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Chapter_6 It was absorbed immediately in the body, and this small door was not good.

I still have no change and no more than her.

How can she be forced, I always keep it with her strength.

The beautiful ice girl’s face finally changed.

I ca n’t use it to do it.

I have to do it with me now.

Just when I do n’t know how to get rid of the deadlock, I suddenly realized that someone came to this side, a little force, and broke out.

“Oh, Qing’er, someone has come here. We have time to learn from time.”

Zhuge Qing’er, a little meal, found that someone came towards us, showing a trace of surprise. I did not expect that I was in the middle of the match. Chengli, but not much worse from the amount of ‘qi’. “Huh, count you, and don’t call me Qinger, lest your girlfriends looking for me to desperately.”

That’s what you say, but there is no angry expression on his face. “How can this, you will still be their master in the future.”

“Just as you, remember our agreement! "

As soon as Zhuge Qing’er left, I threw a stone at the rockery on the left. “Come out, don’t think we don’t know.”

“Haha, the boss is really a high -profile master.”

It must be the secret of Li Zi. The fan was also excited, “the boss please enlighten me.”

Dizzy, these guys did not look at where it was. “Fanzi, your iron home’ s outsourced kung fu was all the rage of more than two hundred years ago. Unfortunately, it has fallen thousands of feet today. I am afraid that there are only some superficial minds and externally exercise kung fu? "

The fan face changed, and he looked at me in a doubt, but was shocked by the essence of my heart, and finally bowed his head: “How does the boss know that there are some incomplete minds in our house?”

Li Zi and Liangzi looked at us in surprise. I puzzled why I was just a short sentence, that is, the mature and stable iron cloth shirt’s face changed greatly, making him naturally call the boss, and there were some jokes in the past. He really was the descendants of the iron family in the past. I remember that Grandpa once introduced that on the Chinese land, many of the many popular family martial arts that have appeared before, among which the iron family is one of them. However, except for the four major families and some hidden martial arts, the others are basically weakened, and there are not many martial arts essence. With my eyesight, I naturally see that the fan has practiced some horizontal practice, but it is not possible to do it. It is very superficial. If it is not a bit of anger, it will not be worth mentioning at all. He could not support a fragrance in Zhuge Qing’er’s hands. I patted his shoulder and laughed: “How about? Acknowledge that I am the boss, I will never suffer. Although I can’t give you a certain answer now, I can help you solve your mental problem.”

The fan looked at me in doubt. He was a very strong person, and he would not be convinced. He usually joked. It is not easy to really make him like a person like him. Suddenly he pushed me with his left arm. Although it was not fast, he used the horizontal hand in hard qigong, which can instantly use the force on the arm. With the strange arc in the sweeping Power. In the past, the master of the iron family, as long as it gently stretched out his arms, can also be broken gently like a bowl of trees, which is very powerful. Of course, his skills and skills are very weak. Although he is more powerful than ordinary people, there is no threat to me. I have to take him to take orally, and let him think that I have done my work, so that he can easily convince him. He can also be regarded as a disciple of the martial arts family. Although he has fallen, he does not need to hide his strength to him. The soft ‘qi cloth’ is full of shirts, and it expands slightly outward. At the age of 12, I can put it outside. It is faster than the fan who expects to contact each other. Let the hidden strength in his hand pour outward, and then regenerate a strong elasticity and play back to his horizontal hand. All this was running at a high speed between fingers. Li Zi and Liangzi didn’t know what happened at all. I just felt that the fan stretched out his hand and pushed me lightly. As soon as he touched, he put down his arms like a shock. The fan held his own slightly paralyzed arm, and his eyes shot the light of worship. Surprise: “Golden Bell cover iron cloth shirt? Boss, I convince it. Well, boss, are you also a tributary of the foreigner? Fire. "

This guy must think that I will have an iron cloth shirt. In fact You can simulate the iron cloth shirt, but it is still different from the authentic Kung Fu. I maintain a deep and unpredictable expression, and said lightly: “Just take it, it is simple to learn, just don’t extort my equipment in the future, haha!”

It seems that I have to go back on the weekend. Hey, although I hate it, it is difficult for the brothers to do it once. In fact, our family has evolved from medical skills. There are many, but there are a lot of restrictions. First of all, family martial arts are not passed down, and men are not passed on to women. Each generation of single transmission is that they must be founded from childhood and must be passed by the master. Fortunately There are also a lot of kung fu. I will definitely make a fortune when I open a bookstore, but if this idea is known by Grandpa, I will not interrupt my legs. “As long as you can find a complete mind, the younger brother’s life will be sold to you.”

The fan also knew that in this era of martial arts supremacy, the martial arts mentality is simply the best treasure. No one will pass on. Things are far behind the glory of restoring the iron family. “What are our brothers polite?”

I patted the fan of the fan and said, in fact, I have a lot of this kind of thing. I have to ask them clearly. “Okay, boss, you are also a warrior, but you have been hiding us all the time. "

Yes, boss, you can’t be thick,” "

Liangzi on the side quickly supported. “Ahem, don’t make noisy, the fan is foundation. The two of you can practice the school’s physical technique first. However, I was wrong in the last sentence. The current technological strength can make some speed masters. "

Okay, we should go back online. The level of leveling is tight.” "

Boss, I want to practice merit, should I give up the game!” "

Stupid, you think you are useful all day, you can practice a muscular man at most, and the embroidered pillow is not good. Now we must work and rest!” "

Brothers set off!” Chapter Twenty -3rd in the Powerful World to Japan As soon as the news was launched, the news of Xiaomao smashed overwhelmingly. I don’t know if there is any trouble. "

What is Xiao Mao, so anxious, my message box is about to be burst by you." "

Boss, I came up with a good idea to make money again. You wait for me in the conference hall, and I will get it right away." After a while, Xiao Mao rushed over. Now he is the standard world businessman. Everything surrounds the gold coins. The skills of the thieves can still be used now. "

Boss, I came up with a wonderful plan, now that everything has owed Dongfeng." Looking at Xiao Mao, who was excited, I really didn’t know what medicine he sold in his gourd. "

If you have something, you can say it, don’t turn around!" Every time this guy uses me every time I use it, the more troubles, the more troubles. "

Hey, boss, don’t you worry, this is the case. Now the time of the second world opening area is not short, and there are many equipment explosion. Everyone has generally come up. It’s not very good. “After speaking, I took a bottle of golden fruit wine from my pocket and gurgled. Keke! Intersection Intersection "

Oh, why forget the boss’s portrait, it’s all the mistakes of my younger brother.” He said two bottle from the space bag. It’s so delicious, bring a few bottles when you go out to level. "

Boss, according to my observation of the market, unilateral auctions can no longer keep up with the trend of the times, but it is not to say that it is useless. I think the structure of the market and the auction will be better. The ground stalls are sold at the gate of the city, but this is always irregular. You see that we make land in our city, build a large market, rent a booth, allow players to sell their own equipment, and then build a auction house in the market. This is convenient to be convenient. Is it very good for the sale of valuables and the best equipment. “Xiao Mao became more excited, and the fat face was so excited. "

You just do these things, what do you need to do?” "

Don’t worry, the general market is not interesting. To build the business center of the Central Plains, the first thing in our market is to make a good reputation. It is famous in our Yanhuang City. I want to cause a huge sensation throughout the Central Plains. To put it plainly, it is an amazing advertisement. " “I have two plans. The first is to hold a weapon selection conference on the day of the market opening to select the top ten strong soldiers in the Central Plains. You also know that the current refiners are very developed. All kinds of perverted weapons are all now. Yes, but these weapons are not like special items like your Lord of the Rings. The system will automatically divide the level. Our players are famous for being famous. Many people have made good weapons, but they are still unknown. The activity does not attract a large number of people. By the way, the signboard of our magic palace will be launched. Your king’s stick and the mood of the green jade dragon should be the list of things, and we set a huge bonus. I do n’t believe these people do n’t hook. I want the masters of the entire Central Plains to bring together our Magic Palace. "

Xiao Mao had a good point of pointing in the mountains and mountains. “No problem, I naturally agree with it, who are our brothers who follow!”

“Oh, the second plan depends on your boss, boss, you are the only player in the entire world to reach level 81, you can freely cross the border. My idea is that you go to the surrounding countries to get foreign goods and come back. Hey, in this way, we can definitely rush to the first seven major clubs, and the strength of the boss is the most important. "

“Dizzy, everyone knows that everyone knows that I am the mysterious person at the 81st level? Then I still need to go out in the future?”

See how you convince me. “Boss, do you think you do n’t say that it’ s low -key now? It ’s a long time ago that I have been in the town of Nuwa City some time ago. Now you should have the momentum of the king, the arrogance of the dominant, the more crazy you are, the more crazy you are Others will say that the cooler you are, the more you have a sense of energy. Unexplainnted the guild automatically surrendered us. "

“I said Xiao Mao, I didn’t see it for a while. You seem to have changed personal, and the strategic plan is very mature.”

“Haha, where is the boss leader. If the boss is developed, my younger brother also has a light on his face, I don’t believe that our brother union can not dominate the Central Plains!”

“Wrong, not to dominate the Central Plains, but to kill the world with the Central Plains!”


“If the elites of the major guilds will come, huh, it can be regarded as a gathering.”

“It is reasonable, we must not only engage in this weapon evaluation, but also take out some good things to take auction to show our strength. Seeing the opportunity to get a small -scale challenge, it must be very lively. Well, as for the details, you and the mood in your mood are in terms of details. , Erjuzi, they discussed it well. I will go to other countries in other countries in the past few days, and the first stop will be Little Japan! "

I added,” By the way, this time will strengthen the training. What happened, especially the law enforcement team, all of which have elites, let the mood go to do this in person. "

“These trivial things are giving me, the boss can rest assured!”

I came to the teleportation station of Yanhuangcheng. This time, I won’t be stupid to sit on the low -level magic array. I told the magic old man that I was going to the border. ah. It took 100 gold coins to come to the border, that is, the lonely Naiheqiao, who guarded the border with two tall and mighty golden armored fighters, holding Fang Tianhua halberd, obediently, the pervert of level 100 is different. When I get closer, a guy on the left, a moment of brushing to me, the weapon is horizontal, “The coming people stop, this is the national boundary, please wait a little, the censorship is in the censorship …”


“Thank you, your qualifications are completely consistent. As the first person in the world, you will get a reward: 1. Popularity plus 5000, 2. Your behavior in other countries enjoys diplomatic exemption, which means that it will not become a red name. 3. If you are killed in foreign countries, there will be no punishment of experience losses, no loss of equipment, and resurrection in Yanhuang City after death. 4. Free a simple world map, through major cities that you can travel freely. Wow, a lot of discounts, The golden armor on the right asked, "

Please choose the country you want to go.” Japan. "

Please pay 1,000 gold coins.” …… It’s really dark, and it takes money to go out. After paying the money, I finally took the first step in the light, excited … At this time, I didn’t know that I had caused a stir. Xiaomao was busy drafting the plan in the meeting, and suddenly heard a huge systematic sound: "

The first-level master of the second world, Chinese Yanhuang City player ——- The demon king soul eater through the Chinese borders and heading to Japan, he will get a reward of the system as follows …” In Pangu City, the illegal entry of the seventh floor of the lizard cave is suddenly heard of the system announcement, and the whole person was stunned, the anger in his hand fell to the ground, and sighed silently; In the son -in -law city, Qingqing apple incense is taking stock of the best equipment in the warehouse. From time to time, a beautiful woman with a beautiful woman laughs and laughs. When she hears the system announcement, her face changes greatly, and the beauty next to her also lost a smile. At the same time, the risk -up war kept and received the news. "

Haha, Brother Soul Eater always walks in front of others, and we must work hard to do things that others cannot do." A group of people also accepted In the encouragement, it was more motivated to march forward. … … Japan is in a chaos. A Chinese player who exceeds level 81 is marching towards their territory. The purpose and meaning of the game are fighting each other. Chinese players will definitely not travel here. Disaster, the ninjas of major cities in Japan were madly dispatched, searching for the invaders everywhere, and several major banks issued a joint statement, found that the tracer rewarded the gold coin 10,000, eliminated the invaders’ reward of 10,000, and awarded the Great Japan Empire Medal. More than 5 people must go to work, do not act without authorization, and find that there should be no grass and snakes when you find that the movement and static … Other countries have different reactions. Although they are not as panic in Japan, it also causes a sensation for a while. OK. We are looking at the protagonist at this time. God, who designed the time and space door, it is really garbage. When I took the first step of light, I found that I stepped on the air, and the door was a fall -type space door. Now I am hanging up. On a huge cherry tree, Faint, where is this? It’s really miserable! It was really shameful to crawl down from the tree. Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise my handsome image was not destroyed. The guard sent me on my map shows that my position is now in Japan’s ultimate monster out of Mount Fuji, which is equivalent to our Kunlun. Mount Fuji, standing in the south of the central part of the state, is the tallest mountain peak in Japan. It is 3,776 meters above sea level. Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which is rumored to be formed by earthquakes in 286 BC. Since there are written records in 781 AD, it has erupted 18 times, and the last time was 1707, and it has since become a dormant volcano. Due to the eruption of the crater, Mount Fuji has formed countless caves at the foothills, and some caves still have jet phenomena today. There are two volcanic mouths on the top of the mountain, a large volcanic mouth, about 800 meters in diameter and 200 meters deep. Fuji Shandong is about 80 kilometers away from Tokyo, crossing Shizuoka and Yamana, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. Known as "

Shengyue" by the Japanese people, it is a symbol of the Japanese nation. The entire mountain of Mount Fuji is cone -shaped. At a glance, it looks like a fan that hangs upside down. The Japanese poet once praised it with poems such as "

jade fan hanging from Donghai Tian" and "

Fuji Bai Xueying Chaoyang". There are "

Fuji Eight Peaks" around the mountains around the mountains, Bai Shanyue, Jiuxu Zhiyue, Dayue Yue, Izuyue, Chengyue, Komyue and Sanyue. The northern foot of Mount Fuji has Five Lakes of Fuji. From east to west are Shanzhong Lake, Kawaguchi, West Lake, Jingjin Lake and Benqi Lake. The Mount Fuji in the game is generally the original shape, but it is just removed that the part that is not conducive to the game is removed, and the shape of the mountain is more like-the breast, haha. I’m on the top of my nipples now, it’s really refreshing. Well, I am going to start my Japanese Soubao plan. (Note: Japanese players are basically similar to us, but they do not have thieves, but they have the profession of Ninja. This is the largest number of Japanese people. Japanese priests cannot be transferred to be a surgeon.) To be honest, this small place in Japan is not very good. The cherry blossoms are still good. Just first come to a Japanese first meal, haha, I am too anxious to forget to eat. I take out the prepared food from the space bag. He has started fighting for the stomach. Well, eating here is really unique, so a Japanese girl pour me wine next to me. I was grunting, and I didn’t know that the danger was here. This is not a normal place, but the Fuji Mountain with the top monsters. No one dares to come to death in Japanese players, just like our Kunlun There is basically no one to go now. "

Hi, Sakura Sister, I respect you!" I said to a cherry tree behind me. Just drink, a little, the cup in my hand is gone, turn around, take a sip of air, obedient, so big spider, my poor cup is clicked in its mouth, see that mouth full of mouth The steel teeth, at first glance, are carnivorous animals.

They are really lucky.

When they arrive, they encounter such disgusting things.

They give it a lightning.

Unfortunately, they did n’t even have responded, but they rushed over even more fiercely.

The situation is not good, flash first.

I didn’t expect to have a honeycomb this time.

We tossing many of the brothers who were sleeping to wake up all.

A group of guys with insufficient sleep immediately joined the chase to me.

How can a person be stuffed with your teeth?

Unfortunately, this group of pursuits are extremely annoyed by human beings who dare to wake up and go back from time to time.

Although everyone lives with the same mountain, they have their own sites and have no connection.

It happened to take this opportunity to come to a big hunting operation.

The perverted guy is really fast.

My acceleration has been used, and it can still hurt me.

“Come on, come soon!”

“Boss, what’s the matter!”

However, the dissatisfaction of the side dishes has not reached a second, and in the ranks of running, the 9th -level sacred beasts are only fled in the face of such a large top -level abnormal monster. Yeah, but there are no longer a few that can fly in these abnormalities. Like the nine -headed bird, obediently, a head is more ugly, the harsh call is even more unbearable. Compared with me, I would rather listen to small dishes. The hoe, the same as the bee -like bee, I do n’t know if it should be called a bee. The poison needle on the butt is one meter long, and it is still blue. If it is touch, it must be fart immediately. “Boss, is this hell, a lot of ugly ghosts.”

The side dishes were also headache for these “pursuers”.

“We fly towards the mountains, and the”

friendly neighbor “that the baby is returned to us is also the original owner.”

Pray for the poor Japanese compatriots in his heart. According to the map, there is a city nearby. I have accelerated the small dish to increase its speed by 10 %, which can ensure the safety of our lives. I still do n’t forget to use lightning to pull it. Unfortunately, the leadership can not release the monster, otherwise I really want to improve their morale, and I ran a huge city in front of the eyes for more than half a time. Obviously, if no one is, we are almost exhausted. Not far from the city, there are already scattered players. “Harbon sells the circus on behalf of the circus, to the way to go to the road, the auntie of the Chinchilla, Olympic Milk Auntie Four, Haha”

(For the first time, please take care of it) Probably my Japanese was too bad. The guy dressed in the ninja in front of me, froze, seemed to have encountered something happy, Hungry Rigala said a lot, but unfortunately when he saw the monster group behind him I was drowned, hey, poor guy. At this time, many Japanese players have seen the monster group and they have issued alarm. Unfortunately, I took the lead in flying from the city. The monsters found the goal of venting. Except that the nine -headed ugly bird is one of them. Unfortunately, this is in the city. The NPC guards in the city will not make the monsters mess. These guys respond as soon as they flew into the city archer. Play slowly. I can also take a good look at this city that is about to disappear. Who is so “ambitious”

dare to build the city under Mount Fuji. There are several characters on the city walls that should be the name of the city. Unfortunately, they recognize me, they recognize me, they recognize me, they recognize me. I don’t recognize them. Below is now really a chicken flying dog. Suddenly the monsters have caught off guard these ninjas. Do you see that someone is here to reinforce? The slaughter is definitely a unilateral slaughter. I think the levels of these ninjas are not low. All of them are about 60. It is no wonder that they dare to mix here. At this time, a guy riding a Level 9 Lion -tail flew up. I took a look at the detection. The top-top guy, the top ninja knife —— Village, the attack power 10 -61, accurately add 3, double the attack speed, with the spiritual magic-intimidation, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack, add a attack, add an attack, add an attack, add an attack. Still the best, good things. “You are the first master from China ——- Soul Eater?”

Ban Zang flew to the air to the air, and he used international words. “Yes, I am a soul -eater, but the first master dare not be a man. "

Soul Eater, modesty, the superior element of the pole and dragon king god power, the level of more than 81 characters, and according to my own identification, you must have artifact on your body. I don’t believe someone is better than you.” This service department. Banzang is a bit of the ability, and it is still full of stomach. He is about to open the pan below. He is very calm and can chat with me. Anyway, I also have time. I can’t lose gifts in front of your foreign players. "

Oh, polite, I also arrived in your land. I did not expect that the monster brothers of your country were so ’enthusiastic’. Come? “I’m strange, what I come here seems to know everyone knows The service department took a glance at the situation below, a touch of killing in his eyes, suddenly turned into a smiley face, "

Where, the soul -eating king’s business has been announced all over the world. Now who doesn’t know the name of Soul Eater, the world’s first master, haha, admire.” Dizzy is a high hat. What kind of medicine does this gourd sell for this guy? If you have time with me, it is better to help him to help his men keep the city. The monster has occupied the city. This, but he seems to be full of unreasonable expression, and he is so enthusiastic, as if what I brought to him is not destroying but gold coins, etc. He said that what I came to Japan had been announced by the system. These guys are already prepared, but I do n’t know where I have appeared. He is now supporting time to wait for time. "

Oh, Ban Zangjun, the younger brother has not been in the Japanese region, so he won’t be troublesome here. You will see you in the future." When he turned around and left, the guy suddenly stopped me. "

Hey, it’s not so easy to leave, brothers come out." Sure enough, I was guessed, and the support came. There are four other ninjas. The names are called the first Tibetan of the Ministry, the second Tibetan of the service department, the three Tibetans of the service department, and the subordinates of the service department. The semi -Zangyan laughed, "

Hey, the world’s first master died under my brothers in my service department. Our Japanese ninja will be famous for the entire world, hahahaha." The four fools next to it laughed. Their dishes look like. "

Boy, dare to challenge our entire Japan, really don’t know the guys, the brothers give me!" Brush, lift four people in one word, and then occupy four directions, drink a lot of someware-ninja avatars, (ninja avatars, high-level fantasy dedicated to the ninja, up to 4 people can be available, you can confuse your opponents, listen to it, listen to It is said that the help of the artifact can make the avatar the entity, horrible!) But the four guys in front of them are definitely not available. One by one, and a knife, 16 ninjas killed it at my head, obedient, so scary, but unfortunately it was useless, it was instantly moved, 16 shadows were cut off, and I had jumped out of the circle. Guy, under the moment of my perspective, illusion does not work at all, unless the level is higher than me, but this kind of person has not yet been born. All of them broke, nine days thunderous, a small cloud appeared in the sky, covering the head of the service department. This silly fork was still looking up, thinking that it was God. "

One hidden flashes!" Half Tibetan shouted anxiously, but unfortunately late, the side dishes are really hearty with me, a fast -and -paralyzed lightning has already been up, just in the time of one Tibetan, the nine -day thunder fire dropped down. , Even the pets were all beaten into the monsters below, and they were drowned in a blink of an eye, haha, Harrilia! The other three guys saw that the brothers had hung up, and the scream Baya Road rushed up. I quickly opened, and of course I couldn’t be idle in my mouth. "

Haha, don’t be excited, accident, accident!" Then there was a nine -day thunder … "

false phase", just an ordinary cloud, a few guys followed them on the top of their heads. I immediately flickered away and started to take off the darts. Well, the sky is full of darts. It is really spectacular. I have two consecutive instantaneous shifts and avoid it, but the darts who are too good are just resolved. The archer’s nine -headed bird’s head, which can be murmured, especially the disfigured bird head, even crazy, and then there was a bird head division, one The nine heads were divided into three three -headed birds, and they rushed towards the Two Three Fourth Tibetan fiercely. Halo, it really has national characteristics, even monsters will be this trick. "

Oh, Ban Zangjun, and left you alone, what should I do if I use some time to wait for someone!" “Hum, don’t be too arrogant, don’t compare me with the three fools just now, let’s take a move!”

Ban Zang sneered a few times, the old way, or the ninja avatar, no, why do it seem to be all like Really. The four service departments surrounded me, and then they said, “Soul Eater Jun see which one is true, you may wish to tell you, Benjun happens to have the strongest artifact of our big Japanese empire —— false is in the false. Real, you can turn the phantom into a entity. I don’t believe your life if you don’t believe your life! "

After speaking, the four figures were killed by me. This is not good, and the intimidation of Murakami also affects the side dishes. I quickly moved away. The four guys laughed. “Oh, see where you hid!”

Wow, another ninja dart. “Angry, the tiger is not prestigious, you are a sick cat!”

I opened a moisturizing shield, and I put four ice fires and two days. The darts hit me without a big response. After going up, there were three images, and three of them had nothing to change. One saw the blood immediately, hey, I found the orthopedic, I put a restraint and delay in the body, and I couldn’t ignore the phantom attack chasing him and smashed him. At first glance, the mage dared to carry him hard with him, and immediately got happy. I shifted to escape three phantom attacks and killed him in front of him. It was not always used to escape in an instant. It was broken, and there was a lot of magic, but the source of magic and 10 % of the king’s rod recovered, and immediately added to the scorpion lion with a laser, a string of two, a meteor fire burning lion, and a scorpion. Pushing, the poor Banzang was thrown down (I said it was safer to ride a horse, hey, some people just like adventure), the last one, hey, how can you grab my limelight on the side dish, my last trick hasn’t yet yet If you have time, the poor Banzang has been hit by the side dishes, and he was pushed up again before landing. Following it was a big lightning, and his life was whispering. Wow, the red name is bursting, small dishes, fast, one, two, three, four, hey picked four. There is his village, the real (bracelet) in the false, and a ninja necklace, which turned out to be a photo? Intersection Intersection The next battle is also ended. The player is basically gone. Although there is no loss of the monsters, many of them are injured. First, find a safe place to hide. I don’t want to attract their attention. After the monster was vented, I saw that there was nothing to play, and I went back one after another. When I left, I did n’t forget to destroy the things in the city. This city was over. Is I made some too much? I brought the truth in the false, and the system immediately reminded: Players learned new skills —— Divide the body, hey, cool. As for the other two, I can’t use it anymore. By the way, there are photos, beautiful women, absolute beauty, alas? Why is it so familiar? This is not my “box”

school sister. She also plays the world. It seems that she is still a dying half -Tibetan dream lover. Oops, it’s really sorry, but some topics will be said in the future. I looked at the things on the ground, and I could only pick up. I couldn’t pretend so much. I didn’t expect it to be filled with a trip. Let’s go back first. This time, I was a little troubled. I am going to the teleportation station with the straps. The stuff exceeds my own weight, but it is the same as the real weight, but it can be brought to more. Tao: “Soul Eater, I bought so many souvenirs in our country once. It seems that the products in our Japanese region are just fine.”

Another samurai also smiled and agreed. Two fools, souvenirs are true, but they are not bought, they are “picking ‘. On the surface, they are of course smiling. After all, offending them, they have no good fruit to eat. "

Oh, that is, take a few more bags next time, the equipment of your country is really good!” I really want to see that they know that I destroyed a city and grabbed an artifact. Interesting! "

So two, I leave, see you in the future.” "

Good go, good, come again next time." Looking at their intimacy, I can’t wait to talk to them like this, but this is also here, only the two of them are boring enough, but the things on their bodies are too heavy, the things on their bodies are too heavy, it is too heavy. 555, let’s go back quickly. "

Xiao Mao, come and pick me up, tired me, find a few people to help me lift things, I am at the gate of Yanhuang City." As soon as I returned, I immediately sent a message to Xiao Mao. Building a conveyor station in the city, but this project is huge. "

Boss, send it, you wait, I will come soon!" But I heard his excitement didn’t seem to come to me, so sad. The identity of the little stone I use now, I don’t want the devil’s soul to sit back in front of the city door with a pocket like a fugitive, and watch a group of people around me around, it is uncomfortable. At this time, leaning against the wall and watching the busy players in the city, it is also full of interesting. The second world is not exactly the game now. The amusement items in the city are increasing day by day. There is no difference. Now many people are getting rich by this game. I am one of them. Although I never care about this, but in terms of money, Xiao Mao is scheduled to my account on a regular basis, but I have never asked just asking it. It’s right. "

Boss, I’m here." Xiao Mao rushed towards me, followed by the second sister -in -law, and the cat fish and dual -silly. After a second, Xiao Mao has flashed from me, and the bags on the ground are rushed to the ground. × ◎ % ※ ×! "

Boss, don’t have to be so cruel, when I will pick one from it as a mental flesh loss fee." "

Huh, everyone can pick one!" "

Isn’t that a meal?" "

Guess right, add 10 points!" "

Boss, this time I went to do something, why did I come back so soon?" The cat fish aside asked. "

I said, don’t be anxious, first of all, we should go back first, and then we should get me a good dish, good wine, find a few beauty, forget it, say slippery. Hahaha!" If this is a passing I am going to suffer from Xueer. Back in the guild, Xueer and the baby did not go, but the sisters were there, and Xiao Mao prepared things for a while, and I said my trip to Japan again. "

Ah, boss, you are ruthless enough." First of all, the heart of the heart expressed the opinion, "

Beautiful, boss, that is, I ca n’t pass it, otherwise I will go fiercely once." Da silly and small silly on the side were very excited. "

You men are all good and warriors." Xinluo’s temperament is gentle, always with a conservative attitude. "

Don’t take it lightly. I don’t know other places. The level of players in the city that I see is very high. If the other place is the same, the threat to us is really big, especially their boss 73 level 73 level 73 But it is very fierce. It is also a master of our Central Plains. Fortunately, this time he burst into his baby, haha, the red name dare to be so arrogant, thinking that only he has an artifact! " "

Boss, you can copy all his family this time. This guy will not commit suicide. A top -level best village is definitely higher than our dragon. ? That artifact? Why didn’t you see it? " Xiao Mao was very sharp, I lifted my wrist, "

Everyone is optimistic!" Divided into two, one is divided into two, two are divided into four, four souls appeared on the dining table. The shocked guys opened their mouths one by one. , Dizzy, what am I thinking, sin. Seeing that I stared at her red lips, my face was red. Since the last thing, the two of our parties have not had the opportunity to get along alone. "

Observe, boss, these are all real people!" The second sister -in -law looked incredible. "

Of course, otherwise how is it called an artifact? This time it is a big harvest, haha, I am now two artifacts on my body, two ghosts (magic rings, clutch bracelets, magic sources, and overweight space bags). It’s on the body. “Xiao Mao, the village is ready to put it, and there will definitely be a good price at the auction, that is, you can get a place on the list of the god soldiers!”

“That’s it, I will carry it every day every day.”

Looking at the little hair with a serious face, dizzy, don’t have to be so serious. “Okay, boss, you eat slowly, I went out to do business.”

It took time to finish equipment. “Do you eat together?”

Now there are only six of us in the room. “We have all eaten, you eat it ourselves.”

I was interested in watching me for dinner, I was hungry. I just spoke a big call just now, and now I can’t care about it. “Come and drink.”

I mood brought the water to my mouth, and I wouldn’t feed me. Xueer and Baby are not next to them. The sisters in the mood also take care of it, and I dare to talk about some more jokes. When you are happy, they also start to drink golden fruit wine. The more you drink, the better. The girls who do not drink often. I also want to get drunk too.

It is also possible to forgive me to take advantage of it.

Unfortunately, I did n’t get drunk.

I can only do hard work.

First, I sent these drunk women to the room one by one.

Of course, some small physical contacts are some.

, But in general, I am still very honest, and the others are all labor costs.

The last sentimental sister, it was difficult to keep a balance after drinking.

I was tripped by the threshold of the damn to the door.

On the chest.

The clothes they wear were less.

With such a hug, the two people’s chest was attached together.

The beautiful face was only ten centimeters away from me, and the eyes that closed my eyes slightly trembled for a while, wouldn’t it be drunk?

The sweetness of the exhaled slightly sprayed on my face, it should not.

Her soft chest was put on my solid chest, and the wonderful taste was incredible.

I was a little dazed, but I couldn’t bear to let go.

The slightly closed eyes and the flashes of the lips made me don’t know what to do.

At this time, I am really contradictory.

I think it would be difficult for everyone to be in this situation.

After all, I already have two girlfriends, but I clearly feel the love of mood.

, I have a crystal tears on the face of my mood.

I have a heartbreaking heart, the beauty is heavy, and the people have put down the reserved that the woman should have.

I am a big man who is afraid of the wolf and then he should be afraid of the tiger.

Good flowers can be folded!

I finally put aside everything, kissed the seductive red lips, and responded jerky but warmly, and my hands had been tightly around my neck unconsciously.

We forgot everything.

This beauty who has been accompanied by me from the beginning can finally lie in my arms with peace of mind.

The beauty blooming is all for me —— everything is fate!

The hibiscus tent is warm here, but the outside is not possible.

In some places, the firecrackers were set up.

The protagonist of the incident is now enjoying the blessing of the world.

This cross -border incident will inevitably cause warm chaos, which is also the first international event since the second world’s operation.

The official website issued a statement that as long as the system is not allowed to be allowed to be allowed, we are only responsible for hardware issues as long as the system is not prohibited.

Everything in the game is running in accordance with the scheduled procedures, and the program is passed by all participating countries.

Essence “Outside, outside the number, the latest World Newspaper and Yan Huang Pao, two gold coins, come and buy.”

“What’s wrong today, the lanterns are linked, even the price of the newspaper has been 10 times!”

Passenger A was puzzled, and suddenly found that the people around him looked at him. He scared him and quickly bought two newspapers. A big title on the newspaper “The Devil’s Soul Eatering Soul Eatering Soul Society!”

At the same time, it also introduced the upcoming economic and trade city and the auction activities and weapon evaluation activities held during the opening ceremony. In addition to the auction, in addition to a large number of superb products, there will also be a large number of Japanese torrential products. Among them — Village is one of them. When I heard that ownership, the village may generate new skills with their own career, of course, only thieves are limited. The weapon evaluation conference is a good opportunity for the majority of players to become famous. The top ten have rich prizes and bonuses. In the World Daily, such a striking reward advertisement was published: Japan’s four major ninja groups issued a joint statement, rewarding 100 million gold coins to kill the demon king, and 50 million gold coins recovered “the real”

real “35 million gold coin Recycling Demon Dao Village. The next issue will launch an exclusive interview with the Demon King Soul Eater, please wait and see. Yan Huang Pao updates the list of the heavenly list that everyone is more concerned about at the same time: This ranking is still the strongest state after transformation + pet ability. Intersection It represents no pet or is not measured, or is confidential content, or because I am prohibited. With personal biography. Heaven List: 1. Demon King Soul Eater -Mage’s combat power: 55000 + 7000 +? Intersection Intersection Level: 81 potential? Intersection Intersection Biography: Master Soul Eater, Demon, talented player. Weapon: The king’s stick, a set of dragon king god power, with the artifact "

compromise of the God of War” and "

the truth in the illusion", the ghost "

magic source and overweight space bag"; pet: two, the nine -level god beast golden corner silver flying flying Ma, the other is still unknown. The urban-level castle-the Magic Palace has a total of 1,5350 members. Not long ago, two hidden tasks were completed, and he learned the skills-instant movement, the rod of the best element was upgraded to become the king’s stick. Entering Japan alone, causing the Japanese Ninja Association to destroy. On the spot, he killed the first ninja uniform in Japan and obtained the artifact "

illusory real" and Demon Dao Village. For details, please see the first edition of this newspaper. 2. Phoenix Goddess Snow -Master’s combat power: 6000 + 9500 Level 68 Potential: Five Stars Biography: Snow, ordinary players, angels, the first beauty of the Central Plains, and the country. Rarely fighting with people, gentle and understanding, is the goddess of a man. Weapon: Goddess’s blessing, angel blessing necklace, angel bracelet. Complete the hidden task, the transfer of the transfer was successful. 3. Illegal entry -Warrior combat power 6500 + 7500 level 72 Potential: Four stars Biography: Xiaoyao King — illegal entry, talent player, angel family, the first master of Pan ancient city, proud personality, pursuing the fairy of the gimbal. Weapons: Need for anger, God of War helmet, God of War necklace. Pets —– Grade 8 Holy Beast Flying Dragon. It is known that among the players, the level is third. Have ghosts-ultra-negative heavy space bags. Have a trip —— Xiaoyao Emperor City. 4. Mood -Warrior combat power 7000 + 7000 level 70 potential: four stars Biography: The mood of the five fairy, the talent player, the elves, the first general of the demon king, the head of the magic ride group. One of the top ten beauties. Sex Pet: Level 8 Wind Elf King. Personality: Leadership, understanding. Equipment: Green jade slaughtering dragon is the only one in the Central Plains today, and was sent by the demon king’s soul. It was triggered by the demon king to trigger the hidden task. Essence After completing the hidden character upgrade, it became a green jade dragon. Perform stunt-Tu Longbo. It is rumored to have recently exposed the relationship with the devil’s soul -elixir. Please pay attention to this newspaper. 5. Qingqing apple incense -Warrior combat power 5500 + 8000 level 68 Potential: Four Stars Biography: rich world-Qingqing apple fragrance, ordinary players, people, the first master of son-in-law, and the richest man in the Central Plains. Equipment: Angry, God of War necklaces, ghosts-blessing necklace. Pet: Level 9 Holy Beast — Xuanwu. Have a club-Shang League. At the beginning, he was committed to leveling, desperately leveling, and acquired good equipment at high prices. Some time ago, a conflict with the soul of his men was killed on the spot, and he kept silent about the matter. 6. Undead -Thieves combat power 6500 + 6000 level 69 Potential: Samsung Biography: Heavenly Kills —— Endless, ordinary players, wolfs of orcs. Action is ghost, pets ——- level 8 wind wolf king. Equipment: Undead and no return to force darts, wind boots, wind gloves. The owner of the killer, accepting the commissioned killing, has not lost record so far, but the price is very high. Attachment: Person price: The price of killing once. All the characters on the major lists are the starting price of 50W gold coins except the list of the list, each of which doubles. The characters on the list of heaven start at 100W, and temporarily do not accept the agent of the assassination of the demon king soul and female players. The characters outside the list are negotiated according to the level and equipment. In addition to rising foreign objects in terms of price, there are rumors that are considering whether to accept the commission of the Japanese. 7. Feiyun -Master’s combat power 6800 + 5200 level 69 Potential: Five stars Biography: Yundai Fairy -Feiyun, ordinary players, demons. Women with obvious personality and firm will. Pet —– Grade 8 Pet Thunderbird. The second-ranked beauty list, but I don’t care about this, triggering the hidden task, and the Taoist priest transferred to a special occupation —— 绝 绝, no boyfriend is now, but the pursuit is all over the Central Plains, the most powerful of which is the most powerful. The competitors are illegally entry for King Xiaoyao. According to me, I am very interested in the soul of the demon king. His boyfriend needs to defeat the soul -elixir, which makes a large number of Fans desperately leveling to challenge the devil. According to this newspaper, the challengers have not yet appeared after the illegal entry. 8. Love Xin Zhe Luo -Archer’s combat power 6000 + 5800 level 69 Potential: Four Stars Biography: The disappearing king ——- Love Xin Jue Luo, talented players, Wooden Elf clan. A magical shooter. Pets —– Grade 8 unicorn. Equipment: Breaking evil long bow, phantom necklace. There is a club ~ Elf Garden ~, it is said that it is a super handsome guy who has completed the A -level hidden task of the Sagittarius. The specific situation is unknown. 9 War Ninth -Warrior’s combat power 7000 + 4500 level 72 Potential: Samsung Biography: Lonely God of War \ -Sther, ordinary players, Dragon. An silent lonely hero is the only one among the characters on the list so far. Pet: Iron-back bear -7-level soil attributes. However, recently, with the zodiac signs of the city, it is rumored to have a secret agreement with the devil’s soul -elixir, and has a private hatred with Qingqing apple incense. 10. Forever Magic Master -Master’s combat power 6500 + 4300 level 69 Potential: Five stars Biography: Eternal Magic, ordinary players, demons.

A weird mage who likes to study magic, likes to inquire about monuments, specially creates magic props, is also a senior alchemist, and has an experience with experience communication-the Institute of Magic.

The joining is all a mage, with super powerful attack power, equipment: the best soul-eater, ghosts-the source of magic.

Pet: Level 7 Firefox.

It is also the second strongest master of the Central Plains.

There is a lot of arms evaluation that will soon be held.

Weapon List: 1.

The God of War compromise artifact 2 .

The real artifact in the illusion 3.

5 Stealing ring ghost ware 6.

8 Blessing necklace ghosts 9.

Tempting melody ghost ware 10.

Treatment ring ghost Chapter 24 Chinese Kung Fu “Ah Zhong, get up, it’s late!”

Li Zi, who is usually lazy than me, is earlier than me today, and is holding a comb on a few hair on the side. Hosted, a hair is straight, like a hedgehog, and the room is full of taste. “Li Zi, are you crazy? Go to be a duck, make such a ghost, and make trouble in the morning so early.”

I was too lazy to ignore him and sleep as usual. Ah, Li Zi, your brain is broken. This guy directly withdrew my quilt, but fortunately, the habit of Ben handsome guy without naked sleep would not lose much. “Boss, this morning is the first community activity of our karate Society. Do you want to be absent?”

Li Zi stared at me with a green light. It seems that as long as I have the opposite meaning I did not hesitate to swallow my life. “Oh, I forgot, can’t you go? Help me ask for a little bit.”

“Boss, my younger brother knows that you have two beautiful unes -in -law, but you also have to plan for the future of your brothers. Don’t you go to the same ship as you are on the same ship, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no It has become a ghost for dead ghosts, let alone chasing beautiful people, and my life doesn’t know if it is guaranteed! "

No, so miserable, it seems that it can’t sleep today. Five minutes later, Li Zi dragged himself asleep towards our karate. It’s really spectacular. The empty Taoist pavilion in front of me covers an area of about ten acres, and it is antique design and big. “Boss, let me tell you coolly. In this scale, only the art club can be compared with him! When the members at the door saw us, they reached out and stopped us. "

Classmates please show the student ID?” Li Zi and I gave him the student ID. The student bowed to me and said, "

Student Wang Zhong, the president’s president’s room is waiting for you, please go directly.” Although I don’t know what happened, there is no reason for the call of the president. I rejected it, and I also stopped the plums who wanted to go with me. It was funny to look at Li Zi’s unwilling look, and wasn’t it a date, but it was also the beautiful Japanese school sister really looked at me. If you want to come first, what or what, if so, I am willing to donate my perfect body for the country, hahaha, a disgusting abnormal man appeared on a beautiful campus. ??, Is there anyone? "

Please come in!" The voice was so sweet, not appropriate, it should be tempting, huh. The school sister who was holding a list of empty doors looked up and saw me, showing a charming smile, haha, if the sister knew his boyfriend or the suitor \ -Ding the semi-collection, he was hung by me. And the culprit of Tucheng’s culprit is me. I don’t know if she will use her beautiful and fitness thighs to kick me, and then use the huge and solid ‘pectoral muscles’ to kill me. Under my penetrating eyes and computer -like calculations, um, there are about 34D, amazing, and fight with our American school sister. Seeing my hot eyes, my sister was not angry, but instead looked at me interested. "

I don’t know what the president is looking for him." I deliberately came up on a word. "

School brother, don’t see me like an enemy. We have no entanglement. If you take out your narrow ethnic thoughts to look at all Japanese people, is it extreme?" Halo, she was caught by her pain, but also, our Chinese nation should have the same heart as our great motherland. For this innocent beauty in front of us, we should conquer her with the excellent talents of our Chinese people. Don’t leave when the beautiful women are coming. As for other Japanese, our party is not often said that specific analysis is specific to the specific situation. "

Sister Xue, I apologize to you for your previous attitude!" "

Where, let’s not talk about these sweeping words, don’t you want to know why I look at you another look?" Sister Xiangzi Xuezi’s eyes showed a cunning expression. "

Is it because I am too handsome, and just happen to be with my sister’s appetite. Don’t be embarrassed, the younger brother is willing to work!" I look at a magnificent look. Fluttering, my sister was scared by me under the table. "

Huh, how can you think so, big wolf!", Sorted out the instrument, "

You can’t be serious, you can do my boyfriend, as long as you can defeat me." After launching an attack, I kicked in the four stages. It was very flexible. I flashed lightly. "

Why are you doing this? I didn’t mess with you?" Sister Xue laughed, "

You are also a warrior, it is true, you must play with me today, otherwise you don’t think about leaving!" "

Sister Xue, let’s wait for everyone to wait for this. I think I still go first," I turned around after turning. "

If you go, if you dare to go, I will shout you to be a gift, and see what will your two girlfriends react with my" Guard "

?" After speaking, you still come back obediently. There is no way, just fight, see me agreed, the beautiful school sister, picked up the remote control on the table, slap, the door next to it opened, dizzy, it turned out to be a practice room. "

If you want to come to the school, you also know that karate is just some ordinary kung fu. We don’t want to turn around. My qi is also learning from China. Please give me more advice." After bowing, I bowed quickly. Sister Xueyou faintly exudes a breath of people with the change of emotion. For people who are also practicing, I can feel the subtle mysteries of this old man at such a close distance. It is thick and very light, but I have clearly captured that if you are not enough for ordinary people to play a few small lives, that gas locks me tightly, no matter how I twist slightly, I will encounter it if it is broken. The rebound of the wall, hehe, full of interesting. The momentum of Xuejie has risen to the peak, and I still look at it. When I am scattered, I have no trace when I have been around me. The mind, like her age, can be trained to be out of breath. It is indeed a genius. As for me, it is even a genius in genius! The deep eyes of the school sister are unpredictable that a punch is not about to hit my abdomen, and the surrounding field is instantly dense. Even the air has the quality, dizzy, and it is still a primary ability. I said that the warriors in the school said Many, how could there be no one who could defeat her. This fist is very slow. I can see the trajectory of the punches clearly. Even the sound of the fist through the air can be perceived, full of oppression, now the hidden strength is the same as suicide. Stocks, slap, the two aura did not have a big movement. My aura began to swallow. Yes, this is one of my qi ability -swallowing. Although it is difficult to cover up the anxiety in her heart, the school sister’s killing move still attacked. But as soon as I was close to my aura, the speed dropped immediately, but the school sister was not discouraged, but the whole body skills, which broke my aura, oh, good, the success of the two success is a little smaller, seeing the killing direction, seeing the killing direction, seeing the kill In front of me, I was stretched by my hand, slammed, fell into my control, and below to attack my important beautiful legs, and I was caught by me. At this time Fine light, haha, the ability of the spiritual system, from the B -level and C -Class, the spiritual charm, seeing me still clear eyes, and starting to panic. Move, I took off my master. Now I can be interested in, or those who have the muscle ability of the D -class, although the ability level is not very high, it is really not easy to master so many kinds. Unfortunately, I met me. My hands quickly ordered the four acupuncture points of Shangxing, Hua Gai, meal, and Qihai. True Qi imprisoned her actions along the acupuncture point. Our beautiful school sister suddenly found that he couldn’t move, and the cute big eyes blinked. Well, I gave me a sweet smile. "

The schoolmate is really hidden. Even the legendary, the Dafa of Dafa, one of the two treasures of Yaowang Mansion, said, so you are the heirur of Yaowang Mansion’s own generation. Once, my little king, people have admitted defeat! " The sister -in -law is a little ambiguous now. I quickly unbuttoned the acupuncture point. Before I did not handle my mood sister, I should not have a good branch. "

Oh, sisters, there are more discriminations in the rudeness. As for the medicine palace, the younger brother has never heard of it, and it is not a little king, just a lascivious poor student." Sister Xue saw me denying, and was a little surprised: "

You really don’t know the Pharmaceutical Palace?" "

Of course I don’t know. To be honest, I am not a person in the martial arts circle, but I will just have a few moves." “Also, I heard my master said that the Pharmaceutical Palace is the most hidden martial arts in the rivers and lakes. How can there be a descendant like you! But you just ordered my acupuncture point just now!”

“Haha, the world’s martial arts are a family. I learned from a mysterious old man. I see that he was pitiful and gave him a bun. He gave me these little tricks.”

I suddenly felt that my ability to compose a story was also very strong. Well. “Oh. Oh, hey, we are going, it’s been half an hour, we blame you.”

“Halo, it seems that the women in any country are the same. The ability to shirk responsibility is really no borders.”

“So, my sister, I will retire first.”

After speaking, we will leave, but our beautiful president suddenly holds me enthusiastically, wow, so elastic, don’t have to be so intimate. “Zhong Jun, let’s go together.”

Dizzy, when are we so close, the names have changed, “This, this school sister, do we seem to have not yet reached this point?”

“People have sent a vow, as long as the people I see can defeat me, it is my boyfriend, we have played it, and people have completely surrendered, hum, if you don’t want me, I will die for you to you Look. "

Say, he will cry. Halo, I am not afraid of it, I am afraid of tears. “Sister Xue, you know that I already have 3 girlfriends. Although they are all in the virtual world, in reality … Anyway, this relationship is more difficult to deal with pulling.”

Seeing my face is embarrassed, incensezi Polying and laughing, “You can rest assured, I will deal with these relationships, but isn’t it just Feng Xue and Lu Xiaoxue? How can it become three?”

I looked at a poor face, “Do you want me to tell you now, are we late? "

“Oh, you wait.”

“Hey? Is it a dumplings? You can take the trainees to practice with the trainees. I have important things, so I can get it!”

Hanging Tianxun, holding my arm again, like a child, “Okay, people do it, you should say.”

“Can you put me down first?”

“No, unless you don’t want people anymore.”

It seemed that as long as I said it was not a word, I cried and showed me immediately, great! I can’t cope with this coquettish skill. To be honest, there is such a big beauty entanglement, which is actually very cool and contradictory. I can only tell her the encounter in the world. When I know that I am a soul -eater, I am surprised. I asked her if she would blame me. She said that there is a saying in China that there is a saying in China. Everything listens to me, and things in the game cannot be associated with actual situation. After all, what their ancestors do do not violate justice. What a good girl who understands. In this way, we said one by one, and one hour passed. “That’s how you pull, what do you say?”

“My husband is not the same. Everywhere is a hero, my husband supports you, the more beautiful women love you, the more prove that I have no wrong person.”

“Xiangzi, don’t call my husband in front of outsiders, it will cause turmoil.”

Xiangzi smiled charmingly: “Understand!”

Chapter 25: Looking back Outside the number, the latest news of the college is absolutely hidden in the hidden version, 10 pieces, everyone is coming to buy, dizzy, isn’t this a member of the news agency of our college, how can it become a newspaper? They, but … it is too expensive! By the way, Li Zi is also in their society. Listening to Li Zi said that he is now the deputy president, and he has envied Liangzi for a long time. I also bought a copy and turned it over. When I touched a big red title, I wow, my hair is upright -Angry Super Earthman! “First of the first school character -Wang Zhong, revealed privacy!”

-Column reporter Li Journalist (Deputy President of the News Agency) This stinky boy dared to expose my old base and went back to the top ten torture of Manchu. Fortunately, my title is not the front page, obediently, the top ten beautiful women have officially ranked out. Students participating in voting account for 90 % of the total number of colleges, and foreign schools have nearly 5W, which is the most in history. When the popular idol star, Mingyue, became a school flower with his strong popularity. The following is the voting situation: 1. Mingyue 72350 votes 2. Feng Xue 69201 vote 3. Zhuge Qing’er 45321 votes 4. Lu Xiaoxue 45300 votes 5. Oda Kaizi 45220 votes 6. Linyue 41000 votes 7. Huang Yawen 38500 votes 8. Chery 35500 votes 9. Chen Sulan 33333 votes 10. Zhuo Lin 32000 votes The goddess of our man’s mind, Miss Mingyue, is 16 years old. Now one of the two most dazzling stars in the world in the world, the crazy elves of all fans, the girls of the major king princes of Europe and the sons of the multinational enterprises are competing to chase the girls. The title of the school flower, Miss Mingyue originally had two choices, one was the Confucian Academy of Film and Television, and the other was our college. Miss Mingyue joined our Galaxy Unification College to affirm and agree with our college. So far, Miss Mingyue is difficult to find, making her loyal Fans look at it, but this afternoon is the time for the art club to recruit male members, and the first community activity of the art club. Ms. Mingyue should attend. Hurry up to occupy the venue. Feng Xue, the most powerful competitor of Miss Mingyue, is talented. The failure of this competition school flower is largely due to the low -key life. It is also the little princess of the Feng Group, but there is no trace of vertical habits. The potential is unlimited. ah! Zhuge Qinger, the contemporary heir of the Zhuge family of the four martial arts family, has the nickname of the “snow queen”.

Many unknown idiots want to challenge the result. There is no enemy. Li Dongtie in the four famous grass is the most powerful competitor among his suitors. … … This newspaper specifically revealed that the exclusive content. Three of the top ten beauties have been confirmed to be playing “the second world”

, and they are the characters of the top ten beautiful women. As for the specific situation, everyone is further discovered. For details, you can participate in the “Second World Discussion Society "

-Reporter Li. I don’t know what the president of the Second World Seminar has given him so hard to make him work hard. No, go back and seal his mouth! Regardless of my business, I have been scorched by the beauty of the beauty. I turned it over to my report just now. Suddenly, and announced that the fifth flower in the top ten famous flowers has been taken by me, and also declared that I am the second and fourth ambiguous guy. Putting, the popularity of the bright moon can be compared. I wonder if I should be happy? It ’s strange that there are a lot of people at this time. Where do people go now? Who can answer my questions? Huh? Why did I take a get out of class so early today? “Two mother dinosaurs in the class are communicating. "

Don’t you know? Why do you take a holiday today? I heard that there is a Mingyue performance today, and the teachers are going to grab the place.” "

But don’t you think the people in the classroom are going too fast today?” "

Is there any way, the boys in the school are preparing to listen to the concert, but it’s an actor!”. "

“Men … really stupid and cheap animals. Why are we so good but no one discovered?”

“Probably since ancient times, Hongyan is so thin!”

“Yeah, we can only pity in the shadow.”

Spit … Fortunately, I eat less today. If you don’t see you with your own eyes, you will not believe that there are so many people, so many cars, and so many “spies”

in our college (want to mix into our school’s school students, and so many pieces, wrong, should be called a police officer .) Standing among tens of thousands of people, I feel that the oxygen content is significantly reduced, and it is not surprising that it will suffocate at any time. The fans around you squeeze me, and I can’t yell, “Please let it go, I am a member of the new male art club who has been exempted from the test”

? I can guarantee that I have to give up from the new. It hurts. In fact, so many people gathered at the door of the art society, and there is no way. “I heard that the moon has arrived at the gate of the school!”

A high bright voice suddenly sent out. “What! Go.”

“No, don’t step on, the camera is the public property of the school, ah! Legend …”

“Hurry up, hurry up, I want to touch the bright moon first, if it is not the first, I will kill everyone in front!”

“Don’t push, don’t push. I am your teacher, you should understand the teacher, let me go first.”

“Hey! Have you heard it? It’s a teacher.”

“Give me, fight!”

“Stop, I, I am not your teacher.”

“Yes. So we are not a student, and continue to step on me.”

It’s crazy. Although I really like Mingyue’s songs, I am probably not a special person, not a very professional fan, let alone … “She”

and I am not very familiar with it. Intersection Intersection Mingyue still appeared at the end, I didn’t know the specific situation, because I couldn’t stand the backlog, I used a little man to enter the art club first, but when I entered, I found that I committed a fatal mistake.

There are women in the hall, as if they are making the final rehearsal, and I am the only little grass.

The most important thing is that Mingyue, who should have received the cheers of Fans outside, is also here, and they are talking about Xueer.


My arrival is like a calm lake that smashed into a large stone, and all my eyes were concentrated on me instantly.

If this is an isolated island, I am happy to spend the second half of my life with these beautiful women, but unfortunately .









“Wang Jun, why are you here!”

Xiangzi first ran over and broke the deadlock, holding my left hand affectionately, “Come, I will introduce it to you, this is my boyfriend Wang Zhong Do you see cute? "

Brushing, Xueer’s face immediately became pale. I suddenly felt that I was so stupid, “Xueer, this, this is not the case.”

Although I don’t know what I said, but Xueer’s His face was suddenly good. She walked quietly in front of me, and wouldn’t it be “flat”

me. Cher paused in front of me for a second. At this time, everyone paid attention to our strange three -person group. Is it going to stage a two -female contention? Then Xueer held my right hand and said to Xiangzi next to Xiangzi, “Sister Xiangzi, you seem to be wrong, Wang Zhong is my boyfriend with Xiaoxue? When did you meet you?”

At this time, Xiaoxue I also jumped out, “Brother Zhong is my husband and Sister Xueer!”

Halo, there is another more, her beauty around her watching these four people strangely. For ordinary men (good people like me are called a little bit better than ordinary, it is difficult to accommodate!) The bright moon on the side stared at these interesting brothers and sisters. “Ah, Wang Jun said, you are Xueer and baby, please take care of it in the future!”

Xiangzi came up with a low posture, and Xueer and baby were not good. In the end, I stood out. “Sorry, we have a little private incident solved and lost for a while!”

Pull the three women to the dressing room next to him. Cher and Baby looked at me and waited for my reasonable explanation. I said the morning situation in the morning. “Sisters, don’t blame Wang Jun, it is Xiangzi bad, knowing that he has two such excellent girlfriends to entangle him.”

He said, bowing and apologizing. As a result, I was driven out by Xueer, and there were only three of them left in the room. Although I don’t have to face the inside, it is not easy to handle outside. At this time, our idol Ming Yueqiang came over and asked, “What do you have to come in around?”

How did you come in? “How did you come in?”

Dizzy, how can I say that I can’t tell her that I am a martial arts and a very powerful person, so I can come in without effort. “Don’t ask, Yueer, he is our new member.”

You can see that everyone likes Mingyue, and I really can’t see the bad habit of a star from her. It is still so fresh and childish! Woohoo, the beautiful president, you are alive, I am willing to use the most gorgeous rhetoric to praise you. But Mingyue’s impression of me is not very good. No one can call me a man. It was one of the more sexy girls who were dressed in more interested in me. In the end, our beautiful Lin Yueban teacher called me over, “Wang Zhong, the teacher does not want to care about your private events, but you have to know that each of them are everywhere by others, you must cherish it!”

Looking at the beautiful teacher’s serious look, grateful in your heart, The emotional thing is here, and the mountains and rivers can’t stop it. I will love them. After a while, the three people opened the door, and there seemed to be a trace of crying on the face of Xiangzi. Is it … No, I believe Xueer, but from the three people seem to be very happy. “We compete fairly, cheap you, so many beautiful women chase you!”

“Xueer, I …”.

“Okay, I know, our business goes back and slowly calculates the account with you.”

Although the surface is very angry, there is a smile in his eyes, haha, rest assured. Finally, our teacher came out to make the “Summary”

, and I became the only audience here. In happiness … Ah, why is it so cold? It seems like the feeling of being stared at by a group of beasts. Turn around, oh, God, there are more than N people on the window, ah, the roof sunroof is also stacked on the floor, every layer of the sunroof. I stared at me fiercely, and this time was over. At this time Miss Mingyue spoke, “Should the president let everyone come in?”

… … I seem to escape from the back door immediately. “Mingyue! Mingyue! We will always love you!”

“Mingyue! Mingyue! We support you!”

“Xueer, Xueer, we love you like mice and rice!”

“Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue, we love you like farmers love corn!”

“Qinger, Qinger …”

… … It is indeed a super idol Mingyue, so popular everywhere; it is indeed a fan, and it is a virtue everywhere. Although it is just ordinary school uniforms, the influence of Mingyue has not decreased, but all men are drunk. The power of her beauty except Xueer could not appear. “Thank you, everyone, I am just a member of the average drama club. We will be classmates in the future. Please take care of it.”

After that, there was a tide of sound. The flash of the news agency kept crazy. However, from the orderly perspective of the on -site organization, this is normal. After finally making the fanatical fans gradually quiet, the president then began to announce the social schedule this afternoon. The first is to welcome new students by the beauty of the association. Of course, Mingyue will inevitably “show”.

The second item is the entrance examination of male members. The show of the beauty performance is different. The entire venue has reached a mad state, especially the famous masterpiece of Mingyue and Xueer’s singing “The End of the World”

, which has reached the climax. I did not expect Xueer to sing. In terms of talent, the two beauties on the stage have turned into angels, and the audience fans below are fascinated. Until the singing, the two beauties have reached the background. The people below have not responded. Only in the heavenly in the world, how many times can you hear! It is said that it is no exaggeration to around the beam. Of course, her beauty has to perform is equally wonderful. Chery’s hot dance shows her devil -like figure here, my god, nosebleed. The combination of song and dance poems from Huang Yawen, the beauty president of the Literature Society, is suspected that the ancient beauty reproduces the world. I did not expect that poetry could be interpreted like this. Xiaoxue performed the national dance, and Xiangzi is also. Although the nation is different, they all performed their own national characteristics. In fact, Xiangzi Lai’s empty manner is good. It seems that no matter how strong a woman is, he still likes to show his gentle side. In the end, Zhuge Qing’er’s Guqin ended as the end. Like the clouds flowing, the “irritable men”

below were calmed down. The following is the critical time. Admitting male members, this will mean that you can live with the beauty of the college and even gain something. It is a dream -like day. “Wait, president, can I ask a question?”

A person wearing news agency emblem asked. “Of course, what can I do?”

“Do you have to take the exam for each male member to enter the community?”

“Of course!”

At this time there was no doubt “Then I think the male classmate in the society was a member?”

Chen Sulan hesitated for a while and said, “Yes!”

Wow, it’s a big deal below. “We ask for equality.”

“Everyone in front of the beauty is equal!”

“Oppose bureaucracy”

“We ask for transparency in government affairs!”

“Kill the mouse”

“Clear garbage”

… … “If I let me know who the boy is, see if I don’t swallow him!”

A African food man beside me swept his teeth. “This, huh, yes.”

Other people have to eat themselves, and I have to laugh with a smile. The worst thing in the world is there! “Please be quiet, listen to me to finish talking! "

“Wang Zhong, not just our members, he is a beauty care and health teacher we specially hired! So you can not pass the exam.”

Genius, you can think of this reason, but I don’t seem to have these things? But finally calm down the scene, but the following arguments have not ended. “Who is Wang Zhong?”

“That’s right, haven’t you heard of it? Is it a new life?”

“But it is very familiar, where did you hear it?”

Ah, right. newspaper! The guy on the Fengyun list did not expect to be mixed into the art club, the damn mouse. Let’s announce the test program: “Students who are preparing to enter the community exam, the number number in your hands is the order of starting to perform, please follow the arrangement of one by one. When all the people perform all the performances, the female members on the stage will start to perform unknown names. Voting, but remember that each girl can only vote for a vote. If more than 5 girls agree, then he can enter the drama club. Do n’t be discouraged if you do n’t enter. There is still a chance in the coming year. "

The president is really powerful, “There are still opportunities in the coming year”

? Say it to the fools. After the president finished his words, a beautiful girl walked next to him, holding a big envelope with both hands. “As the emcee of the exam, I will read this comparison question. The test questions are on the right of fairness. Teacher Lin Yue and Mingyue classmates are specially decided. Now there are this envelope. Then, now I will open it …, so nervous … "

The girl who played the emcee slowly torn the envelope in her hand. At this time, the audience was silent. I am afraid that the sound of farting snoring will be loud. Everyone’s eyes are concentrated in that note with test questions, “I don’t know how difficult the test questions discussed by Teacher Lin Yue and Mingyue will be difficult?”

This idea should be everyone’s consensus. “The test question was …”

The tense atmosphere even affected the girls who played the emcee. The following group of color wolves stared at her beautiful little mouth, and the gathering of her eyes even made her feel hot. “In order to give you a full room for everyone, it is a very extensive topic -playing a kind of animal and free choice. Here, the animal does not include people, don’t want to drill empty.”

The unexpected test questions surprised everyone very much. It is extensive enough. Animals known in the world have n, just when they are going to express their dissatisfaction. “Please listen to me.”

Mingyue’s voice sounded leisurely. “Although everyone is eager to be the protagonist, there will be more other characters when they really perform. Actors, this is the real talent that the art club really needs. Ah, by the way, please cheer! "

Smile with a light smile. “Wang … (yes)”

Sure enough men … This time, the handsome and handsome guys who had been carefully dressed up and wanted to leave the beauty, because there was no extra time, so they had to change their images on the spot. Put the flat hair into a henhouse -dressing chicken; the majority of the dogs are dressed up, after all, it is a more familiar “transformation”

, Of course, at this critical moment, the girls who have the right to determine our destiny on the stage are not idle. “Hey! Which one did you see?”

“Well …, on the 23rd, two large incisors look like a cute rabbit.”

“I chose the 17th, he played a pig without makeup.”

“Still on the 10th, you see his tongue extending so long!”

… … Woo. Now I can finally be sure of one thing: “The man is handsome and powerful, and it is not as good as a cucumber in the eyes of a woman.”

-celebrity saying. The following situation is in the past in the beauty of the beautiful women. In fact, those who are really selected are those handsome guys and those who are a bit special, and you are pretending to be a dog. No matter how stupid you are, you are just a joke. I wo n’t choose you, and the ugly girl will not. I have an inexplicable epiphany. I suddenly felt a little sad and disgusting. I had no mood to continue watching. After all, ordinary people accounted for the majority. They also had the power to pursue happiness. For the first time, I disgusted the Mingyue and the teacher who originally liked the original love. People have dignity, and everything has a degree! The once beautiful smiley face is now ugly. I quietly left the venue alone, behind the still lively venue … For example, all the popularity has reached the art club, and there is a rare tranquility on the campus. Since the school has been busy, I have been busy. nobody. My heart is empty, I do n’t want to, no joy, no worry, is this the four of the Buddhism, obediently, I do n’t want to be a monk, and I am not clean, the wine is full of energy. If …, will Cher go as a nun? I heard that the popular monk nun is matched with a popular monk and fainted. What do I think about? Three figures. Cher, baby, and incense. “Why are you not in the society? Why do you run out?”

Looking at the three people who were worried about, my heart was strange. “Oh, nothing, I don’t like that kind of performance, everything comes out, how good the air is?”

He stretched his muscles and took a few deep breaths. “Brother Zhong, do you think we are a bit too much? I’m sorry.”

Xueer still percerated the root keenly, and I didn’t know what to say when I looked at Xueer, who looked sad. Touching Xueer’s tender face, “How can this blame you, I just suddenly feel a little bit, nothing, and you are all your wishes, it’s okay.”

“Wang Jun, don’t blame Xueer and Baby. Originally, everyone had no idea. Later, Sister Zhuo Lin made such a suggestion. She has always insisted, coupled with the Mingyue and the teacher later, and we have also agreed. What, don’t be angry anymore. "

“Hey, it’s not good for me, so, how about playing the second world together?”

I can only transfer the topic in order to break the embarrassing atmosphere. As a result, it was unanimously approved by everyone. Wait, what if this is incense, she can’t come in Japan, as if I knew everyone’s embarrassment, “This is simple, as long as everyone is”

getting married “!”

Xiangzi was strange, as if this was something everyone should know. Seeing that the three of us were at a loss, Xiangzi could only act as a commentator: “The highly controversial marriage problems a while ago were resolved. The second world officially enabled the marriage function. Limited, as long as you are voluntarily, you can get married. There are churches in each public city to determine the marriage relationship, and the launch of a wedding ring. This ring is not a must -have for marriage, but with it, the couple can not be around. The other party summoned himself, and was not subject to any restrictions, that is, it must not be limited by national boundaries. As long as we get married, and in order to protect women’s rights, only women have the right to ‘Huafu’. "

After that, finish speaking Naughty smile at me. “Early, I go to get a wedding ring. There are not many places I can’t go to my soul. By the way, what kind of career are you in Xiangzi, ninja?”

“People will be your exclusive level 71 female tolerance -Shadow incense, haha, the blessing of my husband, we can also travel to other countries, right, Xueer, baby.”

“People want to see the Egyptian pyramid”

“I want to see the Babylon’s Air Garden”

I’m dizzy, then I can’t be a free transportation. Fortunately, I can’t go to the moon, otherwise it is not allowed to make a spacecraft. No, my interest. Finally, we decided to be separated for the time being. Xueer and I, the baby was getting a wedding ring in the Central Plains, and Kazuko dealt with Japan. After all, we will not be able to go back in the future. When I come in the game, the first thing is to find her mood. It happens that she is also there. My sister is still a little embarrassed. After all, I divide my own “brother -in -law”.

I really like my sister. I do n’t need to intervene in such a thing. I do it for a while. Looking at the three women ’s happiness, I feel like I wiped the honey. “Xiao Mao, no?”

“Boss, what’s wrong, I’m busy in the first floor”

“Okay, I don’t know what happened to you, and I will get back to the process of processing myself. Do you know the wedding ring?”

“Boss, you want to get married, happy events! I have heard of the matter of the wedding ring. According to the official introduction, the wedding ring is in the newly opened ’love road’. From the teleportation station in our city , There are four types of wedding rings: silver rings, gold rings, gem rings, and the most rare diamond rings. The current price is generally 200,000, 500 million, 5 million, and the price is priceless. No one has hit it, boss, how many ‘, how many’! "

“Go to you, how can it be so exaggerated, it seems that there are five now, one, Xueer, baby, mood, and Japanese classmate Oda Kako, bitter, is the functions of these rings different? "

“The boss is the boss. The Japanese girls can be determined. "

Ah!” I patted my head, "

You don’t say I forgot, I promised to find a foreign goods when I went to Japan last time. What should I do now? I went to Africa to pull it back to the head of the head, huh. Xiao Mao went on to say, “Yes, the range of each ring summon is different, and it will fail to exceed a certain range. The silver ring range is the smallest. It must be in the same city or not far away. Between adjacent cities, the scope is wider; the gem ring can be anywhere in the country, which is the reason for double the price. As for the diamond ring, there is no limit. Ah, I believe the boss’s shit is lucky. "

“Go you, I’m busy now!”

“Boss, you are the standard full man who is hungry. Fortunately, my energy is not in this regard. When your wedding ring is hit, the wedding will be handed over to the younger brother to arrange for your satisfaction. Our demon king and Central Plains No. 1 Beauty’s wedding must be the best. "

“Okay, I will give it to you. I go to the road of love to see. How can I get lucky? You can also buy a few. Okay. "

It is unlikely to faint, so there is so little chance, it is impossible to get five high -level rings in a short time. “I can rest assured.”

She and I, I have come to the entrance to the road of love together with Xueer, baby, and I look at the door … The old man stopped us and looked at him with a smile, a little familiar, “You are going to love Is the road looking for a wedding ring? "

Hey, this is how people grow old. We don’t go to find a wedding ring. What do we do here? “Of course, uncle, we are going to.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly Where did you see it? "

Grandpa, what’s good news, tell us.” Baby has the most set to the elderly. "

Oh, this little girl is sensible, okay, let me tell you, the road of love is a big maze. After you enter, you will always go the leftmost one when you encounter the door. Go. " "

Thank you, Grandpa” "

Thank you, Uncle.” The lady is preferred. When my wife goes in, I just want to go in. I was pulled by the old man, with a small hand, a pinch, dizzy, and asking for money. "

Nonsense, do you think the secret does not want money, of course, you can’t ask in front of the beauty, but now the beauty is gone, you have to pay.” "

10,000 gold coins”, looking at this guy’s greedy for money, I was suddenly happy because I remembered who he was. "

Old man, aren’t you retired, why do you re -fuck the old industry again?” "

Whoever said that he retired, he couldn’t get employment again. It was not the mouth of my house. I was annoyed at home and kicked me out. There were already people in the old place. You see the environment much better than the dark place before, hey, can that ring use it? “Hehe hey laughed again. I lost a golden bag for him, "

Old man, my wives are still waiting for me. When I come back, I am talking to you and give you 100,000.” After that, he rushed in without waiting for him to answer. Back to the old lady, I had to look at me. As soon as the other players come, the old man has become a poker face again-I am NPC. Chapter 26 The Bad Diablo King "

The Road to Love”, as the name implies, is a very "

long” road. The first room we went in was nothing. It was an empty hall. There was a cute old man in the center of the hall. Old, engaged in a great career, for me in the second half of my life, I had to pay tribute to my most lofty respect, but I have a question -Why is there no Yue Po? There are a lot of people in love. It should be that there are many, and those who have a higher level have come out. The reason is very simple. This is not only to have a certain chance to come out of the wedding ring, but also explodes other good equipment. How can the most curious human beings give up in the new place of all players? However, most of the people here are one pair, there are not many single people, a male, three women like us … Khan, I am myself, but there is a five -body investment that I admire me, this name, this name, this name, this name Behind the eldest sister called "

The Sea Crazy Flower”, there were 6 husbands who hung up to get a wedding ring here. Of course, no matter where we go, our husband and wife group is the focus of attention. "

Wow, beauty, it is my dream lover!” A colorful man murmured in his mouth, ignoring the dinosaur wife who was already on the edge of the transformation at all. Hey, "

Stinky, who is you said who is your dream lover, honestly explain to me?” The dinosaurs finally couldn’t help exploring, and pulled the bad men’s ears fiercely, as if letting him understand his understanding of him. Eyes can only turn around her, just like the moon always turns around the earth. As a party, we are used to seeing it. A huge pig took a eight -toothed nail to us, and there was a small red hat on his head. He could not help but smile with a detection. I always wandered around my wives, and let me "

teach” it just ignored me, and the big nose was excited to jet. In this case, under our multiple blows, the poor pigs finally went with peace of mind, table tennis; a crisp sound of the ground, obedient, so good luck, the first guy who just came to play was so on. The 50W gold ring, at first glance, adds a Taoist best. Although it is not very useful, the price is doubled. It is so easy to make money. Looking at the eyes of a group of guys around "

It’s really unfair. Lao Tzu has a ugly mother -in -law enough to be unlucky. It has been mixed here for a day and one night. Even the shadow of a ring was not seen. The first one was bud!” The mage was surrounded by three "

Songhua Eggs”. Under their blow, I finally couldn’t stand it, and I fell down in grief. When I left, I still glanced at us unwillingly. I do Still my wife, or the ring in my hand, maybe a little bit. Enter the second layer of love road. This is a very narrow fellow. There are no monsters in the channel. There are more people than monsters. There are even a few pairs who have found a wall corner and are eating supper. We can only move forward. The third layer is lively and extraordinary. A large group of people do not know what to do there. The baby does not let go of the opportunity to make fun. Fa Biao, see which one who doesn’t have a long eye dares to grab his site. At first glance, it is a delicate and beautiful face. Suddenly it is gone. This is the right of beauty. I am not a beauty. People’s light, but politely want to say. Squeezed in, obediently, the two samurai stood together, staring at the opponent like a bullfight, and there was a beautiful girl beside him panicked and dueling for love? I like. I asked the brothers next to it: "

Friends, what are the troubled swords and guns?” The dear I asked glanced at me. At first glance, it was a mage, a bit contempt, but a closer look at the golden line embroidered on the magic robe, obediently, immediately became a respectful look. The two guys are the relatively famous golden singles in Yanhuang City. The soldier on the left "

Rabbit specially eats the woilee grass’ 66, and the soldiers on the right 61 are called ‘gymnastic beauty men’. When I was leveling, the “Gymnastics Beautiful Male”

happened to encounter a masterless equipment. It was the 9th level of them. It ’s a shame and humiliation since then, so the two people fought when they met. The beautiful gymnastics men may be a martial arts, so the use of moves is much better than the rabbit, but the rabbit level is a higher level. Okay, so now they have the same strength and have their own victory, but this enemies are knotted. It is also strange to say that the two may be the enemies of the previous life. Xiao Cao, I don’t have to duel again. “Speaking of his head, he suddenly saw Xueer, baby and mood next to him, blinked in a small eyes, turned his head and looked at me again, "

Brother, are you the legendary devil’s soul?” Looking at his excitement, I was dizzy, I am not a beauty, and I was not good. "

Sorry, I’m not the legendary soul!" When I heard my negative answer, I was disappointed in my eyes. I went on to say, "

I am the soul -eating soul in reality, haha." As soon as I heard my words, the archer named "

Du Road" was immediately resurrected. I took out a beautiful little book and pen, "

Brother, sign the name, thank you!" I dizzy, and I have a professional thing with it. "

Du Lu" touched my head, I am a person in Yanhuang, these things are necessary. "

Just sign it, get it, and see that he has no intention to go back, “What’s wrong?”

It has been signed. “Hey, let the big sister -in -law signs it too.”

Looking at his hippie smiling face, my heart was another purpose. I handed the book to the baby and asked them to sign a name one by one.

When the book was passed on to the guy, the “muttering road”

brother grabbed it and put it on his nose. Wow, so fragrant. … I will never sign anymore in the future! Intersection Intersection “Rabbit, let’s break it today. Who will withdraw from the competition after losing?”

How about the gymnastics man wants to come once and for all. “Stinky man, exactly what I want to say, today we wins and defeat! The losing party disappeared immediately.”

The rabbit was also cherrying. “Can you not fight, we can talk about it if you have something.”

The grass beside the river was anxious, worried about this worried, but I doubt my expert’s eyesight, and still tend to be more beautiful in gymnastics. Parents’ handsome. “Men’s business is solved by a man’s method, don’t intervene.”


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