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Chapter_5 How many times do you want to do not move indecently in the public field, so we really have to clean up the portal.

“I am”

trial The chief “, fan and good son are executioner. "

Oh, the ninth is Chen Sulan, the president of the art club in our college, and the art club is known as a man’s paradise. The beauty is like a cloud. Generally speaking, more than half of each of the top ten beautiful women in each world will go to the art club. How big is our temptation? In a few days, there are official new members of the art club. The art club generally only recruit female members, and only a small number of male members each year, so the competition is quite cruel. It took a lot of money to enter the society, and the most reliable news was that Mingyue must be in the community. Sister Chen Xue has been in person, and there are still unsuccessful. You can arrange from Beijing to Tokyo. If any male compatriot can conquer her, hey, in the future, you will live in Zhongxiang Kingdom to enjoy the blessing. " "

Well, it is reasonable, the first month of the water tower is the first month, and the goal of Li Zi is the advanced literary and art club.” Liangzi’s eyes are taking Venus. "

The last one, the tenth place Zhuo Lin, the third grade this year, the master of microelectronics, the famous goddess of desire, I heard that many handsome guys in the school have a leg with her. This is also the easiest of the top ten beautiful women. It is precisely because of her slutty that she can only be tenth, but the speed of changing her boyfriend is similar to changing clothes. Some innocent young boys are still from a distance. " We are not interested in this kind of woman, and I accidentally played themselves. "

Okay, it’s almost like this." "

There is your plum, don’t forget to tell his brother any new news in the future." Liangzi on the side is really easy to learn with his book. "

Is there only ten beautiful women, no ten handsome guys?" I asked. "

Ask the idea, there are no handsome guys, there are four famous grass, there are." "

Oh, who are they all?" "

Xing Army, the second son of General Xing Tianxia, the second grade A of the Galaxy University, and the second -year A, about 185 heights. , The future heir of the third largest multinational company’s rising sun group, no girlfriend, the absolute girl in the hearts of the girl, a diamond boyfriend. “There are two other twin brothers, elder brother Li Dongtie, brother, Li Jianmin, ancient martial arts master, and the children of the Li family of the four family members. After the Li family came out of the two of them, her strength soared, and their status in the Chinese Martial Arts Association increased day by day. The abominable thing is that the two guys have always been under the banner of beauty protectors, "

tricked” many innocent girls, 5555. "

“Oh? I have heard these two people. There are several masters of the younger generation of ancient martial arts. The elder brother is good at seven stars and two instruments. The two people are so good that they are not calm. As for deceiving the girl, if they are heard by their supporters, you must be torn crowded. "

Liangzi said. “Okay, Liangzi, you know you still watch my joke, I call ~~~”.

The two guys in the laughing laughed ignored the things I accidentally saw it. When talking about the hard work of the outside family, the fan’s face was a little stiff, but I didn’t feel the flow of breath on him. “These four guys are now famous four famous grass. I think it’s not better than the four brothers of our brothers. It’s not more handsome than us, we have a richer, have a family life, and have the ability. Escort. "

Come on, you, just like these, you are free enough.” Liangzi never forgot to pour cold water. "

By the way, yes, I almost forgot the most important thing, I tell you the most sensational news.” Li Zi looked like a "

angry youth". I guess he must say something about me and baby Xueer, otherwise. "

Now our college still has the list of Fengyun characters. The list is regardless of good or bad, and it doesn’t matter if rape and killing people. As long as you are famous enough, the top of the list is neither the top ten beauties nor the four famous grass, but a mysterious person." "

What? Mysterious person? Are there any mistakes?" The fan didn’t believe it. "

Really, on the first day of school, Feng Xue’s BMW and Lu Xiaoxue came with Lu Xiaoxue. I heard that the two beauties had publicly acknowledged that the" cheap man "

was the boyfriend of the two of them. All matters are fully represented by the boyfriend. Whether it is true or not, it has caused a huge sensation. Now the Fans of the two people has formed a “cheap man”

investigating team. The goddess is in the hot water. " "

There is another reliable news. For a period of time before the start of school, they came to school together. I heard that the guy also used the" prince "

of the basketball team, known as the girl killer Xinfeng, and humiliated a meal. The four famous grass this year was lost. Everyone who had watched the game was obsessed with him. Some insiders said that he was also a master of ancient martial arts. " "

Oh? It looks like, our school is really a dragon and criminal." Liangzi and fan said at the same time. "

Hey, what are you thinking about?" Li Zi woke up and was stunned by the news just now. "

Haha, nothing, what did you just say?" "

Cut ~~" "

By the way, do you know, Azhong has a girlfriend, when will Azhong show us his siblings?" Li Zi smiled. "

Haha, this, there will be a chance to show you in the future, hahaha." I can drag. "

I told you, A Zhong has a woman from a young age …" … "

Damn Li Da reporter is revealing my short. “Okay, don’t make trouble, let’s go into the world to play, there is nothing the shortcomings that always feel in my heart.”

I proposed. “Well, okay, maybe there is a world in the top ten beauties. When I have time, I have to investigate and investigate, hehe.”

Li Zi seemed to find the new continent. “It is based on the strength of our brothers, hey, there must be no problem to get to know a few beauties!”

Liangzi on the side was also strongly in favor. Only the fan and I were not interested in these, but there was time to introduce them to the three bachelors. “Where do we meet?”

“Come on the son -in -law city, anyway, I am also a small guild boss!”

Fanzi first issued an invitation. Of course, we are fine. “Okay, see you see the array in the son -in -law city.”

Note: 1. Foreigners play the second world in China, and the system will automatically transfer him to the map of the country, so there will be no situation of foreigners appearing in the Central Plains. (Soul Eater: What to do with mixed race? Author: God knows it) 2. Gu Wuxue has shifted from secret activities to the public from the Second World War. Each country has its own martial arts, but it is mysterious for the average person. 3. In the superpower, there are very few “qi”

variants in ancient martial arts, and there are rarely personnel. Once they appear, they will be gathered by the country, or they will “disappear”.

. Chapter 18: Strong Dragon Special Pressing the ground snake After boarding the second world, wow, the interface seems to be updated again. Do you have any new tricks, you have to go and see. As soon as they were on the line, they appeared in Yanhuang City. They talked with Xiaomao a few words. Recently, there were no new situations. Backpacks were made, set off to Nu Yaocheng, arrived at the drive station, and found an alley to turn into small stones. I do n’t know why, as soon as it is converted into a small stone, there is an indescribable relaxation in my heart. The world seems to have changed again and wo n’t be schizophrenia? Intersection Intersection At this time, the sound of thousands of miles, “Ah Zhong, hurry up, wait for you, we have all arrived.”

Li Zi’s voice was still so sluggish in the world. “Evergrown, the difficulties of the weak at all.”

The transfer fee of 10 gold coins to the teleportation station and the tariffs of 10 gold coins are really dark. The system does not know how much money has been made. I walked out of the teleportation station and scolded the damn mage. Why was it unstable when I passed the pass? “A few of you have no conscience, but you can help me.”

“Cut \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

“I said A Zhong, you won’t sit on the advanced magic array. The low -level one is unstable. Last time I sat once and fainted for several days. Strong and dizzy. "

Halo, I know there is still this division, and the mage push me where I will go.” "

Yes. The luxury cabin is 100 gold coins. I think you are still, some are good." "

The fan is here, what kind of activities are you arranged." Li Zi said excitedly, I know his excitement is beauty. "

Haha, give me arrangement, go to my meeting first." Say he took us to his guild —— shady. This is a small club for thieves, saying that it is small because there are less than 1,000 people, and there is no combat effectiveness. Especially for adventure and task class, sometimes they also act as assassination tasks. Of course, strong people dare not mess with. "

How about, my main hall is good?" The fan was very satisfied with my guild. "

Well, good and good, relying on thieves to develop their own characteristics." I expressed my point of view. “Cut, your little warrior knows what he knows, and it will blow.”

Li Zi fell down the stones again, but he looked like a god shooter suit. Fan, hundreds of miles, ordinary players, 63 thieves, two good equipment on their bodies, without death, return to force darts, wind boots, and others are all small products. Li Zi, handsome guy in the wind, ordinary players, 62 -level archers, takes a shot of a phantom necklace, the others are also small, and it is not as good as a fan. Liangzi, fast plus, talented player, 60 Taoist priests, and hundreds of thousands of experience will be upgraded. How can a single get such a good equipment. Little Stone, Well … Grade 15 soldiers, garbage (sorry, I don’t pay attention to preparation, and our little stones are also wearing the garbage equipment I bought in the store when we are wearing 10 levels). “A Zhong, you go to my warehouse to find some you use, wearing this body will say that we have some abuse "

children \ “. Still the fan’s heart is good, moved. (Fan: Wearing this in my house and my brother, my brother, I have no face, pity my best.) "

Li Zi, please be honest, have you been packaged by the second milk, otherwise there is such a cool equipment.” Then I took a step closer. "

Hey, the younger brother means that you can introduce me. Live, customer first. " "

Go to death, this is all of me.” "

Really false, you are only 60, and it is a Taoist priest. Can this equipment be knocked down?" Even the fan was a little bit believed. "

I’m not talking to you. This handsome guy is a talented player. Miss NPC sees me like this … So I gave me two special skills-stealth and soul drift." Haha, the handsome handsomeness is that there is no way. "

Stealth, I am fainted. Isn’t this the role of a ghost stealth ring? Your kid is developed, God, why not be pitiful me, I am also handsome." Li Zi was unbalanced. "

Haha, exactly, just by stealing the treasures by stealth, but there is still a gap between my stealth and stealth rings, the stealth time is very short, and the effect of the stealth will be too fast when the steering speed is too fast. Disappearing, and it is not effective for the monsters and players who have attacked me. “Liangzi is obviously not perfect. If you can’t even see the players, wouldn’t it be possible to peek at the beautiful girl to take a bath. "

Don’t eat the pot in the pot. If you don’t look at us, just don’t look at us. You look at the stones of others. What kind of quality is, usually heart, know, it’s normal.” Dizzy, I don’t know if this is a praise or degrading me. "

If I have stealth, it will become the greatest thief in history, hey, unfortunately." The fan looks very longing for the stealth, but unfortunately the stealth ring is sent to the baby, otherwise it can be given to him. "

By the way, what is the soul drifting, it sounds good?" Li Zi asked unhealthy, a stealth technique was enough to drag, and what soul drifting. "

Soul drifting, haha, I don’t know!". Flutter \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, "

Boss, have any mistakes, your own skills can’t make it clear, and you still mix a fart". "

People really don’t know. I have no effect for me to let myself N times, but I have practiced the skills to level 3." Step, by the way, venting the jealousy in my heart, haha. "

Come on, don’t make trouble, let’s set off, take you to the pet garden to see, there are our pet paradise, we go to luck, yes, is there no pet yet?" "

Hey, I’m sorry, the younger brother has it, it’s a horse", yes, it is a horse, but it is not an ordinary horse. "

Oh, good, take it out, although there is no attack, it is good to be able to ride." The fan was surprised that I could get pets like this level. I want to take out the side dishes to show them, but this guy refuses to come with me, and I am embarrassed to disturb the hotness of others and Xiao Zi. To the master. "

Oh, what’s good -looking for a horse, or a few pets are observed, come and take it out." "

Haha, look at me first", the pet of the fan is a 6-level blood-eating bat, and at the same time add skills to the owner-blood-sucking surgery, absorb the enemy’s health to supplement themselves, the effect of the primary is 20 :1. The name is \ "

Little Feixia ", dizzy, you can’t see the fan and you will have such a cartoon name, but it is indeed a good pet for the thief. "

Look at me, " Eye of the Sky \ "

, the fourth -level giant eyes are a pair of small wings with big eyes and no attack power, but they are good at assisting magic, like white hair hundreds of hits, increasing the accuracy of the archer accurate Rest; meditation can eliminate the interference of low -level spiritual magic; some giant eyes king can even release senior spiritual magic such as confusing people. It is a good item, but there is very little health, but it is easier to hang up. It is very good for the magic shooter like Li Zi. When the battle, there was no silly team to cut the archer to the front. “Mine,”

Baby \ “, a 7 -level eaters, one of the ugly monsters, one of the very horrible close -up of Warcraft, holding a huge big wooden stick, the defense is also very high, follow him Like the master of the owner —— The skin is thick. The high-level food-man demon will be randomly mad, the combat effectiveness increases doubled, it is a good choice for long-range occupations, but it is too ugly (食 的 的: I’m ugly , But I am gentle, and do you not think my muscle lines are beautiful ??? Audience: …). "

I said Liangzi, what do you do if you take it out will affect the city, what should I do if the eyebrows are scared away?” Li Zi was worried that his virgin abandoned plan would lead this guy and stranded. "

You don’t understand this. Everything in the world is settled. The ugly man stands with the baby with a three -pointer, let alone a handsome guy like us? Besides, we can conquer such a monster. Men’s mansion, hey, I just rely on it to attract the eyebrows. “(Food Magic: I said, people are very important. My existence makes many ugly men feel their own value. I am the legendary Jesus in the world. ,Amen!!!) Mine, horses, levels are not clear, \ "

side dishes ", there is no special role, that is, can ride, and I like to pick up girls. We and his party watched the beauty while walking. By the way, the battle and the zodiac signs were also in the son -in -law city. "

Fanzi, do you know the war and the zodiac sign?” "

Ah, how do you know the celebrities in our city, the war is constantly in the world, but unfortunately there is no friendship. The zodiac signs have been dealt with several times and provided them with several tasks. These are some people who are not available." "

Haha, nothing, just ask." The pet park is similar to our green wild forest, but I heard that they have a pet lake here with aquatic pets in it. Is it caught in the fish tank? Intersection Intersection "

A Zhong, I will give you a good pet today." "

I already have it, can I have 2 pets?" "

Halo, you don’t know this. Now the number of pets is canceled. How many you want to have. In fact, more pets are useless. The level is too low. Power. “Li Zi explained that he didn’t know what he would react when he saw the side dishes. He was looking forward to it, huh, huh. Do you think there is a guy in front of him with a bunch of pets? Sure enough, there is a brother named "

raising pigs” in front of him. He followed more than a dozen pigs. It is really a veritable. "

There are so many interesting people in your son -in -law city." "

Hey, when you talk about strong, you have to mention Yanhuang City, the first master of the heavenly list —— The Demon King Soul Eater, the first color list in the sky list ——- Phoenix goddess snow, and there are also The characters in the two lists are both beautiful characters. The other cities are incomparable, but it is not good to be born in Yanhuang City. How many strong people are mixed. \ “The fan was touched. When Li Zi heard the character of Fengyun, he was vigorous: "

Yeah, according to my investigation, this devil soul -eliminating soul is incredible. Some people are rumored that he is the backstage owner of the second world, otherwise how can it be done like this? All kinds of masters are like clouds, and beautiful women are in groups. If I can join the Magic Palace, if the demon king is my elder brother, then my life is unhappy, hahaha. " The level of the level was international, but this time he was blinded by him. Liangzi did not know where to buy a fan, shook a few times and said, "

Yes, the second master of the original list of Pangu City, the second master of Xiaoyao Wang illegally entered the country, has repelled a large number of people who want to challenge him, and now the Magic Palace The strength of the entire Central Plains is also one of the best, and the group fights are even more dead. Listening to others talk about yourself, but you are a listener with another identity. This taste ~~~, Yes, hehe I like it. Li Zi added: “You see all the surface phenomena. In fact, the Magic Palace must hide greater strength, and everything cannot be analyzed. You think that a large -scale monster siege will end with each other. Are you strange, you are likely to have many spiritual magicians in the Magic Palace. Recently, the demon king wipes the soul -eliminating crystal dragon. ah. "

Really false, dragon, that is Kunlun’s creature. Is the devil who abducted a dragon in Kunlun? Do you think this is a novel?” The fan didn’t believe it. "

I don’t know where to get it, but it is really a young crystal dragon. Many people have confirmed it, and they still only like to eat chicken wings.” It seems that the small vegetables have not heard of it. Gradually we have entered the third floor of the pet park, and there are many people. For a good team, my three "

big brothers" summoned pets and started working for my pet plans. In this kind of place, it is still a bit stronger. As soon as the World of Warcraft is exposed, the arrow brushed the arrow. Three consecutive strikes. By the way, it seems that there is a best magic bow in my warehouse, adding an accurate and 10 % frozen magic, which is very suitable for him, and it will give him. Sometimes you do n’t cause trouble, and you will find you in trouble. No, Li Zi hit a senior pet egg. Seeing that the color should be above level 7, but unfortunately someone was jealous. "

Buddy, the master of our church just lacks a senior pet. How do I get 1,000 gold coins to buy it?" A soldier arrogantly said that there are more than a dozen of them who seem to be them together, all of which are senior players around 60 Essence "

Oh, sorry, this pet egg has said it is good to my brother." The fan didn’t want to cause trouble, and the form was not good for us. High -grade pet eggs sell at least hundreds of thousands, this is not Mingqiang. "

Why, the buddy does not give us a business alliance, you don’t want to mix in the son -in -law city." Don’t blame us to be polite without being given. "

Oh, just don’t give it?" Ryoko couldn’t help it. "

Brothers, do you hear it, this guy dares to despise the Shang League. How can we ignore it as a member of the business alliance? Let me give me it." The fan on the side first put the pet egg first, and then a melee. We do n’t have melee occupations here, and the guy is obviously prepared. It will not be dedicated to robbery. It seems that there is no rules of the business alliance. Fortunately, everyone is running a fast career. He uses the terrain to follow them ***, and then put cold arrows. Unfortunately, Liangzi is slower by Taoist priests. From time to time, he must be attacked by the other party. A soldier rushed towards me, really shameless, and a little soldier like me also killed. "

Small dishes !!!" The unlucky soldiers hadn’t arrived in front of me, and the small dishes that came in time, a futile cattle hit, and had not landed yet. A super lightning three combo had kept up. The poor soldiers landed into barbecue. It’s pretty fragrant. The people in the field were stunned, and the holy beasts. Unfortunately, the side dishes had been killed at this time, and the guys just now killed, and they were still thinking in their mouths: "

You, this damn bastard, the difference is bad. If you succeed at all, it is almost a little bit, even at this time the trouble, I flash, I call. " No, is he pursuing Xiao Zi to have a turn? Ma Helong, a son named Ma Long (the same name as a unlucky basketball star). "

Super chain Lightning!" The side dishes took out all the kung fu of the box, and there was no difference in high -level high -level gas magic. Except for the Lizi who team with me, the other groups of the surrounding eyes were not spared. Looking at several "

disabled" personnel of the seven -halo -halo, the side dishes played a few times in the past, and my name was yellow. Level 15 little red name. Hold the anger. Find the soldiers named "

A Fish fork" just now. "

Brother, how do you want pet eggs?" I put my little wooden sword on his neck and rubbed back and forth. The fish fork color said: "

You are fierce, dare to offend the Shang alliance, our boss is the fourth Qingqing apple incense in the list of the list, be careful that you are wanted by the whole city, don’t think about it in the future." "

Oh, is it? What is Apple? Is it delicious?" A laughter around. "

Boy, don’t be too crazy." The fish fork was not honest lying on the ground. "

What he said, I proved that he was not crazy at all!" A group of people squeezed in separately, and they kept fighting with the zodiac. There is a discussion around, and the war is constantly. Everyone looks at it, and there are Zodiac signs. I heard that they have been very close to a group of people recently. I do n’t know what they are doing. Hey, Shan Yu wants to come to the wind. "

The war is constantly, is you supporting him for him?" "

Hahaha, heavenly jokes, he still needs others to support your waist? Yes, the devil-brother." ah! Intersection Intersection Intersection What, let’s hear it right, the devil souls, but he is obviously a little warrior. Li Zi, Liangzi, Fan Petrochemical, the three guys have been stunned by the changes just now. "

Haha, brother, you can really cause me trouble!" Flutter \ ~ \ ~ \ ~. The little stone turned into the demon king soul. Below is suddenly like opening a pot, and the people around them are constantly moving closer to here. "

Really the demon king’s soul! Transformed into magic ????" "

He is holding the top element stick in his hand" "

The body is really the dragon king god power suit, it is cool." "

Oh, someone is unlucky, who is not good for anyone, the demon king snapsion, there is a good show." "

You see his pet, the ninth -level wisdom god beast, unicorn golden horse!" "

Good Cool, my Prince White Horse is here!" A idiot fainted. Look at the heat, and I don’t talk nonsense, "

Several of them told me to tell me, and be a low -key! I don’t disturb you anymore, let me get a few on the road." There are two days of ice and fire, a large -scale mixed explosive magic, boom! The "

garbage" on the ground was swept away. Papapa, haha, the devil’s shot is extraordinary. "

Haha, Brother Zhan is polite." The matter is over, but my hatred with the Shang League is also formed. This is not the most difficult to do, because the three of Li Zi rushed towards me fiercely. Chapter 19 Super Beauty Club After retreating from the world, I found that the Li Zi had already set up the battle, and it was bad for me. At that time, the situation was like this: There was a table in the middle of the house, and three chairs were placed on the side of the wall. A small bench was placed at a meter opposite. It seemed that it was left to me. "

Judgment" reporter, "

Jury" iron cloth shirt, "

public prosecutor" Qian Xueliang; the defendant Wang Zhong was sued for fraud. Snapped! A shot of the soap box, oh wrong, it should be "

shocking wood". "

You can know the crime of prisoner Wang Zhong?" (Wow, why is it a typical ancient procedure of modern teams, the ancient and modern federation trial!) "

The villain does not know what the crime is committed, and ask the adult to show it?" "

Bold Wang Zhong, dare to pretend to be confused in front of Lord Li. Come on, pull me out to play 50 big boards!" The public prosecutor Qian Xueliang Fa Biao, the iron cloth shirt pulled Ruliangzi’s sleeves, whispered Say: "

Wrong, you said my lines." "

Ah, sorry, come again." Pap! Intersection Quiet and quiet, we must maintain the majesty of the court, (the ancient ones are not coming to the present) "

The defendant Wang Zhong, the public prosecutor Qian Xueliang told you to conceal your identity and deceive the feelings of the three brothers. Is it true?" "

The younger brother pleaded guilty and was sanctioned by national law." "

Say it early." Li Zi withdrew the props, "

So Soul Eater, should we talk about the question of specific mental loss compensation?" The original drunkard was not wine. "

Okay, you are the fish for the sword. If you want to say what you want." People have to bow their heads under the eaves. "

Oh, victory!" The three people had begun to celebrate, and finally signed a series of "

inequality treaties of mourning power and humiliation" under their intimidation, only to appease their three excited cautious liver. Just when I thought everything was over, Li Zi gave me a fatal blow with his keen insight. "

Ah Zhong, please be honest, is Feng Xue the goddess of Phoenix ——- Xue, is the little witch Lu Xiaoxue, fast, don’t turn your eyes, you know if you turn around!" "

Yeah, Li Zi, don’t you say that I have forgotten this. I said, what I promised so fast, it turned out to be a purpose. Tell me honestly. " "

Liangzi is right. If you dare to conceal, the brother will not help you when you get it." The fan on the side looked like you were dead. "

Ahem, you guess right, and I am the mysterious ‘mouse man’ on the day of school." The things that can’t be avoided are good early. I really said it. The three guys were stupid. Looking at my expression, I looked like a panda with five legs in the zoo. In the end, Li Zi first reacted. "

Boss, you are really my idol. I have decided. Since then, my brother has followed you. My motto is —– Listening to the boss’s words and the boss. Become a crying cavity, “Big Brother, Woohoo, pull the brothers, let the grandma find a companion to the brothers, you also know the pain of lonely pillows every night. Poor people like me are a virgin.”

One Wipe my snot with tears, dizzy, my new clothes. “Boss, Li Zi is right, the brothers’ requirements are not high, as long as one nose and two eyes are enough, our second half of life is handed over to the elder brother.”

Liangzi also rushed over. Empty suggests that they go to a DNA test, maybe it is the brothers who have been lost for many years. “Fanzi won’t come to this set too.”

I was afraid to look at the fan who was eager to try. “Haha, even if you find a girlfriend, I didn’t expect the boss to be a master of ancient martial arts. "

Oh? Why do you see it?” Seeing that I didn’t deny it, the fan’s face showed a rare excitement. "

Listen to others’ performance in the basketball court. If it is true, how can it be done by ordinary people? Although I can’t see your depth, I can get the two beautiful women. " "

Haha, I will have some family members, there is nothing special, but our school is a crocodile tiger, hidden dragon. “For example?”

Fanzi did not expect that there would be many warriors in the college. “Brother Li Dongtie in Mingli, the president of the secretary of the secretary of the secret, the Kaita Kanada, and even our class teacher. The fan I think you are studying out of work, but unfortunately I can’t feel the flow of breath. "

“Hey, our family is a tributary of the Shandong Iron cloth shirt. Unfortunately, the most important part of today’s”

qi “has been lost. I hope I can complete it. My training has reached the 5th floor and entered the bottleneck period. It is difficult to enter. "

After that, I sighed. There seems to be a few books from Grandpa. When I go back to see if I have time, I have never been attentive to this kind of kung fu that damaged skin. Everyone can discuss when you have time, but everyone should be kept confidential, otherwise we will not have a good life in the future. “Boss, these secrets staying for a while, can’t keep the next life, you can pick it up like this, you must enjoy the treatment of ‘celebrities’ sooner or later.”

Ryoko’s words also make sense. My mentality is not good, but it can be dragged for a day. It can be low -key. Today I said that I would introduce Xueer and Baby to them. The three guys in the class were surrounded by the get out of class, and I was dizzy, and I would run away. Suddenly there was a noisy at the door of the classroom, dizzy, Xueer and the baby found the door of the house, “Beautiful lady, do I can work?”

A guy had already begun to attack. “Miss, what he knows and what he asked me, I was”

Bao, inquire. “A boy with a face bean rushed over. It’s not good to go on like this. I pulled away the crowd, one hand, pulled them, and ran away. The three "

tails” followed closely, and ran away for a long time before throwing off the group of wolves. "

Grandma. Little brother, reporter Li, surnamed Li, a famous reporter, is the boss’s dead party. In the future, please take care of Dasao.” "

Oh, so interesting name,” It really smiled and smiled, and the soul of Li Zi immediately flew. "

However, if you want to take advantage of us, you have to ask your boss." As soon as Li Zi saw that he had no chance, he passed the score. "

Xiaosheng Qian Xueliang, a gentle book born, and seen two fairy sisters." He said a lot. "

My name is iron cloth shirt, I like fisting feet." Although the fan was also shocked by them, it was not confused. His goal was to pass the family. "

Husband and your roommates are very interesting. Listening to our family A Zhong said, do you want us to introduce to the other half?" Baby is always interested in such things. "

What? Husband? Do you all pull this level?" Li Zi looked at me in surprise. This sentence was embarrassed to say Cher and Baby, and the girl was thin. Xueer joked: "

Do you want to be beautiful, smart, or temperament?" Cher’s sentence is very important to ask. If they like beautiful ones, they will say that you have a heavy appearance. If wisdom, the ancients often say that women have no talent or virtue. As for temperament, it has become a "

ugly woman ‘Synonyms. Based on the long -term experience of each man, this sentence is actually talking about the importance of beauty. Of course, the teacher always said that in the three aspects of beauty and temperament and wisdom, men would undoubtedly treat elegant temperament as the second, and wisdom and wisdom as the first. I really can’t know what a scientific statistics law at that time to get this answer, because the reality is that if it is assumed that the beautiful third child, then all boys may be calculated in the countdown method to calculate the selection according to the countdown method to calculate the selection. Essence In short, we know from the education of blood and tears: the temperament of the same proportion+wisdom of the same capacity ≤ the same area of the same area. “Dasao, our requirements are very loose, as long as you have your general beauty. As for wisdom and tempera We would rather die. "

After speaking, we pointed at a few” dinosaurs "

with low" foraging “.

“Pick, Ah Zhong, your younger brother is more humorous than you.”

Suddenly, Li Zi and Liangzi seemed to be full of air balloons ——- floating. Unfortunately, our laughter caused the dissatisfaction of several monsters opposite. “Men … Really stupid and cheap animals. Where can we not be comparable to those two girls?”

“That’s just, it’s just a little more beautiful, gentle, better, and you can dress up a little bit. What is so amazing? Give them a little face, they are like dogs, they can’t see the beauty around them at all, they can’t see the beauty around them at all. girl!”

well! Hearing this I can only lament the prehistoric dinosaurs and how can I understand the romance of modern men? A passing handsome guy just experienced this scene, looked at Cher and Baby, and looked at several self -proclaimed “beautiful girls around him”

, “Cough, cough”

, he was unbearable, so he had to use a cough to interrupt these girls with the potential of idiot, “I’m sorry, please borrow it, I want to vomit.”

“No, let’s change the place. If you listen to the words of these mediocre fans, it will definitely go crazy.”

Li Zi first stood up. All consent! “Brother Zhong, what kind of community has you joined us quickly.”

Baby asked as he walked. I was about to speak, and the Li Zi on the side has been exposed all “Boss joined, the Second World Research Agency and Karate Society.”

“Oh? And the game club?”

Xueer was also curious. “That is, after this time of investigation, the popularity of the World Research Institute is still rising straight. It seems that people who play this game also occupy the majority in our college.”

Then it added, “Now a few popular are now more popular The community is the most popular art club, the Second World Institute, Karate Society, Literature Society, and traditional basketball clubs, football clubs, tennis clubs and the like. "

“Grandma, if you create a community, there must be more people than them, haha.”

Liangzi joked. “I agree with this. Xueer, Baby, the two of you who come to the community must squeeze the door.”

“Oh? Brother Zhong, do you agree with us?”

The baby on the side wanted to embarrass me. Xueer said calmly: “How do we not need others to prove, and don’t need others to care, because it exists only for one person.”

“My husband, I am teased you, don’t be angry.”

Baby Lala’s sleeves, a pitiful look, this elf. “Boss, I’m jealous of you!”

Agree with both hands! Raise your feet! " "

Oh, Brother Zhong, do you still like karate? So amazing.” "

Dasao, I want to report, not the boss to join, but the president of the Karate Society Oda Kazuko.” He also aggravated the two words of the duro, as if there was any secret in the inside. of. "

“Li Zi, you are not for you?”

He quickly reported the matter to the two wives and adults. “Oh, that’s that Brother Zhong is favored by beautiful women, great!”

I do n’t know what the baby thinks, and Xueer smiled and said nothing. The confident woman was different. Why are you talking about me, “What associations did the two wives add? Should I know it to me?”

“We haven’t added anything, it’s not waiting for you to finish the uncle.”

Baby Jiao’s appearance was really unbearable, and the audience next to it couldn’t hold it. “Brother Zhong, we plan to join the art club, and the others will not want to.”

Of course I am okay. We and his group moved towards the art club. When we arrived at the door, we found that it was a mistake now. There were almost a lot of people who rubbed their shoulders. Our arrival naturally caused a discussion for a while, but they probably regarded us as follows, and they were not very troublesome. At this time, a long and beautiful school sister came out and said, “Dear classmates are embarrassed. Because there are too many personnel, we only recruit female members today. Please ask male students to receive a notice and then register.”

This time, there was a commotion together. “We want human rights!”

“Equality between men and women!”

“Oppose the difference !!!”

… … In the past, women’s slogans were all used when they were liberated, but the gender was changed. Unfortunately, the protest was invalid and was brutally suppressed. The people of the school’s disciplinary committee were waiting next to it. After a while, there will be female classmates and a few male fellows who accompany their girlfriends.

Li Zi will not disturb our three -person world.

I go back to level.

Thinking of our gaps.

Relying on luck, hum, I always think that luck is also part of strength.

After the registration work, the girls are more orderly than boys after all.

Inside I see an unexpected character, Zhuge Qinger, this kind of “cold”

woman also likes this kind of emotional community activity? Intersection After the registration was over for a while, the retest list came out. As the two candidates, the “follower”

I was particularly allowed to enter. Although I was used to the beauty of Xueer and the baby, Chen Sulan’s classes were shocked. Appreciation does not mean anything else. On the 16th, Feng Xue, please perform a show casually. Cher asked a piano and sang a song he wrote by himself, the name was “Xingqing”

, and Cher would write a song? When she sang, she had a kind of distinctive focus. Her focus was me. Although there were so many people in the hall, I knew that there was only me in her eyes! This singing is incredible. The audience was stunned. The sound seemed to penetrate directly from the skin through the ear, so that every pore of you was dancing and cheering. I first applauded first and followed everyone to respond. My baby Xueer had such a trick. Let her find a ideal place to sing for me in the future. “Wow, it’s really amazing, it is indeed the powerful competitor of this year.”

“Yeah, there is a singing voice of Mingyue. If you are training, and the appearance of his family, you are simply the new generation of the queen.”

“10 points”

, 10 points, 10 points, 10 points, Cher’s of course passed the full score. Today’s exam is really wonderful; Li Zi’s top ten candidates have come to Qi. Except for the freshmen, they are all judges. Our class teacher is still the instructor. The national dance performed by the baby, the naughty baby has really become a beautiful naive elf. At a glance, I know that there is a deep dance foundation. Hey, the body’s flexibility is so good, hahaha. Baby also passed the score. Zhuge Qing’er is also a dance of performance, but it is a very strange dance step. It is obviously a trace of light work. Of course, the layman cannot see it, giving people a very light feeling. At this time, she is not as usual as usual. “Refrigerator”.

The eighth Chery in the Li Zi Mei List, performed a popular dancing, accompanied by the cheerful rhythm, and the rhythm of the plump breasts. The only male audiences present on the scene were full of eyes. Hehe, but unfortunately Li Zi and Liangzi did not come. ah. The top ten beautiful women gather art clubs, and there are other various levels of beauties. It is simply the beauty club. The popularity of their art club is definitely the first of the college, even all famous, not to mention the joining of super idol Mingyue. , But when will she go to class? It is not a good thing to be a celebrity. There is no personal privacy and freedom. Cher and Baby came down, and their beauty presidents came. The baby couldn’t wait to introduce it to me. “Brother Zhong, this is our president Chen Sulan, big beauty.”

“This is our boyfriend Wang Zhong.”

When I heard that I was a baby and Xueer’s boyfriend, Chen Da Mei showed a surprise look. I didn’t expect that I was the boyfriend of the two big beauties. Although I am also good, I am not handsome, but I am not handsome to disaster the country and the people, and how can I look like an ordinary person. The surprise look passed by, and immediately changed to a sweet smile. “I’m glad to meet you, are you interested in coming to our society?”

“Is this a invitation? I wonder when will the younger brother take the exam?”

“If you are interested, you can accompany your girlfriend. As for the exam, there is still the right to call the individual as the president.”

“Thank you President.”

Then there were some non -nutritional words, but Xueer was very happy. Chen Sulan’s heart is very clear. I’m not afraid that you will not hook up. How can a man who can let the princess of the Feng Group, Feng Xue and the granddaughter of the general Lu Xiaoxue, how can the man of Lu Xiaoxue be an ordinary person? As long as you are by my side, with my strength, Dig out your bottom, hum. Fortunately in my heart, I am still thinking about how to stimulate them. If you know the abacus in our beautiful president’s heart, I don’t know what expression should be. I don’t know if some people who have been paying attention to pay attention to me yet. “Xueer, baby, go back to our world to see, today we organize a large -scale guild event.”

“Okay, I like to be lively.”

“Well, we haven’t went up to play for a long time.”

Back in the dormitory, the three brothers were struggling, and they simply ate something and went online to play. “Xiao Mao, is there?”

“Boss, then you have to learn for such a long time, you’re busy, you have to give me overtime pay.”

“Halo, you are the wealthy of you ask me for salary. Well, go to call the brothers online online. We collectively dispatched it half an hour later. "

Okay, there is income again.” Take advantage of this time I call the plums and they all come over. Of course, now they have joined my guild, and the "

shady" of the fan has also become the branch of our magic palace in the son -in -law city. I will send more people in the past. The expansion should be step by step, but the desire is not reached. "

Boss, there are too many people. I think the number of people is limited to 2000. Others participate in the next event." Xiao Mao panting in. Li Zi has already known them. The mood sisters are not online. I wanted to introduce a few guys to see if they had a chance, but unfortunately they had no blessing. Our group of more than 2,000 people marching towards the chaos stone mountains is really spectacular. At this time, I really have the feeling of the world at my feet. No wonder there are so many people who do not have the means for their rights. A big group of us was so scared that a little wisdom around me was so wise that the monsters were far away (Monster A: We rely on how much we have wins, now we are more than we are more than we are more than farts. I want to strike and protest. middle……). At the foot of the chaos, we are divided into 4 groups. Except for about 800 people who attacked the east, about 400 people in the other three directions, all the cottages of robbers are all surrounded by robbers! There are 10 minutes from the total attack time, waiting … Chapter 20 Chaoshi Mountain Bandit Strange Repecs Under our sudden attack, the stubbornness of the robbers of the Roshi Mountain was defeated. The first line of defense was quickly broken. The level of the robber outside was originally low. Our purpose was not their little crickets this time. By the second floor, we encountered tenacious resistance. The robbers began to become organized. Under the leadership of their respective small heads, they used the terrain to play against us and they had an advantage in the number of people. Fortunately, the venue was limited. There is no situation of being besieged. Our four -way troops have encountered different degrees of difficulties. Although the number of people in Dongmen is the largest, the level of robbers here is higher than other places. It may be because of long -term "

exercise". "

Cunning", many people from other guilds also came to make fun, but it reduced a lot of pressure on us. "

Xiao Mao, you select 500 high -level brothers in the guild. Remember that as long as level 50 or more, it is best to be a soldier, divided into four groups, 200 people in the east gate, and 100 people in the north gate of Ximen. As soon as possible. “I notified Xiaomao with a thousand miles. "

Boss, your wife and the mood are just here, I asked them to support you.” "

Well, now we have encountered some resistance on the second floor, and there is no support for the third floor." "

Okay, do it right away!" Everyone is now changing from the beginning of excitement to the normal state of mind. System tip: "

Player souls, comprehend the true meaning of leadership, can be used, now level —– Elementary" I shouted in the chat mode of the meeting: "

Brothers, you are not in front of you, you are a robber, a reputation, an experience. Today we are going to capture their robber nests. Because of the role of leadership technique, I have much more feeling than usual, with a bit of hypnosis, everyone’s morale has been encouraged by me, and the robbers start to support it. Everyone is basically a small team. Some of the attack mode, some use a circular formation, some use triangle. My group is the arrow. I basically do not need lightning. I see that the robber piles are smashed by ice roar, or meteor fire and rain. These two magics are used most smoothly now, the lethality is considerable, the area is large, the area is large, the area is large, the area is large, and the area is large. The time to gather magic was short, and the robbers who were usually injured encountered me and were immediately killed. We are now in the half -mountainside of Chaoshi Mountain. The melee of tens of thousands of people is really spectacular. Of course, most of them are NPCs. Over a minute, the robbers have been withdrawn to the inner layer of the cottage, that is, the third layer, that is, the third layer, that is, the third layer. Essence As soon as everyone saw the ground, they started to initiate charge, but at the door of the door, the bombardment was bombing for a while, and there were traps in some places. Almost, there must be traps and bombs in senior robbers. “The brothers suspended the attack, adjusted the formation, and the brothers of the thieves began to explore the road to eliminate obstacles, do not act alone.”

Repeated several times, the formation gradually stabilized, and the thieves in the team rushed out of the thunder to remove the trap. The “cleaning”

activity is quite smooth. Occasionally, there are several good -level “guys”

and have been filled with our brave thieves with their bodies. It was a good action. I was almost the same when I saw the cleaning, and the time was the most unfavorable to us, and immediately issued the second attack order. Everyone flocked into the cottage of the robber, and some of the rarely showed the leaders of the thieves came out, and the number was amazing. These guys who did not leave hands were really difficult to deal with. Fortunately, our support came. “Brother, don’t wait for my sister to come, go back to calculate the account with you.”

The mood holding the Dragon Treasure Knife is really a cricket. Amazing. “Oh, my husband, my sister is angry, you can do it yourself.”

Xueer, who was in the unmanned realm, did not forget to tease me. “That is, our big gang is fascinated by the beauty of the Galaxy Academy. I don’t know the southeast and northwest. I forgot to our sisters!”

A heart of heart and a colorful robber who wanted to occupy her. The red tongue, “I’m sorry”

, “I don’t intentionally”


Don’t find someone to find someone “, really have her. "

Yeah, don’t come back to us when you come back, wait for you to settle your account with you.” This time I bombarded me was Xinluo. "

Where do we remember us in our hearts, the eyes are full of baby and Xueer? Do you say it?" Xinyue saw the blood, provoked the public anger. "

Sister Yue, how can there be, this color wolf said in front of us all day, how beautiful and gentle Sister Yue is, I can’t wait to marry you back." Xueer’s counterattack is really sharp, but why is it unlucky? Intersection Intersection Intersection "

Yeah, Sister Yue, don’t the baby divide him half of you?" The baby said to help the flames. She has a stealth ring, and she is more frightened than us, but her no different arrow technique is too scary, but fortunately she The brothers who were accidentally injured by her accidental injuries were lost by her charm. "

I’m afraid that Moumou is not as easy as saying in his mouth. I really want to be reluctant to implement it." I was unwilling to fall behind. "

I look at least 5 copies at least, right, right, our feelings of sanctification." The dream of silently, a "

sound is shocking. What can I say, I will lose much, and now pretending to be stupid is the smartest approach. Xueer approached me and came a bit fiercely, “I know you will pretend to be stupid, isn’t it beautiful in my heart?”

“Hey, know me Xueer too! Come, kiss one.”

“Without serious, go to your mood sister, giggle,”

smiled and avoided. As a result, I didn’t get it. I hurt the enemy for one thousand and eight hundred. Although we have not reached this point, the low -level brothers gradually fell behind, cleaning up some low levels, injured, and new brushes. It is a serious injury to return to the city, but there are also people who have continued to join, especially some guilds collectively come to make fun. Probably they want to touch luck. The whole situation gradually became clear, and some of our senior players rushed at the forefront, and others still struggled in the cottage. The red scarf of the robbers appeared at home. With a scream, the robbers began to summon their pets. One by one crashing zombies climbed out of the ground. The small head of the skeleton armor was readily available. The minimum is also the summoning skeleton mage. Even the Dark Knights are all available. We also put out our pets. For a while, the battlefield turned into a zoo. There are strange things, but it is also lively. I call for the side dishes. Today, the small cuisine is in a good mood. It is very good to speak, probably because I put it for such a long holiday. Being a master is enough to do this. The pet of the second head is really spectacular, it turned out to be a large skeleton dragon (the skeleton dragon is not a bone dragon, the shape is very similar. Especially good food, one of the superwations; and the skeleton dragon is just a dragon -shaped dead object formed by the neither magic and bone, which is about 9th of Warcraft). Two huge bone wings are stretched out. On the day, it can also fly to see it everywhere. “Let’s go up to solve it!”

I raised the staff on the side dish and rushed towards the air skeleton dragon and the second home. “Brother, don’t have to be so exaggerated. Call such a big guy to come out.”

I said to the second family, but unfortunately people ignore me at all. In the event of the most deadly, this is not Wang Ba with mung beans. Well, shameless, attack me. Secondly, the backbone dart is really a troublesome weapon. I put a lightning with the side dishes, capture the thief to capture the king first, shoot the horse first, and use the agility of this guy. It is also very difficult. First of all, the damn skeleton dragon is done. Since this guy appears, the skeleton zombies below have a stimulant first, one by one, one by one, and many brothers who have harmed them. You have to change to cope. The skeleton dragon ate our two electricity, and it was like a duck. Unfortunately, we didn’t be happy for a long time. Behind the buttocks, I accidentally dipped it a little, and my face began to open “dyeing”

, red, green, yellow, magic values fell wildly, but fortunately I have the magic source of the source. Two bottles of detoxification water, one bottle, a bottle of small dishes, “Meteor Fire Rain”

, lightning! We were so lively, and we were not idle below. Still the most powerful mood, the Dragon Soldier is cool. How can other occupations in the head can’t keep up? Go back to my good practice of small stones. Maybe you can play with your luck. Ah, Tu Longbao knife. Dragon slaughter, the skeleton dragon in front of him is also a ‘dragon’, a wonderful plan is generated. Look at my fireball ten consecutive consecutive consecutive, wave \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, the lethality is not great, but the collision power is not small. The skeleton dragon is hit in the air. “Small dishes, hurry up, and get up.”

The side dishes flew towards the mood. “Sister, come up, we did the bone shelf in the air.”

I didn’t wait for her to answer, and put her up and put it in front, but the position was not mastered, and my hand just grabbed a soft one. Things, so comfortable, um, shape and feel are very good. “You don’t let go.”

The blushing mood really became a familiar apple, When I was shocked, I remembered that I did such a thing “can’t help but”.

Unfortunately, my body immediately responded to myself. The two sitting together were almost completely posted together. My response basically gave her a direct role, and suddenly I had a big red face. Don’t be misunderstood. “This, this,”

I really don’t know what to say, I don’t know where to put my hands. “Hum, go back and calculate the account with you. Hold me tightly, but no one is responsible for falling to death.”

No, I don’t want to look angry, but it seems like a small couple, scolding and dizzy. “Sister, I played this guy for a long time, and I haven’t revealed the health. It seems that your dragon wave is needed.”

“The side dish is close to it, be careful of its tail, don’t be scanned.”

“Do you think I am as stupid as you, just it?”

Dizziness, don’t have to say so much, especially in front of the beauty, isn’t this sweeping me face? “Brother Zhong, the side dish is so cute, like you!”

I felt enthusiastically in my ears and said, “The same color as you!”

I was dizzy, there was no way, who told me to have a handle in the hands of others, but once I came, I still did it. Eliminating the poisonous gas of the back dart and skeleton dragon, I put a fire on their retreat. At this time, the mood, brushing, is the three -knife Yanlongbo. Kaha, one leg of the bone dragon was halfway, but unfortunately the two knives behind were avoided, come again! This cunning guy, after eating a loss, will not let us get closer, “I have a attention, but you have to cooperate.”

After listening to her plan, I quickly shook my head to oppose it. It’s too dangerous. I still have a lot of tricks. The side dishes flew above the skeleton dragon, and then she jumped down and chopped in the air. The rest depends on whether I can catch her. How do you say this, I resolutely oppose it. “If you don’t agree, I will tell Baby and Xue’er if you just give me a gift.”

Speaking of a small mouth, I looked very angry. “Sister, I won’t agree with what you say, it’s too dangerous.”

I looked at me with a serious look, and suddenly did something that surprised many people. She kissed me. I don’t know if anyone saw this lens. God blessed! Intersection Intersection “Thank you!”

I felt like a good girl, flying brilliantly, my heart was confused. Unfortunately, Er Dao and its smelly dragon are puzzled, and they took the opportunity to attack us. At this moment, the mood suddenly jumped up, and she was surprised! The brothers below were also shocked to look up. It was a classic scene. Strike all the best, do the dragon wave! The poor skeleton dragon was split from the middle, and the second red scarf was split out by the knife. But now I don’t have the mood to think about this, because my sister has fell down. I took a shot of the side dishes.

This time, this guy also knew the crisis of the situation.

Without nonsense, I rushed directly.

Hurry up, but unfortunately the mood decreases too fast.

When everyone is worried, the mood becomes transformed.

The decline is still done.

Hush, scared me.

I did n’t tell me early.

As soon as I was in my mood, her sisters were around, asking for a long time, the same secondary home was not so lucky.

The temptation of the burst of the breeding level is too great.

As soon as I fell to the ground, I ran over, “Sister is okay!”

I found that the daughters looked at me one by one. Cher first makes difficulties, “Brother Zhong, how can you make your sister do such dangerous things.”

… … In the end, I was in a mood to explain the reason myself, and I was released by innocence. “Boss, the second family burst into a lot of things. In a blink of an eye, I didn’t even have the root hair.”

Li Zi said with a desperate head. “Don’t talk about you, I only picked up a bottle of potion with my thief’s observation and agility, lost.”

The fan couldn’t help it. “Don’t look at me, I didn’t even see it, I was almost stepped on by the crowd.”

Liangzi was easy. The battle on the ground also came to an end, and we rushed into the center of the cottage. There is only a passage in front of the hall in front of the hall. The door is open. The anxious plum rushed in, and then played back at the same speed, and then screamed and flustered. There are transparent magic arrays on the door, and can absorb magic and physical attacks. Can’t you get in? Intersection Intersection No way, everyone can only try one by one, I am the last one, I am the last one, “Don’t look at me like this, I will be shy.”

“Don’t rub the boss, be careful of our rebellion.”

Li Zi was impatient. I try, ah, my hand can pass, wow, who pulled me, flutter, I was pulled in. Fluttering ~, the abominable guy, can’t be lighter, even let me get a dog climbing the ground. Fortunately, no one saw it, it was really shameful. Where is this? It is very similar to the boudoir of the princess or everyone in the costume TV series. How can there be such a place in a group of five major thief cottages? Is it the bedroom of Mrs. Mrs.? But it’s too weird? “Is anyone?”

There were no other creatures except the furniture in the room. It was so fragrant, strange fragrance, a bit familiar, there were a few girls I knew, and it was impossible to think about it. I was restless, I didn’t stay in this place, let’s go back. As a result, like Li Zi, I came with a flat sandy geese style ——- I couldn’t get out. what to do? Intersection Intersection When I was in an unprepared exhibition, the magic array at the entrance began to fluctuate. Someone was going to come in and opened the shield! When I saw the people who came in, we were all taken aback, “Dad?”

“Love ???”

“Ah, dad, why do you have time to come here?”

Love jumped over, scared me to escape, too ghost, this is not a horror game. When Love looked at me hugging her, I was crying when I was holding a small mouth, haha, it was love, I was busy hug her, “Love does not cry, what’s going on, how can you come here?”

“Dad is necrotic. Is this place where people are? When Dad is no longer, people are playing here alone. You see if it is fun here. It turned out that a very ugly monster was lived here and was driven away by others. People can make a place where they are arranged a little. "

Love was innocent. Halo, the robber’s big family was done so. Looking at the little “robbers”

in front of me, I really have nothing to say. The second family can summon the skeleton dragon. If the beast is high, if it reaches a super saint beast, there is a cold body, obedient, good luck. “Love, how did you get in?”

“Of course come in, there are many people outside, and my mother is there.”

Love said innocently, a strange look. Dizzy, of course, I know you came in. Forget it, it seems that you can’t ask anything. “By the way, dad, there is a fun place here, you see.”

Speaking of his little feet and kicking on the wall, the surrounding things were gone, and it became a hole like a cave. A large hole appeared in front of it. I must be dreaming, and I must be dreaming! God, the emperor of the Jade Emperor, the Buddha blessed, and hurriedly like the law! “Well, dad, just go towards it, it seems to be a place called Xanadu, people go back.”

“Why don’t you go?”

There was a rare love and no fun. “What about Xiao Zi and Xiao Zi? Just suddenly feel someone comes to others’ houses, so come to see it. By the way, Xiao Zi always likes to play. It’s over, it seems that it is really old. This brain can no longer keep up with the trend of the times. Long and "

people” play chess … "

Okay, don’t say it, people go first, goodbye!” "

Goodbye." I feel like a fool, no, it is a fool, of course, only in front of love. "

Boss, you’re okay!" Li Zi rushed in. "

Go, something, something is waiting for you, you can only lift me back." It seems that love has lifted the magic array outside. "

Wow, where is this?" Xueer and Baby checked up and down to find that there was nothing to let go. I looked at me in a worried look, and I was relieved when I saw that it was okay. Hey, the most difficult to get the beauty of the beauty. I have a good way to cover up the things inside. After all, it is too bizarre. The less people know, the better. Now the love is happy every day, and the carefree life, I do n’t want someone to harass her. "

Go, everyone go in, there are eighty nine hidden tasks." People are too bold and powerful. I, Xueer, baby, sisters, and Li Zi, three, a total of 11 people, marching inside. Wow, the scenery in front of us makes our eyes bright, the spirit is refreshing, and the beautiful rural scenery is really a paradise. A sheep intestine trail leads to a small village. Here is the atmosphere that has always been peaceful. In the village, there are rhythmic iron sounds, and the laughter of the child, and occasionally the sound of "

prosperous", forming a beautiful picture. "

Go, let’s go in." I took the lead in entering the small village. When we passed the blacksmiths at the village entrance, the iron village Han took the initiative to talk to us. "

The brave people from the distance are welcome to come to our forgetful village. I am a blacksmith in the village. I wonder if you can help us be busy?" "

This uncle, even if you say anything." Said the business. "

In the cemetery south of our village, I do n’t know where to appear in groups of skeleton zombies. The chickens and dogs jump in our village, and the ancestors’ souls must not be peaceful. Can you help us clear them?", "

Be careful, I am, I, I Suspecting the horrible wizarding inside. “No problem, just listen to my good news.”

We and his party marched towards the cemetery south. After a while, we came to the cemetery. Sure enough, a piece of skeleton and zombies appeared ahead. “Don’t be scattered, line up!”

With my nine -day thunder fire as the opening ceremony. A open space was cleared at once. But those guys re -stand up again in the end. “Everyone pays attention, there must be a wizard hidden here, this guy can resurrect the skeleton soldiers.”

“Xueer, let Hongyun look at it from the air.”

Cher called out Hongyun and asked her to search in the air. Sure enough, Hongyun found the wizard hidden in the zombie pile and killed it. When we return to the village, the blacksmith Da Yong has come passionately, “Warriors, thank you for your help. In order to express your gratitude, I am willing to upgrade the weapon for each of you.”

Wow, this time it is developed. Others are okay. If the weapons of mood and I have been upgraded once, it will be strong. The first upgrade was the rod of my element. Da Yong said with the emotion of the element’s stick, it is really an artifact. This is the magic wand used by the greatest magician of the legendary magician. The rod of my element is originally the best, with a groove, but there is no good gem, and there is no inlaid. Da Yong put the element’s stick in a strange furnace, and everyone looked nervously at the stoves that burned the burning fire. Don’t fail in your heart. I don’t worry, since it is a task, if it fails, he has been killed long ago. Sure enough, a golden light washed away the furnace, and Da Yong excitedly took out the element’s stick and said to me, “Congratulations to you, the upgrade is successful, this is the king’s stick in the future.”

I got the element’s stick and looked at it. The whole stick was glowed with golden light. Soldier. The second is naturally a mood Tu Longbao knife. Da Yong praised it as usual. To be honest, the chance of the dragon’s appearance was indeed less than that of my element. After opening, the dragon’s whole body was smooth and smooth. Da Yong called it “Green Jade Dragon Dragon”.

The attack plus 2, the attack speed plus 1, and the 10 % attack rebounded. Everyone has given their weapons to Da Yong, and others have added some good attributes, but they are not as good as me and mood.

There is a tavern in the village that is suitable for us.

There are still a lot of people in it.

The villagers inside are not surprised because of our arrival.

We ordered some specialties and wheat wine.

We are drinking cool, a villager comes over, sitting down in the vacant position next to him, “You are the adventurer who completed the mission of the cemetery?”

“Yeah, what’s the matter with this uncle?”

“This is a long thing, and this is the case. The son of our village chief Ainan was originally a good guy. Everyone liked him very much. Later, he fell in love with my daughter. On the day of marriage, Ainan suddenly mad, and his body became huge as fierce as a beast. My daughter was taken away by him and ran to the devil mountain behind the village. Our villagers could not go to that mountain since ancient times. I am really worried about them. I wonder if you can save my daughter and his fiance. You are all powerful people. "

“Uncle, don’t worry about us.”

“Brothers and sisters, everyone heard it, let’s go.”

After that, the wheat wine in his hands was finished. The devil hill behind the village is a place cursed by the devil. It is said that anyone near this mountain will lose the soul to become a slave of the devil forever. “Little plum, don’t be scary,”

Baby is still not very suitable for listening to ghost stories in this gloomy environment. “Grandma, please ask you how many times, don’t call me a little plum, that’s the last time the eunuch of our ancestors, when you mention it, I will tremble.”

“Huh, who told you to scare others.”

Halo, who was playing with the skeleton soldiers just now. It’s really gloomy here. There are a few crickets stopped on the dry trunk. The ground is full of incomplete skeletons. In addition, it is now dusk. It really feels like a village. Essence Ah, you see that someone seems to be holding a bonfire party. When we approached, I was dizzy. It turned out to be some little devil, one by one, one by one, was being bones, really disgusting, everyone killed! Intersection Intersection Little Devil: Low -level devil, between level 20 and 50. Under our full effort, the power of the new weapon is fully played. The current king’s stick itself has exorcism, and the range of magic power has increased by 10 %. Do you want to open a bonfire party? This time I made you fire enough. In my field of vision, I am a wild hell fire. The red clouds in the fire are extremely excited. The guys who killed were crying. Boom! Intersection Intersection The mobs who had escaped the mobs rushed back again, and the number was much more. A giant muscular man came towards us. No, is he the Nanan? Child ~~ “You from you, come here to add meat, I haven’t eaten fresh human meat for a long time”

“Little, the man slaughtered the pot, and the woman grabbed it all.”

At the beginning of the melee, others dealt with the soldiers, and I was in a big mood. This guy was carrying a big hammer in his hand and rushed towards us like a tank. She didn’t dodge. She wanted to try the power of the monster. Green jade slaughter dragon, should! The hammer was played by high, and the mood took a few steps back, so great power. But calculating in the shape, my sister is even more terrible, haha. Everyone is a new weapon. It is when the morale is rising. Someone sent it to the door to practice soldiers. The power of the green jade slaughter of the mood is even more amazing. The monster I hit was screamed straight. When I saw that I didn’t intervene, I quickly found a monster to kill, and I didn’t kill it in a while. The mood makes full use of the basic skills of the warrior, coupled with the flexible footwork and the monster, and from time to time, the air gear gives it a few times. Solving it, but this is too slow, I took the opportunity to accumulate magic, “Sister, flash!”

When I looked at it, I had prepared the nine -day thunderbolt, and I glared at me and jumped away. Boom! This guy was beaten into a soil dog. While it was ill, he wanted it to solve his brothers and sisters, and used all his kung fu on it. This guy suddenly drew bottom. Wow, something that burst into the ground. This time no one robbed them with Li Zi; a green smoke came out of the monster’s body, and then spread with the wind. The muscles of the monster began to shrink, and after a while, it became a handsome guy. The scene behind was the same as a hero movie. The young man took his beloved girl back to the village to live a happy life. Yeah, I almost forgot, pay! This is the mission of the game. Back to the village, we were warmly welcomed by the villagers. The village chief gave us the secrets of the ancestors as a repayment, dizzy, 11 secrets, and his family opened a bookstore. Mine is the space magic beyond the six-series magic —— instantaneous movement, the primary movement range is within 1 meter, but this is enough for me. At least, you don’t need to be chased around by monsters. In the mood, the heart dream is the junior swordsmanship. This is not a general junior swordsmanship. It tells how to practice ordinary skills into serial skills and reduce the time difference. This is doubled. Xueer, Ryoko got a full -time certificate of the surgeon, and it was a high -level certificate. Baby, Xinluo, plums are violent magic arrows ——- 天 宝 宝 宝, the arrows of the shot will explode when it encounters an object, which is spectacular. Xinyue is the chain Lightning. My instant move can not learn, so I can learn anything like me. The fan finally learned the hidden technique as expected. I suspect that the old man in the village still has inventory. I really want to be a robber! Haha, make a joke. Our trip is a full load. Back to the guild, Xiaomao was waiting for us, and he was envious of hearing our experience. Other members have come back. Xiaomao is still worried that we have encountered any difficulties. “Xiao Mao, if you have something, we will say that we have something to say to Zhong Brother.”

Rare Xueer was so serious, and Xiao Mao frightened people. I said, and it was broken. The scene in heaven must be discovered by them. “Brother Zhong, how do you deal with the relationship with your mood sister, this is not a joke.”

I thought about it for a while and told Xueer and Baby at that time. “Brother Zhong, Sister Xueer and I don’t blame you, don’t look like a heart, baby don’t like you unhappy.”

“Yeah, husband, we actually saw that my sister also liked you, but there were two of us, she was embarrassed to show it, today’s business is just an opportunity.”

Xueer paused, Looking at me seriously, and then said, “Well, to be honest, we don’t know how it is good. The virtual world has relaxed our vigilance, but what is the difference between virtual and reality now.”

“Xueer, to be honest, I don’t know what my sister is in my heart, everything is natural!”

After that, the baby and Xueer were in my arms and enjoyed the tenderness for a moment. “Little Mao Lai Hall!”

“Boss, settled two sister -in -law?”

“Go to you, what can I have.”

“This is not necessarily.”

Xiaomao said mysteriously, “Now someone is legendary a classic love story. The protagonist is exactly a color wolf called soul -eater and a beautiful woman named mood. I don’t know if it is you.”

Halo, the scene in the air seems to be seen. Text 21 ~~ Updated: 2006-8-6 16:09:00 Number of chapters: 44026 Chapter 21 Gentleness under the Iceberg Every time I see our beauty class teacher, everyone is mainly the spirit of the boys in the class. One by one is like taking a mouse medicine. Teacher Lin Yue likes to be younger than her boys, and a group of guys who are in estrus are even more crazy. “Everyone is quiet, I have something to declare something.”

“I think everyone knows more or less about the warrior. Today I will introduce the sources of the warrior, which is very related to what is going to do below.”

After speaking, Meiman swept through the class. Immediately see the reaction below, especially a few problems that attracted her attention. Martial arts, hey, what does this have to do with our students? I hate martial arts. When I was a kid, my ideal was to become a great scientist, but under the coexistence of a group of seven aunts and eight aunts, my father and mother were forced by the coercion of a group of seven aunts, eight aunts, and grandfathers. Since I was a child, I have had a difficult way to practice martial arts. Unfortunately, the reason why I compromised was just a lollipop, which was really cheap. It wasn’t until I finally broke through the bottleneck of the warrior as a capable person when I was 15 years old. This group of demons let me go. I finally lived a happy life of ordinary people as expected. Run crazy, throwing off my poor child, lonely, oh, let’s leave the money! Zhuge Qing’er’s eyes flashed, as if realizing something, sneered at the corner of his mouth, there was no way, and he laughed so coldly. Teacher Lin raised his hand to show the quiet family, “classmates, everyone knows the”

Liberation Day “, yes are the third world war that almost caused human destruction. In that war, there were a number of terrible ‘Superman’ in various countries. It is what the warriors are now called. These people are not used by the people who are desperate to be desperate, but they are united to prevent the war. They have completed a miracle and directly lead to the major changes and large -scale changes in the entire earth pattern and a large scale. The destruction of lethal weapons ushered in a new era of human beings. But the nature of human beings determines that humans will not be willing to be peaceful. The international situation starts to be turbulent more than ten years ago. The new round of talent competitions have begun, and our country’s previous foreign policy has been more conservative. That is because of historical and economic conditions. Now we have a strong government. We will no longer abide by the national policy of negative defense. The latest order of the Ministry, major colleges and universities have set up medical lessons. This is a compulsory course. In order to ensure that our country is invincible in the future international competition, practice will become the obligation of each citizen. Several countries like Japan, South Korea, and India also superfume this plan this year. "

“Everyone will send a basic manual of martial arts. By the way, the results of this medical examination will be the most potential. Liang 105, other students are generally less than 100, but don’t be discouraged. Qinger classmates have family studies. Others also depend on the hard work of the day after tomorrow. Your teacher is a master of specially appointed from the army. "

“Haha, boss, I heard no 110, it seems that I have the potential to become a master, and finally there is one of you. Oh too.”

“Stink boy, look at your beauty.”

Huh, just those who can detect our abilities and make international jokes. It seems that underground activities are finally going to the outside world. Originally, the person in charge was afraid that excessive warriors were not conducive to management, and it has always been suppressed. However, the current situation is no longer allowed, and conservative means failure. In fact, the current high -level government and the army are the shadows of martial arts. As for the ability, the ability is relatively hidden, and each ability is the wealth of the country. There are two types of abilities, innate and acquired. Some people are born. This is a pure ability, and the other is produced in the practice of warriors, that is, mixed abilities. These two are innate. Those who have acquired capabilities are the abilities that are generated by the role of machinery and drugs, but the cost of this test is very high, and the success rate is extremely low. When a person’s potential is stimulated, as long as it can survive, it will be able to survive, and it will be able to survive. Getting some kinds of abilities, in the past, all countries had studies. The more famous is the United States, Japan, China, and Russia. However, this method is basically banned, because this method can not have a successful example for a few years. Even if there is an occasional life, it won’t be long. However, human talents are good at learning lessons in failure. This method is indeed very useful after being improved —– to make martial arts. Select the talents suitable for martial arts, add a little training, and then conduct the so -called “evolution”

test to stimulate human skills. It can produce a lot of warriors. After so many years of improvement, this method has matured. From the current situation, I want to popularize the whole people! This is probably the inevitable development of human beings. Everyone thinks that they can also become a knights who are walking around the wall. Each excitement is incredible. In fact, although the warriors are powerful, there are not many people who can really reach the realm of Superman. It must be explained, not to say that the ability of the ability must be powerful. The warrior is strong in strength, speed, technology, power, and ability. Ability, this is their greatest secret. Once the outsiders are understood and guarded, the ability is not as good as a warrior. The following is the classification of general abilities Spiritual category: A- can control yourself and others, who have spiritual destruction and can reach a certain distance. (For example, spiritual control, hallucinations) B-can control others, with spiritual destruction, and can reach a certain distance. (For example, mental explosion, thinking theft) C-can control yourself, have a spiritual auxiliary effect or establish a spiritual connection. (For example, spiritual reinforcement, heart inductance) D-can act on material, and the ability to stimulate with spirit is this level. (For example, material lock, material transfer) The S-can use any two levels of ability, or can learn and cultivate the above abilities. (The ability of the S -level ability is the natural user of such abilities. After learning and cultivation, you can master such abilities, which is relatively rare.) Body: A-A-can greatly increase their physical ability or greatly increase the physical ability of others. (For example, muscle improvement, meat transformation) B- Body contact with physical contact is the medium, and the destruction index is more B. (For example, contact destruction, material destruction) C-can increase its own or other people’s physical ability, or the physical contact is less than B. D-can control your physical deformation. (For example, muscle deformation is easy to accommodate, transcending bone contraction and the deformation ability of Yu Jiashu) These are ordinary abilities, and they are also superpatients in the general sense. This number of capabilities is no longer a few. The real ability refers to the power of the ability. For example, some of the power can control Fire, some have the ability to stealth, and even some strong people can manipulate time and space. This is the most terrible of all abilities. These abilities are generally called a controller. Back to the dormitory, the three guys stared at the secrets of martial arts in their hands. “Haha, it is developed, and the brothers are going to be a master of martial arts.”

“Ah Zhong should not be discouraged, the harder of the day after tomorrow can not make up for congenital defects.”

Halo, this is also called comforting people, all like him, all of them, Suicide is going to line up. “Brother Zhong, shouldn’t your situation be like this? Is the machine wrong?”

The fan still refused to believe it. I was so embarrassed. “Haha, this is nothing, okay, you cultivate, I go out and walk around.”

“Boss, don’t think of it!”

“Cut, who you think about it.”

“No, I mean that if you can’t think of it, you will also give us the equipment first. As for the big sister, our brothers will take good care of it!”

Damn plum. … … To be honest, the book published by the school, I turned slightly, the content is all about training, but there is still a gap with the exercises I practiced, but this kind of practice is more suitable for the public. Evolution, the success rate is very high. In fact, since I was eight years old, the foundation was made, and grandfather took turns to practice my body. The method is very simple. The master’s method, if it is really so powerful in the current martial arts community, is not very famous. At that time, I didn’t know what it means to be hidden, and now it is ridiculous to remember it now. “Classmate Wang Zhong, can you return Xiaomi to me?”

Oh, isn’t this our freezer? “Ah, Zhuge knows my name, but I never support ‘Xiaomi’.”

Fluttering, the iceberg thaw, and the spring back to the earth, the beauty of that kind of beauty made me can’t help, but unfortunately the good flowers are always not always there, “Do I don’t know your name in front and back seats?”

Although it was not as cold as just now, it was still like a person. Under my feet, I was lying on a cute slap big cat, and I walked around my pants legs. Speaking of ashamed, my younger brother had two major fate when he was in college. Fate, small animals prefer me, but therefore, in the summer, it is often siege by mosquitoes, miserable! I returned Xiaomi to her, Qing’er frowned and said, “Xiao Mi is very strange these days, and often aims painfully.”

At this time, she was like a innocent girl. usually? Kill! Zhuge Qing’er stroked Xiaomi softly, exuding tenderness in his eyes. If I didn’t see my own eyes, I wouldn’t even believe my eyes. Gentle, kind, caring, and considerate, these words are incredible on the body of “freezer”.

She is usually cold like a girl made of ice, and she has never been able to care for her. Although Zhuge Qing’er is already a celebrity from the time of entering the class, it is probably because of the distant temperament, so I rarely talk to her between students, let alone good friends. This is why the boys who secretly worshiped her, but no one had never dared to truly confess. Legend has it that if the cold snow girl has a warm heart, the earth will wake up again. And “Xiaomi”

was leaning around Qing’er with her body at this time, and it was obvious that this was obviously not the first time. “Ha, itchy.”

It’s jealous! “Mix the account, me, that place, I also want …”

But it seems that people have nothing to do with me. Take a chance to check it. The sorrow of “Meow Meow Meow!”

Suddenly, he also woke up the voyeur guy next to him. “What happened to you? What’s the matter! Xiaomi?”

Seeing cats’ sorrow and rolling, the ‘freezer’ was at a loss.

She hurriedly held “Xiaomi”

in her arms and stabilized with body temperature. But all this action could not stop the cat’s grief, and gradually began to vomit. At this time, Zhuge Qing’er not only did not get dirty, but kept holding his arms tighter and kept talking: “Who will come, who will help me, save it!”

Because of extreme panic, even the volume of the volume was very subtle. At this time, she had no style of warrior. No wonder Grandpa always said that feelings are really double -sided. It is not a good thing for warriors. Flaw, but I do n’t think so, why is it alive if people have no feelings? Heroes always appear in time when the princess needs, “Zhuge, can I take a look at ‘Xiaomi’?”

It seems that there are no other people behind me. I obviously feel that the body of the freezer shakes and dizzy. When I don’t exist, I am so poor. “Give you.”

I felt that she became a snow girl again. Strangely, why do people around me change their faces. Hold “Xiaomi”

with both hands, and then slowly stroke. My family fax has a healing effect. The little guy in front of me obviously eats too much digestion. It is okay to condition a little, but it will not be good for the stomach for a long time. A frozen cat. Finally, cats narrowed all the abnormal reflections, climbing in my arms obediently, hey, I have taken the opportunity to see, and I am a cat sister. “Classmate Zhuge, nothing happened. When he fed it in the future, the food was halved. Although she was thin, she had to come slowly if she wanted to get fat.”

In fact, Zhuge Qing’er has been peeking at the situation of this side with his eyes since the beginning, especially when I saw the true gas in my hand, the color of extreme interests revealed in my eyes, dizzy, and practicing madness again. In the future, in the future, in the future, in the future, in the future Still hiding a little bit. But my words still blushed. “Thank you, I will pay attention in the future.”

“I hope today, Zhuge is kept secret. I don’t want to attract others’ attention.”

“Well, I will keep it secret, but I will ask Wang Wang to enlighten me in the future.”

A pair of you not promised me, and it turned out that women are the same. Do n’t have a handle in their hands. After seeing me really walk away, Qing’er gently picked up “Xiaomi”

to bury it into his chest deeply, “Great, great! You finally have nothing to do. Just now, just … "

Although Qing’er’s crying sound was very small, it still passed to my ears. Another person who lost his childhood for the family, I laughed at myself, or I was so free. Chapter Twenty -two Early Downs The campus woods at noon look particularly peaceful. It is the time of eating. I don’t need to eat the cafeteria now. Of course, people with “home room”

are different. Although it is not difficult to swallow, it is indeed a good place to lose weight. The only thing that can guarantee is the hygiene conditions. There are a lot of one -on -one in it, but no one compares my gorgeous blessing, haha. “Come, Brother Zhong, come to an emerald shrimp”.

Baby put a largest shrimp into my lunch box, and I found that they liked to watch me eat. “Well, oh, delicious, delicious!”

At this time, I was being “waited”

by the two beautiful women. It was really happy. “Brother Zhong, I heard that Zhuge Qinger was your classmate?”

Baby suddenly asked a strange question. “Yeah, what’s wrong?”

I had nothing to do with her, why suddenly asked this. “That’s it. Can you introduce her to us? I heard that she is a master of family in Guwu. We want to learn to learn art.”

Xueer said seriously. “The most powerful among our school girls She is the Sister Xiangzi of the Karate Society, but people don’t want to learn Japanese things. "

“Oh, Xueer, you also have racial discrimination, what do your girls practice this? Besides the school, isn’t there a physical class?”

“Huh, equality between men and women, Zhuge Qing’er is the pride of our girls, so we have to learn from her. You will be bullied by you later. Poor little lamb. "

The commands of the two ladies are naturally obey, but I can only play a role. As for the people’s unwillingness, I don’t know.” "

Knowing that the rest is our own affairs, you don’t worry about your driving.” The two little beauty seemed to have become a master of martial arts. "

Hey, I am also a master of Wulin. Why did anyone worship me as a teacher? Poor my generation of masters, even the appropriate heir is jealous.” Oops, freedom of speech, gentleman’s movement! "

We are women, not gentlemen, hum.” Cher and Baby looked proud. "

You see Zhuge’s martial arts for so long, the skin is getting better and better. It seems that her kung fu must have a beauty effect.” "

That is, I am really afraid of the dark and black, the skin is rough, then it is over.” Halo, it turned out to be for this, and it was really difficult for women and villains. "

What are you doing?" "

No, no, I am thinking about what you do in the afternoon, so I have to use a beautiful man if you do n’t work." "

You dare", it’s a cheerful. Our course is very relaxed. There is only one class a day. As long as you take out for a while, you can learn the knowledge at the electrical classroom. The rest is the digestion and use of yourself. Although the parties were sitting behind me, they saw the cold look, hey, how can I speak? Suddenly someone called me behind, and a small note was handed over —— If you have anything, you can say what a big man speaks and stop talking, let’s say! Hey, the opportunity is here, I quickly reply to the note, —— It ’s hard to say, let’ s say it, I want to ask you to help! As soon as I got the note, the Li Zi on the side had already come over. "

Boss, honestly, what the secret of you and the ice girl, be careful, I will report to the big sister." "

Go to death, I’m doing the task given by your grandmother, it’s cool." After class, we came to school’s park one after the other, "

This is the case. My girlfriend wants to learn martial arts with you, please help?" I hurriedly begged, hey, now I finally understand the three difficulties in life-it is difficult to go out, it is difficult to do things. It is difficult to ask for people. "

Oh, your girlfriend?" Zhuge Qing’er heard that I had a girlfriend’s incredible look, as if I should be a bachelor. Don’t need this, is it so sorry for the audience? "

What you know, the members of the art club are the members of the art club, Feng Xue and Lu Xiaoxue." Hearing these two names, Zhuge Qing’er’s eyes were obviously flashing, and beautiful girls would definitely pay attention to girls at the same level. "

Oh? I can’t see that you are quite honest. In fact, people are so enthusiastic. The two schools of our school have been caught up by you. If you know it by others, I won’t say the consequences?" What I think of her now is more and more like a little devil with a tail, so she is preparing a small manure for her. "

Say, what are the conditions this time." "

Very simple, accompany me to train once every week. How about it?" "

No problem, willing to serve the beauty!" Never hesitated when it was time. Then I looked at Zhuge Qing’er’s cooling expression again. She was afraid that I was strange that I could still be distracted from other things in the process of looking at her, and it was so natural. To be honest, standing nearby, I feel her amazing charm, to the shapely and tall figure, plus practicing martial arts, showing the women’s limb beauty, and even the masters of the refined internal and internal skills. The heart fluctuates, of course, this is not to say that she is more beautiful than Xueer, but because of the practice of practicing the qi, it produces an unpredictable opposite sex. She returned to calm, stretched out the left hand that was slightly smaller than me, and said faintly: "

Happy cooperation." I gently held her white little hand in, feeling soft and bone, not as good as the knife of the knife that can break the wood, but I know her kung fu is in a pair of hands, because her hand There will be a light layer of jade color. Just as I used a keen sensory analysis and secretly admired it, I didn’t know that the handshake time was too long. The incredible power outlined from the soft jade hand just now. I was shocked, and the internal force was raised instantly, and the spin was put down again. Now it is not easy to expose her strength, so as not to be entangled by her. I secretly tone my hands and kept confronting Zhuge Qing’er, I didn’t believe it, I would not be able to suppress the next woman with my hand. My expression with Zhuge Qing’er is very calm and natural. There is no meaning of swimming. The amazing power gradually worsen. Although she is a warrior, she is a woman after all. , But how is my opponent, just with the strength of strong body muscles, I have gradually occupied the upper hand. Zhuge Qinger looked at me strangely, then took a deep breath, and his face became dignified. A bad, she must use it, and my spiritual power noticed that she had irregular energy fluctuations in Dantian.

Now she wants to play really.

But I know that if she was light at this time, the future things would be difficult to do, but it would not be too revealing, it would be troublesome.

Zhuge Qing’er’s hand burst into a layer of Yumuang, the strength turned more than ten times, and a cold air went straight into my meridians.

Seeing her expression at most 20 % of breath, her anger entered me as soon as she entered me.


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