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Chapter_4 On their faces, but the two of them were still calm, which surprised me, either sincerely, either I did not put me in my eyes at all, or it was the terrible of the city’s deep, or the possibility of the later was more likely to be more likely Big, no matter what others are, I have not changed my face.

My father and mother have trained this to me since I was a child.

I did n’t expect it to be here.

It ’s really a long time.

This is the first time I thank my parents for my mother.

Cruel, cruel, abnormal, ruthless training.

“Cher, don’t you introduce your guests to Grandpa?”

“Angry, who dares to call my wife so kindly, … Ah, an old man, hehe, sorry. "

Ah, Grandpa Deng, you’re here, Xueer was still looking for you just now, come and introduce” Then again, it’s really troublesome. "

You are the children of the Nangong family. Well, well, all of them are naturally beautiful, do you have a boyfriend, if not, there are many young handsome you can choose." The old man laughed with a beard. "

Grandpa, you also make fun of us." They were in the mood of their coquettish skills, and they were practiced after all. When I introduced me, I suddenly smiled, and for a while, seeing the sign on my clothes, I was excited, and tears were faint in my eyes. Although I am more handsome, is it necessary to be so excited? "

Your surname is king, which king is it?" Dizzy, what is the king who is surnamed Wang? "

Is your grandfather named Wang Zhantian?" The old man had already held me tightly, and the people around me were watching me. I couldn’t think of how the old man was so nervous about an unknown little dwelling. "

Well, how do you know?" I was also strange, why would he know about our family, and those veterans often said that our family has been hidden for a long time. "

Haha, okay, okay, good, just here, it’s okay, come, come here." Looking at the excited old man like a child, I also stunned, there are glasses from the surroundings, those who have dropped the ground. Middle -aged people swept me frequently. "

Brothers, this is his grandson, let’s take a look, like it." The old man still said inexplicable words. "

Ah, like it, just like when he was young." The veterans around me were sad and died. Then I was surrounded by a group of old men. Listening to what they said without nutrition, I looked at me in color, and I really wanted to run away. God, you finally appeared. Baby walked down the stairs with his parents. Today’s baby is like a princess. Without the naughty naughty, it replaces an elegant temperament. Her parents were really from that day, but when they saw that I was surrounded by a group of old men, it also showed an unsightly shock. The baby finally found me in the crowd, and couldn’t help but talk to me. Uncle wanted to pull her, but somehow hesitated, the baby had rushed over, she did not want to rush to my arms in front of the crowd. I have n’t responded yet, and I ’m already warming the jade. Now I can fry the pan. Suddenly, the young one was jealous, and even the punishment forces were not stable just now. "

Ahem, Xiaoxue, not polite, I have seen all uncle and aunt." Xiaoxue woke up, and quickly jumped away from my arms, rushing to my mother’s arms to coquettish. "

Jianmin, Xiaoxue is good, such a good boyfriend was discovered by her." The old man around nodded praise, these dads of the baby were confused. All of these old people were ordinary people. Everyone was everyone. Everyone. There are quite a lot of strength. Today, I just came to see his father’s face by the way. He never heard that they praised a younger generation like that, and it seemed like his own grandson. "

Where, the predecessors praised." The party officially started, and I finally liberated from the old man. The difference is that there are many cards in my pocket. I don’t care very much, but the eyes of the people around me seemed to see the treasure. One by one is full of envy and jealousy, I don’t know if I can eat it. From time to time, the discussion came from time to time, "

What originally the origin of this person, even the old monsters looked at him again?" "

Well, go back to investigate, we will not know such a big man." The next ring is of course the birthday gift. Everyone took out their own gifts. This is a good opportunity to perform. She Xueer gave the latest Barbie doll. The price is sky -high. The latest space speed is really rich. The sisters of the family should be the sisters of Nangong. They send a set of crystal broochs. From the dazzling light, it should be a space synthetic crystal. It’s my turn, everyone is looking at me. Some people want to see me ugly. Someone is looking forward to me. No matter, I took out my long -prepared gift, a simple box. This is my grandma when I was a kid. To me, I said that I met her beloved girl for a long time to give her this, but now I finally used it. Although it is not a precious thing, it represents my heart: "

Xiaoxue is given to you Yes, you and your sister are one by one. “Of course, my sister refers to Xueer. Although the gifts in front were amazing, I did n’t nostalgic for them. I opened the box carefully, haha, the people around me couldn’t help laughing, and a pair of gray -like ordinary bracelets were stalling. "

It’s God, it’s really it.” The old men who have been interested in the previous things are bigger than the eggs, "

I didn’t expect to see it in a lifetime. It seems that it is good to live for a long time." "

Yeah, I saw it for the first time, more than 50 years ago!" In my emotion, Grandpa Deng came over, "

Lady, do you really want to give it Xiaoxue?" "

Of course, my grandmother said that when I met the person I love, I gave it to her." Like the people around me, I don’t know why they valued this bracelet so much, and I don’t know where they come from. Love. "

Come on, Xiaoxue will be on, you can see its true face." The old man seemed to know very well. The baby picked up one and gave the other to Xueer, which caused a discussion again. When the two of them brought the bracelet, the colorful light broke out on the bracelet, and a dragon totem appeared, and it disappeared on the two of them. Guanghua is circulating inside. Now as long as it is a clear -eyed person knows that this is a rare treasure, and it is by no means that it looks so simple, and the guess of my identity has deepened a bit. Cher and Baby kissed me happily, and they loved this bracelet. A few barrels of oil were poured on the fire of young people. I walked in front of the baby’s parents again, "

Uncle, will you have the symptoms of migraine when you are busy?" Baby’s parents also looked at me in surprise. It seemed right. I have a kind of elixir here to treat this symptom. This migraine is mainly due to long -term busy and excessive pressure. The sutra of the outer cave fish waist and the silk bamboo hole, the hand of the Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian, has a tendency to be trapped. The general drugs are cure the standard and the root cause. In the trial several times, it did alleviate the strange effects of the nerves, and originally intended to get a patent. Uncle was hesitant to hold the medicine box. After all, the medicine was not eaten randomly. At this time, the old man came out again: "

Jianmin will take it off, and you have unexpected benefits." Seeing that the old people around you are a good thing when you pick up Bao, you can quickly thank me. These actions have attracted the attention of careless people. At this time, a waiter came in and said that Mr. Wang Zhong’s first gift was delivered. Strangely, wasn’t the gift just sent? The waiter sent a big birthday with a large number of blessings with the roses with beautiful orchids in more than 999 purple purple roses. This kind of rose is the latest development of varieties, and the survival rate is extremely low. I remember that someone had sent 9 branches just now. I don’t remember that I can send this, and now I can only recognize it. Anyway, there is no bad thing. The real hall has a refreshing aroma. The face of the two of them was not authentic. After the simple speech was completed, the dance at the beginning, Xing Boy obviously wanted to invite Xiaoxue to jump the first one. Unfortunately, the baby did not throw him directly towards me. The boys were stunned immediately. Hey, although Lao Tzu was poor, I was proficient at the age of 10 when I was 10 years old. At that time, the useless training was now used. Well, my dad must know that I will use girls to use it in the future. Mine, my mother may be cheated like this. Originally thought that the mandala dance steps that only the high -end people would be, I did not expect that I was performed so well by my poor boy. The skillful sense of rhythm was not able to practice in a while and half, and I needed the next time. Baby put my little mouth into my ear: "

Brother, you are handsome, baby loves you." I was doing my heart and blood, this little witch, when I see how I can clean you. The second dance was jumping with Xueer, and Xueer couldn’t help it. Two people took turns jumping with me.

After jumping, they were tired of anyone beside me.

Fortunately, there were a lot of girls in the hall.

***, Although the two are a little proud, but on the surface, the people are not bad, and the punishment force is even more straightforward: “Brothers, I am jealous of you, but I will not give up.”

escape. Everyone chatted together. At the end of the dance, we came to the yard to enjoy the moon and drink and chat. The environment is so beautiful. The small bridge flowing water can only be seen in the book. Please see the sky " Ah, what’s going on, they are all looking at me in the mood of the Cherbal. I shrugged and said that I didn’t know that others thought I was selling a barrier. Actually, I really didn’t know. "

Everyone looks at the moon!" A person screamed. Six shadows are from far to near, like the moon came down, "

Happy Birthday of Xiaoxue" God, people who understand it knows that this is not a flower flower. This is a laser image directly sent from the satellite. These six words must use 6 satellites, and it is difficult to make such precision. Many of the people present were exactly experts, so exaggerated gifts. "

Yeah, how can he do such a thing through the allowance of the brain. (The moon is now the main computer-the future base of the future. The moon is already a human high -tech R & D control center.) Even the old man showed a shocking expression. Although the previous gifts were good, it didn’t seem to be unexpected. I was shocked. Actually, the most surprising was me. These arrangements for me are unclear. Don’t let me pay my bill afterwards, otherwise I can only escape. Anyway, this is a smooth birthday dinner. Today, this is a smooth birthday dinner. Today After late, a message began to circulate a message between the people-the heirs of the mysterious forces appeared, and all of them began to track down my bottom. Although there was nothing, no one dared to underestimate me. I don’t care about our parents, just let me treat them well, and the Galaxy Unification College is about to start in one month. Let’s prepare 3, but now I can finally play with the “world”

It’s right. Chapter 15 Flying Horse Warrior The warrior is the strongest occupation in the second world. It is known for its strong attack power. It measures the strength of a guild or a city. The number of soldiers it owns is an extremely important factor, especially the Cavaliers The emergence of a profession made the soldiers’ attack power more up to the next level, and the strong impact of the Cavaliers became the main force of the siege. In particular, the strong attack tendency of the occupation is more popular with people. In reality, it is bound by law and morality. Here, as long as you are strong enough, you can leave everything and vent your violence. Some people say that it is not more refreshing to organize a magic cavalry regiment or the Arch cavalry. The heavy cavalry has no lethality in front of it. It is restricted in the second world. Only when the health value reaches a certain standard can you ride a hippocampus. In the process of riding a horse, the endurance consumption is very fast. This is a fatal injury to the non -warrior profession. Of course, it is not impossible to wait for everyone to have a high level. It is not impossible to build a magic cavalry regiment. The level of warrior strength depends mainly on the level, equipment, that is, the attack power, defense, accuracy, agility and speed, of course, of course, of course, there are of course many levels. One, that is technology, especially when it is first -round. There are two types of technology: innate and acquired. The so -called congenital means that the player itself has been trained in martial arts, and it can grasp the attack time angle in the game. The day after tomorrow was obtained in the game. The basic skills of the soldiers include splitting, picking, stabbing, sweeping, etc. A good technical soldier can easily kill a technical poor technology. Level 10. People with good congenital technology can only explain the foundation. For example, a martial art master, in reality, he can get to your hands, but in the game, the eyes are reached, and the hand may not necessarily arrive. It depends on you The skill proficiency and accuracy of the recruitment, otherwise the martial arts champion will not be invincible in it. These important applications are suitable for heads -up and small -scale PK. As for large -scale wars, the individual’s strength is meager. The winning and defeat of the battle has changed from technology to strength. I am afraid of being frustrated, and I am afraid of it! “Dad, your name is too cool and no momentum.”

The family of four walks on the road leading to the green wild forest. The love is becoming more and more user -friendly. More human. “Love, ordinary is also beautiful. It is the avenue to find extraordinary from ordinaryness.”

I admire myself that I can say such depth. “By the way, where did Xiao Zi run? Why didn’t you see her?”

The baby laughed: “Xiao Zi is comfortable, eats and sleeps all day long, sleeps and eats, now I must be asleep in the pet bags of love.”

Why do I listen, the more it seems to be raising a pig. “Who said that people are sleeping, people are thinking about it. Recently, they have been gaining a lot, and they have to lose weight.”

Xiao Zi jumped out of the pet bag. There are a lot of people leveling along the way. I used to open the way. I ca n’t open it today. The little stone ca n’t open the road. The monsters here are still unattainable to my 8 -level soldier. A 50 -level magic horn leopard rushed over. As soon as she was about to go, Xiao Zi greeted him first, and suddenly hit the magic leopard. “What a great puppy!”

, The people around me were discussed. Speechless … “What do you know, that’s a dragon, and a crystal dragon that loves chicken wings.”

“Cut, how do you know?”

“Oh, it’s weak. Last time we got a small boss and sent a fortune. The boss asked us to rub on the first floor of the world. The prize can eat in the same box as the crystal dragon! "

After speaking, it seemed to be in the Mark Six. Although Xiao Zi’s power is large, it takes a lot of effort to clean up this magic leopard, but Xiao Zi is too strange. The pet’s pet, and it is still a wild fantasy beast. After the chaos, it was found that it was really lively. A group of people killed the thieves here to make a sound. It seems that the previous plans are correct. We did not show up. Several escape thieves saw that we were “women and children”

(small soldiers at level 8 should be regarded as children), and quickly rushed towards us. Xiao Zi’s Longyan ruined, and then she was fascinated by Xueer’s avatar ——- Shadow war. To deal with Xiaoyu, now the baby is not what she used to be today. In addition, she has the protection of invisible rings, and it is a large-scale scattering technique-no difference in random shooting. “Baby I said how many times, don’t close your eyes when you shoot archery. You will be so crooked.”

Just now a arrow pasted with my scalp, and it was disabled by the shot. “People like this cool feeling.”

Baby still has this quirk, I am dizzy. Ah, isn’t that Xiaobai Sheng, why is he leveling? “Brother Baisheng is also here?”

Xiao Bai Sheng didn’t expect to meet an acquaintance, a little surprised. “Where, my younger brother just practiced his hands with his friends.”

He was beaten by several novices yesterday. I can not work hard today. Those guys waited for me. Looking at his teeth, we knew that someone was unlucky, and we still sparkled well. There is nothing to stay around the green wild forest. We went straight in it. Xueer called the Red Cloud out and let her and Xiao Zi open the way in front. The monsters here are relatively weak. It is horrible, but the grade of pets is more difficult to raise, and the experience of the experience has been divided by the owner, and the experience required for pet upgrades is different depending on the type of pet type. Behind the holy beast like Red Cloud is described as difficult words. There is just an empty place in front of it. Everyone takes a break. Xiao Zi is already in a hurry to take out the chicken wings to eat. It seems that it is completely forgotten. Who said it was to lose weight just now. “This beautiful lady, can we make a friend, talk to me, I promise you will fall in love with me, handsome and beautiful.”

A colorful voice disturbed our rest. When we were just about to teach this color wolf who did not know the lively wolf, everyone was stunned, and then laughed loudly. The original color wolf was a horse. It is the golden horns that only have 9th -level unicorn king on the head. I can’t help but go forward, “Brother Ma, are you looking for the wrong object? This, you are too different.”

Seeing the look of the villagers: “Cut, what age, you don’t know that love is regardless of race and age, and I am so excellent, and I will like me.”

Then I said, "”

My dad is the King of Yinfei, and my mother is the princess of the unicorn. As their outstanding comprehensive, I am naturally the son of heaven. " Halo, it turned out to be a hybrid variety, but whether it is Yinfei Horse or Unicorn, anyway, there are some horses. Dragon and a horse, I couldn’t help laughing, Xueer also remembered something, and the flower branch trembled. The color horse was not affected by us, and continued to launch his pornographic offensive around Xiao Zi, but Xiao Zi ignored him, only chicken wings in his eyes, and finally Xiao Zi finally moved, Xiao Zi slowly looked up, Xiao Zi slowly looked up, Xiao Zi slowly looked up. Gently opened my mouth, spit out a few words softly and emotionally: "

Are you delicious?" This made the color horses that have the effect of our own efforts. Laughing. "

This, of course, I am not delicious, but …" Sema looked at the heat in Xiao Zi’s eyes, and he was drumming in his heart. Don’t talk well. As soon as Xiao Zi didn’t eat his head, he buried his head in the wings of the chicken, and Sema was left out again. Seeing the situation was not good, I immediately turned the spearhead to us. "

Brother and elder sister take me. In the next life, I will repay you as a cow. Oh, by the way, there is a pet egg in my stomach. You can take me. Grab it, I was beaten away by me. " I am dizzy. This color horse is not honest at this time. It is still used for the next life. Now it is not just right. Who knows what you are in your next life. Besides, I have not heard of the public. "

Let’s sign a contract. I just have no pet. How about being my pet?" "

This is not good. You are abused animals. You are valuable in life and higher love prices. I am dizzy, and this is OK. “This way, it is not possible to not sign the contract. We can discuss it on the terms.”

I planned so, no matter how the contract was signed, hey. Seeda thought for a while, as if it had made a lot of decisions, “You help me pursue Xiao Zi, I help you do things, we and we have two benefits, how about?”

No problem, the transaction, the two handsome guys held the “hand”

for the century. Isn’t there a saying that it is called objects to gather! A group of four pets and three pets, walking on the road to the third floor, we are more eye -catching except me, but it is said that I am the most eye -catching. Needless to say, Hongyun next to them also proves their identity. Love is a cute little witch. Now they know that Xiao Zi’s origin is not a small number of people. That color horse is even more conspicuous. I can’t see what he looks like, it is really a guy. There are not many Warcraft that dare to make us on the road. If you have nothing to do, you have to find something. It is a good proposal to name Sema. “Ahem, this is the name, oh, this horse is the most right to speak. First of all, as the protagonist, the name must be considered my handsome and chic, you can see this solid and fit muscle, you see this beautiful and generous Wings, look at this golden horns that symbolize the temperament of the king, you see … "

Stop, stop, stop, are you going to sell it? Just a name?” I really don’t know that it is right or wrong to collect this color horse. Maybe he is counting us. "

You see, you see, jealousy, I ~" I finally took back the words below under my fierce force. "

Everyone says one by one, and the last one is recognized by everyone." This is so simple and clear. This color horse just likes to make the problem complicated. "

Well, it’s good to say that it is a big deal like a name for Ben Malaysia. It is to give full play to democracy, rely on the masses, everything from the masses, and go to the masses. Oh, who kicked me?" To send Biao, at first glance, Xiao Zi turned into a smiley face, and even Xiao Zi had a cold about the guy of Luo Qiyuan. "

I think it should be called Madagascar. The name is so cool." "

I think it’s called PP. My kitten is called QQ." This is the opinion of the baby. Hehe, PP, QQ is really clear, but how do I look at Seama’s face began to whiten and the horse’s face began to stretch. "

There is not a Greek mythology that is not as good as Pedus, it is better to call Pergsus." Cher set up the name of mythology, but unfortunately there was no famous horse in Chinese myths. Seama is obviously more satisfied with this name, and the color heart is up again. If you want to occupy the cheapness of my wife, how can you make it succeed? I quickly put Xiao Zi in the middle, and the guy scared to be honest. "

I think it’s called a piece of dish, it’s easy to understand, and it’s delicious?" Just after speaking, Xiao Ziwi appeared in front of me. "

Is it really delicious, is it better than chicken wings? “Looking at Xiao Zi sincerely, I really don’t know what to say. Under my "

coercion”, Xueer also turned to support me. Sema was resolutely opposed. In the end, I had to take out the killer. "

Choose it yourself, don’t call a small dish, you have to call chicken wings?" Feeling the pressure around, Sema can only make the most correct choice —— Small dish. If you want to be called chicken wings, it is strange that it is not eaten by Xiao Zi. "

By the way, I know a very interesting place. Are you interested in playing with me?" The side dish said proudly, here is my hometown. Hum, always when I do n’t exist, I have a fierce way on its buttocks to let it know who the owner is. Unfortunately, the attack power of the small stone, for this perverted 9th -level fantasy beast, but It’s just itchy, hey, it hurts my feet. The side dishes are cheerful along the way, humming the minor tone of learning from, "

Sister, you sit on the hoe, my brother is walking, love and love, in the bed, wand in the bed …" "

Stop and stop! Your pig’s head, what do you sing?" "

Wrong, wrong, it’s a horse head, not a pig’s head. It is necessary to talk about principles to be a horse. You must also talk about principles. The horse’s head is a horse head. Matthel, if you insist on treating the horse’s head as a pig’s head, ah? " Looking at everyone’s murderous vision, the side dish whispered, "

I can’t help it, ah, ah!" It is probably too boring. Xueer and Baby, three gathered together, chatting while walking while talking about the private affairs between women, Hongyun, small dishes, Xiao Zi opened the way in front, chopping the thorns, you damn it. What kind of road, what is the way to lead, there is no way to be precise. "

You are wrong again. There is no way in the world. If you walk too much, you will become a way. This is your great scholar. Isn’t it? Why do you look at me like this? Isn’t that even me? Say wrong, you can say, you look at me like this, how do I know that I said wrong, you … “I really doubt how it used to spend it before. Its life. The best way to deal with it is not to speak, let it sing a unicorn, the side dishes say that it can only lead the way to see if no one cares about it. "

Small dishes, where are we going, have we gone for so long?” Baby couldn’t help it anymore, "

That’s why you don’t know the way, don’t get lost?" Xueer asked worriedly. Hearing this sentence, the small dishes in front of the first stop suddenly stopped, and Xiao Zi hit the buttocks, and the anger of Xiaozi hit him out. Essence The small dish dumped the leaves on his body and walked over carefully: "

I’m sorry, I lost my way." thump! Intersection Intersection I am fainted, you are getting lost, what should we do! "

Every time they go from the air, who knows that the following will be different from the road above?" The side dish could not be sampled by me. fly? I have learned the ultimate magic of the mage who can learn at level 81 ———— unfortunately, now it is only 0. It is no different from using it to commit suicide. Yes, I can’t recognize myself. Our transformation is not enough. The little stone has not changed the ability to change at all. The soul -eating demons will only fly to the third level. Flying, it will only become more and more charming. As for love, I don’t know. "

What do we do, Hongyun won’t carry people?" Cher was a little bit unprepared. What do you do? what should I do. Yeah, side dishes, how did I forget your culprit? Hey, looking at my gangster, the side dishes realized the danger, and frightened. "

Small dishes, are you a man?" Seeing Xiaozi also stared at it rarely, nodded quickly, and exaggeratedly put on a Pose. "

Then you should take your own responsibility. You should go to that so -called fun place you proposed, and the road is also you brought. Now there is something wrong, and you naturally need you to solve it. The method has helped you think. We all carry it. " I have to put some pressure on it when I see the small dish, "

Small dishes, you think of it?? Good horses can not eat back grass!" The side dishes walked over with their heads, “Cher and love, you go first, and the baby and I will go next.”

Of course, Xiaozi is back to pet bags. The crystal dragon is the only one in the dragon. dragon. Xueer and Qing’er passed first. The baby and I can only wait in place. Of course, I want to become a demon king soul, otherwise it may be okay to have a hidden ring. Block. Sitting under a old pine tree with a baby, enjoying the tranquility of this moment, and the usual energy, it is also rare and gentle, like a lovely kitten, curled up in my arms, no, it should be it, it should be Just a little fox, quiet, I don’t want anything in my heart. At this time, there is no sound! Ah, this elf was fell asleep, and it took a long time. It was jumping and jumping along the way. The body is vividly set off, and a pair of big white rabbits in the drums is a bit unbound, as if it is seducting you to unbutton the buttons, you can see everything. Forget it, it’s really going to be a demon. What is the matter of love and desire, and who can really clear it! A gust of wind blew, and the baby tightened me again. It was so powerful. I wanted to kill me. Maybe I dreamed of something good, and the little face released a happy light. “Brother, you are good or bad, while others are asleep, peek at others, I will tell my sister, hum!”

The blushing baby was also charming when he spoke. “Oh, I don’t know who wants my brother in my dream? I just respond to you”

, hehe, cheat you. The baby may have a dream about our shameful people. When I hear my dreams, my shameful fist kept stunning me, haha, I was guessed by me. When we were intoxicated, a malleo sound appeared. “Hey, hey, I am busy fainting, mixed with the sky, sweating, hard work, great credit, you two are good, kiss me here, pity me is lonely, oh, little, little, little, little Zi, do you know how deep I love you, how much I love you, my love is true, my love is deep, Mount Everest represents my heart … a light kiss … "

“Hold and hold, don’t they reach the destination?”

Let’s talk about the point first. “You are a big radish, and the handsome guy is out of the horse. Of course, the horse is successful.”

Suddenly a jump jumps in front of me, “Boss, my idol, teach me a few tricks, you see me, the boss is a horse, the boss is a horse, Still in a single love song, it’s not good to say that you go out on your face, right? "

I was dizzy, and it turned out to be a teacher. “Okay, don’t be ridiculous. In the future, my brother will pass on a few tricks to keep you hot and spicy, oh, baby, you just talk about it.”

I just talk about it. " This feeling of traveling in the sky is really refreshing. It is very different from my flying technique. The earth is under my feet, and a proud feelings rush into my heart. "

Ah, baby, don’t move messy, it is not fun to fall down. The feeling of free falling body is good, but it is wrong to fall to the ground.” "

Pop, fell into a cake, huh,” "

Hey, don’t look good about the two people who are not the horse. People have the hearts, the horse has a horse heart, and there is some face. The horse has no contribution and hard work. When I was scolding, I really couldn’t stand you. I didn’t understand the mood of single Han. “Speaking of desperately flying forward. We just want to comfort it a few words, and it is difficult for it to have a low tide. Unfortunately, unfortunately, "

Sister, you go forward boldly, go forward, the last time … The big river flows east, the star in the sky, Chan Beidou … " The baby and I look at each other. This guy will not want to sing and sing this opportunity. These nostalgic classics do not know who to learn from. We are in trouble now, and we have to give it a lesson when we reach the ground. "

It’s the front.” Damn side dishes have not forgotten the right thing yet. "

Husband, we are here!" Xueer and love waved below. Finally landing, the feeling of down -to -earth is also good. At first glance, the surrounding terrain, ah? In the back is the boundless virgin forest. Where is this? It is not like the realm of the green wild forest. The cliff is in front. There is any fun place here, but it is a good place for suicide. "

Husband, I just looked at it like a new map here. It is not a fixed city. It should be the three areas, and there is no channel. Maybe it is the task." Dear, Xueer just wanted to run, and was caught by the baby, hehe, obediently accept it. "

Small dishes, where are you talking about?" Some insiders do not ask if it is wasteful. "

This, this, forget!" ◎#¥ ¥ ¥ % ◎ ◎ % …… ※※ × for a while, a panda appeared, and I thought I was just a little stone. I am now the devil’s soul eater, and there is no excuse. , I just suffered so long. No way, now everyone can only find it, "

Dad, here", love mysteriously at a lone tree beside the cliff said, "

Dad, kick it on three feet, and then say —— The rabbit opens the door obediently." Who designed such a disgusting secret, you can only try it. The words of love are inseparable. I came to the big tree three times, and then said the secret code. Sure enough, the big tree spoke, it was an old tree demon. "

The password is correct. You are the second batch of people entering the Dark Hall." Oh, there are still people in front of us, bombarding, stuck, and an ancient cable bridge across the cliff. We followed them in turn. I accidentally looked down, dizzy, and quickly stepped up. Opposite was a small cave entrance. We have entered the cave one after another. There are other caves. A door of more than 10 meters high has been opened. There are four gold plaques on it with four large characters-Diabang Hall. When you enter it, it is a spacious hall, and there are also monsters killed on the ground, but these monsters are all old monsters, including ghost kings, half -beasts, evil kings, white pigs, etc. No one can see, who is so powerful, and even such a monster group is killed, no matter how you go in and see the fun. A newly brushed ghost dynasty rushed over. I was just going to take it. The side dishes were already greeted. The blood of the ghost king is less than half, I am dizzy, and the side dishes are too scary. I will still make him less wonderful in the future, but this idea will be overthrown after a while. On the contrary, the stronger the outside is, the weaker the inside. Just now a group of people add pets and hit it around a frog for a long time before it was done. The frog’s poison needle touched me. It ’s scary, and it’ s scary. The ghost king or something that I needed to prevent it before is now leading a group, and it is a perverted place with hell flames for a while. Hey, I like it. We walked for a long time and found that the surrounding scene seemed to be very similar. It is likely to be a maze. We can only turn around to kill monsters. There is not much experience in the monster here, but it is better than nothing. Hongyun, small dishes are basically solved, occasionally encounter strong ones, Xiao Zi also came out for help, but did not encounter any big trouble. Ah, bad is the scream of side dishes. We quickly followed. This guy was addicted and rushed ahead. The side dishes are being shouted by the hill giant king. Hongyun rushed up, Xiao Zi saw the excitement and rushed up. The hilly giant king was beaten. Although the damage of magic was not great, it attracted its attention. Although it is a young dragon, you ca n’t look at it. After 5 minutes, the giant fell down helplessly. It was really a poor ghost. However, there was a hole in the wall on the side. There was still an organ. After entering it, I know that there is the real dark hall. There are 6 secret places in the second world, that is, the six elements of elements. This is the gathering point of dark elements. Elements, fire elements, water elements, the monsters in it are all elements, like dark elements in the dark temple, from low -level to advanced to 35 dark gunmen, 40 -level dark archers, 45 -level dark sacrifice , Level 50 Dark Knights, Shadow Martial Artists, BOSS -level Dark Pope is just like the nature of dark elements. Their high attack power is surprising. Battle, leaning into the corner, but this is not a way. Although the occupation of the horns is conducive to defense, at the same time, he also broke the back road, and the dark guards around him were all surrounded. Entering the corner, the war has entered the stalemate stage. Fortunately, our lineup is quite neat, Xiao Zi, Hongyun blocked the road in front, side dishes played the role of thieves. In the air, only archers have threatened it. I am the main attack. I am the main attack. Hand, Xueer is responsible for defense and healing. Baby rely on stealth rings to run out of medicine. As for the equipment, even if there is a treasure, there is no life. Ah?

It seems that there is something to be closer to us.

There are about 10 people.

It must be the first person that the tree demon says first.

There are flowers next to it.

Isn’t it tiring to work with men and women.

“Friends in front of you, how are your situation there?”

I shouted loudly. In this case, union is the last word. “Friends, don’t move, we rely on the past, it’s all weird, can’t go.”

The voice of speaking is very loud, and you know it is a refreshing person. We merged in a while. There were thirteen people in the other party, and the scale was not small. Although in this case, they were still town by Xueer and the baby. Dao, “How many are the demon king’s soul, the goddess of the Phoenix goddess and the little witch Xiaoxue?”

This warrior’s name is the fighting, ah, it is the figure on the latest list. At the level, the equipment is not very good. He took the best sword with the best hands in his hand. There were two grooves, but I heard that he was a lone man. How could there be so many people? “I am exactly, this brother should be a war, these are these?”

“They are twelve zodiac signs, all soldiers, and they are also famous in our son -in -law city. Of course, it is still far worse than Brother Soul Eater. Make miss today, we will study well.”

It’s really a good. Battle, in this case, remember to be head -out. A dark knight burst and asked, “How did you come here?”

After all, we can rely on the side of the side dishes, and there is no way around. I do n’t know how they came. “Haha, our twelve brothers, because the name is good, so it is also one of the talented players. The skills of the reward are randomly moving the magic formation. Unfortunately, there are too many magic power to consume. We are soldiers again. It can only be used. For the first time, I have prepared a lot of elixir for the first time. In addition, my brother kept adventure, so we came together. I did not expect such a ghost place, but I could know the famous dumping. Brother Soul is not very good. "

Haha, polite, I also talked about our way. They attracted the frequent attention to the side dishes. The side dishes looked right at me. In fact, their brothers are also strange enough, and 12 soldiers of 12 61 are strong enough. We co -operated together, and a circular formation was killed in the hall. The monsters around us slowly cleared the light and rushed in. The higher the level of the monster inside, the greater the resistance. The lineup does not constitute a big threat. The constant iron -back bear is almost level 61. This buddy is even a pet. About half of the hour, we entered another room. It was not very large. There was a huge magic summoning array in the center of the room. There were only a few sporadic monsters in it. “It seems that the magic array is the place where the boss is brushed, let’s wait here.”

The dragon in the zodiac signs said. “Your brothers are all level 61, it’s really fierce, don’t you have been leveling together from the beginning?”

I asked. “Yeah, we met in the game of crazy killer. Later, we set up a meeting together. I heard that the second world was open and came together. I did not expect that there was a strong middle hand, and there was a mountain height in Yishan. Brother Soul Eater and Battle Brother were strong people! "

The tiger in the zodiac signs looked envious. “Okay, don’t tout each other, I have to blush,”

, the piglets in the zodiac laughed. Suddenly the magic formation began to shine, not white light, but the uncomfortable black light. This feeling is really upside down. Five figures slowly emerged in the magic array. The waiters of the Dark Pope are all dark attributes, a deadly dress, holding huge black sickle in hand, and it is not uncomfortable by it. ; Diablo, one of the bosses of the 6 major elements, has a strong attack power, holding a dark magic sword in the right hand, and the left hand holding a dark crazy shield, less than 2 meters tall. The protagonist is still worse, with high features! Now we have an absolute advantage in terms of quantity. The Dark Pope does not speak. As soon as the black magic sword waved, the four shadow warriors rushed over. Although slightly down, they have not summoned pets and have not transformed. In addition, these strengths can double. “Brother Soul Eater, let me first try the strength of the Dark Pope, one of the six pings, don’t intervene!”

After speaking, the iron -back bear who summoned his iron back was killed. The war is too good. It is not optimistic that my estimation situation is not optimistic. Xueer is also this view. There is no way to help now be considered to be underestimated, and he has to wait for the critical time. “Small dishes, side dishes”

, when I dizzy, when is it, I am still walking around Xiao Zi, but these two are really matching. What is the best match. The battle in the zodiac signs is a bit bad. They have called pets to help attack. The pets of these buddies are also very characteristic. Basically, they are stained with the animals in the zodiac. It is a golden needle, a grade 4 fantasy beast, which can be attacked with anesthesia needle. Brother Chicken made a chicken king and a level 2 fantasy beast. For the current 61 -level chicken, this level 2 fantasy beast can be ignored. It is probably for the sake of the name and the deputy. The worst is Brother Dragon. It is basically impossible to make a pet as a pet with his current ability, so now it can only be a orphan, which is the tiger and snake, which is the unicorn of the level 6. Tiger and Grade 7 Meada. However, the situation is a bit weird, and the two sides are damaged by each other, but we can replenish blood. Weird is that once these shadow warriors have less than 200, they are immediately shrouded in the dark mist. After a while, the blood was full, strange, is it a pseudo. “Xueer, let Hongyun go to help them, and stabilize the battle first.”

“Small dishes, don’t be ridiculous, start working, hurry up and help.”

The side dish was unhappy. “Boss, didn’t you watch me busy, let’s talk about it for so long. I came down again. After a while, I won’t work. "

After speaking, I was idle, how can you take me. “Xiao Zi, you go up and fight for me. I want to see the excitement.”

The love was so lively, and the chattering of the side dishes couldn’t stand it. It just made Xiao Zi the introduction. Xiao Zi joined the war obediently. When the side dish looked at the object, he immediately killed it with energy. He wanted to show it in front of the “Beauty”.

It was still my love. “Baby you and love with love, don’t be affected, I and I Xue’er went up to help.”

Baby nodded obediently. The situation of the battle here is not very good. The level 2 of the Dragons has been transformed, and the combat effectiveness has increased at least 20 %. Its iron -back bear has been scarred. Fortunately, Xueer was treated next to it. Really fierce, the war kept giving up defense completely and attacking, and its iron -back bear became a meat shield. What is the way to play? So you can still live a miracle. Not good, the war kept being cut again, and his blow was blocked by the mad shield, which basically did not cause any harm, and the blood recovery speed of this boss was super fast. The Dark Pope raised the black magic sword, and the sword flashed with black light, not good! “Diablo Sand Sword !!!”

A Diablo who thought it was a dumb jumped out of a sword move The iron -back bear rushed up again. I quickly hit a fireball, not to burn the pope but the iron -back bear. Maybe because I was not prepared, I was hit by me for half a step. Clicking on the ground, a big mouth was cracked, and it was a magic sword. It hidden the ultimate dark magic-the tearing space, the front was split, and it must be two halves. The face of the battle constantly changing. At this time, when it was not even more, “Brother Zhan called back the iron back, otherwise it was too dangerous.”

I said that I also joined the battle. When the war kept knowing that it was not all over the world, I quickly called back the poor bear. After this battle, there were a lot of pets alone. Open the shield first, and add the auxiliary curse on the side to see my lightning! I originally wanted to use the thunderbolt for nine days, but since I destroyed his good things, this guy was entangled with me. A sword took a sword. I didn’t have time to gather magic. Fortunately I ran madly in front of a shield, and put a lightning from time to time. The pope behind the pope slashed with a sword. From time to time, a tear space was scraped, and my pants were scratched. Following the Dark Pope, Xueer was busy treatment. There were a lot of people who had to take care of. The situation was still beneficial to us. The blood of the Diablo was less and less blood. The Diablo Suddenly had a brake, not to turn around and kill, but rushed at Xueer at all speed. When the head was the dark inflammation, I had 5 meters away from him, and the war kept 2 meters. Even if I was a little wary just now, I would relax when I saw this guy completely chasing us. My anger’s face is green, I dare to move my Xueer, I am endless with you! Intersection Intersection At the moment when the black magic sword cut off, a small figure appeared in front of the Dark Pope, and it was a foot.


The picture is still, one second.

Ah, a screaming, I saw the Diablo statue of the Paponal firing the paper kite, and flew up.

It hit the wall and became a “mural”.

Wow, the surrounding guys opened their mouths like a fool, watching the fiber and jade feet. “Mom, oh, sister, are you okay?”

Love rushed to Xueer. Looking back, I said to a few dumb melons, “Don’t look at others like this, people will be shy!”

“Brother Soul Eater, your magic palace is really a dragon and crocodile, the real person does not show it!”

The war kept shaking his head with emotion, why is it all masters today. As soon as the Dark Devil hangs, the 4 demon shadowrs will be done for a while, and it burst into place. This damn guy dares to yin, and I do n’t let you go when I die. The long -lost voice came out again. “Congratulations to the player’s soul, as the first player who killed the Dark Pope, the second player who killed the six pings, rewarding the reputation 1000 and a Diablo Stone”

Looking at the gold coins on the ground. Both of them and I didn’t feel it. As soon as the side dish watched the battle, I continued to turn around Xiaozi. After sorting it up, there was a dark magic that made the best of the best, plus a 5 % chance-bloodthirsty, everyone discussed the war, his equipment and level were too disproportionate. We do n’t want to equip them. We did n’t want other things, but the battle continued to live with the Zodiac brothers ’death and did n’t agree. There was no way. We only received a few equipment and Taoist equipment. equipment. “Brother Zhan also has brothers. Today’s gains are not small. Everyone can know each other here. It is better to go to the restaurant of the brothers to drink a few cups, so as to let the younger brother make a host.”

These buddies will all in the future. It is the best help for my son -in -law. “Since Brother Soul Eater invited, how can we refuse, do you say is it?”

Brother Hu took the lead in supporting it, which was refreshing. The war kept hesitating. Seeing that everyone looked forward to him, he laughed and said, “Everyone is so cool. I hesitate again. "

It’s all brothers, you’re welcome.” "

That is, I said Brother War, do not level up to play equipment all day, and pay attention to relaxing.” The rabbit sighed after saying. "

Haha, it’s okay, I have no other hobbies.” There was a bit of bitterness in the laughter, and I had the opportunity to ask in the future. There must be articles in it. "

Okay, in this case, everyone kills back the door first.” A group of people killed outside the temple. This is different from the situation just now, especially the war constant and the zodiac signs. They just put on the new equipment just to try. We walked while killing, by the way, the equipment that had not had time to pick up, and took away the one that needed and needed identification. Everyone was almost returned with full load. There is a deep hatred like these guys, and desperately vented. Generally, this is the case when there is no hardship in their hearts! Text 16 ~ 20 Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 40265 Chapter 16 is not intoxicated, people are drunk After getting out of the dim Diablo, enjoy the warm sun outside, and the mood is comfortable. The weather is really good. It is impossible to pass through such a large forest. Realize what. "

Boss, I won’t work anymore. I can’t carry so many people, so you can spare me." After speaking, I was about to hang my expression. This guy is lazy. I do n’t have to kill it without a killer. I speak myself. "

After returning, I am going to open a large private room for you and Xiao Zi on the first floor of the world to let you show your own" prince of love songs “.

The talent of talent, with Xiaozi alone, and wine. Since you don’t want to, I won’t bother myself. “After speaking, I glanced at the side dishes, which means that you look at it. "

Boss, be kind to being a man, and now I am full of energy, don’t say so many people, just several times more, the younger brother can do it.” The rest of the thing is that the side dishes put our one by one on the road of the green wild forest. Poor side dishes are so tired that they are panting, but they have to pretend to be relaxed and sympathize with it. A large number of us poured into the green wild forest. This is the edge of the third floor. The battle and the zodiac signs are the first time to come to Yanhuang City. It is different here. The monsters along the way were cleared by us, and it was not until the medicine was almost gone. Of course, the elimination of the elimination of life was left. The group shakes to the chaos, and the robbers can add prestige. Several people in the twelve zodiac signs shouted unfairly. There are no robbers in the son -in -law city, but there are many small tasks there, and everyone is everyone. You can repeat 2 -3 times. Generally speaking, everyone can encounter a few. There are always prestige, but it is still not good here, it is just the reputation and waiting for someone to come! I have to settle here for a while, and I will go away. I have been in favor. Since the establishment of the Magic Palace, I have not organized any large -scale guild operations. There are so many help. Essence "

Brother War, how is it, is there any interest?” If the master of the Tianshan also acts with us, it is very good for the reputation of our Magic Palace. Of course Not very concerned. "

Of course, as long as there is a battle, of course, I will go, but on the day of the operation, I will not be with everyone, you also know my strange problems." After speaking, I looked at me a little apologize. Of course, there is no opinion on this. There are causes and fruiting. In the future, there will be time to understand. I don’t believe that someone is born with a natural loneliness, not to mention his refreshing person. On the first floor, give today’s harvest to Xiaomao to deal with it, and then help us find the best room. Of course, I did not forget to get the side dishes and Xiao Zi into a separate room, but when I came back The excellent varieties of beasts and Yinfei are naturally attracted by the audience. "

Brother, I really serve. I want to see miracles in the future. No need to get elsewhere. As long as you follow the demon king, you can’t imagine what you can’t imagine." Passerby’s face was pious. "

The group of people who went in just now seems to be unusual, and it is not like our Yanhuang people, especially a soldier inside, it seems that the level is about 70." Passerby B added. "

That’s the ninth master of the heavenly list. -The random magic array. “Hey, do you want to know more? Hurry up and buy the Yanhuang Daily, and take out a stack of newspapers from the back. Xiao Baisheng sighed that the sales of newspapers have declined. There is still a gap between my wife. Two silly people bought a lot of newspapers in a messy manner, and when the people were gone, did they remembered that the two people used it? Sell to others! … … "

Come and do a cup, and meet us in tens of millions of people!” As the master, I will respect it first. "

Okay, drink!" Everyone talked while drinking, talking about some interesting things in their city and some of their own leveling experience. "

I said Brother Soul Eater, how do you practice, how many levels you are now. To be honest, the entire Central Plains will talk about you. If you don’t know that this game is all intelligent and autonomous operation, I really doubt whether you are GM." Brother Ma is curious about me. I know that my friends are expensive. Since they are going to make them friends, they don’t intend to hide them: "

Oh, I think everyone has this question, let me say one by one, how many levels do you think I am now?" "

I see level 71 or higher!" Brother Pig was sure. "

72 ". "

74 ". Everyone said their guessing. "

No! Definitely level 81 or higher !!!" Speaking is a fight that has always been silent. Everyone suddenly looked at me with a look that couldn’t believe it. The rabbit said, "

Are you really a legendary mysterious person?" Everyone kept fighting and jokingly, and they didn’t speak easily. Once they said it, there was his basis. "

Oh brother, why do you think so?" I was a little curious, because even the top -level detection could not detect players who were 5 or higher than themselves. "

Oh, unfortunately, I am the least talented player, but as a reward for me to break into Kunlun, I learned the enhanced version of the detection, the scope expanded to level ten." Let’s not say that everyone understands. "

Oh, I happened to be level 81. If it hadn’t been hung once a few days ago, it should be level 82". "

What? Hang, how could anyone kill you?" Niu didn’t believe it. I briefly told them a few more exciting things, and of course I involved love, and I vaguely passed. A few guys who listened to each other opened their mouths and said it for a long time. This is okay. Everyone chatted a few words, but men always drink together, especially when there are fewer cups of confidantes, the first drunk is the first to be drunk, but it is obvious that he has a heart. I asked the waiter to send him to the best room to rest. “Everyone, I do n’t know if I’ m not talking about it, but everyone is a friend. I am uncomfortable in my heart. What is the problem? Busy! "

The zodiac brothers looked at each other, sighed and shook their heads, and finally the boss spoke: “Brother Soul Eater is not an outsider, I will tell the truth, in fact, this is not very secret in our son -in -law city.”

“Brother Rat, let me talk about it.”

The dog had a large glass of golden fruit wine in one breath. “From the beginning of the second world, this matter, at that time, the war kept in our novice and was very famous. He had a bold personality. He never refused to the person who asked him to form a team, and often helped the novice help. Later, I met the novice of the beautiful women. Two people leveled together, fighting, and adventure. It was really an enviable pair. That woman was the fifth nap of the current list of the water fairy-love water without traces, two People were good, but unfortunately, there were third parties in the third party. "

Said the dog and drank a large cup, sighed and continued:” In fact, we have nothing to say about each other. Oh, that third, that third The person is the fourth master of the current list, the first master of the son-in-law city —— Qingqing apple incense. In the between, the brothers of life and death with the Zhan brother first, who would think that his real goal was his own sister, hey, this guy does not know where to come out, the money of more money will not be played, and they will gather people’s hearts and say that they will say that they will gather people’s hearts and say that they will say that they will gather people’s hearts and say that To be honest, he has a hand -leveling, plus a lot of money. He bought a lot of top equipment with a heavy money. The strength is soaring. Say a fork, a woman, if she really loves warriors, she will not go out of the wall. I heard some words ***, and once deliberately said that they would go out to complete a simple task and let them wait for him at home. As soon as he left in front, two dogs and women … To be honest, it is strange that the man is not angry when you see this situation. What is even more irritating is that this little boy is too things to know. In this case, you do n’t recognize the wrong. Walk, the two played on the spot. Originally, the battle brother had the upper hand. As a result, the mixed woman actually betrayed him and attacked him with the adulterer. The woman always hesitated. In the end, although they did not kill the warriors, this incident gave his brother a heavy blow. "

After the dog said this, he sighed a lot, and everyone lost his mood. “To say, my brother should cheer up. This kind of woman goes early and early, and the province will be harmed more in the future.”

In my opinion, the whole thing is a typical triangle -acted love and love. You can’t just listen to one side. The so -called resident is fascinated. As you say, this hatred must be reported. “Recently, the power of Qingqing Apple incense has risen again, and it has rushed to the fourth list of the current list in one breath. It is even more difficult to get revenge. Further, the guy’s business alliance is huge, and it is one of the seven major seventies of the Central Plains, and it will not be able to sing with his brother. Watching the hope of revenge is getting more and more slim. Do you say that the mood of the battle can be good? "

“Everyone takes me as a brother. I won’t let go of this matter, but it is difficult for outsiders to intervene in such things. I will try to create a chance of heads -up. Don’t blame me to be polite to win. "

Inadvertently domineering really shocked them. From the beginning of knowledge, I have always been very easy -going, and sometimes the people in front of me are the first master of the world. In the world, there are no people who are afraid of and the power I can’t afford to. “Brother Soul Eater is right, it is better to get involved in this incident.”

The monkey said excitedly. “Okay, let’s talk about unhappy things in the future. Let’s do this cup happily.”

The scene became lively again. Chapter 17 Last night, I kept the war with the zodiac signs. I promised them to go to the son -in -law city to see them after the start of school. After they left, Xueer and Baby also went offline to prepare for school early. I stayed in the house quietly and recalled what happened during this time. It ’s a close friend in the girlfriend. If neither of them are jealous, if it’ s not my brothers, if … fortunately, these assumptions are not established, but it is not a flat avenue before. What is the situation, love needs to wait, although you have already got it, but you may slip away quietly while you inadvertently. And I think there is nothing right or wrong. The long sea of dead rocks are deceived children. Forget it, the soldiers will block, and the water comes to cover the soil. Before walking, I still said to love with Xiao Zi. When they found them, they were playing happily. The cabbage was singing its “strange tone”

around Xiao Zi: If you is a little bird Bang, a sound, You can only fall in my arms Braised. If you is a fish in the water, Then I am a electric fish machine. Squeak, a sound, You float on my cutting board Steam. If you are a rose, Then I am a branch cut, Click, you insert it in my vase. If you are a butterfly, Then I am a copy of the net. Brush, a sound, You just. .. .. .. .. Too small, I can’t eat it, raise it. .. .. .. “If it is a dragon, what do you plan to do?”

“Then I run, oh, oh (Shouxinggong hangs —— to find death)”

, ah! After singing, I realized that it was wrong. The little Zi and the lovers who had already laughed at the horse next to the horse turned to the horse. The side dish looked at me angrily. Essence “Hey, Brother Zhong got up?”

“Who, it’s so noisy early in the morning?”

Ah, it’s a baby, it’s not good, it’s getting late, and quickly dressing, hehe, less than 5 minutes, don’t eat breakfast. “Where are you waiting for me?”

I asked at the baby on Tianxun. “Stupid, it is strange to wait for you to arrive late, we are downstairs, Sister Xueer carries us.”

“Oh, yes”

sorted it up and rushed downstairs. Sure enough, baby and Xueer are already standing with her BMW. Beauty and luxury cars are always the focus of people. A group of surrounding colored ghosts stop watching. There are several so -called morning running men. , Keep showing their muscles, typical “harassment”.

“Brother Zhong, hurry up, time is too late.”

Xueer pushed me into the car, saving me. Baby handed me a fresh -keeping lunch box, “Well, this is made by me and Sister Xue, I know that you have no time to eat breakfast.”

Moving … Cher and Baby are not ready to cover up our relationship. On the contrary, I also deliberately told others that I am their boyfriend and asked this question. Boyfriend, unless you deny it yourself; second, do you miss your “woman”

by a large group of men all day? Third, we believe in our eyes in the face of competition. A few words are hard, hard, and hard-working. I can’t say half of my “no”

word-willingly surrender! Wow, today is really lively. The new life is full of people. The main task of the first day is to be familiar with the environment and communicate with the old students. How about “resources”.

The second is the community war, the freshman is the future, and the economic life of the community. Everyone is desperately pulling people. The sisters are more or less sacrificed. The learning buddies are dressed up “oil and smooth”

, ready to give a fatal blow to the innocent eyebrows. Of course, our arrival caused a sensation, and the reputation of Xueer and the baby was not a day or two. In addition, the two people’s family life was the goal of “various brothers”.

Seeing that they brought a man, and It was at this time, and the intimacy that was not avoided, and they kept the focus on me. Xueer and the baby looked at the “adultery”

and laughed underneath. We escaped to report, and it was important to get rid of it. I was also used to the eyes of the killing on the road. It seems that my adaptability is also very strong. “Husband, you are getting used to these things with us,”

Xueer’s smile has a strong concern, this is the care of true feelings. “That is, brother, you can just be a puppet. For so many years, I and Sister Sister are used to it.”

Baby is always so optimistic. If you think about it, what troubles are dispersed when you are with her. People are my angels. In the past, I had no goal in my hammering. I had no interest in making big money and doing big careers, but now I have to protect the women around me and make them always happy and happy. More importantly. “Xiaoxue, Xueer, are you here, why don’t you let me pick you up?”

It was a punishment force, like a model, a typical super -colored man. “It turned out to be a priest, we came with Brother Zhong.”

Xueer immediately showed his position. “There are still seniors who call me in school. Xueer was fighting, and he scratched the boundaries with him at once. The baby is even more absolutely, and hugs my arm directly: "

Sister Xue said that it makes sense, we don’t want our brother Zhong to be jealous.” After that, he gave me a wink, and the face of the punishment army changed, but after a while Return to normal, but the fate in the eyes still exposed the thoughts. Hey, throw all the troubles to me, "

Hello, Wang Zhong, we have seen it.” Speaking of your hand, the first friendly. "

The punishment army, each other, I am very envious of the brothers of Wang.” I gave me a "

friendly handshake”. However, hey, the level is average. The criminal army couldn’t embarrass me, so he let go of his hand and hit it, covering the past, and said deeply: "

Brother Wang is also the same person." Lao Tzu and you are not the same. With his help, the enrollment procedures will be completed in a while. Unfortunately, something was surprised. Originally, Xueer and the baby wanted to read B -level B with me. Unfortunately, it was not a rigid allocation. The two people who got it were unhappy. One of them is a class A and the other is A -level 5. I am in Class 6 of Class B. After finishing, we started looking for a dormitory. "

What do you look like?" The punishment said to the air without his head. "

There is a problem!" Jin Zigang didn’t know where to get out. "

After my investigation, this guy had no background. It might be the ghost of Xueer and Xiaoxue that day." "

But this guy is indeed a martial arts, and I can’t find out his bottom. No matter what, we can’t keep him, otherwise the two of us can’t get anything." "

Yes, hum, do it with us, we must let him regret being born!" At this time, the protagonist is doing hardship, sneezing, who is thinking of me, hey, the handsome man is without a way! "

Xueer, there is no need to bring so many things in the dormitory. I can’t use it for a year." Seeing the pile of clothes and piles of maintenance products, it is really dizzy. Fortunately, the space of the dormitory is large enough. In order to strengthen the relationship between classmates, the school has no special circumstances to prohibit single -person dormitory, but to give great satisfaction in space. "

What do you men understand, hum, so I want to be tired, province, and move my strength to move me." Flutter, a crow flew by. Harry Laia. After finally serving the two "

young grandma", the two finally found out that they had a long holiday. Without the beauty of the beauty, I became an ordinary person again. No one noticed me. Occasionally, there were a few sweet eyes. "

The brothers in front, etc." It seems that someone calls me. "

Really you, Wang Zhong, I’m a reporter of Li." He was a fluent guy, although he thought he was serious and serious. "

Li Zi is really you, you have also been admitted to this school." Reporter Li, surnamed Li, a famous reporter, the dead party in my three -current university was not a real reporter. His father was a super star chasing family, so he gave his son. The name of a reporter made him laugh at him. However, this guy also inherited his father’s hobbies and liked to ask about things and collect information. It should really recommend him to the National Security Bureau. It must be a good spy. At this time, several beauties with classic school uniforms walked past us. The two of us looked at each other, "

Butt, breasts, thighs, oh yes." We shouted almost at the same time, hitting each other with both hands, and hitting each other. It was really in line with the beauty. The surrounding beauties shouted neuropathy. "

Haha, I haven’t seen it for a few years, you are still the same." I patted his shoulder and said. "

You are not the same, the color wolf reincarnation." "

I am not a wolf now. Now someone is in charge, and I have a chance to introduce you to know it." "

What? You already have it, oh, my god, the heavens are unsatisfactory, the century -old man like me is still single, you all have it, no, I have to find one." Say it fiercely. I have to give me a few times. "

You won’t you be entangled with dinosaurs again? When you are in college, your dinosaur edge is very abnormal." Li Zi looked at me a little worried. Your guy knows that it is really miserable to expose my scar, and it is really miserable. During the real college, there are a lot of confession. Unfortunately, the "

tonnage" is more horrible. Fortunately, I have been transporting now, hey, wait a look at it. Do n’t scare your chin. "

By the way, Ah Zhong, do you know, there are a few extraordinary beauties in this freshman this year, but it is not a general level, hey, how to say, it is the kind you can’t dream of dreaming. " Halo, why do you always compare me. Suddenly, when Li Zi gritted his teeth, he couldn’t help asking, "

Why are you dead and you are" stepped on \ "

, what’s wrong?" Li Zi grinding his teeth, "

I heard that the two most beautiful goddesses have been died, damn, hooligan, bastard, … entangled, but to occupy the two goddesses, but still call it no name Call others to live, hey, don’t tell me who he is, otherwise, hum, I bite him. " Looking at him a word, "

fierce", I have to consider telling Cher about their relationship with me. (Actually, it is just an angry lamb, at best, it is called a few times.) "

Go, let’s go to a beautiful club to join, my spring is coming." As soon as we arrived in the community area, we were blinded, just fighting. "

Brothers, brothers, come, come, men’s world, football, prove your charm" "

Here, tennis club, you will have the opportunity to show your youthful beauty with the beauty of the mini skirt." "

News agency, free newspapers can be watched, and there are first -hand beauties inside the scene." "

Plum, your traveling is here, how about, news agency" "

Wait for you to say, the news agency is definitely going to enter, what else are you looking for, where are you beauty?" Seeing the appearance of Li Zisa Mimi, the saliva must be left out. limit. Wait, Li Zi suddenly called me. "

Look, look at it, look at it carefully, it’s empty -handed." "

Well? When are you interested in karate?" You know what you know, give me a white -eyed and talk about a small book. "

Oda Kazuko, two -year A -level fifth class, grade flower, the original top ten beautiful women, the deputy president of the karate Society, the agent president, the Japanese student, the karate black belt master, now there is no boyfriend, and said that His boyfriend must be a hero who can fully defeat her. " "

Forget it, forget it, it is difficult for Japanese girls to do it." I was dizzy. I was impossible for Chinese beauties. Coupled with Japanese beauties, Xueer and Baby did not check me. "

Without bones, many Japanese students are pursuing her, and the result is to return to the feathers. If our Chinese male compatriots can get her, this is not a great glory for us. Woman, especially beautiful women, I welcomes great welcome. , I heard that Japanese girls are very open, hehe. " I was dizzy, boring, I was going to go, but I was pulled with it to sign up. "

Beautiful sisters, younger brothers, and reporter Li, not a real reporter, the name is a reporter (really poor, these words have been repeated for more than ten years.), Physically strong, no girlfriend, positive personality, the most important thing, the most important thing, the most important thing, the most important thing is Just love, one heart is different. " Sign up next to it, the beauty is still cold or hot, eh? Do you see me? "

Hello, meet for the first time, I hope you join the Karate Society." After speaking a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at me straight. The flowing flow is a warrior, which is interesting, but unfortunately I have no interest in Japanese martial arts. "

Sorry, I am not good at martial arts, I prefer poetry and literature, and my sister’s good intentions have been led." You still have to say. "

Really. There is an old saying in China that the real person does not say false words in front of the real person. “Oh, I am talking about the truth.”

I just said I like poetry and literature, and I didn’t say that I would not be martial arts. “Oh, is it? Xiao Jing, the classmate’s entry into the community has some problems.”

“Yes, president.”

A quiet girl didn’t know why she liked karate. “Sorry, classmates, the president said that there are some problems with your qualifications to enter the community.”

“A Zhong, what trouble did you cause me?”

“Oh, sister, what can be worked out, as you say, the younger brother must do properly.”

“The box (the box is the nickname I gave this insidious woman)”

instantly gave Li Zi a bright smile, so fascinated by this guy forgot what his surname was, “things are simple, let your companion join our community together "

“Ah Zhong, this is your wrong, how can you refuse the invitation of a beauty like Xue Sister? Do you say it?”

Looking at me fiercely. Getting. I don’t want to join, and there is no harm, let them know what is the real martial arts by the way. “This way, it doesn’t matter, but you have to promise me one thing. Specific in the future, how about it?”

Cher and Baby were like a time bomb, or left the road early. “No problem, who is the two of us.”

Don’t take back with me, I can’t do it well. Turning his head to “box”

, “I can enter the community, but I am very poor. I can’t afford the social fees and empty doors. What should I do?”

Li Zigang was about to speak, and I was stuck fiercely by me.

Don’t want to pay for me, why save money for the Japanese girl.

“School brother, I have all the fees for you, as long as you can join.”

Looking at her joy, I really had some drums in my heart. There must be articles in it, but unfortunately I couldn’t guess. “Oh, thank you for your sister, my surname is king, a single name is a single name. I will ask my sister to take care of it in the future.”

I still look lazy. Okay, it’s all happy! After leaving the empty -handed site, Li Zi couldn’t help asking me, “Ah Zhong, I haven’t seen it for a few years, you are really not simple, that Japanese girl may see you, work hard, brother supports you.”

“Go to you, how can people look at me, nothing is needed, I think she is faint today, isn’t the number of people not enough, pull me to charge the number.”

“Pass! Just at her, the people who want to join can be lined up at the gate of the school. You think you can enter casually. I was strange just now. Why is it so easy to accept us?”

After speaking, he shook his head a little confused. “Forget it, don’t think about it, the boat to the bridge is naturally alive.”

Let’s go, we will go shopping. After leaving the Karate Society, the two of us walked around. I don’t believe that so many societies do not like what they like. Suddenly a huge banner attracted us, “Top online game ——- Second World Research and Development Department”

This is my old industry, Li Zi is obviously very interested, “Ah Zhong, is the second world playing, but I’m a master? Grade 62 archers, strong.”

“Ah, good, I also have a name, called Little Stone, the Pangu City, only 15th level, a little warrior, take me when you have time.”

“Cut, what is good, it should be super strong, just right, hey, I am also in the ancient city of Panpan, the name is”

handsome guy in the wind “, no one knows my name in Pan ancient city.”

Laughing, it’s really a speechless guy. “Really?”

“Don’t believe it? You go to a place where no one!”

Li Zi expressed anger for my doubt. Who do I ask for no one? “I heard that there is a master of the list in the ancient city of Panpan, what is the illegal or something, it is very strong.”

“That’s it, illegal entry, our boss, our gang is one of the seven major gangs in the Central Plains. Hehe, the younger brother is not talented, and a mix of the deputy church of the Sagittarius Hall. Ten people, if who dares to bully you in the future, you tell me, Lao Tzu takes people to flatten him. "

“Haha, then thank you first.”

“You are welcome to live with me. You don’t want to live.”

Haha … “Do you want to join the online game agency and talk about your own level. If you are in the seventh party, you will also report it.”

The first one came up, “I am a 62 -level archer, Pangu City, a member of the Seven Congress of the Congress of the Emperor City, and the current deputy lord of the Shenjian Hand Hall.”

The recruitment senior is also stunned, and the surrounding registration is also uproar. “It’s amazing, level 62 archers.”

“What do you know, the key is the Emperor City of Xiaoyao. Their boss entered the country illegally and is the third master of the list of heaven.”

“Yes, the archer is difficult to practice. He is 62, and he is definitely a strong man.”

“Haha, someone will cover it in the future, I am also from the ancient city of Pan.”

“Welcome, the addition of schoolmates will greatly enhance our strength. In the future, everyone can level up and play equipment together, and even set up their own guilds, haha.”

Our cute senior seems to have thought of the moment of his scenery Essence It’s my turn, “Little Stone, 15th -level soldiers, Pangu City, no meeting.”

“Oh, welcome, you have to work hard to level in the future, everyone has time to bring you.”

… … Finally, I got rid of the lively community activities, and temporarily entered the two associations for the time being. It was after school that there was another time. It was everyone who knew the specific situation of the school and it was more convenient to choose. “Ah, by the way, Li Zi, I am in Class 6 of Class B, how about you?”

“Haha, do I say, we are really brothers, I am also class B class six”

“No, again with your color wolf again.”

“Da, Da, Da”

, the sound of the electronic pen and the “blackboard”

friction seemed to be clearer in the silent classroom. Then a soft but confident and charm voice said: “My name is Lin Yue, you can call me Lin, or teacher of the moon. Those who can come here are all the elite. As your class teacher, I just hope that You can spend a regretful college life and leave a colorful page for your life! Then you come from introducing it now. "

“Long live! Long live!”

, The classroom that was still silent just now was as lively as the opening, “the teacher, my name is Zhang Dongjian, you will take care of it in the future.”

“I, I. Please see me a teacher.”

“Teacher. Zhang Dashan, my name is Zhang Dashan. 17 years old, unmarried, absolutely virgin.”

Your admirer. " "

Teacher, don’t believe him. He also said a few women and ghosts the day before yesterday. I am the sea and are waiting for your individual counseling!” "

Teacher, now I want to confess to you. The day before yesterday, I also said that I like me, saying that I am more beautiful than a woman!” "

Hula” all the people around the two people and tables and chairs were all poured. "

Quiet, quiet. Respecting beautiful teachers and sisters, I am very honored to see you. I wonder if you can enjoy your face with me tonight?" Seeing that everyone seemed crazy, I couldn’t help feeling doubt. What exactly happened here? Why do classmates in the class. wrong! Correction is a male classmate! It seems that the dogs see the bones. No more wrong! Retribute correction! Seeing the fleshy ribs fighting each other like each other. Is this the new quality of the legendary Galaxy University College. Although I am curious about this phenomenon, I still believe that someone can answer. "

Do you know how lucky we are? But that is Sister Lin Yue, beauty, sexy, plus plump lines, it is full of femininity, which is comparable to those green radish. It is indeed worthy of the campus on campus. Volkswagen lover. The most rare thing is that they are still alone, not to mention resolutely rejecting N -multinational companies’ ultra -high salary invitations and insisting on teaching work, it is really moved (but to be honest, if I have money, I want to find such a “secretary”

and look comfortable. Use your heart). This is one of the top ten unbelievable in our college. “I see that it will go on, and sooner or later, Li Zi will also advance to the top ten campus mysteries, and it is famous for leaving youth. Just when I was thinking about it, I suddenly looked at me. What happened, I saw that I was passionate. It turned out to be the beauty behind me, but it was really beautiful and not worse than the sisters. After saying "

Zhuge Qing’er”, he sat down immediately after speaking. Sure enough, there was no extra emotional revealing. He should be named Zhuge Yintian. Strangely, the classmates in the class began to have a commotion again, "

Hey! I heard it?" "

Ah. The legend is true, I can’t think of someone." "

That’s the people of the Four of Gu Wu." "

So beautiful, no wonder it can break the rules." "

Stupid, what does this have to do with beauty? Don’t underestimate her, just 10 like you are not enough to warm up." "

Li Zi, which is this singing?" According to previous experience, whenever there is strange things, Li Zi’s intelligence network can always play its important role in time. Sure enough, "

According to the latest survey: Zhuge Qing’er, gender girl, (you don’t say I know) constellation Virgo, age 18 years old, blood type AB, 1.65 meters tall, unknown, the beauty of the galaxy galaxy in the previous Galaxy Academy The list on the list is second only to the ranks of the second place. It is the only daughter of the Zhuge family known as the most traditional Zhuge family. . In the Zhuge Qinger, there was only one girl in this generation. She originally thought that the Zhuge family would be passed on to her son -in -law, but she did not expect that she would become the first female heir who broke the national rules for nearly 100 years. Genius girl who is wondering in the world. It can be said that she is a beauty in the legend. Ah, I did n’t expect that I had the same class with her and still the front and rear seats. Do I really have a destiny with her? " "

Isn’t genius all in the A class, why come to us?" I thought to try her in my heart. "

You don’t understand this. Her strength is naturally A, but she specially demanded that she had to go to a lower level. Later, she was forced to reach the B level, but the reason was unknown. Speaking of genius, my admiration for Li Zi is really like a rush of rivers. This guy can investigate the matter so detailed, like the Gaishi Tai Bao’s head in World War II films, and it is really a good talent as me. If in the morning, I must recommend him to the National Security Bureau. “So say.”

Damn! Unexpectedly, this stinky guy hadn’t finished it. “I can get the tutor of the school’s top beauty teacher Lin Yue, and behind me is the genius beautiful girl Zhuge Qing’er. You just picked up the Zhangzhong prize lottery when you stepped on the dog’s excrement, it was really a shit!”

“Hey, don’t talk nonsense, what kind of close tutoring, let’s say, aren’t you the same as me!”

Li Zi’s fist with his fists made me feel that if I now tell him that my two girlfriends are Xueer and Baby .



the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Besides, Zhuge Qing’er is beautiful, but it is extremely cold.

Put a beautiful doll who is usually expressionless behind him, and from time to time, he also emits a snow girl -like chill.

It feels like it is easy to suffer.

Is it cold.

In the end, the beautiful teacher explained the work tomorrow: “Classmates, tomorrow, everyone will have a simple physical examination, and qualified people can add a course.”

After that, I feel angry fluctuations, haha, it is getting more and more interesting It seems that the martial arts who are usually rarely seen at any time can be seen at any time. It is indeed the Galaxy Academy. But this beginning is also good. In the get out of class, the classroom was as if it was fried in the pot. The students in Tiannan and North must have a lot of words together. Unfortunately, everyone’s target beauty, packed her things and left, and found that Li Zi’s heart followed. “Hey, Li Zi is back, and the figure is gone. You still watch a fart, walk, and pull.”

Our dormitory is together, but the plum is better than me, so that I missed it just now. Our dormitory is four people, and there are two people later than me. Now I just go back and see. Back to the dormitory, two people happened to be there. One was romantic and a scholar, and the other was more “fierce”.

The muscles exposed outside were scary. “Haha, two good, introduce yourself first, the younger brother Li, this is Wang Zhong, my buddy, we will be a bedroom in the future.”

Li Zi’s name really caused questions, and he explained it again. If he had renamed his name long ago, he would also be complacent. “Hello, I am a good money, people in the city, fortunately to make a beautiful woman, what kind of good goods will be available in the future, please also introduce more brothers.”

Halo is another color wolf. “My name is iron cloth shirt, I like martial arts, and I will order the crops. What will I use in the future? Brothers should not be polite.”

Oh, even the bodyguard. After a while, everyone became familiar with each other, boasted with each other’s funny smells, and Li Zi and Liangzi saw each other and hated late, and cherished each other. Originally, I was worried that there was no place to go online. It seemed that I was worried about it. I thought, how could the world -class colleges not even the network? Several guys in our dormitory played the second world. Li Zi’s 62 -level archer, \ “Handsome guy in the wind”

, but a 63 -level thief of the iron cloth shirt, \ “Shenxing Baili "

, son -in -law city, there is a small club, called " Darkness. I really can’t see the "

fan” of the five major and three thick "

fans". We all choose the profession of thieves. We all thought it was a warrior. Then there is Lizi, the third is the 60 -level Taoist priest of Liangzi, \ "

Add ", Shennong City, halo, few men choose this auxiliary occupation. The ratio is 1: 6, it is really difficult to survive for him. The rest is my poor little stone, a 15th level fighter. "

Ah Zhong, you really have it. After practicing for a long time, 15 levels are practiced. I went to make eyebrows all day. Is there any gain?" Liangzi was inseparable from women in three sentences. "

Seriously, the fan is really a real person. I did not expect that it was a level 63 thief. He was also a big brother in the thief world." Li Zi seemed to be "

worried" for him to be the boss. "

Oh, I have nothing to play, Ah Zhong, I’ll take you in the future." "

But we are not in a city, what should we do?" Liangzi asked the idea. "

This problem is easy to do. Now the teleportation array between cities is very convenient. We just plan before acting every day." My idea was unanimously approved. "

Okay. Now I announce a serious question. Everyone listen to it!" Looking at Li Zi’s solemn face, I knew what the gossip was there. "

Oh, this is the top ten beauty lists that I have made a lot of money this year. Now it has basically been shaped. What changes will be changed in the future." "

No, don’t you just include new students?" I did not expect that a serious fan was good. "

How is it possible, what is the top ten of the new life? You doubt my professional standard. For this list, I have come to the week in advance, collect all the information, and after in -depth investigation and research, I have taken so in this one. The list is basically not left. " This is, Li Zi’s talent in this area is Gan Gan’s wind. At first glance, everyone was interested, and the spirit of Li Zi came up. "

Cough, listen." "

This is the first second, it is more difficult, but there are two candidates, one is a popular idol, and the top movie song Red Star —— Super beautiful girl Mingyue." "

No, she also came to our school to study too, how can I do, why do n’t I know? Besides, do n’t he be afraid of harassment?" Liangzi couldn’t help but interrupt, "

Cut, this is of course the news that I have heard after all the hardships. Of course, it is reliable. It is not that we can know how to arrange it. She is my goddess in my dream. I am willing to be in the year, ""

“Come on, what kind of dream goddess, I think you are proud of the object of obscenity.”

I disdain to look at Li Zi. Mingyue has recently been popular in Asia. Unlike some actors, it is purely a vase, but I am not very interested in these things. Her songs like it. “Li Zi, you just said that there is another person who can fight against Mingyue, no, is it dazzling.”

Liangzi is also a Mingyue fan, only fans have nothing to do with these. “I didn’t believe it at the beginning. Later, I saw me in person, and I was dizzy. It was definitely the same heavyweight beauty as Mingyue, Feng Xue, and the baby princess of the chairman of the Jinghua Group. Reliable intelligence, she grew up in such an environment but did not bring a trace of vertical princess habit, and they were understanding. If who could chase her, it was really a blessing for eight lives. That’s right, my Cher is indeed beautiful and understanding, and her wife is so husband. "

So the conditions of the two are so perfect, so I dare not make a conclusion, but one of them is the first, and the second is that there is nothing to dispute.” "

Then said, then I was interested." The fan said with a smile. "

Haha, the third competition is also fierce. There are three candidates. I didn’t expect my two wives to be on the list, and the ranking was not low. Of course, I was proud. “I tell you, the Miss Xiangzi is interesting to us!”

Then he shook the thing about the empty hand society today. “Don’t talk nonsense. Besides, I’m going to send it.”

“Haha, okay, then the topic, these three are also Chunlan Qiuju, each of which is good at victory, Zhuge Qing’er’s cold and bright, woven Tian Xiangzi, Lu Xiaoxue’s coquettishness is a must, letting you go through the battle. I can make it difficult to make a choice. "

After speaking, I sighed as a posture, but the three mad K. “Zhuge Qing’er is the contemporary heir of the Zhuge family. He has been a wizard of the martial arts since he was a child. The karate black belt master, the specific strength is unknown, so far there are countless challengers, but they all come in and sideways. I heard that she has a holiday with Zhuge Qinger. However, the Japanese girl’s figure is really water spirit, but I do n’t know if it is a virgin. The third is the newborn challenger-Lu Xiaoxue, this is not a warrior, but the family situation is not simple. I checked all of all. According to the information, there is only one answer —— to the top secret. Her advantage is that she has lost her life at the age of 16. She has grown up in the future. Refers to cultivating beautiful women from an early age until they grow up after growing up, a bit of the opposite taste of child support), giving her together like bringing happiness with her. "

“The sixth should be our class teacher Lin Yue. Her mature beauty can not resist men, but now everyone is very confused about her mate selection criteria. It seems that she doesn’t like mature men. According to my estimation, it is likely that "

boy chickens”, maybe she will look at me. "


Being a white day dream again, “Maybe people like women?”.

fall! “Okay, I know you are jealous of me, don’t care about you.”

“Seventh, Huang Yawen, a famous talented woman, the president of our literature society and the Chinese medicine research institute, gentle, quiet as water, typical classical beauty, but not a sentimental little family jasper, but a beautiful ladylike lady, Shu Xiangxiang, Shu Xiangxiang Born in the door, Dad is a specially invited guidance of our Chinese Medical Association. "

“How about this, who is interested, I am not interested in classical women.”

Li Zi always likes “open”

beauty. “Oh, Zheng He’s appetite, the talented beauty is really perfect.”

Liangzi can’t wait to find a fan fan to prove that he is a standard classical talent. " Li Zi drank the saliva and continued: “This eighth is a American student, freshman, chery, the figure makes people drool, it is definitely the most full figure among the top ten beautiful women. Hold in your arms, wow, it’s cool. "

◎ ## ×! ◎ ※ # ※ …, ah \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, a while of “artificial national treasure”

Lizi appeared, “tell

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