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Chapter_8 “That’s why you see the name of others, it is called stone, it must be very hard, giggle!”

“Okay, some little Ni Zi dare to laugh at me, see me not fight.”

“Oh, the mother tiger hair …”

… … Although everyone is too slower to level together, they are really happy. When they are scared by monsters, the beauty is screamed. If you think about finding someone else, how can you have time to appreciate this, how boring how to please others. However, everything is two sides, and we will lose it at the same time. What we get here is happiness, but at the same time we lose strong protection. “Boy, big brother, I want to borrow your younger brother in your place, how do you give a face?”

Come here 5 people, 1 50 soldiers, a 58 -level mage, and the remaining 3 are very low levels. The little warrior, it seemed to want to show prestige in front of the younger brother. “I’m sorry, we just came, the medicine on our body has not been used up, you should change the place. If we do n’t wait for us, we will ask you when we leave.”

“Stinky boy, tell you to lift you, don’t ***I don’t know the image, believe it or not, Lao Tzu is in the second.”

This “mop”

warrior is crazy enough. people. “Put your mouth clean, do you have any education!”

As soon as we heard the curse, our eldest sister couldn’t help it. “Yo, are you romantic young women? It’ s right to match me. How do you want to compete with my brother and my bed, hahaha! "

Everyone was so angry that I couldn’t help but want to do it, but the difference in strength on our side was too disparate. At first glance, I secretly sent a message for the mood, and let him find the brothers of the law enforcement church above 60 or more in the meeting. I have a small problem here. Anyway, you can not expose your identity anyway. “Brother, don’t be too much, people are here first, you can wait for others to finish talking, and it’s not polite to the lady.”

A 48 -level mage on the side finally couldn’t look at it. Essence Looking at the level of the other party, “Boy, unlucky is derived from the top, staying without you.”

“Huh, the people of our Fire Alliance have never retreated this alliance!”

“Boy, Lie Fire League, hahaha, where did you come from the gang? Didn’t you see that I was the Magic Palace? I might as well tell you that my elder brother is the center captain of the magic bow. "

I’m so angry, I’m not so crazy yet, but this boy is holding B with my banner. I haven’t been so arrogant yet. Why can’t my baby feel in the mood? I can’t help but go on like this. It’s shot. “How about the Magic Palace, don’t you have a law enforcement hall? Losses like you, garbage, why haven’t been cleared yet!”

It seems that the law enforcement hall is still a bit fame, and finally the heart is balanced. “Damn, how about the law enforcement hall, who do you believe, you can take it seriously, hahaha!”

“I believe!”

A crisp female voice broke the sullenness on the field. “Yeah, it’s the Dragon Dragon Lady —— Mood !!!”

“It’s really her, so beautiful, it is indeed a character on the stunning list!”

“Fart, they are masters of the list, but not like some guys are just vases.”

“Nonsense, even if you are amazing, you do n’t know if she is one of the two generals under the demon king. The head of the head of the small wool pipe economy, she is responsible for the construction of the guild. Female strong woman. "

“I heard that a few days ago I got married with the devil, and another flower fell.”

“Come on, you are Langcai women’s appearance, you sigh a fart”

, the “fart man”

next to it is another blow “heavy”

the fainting of the brothers just now. “Drag”

at a glance, you can stab the basket, and you are going to sneak away. Unfortunately, the brothers of the Law Enforcement Hall have surrounded him. “Group, head, this, this, this”

“What else do you have to say?”

“No, no”

“Very good, you have violated Article 5 of the Demon Palace. Not only is his personal behavior harsh, but it will seriously damage the honor of the Magic Palace. Now it is announced to be punished for you: expel the Magic Palace, 10 minutes later, five level 65 law enforcement officers will chase you For 10 days, what cousin you will fall will be reduced, now you can go. "

As soon as he heard this, the man was stunned on the spot. On the day, it was a garbage. The mage next to him quickly picked up him away. I had a thumbs up in secret, obedient baby, pretty, and comforting you at night, hehe. But I took a message, “Hum, stinky husband, put one family aside, but he picked up here and went back to calculate the account with you!”

I am wrong, how can I have a girl. After they left, we lost the interest of leveling, and everyone discussed warmly. “Wow, this is the master!”

“That is, the real master will be like a mop.”

I have reserved opinions. “Don’t say, the soul -eating is really cool. There are four wives who are like a fairy. What else is there to be a person in his life?”

“Isn’t it three, how can it become four?”

“Have you read the newspaper recently? The devil went to Japan and couldn’t help but turn the little Japan upside down. He grabbed a super beauty back. "

“Really false, so cool?”

“That is………………”

……………….. “Brother Stone, do you seem to be unwilling to the beauties?”

The “romantic young woman”

asked skeptically on the side, “Ah, how can you? Look, I think my sister is dazed!”

I looked at the plump body of the “romantic young woman”

, sweeping from top to bottom. “Good brother, the color wolf is not like you, you see too fast, ha ha”.

It was really a failure. As a compensation, I stared at the shaking breast enhancement for a few times. , But this mature charm is indeed not pretending to pretend. It is really romantic. “Also, everyone was nervous when the mop was forced, why did you not reflect it, and I think you secretly sent a message, can you give me a reasonable explanation?”

Staring at me, my eyes were dare not turn. “Actually simple, the situation at that time was like this-I was scared, and the news I haven’t sent it. My sister must have read it wrong.”

Do not admit it, how can you do it? Essence “Oh, it’s really strange. How could the leader of the Demon Ride appeared here so coincidental, and did she use her in person for this kind of little 喽? What about it? "

Women’s association is really rich, it seems that she can go to private detectives. No matter what, I am a tight -stitched mouth, and the romantic young woman vowed to take out my old background, dizzy, look at it. We went back to the city for a while and then returned to the city to supply. This time I didn’t go again. After saying goodbye to them, I was going to see “the old man who watched the door”.

Maybe I could get some good places again. The “main purpose”

is to comfort the lonely old man. This is a righteousness, haha. Text Chapter 59 Underwear Thief Updated: 2007-5-19 14:37:00 Number of chapters: 8063 If you think about it, you don’t know what to bring. Generally speaking, the elderly like to drink, or get a few bottles of mellow gold fruit bars. The grade is affordable. It can make a bottle of ordinary golden fruit wine and can sell 10 gold coins, while the mellow gold fruit wine is concentrated by 100 gold fruit, and it is made by expert brewers. When a few bottles of wine passed, the old man might be soft when he was extorting me, hehe. When I came to the entrance of the marriage hall, I found that the old man was busy. A long -standing person was waiting to line up to enter the door. Forget it, I could only wait for the meeting. The old man’s eyes were very easy to use, and it was swept to me. Unconsciously, he speeded up, and Changlong disappeared after a while. Then put the brand upright at the door —— System detection, suspend it! “Hey, the little brother, why don’t you say it in advance, I can please leave the day.”

The old man ran over on the top of his spirit, seeing his spiritual head for decades, there would be no problem. “Come on, are you doing this?”

I was a little embarrassed to see many couples look down at the brand. The old man turned back, and he was a bunch of people again for a while. Don’t get a big frying. He quickly took out a remote control from his hand. Option, continue to open. Seeing that I was puzzled, the old man quickly explained, “This holographic simulation NPC has spent 10,000 gold coins and specially replaced me. It can only be used for 100 hours. Now it has been used now. Half half, don’t talk about it everywhere! "

Seeing his nervous look, he was lazy.

I just doubted whether the “wool”

of buying this NPC was on my big head. The old man suddenly sniffed, sniffed, and then, “Take it out, I know you are hiding good things on you.”

Dizzy, what nose is the wine in the space bag can be smelled by him. I caught the wine from my hands and couldn’t wait to dry it. “Ha, I haven’t been so cool for a long time, and I will point you in the piety of your kid.”

“What are you pointers?”

Is there any good task in your hands? “Hey, kid, a little door, do you have a reincarnation ring in your hands?”

“Yes, yes, and I still have a warrior’s trumpet. It is practicing these days, but the level is too low, and the thief is strenuous.”

To be honest, I am also worried. Consciously, now I have a lot of things to do. Occasionally practice is fun. It is difficult to practice at level 50 or 60. “Boy, you have to please me well. When I allocated the task some time ago, I left my heart. This does not have a fusion task in my hands. As the name suggests, hey,”

the old man’s face is full of color, even he himself. I probably admire myself, so old is still a cooler. “You mean you can integrate the warrior and the mage ???”

I couldn’t help but surprise. “Hey, guess!”

After finishing speaking, it was an old god. People have to bow their heads under the eaves, “the old man has any requirements, just talk about it, we don’t have to turn corner between us!”

The old man saw my heart when I saw it, and smiled, “I have nothing to ask, you also know that I have a few mouthfuls. I heard that there is a diamond membership card on the first floor of the world. This old man is really ruthless. This kind of diamond member card is only available in the top of the Magic Palace. It is 50 % off for consumption and enjoy the best service. In particular, everyone has a reserved special box. Sending a dozen pieces, I heard that there are tens of millions of gold coins on the black market, not only a preferential issue, but also representing the face. Whoever has this member card? People are also a amulet, so the value can be so high. "

Okay, no problem, we are also old -fashioned.” I gave me the picture, and I didn’t need it anyway. The old man was also refreshing, and delivered money with one hand, and immediately took out a dilapidated sheepskin paper map from his pocket. When I was leaving, I also ransomed the two bottles of golden fruit wine I was ready to enjoy. It was miserable. When I saw him next time, it was best to bare light. Hehe, joking, I was not exposed. The mood on the way back is particularly happy, hey, what will it look like after the fusion, I already look forward to it. Open the task scroll and see, "

Task requirements: reincarnation ring, two occupations, and basic skills have all reached advanced” Dizzy, don’t say that the basic skills are the top skills, but I have practiced it, but the soldiers have just started to practice, stab, chop, and other basic skills. The skill is slow and inefficient, and it looks like to practice the work room. Since then, there is another hard -working little warrior in the ancient practice room of Yanhuang City. On the day, can the damn scarecrow be changed for an hour and have been cut for an hour. Do well in the skills —— chopping, all troubles, dare not imagine, if you pick it, … (Scarecrow: I, who am I recruited, see who I am scarred Look at the spirit of my selfless dedication, look at my firm and unyielding will, see … boss, the bonus this month will be doubled !!!) "

Brother, are you falling in love?” A cute bow and arrow girl tilted her head and asked me. I dizzy, "

Where is I like a broken love?” I have nothing to say when I look at this cute little ghost. "

Mom said, the people who lost love are pulling like you, it’s like this anyway !!!” After speaking, I knew it. I was dizzy, and I was knocked to say today, and I was forced to "

fall in love” by a little ghost, and I was crying. "

Brother, good, don’t cry, my sister gives you sugar!” He said that he gave me half of the stick, and it looked at her staring at the stick. The determination is really moved. Forget it, I have been practicing for so long today. Let ’s go offline early. It’ s not what to do if it ’s so supporting! Take a look at the next line, Li Zi, Liangzi, fan is discussing the meeting. "

Why are you three?” I was confused. "

Ah, boss, you are resurrected!" Li Zi said with a smile, "

Go to death, when will I die!" This guy touched my head early in the morning. "

Boss, you know that I am a college self -discipline. During this time, a perverted kinky demon was performed. The specialty of the dormitory of the girls’ dormitory has caused panic. Our Self -discipline will also die!" Said. "

What, the crime of entering the girl’s dormitory? On the day, Xueer is okay." I was anxious as soon as I heard this. "

Boss, don’t worry, it’s okay for the time being. This guy just steals things such as stolen underwear, underwear, bra and other things. Without the rape you imagined, the robbery, and the lost things will go back the next day and go back. “Li Zi watched my joke again. "

On the day, why not say it earlier, I was worried about it.” I scared me, and I thought it was a perverted kinky demon. It turned out to be a thief who was dissatisfied. "

Boss, this is not an ordinary thief. It looks like a master of light exercises. You can climb up on the eighth floor, and you should worry about it. It has reached our top ten beauties. Hey, the boss, your wives can account for more than 30 %, that is to say, hey. “Li Zi laughed with a laughed face, and the following words were self -evident. "

Yeah, boss, if you think about someone who holds Cher’s” That ‘"

," that’, you don’t want to vomit blood! "

Damn, if I dare to move my baby wife, I will take his skin! I hurried a phone call to Cher and Baby, and they are now very nervous. Some people have been stolen in the building. Several girls are sad and indignant. Although the things are returned, anyone who dares to use it. Fortunately They are fine. “Boss, now the Student Union and the Art Club jointly made a reward, saying that the thief who caught the thief can get a VIP card of the art club. With it, it can visit and participate in the art club activities, and the students will give the individual prize 5,000, which belongs to it. The community can get twice the budget. The most rare thing is that Zhuo Lin of the top ten beautiful women claims that whoever catchs this little thief will have dinner with him. Hey, you know that you can do a lot of things after dinner. ! "

Ryoko’s eyes rose straight, it seemed that he had seen himself and the beauty one night. “OK, I will pay attention to this matter. Let’s act together and contact the news in time!”

To be honest, if it was not threatened my three good wives, I was too lazy to care about this. I was retributed for a while, hey! “Hey, the date is me.”

“VIP card is mine.”

“The bonus is mine, and I have to be promoted to pull”

Dizzy, the thief hasn’t seen it yet, and the three have begun to divide the stolen stolen. The campus was rare, all of them were given by this panties. Ula, a group of members of a group of baseball clubs rushed across the opposite side, and everyone in his hands seemed to be a stick. One of them seemed to be the captain. Blessing … “I didn’t finish the words, % ¥ ◎ ×! × (. A group of people have rushed out, and the poor president just left on the ground. "

Protect our beautiful president, the little thief is our karate.” A large group of people rushed over, A group of four -eye chickens in Sciences are holding things like a minefrion like spy. "

Sisters, we want to defend our dignity and defeat the kinky thief !!!” Ula, another group of women. It will be chaotic in the world! Forget it, let’s go to the library to cool and cool. "

Members, for the budget of our agency, everyone rests today, and the thief is arranged for all. Our club will sweep the haze and become a first -level community, start!" I was drowned, and I was kicked out before I entered the door. Is there no place for me to stand in such a big college, so go to see the baby. I have a better side by me. Walking on the way to Xueer’s bedroom, their dormitory is quiet next to the rest garden. The treatment of girls is good. Suddenly, a person rushed over and threw something on my head. Xiangxiang, what. Ah ~~~, it is a cute small underwear embroidered with a kuacher, Just now is a kinky thief! Intersection Intersection "

Thief, you can’t run anymore, sisters !!!" kill him! "

Boldly, dare to steal our stuff!" % ※ × (◎ (× ◎ ※) ◎ ◎ A fierce fight that covers the sky. As a last resort, there can only be things like Zhenqi to open these broom mop, and shout: "

I am wrong !!!" "

Why is Jong Brother you?" Xueer first recognized me. “Ah, husband, how do you have this habit, do you want to tell us, how can you take others’ things!”

Baby is unwilling, as if I should not steal others, it should be stolen. What is this thinking? There were a group of people around, and Li Zi did not know where to get in. “No, boss, how could it be you?”

“But also, only the boss has such a ghost.”

On the day, this bastard, at this time, also say this! “Misunderstanding is completely misunderstanding, not me stole. At that time, this was like this …”

I quickly explained before the next anger broke out. “Well, it’s not him. The thief we just saw was much fatter than him!”

Calm down the girls finally recovered a bit of discern. “yes.”

“Yes, don’t want to”

" … … At this time, our beautiful President Chen Sulan walked towards me with flushed face, and I quickly waved her hands and expressed innocent. The beautiful president stopped suddenly, "

I know it is not you, how can you do such a thing like so many beautiful girlfriends, just …" "

What is it?" My face was questioned? Intersection Intersection "

Everyone is scattered, and keep looking for that thief. What can be determined now is that the living is a fat man!" After hearing a clue, everyone immediately split around. When I saw that it was okay, I also wanted to go back to the dormitory to lie on my stomach. Today I am not suitable for going out. "

etc" "

Is there anything else?" Chen Sulan suddenly stomped, "

The things in your hands are from others! ah!!!! I was at a loss and forgot the stolen goods in my hand. In the end, I did not know how to return this cute little underwear to Chen Sulan. Finally, people gave me a spy. ,unnecessary! Baby and Xueer held my arms while holding my arms. The baby, the baby, liked to rub with her bulging chest. “Husband, do you like that style of trousers?”

Baby asked me innocently, and Xueer laughed next to him. “This, no more, I have nothing to do with this.”

“Then how did you hold the sisters’ trousers just now and look like he is reluctant!”

I dizzy, when did I not be reluctant. “People are wearing a white bunny today!”

Flutter, two liters of blood finally left me, this little witch! “Husband, do you want to know what Sister Sister is worn?”

“Baby, don’t say!”

Although Xueer gave me everything, there was no baby in this respect. I took Xueer, who wanted to escape, kissed it fiercely, “Obediently, tell my husband, what you wear today, otherwise I will do it myself!”

Xueer glanced at me coquettishly, like a mosquito, “Poloya”

No, Xueer, you are even wearing transparent thong, I feel that I am now enthusiastic, and I consciously imagine that Xueer is wearing a sexy Poloya in front of me. “Hum, it’s not that you like people who like to be sexy last time, all for you to buy it for you, a small werewolf!”

  1. It’s my good wife. “You can’t run by you tonight!”

I immediately made a good ambition. “Hum, you just want to be bad!”

“Yeah, yes!”

“Then do you like it?”

… … In the end, I decided that the safest place is Xiangzi’s empty doom. When others are being arrested, we sit in heaven, eat fresh fruits peeled by babies, drink cold drinks feeding, head of the head pillow, snow On the increasingly plump body, enjoying the Japanese -style massage service of Xiangzi, it seems that today is also good! “Is Zhong Brother delicious?”

“Well, delicious, baby incense.”

“You, I really enjoy it!”

Xueer massaged me on my head and told me some interesting things on campus. “Serving her husband is the duty of every wife, it is our honor!”

It is still more obedient, and Japan is not good. The education in this area is good. “Oh, Xueer, baby, you should learn more from Xiangzi Xuexue.”

“Yes, my husband.”

“Ah, light !!!”

……………….. As the only witnesses, I was found by our beauty president to describe the appearance of the thief. With my impression, I had a glasses with glasses, fat, and a melancholy thief. Li Zi took this wanted order and vowed to our beautiful president: “President, I must catch this damn thief and get angry for you!”

“Waiting for you to catch it, I’m afraid that our school will go down.”

Our president replied tepidly and brought Li Zi into the abyss at once. Help him, but think of this guy’s falling stone today, let him eat some bitterness! “Woohoo, am I so worthless?”

Poor plum. “That thief may not love it as you.”

Liang Zizi picked up the portrait and sighed, “You have the same illness!”

“Maybe the same constellation!”

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… have two idiots! Intersection Intersection We have to think of a plan! Intersection Intersection In art club, “This is the president. We want to borrow these things with you to seduce the thief to hook, and we ambush around.”

The beautiful women looked calm, but it seemed that she had little hope. “If you can’t get something, let’s impersonate it!”

I don’t want to be misunderstood. President Bei quickly waved his hand. “Don’t get a misunderstanding, we want one or two pieces of attractiveness, come with me.”

Flutter \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ “Borrow more you, it may be better!”

I did not expect that the consistent calm president, there is such a side. “This, thank you.”

It seems that I really underestimate their openness. Women, especially beauties, like to show themselves, but they don’t like passiveness. sweat…… Bow … The Liangtai next to the rest garden is covered with all kinds of underwear, bra, pants, conservative, sexy, trendy, back ancient, and more specially more specialized than specialty stores. “Wow!”

“So spectacular!”

“My eyes are spent!”

“The irritation is too great, I am worried that the thief will fall to death.”

“Oh, you can’t adhere to yourself, every one is the Lord!”

Our US President warns that there are already a little bit of plums. “How can we do it, we are so upright, resolutely fight a beautiful underwear to defend !!!”

“Please rest assured and resolutely complete the task!”

“… I think it’s too obvious, he may not be hooked.”

“Well, this is easy to be seen!”

“Rest assured you, mice always eat food!”

In the evening, the stars flashed quietly in the night sky. Who knows that in such a calm night sky, a conspiracy is in progress? “The current popularity of our college is very high. We have occupied an absolute upper hand in the recent confrontation with the North War! Haha!”

“Yeah, there are several unbelievable characters in this freshman, and the joining of Mingyue has also attracted a lot of talents!”

The principal and director are inspecting the campus and inspecting the people’s conditions. “Huh? What ????”

Shasha \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ “Ah! Shame, damage the school !!”

The principal’s mouth can put down a teapot. This is the case, the director next to it explained quickly … “Whoever came up with such a strange trick, I was so angry.”

“Yes … ah, let’s have a drink first!”

These rays made me back black. I, Li Zi, Fan, and Ryoko, and Xiangzi is squatting in the corner. Xiangzi is a girl representative. Because of her effort, Zhuge Qinger has always been not interested in this kind of thing. No one thinks no one dares to steal her underwear, unless she doesn’t want to live. “I still feel too exaggerated, I’m afraid of being counterproductive, scared away the thief!”

The fan said worriedly. Hush! Da da da. “Come.”


“Pay attention!”

“Buddy, you were arrested !!!”

“Hehe, catch me, let’s talk about it.”

The thief had the flexibility that he didn’t take advantage of his figure. If he fighted it, he wanted to escape. If he let him escape, I don’t need to mix it. A fingers hit him down, and in the middle of the Shenfeng acupoint. Then there is the business of Li Zi. % × ※ …… ◎#¥ “Honestly explain, why steal underwear!”

“No, no, because I was dumb, no woman likes me, so …”

, watching him was beaten, he was very fat, and now he is even more swollen like a pig head, and he has some compassion in his heart. “Just go to steal underwear, not to be promoted!”

The little fat man supported his eyes, “I have no other hobbies. I am particularly interested in stealing things recently, especially when I see the beautiful women’s underwear, I can’t help but take one. It’s addictive, all the things I stole have been back, I just want to experience the process of stimulation, there is no other thing! "

After speaking, it looks like Ren Jun’s mercy. “You go, forgive you this time.”

“Li Zi, you are crazy, you let him go, and you are not eaten by the group of dinosaurs!”

Ryoko wanted to pull a plum that walked to the edge of the cliff. “Forget it, as long as you don’t commit it in the future, he will be dropped out of school if he is public!”

“Xunzi, you have to help you help this good job!”

“Oh? Is it? What do you do?”

Husband, what do you do? " Li Zi immediately turned his head and rushed to me, "

Big brother, brothers!” "

Really, it seems that someone hasn’t made a little brother’s consciousness at all!" "

Boss, your adults don’t remember the villain, so save me!" Looking at Li Zi sincerity, um, it’s almost the same. "

Okay, Xiangzi, you can help your younger brother a one, otherwise he is really finished." At the critical time, I would have to save him as a big brother. Under the description of Xiangzi’s romance, everyone forgive this poor thief. One Mei Mei even wanted to know him and dizzy. What kind of world is the world? "

Hey, unfortunately, people originally wanted to share the wonderful night with the heroes of the thief, this is too much trouble! Bye, a few handsome guys." The man’s mouth was underwinking, and Zhuo Lin went back to sleep. "

No \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~" The scream of Li Zi cut through the beautiful night sky and shocked three or two. This book was first published on the starting point Chinese website, reprinted and indicated. Chapter 60 Chapter 60,000 Miles (Part 1) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:37:00 Number of chapters: 6744 In order to let me spend the irritable practice time, Xueer, baby, mood, Xiangzi, four beautiful women went online to accompany me, the small practice room was suddenly vibrant, and a group of breathless guys in the dying room usually died. Immediately active, a magic magic who practiced the flames of the flame next to it didn’t know if it was gone. He was still holding "

Tai Chi". The beauty was different. The time passed. In the past, a very great scientist, he invented a very profound theory-relativity, but no one understood it. Later, he gave a very simple example to explain: if you sit on a stove, then then, then then One minute is one year for you. If you are with a beloved woman, then one year is one minute. Simply put, this is "

theory of relativity". but…… "

Wife, the dedication is good? You drink coffee and chat here, but I am here to practice hard. This is not the enthusiasm of fighting my enthusiasm!" I published my dissatisfaction in a timely manner. "

Come on my husband, come and rest for a while." "

My dear, let me massage it." "

Baby to relax for you." … … Halo, how can I practice in this way, I ca n’t complete the task next year, hey, rest assured, I ca n’t run when I finish the practice, hum, I chop, I picked, I kill and kill! "

Husband, lightly, don’t hurt yourself." It is good to accompany me with four women … how do you get more and more, this is not the hot death, I endure. "

Wow, beauty." Audience A "

That’s not the goddess of Phoenix, so beautiful, so smooth skin, if you can touch it, I am willing to reduce life." The audience B has begun to obscure. "

I still like the petite and full shape of the little witch, with energy, and very much desire to conquer." On the day, the audience B has begun to move. "

You see the Dragon Dragon Dragon, the mature figure, the demeanor, and the charm, that is called conquest!" The audience said dissatisfied, as if he was an expert. "

Wow, that is a Japanese girl, it will not be the sex slave brought back from Japan. It is definitely the top ten materials. You see the sexy little mouth, the rich body, maybe it also provides special services! “The audience’s saliva began to flow. ……………….. No, it is unbearable. When I endure it, my whole person is green. Boom! Intersection Intersection Transformation —— Soul Eater debut (Little Stone: When will it be my turn?) I want to vent my anger! —— Rolling red dust (the fourth-level fire is magic, the flame is like a big wave, which sweeps everything, causing scope damage, characteristics, large scope, decentralized attack) I held the king’s stick and summoned meteorites. The second wave of attacks —— meteorite hell (the fifth-stage fire magic ——- The huge flame meteorite exploded, causing huge damage to the creatures within the range) For a while, the whole practice room was crying and crying. Unfortunately, any scrolls could not be used in the practice room. A group of people squeezed into one door. As a result, one couldn’t go out, and I was killed by me. Occasionally, there are a few ninja darts who want to be died and take the cheap. Hush \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, this world is finally clean. Rest assured that killing people here will not lose experience or any items, so people often practice PK technology here, otherwise I won’t be so cruel. "

You four you came here!” I said fiercely. The four people walked beside me obediently, massaging massage, and pleasing. "

Oh, my husband is jealous." "

Yes, people are so happy, no, it should be panic." "

Brother Zhong was so cool just now!" "

Come, kiss one, don’t be angry." Well, I still can’t stand their tender offensive. "

In the future, I have to teach these color wolves fiercely in the future and dare to eat my wife’s tofu. The baby is much more comfortable, and it turns out that men’s vinegar is not small. “My husband has you, what are we worried about, do you think this is not good, how can you bear the heart to let a weak woman fight and kill?”

If you are dizzy, you can be regarded as a weak woman. I don’t know how many people have to jump the river. I really do n’t understand, the woman who is a beloved man is next to the woman, no matter how savvy is usually, how can it become weak and stupid, and the mood is typical. The mature and stable and dying is usually “stupid”

since I followed me. But it is even more feminine. Looking at the love of the four women, my heart suddenly realized Instead of being moved for a while, her clever woman never showed her cleverness in front of his man, but just showed her beautiful style. Who are the proud girls who are talented, but since they fell in love with me, they never showed their strong side in front of me. …. It is often said that it is probably the same in blessing. “I’m sorry.”

I really don’t know what I should say. I want to express my love, apologies, and guilt. Cher moved out of the crystal tears, embraced me silently. Through the trembling body, I could clearly feel that they did not blame me at all, and there was a heavy love inside. I can’t help but want to vent my heart. There is such a peerless Jiao Lai to support me. What can’t be over, unless I am not a man. After this, our feelings are even higher, and occasionally small things are also an opportunity. The current little stone is full of spiritual leveling, and Xiao Mao sent me the gospel-get a good thing in our auction house, one of the skill necklaces of the ghostware, put on it to practice, speed, speed, speed, speed It is twice to three times the original, and with my high luck value, it is basically no different from three times. In order to prevent others from disturbing, the pension team in the conference blocked the door to the door. As a result, I made great achievements in 3 hours. Thank you Xiaomao. I can rest assured that this guy is doing business. It can now be carried out. “Finding the Tiger Shark’s Teeth and Seven Leaf Ganoderma”

Tiger shark, tiger shark, isn’t this a shark in the sea? There is a big sea on the east border of the map. Because I am a dry duck, I am never interested in seawater bath and never go to the sea. It seems that this time I didn’t have to hide. Xueer wanted to go to the sea to play. By the way, they took a sun bath. In the game, I enjoyed the same feelings but absolutely don’t have to worry about sunburn skin. … I just don’t like others who take advantage of my wife. The scenery on the seaside is so good, wow, good “great”

… a lot of sexy beauty, “Oh, my lovely wives, people just see!”

“It doesn’t work, isn’t it enough for you to see it?”

The four women’s moods were the biggest. Although the wild flowers are fragrant, it is not as good as the four family flowers around me. Each person bought a personal fish cheeks (can be freely moved in the water). We bought the best one. Each 1,000 gold coins increased the speed of the water by 2. Although it is more expensive, I would rather be more insured , Money does not bring to death or take it. Besides, I do n’t lack now, and it ’s not like Xiaomao. The whole person has drilled into the eyes of money. BRICS. There are not many people on the seaside.

Wow, there are still cities in the sea.

It looks bigger than the entire Yanhuang City.

There is a large jade plaque on the door-the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, which is really built in the Dragon Palace in mythology.

A variety of buildings are established around the Dragon Palace.

From the perspective of scale, there are about hundreds of thousands of underwater population.

It seems that the underwater forces cannot be smaller.

Anyway, we are not in a hurry, rushing to have a chance to do one day trip to the bottom of the sea.

“Husband, why do you always hold that coral?”

“This, I want to take it back to the sanctuary of Xiao Mao.”

I touched a cold sweat, and I didn’t be seen through it. ………… “Welcome, underwater city-lobster restaurant!”

Miss Yingbin at the door looked good. This chick shows that we are new at a glance. … It really is a lobster restaurant. The entire restaurant is a large lobster. Of course, it is fake. It looks like it is made of red reinforced glass. We go in from the shrimp head. The design of the imitation shrimp uses the European style, and the entire restaurant is made of glass. From the window, you can see everything outside, such as the ghost fire in the sea, the player who is catching fish … …… Wow a good sexy mermaid, haha. There are a lot of people in the restaurant. A large part of the people on the side of Shanghai live in the sea. The products, treasures, and minerals in the sea are richer than the ground. Of course, it is dangerous. After life, conquer the ocean is just a matter of time. Our arrival has attracted great attention. This is also handsome as me, and there are a few fans in British names. At this time, a diner next to me pushed me gently with my hands, and said impatiently, “Brother, you blocked my sight.”

Oh, it’s not me. We specially chose a place to lean on the window, which can just look at the scenery, but why do you need 10 gold coins to find a place, so it is really dark to make money. “My husband doesn’t know if your reputation can reach here?”

I asked, “The ranking of the heavenly list is calculated based on the power of comprehensive strength on the land. Maybe there are masters in the sea.”

“Yes, people in the sea will pay attention to adding attributes such as moving speed in the water. These attributes may not be useful on land, but it is different in the sea, but it is unlikely to catch up with me.”

Besides, the speed moves at me quickly? “Maybe there are aquariums in the master of the list?”

“Baby, you eat slowly, it will become a pigment.”

I looked at the baby without a ladylike, and couldn’t help but tease her. Although it was very fierce, it was still so cute. “Ah, is it, where is the fat, you see?”

Saying that the more mature bodies made the wolves peeking around, the babies were giggling. “Okay, don’t make trouble, people around you don’t need to eat, it is enough to see you.”

Xueer said his hair. “Xuemei, it seems that people who look at you are the best.”

Xiangzi teased. A cute layer of blush appeared on Cher’s face, which was beautiful. Can’t help holding her in her arms, “My wife feeds me to eat.”

The daughter laughed. “Everyone is watching?”

Xueer was still full of shyness. If Xiangzi came, she would be happy. “What are you afraid of? Isn’t my wife feeding her husband?”

Seeing my persistence, this fragrant seafood dinner was enjoyed by the surrounds of beauties. Don’t be jealous of me, want to find it yourself! Intersection Intersection After dinner, we started to visit the underwater world. First of all, they were strolling in the city. The buildings here are very individual, either crab or shrimp, and clams. The most interesting one is a green turtle. Essence In the evening, it is even more beautiful here, ***echoed until another army. … The ugly girl here seems a bit more beautiful than the outside, which is purely personal opinion. There is a night market on the square in the center of the city, and it is even more lively at night. There are all kinds of jewelry souvenirs, especially toys made of various shells, which is really good. They have already bought piles of things, ready to go back to the sisters in the meeting, I am not interested in these things, but the things on a veteran on the ground attracted my attention. Don’t ask me why I am an old man again. , I just take care of the elderly business, so as not to be unemployed. What attracts me is a large conch. This conch is very strange. How do you say, the shape is like a pointed crown, and my sixth sense tells me that this is a good thing, although the sixth sense of the man is not very reliable, it is not very reliable. The old man is weird to see that I want this conch, “Little brother, do you know what this thing is doing?”

I am full of question marks, do you have anything to do with it here? “I don’t know, I just think this thing is fun!”

“Oh, fun, this is an artifact!”

“Artifact??? The artifact on the stall, hahaha.”

I couldn’t help laughing. “Don’t laugh, its name is —— the call of a banshee, which is one of the artifacts. Every monster who hears its voice will concentrate to it crazy, so also known as”

Suicide Conch “, Its owner has changed several times, and there is no other use except for the monster, although it is probably the worst artifact. "

Dimension? A plan appears in my mind. “Old man, can there be any monster in its voice?”

“Of course, otherwise it is called an artifact, that is, the super god beast is still attracted by it!”

Wow, this is a good thing, you must buy it. “Old man, how much money, I bought it!”

The old man looked at me strangely, “Okay, but anyway, this is also an artifact, you give 10,000 gold coins!”

Seeing him, there must be room for bargaining, but 10,000 is really cheap. This kind of good thing is worth 10 million. As long as it is used properly, there will be a lot of gains, and I am too lazy to bargain with him. He simply gave him 10,000 gold coins and packed this conch into his pocket. This time, I picked up such a baby, hehe. The baby is strange to ask me what this thing is doing, and of course I say that the opportunity cannot be leaked. There is no danger near the Dragon Palace. The monsters here are very low. They are all small shrimp monsters. Occasionally, there are several small squids, all about 20 guys, not climate. In order to travel better, we still bought a sea floor map. Of course, they were all self -made of underwater people. It only introduced the layout of the sea floor and some known monsters. The tiger sharks we are looking for But after watching it, it will hit me more enthusiasm. The monsters on the bottom of the sea are roughly divided into three, and the tiger shark is just the strongest third class, especially its attack power and speed, and also has crazy skills, which instantly increases the attack power of nearly double. Unusual, producing a variety of high-level equipment, it is said that the tiger shark king can explode the ghosts-stepping on the water without trace, but the characteristics of its group living are discouraged. Tiger sharks will not appear in the shallow sea. The known old nest is now the most horrible ghost sea in the sea. In addition to Tiger Shark, there is also a super Noss-the overlord thief. If you encounter a thief, you can do it directly. The Tiger shark king I am looking for will only appear in the ghost waters. Don’t say that every time he appears, he will bring a group of disciples and grandsons. It is also a pervert of level 9. It can be said to be the role of the king in the sea. Speaking of which, I have to introduce the ghost sea area. It is said that how long is it before “long and long time”

? Anyway, it has been a long time. The two kings who want to dominate the entire ocean have played a final decisive battle in this sea area. Both sides have exhausted their strengths of their country. The battle is very miserable, and the last two defeats are injured, but even unfortunately, this sea is There was a devil who took the opportunity to have a horrible curse here, imprison all the souls, and the dead people became skeletons, zombies, ghosts, stood up again, killed the living people, and lived alive like this. People slowly decreased until the last one, so it became a dead sea here, but human flesh attracted a large number of underwater creatures. They gathered here, continuously devoured growth, and absorbed the power of curse. , I live with the ghosts here, forming a horrible ghost sea area. Anyone who dares to disturb them will be left there to become one of them forever. As soon as I finished speaking, the baby brushed into my arms. “Brother, you are good or bad, telling the story of ghosts is scary,”

the little fist constantly patted me, but it was as comfortable as a massage. “Oh, how cute you see our baby, leave it for the devil as a wife?”

“Hum, you know bullying people, are you willing?”

Said his eyes and squeezed the small body into my arms, wow, so cool! Seeing the other three women sneered, especially Xiangzi smiled more weird. “Xiangzi, come here.”

I was sure that this demon taught the baby like this, and I felt strange. These days, the baby especially likes to seduce me. Xiangzi heard me summon, and walked to me obediently, “Master Fujun, what are the training?”

“Do you teach the baby for these tricks?”

“What? People just taught the baby how to be a qualified wife, and they did nothing wrong.”

He looked at me with grievances, but unfortunately the smile in his eyes missed the filling. “Okay, okay, don’t blame you, it’s I’m not good.”

“That’s it. Baby grows up and will definitely become a big beauty who is in the country. People are now helping you to see her, and by the way, control you, a big carrot!”

Dizzy, turn around and go to my head, but also, the baby’s current appearance shows signs of catching over Xueer, and the bones are naturally charming, the whole of the little fairy, the charm and the purity of the appearance, naturally, naturally, naturally The fusion is unable to resist any man. But her heart has belonged to me, and she can never escape my palm. This beautiful flower will always be opened for me. Forget it, a good man does not fight with a female! What do you say is good. We laughed out of the city together. The scenery outside the city is not as brilliant as the golden wall in the city, and it is a bit weird. It is probably the first time that it comes, but the outside is closer to the true face of the underwestern world world. Except for some ordinary small fish and shrimp do not have attack power, some other magical creatures must be careful. After listening to that horrible legend, I knew it was false, and my heart was still a little shadow, but the game was more difficult to be more exciting. We decided to explore the terrain first, and then make plans. What kind of ghost sea is flat. … But there is really a super -god beast. The power of the nine -headed snake still remembered the last time. If the strength is equal, we just go to send it to it. Many levels of leveling can be seen on the road, but the levels of the Hailiang people are obviously lower than the outside. There are few people above level 60 here. It is fun here, but it is not a good place to level. Chapter 60 Chapter 60,000 Miles (Middle) (middle) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:37:00 Number of chapters: 6846 We just turned a rocky mountain and rushed to a tuna monster on the face. He almost poked his buttocks by it. On the day, we ate a tuna just now. I can’t help but be hung up by this guy. I have been on the table. Seeing that I wouldn’t have a saustener tuna, I wanted to come to a meteor fire and rain in habitual. As a result, I didn’t even release a spark. Fortunately, the Xiangzi reacted quickly, and the sword brushed the fish monsters in half. “Husband looks like magic in the sea, and some gas magic is also limited, such as Perak Lightning, but the power of water magic is doubled.”

Xueer pointed at the map and said … I don’t know what, I don’t like to be here anyway. We continue to proceed in accordance with the instructions of the map. This time, I am prepared. All the shrimp soldiers and crabs who come to commit will be destroyed by the mood and incense. I and Xueer will be much more miserable. I am the best fire magic. Hongyun, we don’t want to try it. In case of red clouds into a hen, it will be great. This countdown to our combat effectiveness is reduced a lot. Ah, why is it a submarine mining area, and many people are mining there. For the first time, I saw someone mining in the sea. It felt strange and a bit fresh. There seems to be no place on the map? We just wanted to find someone to inquire, and there was a bunch of people who were not friendly in front of us. A total of 12 people are about 50 levels. Looking at the logo on the chest of clothes, the people around them should be angry, and the people around them see their anger on their faces. I heard that there are two big gangs in this sea area, one is the whale gang and the other is the killing gang. The two gangs have similar strengths. In order to fight for the territory, there are no war. Recently, they have entered the stalemate stage. They each control half of the sea. It is really no tiger in the sea. Shrimp is called the king. A leader of the leader is called “three -day sunburn”

, holding a sparkling water spurs in his hand. This kind of weapon is more common in the sea. It is created by the player. The one on the hand is still the best. “Three days of sunbathing”

, reached out to stop us, “Where are you?”

Dizzy, where did we care about him? Seeing that I didn’t care about him, the guy was immediately angry. “What about you said you? Didn’t he hear the words of the uncle?”

It may be that it has been suppressed for too long in reality. Some people have become a complete hooligan in the game, but this makes the game more challenging. Looking at this guy, it is not the first thing to do such a thing. It’s once. “Oh? We came from Yanhuang City.”

Hearing my answer, this guy nodded with satisfaction, “Did you pay the immigration protection fee?”

Entry protection fee? I have never heard of it, it seems that it is another miscellaneous crushing. I gave the four women a look, and now we can be regarded as the same heart. The other party knows what I think about. “Oh, I wonder how much this big brother wants?”

“Well, just look at you very honest, just 100,000 gold coins.”

After speaking, they looked at Xueer, and the surrounding guys were also a bird -like. On the day, 100,000, it’s okay, but this is what you asked, but you can’t blame me. “Sorry, the younger brother is not so much money?”

After three days of sunburn, I looked at me, and tilted my chest. “Boy, I’m very happy today, see you all the time, so, let your wives accompany our buds to drink a few cups of things.”

I still laughed, “Sorry, we still have something, I’m afraid it’s not possible.”

When I heard me refused, the chicken eyes of “three days of sunburn”

were immediately furious, “Lady, don’t be toasting or not, eat punishment, don’t let the brothers be satisfied today, hey, don’t you want to take a step in this sea area, don’t want to go smoothly today.”

I was preparing to send them to Xitian, and a shadow of a man flashed. I saw a sip of blood from “Three Days”

and fell backwards. Healing medicine. A weird suit appeared in front of him. Turning his head to show us a smile, showing white and neat teeth, he is a sunny guy, “Sorry, let this kind of guy defeat your interest. There is me here, it’s okay, you can rest assured.”

Douji had a healing medicine, restored his spirit, and pointed at the person in front of the eyes. “Personality is not good, you ***Do not take more idleness, do n’t think you are a 63 -level assassin, I am afraid of you, annoy me, let my cousin take people to destroy your bean. meeting.”

Although the chicken’s eyes are tough, they are obviously afraid of the people in front of them. I took a look at the detection. I have a bad personality. The thief evolutionary occupation —— Assassin, level 63, the water helped the Lord. Oh, it seems that there are still a lot of people. I have heard of such a gang, which is still well -known in the sea, but it is quite difficult to survive in the gap between the two major guides. Fortunately, the boss is good at assassination Nonally, no one wants to provoke him. “Three days of sun exposure, don’t rely on your cousin that can’t be torn in your eight poles, corrupt the reputation of our East China Sea, annoy me for ten days with you, let you return to the first level, roll!”

“Personality is not good, you remember that this is not the case today. We ride a donkey to watch the singer and walk.”

After speaking, we waved the way. “Wait, your elder brother, the younger brother hasn’t paid the immigration fee yet?”

My sentence was stunned by a few guys on the court, and the “three -day sun -net net”

who was preparing to walk around and turned back. “Personality is not good. This is not that I don’t give you face, it’s this little boy.”

Speaking of the top of the top, the latter latter followed. I smiled coldly and waved. “Three days of sun exposure, remember to tell your cousin to say a word, and say that Yanhuang City’s soul -eating soul is given to him for a day to dissolve the gang!”

Do it! The mood slaughtered the dragon out of the sheath, and the jasper slaughter the dragon waves, setting off a wave of fluctuations in the sea, followed by a flying body, and killed “three days of sunbathing”.

This guy did not understand what happened until he was lying on the ground, but his wife’s body was The law is beautiful, really like a mermaid. It’s my turn, the tornado of the qi system and the frost of the water system, forming my own mixed magic —— Summoning ice dragons, only my high magic value and magic value can be released like this. Cool magic. A huge ice dragon tens of teeth and dancing claws rushed to the rest of the stunned crickets, destroying them, and flattened them. Several responses were fast. It seems that the baby Xiangzi is also angry, hey, these little hooligans are really shameful. In the blink of an eye, a few guys disappeared. “Perseverance”

looked at everything that happened in front of me, and some did not respond. Well, I don’t know what happened today. I walked over with a smile and reached out: “Re -know it again, I am grateful for the soul to eat soul, thank you for help.”

If the personality is not good, it becomes embarrassed, “Where is the name, I have heard the name of the soul -eating brother for a long time, and I see it today. After speaking, I introduced the four wives Yiyi again. “Brother Soul Eater, not only has the strength unique, but also the ability of Huntan is also the first in the world. If you have time, you have to give pointers a few tricks.”

“Hehe, it’s okay to discuss with each other.”

When we heard that we were irresponsible, the girls were coquettish, and we laughed at us. “By the way, I do n’t know if Brother Soul Eater’s dissolution just now is true or false?”

After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the distribution of strength in this sea area. A bad one will cause a melee. “You also see that the existence of this kind of person is simply our shame. I also heard some style of whale gangs. It is really not a legitimate gang. Since it is necessary, there is no need to exist.”

I paused, “If it does not dissolve in a day, I will send the magic group to flatten his anger whale gang!”

In fact, I think there will be no dissolution in ten or nine or nine. Give up so easily. Go back and discuss this matter. Seeing that I said, the momentum of the king shocked the people present. “Oh, this is a good thing for people, my younger brother is willing to be a horse!”

Poor personality has long wanted to remove this tumor, but it is not enough. Now with a strong helper, it is everything. “I don’t know the younger brother, is it qualified enough to enter the meeting?”

“Haha, a person who has a personality brother has not been able to join. He will not be a big deal. In the future, the personality brother is my magic palace-the master of Qingshui Hall!”

The power of the magic palace extended to the sea. “Oh, then the younger brother has seen the boss here.”

“Haha, the personality brother is polite.”

“By the way, the main purpose of the boss this time should not be this, right?”

After looking at the cute wives, I laughed: “How can I have such a magical calculation. This time I want to find the teeth of the Tiger Shark King. Hearing the tiger shark king, his poor face changed, and then he couldn’t help laughing, and we looked at us. "

Oh, first of all, you can go like this, and you wo n’t reach the ghost waters next year. The direction is reversed. The map you bought is pirated!” Dizzy, this thing is pirated, what kind of world. "

However, you can ask the right people now, and there are not many people who know the ghost waters. Not long ago, I broke through the ghost sea, so now I have fallen first, where there are ghost ships everywhere. I heard that it is hidden inside. There are huge treasures, but unfortunately I met the tiger shark group before going up. I have never seen the Tiger Shark King, but I ca n’t resist the attack of this group of tiger sharks, and the speed is very fast, I ca n’t run. At first glance, it is undoubtedly rushing directly to the inside. Death is valuable to die. “The monsters along the way have never been seen, and the number is scary. Finally, you guess what I saw, The hegemony thief with the size of the house, the head, horrible, when you think of it, you have all kinds of ghosts and ghosts around you, but the living creatures are not seen. In the end, I was the glorious sacrifice there. A detection, one of the ultimate monsters —— Super Overlord thief. "

We stunned for a while, and looked at it like this. This is not a hope at all. The large -scale action of the organization is also very risk. You must not leave the brothers’ lives here. The Kunlun -level place is not easy to mess with. The damn old man gave me so some problems. “Otherwise, let’s buy it, maybe someone has this thing?”

There is no way to mention the poor personality, but it is worth trying. Even the artifact can be bought on the stall. Wait, artifact, hey a wonderful idea formed! But for the sake of safety, visit the submarine auction house. Back to Longcheng, “poor character”

took us to a cooked big crab. The auction was carried out in its belly. Wow, it is really luxurious. This is far better than us. We only pay attention to the real objects. The strength in terms of decoration is not enough. I told Xiaomao to go back, but this guy hurts it when he hear the money, but I find that I find that Now that this guy is getting fatter, it is time to lose weight. The things here are really dazzling. Compared with the things in the night market, it is a lot higher, and it is not very practical like things on the night market. These are some commonly used weapons and equipment, so Xueer is not very very much about these. Interested, I have no interest in these garbage equipment. I have gained a artifact, which is strange that there should be a lot of people who know the goods. How can it be me? It seems that the protagonist is fragrant. “Is there something on the boss?”

As the earth snake’s “poor character”

, I kept introducing me good things, but do you let me use a fish fork without the king’s stick? this……… “To be honest, there are two major gains in the East China Sea, one is to know brother you, and the other is to buy an artifact on the stall!”

Hearing an artifact, “Personal Personality”

has a golden light. If you do n’t know my identity, you must think that I am a lunatic, a stall artifact? “Boss, take it out?”

“Personal personality”

can’t wait to see it. To be honest, the artifact is rare. Without it, no one has to take out auction. Until now, the biggest auction products received by our auction house are just ghosts. I took out the big conch from the space, “Personal character”

is not good at staring at this beach. Intersection Am I cheated by that old man? No, this conch is a unique pattern unique to an artifact, and it is the same as my Lord of the Rings and clips. “I dizzy, I haven’t bought this conch three times. I thought it was a crazy old man, and I could buy an artifact with 10,000 gold coins. Boss, wouldn’t you be deceived?”

“Personal character”

wants to know evidence eagerly. I stretched out my right hand and pointed at my ring and bracelet and said, “You see, the pattern at the bottom of the conch is the same as on my bracelet ring. The color, the color, the lines are all type, it should be right.”

“Wow, this is the compromise of the God of War and the truth of the illusion, and it looks really shocking at close range!”

“Hey, unfortunately, you don’t know about true treasures!”


is also a fan, but there are also a few real players who do not like best and brand -name equipment. Even players who are not in the profession can sell a sky -high price. “Personal character”

made a circle around me, staring straight at me, and I looked straight. “Why do you look at me like this?”

“Boss, don’t you count on your things, how much is worth it? I think you are just Jinshan, a person who runs on the streets of Jinshan!”

Suddenly, joked: “I don’t need to do anything else to get rich. It is the fastest to rob you. Absolutely wealth overnight!”

I laughed, “If someone robbed me, then I would have something to do, so I was so idle.”

“Personal character”

sighed, “This is the same. Now if someone robbed you, unless it is crazy, the boss will take care of me a lot in the future and get a special profession —— Assassin, and I have not found the right equipment. , But after all, you don’t have to equipment yourself. "

“Moreover, I have not seen the equipment of the entire Dragon Palace. I have never seen the equipment of the assassin. Maybe my news is not good enough, and the boss helps, the money is not a problem?”

“What kind of money does the brother talk about, anyway, you have to go to the Magic Palace to meet, then let Xiaomao take you to the weapon library to find it. The news of Xiaomao is much better than me.”

Yes, if I have fixed, what should I do? Whether it is a warrior or a mage, or where there are special equipment. Forget it, why do you want to do so far? The system always has to be arranged. Besides, I still have to be very good now before finishing the task! We came to the management office of the auction house along the way. “Personal character”

pulls a tall and tall, with a pair of glasses, but it looks like an old man. At first glance, it belongs to the unreasonable first. “Come, let me introduce it first. This is the first master of the world’s first master demon king, my boss, now our clear water gang belongs to the Demon Palace.”

“This is the chief auctioneer of our Dragon Palace’s most famous auction house ——- The blind cat meets dead mice, expert-level appraisers are all my good friends.”

This “blind cat met the dead mouse”

brother, and it was even more hot when he saw me. He took the gold coin with both eyes and looked around me. Then, then Suddenly holding my hand, a big eyes narrowed, and smiled excitedly: “Brother Gold Coin, hello, it is not as famous as meeting, oh, wrong, not as famous as meeting. In the future, the younger brother’s business will also take care of the gold coin brother.”

Brother Gold Coin? Intersection Intersection When I changed my name, I didn’t know. I looked at “bad personality”

with a blank face, and this guy was helpless, and the Xueer on the side smiled. This guy is more small than Xiao Mao, and it is almost a money fan. This guy himself looks normal, “Brother Gold Coin, it is indeed the first figure in the Central Plains, that is, the clear apple incense is far from you. No, it is not a grade. I have been here a few times, and I was surprised at the time. Thinking of the mountains outside the mountain, there are about billions of equipment on your body, and there are still a few of them. "

After speaking, he sighed and sighed. However, I was in his heart, what did this guy come here to do here?

Is it like my idea, the anger whale helps him to support him.

Wannian ship.

“Instead of personality”

At first glance, this guy’s endless delay, quickly open the topic, “Mouse, don’t be ridiculous. This time we want to see if there are any tiger shark king’s teeth. The boss wants to use it for mission.”

“Tiger Shark’s teeth?”

“Blind cats met the dead mice”

for a while and gave a negative answer. “Is the general tiger shark teeth?”

It should not work. Since the task requires is the Tiger Shark King, it should be right. “No, let’s find a way again.”

“I can buy it, but I dare not guarantee that I can do it. Brother Gold Coin gives a low price.”

I laughed, “Money is not a problem. As long as the goods are right, everything else is good to discuss.”

After discussing, the “blind cat encountered a dead mouse”

to go to the listing. “Personal character”

back to the gang and dealt with things. I also let the cat fish come over to go through the formalities with him. As for my wife and I, of course, I participated in the auction, and experienced it to make a lot of money. Xiao Mao heard that we were so excited that we were about to expand the site, and immediately dared to get a cat fish in vacation. The catfish still yielded under his enthusiasm. Of course, I still do n’t accept it. What to say about losing weight is obviously more fatter than me. I really do n’t know who should be reduced. By the way, I haven’t seen my life and death for a long time. There is no way. The cat fish had to bring her to bring it up. With this little witch, she didn’t know what happened. The starting point on the starting point (, please retain! Chapter 60 Chapter 60,000 Miles (Part 2) Updated: 2007-5-19 14:38:00 Number of chapters: 6134 After a while, the auctioners were seated one after another, and most of them were one -on -one. Most of the people who could participate in this level of auction were a bit of capital. Of course, our seat is the front row, and the number is No. 1. This is specially arranged by the blind cat. This guy obviously wants to slaughter me. A shout disturbed me and my wife kissed me, “Card Gang Master Mahjong’s senior, and the four major protection laws, the southeast and northwest wind to \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~”

There are several guys with Mahjong heads at the door. There are really personalities. Of course, several main characters are still sitting in front. Even more fiercely can make so many people. We sat at the most place to the left, and they were naturally occupied in the middle. It really was some guys who loved the limelight. Now the time is almost the same, and all of them come. The auction of a crispy hammer of the host began. The first auction product is a crystal ball with a first-class light-lighting. It should be good to bring its own magic of light, but this thing is obviously decorative, but everyone still tends to tend to tend If you are, it is also good to buy it for 1,000 gold coins. It is also good to buy it for the people in my heart. However, everyone also knows that there is no actual value, and letters that the speakers have grinded their mouths, and the price will no longer rise when the price reaches 3500 gold coins. The second is the outstanding works of the expert -level alchemist here. The style is still good -looking. It is a bit like the trident of the Neptune Saidong. Auxiliary magic —— The blue waves can form a weaker defensive shield with a reserve price of 5,000 gold coins. This thing is still full of practical, especially for people in the sea, so the competition is more intense, but these things are still attractive. If you can’t afford the interest of big buyers, everyone knows that this is just an appetizer. After some competition, the fish fork was bought by a tall and strong guy. I like a righteous guy. The third auction product is a perverted thief weapon ——- assassinated short sword, the attack was added 2, but the agile plus 1, accurate plus 1, speed plus 1, lucky plus 1 … Really, it is really Super garbage. However, this weapon is just suitable for “poor character”.

Sure enough, most people are not interested. Occasionally, they just want to collect them. I got it with 3000 gold coins. However, the three women are not interested in this boring auction. I thought there would be any special good things. After all, the submarine and land are different. We were not interested in a few things later, and then the auction of elbows was pressed, a queen crown. “Please note that the things to be auctioned below will be the wishes of the Water God of Water God!”

This queen crown is completely fused by the blessing of pearls and diamonds and powerful water systems. The fine workmanship is not to mention. The huge ruby in the center has the effect of defense all non -top dark magic and spiritual magic. It is comparable to the effect of artifacts, and with a magical main function, if you are lucky to be recognized, you can get the ultimate defense of the water system —— the protection of the water curtain Tianhua. This is a brave level 69 adventurer The treasures of life on the ghost ship are now auction-10W gold coins. The role of this thing is good, but unfortunately it is still not practical. If it is a bracelet or a ring, etc. … I retracted the words just now, and I found that the eyes of the ladies next to me have been attracted, especially Xueer. I rarely see her interest in me. The word was improper, but I saw the desire from her eyes. Although she deliberately suppressed it, she laughed secretly and had a decision. It may be that the surrounding female companions have requested. Now the slightly powerful one has begun a blog. What is the power of money? Without our shot, the price climbed to 520W all the way. Now there are two people left the most. One is the card of the card just now —— The Mahjong senior is happy, and the name of the other guy is very creative- —- Although the bow is female, haha, this guy can really change the way to avoid the network management law. × × or the like, or ******or the like.) I think it ’s almost the same, just raise the card, “1000W!”

Wow \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, suddenly the discussion below is open. When is such a big buyer, it must be from the outside. There is no such person here. As soon as I heard me shot, I immediately looked at me excitedly. “Baby, just say it if you like it. This kind of treasure is only my Cher, and only this kind of thing is equipped with my Cher.”

Cher looked at me with shame, the love in my eyes made my heart like a happy bird. Baby and they are not vinegar. They all know that in fact, they have divided Xueer’s love. At first, if Xueer insisted, I dare not accept them. As a real elder sister, Xueer is indeed very good in handling sisters’ relationships. Of course, a joke cannot be avoided. Although the mahjong junior and the bow, the two women’s face immediately became embarrassing, and for a long time, it turned out to be a joke. In fact, this sale is not lost. If this thing really gets to be sent to Yanhuang City, the reserve price will not be 5 million, and it is also important to do business. The auctioner was excited. “1000W once”

Slap ~~ “1000W twice”

Slap ~~~ “1000W Three times”

Slap, transaction! This “Water God’s Blessing”

was shot by Mr. 1! “Soul Eater, is the soul eater?”

“Is it the devil’s soul, so why did he come here?”

“It is true. I heard that he conflicts with the anger whale gang. The whale helper to help the garbage cousin of the distant housing, relying on the relationship all day to cause trouble. Dozens of people were killed by the summoning magic in the ultimate magic of the water system. "

What dozens of people are nearly a hundred guys and are made by a huge ice dragon, and I heard that the demon king let go of the anger whale to dissolve within one day.” The speaker also showed a serious expression that he was not exaggerated. "

Really false, you can’t talk about this.” "

Cut!! You don’t believe me, I have to ask, you wait to watch the show. The anger whale helper will not dissolve that. I heard that he still has a strong backstage.” "

Hey, it is really bastard if you really dissolve the whale helper. This group of guys collect protection fees all day.” "

No, and the mining area has been occupied, are you saying abominable?” "

I heard that Shimizu Gang has become a hall of the Magic Palace.” "

I watched it this time!" Listening to the discussion below, the host smiled slightly, "

Since everyone is so curious, let’s ask the Lord of the Magic Palace to say a few words, okay?" This host will still play the problem, let me make free advertisements for them. Wow, the following is like a fryer, and they are applauding. There are all sounds, but it seems that I am still full of popularity. It was still noisy below, saying that I brought me “the blessing of the water god”

to Cher, but it was difficult, and for the future action, I also had a good impression on everyone. In this way, Xueer was hugged by the baby. They were in the mood. Looking at the beauty of the four women, a group of people suddenly clamored. Cher was with the mood. , I have also seen a beautiful woman comparable to her. He took the queen crown from the host and brought Cher carefully. Wow ~~ The ruby on the crown, sparkling, suddenly a blue light fluttered up, and then fell down like a holy light, covering Xueer, —– water curtain Tianhua, at this time, Xueer was like a beautiful The goddess, the smooth hair rose without wind, and only each other was in our eyes, and Cher gave me a affectionate kiss. From the began silence to warm applause later. Of course, we still said some polite words to satisfy the curiosity of the audience below, and at the same time left a good impression on them. The power of the masses is great. As soon as I returned to the hotel, I received the news of cat fish and Qing’er’s arrival, and brought more than 100 elites’ advance teams. When I saw me, I didn’t count it. I jumped directly into my arms and complained loudly that I ignored her for a long time. It was a little ancestor. With the help of Xueer, they agreed to countless conditions. Get her. Our group of us naturally goes to “poor character”.

It should be said to be Shimizu Hall. A few of us have been planning for a long time. Although this background forces are unclear, it is clear the apple incense. In case of it, there is time to let Xiao Mao go to the palace to handle a temporary magic teleportation array. (Temporary magic teleportation array is valid for three days and the price is 100,000 gold coins, but it is enough to think about so many people’s spending fees. In this way, there are more than 1,000 people in total, all of which are above 50 or more. In fact, it is not necessary to be so troublesome to deal with such a small bank, but for the sake of insurance, there are still more people. Anyway one time. In the evening, I wanted to have a emperor and four phoenix. As a result, our little princess stirred up. The five of us could only tell her story around her, oh, pitiful. I told her the story of the ghost boat. I wanted to scare her and let her go to sleep obediently. As a result, she actually caused her interest. I had to pull me to take her to see the ghost. Isn’t this going to death? There is no way to play with her bech. This little naughty, ran to the yard and blowing, attracted a large number of small fish and shrimp, and awakened a group of people who were going to sleep. Hold her back and let her sleep obediently. It was very reluctant. Later, I did n’t know how to think about it. I went back to sleep alone. I thought I was going to entangle me again tonight. Hey, it’s time to implement my plan. Looking at the laughter of my color, the four women immediately realized something. As soon as she wanted to escape, the evil wolf had locked and rushed up. A burst of spring sounds full of houses, young is good! Just as we were doing big things in life, a small figure slipped out of the door, and there was a big conch in our hands. … The direction seems to be the ghost sea? Intersection Intersection After the passion, we hugged quietly, and the sound of the ghost crying in the ears seemed to be an illusion. We must be a little tired. We all fell asleep. I got up early the next morning, and I heard the discussion as soon as I arrived at the lobby. I asked catfish what happened. The catfish is also strangely face, “I heard that the monsters in the ghost waters riots last night. There was a witnesses saying that the strange bosses were all overwhelming at the sea of the sea. Sound, it didn’t end until the middle of the night. "

“Conch sound?”

As soon as I touched my pocket, it was broken. It was definitely the little naughty. I ran out in the middle of the night to play with the ghost. I really served her. I found an excuse to leave the conference room and came to the bedroom of love. This little guy sleeps Zhengxiang. My semi -snail is placed next to ah? what is that? There is also an ivory -sized golden teeth on the table, is it … It may be that I was shocked by her, and the love turned over and shape. When I saw me, I had to drill into my arms in my pajamas. Hey, there was no way. “Honestly, where did I go last night?”

Love was grievantly, “Hum, Dad is the worst, every time he played games with mothers, and let people go together, so people go to friends to play.”


“Yes, there are house -sized haha, the claws of eight arms, and a big stick with hard shells. Probably when I saw my face bad, I immediately transfer the topic, "

People heard that you want your teeth, just pulling one for you at the largest tiger shark baby’s mouth, oh, you know that it is fierce to others.” Oh, my heart and liver, how dare I dare to be fierce to you, it’s not good for my dad, and thank you for your gift for your father. It is really important. At this time, the personality is not good, and there are important things to talk about. Soothing her love, let her continue to sleep for a while, came to the Hall of Concern, and saw Xueer, they felt dignified, what happened? Still "

poor character” first, say first, "

Boss, the anger whale gang did not dissolve, and he invited people to guard the city everywhere. I do n’t know who gave him so much financial support. He even bought two 90 -level knives to guard the city gate, and the city walls were all all on the walls of the city walls. It is a NPC archer, but this is a bit troublesome. " "

I think this is definitely a clear apple incense in the back, and only he has such a large handwriting. This guy this time is the blood that wants to fall into our face, and use the strength of the whale to help the current military regiment. There are also those NPC guards that we must pay a lot of money as us want to attack the city. The result will definitely not lose. " "

The siege announcement has been issued?" "

Yeah, according to the discussion, the time was released, and it seemed that they had been prepared." Cat fish was a little worried about the situation. I know that the guy of Qingqing apple incense will not stop there. He refuses to conflict with me. It is better to use this opportunity. By the way, I have an idea in my heart, so let everyone not worry first, I will find love right away. As soon as I said the thoughts, the baby was immediately happy, saying that her friends were limited to just be able to go out and play. I wanted to bring them out, and I was afraid of being scolded by me. This thing can be done like a decent look. It cannot be doubtful. I let love use the big conch to attract some monsters and be the first troops of the siege. Of course In addition to the people with a whale gang, try to create less damage as possible, and love patted the small chest nodded and agreed. I still told her to come back and do n’t run around after going up. I nodded and agreed obediently. This little witch should never make any mess. According to the plan, the time of attacking the city has begun, but as the attack on one side, we just set up a formation and do not move, just when everyone is puzzled. A conch sound was sounded in the distance, and a group of black -crushed monsters rushed over. Many of them were unheard of guys. They seemed to be emerging from hell. Sitting with a cute little girl, blowing the big conch in her hand, was simply the daughter of the sea god. … It seems a bit overgrown. Originally, I wanted to cause a medium -intensity sea monster to come. As a result, the "

old ancestors" deep in the ghost waters were made out. The people around me saw that this scene was scared to hide, "

Halo, what’s going on, do they think their nests are not good and want to change the place?" A frightened audience murmured This group of monsters coming soon and fast, but the NPC on the city of the whale gang who went to the road had been swept away, and the NPC Guardian will actively attack the monsters. Which of these monsters are easy to mess with, of course, they immediately counterattack. In addition to the two knife guards caused a bit of trouble, the rest was swept away. I think these NPCs are tens of millions. Haha now has enough apple pain. The most important thing is to give an irreversible blow to the enemy! "

Brothers. Even the heavens stand on our side, everyone rushes." Give full play to high -level leadership, coupled with the stimulus in front of you, the mixed formation of the Magic Ridge was immediately killed. It really depends on people. Opponents, both levels and equipment are different. After an hour of fighting, we successfully occupied the city of the whale gang. Poor is that the city was occupied. This group of guys did not even have a counterattack. The mercenaries, even if the obligations came to see, did not matter. The prestige of the Demon Palace also reached a height in this sea area. Of course, I am not ready to kill all. After all, we are foreigners. It is not good to be too public. This is why I did not destroy another gang. The remaining guild affairs are not good at cat fish and personality. I took my wives and the reluctant love with those ghost sea monsters. The task of this trip was successfully completed. The starting point of the starting point (, please retain. Text Chapter 61 Orange Er Updated: 2007-5-19 14:39:00 Number of chapters: 5980 A dormitory four big men are together, nor do they play “the second world”

all day long, and the fan is not practicing his iron cloth shirt, golden bell cover, me, nor is it around the “skirt”

all day. Turning, the two bachelors of Li Zi and Liangzi are even more okay and entangle us all day. This is not a few small dishes, a bottle of two pot heads, while eating and talking about the experience of the beginning of the school, by the way, the shortness of the shortness. First of all, the game, then martial arts, and even learning. In the end, I have to talk about women. The real beginning is still a plum. This guy is uncomfortable without mentioning a woman for a while. I heard that during this time, he made power and often use the convenience of work. This time is very beautiful, and he has a great step away from his abandoned male plan. After drinking a small wine, Liangzi said enviously, “Brother Zhong, to be honest, your encounter is not available to the brothers. To put it bluntly, it is not something that ordinary people can enjoy. The words turn, "

Is the second hunting master in this bedroom, that is, I fight with Li Zi, fan, don’t stare at me. When you see you like this, the most important thing is that you have not realized it yet. And Li Zi and I have awakened. cough. Last time, Li Zi had the opportunity to have the opportunity to come with our famous goddess of desire to the sea, and did not return to the man. Unfortunately, someone pretended to be big and stirred it yellow. The incident has turned around … " As soon as Li Zi heard this, he immediately blushed like a monkey buttocks, yelled, "

Liangzi, you have no conscience, you dare to shake this ugly thing, I don’t strangle you!” After talking about a fierce look. At this time, my boss had to come out to host the "

fairness", and at the same time, the fan suppressed Li Zi’s resistance. "

Li Zi is that you are not good. Everything is right to others. Besides, it’s not a big deal to tell our brothers, right?" If you don’t agree, you will "

dictatorship" for you, and Li Zi sighed at a glance. Liangzi came to the spirit at a glance, "

Oh, Li Zi is not I don’t help you, the boss speaks, I dare not listen!" "

You are waiting, don’t have a handle in my hands." Li Zi stared at him fiercely, Liangzi doesn’t care about his threat at all, "

Although because of our mistakes, I did not get that opportunity, but our Ms. Zhuo Lin," Poor "

Our reporter, introduced him to a sexy school sister.

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