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Chapter_7 Brother is very shook.

I said to the baby who had shrunk in my arms, as well as Xueer and mood who was snuggling, “If you duel for me, the baby is miserable, it must be the first to be eliminated, haha.”

When you think of them. If I look like a duel for me … I will … Ouch. Obviously, the baby is the heaviest. The baby in my arms looked up at me, “Brother Zhong is the worst, and wants to see the jokes of others, bad.”

Said in my arms tight again, and it was still in the place where I was injured. And the gaze next to it is a little baby who thinks of whatever. Cher with unlimited style put Runhong’s little mouth to my ear: “Brother, I don’t think it’s right, do you have a way to prevent them from being too stiff?”

Women’s intuition has always been more accurate than men. Although I do n’t know why, I have to do it. I have to do it. It is strange that since the relationship with the relationship with the mood has been settled, my sister has become more women than before, as if the whole world is only left. I’m like it, I am in my heart … Sweet, probably the strong woman is emotionally weak. Suddenly thought of the gold ring just now. “Oh, two brothers, do you let me say something?”

I stepped forward and said. Two guys, brushed the killing eyes at my unrealistic guest, but it was very unfriendly when I saw me, and the face was immediately eased. I said that this level of people should not know me. Essence “Gymnastics handsome guy”

suddenly took a step forward. “I have met the city owner, the head of the group, … the lady of the city, the little subordinate is the captain of the third team of the Demon Ridge \ -The gymnastic guy.”

After speaking, I gave a salute. It turned out to be our own person, and then this matter was even more important. I glanced at the mood of laughing next to the sneer. ah. However, this guy can be the captain at level 61 and has two sons. I don’t know this person, but I am in a mood. It is more serious to talk about my city owner from the masses, but they say that this is called to increase mystery, and strong people are like this. The beauty showed a smile: “Handsome gymnastics, level 61, old players, characteristics, good technology, calm in the event of trouble, and members of the old qualifications of the Magic Palace, just because of the failure to complete the A -level hidden task three times in a row, three times in a row, the level has decreased, and the level has declined. Otherwise, it should be at least now the captain, I said, right? "

“The head of the team is completely correct!”

The young man did not expect that the head of the group was so detailed about his nameless small soldier, and the movement of the movement was exposed instantly. It was seen that he respected the leader of this group than the master of my city, but I was not jealous at all. Well, hey, let’s talk about the leaders they respect are all me. The rabbit saw us, especially when I saw the jasper -jade dragon, and a shocking look on her face. Indeed, even the mage like me saw this weapon, let alone a warrior? The nine -headed snake was really expected, but it was really dangerous to think about the situation at the time. Since the mood showed up on the neck of a guy who wanted to take the opportunity to take advantage of Xueer, the people around him immediately gave me room. At first glance, the Dragon Tu Dragon immediately understood who was in front of him. By the time, chopped his head with a knife. Fortunately, the cheaper of the person who occupied the wife of the demon king, there must be no need to mix in Yanhuangcheng, no matter how many levels you are, it is best to return to zero. “Boy, I’m not afraid of your helper, let’s go together.”

The words of the rabbit are very hard, but at first glance, it is lustful. I really have to do him. One of them is self -evident to master technology. It is not easy to kill such a samurai with her strength! “When did our magic palace deceive and less? Besides, what is worthy of our city owner, the head of the group took a shot.”

Turning around and hugging his punch, “ask the city owner to give a testimony to his subordinates.”

“Haha, this testimony I want to do, but I have a better proposal!”

Saying a wedding ring from the space bag, “This is a wedding ring that has just been released, and a Taoist surgery is just suitable for this. Ms. Qi, I will take it for a colorful head. Whoever you win, but we still click until the end of the life is less than 100. No matter what the result is, everyone’s grievances are sold out. As for the problem of feelings, Miss Xiao Cao is decided. The difference between the relationship and other things cannot be used as a bet. What do you think? "

“Yes, the city owner!”

“Okay, that’s it!”

“It’s not the same. It is the best gold ring!”

The audience always stared at the ring in my hand. The poor guy mixed it for several days and did not explode. Luck is good. “Yeah, this thing is currently out of stock, the best one is to 800,000.”

Audience B is calculating its price. “What is the identity of others? This thing is not Jiu Niu Yimao. You didn’t hear that you would auction a large number of best products at the business meeting that was about to be held. I heard that there is still a small Japanese national treasure!”

Essence “It is the Demon Sword Village, the super perverted knife, it is cool, but unfortunately it was not bought by our characters!”

The audience nodded, “But we still have to make up for the popularity, increase popularity!”

“You are so high, as long as you have the best for you, good things still have to play yourself.”

A mage at the level 68 said that he can still be compared to others. Equipment, but nothing compared with me. “Didn’t you watch the new list? The demon king’s current combat effectiveness has doubled again, 2 artifacts, 2 ghosts, level 81, Dragon King God, God, what is this equipment, it is almost invincible.”

Everyone gave two people to two people, and the baby also pulled the “grass by the river”.

“Don’t worry, as long as I have my husband, there will be nothing.”

Watch the two people in the field. start! Ah! “Rabbit”

first launched an attack, and the positive power split Huashan. When it was followed, a sudden left move into a sweep. Unfortunately, “Beautiful Man”

had a precautions, one withdrawn, and the other was stabbing. To click on life, “thorn”

is the fastest and the smallest of the fastest skills in the warrior, suitable for fighting. The level of “beautiful man”

is 5 levels from “rabbit”.

This is a big gap. There is no way out. “Rabbit”

is the main attack, “beautiful man”

is the fight, basically “rabbit”

hit, “beautiful man”

can hit 4 times, but the “beautiful man”

is more lethal. Unfortunately The inferiority is obvious. The health of the “rabbit”

is 200 points higher than him, which is fatal. “Rabbit”

is stable, “beautiful man”

is flexible, half a catty of fighting, “beautiful man”

is a bit anxious. Suddenly “rabbit”

a re -cutting of fire lost balance. Instead, it is heavier. Unfortunately, this time the calculation was lost. The loss of the rabbit just now is intentional, and it deliberately sells a flaw. While the beautiful man accumulates the moment, a thorns are pierced, and then a virtuous picked killing, the brutal collision collision The blow of the brush was killed, and this is a bit bad. The mood of the mood beyond the dragon bounced, and brushed the jasper slaughtering waves, swinging the rabbit’s knife. The beautiful man had only 78 points left, and the failed beautiful man was sad. At the beginning of the time, I quickly appeared, announcing that the “Rabbit Special Eating Wo Grass”

won and gave him the wedding ring. The failed beautiful man turned his head and turned to leave. At this time, we couldn’t say anything. But the rabbit grabbed him and gave him the ring. “If you lose, you lose, you are insulting me!”

The beautiful gymnastics man looked angry. The rabbit is calm, “When did you hear that my brother has a sister who marries his sister?”

The people around him were faint. After a long time, it turned out to be a big sister -in -law. “I heard that you and my sister are so good. I don’t give you some difficulty to get myself. I have been hung up by a brother -in -law who is so much lower than myself. Of course, I have to catch it. The ring is your wedding gift. Don’t ask me anymore, I’m the poor, haha. "

The rabbit smiled slyly. At this time, the “Xiao Cao by the River”

also came, “Brother, you are all you, you have to make trouble, huh!”

“Look, you forget your brother with love, what kind of way is this, hey!”

They were all happy and resigned from their invitations. We have to continue our own business and continue to march to the fourth floor. Once the fourth floor is entered, there are four doors on the main gate, which are joy, anger, sorrow, joy, according to the old man, we should go to the happy door door. This guy should not be perineal. Although it has entered the door, there are still some. Suspect. After walking for a while, there was another four doors, namely wine, color, wealth, qi, we entered the wine door, and now it is boring to look back, because there are four doors in front, love, hate, love, revenge Essence Playing us, why are it all? If this is no longer, go back to the old man’s account with the old man. I pulled Xue’er and they rushed into the love door door. The door is a “beautiful”

garden, but everything here is black, flowers, trees, and even fountains are black water. The sun hanging on the sky is also black. Is the backyard of the devil? At first glance \ -Hetham of fallen heaven, the name is very chic. The center of the courtyard is a statue of the fallen little angel. There are three pairs of black wings. There is a small black golden bow and arrow in my hand. The smile on this guy’s mouth is bad, not as naive and cute as the little angel. ah! How did this fallen angel become two, the two became four, and the four became eight. We surrounded, and each little guy raised a small bow and arrow to accommodate us Fallen Love Angel -Diablo Bid, Grade 75, archers, bows and arrows are weak and weak magic, obediently so fierce. I will also be available, although there are not many you, the four soul -eating mage comes out, we can distinguish it, because there is a “comma”

on the head of the shadow, although it is my shadow, occupying my wife I will be jealous, huh, very cute. 7 to 8 is not very disadvantaged, but it is not easy to get it immediately when you fight. The speed of these guys is amazing, and the lethality of the bows and arrows is too great. I ca n’t know the stealth ring, the shadow of the sky was overwhelmed, scary, there was no place to hide, I added three shadows to only be a meat shield, ah, really pain, you “little fart”

It’s so ruthless enough. Although my lightning speed is fast, I can’t hit them. I can only release meteor fire and rain and ice roar. The scope can only be touched by the side. The child “also knew it, and he would never go close to the mood, just put an arrow at a long distance. We were stunned by them. We couldn’t play like this. Of course, I know what it thinks, and immediately told it that the foreign girl was ready, and the guy was excited. Now these little fart children have no fun. Run, Hongyun also chased a guy to burn with fire. After the mood turned into the agility and speed jumping power, they also increased a lot. They also killed these little guys to escape. Baby was even more cute. Anyway, these guys could not see them. How to shoot, …. My little baby, you still don’t want to shoot, because accidentally on the handsome face of the side dishes, a branch is inserted, haha, the unicorn of the side dish has begun to smoke. Probably the common problem of handsome guys, that is, this face is the most valuable. The speed of small dishes that have not been venting has doubled. It is flickered to the buttocks of one of the little guys. Just when we thought we were going to victory, we found that the eight semi -dead little guys came together again. -King of Diabbei, the big head is not small. A brush back, curved bow and arrow, a bit of the smell of the carved hero, the black light of the whole body, wow, to enlarge the trick. The black light of the whole body slowly gathered on the arrow, and the ultimate kill ---falling love to wear heart arrow. A arrow like a meteor shot out, the goal turned out to be a baby he could not see! Intersection Intersection Ceel has hugged the baby recently and fainted. This is not two of them hanging together, so I won’t push away. Stupid women, my mood is in front of the front, brushing is a three -sword of the dragon wave, but unfortunately touched it. The arrow light disappeared just to stop the trend slightly, but it was enough \ -Moring instantly! I thought that my shield should be blocked, but it was a pity that it did not start. The degenerate love arrow directly passed through the vitality shield and passed through me. Then it was in the mood. The four of us were shrouded in the black light, and it would be reduced and narrowed in a while. I thought it was a big deal, and it was all hung up, but after waiting for a while, it seemed that there was nothing. The black light became darker and darker. It’s right. Everyone checked each other and found that there were no holes on their stomachs. There was nothing wrong with it. Hey, a group of sneer people accurately "

big fart children” who were still floating in the air. The moment we were going to do it, the so -called Diablo King used his last trick. Sure enough, we immediately stopped … At the fastest speed, this guy took out a small white flag from his small pocket, and shook it with a silly face. "

I cast, surrender, surrender!” thump. I went up to be a explosion. This little guy immediately took out a small flag from his pocket, saying "

Oppose violence! Oppose the child abuse!” I am dizzy, who was so arrogant just now, I was just going to give him, and found that the beauties next to them looked at it, and obediently your motherhood was too flooded. Bridge returning to the bridge road, since the surrender, there must be loot. Looking at the hand I extended, this guy unwilling to take out a diamond ring from his pocket. Holding my hand, "

Big Fart” looked at me fiercely, and pulled out a gem ring from his pocket. I was anxious, it’s really troublesome. Come over, and drew it against his small pocket, and finally found two more, one was one, it was really poor. Looking at his tearful look, and there was no good product on his body, he wouldn’t embarrass him. Seeing that I didn’t rob him anymore, I immediately made a small flag. "

Fallen love and wearing arrows have no effect on people who love sincerely! " The four of us smiled each other. I really wanted to thank this little guy. I touched his little head and gave him a lollipop to be a lollipop. This guy licked it immediately and was so happy. Flying, dizzy. When I finally left, I also waved the flag "

Welcome to come again -Mr. Lollipop" thump…… Text Chapter 53 Love Confession Updated: 2007-5-19 14:35:00 Number of chapters: 2510 After returning, everyone decided to go to Japan to find Xiangzi tomorrow, so we first went to the "

Marriage Registration Institute" in the city to register and get married. Then I brought a diamond ring. Treating women, there is only one diamond ring that is not easy to allocate, and it is only for me to call cross -border calls. There is no way. To be honest, the moment I signed the signature, I felt a kind of responsibility added to me. In the future, I am not a single man. I have to take into account my wives. Huahua’s picking girl, marriage is really the grave of love, but I am very satisfied, really! What else can I say when I look at the happiness of the three beauties, and who is happier than me! As soon as the marriage was established, there was a series of comments on our identity. We watched each other and enjoyed peace of happiness. "

The three wives, when I received a big wedding in Yanhuang City, let the whole world know that my soul -eating is the happiest person!" "

Husband, it doesn’t matter what the wedding looks like, as long as you treat us well in the future!" Xueer was lying in my arms with warmth, and today the baby obediently gave this exclusive site to Xueer, my big big lady! "

Yeah, Sister Xueer said right, what do we need to think, we just need to enjoy our own happiness!" At this time, the mood was like a child’s cute, but it was like a baby sister. "

Yeah, husband, why do we have to disturb your own weddings? Is it not good to be quiet?" It is rare to say that the lively baby always said. The imperial decree, I naturally agree with both hands and feet. It seems that our wedding is going to re -arrange it. It is good to travel around the world. "

Ah, what do you look at me and continue talking?" I was strange that they said well why they didn’t continue. "

It’s dark!" Xueer looked at me mysteriously. "

Yeah, it’s dark!" The baby is the same. What happened to these two babies today? I touched their heads, wouldn’t it have a fever? Looking at a blushing mood, I instantly understood that I was really a fool, and I didn’t understand. "

Okay. Don’t delay you, the baby and I go out first." Saying Cher took the baby and walked out, she was shy and wanted to go out. Unfortunately, I was stopped by two "

evil women". I am very grateful in my heart. To be honest, the first time I do n’t want a third person to be present. Looking at the mood sitting aside, the luster love in her heart, this beautiful woman has always loved me silently behind her and supports me. When she and I enjoy a love life outside, she wants. A person who handles the guild and also suppress your feelings. How can such a pleasant people do not make me heart. Holding my mood gently in my arms, gently kissed the seductive red lips, and catered to me in a sparse and enthusiastic mood. After becoming my wife, she did not have to cover up her enthusiasm, and it was stronger than others. The mood is like a cup of mellow wine, which makes people feel endless. After leaving some red lips, I loved, "

Sister, are you happy?" Looking at me with a focus, "

Happy, today is the happiest day of my sister!" After speaking, I stroked my face softly, “Fujun, do you know, how envious I am, I have such a good husband, I like you a long time ago, but I know this is not good, but it is depression, but it is depression. I can’t live my feelings. When I know that the baby is fine with you, my heart is happy and sad, do you know? "

“My good sister, why”

, listening to the words of the beautiful women in my arms, my heart is very sweet. The mood dumped a white eyes and gave it to me, “Huh, you, are you very proud of your heart? I don’t know how to get your poison. I really owed you in my last life. Little enemies, I am happy because of the second person, there may be a third person in the third person, there may be a third third person. There may be a third in the third person. I have hope that it is because of why it is a baby but not me. People think you have pedophile. Do you know how sad people are? , It’s all you hurt, big bad guys, almost pay me! "

I looked at Jiao Yan’s mood, “I will pay you all my bad guys!”

“Husband, stop your hand first, and wait for others to finish your heart, um \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, so what do you say?”

I held my mood to hold my big hand that I couldn’t invade her territory. “Husband, do you know, your performance was handsome at the birthday banquet that day, do you know, people are afraid that you will be bullied that day. After thinking about it all night, I did not expect you to have such a big magical power to harm people. Worried about a game, our family is also very gatekeeper, but I don’t care if you love others, you don’t care about anything, do you know, when I see those old predecessors so much to you, I don’t know how happy it is, although it is that is that it is What you think in your heart is not me. Later, they also sent someone to ask someone to inquire about your origin. As a result, they found nothing, and the ancestors who really knew would not say, but I know they no longer oppose us. What is the origin? "

I scratched my head, and now I am about to develop this bad habit. “Actually, I don’t know. I received abnormal training at home when I was a kid that made me hate back to my hometown, but what old family should we be, but how can I do, how can I do, how can I do, how can I do? It is also like a declined family, and our ancestors are a medical family. What martial arts? "

“Fujun, it’s okay, no matter what others are, as long as we persist, no one can separate us!”

Looking at a firm look, you can feel that she paid more than ten times more than me, Suddenly, my head was shamefully buried in my arms, saying in a greasy whisper, “Husband, late at night.”

The red stars are better than any pill. I naturally bow my best. After dying, I have only my hard work and mood to cater in the room. This is happiness! (I do n’t describe it in detail here, saving public anger ^\ _ ^) At this time, the boring Xueer and the baby were sitting in the hall and chatting. “Sister Xueer, what do you say that Brother Zhong is doing now?”

“Hum, what else can this big wolf do, this time, he can have his wishes. In the future, we will have two more than two more. There is no way, you must be optimistic about him in the future. Brother Zhong is too affectionate and soft. "

Yeah, he has less time to accompany others at school. When we know that we have to work with the mood sister to formulate a family method!” The rare baby’s face is so serious. Essence "

Yes, he paid more attention to school in school. As soon as he started his school sister, he was conquered by him, and the speed was too fast!” Halo, how can this blame me, it is purely an accident, if it is similar, it is accidental! Zheng Huan, who was talking with Baby, was obviously thinking about how to eliminate my "

accidents”. The starting point on the starting point, reprinted and indicated. The 54th chapter of the text Updated: 2007-5-19 14:35:00 Number of chapters: 4582 When the first sunshine shot on me, I "

resurrected” from my happy sleep, and I was really tired last night. Well, one of the three, the man of the iron beating is also soft. On the bed with a big mood, the three women’s jade body was across. It seemed that she was so crazy yesterday. The petite baby was pressed by me all night. I said how comfortable it was. Fortunately I was so heartache. Xueer and the mood held one arm and pressed my hand to their towering places. After the first night I got my mood yesterday, I went out to comfort the two delicate wives outside. How do you say? It is also the day of their wedding. In order not to be thick, I "

slightly” put them together, let me enjoy the blessing of Qi people once. Where can I not know their two small conspiracy. In order to maintain my master’s status, we must establish a strict "

Parent -Clan Commune", so regardless of their weak resistance, they have completed the feat of last night. Well, the second time! Take a closer look, the eyelashes of these three beauties are moving, and also, women’s recovery in this regard is always faster than men. They should have awakened before waking up. , My big hands swim gently, browse this proud landscape, and the following is even more powerful. Turning up, I really want to stimulate me. Everyone does n’t have to sleep anymore. It seems that I do n’t know who said it is not easy to exercise in the morning, but in this case, I ca n’t get me. The arrows have to be posted on the string. Early in the morning, there was a full house all the spring … In sex ……….. Looking at the three women and seven hands to help me wear clothes, they are like a dream. They are all proud girls. They usually serve them others. Now they have to serve me together. It is a fairy -like day. "

Husband, how do you look at this hairstyle?" Baby looked very cute with a mirror, but such a cute little girl was so shy to me in that aspect. The gesture is willing to satisfy me, it is my An Qier. "

Your husband, I just thought about it. I have no drama in this life to be more handsome than others. “Brother Zhong, are we such a superficial woman?”

Xueer gently gave me a punishment of improper words. What kind of handsome guy did they have seen it. She has always been very old -fashioned, but her sister is very shy at home as a little sister. “Okay, the three wives are ready. Today, my husband takes you to Japan to see cherry blossoms.”

“Okay, everyone went out to play together!”

Baby jumped back to the house and was ready to go. It was really the love of heaven. I dizzy, I really don’t know how to say the big bag in front of me, I really don’t know how to say them, “My young ladies, we are going to play equipment, not settlement, why do you bring so many clothes? Besides, we are not flat all the way, and there must be a few tough battles.”

After my good storytelling, they finally gave up. “Moving”

move. I passed through the borders, or the last time I was in the sinister, and the sinister in Japan actually put the teleportation station on Mount Fuji. I probably wanted to give the foreigners a horse. I did not expect to destroy my city. Do not live yourself. Be careful to hide the curiosity “Babies”

in the forest, and finally came to a cherry blossom forest under Mount Fuji. This is the hill specially made in order to compensate the Little Japan’s Mount Fuji for watching cherry blossoms. There are not many people, maybe because of the influence of the last incident, thirty or forty people, but the level is very high. After all, it is still very dangerous. Behind the tree, the wife of the wives was used to use the summoning function of the wedding ring. Fortunately, there were no thieves in us, and the differences in clothing of other occupations were not very different. “Are you Xiangzi, I’m Zhong, we are now on the Sakura Mountain, the one under Mount Fuji.”

“Fujun, I passed right away, and you wait for me!”

I looked at the baby who was already urgent and laughed: “Okay, little cat, you can eat it, Xiangzi will come over for a while.”

Put the prepared food and gold fruit wine. It is comfortable to eat with beautiful women in this beautiful environment. Although Jin Guojiu has a small degree, people like Xueer who are not drinking often often drink a little, and red halo began to appear on his face. Good flowers are always not always blooming. We are playing vigorously. A few unsightly guys walked over and walked over. The leader was a 65 -level archer who said to our hungry. The language, for someone who only knows a few words, is no different from Tian Shu. When I do n’t know what to do, Xueer exposed his hand and answered him in fluent Japanese. Pay attention to the cultivation of aspects. “Husband, they want to invite us to pass, but I refused.”

Xueer whispered to me, we don’t want to cause trouble now. But a few guys did not give up, looking at Cher, and the two guys next to them couldn’t wait to show the essence of the wolf. Two simple words: “Well!”

(Go, probably can be used as rolling) This time, I can make three guys, and I scolded it immediately. The essence of Little Japan was undoubtedly exposed. It was really his mother’s stomach and a gentleman. I was mad. When you see these guys angry, they rushed straight into their heads, care about him, and do it! After a gesture, the wives are prepared, after all, this is not their own site. Starting first, I do n’t pretend to be big, fighting is fighting, especially in this situation. trouble. I pretended to be very polite, it was a nine -day thunder, killing one of the Taoist priests on the spot, hiding the knife in a smile, hey, I would, let alone me despicable, this is called the other way! The remaining two guys were stunned, and they couldn’t think of such a powerful mage. They didn’t hurry back until the house lying down and started counterattack. How can I give them a chance? Throwing it in the past, although the primary effect is not good, there is a pause for a second or two. At this time, the mood is like a bodybuilding female leopard. —- The three combo of Zi Dian, although all of which are serially connected by the most basic skills, but the effect of the mood of the dragon slaughter is completely different, just listen, yeah, ah! Three sounds, the poor guy fell very well, and a ninja ran out of a few darts. The mood turned to a dragon wave. Unfortunately, it was a bit far away. Pulling our distance from mobile, followed by a meteor fire and rain. This guy was sly and desperately drinking blood supplement. Forget it, forgive him, just when he was able to escape. On his unlucky head, fluttering and hanging. The baby next to him began to clap his hands, hugged Cher and said, “Sister, I’m hitting, did you see?”

I dizzy, I have to be shot by the baby’s arrow, I have to say that you don’t burn incense when you go out today. Unfortunately, when the baby’s words are exported, the people who watch the lively people are changing-Chinese, and they are still four! Intersection Intersection “Are you the devil’s soul?”

One of the ninjas asked, “That’s right, I am, what’s the trick, Lao Tzu continues!”

“Eightya Road, there are species, dare to come, this time you have come back!”

I knew I had never seen me. “Kill a chicken ~~”

(You can kill the chicken) “Hey, the last time I went back because I couldn’t install it. I came again, hahaha!”

What dare to come, you are strange if you don’t play with death. Looking at them in the mood, I was in the mood, but Xueer was nothing, but the baby was more difficult to do. After all, the stealth ring was not working on the player. Safe first, I don’t want the baby to be injured. I quickly summoned the side dishes and asked her to ride on the side dish. There should be no problem with his protection. Cher summoned the red cloud. The appearance of the red cloud made this group of guys a little hesitant. After all, it was the legendary beast. The atmosphere stimulated Hongyun, screamed in the sky, and the flames on my body were burning, and I did not forget to add a few fires to her. Kill! Start melee. On the ground, I was a fighting group. When I saw a lot of people, I was in two heavens. Looking at the current number of people, I could hit three or two kittens where I was thrown anywhere. Some ninja sneak attacks. I moved away in an instant. I want to surround me, I have no play, and I ca n’t break my vitality shield when I occasionally hit me, but it ’s scary to see a person rushing over. The killing was turned upside down. There was Xueer care and the red clouds next to the attack. It was not dangerous. The most pleasant was the baby in the air. The birds in the air were not clear to the southeast, northwest, and northwest. How can I kill a few? But I think the baby ’s accurate head is much better after the baby’ s accurate head, hey, maybe it ’s the effect in my heart. However, so many people are always sad to consume us. There is no door for them to kill us. We want to kill them. They are also a problem. Fortunately, Xiangzi rushed in time and brought five ninjas. After killing for a while, the rest of the guy saw that there was no cheap to occupy, and it was flashing. After the introduction, it turned out to be a friend in Xiangzi’s guild. Fortunately, when they came, they were blindfolded, and Xiangzi was okay. She wanted to return to China with me. Others helped us. Well, I still thanks it very much. I picked the things I picked up last time and gave them five people. It is really different from those who are Xiangzi. Everyone understands each other. Wait for them to leave. I pulled Xiangzi and gently unveiled her veil. Alas, Xiangzi put on a ninja tight suit. This figure is really good. I can’t let her go tonight! To introduce her mood to her, in fact, two people still have something in common, except for the different nationality. “Fujun, what about my gift?”

I gave her the necklace that was hidden in the last half of the last half, and Xiangzi Mami asked me to bring her with it. Unfortunately, the village could not use it. Strong people come out. (Note: Weapons and equipment of different occupations are also available. As long as they meet the requirements of strength, the effect is far from the effect of matching the occupation. The mage can’t shoot the monster, and the power is very far away.) At this time, the side dishes dragged my clothes next to it, ah, this guy is good at remembering. “Xiangzi, what are your pets, call it out!”

Xiangzi’s face was twisted, this is not her style, is it … “My pet’s temper is a bit special, don’t laugh at me”

Of course, we nodded in favor. What is so mysterious? kindness! Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection “So great!”

I couldn’t help but praise, I can’t help but praise, “Ouch, baby lightly.”

Xiangzi’s pet is a super intelligent cat girl called “idiot”

, which is the cutest of the half orcs (fortunately, their women’s aesthetic views are the same as humans). “Hi, handsome guy, how do we go to drink a glass?”

Said that he had thrown his eyes, wow, or the American flavor? But the eyesight is still good, knowing that I am a handsome guy, although I am the only man in the audience, there is nothing comparable. Sexy catwoman came to me step by step, and so, why did I pass from me? Intersection Intersection I saw the “idiots”

stroking the smooth fur of the side dishes, greasy and greasy. : “My Prince White Horse, you are so handsome, the cat loves you to pull you!”

He said with her amazing “guy”

on the side dish, making the side dish and snoring the whole body. Hahaha, the woman present laughed and was so shameful. It turned out that the handsome guy was not me! Hum, really had no eyesight, and it really had no brain. I secretly hated it. “Haha, husband, I said, my pet is more strange.”

Alas, this incident can hurt me miserably. Every time they want me to do “bad things”

, I always take it to me. Unfortunately, our side dishes do not like the type of hugging, especially so much … The starting point on the starting point, reprinted and indicated. The decisive battle between Chapter 55 “Antique”

Updated: 2007-5-19 14:35:00 Number of chapters: 4431 Our group of us changed to a local characteristic clothes and walked while walking, and this time with Xiangzi, it was difficult for others to recognize it. Looking at a group of ninja who was busy, he wanted to laugh. Birds are looking for us like the end of the world, but these parties are strolling around them. After a while we have come to Osaka Castle in Kaizi. In order to avoid trouble, we still go directly to the right thing. , The seemingly upright priest saw that I wrote Chinese, surprised, and suddenly realized, with a wretched light in the small eyes, full of desire, alas, God punished him, and he watched Xueer’s watching Xueer’s’s. On the surface, it is very serious. In fact, you can see a kind of desire and ambition from his eyes. Even the baby feels awkward. If he was not NPC, he had already done him, and the marriage was ended anyway. As soon as we got it, we took our wives to leave this ghost place. “Husband, I have a request to be wrong?”

Looking at Xiangzi hesitant, I guessed a little bit, “Say something straight, you are my wife now!”

As if encouraging, Xiangzi finally gathered the courage and said, “Husband, I will return to you in China, I just want us to try not to conflict with them when we are in Japan. Memories. "

Looking at Xiangzi’s pitiful look, I also know that she is very embarrassed. “This is nothing. As long as they don’t mess with me, when you are next to you, I will let them go. What do you do if we have to fight violence and desire? "

For this problem, Xiangzi has been prepared for a long time. “By that time, the husband was expelled, and Xiangzi gave you home. War is a man’s business. Women should still do their own.”

In fact, I can do this, I am very satisfied, and I don’t want her to be too embarrassed.

The place where Osaka Castle is playing a marriage ring is a temple, —— Peace Shrine This name is really disgusting, and I always remind me of the Yasukuni Shrine.

I am unhappy!

The first floor is basically a puppet of about 30 levels.

Don’t look at these puppet movements straight, but the attack power is not low, and does not eat lightning magic.

It can cause great trouble for some low -level mages.

Unfortunately Low -level mage, in Japan, may be out of national self -esteem, always fight for strong victory everywhere.

Once it is low -key in the country (small stone 00: obedient, you are also low -key, then there are no high -profile people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people), first of all people).

There was a large area of hell fire on the ground, no matter how many people, I remembered that I just promised Xiangzi’s words, and I converged a bit.

The highest performance rate, this fire can be burned until this group of guys break the son -in -law, huh, exaggerated, and meteor fire and rain outside, so the speed of killing is considerable.

As for pets, we have not summoned.

This has become our signboard.

, Too conspicuous, the Taoist’s attack power is not small.

With his own fire, it is also very happy to kill.

The mood and Xiangzi are in secret games.

Two more powerful women are calling.

From the perspective of overall strength, I still have a great advantage, but Xiangzi is familiar with the terrain, and I know the weaknesses of these puppets.

However, I still like the profession of the ninja.

In the fast speed, there are darts with remote attacks, and some small skills such as body techniques, but I find a problem, which is rarely found special skills in Japan, such as the mood of the dragon waves.

Without the evolution function, it is also white.

In the end, the mood advantage won, and the dragon was too powerful.

The little Japanese next to them were stunned one by one.

There were several guys who were “misunderstood”.

They still wanted to mean that when we saw our posture, it was gone. , It looks like a slave, and there are some idiots. It looks like a god of heaven. If it must be very happy before, there is only one feeling, nausea, after killing these little 喽, we continue to kill inside. Go, it may be to see our horrible attack power, and there is no dying guy to dare to get trouble; the second layer is some high -level puppets. From the perspective of dress, unlike the first -level guys “poor "

I can’t even buy clothes. The guy here has a little mind. Unlike a layer of puppets, a group of guys rushed straight, but there was no threat to us. It is particularly enjoyable to burn, especially when watching the fools around, but the killing is too wasteful. We are not entangled, kill it directly, and then go through the third and fourth layers. The altar of brushing the old demon, but there was a small problem when entering the door. Women in this room can’t get in. There is no way to leave the four babies outside. There will be no problems. Little Japan is really a male and female, and it is forbidden for women to enter. I don’t know what they think. There is a large room inside, the decoration is very old, and there is a high platform in the center. It is a statue of an ancient Japanese samurai. He holds a warrior knife in hand and the knife tip is obliquely refers to the sky. Ah, there is no monster in all the time. The old monster must be the guy above. The petrochemical monster is not a fresh thing. First, give a lightning as a meeting ceremony. when! Lightning hit this guy’s body without any reflection. Don’t fight against magic, then I will hang up, and there will be a meteor fire and rain, not reflected, ice roar, not reflected, even the thunderbolt nine days and ice fire I am the most. The two days can not work, obediently, no, I want to retreat now, how can the system make this kind of full anti -magic monster, I am angry at me, what should I do? In the middle of the sacrifice table, as soon as I went up, I only listened to Karakara’s voice. The statue samurai took advantage of the blood red light in my eyes. Not Chinese, today I bite and kill you, open the shield! I used the detection diagram. On the day, it is really abnormal. How can I appear here … I can’t see the grade pervert, but the name knows —— Ghost Wu Wan, love terminator. At this time, Guiwan seems to have finished the preparation event, wow, enough for a bull fork, jumping down from the table about ten meters high. In fact, he had no opinion to jump down, but holding the knife to my head topped my head. It ’s great to jump my opinion. In small Japanese, it is eight sub -roads. I moved away from the knife instantly from the knife and bombarded ~~~. I was smashed on the ground. Exaggerated, Guiwu Wan was surprised at the time of seeing that I could flash his attack. His trick had already watched countless guys who had come to challenge his authority. Originally, a map was opened here. The first few layers of the front layer are very large, but after being familiar with the map, coupled with the multiple strengths and strengths, there are many powerful players who can kill them. Unfortunately, they have become his knife. I didn’t expect a fun guy today, hehe. Looking at the old antique on the opposite side, it was a bit cold and dizzy. I even forgot all the counterattack. He was immediately rebounded on his body. Mom, I couldn’t help scolding. It was really an anti -magic guy. My attack was angry that the old antiques were raised. The place suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared in front of me, ah! Teleport! Intersection Intersection There are a few skulls on the knife and a few skulls-super nirvana ——- Ghost shadow thousands! Brush! A string of knife shadows cut to me, and I subconsciously stepped back, but this guy followed me and one by one, even my instant movement broke, my vitality shield was broken when his second knife was broken in his second knife. Once, I can only use the instantaneous movement of the shield and the replenishment of magic, but the third time is too late. This old guy is so strong that the knife is faster than a knife, and his instant movement is larger than me than me. I have become a sandbag. The key is that I can only be beaten and cannot fight back. The worst thing in the world is there! Fortunately, there is a body technique. It is indeed an artifact. Even the old antiques are unreasonable and false, and can help me delay time. However, my magic medicine and magic crystal are almost used for a while. Can’t let him go like this, … On the day, I ca n’t use it to return to the city. What should I do? Soon this guy found my true body again. There is only one thing left in the left! When \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, I was split out, and that thing fell to the ground. It is the Chuan Guo Jade Seal! A golden light collapsed from the jade seal, and the light shone for a while, forming a time door. Obviously, everyone looked at God together. Unfortunately, the audience had only me and a monster. A tall and mighty figure came out of the door, and a boxer retreated from the Ghost Wu Wan. It turned out to be our ancestor of Qin, and the appearance was enough. Antique -level decisive battle! Qin Shihuang, who is wearing a dragon robe, looks more mighty, but it seems that there is no weapon. Otherwise, take my crutch and use it. I think so, huh, hits ***棒! Ghost Wuwan knew that he had encountered a strong enemy, and immediately set up a horizontal knife, staring at the enemy in front of him with his expression. Lao Qin dismissed the guy in front of him, “Er and other wild people dare to mad!”

Ghost Wan was stimulated, and he rushed over, or the ghosts were cut! It’s not as good as I imagined. It turned out that Lao Qin stretched out a left hand to catch his knife. It was cool. This is the style of the master. At this time, I have a deep experience. Qiang is also afraid of encountering monsters of anti -magic, and there are also magic dodge equipment in the game. Although the probability of dodge is very low, you are afraid of 10,000 in case. Which guy has a super perverted anti -magic equipment? I have to think about the way to go back. The weakness of the mage is too obvious. Besides, since God gave me the card of my little stone, I must use it well. After Lao Qin was empty -handed into the white blade, the little devil was madly pushing down, but it was useless, but later he began to knock out. Unfortunately, he couldn’t pull it out. Seeing this guy also tossed enough, Lao Qin’s right hand began to glow, a simple straight punch, hit directly on the belly of the little devil, kindness \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, did not move? Intersection Intersection After a second, ah \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, day, a plane, bombarded! The little devil was directly embedded on the opposite wall like a crashing aircraft, and then sturded down like a tattered. Wow, this is the master’s no win! The moment Lao Qin hit the little devil from his fist, he turned back and returned. It really was the elder brother’s style. He was confident in himself. The time passed quickly. Lao Qin gave me the task yet, 5555. Of course, the “little man”

like me was made of the battlefield. First of all, the jade seal was collected. I picked it up. One gem ring was really stingy. Such a big movement was violent. Things, there is a blood -red ore, strange, the monster of the stones is really rare? Probably a good thing, first pick it up, anyway, my pocket is empty as wild, no matter what, all take it away, ah, the samurai knife on the ground is still there. It is a good knife to say that the NPC weapon will not drop. When I packed it up, when I went back to the four floors, my good wives were waiting for me, and I saw me come over and rushed over. “Husband, what exactly is it, we have heard the loud noise just now?”

Baby was impatient. I squeezed the baby’s little nose, “OK, but the old ghost inside, your husband, I almost can’t come out.”

Then I talked about the encounter just now, gave the gem ring to Xiangzi, watched her with joy, and still Dedicated a fragrant kiss and comfortable. I heard that there are still monsters who do not eat magic, and the wives were also surprised, because there were a lot of monsters who resisted some kind of magic. I never heard of a full resistance. When I said that the old Qin was said, everyone When her eyes were bright, Xueer shook her head and said that she was really a lucky guy. It was okay. Only Xiangzi was confused. After the incident was done, I didn’t stay too much. I took the beauties back to the city. After this battle, I was anxious to practice the small stones. Anyway And in the case of this situation, Lao Qin didn’t come, I was not abandoned, and people must rely on themselves! The starting point on the starting point, reprinted and indicated. Text Chapter 56 Updated: 2007-5-19 14:36:00 Number of chapters: 5685 The last trip to Japan is still a perfect, the main purpose has been reached. Although it has not caused any substantial blow to Little Japan, it has put a lot of pressure on the momentum, but we have to be vigilant, Little Japan, Little Japan This nation’s forbearance is indeed very strong. Afterwards, they will inevitably move. You can definitely have an international war in the future. Players, now just have the right time, we can’t always be passive for war. When the opportunity is mature, we must take the initiative to attack and give it a fatal blow! Back at the meeting, I released a new regulations. The overall -level activities of the entire Magic Palace have corresponding rewards for members who have greatly improved in a week. Introduced the situation of Japanese players. Although the number is not as good as us, the quality is indeed higher than us. It clearly clearly understands the threat from Japan and let them prepare them themselves. Too much, it caused me a lot. I also went offline and rest. The early morning campus is really comfortable. Fresh air, occasionally a few cute birds screaming, often the beautiful women who often traversed through it. Since my gas and power are successful, I have loved laziness. Today, I also. I do n’t know how to get up early. In fact, Li Zi has long got up and practiced. These guys have recently been interesting, and they rarely play in the world. Throughout the day, they think about how to be a master of martial arts. When I walked, I came to the school mountain to practice the merit. Wow, there are many people here, one by one, one by one is hard work, and it is said that the mysterious martial arts suddenly become everyone can learn. I like the feeling of the eaves walking wall, the heroic style that can only be seen on TV, … You can also watch the beauty while practicing, it is really cool! The practice field is basically divided into three parts, one is Xing Jun and Jin Zegang, who are four famous grass. The two guys have attracted a large number of sisters. The “Dang Girl”

in the top ten beautiful women is the most picky one of them. Seeing her smoke and charming, it is really disgusting, and the supporter of Xing Jin, the second part is two brothers. It should be the Li family brothers. CHERY, who is a tight fitness dress, dizzy this is like practicing the clothes. The male compatriots around the surrounding men sprayed blood, but the two people’s kung fu really still coincides, especially the boss Li Dongtie. The depth is higher than his brother Not only two raises, the remaining people form the third faction. In fact, they are also the most watched factions. Their main coach Zhuge Qinger is the refrigerator. Unfortunately, although Zhuge Qinger is a master, she is definitely not a competent teacher. She is not a competent teacher. “Big disciple”

is Chen Sulan, president of the art club, the most “weight”

person among our school students. Some people say that she is 100 times better than the Student Council. If you offend her, you will leave school early. “Two disciples”

is Huang Yawen, a classic beauty, but unfortunately our elegant beauty obviously has not yet adapted to the transformation from Wen Xiangwu. In addition to the teachings of these two disciples, our teacher Zhuge is basically the iceberg state. In fact, it has reached her. In this realm, hard work is useless. Only looking for an opportunity to make breakthroughs. Probably this is why I found me. Since the last time she avoided her, it has been a few days. Our agreement has not yet been fulfilled. Naturally, they are also in this ranks, but the fans who are full of beautiful women who are full of beauty do not pay attention to me and concentrate on practicing qi. He, this guy treats me as God, alas, beauty methods. Now most of the students have a little talented practice after a period of time. Of course, it is only limited to the feeling. The high consciousness or a bit of the foundation can be used. There is something. My arrival has attracted the attention of the heart. Chen Sulan stopped me who was ready to leave. “Where, the younger brother is afraid of disturbing the president’s practice.”

Since his wife, after the last enrollment incident, he has a sense of distance to other beauties. Seeing the distance in my eyes, the sensitive president was immediately interested. In her eyes, I should be a fool or a lascivious man. Outstanding women always have unlimited curiosity about the choice of the same excellent women as her. With the characteristics of my lust, there is a 100 % deep understanding of me in her estimation, but my current performance is obviously obvious. Unlike her expectations, it is inevitable that she will be confused, and it is even more interested. This kind of pure appreciation eyes cannot be pretended, especially in the eyes of a lascivious person. In fact, even I am very strange. The second thing may be an epiphany for me. People are the most difficult creatures. Who knows when I “go back”

? “How do you, I heard that Wang Zhong is also a master of martial arts, and can defeat the incense of the two female samurai of our girls. Maybe you can also give pointers, and Qinger is still your classmates and front and rear seats?”

I am dizzy. This can also be used as a reason. I am going to refuse, but unfortunately Huang Yawen’s arrival disrupted my abacus again. “Wang Zhong, the president’s invitation willn’t you want to refuse?”

Looking at the gentle and weak beauty on the surface, I didn’t expect to speak so sharply that people can’t look! “Where is it? The invitation of the two beauties, I am too happy!”

Since you said, I am sorry for not taking off you. “You’re here.”

I didn’t expect that “the refrigerator”

would take the initiative to say hello to me, and the people on the side were surprised. Even our two big presidents were a little surprised, because “freezer”

did not like to talk, right Boys are even more words. “Oh, Qing’er’s anger seems a bit progressive.”

The surprise in my eyes flickered, “Haven’t we forgotten?”

“Of course, how dare to forget such a big thing?”

Although I was in a mood, I couldn’t help teasing the iceberg. After listening to a satisfactory answer, the freezer did not blame my mouth flowers, but unfortunate “Boy, is Miss Qing’er’s name?”

Is your name? “The guy with the noodle noodle noodles walked over with a fart. This guy always stared at me from me, although Qinger flashed a hint of disgust in the eyes of Qinger’s eyes, However, there was no sound of objection. On the contrary, I was full of interest to look at my lively. The boy did not oppose the beauty, and it was even more proud. This is not a surprise. For those who know Zhuge Qing’er, This situation is not opposed. "

The little boy, my men want to ask you to ask you, how about, of course, if you admit the defeat directly, I will let you go if you learn the three dogs!” After that, he laughed arrogantly with his men. I shook my head, why do I always have such a guy who is not self -raising, just shot, the fan stopped me, Shen Sheng said, "

Boss, don’t dirty your hand in these garbage, just send them back to the trash can.” I just want to see how his progress is.

The people around me obviously started to pay attention to the changes here, and the four famous grass also took the opportunity to come up.

Zhuo Lin was very handy between Xing Jin’s two, but in all fairness, if it wasn’t because she was too uncomfortable, the ranking would never be at the bottom.

Chery had no interest in me.

There is no much connection with muscles.

The two brothers of the Li family were very interested in me, especially Li Dongtie immediately listed me as a rival.

The man, seeing Chery, the jealousy in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

He gestured.

The bodyguard behind him came up with a good momentum.

It was a person who was trained in formal training.

“Primary Three, teach me a good job.”

The person who knows the foundation is already starting to talk about “This is good to see, this Primary Three heard that it is a fighting master in the black market!”

“No. How can Master Sun’s thugs? Last time, there was a master of 5th section of the karate, and he was clicked by him gently.”

“It’s not, how can a regular martial arts kill the murder? Besides, his father has the right to settle him.”

“On the day, there is a great money …”

“If you have a brother, you ca n’t afford to avoid it, do n’t let him hear it, you are finished.”

“Damn, wait for Lao Tzu to practice magical power, huh!”

“Then wait for you to practice, let’s talk about it.”

The person next to him couldn’t help splashing cold water. The fan also felt the opponent’s killing intention, cautious. Xiao San didn’t talk about it. He kicked the crotch in one foot. It was really insidious. The right hand double -fingers were sparming. The fan also showed anger. For the first time, he used Qi to cooperate with his outsourcing kung fu, his feet against your feet, his opponent, and seal the opponent’s attack. Unfortunately, it was still not the fire. Although the primary three was not a warrior, it was obviously a lot of practice. Killer, but the current fan is just a exercise. The two of them shocked each other, and they were half -step, and their strength was equal. Xiao San saw the fan blocked his attack seriously. A moment of murderousness is close to the fan. Unfortunately, this kind of murder is useless to be angry with warriors, even beginners such as fans can resist. “Hey, let you taste my stunts —— Thunderbolt serial legs, ancient martial arts killing.”

kindness? Perak deed leg? What Dongdong has never heard of it. The four famous grass on the side is also a disdain. A set of serial legs kick towards the fan, the legs and legs are all kicking into the key, and the power angle is good. The key is that the connection between the tricks does take the shot. Suddenly, a knife was stabbed from the leg shadow. This is the real killing trick. The fan is under the defense that it is too late to react. The girls around them have closed their eyes and can’t bear to see the misery of bleeding, but the tragedy has not happened. The knife in the hands of Xiao Sanzi was knocked off, “Who is it and who? Which bastard dares to sneak in me, Lao Tzu is going to pull his skin.”

When he was doing it just now, his hand was suddenly beaten by what he didn’t know, Master Sun is not a fool, “Sanzi, come back, just learn a little lesson for the Bazao of the countryside.”

Xiao San was ready to go back when he heard the host’s call. “Wait!”

I called him in a word. If this is the case, it really doesn’t need to be mixed. There are more and more people around, and the four famous grasses are also interested in me when I hear me. I stretched out my fingers and hooked him, “I just stood here, no matter what weapon you use, as long as you can take back half a step, even today’s business.”

Master Sun gave the color that was killed, and the younger son immediately shook his knife and walked over. “Boy, don’t forget to be a man next time when you are reborn.”

Xiao San took a knife with a straight thorn and stabbed to my Dantian. Unfortunately, the blade was squeezed by me gently, and he couldn’t draw it. The guy was not good at it, and his feet immediately swept over. My right hand grabbed it. His ankle, pinching, clicking, accompanied by a scream, as if something broke, and then gently “touch”

through his legs, this guy can only lie on the ground, this guy can only lie on the ground, When Master Sun was not good, he waved his hands, and two bodyguards came up. I just had a simple two punch. I clicked and clicked twice, and there were two piles of garbage on the ground. “What are you going to do? My dad is the chairman of the CPPCC. If you hurt me, it’s over.”

Said me who looked closely. “Oh? Really, I’m Wang Zhong, I have something to do with me!”

He lifted him up, and he raised him. “Brother Wang, did you sell his brother’s face to let him go?”

Xing Jun occupied it, and wanted to do old things, do it, and saved the surname money, and it seemed to give me a big face. Unfortunately, in my eyes, he is not fart. “Oh, right, since the senior speaks, why dare not die.”

As soon as the words were finished, Xing Jun’s smile stopped halfway, and the young master was thrown on a tree 10 meters away like a garbage. “Oh, sorry, I am a little strong.”

I didn’t care about them, and walked down on the chair on the side. There is nothing lively around you to see it. To be honest, I really couldn’t mention interest in this kind of garbage. The three of them immediately gathered around. The endless scenery was the endless. “Fanzi, outsourced work is not equal to defense kung fu. If you just defend, the result will only fail!”

“Boss, even if you’re an old grandson today, why do you even offend Xing Jun?”

Li Zi asked puzzledly. “Li Zi, you are afraid of a fart, which onion he is, in the end he wants to pick up cheap, dry!”

Liangzi couldn’t help scolding. “Hehe, it’s okay, what is this little thing, the soldiers will stop, but people do n’t commit me, I do n’t offend me, if people commit me, hum, do n’t blame me. "

Brother Jun, the boy is too faceless, we give him some colors, otherwise we think we are afraid of him,” Kim Gang stimulated the wind and ignited, "

Is this miscellaneous son who thinks the chairman of the CPPCC is so good? We just wait to watch the show, I add a fire, hahaha” "

Brother Zhong, are you here?” Cher and Baby came to the morning to exercise. I looked up at the sun in the air. This … seemed to be too late. "

Baby, are you sleeping again?" "

People, people just accidentally kicked the alarm clock, so, so you don’t pull it anyway." Dizzy, this can also pull my head. "

Brother Zhong, what’s going on just now, it seems like someone fights!" Before I was talking, the quick mouth Li Li immediately shook it out. The hearing Xueer was so worried that the baby was applauding. At this time, the Li family came over. "

In Li Dongtie, brother Li Jianmin, Brother Wang is in a good skills, and you have time to discuss." I dizzy, come to me why. "

It turned out to be the brother of the Li family, long -lasting name!" "

Where is the name, now our college, or even the entire city college who does not know the name of the beauty killer Wang Zhong!" "

Beauty Killer"? Intersection Intersection The disgusting nickname, no creativity, the little hands of the two beauties next to it have climbed up, I am really innocent! Watching us scolded, the Li family brothers also showed envy. "

Oh, Brother Li, I am very strange. Zhuge Qinger and you are both masters of the new generation of the ancient martial arts family, and in the same school, why not learn from each other, but look far away?" "

Oh, it is no wonder that Brother Wang is strange. It is not that we don’t want to. In fact, every four years, the major genres of ancient martial arts have a martial arts exchange. The original intention is to take advantage of each other. However Local, in the usual unnecessary, and the same strength, those who do not play with each other are hidden their strengths. At the preparation of the exchange meeting, they were alarming, and later became customary. No one can take the initiative to invite the war. " Li Dongtie’s straightforwardness won my favor, and Li Jianmin, who had never spoken, suddenly turned to the fan. "

Which is your hard work?" "

Brother, can’t be rude, how can you ask someone else’s martial arts?" Li Jianmin is a martial art. "

Brother Iron, I think your qigong belongs to the lost authentic hard work, but you seem to have just practiced, don’t blame my brother reckless, in fact, I am also curious?" Hearing authentic hard work, Li Jianmin’s eyes were straightforward, more than strength, the fan now has a few grades from him, but his hard work quality is obviously higher than his own. With his current strength, if he can add the most successful gas, then today’s exchange meeting will definitely be able to gain. Essence Text Chapter 57 The Mystery of Life Life Updated: 2007-5-19 14:36:00 Number of chapters: 5357 "

My qigong is biography!" This sentence immediately turned everyone’s eyes to me again, alas, I knew it would cause trouble. oh? In the eyes of Shuangli, the fighting desire could not be suppressed, and it was over. There is no need to level up this morning. "

Brother Wang, if there is nothing, it is better to start with us. The younger brother can’t help it!" Li Dongtie’s interest was immediately attracted, and he could tell this kind of high -profile martial arts to others. There must be more in his hand. In the colorful Dongdong, he couldn’t help but always calmly. "

So, it’s better to choose a day, and I solve it together." Turning his head to Li Zi, "

Li Zi, you went to call Zhuge Qing’er over and said that I would fulfill the agreement." As soon as Li Zi heard the opportunity to contact the beauty, he immediately “disappeared”.

“Xueer, baby, if you are okay, go and see together!”

The two women cheered happily as soon as they heard it. As for being so happy, isn’t it worrying that I was sore by others at all. “Husband, finally you can see the duel of the master.”

Baby clapped his hand excitedly. “Brother Zhong, you have to be careful. Li Dongtie is the second place in the last exchange meeting!”

Xueer knew a lot, and it seemed that there were people in this area. It is still a senior official, and that cannot be separated from Gu Wu. “Rest assured, your husband is invincible.”

I quickly put on a Pose of a strong man to prove my confidence. “Huh, stinky you.”

………… “Xiangzi, I will use your practice room for a while, we will arrive soon!”

It happened that Zhuge Qing’er also came, and took a look with Li Dongtie. The two immediately looked like a chicken fighting. It seemed that there had been “discussions”

between them. “Hey, don’t have to be so exaggerated, just play it casually.”

I really do n’t understand why these children ’s children are always so competitive and winning, so I do n’t know what is called virtual Hua Ruo Valley, which is better than me and me, haha. Still Li Dongtie’s promotion of the man’s demeanor, “Miss Zhuge’s Xuanyu Gong has reached the sixth layer of frost, but it is gratifying!”

“Brother Li’s seven stars and two rituals, the true Yuanli also reached the fourth turn, each other.”

“OK, don’t tout the two of you. Don’t you want to practice with me. Just today I have come to interest. I have arranged it in the place. Let me go with me. Three also, this opportunity is not common. "

The fight between the masters can often be touched very much. This is why the nature of the communication will change and it is still better and better. Although they have not yet reached this level, they know more about the future for the future for the future. There are still great benefits. However, there is an extra oil bottle Chery. When you hear a competition, you can see it. It seems that her relationship with the Li family is very interested in Li Jianmin. Unfortunately, in the eyes of Xiao Li, she is in the eyes of Xiao Li. The temptation is not as good as a fan. After a while, our party came to the Karate Hall, and Xiangzi had been waiting for us there. Seeing that we came, Xiangzi immediately greeted. “Brother Zhong, a big scene, won’t be you to fight for martial arts.”

“Oh, guess, the guys in the back will not let me go, there is no way, so I have to use your Museum to use it.”

“What are you and me, Brother Zhong, all of me is yours.”

After speaking, it is a wink. I also have a headache for the naked love of Xiangzi. ah……. Xueer’s three meetings naturally whispered each other. Several people on the scene have different responses. Fanzi and Li Jianmin’s thoughts are not in this respect. Li Zi and Liangzi already have resistance. Zhuge Qinger is still a pair of icebergs. , Nuns always associate the degree of muscles with the ability of that aspect. “Brother Wang, it is better to meet, the younger brother is really gan Mo, admire and admire!”

Looking at the three women, Li Dongtie was convinced. “Brother Li, don’t make fun of me. Let’s go in.”

“Miss Zhuge, is you first, or for me?”

Out of polite Li Dongtie still gave the priority to Zhuge Qinger. “You three of you, save the trouble.”

As soon as my words came out, the people present were a little unnatural, and I felt that I was too arrogant. … In fact, the only disadvantage of my person is “humility”.

“Brother Wang, you look at us too much …”

I didn’t wait for him to finish the words, and I put the breath. Everything around me was immediately pushed away. Of course, they just put them in the scope of safety. As my breath continued to increase, Li Dongtie The light blue seven stars and two rituals are true, Zhuge Qing’er’s milky Xuanyu Gong, Li Jianmin’s light redness and hard work is forced to fight back. “The high realm of Gu Wu is no different from the learning of modern abilities. You can also laugh at the world well. This is the truth of all the laws.”

Now they don’t want to join forces. I have let go of my true qi, but the usual personality, but I am alone in the world. I watched the three people desperately resisting and knew that it was almost reaching their limit. , By the traction, the long -standing offensive of the three immediately started. A light waves flash, Li Jianmin’s light wave boxing first shot, followed by Li Jianmin and Zhuge Qing’er quickly, immediately let Xueer and others nervous heartbeat, Xiangzi finally knew that the competition that day did not use the true ability at all. If this situation is afraid of defeating in the first round. Who can avoid and resist such closely and dense siege? Unfortunately, they can’t think of it. At this time, I can clearly see each of their movements, drink a lot, and the body stretchs a circle of light waves. Is it too pediatric? Unreasonable. “Congenital qi !!!”

The fan couldn’t help yelling, the ultimate realm of Gu Wu —— Congenital secret. Legend has it that the operation of this realm will endlessly, endless, and the qi can be formed to form an indestructible guardian qi, but the world is invincible. I did not expect to see it on me. The failure of the first strength of the attack made them realize that the gap with me, but the three people did not give up, but burned a stronger fire. When it comes to apex, at this time, I am more eager to challenge strong challenges. drink! This time Li Dongtie launched the attack on the first attack. The Qixing and two instruments were used to the extreme. The whole person was shrouded in a light layer of halo. A football -sized light ball appeared in his hand, which instantly transformed into seven shadows from all directions and eight directions. I attacked, and when I was in front of me, I was suddenly seven -in -one; At the moment Li Dongtie moved, Li Jianmin immediately echoed from the opposite direction. Seeing that his posture should be mad in power, muscle violently rose, and his strength was more than doubled than just now. A huge weapon hit. Zhuge Qinger is like a ice girl, and her hair becomes white instantly. This is the phenomenon of Xuanyu’s function. A ice sword appeared in my hand. Hehe, I did not expect to be privately hid, but overall, Regardless of the quality and quantity of Qi, or the degree of manipulation, Zhuge Qinger took advantage of the upper hand. Okay, interesting, come on. Under such a strong attack, congenital masters have to pay attention to. ha! Yangtian roared, ——- Vajrayana protector! Intersection Intersection All the outer gas is released in front of me to form a spherical golden gas mask, which is the ultimate defense pursued by the internal and external kung fu. The three people’s attacks hit my sulfur hood solidly, bombarding \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~. The whole house was shaking, and people who did not know thought it was an earthquake. The smoke was scattered, and only I stood alone in the field. The other three people had been bounced out and fell to the ground. “Haha, happy and happy, today I finally understand what there are people outside the mountains and people outside the mountain, hahaha! Kheke,”

although Li Dongtie was not injured, but the pride was not reduced. In fact, if it wasn’t for my mercy. I have long been aloud. Especially Zhuge Qing’er, who was injured, she showed the fragile side of a woman at this time. My hand was moved, and the three of them immediately flew towards me. The scene was strange, and the people next to them looked at it. Fortunately, Xiangzi still has studies, so I can’t help but call out, “High -level manipulator !!!”

The three people turned around like a puppet in my hands, brushed, and a ninety -eight -one fingers in an instant. A mouthful of blood. OK, achieve great achievements! In the future, this kind of loss is still less. I am tired of me. Even if it reaches the congenital realm, it is not really that there is no boundaries. Now it is when they are exhausted. At this time, I will help them luck nine small weekly days with my true gas, which has great benefits for them. Three people immediately picked up their knees. Seeing that we ended, Xueer immediately gathered around. “Boss, are you human?”

Li Zi looked at me in doubt. “Nonsense, I am not a human.”

“Wow, boss, no, you must pass it to me a few tricks, otherwise it would be bad for me to shame you in the future.”

“That’s it! You can’t turn your elbows out !!!”

Liangzi also drummed. The fan just looked at me with worship, so pious. “Okay, husband, you are so powerful, you must pass the kung fu to me in the future, at least half of you must be more powerful.”

Baby pulled me indifferently. “Brother Zhong, it seems that your strength should be the top master of our school?”

Xueer questioned, I haven’t spoken yet.

Xiangzi has been inserted.

“More than our college, I suspect that it is the two masters of the entire warrior world and the world of capable people. And the competition of Wu Zhong just now is only defensive, and there is no attack at all. The qi was injured, but it was blessed because of the disaster! "

It was full of envy. … … At this time, Li Dongtie also adjusted the interest rate, “Should I call your brother? Or is it the little king?”

“What is messy, just call me Wang Zhong, the older generation has nothing to do with me.”

I don’t want to bear the burden of the previous generation. My parents fled slyly, but let me top the tank. I will not do it. Intersection “Brother Wang, Daen is grateful, even though he will be instructed in the future!”

Li Dongtie was sincere. Li Jianmin was even more horrible. I ran to me and kneeling to worship. How could I let him kneel and get angry, this guy can only stand honestly. “Worshiping is not possible, but in some places in the future, you can give pointers. By the way, you can also help me teach me the fan after all. The practice method is extremely abnormal, so I have a headache for those who do not have the foundation. Zhuge Qing’er stared at me from a pair of beautiful eyes, and the iceberg melted, but it was even more terrible. I added a yang in the true qi just now. It will gradually lose humanity. How can I look at such beauties and go to death. Unfortunately, I forgot a little bit. Although she saved her at the same time, she opened a gap in her heart. Once the iceberg melted enthusiasm, it was terrible. "

Thank you!” The brushing face was shy, and the people around him looked at it all. The charm of the iron tree blossoming and the woman Xueer couldn’t resist. Chery looks like me now. It looks like God. If I had not had three women, she had been snatched by her long ago. Essence "

Okay, after exercising for a long time, knowing Brother Wang is really a great thing in life. Go and go to Furong Tower. Today, I invite me. Everyone is not drunk.” Li Dongtie took the initiative to invite. "

Come, Brother Wang, I respect you!” Everyone killed it. "

Boss, there are no outsiders here, so you can reveal your bottom out point! I almost strangled it." Li Zi couldn’t help but say that this guy found a secret thing. Chu Jue couldn’t sleep. "

It’s boss, let’s talk!" Ryoko is really inseparable from Li Zi, and it is good. "

In fact, there is nothing, that is, there are a few strong people in the older generation, and what the medicine of the medicine royal palace has been made." I heard that I admitted that the insider couldn’t help but amazed. "

Yaowang Mansion? Where is the palace?" "

Let me," Li Dongtie took over the stubble. "

Since the beginning of the century, the destruction of super -killing weapons has attached great importance to the research of single -human technology research. The legendary factional family members have recovered, that is, the current ancient martial arts martial arts, Yaowang Mansion is the most hidden family in Guwu. Each generation is a master. It is a family of traditional Chinese medicine. I accidentally found a medical scripture about acupoints. From medical to martial arts, I heard that a hidden set of acupuncture methods can quickly enhance the breath. In addition, the martial arts secrets of various factions were deliberately collected. Cheng Mang, called the Pharmaceutical Palace on the rivers and lakes, which later caused jealousy of the people and besieged the Pharmaceutical Palace. As a result, all of them were wiped out. These are just allusions of martial arts. Each martial arts are even more bizarre than this. The recent generation of Wang Ye is called Wang Zhantian. This incident also caused a small vibration of martial arts. “I also knew when I went back to the secret of holding the fan with hard qigong. I was not my stinky dad. I wanted to save my mother at ease. I didn’t want to take responsibility. It was a thousand -year -old wizard, and even got the consent of the old men, which caused my childhood life. Unfortunately, since I am his son, I do n’t look like it. "

Brother Wang, is also a power?” Li Dongtie then asked,, "

Oh, I also involve a little bit, have some experience, you can communicate with you when you have time, but if you have something, you must help. , Especially Li Zi, dare to pass out, see if I don’t pick up your skin. " "

Why are you looking for me, am I the kind of person?" Li Zi looked at me with a grievance. "

Cut \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~" It seems that he is really infamous! Text Chapter 58 The hard work of Little Stone Updated: 2007-5-19 14:37:00 Number of chapters: 5940 Today, I started preparing to practice small stones. Cher and Baby they are now practicing Qi Qinger with Zhuge Qinger. It is more assured that there is Zhuge Qing’er instructed me to guide me. What do you want Xiangzi to spar, I am dizzy, and she can’t even practice the two chickens. It is obviously that I am afraid that Xiangzi will compete for pet. , Three women form a close league, it seems that I think everyone will have to work hard. "

Xiao Mao, is there something wrong now?" "

Everything is normal, what’s wrong?" It was rare to get related to the affairs of the meeting. "

It’s okay, I will start practicing the warrior recently." "

No, low -level soldiers are useless, it is better to come to help me." Xiao Mao would not let go of any free labor. "

No, last time I encountered a perverted old demon who was completely anti -magic, and practiced small stones in the future, maybe it will be used in the future, okay, I will not be ridiculous." Where can I go to level 16 of the small warriors? Forget it, go to the city first. If you are lucky, you can find a person to form a team. I think the current Yanhuangcheng District is just like a vegetable market. "

Brothers and sisters, come and take a look. The newly baked pet eggs, 1-7 levels of level 1-7 are all. The price is cheap. “The best long bow, add a merit and a inlaid slot. Let’s take a look. After the expiration is not, now come to buy 100 standard arrows.”

“The rigid magic robe has a variety of styles, and the cursed armor that is sold at the 20th level of the demon king’s soul is also sold exclusively. Dizzy, the mind of doing business is getting more and more horrible now. "

Hey, this little brother, come, come, see, here I happen to have a weapon that is suitable for you. The weapon is like a human face. It is the most important equipment. You see you are now at 16, you ca n’t hit good weapons, you ca n’t hit good weapons. In the store sells ordinary weapons, the price is expensive, but the level is still slow to practice at the level. Besides, there is no good equipment, no one wants to team up, I see you handsome, the instrument is extraordinary, his eyes, your eyes, your eyes, your eyes, eyes Li Chaoquan, the garbage on my body was thrown away early. You can see how my bronze swords are, add two merits! What concept is a strong word. I will bite your teeth and sell it to you today. 5 gold coins, do n’t believe you to inquire, the entire Yanhuang City, no, the whole Central Plains can’t find such cheap, hesitant, the man husband’s husband is broken, Broken! “Said me, stuffed me the superb bronze sword, and then snatched 5 gold coins from me. From beginning to end, I didn’t say a word, and after a large series of words, I was faint. When I woke up, there was only the bronze sword left in my hand. Knowing where to run, it’s probably a shot and a place. As a result, I saw that someone was selling 2 and added a accurate bronze sword just a few steps. The price was only 50 silver coins. The poor little stone was unfavorable. Looking at the 5 gold coins in my hand, I really couldn’t laugh and laugh. I waved it twice and took advantage of it. I finally experienced the truth in person- Then, then Intersection Intersection "

Wow, this advertisement is simply made for me. The opportunity must not be lost. I quickly rushed to the blacksmith shop to start my level of leveling. As soon as I arrived at the ground, I was dumbfounded. It turned out to be a group of alliances of the same rookie as me. There were already more than a dozen people. Most of them were less than 20 levels as me. Where is the level of people going? Intersection Intersection A young fighter is called “killing and smoking”

level 29. The name is full of coolness, but his level, hehe …… Since you are here, join in and see, “Who is the captain, I am here to sign up for the team, I wonder if it is not suitable?”

Brushing, everyone’s eyes were all concentrated on me, “killing people and smoking cigarettes”

looked at me at a glance, “Say you!”

Are you dizzy, isn’t it just a team to practice a level? As for being so troublesome, it looks like checking the household. “My little stone, gender male, married, 16th level, soldiers, no bad hobbies, letter: listen to his wife’s words and go! The report is over!”

This can cause laughter, especially a few small Meimei laughed back and backwards. Is it so exaggerated? “Lady, see that your level is not high, and his ability is not small. How can you not come out with you?”

“My wife has a child at home, and I don’t have time.”

You tiny me with me, and I also pounded with you. “No, the brothers are so powerful, how is it, is it beautiful?”

“Oh, Feng’er, lightly, I just asked casually, don’t have to do this!”

A 26 -level female Taoist loses the ears of “killing people and smoking cigarettes”.

“OK, Little Stone is just one of you, just 18 people, 9 men and 9 women, each person finds one person to match, and take care of each other in the battle. The location —— Luo Fengpo.”

In the end Speaking. Nine ladies are all Taoist priests. There are not many teams who like to find soldiers. The reason is very simple. It is too tired. The soldiers rushed to the fastest health in the front, and the Taoist priests who also fought with him were the hardest. “Little stone, two of us, okay, okay?”

I didn’t expect someone would take the initiative to find me, … “Gentle young woman”

, good and sexy name, will not be Do you want old grass to seduce tender cows? “Gentle young woman”

, professional Taoist priest, level 18, is about 32 years old, with full characteristics and mature taste, as if he is familiar with big peaches. “Wow, elder sister, you will pick the tender grass of small stones when you come up.”

A female Taoist beside him, everyone laughed. “Go to you, you’re not a long time,”

………. Is it so trendy in Ou Shu? Intersection Intersection The new map specially opened due to a large number of novices-the wind slope is the best place for low-level players to level level. Because the experience is linked to the monster level and personal level, senior players are generally unwilling to bring people to others The level of leveling, the place where the high -level monsters are out, the novice is too easy to hang, the monster level is too low, and the senior players can not distinguish it. Therefore, the novice leveling is hard. The monster refresh rate here is twice that of other places. The monster level is suitable, the focus is on defense, and the attack power is low. Although it will not be equipped with any good equipment, the level of leveling money can always be made up. “Sister, do you have no one you know, finding a few high -level bands is not faster, or do you spend money to take care of a few masters?”

“The one who plays the game is to experience it yourself. What does it mean to follow the butt of others? Besides, we don’t want to compete with others, just be happy!”

This is also a kind of idea, but now that it is here, this kind of independent idea is probably not so easy to achieve. When we arrived at the windy slope, many people had started to level in groups. There are many people in our group. No matter where there are more people, there are always disputes. Although the monsters are refreshing fast here, there are always many places and less places that are brushed. It’s nothing new. Generally speaking, everyone still follows the principles of first and then, but the bullies and weak people have everywhere. Fortunately, the map area is also very large. After a while, we also found a large -level training point. The nine groups separated their own sites and waited for the monsters to brush out. Here are mainly brushing some zombies, half orcs, small lizards, horses, flying pigs, valley caves, werewolfs, and occasionally there are some small skeletons and some small monsters, which are a hodgepodge. Soon after we stood well, we brushed a monster. When we worked as a mage, we always attacked long -distance. This time, it was really strong. For a while, I rushed out, obediently, was surrounded by the monsters, bang, a few times, and almost no blood, took out the little red in the pocket, and the “romantic young woman”

on the side added blood to me, However, after losing my protection, she was too dazzling for a while, dizzy, and forgetting it was not the soul -eater. Now I am not suitable for the courage to move forward. The brothers next to each other saw our danger and came over to help. The boss is indeed a 29th soldier. Three people rushed in, and we retreated while fighting, and in a safe place, we scared a cold sweat. “Little Stone, it’s stupid, so anxious to send it to death?”

Killing and smoking, and gave me a class fiercely, but I also knew he was kind. If it wasn’t for him, I seemed to re -reborn again. It’s right. “Brother Shi, come slowly, my sister did not buy insurance, and you can pay me if you hang it.”

“Sister, let the stone accompany you, what do you look like?”

The little girl laughed.

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