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Chapter_39 Observation for a while, it can be seen from the performance of a person’s leveling.

Sure enough, the trick of this sky blue scorpion is very skilled, and the timing is just right.




The equipment is worse.

It may be because I did not get my recognition, and Xiao Mao would not send the equipment without authorization.

The specialty was stagnant.

After watching it for a while, he didn’t seem to have used it.

It seemed to try it.

Seeing that we arrived, my heart rushed over immediately.

Seeing that enthusiasm was not going to rush into someone’s arms, .



unfortunately it was not me, but her sister’s mood.

“Ah, brother -in -law, how can you come to such a small place when you are a big man, this is this?”

He said vigilantly at Mingyue and her barbaric cousin. “Orange Orange and her cousin”

Xueer smiled, and said on Mingyue Road, try not to expose her identity, after all, it was easy to get rid of the pressure of the celebrity. Cats, Xinyue, they all gathered, with a smile, with vigilance, how to appear two such competitive beautiful girls, especially the smaller, the beauty is still above the baby, and inadvertently emits it. The temperament has a lot of fascination with the taste of the world. The cat weirdly aims between us and wants to see what clues. To be honest, cats don’t like this beauty, especially the temperament. Discuss, I have my own good. The woman was very fast to get familiar with it. She talked together for a while. The charm of Mingyue was really invincible. The beauty had a good opinion of her, and she was also good for the brutal woman. Why “discriminate”

me? Women talk about women, men talk about men. Sky blue scorpion! The old battle made them quietly, leaving an open space, and blocking the monsters brushed out. Needless to say, everyone knows, I want to try the strength of the scorpion. The scorpion looked at the opponent seriously. Although he did not look at the world’s first competition, the world’s first master, the great name of the demon king who had a hundred battles, he was like a thunderous ears. When the cat saw the martial arts, the image of ladylike shouted, “Little Scorpion, Xu Ying, don’t lose, otherwise you look good!”

The scorpion’s POSE collapsed after a second, “Sister, you still killed me directly.”

“Do it!”

The scorpion knew that he was very polite now, and the bow and arrow in his hand shot continuously, trying to move the opponent’s movement speed. It is a pity that I ignore his bow and arrow at all. On the attack power and speed, there is nothing special. The skills are not very useful for me. I mainly want to see the talent of his space stagnation. The position of the deputy head of the riding group! He opened the Yuanqi Shield, picked up the bow and arrow, and approached the scorpion directly. At a glance, he knew that the situation was not good. The opponent’s strength was obviously beyond his imagination. In fact, the archer who has handed over with me will never use frozen arrows, because the chance of frozen success is zero, and the big lethal movement can cause some damage to me. In the scorpion stunned, I picked up all the bows and arrows, and I approached him. At this time, the scorpion suddenly accelerated, did not retreat, and rushed towards me. When everyone thought he would reach the vertex attack, he suddenly stuck in the rising half waist. The feeling was very strange, and at the moment we were surprised, six consecutive golden lights shot towards it! OK, really get the capital, break the golden arrow! In order to test it, I still did not move, and the scorpion that was shot as if returned to normal again, just like a spring, it bounced up, and in the air, to my empty door and fired five arrows. Ten centimeters are to prevent me from dodging. Hey, I really want to dodge, what can I stop? However, the weird space is really good, a bit, and the awareness of combat is also good. It seems that I am very confident in my own six arrows. In a blink of an eye, the Golden Arrow has arrived! Roar ~ Blood bleaching was bursting, the first arrow was directly rebounded, and the second arrow was dodge, but the scorpion of the two arrows was still calm. The remaining four arrows suddenly changed in front of them, all of which were divided into two, Dangdang ~~! All hits! The split arrow should be a variant. It has creativity. Unfortunately, after the split, the attack power is a lot lower. I hit my life. I only lost more than 300 points of life. At most, it was a bit of smoke, and I gently stroked the broken arrow on my body and looked at the stunned scorpion. A half -loud scorpion came out, “… you are a human?”

Falling ~! This was the three wolves patted the scorpion’s shoulders gently, and I touched it, “Don’t be excited, fruit farmers, just get used to it, … In fact, he can’t be regarded as our family.”

Everyone nodded, “Fruit farmers, you can call the boss in the future, not anyone else is qualified to let the boss try it!”

“Hum, he rely on these two hands to mix, younger brother, it is pitiful to him!”

The cat said disapprovingly that the violent female girl next to him was a sense of confidante. “It is extremely extremely appreciated by your appreciation … Swelling!”

Of course, I have to fight against these guys who don’t know the boss! “Cat, the head of the bow ride, and the deputy head of Comrade fruit, what do you think?”

Text of Ninety -eighth is the deserted island of lonely men and widows Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5187 For the first time, I saw so many horses. The scene was really spectacular. At the rising sun racecourse of the Magic Palace, this is a small valley, grass and small stream, which is very suitable for raising horses. More than two thousand pony strolled inside, and kept eating the tender green grass, and from time to time, the scene was really spectacular. This is prepared for the members of the Gongqi Group. After this wild horse is tamed, it must be raised before recognizing the Lord, otherwise it will starve to death, and the war horse is different from pets. Pet death is only an experience. The war horses, including the war horse of the Magic Regiment, must be careful and hang up once, that is, OVER, must be replenished again. This time, there are several main players. You can choose first. Cats suddenly see so many cute pony excitement. They shook their heads. If we sprint it once, it’s all over and can’t stand the collision at all, but for the long -attack bow cavalry, it will not be better. The cat’s Mimi is also very excited. She likes this environment and is full of vitality. She always reminds her of the secret of the elves. It is much more beautiful than here. Seeing that there are people who come in, these pony is still vigilant. But I won’t take the initiative to attack the player, but there is a white pony in it, but I don’t care about these strangers, and I still eat their favorite tender grass. Although a small head is relatively small, it gives us a feeling of strength. Needless to say, it must be a good horse. Mimi immediately flew over when he saw this pony, and fell lightly on his head. The pony glanced at it. Mimi, ignorant, continue his own beautiful meals, and the small tongue rolled up the tender grass gently, even our beauty. Khan! When cats like their Mimi, they are definitely not ordinary products. Mimi feels a familiar breath on it, so there will be such a reaction. The cat stroked the little white horse gently, the pony, looked at the cat, and then squinted with peace of mind, and would really enjoy it. At this time, the cat showed a rare and gentle beauty of thousands of years, and it gave me a feeling of seeking each other. Baby and Mingyue were amazing, and I was used to me. There is also a strange feeling. The naughty and savvy little witch even gives me a feeling of unknown little flower. It may not be beautiful, but it is soft and refreshing. It is really a cute little sister. Thinking of this, I quickly shook my head and eliminated this idea. The witch on the opposite side was their class enemy and must maintain a high degree of vigilance! As the head of the bow ride group, cats and cats naturally have the right to choose. She looks like this little white horse is going to be fixed. Cats, Mimi, Meow Meow, it is really enough. After hearing the name of the cat, we couldn’t help but the little white horse jumped happily when we heard the name of meow meow. Khan, it is really a gathering of things! Such a silly name will also like it! …… Stupid horse? In fact, from my strong vision, and the superb name of the name, “Xiaobai”

is more suitable, and this name is very popular. Unfortunately, everyone’s understanding is not good, and it is useless to say. Cat’s life set allows her to ignore the restrictions of life. Whatever horses don’t care about her, which is also the advantage of special sets. Mingyue, a beautiful woman here, and our guardians of our guardians, the souls are upside down. After all, this kind of beauty is not long. Beauty is always popular. The savage girl really disdains this kind of “thin and weak”

pony. Unfortunately, she is a mage and thinks about anything. It seems that, obediently, let Xueer keep a distance from this woman. I don’t want my wife to flatten her husband all day. There is a share of the beauties who come today.

I chose one in one person and went back as a pet to raise.

I heard this bright moon jump up and chose one .



black, like a charcoal, like a charcoal, like a charcoal The guy of the head, the aesthetics of the beauty are different.

But the name given by Mingyue is “bad guy”

, which is really special, but why do you want to look at me? I am a good man. Three wolves have long seen that there must be problems between us. Not ancient, why do you have to be a single love song? Unexpectedly, the savage girl also chose one. The red jujube may be the strongest in it, the name is “General”

, … she should be born as a man. Essence After the battle just now, the barbaric woman seemed to have no idea of ​​fighting with me, but it saved me a lot of trouble, but it seemed to have dropped the muzzle to the three wolves. I probably forgot to take care of Mingyue. After negotiation, I took Mingyue to visit Yanhuang City. The barbaric woman did not plan to go. There were so many interesting people at once. She didn’t care so much. Maybe it was originally intending to let Xueer match us. By the way, she monitored her mouth. The color wolf, bad boy, but rejected by Mingyue’s vote. Cher looked at me ambiguously, but I quickly waved their hands and proved innocence. Unfortunately, no one cared, but they were relieved by their permission. In this way, I have seen You Ling’s beauty captive, and they can also enjoy free singing. Three wolves, old battles, silly, and that scorpion look at my eyes, it is no different from class enemies. I am a honest person, but unfortunately no one believes … Mingyue and I strolled around Yanhuangcheng. I watched Mingyue curious about these. Asked about it along the way, probably she would have played for a few hours. I am afraid that her cousin would be with the cousin with the cousin. There is any fun at all, but even when the moon is indulgent, it is so elegant, it may be a long -term habit, very beautiful, like a lively and cute neighbor sister. “Brother Zhong, it’s so fun here. If you can relax like this every day.”

Speaking of a brisk and beautiful turn, Slim shot a arrow at the roadside. Sure enough, the good arrow method, with the baby’s fight, can shoot it on the tree so close, amazing! Seeing that I laughed, Mingyue smugged, “I laughed when I laughed, there was something great, you also shot a look at me if you have the ability!”

Khan, I am not an archer, it must be worse than her, which can be compared. Unfortunately, regardless of this, the little witch is doing it, it is okay, no, no reason is that the strong man does not need a reason, and I can only eat Coptis chinensis dumb. Mingyue suddenly jumped to the side, holding my hand, and the soft red lips stuck to my ears, whispering, “Brother Zhong, take me to a thrilling place, it is best to be two of us!”

One man and a woman, dark, no disturbance, dry wood fire … “Brother stinky, what do you want!”

Mingyue’s pretty face was a little red, maybe what he thought. I quickly raised my hands to protest, “Orange, but I want to take you where to go, how can I frame good people?”

“Then do you want to come out?”

“Someone just now seems to be wronged by a good person!”

“Hum, a little bitter ghost drinks cold water.”

Suddenly kissed on my face, and then ran away quickly, “These can be!”

“Okay, a little color woman, not ritual, I don’t want to come back.”

If there are her fans there, when I hear my title, I will definitely be surprised, but Mingyue is very enjoyable. Mingyue ran ahead, I chased behind, I felt that time returned to the past. When I was very young, it was my happiest day, but she told me that except for martial arts life is wonderful. In fact Knowing, I also let her know that the fun outside the song and practice. It may be this feeling that we have been unable to abandon. After running tired, Mingyue lying on my body without avoiding it, and the exquisite and fluttering body was close to me, but judging from the happy smile of beautiful women, … people are pure, I am miserable. The gentleman is really not good. Unfortunately, I didn’t see Mingyue’s cunning smile, otherwise I really had to find a tofu to kill. “Brother Zhong, you said yes, take me to play in the thrilling place, people are rare once, or the cousin’s strong guarantee, I don’t know when it is next time, so be sure to play!”

It can be seen that Mingyue is really happy, and I am also infected. I forgot everything and play in pain! Anyway, it is fresh for Mingyue to find a place. If you want to be thrilling, there are no one. I am afraid that only Kunlun is. If you send it to death, you can consider the place, otherwise it is still the case. It’s not easy to find a place where no one is this year, but when I ask Orange if it can reduce the requirements, the little beauty looks at me seriously. “As long as you are around you.”

Hey, looking at her seriously, I don’t know that the sentence is true or false, it is really a variety of witch, pretending to be the best killer. The green wild forest is our choice. When it comes to the beautiful environment, the entire Chinese district also belongs to it. It used to be lively and extraordinary. After all, it is the largest place for pets. I do n’t know, but since even the Phoenix Nest Point in Xikunlun should have existed only, it is definitely not as simple as the surface, and the fantasy beast is relatively low. Of course, the Warcraft is the same. A “fierce”

word now basically has pets, and the price of low -level pets has fallen straight, while high pets rose rapidly, and the supply is in short supply. Some high -level players sometimes like to get luck here. If you get a pet egg above the seventh level, you can be regarded as a small hair. As for the ninth -order sacred beast, you can only be or not, otherwise they will not feel mood. There will be no nine -order holy beasts. Along the way, the little beauty is extremely active and almost a disaster. In fact, Xueer’s beauty and even the beauty of the top ten beautiful women are no stranger to players. Like Xueer, they do not know it. Suddenly there is a cutting -edge beauty who has the first -level beauty with Xueer Feiyun, how can it not be noticeable! Fortunately, I am with me. Everyone discusses the most “warm”.

It will not be manual, nor will there be a sudden sudden coming out, but the discussion still makes me a headache. Where do I turn from such a beauty, I ’m not old, how to put a thunder and split me, and they are worse than that of the Three Wolves. Naturally, Mingyue is also clearly listened. She deliberately shows her innocence, and her innocence, and to me. Attachment, set off my entire lining into a wolf grandmother. There is no hero to save the beauty. Fortunately, no one recognizes that it is Mingyue, otherwise it will definitely cause a great uproar. This little Nizi really killed people! “Brother Zhong, those people are so fun, it seems that you have deep hatred and hate.”

I squeezed her little nose, “It’s not you who do it by you, destroy my glorious image!”

“Huh, how can you have any image, the world’s first color magic, super big wolf, horrible hunting mad …”

It seemed to be aware of what you said, and quickly added, “These are not what they say. Oh, I am also listening, but it is not that there is a saying that it is called no windless waves! "

“Hey, right, it seems that I didn’t eat a little beauty!”

“Who knows, do you want to put a long line to adjust the big fish?!”

He said a charming smile, which was almost lost. I poured it, and it really was magical. Originally, the road to fight monsters, with the bright moon, seems to add a lot of fun. Every time she meets the monster, she always rushes up, shoots a few arrows, and then quickly hides behind her back. This I was shocked by the time, but she couldn’t stand the toss in that level, but when she saw her happy look, she could only pay attention to the alert, and moved at any time in an instant. A gold coin must be detailed. The troubles of celebrities are too strict, and the most active youth was like a luxury item for her. “Ah, orange, don’t drill inside the dense forest!”

I said that, she ran faster, hey, … how do you feel like a nanny, the beauty of the beauty is the first, we are giving up to accompany the gentleman. But the moment I rushed in, as if I had hit the water wall, I was stunned myself, and I was stunned by the scenery in front of me. Mingyue was not far away, and it was dumb. This is the corner of different spaces! At the moment of coming in, the special space conversion feeling is definitely right. The bright moon is really a bright moon. The reason why we was stunned is that in front of us turned out to be the ocean and the sea, the waves were surrounded, and we were located in a lone island in the endless sea. At a glance, we could see the small islands of the head. The fierce turn to this kind of waves, the contrast is generally large. “Brother Zhong, what’s going on?”

Mingyue looked at me a little strangely and excitedly. I couldn’t read it in the eyes. “Miss, I have to ask you, but I have followed you. I have been here many times in the Green Forest. There are probably countless players who have been here, but I haven’t heard anyone say there is such a place!”

Ah, it is the taste of the real sea! This is completely different from the feeling of the East China Sea.

It is like a beaches of leisure vacation.

You can’t strongly understand the domineering and vastness of the sea.

Players are also sunbathing there.


Both Orange and I looked at everything around.

If you can describe it accurately, it is too “realistic”

! Intersection Intersection The environment in the second world is more idealized or beautified, and the feeling here is the same as the islands in the real ocean, not the sea, but the ocean! The sea breeze is not very large, and the waves are still not small. It feels that a huge wave can flatten our island. It contains not beauty, but strength! But every time the shocks make our minds fly, and our hearts are shaking, as if the troubles in our bodies have been scattered and disappeared. Mingyue opened her arms. In the sun, her hair fluttered, and the colorful water mist was put on her fairy’s Xiayi, her eyes combined, and they took a deep breath to experience … Isn’t it perfect for a beautiful elf and her beautiful singing voice. At that moment, some of my heart were just praise and the greatness of the owner! It seems that our small island is still the kind of tropical. The island is mainly a huge coconut tree. … God blessed, there are really a few coconuts on it. Essence The center of the island is a huge rock, and the others are scattered small stones, and some unknown large leaves plants. The overall feeling is relatively empty, probably the unique flavor of tropical. The little beauty is very enjoyable. I sit on the stone and admire her quietly. No wonder some people say that the show can be meal, but why is my stomach hungry? Mingyue suddenly turned around, and the front of the jade hand. Sometimes crisp, sometimes soft, sometimes exciting, sometimes euphemistic, unknowingly I am drunk, here is heaven … Atlantis, the legend of the text of the text Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5158 When is Mingyue, ask the wine to ask Qingtian! At this time, there are two here, one in the sky, one next to me, and the two of us turned around on this island. I found that even the roots were not seen except us. I wanted to accompany Mingyue here. Guanhai, but this kind of place is long, it is boring. Of course, looking at Mingyue’s interesting look, I am embarrassed to bother, but when I saw the return of the back city scroll, it was stupid. Are we going to be trapped? When I told the bright moon in the carnival, Xiao Nizi looked at me slyly. " Khan, Lenovo is really far -reaching. "

Orange, you little girl, as long as you encounter this situation, you can return to your own birth cities.” "

No, rare cleanliness, brother Zhong, accompany others for a day, just be a gift you just listened to the song!" Seeing the cuteness of the little fairy, no one could bear to refuse. But I still want to send a message to Xueer, after all, let my wife We are worried that it is a great crime, … the news can’t be sent out, how can there be such a thing? Intersection Intersection Dizzy, weird things made us encounter. At this time Mingyue also found that I couldn’t contact the barbaric girl anymore. "

If you can, you have given up his life to accompany the beauty. “Huh, is it a very painful thing to accompany Miss Ben? Can the queue be out of that paragraph from the end of the earth.”

Mingyue’s hands on your waist, but how fierce, it’s so cute, don’t want a savage girl, don’t want to be a savage girl, in the moonlight, under the moonlight, in the moonlight She seemed to have fallen into a layer of gorgeous light, extraordinarily charming and moving. “Where, of course, the honor of the niche!”

Facing the moonlight, Orange danced, I seemed to see a elven dance, but she did not expect her to be dreamy, and such a dreamy dance step, but it seems that she has never seen her show it, otherwise it must be hot. Everyone on the earth knows. Slowly, Mingyue jumped to me, sweaty on my face, blushing with a small face, looking at me focused on, “Brother Zhong, how about Orange Jump, give me a evaluation.”

“This dance only should be in the sky, how can I reward in the world!”

Sitting down beside me gently, leaning on me quietly. “In fact, I prefer to dance, but I have never performed on the stage because I prepared for a bad guy. But Orange’s heart is so messy. "

I naturally know what she is talking about, and I am also messy, “Don’t think too much about Orange, there must be a way in front of the car. Don’t worry about the sky at a young age. You should be happy every day. I am happy. I It will protect you, just like a kid. "

Mingyue looked at me and gently closed the beauty, I know what she was waiting for, but I don’t know if I can give her now, I know now, I really like this girl before, but that is not love. Like, and love is two different worlds. I kissed her white forehead gently, that was my blessing, hoping that she could be happy. I don’t know when Orange was crying, only the moon, and the cool sea breeze, and the sound of the rustic leaves. What Mingyue wanted to say, but did not say exports. Some things were not described by language. I understand her and she understands me. We are all the previous us. This is the cost of entering the society. Just over our above, when the empty moon, a shadow floated in the air, and it was strange clothing on the body. To be precise, it could not be a certain equipment or daily clothing, but a circulating electronic aperture formed. Moonlight -like halo, faintly colorful marks. Whenever the wind is scraped, it is like encountering a black hole and disappearing. The small figure seems to have the power of the sea. , I ca n’t see any fluctuations in expressions, just when we look up at the moon, a wonderful turn, disappearing without a trace, I think everything does not happen, but the wind seems to be a bit bigger. At this time I did not grasp the subtle space fluctuation at that moment. “Brother, Orange Er is hungry.”

Mingyue at this time was like a cute little rabbit, which was loving … but how could there be any food on this desert island, and I used to go out. Hey, hey, it’s better to be a wife. Going back to praise his wife, but my sister is hungry, I still have to find a way. By the way, eating a few coconuts is also a good choice. Now it seems that there is no choice, “Orange, see my brother pick you up a few coconuts to eat.”

Looking at the tall coconut tree, Mingyue’s pretty face was a question mark, a little worship. Hey, it greatly satisfied the self -esteem of someone. The taste of being admired is really good, especially the moon. After the 86th level, a big change is that the control of flight is more skilled. It does not use instant movements. It is not cool enough. A Pose suddenly rises under the coconut tree. It really feels much better. Looking down at the sea, the whole mind was open, and I couldn’t help but how happy it was. It seems that the waves seem to feel my mood. It’s also like a bit of light, a moonlight shot on me, warm, ice -ice, both contradiction and so harmonious. The bright moon on the ground was stunned, and the heart that was slightly calm, and there was another wave again. She knew that this life could not get rid of the person in front of her, is there any better than him? Can a woman resist, is it just a sister? A little lost Mingyue suddenly had a cunning smile. People must be their own! For a long time, the whole body was comfortable, and I was about to pick coconuts. … One was gone, and it was all shocked and dizzy. When I fell, Orange had picked up a few big coconuts and piled up together. “Brother, you just scratched it, scared the coconut.”

Khan, sadness, I just occasionally express my feelings, not so exaggerated, the Pose just now should be handsome. “Okay, okay, it’s handsome, okay, brother is always the most handsome in Orange!”

“Okay, Xiao Nizi, dare to play with me, look!”

A question was right in front of us. I heard that this thing is very hard. How can I open this? I ca n’t smash it. Unfortunately, when I pondered the countermeasures, Orange gently poured a coconut in half. I dizzy, forgot that this is in the second world. It turned out to be steak rice, and the happy Orange Er opened another, braised chicken willow rice, sweat …, even rushed to say a “high”.

The two of us are so happy, and the seaside at night is still a bit cold, but there is a great magician here. There is still no problem with raw fire. Just order wine. Ah, when I think of it, it seems that when I was leaving, the three wolves stuffed me a bottle, and I also had a disadvantage of drinking. I originally wanted to use it myself, but after the violence of Orange Er, I could only get half a point. Woohoo, this is not me to trick the girl. After taking a sip, Orange’s face immediately flushed, and her physique was too sensitive. Although my alcohol was not good, it was better than her. We only drank a little bit, the feeling of being drunk and not drunk was the best, comfortable.

We quietly enjoy the tranquility after meals, listening to the sea breeze singing, enjoying the bathing of the moonlight, countless stars blinked, as if telling a moving story, unknowingly, Orange seemed to sleep like sleeping.

It was.

Behind the moon, that she still exists, a very strange existence, existence is as if there is no existence, but it is indeed there, it is just the dark side of the moon.

Suddenly, the arm waved, and a breeze rose slightly, but when it was on the sea, it disappeared suddenly, and the weird silence, but there was only a short second, bombarded ~~~ It is a huge wave, a huge wave, and it is smashed towards the island.

Seeing that momentum and strength are definitely not fun, they have to lose half of their lives when they are smashed.

Orange was asleep, because she experienced too little, or because I was by her side, but I became more and more sober because Xueer was not with me.

Ah, Orange seemed to feel the coldness of the sea breeze, and leaned on my arms again.

I couldn’t help laughing.

What were this follow, but at this moment, the mutation happened.

The huge waves were stirring towards us, hum, I knew there was no absolute good thing, waiting for you for a long time!

Holding Orange’s high, flying on the largest stone of the island, looking at the furious sea, terrible power, is this natural great?

The bright moon on her body was also awake, not scared, but excitement.

The anger of the sea was also a kind of beauty, but it was naturally what I had to consider when it was appreciated.




You can expect a fifteen -level archer to do, and a big wave of attack power can probably be in seconds.

It was the continuous giant waves, but under my flight, it has no effect, and I had a feeling of trying to try the flight.

This is also an addictive.

The excitement was not as bad as I just shouted, .



I changed to a cat or a savage girl.

I don’t know what it will react.

After a few huge waves, we are waiting.

Generally speaking, the monsters we should face should be on the scene.

God blessed, don’t get any super -character boss, otherwise both of us must be both After finishing the egg, I failed in front of the beauty, but I lost my face.

How to have a crazy momentum, the island under our feet is about to be drowned.

The original night was glowing with strange yellow light, the stars disappeared, the moon was also covered by the dark clouds, the wind was crazy, and the thunder was faintly stopped.

Obediently, is it the end of the world?

Mingyue seemed to feel it, holding me tightly, and 80 % of the little Nizi thought about what Titanica was thinking about, and he interpreted a more tragic love story by himself.

Unfortunately, it is not so simple.

The monster’s appearance is more powerful than the super god beast.

Super Warcraft is spectacular.

It seems that this time we are so fierce, and another huge waves are hit.

I quickly hugged the bright moon.

There are restrictions.

My ability is up to about ten meters to the sea.

The larger waves are enough to reach us.

You can easily send us to the bottom of the sea to travel.

At this time, I don’t have time to enjoy this fragrant stimulus.

Finally, the only big stone under the feet is still fragile under the waves.

We can only stop in the air.

Either staying on the tip of the waves for a while, which can make me breathless and gradually get used to the orange orange in this scene.

The child also opened his eyes, watched everything around him, and kept cheering for me.

Although the encouragement of beautiful women is a great power, the problem is that this is like this.

We must be finished.

In this case, it is impossible to go offline.

Hey, we can only persist to the end.

We are dead in the waves.

If we can look up, we will see the victory.

There are two moon in the air.

The sky between the two moon is lightning, and there are signs of gradually remitting.

Finally, a wave of waves hit us in the air.

God blessed, just witnessed a spectacle.

All the lightning concentrated into a huge electro -light column.

With a loud noise, the whole sky was exploded.

, Stiring a huge vortex, drawing energy like a bottomless hole, a layer of invisible power burst into the sea, like Ru Buddha’s palm, which has raised us, the storm gradually stops, the moon has returned to normal, and the waves are also waves.

The waves are also waves.

It’s calm, but Mingyue and I know that everything starts!

There was a shocking sound, and an unforgettable wonders that made us unforgettable.

The seawater began to retreat to the surroundings.

The bottom of the sea was tumbling, and gradually a super huge city slowly emerged.

It is a shock from the depths of the soul.

Looking at each other with Orange Er, and looking at the city in front of me, it should be said that it is far greater than ordinary cities.

It should be said to be a ring island.

It is surrounded by natural sea walls.

The big part is like the bottom of the sea.

The only thing that can be seen from the air is a golden statue in the center of the island.

A handsome person with a very handsome and wild temperament, a strong look like a waves, deeper eyes than the sea, a perfect body with golden segmentation, a golden armor, a golden armor.

, Holding a huge trident in my hand, arrogantly.

Although far away, there are so clear.

In the ancient gods, there is only one sea god, there is only one, the sea emperor Bodong!

Is this here?

Atlantis continent?

The only legendary underwater city, a great prehistoric civilization?

God blessed, this was surprising than God’s appearance in front of me.

We slowly landed in front of the huge gate.

We can’t see which era or trace of civilization, because this is the same as the current architectural style There is a big difference, but it seems to be similar, but I can only say that this is a miracle!

“Orange, can this come down?”

This little Nizi, regarded me as a free transportation, always depends on me and refused to come down. Although I also enjoyed it, but for the sake of safety, let go of my heart. At this time, Orange was flushed from me, but I looked a little longer when I looked at my eyes. Khan, I also want to go in and see, how can I return empty -handed, but how can this huge Kinmen open? At this moment, the system tip suddenly appeared, and it made us feel that we were still in the second world, and the mood was slightly relaxed. “Congratulations to the player”

Soul Eater “and”

The Daughter of the Sea “triggered the”

Infinite “mission to hide the hidden god -level group”

Dizzy, do you listen correctly, right? Isn’t the unlimited task the highest SSS level? Mingyue has no concept of this. Probably these levels are in her ears, similar to A cat and dog. Obviously, looking at the huge city in front of me, I feel a little dizzy. A crisp sound appeared, two rings! The moment we picked up the ring, the two blue light burst out from the ring, covering us the whole … When the light disappeared, we found that we returned to the green wild forest again, as if everything had happened, and it was only a minute after time, and it was dizzy. Did you meet a ghost and hit the wall? The ring in our hands proves that everything that happened just now is real. The ring is a pair. There are beautiful mermaid patterns on both sides with a huge sapphire on it, exuding light fluorescence, … I really want to think about The eyes of the idol, the halo is rotating like life, and there is a large scroll in my hand. … It is precisely a complicated map, a bit like the structure of Atlantis’s structure picture! It seems that there will be a very wonderful adventure waiting for us, but before we must be fully prepared before, the unlimited task, the first time I heard. “The Ring of the Poseidon”

, a pair, artifact, lucky plus one, open the key of the Atlantis continent, the hidden attributes are unknown. Text Two Hundred Martial Arts Exchange Meeting Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5811 Anyway, after the matter just now, we also lost the mood of continuing to visit. “One minute”

, we have a lot of more, but how can we have such experiences, it seems that the little face of Mingyue fluttering, it seems that we still seem to be still fluttering, it seems that we still seem to be still fluttering. Remove the excitement just now. We immediately returned to the Demon Palace and contacted Xueer. For a moment, all the people who could call them were all Qi. When the Magic Palace, Xiao Mao had prepared everything. He knew me very well. I only had one case in one case. That’s it. Xueer, Feiyun, they arrived for a while, but they were all strange. Why did I come back so soon, probably think that the beauty is beside, let alone a lot of lovers, how can I rely on it for a while. The brutal girl and cat are now two sisters, and they can’t wait to use a rope together. Three wolves, the old war just knows that something happened, the scorpion was even more confused, but the silly was different. The long -term tacit understanding. Like Xiaomao, they know that we will have important actions! However, the two guys of Cat Fish and Erzi have not yet arrived, and I closed the pronunciation of thousands of miles. These two guys, I rushed into their house directly. The door was bombarded by the old war. Three Individuals, or three black people, are darker than Africa! Seeing that I didn’t look good, the three guys were pitiful, “Boss, what’s wrong, the end of the world? Don’t, I’m a virgin!”

The little pig was not afraid of the field, the first speech. In a word, everyone laughed, “Okay, you three are ready, hurry up, you dare not come!”

“Ah, A -level, God blessed, is Apple hit?”

“No, my violent demon thief has just trained one!”

Say cat fish pointed at the sluggish flying little pig. “Less nonsense, just prepare!”


The three guys were cleaned with a smile, hey, served them. The Magic Palace Conference Hall has not held such a meeting for a long time. The last time I was still for the east. First of all, I introduced a few newcomers. Mingyue, of course, I didn’t get permission. I didn’t say her identity. Alumni, barbaric girl, orange cousin, what is crystal? In my words, you are idle people. You don’t have to care too much. The confirmation of formal occasions is also necessary. The following is the theme directly. The only one on the scene understands that everyone and I understand that everyone else is waiting for God. The brutal girl is disdainful. After all, she has different identities, and she also has a precedent. One person serves two guilds at the same time, and they are all core staff. … illegal entry has a good sister. I took the huge scroll and put it on the large table in the middle. The two were moved, one was a cat fish, and the other was the second sister -in -law. The catfish was fast, but a little warrior of the second sister -in -law also broke out of amazingly. The movements were the same, hungry dogs fluttered! boom! ~ The two guys held their heads and jumped there, eased slightly, and shot at the same time, and they pulled their heads. At this time, the others also came together and looked at the two funny guys. There was no way. Speaking of which, the two of them were the most visible. The two guys had sparks in their eyes. I understand very well. “Old cat, sister -in -law, the two of you are crazy, one scroll for a scroll, and don’t run the legs.”

The three wolves looked at the two guys with a smile. “What do you know, it is not worth a corner to sell you!”

Cat fish and Erzi were in unison this time. “Boss, where did you get this scroll?”

The second sister -in -law couldn’t help asking, cat fish was pity, hey, it seemed like I bullying him. I don’t sell Guanzi, and I have talked about our experience just now. Of course, the warmth of Mingyue is privacy, and naturally cannot be exposed. However, looking at Xueer’s eyes, it must be reviewed afterwards. After speaking, Mingyue and I showed the ring in my hand to show everyone. Mingyue stretched out his right hand. The ring was in the ring finger. It was a bit shy. The men present were beautiful. Cats, barbaric girls, Xinyue, they are strange to see our eyes. Where can I think so much? As for what happened between me and this little beauty, they must be asked by the three wolves after the meeting. When I finish, everyone has listened to it, and there is such a place. The legendary Atlantis continent is blessed by God! “Sure enough, this is an infinite task, which belongs to the unique one that exceeds the SSS level. I just saw it from the history of the second world. I did not expect it to really exist!”

The second sister -in -law exploded the scroll carefully, as if stroking her lover, yes, such a super -character scroll, for a master -level appraiser like him, but the opportunity to upgrade with the unspeakable upgrade, and cat fish is the catfish is the catfish is the catfish. With the intuition of the thieves, the scroll he has seen is no less than the second sister -in -law. Although the level of appraisal is very low, the eyesight is very high. “Unlimited tasks, and this kind of thing exists?”

The two newcomers of the scorpion and the little pig are naturally like -minded. Everyone has a skill and lives in excitement every day. “It’s not weak, don’t even know the legendary unlimited tasks!”

The Sanwoli looked at the scorpion and the little pig, and looked unable to save his sigh, and threw it three times. “Actually, I don’t know, I don’t know ! "

Flutter ~~~ “Three wolves, you are dead, you are going to be stupid!”

“Unlimited tasks, I don’t know specifically, but listen to the boss’s telling, we can now determine a few points. First of all, it is the strongest task that exceeds the SSS level. As far as I know, it is the first time that it will appear for the first time. It will give us to us What to bring, greater opportunities and challenges, secondly, the entire task points to the legendary ancient sea continent \ | \ | Atlantis, even the keys to open the time of time are artifacts. Difficulty; Third, this is a group task, which explains its difficulty. We must prepare well! "

Xiaomao immediately made a staged summary. “Boss, say, what should I do!”

Everyone looked at me. “Like Xiaomao said, we know above. The next task is handed over to the second sister -in -law to crack the scroll as soon as possible. With the size of the mainland, thousands of people should be able to accommodate thousands of people. The regiment, the magic thief, the warlock legion, the bow ride, and the magician army prepared to choose the elite to prepare for the future landing war. This time we will create another world -renowned miracle! "


“By the way, Dasha, how about this kid, what’s going on, it’s not lazy recently!”

“Rest assured, boss, it’s not ashamed and brave, and he is very dying!”

Da silly was the most kind, but I believe him, he will only tell the truth! “Okay, he also found him. He is more experienced in dealing with naval battles, but to remind that this naval battle is different from the past, closer to the natural power of reality!”

“Everyone is just everyone, go all out!”

Hearing such stimulating things, everyone is interesting, and finally can loose muscles! “Brother -in -law, we will go this time!”

I stretched me up and said, saying. The levels of their hearts have risen rapidly, and they are already 74th, and their strength is not weak. Although it is still worse than the top level, … but there is no way, who told me to be their brother -in -law, no? Promise, it will be divided by five horses. “Xiao Mao, cat fish, pay attention to the movement of the West, I have a hunch, someone is coming!”

“Is it? Okay, we will pay attention!”

Originally, the three wolves still wanted to entangle for a while, such as the origin of the little beauty, but they were pulled away by Xiao Mao and the old war. A lot of things were waiting for them to do it! For a moment, the whole house was left, I, … and a bunch of beautiful women, this is embarrassing, I just want to follow the behind, and find that the door has been closed. Children, she feels lonely a lot, and she blame several times. Why not keep the baby, I am miserable. “This, heart, you see, the rest is your business, can I go out?”

“Really, brother -in -law, I’m afraid everyone will decide!”

“That is, we still have a lot of words to ask you, is it a lot of sins with us?”

As soon as the words of cats came out, the girls had to fight against their enemies and eliminate class enemies. “Okay, my husband, let’s stay.”

Xueer’s words, I naturally listened. “Orange, there are no outsiders here. Let’s talk about your identity, otherwise the sisters will be strange.”

Cher said to Mingyue, this is naturally good for her, after all, women are different from men. “Well.”

Mingyue nodded obediently, really I saw Youyou. They have long been curious about this super -beautiful girl who is the first -class with Xueer Feiyun. Listening to Xueer, it really has another origin. The barbaric girl did not expect that Orange Listening to Xueer was like this, it seemed as if she was itself. Little concubine. “Orange Orange is the original name of Orange, her stage name, I think everyone knows, Mingyue!”

No need to modify too much, the name of Mingyue can be shocking. I did not expect that dreamy idols were in front of themselves. This time, even cats moved. A group of beautiful women immediately surrounded Mingyue. God is here. Hey, you are talking about you, leaving me as waxing, which is too kind. At this time, the little troubles of the heart came to me. “Brother -in -law, honestly explain, what does you have to do with Miss Mingyue?”

“Khan, we have nothing, it’s very innocent.”

“Don’t rush to defend yourself, is it a guilty conscience? My brother -in -law is really the first stealing thief in the world. "

Heart, don’t talk nonsense, I am at most her brother.” "

Huh, when people are children, women know the woman best. You look at the eyes that she sees. My brother -in -law is great! There will be free concerts in the future to listen to it.” Khan …, is this value, sad. "

Find a brother -in -law like a brother -in -law!” Don’t look at me and say, my heart and liver will not be able to stand, letting my mood know that I seduce my aunt will be chopped into several break by the dragon. "

My brother -in -law has something to tell you.” He hesitated, as if he didn’t know if it should be said, it was not as her style. "

Heart, something is good, your brother -in -law must help you.” “This is what you said, other sisters, otherwise I would let me say. After a while, the four -year ancient military meeting was about to start. Although you know the second uncle in favor, there are always people in the family. Others don’t believe it, saying that they need to give a term at the competition conference. They said that as long as they can enter the top ten, my sister knows that you don’t like this kind of scene and never tell you. "

There is something hard to say about this kind of thing. Although I don’t like this boring match, I still can’t count for my wife. I should tell me earlier. Hey, good wife, think about me everywhere. “Be careful, thank you, I do something, you can rest assured, you promise to make your sister’s scenery.”

“My brother -in -law is the best, I like my brother -in -law the best.”

After holding me, I was a fragrant kiss. The beauty of the audience is watching me, but the heart is very enthusiastic with me. No one else is surprising. The barbaric woman wants to do something, but she holds back and wait for the heart to say it. Being me, the old husband and wife, not said. “Oh, is it, Sister Jing has to participate!”

Mingyue said, since entering, she has converged with enthusiasm, after all, there are inextricable problems. Looking at this situation, will we encounter many acquaintances? Of course, there must be those who have not met yet. The appearance of Mingyue attracted the attention of the women. Finally, let me go, and I can also get rid of the sea of bitterness. From time to time, cats and barbaric women stare a few times, making me uncomfortable. As soon as I opened the door, I poured a blast! Cat fish, three wolfs, fighting, little hair, second sister -in -law, scorpion, little pig, a lot of one, all overheard at the door. “What are you doing here, see, it’s still a fool and a fool!”

“Boss, Dasha and Xiao Susu on the window!”

I fall! “Hey, the two of them are smart. The sound insulation effect is too good. I can only hear the voice of En En.”

The second sister -in -law was still feeling for his mistakes. “Okay, stay here again, this month’s bonus will be drifted!”

It’s easy to use this, sweep a gust of wind, and the figure is not seen … Everyone goes to each other. I look at the ring in my hand, the prestigious ring, and it is interesting, but it must have a systematic requirements for me and Mingyue. Our actions, Orange also have to participate. The problem is her time. Hey, you may also let the brutal girl help, otherwise Mingyue’s parents will definitely not let her come up alone, but according to the custom of the barbaric girl, If you have such thrilling things, you should be full of interest. Coupled with my face, 90 % of them are grasped. After playing for a while, Mingyue and the barbaric girl have also been offline. Sister Xinyue, especially cats, has been working hard for the future action, so the level of leveling has risen again. Double the effort. Now that you have agreed to participate in your mood, you have to understand some situations. It is not to understand the information of the strong person, but that there are some necessary rules, you still need to know, otherwise you will not be good at jokes. “Sister, you will tell us the specifics, let this arrogant and long -term knowledge, let him know what it means to be flashed outside the mountain.”

Jing Jing said that Xueer also agreed with it, hey, they three The female alliance is too close. “Oh, Jinger, I’m afraid your good husband is the mountains and mountains. This time you have to watch it lively.”

It was rare to tease Jing Jing, making the beautiful women shy. “This ancient martial arts exchange meeting has been there for some years, but it was absolutely secret before, but now it is semi -public. In addition, there are government maintenance, and they are not afraid of trouble. A platform, and now once they enter the peace period, they have evolved into the strength competition of major families. Of course, in order not to cause great disputes, in fact, every family cherishes feathers. The age of participants is limited to 30 years old. At the same time, the elimination system is adopted. Generally speaking, it is ends, but if there is an accident, there will be no responsibility. Fortunately, there are four supervisors during the game. Under their protection, it should not happen, at least it has not yet appeared yet. "

Xueer and Jingjing are most interested in this most. For them, this is like another world, full of things that are different from them, and urgently need to develop. “By the way, my husband has a focus, because it is an ancient martial arts competition, the power is absolutely unavailable, otherwise it will be disqualified directly, and it will never be prohibited from participating in this competition.”

“No, it’s too incorrect, as long as power should be mastered and used.”

Shaking his head helplessly, “Yeah, in fact, I think so much for young people, but these are old rules, and some veterans who have the power of the power are not too much, or the level is relatively low, or the level is relatively low. No one can use it, there is an exception in the upper bounds. The strength is about the middle level. Finally, the martial arts are abolished and the martial arts are driven out of the martial arts. "

“This, it seems that it is too much. This year, there are even strength discrimination.”

It is incredible. Even the old characters in our family are not only opposed, but are very interested in all the skills of all exploration power, regardless of whether It is western, east, North America, and Black Africa, but it costs a lot of manpower and material resources to collect before cultivating the crystallization of the body of comprehensive strength, mental strength and physical strength. Perfect combination, my field. If you want to develop, it is not possible to be closed. The original intention at the beginning is that you are afraid of being young and far away. “Rest assured, good wife, the little champion is not in hand, earning me a good wife.”

Xueer and Jingjing were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and dare to make me add to the referee to solve it together. “In fact, it is not so exaggerated. Like our four families, it is not opposed to learning, or it is still encouraging secretly, but for family honors, formal occasions are generally not used.”

“Just right, let’s find a place to practice and see how you make progress!”

After all, Xueer’s mental strength has been practiced for a while. Although Jing Jing has been in touch late, but the speed of progress is even jealous, talent, talent, and talent. It’s really impossible, the strongest is the mood, it has the foundation of ancient martial Walk. Sorry, so far, it seems that only I am. Text of the parents of 2001 Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 6270 Today, my great father and mother finally remembered their poor son. What I said before was finally getting rid of me and joking. Is it not worthy of nostalgia? The reason why my mother came back from the South American jungle was to see my daughter -in -law. As for me, I was ranked at the end. The taste of the baking lizard should be good. I wonder if I can bring me a specialty? But just be able to come back. If you have a dad, my troubles can be less, but if you think about it, you have n’t seen them for some time. I really think about it. People say that they are worried about her mother. I just happened It’s upside down, what the world is adults, and still loves to play. Cher heard that her father and mother were going back to China, and they were surprised, and they didn’t lift the roof. Let me be inferior again. When we are going to pick up the plane, Xueer, Jing Jing and mood naturally have to be good. Dressing up, the three people have not come out in the locker room. I can only wait. I can wait for the taste of people. I can wear them with any clothes, just look at me, save more trouble, trouble. Finally, the sea is about to be rotten, the three women came out, obediently, almost drooling, it was a dressed, more serious than when I went out to go shopping with me, basically showed my most beautiful side. After some makeup, we can see that this value is paid attention to, red Cher, white crystal, purple mood, three fairy. “My husband waited for a long time, I’m sorry.”

Said Xueer and took me a fragrant kiss. Hey, that depression disappeared immediately. “Actually, you don’t need to be so formal, just click on it.”

“No, my husband, the first time you meet is the most important. We can’t wait to show our best side. You also say the wind and cool.”

“Sister Xueer, I’m a little nervous.”

It’s a quiet style, what’s so nervous. “Okay, okay, you’re dressed in vain!”

As a result, I was running out by the wind like Xueer, and Xueer drove to the airport. Cheliang and people are more beautiful. We can immediately attract a look. Fortunately, the King Kong who is practicing now is not bad, … In fact, few people see me. In the center, Xueer and Jingjing are holding one by one. Hey, the trouble of his wife is here. For fairness, I can only sing alone. Essence “Wow, look at the three gods!”

“It’s not, especially the two on both sides, it is not the beauty of the world. It is too beautiful. If I can make me last, I will be willing to reduce my life for ten years.”

“Hey, those stewardess compared to them are simply garbage, even ugly, and the makeup is strong, vomit.”

“Come on, someone just said, how beautiful the stewardess, someone seems to have touched their thighs.”

“I have a price!”

“A slap.”

“It’s better to go up and chat, how wonderful it is to be friends with such a beautiful woman.”

“Come on, you didn’t see, their frogs followed, and the fierce gods were fierce.”

The last three wolves that just got off the plane retreated under my murderer. Cher bought me a drink, we waited in the hall, but why don’t they drink? After a while, my father and mother came out. Seeing their dress, the drinks in my mouth almost sprayed out. Dad was done as like from the primitive tribe. Poor dad, my mother is still the same beautiful. The only difference is that the sunbathing is more, and the white skin becomes wheat color. When you look at it, it is my parents. They immediately stood up. I was dragged by them. Hey, wives, don’t be so anxious! “Oh, dear baby, I want to die.”

Mom always walked towards me quickly, moved, it turned out that my mother still wanted me. I just wanted to have a warm hug. The huge gift box had been in my close contact with me, and my mother had pulled Xueer and they came to the side. … This is my mother. “Dad, how do you do it, is it popular in the Americas?”

I looked at the weird dad who was still complacent. “How is it, handsome?”

Dad was still as cheerful. It saw that their lives were very moisturizing and even fatter. “You stinky boy, what to go and run away from home, the old man who hurts to bother me when he is idle, and you can’t be leisurely on vacation. If your mother wants her daughter -in -law, she will not come back.”

“No, I seem to be much worse than someone!”

“Haha, it really is my good son!”

It’s still old, stuffing a larger box to my free left hand, leisurely, the three of them traveled, and the little suffering was right at all. Xueer, Jingjing, and mood, introduced my father and mother in turn, my dad still wanted to be wordy, but was clicked by my mother’s eyes. Not good. " After pulling Xueer, they got into the car. After my dad and I naturally wanted to pad, "

I said, dad, do you think you can be fair, divide you a box.” ah! The car was driven by the mother. The first thing to come up is to tie the seat belt. There is no way. It must be a drag racing when I look at the excitement of my mother. I still remember the tragic experience. There is a gap. Although it is fast, it is not soaring, maybe because Xueer is here. We went to a five -star hotel. The room had been booked for a long time. Xueer ordered the work of my managing worker. My mother naturally took Xue’er to exchange feelings. Communicate feelings. "

Son, that’s good to have your dad’s style, all three are the best, and the more rare thing is that you are deeply affectionate.” "

Dad, don’t blow it, at least I am not a strict manner, which is much better than you!” As a result, it was K. "

Stink boy, that’s called husband and wife, but I did not expect me to have such a flower -hearted son. Hey, is this that there can be many grandchildren!” The association is too far away. "

As long as it is your choice, dad supports, enjoy the blessing of Qi people, Lao Tzu can’t, the same is true of your son." "

Actually, there are two, but now one is in the UK and the other is in Japan." "

Good boy, there is still a back hand, be careful for a while, your mother k you." "

Dad, how about it?" "

Actually, you are your father and mother, and there are Lu Xiaoxue and Oda Xiangzi." Dad said with a smile, but why is it so treacherous. "

It’s really an old tooth loss in our family. No one in your every move has been reported to us. How can parents don’t care about their sons." Seeing my doubts, of course, Dad knows what I think, "

Rest assured, no one is monitored, and some will be discovered by you. They are just responsible for your security and collecting information about you. Well, the same is true of your dad and me at that time, and protests are useless! " I said, some things seem to be too easy to settle. The gifts of the birthday banquet were also sent by them? Intersection "

Well, don’t talk about this, you should be a good girl when they do n’t exist. Cher is all good girls. What should I do? Dad is not much. If you save, you say that I am silent." "

but!" Looking at my dad’s eyes, I knew that the trouble was coming, hey, I knew it, they must have something else when they came back! "

Don’t remember, I told you when I was a kid!" "

do not remember!" The result of telling the truth was that he was K again, "

Stink boy, I haven’t finished saying it yet, what are you anxious, good things, tell you, it’s a good thing!" "

Dad, you just say it, do we still use cornering corners? Listen to your opening, you know there is nothing good!" "

Who said, we don’t care if you are free to fall in love, but you have already ordered you at home. I know this with your mother. You see how happy we are!" "

Well, I know, what time, you play this, I know, you and my mother separated from home in order to escape the marriage. As a result, what did you do? Yes, you know how many chances are that, one percent is not! Besides, I already have five girlfriends, you have to add one to me, this is not my life! " Listening to me, my dad was not in a hurry, "

finished?" "

It’s gone for the time being, keep the right to continue!" "

I said that turn, first of all, in principle errors, not one, two!" Full ~, the drinks in my mouth were sprayed out, but before I arrived at my dad, I all turned into water vapor. "

No, dad, do you have humanity, you can order dolls in such a young age, and even if you have a marriage, you still have two, how can people agree!" "

Don’t ask me, the old men want to do what they want to do, and there are very few unsuccessful things. Except for our unscrupulous grandfather, they have headaches. Since the rebellion of my rebellion, the previous car is learned, so they prepared two of them for you. Tianxian! " "

No, you leave me tail again!" "

Son, this is a good thing. One of them I have met is almost the same age as you, and it is amazing when I was young. It is more beautiful than your mother!" "

Come, be careful to let my mother hear K at night. You didn’t hear that the girl’s eighteen changes, the more beautiful when you were young, the ugly when you grew up. It’s good! " “.

.. This is also possible!” "

Yeah, dad, you told your grandfathers, quit, and have been so many years. People may have a lover long ago. “Your kid disappeared in a blink of an eye, set a set one after another, give me a set, you have to retire and go back and say, I want to say, the African plan is soaked!”

“No, just come back from South America and go to Africa. In addition to sand and sand, what’s fun!”

“What do you know! You are adult now, you have to solve your own things yourself. Do n’t rely on your parents. We also secretly come back this time. In a few days, we have to return to South America. "

“No, so irresponsible!”

What jobs will blow! “Where is there, Tian will be descended to Sri Lanka, and you must suffer his mind first. You know it later. That’s it. I go out and walk around. I have n’t come back for a long time, so I have to see it!”

Ignoring me, I walked out. What world, the old things have not been resolved, the new problem comes out again, a fiancee? two? Intersection God blessed, I am not dreaming, won’t be a marriage to others, the old man calls him back. It happens that there is something on my side. I hit the muzzle! Hey, how can I explain to Xueer, forget it, don’t think about it, maybe the other party is also making troubles, hey, no matter what I think, I don’t know anything, and I hear everything! Forget it, Dad must be rare to let go, regardless of him, find his mother! As soon as I entered the house, mother, Xueer, Jingjing, I was in my mood, it seemed that they talked very well, … “Mom, why are you short again!”

“No, I didn’t expect that Brother Zhong was so cute when he was a child!”

Xueer laughed, nodded in Jingjing and his mood. “No, I was bought so soon!”

There was a necklace on their necks. It should be a diamond. Like my necklace, the weird six -pointed star, but my materials are weird. “Well, these four you hold, one is to give you little snow, the other is the baby for you, and the two are the fiancee for your fiancee! Your mother, but I am old, how many wives in the future, if you are in the future, you will be a wife. The style is done by herself. "

My mother laughed very cunning. Sit blood, see Xueer’s appearance. “Mom, I don’t care, you booked, you will retreat yourself!”

“Stinky boy, you think you are doing buying and selling, you want to retreat, your mother’s task is to convey it. We don’t care about the others. They give you a chance. You have done everything to run away from home. "

Still Xueer pulled me. Forget it, this problem is useless to entangle with them. Eighty % of his parents can’t do the Lord. They only heard that there are those who grabbing the bride. I haven’t heard that there is a groom! “Where is your dad?”


“What, don’t look at it for a while, just slipped alone, good son, you young people play, mother also goes out, don’t accompany me, I am not a foreigner, wait for something to come back!”

Also flashed. There is only me in the room, Xueer, mood, quiet, I know my mother let me solve the problem by myself. After all, some things still have to solve it by ourselves. For a while, the room was quiet, and Xueer’s movements were very consistent. They were stroking the necklace around their necks. This was an recognition of their identity. At least my parents agreed to do much, but they also I want to find that things are more complicated than imagined. Woohoo, how do you explain this, it has nothing to do with me! Fluttering, haha ~, seeing my stupidity, Xueer couldn’t help laughing, and the nervous atmosphere swept away! “Okay, you are angry with me, look at the tricks.”

I poured a wolf, and the teeth dancing the claws rushed to Xueer. “Husband, you are really a big carrot. When you met you at the beginning, you were very honest. It turned out to be pretended.”

Cher said with a smile, I know she is really angry, I can rest assured, in my heart, She is the heaviest. “Hey, the five of us have been on the thief boat, and we can’t get off. I didn’t expect that others were still in line.”

Jing Jing said cunning. “It is two fiancee. Sure enough, the ancient family is different. Even this is stronger than others.”

Looking at the three women’s grievances, I couldn’t help laughing, and the jealous woman was also beautiful. “Need, laugh.”

“Good wife, really don’t care about my business, you think that at that time, I only knew what the child knew one, they ordered it, I went to settle it myself.”

After listening to me, they were very happy, but they were happy and happy, but they couldn’t bear to make me embarrassed. “Husband, don’t embarrass us. If it is really appropriate, we are not opposed. opposing.”

“Wife, where do you have it? I don’t know what they look like. In case of less, I am not a big loss. I think I am a handsome guy.”

Cher’s pillows had already smashed and broke my YY. “You, just smelly.”

“Wife is assured that if they want to enter the door, they must pass your consent. How can you say that you are also your wife!”

“Oh, say that, you still think in your heart.”

Khan … I was caught, and I was playing for a while. This incident was temporarily let go. Who knows in the future? For so many years, they have not found me. Naturally, there is a problem. There are a few people who listen to arrangements. They don’t need to worry about it. Cher’s happiness is the most important thing. Soon after, the poor dad was arrested. If Xueer was there, they would definitely be miserable. The family ate a warm dinner, which was really warm. I know that the most concerned about me is them, just don’t say it, because they are my father and mother! My mother likes Xueer very much, and by the way, the mother’s accomplishment in power is very good. Even she was shocked to find the quiet talent, because Jing Jing was like a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure, but it was just a treasure. It hasn’t been developed yet. Although Xueer has no such talent, it is much stronger than the average person. In addition, the longest time with me, the most important thing is that she has a kind of similarity to me. This Let my mother like it very much, and also know that she is my first woman and my favorite. Naturally, my mother is also love houses and Wu, especially Xueer was born in that rich family, but there is no slightest vertical spirit. , Great and decent, understanding, and even more likely her mother to like it. In fact, she doesn’t care about Xueer’s background. The Wu Shi family is naturally closer. My mother saw her own shadow from her mood, and her mood was very sensible and very likely. As for the Nangong family, it may be a bit contacted, but it was also the previous generation. It seems that the high mountain flowing water is also given to their family. Three women in one show, not to mention four, and for a long time, that’s the endless. The dizziness with my dad watched it so that I don’t have to sleep tonight. “Mom, you can help your obedient daughter -in -law, I just plant seeds for their spiritual sea. The others did not dare to move, just wait for your master to train.”

“This is, although your strength is a little stronger, but when you talk about teaching people, you have to go out of your mother.”

My mother was really proud because I taught it. “OK, okay, look at your bitter gourd face, what is left is our woman’s affairs, let you leave!”

“Hey, just right, I haven’t been addicted to my dad for a long time, so I must be happy today.”

“Can’t stand you, find a high rooftop, don’t destroy public property!”

Our mother was specially approved, and we naturally rushed out. “Mother, why is Zhong Brother so happy?”

She Xueer had all his questions. “Hey, this is a long thing, you listen to me slowly …”

“Dad, I haven’t recruited it for a long time. Today I must get revenge.”

“Stink boy, no, right, you hate so much for your dad, declare in advance, your field is not allowed, otherwise I don’t fight!”

“You, you, play!”

Dad is too dark, I rely on the field. Others, I will, he will, and he will be much deeper than me. Isn’t this trouble for myself? “Rest assured, let me make you one hand, it’s okay.”

“What you said, don’t regret it at that time!”

“Boy, you are still far away, you are called Dad today!”

Text 202 father and son practice martial arts Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5958 We jumped around the city and looked for the most suitable buildings. After all, every time we moved a movement, it would become larger and affect others. Therefore, we must be as high as possible. Anyway When people see it, they will be considered dazzling, and even a small number of masters can do this. “Boy, have you chosen not, run, willn’t he be afraid?”

Dad was tactical in his heart again, so cunning. “Hum, then you will know who is afraid of whom, so there!”

I pointed to one of the tallest buildings in the city, the municipal government building! “OK, see who is here first!”

The words did not fall, and my dad had rushed out, and it was a gorgeous sly. I followed me hard. The two hovered like a big bird. I destroyed the power and became a semi -suspended state. Our fast exercise is like a cool breeze for ordinary people, and people with a bit of martial arts foundation will find problems, and masters will see a faint shadow, but I am afraid that he will be scared. It’s! “Son, let’s go!”

Dad said from time to time to say the wind and cool, knowing that he was inspiring me, but he couldn’t help but speed up. Today, let him know what is the three days after three days, and look at it! With a violent drink, Wanliu returned to Zong Zong to work, and the speed soared again. A straight line chased his dad. Dad saw that I was so moving, and it was a meal. It’s a little faster than me. But I forgot that the violent drink just paid attention to the true qi. The people around the surrounding hundred meters seemed to hear a thunder and attracted attention, but I could see nothing. However, some of the people who heard it were heard. In a moment, dozens of good figures rushed out of the corners of the city. The strict old man in the bright moon, the goal is the municipal government building! “Hey, the kid, the moonlight is just right, there is no cloud, today my dad wants to refine you well!”

“Dad, don’t brag, don’t make a manuscript, you will lose, don’t find your mother’s nose!”

“Good boy, the courage is getting bigger and bigger, even dad dare to talk!”

“Dad, seem to have more onlookers?”

“Don’t care, we play us, go back to supper after playing, let your mother cook!”

“Okay, whoever loses, his share will be given out!”

“Zhenghe me!”

Drink ~! I have played with my dad countless times, although they end up with a bad defeat, and the tricks are useless. Wanliu returns to the whole body throughout the body. This is the first time since I have made my best! The milky white is constantly poured out, and it has a faint golden light! Looking at the progress of his son, Wang Jiang could not help but be more proud of himself than such a son! Ha ~! Dad’s flow is almost the same as me, but Jin Mang is more prosperous, like a golden needle, of course, I know its lethality! Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate, punch, the punch in front of you can’t hold the bigger, seemingly slow, but if lightning is fast, the surrounding air is squeezed out by the fist. Boom ~! Dad didn’t move in place. I was beaten out and took a step back five or six to stand firm. The last time was ten steps, there was progress. “Stink little boy, you can grow up again, but this can be resistant, I’m afraid your supper is gone!”

“Dad, come on this set, take a move!”

My Peak Martial Arts! I believe that the strongest in the world is its own fist. Without weapons, it can be better and perfect than it. My Pingtian Eight Type! The first formula \ | \ | The wind rises! Rush down, two deep footprints appear on the floor, the bombardment rises to the air, overlaps with the moon, a stagnation in the air, starting to rotate, driven by my true gas, gradually forming a air flow vortex, from top to bottom, from top to bottom, from top to bottom, from top to bottom, from top to bottom, from top to bottom.

With both hands closed, he bombed fiercely, just like a huge fist attacked the dad who smiled underground, hey, you said one hand.

“No, son, play really, you will fall here!”

The voice did not fall, no anger, people had reached the air. Before my momentum reached the peak, the sharp attack had been killed. Regardless of this, a loud drink, the whole body is concentrated! 咣 咣 ~! If there is a substantial radiation, the entire building has shook a bit. Ordinary people thought it was an earthquake! My mother was talking about my glorious history. Suddenly, it was a bit slightly shaking. Others couldn’t feel it. They were all sensitive people here. They frowned for the first time. The children are naturally knowledgeable. “Mother, it seems to be a shock wave just now!”

When I heard this, my mother was a little surprised. I didn’t expect that I could guess this from this shaking. Just when I met like this, I was so on my son! " The municipal government is separated from several streets from here. It can only be here that the shock waves can be here. It can be imagined how terrible their power is. The origin of our family, but very few, basically either mystery or horror. The older generation of people is taboo and deep, and knows that I am strong. I did not expect that the reason why she knew the shock wave was still I thought the strongest elder in the family occurred, but the effect was far worse than this. This is the gap. On the top of the several buildings not far from the municipal government, more than a dozen people stood loosely, and someone joined from time to time. "

Lao Yan, which one do you think is the three big family?” There were only three people upstairs in the nearest floor, and one of the dry old men asked the old man. "

Look at the momentum of the world, the momentum of the world may be the people of Yaowang Tianfu.” "

Oh, is it, from the perspective of the work just now, it should be a hidden level, how can it appear here!” "

That’s right, it should be the top master of the department, and there may be a contemporary heir!" "

Okay, old strict, you must know what, hurry up, otherwise I can make a good deal with you!" "

Come on, you will scare me with a must, use this trick every time you regret chess." Not only did the thin old man feel embarrassed, he was proud. "

Okay, old strictness, do you have any news? Now the ancient martial arts exchange conference that is currently flowing every four years is about to begin. Suddenly, the top master of hidden world flows will be troublesome?" "

Hey, you just like to worry about being attentive. There are few hidden levels of the entire world that can reach this level. Worrying is useless, what can you do!" "

Yes, Lao Fang, you like to have more nosy things. If you don’t have done a monk for many years, you can’t be peace of mind!" "

Old, no, I think there should be a young age in it, and I am afraid of causing what to cause." "

Recently, it is rumored that the little prince of Yaowang Tianfu has debuted. I don’t know if it is true. It seems that it is necessary to go back and warn those rabbits, don’t make trouble." "

Hey, I am afraid of this. With the rules of Yao Wang Tianfu, one is that people do not offend me. I do n’t want to say it. I do n’t want to say later. This time, I must be careful. I always have some bad previews." "

Crow mouth, look good, such masters, we can’t see it several times for decades!" Other people are also discussing, and young people gradually become more. It seems that the martial arts are Junjie who participated in the competition conference, but the eyes are incredible. As big as them, it is like seeing aliens. After taking advantage, I was bombarded in the air, my dad was uncomfortable, and the beating fluttered out. The corner of the building was blown up. I made me a hand and a discount. Occupy the advantages of the air, but unfortunately I did not put my momentum to the top, otherwise I can eat double -portal today’s supper. My mother’s unique survival can be enjoyed by ordinary people. "

Stink little boy, converge, you can’t stand this place to toss, let’s come!" "

Okay, do your old arms and legs do it?" "

The smelly boy see me hit your ass!" Drink ~! The outer Qi Qi began to gather, and slowly formed a thin layer, but the color of my dad was obviously deeper than me. There was no way. It was not my talent. Two apertures gradually appeared in my hands, roar! ~ When the figure flashed, at the same time, when it reached the central government, the roar of the roar passed out. Except for speed, the power was the speed! We were addicted, fist -to -fist, feet against feet, hit from upstairs to the air, and returned from the air. This is completely forgotten to converge. Now it is not just a master who can see it. In the wonder, the two aperthers were mobilized in the municipal government building, and the traffic was completely blocked. My fist gradually occupied the upper hand, hey, dad, you’re so great, I returned to me for supper, and eating me for a trick to settle in the mountains. With the same fist, it broke out, hehe, one hand must not be blocked! I have seen the goddess of victory beckoning to me! Boom ~~! This time the shock waves are even greater, and the little skill is almost injured by a slightly weaker skill. It is inevitable that the head of the mind is not affected. As for ordinary people on the ground, it is too far away. Just feel the ground shaking slightly. … I was hit, my dad was playing, and I used both hands! Intersection Intersection Although my field was opened in time, it was still shocked. At this time, I saw the surrounding abnormalities. There was no way, I could only retreat first. The first thing to go back is to make a small report! "

Mom, my dad bullies me again, say good, he uses one hand, I don’t need the field, but the critical time will fly me!" I looked like an injured kitten, deceived my mother’s mother’s appearance Fa in. "

Wife, oh, wife, lightly, no, that’s that, forget, forget!" "

Hum, I forget every time, son, you do n’t have to be polite next time, you also use the power. After all, you are the son of your mother. How can you use his only kung fu?" "

Long live mother! Oh too!" "

What is broken kung fu, this is the home biography …" Dad still unwilling to argue, but was stared at by his mother, and it was gone. Suddenly Xue’er couldn’t help laughing. At a glance, it was no different from the beggar. The clothes on the clothes only proved that it existed, and I was even worse. Finally, I was struggling. Breakthrough, although there is no nose and swollen face, it is not good to go. … but it’s so happy! "

Okay, the two of you go to take a bath and wait for the supper I made!" "

Oh, Long live!" "

There are people who have wives, and they are like a small child!" "

Mother, you are so happy!" Cher was all envy eyes, how happy such a family is. "

What is envious, we are a family, remember, happiness must be grasped by ourselves!" Xueer, full of heart, nodded quietly and obediently. "

Being a good wife, good dishes are necessary, not to say that we must make them for them, but we must be able to control it occasionally." My mother began to teach the way of Royal Fu again. However, it is really not easy to make my mother work once. It is not easy for our father and son to make a dish. If Xueer has any shortcomings, this is probably the only one, of course, I don’t care. There was no father and son before meals. The dining table still comes again with my dad to fight for a dragon. This time I am not stupid. I directly expand the field. I ate half of my dad. half! Originally, my dad wanted to make a lot, but the mother was glared back at a glance. Xueer didn’t know why. After eating, I knew what was called delicious in the world. Robbed. "

Mother, we have to learn art!" "

Wife, my mother’s hands are not easy to learn, at least the control of the intermediate power, like you will explode, oh, my mother, don’t knock my head, it will be stupid." Unfortunately, my mother is still old -fashioned A white -eyed solution to the problem. No wonder my IQ is so low, and finally I found the root. I was knocked by my mother! I slept very fragrant that night, and I could laugh in my dreams … When we enjoyed family happiness, we exploded outside, and countless versions passed out. The most credible. For a while, the martial arts boom rose again, because it once again proved that human potential was unlimited. Many people saw that competition, which was terrible and terrible. The government’s explanation is that a special action of the special team is normal, and everything is normal. The major sects have issued a warning order to warn all disciples to act in low -key, but the reason did not say it, but everyone guessed that it was related to this competition. But at the same time, another shocked news set off a huge wave on the rivers and lakes, accompanied by the convening of the ancient military conference, and formed a new climax.

Of course, the most important thing to get a peerless cheats and amazing treasures is that the person who sends this ultimatum is a beautiful fairy, and a man who has seen the people who has seen it has been abandoned and unforgettable.

Who is Wang Zhong?

No one knows, but everyone is tracing crazy.

As for cheats, treasures, most of the fairy do not see it, but the top ten masters of the younger generation have several proves, and they are also searching for the most crazy search.

People, drive everyone to find, but on the surface, the calm and quiet, a tacit understanding, no one wants to give the opportunity to others, At this time, our protagonist is sleeping comfortably.

Of course, a few sneezers are indispensable.

After all, so many people miss him .



The United States, Pentagon.

C, a top position that belongs to S -order, and the median belonging to S -order.

Do you know what this means?

“Boomed, the table was smashed by a hole. Essence "

I don’t care what the way you use, check me up immediately!” Japan, new human tower. "

Presumably, you must see it clearly. Immediately sent someone to take their gene samples. Obtaining this, our new human plan will go to the next level, and the new world is not far from us!" Vatican. "

Is this the power of the East? It is very amazing, Gorma Dan Bishop, we should speed up the progress of God’s penalty. Fortunately, our relationship with the East has always been good. With such a friend Is it a matter? " Egypt, pyramid alliance "

Seeing no, this is the sedimentation of the four major civilizations of the ancient civilizations like us. Although the method of use is different, it has to admit that it is very strong." "

Pharaoh, we can’t see clearly, how can we sure that they must be true?" The eyes of Pharaoh burst out, "

God tells us that this is true and gives us a path of hope, so go to do what you should do." "

Pharaoh, there are not many such masters in our alliance. You must introduce them to the dark pyramid battle circle!" A mummy -like guy made a low voice, … such a brother should go to the coffin in the coffin. Lie. "

However, there have been many problems in the battle circle recently. The power of new humans and semi -robots is surprisingly powerful, which has an impact on our plans." "

Wrong, this is exactly the postgraduate entrance examination of God. Only the real strong can reach the tower’s tower. We are just slaves!" "

In order to extradite our gods, let’s use all the forces to find the strong, our great dark pyramid!" The people in the hall turned to worship a huge black pyramid. The tower exudes a weird atmosphere, which is strength. The major secrets of the world have begun to respond properly on our father and son’s martial arts in this general sense. After this battle, I entered the dark pyramid battle circle and had my own ranking. In the next few days, we played very happily. Cher and they finally let go of their minds. When their parents left, Xueer was more reluctant than me, and his father and mother asked Xueer to warmly warm. Qian Ding Wan told me to ignore me, but later I knew it, still taking care of me. The plane disappears in the air, and my father and mother are happy to play, I wish you young! Xueer and I, Jing Jing, and a series of news, hit the news, Xiao Mao broke into the door directly, and it was really difficult for him to use his destructive power. "

Boss, the matter is coming, God’s eighty -one level !!!" God? Level 81? I haven’t responded yet, ah! "

when???" "

Two hours, thirty -second, thirty seconds ago!" Xiaomao looked at me very firmly, his eyes flashed. It ’s useless to see me. People are here to pick up the goods. I ca n’t let me eat black, and I swallow it together … Although I also want. The text before 2003 before the wind and rain Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 6076 The boss of the European K.D.G Magic Trade Union, known as the GOD of the first magician of the European United States, was finally level 81. The system announced the entire world, and the second person who could pass through the national borders was born. The eyes of the world gathered again in the Chinese area, the magic palace, the demon king soul, and the first thing to do after GOD reached the 82nd level to complete the transaction. After all, the whole set of \ [Dragon King Gong ] is not a small number. There are also challenges, which is a greater significance. Two people with the highest level in the second world are going to fight! While everyone is looking forward to strong collisions, daily life is still going to be carried out. Many big events are far from ordinary players. They can only wait, but some people are close at hand. Regarding the visits of God, the inside of the Magic Palace is extremely concerned. As soon as the news arrives, a group of warmies are already moving. Is it so fighting, or dual -stupidity is more stable. Even after with the soldiers, I don’t like challenges so much. Of course, I like to practice people to practice. … Nothing. Recently, because of the new sky blue scorpion and flying little pig, the addiction of these two guys has committed again, especially the scorpion’s air stagnation is a new challenge to the silly realm. It is impossible to calculate the last shot point. As a result, the scorpion of the \ [Good Life ] in the practice room has been spent in the practice room. Pig’s ultimate killing trick —— ourselves. Little pig’s explosion has finally achieved results, which made the cat fish relieved. The second sister -in -law could relax and find the beautiful people to talk about it. In his words, watching the two ugly men all day, his brain is not flexible. Over time, the temperament of the handsome guy has been consumed, and you must re -moisturize with a beautiful woman. Brother. Recently, our magic palace is the autumn of events, and there is a challenge to develop, that is, our opportunity is coming again! Why. I can still sing this high tone. It’s getting rich again! I still want to be promoted and remove that portion! The current scorpion is anxious to get rid of the control of cats, and the difficulty of this younger brother is too high. The salary increase is more realistic, or if you don’t issue bonuses. I really want to go on vacation. I heard that the East China Sea with poor personality is good. There are many beautiful women, and the body is hot. The most important thing is that it is relatively open. It is simply a virgin paradise. Listen below. I fainted, this is the elite of the Demon Palace. They laughed and made a smile. Hey, forget it, you have to bully me every time. "

Presumably this time I call everyone the sight, everyone knows that the infinite task of the Atlantis continent is the most difficult task I have ever seen. What does it mean behind it, everyone is clear; " The second thing is that God is already 81. It will definitely be in the Chinese area soon. Xiao Mao prepares the Dragon King’s divine power. Credit is the key. As for challenging things, I deal with it myself. I want to try the first magic in the West in the West. People who are hands -in -law, don’t worry first, look at the situation, after all, you don’t know what kind of person the other person is, you must pay attention to the image of the Magic Palace! After I finished, Xiao Mao went on to say that the fat man was better than me, and did not need to pretend to be cool, because he had the power of economic power, and the brothers had to send a red envelope when they saw him. "

With double the personnel, we must visit some unexpected people to make trouble at this critical time, and the defense force is doubled to ensure that everything is one thing. A steady mentality, the sound of the wind outside is a hype. For us, we should see very lightly. The Magic Palace has the first master in China to sit in the town, and we don’t need to worry about it! Specifically, we have to wait for him to talk about it. The more you need to stay calm, everyone’s attention should be concentrated on the infinite tasks in front of you. Specifically, you must arrange the deployment of the second sister -in -law and the mood. After that, the second sister -in -law stood up slowly, sorted out the hairstyle, and smiled: “I have identified the infinite task scroll!”

It can be seen that the second sister -in -law is also very happy. This guy spent two days and two nights to get the scroll. Now his appraisal has risen to a new state again. “Although this scroll is still unsolvable, most of the things we need are out. First of all, this is a large group task. It should be the legendary Atlantis. I can’t find the number of people now. And according to the boss, we have to encounter a semi -intelligent monster of the group. To what extent is the specific intelligence, I can’t guess, but I just wake up! "

“Secondly, on the map, I found a total of ten leaders to do

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