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Chapter_35 In his arms, Jing Jing immediately obediently lying on me, obediently like a baby.

The money he watched was very uncomfortable, and the hope he resisted was gone, and of course he would not give me a good color.

Seeing that the old dean still insisted that, Qian declined and walked angrily, but when he left, he did not forget to add eye addiction.

He looked at Jing Jing, and he grabbed the big wave of the girl next to him.

One, .



Needless to say, know what he thinks.

Although the painful tears of Sao Nu came out, this man was her parental parents and could not offend.

A kind of sorrow .



Finally sent these mold gods, and the old dean became relaxed.

At least the surface was like this, probably don’t want to worry about us.

“Little bell, our family Jingjing will be given to you. This child will not fight for strong victory, as long as you are good to her.”

The old dean looked at Jingjing lovingly, and Jing Jing couldn’t help but suffer. After coming out, I can feel the feelings between them. For many years, I have to admire the old dean. “Dean, what is the surname of money doing, why is it so embarrassed!”

“Nothing, by the way, I would like to thank you for donating here. In this way, we can renovate the house and even expand it. I can take more orphans. I thank you on behalf of them.”

When I said the old dean, I would salute me. Isn’t this killing me, and quickly support it. “Dean, what are you polite to him, we are all a family!”

Jing Jing dumped me and glanced at me, of course, I said it quickly. Today we live here and experience the quiet life. In general, simple words are simple, but there is pure happiness in simple life. Children’s smiles and naive can influence everyone, but life is so cruel. The night is always so quiet, so beautiful, especially in the quiet fragrant girlfriend, it is very small, but the room is very delicate and simple, with the unique fragrance of Jingjing. It’s right. “Jing Jing, you are so fragrant here!”

After talking hard, I sniffed, and the Jing Jing was delicious. “The big kinky thief, even dare to occupy the bed of others, see that my heroes don’t clean up you!”

Said a pose to me. …… Little Red Hat rushed to the big gray wolf? Intersection Intersection Wen Yu is pregnant. Naturally, I am not Liu Xiahui. She kissed Jing Jing at once and enjoyed her fragrant red lips. It was like a delicious dessert, and it was even more meaningful among her incense boudoir. “Husband, it’s all of Jing’er tonight!”

Jing Jing’s usual shyness, forgetting the endless enthusiasm. Beauty is heavy, and naturally he is bowing! What a beautiful night! ………… After passion, the exhausted Jing Jing had fallen asleep, just like a little rabbit, hiding tightly in my arms, she may have encountered something good in her sleep, and her face flushed, especially after the climax passed. The unique gorgeous light of the woman made her like a fairy, which was less beautiful and more charming. Just watching the quietness of the sleeping quietly, my heart was filled with happiness. This kind of beauty made me unable to fall asleep for a long time. Suddenly, a trace of warning, there was a problem. In the middle of the night, running around the roof, non -rape and theft, … it will not be watching meteor shower. Give a sleeping beauty kiss and rushed out … I was curious, this kind of place will be such a master? Intersection Intersection On the roof, the spiritual power was scattered silently around. The first is safety. What I hate most is to adjust the tiger and leave the mountain, so I still confirm it first! A bear is really guessed by me. There are two waves of people not far away, and there are two and a half masters in the forest in front. First kill the small shrimp soldiers! Taking advantage of the night’s silent dive, I know from their dresses to know that it is not “ordinary people”.

I don’t know which martial arts are. Forget it, just give a lesson. Instantly point out five fingers, and then quickly support these garbage, piled up one by one, … After all, who the children are, they need good sleep. …… A guy actually wanted to enter from the window, fork, my baby wife can be inside, let you see, I am not a big loss, how can I not give him lessons! He climbed silently next to him and patted his shoulder gently. “Hi, buddy, the window climbing window in the middle of the night is not a good habit!”

This buddy’s eyes were like seeing God, and his mouth was about to shout. He stubbornly blocked his shout in his mouth, his neck came, and then thrown it on “garbage dump”

, … don’t have to worship me so much. I carefully inspected that there were no miscellaneous fish around, and I went to the Lord. “Lao Qian, Master Qian fancy your breaking place is your blessing. I think you are a little interesting!”

Speaking is a middle -aged man, I am afraid that the real age is much greater than the present. The decline of Qian Qian, just smiling without talking, the golden knife in his hand kept rotating. … I did not expect that our old dean was also the people on the Tao, but I saw it, but think about it, if a ordinary old man, how could it be possible to live in such a big place! From the perspective of the airflow, it should be a vegetarian faction who is on the verge of closure. This martial arts are more abnormal, and the door people cannot be married. No wonder it is getting more and more declined. “Golden San, we are a female faction, and you have never been a holiday with you. You are looking for fault today!”

The old dean is not willing to show weakness, but she knows that from today’s momentum, it is impossible to be good, but the worries are not herself, but the children in the courtyard. It’s just that the image of the daytime is really contrast, … everyone has several personalities. Brother Qian Yan, stopped Jin San who wanted to make a lot, “Oh, the dean, in fact, I am very respectful and unintentionally offended. So, I don’t want it, but today the little girl is always the little girl. Give it to me. It is a compensation. I know she is the orphanage. "

“Fart, you don’t look in the mirror, which is good at our family!”

Good scolding, this bad brother! However, Qian Yan’s brother is very bachelor. He really took out a mirror … … and a small comb, combed a few times, and laughed, “Yes, you see, Lang Cai’s appearance, it is really a good match! Actually you you It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, Uncle Jin, have you going in? "

“Oh, the young master is assured, the disciples are all in, just a little girl, isn’t it the hand to catch? As for the little white face, in accordance with the young master’s instructions, he is wide, but he just wants his life. Woolen cloth!”

“Oh, yes, yes, yes, my biggest problem is soft heart!”

The old dean on the side is already angry, but now she has more than enough and insufficient power, and she must be calm, otherwise it will be finished! … Khan, who wants my life root, this person is really unknown, red practice, as if he listened to Lao Dou said such a small cult, but did not expect to shake it after three days. … Is the news of Lao Doudou outdated? Intersection What is the origin of this surname of Qian, it is worthy of sophisticated. The old dean over there has started with Jin San. Jin San’s moves are more weird, but the skill is weak, and the old dean has deep skills. Unfortunately, this is like a fighting and death. Not cruel enough! Soft to the enemy’s hand is ruthless to yourself! The little knife in Qian Yan’s hands turned faster and faster, and Gradually Jin San began to go downhill. This thing is really impossible. Suddenly, the little knife in the hands of Qian’s hand shot at the empty door of the old dean. At this time, Jin Sanyin smiled, Sen Han’s teeth were white, and the skills of the foot were made … at night Throughout the children! I knew you would play this hand! The old dean was still relatively calm, and he balanced the gains and losses instantly. When my brother’s hand was moved, I also followed the two pointers! Alas, the knife was bounced, and Jin San, who was caught by being caught, was hit out, panting on the ground. When I didn’t see well, I couldn’t find anyone to see it everywhere. Suddenly, he arched into the air, “Who is a master again, you might as well appear to see it, and the redness and teachings work. I hope that friends will not be stained with water! He will have a thick report every day.”

Fork, a short check will be opened. “Boy, this is the old man’s site. If you appear in front of me, don’t blame the old man to face Jin Xiaowa, roll it!”

…… It seems that the shit leader is the surname Jin, … don’t help! Although Qian Yan was shocked, the other party even despised his master, but did not dare to make it. After all, until now, he couldn’t find the other party’s position. When you should pretend to be a grandson, you are still pretending. “Young, Master, let’s go, we are the people of the Pharmaceutical Palace!”

Hearing the three words of Yaowang Mansion, the face of Qian’s decline said how ugly it would be. When he debuted, the master once ordered that the first taboo was that the people of the Yaowang Mansion must not be stained. Kick to the iron plate! I am afraid that the group of younger brothers who go in are all over. Forget it, it is still my little life. There was no mood to leave any scene, dragging Golden San embarrassed and ran away. When he heard Jin San’s mouth shouting the Pharmaceutical Palace, the old dean was also very shocked, but from the perspective of the two fingers just come, only the Pharmaceutical Mansion had such magical powers.




but who is it?

Sometimes the more mysteriously, the better the effect.

At least Qian Xie’s brother did not know that the reality did not dare to act lightly before.

After all, there are this predecessor!




The fork has been hanging on the tree for so long, or the quiet body is warm.

When I came back, Jing Jing was still dating, and her beautiful eyelashes blinked gently, like a cute little angel, curled up my body, I quickly got in, .



pumping the pillow pumping Come out, this guy has enjoyed the blessing for so long for me, it is really unhappy!

A beautiful night!

In the morning, the old dean looked a little strange to look at my eyes.

She didn’t ask, I didn’t say it, but I knew she could guess it.

Jing Jing finally came to an end.

Hey, there are more wives, and there are more things to fight!

(The new book “Three Eyes Gorgeous Love Mantra”

, I hope everyone likes ^\ _ ^) Text 10080 East Kunlun (Part 1) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5321 The relationship between the mood and Feiyun finally took a step further with the five daughters. There should be no problem in Cher’s side. The father -in -law and mother -in -law are more open -minded people. The upper society of the mall does not contact, and they also know the status of Xueer in my heart. Naturally, there is no need to worry about her baby daughter who will suffer. Baby’s home is a small problem, but there must be a way to go to the mountains, and it is useless now. Xiangzi is the biggest problem, and it is also the most problematic. As long as her own heart can let go, there is nothing terrible. The others can deal with it! The mood of the five beauties seemed to be good, especially Xueer and the baby didn’t see each other for two days. Seeing my eyes with resentment, it seemed like a deep girlfriend. … I think our love nest is much worse than the computer room, but the wives are next to them, and have a warm feeling. We are close at hand whether reality and illusions. As soon as he entered the Magic Palace, Xiaomao was naturally gone. This guy was getting fatter and fatter, but it was okay. Ten eight or nine were also counting bricks. Sometimes I find that everyone is busy. Instead, my boss is idle. Cher always teased that I said that this is the Mahayana realm and fully tap everyone’s ability. … How to listen to the capitalist, squeeze the labor force of the people. I think about some things. In fact, this is also Cher’s negligence. I am a group of wives and concubines. Most of the main cadres of the Magic Palace are bachelor. This is not good! In fact, take a closer look. The boss of several major guilds is single … … No good women will be monopolized. It is really sinful. I told my thoughts, but they were given a good idea by Xueer. It was not that they did not help, but my brothers’ vision was too high, or it was too individual, requiring marriage freedom, resolutely opposed to superiors, no longer just, not just There is something in the heart, this year, the matchmaker is not so good! A few words made me dizzy. There are a lot of beauties in the magic palace. If they think, I am afraid that it is not necessary to wait until today, but it will be different! The three wolves still make him quiet now. People like him will not easily accept a woman’s, and it is more obsessed with it. … It’s all his grandma. The three wolves are easy -going. In fact, the extreme opinions in their hearts, but they have been covered up before, and now the hidden personality has gradually emitted. Not to mention the war, … be careful to be knocked by a stick! Dasha and Xiao Silly, … Two guys are loved, emotional idiots, I know, there are a lot of Mei Mei like they have confessed, but the two guys have no response, I don’t know that they like it What it looks like, but then again, their fame was not strong enough before, and except for leveling or leveling all day, after practicing, I would probably have no beauty. In the first battle of the Martial Arts Conference, Dasha vs illegally entered the country, and has raised them to an unimaginable height. In addition, the position of the deputy head of the Magic Qi Tuan, the beauty comes, naturally, it will not be small. … It seems that it is necessary to open the hall for them, love learning courses, this is not to say that they will not be leveled. After all, they are the signboard of the Magic Palace, but a short -term investment, long -term returns, ….. The matching of men and women not only does not work hard, but also unexpected gains! Cat fish is relatively problematic. He is not an emotional brother. As the head of the thief group, he is naturally enough, but he has talked a few times. Not discouraged, still looking for the other half “endlessly”

, carrying forward the principle that a thief should have. … as long as you don’t do it because of a woman mistaken! Xiao Mao, once a girlfriend once broke up because of what happened. The woman had never appeared, and Xiao Mao had never mentioned it. It seemed that everything had never happened, but since then Xiao Mao seemed to have lost his interest in women, or it was or The brothers have asked, but the brothers have asked, but his eyes were surprisingly serious at that time. If he was a brother, he was not allowed to ask this question. He always laughed at him, but everyone was afraid of it. ….. I have a headache too! It was not until a long time that Xiaomao’s daughter had (like a mother, otherwise there were more mothers, otherwise they would not be able to marry) to tell us the reason. He broke up with that woman because of one sentence, “The soul -eating guy all day all day long Except for picking up nothing, my husband, it is better to take advantage of your power now and cash all the funds of the Magic Palace. We go abroad to live a comfortable life! "

Although Xiao Mao level is low, the woman’s level is lower, Xiao Mao killed her! Of course, this marriage ended here. Later, the brothers said that Xiao Mao was too ruthless, but just said it, there is no need to be so serious, but Xiao Mao is very determined. There are places that cannot be touched, and there is his restricted area. Any other thing is good to say, but that woman committed his taboo, nothing to say! The honesty people can not be described as general irrational! Two sister -in -law, … Erzi, this guy is almost the same as me. There are many beauties who have a relationship with him, but this guy is a man in the new era, not married! Khan … there is a generation gap between us. So don’t care about him, the whole people feel that the people in the Magic Palace are very individual! There is also a poor personality (assassin). Don’t be too cool in the East China Sea. After several sweeping of the Magic Palace, the skyrocketing the power of the Magic Palace, the launch of the apple incense is basically the East China Sea. However, in order to develop peacefully, we have not monopolized, but just establish our own dominance status. … Sometimes it must be moderate and too much, which is equivalent to leaving an attack on the hostile side. The flaws. As for women, the beauty on the sea is enthusiastic and bold. This guy’s wife married two, lover … I don’t know. His truth is that he cannot lack beautiful women around the heroes. What we need to remind now is that he has to strengthen his strength. As the leader of the East China Sea, he is also a special occupation in addition to his own. Less! …… It’s weaker now, so I have to refine him well! This task is handed over to Shuangshu … I can’t help but want to laugh, hey, I am afraid that the level of re -training will make him crazy, but this is also for him to be in this position. There is no strength. If you do n’t pull him now, it ’s really not enough to be brothers when he is eliminated! As long as the beauty, Xinyue, Xinluo, Heart Dream, Heart, … This does not require **heart, …… I work hard and be honest! To be honest, when others think of yourself, I have to level up. After all, do you have different requirements? Where is it? This is more headache! Mainly “God”

, the guy is more disturbing, … to be here, there is no movement during this time, it should not be made by others, … I will not refund the money, but I will not refund the money Hey, this is how the Swiss bank was issued like this. They listened to their husbands and walked with the Magic Palace. …… Kunlun! Intersection Intersection Yes, after the old war mixed, Kunlun came back, it was like a person. Although not everyone was so lucky, but now it is time to explore Kunlun! Why do you have to fight for Kunlun? Three wolves, silly them, a lot of people are interesting. If you do n’t call them, this guy will be drum again. Just call it online, … I am dizzy, all, when I heard that I was going to Kunlun Shuang, the swimming was beeping back! The war kept fighting, desperately three wolves, big silly, little silly, cat fish, cat, cat, and the second sister -in -law also wanted to follow, and was kicked by cat fish, … Where did this guy go to death! But the level does not make much sense to him. “Boss, where are you going to go?”

The cat fish couldn’t help it. “In this regard, the old war is the most right, or he decides!”

Speaking of familiarity with Kunlun, no one may stop fighting. He is the earliest batch of people who mixed Kunlun and the fiercest one. “It’s Dong Kunlun, but we still have to be careful. Basically, the monster that is slightly stronger is enough for us to receive it. West Kunlun still does not go, there is too perverted there!”

“No, is Kunlun different?”

Dasha didn’t understand this … if you asked him, the leveling area, when did you brush the monsters, a few of them, a few legs He may be clear that this guy in these adventure areas is a cauliflower. Seeing that everyone looked at him with a very good dish, Dasha quickly hid behind Xiao Silly. “Let Brother Zhan tell us about the situation of Kunlun. After all, he is a expert!”

Xueer laughed, the baby was even more interested, the more weird and fun, the more she liked, …. .. The natural adventure was moved. Xueer, Feiyun, the mood is relatively quiet, can be said to be a traditional Chinese woman. Xiangzi is very similar to the baby, likes stimulation, playing is thrilling and the feeling of heartbeat! However, Xiangzi is not very interested in leveling now. After all, she still feels a little awkward. She has shifted her passion to me and used her creativity to the management of the Magic Palace. It is really a good hand! “Xikunlun, I have been there once, … Unfortunately, I turned back without in -depth. It was not that the monster inside was much stronger than Dong Kunlun. In fact, these are similar. Even if they are strong, they are limited. The terrain there is too bad, and the poisonous marsh, the traps, like a slow land, and a lot of cursing land. You just have no room to play. It is said that Xikunlun’s greater characteristics are the task. Those players who hinders as long as they are aimed at the task, and even the players who bring Bao Bao. If each of us goes to the boss, we can go there! "

“Old war, all of the strength of the boss are still playing with hair!”

The three wolves indignant. “I mean it is a good place to live there. It is difficult to save lives without the strength of the boss. If you are too cautious, you can only waste time. In contrast, Dong Kunlun is much better! The terrain is relatively wide, and there are not so many dangerous stuff. The only thing to pay attention to is not to be confused by the appearance of some monsters. There is no weak man in Kunlun. I now know that it is three layers of Dongkunlun. Floor, in fact, there is no problem with the monsters there. If it wasn’t for the medicine, it would be difficult to get it! "

“Isn’t it, is the old battle now, or you used to be before?”

The San Wolf was a bit incredible. “After the evolution, I dared to enter the second floor, but when I turned around, I was blasted back.”

Khan, this place is really not stunned. “No, if you dare to speak at a permanent war, be careful of our killer!”

The three wolves looked at the old war, … everyone immediately opened the distance with him. “By the way, is there any power we do not resist now in Dongkunlun, such as Super God Beasts, Super World of Warcraft?”

Cat fish thought for a while, but the key to asked! I am also more concerned. If there are things I care about, Super God Beast and Chao Warcraft are naturally ranked first. Monsters with high levels, I can escape … Meet this group of guys , I do n’t even have the chance to run, too unkind! “I didn’t encounter this, but according to the official strategy, the appearance of Super God beasts and Warcraft is the most. Kunlun should be the most, … what exactly it looks like?”

This time I turned around and asked me again. Unfortunately, I have seen Warcraft and I have seen Super God beasts … The only twice hanging was died in their hands! “It is more difficult to describe. Anyway, if we meet, everyone will just fly immediately without saying a word, but if we can kill it, it must be a dragon -level god soldier, and the artifact is indispensable!”

Hearing the dragon and artifacts, a group of guys stared at the eggs. Three wolves do not drool, too much! “I said that everyone is still better. I hope the greater the more disappointment. Sometimes Kunlun is really abnormal. The more you want to play equipment, the less it is. In the past It was only for half a day, … the result was a bunch of gold coins, and then it was called a depression, but when you really don’t think about it, good luck is to turn with you! "

“The old war is reasonable. We go to Kunlun mainly to see and see. After all, it will gradually become our Treasure District in the future. Safety is the first.”

“Everyone pays attention to not noticing one thing. Some equipment still wants to customize it specifically for specific people?”

Feiyun suddenly said, saying a word, making everyone say. …… If you think about it, it seems that it makes sense, that is, the player’s personality, experience, and even enlightenment can have unexpected gains! So is there any equipment of their brothers? Maybe they have been waiting for them there, but the time is not enough. The fighting brave set has arrived, and the one is so sudden, so incredible, but it is here. It is really impossible. “Okay, most of them are useless, everyone is ready for their own things, set off!”

A group of people disappeared immediately, and they were preparing to go to each other … … I have to bring things with things. For the first time, I do n’t ask for something good, just do n’t encounter those killed monsters, … .. At this time, my luck is always surprisingly “good”.

What kind of scene would it be if my dragon was angry with the super god beast or Super World of Warcraft? Intersection Warlock Xueer and Feiyun, take care of us, it is definitely okay. The thieves cat fish, the first to play, but it ’s really there, I am afraid that the tenth and nine of the bait is me. Used to top bars. Xiangzi and Baby will not go. After all, the first time is too dangerous. We cannot take care of ourselves. Xiangzi and the guild are dealt with. Just let the baby accompany her. Although the baby wants to go, we can understand us more. So she did n’t play her temper. She was very confusing, but she was just to make everyone happy. Cats are also calculated. Although her attack power is really strong, the health is still too small, the defense is limited, so don’t take this danger. I could only stop, but I glanced at me severely. It looks like this account is on my head again, miserable. Warriors, two silly ends, desperately one wolf, one warrior, one magic warrior, and my beauty mood, hehe. It would be even better if you love New Corridor and the Forever Magic Master, and suddenly think of them, love New Corolla … According to the survey of cat fish, since the end of the world’s first military conference, she did not go to Over the line. No online … The attack power of the soldiers is still very limited. We are a lack of a powerful mage. Naturally, the ancient magician is the best! But in the end, it is not our own guild. Some principles still exist, and we ca n’t bother him if you have anything to do. It is really laborious to cultivate a strong man. Since I reincarnate, although the overall strength of the Master of the Magic Palace is still very strong, there are still no kind of talented talents. The archers can’t do it. Cats are struggling for a while, I am afraid that they will be in their early days! Forget it, don’t want to have so much, you can’t eat hot tofu. Kunlun, I, come! The text is 10080 East Kunlun (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 8622 Kunlun, a place where all players look up, it gives countless players a dream of becoming famous overnight. At the same time, it has taken away the hope of countless adventurers and life, but occasionally created a strong man who was born to let everyone go back and go successively. , I want to be selected for the next one, this is the highest level of the Central Plains-Kunlun. At the foot of Dongkunlun, our group is now shrouded in a layer of lilac fog, giving people a dreamy feeling, obviously in front of us, but like another world, occasionally a monster came out of a monster. His shouting, showing people from the world showing their endless strength and endless dignity. I have been to Mount Fuji several times in Japan. There are really a lot of BT monsters inside, but just from the outside, the sound effects and image effects are much worse. I can be sure of this point. Dongkunlun is definitely higher than Mount Fuji. About one level, but think about it, how can Little Japan compare with us, so it should be! Compare with them and reduce our identity. “Okay, don’t look here here, let’s go in and see!”

The war kept coming to your own house, put on the Pose, and dangled his head. As a result, the three wolves were frank, Xueer, Feiyun, and mood cheered on the side, … I am an honest person, neutralist, … Dashan, you just go down again The effect of moving will be better. “You are too unpopular, I can be handsome, I do n’t even give this opportunity, God, use a mine to kill this wolf!”

The war kept running away, of course, he couldn’t admit defeat. He knew that the anger could not be committed. .






As soon as I entered Kunlun, I had a feeling of passing the enchantment.

It seemed that the whole person was filtered a bit.

It was less than three seconds, and the pressure suddenly increased.

Everyone’s actions were restrained.


The war kept swinging hands and smiled bitterly, “We are really lucky, just encounter the reincarnation of the gravity field, the action and agility are affected! … Just wait for the past”

How long is it for a while? Seeing the old war, we know that we have hit the lottery, … Kunlun is too unfriendly. No, we are so lucky? Intersection Intersection Play with this level of monsters, the most important thing is speed, just one word! The guerrilla war was a treasure that our ancestors passed down and tried and refreshing. But the guerrilla war was gone, and we had nothing to do. “There are even worse news, in this case, … the monster is not affected!”

¥ ◎ …… ◎ ※ ×#((Crow mouth “Brothers, I don’t know if I have changed my career now?”

The cat fish said poorly, there was no speed and agile thief, … it is equal to the fat cat meat on the cutting board. But his pitiful seeing everyone laughed for a while. “Hush, everyone whispered, the hearing of those guys is very good.”

The war kept stopping everyone’s loud noise, … this place is not suitable for the tea talk. Everyone has felt the thrills and excitement that has not been used for a long time. After all, to this extent, there are few places to give them excitement and curiosity as novices. It seems that when I was back, when I first started playing, I saw a slime who was going to cut the days with excitement for a long time. At that time, I was accidentally chased by a group of mobs. …… Anyway, no one knows you, but at that time, I was really curious about anything, and I was so happy. Now, more energy is used in guild construction, PK, between people, people between people The relationship is forgotten by the fun of leveling the treasure itself. Human pressure is too heavy! At this point, we seem to be a novice one by one, be careful, enjoy every novelty, and can vent at all. Kunlun itself is like a barrier, isolation of everything from the outside world. Whether you are a demon king or a master of the world in the world, you are just an ordinary player, probably my strength can reach three The edge of the layer, this is when there is no super god beast, Super World of Warcraft, and regional inspections, … I can only ask for a blessing. Dong Kunlun is not a dense purple smoke inside Dongkunlun. Instead, it is clear in the sky, and the strange plants are densely surrounded by. … But the guy flying in the air is so “cool”.

Be careful here. Realizing our situation, we started to move forward carefully. By the way, we can experience the unique scenery of Kunlun. The perfect virtual technology in the current legendary fairyland. Xueer and Feiyun took advantage of this opportunity to release a purification of Tianlin, hoping to eliminate the negative impact on our body, especially this upside -down gravity … It seems to be a bit effective, but it cannot be completely able to fully be completely effective Remove. All Taoism that can increase our attributes is added, and it feels better. Fortunately, the people here are bold and not really careless. At this moment, a strange bird in the air discovered us, and a scream of screaming more than a crow rushed down at us! “Irrigation”

, level 80. Its shape is like dove, its sound is like a sound, three feet and three songs, the sound can interfere with the control of the opponent, one out of thunder, one out of electricity, the movement is fast, the sensitivity is good, and the East Kunlun edge is more common in the air monsters. It was still in the air, and Feiyun’s five -line thunder has bombed! Start up first … Boom ~~~ The war kept thinking that it was too late to stop. The irrigation in the air was beaten straight, but the anger it did not rush to us, but flew to the air, shouted rhythmically, and the body did different movements in the air, ….. . A 8 -character dance! …… It looks like a signal! After a while, I saw an unpleasant call to a pot of porridge, and countless “irrigation”

gathered from all directions, … the goal is us! …… They want to dinner, flash first! There is no way, a 80 -level monster is not in our eyes, … but if a group of in groups, we will not be put in our eyes. “Forgot to tell you, the monsters in Kunlun are slightly lower, generally group residences. When dealing with this monster, you must lead it to it, either fight with it or make it a few times. Give it a chance to rescue it! … Otherwise, it’s like this … "

I kept teaching experience while running the war. “Old war, you are really a pig, you know how to release the horse, why not say it earlier now.”

Dasha couldn’t help but want to kick him. “… Re -swimming, forget it as soon as you are excited.”

Flutter ~~~ We rushed towards the dense forest, but we did not go deep, occupying the advantages of the terrain, and the “irrigation”

group could not surround us. Strangely, they stopped at the edge of the dense forest, and they called again and again, but they didn’t dare to come in. Xueer and Feiyun are fiercely poured with a bundle of magic. Although they cannot be tied due to the high level of irrigation, they can attract several tied guys and rush into the forest. Melee. Double silly to engage in one, the cooperation of the two people will definitely exceed the personal strength of the two people. To deal with a 80 -level monster is definitely a chicken killing chicken and a cattle knife. , While Xiao Silly’s attack, while completing the Dasha attacking, prepared for the next attack of Dasha, this unlucky irrigation did not have room for counterattack at all. Essence This requires not only countless training and cooperation, but also the spirituality of that kind of brothers to achieve. Whether the other party is level or low, they are all dealt with. In the end, such combination skills are formed. … a art. Those who can surpass this technology are only absolute power and speed! The war kept drinking, and the unparalleled stick was shining. The bombardment of Taishan crushed towards “irrigation”

and split it. This guy was flexible. One turned over and flashed. The little head is still impossible to fight against the war … … It is useless to deal with the brave of the determined will! The attacks of the war constantly attacking the irrigation and not avoided, without a stick burst into purple light, one skewed, with endless pressure, directly connecting the irrigation and irrigation all the trees around them. The guy is over. … No wonder the war kept saying that his monthly medicine money is twice as much as someone else … … I think twice as good as it is good, and the environment is still destroyed. The three wolves are even more refreshing. The attractiveness of the dark fighting gas is easy to use to deal with this kind of weak attack power. It is completely disrupted by the balance. It was practiced, and hung it up. In the words of the three wolves, the silly silly is Yangchun Baixue. He is a Xialiba person. I was in my mood and I was fine. I asked Xueer and Feiyun to not be attracted for the time being. This kind of low peripheral monster irrigation of this kind of Kunlun is actually the lowest level living in Kunlun. If it is not relying on the large number, there is really no special place. It is still far worse than the master of our list of the list! However, the biggest advantage of Kunlun is that the field is relatively strong. For example, there is no special attraction, they will not fly into the dense forest, which also increases the chance of survival to adventurers. There was a low -air circling outside our forest for a long time. The cat fish looked at it and wanted to introduce it. … Seeing that the three wolves were so cool, this guy also itchy! “Cat fish, come back!”

The cat fish that paused, one foot still stepped out. At this moment, a scene that made us unforgettable occurred. Boom ~~~ A super huge purple thunder smashed the feet that was exposed to the cat fish. The battle kept talking, and the silk in my heart was immediately confirmed. Before I thought about it, I moved it instantly, pulled it back to the cat fish on a ghost gate, and the huge explosion blasted us out. When we get up, the original place has become a huge deep pit, as if it was smashed by meteorites, and everything around was destroyed. It’s so scary. Think about it if you hit your body, you must be killed in a second, … when the teacher died without the first, the cat fish couldn’t help but shivered. “Be careful, this is Kunlun. No monster can underestimate it. With a little great intention, we may be overwhelmed by the whole army!”

The irrigation outside is like nothing happened, and the original drum noise and scattered, waiting for us in the air. …… It won’t be pretended intentionally, it’s a bit cold! “Husband, how do you see how much irrigation is purple?”

Xueer pointed at the center of the irrigation group and said.

Sure enough, everyone took a closer look, there was a purple pour, is their head?

Intersection Intersection “Boss, there are eight or nine, it is the king of these irrigation, and it is also the central hub of them. The attack coordination just now must be made. "

No, the old battle, the guy at first glance is the master with a higher IQ. It will definitely not come out to hide in it. We are even more dead!” "

Otherwise, we ignore them, continue to explore in it, maybe they will be dispersed in a while!” "

No, that’s it, what should I do if my mental loss is? Trouble the two big priests to quote a few, I want to get revenge!” Cat fish said angrily, just now almost stunned his soul, and there was no revenge and not a gentleman! "

Okay, we just take them to practice our hands first!” Seeing me, I approved that Feiyun and Xueer began to seduce irrigation. Two irrigations made in, and cat fish were not polite. Brushing is two fierce poisons, and the two irrigations are from top green to below, and they are rushed to cat fish like crazy. Although it is in the forest, fortunately, it is not too dense. The thieves still dominate the movement. The irrigation is miserable. I give up my strengths. The guy is still a little bit door, and he knows how to pinch north and south and besiege cat fish. The bombers chased the cat fish, and one of the cat fish was selected. It seemed like a shadow -shaped knife and a knife. It seemed that I wanted to play it. The other was very uncomfortable for a long time, and I even hit me! There was a meal around, the energy was surging, and it was a flash of the light. … How was it like a laser movie of a mage! On one side, move instantly! Blood baying is instantaneous, and the blood dragon kills waves! Boom ~! With the scream of half, the irrigation was done! "

Haha, the boss is clean!” "

Nonsense, otherwise how do you be a boss? Putting cool is a necessary course.” Khan … Why do you use a "

pretend” word, in fact, I am cool! The pouring hair in the cat fish’s hand was almost gone, and the cat fish reluctantly sent it back to my hometown. Seeing Xueer, Feiyun and mood shook his head straight, … man! Women’s nature determines that they will not abuse a "

poor” "

animal", if they are irrigated. Seeing that the outside is still densely irrigated, we are really numb. Just a few of them killed, and it can’t be killed. If they are raised, no matter what the site is directly killed, then they are not directly killed. Then We are miserable. …… Continue to move forward, for our treasure! Just when we turned around, the irrigation group suddenly changed. The scattered irrigation was once again spiritual, such as the enemy, and the purple irrigation in the middle kept calling, from the outside to the inside, the circles continued to circulate, … … it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like It’s a formation of troops! Following the direction facing the irrigation, we see another black shadow. Although the number is small, it is strange, one by one in the sun, flashing the black light unique to steel. —— Iron Bone Bird! At the 85th level, the head is three times the irrigation. It looks a bit pterosaur. There is also a pair of claws on the wings. Pure physical attacks and super strong defense. Although the air sensitivity is not high, it is fierce. Tear the opponent into fragments. It is the second class of the air killer in the periphery of Dongkunlun. The irrigation is a circular lineup in the air, while the iron bone bird is sharp -shaped, and the leader is also a super iron bone bird with purple gas. It is twice as large as the ordinary iron bone bird. , It’s really a bit of the king of the world! "

Haha, boss, we have a blessed eye, this is a rare racial war!" The battle kept excited and pointed at a group of bird monsters in the air, saying, "

No, the monsters will fight each other ???" Xueer asked strangely. "

Yes, depending on the different levels of monsters and intelligence, they will also fight each other to upgrade each other. You see the purple irrigation and iron bone bird king inside. As soon as you come, there will be new brushes, and they will become the king of the new monster! " Khan … It looks like a player, and we have not had to confuse it. "

However, in general, the chance of fighting is not high, and it must be in the same field. The higher the level of monsters, the more difficult it is to upgrade. It will stop to a certain extent. This time we also have merit. You can take the opportunity to get rich! " "

you mean?" "

Bird watching birds, we hunters are beneficial!" We who wanted to flash people immediately, hiding in the corner quietly waiting for the show to perform. The calls of the two sides are getting more and more stubborn, and the irrigation people have begun to rotate rapidly. The thunder and electrical flowers are constantly flashing. The surrounding area gradually forms a cloud layer. Both eyes, we feel scary, one or two, such a large group of crazy air killer, the personal strength is too small. It is not the first time to fight. The iron bone bird naturally knows that the opposite irrigation is brewing the horror magic. The huge and powerful wings are fiercely moved, forming a huge whirlwind. The effect of wind magic. …… We were hiding underneath and were crumbling, … … we could only hold the trunk closest to ourselves. Boom Ronalong ~~~ A thunderbolt whistled out of the shocking, slowly poking out, and then the pure magic body, which gives people a very slow and powerful sense, but it is something that is in a blink of an eye. On the group, keep energy transportation! The huge hurricane can only cause a little obstacle, and the pause still rushes towards the iron bone bird. The leader of the purple iron bone bird king is also a hundred battles, and he quickly dives with his men, but a slight dive of Lei Long just hit the tail! Boom ~~ There was no misery, and the iron bone bird behind was immediately killed and turned into black. This is also the advantage of long -range attacks. But the iron bone bird that rushed into the clouds like a knife again, and a melee occurred! At this time, the crazy combat effectiveness of the iron bone bird shows the iron bone bird that can deal with four or five irrigation. The magic attack of the single body will not cause any damage to the iron bone bird. Only an iron bone bird will be killed. The purple irrigation is very cunning, and does not oppose the iron bone bird king. It ’s time, and then the purple thunderbolt was sent together for two seconds. A iron -bone bird was like a crashing plane, and it fell down. … Unfortunately, the battle between the monsters will not burst, … or we will post it alone. The iron bone bird king is crazy. In this level of general irrigation, it can no longer meet its requirements. You must chase the purple irrigation king, and the evolution process will be accelerated. However, due to the gap between body shape and flexibility, I ca n’t chase it, kill the temperament, regardless of the three seven twenty -one, what to see and kill, whether it is irrigation or iron bone bird, all of them fall into it, the iron wings are covered, the paws buckle As soon as I earned it, stabbed, … One hung up. After a while, it was empty around it, and we were also very happy to see. This guy has a promising future, of course, if he did not meet us. "

Boss, let’s get ready!" "

Well, now they are basically at the end of the crossbow. At this time, don’t do it, and the soup will not be left!" The next big five -element defense array of Xueer and Feiyun cloth, silly, three wolves, the war constant, the mood of the five parties is good, cat fish swim in the periphery. … The arduous task of the strangeness is naturally me. Summoning the side dishes, this guy hasn’t come out for a long time, and the prestigious Bailong Horse is even more mighty. Our appearance immediately attracted the attention of both sides of the melee, especially the iron bone bird king and the irrigation king, and the eyes stared at us. I am! Four times the ice magic mad dance! The wings of the vegetables flickered immediately, and the energy brought together again. The huge grid was empty! Wow ~~ Those who were half -dead were immediately killed, and the others immediately gave up their prejudices, rushed towards us, and the overwhelming thunder and lightning bombed me. ……mission completed. Teleport! Flash first! The remaining irrigation and iron bone birds, under the leadership of their respective kings, rushed towards the following! The catfish quickly accelerated, and a limit has been mentioned. They surrounded ******, and the poison in their hands kept released, like a green mist ring. Roar ~~~ The war kept setting off the sky and formed a close defensive counterattack lineup. "

big big big!" The continuous unpopular stick immediately became a huge pillar, and the purple fighting gas instantly extended! The battle of purple flames without a pawns kept the bravery of Qi Tian Da Sheng. "

kill!" The rotation of the wind is like the wind, open and big, and invincible! The hit iron bone bird and irrigation are all done like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves.

The black flames of the three wolves skyrocketed, and the near -iron bone birds and irrigation were immediately attracted.

The dark fighting itself was aggressive.

Black fighting gas is constantly scopeless, and the sound of irrigation one by one is fell.

The iron bone bird is difficult to entangle.

The most important thing is that it is not afraid of death.

The three wolf killing, regardless of the set, made the crazy attack, completely abandoned the defense, and killed it fiercely.

Da Shan and Xiao Sil are still so calm, deal with two people, deal with one hundred or two people.

Iron bone birds are still difficult to hit them.

The mood of the mood revealed the prototype, the dragon slaughter the world, and the iron bone bird is not much worse than the tofu bird!

The Jasper Tu Long Dragon kept scratching a fatal aura.

The battle is fierce, the desperate wolf is weird, the silly is calm, the mood is sharp, without a hint of fireworks, but the knife is fatal!

Of course, they can safely attack the protection of Xueer and Feiyun in the center.

The two strongest warlocks in the Central Plains, the super strong group healing, quickly supplemented their health.

As soon as there is idleness, the Tao Te Ching, the Tao God, sang and praised, and the war that was blessed constantly.

They were even more powerful.

People are fierce than weird.

I’m not idle, .



they won’t let me be idle.

The king and iron bone bird king chase behind our ass, but because of their two, the other monsters are not Will come to disturb.

Let the side dishes lead them to the center of the birds, and then rush up quickly.

I jumped from the air and targeted the iron bone bird king!

Avatar, four times the hedges of the skeleton!

Intersection Intersection Woora, Boom ~~~!

A blood -red ball covers the iron bone bird king, followed by a blood explosion!

The blood explosion effect caused by the essence of the iron bone bird king is different!

How can this guy look almost 90?

In particular, the ordinary iron bone bird was even more loser.

I did not get entangled in one blow, and immediately merged with Xueer.

After enduring my four times, the iron bone bird king hadn’t hung up yet, .



but it seemed that there was nothing.

The enemy forces were pushed by us, and it was even more vulnerable!

Everyone does not need to be addicted to killing any formation, and they kill them!

The war kept calling the white tiger.

A tiger king Yong appeared.

It was really like a tiger in the mountain.

Wherever he went, the irrigation and iron bone birds flew across.

With the ability of the white tiger to fly, there was no monster to run.

The desperate wolf riding the hair is a guy who swept the air flying, and it is naturally not idle.

From time to time, the demon wolf growls like a shooting, a look!

Bingyan Phoenix and Golden Wing Dapeng also appeared.

The appearance of the two air bomber announced the end of irrigation and iron bone birds.

Golden Wing Dapeng showed his two -headed real body, and the super Razyan bombed.

That fierce energy was particularly scared.

Bingyan Phoenix’s horrible mixed magic is more devastating.







It’s all fierce guys.

The semi -dead iron bone bird king was blasted by a series of Razer.

The king of irrigation was directly killed by the mixed magic of the water and fire of the Bingyan Phoenix.

In fact, if it wasn’t for them to go through a melee, it would not be so dish, but it was not Xueyun’s opponents.

The cat fish was also liberated, and the fish was looking for a leaky fish everywhere.

Whether it was successful or not, I left.

This guy didn’t even get the root hair .



This is a thief, a chic profession.

Finally, the entire battlefield was swept away, and all kinds of equipment, gold coins, and potions on the ground were all on the ground.

In fact, we don’t expect them to explode what good things.

The key is to be happy.

Opening the killer in Kunlun, there is a special glory in it.

However, the king and the iron bone bird king are still very good, a anger, a shadow necklace.

These things are not eye -catching, all of them are handed over to Xiao Mao, sold to the brothers in the meeting at a low price, or used to recognize some advanced elements.

Of course, people who burst out of the equipment must be divided In the bonus.

These only require the top cadres of us.

Others do not have this requirement.

When you get the equipment, you can discount the auction in the auction house in the meeting (of course, to meet the auction standard, otherwise the garbage will also be shot, and it will hit the signboard) You can also sell the stall yourself and the right to handle it yourself.

The group of people packed the battlefield, especially the old war supplemented the potion, and began to march deep into the depths of Kunlun.

Now Kunlun is still a beautiful woman in us.

Just now it is only appetizing side dishes.

If you see her beauty, you will see her beauty.

Must be revealed!

Text 10081 I am a master master Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5601 Now it is really entering Dong Kunlun.

The mountains we are now are just part of Kunlun’s reincarnation, that is, it may not look like this next time.

However, according to the experience of the war, this forest can be encountered in general, almost 60 % of the chances of the other scenes, and the other scenes are different.

This is more reasonable.

There are two known “indigenous residents”

of this forest … … The continuous intelligence, poisonous dragon flies, and golden horns snake kings are all kinds of fierce, poisonous, ruthless, fast master, battle I kept eating a lot, and the explosive things were not particularly rich. The suggestions for us were … try to avoid it! Poisonous Dragon Flies, level 82 and level 86. From the image point of view, like a mixed body of snakes and earthworms, the head of the giant flies, two huge teeth are like wolves, there are two types of green and golden color , Ejection attacks, fast and electricity, in the woods are their world. They are good at physical attacks, toxic, and magic. The most critical issue is group living! The Golden Horn King, level 85, the body of the python is six or seven times as large as the poisonous dragon fly, but it is sensitive and abnormal. The magic attack is the main. The unicorn can put lightning, the ice can be released in the mouth, and it also has a certain physical attack ability. Physics and magic defense are good. They are together in groups. It is normal compared to dozens of poisonous dragons. According to the experience of the old war, I would rather encounter the Golden Horn King and do n’t encounter the poisonous dragon flies, so we try to go as much as possible, and the light is relatively full, because the poisonous dragon and flies are living in the humid and dark forests, one will one Poor trees drill everywhere. But after walking a long way to calm, I was surrounded by dense forests in front of them. At a glance, we knew that it must be the old nest of the poisonous dragon fly. Everyone looks at each other. It is not possible to fight. Since they must be prepared naturally, the war has to be a logging worker to clean up a open space for us. After a bang, it finally cleared in front of me. You must not fight in this environment with these guys who live agile. … But the harassment in front of our door naturally alarmed the poisonous dragon and flies. After the buzzing sound, the dense head of the trees not far away, green, golden, golden … We are a bit sent to see. “The two big priests pay attention, and must be kept purifying. The green poisonous dragon and flies can remove all the positive spells on us. Smart magic! Basically every attack is poisonous! "

As soon as the words were finished, dozens of green poisonous dragon flies were rushed to us at once, but they did not rush to us directly. Instead, they used the surrounding trees to continuously ejection to find our empty door. In the center, Cher and Feiyun kept released the Taoist tunnel of body protection and anti -virus. The metallic defense array in a small five elements was good, and it had a certain rebound effect on physical attacks. Zhan and I kept facing the old nest of the poisonous dragon. Cat fish still waited for opportunity. The respective spirit of fighting is up, and it is the most disadvantaged to deal with these guys, or the soldiers of the soldiers, or the archer and the thief’s hard fight, … The archer may also love SEV In this way, the speed of cat fish should be enough. We wait. The opposite poisonous dragon and flies are very patient. Unlike the monsters outside, seeing the player is like a mouse when he sees rice, and he swarms. With the cross -ejection again and again, their speed is getting faster and faster, and cat fish also starts to launch. As a qualified thief, in this case, you must mention your speed more than the level of the opponent, otherwise Waiting is to die. No need to wait for them, first start! The five -line thunder of Xueer and Feiyun has been bombarded! Avatar —— Ice Demon Dance! big! big! big! Total Annihilation! Boom Rondon ~~! Our first attack caused confusion to the poisonous dragons and achieved a little results, but it also irritated them! It is indeed a monster above level 80. If it is replaced by general, the shots of our people will definitely die! The first shock for us is crazy! The madness of poisonous dragon flies! Several guys bitten the unpopular sticks, and rushed up along the stick! Small!



With a violent drink, followed by the fighting anger, all the poisonous dragons and flies above bombarded all of them, but these guys were still going forward!

For a while, everyone had handed over, and the fierceness of the poisonous dragon fly beyond our imagination, that is, to die, they have to bite us!

In addition to Xueer and Feiyun for a while, everyone was basically bitten.

All the Taoist surgery just added disappeared in an instant, and we were a little tight under our hands, but the other party was really difficult to entangle.

Take a bite and change the goal immediately without giving us a chance to counterattack!

My blood stuffing has finally achieved the effect.

The poisonous dragon and flies are strong at speed, agile, and attack power, but the defense power is relatively weak.

Cat fish continuously releases the poison in the periphery.

It is basically not aimed at him.

The thieves are still available.

In group battles, his combat effectiveness lies in giving poisoning and constantly turning around to ensure that every poisonous dragon and fly that attacked us are released.

The murderous is even more tender.

The general qi only has a rebound and protection function, and in addition to these two types of blood, my blood stuffing has the function of drawing health.

, So we all use delicate basic sword skills.

Anyone who was hit by me, or the guy who hit my blood, immediately changed from green to red, and the effect of fierce poison and blood was better.

Poisonous is unhappy, but because the king’s king’s anti -virus function is much better than others, and basically no need to replenish the health, The guy continued to go forward so bravely.

Cher and Feiyun took care of him most of the time.

There were also three wolves.

His dark fighting was cool.

In the past, the basic sword skills were also difficult to cope with it.

Fortunately, he kept adding it, adding Cher’s treatment.

Shuangshu is still the same.

The two brothers are tacitly tacit and exquisite.

Although the lethality is not fierce enough, they are strictly strictly and less injured.

For course, purification cannot be stopped, and the green oil bitten by the poisonous dragon and flies, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

The most comfortable thing is the mood.

Basically, after her jasper slaughter was lit, these buddies all hid flying, .



As a result, they hurriedly chased them to kill them!

This year, even monsters are bullied and scared!

Probably this is why the dragon can rank first, that is, cow, .



what burst out of Super Warcraft!

When the system is set, the system can also add the super killing and the effect of some monsters and the effects of other fear.

Like the weapon made by yourself, no matter how strong It happened to be gramped.

Under the dual corrosion of blood bleeding and poisonous poison, it was touched by our sword qi a few times, and it would be much cleaner in front of our eyes.

The poisonous dragon flies hung up one place, .



it really said that the war kept saying too much.

This group of dead guys, the deadline, even the potion is very small, don’t say anything good, .






Absolutely Dong Kunlun’s push.

But we didn’t have been happy for a long time, and even the time of rest and adjustment.

The real killer came out.

This time, it was a golden poisonous dragon fly, a golden guy, and our eyes were a little flowers!

Fast speed, more fierce, stronger attack power!

Although it is only four levels, it is not a concept in strength.

It looks like more than 20 appearances, and more than 30 greens, in all directions, Tian Luo Di net attacks!

The physical attack and dodge of the golden poisonous dragon fly is much better, and it is bitten by this guy.

Not only all the positive Taoist disappears, but the tragic call is that weakness and fainting, if there is not a Taoist priest is really troublesome.

The war kept showing up three heads and six arms, and the unparalleled sticks in their hands quickly rotated, forming a barrier, letting the poisonous dragons impact!

However, the three wolves have taken advantage of the three wolves.

The weakness and weakness have no effect on his dark fighting gas.

The state of the brave state of the battle is not great.

Fortunately, the deterrent of the Dragon Dragon Sword to the Dragon Fly is still there, and only a few of them dare to find her trouble.

Cat fish is more depressed, because he finds that these golden poisonous dragons are basically avoiding poison, and the speed is almost the same as him.

The guy still ran to our central government to hide, and occasionally dealt with a few little guys who rushed to Xueer and Feiyun.

The worst thing is the silly.

Although their cooperation is very close, the poisonous dragon flies with so many and so fast, and their entry cannot be exerted!

This is one of the flaws in the realm of the micro.

Cher and Feiyun kept performing the essence and treatment.




large Taoism is not suitable, and it is too late!

At this time, the most basic is the best!

In addition to weakness and weakness, sometimes I will be distracted from such a spiritual magic.

Suddenly my personal morale and playfulness have fallen to the extreme.

Only I am not affected in this regard.

Not affected by such things!

There is also a fierce place for the golden poisonous dragon fly, that is, once you bite you, you will never die!

I don’t want the green poisonous dragon fly to run away immediately after a blow.

After this group of guys are bitten, they will never sprinkle, and your life is quickly decreased!

One goes up, while our pauses are paused, the others rushed up, it was super troublesome!

Flame Hell!

I was dizzy, I almost forgot that I was still a mage!

The blood -eating magic sword showed a prototype, the violent blood bleeding really sucked a few guys at once, and quickly released the fire fire!

A burst of crackling, the sudden blow, all the poison flies caught off guard, we also took the opportunity to start counterattack!

I put away the sword qi and began to quickly release the two days of ice and fire, smashing around us!

Boom, Boom, Boom!


There is no difference in attacks for these close guys.

Because it is too sensitive, the body is small, and a period of being close, we can’t show it.

At this time, it is the time of the mage!

Suddenly I seemed to restore the previous mage’s pride, hell fire, meteor fire rain, hell lightning, chain lightning, chaotic blade dance, super tornado.

Anyway, I am not no matter which set, all of them are group attacking magic, and it is released with my power.

The scope is even more large.




Later, I basically didn’t look at anything.

As long as you enter this little ***, just wait to die!

For a while, in our small space, the fire and wind were flooding, full of flames and lightning everywhere.

The tornado with the wind blade was increased.

It was overwhelmed by all kinds of magic .






We are just drowned.

Those crazy poisonous dragon flies will not be distinguished from the southeast and northwest, thinking that it is the end of the world!




Why is it so quiet?

Intersection Intersection Feeling something wrong, I consciously stopped the attack!




sweat, dead.

All the poisonous dragon flies have been swept away, and the bodies on the ground are all over the ground, .



it is over so soon, I haven’t enjoyed it yet!

Xueer, Feiyun, looked at me with a mood of worship.

It was very comfortable to see me.

It was a very cool thing to be worshiped by my wife.




Why do you look at me weirdly?

Intersection Intersection “Boss, are you intentionally angry with us?”

“That is, you see that we are bitten, there are many holes!”

“It’s so good!”

“My potions were half a package, but the boss solved it for a while. God, such a person should be split by lightning.”

“Agree, BOSS -level characters like the boss should give him a few days of robbery. You can see that casually will scare people!”

“It was for a long time we worked hard for a long time, and everyone soared a little bit, all of which were done, … but even the Tianjie, after all, we will follow him in the future, don’t we?”


The four guys said in unison! Then show each other a slight smile. Dizzy, a few bandits, I have to find so many excuses for robbery, I can’t help but want to be BS, no, it’s four! The magic martial arts skills have been used for a long time. I forgot to use magic for a while, and I couldn’t stop as soon as I used it. The big opening of the magic martial arts skills is more comfortable to deal with the big and strong. It is not suitable for this high -sensitivity and compact monster when you are close. At this time The wonderful feeling of a mage, practical real dragon is also possible … but the effect of this baby is too shocking, who knows if it can cause some high monsters in Kunlun to resonate, … … A regional inspection causes the level monsters to make us headache, let alone those super perverts hidden in the depths! The dragon magic battle is okay, but … the lucky plus 1 ring is left, and it has to be left to “God”.

Finally, a battle is over, and everyone is more comfortable.

You can rest.

These poisonous dragons and flies are really abnormal.

If it wasn’t for me in time, I really didn’t know when I was entangled.

After the warrior, I have been subconsciously avoided using magic and trying to exercise martial arts that are not very skilled, but now martial arts is basically formed.

Any skill has its irreplaceable advantage.

In a model!

With this kind of perception, the whole person has broaden the whole person.

It is a realm to improve.

I took another step away from my own sanctuary!

Everyone began to collect medicines.

This battle was even more lost than just now.

No good equipment was bursting.

The number of gold coins was okay, but there were not many pharmaceuticals.

The old war barely added.

Xueer and Feiyun were the most lost.

The agents are used to bottom out, and I have supplemented some dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, I pretend to be more and give them some for them.

Because of the relationship between the Ring and the source of magic, I have not had to replenish the value of the health for a long time!

The three wolves cut a few stakes, each person, and then took out the golden fruit wine to distribute it.

Xueer, Feiyun and the mood did not drink, unless the necessary celebrations and entertainment, otherwise they would not drink.

To enjoy the fun of being intoxicated, it is natural to be separate.

The three wolves sipped, and asked with a great breath, “Old war, really convinced you, how did you spend this place in the past, wouldn’t you fight all the way?”

“No, you are so fierce when you fight?”

The war kept breathing happily, “Where, the earliest time, what happened to what to fight, as a result, all the potions were used for a while. It is on the right of blood supplement. Fortunately, the monster field here is very strong, and generally will not rush out of your own sphere of influence! "

“Unexpectedly, the old war is also very smart?”

“That is, who said people are stupid!”

The two -silly brothers sang the double reed, but they were flattened by the old battle. At this moment, Shuang Silly suddenly stunned, the brothers looked at each other, and then looked at us stupidly. “Fool, what’s wrong with you, wouldn’t it be evil?”

The three wolves laughed. “No, just now I heard something calling us!”

“The elder brother said, I also feel the same, very strange, just in front!”

Speaking, Xiao silly pointed at the depths of the woods, a place with a faint pink smoke. The war kept thinking for a while, and suddenly laughed, “It seems that the silly luck is here. I also felt this when I got the brave set. As soon as he heard the equipment, everyone’s spirit was rising immediately, especially when they were stupid. They longed for the equipment that was suitable for strong people, and now they finally have eyebrows! Main text 100 eighty -two red cloud reproduction (above) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 7685 The forest in front of me is the place where the silly "

feel”. When it comes to the feeling, the three wolves can’t help but put on a ambiguous smile. Itchy, … I bite him back! The trees around them are even more weird, but they are not as dense as the poisonous dragon and flies nests, and the space can be larger … but these trees are almost the same as the magnifying bonsai. This is the place of the Golden Horn Snake King … Snake is silly, do they have any connection with them? Khan, can no longer associate it! The surroundings were quiet, except for our footsteps, there was no trace of anger. "

Old war, have you ever been here?” Sanwoli didn’t have any good opinions about this strange place. He would rather fight with the beasts and beasts. … As for life and death, it’s another thing! "

This, I also hate this kind of long worm monster, so … I haven’t been here!” Xueer, Feiyun and the mood are more disgusted with this monster. When they think of them, they are thin and greasy, but we can only embarrass it for the future of Dasha and Silly! Fighting grass and shocking snake! … It should be a snake out of the hole. I directly summoned meteorites and bombed in the forest! It seemed to be a pot of porridge, and there was a thin sound everywhere. The golden unicorn and the cyan bucket -like body are quite powerful. They are more proud and king than the fierceness of poisonous dragons and flies, and they stare at us one by one. Make a fine friction sound. It feels like being stared at by snakes. "

Dasha, this is the master who feels like you?" "

I can’t see where you have a blood relationship." The two wolves and the old war two guys started singing again. Perhaps they usually laugh at them, and they are rare to change their goals. The cat fish is the most cunning. No matter what he is, he hangs up high. The fat man hides alone and laughs, really like a little thief. … There is another seem to be myself, sweat, I have never said anything. Da Shan and Xiao Sili looked at each other. Although it was strange, the feeling was even stronger. It was definitely inside, and something was waiting for them! Seeing Shuang silly seriously, we also know that it was time to do things. My second round of attack was killed, and we mean to lead them out and kill again! But we made a mistake, they were long -range Warcraft! My meteorite fell yet, just listening to a burst, stabbing! There are countless lightning and various ice arrows, ice rifles, ice cones, ice rings, and … even the ice dragon waves come out! And we found that the surroundings were gradually filled with cold! Intersection Intersection The fork is a group of ice! The cat fish that is not as good as it is almost second. The thief is not good, the health is too little, and it is not as good as a magic shield and a shield in the mage. Being smart enough, when the situation is not good, lie down immediately! Cher and Feiyun quickly released group treatment and anti -magic shields. I moved in front of everyone in an instant! Four times the ice demon mad dance immediately greeted! Followed by the blood dragon and killing waves, he roared into the old nest of the Golden Horn King! Don’t look at these guys, but they completely inherit the agility of the snake tribe, and the smoke is gone! It just takes us on us. It seems that it is our wish to attract the snake out of the hole! "

Brothers, can’t fight with them long -distance fighting! After Xueer and Feiyun Hall, the mood and cat fish are responsible for protecting them, old battles, three wolves, dicked with me, kill them!" I was just full of joy, and was suddenly embarrassed by a group of long worms. Everyone couldn’t let go of the face. The real fire of these buddies came up. Roar! The white tiger appeared, and the battle kept turning over and the white tiger. The tiger was united. At the same time, the light magic of the white tiger, the roar of the Tiger King also bombarded. The huge light ball just followed the sticky sticks and rushed to the old nest of the king of snakes! People are as powerful as people’s pets! Desperate three wolves are naturally unwilling to show weakness. The Dark Wolf King immediately appeared. A wolf loudly in the sky, the horrible demon wolf roared out, the three wolves rode away, burst into their own dark fighting, a long -distance vertical leap entered into Forest! Da Shan and Xiao Silk followed closely, but there are no strong pets, and they are just ordinary primary fighting. In this case, the power is very limited, and the power is much worse. Being out of mind, there is no intelligence like the monster. At this time, lethal is much more practical than technology. I moved directly in an instant, and then sent it first. I mentioned the peak state, and the blood -stuffed magic sword sent out a burst of excitement, revealing a more horrible prototype. The reason, mainly because I am afraid of scaring Xiaomei) Whenever this time, my own heart is full of a sense of killing, blocking me! The blood -eating magic sword was fully erupted at this time of blood -sucking and corrosion of all living monsters. Sen Han’s blood really made me like a demon. kill! The five golden horns snake kings were surrounded me at the same time, and the green snake eyes stared at me. A faint white gas floated out of their mouths, and the frozen surgery was surrounded! With a sound, my vitality shield opened, and the frozen gas could not affect me at all! Just five 85 monsters, it is not worth mentioning! The Golden Horn Snake King had no response to me, and a harsh scream was not like the sound of snakes, and then the five powerful chain Lightning! A network, a flash grid, and an uninterrupted one, the end of the chain Lightning is connected to the golden horns, … this is a bit like a side dish! However, these guys did not stop there, maybe I felt me different, … I even smashed the ice roar! Teleport! Suddenly, the five golden horns snake kings are all stupid. Their small snake brain can’t imagine anyway, how the prey escaps! At this time, I had now moved to the back of one. The guy was very sensitive. It may be that life was threatened, and the huge snake tail suddenly swept over! I was murderous, not to avoid, and a sword chopped over, flying its attack, jumping onto the top of his head, nine days, thunderous swords!

Boom ~!


The blood -stuffed magic sword in his hand was full of blood, and the cold blood was more excited.

It skyrocketed for nearly two meters, and the remaining four were even more crazy.

Sword shock!

Countless swords are rippling.

If a blooming blood lotus flowers bloom, it is when life is over.

A screaming screaming, the Golden Horn King was immediately shattered!

Wars are constantly sticky, or so fierce.

His principle is that you are ruthless, I am even more ruthless!

The white tiger sitting down is also the same fierce.

After the combination of the tiger, the light of the light of the light is the light.

The white tiger will automatically release the blessing magic to the owner and increase the attack and defense!

The war is constantly in a stick, Mo sad in the world!

A stick burst a snake king that has not been hid, horrible attack power!

The others immediately learned from him, fighting with him, lightning and ice roar constantly, and the war kept roaring.

It was difficult to catch up with these guys even more than a white tiger!

Roar ~~~!

For the first time, the orcs were transformed, and the violent power spread out, and the purple fighting spirit stretched!




The unparalleled sticks in my hand became thicker and bigger again, like a huge pillar, and the war kept hitting it into the ground!

—— The Earthquake Earthquake!

Boom ~~~ A wave of purple energy circled, and several Golden Horn King around was immediately shattered!

The orcs who used this trick constantly disappeared immediately, and the unparalleled sticks in their hands also restored the prototype.

A person panting there .



the more fierce the physical strength consumed by the fierce trick, the more big!

The recovery of Cher immediately released the past and accelerated the recovery of the war.

The battle between the San Wolf and the Fa Fa is also very fierce, but it is more fierce than the owner of it.

It is unparalleled.

Although it is now a pet, when you encounter this kind of cold Warcraft, you will be crazy, double your body, black dragon waves, sharp teeth and sharp claws, which can take close to your body.

Golden Horn Snake King’s torn!

Shuangzi is more depressed, and it is not the way to chase and can’t catch up.

It is not a way to be beaten like this.

As a result, they changed their mood to the mood.

Can’t kill the dragon, killing a few little snakes can be regarded as a solution!







A few big men are stunned again, what is the power of this!

Intersection Intersection The Golden Horn King under the Dragon Sword is like tofu, and it is cut gently.

The feeling of completely broken defense of one knife is really envious!

If the Dragon Tu is definitely violent in the hands of the male warrior, and the uncomfortable hegemid, when he is in the hands of the mood, there is a lack of madness and a light spirit!

During the wave like Fengfu Liu, the poor Golden Horn King Gray Flying was destroyed!

Occasionally, there are several anger Golden Horn King who rushed towards the mood regardless of everything, but the end of the waiting was two sections!

Xueer and Feiyun naturally applauded their moods.

The big men who hurt us were really embarrassed.

The catfish guy was a traitor who was fighting the mood.

The semi -dead Golden Horn King was killed by him!

If you use a cat fish, you can do it more.

As for him, it is more suitable for the little thing of painful flattening dogs!

When Xueer and Feiyun were idle, they also found a few five -element thunder to put the target.

It was cool.

At this time, naturally, I couldn’t forget the Bingyan Phoenix and Golden Wing Dapeng King!

These two guys are much more brave than the owner.

Because of the Lin Zi, they are not suitable for their close operations.

The two guys flew into the air and started to bomb our eyes!

Razer, the ice and fire Shuanglong killed, and one of them kept bombarding from the forest.

That momentum was cow!

Occasionally, there is also a crazy Golden Horn King who bounced crazy, and wanted to combat it.

As a result, the shadow was bombed in the air without a trace.




Whether it is Phoenix or Golden Wing Dapeng, it is a snake -like nemesis!

Xueer and Feiyun don’t need to take the shot at all, as long as they are two plus magic defense and constant treatment!

More than 30 Golden Horn King was killed by them!

It’s really one thing!

This year, people are not as good as pets, especially Xueer and Feiyun deliberately looked at us, and they also smiled.

Shuang silly hid directly behind the tree .




Cat fish is my skin and my skin is hard-not afraid!

Xueyun and Jin Yun were praised by the owner, one by one raised their heads.

Forget it, do n’t compare them with them, the whole forest was blew up in a mess, but a sheep intestine road appeared in front of us.

We naturally walk along the road, and according to Dasha and Xiao Silly, it is not far ahead!




I hope that the sixth sense of the two of them is correct, although I personally do not believe the sixth sense of men!

This section of the road is calm, calm a bit weird, a bit of a thousand mountain birds flying, and the taste of all thousands of people.

There are a lot of all kinds of weird plants, but there are no Warcraft or fantasy beasts.

It is really abnormal in Kunlun.

Anyway, I have a feeling of not very good.

Good thing!

I always feel that it will not be so relaxed.

Suddenly, it suddenly opened up.

It was a green swamp deep pool, and the entire ground suddenly changed, with strong stagnation.

The weird pond water wind can’t move, and it is also covered with a layer of green sticky substances.

There is also a dead silence around.

There are countless white bones on the side of the pond.

The small miscellaneous piles add more terror here!







A little familiar.

With a bleach blew, Xueer couldn’t help leaning to me.

Maybe only in this way can I feel a little security.

“Fool, do you two drink too much this morning, usually you do n’t see the two poetry and painting of you. This is inspired by this today, bringing us to such a gloomy place. Let Dasao suffer, you have to ask us to have a good meal when you go back! "

Cat fish said while licking his tongue, but he still looked around carefully. “Come on, you are so fat and eat it. Do you want to catch up with the tonnage of the president of Mao?”

His belly, sighed. “By the way, Dasha, do the two of you feel here?”

Zhan kept having some experience, so he cherished this opportunity. After all, there is no mix of fighting with special attributes. His own experience is deeper. When he was dealing with the King of Golden Horn, the helplessness of Da Shan and Xiao Silk was in his eyes. There was no way. In the heads -up, the technology may have some effects, but in the special fighting, or the limit of the limit, or the limit of the limit of the limit In the case of intensity, speed, and even quantities, they can’t play, but once they have a certain strength, they will gain a qualitative leap. With the cooperation of the two of them, the future team war can be said to be a powerful challenger of both invincible. However, when asked, Dasha and Xiao Sil were confused, as if the feeling was suddenly gone. Dizzy, what kind of world, when it comes to the ground, it feels gone. At this moment, the forests on both sides shaking for a while, … the six -headed three -legged flying dragons rushed to us madly. The abyss three -legged dragons, 88 levels, one of the lowest equal dragons, calculated according to the strength, can also be classified into lizards, with sharp teeth and claws, toxic, and at the same time, with wind and poisonous attributes. Crazy ability, attack power and attack speed. From the perspective of the class, it is a few levels lower than the Flame Dragon King who entered the country, but the fierce is still better. “Be careful, it is the flying dragon with the attribute of wind poison, the soldiers rushed forward!”

When I met the dragon, even the low -waiting dragons were in a mood when they were in the market, but these flying dragons were too garbage, and they couldn’t feel that their nemesis came, and they rushed towards the mood. Shuang Silly paid one, and the three wolves pulled one, and I and the old war divided the other two. The cat fish turned around to take the six -headed three -legged dragon from top to bottom to poison, and then took a rest. The mood of the jasper slaughter of the dragon knife was the first to send the first power —— Jasper cut the dragon! The two knives are brushed. The slightly backward flying dragon is obviously more brain than the first one in front. After seeing the flesh and blood of the previous sword, it immediately rushed up. , I have seen the mood of Binglong, just when it is jet. Under the blessing of Taoism, the wind poison is too weak, and can only scare the children. The first one who was injured was even more angry. The whole body began to be red. It was a sign of madness. It was fierce to the mood. The speed of speed really surprised us. At the same time, the one in the air was also a dive. I didn’t have a panic in the mood, the jasper slaughter of the dragon sword, and the sword shocked! A dozen dragon waves burst out in an instant.

A net composed of a knife was covered with two flying dragons.

Although the two guys came to the bear, sometimes it was not how powerful you were.

The dragon’s spirit made all the dragons dare not get close to its sharpness!

Wait for the dragon to be low, and it was suddenly dropped!

The battle is constantly being fierce with the flying dragon.

The two guys can be happy with one claw.

I am really unbalanced.

The mood of murderer is effortless, but it does not mean that we are the same.

With the fierce fighting, a stick sweeping the flying dragon can only be forced back, and then even more crazy to fight the war, both sides killed their temperament, .



the problem of the old war is the problem of the old war.

I committed again, and gave up the defense again, fighting the air, and began to fight with the flying dragon.

The huge and sharp claws of the flying dragon can break through the fighting of the old war.

The wind poison in the mouth is not idle.

All of the old battles.

Feiyun quickly treated him .



he also knew this, so he was not worried.

He had no sticks to make a ruthless.

One stick smashed the wings of the three -legged flying dragon.

Rush to the old battle crazy.


The power of the whole body of the feet, drinking violently, the unparalleled sticks in my hand suddenly became larger, like playing baseball, and half of the flying dragons were hit by a dough, and it was violent in the air.

Desperate three wolves are not desperate.

The three wolves that are all over the dark fighting and the three -legged flying dragon are hot.

The obvious strange attributes of the dark fighting make Feilong very uncomfortable.

, Such a little bit of attacks do not give Feilong a chance to be mad.

It is almost worse.

The three wolves used crazy attacks to flatten the unlucky flying dragon.

I am relatively easy.

Although the blood -stuffing sword is not as exaggerated as the Dragon Sword, it is still effective to deal with this bloody guy.

In fact, as long as a single monster below 95 is less than 95, it is not eye -catching.

Move in an instant + personal blood dragon and kill waves!

Directly crit!

Da Shan and Xiao Silly two people deal with the three -legged dragon at the 88th level.

Although there are no problems, they can’t be in a hurry.

This guy is really fierce enough.

Sometimes some more subtle tricks can not cause pauses or do not cause pauses.

After leaning, this makes Shuang silly a bit troublesome, but it is not a problem to deal with monsters at this degree, but it is really imminent to improving their attack power!

No matter how strong people have no attack power, they can’t mix .






it’s my loss!

The two of them dealt with one or finally end the battle.

No wonder the leveling time is so long, but the level is so slow!

Everyone has a small warm -up, Xueer and Feiyun supplement us good health.

These flying dragons also burst into something, but there is nothing to make us exciting, but selling some gold coins, but also, I am afraid that what we want Only monsters above 90 can be “raised”.

Ah, a lucky plus 1 ring, hey, this is an unexpected harvest, I have to stay by myself. In the laughes … At this moment, there was a sound in the forest on the opposite side, and a pale golden three -legged two -headed flying dragon king came out! In level 90, the body shape is three times that of the average three -foot flying dragon. The attack and defense power have doubled. It has a faint dragon. Three -foot flying dragon has a very high agility. To deal with such a guy is naturally my good wife, the adult is out of the horse, the dragon is in hand, and Wanlong is not worried! … Sometimes people really can’t say anything, so I regret it after a while. The golden flying dragon king saw that his younger brother was flattened by us. Naturally, he was angry. He kept howling and rushing towards us. He had a knife waiting for it! Don’t say that you are a gourmet, and the craftsmanship of cooking is even more good. … It’s just that you don’t do it often, and I can’t bear to let my wife kitchen all day. … Is the Dragon Sword Method? Intersection Intersection The three -footed flying dragon king flew towards us quickly, and the blink of an eye reached the center of the deep pond. Suddenly, the jasper slaughter swords began to tremble unstoppable. Woo issued a warning signal, or is it excited? Intersection Intersection “If you have any questions, be careful !!!”

Before I finished speaking, the deep pond suddenly rotated, and quietly turned into a drastic shaking, which made people have a bit of time to suspend the illusion. The two -headed flying dragon king in the air showed the fear that we even saw. It was the fear of opponents far that was far stronger than it, and the other party must be more cruel than it! It is struggling to rush out, not only to survive, but also stay away from that kind of fear, but a kind of intangible gravity pulls it tightly, no matter how it struggle, it cannot be. The rotation of the pond water was getting more and more urgent, and suddenly a huge wave was lifted. Then we only heard a screaming scream. When everything returned to calm, the 90 -foot double -headed flying dragon king had disappeared. After a while, a series of blisters emerged from the pond, and a skeleton, incomplete, but we could still recognize the arrogant flying dragon king just now. … Can you easily kill the Level 90 Flying Dragon, did you encounter Super Warcraft? Intersection Intersection Everyone can see each other’s concerns, and I retreat at the same time. Although the equipment is very attractive, you must also have a life to enjoy! Now it’s my bright enemy, look at it first! However, we found that we can’t move. Although the original swamp land is sticky, it will not have a great impact on our actions, but the current situation is that we have been imprisoned! And entering the battle area of a guy, we cannot use the back of the city! Intersection Intersection At this time, there was a loud noise in the deep pool, and two huge heads, one yellow, and a light green! —— The abyss double-headed dragon! Intersection Intersection Regional inspections of the first edge area! Level 98, with soil attributes and wind attributes, with strong flesh, 90 % immunity to top indigenous magic and wind magic, 50 % immunity to top water system magic, and the four -series magic is invalid. The effect of fire is normal, but it has extremely high magic defense and physical defense! Has a strong physical attack! Could it be here! Main text 100 eighty -two red cloud reproduction (below) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 5360 Two heads look at us highly, we know which one is decided to eat first, … because we are unable to restrain the flowing into the deep pond! The abyss double -headed dragon can control the surrounding land! And the air is full of powerful gravity! No wonder the flying dragon king just now couldn’t get rid of it! The blood bleeding really revealed, I took the lead in breaking away the restraint of the ground and flying! Drifting in the air! The war kept roaring, and the second one broke out. The insertion of the unparalleled stick was stabilized. Xueer and Feiyun played dozens of fires at the same time, and the ground slowly returned to normal. The two -silly wolf mood catfish took advantage of this opportunity to get rid of this opportunity, and quickly leaned around the warlock! Regional inspections did not expect that there was a power that could resist it in its field, because it was better than a super -god beast that super Warcraft could cross their respective areas, and even the field! The two super giants were growing at the same time, and the entire ground was shaking. The areas that Hishe and Feiyu finally made up were constantly shrinking, and dozens of fires were hit, and they were stabilized! A super tornado gurgledly scraped us towards us, and there is no need to want to go off the skin if you are not dead! “Everyone scattered!”

The situation that was hard to create was suddenly fractured at once. In order to avoid the tornado, everyone was caught again on the ground except me! There are countless hands in the marsh that pulls us, and take us off like a deep pool! I quickly summoned the side dishes, let it carry it out, and deal with the abyss double -headed dragon. Feiyun and Xueer quickly summoned Bingyan Phoenix and Golden Wing Dapeng! Seeing each other is jealous! The king of birds such as Xueyun and Jinyun is born with a snake dragon family like a double -headed dragon! Xueyun’s loud Feng Ming, the fire and Bingyan on her body soared more than doubled at the same time. Its opponent was too powerful and had stimulated its potential! Jin Yun also immediately showed his true body and entered the state of battle. The two guys cooperated with each other in two directions to attack the regional inspections in the deep pond! Countless ice fire Shuanglong Kill and Razer rushed over, and our eyes were spent! However, they also know that each other is powerful. Even in the air, they are just on the edge of the deep ponds, and they dare not rely on too close! Taking this opportunity, we quickly adjust the formation! “Xueer, Feiyun, the two of you are careful of Xueyun and Jinyun. When you see the situation, immediately take them back, remember !!!”

I have this experience. The attacks of Xueyun and Jinyun are definitely not good. They can deal with ordinary Warcraft. Once they encounter such abnormal monsters, I have to take risks! The old war also summoned the white tiger to fly into the air, and the three wolves naturally summoned to start. Strangely, it seemed that it was not affected by this earth system that was restrained by this earth system! With the help of Xueer and Feiyun, Shuang silly also got rid of it.

The cat fish was the worst and the deepest, .



it was climbed up by himself.

“Do it!”

At this time, Xueyun and Jin Yun’s bombing of the abyss two -headed dragon finally had a gap, roaring! Intersection ~ ~ Under the circumstances, Shuangtou Dragon does not know when it was approaching the shore … … There is no damage at all. Although the ice and fire Shuanglong can be a bit lethal, but in the face of super magic defense power The rapid recovery of the top BOSS has no effect at all, but instead arouses its killing. In silence, huge meteorites appeared on the top of Xueyun and Jinyun, and several protrusions burst on the ground. Countless magma and meteorite were constantly sprayed. A series of spines on the shore rushed towards us. The other head was shaking a few times, and the dense wind blade was added out of thin air. And the two heads extended again without possible, as if it could be expressed infinitely, and it was bitten towards Xueyun and Jinyun in the air! Danger, they are bitten by them! Binghuang Phoenix and Golden Wing Dapeng King is even more smart than I imagined. When they find that the attack is invalid, they start to fly to the air, but the meteorite stops them. Retreating, and at this time the giant mouth of the double -headed dragon has arrived. Fortunately, at first, Xueer and Feiyun were in shape. They kept paying attention to Xueyun and Jinyun, and immediately recruited them back to pet space. His ~~~~~, it is really dangerous. The sawtooth of the dragon head of the soil attribute biting the wings of Jinyun bit the empty, I am afraid it is slower.

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