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Chapter_38 I don’t want to say more.

I don’t want to meet this kind of thing.

Even if I got the treasures of Wang Jian’s way, everyone did not ask.

All of them were attracted by the regional inspections of the ghost world.

It was that when the book solved the inspection ambassador, everyone looked at my eyes more strangely .



Fortunately, I was used to it!

“Wait! You just said that the regional inspection has burst a box, right? Where is it? Take it out, I will say, there must be good things, hehe, the inspection is exploded, a separate box!”

The second sister -in -law kept red heart, and we vomited more than seeing. The box was placed in the center of the conference hall, and everyone was watching. How to open it? The second sister -in -law and cat fish were asked. The two of them were experts in this area. We tried it. There was a hole on the box. Unfortunately, there was no key. There is no way for cat fish. As an expert -level alchemist and an appraiser, the second sister -in -law has more research on this antique. Er Jie stared at the box and carefully tested the keyhole. Suddenly, he frowned and said to us, “This hole is the keyhole, but there is no way to match the key. I suspect that it is a simple hole. organ!”

Poin ~~ “Will the box itself a weapon?”

… I dare not imagine how to PK with a box alone. Xiaomao’s weapon said that he was firmly rejected. “Xiao Mao, try to try it, maybe what would happen?”

Xueer proposed. The second sister -in -law saw this mysterious thing the most interesting. The appraisal was released from his hand. It was a kind of art, a kind of enjoyment, which was different from the two sons of me and cat fish. There is a specialty in the surgery industry! The light of the appraisal is great and the momentum is huge. Unfortunately, it does not belong to items in this area. After identification, it looks better than before. … Three wolves can not give up the funny opportunity: “Gunzi, you can go to a cleaning company, and the business is hot”

Er Jie glanced at them angrily, and the attention was attracted by the box. The two people and the cat fish used all the methods that they could think of, and they bitten them with their teeth! Unfortunately, the boxes are not moving, and they ignore the two of them at all. “What breaks, and the calculation!”

Er Jie said angrily. Small? good idea! This kind of contribution is naturally the turn of the battle. Everyone flashed open an angle. It was not fun to be wiped by the old war stick. Boom ~ There was a loud noise … without movement, the box was not any damage. Old Zhen Zhen’s hands were numb, and everyone also saw the surprise in each other’s eyes. I didn’t expect this box to be so strong. With a drink, the old war raised the brave fighting, and it seemed to come to the real thing! Xiao Mao watched the DC sweat, a group of guys who didn’t use their brains, how could there be such a box! “Great!”

The thickness of the stick changed like a pillar again, with the purple golden fighting, and the constant expression was very dignified, and everyone looked at it all. In fact, I don’t worry about the broken box at all. It is very simple. Regional inspections have made things that burst. boom! ~ The whole box was smashed, and then fell heavily. The old battle did not read it at a glance. It wasn’t that he didn’t force it. When he hit it, the box didn’t smash it. The hall was about to collapse. … His salary could not afford it. Our attacking power here is the purest, it really doesn’t work, so use my dragon to fight! At this time, the cat fish stood out, “Everyone, let me try!”

We have seen the power of this guy’s fireworks, and immediately opened the run away, pulling the baby behind me, and the second sister -in -law looked at us dumbly. When is the old cat so bullish? Intersection Intersection For three days, he should look at each other. … God blessed, don’t blew the house! The cat fish’s hand turned, and the two burning fireworks came out. The eyes of the second sister -in -law had big eggs. What is the stuff! Boom ~! The box is not moving! Cat fish is just tentatively. In terms of lethal, his fireworks are not as good as old war, but the attributes of attacks are different and the effects are different. After a string of spells, the cat fish had a pot of great fireworks, which hurt us. Xiaomao felt heartache. These losers wast his gold coins. Boom Ronald ~~ It took a while to calm down, the box was still there, but it was stained with a little gray. The catfish was buried under the somewhat soil stones around him. A booklet was handed in front of you. Khan …, this is deducted from me, you want cat fish to lose weight. After cleaning, everyone was worried around the box, and it was soft and hard to eat. At this time, there was a cheerful singing outside, love and Xiao Zi rushed in, and love quickly rushed to my arms, kissing it fiercely, “Dad, where did you go to play again, and took the love of love one again. People are at home, bad, bad! "

Cher also came over to help me talk. Xiaozi walked away and saw the box on the ground, her eyes were red -hearted, … God, wouldn’t they want to eat it? Intersection Intersection Xiao Mao was frightened and drank quickly, hearing Xiao Mao’s prevention, Xiao Zi’s face was reluctant to swing his tail, and he looked at the box on the ground infinitely. Love also noticed the box on the ground, ran over, and patted it lightly! Slowing down, the box was opened by itself! Intersection Intersection In love, I just went in to see, and suddenly found that Xiao Zi wanted to run sneakyly, “Okay, Xiao Zi, you want to play again, don’t run!”

At first glance, his attempt was discovered, Xiao Zi Yiyi ran out, and the love followed him. Xiao Mao sat aside and cried, … Why didn’t you go the door every time? Looking at the wall of a large hole, Xiao Mao began to calculate today’s loss. At first glance, everyone’s attention was attracted. As for why love can be opened, … it seems that I haven’t encountered what she can’t do. If you do n’t make a shot, you can do it! It’s strange that cats and cats are “newcomers”

… maybe cat fish exploded? Erzi rushed over, and pushed his head in, … why didn’t you bottom out? Intersection Intersection When we were surprised, suddenly the box was made of golden light, and it was getting bigger. We scared us to retreat quickly. All the alerts would not be a box! The box became about four times larger, shaking for a while, a hand appeared on the edge, and then half a head. Ah ~~~~~ Lao Qin, who had disappeared for a long time! Intersection Intersection … how did it come here. When Lao Qin saw me, it showed a shallow and stiff smile. Others said nothing about it, … 100 levels, that is, super god beast, Super Warcraft -level BOSS, superwoma -level BOSS, superwomana The guy who can escape the storm of the system can ask for our little life between your fingers. “Xiaozi, I haven’t seen it for a long time. The last time I was chased by the”

God ‘guy for a long time, it was best to be locked here. I didn’t expect to meet you again! “Say it up and down to look at me. … I have n’t seen it for so long, Lao Qin ’s Mandarin has improved a lot, and it’ s not as "

cool” as at the beginning. At this time, my Wang Jian’s way suddenly flew out of myself, and flew straight into the hands of Lao Qin. Lao Qin’s eyes burst out of light, and the golden sword of its golden sword was fiercely pulled out. It was not half the golden light. We couldn’t open our eyes, and there was a trace of thrust in the light. Only listening to Lao Qin’s low drink and a sword split. Boom ~~~ …… Half of the conference room is gone! Xiaomao could only grieve his teeth and swallow his belly. Lao Qin looked at the Wang Jian’s way, and looked at me again, with his hands, and Wang Jianzhi flew back again, but now Wang Jianzhi’s way is different from the beginning, … because it is not a book now Instead, it was a book for a while. After a while, it was a sharp golden sword, and it kept changing there, and then returned to my space bag. … Lao Qin is still the same as before, just moving things, but it should be a good thing! "

Boy, I have given you the ceremony, I have to turn off for a while, don’t disturb me if it’s okay!” After that, I have to cover the lid, … how to cover the coffin board, we just took a breath, Suddenly I drilled again, "

By the way, my hand lost a weapon last time, and borrowed the use of your ghost pills first! On the day, this group of kids fought again!" After drilling in, the box was tight again, and Jin Guang disappeared. It seemed nothing to happen. Xiao Mao is about to be furious. No wonder he hasn’t found that Guiwu Maru for a long time, … lost! What day today, he broke his fortune and had to clean up the mess. We haven’t digested it for a while. Lao Qin even hid in the box. Is it linking to the other time and space in it? Or is it an entrance to a different space? Who is God? It turned out to be at him! But finally, there was a result that my Wang Jian’s way was transformed by him.

The box was useless to us.

It can be put up.

As for what Ghost Wu Wan, I forgot that the pain is Xiao Mao.

The worst is the scorpion.

He is a little dizzy now.

Everything that happened just now seems to be dreaming.

The people here are really different from the people outside.

No wonder it is called the Demon Palace.

The magic weapon is everywhere, and the thieves of bombs will be placed.

What “Lao Qin”

, more new things I saw in a while are more than the previous sum of the previous sum. … I really like a “fruit farmer”

, and I am one of them in the future. The scorpion is a bit excited. Even so, he has confidence in himself! Thinking about the cat on the side, the cat at this time stared at me who was in a daze. She was strange that as long as she was next to him, it seemed to be so happy and wonderful every day. Why? I was preparing to take a look at Wang Jian’s way of being transformed by Lao Qin. Suddenly the outside world’s spirit was banned violently, … it must be someone invaded our house, and I couldn’t explain to greet Xueer. Intersection Who harassed us at this time? Intersection Recommend “Exotic Life”

and “Sword Fairy -Sword of the Cultivation”

Text 100 Ninety -three Bureau Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 7223 Seeing that I was eager to go offline, Xueer also knew something and followed the second world. It must have happened. In order to ensure our safety, I set up an ancient formation around the house. Of course, I changed a little bit. After all, I must keep pace with the times. There will be any reactions, but it is very sensitive to those guys who have strength or do not belong to human beings. The house I bought is not particularly luxurious or advanced. Although there are high -income people around, they are far behind the rich. Of course, the interior decoration is done by Xueer. It was because there were many people here. To be precise, there were many ordinary people. Once there were non -Putong people approaching, just like the black charcoal in the snow, there would be a reaction immediately, and this is our secret love nest. In addition to Xueer’s own parents and Xiao Mao, Li Zi knows that everyone else will not know that if they are plums, that ability is not enough to trigger the formation. After the last assassination, I was more careful in this regard to prevent it before it happened! When we are ready, the invaders have already entered the yard, … at first glance, it is not a serious generation. The guy who walks on the wall, eight people should be a ninja from the action. People look like people. But from the perspective of situation, there is no hostility. I don’t know what they want to do? They are also very puzzled. Baby hates the uninvited guests most, but Xiangzi is a bit puzzled, or hesitant. “Brother Zhong, they are the people of my family!”

At this time, those ninjas had already entered the yard. Fortunately, they did not plan to jump the window, otherwise they could only be hospitalized. Under one of them, one of them was a greater signal, and a younger one came up to knock on the door. After all, it will come. It wasn’t for trouble, and naturally I came to open the door. “This is Mr. Wang Zhong, I am Oda Oshi, I hope we can talk about it.”

He bowed, but his eyes still glanced at Xiangzi and showed a smile. “Why are you here, why are you here? Xiangzi’s second uncle, I listened to Xiangzi said that it was the person who really loved Xiangzi in their family. Xiangzi could also rely on his help and support to come to China. He also gave him a little face. "

Xiangzi, how can you say that, your father is just a moment of anger, and you don’t know his temper. In fact, he still misses you. He doesn’t say that he wants you to go back, of course, he also wants to see Mr. Wang Zhong. " Oda Okura’s expression was very kind, and it seemed that it was very concerned about incense, but this was not enough to let me go back. At this time, Xueer spoke: "

It’s a guest, since then, please come in and talk about it.” At this time, I found that these people were still blocked by me in the yard. Except for Oda Osha, several other young people obviously showed impatient and dissatisfied expressions. Tian Dasuo showed a kind smile, waved his hand, others were waiting outside, and a person came in. The baby is naturally not polite, that is, because I know what the second uncle has helped Xiangzi before, otherwise it must be soaring. After he came in, he closed the door and watched Oda Daisuke. After everyone was sitting, Oda Dajisa also opened the purpose of the door to see the goal, "

Xiangzi, there is no outsiders here, I just said that your father’s body is very bad now, and our family is also facing great greatness The challenge, I hope that at this time you can be by his side. As for the matter of you and Mr. Wang Zhong, I will definitely convince your father with life guarantee! " Xiangzi looked at me a little hesitant. I knew she was home to home. She always felt unknowingly. The smile was also melancholy, which made me feel heartache, but I couldn’t help much! "

Uncle Second, you have been the best to me since I was a child. I don’t want to go back. I am already the wife of Brother Zhong. I don’t want to participate in things there." Xiangzi was still cruel. Her pain, after all, was her father. "

Mr. Oda, if Kazuko goes back, can you guarantee her safety and freedom?" As soon as I said this, Oda Dajisa knew that there was hope, and immediately got up and bowed. "

Thank you, Mr. Wang Zhong, I can guarantee that everyone is understanding, incense, last time the attack is a few radical new new new new attacks. The reason for the planning of human hooligan forces is because of the East Expedition. It was too late when we got the news, and they were very dissatisfied with our conservative policies. They were constantly suppressing. In fact, not everyone likes war. I am very eager to be friends like Mr. Wang Zhong, but many things can’t help themselves. " "

You can’t even protect yourself, how can we rest assured that Xiangzi go back!" Jing Jing suddenly said. "

Oh, this lady is really the same as Tianxian, that’s just because we have not been prepared. A family has been in a family for so many years, and it will not be able to withstand this storm. In fact, I still have a purpose here, that is, I hope ! " alliance? Intersection Intersection With me? Intersection Intersection What energy does I have? Seeing my hesitation, Oda Dasuo laughed. "

Mr. Wang Zhong should not be humble. Although we can’t know your origin, from your skills, it must be the oldest family of China. , But as far as your personal strength can be regarded as a master of masters, and your redness confidant is very good, the potential forces are even more terrible. Powerful, the second world is a game launched by our governments together. I won’t say much about the implicit purpose, but we have received the restrictions of the brain. The power is ranked in the whole world, and the huge benefits brought by you are even more clear. Our Oda family is also one of the number of people in Japan. Xiangzi is the only orthodox heir in the family. We can cooperate sincerely! " … I’m afraid this is their real purpose. In general, my aspirations are limited to the unification of Central Plains in the second world and traveling around the world. In reality, I am very satisfied with the current life. At least no one harasss us, but I know more about it. This situation will not maintain this situation. Too long, whether it is because of me or because of Cher, the problem of Xiangzi now appears first. They obviously want to use my forces to combat the left wing of Japanese big dogs. Is it better to solve the problem from reality or from the second world. As for Xiangzi as the heir, I am afraid it is to deceive the child, how can it be so simple, but … there is no disadvantage to me, hey, no wonder the big dog is very honest recently, and the previous period of time has taken the initiative to take the initiative to take the initiative a while ago. Show me, it turned out that there was a problem behind it. How can I "

help" him! At the same time, it is not difficult for Xiangzi! "

Mr. Oda, for the happiness of Kazuko, I naturally do not want to see my loved ones hurt. As for the problem of cooperation, I really can’t think of any cooperation." "

Mr. Wang Zhong, you don’t need to do anything. On the contrary, if in Japan, we can also help you. At least some people want to harass you, and also consider the power of the Oda family. Of course, I know that you don’t care about this with your strength. " Oh, is there such a good thing? It’s just a show of the truce, but so, it is still a bit useful for me. It is troublesome to make our big dog brothers. I like it. The latter conversation is more polite.

The specific content is waiting for me to go to Japan.

I will return to Japan tomorrow.

She hasn’t returned for a long time.

It is also my representative.

I originally wanted to go with Xiangzi.

If you think about it, let Xiangzi go back first, and I have to prepare some things.

Xiangzi is also very happy.

This is her ideal family.

Her father is also a father when he is not good.

At least he should not make trouble.

Xueer, Feiyun, naturally understood my intentions, the baby pouted his mouth and didn’t understand my approach, but Xueer whispered in her ears for a while, and the baby immediately became happy.

Not all things can be solved by force.

Double punch is difficult to fight for four hands.

People who use their brains will always live longer than those who use their limbs.

Oda Da Xing took his men and walked away.

In fact, I don’t know.

I have become the object of the major forces in Japan.

He can complete such a task and count the last great achievements.

In fact, no one knows, and I won’t think of how I have taken this step on the situation in the future.


After excitement, I found that it was going to be separated from me for a while, and her eyes immediately became red.

She was accustomed to beside me, and she was completely different from the former incense.

When she saw her, she insisted to pull me to compete.

They knew that Xiangzi had to leave for a while, so they left us the space for two.

Fortunately, they got the permission of my father, not as daring as before .



but I might have to meet people who do not want to see.

“Husband, there are two of us left tonight.”

Xiangzi was always charming, but his face was gentle, and the sadness before he was happy and parting made her face flushed. I do n’t know why, we do n’t want to speak more words. For a while, there are two of us. There is a kind of unspeakable warmth. Looking at this woman who has eaten a lot of bitterness, I always feel unspeakable. It is almost the same feeling. If I only have one her girlfriend may be better, but whether it is Xueer, Feiyun, Baby, or the mood is all the daughter of the sky, and the same is deeply affectionate to me. , But I know that I gave her the least among the five women, but Xiangzi has never said anything. Probably this is the tradition of Japanese women, a foreign life. This time I promised Oda Orado, there are many reasons, but the biggest reason is Yoshiko. The Oda family wants to unite with me. Although it is not clear, how to say that the Oda family’s strategy is more favorable for us, they must keep their internal balance, so that the external minds will be much less. The reality is too big, too difficult to play. To be honest, I have no consciousness at all. Although I think it can go in the world with my own ability, there are just many things that are useless. In the balance of balance, I always have to make a certain move. I used to be too conservative. If I can take Zhang Kuang in the second world a few points, it can be considered a small step today, … … If you really open up your overseas forces, it is a good proposal. I am at that contradiction myself now, knowing a rough plan in the future, but I don’t know, and I am also escaping. A large part is because it is very satisfied with the current life, but people must have a close worry. This time is a challenge for me and Xiangzi, and it is also an opportunity. I am very relieved about Xiangzi. The spiritual seeds staying in her body have completely rooted and germinated. Only our spiritual coordination will be the same, and I believe that Xiangzi’s feelings for me, she paid for me, me There must be returns. Xiangzi turned out all the lights, ordered two candles. A bottle of French red for thirty years was dried in France. What else needed to say. Xiangzi and I looked at each other quietly. You can clearly hear the sound of each other’s breathing. It seems that we have never been so romantic, drinking the wine in the glass in one breath, in the exclaiming of Xiangzi, holding her hug her At the beginning, I will conquer her thoroughly tonight. Xiangzi was thrown on our big bed. In the lively place, there were only two of us now. Only the moonlight outside the window sprinkled a layer of halo to the house, but the darkness could not stop my sight. With full breasts, Xiangzi is always enthusiastic and charming, with a kind of quiet and coquettishness, the tolerance of Cher, the spirit of the baby, and the generous mood. Everything is seduced me. With a stabbing sound, Xiangzi’s clothes were torn by me, revealing the body of Bai Nen, who made all normal men intoxicated and crazy. Now this kind of dew is semi -hidden. There was a rose red on her body, and her body trembled slightly. The charming perfume also stimulated my desire and conquering her is the only idea. “Husband, a good lover.”

Xiangzi called like a moan, and we finally got together. … … The result of the crazy result last night was that Xiangzi and I slept until noon. The recovery of men was not as good as a woman, but I was a little better than the average person, just to flatten it, but fortunately it was an airplane in the afternoon. My only requirement is that no matter what Xiangzi can’t solve, I must notify me first. Everything has me. Don’t support it alone. Xiangzi naturally understands what I mean. In fact, Xiangzi itself is a very savvy woman, and her kung fu is not bad, especially in terms of abilities, hey, now I know what is going on. When I left, Xiangzi did not let us send it. The reason is not necessary to say. She waited for me in Japan. At that moment, Xiangzi seemed to become a former Xiangzi. I suddenly remembered a word. , Rare seriousness, it is an echo from the depths of the soul, as if talking to me, and talking to myself, “Husband, I stand on your side no matter what happens, I am just a woman!”

Life is not just as simple as love and sex. I do n’t know how much Muaki has made a lot of determination, but I know that I ca n’t. Maybe this is the difference between men and women. Until the Oda family became a branch of my branch, and Kaizi was my representative in Japan in Japan. This belief is to support her motivation. I don’t know why she thinks that I would take my own space in the world at that time, because I did not show too much ambitions. Most of the time I was passively cope with , People do not commit me, I am not a prisoner. The persistence of a woman was terrible, until it was completely conquered again, the scene was a bit like yesterday. She told me that “because I am a man, I am Oda Kako.”

A fanatic woman! Some people say that men conquer women by conquering the world, and women conquer the world by conquering men, and I seem to be conquering the world by conquering women. It should be said that I and my woman conquer the world together! Now she is still a girl who is just trapped in love. Looking at the gradually disappearing plane, watching Xiangzi left silently, I was a little sad, Xueer held my hand gently, and looked at me lovingly. At this time, I even saw the glory of her motherhood. “Xueer, am I too fragile.”

I don’t know why, my heart was a little emotional. “Husband ~”

responding to me is warm and encouragement. Such a woman is needed by a man, and there is also his fragile side in a strong person. Jing Jing and her mood also supported the eyes. Xueer’s mother liked Jing Jing very much. She also recognized her as a dry daughter. When learning that Jing Jing was an orphan, she decided to help her check her life. Naturally, things are more efficient than the government, not to say vernacular. In fact, Feiyun didn’t care much about this. She has been used to it for a long time. Her parents are just a noun. Sometimes she does not know how to face it. The best way is to think about it. Mother, there is her home. … but why didn’t the baby come? There was no response to calling her Tianxun, but through the spiritual connection, I knew she was not dangerous. It may be that there was something at home. The parting of Xiangzi didn’t care about this. Japan, a villa in the suburbs of Tokyo. A ninja suddenly appeared. “The owner, the Oda family was successful, and Wang Zhong had agreed to cooperate with them.”

The person known as the owner, who was sitting on the elegant tea on it, could not see the age in terms of appearance, but from the perspective of the breath of life, the age of this person is definitely not small. After hearing this news, in the hand, in your hand The tea cup turned into powder, and the tea was evaporated at once, “Is it because Xiangzi, the little girl?”

“Look at it, yes!”

“Old Ghost Oda, playing with Yin, here is slowly. You are responsible for Wang Zhong’s side. He wants a woman to give him the best woman in Japan. He wants money and opens with him. Destroy their alliance, in this case, I don’t want to provoke the power behind him. "

Suddenly, “Remember, don’t do it with him!”


A turn, the ninja on the ground disappeared. It should be said that the entire house was empty. Only the powder on the ground also proved that someone had existed. In another corner, the news was also received, and the clothes were simple, but the wrinkles on his forehead had shown that he couldn’t stop the erosion of the years.

Only the bright eyes were still unwilling.

“It’ s very good, it is indeed my brother! "

“Big Bo, the little nephew really couldn’t see what Wang Zhong was excellent, and the big martial arts, why let Miss Xiangzi commit to such a lower -level person.”

A young man next to him was obviously dissatisfied, and his eyes flickered in his eyes. Jealous, but looking at him is more free, obviously his identity is more special. “Qingpu, you have to learn too much, you don’t know a lot of things. Think of that year …”

The old man clearly remembered very terrible things, and the color became very ugly. “Anyway, this person must not mess with it. I didn’t know it before. Now I know it, it is not possible to attract him. Fortunately, there is Xiangzi, otherwise I really don’t know what to do.”

Probably for the first time, he felt that he had a good daughter. Qingpu next to him wanted to say something, and finally held back, but his handsome face was a bit distorted. The old man naturally saw it, but he didn’t say anything, but he shook his head bitterly, but when he turned around, he showed a weird smile. The distant moon base, although human beings have stepped into this field a century ago, it is also a matter of decades of conquest. In the times, technology has been transferred to the field of aviation and electrical, resulting in the appearance of the future of the brain, and the establishment of the moon base, but after all the formation, the human war of the human war has resurrected, and the technology has turned to biological gene engineering, semi -mechanical person, semi -mechanical person. That is the so -called new human plan. Many research on the earth that cannot be produced or cannot be carried out can be completed in the lunar of only one -sixth of the earth, especially with the help of wisdom brain. In the eyes of human beings, everything is developing in a beautiful direction. A huge base appears in the field of vision. It is composed of two separate circular bases, one on the moon’s yang, the other on the moon, and the power of human beings is not enough to change the ecological environment of the moon. The situation has made those who master wealth very satisfied. In their words, “This is an epoch -making progress. It cannot be developed too fast. You always have to leave room for future generations.”

The entire base is shrouded in a huge cover. Most of them are transparent, and some are made of unknown metals. Even ordinary covers are the crystallization of human wisdom and money. The moon is for space killers such as meteorites. It is simply an unprepared baby, so the base must have sufficient strength. At the same time, it is also the only place to retain the large lethal weapon. To open it, it requires the brain. For the safety of the earth! The staff at the periphery is in a methodically busy manner. Everyone’s expression is so focused. The more directed, the more strange the staff is, the more accurate movements, but the eyes are a little strange and lack of a kind of life of life. A restaurant, quietly, people who dine did not communicate with each other. The milk was in one breath, the bread was stuffed into the mouth, and the category pills were then chewed horriblely. After eating, they immediately got up and left. It is completely completing the task. And another base, the lively one is like opening a tea party. The burst of popular music is the unchanged love of Mingyue, full of people, and full of energy. This is like a human world. The ground underground of the two bases is connected, where the future existence of the wisdom brain, countless apertures are constantly flashing, making a series of ticking sounds. Its energy directly comes from dozens of solar windsurgery over the moon. In fact, you only need one to support its energy, and the others are only backup. These are controlled by Zhizhao. If you look closely, you will find that the strange operation of the wise brain is not produced. From the speed and direction of the aperture movement, it is exactly divided into two parts of the distinctive two parts, but they have a common connection point, the core of the brain .. … … Text Hundred Ninety -four peacocks fly southeast Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 6422 People have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of yin and clear. In fact, the departure of Xiangzi was a bit uncomfortable with the real meaning. It was a bit uncomfortable. After a while, she wanted to open it, but after this was the first time we knew me. However, the baby’s father’s news made my heart sink. I know that the situation is not very wonderful. There is no news for the baby so far. It can only show that her parents are prohibited. Xueer, Feiyun and mood looked at me a little worried, Xueer couldn’t help it first, “Husband, it’s better to go with you. Anyway, the relationship between our family and Xiaoxue’s family is still good. Uncle and aunt should not embarrass us.”

The nodded nodded by Feiyun and the mood, they knew that they couldn’t help any busy, but I still hope I can take Cher. I shook my head silently and laughed, “Xueer, I have a proper one. Tianxun explained that letting me go alone, and I have to break through the Dao Shanhuohai, let alone my father -in -law and mother -in -law who sees the future.”

We have seen it, but for the relationship between me and my baby, they have always been opposed. Xueer is a businessman family. I see some relationships in the high society. Well, and with the savvy of Cher’s parents, it can be seen naturally that Xueer’s status in my heart, although the background that I don’t care much may play a great role. Feiyun is an orphan. After the old dean agrees, there is no problem, and her personality is easy -going. There is no problem with anyone. Sometimes I even have a little secret. Feiyun. It belongs to me completely, and there will be no external interference. The ancient Wu family in the mood is similar to my old nest. The older the oldest, the more you have no restrictions on this. As long as you have strength, and the door is right, with the power and history of my family, and I am the only heir, the Nangong Shijia is the family of Nangong family. There is nothing to say, and with the first willingness of my father, there is nothing to stop us. There are many variables in Xiangzi, but Xiangzi can abandon everything for me, and I can also clear all the obstacles in front of us! But the situation of the baby is more troublesome, and her parents do not like me. Since that birthday banquet, they will explain some problems, but they do not allow our current situation from beginning to end. It may be the pride of the soldiers. What is the other reason, I don’t know. In fact, I also have a number. If there is only Xueer, the relationship between the two of them may barely agree with it, but there will be no room for Feiyun and Xiangzi. After all, the soldiers will come. When I arrived at the villa of the baby’s house, I was not the first time I came, but today I feel different. As soon as I entered the door, the baby rushed over and hung on my neck and refused to come. From this situation, it seems not too miserable. “Xiaoxue, come down, what kind of body!”

The baby’s father, he was angry, said that there is indeed a kind of soldier’s mighty, but the baby is not afraid at all, I naturally don’t feel it. I was not afraid of it. The master who is not afraid is that the bad thing is heartless. “You are used to it.”

With a white glance, he said to me, “Xiao Zhong, we have something to tell you, come with me, Xiaoxue, you are waiting outside "

The baby looks very afraid of his mother. Although he is unwilling, he is still obedient. In my ear, “Mom is good or bad, she wants to send me to Britain, Brother Zhong, I don’t want to leave you!”

“Well, rest assured, no one can separate us!”

I followed the living room, and the baby wanted to follow, but after looking at the severe eyes of my parents, I still walked around and walked around. “Little bell, sit down, don’t be too restrained.”

As soon as he entered the door, Xueer’s parents did not tell me kindly. I sat on the side calmly and saw what medicine they sold in their gourds. “Xiaozhong, I think why we call you this time, you should have some thoughts, and we turn around.”

The baby’s mother took the words, “To be honest, at the beginning, we still have a good opinion of you. At that time, the only problem was that you have no strength yet, but you have played with us. It is better than what we think and it is better, but the problem is going on. It’s because you are too good, and your confidant has more confidantes. "

The baby’s mother paused, and after drinking saliva, I could only nod, and I haven’t said it. “We were in favor of your affairs with Xiaoxue, but there was never a polygamy in our family. No matter what the society was, or what others looked like, we only care about our daughter. In fact, if only Xueer is alone, Even if you are, the two of them, although not pro -sisters, are better than relatives and sisters. From small to major, I do n’t distinguish each other. I also know that you like Feng Xue before Xiaoxue, but you have three more. I heard that there are still many girls who are entangled with you, we have to care. "

“Let me,”

Baby’s father took over, “If you change to the general situation, we must be opposed!”

After speaking, I looked at my expression. I am not a fledgling boy now. After experiencing a lot of things, there are still some things, and there is obviously a turnaround. Xueer’s father nodded. To be honest, he was very optimistic about this boy. Whether it was from his background or personal strength, he was not picky. The problem was too affectionate. At least he thought so, but Xiaoxue’s child was a deadly eye. From a young age, no one could change the matter, but as a parent, she had to think about her daughter. After all, she was too young, and her relationship was too young. Unstable, the outside world is wider, he doesn’t want his daughter to regret it in the future. “We know that your relationship with Xiaoxue is really good now, and she is not willing to leave you, but we do not recognize your immature feelings. If you want you to separate, the result is definitely not good. After all, we must be bad. After all, we must be bad. I have been young, and we are not so unfair. She is our favorite daughter, but without our favor, I think you are hard to be happy, that is, you have to prove it to us. Test! "

Finally, I said the topic. I know that if the baby’s parents consent, the baby will not be happy. The situation of the baby is different from Xiangzi, not even Xiangzi, let alone the baby. “Uncle, please say, no matter what difficulties, I believe, we can overcome it!”

“Okay, wait for you!”

“We intend to send Xiaoxue to study in the UK. The best aristocratic university in the UK and the San Maria Women’s College. In fact, Xiaoxue’s spiritual test has been passed. Etiquette, of course, the most important thing is that the two of you are separated for a while, calm down, and consider the relationship between each other. If you come back when you graduate, you still love each other so much, our affairs, we absolutely agree! "

After speaking, the two looked at my reaction. As the baby just said, is it still necessary to separate … In fact, as the parents of the baby said, if our emotions are really tested, this separation is nothing. Although reluctant, they also know that this is the biggest concession they did. “Uncle and aunt, I agree, Xiaoxue’s side, I will tell her.”

Seeing that I promised, they were relieved and said with a smile, “Okay, really didn’t see the wrong person. In fact, we don’t let you meet each other. The traffic is so convenient. You can go to the UK to see her.”

“However, I told you in advance that San Maria College generally does not allow men to enter, of course, it is not absolute, it depends on whether you have that strength.”

When I heard this, I smiled slightly and didn’t speak. I was going to see someone. As long as I was willing, there was really nothing to stop me, at least now I haven’t found it yet! “Okay, you go, Xiaoxue is about to wait, Xiaoxue will leave tomorrow, you can get together today.”

I heard tomorrow, I was a little confused, and it was tomorrow, why gathered hard! As soon as I opened the door, the baby ignored my parents and pulled me aside, “Brother Zhong, how about, how, how can I let me go to that ghost school?”

Looking at Xueer’s appearance, I really don’t know how to say, but for the long -term gathering, there must be a brief parting now. I tell the baby just now. The baby was surprisingly silent, leaning quietly on my body, and his eyes were reddish, but from the perspective of the degree of force, I knew she would definitely not be calm. “Brother Zhong, you can rest assured that your baby is not a woman with three hearts and two hearts. Baby knows that among us, the baby is the most useless. I only know that naughty and troublesome. Your busy, I know you will not be an ordinary person. You can rest assured that your baby will study well when you go to the UK and help your husband in the future. "

The tears in my eyes hit a circle, but I still held back. Don’t shed tears! “Baby, don’t talk nonsense, we all like you the most, because you have joy, rest assured, I will go to the UK to see you!”

“Husband, this is what you said, we hook!”

“Rest assured, it is Dao Mountain and the Sea, climbing to see my little baby!”

After listening to this, the baby was happy. “Hum, I know bullying people. When I came back, my father and mother would believe us. We will never be separated again!”

“Yes, only my baby will be happy!”

I embraced the baby and listened to each other’s heartbeat. This is my promise. “… husband, do you need to give you a few British beauties?”

sweat…… “Oh, good baby, why do you pinch me?”

“Huh, in this case, you should immediately refuse, and vowed to only love us.”

… Hey, a good man is hard to do. Hearing the news that the baby was going to the United Kingdom, Xueer was startled first, and then listened to the proposal of the baby’s parents, and knew that this was the best choice. Baby is the youngest in our young age, and everyone loves her most, and suddenly leaves. It is really impossible to respond. Cher cares more about the daily life of the baby. “Sister Xueer, it’s okay, my aunt will take care of me, she is the vice president there.”

I am dizzy, saying that I will rest assured that in fact, the power of the baby’s family will naturally not let the baby be alone in the UK. Naturally, the bodyguard will not be less. Maybe there will be a blood -edged person. Still the most assured of me, but I know that this kind of thought is not enough, they have to take one side sooner or later. “Xiaoxue must take good care of herself over there, don’t crazy all day.”

Feiyun laughed. “Rest assured, Xiaoxue is very honest, but my sisters, the old bus to you, see him, this big bad guy can spend the heart, remind him to think about the baby once a day, otherwise he will forget it.”

I want to cry. Hold the baby in my mood and comfort her, “Rest assured, let’s look at this bad guy and let him think of our baby all the time.”

“Well, when people don’t want to come back, they find that there is an additional lady in the family.”

The baby said fun, the atmosphere was more active, and everyone pretended to be a smile. The part of the sorrow was really difficult to dilute. “Rest assured, the three of us will stare at him. Don’t want to enter our house without our beautiful women.”

Xueer said. Feiyun and the mood nodded in support … when I said to increase women, I was targeted at me, and I also wanted to cry. Looking at my frowning look, the baby was in a better mood. This was the first time she left home. I didn’t expect it to be a foreign country. When the baby left in the early morning, I woke up, but I didn’t get up because the baby said last night that I would not be allowed to send her, otherwise she would not be able to leave. The baby gently stroked my face. I knew she had to remember something. At that moment, I felt that she was so mature. Tears fell. At that moment, she really understood what was the real woman. Separation let her grow up. Xiangzi left, the baby was gone, and flew to the other side of the earth. They took my heart and took away my concern. In fact, I knew that they were more affected than me. At least there were snow next to me. Children, they have to endure the suffering of acacia alone. But how to see the rainbow without experiencing storms, this is life, and we must face life. After I left, I didn’t speak for a day. I thought everything, but I didn’t expect anything. They also knew my mood, but just accompanied me silently. Looking at them, I knew that under my powerful appearance, it was actually very fragile. Just as I escaped the responsibility of the family, whenever I encountered what I didn’t want to face, I always escaped. She Xueer’s worry, I suddenly felt too much, how can I match them like this? Intersection In Xueer, they were stunned, and I gave my palms fiercely, scared Xueer, Feiyun, Xiangzi pulled me and looked at me heartache. Xueer said angrily, “What are you doing, Xiangzi is just going home to see his father, Xiaoxue is just going to study abroad, you can see them if you want to see them, why!”

The anger Xueer was about to flow out. I suddenly smiled, “Hao Xueer, don’t be angry, I’m so angry that I am too no man’s man, it’s not as good as you, so I am awake and sober. Besides, you know how thick my skin is, it is just tickling.”

In Xueer’s crispy hole, he laughed at Cher, and Feiyun and mood were relieved. “You, don’t be surprised in the future, you are our heaven, even for us, you can never wrong yourself.”

Feiyun said very seriously. “It’s okay, but it’s a bit sad. Are you not heard of a passionate man, are you all like this? Haha.”

“You, it’s thick skin.”

“Wife, in fact, I thought, should we go home with me and gradually get your father -in -law and mother -in -law. I have seen my father -in -law and mother -in -law.”

I decided to face me, so I have to master my strength. After with the power, no one can interfere with me. The reason why I feel worried is that the place they want to go is unable to master it. I can’t control it. When the world is in my hands, what else can I worry about? Intersection When I was in great force, I met Grandpa Zeng for the first time.

He looked at me half noise, nodded, shook his head again, sighed, and only said, “Inherit the family, you can get you you want.”

At that time, I was just a joke, I was old, and I was not interested in the hegemony. I couldn’t even care about it. After that, I became more and more understanding that living in this world. What you want to have, you must have the strength that is in line with him. And I also like the feeling of all kinds of people. I need to strengthen my strength. I don’t believe it for Grandpa Zeng, but I never underestimate the strength of our family. After all, I can train someone like me The place is definitely not simple. When I heard me, Xueer’s reaction was scared me, … Putting me to me, with a fragrant kiss, … Is it necessary to be happy like this? “Husband, we naturally look forward to seeing the future father -in -law and mother -in -law, and we can rest assured that we can be assured.”

Xueer’s face was ashamed. As for Feiyun, he couldn’t speak ashamed. Khan, I am too careless, our relationship is like this. In any case, they should take them to see my parents. I am also willing to change for them, just like they are to me. Suddenly a little hesitant was hesitant, and we were strange to see. Cher couldn’t help asking, “Sister, is there any problem?”

“It’s not a problem. I heard my father said that your family is one of the oldest and most mysterious families. Farly on us, the four major families in our outside mouth are just a guise, and also There are many, or worse than us, but everyone knows that the three strongest mysterious families, of which the husband’s medicine palace is also over the other two, … So I worry, we. … "

Xueer and Feiyun immediately understood that to this powerful family, as the only heirs, I must be very strict in choosing a wife, and they were worried. Seeing Xueer’s nervous look, I couldn’t help but be a little funny, but I couldn’t bear to see them anxious. “Good wives, not so exaggerated, my old nest is very much, but it is useless to me. I bring it with me. I bring it with me. You are going to see your parents, not to see them, and my parents are better to speak, but I do n’t know that they are no longer at home, and you are married, but you are not with them. Stand on the side, don’t ignore them! "

When they heard my guarantee, they were relieved. But I suddenly remembered something, “Husband, have you settled your relatives in your family? I know, it seems that the heirs of the strong ancient martial arts family will set the next door as an in -laws.”

Khan …, for marriage? With my father and mother’s free scattered roller, it is definitely not so troublesome, but those old men and old ladies, seven aunts, and eight aunts are idle and do nothing, so I do n’t know. … It seems that I really heard of this, but I didn’t care at the time. I only heard them all the time. How good the woman was, how beautiful the woman was, and said like Hong Yan. “Good wife, rest assured, no matter whether or not, we ignore her. If she wants to enter the door, she must pass through your consent. Without your consent, how dare I!”

After speaking, she was afraid of being afraid of, and they laughed at Xue’er, and finally clenched their concerns. “I didn’t expect that we really picked up the treasure. At first I thought we were suffering from a loss, raised a small white face. I didn’t expect that the little white face changed in a blink of an eye, and we climbed up the branches.”

Nodded. Hum, this group of little Nizi dared to make fun of her husband. I was a classic evil wolf and rushed to the little red hat. There was a burst of laughter in the room, … For the them, I still tried to contact my incompetent parents. … Hey, I don’t know which continent they ran to play now. (Support the new book “Three Eyes Gorgeous Love Mantra”

) Text 10095 Plan Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5015 Since the Magic Palace entered the right track, Xiaomao and I have not sat together for a long time. In just half a year, we have all changed dramatically. I remember when I saw me before, I must sigh and sigh. Life seems to be too leisurely. But now it is a busy burnt. In order to develop in the future, I must discuss with him that the direction of development now belongs to my own strength. Here, this is what I want to plan with Xiaomao. It is still the relatively remote shop. In the past, the two of us often played tooth festivals here. Now think that it really feels like a little vicissitudes. In fact, Xiaomao is much larger than me. Seeing Xiaomao in reality, I found that it was really fatter than before. I was envious of him. I was busy. The meat was not delayed. As soon as Xiao Mao entered the door, I saw me in the corner. A familiar smile came over and came over. Essence “Boss.”


The key to the low degree is cheap fruit wine. In the past, our favorite. Looking at the orange liquid flow in the cup, we felt vitality. We didn’t speak, and realized this feeling quietly. Our arrival may be the people around them. Basically, the men and women in the store glance at us from time to time. The shop owner is a bit strange. These two people are familiar, but they can’t remember it anymore. You can buy a shop on one thing, and he calls the other? Is it an underworld? Not like it! Xiao Mao silently poured me a cup, “Hey, this is the first time I have come here since I entered the second world.”

“Oh, what does it feel?”


“What do you think we should do next?”

I opened the door to see the problem to him. Xiao Mao was the only person who knew my family affairs except Xueer. My question made the fat man silent for a while, “Boss, I watched this way. In fact, from the game, we have accumulated wealth that we used to be unimaginable, or I was unimaginable. But to this day, I feel I lost something, I saw the boss, I understood that I completed my previous goals, so I lost that kind of motivation and vitality. Entrepreneurship is difficult and happy. We enjoy the joy of success. "

“What do you mean, I shouldn’t inherit the power of the family?”

“No, boss, but now you are not suitable for inheritance, although I don’t know what the ancient Wu family is, according to the status you said, and some of my inspections, it is difficult It is a burden. It is to interfere with you many factors. The boss is not the original boss. Of course, such a force must not be given up. The balance in which the boss will be grasped. "

Xiao Mao finished speaking smoothly, and then looked at me with a smile, waiting quietly for the echo. Time could really change a person. If he hadn’t waited before, but now he has a lot of calmness. “Oh, it really is a brother. You are all good. We have to control the fate in our own hands. "

Boss, you are not like me. I am single now, and I have to return to the prototype at most, but the boss wants to take care of the big sister -in -law. How did you get it? “In Xiaomao’s impression, the more such a woman, the more difficult it is to serve, even unreasonable. In fact, most of them are like this, but it is not absolute, especially love can become a woman, and if there are such women, I will never want it. "

Yes, if it was before, I was fearless and I would not ignore these issues, but now I can’t just consider myself. For Cher, I must establish my own power. As for the family, I will be To deal with it, what we have to do is to build our own financial empire. Only by grasping the economy can we have the right to speak! " After listening to my words, Xiaomao’s eyes flickered with excitement, and the fat face was shining. He waited for me to wait well. I did n’t know Xiaomao for a day or two. Although he did n’t know me, he did n’t know me In the past, my personality still knows that it belongs to the kind of scattered, not too ambitious, but it has been developing to the present. If it is still the same, it is our decline. This is just the second world. In fact, I also perceived that although I ran away from home, the family’s influence was omnipresent. It seemed that I was still walking on an arrangement of a arrangement. Life did not be in my hands. It is impossible to make ordinary, because when conflicting with the surroundings, the power makes him stand for a chicken group. This time I had a preliminary agreement with the Oda family Dacheng to fight against the family of Daquanchun San. I know that he was just a chess piece outside. I was already with me, and I made more foreign aids. I still made it. Since I am going to marry Xueer and baby, I can’t get out of the matter.

The business and military circles are involved sooner or later.

The reason why it has not yet moved.

This is something I can’t stop.

In fact, I also thank my heir identity, otherwise many things are not so easy.

After all, Cher’s parents are realistic.

If I am just an ordinary person, I will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games, they will only play games.

It will definitely not be so happy.

The Nangong family will not let his son -in -law be free.

People in the Guwu family have their own responsibilities.

I can ignore nothing, but can I feel like my mood?

Jing Jing is the most worry -free for the time being, and there are no external factors to interfere with us, but my intuition tells me that we are just the beginning.

Who is Jingjing’s parents?

And her talent talent must also be inherited, that is, her father or mother, or an elder who is a direct blood relative should be a spiritual master, but why did they abandon Jing Jing?

For a moment, I thought a lot, Xiao Mao was not in a hurry, still waiting for me so freely, “Boss, I am just an ordinary person, some areas are not what I can do, but I still have something to use in financial management. In fact From the day of the day, I know that you are a submerged dragon. One day in the morning and evening, what I can do is to provide the boss with the capital of development. "

Xiao Mao said very seriously, rare seriousness. When it was serious, he never inserted his scriptures. “You kid, what I said like me!”

Said in my mouth, in fact, my heart was still very moved. I was rare in my life, or the fat man knew me. ***. “Boss, do you think of our next step, have you ever thought of operating the cash -cooked funds?”

Xiao Mao asked calmly. This kid, there is something in the words. “Actually, I did so at the beginning. I took part of the current funds to operate, but a very obvious problem is in front of me. Now the fastest capital is accumulated, and the only one with the highest profits is our second world. The joint work of the great country was picked up by us. Do you say that we come out and operate. "

Hey, the boss is the boss, you can see through the essence at a glance! Yes, at the beginning, I wanted to invest in investment, but the problem in front of me is obvious. At least I have not found that I can compare the second world, and the most, and the most, the most, the most, and the most, the most, and the best, the most, and the most the most, the most, and the most, the most, and the most. The point is that we have no experience in this area. How do we invest? And although our speed is fast, the original accumulation is that some consortium is a small witch at all, so I think it is the right way to develop the Magic Palace. Let the Magic Palace a magic palace of the entire world, let everyone know that it is the law of the second world! " "

Do you consider the stability of the network?” "

Boss, this is also the place I am most worried about, but with the current survey, the prospect is still bright.” Speaking of a stack of information, this kid is prepared. "

Under the management of the second world in the future, stability is nothing to say, and fairness can also be guaranteed. Under this premise, now users have accounted for three -quarters of our total human population. Of course, long -term online occupations The player hasn’t reached that level. It can be seen how broad our resources are, what can affect us is the government and policy. This is what we are most worried about. But now, all countries have obtained a lot of benefits from it. Not to mention their management and development costs, the exchange between gold coins and real currencies is very terrible. It is necessary to charge one percent fee, and when the gold coins are converted into cash, we must pay personal income tax. 10 % are determined, and the highest in other countries is Germany, which costs 50 %. If the game collapses, I am afraid the most anxious is not us! " just? I’m afraid it’s not, at least I am an example. The appearance of love is a variable, and I don’t know it myself. "

This tax rate will increase sooner or later, so we still maintain a certain amount of cash.” "

This rest assured, I have done it earlier. In fact, there are only a small part of the system. Large transactions such as artifact ghosts are different.” “.

.. it really doesn’t have business without rape.” "

Hey, I am working, they are all taught by the boss!” Xiao Mao immediately kicked the "

ball” back. "

Xiao Mao, your thoughts are the same as me. Although we have a bit of funds in our hands now, there is no experience in investing in reality, but your approach is still conservative. Investment still needs to be done. It does not matter if you pay it. If you rely on the same way, the risk is too great. What will happen in the future, you must make more hands. " “.

.. Boss, what you said is, I do n’t know what happened. After I have more money, my courage is small, and I always have a fear of unknown fields.” "

Yeah, we are still a new Ding in the business community. In terms of that aspect, we do not have the advantage, but no one is born to be a business talent. “Hey, don’t say so magnificent, I’m afraid you don’t want to let the big sister -in -law support it.”

Xiao Mao said with a smile. Perhaps, in the subconscious, it may be like this. I only know that our family is very old. In terms of force, I will never be discouraged and may have a certain impact. Consortiums like home should be far away, at least as far as I know. “Okay, don’t say this, the Magic Palace actually enters the formal, and there are many things that need to be solved urgently. There are many business opportunities in it. We need to develop and benefit. Since we decide to develop from here, we must do well. You go back and check, choose one to try, the first step is to get it. "

Xiao Mao nodded a little excitedly. Since she got the support of the boss, she was also working hard. “By the way, how much is our assets now?”

My question made Xiao Mao listening to me in an incredible manner, “Boss, none of you? Don’t you read the monthly account?”


“Hey, I knew that I had sneaked it.”

Xiao Mao looked like a good opportunity, “Hey, in fact, I know that the boss’s personality is all brought!”

This guy even shakes me, it’s bold! “We now have a total of 130 million US dollars, and the Magic Palace in the second world is now about tens of billions of billions, but these are difficult to realize. The distribution is like this, the boss accounts for 51 %, and the snow accounts for 10 %. It has been divided into 5 %, and 5 % is a reserve, which is prepared for expansion and new members. "

Xiao Mao paused and drank the juice in the cup in one breath. “Boss, this is our gain since entering the world. Although the total amount is in the eyes of some people, it is a miracle at the speed, and I am already a miracle, and I am me Finding will be squeezed into the top 100 world in the near future! "

I never thought that I would make so much, and because of the game, I felt like I picked up my wallet. I opened it with a huge check in it. But I also know that this money is nothing in the eyes of some people. “Xiao Mao, what do you think of the proposal of the Oda family?”

“Boss, what they value you in detail, we are still difficult to say now. I think there is a big sister, which is beneficial to us, but I am sure they will not make a loss of money. I woke up, and I haven’t taken shape yet. Hey, there are really a lot of things, but if you think about it, there is nothing. In the woman, Xiaomao admires her wrist in business, and with my help, Xiangzi’s power has reached a very class, but the baby is different. This elf really makes me worry. Fortunately, there are relatives to take care of it, otherwise I really can’t rest assured. "

Boss, don’t think too much, the boat arrives at the bridgehead naturally, we solve them one by one. By the way, the bows are almost prepared. It is too difficult to find the kind of small horses, and the fragrance of the apple is also moved. This guy is really difficult to entangle. Our business federation starts, and there are some gaps than his business alliance. " "

Well, this is not bad. In fact, it is impossible to hide all the people. There is no windy wall, not to mention the sharp nose of Apple, it can be done now. Is there any goal? " "

That’s it. I originally wanted to let the” shoot the sun kiss the moon "

come, but some time ago, the cat brought a newcomer back. Yes, the little pig who committed suicide with you in the first competition of the military conference in the last time in the world also came. He asked to join the magic thief group, and the cat fish was collected. " “Okay, let’s go online to deal with these things. I did not expect that the two idlers and us are now busy.”

“No, boss, it seems that only us are busy.”

“Haha, toast!”

“For the wonderful future!”

Text 10096 busy newcomers Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5456 Baby and Xiangzi’s Tianxun made a night. The two beauties were very strong, but when it was really, it was inevitable that we thought it was the most difficult, so everyone could only talk overnight. Baby said that their schools said their schools It is more beautiful than imagined, and there are many beautiful women, … it seems that no matter what I do, why everyone laughs so ambiguous, but Western beauties really have not experienced it. The expression of my into God immediately caused the beauties from the beauty. Comfortable. According to the introduction of the baby, what aristocratic college should be regarded as a half -powered training school. This is similar to the Galaxy Academy. We also have special martial arts lessons. At the same time Talent, but management is more strict than us, at least want to play the world, it is not available for the time being. In fact, I am also more interested in Western powers. Their strength is easy to become substantial. The sound effect is very good, but the lethality is relatively limited. At least this is my view, but you can try it when you have time. Through Tianxun, we can see the corner of Xiangzi’s house, contrary to the incense in my impression, it is not the kind of gentle and quiet layout, but the knife and guns are complete. It seems that the former incense should be very violent. Since I followed me, it seems that I have always been tender and water, and I have added a little charm. Is that Xiangzi’s fragrant girlfriend? Be sure to see it. It may be that everyone’s unexpected eyes are discovered. Xiangzi is also a little cramped. It is said that it has not yet come to clean up, but from the happy expression of Xiangzi, everything is smooth, so I can rest assured. Both baby and Xiangzi have to go to see them as soon as possible. Of course, I also thought about it, and it was easy to soothe them. She and I and I went into the world. After going online, I found that everyone was there. Hey, as if I couldn’t do business all day, I wanted to see what the new scorpion came, but he did not expect that he was better than I thought. He has been to level with the San Wolf. went. The famous level of our magic palace can be said to be a wolf borrowing, the main attack is constantly, the silly, the three wolves, and the cats are mixed in it, but the attack power of this little Nizi can really not peep, but also I do n’t know who to fight with, desperately leveling, Xinyue is naturally mixed inside. The combination of strong brother and beauty is dazzling everywhere. The cat fish did not go. This guy was studying how to make his explosion let his demon thief learn. He was looking for the second sister -in -law. The two guys were more headache. No one cared about me when I saw me. I can only flash people in Xue’er’s laughing. These two guys are too facial for the boss, be sure to … reward! I like practical people. “Mood, do you have the information of the sky blue scorpion? Listen to Xiaomao, someone guarantees that he is the head of the bow ride?”

The force has always been managed by the mood. She should know these things. After returning to Japan, there are many things to be dealt with, and it cannot be launched in a short time. Xiangzi is a careful person. I think she will prepare a lot of things before I go to Japan! Some of the things of economic management were taken over by Xueer. In fact, the most business talent among the five women is Xueer, but I do n’t show much. She never earns what they earn with the baby. What can I worry about! “Sky blue scorpion, 75-level archers, talented players, have special skills-the air stagnation in the air, Chiyou City players, who is righteous, a bit lazy, like someone, have not participated in any guild before , Nicknamed fruit farmers, there is a Chi You Guo Garden, but now it belongs to a cat. "

I said with a smile. Khan, what does it mean to be like someone, I am a hardworking person, fruit farmers, which is the nickname of which is … … is special and loud enough! Then I felt about how cats and cats cheated with their orchards again and told them, and gave Xueer and Feiyunle’s life. I couldn’t laugh. It really was a witch, which caused trouble. If she accidentally went to her, she was so young that she was so young. Fruit farmers? Haha, although I haven’t had much contact yet, but we already have goodwill, we are the enemy of the same hate! “The head of the bow ride group is not playing in trouble, even if the sky blue scorpion has this strength, it cannot be promoted too fast. After all, he is too short to come to the Magic Palace.”

This is also my thoughts after thought. After all, you can’t just consider talents. Let’s not say that he has that strength. Even if there is it, the magic bow group is also a talent. It is not so easy for a newcomer to convince the crowd. The strength is just one aspect. There are many questions about it, and it will be counterproductive if it is not good. The mood naturally considers this problem, but I still can’t help but kickry me, “Ah, husband, don’t you advocate that the magic palace can only look at it?”

Xueer and Feiyun looked at my jokes. Hey, they were too united, and my husband was miserable. I suddenly moved to my mood for a moment, hugging her all at once, and stunned in the three women, and kissed it fiercely. Of course, Xueer and Feiyun couldn’t let go. Looking at the shame of the three women, I took a great breath, hey, kill the wolf skills! I quietly closed the door, “Hey, beauty, give you three minutes, give you a plan for the adults, otherwise, otherwise, don’t blame it!”

This is my color wolf transformed … Unfortunately, the beauties ignore me at all, hey, if Xiangzi and baby are there, maybe they will enjoy this punishment. Thinking of some waterlogging in their hearts, Xueer looked at my lost God, where would I not know, what I was thinking, I took the initiative to present incense kisses, and resolved my thoughts in my heart. “Husband, I have a attention, I can do both of them.”

Xueer said charmingly, with a little fragrant charm and a baby’s elf. “Oh, what’s the way?”

I pressed down my thoughts and shifted my mind to what was in front of me. “We can let the head of the cat as a bow ride group and let the sky blue scorpion be the deputy. This should reduce a lot of problems. Of course, whether the sky blue scorpion has the strength, and you want your husband to try it in person.”

“This idea is not bad. The strength and potential of cats are obvious to all, and she is also mixed in the Magic Palace. There should be no objection, but the problem is that she is the person of the Institute of Magic.”

As for the illegal entry There is nothing to do with my sister’s identity. Generally speaking, I will not conflict with the Emperor Xiaoyao. After all, the outside world is wider and there is no need to fight internally. Everyone is a little bitter. A small -scale battle happens every day, but a large -scale battle can be avoided. We can avoid it. As soon as we move, the entire Chinese region will enter the Warring States Period. “Husband, who doesn’t know where the cat heart is, otherwise the ancient magician will not let her be here. Besides, it doesn’t matter if the relationship between the two of our two. The military affairs here, and with her personality, we will definitely like it. "

I looked at me ambiguously, and Feiyun and Xueer laughed. I dizzy, where is it, what is the world. “Don’t guess it, but since it is a recommendation of a wife, I naturally agree with both hands!”

“Three feet?”

Feiyun looked at me a little incredible. Cher and mood were full of shame, “Go, don’t listen to this bad guy to talk nonsense, there is no serious day!”

Feiyun realized something and chased me. I rushed directly out. As soon as I went out, I didn’t know what I hit. … It seems like a human? When they saw it when I saw others, they looked at the jokes, “This brother, I’m sorry.”

I quickly pulled him up. After all, with my level and strength, who hit me would be hit with me, not to mention that the other party was still a thief. The young man who got up kept thinking about something in his mouth, looked up at me, wiped his eyes, “Boss, the boss, even the hit people is so handsome!”

Flutter ~ group down. This is really omnipresent, … but why is this person so familiar, it must be seen by people! “Boss, I am a little pig, I first arrived, and I still hope that the boss will carry and take care of it, … more salary!”

Khan is really direct. “Husband, the one who committed suicide!”

The mood reminded. “Ah, I know, you are the flying pig, suicide.”

“… Boss, although I am also famous, you don’t have to admire too much.”

He said shy movement. By the way, I listened to Xiaomao that the boy was dug over, and he knew he was an interesting person at a glance. But weird, some people are just fate, so I impressed me anyway. We were about to communicate in depth, and we heard that the second sister -in -law and the cat fish broke the lounge. “Hurry up, otherwise your bonus this month will be gone!”

“This, boss, talk about it later, the heads are urging me!”

Saying rabbit -like running. ………… Speechless. “Hey, look, your brothers are busy one by one, but someone is free to do it. It is really unfair to find someone to chat everywhere.”

“That’s it, that is.”

“This kind of person should be firmly criticized, it is best to travel the street!”

Cher, they started singing and suppressing me, they had to be like a way to turn them from the inside. “This flying little pig seems to be very valued?”

I was still a little puzzled. It is not easy to recognize the second sister -in -law and cat fish in a short time. “Husband, don’t look at this little pig, ghost, ghosts, and unambiguous under your hand. If it is not explosive, cat fish is not his opponent. Cat fish is now intending to popularize explosive techniques. I ca n’t learn, just this little pig is a bit eye -catching, so they are studying, there is no time to do us in a short time. "

“So, it’ s so powerful that there are not many courage to this point. Is someone very satisfied? "

Cher and Feiyun sang the double reed, hey, it looks like a sister. Looking at them every day, listening to them is a kind of enjoyment. “System Tips: Congratulations to the player soul, upgrade, you are now 86”

Ding Ding, a crispy upgrade, brought everyone’s attention. …… This kid is dizzy and can be upgraded by chatting. What is going on. “Love and Xiao Zi? Why didn’t you see them?”

Two hundred percent of this thing was her ghost. “Wow, congratulations on my husband, finally upgraded again, 86th, lead the level list.”

“It’s really unhappy, why do you add experience to his father every time, why not add to your mother!”

Xueer, Feiyun and the mood looked at me in the three beauties, as if I had something wrong with me, there was no way, who made love is my “pet”

and me again What about the daughter, who do you give me? “Love and Xiaozi, every time I have secrets, I have never seen them in places where there are many people, as if they are going to be weird.”

I suddenly remembered the paradise of the world in Roshi Mountain. When we went, the love was probably enough, and even the leader didn’t know where to get it. She seemed to be subconsciously avoiding contact with the crowd. You say she should not exist, but the Zhizhiyin can acquiesce her existence in the future. Sometimes, I also guess whether it is the wise brain, but … if the Zhi brain only has this IQ, the Zhibin The earth is going to be destroyed, because love performance is indeed like a cute little girl, but her ability is a bit big. When you really want her to do something, she will nothing. No matter what it is, I only know a little, because of love, we have a lot of laughter and laughter! “Okay, let’s not care about them. It is normal for children to love to play. Let’s take a look at the farmers recommended by cats.”

“Hum, how much you are talking about yourself.”

Feiyun said pouting his mouth. “Hey, I am an adult, as if my baby Feiyun is also a short time.”

I smiled badly. She Xueer chased for a while, and it was a pleasure to laugh at their wives. Originally, according to Xueer’s intention, they let them come back from cats and scorpions, but I still decided to see it in person. I also want to go to a regular leveling point to play, I don’t know how long I have not come to such a place. The level 70 to 75 levels is in the “Wind Valley”.

The monsters there are between 70 and 80 levels. It is very suitable for players. It is low, and the defense is better, so it rarely causes life and danger. The boss in it is between 85 and 90 levels. There is no temptation to me. The purpose of our coming is not leveling, so there is not too much entanglement. Looking at the busy players who are busy and fighting, they all feel that they are alien. Adventure leveling is more suitable for me. But because I haven’t been here, … it seems that this place is still the first time, full of freshness, these little monsters in front of the eyes are “cute”

, tender and crispy, comfortable, comfortable, comfortable ah. I don’t know what people think of what I think. Leveling players are rarely available. For them, the most important thing in front of them is monsters. Wind Valley is just the more popular one in this level. All leveling points are constantly adjusting and changing. Until now, until now So far, the only one who has not changed is about east -west Kunlun. Several magic elk who did not open his eyes rushed towards this side. I just wanted to take a shot. The mood next to it directly moved in an instant. Yun also shot at the same time, the five elements were booming, and I didn’t even pull it out, and a few monsters that leaked the online wandering were solved. Looking at Xueer, they were unlimitedly satisfied, … what kind of world, what, also, also, also, also, also, also, also, also, also, also, also, but also, it, but also, it is also the world. Don’t leave me one. As soon as the experts were shot, they knew that there was any. The mood of the mood came to the one -corner of the world was unique Peugeot. Everyone immediately knew the identity of the person in front of you, the demon king and his harem! Khan, because my wife is a little more, in fact, the number is still second. The key is that the quality is too high. The top ten beautiful women have half the monopoly, so the players call this way in private. Just right. “Wife, let’s go to the purpose, old battle, where are they leveling?”

The three of the Cher, look at me, I look at you, make helpless appearance, dizzy. The original three people are like me, all of them. “Otherwise, ask them thousands of miles, save trouble.”

“No, let’s look for it ourselves. Come here just to surprise them, otherwise it is better to wait for them to go back. With their strength, we must go in the innermost.”

Players are all -level leveling. Players outside the Wind Valley are all level 70. Some do not like leveling, but most of them are novices. First, they are the beauty of them. It ’s even worse to have a girlfriend, and it’ s a few times, … hey, unfortunately, no woman discharges me, it ’s no wonder that people belong to the connotative man, give yourself a good one Excuses are relatively balanced. In their eyes, the equipment on my body is probably more attractive than humans, but I finally didn’t hear flowers and cow dung, much better than before. But I was still regretting that there was no woman “electric”

me. I pierced and pierced, and two Perak Lightnings appeared on my head. … who, who, who dares to move the soil on Tai Sui! Intersection Intersection The most beautiful alchemist of Ninety -seven Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5894 Some people even provoked the demon king, which is simply unforgivable. Not only is it provocative, but it is also the lightning of the head, and I am stunned by I and Xueer. I haven’t had time to get angry yet. Xueer was so angry. We walked well. There were no reason to call me for no reason, and no matter how good the temper was, I had to be angry. Besides, I was still their husband. But when I turned around and saw people, the situation immediately had a big turning of 360 degrees. Xueer, who was waiting for the moment, immediately smiled and greeted him. In fact, when I see, people know that the Perak I just now has the Perak I just now. Lightning is not hoping to find the field. It’s Mingyue and her brutal cousin! Intersection Intersection Naturally, her brutal cousin is her hands -on. My younger sister is so cute. To be honest, my cousin is really a headache, and there are not a few people who learn ancient martial arts. There are many beautiful female heroes, but a bottle like her is so annoying. It is really rare. , I never provoked trouble everywhere. Looking at my mood, I was warm in my heart. This is a woman. Cher and their clusters move closer to me, not my own affection, because I want me to lead the way. Sure enough, Mingyue is a fifteenth -level archer and alchemist, but I think she is also an apprenticeship level. She is a tight bow and arrow. She is really a gap with in reality. The change, it would be difficult to recognize if it was not a familiar person. (The stunning list of the system selection must have a certain goal time as a standard. If Mingyue does not know that it will not be exposed for a month, it will not be involved at all.) My deadly opponent, the violent woman, is the seventy -four mage. This is unexpected, not her level, but a career. She would have been in her arrogant personality. No wonder there is something wrong with the world. Not to mention, this violent woman, wearing a mage robe, really stained with a little quiet.

Although it is not enough to win the beautiful list, but also have a flavor, especially the pair of towering breasts under the wide mage suit.

, Even adding a bit of wildness, one meter seven or five, very tall, you can imagine that her legs must be very beautiful.

For the first time, thank you for the design of the mage in the second world.

It is a bit, but it is very seductive.

Xueer and Feiyun belong to the perfect shape, and each part is so suitable, at least for me.

The most beautiful baby is her petite and fullness, which can fully satisfy the desire of a man’s conquest, and those exquisite pairs The jade feet make me love.

The most beautiful mood is the legs.

The jade legs that can be wrapped away by the soul can always be excited, and the most beautiful of Xiangzi is her jade milk and hips.

It can be said to be a man’s grace.

Mingyue and the violent woman naturally knew that I was looking at them.

My sister’s sister glanced at me resentfully.

In the second world, she seemed to have less scruples, and the violent woman was indeed provocative.

Crispy breasts, but also deliberately exposed beautiful legs, and I feel reluctant to try.




Of course I can only think about it.

“Hey, Little Wolf, are you full!”

“Oh, what? Orange sister is so beautiful!”

“Really, Brother Zhong.”

Mingyue immediately got rid of the violent woman, and pulled my hand affectionately. They were a little jealous when they watched Xueer. Hey, it was greatly satisfied with my self -esteem. Essence “Orange is naturally the most beautiful.”

“Huh, you will coax people happy, Sister Xueer, Sister Feiyun, sister -in -law is beautiful, her body is so good, they are envious of death.”

Woohoo, it’s so good, just pull the violent woman, I really know my heart. However, the violent woman didn’t seem to care about this. She was provocative in her eyes. She shouldn’t be so good. “Orange, are you free to play online?”

“Huh, I also said, if you are looking for you, you do n’t see the figure, so you know that you have entered the second world, but the mother does n’t let me play this, saying that there are more bad guys. Fortunately , So I came to find Brother Zhong as soon as I came up. "

Looking at Mingyue’s happiness, her heart was sweet and a little panicked. Is she really so charming? It is likely that radish and green vegetables have their own love, but am I radish or vegetables? The violent woman looked at me just as I just looked at me, but I looked at her figure, she looked at my equipment, but in fact my figure was also very beautiful … Both Mingyue and violent women are players of Zhu Rongcheng, so it is rare that the violent women can be mixed at the 74th level, but the gap between our strength is larger than in reality. I, otherwise I really want to “relax”

my mood. “Yueer, how do you find us?”

Xueer asked, “Sister Xueer, you will call people Orange. Mingyue is a stage name, not nice, simple, we rushed into the Magic Palace, cousin shouted, the soul -eating fiancee came, a little fat man rolled up and climbed Come out, tell us your whereabouts, who wanted to send someone, but was driven away by his cousin. "

fiancée? Intersection Intersection God, give me a knife, I can imagine, Xiao Mao, the second sister -in -law snickered together, … Qianli Fang Fu Ji! The barbaric woman is a leisurely confession, as if she praises her, there are really women. “Okay, Orange, Sister Jing, let’s go and play together.”

No, the five women followed behind, laughing and laughing, I opened the way in front of me. Fortunately, here is a level training area. It is not an adventure area. Basically, when the monster appears, it will be killed by the players. I am not very busy. , The more you go in, the more the number, the more fierce, listening to the fairy music, it is not lonely. After a while, the barbaric girl rushed out and opened the way with me, but why is she always one step faster than me? Isn’t this me angry? I was too lazy to care about her, listening to Xueer’s tenderness and soft words, helping them to kill the monsters around me is my task, so that the violent girl is stubborn. Just as the gorge in the inner layer of the wind valley, we brushed a monster and blocked the passage, and there was a big one inside. The 88th level magic black panther essence is good at physical attacks, high -speed Warcraft, and low -level dark magic. Before I had time, I had to shot. The savage girl had already rushed in with the shield and dizzy. Is this a mage or warrior? However, the savage girl is too underestimated the strength of these magic black panthers. Although there are only seventy -five levels, the general one is large and the number is more than thirty. Also use the warrior’s play. This is not what to die. I really don’t know what the woman’s mind thinks, and she can practice level 74. In fact, when she rushed into the magic leopard group, she knew that she was wrong. She was so angry by that stinky man. She did not understand that the girls around them were so good. Why did she like this idiot? His pride, so he always has to compare with him, so grab the monsters along the way, see a big one, naturally show it. Unfortunately For the fourth -level mage, it is already very difficult to deal with, not to mention the kind of high -speed that the mage hates the most, there is a bunch of little puppets waiting. Many level players around me are watching this strange woman in an incredible manner. Beautiful is beautiful, … it will not be the kind of brainlessness. This group of leopards will ask her for her life. Here, many people are also teaming. There are thieves who are responsible for leading monsters. The warrior is a shield, the mage is mainly attacked, and the warlock protects the whole. Although it is a very rigid mode, the level is like this, let alone the level leveling. The players in Yanhuang City know us. Everyone is still busy with themselves, but the eyes are all around here. Everyone likes to see the lively, not to mention the lively beauty. She Xueer wanted to help, but was stopped. Hey, let this brutal woman suffer a bit, and Mingyue laughed. Da Khan, I never thought about it. Cher laughed, but from the eyes, they could see that they believed me, hey, still his wife. The savage girl’s situation is not good, but with her own martial arts foundation, she can make some correct judgments, otherwise it will be finished long ago, but now it is just a matter of morning and evening. Sending a voice, still calm, but unfortunately sweating, has proved her dilemma. It seems that I am too much. What is fighting with a woman? “Orange, look at my brother.”

“Okay, my brother is going to succeed, Orange will give you a reward!”

Said to give me a charming smile, I found that the bright moon in the second world was a lot older than the outside. The magic black panther fine refined a long -term space, lightningly killed the brutal girl, a group of black gas appeared on the sharp giant claws, and the surrounding little crickets were also very cooperative to entangle the savage girl. Essence The savage girl also knows that her situation is not good. Immediately holding the magic shield, laser movie directly kills the magic black leopard essence. Unfortunately, the agility of BOSS is not enough to prevent its fierce attack. It was handed in front of me, and this was the magic shield of the savage girl. At that moment, the barbaric girl was still unconvinced, but I saw a trace of weakness from her eyes. Teleport! Avatar \ | \ | Four times the earth skeleton cross cut! The magic black panther essence did not expect that the ducks in the mouth could also fly. My full attack was not what a small boss of 88 can resist. The four figures were killed at the same time, and a huge blood -eatering ball directly shrouded the leopard essence. After a burst of corrosive sound, the blood -red light ball exploded immediately, and the surrounding ordinary magic leopard was blown up at a moment, … .. A little bombed. Binghuo two days follow up! The Warcraft, who was still gornerating, was immediately done. There were only gold coins and equipment left on the ground. In a blink of an eye, all the arrogant guys returned to their homeland. I have n’t enjoyed it yet, these little guys are easy to kill, thin, and tender. The people around me were envious of my eyes. I do n’t need to guess. I do n’t know when I can do this. After this trouble, the savage girl who has been active has been quiet, but she still does not feel mercy. “Hum, it’s not a level high, equipped with better equipment, more skills, talent heights, what to drag!”

But saying so, the tone is so tough, the obvious foundation is insufficient. “Barbarians, why do you always target me, anyway, you can be your life -saving benefactor!”

“What? Who is the barbaric girl, Miss Ben is such a lady, why, do you want me to make a promise!”

Khan …, slipped, had to say nothing. Our team finally calmed down. After this matter, the brutal woman quietly opened. I opened the way in front of me. On the way, I couldn’t be visited by others, but I was used to it. No one was surprised at the promotion of the military conference, and finally entered the bottom of the wind valley. The bottom layer of the valley is very empty, but the wind here is a bit bigger, and sometimes it is mixed with a blade.

It is more sad to be cut.

War, three wolves.

The monsters brushed here are relatively strong, and there are more bosses.

Most players are outside.

Of course, in addition to the people of the Magic Palace, others also have leveling here.


Three wolves, fighting, stupid, cats and cats, heart moon, heart Luo, heart dream, heart, heart, and a relatively strange archer, it should be a sky blue scorpion.

We did not approach immediately, first far away

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