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Chapter_34 , But now I have hit 6 arrows, which causes only one arrow that causes damage.

He hit my three swords, and there are two arrows that cause damage, but it is not enough to cause a panic of a 77 -level archer!

Even if I use Long Douqi!

Suddenly, Aixin Corolla braked a sudden, sliding out, and turned to blast the Phantom Phantom to wear the heart!

A golden bows and arrows whistled to me, just facing me!







It’s my speed, it’s really a calm person!








Broken the dragon fight!

A knife -shaped dragon gas, like the gate of trial, cut the air!

Without seeing how Aixin Jue Luo moves, a series of broken magic arrows shot out!

Intersection Intersection Intersection The broken magic arrow can weaken the power of my broken dragon fighting!

But it can only be a little bit reduced, time, only give him a chance to have two arrows!

While Aixin Jue Luo was shocked, he quickly flashed, and he was a little slower.

He was scanned by the dragon’s qi, a rollover, a little shaking, standing at the other end of the stadium!

Looking at the broken armor, Aixin Cubo suddenly bloomed with a smile, as bright as the sun!




I found that he laughed more recently!

The tentative fight, the soul -eater occupied the upper hand!

Players are finally awake, obediently, so addicted!

The more you can’t understand, the more admirable!

Obviously, our competition has been on a level.

Although it has not been reached, many people have spy on the appearance of another field!

The future is dark, and we are the people who reach the bottleneck to see a path.

We are a light in front.

No matter where others go, we have hope.

Love Xinju Luo solemnly picked up the phantom god bow in his hand.

This was the first time he was so dignified.

When he had archery before, everyone only saw that the Phantom God Bow was flashing!

What exactly is, it will definitely not be the old -fashioned blasting phantom to wear the arrow, that kind of thing will not pose a threat to me.

If you only have this inventory, you will not love Xinjin Luo!

All players are staring at Aixin Decision Luo Baiyu’s hand.

It is a strange golden arrow, but the golden light is ancient, with a fine and magical pattern engraved on it, like everyone tells its extraordinary!

It is like a deep pool, attracting everyone’s soul!

A magical charm!

Intersection Intersection The eternal ancient magician’s eyes are glowing, which is a kind of greed.

To be precise, like a child seeing his favorite candy, he can definitely be sure that this arrow is not a thing in the Central Plains, it is definitely not!

As an archer, Incehers New Deal is thinking about spells.

Yes, it is a weird spell.

A language we can’t understand, but it is really wonderful, but I know that the same destructive power behind the beauty is the same!

The degree of beauty and destructive power are proportional!

With a shock, my dragon bucket rose to the sky, and stared at the eyes of Aixin Reno!

From there I can see some hidden things!

Suddenly the weird golden arrow suddenly made a big masterpiece, and a crispy shock suddenly transformed into countless gold dots, spreading away at once!

The dense golden arrows came over, without a trace of gap, and decided to attack the right difference!

Intersection Intersection impossible!

Intersection Intersection It must be an illusion!

Intersection Intersection The speed of the arrow is not fast, but it can’t be found under my 85 -level insight.

Is it true?

Intersection Intersection Eyes, yes, eyes!

Love New Coreo’s eyes are staring at a direction!

The real attack is definitely in that direction!


Three times in a row, I flashed directly beside it.

I believe those phantoms cannot threaten me!

Sure enough, I guess right!

Phantom passes through!

But before I was happy, I suddenly found that something behind me hit my dragon fighting!

Still the weird golden arrow, which has a severe friction with my dragon’s gas, it is about to break through!

Intersection Intersection In fact, the feeling of this series only happened in an instant, saying that it was late and when it was late!

My vitality shield opened instantly!

At this time, the dragon is not broken, horrible!

Intersection Intersection The impact is unabated!

Back with my shield!



There was a loud noise on the court, and it exploded!

This is the true face of blasting phantom!

Everyone stared at the field with eyes, how terrible attacks were, and even broke through the super defense of the demon king’s soul eater continuously!

This is the passing king who loves New Coronosa!

The audience was silent, and the sound of breathing could feel clearly.

Xueer did not expect that Aijelo had such ability, and the nervous atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

The smoke was still filled with smoke!

Suddenly a laughed in the smoke, and my dragon fighting directly scattered the smoke!

What appeared was the dragon’s rolling me.

It was an active tackling.

This is the real dragon spirit.

I may be stimulated by the blasting phantom to wear the arrow.

This golden arrow is absolutely problematic.

The Central Plains has no.

Aixin Jue Luo cannot go to foreign countries.

The only one may be the different space!

Seeing me, the players who support me began to cheer!

Cher took a great breath, and I was very satisfied with Aevanto.

Only he knew on the field that I would not be easily defeated!

Sometimes, the person who knows you best is your opponent and enemy!

“Brother Cubo, this is your real blasting phantom!”

“Oh, this arrow is hard to find, I knew it was useless for my brother -in -law, I would save it!”

Love New Reno said lightly, but the surprise in his eyes could not be hidden. Although he knew that he would not cause fatal damage to me, he did not expect that I didn’t even have any damage! “Ritual exchanges, Brother Cubo also takes me a few tricks!”

In everyone’s deafening cheering, I moved! Dragon teeth! The Blood Eat Demon Sword pointed directly at New Coroluta, and the whole person merged into a sword body and killed the past! Love Xinjun’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and instantly speed up. Although my dragon teeth are fast, Aixin Cori Luo still has absolute confidence to avoid it! Because you can’t turn it when you are attacking! Unfortunately, my purpose is not here! Teleport! The moment I disappeared, I loved New Corridor and immediately became alert. When I appeared in front of me in an instant, the bow and arrow in my hand followed, but I didn’t stay at all. That was not my real fall! When the fourth appeared, Ai Xinju’s rotation finally appeared vulnerabilities! I am! —— Four times the blood dragon and kill waves! Boom ~~ In the first row, even the speed of Aixin Corolla can never avoid such close -range attacks, not to mention four rows. Under the dragon’s urging method, the speed and lethality are much larger! Aixin Caleo was hit by heavily! Blood dragon constantly impacted him! At this moment, the white light flashed in the air, and the new decision shook for a while, and even avoided the blood -stuffing dragon and killing waves! Intersection Intersection Only two people in the audience saw that short second change! The illegal entry was vaguely seen and saw a beautiful elf. It quickly shaken in the air. The follow -up attack of the blood dragon and the waves was hid! After stabilizing, I love Xinjin Luo’s face a little red, as if using strength! Seeing my doubtful vision is even more unnatural! … Because I seemed to see a elven just now, it is a beautiful female elf, just like a fairy, the kind of beauty is extraordinary! Xueer and Feiyun, the beauty of Mingyue has reached a limit, and I am used to the beauty of them, and naturally I have resistance, but when I saw the elves, I was still lost. Yes, it was a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit. The gap, but Xueer, who arrives at this class, is a qualitative leap! It can only be said that men and women are killed! … Why is it a woman? Intersection Intersection I’m definitely dazzling! I shook my head fiercely, and at this time Aixin Jeno had returned to normal! Aixin Corolla takes out the weird bow and arrow again. This time it is green, … it is not me, but the open space in the middle of the field! sweat…… Everyone was attracted by this scene in front of them. The arrows shot on the ground were growing like seeds. They matured in a few seconds, and countless umbrella buds floated down! In the eyes of public eyes, a layer of powdered white smoke spread out, spreading the original arrow as the center, and covered me and Ishiluo in all the Aisuke! … What do he want to do? Intersection Intersection Our probability is the same, I can’t see it, can he see it? Intersection Intersection Mysterious person, even more mysterious arrows! Hey, playing with me, even if you are keen, you have a limited extent! It is not absolutely impossible to see in the smoke, but the visibility is low, and people can’t see it clearly, but it will definitely not last long, … it is a bit fancy! Although the players in the audience are unclear, they can see them! Everyone has a certain ability to afford the endless strange tricks of Aixin Reno. After all, he is famous for his mysteriousness! God beast green dragons can watch the door and can give him the next baby (point), … what else is there! I don’t care about that set, and I saw the shadow of Aixin Caleic Luo, and I rushed over a moment of movement! Hey, let’s start first! .






The sight is wrong, the distance of movement is wrong, .



it is too close, it is about to hit, miserable, my instant movement can’t stop!

In Aixin Jue Luo’s exclaiming, we hit together!




so soft, a faint fragrance rushed to my sense of smell!

So soft?

Intersection Intersection What is in my hand?

Intersection Intersection In a shock, I quickly jumped, jumped out, sweat .



This is my strongest jump so far!

Just now, is it an illusion?

Intersection Intersection Love New Coreo’s body trembling for a while, but unfortunately I can’t see the expression!

The white light flashed again in the fog!

The players outside saw the collision of the two “violent”

at a time, one of which was a fast rebound. From the perspective of jumping, it should be a decision -making, … but from the blurred body, it seems like Demon King Soul Soul! Then the white light flashed! At that moment, I saw it clearly! That’s right, it was her, a fairy, a felling elf fairy! The pointed ears, a beautiful and extraordinary fine -grained armor, green decoration, and the phantom god bow in my hand, the appearance is so dreamy, elf! Only the legendary elves will have such beauty, and they can pour all the appearance. If Xueer Feiyun Mingyue is the appearance of the city, then the elf in front of the eyes is the appearance of the country, the beautiful breasts, the fibrous waist, , Can only be described as impeccable, perfect! Although there was only a short moment, I had left the impression that I never worn out. For the first time, I had a kind of occupied idea, that is, no matter what the means, she had to get her in front of her! When beauty reaches a certain degree, it will make people crazy! What is red and slander, probably her! … I suddenly understood what I had just mastered, and I suddenly regretted it. If God can give me a chance to come, … I will never let go! This kind of woman can only have a strong man, otherwise it will not be careless, and the obtaining people will make countless people succeed! Probably this is why Aixin Jue Luo appeared with a man’s face! It is not camouflage, because it is a person who can’t lie to her, but I don’t think to change gender. To be precise, it is just a kind of stool, such as makeup, or some props, artifacts, and even some spells. Can achieve this effect! It was time to think of these things, because I was completely occupied at that moment! Men can’t escape her lethality! At this time, the bows and arrows that broke the air broke through my intoxication. Fortunately, under the exercise of Xueer, they had a certain resistance and quickly dodged, but it was late! With Xueer, for the first time, I have such a strong desire to possess a woman, even if Mingyue will not give me such a feeling! Thinking of her lying in the arms of other men, I wanted to mad, and never allowed this to happen! The love of the elf into a noise, the shameful face is really like an apple. If the man see it at this time, I don’t know how many people will fall into the crazy and fall into the endless single love love! Love Xinjiluo’s heart fluttered, and his forbidden area was fierce by him …, this bastard still stared at her! From a long time ago, she understood her beauty. The people at home were happy and worried about her eyes. Beauty itself was not a bad thing, but when the beauty exceeded a scale, it became a source of trouble. I don’t know how many heroes in history, the country’s fall is because of this beauty! Only a beauty of such a beauty in hundreds of years, a beauty that has been shocked in a time! From that moment, she has learned to hide! Later, for special reasons, she went to the second world. She was very confident in her beauty. She did not believe that the system could be raised by 10 %. She chose to raise up. She also wanted to see what would happen! … but the system failed, and in the end she got a compensation, that is, makeup magic, no matter how to reduce her appearance or so beautiful, it is impossible to resist! (Up to 10 % down) The only choice is to make her makeup into a man’s false appearance. Of course, this is just an illusion. As soon as she contacts, she will find “problem”

, so she keeps a distance with everyone! Maintain your own secrets! Cold is the best way, … as for finding a girlfriend, it’s even more joke! But it is still exposed today, but this is destined to hit, she has no choice! Aizon Rolo, who reacted, still decided to teach this bad guy fiercely! Elf transformation! After the war, the second transformation person, to be precise, she is earlier than the war constantly completing the transformation task! The problem after the transformation is that the magic of makeup is invalid … In fact, at this point, she doesn’t want to hide anything. At least this will be known to him sooner or later! Aixin Corolla is not merciless because of my dementia. Her bow and arrows have continued to shoot. This time, the real elf arrows have increased their speed and agility. She showed up in front of everyone, but she believed that no one would see clearly! A flash of arrows, carrying two arrows, and a continuous five arrows broke my peak dragon fighting, and the elf bow and arrow that followed directly shot directly to me. My Lord of the Lord flashed, magic was rapidly decreased! Since my trip to Japan, I have n’t attacked me like this for a long time! Unfortunately, there is still a long distance from me to destroy me! Roar! Intersection Intersection There is no anger in this shouting, it is a vent! Only in this way can I be a little sober, because my heart is beating violently! Teleport! Directly, Ai Xinjun forced to pass! There is only one thought in my heart, and I want to confirm that dreamy beauty again! Is it just a dream! Without any flower, a straight line forced her! The elf arrow in the hands of Aixin Jue Luo kept shooting! After turning into a elves, the speed of archery has improved a lot, but she feels even more useful! Because all the arrows are either blocked or disappeared like penetrating the air! I have used 7 consecutive instant moves! Breaking through my limits, the desire to support me! She has retreat, and she is going to the edge of the fog at retreat. She doesn’t want others to see others, and she can’t! Bite the teeth, not retreat! The attack in his hand was tight again! The mother -in -law burst out of the ring! She hopes to force me with a violent attack! … she feels that her appearance may be a mistake … … she didn’t expect that the man in this case was so terrible! How can I retreat at this point! Light up the Dragon Shield! All defense measures are started, it is time for the source of Magic and the Magic Rings! If you can’t dodge the attack, you will bear it! Finally we hit together! Once again, I saw the dreamy beauty! Although she wanted to resist, she was firmly held by me! Foolishly…… I even forgot what to do! “Let me go, the fog of the fans will not last for a long time!”

At this time, she was completely weak, and her face flushed! My mind was banging, and my hand could not help but open. Sure enough, the mist began to dissipate, I don’t want to increase competitors! As soon as her hand was loose, she jumped out at once, opened the distance with me, a white light flickered, and the elves turned into disappearing! In order to cover people’s eyes, he is full of ascension! The huge eight -claw gold dragon rose into the sky, and suddenly opened the fog, the mighty straight into the sky, and the king’s power enveloped the whole city! We appear again in front of everyone! In the eyes of the players, a white light flashed, which was fierce fighting, the sound of explosion, and the sound of the bows and arrows were twice dense! Later, “the short soldier connected”

, a short stagnation, followed by another white light, and later it was dragon! Everyone cannot be sure who wins and who loses, everyone stares at the two people on the stage! Love New Dealo is indifferent, but her false shell has been revealed by me, and it has no effect on me! When I saw Xueer, the obsession was a lot of awake, at least to cope with the situation in front of me! The pursuit of beauty is the nature of everyone, but this does not mean forgetting the relationship! Seeing my situation, Aixin Corolla still flashed a little appreciation in my eyes! I hope he appreciates his beauty, and does not want him to be obsessed with it! Women are so contradictory! Besides, it seems that there is nothing between them, and everything starts, but when she thinks of his rudeness, she is still very angry! But now it’s not the time to say these things! “Brother Soul Eater, thank you for mercy, your younger brother confess!”

As soon as I New Dean Luo’s words came out, the audience was shocked. After a few seconds, after a few seconds, the shocking shouting immediately broke out! “The demon king soul, the world’s first!”

In the first combination of the world, the Devil’s Soul Eater defending successfully! Although everything happened in the fog made everyone eager, but now they have forgotten these, everyone is caught in the carnival, and finally decides the real first master! The demon king snapsion, and everyone is looking back! At this time, Aizon Ronaldo has quietly stepped down! But she can’t take some things! Illegal entry, forever ancient magician, endlessly, Qingqing apple incense, but they saw something, obviously a bit abnormal, but it is not clear where it is, but my victory is reasonable.

New Corolla’s failure is also expected!

Although it was a little strange, they didn’t say anything, maybe just suspicious!

They were so happy that they jumped up happily.

At this time, they completely forgot what ladylike image!

Dasha and San Wolf they are the most cheerful!

Xiaomao still smiled like that, just gave a thumbs up, a move that we agreed for a long time!

My heart is warm, with a wife like Xueer, brothers like Xiao Mao, can go in the world!

But she must get it.

If there is a contradiction, I will do my best to solve it.

Now, don’t let me make a choice, because it is not the time, and I won’t let that situation appear!

Everything is just beginning!

I, Wang Zhong, have this confidence!

But a person suddenly took advantage of it, but it was stuck to break the carnival that had just started to prepare.

A simple proposal made everyone calm down, and then more terrifying praise!

Qingqing apple incense!

Intersection Intersection Still him!

“Everyone is quiet, and everyone can see that the strength of the devil’s soul -elimation is indeed much higher than all of our players. Even the finals cannot exert all the strength. From the masters present, four people chose four people to challenge the demon king’s soul to bite the soul. Answer is naturally unique! Qingqing apple incense still doesn’t give up, one by one! A new challenge! Everything comes like this! But who is the candidate? Intersection Intersection Of course, you must be a qualified talent! It is necessary to see that my strength must be the strongest and most personal! The mood is excluded, after all, the relationship is special and cannot be killed! Qingqing apple incense is one! With strength and this identity! I have waited for a long time in illegal entry, this proposal has made him feel excited! He was about to stand up and pull, but he saw a strange person … Forever Magic Master! Probably no one would think that the ancient magician would take the initiative to ask! The last one who took the initiative to fight made me even more surprising, —— Aisuke who had just fought. Wouldn’t it be to get revenge for me just now? Intersection Intersection Brothers support the new book of Stone, the tickets and clicks of "

Three Eyes” are bleak Text 10076 Women’s Hearts Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7781 The world’s first combination of the military conference ended successfully. But just when everyone was ready to celebrate the carnival, Qingqing apple was unexpectedly stood out. A unexpected proposal mentioned the extreme of all players to the extreme! That’s right, all players want to know the true strength of the demon king soul, his bottom limit! Starting from the competition conference, although the thrilling situation has continued, it has not really caused him to harm him, and the main reason is that the soul -eater deliberately allows the other party to play, so everyone is not very cool. The proposal is with their ideas, although it is a bit unfair, but for the world’s first master, the general standards are naturally not applicable! Because he is the first brand in the world! Clear apple incense, illegal entry, eternal ancient magician, love Xinjin Luo! The four first -class masters, the characters of the heavenly list, the boss of the seven major guilds, and a person who siege at the same time. This was impossible before. I didn’t dare to think about it. Inadvertently, it became a reality! Each is a shot of the world. Now it will be so proactive. It is indeed unexpected to the apple incense. He originally thought that some people would definitely not shoot. The ancient magician was one of them! He himself, coupled with the endless, Qinglong, illegal entry, this is his original plan. I did not expect that the situation was better than expected! Anyway, the reputation of soul -eating is high enough, and it is just the icing on the cake, but if you lose, hey … The effect is great, and the popularity of soul -elixir will definitely be affected, because he is not invincible, and others will not consider 4 to do not equal, because he gets more, and you must pay more! This is a hero, and a king must face! The sudden emergence of the ancient magician replaced the endlessness. Apple did not worry about the forever ancient magician who would put water, and even knew that the ancient magician who invited the war would definitely do his best. The reason is worth studying, maybe it is a good breakthrough! There is a problem behind any subtle changes. Even if there is no, it doesn’t matter. It is better to believe it, and it is not credible! How can he give up any clues about apple incense! Aixin Jen Luo can be getting better again. This guy is also strange. He usually doesn’t care about everything, and has just had a hand with soul -eater. It is abnormal. Intersection Intersection Hey, the top four people, he is going to see how the so -called demon king spend this difficulty! … I suddenly thought of the horrible dragon and demon war, the confidence just now seems to be so big! But this is a rare opportunity. The soul -eating is not to promise. It is difficult to ride a tiger. He will not give up! Illegal entry is to participate. Although it is a bit unfair, this is not his style, but the other party is soul -eating, so it is another matter! Sometimes a little sad. Although I keep working hard, I can’t even see the other line of the other party. This is the reason for his war. He wants to see the cards of soul -eating, so as to provide a positioning for future promotion, even if he How to bully less is not hesitate! When the ancient magician heard this proposal forever, he didn’t think too much, so he stood up like that. When he reacted, he felt a little reckless, but it was nothing to think about it. It’s okay, this is also what I have longed for my subconscious, and my own business can also come to an end! Don’t say any suggestions such as discussions. Only formal competitions will have this feeling. Only in this way can it be that passion! Now he is also a little rejoicing at the time, maybe it is the instinct to be buried in his heart, … this is good! Aixin Corolla is indeed a little angry, under impulse, and also on the stage, … but okay, give him a lesson, so that he made him think that all women would turn around him! …… Thinking of the situation just now, Aixin Caleo Luo still heats all over, … because it was him, is this life? She is not reconciled, so she will come to fight for something for herself. Looking at the soul -elixir in the distance, he is very good, but far from making himself worse, what is the Internet! This is why she finds herself, but it is indeed the same. The outside world is more complicated, which is more difficult than this. As a heir, he has not completely awakened at all, and he has not found it. The world in the dark. … Actually, why not herself! There are too many people who are stronger than him. This is the situation where Aixin Jen Luo himself speculates. She thinks she is also inseparable from eight or nine! In this world, isn’t there anyone who can completely ignore her appearance? In fact, Wang Zhong is already very good … The reason why the players are excited is because these four people have the strength that is enough to make the soul eater, and even the strength to defeat him. However, this grand occasion has no this shop after this village! They were a little worried. From their eyes, I could see that it was warm in heart and gave them a firm look, … can’t let them worry about me! The big meal prepared for "

God" seemed to take it out first. However, the four people were really brave, illegally entered the country, the yin poison of the apple incense, the eternal ancient magician horror The lethality, love the new deconstruction like a needle is omnipresent! It’s not easy to do! Dragon Angry can definitely be done. At least I have not thought that this trick is unbearable. Even if the opponent is a super god beast and a superwater, it has the ability to fight! … It is still a trivial matter if you lose two levels. I am afraid that there are more than N people present in the scene. Besides, Xueer is still here! Combining is not self -destruction! If you think about it, this is also an opportunity for self -measurement. After all, such a strong combination is not qualified to enjoy, and I am gradually excited! Life is wonderful because of constant challenges! Aixin Corolla was still indifferent, but in my eyes, the moment her face was deeply printed in her heart. This is also a challenge to me, a challenge that I haven’t even grasped! I still need to rest, I have to add it at least! After all, no one has to be cautious in the face of such opponents. All players pay great attention to the winning or losses, because the outcome of the game is definitely in the five -five -five, no one can say who will win! The strength of the devil’s soul -elixir is indeed unpredictable.

This is also the support of the players who wins him.

After all, the world is the first in the world.

It is the title that can make people blindly worship!

But the four challenges are even more terrible.

The horrible soldiers are clear apple, illegal entry, archers and thieves dual careers, second only to the master of soul -elixir, the strongest magician of the mage forever, the strongest mage, Terrorist end trial!

What else is more exciting than this!

The usual occasions of the masters are absolutely unwilling to join forces with others, because this is in itself to reduce their identity, not to mention that they are some characters of the top!

(Except for war and killing) Xue’er Feiyun and they helped me prepare everything.

To be honest, the mood and Xiangzi were more mature, and they were relatively far away.

I very much believed in my strength, and they thought that difficulties could make a person more mature and successful.

Lotte, she didn’t believe that I would lose, maybe she was unwilling to think at all, she thought she always liked to use a incense kiss for me.

In her words, the more thrilling, the more interesting, the sweat .








Feiyun’s implicit tenderness encourages me with silent eyes.

Compared with language, she prefers to use action.

Although she is worried, she is more confident that the man she likes will not be timid!

And Xueer, my first love, my wife, let me become a man’s woman.

We let each other understand the true meaning of men and women.

We don’t need to say anything.

Adapt to the existence of the other party, as freedom like breathing.

Xueer didn’t worry about me, because I am her, she is me, this is the state that Feiyun can never reach, because she is my first woman and my favorite woman.

I am her only man.

She is also her favorite man!

In fact, I don’t ignore her, but that I have been used to it.

Only we can experience this feeling!

After seeing the true face of Aixin Jen Luo, a terrible idea has been shaking in my mind.

Who is more important to Xueer and her?

Although a little bit stunned, the little bit of life flashed quickly in my mind.

Who are you happy for?

Cher is like my life, before, now, in the future!

We are the contract of life!

If you want to choose, it is the most important thing in Xueer, but this does not mean that I want to give up her.

That kind of beauty is definitely the kind of disaster and the people!

I suddenly understand why the King of Kings, King Wu, Emperor Tang Ming, and Wu Sangui will be so crazy, because the beauty is to the point where it is confused!

Chong Guan is furious!

As a man, it may be a lascivious man in the eyes of most people, especially not a good person.

Even if the people who can only get her people, I don’t think about it.




Some things now I don’t want to.

Think about it, people can’t always think about the disadvantages, the things are in people, and they are in the sky.

Shexer made me wake up again, and I vaguely felt that things were not so simple, because Aixin Corolla seemed to know me, not the identity of the Internet, but the kind of reality, but I didn’t know her, like such a person like such a person, It is impossible to obscure, unless it is .



Can’t think about it, the more complicated the more complicated.

Cher gave me a fragrant kiss.

She was still more reserved in front of the girls.

Maybe it was because of the status of the elder sister.

“Husband, I wish you a victory!”

Smile, happy smile, angel -like smile, beyond beauty itself, that is incorporated into human feelings, which is also a different place, inner, spiritual connection. The troubles in my heart disappeared immediately. Everything seemed to be so simple. I could overcome any difficulties, for her smile. The beauty of the elves is much lighter again. What if she appears in front of us? There is a lingering heart! Men’s sorrow, don’t brag about how high your own determination is, because you have never seen that beauty at all. Cher, they made a good job for me, and finally they could play. Even if it was thousands of troops, I would kill a bloody path! … Of course, can it be another matter? Qingqing apple incense, illegal entry, love New Corridor, forever ancient magician is ready! The four people occupy each corner, and the Qingqing apple incense in the east side is obliquely like the ice sword. The freehand strokes the phantom god bow, and I am like the wind; the eternal ancient magician’s pole of the element of the ancient magician, the colorful halo is constantly undulating, like a fire! I stood quietly in the middle and felt the pressure of the Quartet. Everyone was holding a breath, and everyone could not help but be nervous. Qingqing apple incense looked at the other three people with satisfaction, and laughed, “Brother Soul Eater, we are not polite!”

Examination! Boom ~~~ The evil spirits of the apple incense rose to the sky, weird, in such a short period of time, his understanding of this kind of fighting has increased again! The Wanzai Bingjian took a shit with a heart of people. The blue elves flickered, and the illegal entry of the Lielong guns with dark blue flames killed the rear of me, and combined with the Qingqing apple incense attack! Ai Xin Jiu Luo started instantly, and the post -hair limit was restricted. A series of 5 arrows sealed my way! The eternal ancient magician, the element of the element’s rod rapidly, the huge flame magic array appeared at my feet, a bang in the air, and a series of star fire meteorites fell! Tian Luo! Absolutely impeccable, blocked all my way! The horrible attack was completed in an instant. This is the power of the masterpiece of the Tianda list. It is amazing and amazing! Basically it can be considered a lore! But this can only be said to be basically, not absolute! Teleport! Three times in a row, Qingqing apple incense first reacted first, as if I already knew my fall, a half -way broke the sky, and the evil spirits rushed straight. The second follow -up of the new Caleo Luo, quick shot! Illy take my empty door illegally, and the eternal ancient magician is a flame hell, covering me the whole! Although they have never cooperated together, at this level, their strength, experience, and consciousness are enough to make up for everything, just like training for a long time! This is the realm of the list! Anyway, there are killing games waiting for you! There is no way out! war! Must break one of them first! Roar ~ Dragon Demon fights! Intersection Intersection The colorful dragon and demon war appeared again! At the same time of flying, while flying to the air, the blood -stuffed magic sword flickered a circle, and a circle of war was immediately exploded! Continuous momentary movement rushed to the eternal ancient magician, where his attack was the strongest! Don’t let him play at will, otherwise people can’t stop it! In any PK battle, the mage must be hung up first, otherwise it cannot be supported at all! When I first moved in an instant, the eternal ancient magician realized my judgment. With a smile, the element battle in my hand was full of light. The magic shield and the fiery shield are on the first time! He knows that dodge is useless. No mage can get rid of my high -speed chase, let alone move instantly! Delay, as long as you can drag me, victory is in front of you! The eternal ancient magician gritted his teeth and mobilized the magic of the whole body. With the destruction of the pole of the element, the flame kept turning, and a white fireball came out of the magic book! Fire Magic Book immediately lost its luster. A seemingly fragile white fireball is constantly erratic in the hands of the ancient magician, and a big dripping sweat has appeared on the face of the ancient magician! Dizzy, the ancient magician was really hard, I guess he could not be tried on the doomsday, … but I did not expect that he still had this hand. Under the end of the day! The other three people naturally knew that they came when they worked hard. If they lost four dozen, they really don’t need to mix! While Qingqing’s apple fragrance was secretly happy, there was no idle under his hand. The 10,000 -sho ice sword split down. Combine 6 swords! The flame tornado, which illegally entry, has attacked me serialized. He is already considered good. As long as the forever ancient magician can delay me for a while, the strongest killing trick can just arrive, and the attack with the Qingqing apple incense happens to be exactly. Cooperate! Aixin decisions accelerate instantly, amazing speed! The blasting phantom in my hand is suddenly emitted, three consecutive arrows! (Ordinary kind, the last time the golden arrow has gone) But power cannot be peeped! No matter where I attack, the other three people will immediately form a fan -shaped formation, and it will be killed instantly! The white fireball in the hands of the ancient magician drifted slowly to me, and the ancient magician also took a breath, and the concentrated defense! The correct attack route that I thought was now in trouble! It is difficult for a person’s power to deal with so many masters! Instant mobile plus flight! The ancient magician’s fireball must be avoided, and the arrow of Aixin Jue Luo and a shot of illegal entry have been supported. Fortunately, my sudden transfer, the illegal shot of the illegal entry has not reached the strongest! By impulse, I met Qingqing apple incense! Bright starry sky! The blood -eating magic sword is shining again, and the psychedelic sword qi directly shrouded the Qingqing apple incense! This time, the apple incense was ready, and immediately gave up the attack to dodge!

The other three people quickly returned to help.

With the manipulation of the ancient magician, the white flame ball was killed again at me.

This time, the speed was amazing!

Boom ~ Although Qingqing’s apple incense dodge all his strength, he was scanned and was hit by heavily.

From the rolling state, only half of his life was left!

But there is no time to make me confirm, move instantly!

Love Xinjin Luo’s blasting phantom wear heart arrows, mother -in -law’s deed arrows, elf arrows, shooting me, a direct fall in the air escaped the horrible “ghost fire”

… Although this image is a bit indecent, it is important to save his life. But I ca n’t get up right away. I love the blasting phantom of the New Year’s Eve. Intersection Intersection Intersection The fork, Xueer, who had no defense, started to defend, but it was too fast to resist such attacks at all, let alone the baby, and it was impossible to respond at all. Aixin Corolla and the ancient magician also found that they were not right. Unfortunately, they were incomparable, and Aixin Conso could not control it at all. The control of the ancient magician had reached the end. , … Although this guy hasn’t died, he really can’t even have half a life, … at most a close -up spectator! At this time, I can’t control so much. If I let Xueer hurt in front of me, I would be confused! Roar ~~! Intersection Intersection Move all the time! Once, only once! This is the longest -distance movement of my longest distance. The feeling of crossing the space is too late at all. The blasting phantom has been in front of me! Boom ~ It hurts! My Dragon Demon’s fighting was full, and it was still bombed enough. Fortunately, my mother -in -law’s serial arrows were avoided by me, while I took advantage of this rare gap, avatar! Four times the bright starry sky! Intersection Intersection As dazzling as a meteor, at this time, the elf’s arrows and ghost fires are almost in front of me. The battle of the bright starry sky is almost a collision as soon as it is released! Boom ~~~ This time it was plane, miserable! Fortunately, the perverted ghost of the ancient magician is my pseudo, if the front can basically explain! Even so, I was not injured, and I was obedient to the east. There was no way. I couldn’t let it hurt them! But I forgot a bit, by my dodge attributes, and the child and mother who automatically avoided the deeds pointed directly at Cher! Boom! Intersection Intersection A burst of smoke filled! angry! My anger was unstoppable, and my hair was erected! The war that had begun to weakened suddenly rose up at once! Suddenly it can only be suspended, I can control it! Intersection Intersection In this way, I was stunned, flying back as if walking in the air! Fortunately, Xueer and Feiyun’s two super warlock defense was in a timely manner. In addition, the time I won was to stop, but the baby was startled! At this time, I was forgotten by the anger, where I still care about the peerless beauty of Xinjin Luo, and go directly to one dive! Dragon Magic Layidon! This is under the inspiration of Razer, my non -difference bombing skills! Each light shuttle contains magic power and two kinds of true gas mixtures. The lethality must be verified with their bodies! Boom ~~~~ Covering bombardment! The magic of the whole body disappears, but must be persisted! Qingqing apple incense disappeared in the first bombing. The eternal ancient magician was the second. After all, the damn ghost fire also exhausted his power! Only Aixin Jue Luo and illegal entry are still supporting! The support of Magic Source has also reached the limit. Although illegal entry is strongly defended, the level of flame fighting is still lower, and it is still unwilling! Only Aixin Corolla relied on super agile and dodge ability, and returned me from time to time! Fork, no matter what the set! The person’s sword is combined, and the last blow is exhausted! Lightning rushed to Aizon Rolo! I just hit a new Coronosaurus, and I drank a coquettishness, and the phantom god bow in my hand also burst into a strong light. The short soldier is connected! Boom ~~~ Everything has dissipated! …… I don’t know what the expression of Aijue New Ronon. I probably never thought of the person who had seen her true face, and I would be so ruthless … … Now my pursuit I am afraid that the big plan is close to the edge of the cliff, but if it is here, I will not let anyone who hurts Cher! I have said that I am not a good person, but men do n’t do something, and they have to take the shot! Think of one thing, but action is another! It was really not easy to take the initiative to pursue a woman! Women chase men’s partition gauze, men chase women’s weight mountains! The four men’s challenge ended with a tie, and the new Corolla and Soul Eater were all at the end! The players at the scene are so big that they are all cheering. This may be the only acceptable ending! The devil soul is still human! The four masters are not fame! They know that if it wasn’t for them, I would definitely win, because such attacks could not completely hit me. The trendy, but it must be restrained. After a long time, we talked about the moment I was most handsome. Cher told me that when I blocked them to block this attack. Especially when they knew the true statue of Aixin Corolla, women actually asked very little, and they paid a lot. What they wanted was just a sincerity and true feelings! The test of the scriptures! Although I offended the Elf Fairy and greatly reduced my pursuit of success, I did not regret it. The person I regretted for my behavior was a coward, I am not! … Sometimes it is not as bad as imagined. For example, who knows what she thinks she thinks at this time. To deal with extraordinary women, sometimes it is better to use unconventional ways! If you have the heart to plant flowers, you ca n’t open it, and you do n’t have the intention to insert the willows! (A lot of supporting the stone’s new book “Three Eyes Lishen Mantra”

has a voting, click without tickets ^\ _ ^) The troubles of the text of the seventy -seven ancient magician Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5457 The world’s first combination of the military conference was successfully concluded. It can be said that the prestige of the Magic Palace reached a peak again after the eastward. Yes, for a while, the entire Central Plains is the same! The Magic Palace, the demon king is the two nouns with the highest utilization rate throughout the world. Not only is the wind in the Central Plains, but the major foreign forces are paying close attention. Of course, they do not care about the magic palace. The main purpose is to examine the most in the Central Plains. The strength of the upper levels is naturally not as enthusiastic as us, nor as detailed as we reported, because they do not believe in “exaggeration”

at all. According to their meaning, there is an old saying in China. And in their impression, the Chinese like to exaggerate the facts, so they will not care! Of course, not everyone does not believe it, especially the strength has reached such a level of players. They can understand and understand this level. They can judge which sentence is true, which is false, and it is extremely vigilant and alert. The first thing in the Central Plains is nothing, it can only be regarded as a tiger in the mountains. Western powers, Japan, Japan, India, Egypt, the United States, etc. In their eyes, “the world’s first”

is the real goal, but they are not Rhodas, there are already a lot of characters at level 80 now. Although it is just one of each country, some have not even achieved it, but these people are having a knife. No one wants to take it down. The degree, once level 81, the gap with level 85 will be reduced a lot, and the advantages of the level will immediately offset a lot. The rest depends on equipment and skills. These are the most important! In the ranking of attracting attention, I and my small vegetables are naturally the first, but basically I do n’t know that there are not many players in China. After all, there are so many amazing things. Disaster! Although their respective views are different, one thing is unified, that is, who can defeat me, you can overnight, the world is famous! The second person who attracted much attention naturally loves New Dealo, but not because of how strong her strength is, but because of her appearance, I do n’t know what she will think in the future, … transformed into a witch run away. …… Unlikely, if you really show your true appearance, you can definitely suppress my limelight. After all, the hero is sad. Third, the accident is that the eternal ancient magician is because of the doomsday trial and his fire magic book, especially in the West, which has caused a sensation. It appeared, but one of them appeared in the East, and some people were determined to recapture what belonging to them. “How can their”

holy things be in the hands of foreign ethnic groups! This God also came forward to express his favor, hoping that the trip to China would be able to solve it properly! It seems that in addition to me, the forever ancient magician has become another goal! With the fourth mood of the dragon knife, the focus is naturally her jasper dragon knife.

The only one in the whole world makes all soldiers salivate!

Although others are also very strong, it is not so conspicuous to put it in the whole world.

After all, the outside world is too vast!

The military conference this time highlighted the importance of equipment and skills.

Equipment, some are the world’s universal equipment, such as five major sets, of course, all have their own special sets, as well as special occupations, hidden occupations, and weapons are also strange.

An important part, looking at the master of the list, which is not well -equipped, far exceeds others, whether it is hit by yourself, purchased, or robbery, or conspiracy and tricks.

To gain strength!

The victory of the king and defeated, in the pure and noble beggar, or a beggar, no one would remember him.

The artifact is naturally the most important.

Everyone desires.

Because of this, players in other countries can slightly ignore the gap between the level, because strength can determine the victory.

The demon king can stand in the current position, and began to rely on “the compromise of the God of War”.

Later, “Unreal True”

made him icing on the cake and reached a new height. Leave the shame that never worn out, the ruins left by the Bado Great Snake, cursing the earth and stinging all the Japanese at all times. What really puts the demon to the world is the super artifact. The “real dragon”

of the three major artifacts in the second world. This is the highest level of artifacts that can be generated by the Central Plains set by the system. The 10,000 people in Japan shocked the world! The demon king’s soul spread throughout every corner of the world, and at the same time stimulated countless strong men, buried countless seeds, there were good and bad ones! The fire god lamp gave the courage to challenge the soul -eater illegal entry. When he could control the white flame, it was time to challenge the soul -elixir again, but who knows what the soul -eater was like at that time! The magic mirror, the magic mirror of the Qingqing apple incense, is the most mysterious artifact so far. It is the position of the super -powerful artifact “Thunder”

and the “water -based artifact”

position of Qingqing apple incense. What is the ultimate role? Intersection Intersection Rose, make the flying flower witch a beautiful girl, a beautiful woman with infinite charm! The eternal ancient magician’s fire magic book makes him the king of the Central Plains mage, but as the west of the birthplace of magic, what is the exquisiteness of their magic? The artifact is not a panacea, but there is no artifact! The strong ones of each country have their own artifacts, ghosts, and soldiers. Before they really play against each other, no one will think that they are not as good as others, because they are all peak characters in a field! In addition to universal skills, skills are more important to understand the skills you realize! It can be a talent, you can use the ninth -order pet, you can also achieve a certain degree of understanding through equipment or skill proficiency, rewards to complete tasks, etc. This is also essential! When it comes to special skills, my instant movement is one of the best, and the role of actual combat is unparalleled! As for the lethal moves, it is a hundred claims, and each has its own strengths! There are many amazing terrorist tricks in the world’s first military conference and pet competitions, which also greatly stimulates all players, but many things can be encountered, not everyone can be so lucky. But the opportunity is omnipresent, which also gives everyone a surprising opportunity. After the four games, Yanhuangcheng fell into a thorough carnival. The consumption of major hotels and taverns reached an amazing point. In particular, the latest magic tavern launched by the Magic Palace was amazing. Xiaomao is already happy, and the gold coins are all around. If the tavern is launched directly, it may not be so hot, but it just happens to catch up with such an opportunity, especially the war constant shows that the orc transformation and worship power are constantly showing the power of the orcs. The soldiers poured into the orc library crazy, enjoying the wildness and spirit of the brave. After the carnival, players from other places gradually dispersed. Yanhuangcheng still left the grand occasion at that moment. After passion, he still lived a peaceful life. He continued to work hard for the future glory, waiting for the next scenery to have himself. Countless ordinary days have accumulated that extraordinary moment. Qingqing apple incense, immortal, Qinglong and the leaders of the major guilds have left the first batch. After all, there are many things to be dealt with in the meeting. But there is a positioning of the future direction. Only by really participating in this level of activities can you master your own destiny! Qingqing Apple incense can be regarded as a bad defeat this time, but he has a lot of gains in mastering evil spirits. In fact, in the minds of all players, his strength is also bullish. After all prestige. Although the endless death can be regarded as a defeat of You Rong, the strength shown is worthy of the title of the first thief. Unfortunately, he met Ai Shiji, and he could only consider himself unlucky. Qinglong is the worst one. It was full of confidence. I thought that the competition conference and the sneak attack the elves can have a fame and fortune. As a result, the bamboo basket was empty, and it also caused a shame. The boss of the other guilds did not have much hope at first, so it was not so disappointed. Some were very happy, like free people, comet, Harley, and pets, and their pets showed their face, and also increased their prestige. Contentrous people Changle! The second wave of Aixin Corolla left, there was no spark between us, she, still the indifferent expression, but I knew that when she was leaving, she looked at me absolutely unusual. The complicated meaning me It’s not clear, but at least I know that her heart is not calm and messy! Chasing this kind of woman may be similar to 25,000 miles, but after these things, although her temptation is still endless, I am not confused, rational can dominate everything, and there are a lot of victory. It is really stunner! The forever ancient magician drank with us and also resigned, but I think he is really happy, it seems that there is no baggage, I can understand him. Four Fairy is also here, but they just tasted a few cups, but they spent a few cups with me, especially her sister’s eyes were very flickering. The eyes were strange and familiar. I don’t want to go on. I naturally did not dare to neglect this time, and vowed to go! Dao Shanhuo has to break once, not to mention that it is just a rouge array. Who am I? If someone comes in, you will find that there are heroes and beautiful women gathered in the small room. Finally, they left at the same time as the ancient magician, and we left in the room. Everyone was more casual. At least, there was no need to put so many POSE! Xiao Mao, silly, desperately desperately wolf, the battle kept relieved immediately, it was a painful thing to keep the image of the gentleman, especially when they were lazy. The fat man is really happy. It is exciting to have a dynasty, but it is even more incomparable to build a dynasty in person. Stupid, especially the silly, is even more beautiful, so that everyone knows “unknown”

, they are the real warriors. The two guys of the battle and desperately desperately three wolves are even more confidantes, and no one is doing it. Desperate to defend his status, the demon wolf war will be in the middle of the Plains; the war is constantly alarming, and the new list will definitely have amazing changes. He must be the characters on the list. , Attracted countless beautiful people to send Qiubo. But there is nothing to feel about two people … The mighty battle of the Magic Palace kept returning. Everyone did not say much. Ask more, it is still the same enthusiastic. The unchanged brothers, the happiest is naturally the zodiac signs. After all, the war can be regarded as their former boss, and together Born and dying, I was really happy to see the achievements today. Pig, and rabbits have fallen on the ground under the table, … the two guys should be water! People must learn to understand each other and support each other. Without the restraint, they started drinking, you came, I have a cup! They opened the grace this time to relax the policies, so that I can follow the man. It is a pity that my alcohol is really compared with strength. It was settled in a while. The last thing I drank was floating into the immortal, and a few fairies were pulled away by a few fairies. As if in Wushan, enjoying the warmth of the fairy, the tolerance of Xueer, the flexibility of Feiyun, the baby’s elves, the bodybuilding of the mood, the charm of the incense, we all used our own enthusiasm, climbing to the peak after another, dreams It entered another world. There, they should be mastered by me. In the world, only envy. Changxian is in the world, and Tianjiao pays a bit of crispy mother. ………… When they woke up, Xue’er was a jade body, all kinds of beauty, which made me dizzy, and I was sad early in the morning, and naturally, there was a desire for hands and feet. The awakened Xueer was a coquettish and dizzy, and the five women were very skilled to wear clothes for me and packed our big bed, … Think about going to the north with my dad before, Wind meal sleeping, now it is really no different from heaven, maybe there is no before, there is no present. In order to this grand event of the Magic Palace, we have escaped several public classes.

Fortunately, this is the case, especially after you are familiar with, you will come and leave if you come.


After the five women were satisfied with me, I had dealt with my own affairs.

No one was beside me at once, especially I was used to having a person who was always next to me, and now it is really uncomfortable.

The world is clean, but it’s too quiet.

After returning to the dormitory for a long time, Li Zi and Liangzi must not tease me.

Of course, the grand occasion of the first military conference in the world is also familiar with ears.

Unfortunately, their two girlfriends are just busy.

Can’t be available at all, his wife is strict, and many men have it.

However, the two people are patiently cultivating the feeling of the two beauties, making them gradually like the second world.




Unfortunately, the effect is not good.

The two of them are just a faint pastime.

, So even Xiaomao and Liangzi also controlled it.

Their reason is very simple.

Can’t you eat games as a meal.

Do they still have to raise them in the future?

Poor plums and Liangzi, although they explained in every way, they just didn’t believe it.

I just made a fortune of the Magic Palace.

No, I just helped them two!

Of course, they have to blackmail the two guys.

Every time they knock on them, this time Feng Shui takes turns .



It is really cool, hehe!

We received the first letter from the fan, and the letter told us that everything was good, just missing the days with the boss and the brothers, .



good meat, as long as this kid can be mixed.

Li Zi’s tone was relatively ambiguous and nauseous, and I and Liangzi were flattened.




This guy would go to the room to unveil the tile without fighting!

Decising right is the object of dictatorship!

Special forces are really difficult, and the training methods are more abnormal, but there are so many masters.

He is also a lot of benefits, but the best person he has seen has no boss.

Not big, but there are a lot of privileges.

It is a kind of compensation for the country to sacrifice them.







How can the real master teach you these recruit eggs, but the fan is good.

At the beginning I was really worried, because of me, it is implicated by him, it seems that things are not as bad as imagined!

Military life will make him more mature, but after joining the army, many behaviors will not help himself.

The soldiers must be obedient to obey, and you have to do it!

Liberty like me may not be able to stand this control.

After all, even the loose family is so loose that I can’t stand it.

There is also good news.

Our old friend, big dog brother, finally returned to China, but he went back horizontally .



Because ordinary hospitals could not be treated at all, masters would not cause this trouble.

In the mood, although the Japanese side strongly protested, everyone should fart, because they couldn’t find any handle.




I don’t know what they can transform this guy this time.

“Ah, boss, what’s going on?”

Li Zi seemed to think of something very important, looking at me in surprise, like looking at animals in the zoo. Dizzy, something is worth so surprised! “Boss, Li Zi meant, why is there no beautiful woman who has never been a woman today, and there will be no beautiful women. Liangzi smiled badly, Li Zi looked at a confidant. … The two pigs are not happy, and the word can be used randomly. In fact, I just count a medium -colored wolf … (Brothers support the new book of the stone, collect and click the ticket ^\ _ \ _ ^) Text Eighteen Eight Seven Eight Passing (Part 1) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5836 Li Ziliangzi and I were gospel for a while, ready to take the old cool public class … If our big beauty teacher Lin Yue is the most popular, then our class is the most boring class. At least for us, the young flowers of us are, especially the expression of Professor Jiang’s lectures. The only thing that can change is his cute beard, so I don’t know who gave him a foreign outside. The name is Laoku, but everyone accepts this nickname. Laoku is not nothing but at least the history and current affairs strategy he talked about is indeed classic, but I always feel that it is too conservative. Although we do not calculate the attendance, we must always be familiar with the professors, and give the professors to give it to the future to give the professors and give it to the future. In the future When divided, merciless in the pen. … I entered the classroom, and sure enough, the people in the back were full, but the front rows were very idle. Most of them were female compatriots and a few forced male compatriots. It is not convenient, and it is more convenient to voyeur beauty. It is more convenient to sit in the back. Basically, the whole lesson is boring to sleeping. Dermitally debate, sweat! I have n’t been in it for a long time, and I have to perform. I have to go forward with my head. Li Zi and Liangzi have already flashed behind and occupied the only empty position. Two people? Intersection Just squeeze it! When I was hesitant to be in the first row or the second row, a girl suddenly beckoned to me … … The girls I met seemed "

not much”, … comparison like this like this "

Cute" is even less. Khan … Orange. Still simple school uniforms, it looks very simple, it is really not conspicuous in the crowd. Miss Mingyue changed her face again, … I would like Laoku’s class, it is really different! Energy like this, with abnormal personality, should prefer radicals! After being summoned by Miss Mingyue, I naturally had to be obedient to Fan. Li Zi and Liangzi saw that I was summoned by an ordinary girl. Impression. "

Sister Mingyue, I didn’t expect to meet you here!" I said with a smile, … Unfortunately, people are not afraid at all. Mingyue’s small mouth pumped, "

You forgot again, you are calling me like this, I will really be angry!" Khan, orange, mainly because the name of Mingyue is too familiar. "

Orange Orange, I really like to learn, I like Lao Kuku’s class." I naturally have to give a few words to restore the disadvantages. But Orange Er frowned, "

I don’t want to, the most disliked is Lao Ku, but there is no way, it’s gone, it’s gone, I’m afraid it’s miserable." I dizzy, like me, there are too many things in the Magic Palace … … She must be busy singing, but Orange’s instructions are really interesting. "

By the way, there is something to ask you … … The company is going to queue up the youth idol drama. Do you say I answered?" Orange Er suddenly emerged from such a question. Looking at my eyes a bit looking forward to it. It seems that there is no need for making a movie. With the current reputation of Orange, as long as you concentrate on singing, and the movie, … once you enter this *** The play, the young boy and the girl kissed me, … fork, this is uncomfortable, I still have to be like a euphemistic excuse to make the facts reason. "

This …, personal opinion, I think you need to maintain your existing image now, you should be cautious about making movies, and" and "

" "

Don’t swallow, the corner of the corner, still don’t shoot?" Orange Er interrupted my long story impatiently. "

Don’t shoot!" Orange staring straight at me … What is the face? Or are they still on it? Please, if you look at me like this, I will be shy. On the edge of my collapse, Orange smiled. "

I’ll listen to you!" Ask, Xiao Nizi is trying to test me. She told me some interesting smells of the concert. I told her my scenery, and the worship of Mingyue was full of worshi It turns out that bragging is so interesting. It turns out that Orange’s so -called playing games, that is, went up to build a number, basically went up and exposed once in a long time. The family did not allow her to play with this, and there was really no time to participate. In fact, she really wants to play with us freely with us. Unfortunately, even if no one in the second world is recognized, she is a bright moon, so she can use the beautiful life that she can’t hide. And she is so famous that it is impossible to hide her identity for a long time, unless you want to love Shiner’s makeup magic! When I think of Aizon Ronaldo, I still can’t help confused. What kind of scene will such a beautiful woman in reality? It makes people want to know. I will give Xiaomao and cat fish recently to investigate Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai. The origin of New Coreo! Don’t underestimate their current power. Through the Internet, it can affect reality. Although the possibility of success is less, it is always better than hopeless. I found that I was so energetic, Mingyue still taught me a fierce lesson. The white little hand left her commemorative on my thigh … … Woman can make a fire in the peak without practicing this trick! Some buddies who know me, seeing that the colorful wolf in my legend can be very strange to fight with such an ordinary girl (ordinary is comparison).

When is the beauty killer?

Tired, change the taste?

Orange and I have ignored these.

Really, we are always carefree together.

I rarely think about it.

Strangely, it is obviously a seductive beauty.

You must be brave, otherwise you really have to check it.

At this time, our great old cool rushed in, .



In fact, he was always so urgent, but he never had a early time.

Lao Kuki, swept the fans below, nodded with satisfaction, and the little beard was slightly slightly beard.

The upturning of the upturned rhythm was shaking twice, .



it seems that the first group of the world’s first combination of the martial arts meeting affected his popularity, and many people came today.

Seeing that Laoku did not make a lot, everyone was at ease.

My horse was still sitting in front of me.

Woohoo, Lao Ku, you are really a good person.

I have the same guilty conscience as Orange, so try to pretend to look like a good baby.

Lao Ku did not have the opening remarks, and directly started his long story.

He talked about it on it.

We were talking about them below.

They were busy and unreasonable.

Everything returns to normal, but whenever you relax your vigilance, it is when the danger is coming.

Old and cool sweeping the audience, the tiger did not send this group of cubs as a sick cat, and I have to teach them today!




Especially Li Zi and Liangzi, with the attention of Laoku, the two guys were proud to stand up and did not stand up and pull the class as Lao Kuki.

Li Zi’s h joke, Liangzi helped the side, lustful, and a group of wolves washed and listened!

“Reporter Li, please talk about your views.”

“I’m not talking about it, the woman’s overall must be coordinated, the face is the portal, it must be pretty, the waist is the waist, the buttocks are ass,”

Li Zi thought he was idle, he had a small voice, and he had specially raised it. It’s secretly. Unfortunately, before I finished speaking, I suddenly laughed for a while, no, we were going to fall. At this time, Li Zi discovered that only herself danced there, shaking his head and talking about it. All the fans just now became good babies, and they looked at him with a righteousness. Little Lamb. However, this time he was too addicted to celebrities, and all his eyes were concentrated with him. “Reporter Li, it seems that you have a good research on women. After class, write a 100,000 -word paper.”

Everyone laughed again. At this time, the candle in the wind was dangerous at any time. Lao Ku also knew that the boy didn’t listen at all, and he was not embarrassed, and continued to find the next goal. Liangzi was screamed with a bad look, as if she had just won Liuhecai but was told that it was expired. “Around the 21st century, during the 50 years, the predecessor of the world unified alliance, that is, the United Nations. At that time To this end, it is ridiculed by internationally. Similarly, Russia is also the deterioration product of communism, but it has spent more than 150 times. The other three countries are about 50 about 50. What do you think of this? "

Liangzi was stupid when he heard it. He didn’t like history. Although it was not too far apart, it was the same as him for tens of thousands of years. It is rare to see the two of them eating, and I couldn’t help but excited. I reached out to draw a V, but I was very sad immediately, and Laoku caught me all at once. “This classmate, since it is so positive, let you answer.”

I dizzy, I only raised two fingers. Intersection Intersection At first glance, Liangzi was so happy that he had a taste of his body. It ’s better to bite the scalp. History is my compulsory course. The answer is nothing, but it’ s a big loss. I think that although our economy did develop rapidly at that time, it made good material accumulation for the later development, but the Chinese of that generation also endured too much, such as national hatred, at least to make many people from other countries look down on the Chinese. For example, a small Korean stick next to it. Laoku’s class has a fierce discussion. This is the first time in the wild. The center of the debate is where the policy of the policy was. … In fact, no matter what the policy is, there is inevitable. To give up for obtaining, the key is to grasp the scale and principles. The Chinese Dragon Soul is immortal! Orange was also at the side of sitting aside, pointing to Jiangshan, and there were a lot of single -person rushing out to kill the momentum. … I was very simple, there is no need to say it, I am afraid I and Little Japan from the Little Japan. The contradictions have reached the point of three -pointers in the wood. They will not let me go, and I will not let them go, otherwise everyone will be uneasy. But they are more weird to me now, … Want to buy me? Intersection Intersection …… I considers whether I knocked them hard first, and then killed them. It was better. The Japanese were always very generous in this regard. But no matter what, Laoku is still happy … Although they did not listen carefully at all, their enthusiasm and national heart still made Laoku particularly emotional, and everything could be lost. Only this! After class, I was caught by Orange, who wanted to escape, and was forced to invite her to eat, miserable! reason? …… It is an honor to invite beautiful women to dinner. Looking at the platter one by one, I couldn’t help pinching the wallet … … Obviously Longlidong, will not be to slaughter me with my stomach, finally our idols, lovely shooting and shooting. Stomach, full. “Orange, isn’t it? Are you not afraid of getting fat like this?”

Looking at a stack of plates, I was a little frightening. After all, the beauty was very concerned about her body. It is even more demanding of popular stars like the moon. Orange Er dumped a white eye, “Hum, but people usually have restrained, but you please, I must eat more!”

Khan … It turned out to be aimed at me. After letting the little witch satisfied, I remembered that I was going to see the future of the future today! I did not hide her at this point. After all, there was no reason she would not let me go. Looking at my back, there was a trace of loss and blank in Orange’s eyes … The Nangong family should visit it. To be honest, in the past, our family had such a little connection with all the ancient martial arts family. As the four ancient martial arts family, I am afraid it is even more unavoidable, but after the hidden world, there was no one after the hidden world. It’s right. Judging from the expression of happy mood, it should be smooth. With concern, there is a weakness in the eyes of the opponent! Fortunately, the most afraid of Xueer’s relatives opposed, because this is not something that can be solved with force. Xiangzi’s affairs are just a temporary come to an end. The others are the one as a man. I will bear it, Xueer’s parents are the best and most support me. Their only requirement is that I must be good to Xueer. This is naturally absolute. Xueer is more important than me. For her, I am a lot. There is a problem with the baby on the side, because her parents are more opposed to our current situation. It may be the influence of the soldiers of the soldiers, but it seems that it is under pressure and did not pay. Feiyun is the most assured of me. After all, except for the old dean, there will be no other people in charge, and the only wish of the old dean is to hope that Feiyun can be happy. The mood was another problem. It wasn’t until recently that she told our affairs at home, and I was going to face it today. I dare not think too easily, just like my family, there are many things that are very complicated. I was wearing a white women’s practice suit today. Although she was wide, she couldn’t cover her beautiful figure. After seeing me, her face flushed, … Today is a big day. The Nangong family, the weakest one of the four major family of ancient martial arts. While chaotic, in the politics, business, and military circles have a certain influence. The current family owner Nangong Lin is a uncle in the mood and an ambitious figure. Satisfy the current status of Nangong family, the father of Xinyue. (The re -surname is only called inside the family, in the outside world, and the surname is palace. Like the mood, the mood is in school) The father -in -law Nangong Yan is a self -cultivation character. He is only interested in Guwu. As for the rights and power disputes, he has always ignored it. Essence The second uncle in the mood, Nangong Shuang, is relatively uncomfortable, because he is also an unwilling master, but now the status of Nangong Lin is still unshakable. Some of his small movements can only be carried out underground, and the father of heart dream. Nangong Hui, the fourth child, is more likely to play, unreasonable things in the family. This is a bit like my dad. He is also a person who evades responsibility. He is the father of heart and heart. However, Nangong’s family is relatively uncomfortable that none of the four brothers can have a son. This is probably their biggest regret! However, Nangonglin has a adopted son.

It seems that the guy of Nangong Yushu is very valued by the four brothers.

What is the martial arts genius of this guy?

Junjie, the emerging Junjie of the Gu Wu family, has not yet made a hand now, so it is not particularly famous, as if preparing to be amazing at the ancient martial arts exchange meeting in this world.

These are the information given me in my mood .






will this guy be my rival?

Intersection Intersection Looking at the mood, it seems to have a little taste, I pay attention.

We are going to a modern skyscraper, the industry of the Nangong family .



I thought I could take me to Nangong Villa directly, but later I realized that it means that it is Nangong.

Essence Floor 86, the general manager’s room, .



Isn’t it that the future father -in -law ignores these things?

Forget it, you are those.

“Baby, don’t you go in?”

I blinked intently and ambiguous. The mood was flushed immediately, and his eyes were always reached to the jade neck. Unfortunately, the clothes were blocked by the clothes. Seeing my squinting look, I gave me a charming look, pushed me in, and took the door with hand. The moment I entered the door, I felt pressure and had to be serious. The man in front of him looks only in his thirties. He looks really handsome. He is not like a mood father at all. It seems like his brother. His temperament belongs to Pinghezhong with rigor. “Uncle, hello, I’m Wang Zhong, my mood boyfriend!”

I am not wordy, respectfully salute, some things are still good to open the door! After listening to me, Nangong Yan has not changed, just watching me focused on. Naturally, I am not willing to respect the weakness. I have no way out by the underestimation. Only by showing my own strength can I be valued. Obviously, Nangonghuan knows that I will be ancient martial arts, and there are still some strength to test this way, but I did not expect that I could not see him with him. Suddenly, Nangong’s eyes emerged with both eyes, and the air was hit by a punch. (The stone “Three Eyes Lay Love Mantra”

is on the shelves to ensure the update. Text Eighteen Eight Seven Eight Passing (Part 2) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 2967 Obviously, Nangonghuan knows that I will be ancient martial arts, and there are still some strength to test this way, but I did not expect that I could not see him with him. Suddenly, Nangong’s eyes emerged with both eyes, and the air was hit by a punch. … It’s so underestimated, is it okay? I didn’t move in place, so that the moment he was punching, and the moment of his fist was close, he flickered quickly and offset it. If everything does not happen, of course, people should not be too arrogant, especially in front of the elders, I still know the principle of being a person. Although there is no speech, I saw my respect, and Nangong Yan was still very comfortable … but, hey. “Young people, good kung fu!”

“Thank you Uncle’s praise.”

“Wang Zhong, the relationship between you and Xin’er, I also know, ask you a little bell, come to you this time, do you know why?”

Khan … Where do I know, I thought it was a family meeting, but unfortunately it seemed to be another purpose now. “Uncle, what’s the matter, please tell me directly.”

“To be honest, although I am not very open, I still do n’t want to interfere with things between my children. After all, your own happiness, you grasp it yourself, do n’t hide it, you can’t stand the grind of your elder brother and the second brother. I intentionally gave the heart to the child of Yushu. The time was after the Yushu out of the customs. At that time, my heart had not met you. Even if I did not love Yushu, I would not be too disgusted. I did not expect it for just half a year. She encountered you, everything is life, I do not oppose the things between you, but you have to prepare in your heart! "

“Uncle, you can rest assured, no matter what difficulties, you can’t dismantle us. The little nephew has this confidence. Of course, this also requires Uncle’s support!”

“Oh, young people, aspirations, Yushu will go out in a few days. My elder brother and second brother have taken him as a treasure. Basically, he has been regarded as the heir of the Nangong family. Unfortunately, his mind was too heavy, but I didn’t like it very much, but after all, the marriage was promised by myself. It’s nothing, but you may have trouble. They may not let you go so easily. I also know that you are from the ancient martial arts family. Although you do It seems that the skill of the skill is not much worse than Yushu, but this time he exits the customs, there will definitely be a lot of progress. You still have to be careful. After a long time, my father -in -law was afraid of me. The baby was really obedient. I knew that I didn’t want to expose my identity. I didn’t say to my father. Woolen cloth. No other, I am a little confident for my two sons. "

Uncle, please rest assured, the little nephew will meet the machine himself.” Nangong Yan looked at me with a smile, shook his head and said, "

Oh, I know you are young and vigorous, and I heard that you can be evenly matched with the Li family brothers. Indeed, the first -class master of the younger generation, do you think Yushu is unknown, Maybe the strength is not strong. In fact, that’s because he is deep enough, he has to wait until the rock’s inner strength reaches 5 floors. Dizzy, why did no one see that I was also hidden? It is difficult to make honest people this year. But it can be seen that Uncle really cares about me, and then it hints me euphemistically as he is. “Uncle, I know you are good for us, for fear of me, so, you hit me three punch, if I take a step back, just listen to your instructions!”

When I heard me say this, Nangong Yan was a little surprised, and I looked at me a little incredible. I probably thought that I would not expect that I would be so crazy. After all, let him be a master like a master. He is not as good as him. However, Nangong Yan is also a big man after all. Moreover, the other party is still his future son -in -law, and it is not a bad thing for young people to be domineering. “Okay, since you have this confidence, I’m not polite!”

Nangong was still sitting, and a punch came over, probably 50 %, pure power, did not use the internal force. … This kind of attack is basically blowing against me, … … when my dad hit me, it was called! … It’s just that he is addicted, but I have been miserable, but since I was in great success, I didn’t play with me. It was really a gorgeous and giving me a chance to flip the book! … probably middle -aged people are so cunning. Still without response, this time Nangong was seriously up. He suddenly remembered that her daughter once said that her people can get one hand to get the Li family, and the genius girl of the Zhuge family. The child was stunned by love, and it seemed a bit interesting. In the second punch, Nangong Yan’s flashing blue real gas, slowly launching a punch. True strength is different from ordinary strength! Wanliu returned to Zong Zhenqi, and quickly settled five times before the real tactics, absorbed part of it and offset part of it. At this time, the whole house had been borrowed in a wolf, … I won’t let me compensate … This time Nangong Yan was shocked from the bottom of his heart, that is, the best fourth brother in their brothers Nangonghui may also have a hard response and no response. Suddenly he remembered a kind of kung fu on the ancient martial arts world. Is it … “Okay, the hero is a teenager. In the last blow, I will not be merciful. As long as you can follow, you and your heart, I take it, that is, you can take it all the sisters of the heart. I will carry you! "

Khan … It seems that my father -in -law knows my popularity. Boom ~ This time it was really playing, fork, the fierce rock really shifted the original room, and the glass was all shattered. Fortunately, there was a mood outside. The fierce energy is even more powerful in the narrow space, bombardment! ~ Obviously, it is true that playing is really. When the machine was broken, the true strength broke out immediately, and a punch was instantly bombarded! With a loud noise, this collision completely over the things in the room. “Haha, enough, but Xiao Zhong, you still hit it.”

Although a little embarrassed, Nangong Yan was very happy. I did not expect that there were such characters in the younger generation, and the people came out there, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, my heart, heart There is really a vision. As for a few more women, it doesn’t matter. The man with the ability is not. There is no one in the Ming Dynasty. Very good, the good kid has a blessing. “Uncle, I just said that I wouldn’t take a step back, and I didn’t say that standing and beating.”

“Haha, okay, young people are not dying, and they have strength. I can rest assured. You and your heart, I promise!”

This is this sentence! “Master father -in -law, please be worshiped by Xiaoyu!”

Nangong was calmly received by three worships. This generation of Yao Wangfu finally appeared, and it became his son -in -law. It seemed that he was the same type of person as his four brothers. At the same time, there is also a trace of loss, which is probably every father’s mood at this time. When I heard that there was no movement, I thought something happened, but I couldn’t help rushing in. I just saw that I was hoeing on the ground, and my father was yelling in my mouth. “The wild girl is happy now.”

“Dad, you know that you make fun of your daughter.”

But the joy of mood was unable to hide, and finally was recognized by her father. She believed that her husband had the ability to solve other things! After all, she saw how I deal with the Japanese, and she also knew the power of my power. The people who could hurt me couldn’t find it except them. “Okay, okay, your little couple don’t have to look in front of my eyes. I want to stimulate me, go out.”

I pulled me out with a high mood. This was her happiest moment, and she belonged to him since then. “Heart, my husband is so good today, what are the rewards?”

I glanced at me with a charming mood, and the plump body was tightly attached to me, so that I could clearly feel the touching curve, “Hum, people give you all of them, what reward you want, what do you want? Greedy ghost. "

Beauty is indeed the biggest reward … The new book “Three Eyes Lishen Mantra”

hopes that everyone will hold a field ^\ _ ^ Text 10079 Little Marshal Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 6622 Dad who has done the mood, that is, my father -in -law, finally have a mind. As for what Yushu guy, I don’t worry very much. Anyway A master? It’s boring, … it seems that I’m still young, when I don’t exist! But what exchanges will seem very happy, but Lao Dou never talks to me. Hey, he doesn’t understand the mood of young people who want to be famous at all. However, I do n’t know if this guy will transfer the goal to other sisters of the family. … You ca n’t think of people too badly, maybe it ’s a good young man like me, hehe. “Jing Jing, are you dressed?”

I really can’t help but see the old dean with Jing Jing today … but I have waited for more than half an hour at the door. She hasn’t come out of the locker room. She is looking for clothes, … It is reasonable to say that people should choose faster … … I can’t believe the eyesight of women. In fact, Jing Jing is so beautiful! The door finally opened, and a snow lotus was in full bloom. Although it was prepared, it was still intoxicated. “Look, I said, my husband will definitely like you like this!”

I laughed and pushed me quietly, “Yeah, Jingjing is most suitable for white, just like Tianshan Snow Lotus, it is not stained.”

Xiangzi watched praise. She was the most studied in dressing. Cher still listened to her opinion. Our own clothing selection divisions … unfortunately we will not design. The simple white conjoined long skirt completely set off the quiet and perfect curve. A pair of crystal crystal ear chains, a diamond pendant on the neck, a heart -shaped platinum with a huge diamond, which is even more extraordinary Copy. Snowy skin, bright diamonds, angel -like beauty, devil -like figure complement each other, and human face peach blossoms are red. At this time, the quietness of the immortal, under our gaze, a layer of red floating. … No, it’s so beautiful! I am dazzling. The most favorite is Jingjing’s permanent shy state. It is not pretentious. It is not a man to bear it. In the perfect case, go to the next level! “Okay, okay, big wolf, you will set off soon, if you are late for the first time, it is not good.”

Still in your mood, it is almost the same. “… Husband, are these jewelry too dazzling? It’s not good to go there.”

Jing Jing hesitated a little, after all, it was not necessary to attend any banquet. It is not necessary to wear this. “Very good, you see, simple white, as for these jewelry, they still have your light. The existence of diamonds is for beautiful women like our quiet. Besides, most people can’t recognize it. Just as ordinary glass. "

Xiangzi said so much that Jing Jing felt much better. In fact, as long as Jing Jing rarely brought these things, he felt unaccustomed. Khan … Is there such a glass … We drove Xueer’s FT200. The car was comfortable when driving … Cher is mine. “Husband, why am I a little nervous.”

The half -ringing Jing said quietly, it was really like a little girl who was wronged. “Good wife, it should be me who is nervous. After all, the old dean is also your mother, otherwise how will there be my Tianxian wife!”

“Huh, you, you will be poor, see if I don’t punish you!”

“Wow, be careful, I’m driving.”

Suddenly a harsh horn remembered, a black car whistled from us, and a migrants stood on the lane. … Before I saw it, Ula, another bright silver color. If I had to brake the road in time, I am afraid I can only go to the ditch to find us. … fork, you don’t want to live any years! I can’t help but want to scold him fiercely. It is best to drive to hit him, but even if my baby Jing is quiet, it is not good to pollute my beauty. … … To be honest, the orphanage environment in front of you is really good, at least much stronger than in the city. Of course Injecting this funds should be improved. The first batch of money has arrived, and some places have been repaired. …… The two cars stopped at the door were familiar, dizzy, as if, it was him! But the owner is gone, forget it. I am not a hateful person. The children in the courtyard saw Jing Jing, and immediately came over, asking the long and shortness, but still kept a certain wishes to me. When Jing Jing introduced me to them, a few little guys looked at me hostility. … This year, the children are too precocious, a group of small wolves, huh, huh. “Uncle, what is your relationship with your sister?”

One of the kids stared at me tightly. uncle? Intersection Intersection I’m so faint, am I so old? It is to harm me, and I do n’t have to be so poisonous. The current children are too abominable, and Jing quietly laughs, and does not extend justice. “Children, I am not an uncle, my brother, my brother who has been unchanged for thousands of years!”

However, when I put the prepared gifts, these little ancestors were happy, and I was passing. After leaving them, Jing Jing and I went to the dean’s house. Jing Jing pushed open the door a little excitedly, and was about to speak, and suddenly found that there was “guests”

in the room. As soon as we came in, the four people in the room immediately brought their sights on Jing Jing! One woman, three men, women are good, but unfortunately dressed up too much, thick makeup, half -dewy clothes, for fear that others will not see the pair of drooping big waves, and they are charming. Seeing someone coming in, it deliberately stood upright. Strong chest, exposing snow -white thighs, the whole fox essence. The man that Sao Nu leaned was very handsome. The little knife in his hand kept playing with tricks. It seemed that there were two hands guys, and he did not avoid any people present. In the sorrow, the girl was not trembling. The other two seemed to be a bodyguard, with a straight black suit with a magic mirror, looking up, … What year, I thought it was a movie! The old dean’s face was not very good. It seemed that the other party came to find trouble. For the first time, I saw the old dean. It seemed that she was in her 70s. With a pair of black eyes, it felt a warmth. Like Jing Jing, it makes people comfortable, natural, what kind of person, and what kind of students teach, there are not many good people like this year. Since it has something to do with me, I can’t ignore it. I was very happy to see our old dean. Jing Jing was just like her daughter. Today, her daughter grew up, and she was going to marry and brought her fiance. There is no way, it is a quiet beauty that a man cannot escape. The thief boy did not blink from the eyes from Jing Jing, although there was no great change in the appearance, such as drooling. Know the old man who picks up girls. The face of the coquettish woman is not so good. From the top, I see it from the top, look down at myself, and immediately get up. Although the quiet chest is not so big, it is cooperating with the figure. Perfect, that kind of tall is also unparalleled, the Orientals must have the beauty of Oriental people, not everything is good. As for the beautiful legs, … it is good to put it away, how can I not compare with Jing Jing, but it is covered by the quiet long skirt, and I appreciate it myself. When seeing the diamond on the Jingjing neck, the unwavering of her eyes flashed her desire.

Women like dragons, they naturally like this bright crystal, and diamonds are the best.

We didn’t ignore them.

They did not stubbornly, but after seeing Xueer’s decoration, they paused obviously.

Probably in his heart, might be that Jingjing had been included.

Hey, it’s not a bag, but was bought off by me.

The price is the love of life!

The old dean looked at me carefully, and I nodded with a smile .



Although I was not a handsome slag, the image of a natural honest person could still gain the favor of the elderly.

“Jinger, you are sitting first, I finish talking with them, we are continuing to talk.”

We are naturally not in a hurry. It is better to send these unsatisfactory guests first, and I basically affirm “Mr. Qian, we can’t agree with your request. This place will never be sold!”

The old dean was the most firm tone, but it was obviously worried. Brother named Qian Qian, but answered Feifend, “Dean, what is this lady?”

Speaking of staring at Jing Jing, in adultery … “Mr. Qian, who is she had nothing to do with you, I told you again solemnly, here will not be sold!”

“Oh, the old dean, you can’t be too straight. You see you, and you have also dedicated it for most of his life. The right thing is worthy of the party. These people have no reason with you. Shouldn’t you think about yourself? "

Jing Jing’s disgusted hiding from her gaze, or I was more direct, pulling Jing Jing to my

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