xiaomo. The mall is like a battlefield. Like the business giant of the half of the sky! No one knows where his self -confidence comes from. He desperately three wolves because they have made hands with me. They are more clear, but Xiao Mao is not. He is too low in level. If the businessman rely on this, bankruptcy is sooner or later, especially like Xiao Mao. Every time you take a step, it is even more intertwined. After considering countless disadvantages, you can make decisions! Will such a person blind? No matter who asked him about this question, the fat man was a mysterious smile, and the real answer was probably only he knew himself. The thrilling scene just now, endlessly and Qingqing apple incense is working hard for illegal entry.

After all, illegal entry is more popular than me, and Qingqing apple incense considers it from its own interests.

It is always easy to deal with illegal entry.


After seeing the failure of illegal entry, he never died and scolded .



I didn’t know what he was scolding, anyway, he was unhappy!

The illegal entry on the back of the dragon took the opportunity to use all the physical medicines at once, and finally recovered.

Although there is unlimited hope, there are countless fantasy joy of success.

After considering countless solution solutions, I can’t think of Zhenlong.

The power of power is so horrible, but fortunately, reason tells him that the opponent is not an ordinary person, .



To be precise, it is not human!

So he was also ready for a second attack!

That is one of the three major artifacts in the world!

I feel a little weakness in illegal entry.

He belongs to the kind of person who is strong and stronger, but the other party is too far from him.

No, you must not admit defeat!

Once he admits, he will lose the motivation to life.

The stronger the soul -eating, the greater his expectations.

One day he will catch up with him one day sooner or later!

Before, try his second wave of attacks, the fourth of the top ten stunts ——- Flame Dragon Knights!

In the air, I did not pursue illegal entry.

Instead, I watched him recover quietly.

The opponent was rare.

I just kept warm up, but I didn’t want to end so early!







Let’s fall first, so staying in the air is too magical.

Although it cannot be freely flying, there is no problem with the simple air stay in the air.

However, because the protective cover was broken, players had to overthrow the security line.

Of course, not all of them were afraid of, such as love New Dealo, clear apple fragrance, immortal, eternal ancient magician, mood, Xueer, they, they, they, they It is not far away, but is close, after all, it is just impossible to hurt them!

The gap can show the gap inadvertently!

Players saw our posture and knew that it was only the first round of attacks.

While looking forward to the illegal entry, we also sincerely admired the devil’s everyone’s style!

Only the real strong will do this, and be qualified to do this!

There is only one person in the Central Plains —— The Demon King Soul Eater!

Everyone’s heart is beating violently.

Will the second wave of illegal entry offensive will be stronger?

Looking forward to it!

The physical strength of illegal entry finally recovered completely, showing a hearty smile, “Brother Soul Eater, wait a long time, let’s start!”


The illegal entry and his flame flying dragon roared at the same time, and the fiery god lamp flew out the dark blue flame fairy again. This time, Feilong shared the pain, and the feeling of illegal entry was much better. Players who can truly achieve one person, now there is only one person illegal entry, perfect cooperation. At this moment, illegal entry has recovered confidence again! The flame flying dragon covering the blue flame has reached the point of the ninth level, but this is not the most critical. Where can their cooperation reach! I did not summon small dishes, and I was used to single -player combat … … it will grab my business. The illegal entry of the Flame Dragon Cavaliers rode into the air with the flame flying dragon! The Lie Dragon Gun was righteous, and the flying dragon leaned forward slightly. With a dragon, the flame Feilong turned into a flame arrow and rushed down at me! Flame torrent! The illegal entry of the fire dragon gun rotated quickly, and the flames were constantly compressed, and I assaulted me! When I was in front of me, the Flame Flying Dragon suddenly stopped, and the dragon gun just reached the peak was launched. At the same time, the flame flying dragon in the back -up state was the blue fire dragon sprayed by me! It was not played by these two guys! Teleport! I illegally entered the country for a long time, but I would use this trick, but there was no way. It’s too difficult to seal me! However, the agility of Feilong was still high. The moment I appeared, I immediately turned around and killed me! …… If you attack physical attacks, it will not be crazy. The dragon gun that blocked illegal entry was hit by the flying dragon! Alas, I still feel a bit, but I want to hurt me, this crawler is still far away! Suddenly, clone! It is the basic sword skills of the warrior! I was stimulated by Dasha, desperately three wolves, and the stimulus of Qingqing apple fragrance, I also want to try it! … But the power of my basic sword skills may be greater! The basic moves of the dragon fighting qi urging method should not be in the hands of other soldiers, but they have the delicate and fast, and the power of the big move! Four times the attacks make Fire Flying Dragon and illegal entry and tired of cope! The illegal entry wheel flew to the air quickly, avoiding my attack! But where can I make him escape so easily? I put away the avatars, moved to catch up in an instant, and then stabilized in the air with flight techniques, and the attack kept attacking! After three consecutive times, I was serialized by my illegal entry in the five moves. Everyone stayed, … it seems that someone described the soul to the boss running out of Kunlun still makes sense … I probably love the strength and combat method of Shinjo. Now the demon king is like a fighting fortress in their eyes, which is indestructible! Illegal entry supplemented the health. In just a while, the pharmaceuticals were almost used. Riding a flying dragon to assault me, walk away, and use speed to find fighters. In fact, I can’t move in an instant when I am fast. Illegal entry really makes the fire again! With the help of Flame Flying Dragon, the power is doubled! But the same move is not used once! It is still a simple basic move, but Jianjian is looking at his empty door, and his serial guns cannot continue at all. … As for the fireproof lizard, I was too lazy to ignore it! The last illegal entry was forced to fight with me. For a while, a series of guns and swords on the field striked, fighting! Fast, every cell in the whole body is active! I illegally entry was shocked by me again, and me who killed sex, regardless of that set, magic for a while, basic sword skills for a while, and magic skills for a while! The players only saw two shadows, hit from the ground to the air, and hit the ground from the air, and I drank a lot, followed by a loud noise, and the illegal entry was hit again! I almost fell off the illegal entry outside the field, and I was panting. The physical strength was too fast. I did n’t expect it! It’s almost the same time, and it is not interesting to consume it, because he also can see that there is no new thing, and there is no need to continue. His attack cannot pose a threat to me at all. The success or failure is here! The decision was secretly decided in the heart of illegal entry! Anyone can underestimate him, but the soul eater is not good! In addition to his purpose, in addition to supporting his brother, the rest is to challenge the man in front of him! If he looks down on him, he has no need to exist! The Flame Flying Dragon felt the master’s determination, and sent out a sad Long Xiao, and disappeared helplessly! I was a little surprised to see illegal entry and recovering the flying dragon, … Is he still killing tricks, great! I illegally entered the country to see my expression naturally, and I made up my mind! Roar ~~ Except for the parties, no one can appreciate the current feelings of illegal entry. Warrior, only fighting! He is an illegal entry! An indomitable soldier! There are me in the eyes of illegal entry, and there are brothers who support him, and gently glance at Feiyun in the distance! A white fairy flew out of the fiery god lamp. With everyone’s attention, it was so lightweight, … but everyone saw the power contained in it, that was possible that it was possible Destroy all the power! White nightmare, power and so on! Everyone is watching illegal entry now, is it? Intersection Intersection defeat? Intersection Intersection Roar! Intersection Intersection Illegal entry roar again, beyond the pain of extreme strength! He refused to accept it! Intersection Intersection There is only one thought in my heart, persistence! The cat couldn’t help her own tears. She felt the pain of her brother, but the physical pain was far from the soul! Brother, what are you for! This is the promise of men! Illegal entry is for their own beliefs, unyielding beliefs! Only illegal entry can people admire me! Only with my opponent! The third transformation of illegal entry has far exceeded the limit, but I can wait, no matter how long I have been waiting for this day! Illegal entry must be patient and let the body adapt to this powerful force. In fact, the blue flame has surpassed his ability. The ultimate white flame is not what he can bear! The illegal entry dragon gun, deeply inserted into the ground, feeling the master’s pain! Countless players are cheering for him! Persevere, illegal entry! Qingqing apple incense and immortality are also looking at each other. As a person at this level, of course, knowing the pain of using the power of the more than the level is the system of system! Although I feel that I illegally entering the country is a bit stupid, I still admire it! Aixin Jue Luo shook his head gently at illegal entry and sighed, … He couldn’t understand some things! The eternal ancient magician shows a respectful expression, the same infatuation, the same bean, but unfortunately they all encounter soul -eater!

A respectable opponent!

It is difficult to have a confidant in life, and it is even more difficult to get like this!

Qinglong couldn’t understand these strange guys, and lost it.

As for this?

Intersection Intersection .



I am afraid he can only become a rogue head!


Illegally entered the country and stood up!

Intersection Intersection The white flames are all over the body, and the power of the overflowing power can feel even the players in the distance.

The power of this level can be able to move with me quickly!

I can mostly appreciate the current illegal entry, because when using real dragons for the first time, especially when the dragon is angry, the tearing feeling is still worried now .



Fortunately The entry and patience time is more long, and he must pay for the additional power!

Everyone is cheering, and I am also happy for him!

Under the response, my dragon fighting began.

Although I couldn’t force me to make the killer, I could do this level very well!

Long Dou was full of energy, bombarded!

Intersection Intersection There is a hovering image behind me, and illegal entry is the image of Vulcan!


Intersection Intersection Players are crazy!

Intersection Intersection Tingfeng confrontation, the contest of the god of the gods!

The madness at the scene, the players outside the field are also crazy, the players in Pangu City have reached the limit.

This is their king, illegally entering the country!

A unyielding man!

A man acknowledged a demon soul -eating!

We step into step further!

The pressure of Long Douqi and Flames makes the whole space heavy!

Step 2!

Illegal entry has entered an unconscious state, and now he only has the instinct to fight!

When taking the third step, the variation happened!

Boom ~~ The illegal body finally exceeded the limit, and the flame exploded!

The fierce flame quickly devoured illegal entry!

The illegal entry in the flames is calm, only that unyielding look, tell everyone his helplessness and unwillingness!

The second challenge finally failed!

The demon king wins!

Sadness hero illegal entry!

Although he failed again, he was still him, and he never entered forever!

After victory, the soul eater is still the soul eater!

But everyone can see a kind of loneliness and regret for illegal entry from his eyes!

He, looking forward to his challenge again!

What kind of realm is this!

Heaven and the world, but I am alone!

He is the devil’s soul!

Looking at the world, who competes with the front!

The world’s first competition of the Fourth Martial Arts Conference ended!

Demon King Soul; The king who disappears loves New Dealuo; The mood of the Dragon Sweeping Witch; The wealthy world is clear apple incense!

Of these four people, the world will be the first!

Soul Eater represents a legend, a legend waiting for countless people to break!

Love New Deor, the mysterious prince, what kind of amazing secrets he hides, will he be exposed in the later competition?

In the mood, the sword slaughter the dragon, the martial arts Supreme, as the representative of all female players, lived up to the semi -finals, can she complete a miracle, a miracle of a woman’s monarch?

Qingqing apple incense, a generation of heroes, is ready to go, can you reach your wish?

Intersection Intersection Izo -final love New Deal VS mood Soul Eater VS Qingqing Apple Fragrance (“Three Eyes”

Mantra supports a lot of support ^\ _ ^) Text Eighth Seventy -four prestige Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 10573 The first semi -finals of the world in the world! In the first game, Izhisho vs is in the mood! Phantom God Bow against Tu Longbao Sword! After the end of the challenge of the demon king’s soul -elimation in the illegal entry of Xiaoyao, he ended up with a tragic ending. He, this disappearing king, mysterious man, was given high hopes for all players who desire to break the fate! Even the devil’s soul eater, once said that if he can choose, he does not want such an enemy! Extremely calm, iceberg in the fire! When the apple incense was moving, there was still no change in the slightest! Extraordinary agility, prince in the elves! The archer who can compete with the king of the thief! The beautiful appearance makes all women feel embarrassed! The true king of archers, love New Corridor! In mood, a stunning beauty, the strongest female warrior, the strongest female warrior, the East of Athena, the Dragon Slaughter refers to it, it is invincible! Who can have the opportunity to win the world’s first? Intersection Intersection Class 77 archer Aixin Jue Luo VS76 soldiers mood Pet war you choose! While Aixin Jue Luo was surprised, was a little eager to try. Can the Dragon Treasure Sword shock be slaughtered? Game start! Although facing the mood, Aixin Corolla still has an indifferent expression, as if nothing can be made by anything, what is his pursuit? Aixin Corolla took the lead in launching an attack, a flowing horizontal shift, the fantasy god bow in his hands, and a series of anti -defense gold arrows screwed towards the mood! The mood of the mood also started instantly. Under the emergence of the Jasper Slayer Dragon Sword, it was even more sharp! A moment of moving to avoid the bow and arrow group, the face is two knives! —— Jasper Tu Dragon waves! The sharp sword quickly killed Xiang Aixin! The first time Aixin Coroluta has experienced the rapidness of the Dragon Sword, the sword gas has drove his arrow! You can’t get close! After two consecutive emptiness, they escaped the sword, and the phantom god bow in my hand was not idle. The frozen arrows sent out! The mood is also lightly moved to the lotus step, avoiding the bows and arrows that are fast! Before Aixin decissed Luo Luo, he drank a coquettish, a dragon knife, and the sword was remitted. —— Sword of the sky! The huge jasper knife is beheaded! In the face of Aixin Jue Luo in the air, he was not surprised at the face of this horrible sword. Others sweat for him, especially those who supported him, and closed their eyes nervously! Suddenly, the incredible turn of the body was like walking in the air. He escaped the murder of the dragon sword and did not turn his head. Fast shot by the Phantom God Bow! Real shadow arrow! The mood was hard to take a arrow and blocked the two arrows. Fortunately, the speed was too fast, and the attack power was not enough to give the fight against the mood too much! In just a while, the first round of the two people ended! It ’s all like that thunder. Although the power is amazing, but without a hint of fireworks, the ethereal is full of killing! It seems simple, as long as one of the two has a mistake, waiting is a fatal blow! The mood of the jasper slaughter of the dragon knife is indestructible! Love New Corest’s Blasting Phantom Phantom Pseudo -Heart Arrow! Players are sweating. The two of them cannot be said to be passionate. It feels like … horror! Between lightwriting, danger! The tentative fight is that dangerous … Qingqing apple incense is also very headache. These two people are the kind of attack that can cause fatal injuries when they seize the opportunity. The difference between thick tofu and thin tofu! The bow and arrow, which loves the new decision, is even more headache. The archer with perverted agility and thieves skills, fork, what kind of world! …… Qingqing apple incense should consider the upcoming battle of soul -eating … The four fairy cheer up in the mood, after all, they are still a little friendly, … and they don’t like this kind of man, beautiful is beautiful, but the man tastes far away. … Still a soul -eater, illegal entry, forever, the ancient magician is more likely! Four beauties blushing and blushing … The forever is fascinated by such a mood, poor guy! Falling water falls into flowers spring, heaven and earth! The heart and lotus flowers, regardless of the twenty or seven, cheer for the mood without the image of a lady, … Of course, you can’t easily let go of New Corolla. … Fortunately Luo couldn’t hear, otherwise he would be angry. But Xinyue, their team, is a highlight! Amen! At this time, the mood is the most charming. Only I know the plump body wrapped in the fighting and courageous appearance. Thinking of this, I couldn’t help getting hot. She Xueer and Feiyun, who were concentrating on the game next to the game, stunned me fiercely. . Instead, I stimulated me. Still Xiangzi was powerful, charmingly, “Husband, how did you feel excited? When you won the championship, the sisters will naturally comfort you!”

“Yes, it’s not beautiful to win!”

Baby added. “Then punish him sleeping sofa.”

“Don’t let him move us!”

Xueer and Feiyun took advantage of the fire. “Don’t be fascinated by New Coreo ‘.”

Xiangzi suddenly came up with such a sentence. The shocking hair is upright, … I am only interested in women, let you grow with Tianxian … After the game is over, I will punish you well, dare to laugh at my husband, and serve the family, hehe! Hearing my ambiguous laughter, the beauties present were naturally charming, and they naturally knew what bad attention I was. The Aizone in the field launched a second round of attacks. sneak! The new decision in the field disappeared, and entered the stealth state!

The mood slaughtered the dragon, and the wind elf appeared on the shoulders, listening quietly, and a keen feeling!

Feel the flow of air through the wind elf!

Love Xinjiluo appeared!

The front of the mood!

Intersection Intersection Blasting Phantom wears heart arrows!

The horrible Phantom God arrow made a harsh sound, and rushed to the mood!







Cubo, you are really merciless!

In the moment when Aixin Jue Luo’s body was not fully appeared, while the dragon knife split, the instant movement also started!

Love Xinjiluo seemed to know, and the killer came out, immediately like a big bird, but he couldn’t see him, and he appeared in the distance for a while!

The fantasy god bow in his hand flashed, and in the mood of the appearance again, it initiated a continuous sniper!

At the same time as the mood is in shape, the jasper chopped the dragon and killed at the same time, and the brush was three knives!




The two people were still not each other.

The protective cover is unlucky, and the squeak is constantly, .



there is no shouting strike.

Aixin Corolla showed a drunk smile, and suddenly summoned the green dragon!

(The name of the Green Dragon given by Aixin Jen Luo is called “point”.

Although the green dragon opposed it, it was rejected by the owner and had to accept the fate. Fortunately, no one knew it yet. It’s the face of the dragon family!) A little bit appeared, yelled to prove to everyone’s existence and his power, and his mouth swallowed his horrible dragons. … But before the posture, it had a bad hunch, and finally saw the mood not far away, and the Dragon Treasure Knife in her hand! After receiving the stimulus of the green dragon, the Dragon Sword suddenly came out of the rice -long sword, buzzing, pointing directly at the green dragon! Although the green dragon is shaking deep in the soul, it does not belong to the fantasy beast and Warcraft. It is better than the original dragon. After all, it is a pet! Aixin Coroluta directly conveyed his warfare, roaring and flying into the air, his wings fiercely moved, and he didn’t dare to rely on his mood too close. He could only attack with a dragon! In the mood, he escaped the attack, and he moved to the sky in the air in the air in the air. The green dragon is the tightness of the elves, and it is not afraid of it, and the wings are fierce! Mood in the air, jasper to kill the dragon! Brush is two knives! The sword of the tearing space was killed towards the green dragon, like cutting vegetables, the wings of the green dragon were immediately cut off and planted directly. Ai New Deal flashed and shocked, and immediately took the green dragon back. Tu Longbao Dao, it really is famous! Dragon’s nemesis! Qingqing apple is full of scent. If he has the dragon, how good it is, why fear illegally entering the country and love the flow of New Dealo, you have to fight for the soul, and you must fight for you to live! He, he firmly believes that the dragon knife in his hands is at least twice as strong as the current power! With the mood of instant movement, you can fully resist the amazing active love Shinetari, hey, I still think far away! Then they are counted as the same starting point. Green Dragon is useless, and love Xin Jue Luo will naturally not put it out to death. In case of being sealed by the mood, isn’t it to increase the strength of the other party. Love New Dealo is also serious. Began to accelerate, comparable to the speed of thieves! Like the wind, the strange pace and route, the mood began a dense bow and arrow blow! The mood is unchanged, but her instant movement can only be once, and the distance and recovery are not good. She can’t avoid such dense attacks at all, especially in the inside, there are explosive arrows, scattered flowers and the like! These are used by interference. In your unknowingly, horrible killing tricks follow up! The mood pursuit still has no obvious effect. When a key is, Aixin Corolla will use sneak! “Love Xinjiluo, what plane is doing, why not kill the killer!”

It is a bit dissatisfied. Although the mood of the mood is extremely sharp, but the obviously no real move of Aixin Corolla, is it? It seems that the game is extremely dangerous, … In fact, it is simply a discussion, no killing, fork, Isn’t it popular for men and women these days? He is a bit ugly, is it a bit older! What world! “Unbelievable brothers, less impatient, and the reason why love New Coroluta also have their own plans. First of all, the return of the soul -eating rescue elf garden, naturally to make the mood perform. Second Even if your strength, even if you are in danger, the face of both sides passes! "

“…, Apple, don’t you have no confidence in yourself??”

Watching Qingqing apple incense in surprise. Qingqing apple incense shook his head and smiled bitterly, “Thinking about it, when it is really his turn, no one will be confident. After all, the strength of this guy is there, and I can only do my best. But he wants to eat me, so he really has a good teeth! "

Qingqing apples sneer! At the same time, the battle between the mood and the new decision has also entered the level of thermalization of short soldiers! The sky arrow, the sword is vertical and horizontal! The mood of the dragon knife is indeed extremely sharp, but it is also useful to cut it to the other party. In the face of the newly love of the archer thieves, it is impossible to hit at all, and the mood is getting more and more laborious. There is no new move in love, but it has doubled the speed of exercise and the speed of moves, and a faint shadow is seen on the field! Remote attacks can’t approach at all, let alone what technology to play! The mood was used to use a killer! Feng Longbo! Binglong rushed out crazy, glaring at the rabbit like New Consolon, and sprayed cold with a large mouth! It is a bit weaker than the last time. The effect of Feng Longbo once, the effect was weaker once, especially the last day trial of the eternal ancient magician, which was a great damage. Love Xinju’s eyes flashed, and the Phantom God suddenly became bigger! Slowly put on a emerald green bow and arrow! Elves’ Punishment! Although the green mang was shot, it was silent, as if the shadow followed, as if there was no existence, the ice dragon soul had been hit before it was responding, there was no loud noise, no explosion, and even no mourning! ……Disappeared! The Phantom God Bow resumes its original, and I New Corolla is still so relaxed and natural! Look at the stupid cat, take out my fantasy god bow and take a look at the right, … I said that there are many fake and shoddy products now … Bar? Intersection Intersection Although she still had a power, she knew that she could not hurt each other at all, and she had made a full effort, and Aijia Rocal had left the power. The reason why this was like this was to give the Magic Palace and her husband a little face. The mood is not the kind of person who does not know and retreat. Sometimes when you should give up, give up! I felt at my eyes, I nodded with a smile. This is the best. There is no need to fight for you to die. This kind of thing is to let our men do it. I naturally understand my meaning, there is no way, my heart has a spirit. I love my wife the most! Smile with a mood, “Brother Cubo, his ability is strong, and your mood is willing to worship the wind!”

Aixin Coronosa was relieved, “Controls, inherit!”

In the first semi -finals, the passing king loved New Coreo to win! A game without smoke, ordinary players still feel very exciting, but the masters think that neither side does not fight, … but no one has the right to fight hard! It is certain that Aixin Jue Luo wins. In this way, the Magic Palace and the Elf Garden are more satisfied … “Hum, what love New Dealo is slippery, it is a man, so he should fight hard. The sister who is in the mood will definitely cut him with a few knives!”

Lotus said dissatisfied. Everyone who provokes a smile. You asked the archers to learn to fight hard. It is better to call him to kill him. The strength of Aixin Caleo is placed there. Although unwilling, you must admit it! Double occupation is too scary! … In fact, I do n’t want to admit defeat. Although there is no chance of winning, it is not without a chance to fight in the end, but she knows that her husband is the least seeing the woman who cannot hurt him. Even if it is only a game Essence Her heart does not belong to herself. Only when he is happy can he be happy! Of course, I know that I feel soft and soft, and she is doing most of her for me. … No way, I can only make it. After the game, I “reward”

her! In fact, it is very satisfied to enter the semi -finals, and other things don’t matter! ………… Love New Ren Luo quietly look forward to the last battle! The calm appearance covered his “tension”

in his heart! Some things are unable to decide, and fate is arranged, but he also has to fight for himself, or to determine what … … Now, still … ………… In the second semi -finals, the demon king soul -eating vs is rich in apple incense in the world! Intersection Intersection Before the game, there has been confusion outside the field … … Some players fight because of grabbing the site, yes, … because this game is soul -eating and clear apple incense. Contest! A game is destined to be a wonderful game! A game that makes all players impulsive! Fighting in illegal entry is a decisive battle between heroes and heroes! But the Qingqing apple fragrance is different, there are many heroes, but there is only one Xiongxiong, that is, Qingqing apple fragrance! This is a decisive battle between heroes and heroes! It is also the first official fight for soul -eating and Qingqing apple incense!

Didn’t the game start?


It started a long time ago, and it continued until now.

Today, I will have a end to the first stage of the competition!

In order to grab a powerful position, some players have lost their sense!

It’s for nothing else, just for this game!

A strongest guild in the Central Plains began to launch a fierce attack on the business direction!

A richest guild in the Central Plains began to take a step towards the direction of the dominance!

An ancient magician who united the Institute of Magic, the King of Master forever!

A combination of killer church, the killer is endless!

In the Central Plains, the world is divided into one of them!

As long as you are a man, see the two of them standing together, the blood in your heart is boiling.

This is the resonance of a man, and it feels unstoppable!

Ambition, nice saying is aspiration!

The pride that is also unwilling to live in people is doomed to be high!

He is a man of the devil’s soul, a omnipotent man!

He, Qingqing apple fragrance, a man with a world of heart!

They are all people standing at the peak of their respective fields!

Such a person encounters together, the sparks are more than one or two o’clock!

Those who know a little bit in the inside understand that the contradiction between them has been long for a long time!

This is the first time, but it will never be the last time!

Burning, the flame of fighting is burning!

The inspection team of the Magic Palace was struggling and finally controlled the situation, but the enthusiasm of the players was unstoppable.

They looked forward to this collision!

Illegal entry is strong and strong!

But he lacks ambitions, unified the ambitions of the world, and a man without such ambitions cannot collide with soul -eater!

Regardless of the previous things, but if the war is constantly, the soul -elixir will not give up.

Everyone knows that the demon king is the most protective.

Even if the apple fragrance is clear, he will not let go!

What does the angry devil look like?

No one has seen it?

Intersection Intersection The Japanese who have seen have died!

A man who can admire the demon king, of course!

But the man who can make the devil angry is even more popular!

He, Qingqing apple fragrance, not afraid, hey is doomed, he will insist on it!

The gaming center is squeezed, all players have to put on a few hands!

They need a kind of sustenance and bring themselves into the game, otherwise they will live up to such wonderful!

If the demon king souls and illegal entering the country, it can attract all players in Yanhuang City and Pangu City, then this battle can attract all people in the Central Plains!

No one does not know the prestige of the demon king’s soul, no one does not know the invincible military power of the demon palace!

It’s like the wealth of Qingqing apple incense, no one has not used the products of the Shang League!

The soul -eater is ambitious and ambitious in the world!

Qingqing apple fragrance, lies in salary, and intention to be in the Central Plains!

No one can pay attention!

Non -dead is a bit nervous.

Although it is not him who played, can the myth be broken?

When I thought of it, I was excited, just like the forever ancient magician fancy soul -eating, he pressed his fate on the Qingqing apple incense, and two of the two grasshoppers on a line could not run!

But never regret it.

They are the same type of people.

He starts with his hands, even if it is lost!

People who underestimate him are dead!

He believes that his eyesight is not only the strength of Qingqing apple fragrance, but more importantly, his toughness!

This is a long -lasting war, never stop!

In fact, he knows that the chance of knowing the victory of Qingqing apple incense is really small, but he has witnessed the rapid growth of Qingqing apple incense.

The potential is the most important thing!

To overthrow the Magic Palace, hey, it is really a cooler thing than the tender girl!

Undead and abnormal laughes!




This is also a kind of person!

Aixin Corolla is not worried about him .



The forever ancient magician is just thinking quietly.

Some people can never be friends, just like some people are destined to be friends!

Such a game, even he is looking forward to it!

The four fairy knows that the two men on the field are the two most powerful in the Central Plains.

The same chic and the same ambitions can only attract and shock to women like them!

Because they are not ordinary women, they have established a dream rose group of one of the seven major clubs, a huge guild!

Qinglong, this moment really realized how naive it was before.

When they were forgotten, they did not take him in their eyes, just like jumping beam clown, and the same proud of him, his heart was like crushing, he hated it!

He, Qinglong, will always stand in this position one day, so that everyone will be convinced!




One day, .



maybe the Earth people can’t see it .



Qingqing and I have been on the field.

I am afraid that the two of us have waited for a long time for a long time, and the audience has been waiting for a long time!

85 -level magic warrior warrior soul -eating vs76 -level warrior Qingqing apple incense The audience began to cheer, hoarse shout!

Qingqing apples raised his permanent ice sword with high fragrance, and the edge was sharp!

Apple, Apple, Apple ~!

I responded to my blood -stuffing sword, and the blood red light immediately greeted!

Devil, Devil, Devil ~!

Tattoo is opposite!

It’s interesting to play like this, what do you say, Apple!

Roar ~~~ The two on the field yelled at the same time, responding to their supporters, milky white ice, blood red blood bleeding!


The two people on the field are in a hurry, the same movement!

Break the sky!

Boom ~ Apple was repelled four steps, and the devil’s soul -elixir remained motionless!

There is no static in the audience, only higher cheers, different messy in the past, but uniform drinking!

Sound shock thousands of miles!

There is only one word!


Qingqing apple incense knows that it is useless to do not dew point.

Under the sound of the thunder, the Qingqing apple incense, who was rolling with a thunderbolt, fought again!

Thunder between the Wanzai Bing Sword waved, and the lightning was shot!

Play again!

Boom ~ Qingqing apple incense takes one step back.

Although the strength has no effect on me, the thunderbolt and electric shock have forced me to step back!

Dragon fighting?


That is the treatment of illegal entry, he is not qualified enough!

Of course, in some case, I can give him special treatment!

Under my reminder, the blood -eating magic sword revealed the true face, the horrible blood sword!

Sword qi extends again, as trembling as life, slightly whine, is it excited?

Intersection Teleport!

Intersection Intersection This is not the initial movement of the mood instantaneous movement.

It appears on the right side of Qingqing apple incense!

A simple sword chopped down, and the blood sword sword exhaled and killed!

Qingqing apple incense was as good as the prophet, and moved gently on the side, hiding over, and the Wanzai Bing Sword in my hand cut at me at the same time!

Intersection Intersection This is unexpected!

Disappear again, from the air, power to split Huashan!

In the second when Qingqing Apple has not appeared, he stood at the dead end of the attack.

Without stay, move instantly again!

We are still standing in the original place!

Is the devil’s god?

The prophets of Qingqing apple incense!




It’s not accidental, he can predict my attack!

Interesting, how high accuracy?

While I was thinking, the heart of Qingqing apple incense was beating violently, danger!

His predictions are not 100 % success, a little error is dangerous!

Fortunately, he succeeded, so he buried a trace of anxiety for his opponent!







Interesting, prediction?

Let me see how much ability you are, Qingqing apple fragrance has stimulated me!

Roar ~~ The blood stuffing on the body rose again, and the sword of the blood -bleeding magic sword began to flow!

Avatars ——- Blood Dragon and Dragon!

While the four blood dragons rushed out, they disappeared instantly!

How many times can you predict?

Intersection Intersection The first point was on the left side of the Apple, but without staying, it instantly turned to the right!

In a short time difference, it is not what Qingqing apple incense can bear it!


Three -click to bomb Qingqing apple incense into the air!

Hey, I have mastered the strength, it won’t be too happy!

Qingqing apple’s fragrance hit the protective cover in the air, and fell down.

At the moment of landing, the ice sword supported, one turned to the other side.

This is the gap between the level, strength and physical strength!

I easily waved the Blood Demon Sword, and I just started!

The strongest place is the weakest place.

Trust it too much is a fatal injury!

Avatar —— Ice Demon Dance!

Intersection Intersection Countless ice rings covering Qingqing apple aroma, the ice magic ring that is not stopped in the air, exuding killing!

For the first time in Qingqing Apple incense, is this the gap?

Intersection Intersection It shouldn’t be like this, they cannot be so big between them!

Intersection Intersection Qingqing apple incense was angry, and the image of Thor appeared!

—— The madness has fallen!

The Wanzai Bing Sword in his hand wave quickly, and the sword gas with the power of Thor greeted the ice ring!

At this moment, Qingqing’s apple incense was suddenly cold.

I thought I didn’t want to bend over and rushed forward.

Unfortunately, I have appeared on his front, and the blood -stuffing dragon and killing waves at zero distance!

Qingqing apple incense was hit out again, and the third instant movement, appearing on his way, Xiangkong!

Boom ~~ Qingqing apple incense was hit into the air again!

Move the fourth moment!

This time I used a horns, because his fighting was scattered.

If you use a sword, you will die!

Boom ~~~ Qingqing Apple incense has been kicked out!

It is even more uncomfortable to see it below, .




Illegal entry can only shake their heads, .



Qingqing apple fragrance, you can’t eat fat people in one breath!

Qinglong is secretly grateful, .



he still has a vision, look at himself, and kill the magic palace!

Qingqing apple fragrance stood up!

The audience was silent!

Display, this is the gap!

An insignificant gap, everything is just a joke?

Intersection Intersection Qingqing apple incense is just a table, and the waves are fame?

Intersection Intersection This kind of strength is not worthy of fighting with the demon king at all!

So dare to despise the illegal entry of King Xiaoyao?

Intersection Intersection Burning in the field is up ~~~ Qingqing apple incense is very clear!



He, Qingqing apple incense can never fall.

What is illegal entry?

Only he is equipped with soul -eating!

Qingqing apple incense suddenly stood up!

Roar ~~~ How much unwilling, how much effort is contained in it, why, why, why?

Intersection Intersection Bad people, yes, he is not a good person, but what is good and what is bad?

Intersection Intersection Haha, it’s all nonsense, the king is defeated!

Intersection Intersection In the crazy laugh, Qingqing apple incense began to change!

Really qi is not the original milky white, but gradually becomes purple and black!

Yinhe yang, righteousness and evil, are one of them.

Evil King Qingqing apple fragrance!


The Wanzai Bingjian has lost the original crystal clear and transformed into purple and black!

He has fallen!

When the apple incense sword waved, a purple and black qi burst out.

It was such a evil, and it was such a murderer, a dead qi that was destroyed!

I once felt that the Bado Snake of Destruction!

In everyone’s stunning, the protective cover was hit, and then corroded a large hole!

Qingqing apple incense, pay attention to the direction!

Although it is incompatible with the Qingqing apple incense, I still appreciate his talent!

Seeing his own power, Qingqing apple incense was caught in ecstasy, power, this is what he wants, no matter what the source he is!

Haha ~~~ Eatering soul, let you taste my latest spirit!

The current Qingqing apple incense suddenly feels full of ambition!

Suddenly I found that I put my hand on my waist!

Qingqing apple incense immediately woke up —- Long Dou Qi?

Intersection Intersection He naturally knows that my Shenglong has the function of spike!

Intersection Intersection .



But how can he be like this?

Long fighting, even looking at him, why is he clear that apple incense is not as good as illegally entering the reckless husband!

Intersection Intersection talent?



Intersection ability?

Intersection Intersection When these, who is compared with my soul!

The real dragon gold light flashed, but did the gold dragon appear?

Intersection Intersection Roar ~~~ No matter what Qingqing apples are, let me send you to West in order to reward your performance!

—— Dragon Demon Battle!

Boom ~~~~ Everyone is stupid!

Intersection Intersection Even if Xueer was stunned, this was the first time I used it.

It was originally prepared for the “God”.

Even the Qingqing apple incense, who has just upgraded into evil spirits, feels oppression, is the power that floods the space! The colorful spirit contains magic power, blood bleaching qi, dragon fighting, this is the ultimate battle that can only control 10 lucky! Intersection Intersection I can’t support it for too long with my strength, but I don’t think anyone can make me spend too long! Bright starry sky ~~~! Intersection Intersection The gorgeous light burst out, everything disappeared! Qingqing apple fragrance has no power to fight back, and was killed on the spot! Break through the protective cover! Most of the players in the Qingqing apple incense are killed! Heaven and the world, but I am alone! I am the demon king, soul eater! “Devil, Devil, Devil, Devil, Devil!”

Crazy, everything is messy, no one knows what happened! The magic palace, the day of the world is not far away. All players couldn’t remember everything that happened at the time. There was only one image in their minds, that is, the demon king who stole the blood demon sword! Sword refers to Changkong! The hero is me! New Book of Stone, “Three Eyes”

Mantra fully uploaded, BL_ID = 38524 I hope everyone likes to support ^\ _ ^^ Text Eighteen 75 Fantasy in Dream Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 12936 The demon king won, Apple was defeated! This is an ending and the beginning. The demon king soul stuffed his true strength for the first time. The highest stage of all the guards, the dragon magic war! (Dragon and demon war, the magic king’s soul -elixir is now, and it is also the highest level of defense of the highest level of body protection today. Even if the 85 -level soul -elixir does not have enough fusion power, but with the luck of 10 lucky, Still successful, but the duration should not be too long. As the level increases, the power will be stronger!) When I used it, I brought a small premium ring that was lucky to plus 1 to complete it, but once, the ring was abolished once, it was really a trouble. In fact, even if it is an evolved Qingqing apple fragrance, it doesn’t need this … but it should be cool just now, hehe! The lucky jewelry is indeed rare. If you add 2, you can sell the sky -high price. Fortunately 1 is not sold at the price, because it is generally available in some low -attribute equipment. Normal luck 9 and lucky 10 are not for me for me. It is too different, but it is much worse when using the dragon magic war, so there are still a few pieces in the warehouse with a backup, … when will it be upgraded. It can be said that this battle has been re -consolidated to make my position so that all players who are lucky face to face reality again. Of course, not all of them are like this. People are more excited. The defeated Qingqing apple incense disappeared for a while. No one knows what he is doing. What he is thinking is. If you change to ordinary people, it may be frustrated, but the Qingqing apple incense can not be treated with the heart of ordinary people. The reappeared Qingqing apple fragrant noodle with a smile, and congratulated my victory. Being able to stretch and flexion, such opponents are the most difficult to entangle! The style of Qingqing apple incense naturally arouses the favor of many people. Now I am again the buns of that year. Naturally, I know when what should be done. Some people have become the eyes, do not know each other, heroes know heroes! … It is possible that I can enter the country illegally, as for Apple, … he probably can’t wait to steam me. It is what I think to destroy him. Unfortunately, people are in the rivers and lakes. Apple incense is very careful now. I do n’t leave a tail without doing things. I made me unknown. In fact, I just created a few “misunderstandings”

from Xiao Mao ’s heart. There are two big problems. With our strength and the help of eternal ancient magicians, it should be no problem to lay down the Clear Apple Fragrance, but after being laid? To be honest, the strength of the Magic Palace is not enough to keep such a big guild at the same time. Besides, there are also many guilds that have inextricable relationships with the Shang League. This will inevitably harm their interests. Will be dragged. Therefore, we must vigorously develop financial resources and increase the number and quality of members. Another point is that the international situation is now rising. At this time, it is not a wise move to engage in civil war. If we really fight, if we really fight, it may lead to the entire CCTV melee. Little Japan may be happy to die. This is not possible! These two points are enough to keep me on the seductive idea. The loser is always settled, just like the failed Qingqing apple fragrance. No one has a lot of attention to him. The current players only have soul -eater and love for New Reno! Two legendary characters! It can be said that the two candidates in the finals are home! In terms of force, prestige, popularity, the devil’s soul -elixir, it can be said to be the world’s first in the world! In terms of mystery, appearance, temptation, the king who disappears is unwilling to fall behind! This is the most popular person to date, and they have a common feature, that is, never failed! Now they are standing in this position. Only one person can continue myths, a higher, farther, and more wonderful myth! Demon King Soul Eater? Love New Lo Luo? Who is the real king? Decisive fighting the imperial city! The final final is in the open field, there is no protective cover, because the general protective cover is not useful, so it is better to remove it as soon as It will lose experience and equipment … as for being lost, it depends on personal strength. Before the finals, I paused for half an hour to prepare.

Whether it was Xiong, Rogue, Killer, Hero, it was not possible.

Now there are only the decisive battles between the king!

Whether King New Deal Luo returns, or the myth of the devil’s soul eater forever, there will be a knot soon!

I don’t want to be enemy, there are other reasons, it is the reason why I can’t think of it, a kind of intuition!

However, in any case, I should face it, solve this, and look at the Central Plains, there is nothing to worry about me.

As for some guys who want to do a conspiracy, they are not attentive because they are in mind because they It will never succeed.

It can only repeat the blow again and again.

It will only keep the Magic Palace growth, the strength continues to increase, and the reputation will continue to rise.

In the end, the Central Plains will be unified!

How to see the rainbow do not experience the wind and rain!

Let their conspiracy and tricks come more violently!

Aixin Jue Luo was a little excited.

He liked this feeling very much.

For the first time, it seemed to have been a long time ago.

Although some things were unfair to him, if it was him, it seemed not so sad now.

, Now I have to experience it in person, a fortune in unfortunate.

The people around him looked at Aizon Rolo strangely.

He always entered the water calmly.

His face was red, white, his expression was ever -changing, sometimes angry, sometimes smiling, sometimes his eyebrows were locked, and finally returned to peace!

When Ai Xinjin was awakened, suddenly found that the people around him looked at him dumbly, and the blush on his face flashed.







A guy turned his head too hard, his neck almost twisted down, sweat!

My face is depressed, everyone wants to laugh and dare not laugh, .



I panic.

The previous lap is naturally players with status and status, like the important staff of the seven major guilds, the boss of the major guilds, the single hero, and the bulls who think they are strong.

Playing in trouble, there is no protection of the protective cover, .



you have to count in your heart!

Even so, the entire martial arts is still full, and the Central Plains is finally determined by the real king!

To be precise, it is the king of the Demon King Soul Eater!

A king must not only have the strongest forces, the highest reputation, and the beauty of the country, and they must be invincible in the world.

This is the king in the Internet!

Lack of one, you can’t be regarded as the real king!

When a king unified the territory, then, he was the emperor!

The flickering light in the eyes of the four fairy.

The men they need must be like this.

They can conquer four of them.

Don’t say that they are idiots.

Any woman seeing such a man is inevitable to be attracted, but some women Some women are more reserved.

The four fairy obviously belongs to the latter.

Now it can cause them “interest”

, and there is only one person who meets their requirements. Between the four sisters, the four sisters decided to discuss it after the game. After all, it is not a way to drag down. Once you are too deep, you are still suffering! Now see how the men in their hearts face the final challenge! The forever ancient magician is just witnessing illegal entry. The birth of a king, a real Central Plains invincible, a goal that they always chase, and the motivation of their existence! Xueer, Feiyun, Baby, Xiangzi, Mood, they feel the same glory as the wife of soul -eating, and they are even more happy than they are about to sit in the first place in the world. They have absolute confidence in their husbands. After several games, they can also face up, because their confidence is expanding, so big enough to dispel everything! Such a man will never belong to a woman. Because they all understand this, they will be happy! In fact, the most exciting and most anticipated person in the audience is not them, but Xiao Mao. It is this fat man, or such a harmless smile, but no one can understand this kind of friendship. A successful man must have a support for support His woman, but a successful man must also have a brother who supports him! He, watched the soul eater from a novice, a rookie, to the invincible demon king now, with the magic palace, and the five stunning beauty, and the five stunning women are about to reach the peak. Only him, with this qualification, say a word —— -I witnessed this legend! Shan Yu wants to come to the wind! The final decisive battle of the first combination of the world is about to begin! In the past, noisy and theft whispering, everyone lost interest in speaking. Everyone watched Bitai, where there will be a dream! Although they are not themselves, everyone is subconscious, or a deeper consciousness layer, and treats people on the stage as themselves. This is the source of their enthusiasm! The audience cannot restrain their excitement, because they will witness a history. Before this final, the last time can only be regarded as kindergarten -level games, and now it is the final battle of the real strong! The first to appear is Aizhizhuluo. A archer with a perfect thief skills that has never failed. Under the calm and beautiful appearance, he has amazing power. As the last challenger, he is also the most powerful challenger. Here, attack the soul -loving attack! The breeze has helped, and I love the wind of New Conso. There is a feeling of shaking like a fairy. Although people are there, their spirits are in another space! I also played, we looked quietly, without excitement, no feelings, some were a constant connection. I have a clear understanding. Our entanglement has just begun! Suddenly, the audience burst into shocking applause, waiting for so long, for this moment! “Brother Soul Eater, I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!”

Love Sneak Ruoluo smiled lightly, but I know that he said more than just for competing himself, the deep meaning, I am very vague, in front of my eyes, it seems like far away! Seeing my contemplation, I love New Dealo to show her face again. “Oh, can fight with Brother Cassia is also my long -lasting wish, and I can finally try my wish today!”

I can understand, why do I have never wanted to fighter with the Ajeeo, I want to retain a hope, a hope that can defeat me, but the end of the coming is still coming. At the end of this battle, the challenge of God is me The moment I went to India, this is my second country I hate! People must quantity, and the same is true of the country! Level 85 Martial Arts Warrior Soul Eater VS77 Arcades! Competition between two dual occupations! A breeze smiling, love Xin Jue Luo! The fast side moved into high -speed movement, acceleration, agile skills, rapid surgery, thieves and archers to improve their ability to improve their ability! Aixin Corolla feels pressure. The opponent in front of him must use his strength. No, it should be two hundred percent power! At this time, the speed of Aizono has reached a peak, which is definitely faster than the high -end thief. A faint shadow, rotating around the soul -eater, rotating irregularly! I was stunned again and again … … Aixin Jen Luo was definitely half the current speed when he fought with him again! … What world, the archer as fast as him, … God gives him a knife! To deal with Aizono, the mage’s skills are not very good. After all, the broken magic arrow really hates it. In this case, I will not annoy it —— Shenglong! Dragon fighting! Static braking! Love New Deal’s Phantom God Bow flickered quickly, countless bows and arrows shot towards me, and the glittering golden light showed their power! Arrow, although fast, but not much for me, calmly sideways flashed, bows and arrows passed by one by one. In the eyes of the players, I saw a golden light that was shot into me in full bloom, and me It seems that there is no existence, passing through my shadow, open again! disease! Aixin Corolla did not be surprised by avoiding me, because he knew that everything happened in me was normal! The blood -stuffing magic sword in his hand shakes, and the dragon’s fighting is down. That is the fighting spirit of the activity. There is a fighting spirit of life. Although it is irregular, the shock is greater! Suddenly, I moved too! The Aixin Corolla outside is a pale green circle, and I am a golden circle! I am also moving at high speed and do not need any skills. Long Douqi itself has this function and improves all attributes. Intersection (The level of dragon and magic war is higher. To be precise, it is already a trick in another field) Aixin Corolla is very clear that the effect of magic arrows is about zero on my effect. All the most penetrating, the most lethal arrows are the best! He is waiting for a chance! My golden circle is gradually expanding. Although my speed is still not as good as him, my ***small, in order to make up for the shortcomings, slowly we have become close to At the same time, Aixin Corolla’s bow and arrows were launched at hand, and my sword qi was also stirring around, and constantly impacted him! fear! Absolutely horrible! At such a high speed, you have to play such an amazing fight. You can only see a lotus, green leaves, golden flower stamens, constantly fluctuating, and constantly rotating in the eyes of novices. In the eyes of a stronger player, although this high -speed movement is not seen clearly, it can basically be divided into disability, but the sight is still affected!

Shock, this is the highest level of battle, there is no occupation restriction, and the rest is only the difference!

The only thing they can do is to make every effort to cheer, even if they can’t speak after the game, they will not hesitate!

Only in this way can the kind of fanaticism in their hearts, the feeling of being about to explode!

The top masters, like mood, Feiyun, Xueer, clear apple fragrance, eternal ancient magician, they are clearly seen in illegal entry!

They are just the opposite.

Unlike other people’s enthusiasm, their expressions are getting more and more serious, their mouths have been tightly closed, and they have been isolated from everything around.

Intersection There is no illusion in their eyes, and they can be seen clearly.

Every time they play fiercely, the more they look at it, the more they are afraid of it.

Level opponent!

At this time, I only had excitement in my heart.

For the first time, someone could make me fully exert it.

It was really happy!

My speed increases again!

At the same time, Aiye Ronaldo also began to accelerate, and the impossible things in the eyes of others became possible again!

Low -level players are already dizzy, they can only hear the sound of stable bow string, and the sound of my sword qi!

At this time, a slightly slower move is not useful at all.

Only basic swordsmanship can achieve this high -speed balance!

The same is true of Aixin Corolla, but he is better than me!

It’s like sprinkling beans!

His non -human high agility allows him to avoid my sword gas at a critical time, and my high luck has made my attack avoided to the limit!

Every time we rotate, we have to fight N tricks!

Basically he shot me three arrows, I can stab a sword

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