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Chapter_40 Entrance in the same direction!

“Speaking of the right to allocate, looking at everyone, it looks more proud, but also with a little worry. "

Gezi, do you mean, there will be someone else coming in ????” The cat fish reacted the first reaction. When I heard this, everyone knows what it means. It was dangerous. If there are more uneasy factors, it is really troublesome. This time, it is not better than Dong Zheng. There is no reason to unite. Essence "

Yes, but it’s not! If I don’t guess wrong, these ten entrances lead to different countries, that is to say, if someone has the same task, we will meet with ten different home players and in Asia, in Asia, in Asia, in Asia Terantis! " Puff … I was stunned in the place where I was wasted, and I wasted no drinks. "

Junzi, have any mistakes, have this kind of thing?" "

Yeah, how can this task be so perverted, how can so many people get it, and it is still ten different countries. This is not a life. The national boundaries are gone!" The three wolves came out of a large series. At this time, his brain was in this time. Sober. "

Brothers, you won’t think that the second world is opened by the old family. Is it only for him to give him! According to the scroll, when ten entrances must be connected" at the same time, Atlantis will be complete The surface of the sea surfaced, Tianmen opened. Welcome to the adventurer of this world! And Atlantis does not belong to any country, anyone can go in this different space! "

Everyone knows it, that is, we need to step up to prepare for the training of the army. I have a preview, and nine scrolls in other places have begun to appear. It won’t take long for us to face this huge test, not only It is adventure. Also compete with nine other forces, the winner is king, and the fittest survives! " Although the name is this word, the guy below is incredible, and the grand meeting is grand. The elite of the world can create a myth in the second world in Atlantis, and the first confrontation of masters of various countries. And the legion is confrontation! "

Specific arrangements, let me talk about it." The sound of the mood sounded crisply, "

the air team is more critical. Since the establishment of the guild, his role has not been played well, but the mobility of the air forces is in large -scale battles in large -scale battles. Sometimes it can play the role of the peak circuit. When other guilds chase us quickly, they must have the original advantage and develop new attack points. A good candidate; the second key goal is the bow ride, the head of the head of melancholy kitten. “Saying that the cat, the naughty cat was rare for a lady once, and the elegant returning gift, but she made it like this, but she made it. It was startled by others and laughed at the audience later. The scorpion laughed the best, but he didn’t laugh for a long time, because he was sitting next to the cat and his head was k: "

Little Scorpion, what’s a laugh is so happy, would you like to listen to my sister?” The scorpion’s smile immediately turned into bitter gourd, but the others were even more happy. The little pig smiled the most fierce, hitting the table with one end, and then working hard, and fell down the chair. Everyone laughed a little bit. Dizzy, this can be! In the end, I took the heart and laughed, and continued the topic below: "

The deputy regiment head of the sky blue scorpion color, when the scorpion is the same as Xiaomao, the new campaign of the magic palace is the same. ! " The fierce thief group of cat fish will not stand separately. As an upgraded department of the demon thief, the deputy head of the deputy regiment Feitian Xiaozhu! Little pigs heard him call him, and immediately stood up and saluted: "

I am a suicide enthusiast, Feitian Xiaozhu, please give me more advice in the future." "

Little pig, I heard that you are the second one to practice explosion, show you to see it!" The three wolves love the lively and lively. We have seen the explosion of cat fish. In addition to the Merudsa’s shield defense, the level of strength is not a strong class! However, this special skill is not impossible, the lethality or effect will be much worse, and the requirements are different depending on the level, the requirements are different, only my mood can be learned, and only one time can be used. The mastery of speed and distance cannot be compared with me, but although the explosion is the same special skills, the level must be lower than the instant. That’s why others can learn, but only thieves can learn. "

Under everyone’s attention, the little pig turned over, and a black thing came out, ………… It’s dizzy, only the size of the fist, and can kill at most one slime! Feitian little pig was a little embarrassed: “This, proficiency is not good, come again!”

This can be better, but it is not comparable to cat fish. Such lethality is not as good as the thieves itself. Still catfish stood out. After all, the effect of explosion determines the budget of the Magic Palace in this legion. If it cannot be given to everyone, Xiaomao will not spend this money! “Because they can’t use the scroll directly, Bi Xu has taught it under my cooperation, so the effect is worse, but after a certain amount of practice, I want to achieve half of my lethality. The effect on single people is not great, but my purpose was to fight in the army. If there were thousands of people to release the fireworks together, I think this can be considerable. help!”

The cat fish said in one breath. Everyone knew that Xiaomao was indifferent. If there was not enough prospects, don’t think about anything. The relationship would not work! Xiaomao looked at me, I nodded, and rare cat fish had such passion and fighting spirit. In addition, as a strange soldier, the effect is inestimable. There are also a few in the heart of Xiao Mao, but you have to put some pressure on cat fish. “Cat fish, have no progress in teaching. Just like you said, if there are only dozens of people, it is no effect!”

Xiao Bi pointed directly at the key. “Hehe. Relax, with the help of the second sister -in -law and the little pig, we have made a simple version of the learning scroll. Although the effect is worse, the requirements for group operations have been met. question!”

Not to mention that the boy of the second sister -in -law really had two times. He wanted to “pick”

him back in the Green Forest that year, and now he has become a general. Genius in life skills like him is the most popular talent for all the associations. After a long time, Xiao Bai Sheng’s editor -in -chief, with the tongue of three inches, and intimidate to seduce a close smell from the mouth of the second sister -in -law: the second sister -in -law was very leisurely, but the people listened were surprised. I have found me, it is very simple, and very direct. As long as I am willing to leave the Magic Palace, join the Shang League, the shares of the Shang League give me 40 %, and the endless killer hall is also 10 %. It was several times, and at that time, I was not as beautiful as it is now. “The reason for rejection?”

Xiao Baisheng was also very tempted. Such a big temptation was not the same. The second sister -in -law smiled: “Oh, if I promised, I was not the second sister -in -law, nor the little warrior who was happy in the Green Forest!”

Xiaobai Sheng still remembers the expression of the second sister -in -law at the beginning. Everything is not important. In the heart of the sister -in -law’s heart, there is nothing comparable to the upper green wild forest. The most important memories may be nothing for the soul, but just happen to be and save a person, and this happens to be some talent, but for that person, this is enough. What is better than this? What’s more precious? Excerpted from “The King of the Legend of the Second World King 2 Two N”

“Very good, then I can rest assured!”

Xiaomao nodded. Seeing that he agreed, the cat fish was also relieved. He was struggling to keep his thieves from being dead, and he mentioned the thief. Everyone only knew that he would not die. Knowing that now the opportunity is here, he will catch it. He wants everyone to know that he, the name of the catfish with the head of the catfish, is not just a postman who collects messages to pass the message. The boss asked him to sit in this position and provided everything he could provide, and even treasures like the Merudshage Shield all thought about himself. For the sake of what, someone was the name of the emperor. They had this ability. Cat fish knows that he has no herself, but he is not convinced. He wants to be able to afford the boss. It may not be good, but he can persevere, perseverance, and ordinary people get skills like explosion. They must be self -cherished than broom. Not to mention that it is hard to pass on. Existing, but some people make the example in front. What is the small explosion too much? Everything he does is for a word, “"

cat fish, good brother! \ “This is the life of a man. "

Okay, the plan of cat fish is carried out as usual,” I continued her arrangement, "

the violent regiment of the bow ride, the air team, and the cat fish, which is considered a special legion and the main goal of our near Sri Lanka. I hope that in Atlanti Seeing their glorious record. Do not relax other legions. The head of the magic regiment kept fighting. “Ah, why is it me!”

The old war was a little bit mood, and everyone admired her very much. “That is, the old battle is too lazy to be like one, how can it be done, if I change me, I am still like that. Look, the head of the head, the head of the head, hey.”

The three wolves came out again. Just want to go to the house to unveil the tile. “I was leaking in front!”

Dasha was cold and kicked him. “Woohoo, Dasha is not kind, don’t need to be so direct, support the old war!”

Haha, this kid, it is very active during this time, but the more that, the more I am worried about the elegant three wolves in the front of me. Since giving up the pursuit of fascination and depression for a while, it will become cheerful and cheerful. Get up, but some are too much. Although it adds a lot of laughter to everyone, what about himself? Hey, don’t think about it, I always think about it, how do you feel like looking at your children, and he is a father and a mother. “Old war, the mood supervisor’s blanket is required. You who have orc transformation and no sticks are more suitable for rushing on war, so don’t quit. "

At the critical time, I am more useful to speak. As soon as I said, the war kept saying nothing, but just nodded silently, which was enough to me. “Other legions are used to strengthen training, but the matter of the Atlantis continent is temporarily confidential. When will the notice be issued, there is always a good matter.”

“Personality, your guy is enough in the East China Sea. Now it is your turn to force. This time, the trip to Atlantis must fight naval battles. How do you arrange it?”

“Boss, I am even more injustice than Dou’e. During this time, the elder brother of the Demon Circle and the Demon Thieves all day long, I almost forgot what my surname is.”

It looks like a poor baby. However, seeing, his eyes are full of confidence, and the devil training during this time is still effective. “Okay, don’t sell Guanzi anymore, say something right.”

“According to the boss, the environment we face may be worse than that of the East China Sea, so we must let everyone do some adaptive training, so we should arrange all members who are preparing to participate in this plan. Not lonely, there will be no few treasures in the East China Sea, there are no souvenirs. "

“Well, this action, you can arrange it, remember not to play, time is not as ample as imagined. In this plan, you must also prepare 500 people. We must only succeed, and we are not allowed to fail! "

The elite of the concentrated Magic Palace is to fight with the super god beast and Super World of Warcraft. Discipline and training are very important. As long as it is not chaotic, we have a fight when we encounter anything. “Boss, let me add a word.”

The second sister -in -law said, “According to my assumption, at the center of this underwater continent, that is, the golden statue of the sea emperor Bobo Saidong seen by the boss is likely to hide dense treasures near the golden statue of the Emperor Bobo Saidong. At least the level of artifacts, where the specific function is, and the specific location, I cannot calculate, but 90 % of the grasp exist, and the entire task should find this dense treasure, so everyone should pay attention to this. "

“The second sister -in -law said, everyone heard it, but there is no need to worry about this first, and no matter how good the things are, you must have a life to get it. If it is a world elite, you must keep a sober mind. Sometimes the most terrible thing is not a monster. It is human, so strength is the most important. The Magic Palace does have superior strength in the Chinese area, but we cannot sit in the well and look at the sky. Other countries are united to deal with us what to do. If the trees are big, everyone knows, so everything is limited to our strength and mind. Everyone has only one current task, ministerial level, re -training, honor and wealth waiting for everyone! "

New Book of Stone “Three Eyes Gorgeous Love Mantra”

Two hundred and four people should not look (repair) Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5910 A group of stimulating men rushed out as soon as they were scattered, and they were really envious to see their bloody appearance. Hey, why did the fat man leave me alone … Xueer, Feiyun, and a busy mood. After all, in addition to accompanying me, they are also in a few positions, especially in the mood, but the big sister of the Magic Palace, Xueer and Feiyun have a special identity, and the status of the warlock group also It is more special. In general, the two of them are more like the lady of the president. In the Magic Warlocks, they have not belonged to the least budget group. In fact, there is no famous warning legion in the entire Chinese region. Maybe it is because of the professional relationship. Their main role is defense, and the consumption is smaller than other occupations. For the time being, we have no development plans in this area. In short, they are busy than me. “Mao fat, what do you do?”

Why did the fat man look fat and fatter? In the second world, it seemed to be fatter than reality. “Two important things!”

Xiao Mao stretched out two fat fingers, and laughed so sensual. Hey, I know, it’s going to run again, God blessed, don’t be too miserable. “Xiao Mao, you haven’t called weight recently?”

Xiaomao’s hairy immediately erected, “Don’t mention it, I will get angry when I mention it. The current electronic scale is super nauseous, no sense of heaven, and it is just a sound, I don’t know how to pretend every time!”

“No, isn’t it just reporting weight? Aren’t you fat and beauty, aren’t you afraid of others, are you shy?”

“Cut, the problem is, every time I go up, it always says, only one person at a time!”

… I don’t laugh, I endure. “Boss, laugh and laugh, it’s not good for your body.”

When I heard this, I couldn’t help laughing, but Xiaomao followed, and I immediately shut up. “Mocolicism is punished, you have to compensate my food for a month.”

… God blessed, he has been enough for half a year. “Okay, what’s the arrangement.”

“Boss, according to the schedule, you have two important dating recently, and you are imminent. The first is to meet the eternal ancient magician. After hearing the GOD eighty -one level, the guy of the ancient magician was restless. , Let you arrange a game to see if it is the first fierce in Europe, or his first cow, the Central Plains, and the matter of Atlantis must not be notified. We are only good! "

Xiaomao’s small abacus is moving again. The labor of the Institute of Magic is not used in vain, but the decisive battle of the two top mages is very promising, but to be honest, I am not optimistic about the ancient magician. The magic book, although I do n’t know which department it is, but after reaching the 81st level, it is not a little stronger. The seventy -six ancient magician is very disadvantaged, and in Europe in the origin of the magic. Sample artifacts help, and these ancient magicians have fell down. “Well, the second one, look at your secrets!”

I couldn’t think of it, there was any tricky thing. “No, boss, you are not impressed by such an important thing!”

Said Xiao Mao’s ambiguous look, and then sighed in the sky, and his feet paused, and he didn’t let God thunder and split me. “You stinky guy, itchy skin, say!”

“Boss, you forgot? Four Fairy!”

Toming blood ~~~ Forgot this matter again, this Hongmen Banquet expires again, or go to, who to accompany me? Intersection Intersection When I wanted to pull Xiaomao, this guy was a master of the wind that made the rudder. When I saw my eyes, I knew what I turned in my head. I hadn’t had time to speak. It’s so fast. Forget it, the four fairy is still let go, do not force Liangshan, ignore it for the time being, … Find the ancient magician to drink tea! The Institute of Magic is located at the junction of the Communist City and Zhu Rongcheng. The largest professional magician meeting in China. Each mage is proud of being a member of the Institute of Magic. Once, the ancient magician comes to the Magic Palace once or twice. When I was in contact, I went to Xiao Mao. This time, I also came to eat him. Okay, haha. If there was such a good thing in the past, a voter must follow me. The name is “protecting”

me. In fact, I used me as a shield and the head. With the truth of the second sister -in -law, I went out with the boss, and I had face! It is a pity that everyone is busy now. No one cares about me. As for the inspection team, I do n’t need to be afraid of trouble, but catfish want to go with me. The teacher discussed that his explosive problem, because the ancient magician had a set of magic props to make magic props. See if he could give him some opinions, it was just what he said at the meeting, and he was not satisfied with himself! So I took the fat man on the road. Hey, under the background of cat fish, I can be regarded as a standard little handsome guy. From time to time, there are little Mei Mei and throwing a charming eye. Essence “Old cat, don’t play deep, this is not like you. In fact, according to the current plan, the violent demon thief group is already standardized. As for further development, things are in people, things are in the sky, but they are too concerned, but they have fallen. Take down. "

“Hey, boss, I know, but I can’t restrain it, don’t care about me!”

Looking at the cat fish I watched while walking, and shaking my head helplessly, how can it be some acute people .






I’m afraid that I am afraid that this guy will ask me for recuperation.

During the holidays, it’s big .



Classical Mage Castle, when I arrived at the Institute of Magic, I knew what was the paradise of magicians.

There are mage props everywhere, and senior mage everywhere can be seen everywhere.

The towering mage tower is surrounded by.

The whole city wall is glowing with a kind of magic special glory, warning all the people who are unwilling, don’t underestimate its defense power.

This city wall is blessed by countless mage turns.

The difficulty in it is not ordinary, because the difficulty is generally high, because the difficulty is not ordinary because it is generally high because it is general Magic City Wall is also equivalent to a high -level magic prop.

It is a magician in itself.

It must also be a alchemist above the intermediate level.

The level must be above 71 or above.

| Magic Research Institute.

If you are interested in the insiders, you will find that the arrangement of the Master Tower is regular, and it is a super giant magic formation.

Only the magic research institute with a strong magician has this strength.

The inside of the industry is designed to have such an offensive and defensive castle without losing the beautiful castle.

“Good obedient, the old nest of the ancient magician is so good!”

The first time the cat fish came, obviously shocked by the spectacular scene. How much, spectacular and gorgeous guilds, and bustling crowds show its status. The center of the gate is a huge golden plaque \ | \ | The five characters of the “Magic Research Institute”

are hung high, flashing with gorgeous magic light. “Hey, this guy of the ancient magician will also make momentum.”

“Hey, old cat, you don’t think everyone else should live in the shed except the magic palace.”

However, the two of us standing at the door to admire it, it is easy to be considered a tourist in the countryside … … It should be said that it is considered a rural person, especially with cat fish. My sister was already smiling with a small mouth, and the players around them looked at us from time to time, but there was no extraordinary move, a good place. Both cats and I use the normal state, there is no need to expose the equipment outside, but the shield of the old cat is still exposed. A chubby ripple with a round shield is full of attention, it is still full of attention. I knew it should be separated from him. “Boss, why are the beautiful people looking at me, do you see me? The beauty here is so enthusiastic.”

The cat fish said. It’s not me to hit you, let’s say that your elder brother doesn’t want to say. “You see, that little fat man is so cute!”

“Yeah, yeah, I didn’t seem to have seen it before, and I also brought a small shield, so cool.”

“The fat thief is so interesting, the little face is round, like my little white.”

“Well, look at his honest look, it will definitely be a caring boyfriend!”

“The one next to it is relatively ordinary, there is no characteristic.”

“Yeah, it’s not particularly handsome, nor ugly, not very cute, nor cool, the whole person who has no personality, this kind of goods, will not eat it for a long time.”

Although the sound was not loud, the cat fish and I listened to it clearly. The catfish compared a V word proudly. In the first victory, I could only vomit blood on the side! When you meet the ancient magician, you must ask him if the girls here are strange, the handsome guy, the first hunting master in the world is worthless, and the comparison is cat fish. Earth? Intersection Intersection The excessive catfish naturally do not forget to fall down the stones. “Boss, the beautiful and delicious here is good, so I know this beautiful jade!”

Want to cry without tears … Originally, I wanted to watch the interests of the Magic Research Institute and disappeared, so as not to be hit by only a little self -esteem. The main hall of the Institute of Magic is well recognized. The highest mage tower is. It is a white tower, the center of the Institute of Magic Research, the highest building. I and the cat fish are under the tower. There is a mage guard at the door. Anyone who wears an internal mage gold badge can freely enter and exit this tallest mage tower. Others will notify them. Everyone can enter. The two masters of the door are seventy -sixth levels, but from their proud expression, the gatekeeper is also a very proud thing. There is no way to surprise the ancient magician. To notice. “Can the two brothers notify?”

The two people in the door saw the catfish’s expression, and the two of them knew that the people in front of them were extraordinarily loud. Although they were polite, they did not have the envy of them, or they did not take them in their eyes at all. This is no wonder cat fish, after all, such people cannot make him envy. “Are you?”

One of them asked carefully. “Devil’s Soul Eater!”

Flutter! “Hey, how do you have so many counterfeit goods this year? In the past few days, five soul -eater, three clear apple fragrances, and one illegal entry, plus one endless. , Ugly, it is simply polluted. "

“Isn’t the devil’s soul eater a fat man?”

Khan, it turned out to be so popular, is it a celebrity imitation show? “Oh, I’m a cat fish, this is the boss soul!”

When I heard cat fish, the two people looked at me carefully. After watching it for a long time, I didn’t find that I had three heads and six arms, and cat fish? “Cat fish? I haven’t heard of it, I only know that the Magic Palace has double -kill, the demon wolf war general, Qi Tian Da Sheng, and the Tianxian beauty, as for cat fish … what is it?”

The onlookers also laughed, and they didn’t look at it. They gradually formed a ******. The fierceness of fake goods for a few days was too strong. However, it was surprising that the cat fish was so contempt. The cat fish was not too angry, and still smiled at the two straight mages in front of me, “So how can you prove your identity?”

It seems that a little unexpected cat fish can say such a provocative words. The two guys were a little wrong, but they immediately laughed again. One of them said, “Well, it is easy to defeat us any of us!”

The fat man smiled sweeter. I knew that the two guys in front of me were unlucky. Hey, forget it, no matter what I was, hung up high, and helped the ancient magician to clean up the portal by the way. Cat fish looked at me, I nodded, “Don’t play with life!”

The cat fish raised her waist for a moment, removed the hidden technique on the body, and the war of killing immediately spread out. The top equipment of the thieves and the strange shields let everyone know that this time was kicked to the iron plate! At this time, the two mage realized that it might be true, but they still didn’t believe it. They were exported again, and they had to go to Liangshan with a hard scalp, but they really did not hear that catfish were like this. After all, it is not a list of the list. “Let’s go together!”

The cat fish hooked their heads faintly. The surrounding players were suddenly uproar at the audience. I did not expect that the thieves in front of them were so arrogant. They dared to pick two seventy -six mages. Except for the endless endless, I really don’t know that the thief has such a big ability. Things, winning beautiful is another thing! Some people have heard of catfish, the head of the demon thief, but the strength in the impression is not super strong. The first military conference in the world has not made any limelight. Is it hidden? Intersection Intersection At first glance, the two mages said that they said this, what else, what else,! The two of them pinched the cat and fish in the middle. Looking at the action is the master who often cooperated. When the others saw it, they really wanted to start and quickly let open a empty land. It is not good to stretch the pond fish. Everyone wants to see how a thieves resist the attacks of two seventy -six mages. Those who can defend the tower here are definitely a powerful mage in the Institute of Magic. If the equipment is really the head of the magic thief, you can enjoy it. I will be a fair person, start! At the same time, the two mages were slightly sideways, staggered half of the empty position \ | \ | laser movies, and screwed! The cat fish jumped into the air suddenly, and the fat body jumped into the air at once. The two mage smiled unknowingly. What he wanted was this effect, preparing to make a fatal blow to the cat fish in the air. The catfish in the air suddenly shrunk, and the Handsham’s shield suddenly acted in front. In fact, the entire shield has already attracted everyone’s attention. After all, a thief with a shield is a unique signboard. The small shield suddenly burst into a huge image, the light collapsed, a energy illusion appeared, Queen Mermaid, the closed eyes opened suddenly, petrification! In a moment, the players who are to Merudsa in the whole scene, except for me still moving, are all petrified.

Depending on the level, everyone will receive petrochemical time from two to five seconds, and the health value is also healthy also.

In rapid decrease, as a master of seventy -sixth levels, but it is also a bit great, but it does not open.

Maybe they are too confident.

In this case In the process of falling, cat fish’s hands kept turning, and a series of black shadows had been thrown towards the two mage.

The two mage saw that it was a good thing as soon as it was stabbed.

It was too late when they could move, bombarded ~!

A series of explosions sounded, and a little closer was affected, but some players with eye essence found that the explosion was closer to me in the field.




What does this mean?

Cat fish came out slowly, it was still the same, but the taste in the eyes of others was different.

The Merudsa Shield with petrochemical function, the legendary equipment, and the strange fireworks.

There is also this trick, new skills \ | \ | explosion!

Intersection Intersection Two seventy -six -level mages were done in this way, and the two guys can only lie on the ground.

If it wasn’t for the face of the ancient magician, it would have destroyed them.

However, although the ancient magician did not come out, his top ten mages came out two.

This was an acquaintance.

When you saw this, he knew it was not good.

Sorry, misunderstand!

" "

Oh, nothing, let’s discuss it.” I said lightly. After all, it is another thing to impersonate. It is another thing that they don’t take cat fish in their eyes. It should be a lesson. The warlock quickly helped the two guys on the ground to return to physical healing injuries. The two guys were a little ashamed. They not only recognized the wrong person, but also was instantly fired by a thief. "

I’m sorry, we are out of duty.” Looking at the look of the two magicians, I was ashamed and dissatisfied. I naturally know what they think, and I don’t want to damage the relationship between the two guilds because of this. "

Hehe, don’t you know each other, you can learn about it, but you also look at the head of my demon thief. In fact, you are not wronged. Even if he is not enough on the list, he is not on the list. It is also considered a master of the first 20 of the Shanghai Plains. " The onlookers were uproar for a while, but no one would doubt it, because this was what the devil said. Although there are only a short trick, they all see the extraordinary sound of fat people. Although the two mages are more interested, they can be done at the same time, not ordinary masters, especially the weird explosion, which makes people involuntarily involuntary. Even thinking about explosives, what is the concept? Although the power of the cold weapon era, although the power is yet to be verified, it is enough to shock everyone. After a while, the eternal ancient magician also came out. We nodded well, and we didn’t need to say more politely, but the ancient magician still glanced back at two unlucky mage. The two guys were immediately slippery. Flash, it seems that the rules of the Institute of Magic are also very strict. Text 205 strong combination Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5305 The misunderstanding just now has not affected us. After all, everyone’s intersection is not a day or two. The guests are sitting. The ancient magician looked at us with a smile, but looked at the catfish’s shield. "

Oh, I heard that the soul soul briefly sent a stroke in Dong Kunlun, but the brother was jealous!” Master Gu Lu looked at me up and down, trying to find some clues. "

Oh, mage, you must bring you next time. With you, we don’t have to kill it. Nine deaths!” I laughed bitterly, but it was necessary to pretend to be big. Feng, it is too dangerous to not touch it, it is too dangerous. "

Oh, do n’t talk about it, so that I’ m a loss of the elder brother ’s long experience.” It seems that the ancient magician also has the plan of Kunlun. After all, it is rumored that the Magic Palace has a lot of money. It will be annoyed. Some personal details are just briefly mentioned. These pose a threat to us, and the place where the go is generally not the same. Kunlun is unpredictable, so that you rarely find traces to find. The focus is still the power of regional inspections. It was said that the ancient magician was silent for a long time to say the fighting power of the two -headed monster and the demon. Kunpan is not a place where there are many people. Too many people will definitely pay attention to the huge popularity of Warcraft around them and even directly attract wings Warcraft. The result is naturally very dangen. When we heard that we were in crisis, we walked in Hongyun to save the martial arts. The ancient magician stood up with Liu Zhanguang, and was a sacred beast. The ancient magician’s eyes were not a day or two. Regional inspections were not worth mentioning in front of her. The superior beast, the superior beast, placed in the entire second world, is the king level, and can freely cross the field of beasts. Regarding the regional investigation, he did not specially care about the monster to deal with monsters. The magician has expertise, not to mention that he still has a mantra. As for the solution to the "

demon” king’s sword, it attracted his attention. But the ancient magician was not in a hurry, and everything was in a hurry, and the soul -elimation could not run. He and cat fish would definitely not come and play with nothing. "

Oh, Brother Eat Brother, Cat and Fisherwood, is nothing to set aside the three treasure halls, just say anything.” "

Master, you are too kind. In fact, the old cat comes this time, mainly to see if you can solve the lifelong event. There is no way, the Mei Mei of the Magic Palace secretly loves us, so we can only seek Foreign aid! “Mao Yu said with a smile, and made a helpless touch, and the fat face was crowded together. If you can do it, it is like Dao who slander my reputation, familiar with the heat, and deduct your salary. … Besides, the beauty who secretly loves the mage in the Magic Research Institute is definitely as good as hairy, you have no chance! "

When the ancient magician saw that we talked about the private problems, and immediately begged for mercy. “You spare me, old cat, the beauty here, you can soak it, as long as his sister is willing. "

Okay, talk about business, not long ago, I got a task that could not be solved, and asked you to discuss it!” "

Oh, what else can the mission that can’t be solved? Could it be a group? “Yes, not just groups, but also infinite levels!”

When I heard the infinite level, the ancient magician immediately stood up in shock and seeing what he knew about the application, and then found his disappointment. “Oh, Brother Soul Eater! This time there are good trading and selling. I don’t know which one you get? Which one? Is there a lot of unlimited mission? "

Atamis!” Shuiyuan’s ancient magician fiercely, "

Okay!” "

Oh, I have only been obtained recently. The experience of them is incredible. I think my brother looks like what I know.” I looked at him in doubt. "

Haha, Brother Soul Eater, Coincidentally, it is a coincidence that this is the case. Some time ago, we will get a sheepskin roller. The volume does sell weird and abnormal, we spend the power of the two tigers before fighting Open, the result is just a legend! " "

Oh? Legend, what does this have to do with the unlimited task,” "

This leather roll records is the legend of unlimited tasks. It means to go. The five major tasks of the creation of the world are collectively called unlimited tasks. Each task is hidden in a dense treasure. It can be more unimaginable or curse. " "

No, there is a curse, so don’t combine it." I dare not think about it, just look at Atlantis’s mission, it is difficult, five? Don’t think about it. "

Oh, the good book used is likely to destroy a country." There is something in the ancient magician’s words, but unfortunately, don’t think so much now, a dense treasure will play dead. "

Brother, just say the point directly." "

Oh, brother -in -law, I posted a question of Yao, that is, this sheepskin roll is written in the world -class mission in the mission of ten or nine." Seeing that the ancient magician is not the emperor’s longing. In fact, he is familiar with Everyone in him knows that he is a real good warrior, but after the domestic war is too much, the loss of resources and trade is unavoidable, and it is troublesome to deal with revenge These problems, if they can be abroad, or a certain public domain. What’s more, he has been waiting for the public theater for a long time, but unfortunately, he hasn’t moved yet. "

Congratulations, brother, guess, according to the research of unlimited task scrolls, Atlantis needs ten keys to open at the same time. We have achieved a key key, and there are nine countries! And we have nine countries! And The process of my task is more special. Atlantis mainland I have seen it in person, and it can be said that entering the second world to this day is the place where I impressed me the most. And in terms of scale, the number of places is definitely large. How can this kind of thing be a player? " “Haha, knowing the soul -eater, everything is omnipotent. In fact, I just happened to see the sheepskin rolling. The first thing I thought of was the soul -eater, but only we had a key. It was obviously not enough?”

“As you said, the person who gets this kind of sheepskin roll is not only a child, and the other nine keys will depend on the opportunity. If you prepare for the same way, I will let Xiaomao log in on the second world website. Seek 9 other key owners !! "

“Oh, this kind of thing, how can you count on me, even if you are a soldier!”

The ancient magician’s eyes were all rushing to Jin Guang, and he couldn’t wait to go now. “Brother Gram first prepares the preparatory team of the five -man, and two of them must be an elite. You can have a bad personality with Donghai Di. Pray him about the plans of the celestial body and make him prepare. "

I will arrange it when I wait for a while. I didn’t expect it to be able to do it again.” The forever is excited. He pays more attention to the skills of magic. Only in the new environment and challenges can you break through "

Life is alive, such a scene cannot be participated, but it is a pity that everything is listening to the soul -eating brother.” "

By the way, Brother Soul is also there, God’s eighty -one level, he must leave me a machine when he comes!" "

I’m afraid you don’t find him, he also wants me, don’t forget that the Fire Magic Book on your hand is delayed in Europe. “Just right!”

“By the way. The old cat is something you want to find you. "

Master, there is no spacious place, let me show it first.” The fat man squinted his eyes and said, but he did not expect that he had such a day to show his skills in front of the top master. The ancient magician immediately took us to his practice room. For good things, he had a lot of curiosity. When I first came, I heard that there was a super weird thief in "

trouble". There are too many big things, I almost forgot. "

Master, you are really rich, and such a luxurious practice room can be done." Even I had to admire him, a private practice room, so spacious and luxurious, all kinds of weird and superb stingings It is everywhere, it is really enough. There is still a large security zone settings in it. If the system is opened, the Money will not be small. It’s a long time. The ancient magician smiled at this. Hey, at first glance, it was like a rich man, but not only in the second world, but in reality. "

Master, cat fish discovered the explosion dedicated to thieves in Dongkunlun. We want to popularize him and plan to build a violent demon thief, but the effect is not good, so let you take a look." Hearing such special skills, the ancient magician also came to the spirit, catfish with both hands, and a fireworks that did not ignite appeared in your hands. And the control of power has also been in a step, which is also the biggest harvest of continuous research during this time. Unfortunately, others are still far away. The ancient magician squinted his eyes and looked at the fireworks in the cat fish. If he thought, he might think of something, and suddenly came up, "

Let me experience his power and throw it towards me!" I looked at the cat fish and nodded, and I didn’t see any movements of the cat fish. The fireworks suddenly sparked out of the spark. Essence Boom ~~~ The ancient magician was bombed two steps back. The magic shield shook twice, and he insisted on it, but the look of the ancient magician was surprised and looked at the cat fish in a dull manner. "

Cat fish, what is your continuous frequency?" "

With my current magic and physical strength, it can be launched fifteen times in a row. If there is a super firework, the number of times will be reduced." Hearing this time, the ancient magician’s eyes were flashing golden light. He knew how terrible threats to other occupations with such power. It made him itchy, and it seemed that he was going to get the time to lie on Kunlun. Hey, not jealous. Of course, he also knows that some things are unable to find, but not trying, not his style. "

Master, my explosion, after others learned, there was only one -fifth of the power. I and my second sister -in -law made a long time, but the harvest was very small, and I was far away from the violent demon thief in my imagination!" "

Is the scroll of explosion?" The ancient magician has already been interested. This special skill is really rare, especially with the taste of firearm. If you use it well, the future is not limited! The cat fish immediately gave him the scroll, and the magician was also a genius in the scroll. Although it is not the same system as Erxunzi land, he is authoritative in terms of application and production. The scroll has been clearly identified by Erreoko. Some points have been marked. Essence I was all right. The rest of the problem was not my expertise, after all, people were not universal. In this regard, I was gan -worshiped. They were busy and talked about it. I was very boring. As the master, the ancient magician naturally noticed this: "

Haha, Brother Soul Eater, don’t mind, I am working for you, just stroll around my magic research institute, ah, yes, wait a little. Speaking of the ancient magician sent a few messages immediately, after a while, the door opened, and a woman mage appeared in front of us. Beauty, a different beauty, should be said to be a Chinese classic in the bones. The traditional beauty of 5,000 years, even in the second world environment, can still make people feel her quietness, gentleness, like one like one Duo needs a small flower that is carefully cared for, pure theory, she is not as good as Xueer, Feiyun, Mingyue, but she is not in the same mood, but it is just the opposite feeling. The family shows more modern atmosphere on her, but the girl in front of her, the pure, without the slightest Chinese atmosphere, makes us so fascinating, like a person living in a coffee era. Time contrast. Hey, stinky cat fish, really shameful, dazed, why do you want to drool, damage the image of the magic palace, see my absolute seriousness, go back to strengthen their moral cultural literacy education, and be a good man in the new era! …… It seems that there is a saying that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam, not to say me, sweat! “Second brother, what’s the matter?”

The beauty of the beauty is extraordinary, which is a kind of tenderness, rich and sweet, and the opposite of the times can show her differences. I can’t help but have a style. “Brother Soul Eater, let me introduce it. This is my little sister. I studied in the United States. I have been pulled in recently to help me manage the guild. But she is a high -talented student in international finance. How to be beautiful. "

There is a strong pride in the discourse. There is such a sister who is definitely proud of being a brother. The beauty heard the praise, smiled slightly, there was no shyness, and not particularly happy. “The second brother knows to make fun of others.”

Probably the symmetrical praise has been accustomed to it. … Emotion is to treat us as his brother. Oh, “Xiaobai "

’s self -esteem was hit. “Little sister, introduce you, this is the second world that no one knows, no one knows the soul of the demon, the king of the second world!”

Tomiting blood, the ancient magician introduced what bad purpose I have in this way, it won’t be like me selling his sister, look at the appearance of classical beauties, … it is worth considering, haha. “Oh, hello, long -lasting name.”

The beautiful girl smiled slightly and was very polite … but why did I not see the meaning of leaning for a long time, and also, girls studying abroad pay more attention to The strength in reality, the game is just a condemnation, and it is not serious. I’m afraid I am in her eyes, that is, a little person who can play. People. “This is the head of the demon group, cat fish, and cat fish and I work a little bit. The beauty responded softly, like me smiled slightly, signaled me to follow, hey, there is no way, let’s go. "

Master, it’s not interesting enough. There are such sisters hiding until now, and there are, there are, knowing that the boss lives in Zhongxiang Kingdom, the color wolf is the first, and she is not afraid of the sheep enter the tiger’s mouth. Beauty is about to fall. " The eternal ancient magician’s sweat in the emperor, the organizational relationship of the Magic Palace is really weird! "

By the way, Master, listen to you, she should be open to study in the United States, but how do I feel that it is like living in ancient times. At first glance, it gives people a classic beauty. I probably find it from the literature, not to mention such a big beauty, it is simply a national treasure, unfortunately, unfortunately! “The cat fish couldn’t help sighing. However, the ancient magician shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn’t say anything. In fact, he was also uneasy. She didn’t like the game, let alone play. Some time ago, I don’t know who revealed this information to her. After the second world, I also came up, and the name of the name was helping him. In fact, … hey, the problem originated from his sister, but the mage has always regarded her as her own relative Sister, the ancient magician deliberately borrowed me to shift her sight. Khan, what kind of world is used like this?







Let this use more violently.

Text 206 jade children Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5157 In fact, I just appreciate such beauties.

After all, there are people who love beauty.

It is also a more comfortable thing to be with such beauties.

Of course, if there is some kind of thought occasionally, it can only be said that it is a normal man’s response.

After all, if you think about it, you want to be criminal.

“Are you a soul eater?”

The beautiful woman walking suddenly turned around and asked me, with a little question in a smile. “Yes, it seems that only me is called this name in the second world.”

Actually, the first feeling this girl gave me is still very good. I prefer a gentle classic beauty. In this ancient background, I Can’t help remind of that ancient training: let the fish and geese die … “Really?”

The words of the beauty followed me a bit. After all, it was not a cool thing to make the beauty suspect. “Hey, it looks like I want to change the name!”

I sighed as a pretending to be hit. Oh ~, “Please don’t mind, I just confirm it, but the ability in the second brother’s mouth is not the same as the imagination!”

The beautiful woman smiled and enlightened. Fortunately There was a fight with Liu Shanghui. “Oh, how did the mage describe me?”

Okay, the mage dares to destroy my image in front of the beauty. When you go back, you must have a good physical communication with you. “He said, Mr. Soul Eater is a man who can go to heaven, how good it is, how to receive the attention of beautiful women.”

The beauty said very softly, looking at the distance with her eyes. Although I was talking about my name, I was definitely not me. Hum, the ten or nine is the guy of the ancient magician, but my sister? elder brother? incest? terrible! Intersection Intersection I found that I was a little lost, and the beauty was a little shy. I might also see my weird expression, and said lightly, “It’s not what you imagined, I also know why the second brother does this. It is undeniable that you do have strange charm. "

… This problem is a bit complicated, as if others know what to know. Only I was covered in the drum. “The sister of the ancient magician, what should I call you?”

“Since you are the person respecting the second brother, call me Yuer.”

Yuer, good name, like people, a kind of water -like tenderness. “Oh, Yuer, I don’t understand it just now. You should tell me.”

Intuitively told me that the little magician was playing with tricks. In fact, he read me wrong. Although I spent the name outside, none of them were actively pursuing, at most two -way wish, either a woman chased, I was more passive than a woman. Except for seeing the true face of Aixinjueluo, I was more passive. At that moment, I had a violent possession, and the ancient magician obviously wanted to introduce my sister to me, there was a problem! After listening to me, Yuer listened to my words, and a faint face was on the beautiful face, “Mr. Soul Eater, here is not a place to speak, please come with me.”

Khan, don’t want to add the words, how to listen to so awkward, just call me the soul -eating, but Xiaomei Mei Mei finally added a brother’s character. This feels much better, but it comes out of the mouth of a girl, Especially such a round beauty makes me feel a bit home. Under the leadership of Yu’er, we came to a small tavern. Khan is the magic tavern of the Magic Palace. This is the elf tavern. Although the tavern is not large, the style is very good. In this way, all cats and her Mimi were overthrown, and the tavern of the authentic elves hosted by the Light Elf King was used. Coordination and softness inside were the main tone. Do not interfere, because most of the guests here are couples or people who like quietness, or girls, will not be particularly noisy, here only sell low fruit wine and drinks, as well as some flavor snacks, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters, waiters. It is also all girls, and the occupation must be archers. This is also the characteristics of the Dream tavern. For different people, the hearts of guests are drawn. Relatively speaking, the consumption of the elven tavern is relatively high. It can be seen that Yuer also likes it very much, and is also a cooked guest. It is obviously familiar with several waiters. It is good. The tavern has a beautiful small tone. Of course, there are also female players who are drinking and enjoying themselves. From their expressions, they really enjoy it very much. It is reasonable to say that there will be a lot of wolves like this. , I ca n’t see it now. Of course, it is not impossible to appreciate the beauty, but you can only look at it from a distance. This is the rules of the Elf Restaurant. Moreover, here is the ancient magician’s site. “Welcome, Miss Jiangcheng, your position is just retained.”

“Thank you, Sister Ling Kong, take a friend today.”

Known as the beauty of the spirit, about twenty -seven or eight, the appearance is superior. Although it is not first -class and beautiful, the mature Fengyun and the full and bumpy figure, the euphemistic temperament, is indeed making men unable to resist. But no one dares to underestimate her, because she is the manager here, and the 75 -level archer, at a glance, knows that it is the character of the captain of the Demon Bow, but I have never seen it, but this does not hinder her hinder her hinders her know me. Yu’er suddenly found that she has always been stable, and even the sister Ling Kong she admired after seeing the soul -eating was a panic. In fact, she did not come to the second world for a long time, and her thoughts were not used here. Naturally, she would not like it. Know who the Elf Barry is. “President, how are you here, it’s really rude.”

Ling Kong was about to give him immediately, and I was stopped by me quickly, … Who taught this, which made me like the underworld. Fortunately, the movement was not great, and I didn’t pay attention. I joked, “Oh, nothing, the situation here is very good. Today is a friend invitational, accounting for her wrong, don’t remember it, huh.”

My words made the nervous atmosphere active. I don’t know that I still have such a great prestige to make such mature beauties worship so much. Several beautiful archers around me see me. , In fact, people in the Magic Palace know me, but I only know so much, and to be honest, I don’t like to contact strangers. So many, … but vanity is greatly satisfied, no wonder many people like to be boss. Yuer looked at me with a strange look. I didn’t expect that I had such a great prestige. She had seen the ability of Sister Ling Kong, and disdain to men. Even her second brother, forever, the ancient magician It’s just good, but when it comes to this man, he will go, as if he is the god of the second world. How can such a mature beauty like such a silly boy in front of him? I didn’t think so much, smiled slightly to them, nodded, and arranged for us. “Chairman, you have a special location.”

I was stunned for a while. “Really, why don’t I know.”

Maybe my expression is stupid. The beauties all smiled, “All the industries in the Magic Palace have your special location, please come with me.”

Lingkong took us to a small box, which can just look at the audience without being observed. The layout inside is obviously a lot of effort. Private rights are not. “Okay, Sister Ling Kong, I want to come in many times, you don’t let it, it turned out to be prepared for the soul -elimation brother.”

“Good jade, don’t make trouble. This is dedicated to the chairman. It is usually known. You want to harm your sister’s unemployment.”

Lingkong said with a smile. Essence “Chairman, what do you want?”

The sweet smile appeared again. This title sounds a bit weird, but I know that this is the hard rule of Xiaomao, because the Magic Palace is now not just a game meeting, but a huge industry. Performance and the ability to conquer beauty can at least cause girls’ curiosity. Even such mature beauties are no exception. I do n’t have difficult problems. In their eyes, I ’m so cool. “Yuer likes what you like, I treat.”

At first glance, Lingkong went down immediately, and Yuer had no affection. I knew that this meal must be invited. Such girls are really rare. … , Gentle and elegant, not arrogant or impatient, really brothers and sisters, convinced! “Unexpectedly, Brother Soul Eater, such face, is a little girl Tang Ting.”

“Yuer, don’t have to be so polite. I’m an acquaintance with the mage. You are his sister, and you don’t have to be so polite.”

“… You are younger than my brother, I will call you the third brother.”

Yuer said gently. Really, to be honest, getting along with such girls is really easy, not contrived, not twisted, the refreshing place is refreshing, but it will not make you misunderstand.

The master of the mage really has a good sister, but unfortunately my dad My mother is the only one.

Listening to my dad said that having a child is the most hurting, and I have a long time for his wife to have a long time.

It can be regarded as the task of being passed down from the generation.

Enjoy this kind of brothers and sisters, .



In fact, I think, so someone will top the bar for me.

“Haha, yes, Yuer, rush to you, you sister, I recognize it, I will cover you in the future!”

“Flutter, the third brother, you in the second brother’s mouth, it doesn’t seem like this.”

Hey, the first time I pretended to be bold, it failed, miserable. “Three brothers, joking, I heard that the three aunt, all of them are stunning beauties. It seems that there are a stunning list. There are still many beautiful women who are around you. If you have time, you can bring it to Yuer. "

“How can you say it, but Xueer will definitely like you.”

At this time, Lingkong also sent a bottle of golden fruit wine and some drinks. Some side dishes were brought up, and one of the other waiters did not see it. It may be that you can do it yourself. When I heard me, Lingkong showed a bright smile, a hearty woman. “Third brother, your charm is so great.”

“Oh? Really, why don’t I know, haha, the book belongs to the right, the question just now hasn’t answered me.”

“I like the second brother!”

After a pause, Yuer appeared, hearing me, putting the cup on my nose, seeing my expression, Yuer smiled shyly, “It’s not what you think, I am, I am, I am, me, I It has nothing to do with the second brother, and it is adopted by the elder brother. "

Hush ~, okay, scare me! Then Yuer said with some resentment, “But the second brother doesn’t like me. Why is the third brother? Is it not beautiful enough? Isn’t it cute enough? Or isn’t it gentle enough?”

Khan, forever, the guy of the ancient magician is too kind, knowing that Yuer likes him, and it takes … but it is really done with his character. The most complicated thing of feelings, not ordinary people can solve it. “Yuer, not like this, but the mage he treats you as a relative and sister. The relationship and love are different.”

“Actually people just want to be with him, anyway, I can’t say anything.”

Toming blood, I am afraid that Yuer will not distinguish between this feeling, who can really clearly distinguish it? Besides, the ancient magician was originally an attractive killer. …… It’s really hard for him, and you can still be single now. But fortunately, I also did the old Yue Lao, helped them cheerle, and saved the mage all day long with my good wife. “Third brother, you laughed well.”

“How is it possible, people like your third brother should be cool.”

“But it’s really strange. With the third brother, I don’t know if I don’t know, and I am very happy.”

Yuer’s expression is very cute, a silent gentleness, hey, the guy of the ancient magician is really born I don’t know blessing in blessing. Fate is really hard to say … “The elder sister, the demon king. When we talked inside, the archers of the archers outside were almost exploded, and they were excited as a bird. "

Unexpectedly, I can see him so close, so masculine.” "

That is, I seem to see the golden peel around him, so handsome.” "

That is, the famous demon king is still so approachable. He smiled at me just now, and almost fainted me.” One of the little beautiful hands with his hands together, he didn’t know what he was praying. "

Okay, don’t you want to get idiots, haven’t you seen a man, do you have to work well.” Ling Kong said absently. "

No, elder sister, just now seems to be the most active. Usually it should be what we do. You have been robbed by you, do you say it?” "

That is, it’s not that any man can compare with the demon king!” "

Agree to add in favor.” "

Hush ~, some of your little Ni Zi will stir your tongue, don’t be a dream of Phoenix, work well is the most realistic. Be careful I deduct your salary.” "

I know, sister!" Several girls began to concentrate on their work. Fortunately, the atmosphere of the elves and tavern was not very busy. I went to the orc tavern to know what was busy and enthusiastic. Several beautiful talks naturally aroused the topic below. For this celebrity who was originally a topic, everyone was naturally familiar and regarded as the subject of chat. "

Hey, to be honest, the person of the demon soul is really good, enough righteousness, and ability enough, but unfortunately it is too unknown in some ways." A couple naturally turned to the topic. Some opinion. "

No, husband, didn’t hear that he was not good?" "

My dear, you don’t know, he occupies five of the stunning list alone. Do you think it is not kind? Even if you eat the pot in the pot, the other beautiful women in the stunning list seem to be They all have a leg with him. You say how other men live, there is no object of dreaming, the wife is not kind, … oops, wife, light. " "

Go, let’s go out and talk about it. It seems that there is a problem with you, do you want to look at the pot!" "

No, no, my wife, I just said that I was leaking." Just after finishing, "

Killing Man" found out that this time it was really over. In everyone’s laugh, he was dragged out by his wife. of. "

People have the ability and ability, if I am, I would like it." "

I still like specialty, I can’t imagine how so many people live together, especially so many proud women." "

Also, I think it is the indulgence in the illusory world. In reality, it is impossible. Who knows what he is doing in life." "

Yeah, Yanfu is not so enjoyable. It is rumored that that woman is very background." "

It’s not about our affairs, drink, drink." At this moment, the gate of the Elf Restaurant was kicked open. From the noisy voice, there must be a lot of outsiders, but there were only one person who came in. Drink, point directly to Lingkong, "

Wu Na’s mother -in -law, there is a kind of one!" Text 2007 is a love fire Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 5158 Those who look for faults are very loud, but only the sound. As soon as I saw this reckless man, Lingkong’s face was pulled down, and her plump breasts were a bit undulating. She really didn’t want to make trouble today. "

Bulls, warn how many times it is, don’t make trouble here, hurry up." Others laughed and looked at this funny scene. No one was panicked. In fact, many people also used this to be dull. This warrior is called "

Ben Gulf’s Bulls". Seventy -four levels, the boss of a small lending meeting, has more than thirty people. I went to the Elf Restaurant to enjoy the alternative atmosphere at one time. I started to remember the rules. The child is not small. When you drink it, you will be excited and start to forget it. He is noisy. This is not a big deal in the orc tavern. I do n’t listen, it can be imagined in the later things. The poor bull was invited out by the soul and respectfully. The wine affected his performance. I did not expect that the strength of the high gold fruit wine was so great. It was a shame and a humiliation for him to defeat him. I can’t control so much. With more than thirty brothers under his men and mighty killing towards the elven tavern, you have to kick the field. Unfortunately, before he found himself, he found that he was defended. Such an obvious goal was on the site of the ancient magician. After getting the news, they were scattered in all corners. Seeing this potential, the bison remembered who this industry was. He sweaty and he was reckless, but he didn’t have no brains. If he started now, Mao can’t touch one, I’m afraid the brothers will be explained. The inspection team of the Magic Palace is omnipresent. How to look at those people who watched, each of them rushed with blood red, and immediately retreated. Fortunately, doing business is also expensive, at most attempts, and it is not embarrassing, but this bison also came to temperament. He knew that individuals were unattended. So challenge the difference between three and five. Later, in order to strengthen the momentum, the brothers opened all the watches. Persist in a creed: repeated defeats, repeated defeats. Has become a habit. It was very easy to start cleaning him up, but it took a long time to fight. Relying on the thick skin of the soldiers, it is very difficult to solve. Today, what she didn’t want to see still happened. I am happy to talk to Yuer. In fact, I am going to inspect the secrets of the ancient magician, but Xiao Nizi’s tone is very tight. When there is a breakthrough, the noise outside the door has disturbed us. Such a big voice, want to pretend to pretend to be, want to pretend to pretend to be. If you don’t know, you can’t do it. "

Third brother, it looks like a bull is here again!" “Oh? Who is the bull?”

I really couldn’t think of it, and anyone dared to ""

again “to find the trouble of looking for the Magic Palace. Seeing my doubts, Yuer smiled and told their stories with a smile. "

It turned out not to know each other, interesting.” "

I think the bison had a relationship." Yuer smiled slightly, revealing Yuyu’s teeth, and the brake was cute. … This is possible. Sister Lingkong is really sexy and beautiful, feminine, and bulls are brothers and beasts. Isn’t it popular beauty and beasts this year? Since it is not a "

pure" trouble, I naturally have to look at the excitement, but even if this is so elegant, … what kind of family can cultivate such a family to cultivate this kind of like this Girls, studying in the United States, can not change the mellow Chinese flavor in this bone. "

Today, I will definitely win!" The bison patted his chest confidently. I don’t know who said, "

It’s like a cow, as if you say that every time, haha." Everyone laughed for a while, and even the thick -skinned bison was flushed, but they did not shrink back, and did not stop with Lingkong. Lingkong also knew the temper of this guy, and knew that he couldn’t teach him a meal. "

Bulls, your kid is not a thing to go on like this. Today is just right. Everyone will give you a testimony, the next bet, everyone said, is it?" Naturally, there will be no less people who coax, and the spirit is helpless, but she is not a little sister. There is nothing on this occasion. Besides, this silly cattle is not her opponent, but the bison is a bit awkward. , Stomped, shouted, "

Win, you want to be my girlfriend, lose your boyfriend, how about you?" Polying, dizzy, who said this boy is stupid, I think it’s stupid, right? I also want to do this good thing, but it seems that it really likes Lingkong, but … I still want to be intentional, flowing the water. As soon as the word of the bull was exit, Rao was no matter how generous Lingkong was, and he was a bit shy. In fact, he didn’t feel like the burdock. This man was not pretty good, but he was still 10,000 miles away from his boyfriend. "

If you win, I will be your girlfriend, but if you lose, you have to put a whistle for a month for the elves and tavern, how about!" As soon as the bull heard it, I knew that I was going to be bad. I was a boss anyway. If I lost, where did this face go? Loying, when he made a feat, he swear without burn. "

Okay, since you agreed, the duel started, but this time the opponent is not me, but … he!" Lingkong’s hand was pointing at me, and at this time, Yuer pushed it back, and I entered the field in a mess. What kind of thing is this and what does it have to do with me. I haven’t spoken yet, the bulls who are running are annoyed, "

Wu’s little white face, dare to grab a woman with me, I have to practice you well today!" Khan, I also have a day when I was called Xiaobai’s face. It was an honor. Generally, when I was with others, the other party’s assembly Xiaobai face, however, how can I intervene in the third party. "

Wait a little, someone is troubled in the tavern of the Magic Palace, and you have to bully your subordinates. You should also manage it in love, and for the future peace. It is better to have a shot." …… Here is enough. When he heard the chairman, the people present basically understood. The legendary Lord of the Demon Palace, the world’s first master, the demon king’s soul eater, the audience immediately burst into applause, and he could see the single duel of the world’s first master. He prayed. The only wish is that he can support it for a long time. Don’t be done in one trick, everyone can appreciate it. No matter how stupid the bull is, you can see the expression of other people. Even his younger brother was withdrawn, fork, what was afraid of, just a little white face, etc., and so on. Just now Lingling seemed to call him chairman? Intersection Intersection The elf tavern seems to be the magic palace. The boss of the magic palace is only one. Is that the demon king? ah! Intersection Intersection Poor Niu Manga once again looked at the man in front of him, and Doudan sweat beads falling down one by one. To this day, it was kicked to the iron plate, and it was still the same as the chance of Zhong Liuhecai. I was waiting for his shot, and I ca n’t get him at all at once, but why did he sweat hard, just do n’t do it? Want to kill me with my eyes? The audience was a little impatient, and began to make noise. Of course, he would not make no noise, and he was urging the wild cattle to hurry up. The burdock was now difficult to ride a tiger, and finally vomited and walked over. … It is a pity that it is not towards me, but a stop towards the elf tavern, and a stop at the door. Flutter, fell! "

Wow, the third brother is the third brother, it is really amazing." Yuer came up to please at this time. It seems that the potential of the witch is also hidden under the gentle appearance. It seemed like someone pushed me out. "

The president is sorry to bother you." Ling Kong remembered that it didn’t seem to be properly remembered at this time. After all, this happened to the first time you met the soul -eating, and he was too … Elastic "

Oh, serving beautiful women is what men should do. If you want to thank you, you can please just consume it." "

Third brother, you are so rogue, let girls invite." Yuer smiled sweetly, like a crescent, really a seductive girl, hey, a happy ancient magician. "

Three Brother?" Ling Kong was a little strange. What soul -eating has become Yuer’s third brother? This Yuer’s identity is very strange. Originally, Lingkong thought it was just a life -like player. It happened to be more rich and just relaxed, but now it looks unusual. … If the General Mao knows it, it must be miserable. Where would I know that she had thought so much, "

Oh, Miss Lingkong, Yuer is the elder sister of the eternal ancient magician, it is also my little sister, is it strange?" Why did it look like me? I have explained it, as if Yuer had sank in my hands, hey, good people are hard to do. "

Okay, beauty, thank you for your stay. At the next month, come to the Magic Palace, I treat me on the first floor." "

But, president, you seem to never attend the monthly meeting?" Khan …, is it, hey, I am so irresponsible, how can I forget such an important thing? I said, how can such beauties do not know? It must be full of private pockets! "

This, next time, it is Xiao Mao, this guy will not remind me every time." This kind of thing must be pushed to him, anyway, he is not next to him, just find a step. Farewell to the bison that Lingkong and running wild, a good mature woman in Lingkong, the unique charm of young women aged 27 or eight, is very tempting to men. Of course, it is just appreciation. Bulls are strange to look at my eyes. There is no hatred, but it has a strong disappointment. It is even more complicated to see Lingkong’s eyes. Hey, weird uncle -level figures, I hope they can match it right. Saying goodbye to them, Yuer took me to the Institute of Magic, and the seven major groups were indeed extraordinary. Although the style and the defense system are very different from the Magic Palace, it is also powerful. In fact, the Institute of Magic is specially dedicated, which is similar to the killer hall and the elf garden. It is mainly based on a single occupation. I have a headache when I think of the Dream Rose Troupe. Yanfu is really not so enjoyable, headache! Along the way, Yuer showed her elegance again. It was a kind of happiness with such a tour guide. Coupled with her sweet commentary, the image of the Institute of Magic has improved a lot. It’s hard for her, it must be so detailed for the ancient magician. "

Third brother, please help you help." "

Oh, what’s the matter with Yuer, as long as I can help, there must be no problem!" "

Well, a man, a man, can’t speak! I want the third brother to pretend my boyfriend and see the reaction of the second brother. I don’t believe he doesn’t care about me!" faint! It’s really nothing! Why do you want to pull me in this complex emotional relationship? The more a girl -like girl, the more demon! I promised things, but for the truth, we still have to step by step. Yu’er has made a detailed plan. All I have to do is to wait for the command and cooperation, and get on the thief boat! I found the ancient magician and cat fish. The accident was that it was not the busy I imagined. The two buddies were drinking tea. "

This, Brother Soul Eater, answered wrong, was completely nothing!" The ancient magician shrugged helplessly. Although he was very interested in this, unfortunately he was not a thief, and he was much worse in understanding. "

Boss, there is no way for the mage, but I still have a gain, go back and improve!" "

Are you happy to play with Yuer?" "

Happy, the second brother, the happiest, the person recognized by the second brother is really different." Yuer just started to be in love, which started to plan. The ancient magician did not change. The cat fish looked like a coolness. He shook his head helplessly. Unfortunately, his neck was too short, and his whole body was shaking. Say goodbye to the ancient magician, he is busy preparing Atlantis’s task, as well as preparing to challenge God.

We are naturally embarrassed to disturb.

From the expression of cat fish, it must be a solution to a certain problem.

Jumping around like a rabbit, throwing the fireworks in his hand, some low -level fantasy beast chickens flying dogs around the scared!

I finally discovered the biggest disadvantage of fireworks-pollution environment!

“Old cat, can you not shake, please make you so happy! Isn’t this time here?”

The catfish guy comes with a smile on his face, “Ah, the third brother, hey, it’s really a little beautiful eyebrow!”

He said a beauty shy. That action spit the surrounding fantasy beasts nausea, and I couldn’t vomit! “Don’t talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with Yu’er!”

Although I am not afraid of Xueer, they know, but do n’t do anything wrong with nothing. If I take advantage, then even if I do it, I won’t do it when Dou E! “Okay, boss, I know you are a pure male and female relationship. Well, the reason why I was so excited is to think of breakthroughs. However, the specific implementation is yet to be tested. Flaming, fortunately I am not the kind of curiosity, otherwise I will not hold him to death! The rest of the time I am going to deal with the Dream Rose Troupe. Maybe it’s not as complicated as expected. Women are not afraid. I am a wolf. I am afraid of something. But at this moment, a news appeared, and the Chinese region, which was calm for a while, boiled again. "

System announcement: German player GOD crossed the national boundary to the Chinese district” When we hear this news, we first and looked at each other, ah! Intersection Intersection I am dizzy, why not do this guy so anxious, do n’t have to be so anxious if you want to give birth! I couldn’t care about leisurely. The cat fish and I immediately used the back of the city to appear in Yanhuang City, summoned the side dishes, and flew directly to the Magic Palace. When he arrived at the Magic Palace, Xiao Mao, Xueer, Mood, Feiyun, Fighting, Desperate Saburo, etc. The elites of the Magic Palace arrived. There are fifty or sixty people gathered in the hall. These people are the leadership system of the Magic Palace. Everyone gets a hegemony outside. But because of them, there is today’s Magic Palace. The power of a person is always limited! "

Boss, God’s visit, we all arranged, let him see the power of the Magic Palace!" I looked at everyone quietly, and my eyes were full of enthusiasm, "

Okay! Everything acts as planned! As for the battle with God, please look forward to it!" For a moment, everyone was dispersed immediately. Although God came in a hurry, we were also prepared. However, such a large -scale mobilization of troops is not a while. Time is the key at this time! The fall of China is near the East China Sea, and we have sent someone to pick him up. Foreigners are very well recognized here! (Happy New Year ^\ _ ^Recommended the new book "

Extinction" of the wolf wolf) Text Visit 2008 GOD Updated: 2006-8-6 16:10:00 Number of chapters: 6109 In the Institute of Magic, the ancient magician talked with Yu’er, "

How do Yaer feel?" The ancient magician asked lovingly, like this little girl as a baby. "

Second brother, everything goes well, a very good person, it still takes time to observe, but isn’t we really like his brothers and sisters?" Yuer blinked slyly. "

Oh, how can we do it? We don’t look like!" The ancient magician smiled and pointed at Yuer, and Yuer did the same action. "

But he is really a big wolf, so many beautiful women, are you really so beautiful?" Yuer still doubted that she was confident in her beauty and charm. "

Oh, you have to taste it slowly to taste, everything is done according to the plan, depending on you, I am full of confidence in Yuer." At this time, the system news came that God entered the Chinese area. The tea cup in the hands of the ancient magician stopped in the air and stood up. "

After speaking, he rushed out, leaving only Yuer drinking tea leisurely. “Why are men so simple and impulsive?”

Yu’er smiled sweetly, Meimei took a sip of tea, and she disappeared when she put down the tea cup. Headquarters of Killer Hall, Qingqing apple incense and endless. “Brother Apple really calculates the magical machine, everything is in control.”

The man in front of him also found that the man in front of him has changed very strangely recently, and it is unclear, but a kind of power that can only be felt on the soul is in him. It appeared on the body, although apple on the surface, Apple was still Apple. “But I heard that the trip to Kunlun recently has a lot of gains. The strength of the generals has moved forward and boundless, which is very unfavorable to us!”

I tried to be dead, and wanted to make sure what, or to give him confidence in increasing himself. It is big enough, but compared to the man in front of him, it is really a little witch. No wonder some people say that the big waves are pushing the front wave. Qianlang was lying on the beach. “There is more than one of the progressive progress. Although I don’t know what good luck has been made, so many people can come back from Dongkunlun. I have to say that the dog is not lucky, but each interpersonal encounter is different. He just takes one step first. And there is no reason to intervene in this incident. "

Speaking of a pause, as if it was giving it to death. “Oh, Brother Non -Dead, as long as we do beautiful this time, we will also make the world a sensation!”

“However, Brother Apple, will we do too much?”

Qingqing apple incense suddenly stared at the endless endlessness, “Oh, it seems that there is nothing worthless. No matter how much we do, we can’t catch up with the soul -eater in the same field. ! What I did is to magnify him. "

Then it seemed to be talking to himself. “There is no three -thirds, why dare to go to Liangshan, this God is afraid it is not easy to deal with, I am afraid that stealing chickens will not be eclipsed.”

“Oh, is it, how about this?”

Qingqing apple incense suddenly brightened, and she was stunned. “Admire and admire, Brother Apple always makes people full of joy. Well, everything is planned according to the land of Apple.”

“Haha, happy cooperation.”

Looking at the figure of Qingqing apple incense far away, I felt a little cold, and I also started praying for God. The Qingqing apple incense is terrible enough. Perfect, after the outbreak of his infinite energy, how is the scene of the Chinese district? It has already seen the beginning of the wind and clouds. Life is so beautiful and passionate, just like possessing the inner evil of the tender virgin. Like the cheers of desire, in fact, it is him really bad. The Qingqing apple incense is just under his “correct induction”

and moves towards their way, but the result is that he cannot predict. The blue is better than blue. Essence Xiaoyao Emperor City, practice room, illegal entry is being besieged by five soldiers. The fierce battle is ongoing. The illegal entry of the flame dragon grabbing a fierce stroke, and the five people were immediately blocked. “Is the brothers interested in making fun?”

“Of course, how can the boss not go in such a lively occasion?”

“Hey, I have a premonition, it’s a good drama.”

When the five people were excited to prepare, illegal entry was lonely. He needed to change. What should be made. An irresistible idea appeared in his mind. It was so evil! Fantasy rose group, dead fairy is busy, “Sister Meng, how do you look at my dress?”

Bing Fairy Leng Ruoshi, wearing a tight skirt, if it is hot now, everyone will feel normal, but wearing it on Bing now, it is impulsive, a unique beauty, seductive skin is exposed outside, breaking her consistent style, a slightly cold beautiful face with sexy clothes, although there is no fire fairy. The body is hot, but it feels like it is also difficult to control. “We are so beautiful, we must be fascinated by the color wolf.”

The dream fairy chasing dreams is also abnormal, a casual white dress like a robe, simple, but it is indeed beautiful. With a kind of sexy, especially with her tall figure, it is even noble. Fire Fairy’s enthusiasm is like a fire, a more conservative light blue, a more formal suit, a slightly compact top, making her full breasts and anger. In the two wonderful traces, the narrow skirt could not restrain the seductive jade legs at all. She turned around, but instead gave people an impulsive desire. She had to tear her at once and possess her. Feng Xianzi catkins are the most normal, or as before, lilac casual outfits, but it is obviously carefully dressed. In fact, in the second world and in reality, she has the most experience. Faint indulgence and boldness. “Oh, I don’t believe it or not to give him an embarrassment, and let him dare to ignore the existence of our sisters!”

Fire Fairy enthusiasm Ruhuo is confident, but it is true that any man will be caught off guard in the face of such a fragrant situation. If it is a might be a temptation, but the four words are sin. “Three sisters, you, be careful to throw the net and play with the fire.”

Chano said casually with the wind. “See, people just said. Someone was unhappy, and the old acquaintance was different.”

Then there was a beautiful fighting fight. If the man watched, he would definitely think it was heaven. The four beauties are busy choosing clothes. Because of the news of getting the magic palace, the soul -eating is about to visit the fantasy rose group. Although he is now thinking about dating, he still has the majority in his heart, especially someone. a little. In the end, the Fire Fairy proposed this. Sexy banquet, make a good soul. At the same time, they show their charm at all of a sudden. Their sisters are no worse than Xueer, and how can they get it than not to get on the ground? Intersection Just here the system news came. When God entered the Chinese area, the four women first were a stimming, and then the things in their hands were still out at the same time, and then reflected. Come up. Still enthusiasm like the fire first: “Hey, it’s busy again, this damn GOD can’t come early, don’t come late, just at this time, I really want to kick him a meal.”

“Oh, fire, don’t worry, he didn’t come, see you anxious.”

Meng Xianzi teased. “Ah, sister, who is he, it is so intimate.”

“Okay, okay, don’t make trouble, this time there will be a lively look. How can we not come to participate in this good thing, and this God should be a commonplace master, let’s take a look at the real soul -eating really the true soul -eating soul -eating really. strength.”

“I’m afraid someone wants to see the soul -eater.”

“But what if the soul -eating loses?”

Bing Xianzi suddenly came up, and suddenly the room quietly. “Then we have to take a look, good sisters, organize the equipment, set off!”

The Elf Garden is still so mysterious. The whole guild building is based on the environment, birds and flowers everywhere. From time to time, a few cute and naughty low -level elves are flying out of the air. There are also a few cute fantasy beasts, but they are not afraid of people. If you hang out on the street, you can occasionally hear a few low roars, a hidden majesty, but it does not affect the residents here. The girls are all busy, they are busy with their work, laughter and laughter, and constantly, but if you look closely, you will find that the women here are different. The weird and agile skills will have a very tacit understanding of each other. Under a huge ancient tree, it is a beautiful building. Most of them are shrouded in strange green, but the corner of the exposure makes people feel and isolate. It seems, but players can enter and exit freely. On the beautiful palace, quietly, if outsiders see this scene, they will be speechless. Most people think that the best and luxurious guild building should be the magic palace or the Shang alliance. Headquarters, but it is a bit worse than here. But all this is not the most attractive, because there is a woman on the high throne, and she makes everything here lose her luster. Snowy jade skin is really like snow -like snow and snow -carved jade, sheep fat is smooth and delicate, with flowers as sweet and fragrant. Those black grapes -like beautiful eyes, like a sound of crystal spring water, are clear and transparent, and they are moving. The beautiful and pretty face of the goose egg line, with the bright red and tender cherry red lips, the beautiful and beautiful Yao nose, the beautiful and delicate chin, which looks gentle and charming, but the dripping fairy is meditating silently. It is love and feelings, and the hall is empty. Only she is alone, quietly thinking, strange, these days she can’t be interested in anything, and finally she still appears in the second world, but it will be When she was boring, the system information sounded, Go entered the Chinese area, and it will be lively here again. Jue Luo, a cool phantom suit, the god soldier fantasy god bow on the shoulders. She always likes to act alone, and there are two beautiful women around her. If the beauty of love is the moon, other women can only be stars. No one can ignore these two beautiful girls. Because they are twins, they are the same beauty, just like copying, one person and one exquisite earrings, the sister is on the left and the sister is on the right. “Miss, Master said. The marriage contract has begun to run, let us follow you all the time.”

One of the beauties said. “Huh. Don’t care about me, I have nothing to do with him, and I just have a good product. It doesn’t matter if I have any!”

I ignored the two sisters after speaking. I turned and left. The sisters shook their heads. How can Yao Wang Tianfu speak so well? Similarly, archers. But there are only thirty levels, which is obviously a novice that has come up recently. The earliest people who knew the news in China. He is the clown horns. As a GOD friend, he naturally needs to pick him up in advance, but he only knows the general position of the time and space. He hopes to increase his popularity through composition … you can attract more A lot of beauty and disappearance. Since leaving strangely, they have separated from the four -person group before, and they have also failed, making them strange friendship. Because of this, they also prefer fascination. Later, they gathered again and in Yanhuang City, At the junction of the Gonggong City, the establishment of his own guild “Fans of Dreams and Love”

, the four elders: the landlord, the clown horn, the blue sky and the sea, the freezing of the bench, the clown horns, the blue sky, the freezing point, The strength of the macho has developed very rapidly. Qinglong panicked in the past few days. I heard that the soul -eating was fishing in Dongkunlun, and I also took my brother to fish. As a result, the whole army was almost overwhelmed. Fortunately, I ran fast and blame myself. The nest of the dragon also met the dragon head “lucky”

, bit two to death, and petrified one. Fortunately, the four saints are good at running away. Recently, the Chinese district is calm and quiet. At least he thinks so much that his ability can’t afford any big storms. It is very strange that the two guys in Qingqing apples and endless guys have been honest for so long, especially the Qingqing apple fragrance, just like Lost generally. At this moment, the system news came, and God entered the Chinese area. Good shows began. If nothing happened, if God was robbed in the Chinese region, the Dragon King’s power set was exploded, hey, this account, this account will be counted as reaching the account Who is it? Every cell in Qinglong is excited! … Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten how much water he has, and who is God! In the misty canyon near Xikunlun, a lonely and beautiful figure was moving. Suddenly a few fogwoods rushed out, and the beautiful smiles were slightly smiled. The monsters rushed into the petals were immediately wiped out. The petals were endless. Like a sharp blade, and exuding the light of magic, it is full of arcs, and the manipulation of artifacts and roses has been strengthened. A misty demon king secretly killed from behind, but under the strong attack of the rose whip, it disappeared in a while, and it will dissipate after a while, and it will dissipate after a while, and it will dissipate. In the splash, the level of fascination has improved a lot, and there is no previous impetuous gorgeous! Hearing this system news, a little stagnant, the beautiful eyes blinked, a kind of sweet and sour taste, the eyes were a little red, but shook her head and continued her own level of leveling. Own! On the road to the East China Sea, there were only a few players passing by in the past, but today there seems to be more. Suddenly there is a different image in the sky. . To be precise, when everyone is preparing to see how the pie is generated, when the “raw materials”

are about to touch the ground, they suddenly stop, and then fly in the player stunned, like a bird Freedom flying a few times, stopped in the air, is the flying technique of the Master of the Heaven! Intersection Intersection However, no one can reach this degree of freedom in the Central Plains. Powerful to this aspect, but his flying technique did not reach this realm. At least no one had seen it, and the eternal ancient magician did not know how to learn the rising line. Slowly and difficult to control, but people in the air can obviously change the angle and tricks freely! The players below immediately realized that it was God! The first magician in Europe! The boss of K.D.G Magic Trade Union, a powerful master of the entire Europe! A noble mage robe is similar to the style of the Chinese mage, but the unique golden logo above shows the strength of his heaven. The whole person is relatively tall and long. People -like marble -like carving beauty, but has the humor of Americans, the elegance of the British, and the romance of the French. It is indeed a man who can attract women. It can even be said to be humble, but no one will underestimate its power, and it is definitely not a stick of element. The mage’s special weapons have not appeared in the Chinese area! GOD was free to enjoy the space of foreign countries, and he took a deep breath. “Hi, here, China, I!”

The Chinese dialect passed out. The players below were first, and then all laughed.


Chinese, the GOD in the air also felt a bit wrong. Is the Chinese that has destroyed his image or General language insurance? As soon as the GOD in the air fell to the ground, I was about to inquire about the path of the Magic Palace. A fighter came out of the crowd, set up a cool Pose, and pointed directly at God! “You are the magician who wants to challenge the demon king from Europe?”

“Oh, no, no, just learn about it, by the way, get back the things that belongs to me.”

God still looked at the one in front of me softly.

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