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Chapter_9 gave birth.

At the time, the situation was like this.

First of all, the most witnesses I hid outside the door seam.

The boss went to accompany the lady, and the fan was practicing merit, and I was ready to come in the dormitory for a afternoon.

Suddenly someone came in and said that there was a tricky interview to ask me to go out, and he was just uncomfortable.

I saw the interview with the interview.

The object was that the beauty immediately agreed, but after a while, I felt wrong.

With the professionalism of our dedicated Li, let alone uncomfortable, it was the sky collapse.

Come back.


Haha, I was arrested!

Our plum brought this school sister who had just met into the dormitory, As soon as she entered the door, Li Zi began to be affectionate with her, kissing, hugging and caressing.

It was really exciting.

I couldn’t help but want to rush in.

Everything is going smooth.

I think Li Zi is going to lead me, but when you think about observation and study, I also recognize it, but when Li Zi took off her clothes, I don’t know why the school sister lived and would not be willing.

However, Li Zi’s fire has obviously been hooked and uncomfortable.

Of course, he can’t just count it, so he came to the overlord.

Sister Xue’s “desperately ‘struggling, Li Zi desperately wanted to subdue her, and pushed her pink arms for a while, and pushed her white legs for a while, and the other hand had to take off his clothes tightly. Like fighting. Li Zi spent the power of nine cows and two tigers … Hey, I looked like it was stimulating and tired, "

I paused here, and my interest with the fan had just been hung up by him, and quickly urged him to hurry up. How can this wait? “Ahem, in the end, our Li Zi was sweating and managed to take off her clothes cleanly, and the posture was put on, and then I looked at myself…..”

Soft! " The fan and I sprayed Liangzi with wine, lying on the table and laughed, I couldn’t breathe. In the end our actor Li Zi made a conclusion: "

Rape this work is really not that ordinary people can do it!” Hahaha \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ "

Come on, don’t be shameful. I see the girl who deliberately watched your joke. What do you think Zhuo Lin introduced?" Li Zi seemed to find a conscience, hugged me in a moment, a snot and a tear: "

Woohoo, the boss cares about me, I guess that the little girls have problems. At first, they were extremely coquettish, and suddenly they became sage. How can you stand? Find such a woman to end his virgin career. It’s uncomfortable, but the result is still playing, hey, who can be worse than me! " "

It’s okay, it’s not that you are restless. Wherever you have a grass, you and Liangzi will scatter the net and fish for a long time. “Boss, are you true?”

Seeing me nodded, Li Zi and Liangzi were full of confidence, “Of course, otherwise so many dinosaurs, who can soothe their irritable heart?”

“What do you want to do, don’t come here!”

Ah \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ murder! ………… “Boss, can you go today’s Second World Seminar?”

“Nothing, what to do?”

“No, anyway, it is also a member, and the social fees have been paid. Isn’t it a waste of you, you must go in the afternoon, and you will not leak the soul -eating identity. You can use a small stone. Make a foil once, right, Liangzi, fan? "

“That’s it, boss, you have to go too!”

“Forget it, I’m afraid of you, go!”

Since joining this seminar, I have never been to, mainly in Xueer, baby, Xiangzi, they have not participated. These beautiful women are busy with art club activities all day. Xiangzi also has a karate hall. Society, I am lazy. The scene of entering the community was scared to me. There were so many people. OK, there are really a few beauties on the outline. Although they can’t enter the top ten, they are not fuel -saving lamps. No wonder the three guys are so positive, but they are so positive, but Surprisingly, the classic beauty of the top ten beauties, Huang Yawen, president of our literature club, is also here. … I thought she should not like such a game like such a quiet beauty. I didn’t expect … My arrival has attracted most of the attention, especially the eyes of men, just like a knife tip, but because of this time, my scenery has no one dared to find me. The family brothers even said that I was their brother in public. Whoever couldn’t live with me couldn’t get through with them. The two kids became my protective umbrella. Anyway, I don’t want someone to disturb. “Hey, boss, good resources?”

“Our Huangda beauty is the wind fairy in the stunning list —— catkins follow the wind!”

Then Li Zi began to prostitute by himself. The catkins followed the wind. Huang Yawen saw me, smiled slightly, nodded, and I also returned the gift accordingly. After all, because of the relationship between Xueer, most of me and most of the top ten are still a bit friendly. Except for the young lady of Mingyue, who we was ghost, I didn’t feel like me. Interesting Miss Zhuo Lin. Our president “Four -Eye Tianji”

spoke. Four -eye chicken is the name of our president in the game. The 69 -level archer is very bull. I can’t see it. This guy is also a hidden person This made Li Zi sad for a long time. He thought he was the strongest archer, but did not expect to make soup. ah? A little sister in the crowd attracted my eyes, why is it called the little sister, not Xiaomei? Because she is too ordinary, but she has a face but from her figure, it may be slightly better than the baby. Unfortunately, it is too long, especially those who have been raised by beautiful women, but Always give me a strange feeling, as if I had known each other. The little girl seemed to feel my eyes and glared at me fiercely. Obediently, I have personality, I like it. I originally wanted to sit with Huang Yawen. In this way, I had to review them with Cher. Our clubs have regulations to try to match men and women. This social regulations have greatly risen the popularity of our club. Li Zi must not want me, there is no way for others to know, they can only find this little sister. “Little sister, can I sit here?”

The little sister did not have a cold about my initiative, but instead disagreed my title: “Who is the little sister, where is the small?” date: 2023-09-05T14:45:13+08:00

…. Except for age, it is probably not small. “So what is the name of the lady?”

Just took the opportunity to sit down, hehe. “Hum, why tell you, big wolf!”

“Little sister, can’t talk nonsense. Although we are classmates, I can also sue you to slander.”

“Tell you, I’m not a little sister, why do you call it!”

The cute little mouth pouts, saying angrily, to be honest, this little girl, each part is beautiful, why is it ordinary? At the same time, it will lose a lot. “What is your name?”

“People are called Orange!”

“Ah. You are good or bad, but you lie to others, hum, ignore you!”

fainted, “Orange, how do I lie to you, but this is what you said.”

“Hum, big wolf, you are not good anyway.”

“Also allow you to call me Orange! We are not familiar with it!”

“Then I will call you orange, how about it?”

“You! Forget it, it’s just you, the big wolf!”

For a while, I think she is more and more cute, really like my little sister. “I said, Orange, how do you know that I am a big wolf, a good citizen who loves the motherland, the people, and the socialist intermediate stage like me. It is just a small wolf, the big wolf does not seem to be able to reach me? "

After speaking, I looked at Li Zi and Liangzi who presented diligent guy next to the beautiful woman. “Huh, those two guys are much better than you!”

“What? No.”

“Why, people have no girlfriend, it’s normal to chase girls, how about you? A lot of girlfriends. Not a serious person.”

Strange, what’s wrong with me today, just like to scream with this little girl. Since talking to her, she has been attracted by her. She has a strange charm on her body. Orange Er is really a nice name. I think there is such a sister. (Little Stone 00: Cough, it hasn’t appeared for a long time, a little nervous … Wang Zhong: Fit out if you have farts! Little Stone 00: Then I said straight, !!! You This color wolf, Mingli is Mingli is the wolf, Mingli is the wolf, Mingli is Mingli, Sister, it doesn’t take a few days to become a wife. I don’t know you yet. I want to do it for heaven, kill ah!) “Orange, what kind of career are you?”

This time, I was embarrassed to Orange Er. I only remembered when she didn’t speak. We had a list of hands. I quickly found Orange ……Alchemist? Intersection Intersection A female alchemist is really rare. “Huh, do you think of the big wolf, can girls be a alchemist, I just want to do it.”

Looking at her cute expression, there is more and more warm and familiar feeling in her heart. This is a feeling buried in my heart for a long time, like the spring water in my hometown, a grass and a wood. Really, I don’t have a trace of bad thoughts. Subconsciously, my hand, stroking Orange’s smooth hair gently, Orange Er also turned into a docile kitten just now, and suddenly became a docile kitten.

In my eyes, she was extremely beautiful.

Suddenly, Orange grabbed my hand, Intersection What’s wrong, is it going to scold me the color wolf, oh, this time I jumped into the Yellow River.

“Where did this scar come from?”

It was strange to look at Orange’s face with excitement. “Oh, when I was a kid, it was a little girl who was as naughty as you, as beautiful as you.”

To be honest, Orange was durable. The more beautiful, the more beautiful. Orange Er’s eyes were suddenly dark, and in the end, there seemed to be a decision. “Where is the naughty, what is the ugly duckling? Hum, it’s all your colorful wolf brother is not good, always tease people.”

Ah, it has been upgraded, and it becomes the brother of the wolf. Yes, good sign. “Color wolf, do you remember that little girl?”

“Well? What’s wrong, do you want to hear the story of my brother and hero saving beauty?”

“Huh, beauty is beautiful, heroes are not necessarily, I think it is a big wolf.”

That was my childhood. Once my dad took me to Huangshan to play. The actual situation was like this. Dad and my mother swim in Huangshan together, while the poor I was hung under a cliff. At that time, I was only 14 years old. When I was lonely alone, a “sister Lin”

fell in the sky to accompany me. Fortunately, I was a pilot and hugged her, otherwise this “sister Lin”

was going to accompany the Lord Yan. Later, we met. This scar was accidentally scratched by the rock at that time, and kept cutting the elbows. Fortunately, we knew “ordering”

medical skills, otherwise the arms were abandoned. We played together that day, and it was the happiest day I grew up. I originally made an appointment to play together the next day. Unfortunately, my bastard father and mother said that there was an emergency and took me away It is obviously that they are playing enough. Want to change the place. “That is to say, you have a special reason for you!”

“Yes, so cute little Mei Mei, how can I be willing to put pigeons!”

This sentence shows my color wolf again, it’s finished. But Orange didn’t blame me. “Do you think about it, have you missed something else?”

Looking at Orange Er’s look forward, I have to think about it, important things, important things, by the way “That ‘Sister Lin’ said, what she wants to marry me, but unfortunately she didn’t come and tell me the name, hey, unfortunately, when she was a child, she was a super beauty.”

“Color wolf brother, I must not look good, right?”

Halo, “Orange, that’s a child, who dares to say that my orange sister is not beautiful and I will desperate with her!”

Really, Orange is looking at it, like an unprepared beauty, although it looks like, but the temperament is very attractive. “Really, only Brother Sera Wolf said I am beautiful, but I’m still so happy!”

… “Orange, this, we are also friends now, do you not call me my brother, this seems to be a big wolf!”

“No. Looking at Orange, she really looks like a jealous daughter -in -law, haha. "

What to laugh, big wolf, then calculate your account slowly in the future!” In this seminar, the two of us did not listen to one sentence. The community activities were over after a while. Today, there is no online collective event, and we can only dissolve on the spot. "

Orange, brother takes you to see a few sisters?” "

Don’t, people don’t go. They are ugly duckling. They are not even more accompanying with a few swans. If you do n’t go, you have to go first. “Bye, Brother Sex Wolf!”


Orange, are you the “Sister Lin”

? Intersection ………… At this time, Orange was in a luxurious room. This is where the most special group of schools can live in. The ugly duckling just now has disappeared, and it is a loving beauty. The kind of sadness and joy makes people heartbreak. Essence Orangeer was holding a wooden man in his hand, his face was full of tears, and he whispered: “Little brother, I finally found you!”

(The starting point on the starting point, please keep it.) Please keep it.) Text Chapter 62 Updated: 2007-5-19 14:40:00 Number of chapters: 4768 “Boss, honestly explain, it’s now a turn, do you want to change your mouth to eat?”

On the way back, Li Zi was puzzled. How could a gentle girl attract us who lived in Zhongxiang Junior! “Go to you, no serious, tell you, she is my sister, and she will take care of it in the future. If anyone dares to hit her, see me not good!”

“Come on, the boss rest assured to give our brothers, right, Liangzi?”

“That’s it!”

“But the brothers also have to calculate the account, this nanny fee, boss, how can you make it fun!”

“That’s it!”

The two guys sang and cheated from me to 2,000 yuan from me. But I really want to thank the “Second World”.

Without its help, I have this leisure now. I think about how to make money to support their families all day. The price is also very high. When I go out to the streets, my banknotes are like the brave old Red Army soldiers, disappearing in a burst of charge. It was good to Xueer and secretly gave me a gold card, but how can I accept it, this is a matter of principle, so I remembered that Xiao Mao gave me a one, the world’s common gold card, I didn’t hold much hope at all. , Go to the inquiry, I almost dizzy, I haven’t seen so many Money so much, a total of 20 million, obediently, grab the bank. As a result, Xiaomao said that this is just my activity funds, commonly known as “pocket money”.

Xiaomao has now become a “world”

businessman, but I did not expect to make money so much. Become a billionaire. Knowing that I have so much money, Xueer, who hurts, thought I went to grab the bank. In fact, they also had a lot of shares in the Magic Palace. Cher, Baby, Xiangzi and I have a school. Everyone can meet every day, but I do n’t feel like I do n’t feel like it. Therefore, I propose to buy a house near the school. Anyway, there is money anyway, and I do n’t need to waste. Cher, they think that they have their own bases, and they are all in favor, and their moods are even more supportive. Hey, in fact, I have selfishness. Every time we want to be affectionate, there is no place. Boys in the dormitory of girls cannot enter, and boys’ dormitories are eye -catching, especially like Li Zi, it is even more dangerous. I don’t want people to make people not make people. Appreciate the Living Spring Palace map. In this way, I can only go to the “world”

every time I have a request. Although it may be better than reality, it is always the disadvantage, probably the real, so this time I bought a house. Hey, hey, today four people are there, …… Today our house has been renovated, and we have seen a few in the afternoon. Go to lunch first. “Xueer, you eat, don’t always stare at me, I will be shy.”

Xueer likes watching me to eat, oh, I don’t know what it is. Baby likes to sit in my arms, but it is definitely not possible at school. The three beautiful women are already beside it. If the baby is coming to make a noise, it will not be surprising that it will not be blown up! Xiangzi is even more exaggerated. It is just a docile little wife. She doesn’t eat much at all. The whole man is waiting for me. The men next to them grit their teeth. The girlfriend issued an example of learning, of course, a tragedy. Basically, I wanted to drink water. Before I said it, Xiangzi had already brought it to my mouth. In this way, I made a habit. As soon as I left her, I couldn’t pass it. After eating and drinking, we should go to see the secret base. The house we bought is in a bustling area, all around the malls and the like. Do I want to shop like this? There are more than 300 bungalows in the house, but there is only one bedroom, which is very large. And I specially made a super bed, hey, cool. As soon as she entered the door, the four women felt a little strange when they saw this pattern. When they saw this big bed, they understood everything. It is better to hit the day. Today I will solve them all, saving a lot of dreams! Of course, I closed the door first. The daughter knew what I wanted to do at a glance. No one ran away this time,? Intersection This is strange. Cher first pulled me over, “Smelly husband, we don’t know if you have a flower intestine. From the time you bought this house, we guessed it. Today, we follow your heart and fulfill our wishes.”

“Haha, who are you going first?”

“Go to you, close the shutter window!”

The semi -dark light in the room created a romantic atmosphere. “Husband, don’t you worry, look at our preparation!”

The mood was probably the first time I called my husband. It felt a little weird. The beautiful face was flushed with blush, obediently, this is not to seduce me! No, I ca n’t be too urgent.

Due to physiological requirements, men are basically consistent with love and sex.

For women, in addition to individual sexual hunger, most of them prefer a romantic atmosphere.

Paying attention to the process, I think a harmonious love requires the common understanding of both parties to be composed.

Men should not be completely dominated by the lower body.

Women should not think of romance all day.

Sometimes it accidentally refuses to be a great blow to men’s dignity.

After all The very important part is sexual life.

Fortunately, my wives are all smart, gentle and skilled, hehe.

Why do you want to cover my eyes?

Oh, so mysterious!

“Okay, Brother Zhong, you can watch it!”

Under the order of the baby, I chose to open the eyebrows, Wow \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Family -style candlelight party, beautiful candlelight, crystal cup, century -old red wine (Xueer secretly took from home), stunning beauty, life is so recovered! “Brother Zhong, we are your wife today, you have to love us!”

As the eldest sister, Xueer first spoke the vow in her heart. There is only love and firmness left in my eyes. Cher is definitely a person with a rigidity and rigidity in the outside. She has an opinion on things. Once it is determined, it will definitely stick to it. The other three women raised the wine glass quietly. The four women lingering in the cup were extraordinarily enchanting and beautiful. What else do I have? “From today, Wang Zhong vowed to be his beautiful wife, Feng Xue, Lu Xiaoxue, Nangong’s mood, and the happiness of Oda Kazaki for a lifetime!”

Dry! Touch ~~~ Blood -like wine slipped into the throat, flowed into my heart, engraved on the soul! This is our love vow, we can overcome any difficulties! Put the wine glass and start my plan. (Listen to Li Zi and Liangzi all day, saying that he is a virgin, in fact, you are also, but you are not embarrassed to say it.) The four women are lying on a large bed, which is really spectacular. The lazy expression reveals the infinite spring meaning, making me strong. Below qi irrigation. The golden gun does not fall back, but it is more than enough to satisfy my coquettish wives. The first goal is of course Xueer. The other three women consciously gave the first throne to Cher. Xueer was shameful and couldn’t wait to find a gap to get in, especially when he met the baby “God”

, The mood is so mature and charm, and the “boldness”

of Xiangzi is such a “boldness”.

First of all, it is a face line and ice muscle jade skin that is full of beauty like a knife, which makes people dare not look at it. Instead, there is another unspeakable beauty that is unprepared with the coquettishness of the coquettishness. The two eyes are like the lake in autumn. Under the breeze blowing Buddha, there are countless beautiful beautiful ones from time to time. Ripple, watery, and just glance at people, you have to feel ecstasy. If you do n’t make self -control, you ca n’t wait to run over, swallow her with one sip! The skin tone is like a white jade, Ying Xue Shenghui, wearing a milky white tights and a black silk shawl on the outer cover, showing the devil -like coquettish figure. Hardly trembling. That kind of implicitness exudes amazing charm than naked. In front of her moving posture, as long as there is no defective man, no one can not afford to make colors, especially the glory of chastity on her face. The extreme contrast makes people stand up and shatter her. The solemn and righteous intention. Xueer is definitely the kind of woman who pursues perfection in all aspects. It can be said that it is a variety of witch. Different places in different places are goddess, virgin, witch, demon, but now she has only one identity, mine Wife always belongs to me alone! When I entered, the tears of pain and happiness flowed out of the eyes. At this moment, there was nothing to block us. We have merged into one … … Baby is definitely a little witch. Although she is the youngest, she is naturally charming. It has a style, and it is also very early. There is an indescribable taste. The drum is really the most delicious and delicious snack, and it is still fragrant. Thinking, thinking, I burned a fire in my chest, And her sweet and pure aroma of her baby -like sweetness, for a while, she seized all her attention. The hibiscus is warm, and the baby is tirelessly catered to me. It is really a little witch for the first time! ………… I look around the exquisite body in my mood, and I have been unable to control myself. This is the body of a mature woman. The standing peak, flat belly, slender legs, all showing her mature charm. Thinking of such a beautiful woman is about to become my woman immediately, I can’t restrain the excitement of my heart. The mood is the most difficult process with me, and I have paid the most, but today I finally got the reward. In fact, I was very clear that her four sisters had a good opinion of me, but I already had beautiful and unparalleled Xueer and Baby, subconsciously they all covered their feelings, even more like this, to express her style of her elder sister everywhere, but in the battle of Roshi Mountain, she finally couldn’t help but express her love and expressed her love. Dreams come true, and they all envy their sister and bless her sincerely. A pain in her body awakened her, and she knew that her life had been pinned on the man. The mood is different from the maturity of the surface. She is extremely shy on the bed. ……………….. Xiangzi’s long black hair is as tempting as gemstone, soft facial features, and the delicate skin shows the best characteristics of Japanese women. In addition, her extremely obedient temperament is really the rare beauty in the world. The seductive body hidden from her wide pajamas and was put out by me. The tall breasts stood up and soul. The process of our understanding is a bit strange. From the perspective of Japanese women, this is normal. Pursue the strong ones, with my husband as the center, … but I like it. Although I don’t have a good opinion of Japanese men, I don’t have any prejudice to your woman, quack. Xiangzi is indeed so smooth in this aspect. No matter what I have, she prefers my strong conquest. She likes to yield in my strength and be my wife, lover, slave. ……………….. When I woke up, it was probably night, and it was a whole afternoon. In the end, everyone fell asleep tired. The four women lay on me, and the baby fell asleep directly on me. Fortunately, I was Martial arts, most people have long been suppressed. Seeing the beauty of their sleeping, I was moved for a while, especially when I saw the scars on Xiangzi, in Xueer, baby, and the gentleness of the mood, all the violence of the mood all vented on her. Otherwise, otherwise she may not be able to stand it. I want to give her the first impression that it may be very good, although it is gentle at the end. hey-hey, I suddenly discovered that the breathing of the four women began to accelerate, and Xueer’s eyelashes were obviously flashed. Women’s recovery must be stronger than men. Besides, I woke up with one enemy and four, how could they not wake up. “Hey, it’s seductive, four wives, don’t blame me, it’s not good for you,”

I whispered myself, and then made a momentum. As soon as the four women saw that the situation was not good, she woke up at all and was ready to escape. Unfortunately, she hadn’t moved twice, and she fell on the bed one by one. “How about, my husband is great!”

Men did not recognize the second in this regard. Looking at the four women nodded one by one, the pride in her heart couldn’t say. A historic afternoon ^\ _ ^. PS, the development of the plot requires such a chapter, and some people have strongly demanded this chapter in reality. The younger brother also worked hard. … No matter what, I hope everyone likes it. The starting point on the starting point, (, please keep it for reprinting. Text Chapter 63 “Conspiracy”

in Pangu City Updated: 2007-5-19 14:40:00 Number of chapters: 4758 Since my nourishment, the four women have exuded an amazing beauty, especially Xueer until the thrilling level. Regardless of whether it is true or not, but if Xueer wants to be famous, he will use them. His dad has an entertainment company in the subsidiary of his dad, and it is difficult to think of Xueer’s qualifications. I am very straightforward and resolutely holding objections. I don’t want to have different hearts. I am obviously unwilling to pretend to be big. My wife is alone. In this regard, Xueer listened to me completely, and now they have completely entered the role of his wife instead of a girlfriend. I will wait for me every morning. Three meals a day are ready. It really enjoys the blessing of the world. However, although the eyes around you are still so “horrible”

, there is already a point of recognition. Entering the world, Xueer, the baby is not on, the two of them are learning about physical skills with Xiangzi, as well as housekeeping.

For a qualified wife, their training in this regard is obviously not as good as Xiangzi.

Mood, cross -school is inconvenient.

The big teeth of the King of Tiger Shark have already available, and the rest is Qiye Ganoderma.

Ganoderma lucidum is a high -level healing drug that can add life and magic at the same time, physical strength and detoxification effect.

Of course, different effects leaves are different according to the different effects leaves of Ganoderma.

Generally speaking, the most common ordinary Ganoderma lucidum is only one leaf.

It is wasteful to take it directly.

This kind of ganoderma is often used by the pharmacist to make a variety of life -saving elixir, which is expensive.

There are 1 —— 4 leaves of Ganoderma lucidum markets are also sold, but the price of each leaf is several times better.

I heard that one more leaves may have some functions, but Qiye Ganoderma lucidum has never been anyone.

I have seen it, at least I have never heard of it, and I can probably die.

As for Ganoderma lucidum?

It is probably a grass with seven leaves!

Intelligence was given to Xiao Mao, and he immediately organized his hand to investigate, either, as long as he would definitely be found by him.

After a while, my mood came .






women and girls are different.

The whole person exudes endless charm.

Looking at the daze, I can’t help laughing, sitting in my arms obediently Essence “Good sister, good baby, I haven’t seen it for a while, it seems full!”

My big hand has begun my movement. “Well \ ~ \ ~, Little Wolf, not you, people feel a lot bigger.”

After speaking, the red face fluttered, it was moving, I still can’t help but tease: “Where is the big, come, let your husband check it.”

I was preparing for my test plan. At this time, Xiao Mao came to the information. This guy was really born with me. Every time he arrived at this time, he always appeared, wow. “Xiao Mao, what’s the matter?”

But I think it should be very important since I was looking for me. “Boss, Qiye Ganoderma lucidum already has news!”

When he listened, his voice was very excited. When I heard the news of Qiye Ganoderma lucidum, my mood came with my spirit, and concentrated on listening to Xiaomao’s report. “Boss, the specific source of Qiye Ganoderma is not very clear, but obtains two useful information. Dong Kunlun, I heard that there is such a baby in the depths of the mountains and forests, but it is a life of nine deaths, and it is not necessarily found; The other is to do the task. According to my survey, this A-level task has been completed. Qiye Ganoderma lucidum is now falling. In the hands of Yundai Fairy —– 飞 另, boss, now you should use a beautiful man. Remember! "

“Go to death, can you buy him through your news network?”

I don’t want to mess with a beautiful woman. A few of my family are enough for me to be busy. I heard that the woman is very powerful, or less. “No, boss, you don’t know, Qiye Ganoderma is simply a super baby, especially for women. This thing will emit a seductive aroma, which can protect the skin and prevent virus 100 %. The most important thing is to have the role of death and life. Any death player will be resurrected once when eating a leaf, and without experience, for high -level players, it is just a magic weapon! "

“Oh, you say you will sell this kind of thing, and there are just selling it, and no one can buy it. You won’t want to spend tens of millions to buy it, it’s too bad.”

“Okay, boss, the work returns, the rest is that you pay attention, I am going to work.”

The rest of me and I looked at each other with two faces, obediently, what to do now, is my integration plan so stranded like this? Kunlun’s road is unable to go. Basically, Kunlun is still in the restricted area, and I go in like this. What should I do if I have to escape? “Husband, no matter what, we go to Pangu City and see. Anyway, let’s see what the fairy of the Yundai is like, okay?”

Looking at the mood of laughing and laughing, I don’t know what she was hitting. However, it is also that the car must have a way in front of the mountain. I have to take a look. Maybe, Feiyun fell in love with me at first sight, and had to marry me. It happened that Qiye Ganoderma was a dowry, haha. I couldn’t help laughing when I thought of the proud place, and then I found that my mood was looking at me. hey-hey…… “Is the Huaxin husband who is thinking about the beauty again!”

Haha, where is where … I’m sorry, I was seen through. “Oh, be careful, Xueer will give you this hearty guy to serve!”

“Oh, your punishment is not as good as my eighteen touch!”

“You always have no seriousness, ah, lightly.”

…… ※ According to Xiaomao’s detailed intelligence, we learned that our Yundai Fairy has a 13-year-old brother, lonely piglet, hidden occupation, archer’s evolutionary occupation —– crossbow archer, level 62, hobby: drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, Picking up girls, extortion, the most annoying thing is to go shopping with her sister alone, and the most favorite is to go shopping with many people with many people. This boy relying on his cuteness and care of his sister’s love, all day “with flowers and grass”.

I doubt this. What can I do, Mao hasn’t been in Qi. However, a typical one flower, with such a younger brother, the sister of the sister is unlucky. Our breakthrough is here. I decided to approach him as a small stone, and then approach his sister to see it. What flaws can be found. As for how to get close, I have to think about a good idea. I ca n’t run directly. Hi, I am a small stone. I want to be friends with you. If I am a beauty and make it, it seems that he will not be interested in men. This little guy level 62. Eh, he is very high at his age, and often with a woman, he should like to be upset. Whether it is a man or a boy, the problem that he likes to make a limelight in front of the opposite sex is the same, so one of them is the same. Therefore The plan was formed. … … Location: Psychic Forest Pangu City. Actor: Little Stone. Supporting actor: A thief, a warrior, a archer, and a mage found in the Magic Palace. The level is below 60. Audience: Lonely Pig Pig and a few little Meimei. “Help \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, robbery \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~!”

For authenticity, I rushed all the way all the way, and the four guys in the back were hunting all the way. It is rare for them. Everyone can remember the third -class merit. For the perfection of the plan. Find these fierce evils from the meeting. The matter is very simple. A poor little warrior ——- Little stone, accidentally hit a superb crossbow. Occasionally, four players passed by, and they would rob him by chance. Several little Mei Mei passed by accident, and when I saw someone coming, it was inevitable to find them for shelter. The young man’s mind, regardless of his strength enough, immediately stopped the qualified person. When he saw that the level of the four people was not tall, his heart was even more bottomed. I took a look at the detection. These small and beautiful levels are not low. It is enough to deal with the four people. It seems that it is exactly the same as the intelligence. When the time came, I was indignant to scolding the inconsistency of the robbers, and the little beauty and pity of the little beauty. “Some of you are not ashamed, people who are so high in four levels bully a little warrior!”

The lonely piglet said indignantly. “Boy, I advise you not to have more nosy things, and make a lot of guys to eat!”

This warrior’s words are still full of experience, won’t … before it was done, right? “Cut, this ancient city has no one who I dare not mess with, nor does it inquire about who your young master is?”

Do it! Dizzy, a few little beautiful and beautiful, turned into a dinosaur with amazing lethality, and the tactical cooperation was very tacit. My four poor men were beaten by surprise, and I wanted to show it in front of me. I didn’t even explain the scene, and I was smoky. At first glance the plan was successfully realized, I couldn’t help but happy, just prepared to go up and say a few words of admiration, (I have memorized it for a long time before reaching the realm) Unfortunately, the young master in front of him, waved his hand, stopped my passion, and then hooked his hand. Well, I am confused. At first glance, I didn’t respond, and the lonely pig was impatient immediately. “Hey, take it out? You let these four silly circle chase you, don’t just want to approach me, then bribe me, and finally achieve the purpose of approaching my sister!”

Khan \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ Is the children’s IQ so high now? Seeing me strangely, the lonely piglet said disdain: “You uncle is really unimaginable. All of them use such old methods. One or two is fresh. Do you become an idiot if you do n’t have too much?”

Uncle? Intersection Intersection Woohoo, I’m still young, why is this uncle, this little fart, I don’t like it! However, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. “The little brother is really smart, handsome and handsome, … all beauties who are 10 to 40 years old!”

After speaking a lot, I have to obediently send the crossbow, hey, it is really difficult to ask people. Seeing the crossbow I gave, the eyes of the lonely pigs began to glow immediately, and stroked the pattern on the top, and knew that I couldn’t bear it at a glance. Nonsense, this thing is a good prop by Japanese ninja.

I don’t know which unlucky ghost was dropped last time.

Hey, it is a continuous distribution, and the 20 % ice magic ring attack.

This is a third -level magic.

For weapons, this is definitely rare.

It is much greater than bows and arrows.

I didn’t pay attention when I was in fashion.

I did not expect that I have come in handy now!

God helped me.

“Ah? Why don’t I know the text above? It seems to be Japanese?”

Looking at me with skepticism. Khan, how to forget this. “Oh, this is the case. One day, I went back to level, and saw a shiny thing in front of me, and then picked it up. I don’t believe it myself. Lonely piglet interrupted me in time: "

Come on, you are not stolen from the Magic Palace. This kind of foreign weapon is only available in the demon king’s soul. I can have a word first. If people investigate and deal with it, don’t blame me for selling you, but I will not pay it back. " Talking about hiding the crossbow. Hush, scared me, you can rest assured, no one dares to ask you. "

Okay, look at you stupidly, and I have appetite for me. Besides, such a great danger gives me such a good thing, I like it very much, follow me in the future. As for whether you can get my sister’s approval, then I am I dare not say that your level is too low. At least, I have seen the lowest of my sister who dare to pursue my sister. Be careful to be demolished, but I have personality, I like it, I have me cover you, it’s okay! " "

That, thank you, ha ha” Such "

abnormal” children are really rare. "

It’s not that I hit you, I think my sister is curious about the devil’s soul-elixir. You know that once a woman is curious about a man-a sense of curiosity, then she has a distance. The difference is left, But to be honest, I don’t like the guy of soul -loving soul. The beauty is almost asked to search for it, and I heard that I also brought back a foreign girl. Typical a big carrot. I don’t want my sister to be a little wife. Fortunately, he also I didn’t mess with my sister, otherwise I wouldn’t agree! " Looking at this little fart child’s culprit, talk about the love scriptures, … There will be a plot of love sister, and it seems that there are too many words. I was so old -fashioned, but I also got a lot of information from it. For example, several younger sisters around me were members of his sister’s guild and to protect him. His sister was afraid that someone would be unfavorable to him. After all, she refused. Many pursuers, and there are no shortage of strength and low morality. … … No matter what, I finally successfully entered the enemy, a wonderful beginning! Text Chapter 64 Updated: 2007-5-19 14:41:00 Number of chapters: 4733 Because the common language of a man should be the common language of men and boys. We quickly played it. In addition, I have been in a hundred battles in this regard. The students of the Galaxy University Institute are even more envious. I heard the reason for his mouth-there are many beautiful women, and I am dizzy. Such a famous college originally rely on this famous. Diger gap must be Diger. Feiyun has a small club named Hongye Tuan, saying that "

small” is because there are only a thousand people in total, and they are all women. Dissatisfaction, saying that these women can have problems in the long run. I was dizzy. If I had any problems, I couldn’t help knocked on his weird head. I really didn’t know what they were thinking all day. They couldn’t let the man enter the meeting, and wasn’t it allowed to make a boyfriend? … But it’s all women-Zhongxiang Guo, good place, hehe. When I saw Feiyun for the first time, to be honest, I have never seen a beauty, but when I saw her, I was still shaken deeply. It was an unspeakable thing. Trembling, Cher’s beauty is a kind of omnipotent tolerance; The beauty of Mingyue is a dream paradise in a man; The beauty of the baby is the perfect combination of the purity of the elves and the temptation of the devil; The beauty of this woman in front of me is a sense of language that is difficult to describe. When our eyes were met, I saw the shock of her heart, and she also saw the feelings in my heart, as if the relationship that buried for a long time was suddenly found. Come, as if waiting for a thousand years, we seem to have something to attract each other, not just the feeling between men and women, and even this time I see Xueer is not the same. The two of us looked at each other dullly, and there were only each other in their eyes. (The reason why the two people feel this kind of feeling are explained later) There are a lot of people in the meeting. Many people put down their jobs and look like watching the show. No one has seen their arrogant presidents. "

Hey, sister, what’s wrong with you?” The lonely pigs on the side interrupted the contact, Feiyun, after all, the girl, her face was like a familiar apple, obedient, so beautiful. Lonely piglets sneered: "

Sister, why, love at first sight, this is not your style?" This time Feiyun’s face became more red, and the lonely piglet was given, and Jiao said: "

On the one hand, dare to laugh at my sister, wait for the family to serve!" "

Ah ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, no, if you have a boyfriend, you can kick the matchmaker over the wall, too early." Blink to me again, "

Right, brother -in -law!" After speaking, he laughed, avoided Feiyun’s attack, and ran out of smoke. The people around them were busy, leaving only the two of us who didn’t know what to say. "

You \ ~ \ ~" "

You \ ~ \ ~ \ ~" "

You speak first," "

Let’s talk about it first." "

Huh, you, why don’t you have a man’s man, let you say it!" Show stomped, strange that Feiyun loved blushing so much, but blushing was really tempting, oh, I really want to bite a bite. Seeing me in a pair of colors, Feiyun is also strange. If you change to kicking me out, now even she does not know what happened, usually calm down, I don’t know where to run, and I don’t know where to run, and I don’t know where to run, and I don’t know where to run, and I don’t know where to run. In surprisingly blushing, my mind was confused. Did you fall in love, don’t you see it. Looking at the beauty in front of me, my face was bright and dark, and I was in a straight drum in myself. It would not be the disadvantage of her just now. Is it considering whether to steam it or cook it? Well, personal suggestions are better steaming, tender meat. Alas, crow’s mouth. I hope that the feeling at the beginning can protect me. Women, especially beautiful women, always have some strange temper, at least before you conquer her. First of all, I declare that I feel good. I didn’t move any bad eyes. I appreciated it purely. The purpose of this time was Qiye Ganoderma. "

Brother Stone, please come in with me." At this time, Feiyun was calm. Although a huge problem was found, the surface was still calm, but she was not a person who liked to go around. There is a door, I quickly followed Feiyun, there was a small living room inside, and there should be Feiyun’s boudoir next to me … Oh, I want to go in and see. "

Brother Soul Eater, please sit down!" "

Oh, thank you." sweat…… "

I’m sorry, did you call me just now?" I have to pretend to be confused, obediently, where is the stuffing, no, the whole plan is smooth, but on the surface I am still very calm, and I will not easily go to the "

rabbit". Feiyun Yanran smiled: "

Brother Soul Eater, and drove to the small temple of the younger sister. It is really a ribbon. Is it true that the soul -loving brother really thinks that there is a windy wall in this world. Although the little girl has no powerful information department, she can always follow some from some from some. Do you know some so -called secrets in your mouth? " Since the identity leaks, it is not interesting to put it on, I haha to cover my embarrassment with a smile: "

The Ming people don’t talk secretly. I originally wanted to visit directly, but I was afraid of being too much, so I used this identity. Please forgive me." He got up quickly, isn’t it strange for those who rituals. "

Oh, then what is the soul -eater here?" "

Oh, the name of Ms. Jiu Yang Feiyun, this …", I ca n’t say directly to say that my purpose is to prepare to take away your beloved Qiye Ganoderma, and you still have to shoot. "

It’s polite. Brother Soul Eater has always been surrounded by beauty. How can I compare the first in the second place? People have not been narcissistic to this point. What is it? Don’t quit. " This is too full. Don’t wait for me to turn my face with me as soon as possible, then it is big, but now it can only be said. Then I told her the needs of my task, and try to euphemistically reflect the difficulty and my urgent needs, and hope to have a role. Feiyun listened with great interest, and the words that could be finished in a few minutes, let me add a half an hour. After speaking, she looked at her reaction quietly. "

OK!" kindness? good? Looking at me, Feiyun smiled. "

Why don’t you want it? That’s it!" “No, so, thank you, what are the conditions? Please say!”

“Then I’m not polite.”

God blessed me, don’t be too scary, otherwise I can finish it, and the beauties’ requirements are always high. “Don’t be nervous, people can’t eat people, you just need to promise three conditions, rest assured that you will not violate Taoist meaning, nor will it let you marry me.”

Halo, this fairy, how do you always like to make fun of me, I endure. “The first condition is very simple. My guild joined the Magic Palace, and I should have no problem as the deputy gang owner! And I hope that except you, don’t interfere with my actions.”

I quickly nodded in favor. This should be that I begged her. I didn’t expect to take the initiative to join. Woohoo. God really thanked you. Her joining will definitely increase the popularity of the Magic Palace again, and it will be tied in the ancient city of Pan. As for whether it will cause some people’s jealousy, haha, when is my soul -eating people who are afraid of things. “Yes, and I can also put all the female members outside the four major regiments in the hall. This will also be managed, and you are fully responsible!”

“The second condition, you have to be here for three days until the end of the siege!”

“Oh? Does anyone siege the city? This should be, but why did anyone dare to attack here? Besides, who is so ghostly bullying girls.”

“Huh, first of all, our woman is not so messy. Second, I know who you mean, he is him, I am me, and I suspect that this is what he instructed, and want to put pressure on me Tortuka, I don’t like it! "

Hey, it really is difficult for villains and women to raise! “What do you laugh, there is nothing good for men!”

“No, Miss Feiyun, you killed all men in a stick, is it a bit arbitrary?”

“Why, are you a good man? Even after the test of time, forget it, let’s not talk about this topic!”

Looking at her a little anger, did our big beauty experience the experience of falling in love? Intersection Intersection Unlikely, such a beauty, that man can give up, is really Liu Xiahui his grandson. I think she has abandoned others, and the beauty of the beauty is too high. The time with the beauty is fast. Unconsciously, it has been morning. Although Feiyun is very enthusiastic, I have not been proud of the form, and no one knows the heart of a woman. I sent a message to let Xiao Mao come over. Such a major event can make him come in person. It ’s actually more than 40, maybe it is suitable for some people’s appetite. The treatment of the guild was handed over to them. Feiyun strongly asked to take me to visit the ancient city of Panpan. The invitation of the beauty has never been resistant, and it is a beautiful woman of this level. (Men are actually the same, and no matter how many wives can stand the seduce of beauty, unless you are a person you hate, your wife is worse than 妾, and it is better to steal. Of course, these are not love, but passion.) After eating a “thrilling”

lunch, I started to go out for sightseeing in the afternoon. The lonely piglets who have just been ready to go out for a long time are born, “Okay, go out and play, don’t take me, be careful, I will preach your affairs?”

“Go, go, what’s the matter, adults’ children are less intervene!”

As soon as I heard this, the lonely pig was proud: “Hey, isn’t it? Lonely men and widows are alone for a long time. One dry wood and a fire, I can’t believe it?”

“However, Brother Shita really underestimates you. My sister’s boudoir never has a man in. Hey, you really have the ability!”

The more troublesome this kind of thing, the more troublesome, and now I want to do the silence is gold. “Okay, if you want what you want, you will have my sister!”

Hey, at a glance, his purpose was so happy. “Sister, I heard that you want to join the Magic Palace. Okay, I can see the world’s first master. I heard that the Magic Palace is about to hold a huge publicity activity. Question! "

Feiyun looked at me, I nodded, this was not a word for me. I did not expect that the boy was very cheap. During the event, anyone who had such a VIP card was free. In the consumption, he was slaughtered with a large group of sisters, and the painful little hair dropped a pound of meat. “Okay, I will ask you at that time, no matter what happens!”

This boy must not give him too much answer, otherwise he doesn’t know what “excessive”

requirements will pop out. As a sister, Feiyun still knows this very well. “Hey, I don’t know the charm of my sister? As long as you are willing to go out, you will be successful!”

Turn around and say to me again: “Brother Stone, don’t be jealous, although the soul is my idol, but there is still no brother -in -law. Besides, where can I find such a grievance, right?”

… Speechless, I haven’t been stupid enough to eat my vinegar, and it’s too early to say this. Watching Feiyun is on the edge of the runaway, the boy immediately saw the wind to make the rudder: “OK, ok, I won’t say it, my sister should not be angry, otherwise it will be wrinkled, good, I will flash people first.”

At this time, two people appeared at the door, mood and Mao. When Xiao Mao saw Feiyun, the saliva was flowing again. I kicked him fiercely. This guy was awake. It was really shameful. Woohoo, this is the elite of our magic palace. In the end, Xiao Mao was pulled away by the person in charge. The remaining two people stared at the two people. Although the two people kept smiling, I could feel the temperature decreased … “Jiu Yang’s mood, my sister is big name, the younger sister is courteous!”

Feiyun’s low posture immediately gave the mood feelings, and hurriedly held Feiyun’s hand quickly “My sister is really natural. I see Youyou, alas, only Xueer can compare with you!”

“Where can the little sister compare with Sister Xueer, my sister laughed.”

The two began to “tout”

that made me blush. … … Main text Chapter 65 Half of Successful Success Updated: 2007-5-19 14:41:00 Number of chapters: 7012 It may be that the conversation between the two women attracted the attention of lonely piglets. This little color ghost drilled out of the house. After seeing her mood, she froze, and then ran up quickly: “Beauty, hello, I am lonely piglet, this century, the new five good men, how about, be my girlfriend, you see our talented girl, it’s really perfect!”

As soon as this remark, the two beauties immediately giggled. At first glance, the boy thought there was a door, and immediately launched an offensive: “Sister Beautiful, I need you like a cotton jacket in winter, Ice cream in summer; Bread in hunger; Bulb in the dark; … … "

Stop ~, your stinky boy does not learn well all day, so you want to find a girlfriend!” "

Sister, I haven’t finished it yet?” "

Sister Beauty, now I will present a love song for you!” Call a beautiful woman, listen to me to tell, I am Jiangnan genius piglet, I am proficient in calligraphy and painting, I am knowledgeable, I said a beautiful sister, I am a person in the middle of the man ~~ The heavenly intention is affectionate, let’s match it, Pearl with agate, jade with jadeite, Your peerless beauty, I am romantic, Lang Cai’s female appearance is really good! … … Beauty, beauty, I love you; You are a big beauty in the sky, The two of us are coming as husband and wife, The number one in heaven is the first! … … Watching the lonely pig who was dancing and dancing, "

Is this the case every time?" As a sister, Feiyun nodded helplessly and shook her head again. "

Oh, the cute little brother, my sister already has a husband, but it is also good to have such a lovely younger brother, right?" Sister Feiyun! "

Speaking of me a wink, do the young women like to seduce? After hearing the word “husband”

, the lonely piglets suddenly lost their interest: “Woohoo, why, why, another innocent beauty disappeared, when I grew up, where can I still have the resource available!”

Speaking of pulling out a small book, a heavy stroke on it aroused my interest. “Pig, what are you doing?”

“Brother Stone, I am recording, I have been in love 80 times now, and again, it will be true!”

I dizzy, and the ninety -nine returning true came out. It is time to go to Xitian once. It seems that it is not acceptable. I knocked on his little head fiercely, “You guy, what do you think about all day, wherever he loves, when you grow up, when you grow up, the new generation of beauties will appear, fearing that there is no chance.”

Little pig shook his head, “Brother Stone, this is you don’t understand. Beauty does not often appear, otherwise it was not a ‘four’ big beauty in ancient times!”

… This is also the truth. The four of us took the ancient city of Pan, and I have been here, but today this pure ornamental tour feels different. In the center of Pangu City, there is the statue of our great Pangu god in the center of Pangu City.

It is likely that in the middle of the night, holding it to knock it back, no matter if he is a public property.

Seeing it, I couldn’t help thinking of the statue of Yanhuang City in Yanhuang City, but it was not the statue of the two people of Yan Emperor and Huangdi like mythology, but the image of a person.

For the reason, the most impressive thing is the blood -red sword in my hand, giving people a very miserable feeling, probably telling future generations, the cruel killing behind any imperial power.

The lonely pigs on the road seemed to have recovered from the blow just now, and began to survive.

There was no place to speak at all.

Feiyun originally wanted to introduce something.

Everyone is listening to it, and the painful pain is fast!

Don’t say this little guy.

In addition to many words, it is really an investigator.

Some of the gossips have been asked by him clearly, but what I am most concerned about is the distribution of power of Pan Gu City.

The strongest strength is naturally the “illegal entry”

Xiaoyao City. The number is not less than us. In fact, at this level of guilds, the most important thing is to look at the number of masters, the degree of equipment, the amount of funds, and the city. The level of construction, the strength of the Hua Dan, like me in our magic palace, Xueer, mood, and fighting. , They set up a branch in Nuwa City, the current strength is not a glimpse!) Of course, the number of alliance guilds has also played a very important role. A vital army other than the whole battle is likely to change the entire war, especially in the evenly matched battle. Just like someone else wants to attack my branch, he has to consider how the background is, and it is like a massacre. If he attacks him, he must also consider the reaction of the illegal Emperor City of Entry. But when it is critical, you still have to rely on your own strength. Xiaoyao City is also unique in the ancient city of Panpan. Other guilds generally do not conflict with it. There are a few of them very close to it, such as “Lucky Club”

and “New Moon League”.

The red -leaf group who wants to dye Feiyun is the slaughter party. I heard that there are all poor and fierce characters, but in the sphere of influence of illegal entry, there is such a guild. There is no relationship between them. I don’t believe it. Unfortunately, I have a downturn, and the dream of illegal entry is cracking like soap bubbles. This guy may already hate me into bones. Fortunately, maybe there will be a conference battle, and there is no decent challenge for a long time. According to Xiaomao’s intelligence, since we alliance, the slaughter will immediately stop the movement, secretly wondering what activities are. “This, Miss Feiyun, do you think there is no special situation now, do we first get my fusion task? In the meeting, Xiaomao will inform us. As I see, our alliance activities will definitely cause some of the alliance activities. For people’s vibration, what actions they want to do is directly against our Magic Palace. They must consider the consequences. At least they will not act like the previous plan. "

“Don’t always call Miss Miss, just call me Feiyun, I call you big brother.”

Speaking of the two words of the elder brother, Feiyun’s face was natural, and this time it was not blushing, it was not easy. “Oh, Feiyun.”

“Well, this is Qiye Ganoderma!”

Wow, it really is very dazzling. The seven pieces of green leaves are very tempting. The fresh aroma is really refreshing, making the mood love it. I took the initiative, I was embarrassed to ask, in case a pursuit sent, this is more embarrassing. Of course, I want to fight by her own personality, after all, it is also a master of heaven. “Really, this aroma smells like a refreshing marrow washing the marrow.”

Women like this kind of thing, but unfortunately, who makes this perverted task require this thing, she can only endure love. In this way, my task is completed. The basic skills of all soldiers and mages, the teeth of the King of Tiger Shark, and the Seven Leaf Ganoderma, are available. Let’s go to find NPCs. “Brother, have you considered the problem of equipment, what equipment do you use once your career fusion?”

Feiyun’s worry is really worth considering. …… There must be a way to the mountain in front of the mountain. “Hey, go together.”

“No, go with Feiyun, I still sit here to prevent any emergency. Besides, we can contact the wedding ring. The mood considers very well, not afraid of 10,000, in case, in case of harassment, if you are in your mood, you will not have any big problems. "

Sister, I won’t go anymore, I’m here with you, anyway, I’m more familiar here.” From the perspective of Feiyun, I also feel that it is better to leave, although I want to go. "

Well, okay, then I’ll do it first, just for a while.” According to the instructions of the task map, I took these "

babies" to find the martial arts division of the martial arts martial arts, and gave him a look, and the lazy martial arts immediately came to the spirit. "

Wow, it’s really the teeth of the King of Tiger Shark, I have been looking for it for a long time!" Look at me again after speaking, "

Well, yes, you are a promising warrior! Basic skills are completely skilled." "

Players congratulate you, you have completed the warrior part of the martial arts warrior’s mission. This is the appointment of our warrior alliance. Finding the chief magician of the magic union, the old man who was just dozing was also glowing with both eyes, and “Wow, Qiye Ganoderma, my wife asked me for a long time, I really thank you!”

Pour \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, why do I do, it is really humane. “Players, congratulations to your hidden task of SSS levels. You will become the only magic warrior. This is the appointment of our magic union.”

It’s time to go … Gone. × × what’s the matter, all the things are intertwined (Tiger Shark’s teeth, Qiye Ganoderma lucidum and 10,000 gold coins per person. No.) Just give me two pieces of paper, isn’t it? Intersection Ah, how to forget the old man, drinking my wine and collecting my money, but what happened without finding him, the task was connected from him, and he might still be looking for him. When I went to find him, this guy was hiding in a leisurely drink. The appearance is an ordinary “old”

player. It looks like a weak look. Enjoy, oh, I want too! Seeing that I came, the old man immediately smiled and beckoned. Dizzy, I don’t have any good intentions. “Hey, the old man has been moisturizing recently?”

“Oh, TOEFL, fortunately.”

A pair of smiling and not laughing, this is not a test of my patience. I am young and wins, and there is no belly for everyone. “Da uncle, don’t go with me ***, see what should I do below!”

Then, took the two approved books. The old man was surprised to see my paper, “The stinky boy, it’s really not simple that ’egg’, with you, I will make up so soon. I thought it would take a week and a half months!”

“Okay, okay, don’t play, there is any request, let’s do what you should do below!”

“Hey, now young people are not patient.”

“Okay, come with me!”

I came to the temple in the city with my buttocks. This place has long been available, but I have never heard of any effect. I always thought it was just a decoration. The old man stuffed the two licenses and reincarnation rings into the shrine. After waiting for a while, God’s masterpiece, a ring popped up from the shrine, the old man caught. “Well, give it to you, just know it!”

I carefully picked up the ring, obediently, my little baby finally got you! Just as just the area, the system immediately prompted: “Player Soul Eater, is it launched in convergence? "

yes! “Player Soul Eater, which occupation choose to be as a saorten book? "

There are two options below, one is a warrior, and the other is a mage. I look back at the old man, “What is a blueprint?”

“Stupid, that is, your current health and magic value and other ability values are transformed after transforming into magic martial arts warriors!”

I quickly chose the mage, and the health is super important for other soldiers, but it doesn’t matter for me who has a Lord of the Rings. “Starting Fusion”

The ring burst into light and shrouded me, but I did n’t feel much. These are some flowers. It ’s not interesting. The real guy is the change of attributes. When the light is gone, obediently, the attribute bar is scary! It is very simple. The attributes of the mage have not changed, but the attack power of only 5 was originally grown to 28. It looks like the attribute of the 81 -level warrior. Gaga, developed! Intersection Intersection “The stinky boy is cool!”

“Hey, general!”

Unfortunately, I was happy for less than five seconds, and the system tip: “Player Soul Eater, because your Dragon King’s power does not fully meet the requirements, so he can only play in half! "

I am dizzy, my Dragon King’s power, half of the play, that’s not the garbage equipment, “Stinky old man!”

“Why can’t my equipment use, you say, oh, now it’s big!”

The old man is very leisurely, “Slightly impatient, tell you how many times, young people must be patient!”

Speaking of a set of equipment from the space bag, I was immediately fascinated. It was really gorgeous, exuding colorful light. At first glance, it was the standard of artifacts. “Hey, there are a lot of old people in your old man. How can you take care of these juniors? It is almost harmful to your identity. Oh, is this my equipment?”

“Well, this set of equipment is not replaceable. It is the only equipment of your profession. The strength can be comparable to an artifact, named”

King of the King ‘, hey, but the great stuff, it is necessary to say that it is self -contained, and there is a mage. The two attributes of the warriors and the upgrade function. " "

You don’t need to doubt that its own experience is related to your irrelevant. You are level 81 and it is level 0. After the upgrade, you will randomly add some perverted attributes. I know what it is. It depends on your own own. I am lucky, but from the current attributes, it is much better than your set of dragon king god power, and you look at the style, it is definitely a fascinating popular design. The strength must be consistent with the appearance! " Crown, accurate +5, attack 10 —— 18, magic value 10 ——- 18, 5 % attack rebound, accelerate 2, increase the chance of magic equipment by 2 %, Kings necklace, accurate +5, attack 10 —— 18, magic value 10 —— 18, 5 % of the % ice magic ring attack, accelerate 1, increase the chance of magic equipment by 2 %. The king ring, accurate +5, attack 10 —— 18, magic value 10 ——- 18, 5 % firewall attack, accelerate 1, increase the chance of magic equipment by 2 %. The king bracelet, accurate +5, attack 10 —— 18, magic value 10 —— 18, 5 % of the soil wall defense, accelerate 1, increase the chance of magic equipment by 2 %. And add the opinion of the King’s armor, the appearance is absolutely cool. The previous magic robe, it is difficult to divide the class without seeing it, and this dress is absolutely unique. King armor, defense 10 —— 20, magic defense 20 —— 25, attack 1-5, magic value 1-7, 5 % blood recovery acceleration, 5 % magic recovery acceleration, 5 % The chance of the probability released a fatal blow (the ultimate magic of the earth, the single soldier attack magic is one of the most horrible magic attacks) The entire set is cooperated to increase the 20 % magic dodge and 20 % attack dodge. I dizzy, dizzy, I really want to hold my old man a few sips now. Fortunately, my loyalty to my wife, let me wake up at a critical time. "

Okay, put it on, don’t look at it, give me your Dragon King’s power, I want to take it back!” At this time, I have woke up from the joy of just now, "

Old man, what do you want it, don’t you use it?” "

You stinky boy, the king’s suit has been given you, of course this dragon king god power is mine. I sold it, this year’s bonus!” "

No, old man, you are too dark, …. So, you open a price, I will give you money, you will save you, and the auction will charge your transaction fee!" The old man thought for a while and felt reasonable, "

So, according to the price formulated by the system, this set of Dragon King divine power is 100W, four pieces of 400W in total. Seeing that we are old customers, give you a 20 % discount of 320W. At the meeting, at least 6 or seven million! " Cut, the old man is purely a layman. When is the official price accurate? Now it is a market economy. These things are sold, and one is more than 4 million. "

Old man, forget it, it is not easy to see you, I don’t take advantage of you, 400W is 400W, you don’t need to discount, but in the future, there is any good buying and selling, don’t forget my brother me!" One old one began to laughed, I don’t know who took advantage of whom! … … Ah, I almost forgot one important thing, weapon! This old man himself also expressed his powerlessness, because the refining of the weapons is largely put to the player himself, but in order to compensate me such a special profession, it has given me a special skill. use. In other words, if you want to practice, you must have a super equipment that is attacking and magical. I must do it myself and dizzy. I have to be a alchemist again now. Sure enough, opening the skill window, there is an additional junior alchemy. But also, I am so handsome, not matching the king’s stick in my hand, although the name is very good, oh, hurry up and practice. Back to the guild, …… Xueer, baby, mood, incense, heart Luo, as well as Feiyun, Xiao Mao, constant battle, poor personality, second sister -in -law, cat fish, almost the main cadres in the meeting arrived. As soon as I entered the hall so many people were startled, and I shocked them. "

Wife, brother, sisters, how about, I’m so handsome!" I came to a 360 -degree turn -like body like a model, twisting. "

Wow, boss, you’re going again, cool!" Don’t think, the first speech must be Xiao Mao, this guy is full of good words. "

Go to you, you just rob the robbery. How can a person like me doing that kind of upright and selfless people do that kind of thing?" "

Magic martial arts !!!" The war kept shocked, Hehe, the old soldier has a vision. "

Yes, it is a super hidden occupation, SSS -level task, Demon Knight, I am the legendary king suit, first -class cool attribute!" "

Come, let’s take a look!" Seeing the perverted attributes of my equipment, I really envied them and asked me where I came from, and I also wanted to make a set. Dizzy, SSS -level tasks are unique, but not ordinary junk mission can be repeated. The true body equipment is just cool. They are also envious. Essence (Little Stone 00: Really? No, I still want to pick up girls except travel!) Text Chapter 66 "

Shock" alchemist Updated: 2007-5-19 14:41:00 Number of chapters: 4676 "

No, such a perverted attribute?" The cat fish turned around, touched and touched it, and the bad problems of the thief were dizzy. "

Stink boy, touch 1 million, look at it yourself!" As soon as I heard the money, the cat fish jumped immediately. Keeping me two meters away from me, and I murmured in my mouth. I said that I couldn’t discount. "

Brother Soul Eater, you might as well try the power, my brother, but my hands are tight!" It is a fighting battle. This buddy never knows how this "

dead" word is written, and there is probably not afraid of two words in the dictionary. However, oh, I can’t beat him now! "

Brother War, I really want to discuss with you, but you see, I have no weapons, and the attributes on my body can’t be played!" Now everyone is confused again. Is this equipment good -looking parallel imported? No way, I can only tell them the problems of weapons. Do you let me hold a magic wand and a 70 -level samurai? Then I must be crazy. "

Boss, you are developed!" Xiao Mao screamed to run over and hug me, was kicked by a shadow -free foot, and almost ruined my mighty image. I dare to guarantee that I was just a pile of gold coins in his eyes. "

If you have something, don’t do it manually!" "

Hey, boss, you practice this metallurgical skill. In the future, those who hidden occupations want the appropriate weapons must not find you. If you think about hidden characters, no one is ordinary people, you will never care about a few. Money, you said that this is not a big stroke! You can be regarded as exclusive. " "

Hey, and from a strategic perspective, we can know a lot of people. Others use your things to give a little face!" "

Yes, boss, I am one of the hidden occupations, but I haven’t encountered such a good thing!" Nodded with a bad character on the side, nodded, "

My future equipment will be given to you, and the equipment of the thieves is really uncomfortable." "

Me too, although there is not much difference between our surgeon and Taoist priests in equipment, but I haven’t heard that someone can refine the weapon of dual occupation." After all, Feiyun’s surgeon is an upgraded version of the entire Taoist priest. There is no limit on the number of people. There will be no high requirements in equipment. Otherwise, tens of millions of surgeons will not finish. "

I have a good study of the knowledge in this area, right, right," "

The boss ordered, it is okay, but … is it appropriate to add a little salary?" Halo, this stinky boy. "

Oh, okay, you discuss with Xiaomao!" I will also play "

Tai Chi" and push it out. If you can earn out of the small hair, I will serve you! Sure enough, when he heard this, the second sister -in -law had no spirit immediately, and asked for money from "

Grandai". This was not as difficult as the rooster to get eggs. It attracted everyone to laugh. Xiao Mao himself was a very honorable look. It seemed that everyone was boasting of him, but without its management of finances, such a big magic palace could not support it. “There are so many people today, why are you free to play?”

I asked casually, oh, just casually. As soon as I said something, I knew that there was a problem. Everyone looked at me with the eyes of the monster. “What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with me? Why do you look at me like this? Did you accidentally decorate your face?”

“Husband, today is a regular meeting every month! Only you never pay attention.”

“Ah, look at my nature, I forgot, haha!”

The previous meetings were hosted by the mood and Xiao Mao. Since someone has done it, I will not just waste it again. I have no other advantages, that is, people do their best. At the meeting, Xiaomao’s financial report, the public security reports of the moods, and the summary of the situation of each branch. I was dizzy as soon as I heard these troubles. Empty, just pulled the second sister -in -law. “Puzi, go to your alchemy room, let’s practice!”

“Boss, you are junior, can you do it?”

“Halo, your boss is a super genius, what is not learned!”

Walk! The alchemy room of the second sister -in -law is really good. I can’t see that this kid is very honest, but it is actually enjoyable! His house is a suite given by our meeting. The area is not small. On the left is an elegant coffee house, a tavern on the right, and his alchemy house in the middle. “Good boy, do the third industry in the back, be careful to let Xiaomao discover your tax!”

“Hey, boss, he already knew it. Last time I helped him identify a task map, confiscated money, this guy was bribed by me.”

Halo, it turned out to be the bottom! Wow, this alchemy room is really good. There is a huge bronze furnace in the middle, which is a bit like a gossip furnace. It is probably the burning of Samadhi. Why is NPC making a weapon as simple? ah. “Boss, don’t underestimate this Zijin gossip furnace, but this is the superb it who spent 100,000 gold coins at the auction, increase the smelting success rate of 10 %!”

“Wow, this is good stuff!”

Generally speaking, the success rate of junior alchemy is 10 %, the success rate of intermediate alchemy is 20 %, and the success rate of advanced alchemy is as high as 50 %. However, for our players, it is still not high enough. Once the failure, the equipment that is cast is lost, and the so -called 50 % does not mean that there will be a success in the two. It is purely looking at luck. Of course It is much better and 20 %. I have n’t practiced 5 % yet, and I am miserable. “Gezi, where did the fire come from?”

I think there are nothing like firewood around. “Boss, alas, this is the fire gourd, just take it here. A gourd fire is used for a maximum of three times. "

According to the size of the firepower, there are three types. It is not that the firepower must be good. The details in it must be summarized by themselves. Everyone’s experience is different.” Ordinary gourds contain a three -level fire, which are mainly used for the refining of general weapons. Most of them are used by junior alchemy artists. The price is cheap. Red gourd, which contains two -level fire, is mainly used to refine the weapon of the mage. Orange gourd, which contains secondary fires, is mainly used for refining the weapons of Taoist priests. Yellow gourd, which contains two -level fire, is mainly used to refine the arms of archers. The purple gourd contains the secondary fire, which is mainly used for the weapon of refining soldiers. Each color of gourd has a first -class fire of the upgraded version. The price is five times that of ordinary and the firepower is fierce. As for the effect, no one is sure. "

So, what about two occupations at the same time?" … … The second sister -in -law scratched her head, "

This, I don’t know much about it. Generally speaking, the best equipment with two professional attributes is the best garbage. No one will need it. It is similar to ordinary equipment. Those who have nothing to spend will collect it. " "

Of course, the boss is the exception. … I think, this problem needs to be studied, discussed, and then made a report …" "

Come on, let’s die, wait for you to make a conclusion, I have long called someone to cut death!" This time, the fusion made me a half -hanging, nothing, the weapons had to be done immediately, maybe I could use it when I could hide it when I could hide behind others! For the first time, the refinery was quite excited. The first time I was always very memorable. I decided to practice the wind wand. First throw an ordinary wand with an accelerated ring with a speed plus 1 and throw it into the gossip furnace. Then I wrote my name on the brand in the middle of the stove, and I saw that the words of the soul flashed flashed and disappeared. At this time, the identity confirmed that it was successful. The success rate of the refiner is my own success rate of 5 % + 10 % of the stove. If it is successful, my refiner experience will increase. Take an ordinary red gourd and start irrigation. "

Boss, you are burning first, and when the stove is glowing, it will be almost as good. At that time, the furnace cover will rise by itself, so don’t do it." "

I go to buy a few senior red gourds and purple gourds. You can use it for a while. Generally speaking, the first success rate is very high." When I left, I didn’t pay attention to my original mind. Staring my whole body and mind, the red stove, the more cute, the more cute, the genius like me will definitely succeed. Woohoo, why haven’t you responded yet? Are you glowing? Is it not enough firepower? Or, add one, … I added three fires before and after. Finally, the color of the stove began to change, haha, I am really a genius. At this time, the second sister -in -law returned, and there were two big gourds in his hand, but the color face of the stove of the stove immediately turned into pork liver. "

Boss, run quickly, it’s going to explode!" "

Explosion, okay." "

What? Explosion!" I looked back at the stove that I started to smoke and began to make a rang. Hurry up and sprinkle! The second sister -in -law hasn’t been running. I immediately moved in an instant. I just arrived at the door. Boom \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ \ ~, There was a loud noise, and the huge air waves were mixed with waste products to pick me up and flutter! Intersection Intersection Before I responded, it was a series of explosions. It seemed that a few gourds in the room were also stunned. When the explosion calmed down, the beautiful villa of the second sister -in -law had been blown into a flat ground. I looked at everything in front of me dullly, obedient, so spectacular! At this time, the second sister -in -law didn’t know where to come out. In the ruins, he cried with headache, so sad! "

I am not good at me, rest assured, I will find someone to build someone tomorrow to ensure that it is better than the previous one! And I will add this month’s bonus for you." "

real?" "

of course it’s true!" "

Hey, say it earlier, I cried for so long!" Speaking of the onion head secretly stuffed into the pocket. Halo, right, this stinky boy. "

Boss, really unfair, I am so far away, like a black monkey, you have nothing to do at all, God has no eyes!" It is strange to say that when I got up a little bit, the dust was gone, it may have a dustproof effect, and the defense effect of this equipment is really not covered, otherwise the explosion just now has at least half of my life. "

Er Jie, what are you looking for?" "

Boss, looking for my gossip furnace, it belongs to King Kong’s not bad products, and all of my families will be valuable." Sure enough, he was dragged out of the ruins in a while, but it was not as good as it was at first. The potholes were like a trash can. The furnace was found on the roof of the house next to the house. There are different degrees of destruction. I am going to bleed this time. Fortunately, there is no casualties. It is unfortunately fortunate. "

Boss, this is the magic wand you practiced, succeeded!" The second sister -in -law is handed to two black charcoal, "

Although successful, it has been broken!" Woohoo, this is my "

debut", which is worth collecting. The explosion has attracted everyone’s attention. After a while, they are all coming. One by one is looking for the culprit. When I know it is my first alchemy test, I saw the two "

peerless weapons" in my hand. With a smile, Xiao Mao sat on the ground with a smile. Driven, is it worth so happy? Isn’t it a failure once? Moms come out, and the son is not far away. But the first thing now is to clean up the garbage, but fortunately, I do n’t need to do it. However, as the perpetrator, although I was president or was fined 100,000 gold coins, it didn’t matter, it broke the fortune and disaster, and it showed that our magic palace was fair and strict! … In fact, the money is still handed to me, quack! "

Okay, I can’t continue today. The sister -in -law just happened to go to the Alchemist Association to see if there are any good materials, anyway, it will be used sooner or later." "

Boss, you have to pay too!" "

Know, you know, just buy it, anyway, I pay!" In this way, the second sister -in -law has a high match to go to the union. There are many good things in the alchemyist union, various alchemy equipment, materials, and various experience manuals to buy, which is suitable for novices like me. Text Chapter 67 Updated: 2007-5-19 14:42:00 Number of chapters: 3869 The Alchemist Union is not an official nature, but it is done by our players by themselves.

It has almost become a purely commercialized organization.

Of course, such organizations must pay protection fees.

In fact, they have a lot of choices, either hire NPC guards, or hire small mercenaries, or sign a protection agreement with a large bank with us.

We are responsible for security work and they pay.

NPC guards are expensive and rigid.

They cannot handle some things flexibly.

Although the price of ordinary mercenaries is cheap, the deterrent effect is relatively small.

Once it is troubled, it will be broken.

The most important thing is to make money.

In contrast, seeking our asylum prices is higher, but the effect is much better.

At least, there are not many people who dare to oppose me on the site of Yanhuang City.

Knowing that my driving was coming, the chairman of the Alchemist Union immediately came out to welcome.

Well, this kid will do business.

The chairman is not high, level 26 soldiers, but expert -level alchemists, named “experiments are endless”

, and have made great achievements in smelting. Many articles have been published. “How to Be a Successful Alchemist”

, “Eternal Life in the Explosion”

and so on, “Mr. Soul Eatering to Little Capital is really a good!”

This guy is not a nerd -type, but if you only know how to do research all day, such a big guild will have collapsed early, or you will be annexed by others. “The big name of the end of the experiment is endless. This time, I really have something to ask!”

I told him about my situation, the small eyes of the end of the experiment emerged, “Mr. Soul Eater is really a wizard. For example, if you want to be a martial art master, there is a good foundation, and the progress is a thousand miles. In this situation now, your situation is now.

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